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PART 1: Advanced CAE 2015 (10 Tests- Test 7 –Part 3 )

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C

PART 2: CPE 2015

6. T 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. T
1. nation of shopkeepers
2. national obsession
3. labour shortage
4. spices of foodstuffs
5. affordable
6. Indian
7. hours of cooking
8. flavouring
9. specialist
10.standard British curry


Advanced CAE 2015- 10 Test (Test 7 –Part 3)


You will hear an interview with a psychologist about friendships. For questions
1-5 choose the answer (A, B, C or D), which fits best according to what you hear.
Presenter: Walk into any bookshop and there are self-help manuals on every aspect of
human behaviour, including how to cope with difficult partners, awkward bosses,
contrary children - but very little on how to manage friendships. 'Managing'

friendships sounds cold, but it's essential if you value them and want to keep them, or
want to learn when it's time to let them go. Your friendship landscape changes through
life. You marry and have less in common with single friends. You move and keeping
up with old friends proves hard. Sometimes the changes are more subtle: you
experience a life crisis and some friends can't or won't support you. You become
successful and friends feel awkward around you. Change in one of you means the fit
between you alters. That's when you find out if the relationship has the capacity to
evolve, or if it's just come to a natural end. In the studio today we have Barbara Smith,
a psychologist. Barbara, welcome to the show.

Barbara: Thank you John. Well, there s only one rule of friendship: it must be
mutually beneficial. Friendships can be put into categories. Firstly, let's look at the
foul-weather friend. On the surface, this is a totally dependable, loyal friend,
particularly when you are having a bad time. But the downside with this foul-weather
friend is that they'll put a dampener on you when you're up, forever pointing out what
can go wrong. They are rarely looking for a more balanced relationship: their self-
esteem may be invested in their superior feeling that you are a bit of a disaster area,
and they have everything under control. When actually, of course, the opposite is true.
Presenter: Now, you've got a category called the trophy friend, haven't you? What do
you mean by that exactly?
Barbara: Ah yes. That's the friend that you admire because they are so interesting and
popular, or successful in a way you want to be. You can bathe in their reflected glory
and feel part of a different social sphere but you must remember that this isn't
necessarily the world you fit into. If they are nice as well, this relationship can bring
out the best in you, as you stretch it to be deserving of the friendship. But beware if
being with them makes you behave falsely so that you are not true to yourself or to
others. This situation can only lead to a downfall and great disappointment.

Presenter: What about the friend since childhood who you grew up with?
Barbara: The sisterly friend. She might live next door or have gone to school with
you. Over the years you have built up a strong relationship that makes her feel more
like a sister than a friend. On the plus side, she can bring a real sense of security and
support. You can ring her any time and confide in her. She can be a powerful ally, but
because she'll be there whether you like it or not, she has the power to make you
miserable if you don't keep her informed and involved in your life. This friend is like
family, you're so close it can become claustrophobic. For example, if you start a new
relationship, she'll expect to be as big a part of your life as she's always been. Then
you need to define clear boundaries.
Presenter: But that sounds like the kind of friend you'd want to hang on to on the
whole. So how can you make the decision who a good friend really is and who is no
longer a valid person to have in your life?
Barbara: Well, good friends should be low maintenance - and that goes for you too.
See enough of each other to keep the rapport going: neither demand too much nor
avoid so frequently that the relationship becomes unbalanced. If it's always a moan
session, or one of you is often looking for favours or support, the goodwill will soon
burn out. It's always important to be open to making new friends too. Most of us want
to see people who make us feel good. It doesn't mean you have to be a barrel of laughs
all the time (which can be off-putting); it's about showing real interest, being light-
hearted and not too obviously needy. Don't force the pace. Some people need time to
get to know you better. It's best to be pleasant and casual. Don't bombard them with
too many invitations. Don't assume that one good heart-to heart makes you best
friends. Respect their time and other commitments and the friendship will blossom
naturally in time.

LISTENING - Part 3 – Advanced CAE 2015 (10 Test)


You will hear part of a radio interview about fox hunting. For questions 1-5,
decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) .Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes

Interviewer (woman): Given that it's been two years since the ban on hunting with
hounds came into effect, it's a strange experience to attend a fox hunt these days.
Strange, because they seem to operate in the same way they did before the ban. At a
hunt in north Dorset, I watched as hounds sniffed around a thicket as if there were a
fox hiding within it. If a fox had been there and it broke cover, the dogs would surely
have given chase. Today we have Brian Hook in the studio. Brian is a hunt monitor
for the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Brian, what is the situation these

Brian: Well, Sally, it seems to us that most hunts have barely changed their modus
operandi. A reasonable person seeing hounds chasing foxes from one part of the
countryside to the other would believe they are hunting. I attend at least three hunts a
week during the season, but that's out of 200 that go out about twice a week. There is
no way we can possibly know what is going on everywhere.
Interviewer: Clearly monitoring hunts is never going to be a police priority is it?
But, it has to be said that this law has attempted to eradicate the hunters' way of life
and they will do anything to keep the infrastructure in place.
Brian: Well there is another issue here and that is that it is very difficult for the
police to get a successful prosecution because you have to prove intent. Hunts can go

out with their hounds and draw them through a cover. It's called trail hunting and it's
perfectly legal. If the hounds chase, catch and kill a fox, then in order to prosecute,
the police need not only evidence, but have to prove that the huntsman intended this
to happen.
Interviewer: But there have been successful prosecutions, haven't there? Brian: Yes.
In 2006, Exmoor Foxhounds huntsman, Richard Black was found guilty of breaking
the ban after two hounds were filmed hunting a fox. Black argued that he was using
the hounds to flush the fox so that it could be shot, which is permitted under an
exemption to the act. But the magistrate found that Black had failed to shoot the fox
as soon as possible after it had been flushed, and to keep the hounds under his control.
Hunts have since been advised not to hunt using the exemptions, because they are
more likely to be prosecuted.
Interviewer: What impact do you believe the hunting act is having on the
Brian: It was always intended to be a welfare bill. People are saying more foxes are
being killed because more are being shot. A minority believes the opposite, that the
countryside will be overrun with foxes. Basically the aim of the bill was to stop them
being killed inhumanely. Where people disagree is over whether hunting is more or
less humane than shooting as some people claim that shooting is less reliable as some
foxes are not cleanly shot and may suffer for days before they die.
Interviewer: This debate has been going on for many years, and given that there are
no hard statistics on wounding rates, and that your view on the relative humaneness
of being torn apart by dogs is bound to be subjective, it's not going to be resolved in
the near future. So, even though hunting most mammals with dogs is now illegal, the
debate is very much alive and looks as though it will continue for the foreseeable
future and the animal rights activists will continue to be busy.


Exam narrator You will hear part of a radio programme presented by author
and foodie, Pat Chapman. For questions 1-10 complete the sentences with a
word or short phrase.

Presenter In Britain we spend £26 million a week in Indian restaurants and eat 25
million portions of chicken tikka masala a year. Pat Chapman, author of The Cobra
Good Curry Guide and founder of The Curry Club, is the presenter of our food
programme today.

Pat Chapman Well, the curry story is certainly an interesting one. When Emperor
Napoleon failed to capture the British Isles, he dismissed its inhabitants as a nation
of shopkeepers. But if he were around today, he might observe that we're now a
nation of curry-house keepers. Curry's become not simply an interesting dish to
have as a takeaway from time to time - it's become a national obsession.

Surprisingly enough, it wasn't until the twilight of the Raj that Britain's first
Indian restaurant, Veeraswamy, opened in 1926 in London's Piccadilly. Such is the
popularity of curry that the restaurant's still there, but this was very nearly not the

By 1950, there were just six curry restaurants in the whole of Britain. Curry
hadn't really caught on, and it might never have done so had it not been for the
chronic labour shortage caused by the nation's new-found, post-war prosperity. It
was solved by bringing in immigrant labour from the West Indies and South Asia.
The Indians, finding Britain to be a spice desert, soon made arrangements to import
their beloved spices and foodstuffs. It wasn't long before enterprising Indians began
investing in restaurants to offer Indian food to the indigenous British population.

It was a revelation to a nation who considered garlic a suspicious item. Not only
was curry addictive but it was, above all, affordable. In just four decades, Britain
became besotted with curry. Today, there's scarcely a town in the country without
its 'Indian'. The total in the UK is a staggering 9,000 and they still continue to open
and expand.

We still, erroneously, refer to our curry restaurants as 'Indian'. In fact, over

85% are run by people from Bangladesh, with only 8% run by Indians and 8%
by Pakistanis.

Interestingly, many of our 'Indian' restaurants still operate to a formula that was
pioneered in the late 1940s. A way had to be found to deliver a variety of curries
from order to table, without unreasonable delay. Authentic Indian recipes require
hours of cooking in individual pots, and there was no guarantee that they would
ever be ordered. So, cubed meat, chicken or potatoes and vegetables were lightly
curried and chilled, and a large pot of thick curry gravy, a kind of master stock, was
brewed to medium strength. To this day, portion by portion, on demand, these
ingredients are reheated by pan-frying them with further flavourings. In this way,
one cook can knock up several dishes within minutes. Rice is pre-cooked, breads
and tandoori items made to order by a different specialist and, hey presto, your
order's ready!

The menu can be very long, and any dish is available with meat, poultry, prawn,
king prawn and most vegetables, too.

This is still the formula of the standard British curry house. However, it's clear that,
judging by the many new restaurants which seem to appear almost daily, and the
selection which appear in The Good Curry Guide - curry is a-changing

II: Grammar& Vocabulary

Part 1: Choose the best option to complete each of the following questions.

1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. D

1. I’m sure there’s a definite __________ of envy in her nasty comments about you.

A. factor B. ingredient C. component D. element

an element of something =a small amount of an emotion or quality

2. In the ___________ of just two days, her whole life changed.

A. interval B. space C. spell D. duration

in the space of (an amount of time) = During a certain period or length of time. Usually used to
emphasize that the amount of time is quite small, relative to what is being done.

3. The thieves took ___________ when they heard a police car approaching.

A. retreat B. flight C. escape D. getaway

Take flight = chạy trốn, tẩu thoát

4. Afterwards, when I ___________ on the events of that day, I could hardly believe what had

A. contemplated B. reviewed C. reflected D. weighed

reflect on someone/something =to affect other people's opinion of someone or something, especially
in a bad way

5. There was a huge ___________ of applause when the star of the show appeared.

A. bout B. stint C. round D. spate

A round of applause = 1 tràng pháo tay

6. As he accepted the award, his voice ___________ with emotion.

A. quivered B. flinched C. cringed D. winced


quiver with (something) = To tremble or shake because of some extreme emotion or condition

7. Rose has always had a ___________ interest in matters to do with the environment.

A. fierce B. sharp C. grave D. keen

have a keen interest in (something) = To be very interested in or fascinated by something.

8. By the ___________ of it, the economy will improve over the next few months.

A. face B. impression C. evidence D. look

by the look(s) of things = judging by the information we have now

9. Tim and Alan have never got on well and there is a lot of ___________ feeling between them.

A. cross B. adverse C. ill D. vile

ill-feeling =(an) unkind feeling (towards another person)=ác cảm

10. Peter has now arrived late for work three days in a ___________ .

A. line B. sequence C. series D. row

If something happens several times in a row, it happens that number of times without a break. If
something happens several days in a row, it happens on each of those days.

Part 2: Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the
column on the right.
1. inexhaustibly= vô tạn -> Dấu hiệu : adv + adj + N
2. meteoric= used to describe something that develops very fast and attracts a lot of attention
3. artistic= thuộc về nghệ thuật
4. weirdly= in a very strange or unexpected manner.
5. futuristic = having or involving very modern technology or design
6. Somewhere= một vài nơi nào đó
7. honoring -> be đeicated to ving = tận tụy, tận tâm với
8. loosening = nới lỏng
9. conformist= a person who conforms to accepted behavior or established practices.
10. precisely= 1 cahs chính xác, tỉ mỉ

Part 3: Correcting mistakes: The passage below contains 10 errors. Underline and correct them.
Write your answers in the space provided on the right.

1. generate → generating 2. They → it

3. effect → effects 4. sustainable → unsustainable

5. Previous → previously 6. poisonous → poisoned

7. by → with 8. Choking → choked

9. backdrop → a backdrop 10. were bruised → bruised


Part 1. For each gap, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D which best fits the context.

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D

6. D 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. D

Nature’s clock

Our biological clocks govern almost every aspect of our life. Our sensitivity to stimuli (1)
_______ over the course of the day, and our ability to perform certain functions is subject to
fluctuations. Consequently, there is an (2) _______ time for tasks such as making decisions: around
the middle of the day. Anything that (3) _______ physical co-ordination, on the other hand, is best
attempted in the early evening. What is more, there is a dramatic drop in performance if these
activities are carried out at other times. The risk of accident in a factory, for example, is 20% higher
during the night (4) _______.

Primitive humans lived their lives in tune with the daily cycle of light and dark. Today we are
firmly convinced that we can (5) _______ schedules on our life at (6) _______. Sooner or later,
however, we pay a (7) _______ for ignoring our natural rhythms. A good example is jet lag, caused
when we confuse our body’s biological clocks by crossing several time (8) _______. People suffering
from jet lag can take several days to adjust to new environments, and have a reduced ability to make
decisions, which is a worrying thought, as serious (9) _______ of judgement can be made. And this
may be just the (10) _______ of the iceberg.

Question 1: A. modifies B. ranges C. varies D. wavers

Vary= change or cause something to change in amount or level, especially from one occasion to
Question 2: A. peak B. optimum C. maximum D. summit
Optimum=best; most likely to bring success or advantage
Question 3: A. requests B. demands C. dictates D. stipulates
Demand=need something such as time, effort, or a particular quality
Question 4: A. shift B. labor C. duty D. work
The night shift = ca trực/ làm đêm
Question 5: A. blame B. base C. emphasize D. impose
Impose sth on sth = áp đặt cái gì lên cái gì
Question 6: A. stake B. best C. most D. will
at will=If you can do something at will, you can do it any time you want:
Question 7: A. price B. fine C. fee D. cost
pay the price=To experience the consequences of one's actions or misdeeds.
Question 8: A. warps B. trials C. spans D. zones
time zone=one of many equal parts into which the world is divided. In any place within each part, the
particular point in the day is the same, and is an hour in front of or behind that in the parts on either
Question 9: A. errors B. inaccuracies C. mistakes D. fallacies
error of judgment=a mistake in the way that you examine a situation and decide what to do
Question 10: A. peak B. pinnacle C. top D. tip
The Tip of the iceberg' = đỉnh của tảng băng -> một phần rất nhỏ không miêu tả hết những thứ lớn
hơn hoặc phức tạp hơn không thấy được hoặc không hiểu rõ

Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.

1A 2D 3B 4D 5B 6D 7D 8B 9C 10B

When one hears the expression “role models”, one’s mind naturally jumps to celebrities, especially as
far as young people are concerned. Therefore, it would be more than natural to assume that teenagers,
heavily influenced by the media, are dazzled by well-known Hollywood stars, famous musicians and
internationally renowned athletes. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

In reality, according to a recent survey, over 75% of teens who filled out an online questionnaire
claimed that the role model for whom they had the greatest respect was not a famous personality, but
a family member. It seems that the qualities that make a good role model are more complex than
researchers first assumed. For example, Nancy L, a teenage girl from Wisconsin, described her role
model as a woman who had a clear sense of what was important to her, making the effort to create
things that would make a real difference in the world. The woman she was referring to was her
favorite aunt, who was a painter and sculptor.

Role models come into young people’s lives in various ways. They are family members, educators,
peers and ordinary people encountered in their daily lives. Students emphasized that being a role

model is not confined to those with international fame or unbelievable wealth. Instead, they said the
greatest attribute of a role model is the ability to inspire others. Teachers were often mentioned as
examples in this case, ones that are dedicated to encouraging students, helping them push their limits
and strengthen their characters.

Another quality high on the list was the ability to overcome obstacles. In addition to parents, peers
often made up a large percentage of such role models. Young people are at a point in their lives when
they are developing the skills of initiative and capability, so it is only natural that they admire people
who show them that success in the face of difficulty is possible.

A final and perhaps unexpected character trait that the youth of today admire is a clear set of values.
Children admire people whose actions are consistent with their beliefs; in other words, who practice
what they preach. Role models help them to understand the significance of honesty, motivation and
the desire to do general good. For example, local politicians who clearly struggle to improve living
conditions in their cities are high on their lists of role models.

Perhaps what should be understood from what young people consider important in a role model is
that each and every person around them affects them to a certain extent, perhaps much more than
most parents think. This makes it crucial for adults to be aware of their influence on the young and
set the best examples possible.

Question 1: Which of the following is closest in meaning to “dazzled”?

A. impressed B. disappointed C. confused D. frightened

Dazzled = impressed = bị ấn tượng , làm lóa mắt

Question 2: Which of the following is LEAST likely to be assumed as teens’ role model?

A. A handsome actor B. A talented footballer

C. A hot popstar D. A brilliant scientist

Câu hỏi 2: Điều nào sau đây ÍT có thể được coi là hình mẫu của thanh thiếu niên?

A. Một diễn viên đẹp trai B. Một cầu thủ bóng đá tài năng

C. Một ngôi sao nhạc pop nóng bỏng D. Một nhà khoa học lỗi lạc

Clue: Therefore, it would be more than natural to assume that teenagers, heavily influenced by the
media, are dazzled by well-known Hollywood stars, famous musicians and internationally renowned
athletes.= Do đó, sẽ không phải là lẽ tự nhiên khi cho rằng thanh thiếu niên, chịu ảnh hưởng nặng nề
của giới truyền thông, bị ấn tượng bởi các ngôi sao nổi tiếng Hollywood, nhạc sĩ nổi tiếng và vận
động viên nổi tiếng quốc tế .

Question 3: What is surprising about the findings of the survey?

A. Celebrities are the most common role models to most teens.

B. The role models of the respondents are not quite influential.

C. The qualities that make up teens’ role models are not simple.

D. Most celebrities have their family members as role models.

3: Điều gì đáng ngạc nhiên về những phát hiện của cuộc khảo sát?

A. Người nổi tiếng là hình mẫu phổ biến nhất đối với hầu hết thanh thiếu niên.

B. Hình mẫu của những người được hỏi không có nhiều ảnh hưởng.

C. Những phẩm chất tạo nên hình mẫu của thanh thiếu niên không hề đơn giản.

D. Hầu hết những người nổi tiếng đều có các thành viên trong gia đình của họ làm hình mẫu.

Clue: In reality, according to a recent survey, over 75% of teens who filled out an online
questionnaire claimed that the role model for whom they had the greatest respect was not a famous
personality, but a family member.= Trên thực tế, theo một cuộc khảo sát gần đây, hơn 75% thanh
thiếu niên điền vào bảng câu hỏi trực tuyến khẳng định rằng hình mẫu mà họ tôn trọng nhất không
phải là một nhân cách nổi tiếng, mà là một thành viên trong gia đình

Question 4: What does the passage tell us about Nancy L’s role model?

A. She was not related to her. B. She was famous for her talent.

C. She was a mysterious person. D. She had strong priorities.

4: Đoạn văn cho chúng ta biết điều gì về hình mẫu của Nancy L?

A. Cô ấy không liên quan đến cô ấy. B. Cô ấy đã nổi tiếng vì tài năng của cô ấy.

C. Cô ấy là một người bí ẩn. D. Cô ấy đã có những ưu tiên mạnh mẽ.

Clue: For example, Nancy L, a teenage girl from Wisconsin, described her role model as a woman
who had a clear sense of what was important to her, making the effort to create things that would
make a real difference in the world. The woman she was referring to was her favorite aunt, who was
a painter and sculptor.= Ví dụ, Nancy L, một cô gái tuổi teen đến từ Wisconsin, mô tả hình mẫu của
cô ấy là một phụ nữ có ý thức rõ ràng về điều gì là quan trọng đối với mình, nỗ lực tạo ra những thứ
có thể tạo ra sự khác biệt thực sự trên thế giới. Người phụ nữ mà cô đang đề cập đến là người cô yêu
thích của cô, một họa sĩ và nhà điêu khắc.

Question 5: Which of the following is closest in meaning to “confined to”?

A. assisted by B. restricted to C. similar to D.influenced by

Confined to = restricted to = hạn chế

Question 6: According to the passage, what quality makes teachers good role models?

A. their ambition to succeed B. their wide knowledge

C. their ability as academic educators D. their positive effect on students

Câu 6: Theo đoạn văn, phẩm chất nào làm nên tấm gương tốt của người thầy?

A. tham vọng thành công

B. kiến thức rộng của họ

C. khả năng của họ với tư cách là những nhà giáo dục học thuật

D. ảnh hưởng tích cực của họ đối với học sinh

Clue: Instead, they said the greatest attribute of a role model is the ability to inspire others. Teachers
were often mentioned as examples in this case, ones that are dedicated to encouraging students,
helping them push their limits and strengthen their characters.= Thay vào đó, họ cho biết thuộc tính
lớn nhất của một hình mẫu là khả năng truyền cảm hứng cho người khác. Trong trường hợp này, giáo
viên thường được nhắc đến như những tấm gương, những người luôn tận tâm khuyến khích học sinh,
giúp chúng vượt qua giới hạn của bản thân và củng cố tính cách của mình.

Question 7: The ability to overcome obstacles is important to young people because ______.

A. teens must have it to teach their peers

B. it is not something that one can easily find

C. obstacles make life more difficult

D. it is relevant to the stage of life they are in

7: Khả năng vượt qua chướng ngại vật là quan trọng đối với những người trẻ tuổi bởi vì ______.

A. thanh thiếu niên phải có nó để dạy cho bạn bè của họ

B. nó không phải là thứ mà người ta có thể dễ dàng tìm thấy


C. những trở ngại làm cho cuộc sống khó khăn hơn

D. nó liên quan đến giai đoạn cuộc đời mà họ đang ở

Clue: Another quality high on the list was the ability to overcome obstacles. In addition to parents,
peers often made up a large percentage of such role models. Young people are at a point in their lives
when they are developing the skills of initiative and capability, so it is only natural that they admire
people who show them that success in the face of difficulty is possible.= Một chất lượng cao khác
trong danh sách là khả năng vượt qua các chướng ngại vật. Ngoài cha mẹ, bạn bè đồng trang lứa
thường chiếm một tỷ lệ lớn trong các hình mẫu như vậy. Những người trẻ đang ở thời điểm phát triển
các kỹ năng chủ động và năng lực, vì vậy việc ngưỡng mộ những người cho họ thấy rằng thành công
khi đối mặt với khó khăn là điều đương nhiên.

Question 8: According to paragraph 5, children really look up to those who _______.

A. are as active as possible B. do what they say they will do

C. pay attention to the needs of the young D. are religious in their life

8: Theo đoạn 5, trẻ em thực sự ngưỡng mộ những người _______.

A. càng tích cực càng tốt B. làm những gì họ nói rằng họ sẽ làm

C. quan tâm đến nhu cầu của giới trẻ D. là tôn giáo trong cuộc sống của họ

Clue: Children admire people whose actions are consistent with their beliefs; in other words, who
practice what they preach.= Trẻ ngưỡng mộ những người có hành động phù hợp với niềm tin của
chúng; nói cách khác, những người thực hành những gì họ giảng

Question 9: According to the passage, some politicians are considered admirable ______.

A. because they are familiar to young people

B. because of the strong power they have

C. because of their concern for others

D. because they believe in themselves

Câu hỏi 9: Theo đoạn văn, một số chính trị gia được coi là đáng ngưỡng mộ………..

A. vì chúng quen thuộc với giới trẻ

B. vì sức mạnh của họ có


C. vì họ quan tâm đến người khác

D. bởi vì họ tin vào bản thân

Clue: Role models help them to understand the significance of honesty, motivation and the desire to
do general good. For example, local politicians who clearly struggle to improve living conditions in
their cities are high on their lists of role models.= Mô hình vai trò giúp họ hiểu tầm quan trọng của sự
trung thực, động cơ và mong muốn làm việc thiện. Ví dụ, các chính trị gia địa phương, những người
rõ ràng đấu tranh để cải thiện điều kiện sống ở thành phố của họ, là những người cao trong danh sách
các hình mẫu của họ.

Question 10: The passage suggests that adults should ______.

A. try to avoid imposing their influence on younger people

B. realize that they have a strong effect on young people

C. be careful of the role models their children may have

D. encourage children to reject celebrities as role models

Câu hỏi 10: Đoạn văn gợi ý rằng người lớn nên ______.

A. cố gắng tránh áp đặt ảnh hưởng của họ lên những người trẻ tuổi

B. nhận thấy rằng chúng có ảnh hưởng mạnh mẽ đến giới trẻ

C. hãy cẩn thận với những hình mẫu mà con họ có thể có

D. khuyến khích trẻ em từ chối những người nổi tiếng làm hình mẫu

Clue: each and every person around them affects them to a certain extent, perhaps much more than
most parents think. This makes it crucial for adults to be aware of their influence on the young and
set the best examples possible.= mỗi người xung quanh họ đều ảnh hưởng đến họ ở một mức độ nhất
định, có lẽ nhiều hơn suy nghĩ của hầu hết các bậc cha mẹ. Điều này khiến người lớn phải nhận thức
được ảnh hưởng của họ đối với giới trẻ và nêu gương tốt nhất có thể.

Part 4: Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Câu 1: vi Heated academic disputes

Vị trí: Đoạn B dòng 8-13: “His methods were heavily criticized…in 1678.”

Giải thích: Đoạn B đưa ra các tranh luận học thuật sôi nổi

Dịch: Những phương pháp của ông bị chỉ trích nặng nề bởi thành viên Hội danh tiếng Robert Hooke,
người cũng không muốn thỏa hiệp một lần nữa với công trình tiếp theo của Newton vào năm 1675.
Được biết đến với sự bảo vệ công việc của mình một cách đầy cảm tính, Newton lời qua tiếng lại sôi
nổi với Hooke trước khi bị suy nhược thần kinh và thoát khỏi ánh mắt công chúng vào năm 1678. =>
vi tranh luận học thuật sôi nổi

Câu 2: viii His crowning achievement

Vị trí: Đoạn C dòng 6-9: “Principia…modern science.”

Từ khóa được paraphrase:

Crowning = most important

Achievement = earning him widespread acclaim

Giải thích: Đoạn C đưa ra đánh giá về các thành tựu của Newton trong lĩnh vực học thuật. => viii
thành tựu quan trọng của ông ấy

Câu 3: vii A new adventure

Vị trí: Đoạn D dòng 1-3 : “Newton opposed King James II’s attempts to reinstate Catholic teachings
at English Universities…He moved to London permanently after being named warden of the Royal
Mint in 1969.”

Giải thích: Đoạn D nhắc đến việc Newton đã từ chối việc tái bổ nhiệm vào việc giảng dạy ở các
trường đại học Anh để chuyển nhà đến London và bắt đầu công việc tại cục đúc tiền của Hoàng gia.
Điều này cho thấy Newton tạm thời dừng sự nghiệp học thuật để theo đuổi công việc mới. => vii một
hành trình mới

Câu 4: i Continued breakthroughs in research

Vị trí: Đoạn E dòng 2-5: “...the following year…electricity.”

Giải thích: Đoạn E chủ yếu đề cập đến các công trình của Newton trong lĩnh vực vật lý, là các cuốn
sách về khúc xạ ánh sáng, chùm màu, năng lượng, điện. => i những đột phá được nối tiếp trong
nghiên cứu

Câu 5: ii Competing claims of originality

Vị trí: Đoạn F dòng 1 và dòng 6-7 “the debate over Newton’s claims…a nasty dispute.” “Newton

Giải thích: Đoạn F đề cập đến những tranh luận liên quan đến tuyên bố của Niu-tơn về nguồn gốc của
lĩnh vực giải tích.


Giải thích: Trong khoảng thời gian này, cuộc tranh luận về tuyên bố của Newton về việc phát minh ra
lĩnh vực giải tích, là lĩnh vực toán học nghiên cứu về sự thay đổi, bùng nổ thành một tranh chấp nóng
nảy. Trên cương vị chủ tịch hội đồng Hoàng Gia, Newton đã tự thực hiện cuộc điều tra mà qua đó
chứng minh là những nghiên cứu của ông đã đặt nền tảng cho chính lĩnh vực này. => ii những tuyên
bố cạnh tranh về nguồn gốc

Câu 6: iv The legacy of an exceptional mind

Vị trí: Đoạn G dòng 5-8: “A giant even among the brilliant minds…scientific method.”

Giải thích:

Exceptional mind = a giant even among the brilliant minds

Legacy = theories about the movement of bodies in the solar system, methodology, give birth to

Đoạn này vinh danh Niu-tơn như 1 thiên tài vĩ đại, tạo ra những thuyết khoa học và phương pháp
nghiên cứu làm tiền đề cho tri thức, hiểu biết sau này nên có thể hiểu đó chính là những di sản của 1
trí tuệ phi thường. => iv di sản của trí tuệ phi thường

Câu 7: Royal Society

Vị trí: Đoạn B dòng 3-5: “In 1671 he was asked to give a demonstration of his telescope to the Royal
Society of London in 1671, the same year he was elected to the prestigious Society.”

Đoạn E dòng 1: “The death of Hooke in 1703 allowed Newton to take over as president of the Royal

Câu hỏi: 7. With which scientific organization was Newton associated for much of his career?

Giải thích: các đoạn B, E thể hiện quá trình làm việc của Newton tại hội danh tiếng từ khi ông được
tiến cử tham gia cho đến khi ông được bổ nhiệm làm chủ tịch của hội danh tiếng. Như vậy, Newton
dành nhiều thời gian làm việc tại Royal Society nhất.

Câu 8: His niece

Vị trí: Đoạn G dòng 3: “Newton spent his later years living with his niece at Cranbury Park”

Câu hỏi: 8. With whom did Newton live as he got older?


Giải thích: Dịch: Newton giành phần sau quãng đời còn lại của mình để sống với cháu gái của ông ấy
tại Cranbury Park. => his niece

Câu 9: Telescope

Vị trí: Đoạn B dòng 1: “He constructed the first reflecting telescope in 1668, and the following year
he received his Master of Arts degree and took over as Cambridge’s Professor of Mathematics.”

Câu hỏi: “Created first reflecting 9. ______________, subsequently made a professor at Cambridge
at the age of 25.”

Từ khóa: Created, reflecting, subsequent, professor, Cambridge

Giải thích đáp án: Dịch: Ông ấy đã tạo ra kính viễn vọng phản chiếu đầu tiên năm 1668, và năm sau
đó ông đã nhận bằng cử nhân mỹ thuật và đảm nhiệm vị trí giáo sư toán đại học Cambridge.

Đáp án đứng sau từ “reflecting” và trước vế câu “subsequently…of 25” nên phải là 1 danh từ về 1
phát minh của Newton. => telescope

Câu 10: Optics

Vị trí: Đoạn B dòng 5-6: ”The following year, fascinated with the study of light, he published his
notes on optics for his peers.”

Câu hỏi: Helped develop the scientific method with his experiments in 10. _________, the study of
light showed that it is 11. _________, not waves, that constitute light. Từ khóa: scientific method,
experiments, not waves, constitute, light

Giải thích đáp án:

Dịch: Năm sau đó, hứng thú với nghiên cứu về ánh sáng, ông đã xuất bản ghi chú về quang học cho
các đồng nghiệp của mình. => optics

Câu 11: Particles

Vị trí: Đoạn B dòng 7-8:”Newton determined…particles instead of waves.”

Câu hỏi: Helped develop the scientific method with his experiments in 10. _________, the study of
light showed that it is 11. _________, not waves, that constitute light. Từ khóa: scientific method,
experiments, not waves, constitute, light

Giải thích đáp án: Dịch: Newton đã chứng minh được ánh sáng trắng là tổng hợp của tất cả các màu

và ông cũng minh chứng được ánh sáng được tạo nên từ hạt chứ không phải sóng. => particles

Câu 12: Motion

Vị trí: Đoạn C dòng 4-6: “The result…universal gravity.”

Câu hỏi:

“Worked out the laws of the movement of bodies in space (planets etc.), published Principia
Mathematica with laws of gravity and 12. __________.”

Từ khóa: works out, laws, the movement of bodies in space, Principia Mathematica, laws of gravity

Giải thích:

Dịch: Cuốn Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy của Newton đã cho ra các định luật về vũ
trụ trọng trường và ba định luật về chuyển động. => motion

Câu 13: Fluxions

Vị trí: Đoạn F dòng 9-10:

“Researchers later concluded that both men likely arrived at their conclusions independent of one

Câu hỏi: Joint founder (with Leibniz) of 13. ____________, a new branch of mathematics.

Từ khóa: Joint founder (with Leibniz), a new branch of mathematics

Giải thích đáp án:

Đoạn F nói về việc có 1 nhánh nghiên cứu mới về toán học được gọi là “Fluxion”. Sau những cáo
buộc và điều tra thì các nhà nghiên cứu đã kết luận là nghiên cứu của Newton và Leibniz hoàn toàn
độc lập với nhau. Qua đó, công nhận 2 người này là các nhà đồng sáng lập về Fluxions. => fluxions

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