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In Moscow, NATO
Modi, Putin
embrace steps up
close ties its aid
A show of unity despite
U.S. attempts to isolate
for Kyiv
the Russian leader but alliance won’t
pledge membership
M ARY I LYUSHINA Five more air-defense
AND C ATHERINE B ELTON systems arriving soon
NEW DELHI — indian Prime Min-
ister narendra Modi has been BY M ISSY R YAN,
hosted by President Biden at a M ICHAEL B IRNBAUM,
state dinner and lavished with E MILY R AUHALA
praise by White House officials, AND E LLEN N AKASHIMA
who describe ties with india as
“one of the most consequential naTo nations will provide
relationships” for the United Ukraine urgently needed air-
states. defense systems, President Biden
But this week, Modi reminded said Tuesday, vowing aid to shield
the world that he has another against deadly Russian attacks
close relationship — with “my even as the alliance stops short of
dear friend Vladimir Putin.” offering Kyiv concrete advances
as Modi makes his first visit to toward membership.
Russia since Russia’s 2022 inva- The U.s. leader, kicking off a
sion of Ukraine, the images summit marking the 75th anni-
emerging from Moscow of Modi versary of naTo, said the dona-
wrapping the Russian president tion of five air-defense systems by
in a hug send a clear signal that Germany, italy, Romania, the
the south asian giant will main- SuSAN WAlSh/AP netherlands and the United
tain deep ties with Russia despite President Biden delivers remarks on the 75th anniversary of NatO in d.C. on tuesday. Leaders of the alliance’s 32 nations descended states represented just one el-
the Biden administration’s efforts upon the U.S. capital ahead of a multiday summit and attempted to refocus attention away from Ukraine’s gloomy battlefield outlook. ement of naTo’s ongoing cam-
to woo its prime minister. it also paign to help Kyiv hold off a far
shows that Putin is not as isolated larger, better-armed adversary.
as the White House has hoped.
The trip to Moscow, which
overlapped with three days of
Fearful or resolute, Hill Democrats split on Biden “Make no mistake; Russia is
failing,” Biden said. “The war will
end with Ukraine remaining a
naTo meetings in Washington, free and independent country.”
was met with consternation in BY M ARIANA A LFARO, entertain freewheeling questions represents a competitive new The immediacy of Ukraine’s
Washington and Kyiv. asked M ARIANNA S OTOMAYOR from the press. Jersey district — became the 10th needs was starkly apparent Mon-
about the Modi-Putin meeting, AND J ACQUELINE A LEMANY
In-person meetings Before a meeting of senate House member to publicly or pri- day when Russian missiles
state Department spokesman bring no consensus on Democrats, sen. Chris Coons (D- vately call on Biden to abandon slammed into a pediatric hospital
Matthew Miller told reporters at a as President Biden prepared Del.), co-chair of Biden’s cam- his reelection campaign. in Kyiv and other sites, killing
press briefing: “We have made to address naTo allies gathered
president’s future paign, said the president had “i know that President Biden dozens in an attack involving
quite clear directly with india our in Washington on Tuesday eve- heard the message from lawmak- and his team have been true pub- dozens of missiles, some of which
concerns about their relationship ning, his advocates on Capitol ers that he needed to get out and lic servants and have put the evaded Ukrainian defenses.
with Russia.” Hill seemed to be growing a bit instead, there was a rising tide of do more events and interviews. country and the best interests of in a speech Tuesday evening at
on X, Ukrainian President Vo- louder. But so was the unease resignation from some, enthusi- “We need to remember that democracy first and foremost in the Ronald Reagan institute,
lodymyr Zelensky posted photos over Democratic prospects of asm from others — and despair President Biden for 30 years has their considerations,” sherrill Ukrainian President Volodymyr
of a children’s hospital in Kyiv beating Donald Trump and mak- and anger from still more — that been someone who has a stutter, said in a lengthy statement. “and Zelensky said he was “grateful”
that was struck by a Russian ing gains in Congress come the president would remain atop who occasionally misspeaks … see BideN on a7 for the new air defense but fo-
missile on Monday and criticized november. the ticket and be their nominee in and not judge him by too high a cused much of his remarks on
the meeting. “it is a huge disap- There was no unity among november. Hill Democrats were standard,” Coons said. still in his corner: For several urging the United states to allow
pointment and a devastating congressional Democrats who also holding their breath ahead of in many ways, things stayed Democrats, it’s Biden or bust. A5 see NatO on a11
blow to peace efforts to see the met personally for the first time a rare Thursday news conference, somewhat steady in terms of
leader of the world’s largest de- since Biden’s halting debate per- the first time since the debate Biden’s fate on Capitol Hill, Cognitive tests: What the exams Zelensky reacts: ukraine’s leader
mocracy hug the world’s most formance nearly two weeks ago. that the president planned to where Rep. Mikie sherrill — who measure and what they tell us. A6 “grateful” for NATO’s decision. A11
see iNdia on a13

Munro family THE DROWNING sOUTH Immunity case

sexual abuse shows risk of
a rising fOrtress On sinking land Jack Smith’s
was known in
author’s circle
A huge sea wall around a gas plant shows the tension between climate change and energy demand
in PLaQUeMines PaRisH, La.

‘I knew this day was he marshes that blanket this Conservative justices
pancake-flat parish south of
going to come,’ her new orleans stretch for
often oppose how public
biographer says of fallout miles, strewn with small streams corruption is charged
that flow into the Gulf of Mexico. a
lone four-lane road goes south
past a navy air base, an idle indus-
BY S OPHIA N GUYEN trial site, a coal export terminal BY D EVLIN B ARRETT
and a handful of small storm-
additional dismay reverberat- battered communities. The supreme Court decision
ed through the literary world Then, suddenly, a gigantic facil- on former president Donald
on Tuesday as it came to light ity rises from the wetlands. Cranes Trump’s claims of presidential
that a biographer and others dot the skyline. They hover over immunity has put new limits on
had known crews that are installing a jumble future prosecutors — constraints
for years that of pipes, pumps, storage tanks and that legal experts see as the latest
nobel Prize- two 720-megawatt power plants and most consequential result of
winning Cana- — equipment needed to freeze a long-running disagreement be-
dian writer natural gas into a liquid form so it tween conservative justices and
alice Munro, can be shipped around the world. the Justice Department over how
who died in it might seem like a risky loca- to investigate public corruption.
May at 92, had tion for a $21 billion liquefied The ruling leaves some con-
long kept se- natural gas plant, given this re- servative lawyers questioning
alice munro cret that her gion’s ferocious hurricanes and special counsel Jack smith’s deci-
second hus- sea levels that are rising faster sion last year to indict Trump for
band sexually abused one of her than almost anywhere else on the a range of actions leading up to
daughters. planet. But the company building the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.s.
in an essay published last this plant, arlington, Va.-based Capitol. Those charges ultimately
weekend in the Toronto star, Venture Global, says it has an led to a supreme Court ruling
andrea Robin skinner, a daugh- answer to these threats: a 26-foot- weakening not just smith’s au-
ter of Munro’s, wrote that her high steel sea wall that surrounds riCky CAriOTi/The WAShiNgTON POST thority but that of future special
see mUNrO on a20 the 632-acre site, twice the size of the Plaquemines liquefied natural gas plant is under construction in Port Sulphur, La. the counsels who investigate presi-
Washington’s national Mall. company behind the project, Venture Global, is protecting the site from sea level rise with a dents.
Essay: Author’s work is saturated see Sea waLL on a8 steel wall descending 60 feet underground and rising 26 feet above. The high court ruled 6-3 along
with neglect and abandonment. C1 see Smith on a20

in the news THE ECONOmy

this family uses budg-
to help fulfill a billion-
Cooper Flagg, the
bUsINEss NEWs.........................A14
et spreadsheets, check- dollar U.S. plan to forest 17-year-old prodigy, OpINION pAGEs..........................A17
beryl recovery Power outages for hundreds THE NATION THE WORlD ing accounts and other urban areas, a D.C. stole the show at USA TElEvIsION...................................C4

of thousands in Houston will probably stretch to save the spotted owl, many bouts of extreme tools to help their chil- arborist is tasked with Basketball camp, im- WORlD NEWs.............................A10

officials plan to kill weather have awakened dren understand the selecting trees that can pressing the team going
for days, officials said, as residents of one 450,000 invasive owls, China’s policymakers to value of money. A14 thrive in harsh yards. B1 to the Paris Olympics. D1 CONTENT © 2024

senior complex sweltered without help. A3 dividing advocates. A2 climate change. A10 a new ruling from the d.C. legislators passed The Washington Post
Year 147, No. 53908
three of Donald hospitals in northern Supreme Court raised a measure to test a new FOOD
Youngkin targets phones The Virginia Trump’s VP finalists, Gaza are struggling hurdles for the Biden approach to keeping hamptons private chefs
were a social media
governor called for statewide guidance aimed who now praise him, amid a renewed Israeli administration’s plan to truant teens in school,
sensation — but they’ve
once bashed him. A4 military offensive. A12 take on tech giants. A16 rather than in court. B1
at limiting students’ use of the devices. B1 got staying power.
A2 eZ su the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

neWsPAPer DeLiVerY
Maxine Waters o≠ers a hallelujah chorus to uplift Biden
For home delivery comments
or concerns contact us at NEW ORLEANS — clout easily, whose arrogance finished a stemwinder that left or Black folks have might enrage her critics but to the congregation shouting.
send us an email at been the spots of her fans can feel like a powerful Caught up in the rhythms of or call light amid the embrace. Waters’s husky voice, it felt like
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 darkness that “We now have enough she’d laid hands, if not on Biden,
swirls around members in the Black Caucus to then at least on his beleaguered
to sUBscriBe Robin President Biden kick ass and call names,” Waters campaign.
Givhan as his health and said. And then laughed. “And Biden himself was present
to ADVertise mental acuity that’s what we’re doing.” when the minister, choir and the the Critique
Classified: 202-334-6200
occupy center She uses profanity skillfully. congregation of Philadelphia’s
Display: 202-334-7642 stage in his She sprinkles the naughty words Mount Airy Church of God in
campaign to win four more years into her discourse like bits of hot Christ shouted hallelujah and
MAin PHone nUMBer in the White House. A phalanx of pepper. They add flavor; they beseeched the good Lord to
Black men and women have wake up the senses. But they reinvigorate the president. Biden
to reAcH tHe neWsrooM wrapped the president in an don’t take over. She addressed was present for nearly the
metro: 202-334-7300; embrace of bombastic truth- the political issue at hand. “We’re entirety of the service, which is telling, both secular and sacred. now at a point in time where to say he didn’t breeze in
national: 202-334-7410; They’ve laid hands on the man people are talking about Biden is sometime between the and on his political campaign. arturo Holmes/getty Images
too old. Hell, I’m older than invocation and the sermon to
Business: 202-334-7320; They’ve lifted him up as they’ve Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) flashes a thumbs-up as she walks Biden! And I get up every greet the congregation and ask knocked down his opponent onstage at the Essence Festival of Culture on Saturday. morning and I exercise and I for votes and then depart before
sports: 202-334-7350; Donald Trump. They’ve prayed work late hours. I take care of the passing of the offering plate. and cussed. And exasperated could do. Marvel and high-five nearly half of all Democrats and Black people,” Waters said, and Biden came for the votes and he
Investigative: 202-334-6179; elders have spoken to Waters with a smile. Democratic-leaning the crowd cheered and stayed to extend a hand of recalcitrant voters like they’re Democratic Reps. Joyce Beatty independents saying Biden applauded and she stood up to friendship and to work the room.
style: 202-334-7535; wrangling prodigal sons and (Ohio), Troy A. Carter (La.) and should step aside because of his take it all in and make her next The church’s pastor J. Louis daughters for the family reunion. CBC chairman Steven Horsford age. She wanted to calm the points. “Trump has told you who Felton addressed Biden’s critics
Thy will be done — despite (Nev.) were assembled alongside panic over polls that had him he is. He’s defined himself. He’s a and the “issue of the president
to reAcH tHe oPinion PAges
what the polls say. Waters under the banner of the trailing Trump by as much as no good, deplorable, lying, and his condition with
letters to the editor: or call Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Global Black Economic Forum. nine points. despicable human being.” stammering and not being able
202-334-6215 at the age of 85, walked out to Former CNN journalist Don Waters sauntered onstage Waters sat down. She stomped at certain times to bring forth
opinion: face an assembled crowd with Lemon was onstage as the wearing a lime green pantsuit her feet. She laughed. She called words, while another person lies the attitude of an older relative moderator. But they were all with a pair of high-heeled for high fives and her colleagues fluently and you never challenge
Published daily (Issn 0190-8286). who’d come to create order out mostly in service to Waters, who pumps. As she settled into a obliged. his lies.”
Postmaster: send address changes to
the Washington Post, 1301 K st. nW, Washington,
of chaos, tease determination was focused on making her white armchair, her eyes were Waters lit up the room. She When Felton reached his
D.C. 20071. out of frustration and spur audience believe in the viability, almost hidden behind her tinted placed Biden in the glow of her sermon’s crescendo in its
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.C., and action out of malaise. Her in the necessity, in the glasses but even from a distance, fire. She argued that Biden is not comparison of the president to
additional mailing office.
audience was mostly Black inevitability of Biden continuing it was evident that she wasn’t alone on this political journey. his Old Testament namesake, the
women spread across multiple on as the Democratic nominee staring mindlessly into the Waters and others are with him, congregation was exhorting
generations who’d gathered here and deserving of a second term. audience. She was plotting. doing the work of expanding Biden to seize four more years.
cor r ectio n s for the Essence Festival of Many members of the CBC When Lemon introduced her health insurance, protecting Whether sacred or secular,
Culture. There was something have indicated their continuing as “legendary,” Waters sat up reproductive care and preserving certain Black voices call for the
both ancestral and intimate in support of the president, straighter on the edge of her democracy. It’s a group effort. faithful to raise Biden up. They
the Washington Post is committed to the way that Waters addressed including Rep. James E. Clyburn seat. She delighted in Lemon’s “If you don’t vote, you don’t call for those who have strayed to
correcting errors that appear in the the group. Her posture and (D-S.C.) whose endorsement in characterization; she was understand your power. If you come back home. To be stalwart.
newspaper. those interested in message were a testament to her the 2020 campaign is widely comfortable with the acclaim. don’t vote, you don’t understand When Biden finally addressed
contacting the paper for that purpose experience as a politician, one considered to have secured The audience roared its approval your influence,” Waters said, the congregation at Mount Airy
can: who knows her audience as well Biden the nomination after his of Waters, someone who glasses off and fire in her eyes. church, he began by referencing
email: as she knows herself. Waters was campaign had gotten off to a occupies a place that’s both “And don’t tell me when you see Psalms 30:5 and its promise that
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be a marvel to behold. And really, dismal start. Waters was intent familiar and rarefied. A Black me in the streets that you got my weeping will endure for a night
connected to the desk involved —
national, Foreign, metro, style, sports,
that was all that the three other on making Biden’s successes as woman who digs into the fight back — shit — if you ain’t vote!” and “joy cometh in the morning.”
Business or any of the weekly sections. speakers on the panel — president more evident and with gusto, who has the facts and Lemon chanted, “All right, all The congregation cheered.
Comments can be directed to the colleagues from the Trump’s failings plain. She figures to back up her insights. A right,” like he was in Sunday Thy will be done, they seemed
Post’s reader advocate, who can be Congressional Black Caucus — wanted to counter polls that had Black woman who carries her service and the minister had just to say. Despite the polls.
reached at 202-334-7582 or

O∞cials plan to kill 450,000 invasive owls that are endangering native owls
BY K YLE M ELNICK longer than spotted owls, but
they quickly disrupted their

o save one vulnerable owl counterpart’s nests in old-growth
species, the federal govern- forests, ate their food sources —
ment has a contentious flying squirrels, salamanders,
plan: killing hundreds of thou- woodrats, voles and mice — and
sands of another owl species. sometimes killed them, accord-
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife ing to the Fish and Wildlife Serv-
Service said its proposal, released ice.
last week, might be the only way When the northern spotted
to save the spotted owl, whose owl was listed as threatened on
population has rapidly decreased the Endangered Species Act in
in recent decades due to competi- 1990, wildlife officials listed the
tion over food and shelter from barred owl as a potential threat to
an invasive owl species. Shooting their population, Bown said. The
roughly 450,000 barred owls over barred owl population continued
three decades could help spotted to increase in the Pacific North-
owls in the Pacific Northwest west until the invasive species
Download the rebound, the agency said. and habitat loss were identified
Washington Post app The plan has divided wildlife as spotted owls’ primary threats
stay informed with award-winning
advocates, with some accusing in 2008, Bown said.
the agency of being reckless, However, some animal welfare
national and international news,
while others say the massive owl advocates still consider the agen-
Plus complete local news coverage hunt is necessary to save a species cy’s plan to be misguided.
of the D.C. metro area. Create that’s being crowded out. Animal Wellness Action, an
customized news alerts, save Robin Bown, a biologist for the animal welfare nonprofit, said
articles for offline reading in my Fish and Wildlife Service, said 135 wildlife organizations have
Post, browse the daily print edition settling on the plan wasn’t easy. signed its letter to Interior Secre-
and scroll through the For you tab to “We don’t usually get into this tary Deb Haaland, asking for the
find stories that interest you. Free to job with this in mind,” Bown told plan to be revoked. Wayne
download on the app store and Play The Washington Post of killing Pacelle, the group’s founder, said
store, subscribers enjoy unlimited animals. “But we also see the Don ryan/aP he thinks other barred owls will
access. need to protect. And we have a A northern spotted owl in 2003 in Oregon. The population of the species dropped by about 75 percent recolonize the habitats where af-
legal responsibility to do what we in two decades due to competition over food and shelter from the invasive barred owl. ter the project, allowing their
can to keep our native and endan- populations there to rebound. He
gered species still existing on this and Wildlife Service said. 100 feet of the owl and has a clear Washington. Spotted owl popula- said the agency is “trying to play
Earth.” The agency has at least 30 days shot, they can shoot. The carcass- tions stabilized in areas where God.”
The Fish and Wildlife Service to decide if it will proceed with es could be buried on-site or used barred owls were killed, the agen- Claire Catania, the executive
said in December 2020 that the plan to shoot the owls, which for research, Bown said. Officials cy said, but they continued to director of Birds Connect Seattle,
northern spotted owls should be would only be the latest project to said they’d aim to kill about decline in regions where barred a bird conservation group, said
reclassified to an endangered kill invasive species in hopes of 15,000 barred owls per year, start- owls were left alone. she thinks the Fish and Wildlife
species after their population protecting other animals. Federal ing as early as this fall. Barred owls began migrating Service’s plan is necessary. While
dropped by about 75 percent in and state agencies have also The plan calls for recruiting from the eastern United States to the spotted owl was once an
two decades. Some areas where killed Burmese pythons, feral environmental organizations, west of the Mississippi River in iconic species in Washington, Ca-
about 200 spotted owls lived in hogs, nutria rodents and barn conservation groups, landown- the 1950s, according to the Fish tania said, most of the state’s new
the early 2000s now contain two owls. ers, timber industry workers, and Wildlife Service. The agency residents have only seen barred
or three of the birds, Bown said. Bown said people trained in tribes and state and local govern- said humans probably paved the owls.
Wildlife officials considered firearms would walk through for- ment agencies to help kill barred way for barred owls to migrate as “We are deeply saddened that
several options to preserve spot- ests in the dead of night with owls. The shooters must show they learned to suppress forest it has come to this point,” Catania
ted owls but said they wouldn’t be shotguns, flashlights and mega- documentation of training and fires and they planted trees in the told The Post.
effective. Sterilizing barred owls phones to replicate a barred owl experience in identifying owls Great Plains and Canada’s boreal Moran, the Fish and Wildlife
would take at least a decade call in hopes of attracting them. and using firearms to participate, forest. The owls settled in British Service field supervisor, said she
before a significant population Once an owl has settled on a the Fish and Wildlife Service Columbia, Canada, before mov- wants Pacific Northwest resi-
decline; caging them would be nearby tree, the shooters must said. ing south to Washington and dents to have the chance to ap-
expensive and difficult; and relo- identify it through the bar- Bridget Moran, a field supervi- Oregon in the 1970s, when they preciate both owl species.
cation wasn’t an option since shaped spots on its brown-and- sor in the Fish and Wildlife Serv- interacted with native spotted “This isn’t at all about one owl
wildlife officials on the East Coast white feathers and its call, which ice’s Bend, Ore., office, said she’s owls, the Fish and Wildlife Serv- versus another,” Moran said.
said they don’t have room for the is known to sound like: “Who confident in the operation after ice said. “This is about having spotted
birds. cooks for you? Who cooks for the agency experimented with a The owls look similar: They’re owls. If we do nothing, we will
Killing the barred owls will y’all?” similar plan between 2013 and brown and have small beaks. have only barred owls. If we do
make the largest impact, the Fish If the shooter is within about 2021 in California, Oregon and Barred owls are a bit heavier and something, we’ll have both.”

D ig e s t

Wisconsin hands and knees. Mitchell can be an incident that sparked a wave of the Hyatt for a person causing a neW HAMPsHire The investigation continues, and
heard grunting and yelling global protests over racial disturbance about 3:20 p.m. on no charges have been filed.
Man dies after pinned apologies. inequality. The officer, Derek June 30. When they arrived, Air National Guard Pogorek, 57, graduated from
down by hotel guards Mitchell’s mother said her son Chauvin, was convicted and sent officers found the person chief killed in car strike the United States Air Force
had mental health issues. to federal prison. unresponsive and unsuccessfully Academy in 1989 and joined the
Milwaukee police are looking A spokesperson for Hyatt No one has been charged in tried “lifesaving measures.” The commander of the New New Hampshire Air National
into the death of a Black man in extended condolences to connection to Mitchell’s death. In one video broadcast by local Hampshire Air National Guard Guard in 1999. He was named
an incident that is drawing Mitchell’s loved ones. Aimbridge The Milwaukee district attorney’s media, a guard appears to address was killed in a hit-and-run crash, commander in 2022, serving as a
comparisons to the 2020 killing of Hospitality, a Texas-based office said the matter has been the person recording the video, authorities said Tuesday. top adviser to Gov. Chris Sununu
George Floyd, after footage company, operates the Hyatt referred to the office and is shouting, “This is what happens Brig. Gen. John Pogorek was and the state’s adjutant general
emerged that appears to show Regency Milwaukee, according to pending further investigation. when you go into the ladies’ securing a load on his trailer on and overseeing all operations at
hotel guards pinning the man to the spokesperson. The employees The Milwaukee County room.” the side of the road in the city of Pease Air National Guard Base.
the ground as he called for help. involved have been suspended, Medical Examiner’s Office said Mitchell, who lived in Rochester on Monday night when “On behalf of the entire state of
Witness video shows Dvontaye the spokesperson said. July 1 that the preliminary cause Milwaukee, had two children, he was struck by an SUV that New Hampshire, I extend my
Mitchell, 43, lying on the ground Floyd, who was Black, died in of Mitchell’s death was homicide, ages 6 and 8, his mother, Brenda continued without stopping, sincere condolences to the family
and crying for help outside the Minneapolis in 2020 after a the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Giles, told The Post. Rochester Police said. of Gen. Pogorek,” Sununu said in a
Hyatt Regency hotel as security White police officer knelt on his reported. — Annabelle Timsit, Ben Brasch Investigators later located the statement.
guards pin him down with their neck for more than nine minutes, Police said they were called to and Anumita Kaur vehicle and its 81-year-old driver. — Associated Press
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post EZ rE A3

Politics & the Nation

Sweltering inside a Houston seniors residence, without power or help
BY M OLLY H ENNESSY- F ISKE — a refuge set up at a Gallery
Furniture store running on a gen-
HOUSTON — With no electricity, erator on the city’s north side. But
air conditioning, working eleva- her car battery had died during
tors or toilets, the tenants of the storm, so before she could
Walipp Senior Residence were in head out, she had to get a jump
post-hurricane crisis mode Tues- from a neighbor.
day. She blamed the city for not
“I don’t know whether the gov- preparing better.
ernment’s going to come see “Why aren’t they up to par?
about us,” said Diana Johnson, a They’re building and building.
74-year-old breast cancer survi- We can’t even flush, and it stinks,”
vor living on the top floor of the Gonzalez said.
four-story building, who was wor- By Tuesday afternoon, the Gal-
ried about neighbors on life-sus- lery Furniture shelter had served
taining equipment that needs to 4,000 people since Beryl hit Mon-
be plugged in. day, including some who were
Millions of people across the rescued using the store’s high-wa-
sprawling Houston metropolitan ter vehicle, recounted owner Jim
region remained without power, “Mattress Mack” McIngvale. He
with no end in sight, a day after shared messages on his cellphone
Hurricane Beryl walloped South- from more people still stranded
east Texas with flooding rain and at home. One was an 80-year-old
punishing winds. Still, the most grandmother; another, a 12-year-
vulnerable because of age or old girl who is bedridden and
health conditions were at great- dependent on oxygen and a feed-
est risk given the sweltering sum- ing tube.
mer heat. “Getting power back: That’s a
Among those who died was major issue,” McIngvale said.
Judith Greet, 71, of nearby Crystal “We’ve had two or three [individ-
Beach. She suffered from chronic uals] out here charging their oxy-
obstructive pulmonary disease gen machines.”
and succumbed after her oxygen Ronny Linley, 67, arrived Tues-
machine stopped working amid day with his oxygen machine,
the outages, officials said Tues- found a spot on the showroom
day. floor where he could plug in the
At the Walipp complex, just device, grabbed a chair and
south of downtown Houston, slipped on his mask. A Navy
Johnson had to navigate several veteran and retired truck driver,
flights of darkened stairs and a he uses the machine every four
shattered glass front door to get a hours for COPD. His home in the
cold drink at a nearby gas station, Molly hEnnEssy-FiskE/thE WAshinGton Post city’s Greenspoint area still had
where lines for filling up snaked Without air conditioning in their seniors apartment building, Yvette Scales looks out at a miserably hot Tuesday in Houston while Warren no electricity.
around the block, with occasional Moss waits for his granddaughter to pick him up. Millions of people across the Houston area lost power because of Hurricane Beryl. “I’m very worried for him,” said
fights. girlfriend Maria Jones, 65, who
The retired deli worker then liams, 61, sat in a breezeway next enough food to last four days. if they lived on the top floor. Others had nowhere to escape, had driven him to the store. “He’s
made her way back to her apart- to his walker. He is disabled be- “After that,” he said, sounding Warren Moss, 94, a retired car- or no way to get there. like a fish without his oxygen —
ment, opened the windows and cause of blood clots in his legs worried, “I have to figure out penter and U.S. Army veteran, sat “Where is the Red Cross? Why he can’t breathe.”
searched for a breeze. Tempera- that make walking tough. He something else.” in the lobby wearing his Korean isn’t anybody here?” resident Jes- Linley was already watching
tures were expected to climb to doesn’t have a car, it was unclear The 56-unit complex was fully War veteran cap while he waited sica Gonzalez asked. the clock. Gallery Furniture’s day
105 degrees. Her supply of vienna when the buses would resume occupied before Hurricane Beryl, for his granddaughter to pick him Gonzalez, 59, is a gig worker shelter would close at 8 p.m., and
sausages would soon run out. She running, and his family is in but residents with relatives near- up. Though he had enough water who is disabled, walks with a cane he wasn’t sure where to go after
had food in the freezer but wasn’t Dallas, he said. “All my friends are by were leaving to stay with them. and other supplies to stay in his and can’t deal with stairs. She’d that, except home.
sure how long it would last. in this building.” Some people persuaded neigh- fourth-floor unit, “it’s tough com- heard about a day shelter with “I guess we have to suffer,” he
On the third floor, Melvin Wil- Williams figured he had bors in their 90s to go, especially ing down them steps,” he said. power, air conditioning and food said.

Recovery efforts underway after Beryl leaves Tex. region in blistering heat
the storm, the utility said it For some Houston residents, face outside his home on Chick- “While we tracked the pro- ing. The relatively few that
expects to restore power for finding a cool spot was a battle. ering Street in the Kashmere jected path, intensity and timing opened their doors were on the
Power outages knock out 1 million customers by the end of Without electricity at home in Gardens neighborhood of north- for Hurricane Beryl closely for fringes of the city, mostly clus-
air conditioning, adding the day Wednesday, with hun- the Third Ward neighborhood, east Houston. Franklin had many days, this storm proved tered on its northern and west-
dreds of thousands of others Kianna Newman took her four spent much of the morning the unpredictability of hurri- ern sides.
to dangers of weather facing a surging wave of heat children — ages 8, 4, 3 and five cutting up fallen branches with canes as it delivered a powerful “Well there’s a use for our app
without electricity. The National months — to a hotel, but the a chain saw. There was plenty blow across our service territory we didn’t think of!” Whataburg-
Weather Service warned that for power was out there, too. Her more work to do. and impacted a lot of lives,” er replied to one customer on X.
BY B RADY D ENNIS, those without air conditioning, father has a generator, but he is When he couldn’t bear the Lynnae Wilson, a CenterPoint “We hope you and everyone else
M OLLY H ENNESSY- F ISKE conditions could become dan- out of town. heat any longer, he planned to senior vice president, said in a are okay!”
AND S COTT D ANCE gerous, with temperatures fore- So the 25-year-old found her- head back inside. “I’ll leave the statement. “We know we have At the sprawling Lakewood
cast to rise into the 90s amid self in one of several lines for rest for tomorrow,” he said. important work ahead for our Church in Houston on Tuesday,
HOUSTON — Power outages for intense humidity. gas, each more than a dozen cars “Then I’ve got to come back out customers who depend on us, hundreds of people came to take
hundreds of thousands of people “Heat index values are expect- long, at the only gas station with and get it done.” especially during the hot sum- advantage of the air condition-
across the nation’s fourth-larg- ed to get as high as around 106 power and functioning pumps Outages affected police and mer months.” ing, bottled water and charging
est metropolis are likely to degrees, and these values could near her home. Then another fire stations, a city animal shel- On social media, Houston stations that the church had
stretch for days, the region’s become dangerous in the after- SUV cut in front of her silver ter and the Houston convention residents eager for more infor- offered, said Matt Osteen, an
electric utility warned, as muggy math of Hurricane Beryl,” the Yukon — another woman with center, which has served as a mation about power-restoration executive director at the church.
heat surged in the aftermath of Weather Service’s Houston fore- children, her gas tank nearing mass shelter during past storms, work said they were using an Lakewood planned to continue
Hurricane Beryl. cast office said in social media empty. Mayor John Whitmire (D) said app from fast-food chain operating the cooling center
About 1.6 million utility cus- posts. “Take precautions in your Newman got out of her car. Monday. CenterPoint said late Whataburger for a sense of the from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily, as
tomers were without electricity recovery efforts.” “I have a newborn! I’m not Monday that it deployed mobile scope of outages. long as the need persists, he
Tuesday afternoon amid calm, Authorities urged residents to playing!” she shouted. generation units to an emergen- A map of the chain’s dozens of said.
sunny weather and rising tem- seek out shelter at cooling cen- The other driver backed up. cy facility and a hospital and locations across the region “People, I think, are hoping
peratures, more than 36 hours ters opened across Houston to Newman got back in her car and that it expects to deploy more in showed the vast majority of and believing that their power is
after Beryl made landfall south- prevent the death toll from ris- inched forward, reclaiming her the coming days. them were closed Tuesday morn- going to come back on,” he said.
west of Houston, according to ing; at least four people died in place in line for enough fuel to
utility company CenterPoint En- the area as Beryl churned power the air conditioning.
ergy. The storm brought over a through. One person was killed Even in neighborhoods where
foot of rain to the area, pouring by a falling tree in Bossier much of the power had been
down on already saturated Parish, La., the sheriff ’s office restored, homeowners and la-
grounds, and gusts of powerful there said. borers sweated their way
winds knocked trees into power Eight people died when Beryl through patching damaged
lines and buildings. More than ripped through the Caribbean as roofs, cutting fallen limbs and
2.2 million CenterPoint custom- a major hurricane, including gathering up mountains of
ers lost power in the storm, three in Grenada, three in Saint debris.
among some 2.7 million custom- Vincent and the Grenadines, “Have you ever been to Las
ers who lost power across Texas. and two in Jamaica. Three Vegas? Phoenix? Then you know
As cleanup continues and offi- deaths were also linked to the how this feels,” said Keith Frank-
cials assess the destruction from storm in Venezuela. lin, 51, as sweat poured down his



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CenterPoint Energy lost power more than 36 hours after Hurricane Beryl made landfall southwest of
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a4 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024


The pros and cons of Trump’s reported VP finalists

BY A ARON B LAKE Doug Burgum: The
governing, do-no-harm pick
As Democrats reconsider their Nobody in recent history has
presidential ticket amid growing spent so much money to win so
questions about whether Presi- few votes — the North Dakota
dent Biden can win in November governor unleashed about
and serve a second term, the $28,000 of his own cash per vote
other major presidential ticket is in the 2024 Republican presiden-
set to take shape shortly. tial primaries — but he at least
Former president Donald put himself on the map for a big
Trump’s pick for his running and potentially shocking promo-
mate is due by Monday, when the tion.
Republican National Convention The pros: Burgum, a two-term
kicks off in Milwaukee. Former governor, would give Trump an
vice president Mike Pence is out experienced executive (not a sen-
— excommunicated from the ator, in other words) without
MAGA movement for the sin of much (known) baggage. The two
not trying to overturn the 2020 also appear to have good person-
election on Jan. 6, 2021 — and al chemistry, and Trump report-
someone else will soon be in. edly views Burgum as an avenue
While things can always shift to wealthy donors.
in the final days, particularly Burgum, who hails from a
with the mercurial Trump, it small town in North Dakota,
appears as though his list has could also appeal to Midwestern
winnowed. voters in the crucial states of
The Washington Post’s Mari- Michigan, Pennsylvania and
anne LeVine and Josh Dawsey Wisconsin — maybe even Minne-
report that conversations have sota? — in a way the Yale-educat-
centered on Sens. Marco Rubio ed Vance might not. And Trump
(Fla.) and J.D. Vance (Ohio), with undoubtedly likes Burgum’s im-
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum age as a self-made man.
still in the mix. That’s after we The cons: It’s hard to see who
learned last month that at least would be excited by Burgum’s
eight contenders were being vet- selection, and it would seem
ted. unlike Trump to pass up the
So what would each of the top chance to pick someone who
contenders bring the ticket? Let’s would get people talking during
break it down. the Republican convention and
Marco Rubio: The Burgum has also never really
pragmatic, just-win-baby looked — or really even played —
pick JABin BoTsford/The wAshingTon posT
the part of a MAGA true believer.
We have come a long way since Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) speaks before former president Donald Trump at an event in West Palm Beach, Fla., last month. Rubio provides a And his lack of vetting outside of
“Little Marco” made a veiled dig bridge to independent voters and more establishment-oriented Republicans, but both men’s residency in Florida is a major issue. relatively low-profile races in
at a particular part of Trump’s North Dakota could pose prob-
anatomy during the 2016 cam- tioned above, Rubio as recently fealty and loyalty, Vance would lems. So Trump isn’t necessarily
paign. as 2020 signed off on a biparti- seemingly provide it more than getting an ideological ally like
The pros: Among the three san report that cast a pretty the others. Vance or a campaign-booster like
apparent finalists, the senator harsh light on the Trump cam- Vance’s age — he has yet to Rubio.
from Florida makes the most paign’s ties to Russia — a report turn 40, which he does next The bottom line: If Trump
sense if the name of the game is that was in some ways tougher month — could also be compel- wants to keep the focus on
winning the 2024 election. He than the Mueller report. ling in an election featuring the Trump and basically punt on
provides a bridge to independent And then there’s the major two oldest major-party candi- trying to do much of anything
voters and more establishment- residency question. Both men dates in history. (including harm) with this pick,
oriented Republicans who might live in Florida, and one has to The cons: Vance has aligned Burgum makes sense.
have preferred Nikki Haley in move if they want the ticket to much more with Trumpism than
the GOP primaries and still get all of Florida’s 30 electoral Rubio, but he’s got his own The wild cards
aren’t sold on returning Trump voters. Usually, this isn’t a big harshly critical words about The five other names that
to the White House. He’s argu- deal. Dick Cheney just switched Trump from the 2016 campaign were among the eight candidates
ably the next best thing to Haley, his residency from Texas to Wyo- and early in Trump’s presidency. we know have been vetted by the
whose Trump broadsides are ap- ming to be George W. Bush’s He compared Trump to heroin, Trump campaign are: Sen. Tom
parently too recent and pro- running mate in 2000. But Rubio wondered whether Trump was Cotton (Ark.), Sen. Tim Scott
nounced for her to be a contend- is an incumbent senator from America’s Hitler, and liked (S.C.), Rep. Elise Stefanik (N.Y.),
er. Florida, meaning he might have tweets that linked Trump to Rep. Byron Donalds (Fla.) and
Rubio, a Cuban American, to promise to leave his home sexual assault and criticized his former housing secretary Ben
would also add diversity to the state while still serving as its handling of the white-suprema- Carson.
ticket in a way Vance and Bur- senator. And is Trump really cist rally in Charlottesville. Perhaps the most noteworthy
gum would not, potentially help- going to go out of his way for his Ann ArBor Miller for The wAshingTon posT Vance could also be a liability exclusion from the presumed
ing Trump and the GOP solidify No. 2? For Little Marco? North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum could appeal to Midwestern on the campaign trail. Not only is three finalists is Scott, the most
recent gains with Hispanic vot- The bottom line: Trump prob- voters but has never really played the part of a MAGA true believer. he relatively new to politics — high-profile elected Black Re-
ers. ably feels better about his having first been elected in 2022 publican in the country. Trump
The cons: You’ve got to won- chances today than he has in a the MAGA movement — and Vance has also gone further — but he didn’t do particularly has hailed Scott’s qualities as a
der if Trump, scarred by his long time, given the disarray on casting a sharply critical eye on than a lot of Republicans in well in that campaign. Yes, he surrogate, and Scott has often
experience with Pence, will fear a the Democratic side. And that its leader — to helping lead it hewing to Trump’s particular won, but he was running in a been viewed as a VP front-run-
repeat with Rubio. Pence said all might argue more for a running himself would be a remarkable brand of populist, conspiratorial, red-leaning state, and he far ner.
the right things (by Trump’s mate who is geared more toward turn of events. nationalist, own-the-libs politics. underperformed every other Stefanik or another female
definition) for four years, until his presidency than his cam- The pros: If Trump wants He has embraced Trumpian statewide Republican on the bal- candidate would also make some
he was asked to do something paign. someone who understands his causes that other Republicans lot. That suggests he could alien- sense, but the process appears to
beyond the pale at the most movement, perhaps even better have kept at arm’s length, even ate some swing voters whom have moved away from female
critical juncture. Trump might J.D. Vance: The MAGA- than he does, and will help him suggesting that he would have Trump wants to bring into the candidates over time.
regard Rubio as similarly suspect whisperer pick chart a more MAGA course in a done what Pence refused to do on fold. The process in 2016 didn’t
in his loyalties. The senator from Ohio and second term, Vance is the guy. As Jan. 6. Perhaps nobody has audi- The bottom line: Vance is the yield too much of a surprise, as
For instance, even beyond the “Hillbilly Elegy” author’s rise mentioned, Vance literally wrote tioned as hard for the job, and for guy if Trump wants to go full Pence was one of three finalists,
2016 campaign clashes men- from documenting the seeds of the book on all of this. a former president who demands MAGA, and damn the torpedoes. but it can never be ruled out.

‘Unfit’ to serve, ‘con artist’: Potential running mates once bashed Trump
BY M ERYL K ORNFIELD is clear in those moments, and Some are viewed as potential ad- screenshot McLaurin shared on 2016 election; and helped orga- Rubio later disavowed his diss-
AND M ARIANNE L E V INE now for his potential VP picks, ministration officials even if they social media in 2022 when Vance nize a fundraiser with tech entre- es and fell in line behind Trump in
they are answering to their politi- are not Trump’s running mate. Yet, was running for Senate in Ohio. preneur David Sacks. the general election. He helped
Not a worthy business partner. cal compass, not to their political their previous comments could be McLaurin, now a Democratic “Like a lot of other elite con- shape the Trump administration’s
“Unfit” for the White House. “Con convictions.” a liability exploited by Democrats Georgia state senator, warned in servatives and elite liberals, I al- Latin America policies and has
artist.” Trump has a habit of welcoming who have signaled a strategy to an interview that Vance might be lowed myself to focus so much on also been a surrogate for Trump
These are not the words of Dem- former foes who come around to emphasize the prospective run- Trump’s “most dangerous” pick as the stylistic element of Trump that with Latino voters and in Florida.
ocrats attacking Donald Trump, showing fealty to him, and his ning mates’ willingness to defer to someone who would double down I completely ignored the way in “He became president, we
but comments from three Repub- allies and advisers brushed away Trump’s demands and agenda. on Trump’s vitriol and retribution. which he substantively was offer- worked together on many things
licans Trump has considered to be the old jabs as typical politicking. Vance made some of his most He cited Vance’s ability to identify ing something very different on that were important to the coun-
his running mate. Sens. J.D. Vance Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a forceful attacks on Trump during and connect with the anger felt by foreign policy, on trade, on immi- try, important to me,” Rubio said
(R-Ohio) and Marco Rubio (R- political opponent turned ally to media interviews promoting his the MAGA base and how he wield- gration,” Vance told the New York in an interview with The Washing-
Fla.), who have been at the center Trump, shrugged off concerns successful 2016 memoir “Hillbilly ed that skill to get elected and Times’s Ross Douthat last month, ton Post. “It was a very good work-
of discussions inside the Trump about potential running mates’ Elegy.” Vance called himself “a campaign for Trump. adding that he voted for Trump in ing relationship. I didn’t know
campaign, and North Dakota Gov. critiques as he argued that Trump Never Trump guy” and said he Compared with Trump’s first- 2020. him when I ran in 2016, didn’t
Doug Burgum (R), who is also in should focus on a pick that can didn’t vote for him in 2016. In an term vice president Mike Pence, Donald Trump Jr. defended his know him as a person.”
the mix, have been lavishing help expand the map. August 2016 New York Times op- who helped certify Biden’s 2020 friend’s previous remarks in a Of the three, Burgum has pub-
Trump with praise in recent weeks “In politics, people go at each ed headlined, “Why Trump’s Anti- election win despite Trump’s ef- statement, saying articles about licly assailed Trump the least,
as they jockey for position. other,” Graham said. war Message Resonates with forts to overturn the election, he Vance’s critiques were already mostly avoiding speaking about
But that was not always the Trump campaign spokesman White America,” Vance wrote, “Mr. said Vance would probably in- written and it’s “embarrassing Trump during his brief stint in this
case. Jason Miller compared the re- Trump is unfit for our nation’s flame partisanship and contempt that news outlets continue to re- cycle’s Republican primary. (He
Previously, they have attacked bukes to a heated moment be- highest office.” for the other side. gurgitate them like they’re break- endorsed Trump on the eve of the
Trump’s character or policies, and tween President Biden and Vice “There is definitely an element “There is an anger he wants to ing news.” Iowa caucuses.) However, Bur-
spoken in stark and sometimes President Harris, when they were of Donald Trump’s support that vindicate that he’s carrying Similarly, Rubio has become gum, a tech entrepreneur, said last
personal terms about him. As both vying for the Democratic has its basis in racism or xenopho- around,” McLaurin said. one of Trump’s most vocal sup- July that he would not do business
Trump closes in on an announce- nomination in 2020. In the second bia,” he told PBS’s Judy Woodruff Vance has previously said that porters in the Senate after leveling with Trump.
ment, the finalists reflect a larger debate, Harris pointed out that in September 2016, when asked his prior critical comments about personal attacks on Trump in 2016 “I just think that it’s important
shift in the party among scores of Biden had spoken fondly of his about Hillary Clinton’s comment Trump no longer represent his over Trump’s business dealings, that you’re judged by the company
ambitious Republicans since relationships with segregationist that as many as half of Trump’s view of Trump, and his Senate among other things. Before he you keep,” he told NBC’s Chuck
2016. Recognizing Trump’s endur- senators and opposed aspects of supporters belonged to a “basket campaign at the time dismissed dropped out of that race and en- Todd.
ing dominance, many have rallied mandatory busing to end school of deplorables.” He added, “But a the message to McLaurin as old dorsed Trump, Rubio called Asked about that answer, Bur-
to his corner, including prominent desegregation, although she pref- lot of these folks are just really news. Trump a “con artist” who would gum said in a Fox News interview
ex-critics. aced the attack with the caveat hard-working people who are Vance won Trump’s endorse- fracture the GOP. in May that he did not know
Some observers regard their that she wasn’t accusing Biden of struggling in really important ment for the Senate in 2022, which At one point, Rubio questioned Trump personally when he was a
moves as a cynical ploy to help racism. ways.” proved decisive in his primary, if Trump, then turning 70 months governor but that he has become
them climb the political ladder, “By comparison, President Vance also sent a message that and he befriended Trump’s son, before the election, was up to the closer to Trump since he has been
while others have dismissed them Trump and any of his prospective year to his law school roommate, Donald Trump Jr. He said he had task given his age, a concern that on the campaign trail for him.
as less meaningful bygones. VP picks will be much more sim- Josh McLaurin, that McLaurin come around on Trump’s populist has become more significant for “I’ve had a chance to see him,
“It would be very hard to find a patico,” said Miller. has recounted publicly. In it, appeals and thought he was an some voters. meet the real person, understand
leading Republican who had not Trump’s allies also highlight Vance said he went “back and effective president. He has since Trump did not hold back with what he’s like versus how the press
taken that journey to be honest,” that the potential vice-pre- forth between thinking Trump is a become a vocal Trump campaign his own criticism of Rubio in 2016, portrays him,” Burgum said. “I’m
said former congressman David sidential candidates have proved cynical asshole like Nixon who surrogate, appearing with Trump who he frequently called “Little telling you, I’ve known CEOs my
Jolly, a Trump critic who left the their loyalty, defending Trump on wouldn’t be that bad (and might outside the New York courthouse Marco,” and derided him as “a whole life. There isn’t a CEO in
GOP. “That doesn’t allow them to television and the campaign trail, even prove useful) or that he’s where Trump was convicted of a disaster for Florida” and who America who works harder than
escape some criticism, because it as well as fundraising for him. America’s Hitler,” according to a scheme to illegally influence the “couldn’t get elected dogcatcher.” this guy.”
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re A5


Despite grousing from some, it’s not ‘Joever’ for these elected Democrats
BY L IZ G OODWIN among many Democrats, espe-
cially in the Senate, and the calls
Ever since President Biden’s for him to step aside have clearly
June 27 debate flop, a cascade of irritated him.
Democratic lawmakers’ concerns “The question of how to move
and panic have dominated the forward has been well-aired for
conversation, as hand-wringing over a week now. And it’s time for
over the election became some- it to end,” Biden wrote in a letter to
thing of a full-time activity for the Hill on Monday. “Any weaken-
liberals. ing of resolve or lack of clarity
But there is another, often far about the task ahead only helps
louder, group of Democrats who Trump and hurts us.”
have doubled down on Biden in But questions about his candi-
recent days, and are urging their dacy did not appear to be going
fellow liberals to stay the course in away on Monday. Several sena-
sometimes exasperated tones as tors, including Sen. Martin Hein-
they barrel toward a faceoff with rich (D-N.M.) and Sen. Mark R.
former president Donald Trump Warner (D-Va.), said they still
in November. needed more reassurance that
“To me it’s a no-brainer,” said Biden can defeat Trump. Others
Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), of his like Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii)
decision to continue to back the called for a “family conversation”
president against Trump. “I con- about a way forward.
tinue to be all in.” Biden defenders are skeptical
Biden’s most vocal defenders these conversations can lead to
differ from the large contingent of any other resolution than sticking
lawmakers who have lavished with Biden. “There’s no single cri-
praise upon him in the wake of teria of how Biden can prove him-
questions about his mental acuity self that’s going to appease every-
and fitness. Those elected officials body,” Padilla said. He added that
have also left themselves some he hopes senators “move for-
room to abandon ship if Demo- ward” after a Tuesday lunch dis-
cratic sentiment turns on the cussion on the matter.
president, by way of carefully Sanders, who ran against Biden
worded statements. They note sAuL Loeb/AFP/getty ImAges
for the nomination in 2020, has
they have “concerns,” or need the President Biden is greeted by Democratic Pennsylvania Sens. John Fetterman, center, and Bob Casey at Philadelphia International Airport also championed Biden’s candida-
president to show his debate per- on Sunday. Fetterman says he refuses to join Democratic “vultures” feeding prematurely on the end of Biden’s career. cy. He said on CBS’s “Face the
formance was a one-off by having Nation” he would not participate
more “unscripted” interactions Caucus make up a sizable chunk tion at Essence Fest over the week- together,” said Stevens, who has presidential candidate, but only if in a proposed discussion among
with voters in the coming days, for of the defenders. Some have been end when she said “it’s going to defended Biden in group chats that decision came from Biden senators about Biden’s future,
example. loud and feisty in their counterar- Biden” and “ain’t going to be no with nervous lawmakers in recent and Harris — not Congress. even as he pushes the president
These unqualified Biden fans, guments, mixing it up with other other Democratic candidate.” days. She expressed concern Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) on some policy matters.
on the other hand, affirmatively politicians and people on X and “People are talking about about reassembling a coalition for predicted “a hardening of the vast “This is not a Grammy Award
contend that the 81-year-old pres- seem, in some cases, to be relish- ‘Biden is too old’ — hell, I’m older a new nominee in her state of majority of members” in favor of contest for best singer,” Sanders
ident has the best chance to win ing the fight. than Biden,” Waters declared. Michigan. “I have a lot of faith in Biden, including the CBC and the said. “Biden is old. He’s not as
and that Democrats are simply Fetterman, who survived his “And I get up every morning. And him,” she said of Biden. Congressional Hispanic Caucus. articulate as he once was. I wish
hurting themselves by engaging own disastrous debate perform- I exercise. And I work late hours. I Other lawmakers said they “I‘ve never had any doubts about he could jump up the steps on Air
in a messy intraparty brawl just ance ahead of the 2022 election, is take care of Black people. Trump feared their colleagues were the president,” he said. Force One, but he can’t. … What
four months before an election. trolling everyone, per usual, on X, has told you who he is, he defined jumping ship prematurely, after Biden’s campaign has eagerly we have got to focus on is policy,
“We’re losing the plot,” Rep. and is painting the Democrats himself. He is a no good, deplor- enthusiastically backing the man shared any positive comments whose policies have and will ben-
Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) told a calling for a change as disloyal able, lying, despicable human be- just a few months ago. from lawmakers like Garcia in efit the vast majority of the people
swarm of reporters at the Capitol “vultures” who have never beaten ing.” “Now most if not all of my recent days on social media as the in this country.”
on Monday. “We are not talking Trump in an election. The Biden defenders mix the colleagues who have come out president attempts to tamp down Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
about what we need to be talking “Any Dem is free to put your bad pragmatic with the idealistic. against him running, they came any possibility of a Hill-based re- (D-N.Y.), another prominent liber-
about.” self into that arena for the Iron Some argue the logistics and po- out after a 90-minute debate,” bellion against his candidacy. al, called the matter “closed,” say-
The Biden fans span the gamut Throne,” he wrote. “But if you’re litical risk of switching horses at said Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio). House lawmakers returned to ing Biden is the nominee.
from lefties such as Sen. Bernie not proud to stan Biden, it’s just this point would be harrowing. “Those same colleagues were sit- Washington on Monday and will And Omar who has been sharp-
Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Ilhan cheap shots from the cheap seats.” Others contend that Biden is ting on the floor with me when in meet Tuesday morning as a group ly critical of Biden’s handling of
Omar (D-Minn.) to Democrats He called Biden’s demeanor owed loyalty from his party, and the [March] joint session we were for the first time since the debate, the Israel-Gaza war, issued one of
who’ve won in swing districts and “perfect” in a Fox News appear- point to his first-term legislative standing up and applauding at his with senators gathering Tuesday the strongest statements of sup-
states such as Rep. Haley Stevens ance after appearing with him accomplishments. delivery.” afternoon. port on Monday.
(D-Mich.) and Sen. John Fetter- over the weekend in Philadelphia. “If we say that President Biden A member of the CBC, Beatty Biden spent more than three “He’s been the best president of
man (D-Pa.). Members of the in- And Rep. Maxine Waters (D- is no longer our guy, I’m very said she’d be “first in line” to decades on Capitol Hill as a sena- my lifetime and we have his back,”
fluential Congressional Black Calif.), 85, drew a standing ova- confused as to what team gets put support Vice President Harris as a tor and has built up goodwill she told reporters.

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A6 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024


Many of the most powerful unions continue to back Biden

BY L AUREN K AORI G URLEY port [for Biden],” said Steve Smith, in Strong Solidarity With Biden- Donald Trump. O’Brien has also
AND J EFF S TEIN a spokesperson for the AFL-CIO, Harris Ticket.” The union en- requested to speak at the Demo-
the nation’s largest federation of dorsed Biden in June 2022, the cratic National Convention.
Many of the nation’s most pow- labor unions, which has affiliates earliest it has ever weighed in on a Labor unions also continue to
erful unions confirm they are con- representing some 12.5 million presidential race. be among Biden’s biggest donors,
tinuing to back President Biden, members. Biden’s meeting with its execu- according to OpenSecrets, a Wash-
despite faltering support among Seth Schuster, a spokesperson tive council Wednesday will focus ington nonprofit that tracks cam-
some top Democrats, pointing to for the Biden campaign, said in a on “how do we mobilize our mem- paign finance and lobbying data.
his willingness to support their statement that the president “has bers and union households to de- The Biden administration has
priorities on almost every issue always had union workers’ backs liver the states Joe Biden needs to gone to enormous lengths to make
during his first term. — and he’s grateful to know they win,” Smith said. good on his promise to be the
The United Steelworkers, Com- have his.” The International Association “most pro-union president in his-
munications Workers of America, Organized labor’s solid support of Machinists and Aerospace tory.” He pushed for key legislation
Laborers’ International Union of for the president comes as key Workers, International Union of that poured billions of dollars into
North America and Unite Here, constituencies appear to be com- Painters and Allied Trades, and the creation of union jobs in clean
among other unions, confirmed to ing to Biden’s defense after several the International Brotherhood of energy, semiconductors and other
The Washington Post that they days of high-profile internal tur- Electrical Workers also either re- industries. He has appointed la-
plan to continue to support Biden, moil. Biden met Monday on a inforced their support for Biden to bor allies to key leadership posi-
despite his disastrous debate per- Zoom call with members of the The Post or have issued state- tions and offered unions pension
formance last month. Congressional Black Caucus, ments in recent days doing so. bailouts, apprenticeship funds
“Put us in the group of doubling which has also bolstered him. Randi Weingarten, president of and policies that have made it
down unequivocally,” said Brent “There are some important sCOtt OlsOn/getty IMAges the American Federation of Teach- easier for workers to organize.
Booker, president of the Laborers’ power centers in the party Biden People listen as President Biden speaks at a Laborers’ International ers, which represents some 1.7 mil- Republicans have criticized
International Union of North has spent decades cultivating loy- Union of North America training site in DeForest, Wis., in 2023. lion members, posted on X last Biden’s support for organized la-
America, which represents some alty with, and the support he’s week, “first act today — putting up bor, saying that his pro-union pol-
400,000 U.S. workers in construc- seen this week — not just from which see him as an easier politi- Despite the panic in much of the sign,” with an image of a Biden- icies have driven up costs for fed-
tion and other sectors. “He’s done unions, but also other groups, like cal sell to their membership than the party over Biden’s debate per- Harris poster on her front lawn. eral taxpayers and led to greater
more for our members than any the Congressional Black Caucus — some of the alternatives, such as formance, union support has not Neither the Teamsters nor the inflation.
president in my lifetime.” is a culmination of those efforts,” Vice President Harris. wavered for the president even at American Postal Workers Union “Biden understands that all pol-
This week, Biden appears to be said Tobin Marcus, head of U.S. “Most of my members are al- the moments of maximum uncer- has endorsed yet in the race. itics, especially in the Democratic
shoring up the support of various policy and politics at Wolfe Re- ready pretty well-attuned to how tainty. Endorsements have taken Kara Deniz, a spokesperson for Party, is about catering to the pow-
parts of the Democratic Party. He search and an economic policy Joe Biden feels about labor care to stress support for both the Teamsters, told The Post that erful interest groups, and none are
will drop in Wednesday on a meet- staffer to Biden when he was vice unions. I don’t doubt [Harris] Biden and Harris, often endorsing the transportation workers’ more powerful than the unions,”
ing of the nation’s top labor lead- president under President Barack would support labor unions, but I the two jointly, and many union union, with some 1.3 million mem- said Stephen Moore, an economic
ers at the AFL-CIO in Washington, Obama. don’t think she would stand a officials say publicly they would be bers, will not endorse until after adviser to Trump. “Biden has
although that invitation was ex- Biden’s efforts to support chance” at winning the election, as confident in Harris as in Biden. the conventions. Teamsters Presi- clearly been in the hip pocket of
tended before the debate. unions may be particularly impor- said Dave Fashbaugh, 59, the busi- As Democrats on Capitol Hill dent Sean O’Brien plans to speak teachers unions and the govern-
“I have not seen any indication tant in bolstering his case among ness manager of a local chapter of convened to discuss their way for- at the Republican National Con- ment employee unions, so they
that any of our union leaders have the Whiter and more politically the International Brotherhood of ward, the AFL-CIO last week put vention later this month at the will stick with him through thick
at all backed off from [their] sup- conservative building trades, Electrical Workers in Michigan. out a statement saying it “Stands invitation of former president or thin.”

Harris kicks o≠ campaign sprint as dedicated ally and potential nominee

BY S ABRINA R ODRIGUEZ Harris’s visit to Las Vegas is She’s walking on a fresh, un- from Jamaica. Her ascent has Ahead of the appearance, the New Orleans, speaking to a crowd
AND C LEVE R . W OOTSON J R. part of the campaign’s outreach walked trail,” said Mike Trujillo, a been a point of pride in Black and Asian American Action Fund, a of mostly Black women in a mod-
to AANHPI voters, a small but Democratic strategist and former Asian communities. Democratic-aligned PAC, de- erated conversation that focused
LAS VEGAS — Vice President Har- vital group. She spoke shortly aide to Hillary Clinton. He under- Her trip to Las Vegas marked scribed Harris’s appearance as a heavily on the stakes of the elec-
ris on Tuesday afternoon offered a after lawmakers 2,400 miles away scored how unprecedented it is her sixth visit this year to Nevada, “community celebration to recog- tion but did not touch on the
full-throated defense of President in D.C. met to discuss Biden’s for Democrats to be discussing a battleground state that Biden nize the accomplishments that current controversy surrounding
Biden as he continues to fight for campaign amid calls from some the status of their presumptive won by fewer than 34,000 votes in President Biden and Vice Presi- the Democratic Party and its stan-
his reelection bid while she is on within his party for him to step nominee just weeks before the 2020 and that recent polls sug- dent Harris have delivered for the dard-bearer.
the road this week to energize key aside. Democratic National Conven- gest could be slipping from the AANHPI community — and all The vice president’s multiday
parts of the Democratic coalition. Harris’s campaign swing — she tion, which begins Aug. 19. Democrats’ grasp. Americans!” trip this week includes an address
“We always knew this election visits Dallas on Wednesday and “This is a massive test to prove After praising Biden, Harris Harris remains a vociferous to the historically Black sorority
would be tough, and the past few Greensboro, N.C., on Thursday — her mettle in terms of her loyalty hammered on the campaign’s ar- defender of Biden, urging voters Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.
days have been a reminder that comes as some Democrats weigh to the president, her loyalty to the gument that a second term for the to focus on the dangers of a on Wednesday in Dallas. Harris,
running for president of the Unit- the possibility that she could be- White House, her loyalty to the former president would be disas- second Trump term. A day after who graduated from Howard
ed States is never easy,” Harris come their presidential nominee policy agenda that this White trous. Trump wants to turn the the June debate, Harris was also University in 1986, is a member of
said at a Biden campaign event if Biden steps aside. While Biden House has set forth, loyalty to the United States into a dictatorship, in Las Vegas for a rally, where she AKA, giving her access to a pow-
focused on Asian American, Na- has repeatedly said he will re- campaign and a loyalty to our she said, “and the Supreme Court sought to defend the administra- erful network of engaged activ-
tive Hawaiian and Pacific Island- main in the race, many Demo- democracy,” Trujillo added. “She basically just declared he can get tion’s record and neutralize con- ists.
er voters. “But the one thing we crats consider Harris the only has not made a single mistake.” away with it.” That was a refer- cerns about Biden, depicting him On Thursday, Harris heads to
know about our president, Joe realistic replacement should he The Biden campaign has long ence to a recent decision saying as a leader and Trump as a liar. Greensboro, her sixth trip to
Biden, is that he is a fighter and he drop his candidacy. seen Harris as a potent messen- Trump is immune from prosecu- “This race will not be decided North Carolina, which Demo-
is the first to say, when you get That leaves the vice president ger in reaching Black and Asian tion for his official acts as presi- by one night in June,” she said crats are attempting to flip blue
knocked down, you get back up.” with dual, delicate and potential- American voters, an asset that dent. that day, seizing on what has this election. Next week, she will
Harris was met with loud ap- ly contradictory goals this week: has become more important as “Someone who vilifies immi- become her central message — meet in Indianapolis with mem-
plause from the diverse crowd of strengthening Biden at a deeply the president scrambles to shore grants, who promotes xenopho- that Biden may have had a bad bers of Zeta Phi Beta, another
several hundred attendees. vulnerable moment of his politi- up his support from these influ- bia, someone who stokes hate debate night but that he is a great historically Black sorority with a
Harris’s remarks are the most cal career while also demonstrat- ential groups. In 2020, exit polls should never again have the president, and his performance record of focusing on social jus-
vocal defense she has offered of ing her own potential appeal. showed Biden winning Black vot- chance to stand behind a micro- does not reflect deeper problems tice.
the president before a group of With Biden in Washington seek- ers by 75 percentage points and phone and the seal of the presi- with his health or competence. Moderated or even scripted
voters since Biden’s faltering de- ing to tamp down any rebellion in Asian American voters by 27 dent of the United States,” she Few if any communities are as events like the ones Harris is
bate performance last month. Congress, Democrats will be points, and any faltering enthusi- said. important to any Democrat’s na- participating in this week have
Since the June 27 debate, Harris closely watching Harris in the asm among them could be devas- Harris was joined by Padma tional aspirations as Black voters, allowed her to make a campaign
has been under an unusual spot- coming days to gauge her abilities tating in a close race against Lakshmi, an Indian American au- especially Black women, whose pitch to key voters without having
light as she seeks to bolster as a campaigner, especially after presumptive Republican nomi- thor and television host, who embrace of Biden in 2020 cata- to contend with the pointed ques-
Biden’s candidacy while also an ill-fated presidential run in nee Donald Trump. touted Harris as the first female pulted him to the nomination and tions that have arisen following
showcasing her own talents as a 2020. Harris’s mother was an Indian vice president and blasted Trump the presidency. Harris spent Sat- Biden’s rocky debate perform-
campaigner. “There’s no playbook for this. immigrant, and her father came in her brief remarks. urday at the Essence Festival in ance.

Candidates could take cognitive test;

experts say results of limited value
BY L IZETTE O RTEGA real world.” havior and brain MRIs to make
What are cognitive tests
Doubts about the mental fit- An array of simple cognitive Who should take a cognitive
ness of President Biden and Don- screenings exist that take min- test
ald Trump to hold the White utes to answer straightforward There’s some dispute over
House in their 80s have high- questions and perform basic whether older adults should re-
lighted tests that could reveal tasks such as copying shapes. The ceive cognitive tests during rou-
whether an older adult is experi- preliminary tests do not involve tine checkups or only when they
encing cognitive decline. MRIs or other brain scans. are already showing signs of
Biden has not taken a cognitive A Mini-Cog is one of the sim- mental decline.
test during his presidency and plest tests. It involves repeating An extensive research review
dismissed calls to take one argu- three words, drawing a clock, by the U.S. Preventive Task Force,
ing during his recent ABC News then recalling the three words to which influences how health
interview that leading the coun- test cognitive functions such as providers and insurers handle
try amounts to a daily test. Trump memory. screenings, concluded that there
has bragged about passing a The Montreal Cognitive As- is insufficient evidence to recom-
short screening test in 2018, and sessment, known as MoCA, is one mend that all adults 65 and older
his personal physician said last of the most prominent tests and undergo cognitive tests if they
year that his cognitive exams the one Trump took. Patients may show no symptoms of decline.
were “exceptional” but did not be asked to repeat phrases such However, the American Academy
explain what those exams en- as “The cat always hid under the of Neurology recommends all
tailed and when they were con- couch when dogs were in the people in that age group receive
ducted. room” or name animals in draw- yearly cognitive screenings,
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) ings. which the group says are key to
and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) If a patient scores poorly on recognizing mild impairment. COurtesy Of MOCA

on Sunday said both Biden and such preliminary exams, they can Symptoms of mental decline A portion of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a 10-minute test designed to detect mild cognitive
Trump should take cognitive be referred for more extensive include forgetfulness, trouble impairment such as the onset of dementia. It does not measure intelligence or detect depression.
tests. neurocognitive testing, such as maintaining focus or processing
Such tests offer some useful the Cambridge Automated Neu- information, repeating questions Massachusetts Institute of Tech- functions, language and orienta- kind of questions that are asked.
information, but they also have ropsychological Test Battery. and struggling to articulate de- nology. “I worry more about the tion. It can be used to rule out the Very low scores on cognitive
limitations. That test includes 25 computer- sired words, according to the kind of long, rambling speeches impairment associated with Al- tests usually signal some brain
“People need to understand ized cognitive tasks such as iden- Cleveland Clinic. that get divorced from reality.” zheimer’s disease, stroke and oth- impairment, but a high score
that cognition isn’t one thing. It’s tifying emotions associated with Medical experts previously Still, Ziad Nasreddine, a Cana- er conditions. It cannot rule out does not rule out impairment,
really a set of different abilities,” facial expressions and recalling told The Washington Post that dian neurologist who created the underlying mental health prob- according to the Cleveland Clinic.
said Charan Ranganath, a profes- which patterns appeared in a set the verbal stumbles by Biden and MoCA test, and three former lems such as depression and nar- The results can’t explain the con-
sor of psychology at the Univer- of boxes. Trump, such as mixing up proper employees in the White House cissistic personality disorder be- ditions or reasons for impair-
sity of California at Davis. When Ishani Ganguli, a primary care nouns and trouble retrieving medical unit have said Biden’s cause it is not a psychological ment.
asked about the call for elected physician and assistant professor words, can simply be the normal halting performance suggests he exam. “They’re not all-encompass-
officials to undergo cognitive of medicine at Harvard Medical workings of an aging brain with- should undergo cognitive screen- In his first reelection cam- ing. It can be informative, but not
testing, Ranganath said: “It’s School, said people often “put too out revealing a deeper problem ing. paign, Trump bragged about ac- give you all the information you
quite possible, maybe even likely, much faith in a single test.” In such as dementia or other cogni- ing that test and challenged need to take the next step, what-
that you’re not going to get a reality, doctors often combine the tive decline. What the result don’t show Biden to also take the test. In ever that may be,” said Courtney
clear-cut answer here. The tests results of a cognitive test with “I worry less about word-find- The MoCA test is designed to doing so, he inaccurately de- Marshall, assistant professor of
are going to be much less infor- other information such as famil- ing problems,” said Earl K. Miller, evaluate short-term memory, scribed the assessment as an neuroscience at Wellesley Col-
mative than functioning in the ial accounts of the patient’s be- professor of neuroscience at the visuospatial abilities, executive intelligence test and distorted the lege.
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A7


Divided Hill Democrats

worry about Biden —
and their own futures
biDeN from A1 Joe manchin III, an independent
from West Virginia who is retir-
because I know President Biden ing, nudging him to reconsider
cares deeply about the future of entering the presidential contest
our country, I am asking that he (he declined, she said).
declare that he won’t run for re- Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), the
election and will help lead us No. 2 leader of the caucus, exited
through a process toward a new the meeting still unsure of Biden’s
nominee.” standing, wanting the entire
Sherill said in a brief interview presidential campaign team to
that she believes Vice President show it can defeat Trump.
Harris would be a “fantastic nom- “It still remains to be seen. He’s
inee.” putting together a campaign
Harris, meanwhile, kicked off a that’s going to demonstrate
campaign sprint aimed at ener- whether he’s ready to beat Donald
gizing key Democratic constitu- Trump,” Durbin told reporters.
encies, just as she has become the House Democratic leader
subject of intense speculation Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.) and Senate
about whether she would be the majority Leader Charles E. Schu-
nominee if Biden chose to exit the mer (D-N.Y.) have offered support
contest. Harris has fiercely de- for Biden so far, as the president
fended Biden since the debate has ramped up pressure on law-
and insists he will be the nominee. makers to stick with him, vowing
And the Democratic drama is defiantly to stay in the race. De-
playing out just days before spite the public show of unity, allison robberT/The WashingTon PosT

republicans intend to formally however, dissension and concern Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D-Md.) leaves a closed-door meeting of lawmakers at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.
nominate Trump at their conven- still surround Biden’s decision to
tion in milwaukee and he is continue running and what it and House members are now cau- among House Democrats and House Democratic conversation, “Looking ahead, it is a waste of
expected to announce his vice- might mean for Democrats’ tious about whether to call on campaign strategists that the who spoke on the condition of time and potentially dangerous
presidential nominee. chances of making gains in Con- Biden to leave the race, according president’s “age issue will contin- anonymity to freely discuss inter- for Democrats to spend the next
In the Senate on Tuesday, few gress in November’s elections. to three people familiar with the ue to be a huge distraction.” nal dynamics, said the mood also few months wringing our hands
Democrats left a caucus-wide lun- After the Tuesday morning dynamics. “They’re also worried about his shifted monday when more-liber- trying to find an alternative path
cheon offering full-throated en- meeting, House Democratic Cau- As they trickled out of the Dem- decline,” a member said, referring al members of the party, including forward. President Biden has
dorsements of Biden’s campaign. cus Chair Pete Aguilar (Calif.) ocratic National Committee’s to questions about Biden’s cogni- rep. Alexandria ocasio-Cortez been a very successful president:
following a meeting of his col- echoed an adage from former headquarters Tuesday morning, tive health after the debate. (N.Y.), began saying that Biden is defending our reproductive
leagues, Sen. richard Blumenthal speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) some House Democrats ex- “There were people on both sides the clear Democratic nominee rights, protecting our environ-
(D-Conn.) acknowledged that when he said, “Unanimity is not pressed brief support for Biden of the issue who spoke.” and they will work to reelect him. ment, and upholding the values of
some Democrats do not currently the same as unity.” and at times gave stilted com- rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) — “You can’t be less supportive our democracy. meanwhile,
want Biden to remain atop the “Let’s see the press conference. ments to reporters. The meeting who just two days ago privately than ‘the Squad’ is going to be,” Trump is a crazy felonious author-
ticket in November. But he sug- Let’s see the campaign stops. Let’s was described as a “family discus- called for Biden to leave the ticket the person said, referring to the itarian,” she said.
gested that the president could see all of this because all of it is sion” where members spoke — said that, while he still has group of progressive House Dem- one House Democrat from a
win back their support. going to be necessary,” Aguilar openly and passionately about concerns about the president’s ocrats who have at times clashed swing district, speaking on the
“The Democratic candidate is said about the public and private the somber moment in which candidacy, those are now “beside with the president on politics and condition of anonymity to discuss
Joe Biden, and he has my sup- rift among the rank and file. they find themselves. There was the point.” policy. a private conversation, said that
port,” Blumenthal said. “I think he According to numerous House no agreement on a course of ac- “He’s going to be our nominee, rep. ro Khanna (D-Calif.), a “everyone’s dealing with the issue
needs to continue effectively and Democratic lawmakers and aides tion — though many accepted and we all have to support him,” Biden campaign surrogate, said of having to outperform the top of
aggressively making his case to who spoke to The Washington that it would be Biden’s choice Nadler said. in an interview with Washington the ticket.”
the American people, and earning Post, there was a feeling entering alone to step aside. Some also A majority of House Demo- Post Live on Tuesday that most “So the question is, do we take
their support as well as a number this week that concerns over worried that if Democrats don’t crats, however, dodged the media people agree that Biden is “an back the House?” the member
of my colleagues.” Biden’s ability to beat Trump stop griping and quickly close or said they would not discuss the underdog at this point” — but an said. When asked if there is con-
While no sitting senator has could amount to dozens of law- ranks behind their nominee, they meeting. They had been warned underdog who still has a path to sensus on Biden, the lawmaker
publicly called on the president to makers soon calling on him to will be penalized by voters in about leaking after lawmakers win the presidency. said, “Everyone understands he’s
exit the race, some want Biden to step aside. November. were struck by public reporting And rep. Diana DeGette (D- got to make that decision.”
do more to prove that he can beat But that movement appears to multiple House Democratic based on a private virtual meeting Colo.), head of the House Pro-
Trump in November. have been blunted after the Con- lawmakers and aides, who spoke Sunday in which some members Choice Caucus, released a state- Theodoric Meyer, liz goodwin, leigh
one GoP senator who is no gressional Black Caucus — often on the condition of anonymity to said they wanted Biden to step ment saying that Biden is “still up ann Caldwell, Paul Kane and abbie
Trump fan, Lisa murkowski (Alas- described as the “conscience of freely discuss the meeting, said aside. to doing the job for a second Cheeseman contributed to this
ka), said she’d appealed to Sen. Congress” — embraced Biden, there remains a pervasive feeling A person familiar with the term.” report.


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A8 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

Gulf sees
a boom
in fossil
fuel sites
sEA wALL frOm A1

The fortress highlights a crucial

tension for this region of the coun-
try. The sea is rising here and the
land is rapidly sinking, in large
part driven by decades of oil and
gas drilling and the planet-warm-
ing emissions that come from the
burning of those fossil fuels. That
is accelerating the destruction of
wetlands, which serve as a critical
barrier, and speeding up flooding
across the coast, often with less
advantaged communities most
At the same time, the gulf is
seeing a boom in facilities like this
one. Local and business leaders
and some geopolitical strategists
argue they help not only the local
economy but also the United
States’ ability to meet the world’s
energy demand — even if that
makes the region, and the projects
themselves, more vulnerable.
“It highlights the irony that
they’re having to armor these fa-
cilities at considerable expense to
guard against extreme weather
that is their own doing,” said Brad- PhoTos by riCky CarioTi/The WashingTon PosT

ley Campbell, president of the

Conservation Law foundation, an sea level, according to federal doc-
environmental advocacy organi- uments. This low elevation —
zation. combined with high groundwater
To overcome the elements, Ven- — creates a risk of concrete de-
ture Global is armoring its invest- grading and steel piping corrod-
ment with hundreds of pilings ing, according to the project’s fi-
buried 220 feet into the ground, nal environmental impact state-
and with the steel wall descending ment.
60 feet underground and rising 26 In addition, the Venture Global
feet above. The pilings, which sta- plant both contributes to an epi-
bilize storage and liquefaction demic of sinking land here and
tanks, must reach below wet sedi- will be steadily undermined by it.
ments. Since 1932, the state has lost more
The company says these fortifi- than 1,900 square miles of land,
cations will protect the facility, an area equal to Delaware, accord-
known as Plaquemines LNG, from ing to the National Oceanic and
whatever the Gulf of mexico can Atmospheric Administration. Ac-
deliver. cording to NOAA, such valuable
“During the operations of coastal wetlands “are Louisiana’s
Plaquemines LNG, stormwater first line of defense during hurri-
management systems will enable canes and storms.”
the efficient and safe manage- But during construction, Ven-
ment of flood plain storage and ture Global destroyed 368 acres of
stormwater flows within the wetlands by draining them and
Plaquemines area,” Venture Glob- filling them in to build on top,
al spokeswoman Jessica Szymans- according to the Army Corps, the
ki said. “regulators concluded federal Energy regulatory Com-
Plaquemines would not cause any mission and the company. Ven-
significant impacts to the sur- ture Global has agreed to finance
rounding area during any storm wetland restoration undertaken
surge events.” elsewhere by buying credits from
But the company is taking enor- private “mitigation banks” that
mous risks in building a gas plant fund the creation of wetlands.
in low-lying Plaquemines Parish, Van Heerden knows all about
said five environmental scientists these storms. Before Hurricane
interviewed by The Washington Katrina struck New Orleans in
Post. A large storm could overtake 2005, he used computer models to
the facility, they say, flooding it warn the city and its surrounding
and spreading debris, or it could the coast where sinking land, or ty director of the Louisiana State lined mississippi river running TOP: Alex Kolker, a parishes that they faced the risk of
simply be cut off from the land. subsidence, makes a rising Gulf of University Hurricane Center, said down its center. The lone highway professor at the Louisiana deep flooding because of multiple
“Sure they may have massive mexico more dangerous. The fed- federal and state agencies that passes landmarks such as the Universities Marine levee breaks.
flood walls, but the facility may eral tide gauge at Grand Isle, La., issued permits for these facilities Belle Chasse naval air base, Ben & Consortium, gives a In 2022, the Sierra Club hired
evolve into becoming an island just across a bay from Plaque- failed to take the full risks of fu- Ben Becnel father-son sellers of walking tour of the levee van Heerden to review the safety
surrounded by open water,” said mines Parish, has registered near- ture sea level rise or land subsid- produce, boat houses, furnished system surrounding and environmental impacts of the
Torbjörn E. Törnqvist, a professor ly 7 inches of sea level rise since ence into account. Nor did they log cabins for rent and Vulcan Venture Global’s Plaquemines LNG plant. His re-
at Tulane University’s department 2010, according to the Post analy- fully evaluate the hurricane materials limestone sales. Plaquemines liquefied port concluded that state and fed-
of earth and environmental sci- sis. threat, he said, including the po- The plant is, according to the natural gas facility. eral agencies failed to adequately
ences. Despite these risks, the con- tential for storm surge to overtop company, the fourth largest infra- MIDDLE: The Black review three potential factors —
The gulf has become the epi- struction of terminals along the the plant’s sea wall, flooding the structure project in the world, in community of Ironton, “climate change and accelerating
center of the fight over America’s Gulf Coast is accelerating, partly interior and dispersing toxic terms of dollars invested. At its about five miles north of sea level rise; hurricanes and their
contribution to climate change, because of the enormous profits chemicals into surrounding wet- center is a giant liquefaction the Plaquemines LNG associated surges; and thunder-
and its impacts. President Biden that can be made shipping lique- lands and communities. plant, fed by two pipelines that site, has been hammered storms ‘on steroids.’” (Van
recently paused the construction fied natural gas to Europe and “The concerns about overtop- carry gas from up to 15 miles away. by numerous floods and Heerden is not a Sierra Club mem-
of new LNG facilities — a move other markets. Eight U.S. LNG ping are not just hypothetical,” The facility has 7,000 feet of front- hurricanes. Now the ber and his contract with the Sier-
former president Donald Trump export plants are already up and said van Heerden, who has done age on the mississippi river, community is contending ra Club has expired.)
has promised to reverse if he wins running, and federal regulators work for the Sierra Club, an oppo- where the liquefied gas will be with the LNG plant’s If a hurricane such as Ida hit the
this fall. (The Plaquemines facili- have approved seven others that nent of new LNG plants. When transferred onto as many as three construction, as large LNG facility, van Heerden wrote,
ty, which is near completion, is are under construction, many of Hurricane Ida hit the Gulf Coast in double-hulled carrier ships at a trucks with construction it could overtop the steel flood
unaffected by Biden’s policy, them with barriers meant to pro- 2021, it flooded the then-largely time. material rumble through wall and dislodge industrial
which itself has been temporarily tect against the rising sea. undeveloped site of the Plaque- The site of the Venture Global every day. The company equipment. Such flooding, he
stayed by a federal court.) Texas The U.S. Army Corps of Engi- mines LNG plant and nearby com- plant offers a deep shipping chan- says it is providing added, “would pollute adjacent
and Louisiana alone produce neers is developing an ambitious munities. It also disrupted more nel, proximity to natural gas sup- training opportunities to wetlands with construction ma-
more than 90 percent of the na- plan for a 60-mile “spine” of con- than 94 percent of the nation’s oil plies and support from local lead- local residents. terials and petrochemicals, thus
tion’s LNG exports. crete sea walls, earthen barriers, refining and gas production, and ers. Van Heerden and other ex- BOTTOM: Pipelines harming water quality, severely
But the region also leads the floating gates and steel levees damaged a Phillips 66 refinery in perts argue, though, it also poses a raised above the levee stressing the coastal wetlands,
way in rising seas. According to a along the Texas coast. In Port Ar- Plaquemines Parish beyond re- number of risks that were not system surrounding and endangering surrounding
Post analysis of satellite data, sea thur, Tex., an energy company pair. closely analyzed by federal agen- Venture Global’s facility. residents and communities.”
level in the Gulf Coast since 2010 is called Sempra is erecting levees With just 23,000 people, cies during the permitting proc- While Venture Global declined
growing at twice the global aver- 20.6 feet above sea level to protect Plaquemines Parish is a shallow ess. to make officials available for in-
age rate. one of its LNG export plants. strip of marshland that juts into To begin with, much of the site terviews, it has insisted its steel
The facilities ring a portion of Ivor van Heerden, former depu- the Gulf of mexico, with the levee- sits slightly above or just below wall is designed to withstand a
once-in-500-years storm. fErC
“reviewed its design thoroughly
during the permitting of the proj-
Export terminals in the path of surging sea levels ect,” the company said.
Experts interviewed by The
Most Lng export terminals are in an area that has seen the fastest rates of Post, however, said that 2019
recent sea level rise since 2010. analysis by fErC and other agen-
cies — completed during the
Lng terminals Trump administration — was defi-
operating Under construction Planned cient.
Miss. aLa.
Tide gauges richard Glick, who served as a
increase in sea level since 2010 fErC commissioner under
5.9 in.. FLa.
La. Trump and as chair during Biden’s
5.1 in. 6.5 in..
first two years in office, said his
TeX. 6.1 in.
6 6.7 in.
houston new orleans predecessor Neil Chatterjee
5.3 in. 6.1 in.
5 Plaquemines LNG pushed strongly to hasten LNG
6.7 in.. under construction permit approvals. Glick dissented
8.4 in.
strongly from the approval of the
Plaquemines LNG facility, saying
6.3 in.. the agency didn’t properly study
the climate implications.
G u
l f o f M e x
i c “The commission had a reputa-
tion for being a rubber stamp for
these projects and I don’t think
. 6.4 in. the commission did anything be-
100 MiLes
fore I was chair that would dis-
sources: Washington Post analysis, Lng terminal
avow that reputation,” Glick said.
data via sierra Club U.s. Lng export Tracker John MUyskens/The WashingTon PosT Chatterjee disagreed, hailing
fErC staff and saying that “the
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A9

Audrey Trufant Salvant, a re-
tired member of the parish coun-
cil who lives in Ironton, said Ven-
ture Global was currently doing a
drainage study.
“They have really been a good
neighbor,” said Trufant Salvant,
whom the company suggested for
an interview. “I don’t want to
make it sound as though we’ve
been bribed. The community was
devastated and we were left to
fend for ourselves.” She said an
improved drainage system would
enable people to move back into
their homes “much sooner.”
Rose Jackson, now in her early
80s, was part of the coalition that
fought an additional proposed
coal terminal several years ago.
While she now lives up the road
from Ironton, she retains ties
close to her hometown, where
some of her relatives live and
where forebears have their names
chiseled into a cornerstone of the
“When they designed this, who-
ever did, did not think what the
repercussion would be. They were
only looking for the profits,” Jack-
son said. The Plaquemines LNG
plant will “have a horrible effect.
It is so congested. The traffic is
unbelievable, I mean for miles.”
An uncertain future for
exporting gas
As it anchors itself to Plaque-
mines Parish and other low-lying
parts of the Louisiana coast, Ven-
ture Global now finds itself at the
nexus of a fierce climate battle:
whether it should export liquefied
gas at all.
“The issue of climate change is
rICky CArIoTI/The wAshInGTon PosT very real, but so is the surging
demand for electricity in the de-
benefits, both environmental and Since returning to Ironton, Wil- veloping world,” said J. Robinson
energy security, of the facilities son has lived in a small camper West, a managing director at the
themselves have proven self-evi- van provided by the state. It has a Boston Consulting Group and vet-
dent.” FERC declined to comment. bathroom, queen-size bed and eran oil expert. “If this LNG isn’t
two bunk beds for her 14- and available and renewables will be
The town that Hurricane Ida 15-year-old children. very slow in coming, then devel-
broke “There is nothing that’s going oping nations will turn to coal and
About five miles north of the to run me out of my community,” residual fuel oil, which would be a
Plaquemines LNG site, the Black Wilson said. serious mistake.”
unincorporated community of During Hurricane Ida, at least But environmentalists have ar-
Ironton has seen this story play 10 feet of water flooded the St. gued that these exports are en-
out before. Over the years, it has Paul Missionary Baptist Church, larging not only America’s carbon
existed near coal export terminals with its small bell tower and light footprint, but the world’s. The ac-
and an oil refinery that has now blue, yellow and rose-colored win- tivists have focused on the compa-
closed its doors, while being re- dows. ny’s proposed Calcasieu Pass 2
peatedly hammered by floods and Earlier this year, the Rev. Hay- project, which would rival the
hurricanes. wood Johnson stood inside and Plaquemines terminal in size and
Before Hurricane Ida, there pointed to several layers of soggy which the Biden administration
were about 50 homes in Ironton, floorboards, which tell the story of paused along with other new LNG
which was founded nearly a cen- the church’s flood history, similar projects so that the Energy De-
tury and a half ago by formerly to geological core samples. One of partment could study their cli-
enslaved people. these layers dates back to the early mate impacts.
Only eight homes, all elevated 1920s — four decades after the Venture Global has said it will
on stilts, survived the storm; a church was first built — followed fight these delays, and it has pow-
dozen other families now live in by another put down in 1958. An- erful allies on its side.
state-provided mobile homes. other layer followed after Hurri- In Louisiana, the company has
Many in the community — which cane Isaac hit in 2012. bipartisan support — from senior
didn’t get piped running water Following Ida, community rICky CArIoTI/The wAshInGTon PosT House Republican Reps. Garret
until 1980, followed by a sewer members started rebuilding the Graves and Steve Scalise, and for-
system, paved roads and street- church, but the Federal Emergen- mer senator Mary Landrieu (D),
lights — believe their basic needs cy Management Agency, which is who advises a gas industry advo-
have been neglected. paying for the reconstruction, or- cacy group and argues that natu-
Now Ironton is contending dered them to hold off until the ral gas is better than alternative
with the LNG plant construction. structure could be lifted at least 12 fossil fuels. Natural gas plants, she
Nearly every day, large trucks feet off the ground. Johnson said it said, are “helping the global cli-
rumble past residents’ homes would be raised close to 15 feet mate. Period.”
kicking up dirt and debris, on with an elevator and an entrance Regardless of who holds the
their way to deliver crushed stone, on a new third floor. White House, it is unlikely to af-
gravel, concrete and asphalt to the “We always say that God only fect the nearly completed Plaque-
enormous construction site. gives you a warning about things, mines gas export facility. It has
Critics say the building of the especially with the environment,” nearly all the permits it needs.
facility follows a history in the Johnson said. “Some people don’t Only the forces of nature and cli-
United States where people of col- take notice of it. But I have.” mate change hold sway over its
or have often disproportionately Venture Global says its LNG future.
suffered the consequences of en- plant will help Ironton and other On a grassy berm earlier this
ergy development and industrial communities in the area by creat- year, Alex Kolker — a professor at
pollution. ing 6,000 construction-related the Louisiana Universities Marine
“The build-out of LNG is repro- jobs for people all over the region. Consortium — sidestepped some
ducing the same racist siting pat- They include skilled workers as fire ants and stood looking at the
terns and economic destruction well as bus drivers who ferry Venture Global plant. Overhead
patterns that started post-World workers from a remote parking lot some osprey, a hawk and a bald
War II,” said Robert D. Bullard, a to the construction site. The com- eagle glided among the nearby
professor at the Bullard Center for pany says about 300 to 400 per- tupelo, sweet gum and oak-hack-
Environmental and Climate Jus- manent jobs will be created. berry forest trees. Many of the
tice at Texas Southern University. Venture Global also said in an trees were dead from saltwater
“Ironton is a textbook case of email that it was “in constant con- rICky CArIoTI/The wAshInGTon PosT inundation.
those toxic trade-offs.” tact with the Ironton community.” FROM TOP: Ironton resident Haywood St. Cyr Jr., left, and the Rev. Haywood Johnson, pastor “Yes, Louisiana has its particu-
Venture Global said that “from It said it wanted “to see where we of St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, walk through the flood-damaged property. An “Ironton larly intense challenges with land
its inception, Venture Global has can best help repair and rebuild Strong” sign. Former Ironton resident Rose Jackson fears the plant will “have a horrible effect.” loss and storms and the oil indus-
made community investment and the community from flooding im- A barrier island reconstruction project has added new land off the coast of Plaquemines Parish. try,” Kolker said. However, he not-
engagement a core principle en- ed that “the kinds of challenges we
grained in the company’s DNA” are experiencing in Louisiana are
and noted that it is providing the kinds of things that people will
training opportunities to local experience across the country in
residents. the coming decades.”
Ironton residents say they look The state is a test case of wheth-
forward to less traffic once Ven- er human engineering can protect
ture Global finishes construction a vast swath of coastline against
and starts operating the LNG rising seas and more intense
plant, possibly later this year. But storms.
at that point, people living near Last November, Louisiana
the industrial complex could start broke ground on a $2.3 billion
experiencing other impacts, in- project to shunt some of the mud-
cluding the type of conventional dy flows of Mississippi under and
air pollution that comes out of past Ironton into degraded wet-
industrial facilities like these. lands to the west. The project is
The scars of past hurricanes being financed largely with settle-
remain visible across Plaque- ment money from the 2010 Deep-
mines Parish, and some in Ironton water Horizon oil disaster, and
fear what could happen when the aims to halt losses of wetlands by
next one hits. mimicking the Mississippi River’s
Up the road from Ironton, Phil- historical path.
lips 66 shut down its oil refinery — If the project is successful in
which had operated for five dec- restoring wetlands, it could fur-
ades and employed 900 workers ther help buffer the Plaquemines
— after Hurricane Ida struck in LNG facility from storms.
2021. Stephane Hallegatte, a senior
Ida also flooded and demol- climate change adviser at the
ished much of Ironton, ripping World Bank and co-author of a
coffins from the cemetery and report about rising seas, said the
dumping them on front yards. race is on between nature and
Cassandra Wilson has lived in adaptation.
the town her entire life, and when “Even a very small change in
Ida approached, her family fled to average level of the sea can make a
Texas. When they returned, they disaster 10 or 100 times more like-
found snakes and high-water ly,” Hallegatte said. “Will people
marks. “We lost everything,” Wil- realize that risk is increasing and
son said. “The only stuff we were improve defenses before a disas-
able to salvage was the three days ter occurs? Or do we all realize this
of clothing.” Drew AnGerer/GeTTy ImAGes only when we get flooded?”
A10 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

The World
Repeated bouts of extreme weather

hree years after Zhengzhou

awaken China to climate change

was hit with China’s deadli-
est flash floods in decades,
the central Chinese city was un-
derwater once again.
For over three hours on Mon-
day afternoon, 9.21 inches of rain
fell on this city of 13 million —
and forced an all-out effort to
prevent a repeat of 2021, when
300 people died in a sudden
deluge that flooded the subway
and trapped people in sub-
merged cars.
This time, local authorities
weren’t taking chances. They
canceled buses, closed tourist
sites and warned residents to stay
home. Water pumps were de-
ployed to prevent underpasses
from flooding. Subway entrances
were barricaded with sandbags
and metal sheeting.
China’s summer has begun
with a huge emergency-response
effort in multiple provinces to
prevent extreme weather, now
routine, from turning into a polit-
ical and humanitarian crisis for
the ruling Communist Party.
After last year’s record-break-
ing heat waves, June brought
drought, floods and typhoons —
sometimes quickly coming one
after the other. Extreme heat
delayed crop planting in the
eastern province of Shandong
weeks before it was hit with
After decades of campaigning
by climate activists that was
largely ignored, Beijing has made
adapting to bouts of extreme
weather a greater policy priority.
Last week, weather officials is-
sued an unusually direct warning
about the country’s vulnerability
to intensifying heat and rainfall
worsened by climate change.
A month earlier, the Ministry
of Ecology and Environment had
released its first progress report
on adaptation to the threat of
climate change, which highlight-
ed the need for better early-warn- reuters

ing systems and improved coor- Flooding last week in the city of Yueyang, Hunan province. Beijing has made extreme weather a greater policy priority, with unusually direct warnings on climate change.
dination among departments in
charge of construction, water At a news conference to launch part because Chinese leader Xi
management, transportation and the report, Yuan Jiashuang, dep- Jinping wants to be seen as a
public health. uty director of the administra- global leader on climate issues.
“When these departments are tion, told journalists that heat Green technologies are also now
siloed off, it impedes a systematic waves will scorch China for 15 a critical driver of the Chinese
response to climate,” said Liu more days a year and reach economy.
Junyan, a Beijing-based cam- temperatures 3 to 5 degrees Fahr- China brought more solar pan-
paigner for the environmental enheit higher within 30 years. els online last year than the rest
advocacy group Greenpeace. “We Yuan highlighted that parts of of the world combined, and the
can’t miss the big picture because Xinjiang will be among the most country is projected by the Inter-
we’re all tucked away in different severely affected regions. Last national Energy Agency to ac-
corners putting out our own July, temperatures in its Turpan count for 60 percent of global
crises.” Depression, which sits 500 feet renewable energy installations
This coordination, Liu said, below sea level, reached 126 de- by 2028.
will be key to saving lives during grees Fahrenheit, China’s highest Experts on Chinese energy sys-
this year’s floods, as will improv- temperature on record. tems widely believe that the
ing advanced notice for residents Over the same period, down- country could reach peak carbon
in the remote and mountainous pours lasting five days and con- dioxide emissions ahead of the
countryside, where mitigation centrated in the center and official goal of “before 2030” — if
work remains weak. northeast of the country are ex- Beijing keeps a check on local
Forecasts for the rest of July pected to become more frequent, governments that keep approv-
underscore a sense of urgency: until eventually more rain and ing new coal-fired power plants.
Torrential rain is expected in snow will fall during extreme But the focus on climate adap-
18 regions across the country. The weather events than as normal tation has also been driven by the
government has sent in hundreds precipitation, Yuan said. annual drumbeat of natural dis-
of soldiers, relocated tens of The Chinese government only asters that underscored the
thousands of villagers, and allo- recently began warning openly of threat of extreme weather for
cated $200 million to aid disaster the dangers of climate change. everyday Chinese and policymak-
relief. For decades, officials accepted ers in Beijing.
Some of the worst flooding this aFP/getty Images the science but argued that re- For the leadership of the Chi-
year has been in Hunan province Buildings stand amid floodwaters last week in the city of Jiujiang, Jiangxi province. In Shandong sponsibility lay with richer, de- nese Communist Party, which
along the middle stretch of the province, extreme heat delayed crop planting in June, weeks before the area was hit by heavy rains. veloped nations like the United prides itself on nature-defying
Yangtze River. There, four towns States, which has released more feats of engineering and disaster
in Pingjiang county were evacu- concentrated along the low-lying northwest, landslides and mud- officials to do better. carbon dioxide historically. preparedness, more-frequent cri-
ated Tuesday. east coast. slides in the southwest, typhoons China is especially vulnerable That position became harder ses are becoming public relations
A 740-foot breach in the dikes While local governments rec- and storm surges on the east to extreme weather intensified by to sustain as the country’s reli- nightmares for its carefully craft-
of China’s second-largest fresh- ognize the importance of climate coast — to underscore why “dis- climate change, China’s Meteoro- ance on coal-fired power and its ed image.
water lake over the weekend has change, “differences in economic aster prevention is a formidable logical Administration under- massive construction boom A year after the deadly flash
reignited debate about farmland development between regions task.” scored in its annual “blue book” made it the world’s leading emit- floods in Zhengzhou, the lengthy
and industrialization encroach- mean there are gaps in capacity The result, according to Tang, on the topic released last Thurs- ter of greenhouse gases. heat waves of 2022 turned lakes
ing on wetland that is better at for disaster prevention, resis- is that some places are moving day. The report laid out mounting In China, the gradually warm- into streams, wilted crops and
absorbing rainfall. tance and response,” said Tang fast to find and address risks evidence of the threat, such as ing atmosphere took a back seat sparked forest fires.
China’s climate-change adap- Xu, a professor of atmospheric while others take their time — record-breaking temperatures to concerns about clearing haz- Last August, Beijing faced its
tation problem is worsened by sciences at Fudan University in but at least everyone is now last year that melted glaciers and ardous smog that blanketed ma- largest downpours since 1883.
vast differences in wealth and Shanghai. aware of the issues. “You can’t use permafrost at speeds never seen jor cities. Public discussion and Authorities responded by activat-
geography. The country’s 1.4 bil- Tang, who previously served as the same standard to say who’s before. scientific research on the topic ing a massive flood-diversion sys-
lion people mostly live in dense director of the Shanghai Meteo- doing a good job and who’s doing More dramatic than the report were limited compared with that tem that sacrificed rural areas to
concrete sprawl prone to flash rological Bureau, reels off the a bad job,” he said. were a weather official’s unusual- in Europe or North America. protect the capital and a new
flooding during downpours. Fac- disasters that regions faced in The central government in Bei- ly stark warnings of worse to That situation has changed development zone personally
tories and financial centers are recent years — drought in the jing is increasingly asking local come. dramatically in recent years, in backed by Xi.

Di g es t

MeXiCO refocused their attention area on Indonesia’s Sulawesi PeRU guides. Stampfl and friends Navalnaya told her supporters to
far more toward seizing island, killing at least 23 people. Matthew Richardson and Steve focus not on the court order but
Fentanyl seizures drop methamphetamines, which are More than 100 villagers were American killed in ’02 Erskine attempted the ascent in on the battle against Russian
as those of meth rise much more widely consumed in digging for grains of gold Sunday by avalanche is found 2002. Erskine’s body was found President Vladimir Putin.
Mexico than fentanyl. in the remote and hilly village of shortly after the avalanche, but
Even as Mexican-made Mexico seized a record of over Bone Bolango when tons of mud Police in Peru said Tuesday Richardson’s is still missing. The European Union’s
fentanyl continues to flood into 400 tons of meth in 2023, more plunged down the surrounding that they have found the cold- — Associated Press ambassador to Georgia said
the United States, Mexico’s than 12 times what it seized in hills and buried their makeshift preserved body of an American Tuesday that the bloc had frozen
efforts to seize the drug have 2022. That pace appeared to camps, said Heriyanto, head of mountaineer who was buried by A court in Moscow on Tuesday $32 million in military aid to
declined dramatically, according continue in the first half of 2024, the provincial Search and Rescue an avalanche 22 years ago as he ordered Yulia Navalnaya, the Georgia amid what he said was
to figures released Tuesday by with 168 tons of meth seized. Office, who goes by a single tried to climb one of the highest widow of Russian opposition “a low point” in relations.
Mexico’s Defense Department. Mexico’s Defense Department name like many Indonesians. peaks in the Andes. politician Alexei Navalny, Georgia’s Parliament in June
Figures for the first half of did not explain why seizures of According to his office, Police in the Ancash region arrested in absentia for two passed a bill requiring groups
2024 show that Mexican federal the two drugs have changed so 23 villagers were pulled out alive, said they found the body of months. The court accused that receive funding from abroad
forces seized only 286 pounds of dramatically. including 18 with injuries, and William Stampfl on Friday near a Navalnaya, who lives outside to register as foreign agents, a
fentanyl nationwide between — Associated Press 23 bodies were recovered, camp 17,060 feet above sea level. Russia, of participating in an measure criticized by the
January and June, down including that of a 4-year-old. The 58-year-old had been trying “extremist” group. The decision opposition and the West as a
94 percent from 2023. iNDONesiA About 35 people were missing. to climb 22,205-foot Mount means she would face certain Russian-inspired move to stifle
The synthetic opioid has been Torrential rains that have Huascarán. Police said his body arrest if she set foot in the dissent. Speaking in Tbilisi,
blamed for about 70,000 23 killed in landslide; pounded the mountainous and clothing had been preserved country. Navalnaya, 47, stepped Ambassador Pawel Herczynski
overdose deaths annually in the dozens still missing district since Saturday triggered by the ice and freezing into the spotlight after her said the freezing of military aid
United States, and U.S. officials the landslide and broke an temperatures. His driver’s husband’s death in an Arctic “is only a first step.” He said the
have tried to step up efforts to Rescue workers dug through embankment, causing floods up license was also found. It says he penal colony in February and E.U. would “gradually diminish”
seize it as it comes over the tons of mud and rubble Tuesday to the roofs of houses, said a lived in Chino in California’s San said she would continue the fight aid to Georgia’s government and
border. Rather than join in the as they searched for dozens of National Disaster Management Bernardino County. for what Navalny called the shift toward supporting its civil
effort, Mexico’s army and missing people after a landslide Agency spokesperson. Hundreds of climbers visit the “beautiful Russia of the future.” society and media.
national guard appear to have hit an unauthorized gold-mining — Associated Press mountain each year with local Writing on X on Tuesday, — From news services
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post EZ Su A11

Zelensky expresses his gratitude for additional air defenses from NATO
its cities.
Decision to send systems Hird, in an interview, said
Ukraine needs the consistent pro-
came after devastating vision of Patriot systems. “I hope
Russian missile attacks that this attack spurs realization
that Patriots are absolutely criti-
cal,” she said.
Hird said that with russia de-
BY F RANCESCA E BEL, veloping new tactics to maximize
A NASTACIA G ALOUCHKA the damage of its airstrikes,
AND R ACHEL P ANNETT Ukraine must be able to adapt, as
it did in response to russian at-
KYIV — The United States and its tacks using Iranian-made Shahed
allies have agreed to provide addi- drones last year.
tional air defenses to Ukraine af- The attack on okhmatdyt Chil-
ter devastating russian missile at- dren’s Hospital, a flagship cancer
tacks monday that killed at least center, killed a doctor and another
38 people across Ukraine and de- adult and destroyed a dialysis
stroyed a Kyiv children’s hospital. unit. Eight children were hospital-
on the first day of a NATo ized with injuries.
summit in Washington, President According to Ukraine’s Health
Biden unveiled plans to provide ministry, there were 627 children
Ukraine with dozens of tactical air being treated in the hospital.
defense systems to protect Ukrai- Nearly 100 other patients were
nian cities, including Patriot mis- evacuated to other hospitals in
sile batteries and components and Kyiv and some were awaiting
other advanced defense systems. transfer abroad; while 68 children
“I am grateful to our partners — remained in the surviving build-
the United States, Germany, the ings of okhmatdyt for treatment.
Netherlands, Italy, and romania The rest were discharged home.
— for adopting a strong declara- “We will have serious long-term
tion in support of Ukraine’s air consequences for the medical field
defense system to protect its peo- regarding the treatment of chil-
ple, cities, and critical infrastruc- dren,” Zhovnir, the hospital direc-
ture,” Ukrainian President Volod- tor, said. “Patients will not receive
ymyr Zelensky said in a social me- proper care.”
dia post as he joined the NATo Three bodies were uncovered
summit. “russia’s air terror Tuesday morning from the debris
against Ukrainians, including yes- of a residential building that was
terday’s brutal strike on the chil- mAxym mARuSEnko/EPA-EFE/SHuttERStock
also monday, bringing the total
dren’s hospital, must be met with the okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv was hit in a missile attack Monday that killed a doctor and another adult. Russian officials death toll in the capital to 11.
unity and strength.” confirmed that they had carried out a massive air assault on Ukrainian cities but insisted that their targets were strictly military. After monday’s attack, the
The attacks had prompted Zel- White House reiterated that it
ensky to request a lifting of restric- erful explosion — the ground before the NATo leaders gath- gime to use the tragedy with the statement of the ministry of De- would not further loosen restric-
tions on the use of U.S. weapons to shook, and the walls trembled. ered. Although the United States children’s hospital in Kyiv for fense, which absolutely rules out tions on Ukraine striking targets
strike targets on russian territory Children and adults began to and some other NATo countries propaganda confirm its inhuman that the strike was on civilian tar- within russian territory using
that have put key air bases out of scream and cry from fear,” Zhovnir have refused to fast-track mem- nature,” Zakharova said. gets and states that it was the fall U.S.-provided weapons. John Kir-
reach. Zelensky said his military said. “Three complex surgeries bership in the alliance for At the Security Council meet- of an antimissile,” Peskov said. by, a spokesman, said U.S. weap-
needs to be able to hit russian were being performed. Children Ukraine, many have signed bilat- ing, russia’s ambassador to the Yuriy Ignat, head of the press ons may be used only to strike
planes where they are housed and were on IVs, on dialysis and in eral security agreements with United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, office of Ukraine’s air force, said border areas in russia where mos-
get rearmed with new missiles. intensive care. What happened Kyiv promising ongoing aid. also blamed Ukraine. “They claim russia has modernized its mis- cow’s forces may be preparing im-
The Biden administration so far put their lives at risk.” The russian Defense ministry that the enemy intentionally tar- siles and drones to make them less minent attacks on Ukraine.
is refusing to loosen those restric- Daria Chechylo, okhmatdyt’s confirmed monday that it carried geted children,” he said of detectable, and that russia had Zelensky said that his nation
tions beyond allowing strikes in press officer, said in an interview out a massive air assault on Ukrai- Ukraine, “although everyone multiplied its use of ballistic mis- urgently needed more than sym-
border areas where russian forces with The Washington Post on nian cities, but senior officials in knows that the rocket was acci- siles over the past three months. pathy from its backers and to be
are planning imminent attacks. Tuesday that when the first explo- moscow continued to insist that dentally shot down.” Some missiles have recently been cleared to strike russian military
According to Ukrainian author- sion hit she immediately ran to the their targets were strictly military Nebenzya said Ukraine was equipped with radar and thermal aircraft on their bases.
ities, 33 of 44 missiles were inter- bomb shelter. Another deafening and they denied responsibility for pushing false propaganda on the traps, he said. “mere concern does not stop
cepted during monday’s attack. explosion then shook the ceiling the strike on the hospital. eve of the NATo summit “to divert “During today’s strike, the the terror. Condolences are not a
Those that penetrated the so violently that Chechylo said she Investigators from Ukraine’s attention from other issues” in- cruise missiles flew at extremely weapon,” Zelensky wrote in a
country’s air defenses brought thought it would collapse. State Security Service, or SBU, said cluding “why military facilities are low altitudes, combat work on statement monday. “We need to
death and fiery havoc, including in When Chechylo left the shelter, the hospital was hit by a russian located so close to residential ar- them was carried out in some plac- shoot down russian missiles. We
Kyiv, where two people were killed she said, she confronted an apoca- Kh-101 high-precision cruise mis- eas and hospitals.” es at a height of up to 50 meters, must destroy russian combat air-
at the okhmatdyt Children’s Hos- lyptic scene of billowing smoke, sile. Video and photos of the attack Speaking to reporters Tuesday, which of course can also lead to craft where they are based. Strong
pital, as well as in the cities of blown out windows and children appeared to show a Kh-101 missile Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Pesk- terrible consequences on the steps must be taken to eliminate
Dnipro and Kryvyi rih. more than covered in blood. striking the building. ov insisted that moscow does not ground,” Ignat wrote in a detailed any security deficit. … our part-
70 people were wounded. “I didn’t feel anything except for russian foreign ministry strike civilian targets — though facebook post monday. ners are capable of making this
In emotional testimony to the absolute horror,” she said, her spokeswoman maria Zakharova countless apartment buildings, Karolina Hird, an analyst at the happen. Decisions are needed as
U.N. Security Council on Tuesday, voice cracking. “To hit a place called the destruction of the hospi- hospitals, theaters and other civil- Institute for the Study of War, a soon as possible.”
the hospital’s director, Volodymyr where children are healing? I tal a “tragedy” but blamed it on a ian structures have been damaged research group based in Washing-
Zhovnir, described “complete couldn’t believe that they had ac- NATo-provided NASAmS missile and destroyed since russia’s inva- ton, said monday’s attack was “an- karen deyoung in washington
hell” as ceilings collapsed and peo- tually shelled the biggest chil- — an assertion for which she pro- sion in 2022. In some cases, entire other very painful example” that contributed to this report. Pannett
ple screamed for help. dren’s hospital in Ukraine.” vided no evidence. cities have been laid waste. Ukraine does not have enough reported from wellington, new
“At 10:42 a.m., we heard a pow- The barrage occurred just a day “Attempts by the Zelensky re- “I urge you to be guided by the Western-made systems to defend Zealand.

At celebratory summit for NATO, admitting Ukraine remains contentious topic

NAto from A1 office meeting that much work to portray the deliverables, fol-
remained to be done to combat lowing a recent peace summit, as
his forces to use U.S.-provided corruption before Ukraine could proof of unshakable Western
offensive weapons to reach far gain membership, two U.S. offi- commitment. They also high-
into russia, something that cials and one former official said. lighted a new Group of Seven
Biden has long resisted as a possi- In an interview in may, the decision to unlock $50 billion in
ble provocation to russia that president said he was “not pre- proceeds from frozen russian as-
might draw the United States into pared to support the NAToiza- sets for Ukraine and recent U.S.
the war. tion of Ukraine,” appearing to moves to send additional air-de-
The summit, he said, was tak- rule out the country’s member- fense interceptors and to permit
ing place in the “shadow” of the ship altogether and contradicting Ukraine to use American weap-
upcoming U.S. election, suggest- the U.S. government’s official ons to strike certain sites inside
ing that was the reason for stance. russia, even though some key
Biden’s hesitation. “It’s time to Biden continued to express targets remain out of reach.
step out of the shadows and get skepticism in talks with Stolten- But the summit’s offerings for
busy and not to wait for Novem- berg in Washington last month, Ukraine remain less ambitious
ber or any other month in defend- the officials said, saying the more than Kyiv and some within the
ing democracy against [russian cautious “bridge to NATo” lan- alliance had hoped.
President Vladimir] Putin,” Zel- guage U.S. officials were already This spring, for instance, Stol-
ensky said. using would suffice. tenberg raised the idea of creat-
In an on-stage back-and-forth When Biden’s top advisers ing a multiyear fund to lock in
with fox News anchor Bret Baier once again pitched the president commitments from allies and
after his speech, Zelensky ducked on the “irreversible” wording af- protect Ukraine aid from the
a question about whom Putin ter the Stoltenberg talks, Sullivan winds of political change. Some
would prefer as U.S. president. was able to secure his support on allies, including the United
“Biden and Trump are very differ- the condition the United States States, balked at the idea of a
ent, but both are supportive of would also require language cit- years-long obligation. Instead,
democracy,” he said. “That’s why I ing the need for Ukraine to make the alliance is expected to an-
think Putin will hate both of extensive progress on corruption nounce a plan to sustain the
them.” wojtEk RAdwAnSkI/AFP/gEtty ImAgES and political accountability be- current level of military aid —
While alliance leaders are ex- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Warsaw on Monday. Along with providing urgently fore gaining membership, the of- roughly $40 billion — for next
pected to unveil other steps to needed air-defense systems, NAto leaders are expected to unveil more steps to train and arm Ukraine. ficials said. Even so, Biden agreed year.
train and arm Ukraine at this only to say that Ukraine’s path to A chief deliverable this week
week’s gathering, the modest “Euro-Atlantic integration” was will be the establishment of a new
package of expected deliverables efit if Western nations did not tious subject among NATo mem- officials familiar with the conver- irreversible, officials said. NATo structure that will take
underscores questions about make good in backing Kyiv’s bers, some of whom fear absorb- sations said, some of whom spoke That led some NATo countries, over some duties of the Ukraine
whether Kyiv’s Western backers fight. ing a country mired in conflict on the condition of anonymity to especially Eastern European Defense Contact Group, a body
can help it prevail in a grinding “There are no cost-free options with a nuclear superpower. discuss ongoing negotiations. states that border Ukraine and that has been coordinating mili-
war for survival. with an aggressive russia as a Ivo Daalder, who served as U.S. That language was the result of russia, to object. Secretary of tary aid to Kyiv since 2022 under
russia has managed to defy a neighbor; there are no risk-free ambassador to NATo during the an agreement struck by Andriy State Antony Blinken did a last- the leadership of U.S. Defense
barrage of Western sanctions im- options in a war,” he told leaders obama administration, said the Yermak, Ukrainian President Vo- minute round of work to con- Secretary Lloyd Austin, including
posed following President Vladi- of the 32-nation summit. “re- new support constituted a “sig- lodymyr Zelensky’s chief of staff, vince Biden to get on board with the training for Ukrainian troops.
mir Putin’s 2022 invasion, instead member the biggest cost and the nificant step forward” that would and U.S. national security adviser stronger language — adding Jim Townsend, a former Penta-
surging troops and military pro- greatest risk will be if russia wins thrust the alliance more directly Jake Sullivan, the officials said, “NATo membership” to the list of gon official for Europe, said that
duction in its quest to cement in Ukraine; we cannot let that into the day-to-day actions sup- one that reflected Biden’s on- things that are irreversible — while Ukraine would not be get-
control over vast swaths of happen.” porting Ukraine’s military effort. going reservations about then securing the agreement of ting a near-term invitation to join
Ukraine. Against the backdrop of “It does bring Ukraine and Ukraine’s path to NATo member- allies to go along with the plan, NATo, the summit would still
Leaders of the alliance’s 32 Ukraine’s struggle to sustain its NATo closer together on the ship. officials said. send Putin a message that the
nations, who descended upon the military effort — along with Euro- practical and operational sense,” NATo members that favor a The discussions were a sign of alliance is not walking away from
U.S. capital ahead of the multiday pean anxiety about the potential Daalder said. “What it doesn’t do faster membership track for Biden’s concern that admitting the fight.
summit, are attempting to refo- for upheaval under a second is solve the strategic issue, which Ukraine had sought to include Ukraine before it is ready could Zelensky, who is expected to
cus attention away from Trump presidency and a rise in is: When will Ukraine become a the word “irreversible” to demon- eventually saddle the alliance hold a one-on-one meeting with
Ukraine’s gloomy battlefield out- far-right parties in some alliance member of NATo?” strate that Kyiv has moved closer with corruption challenges that Biden later in the week, “will be
look by highlighting ongoing alli- members — NATo leaders are officials were still racing to to alliance entry since last year’s would be hard to root out, the told ‘Please don’t do it again,’” a
ance support for Kyiv. for Biden, expected to approve a shift from finalize the summit’s communi- summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. officials said. senior NATo official said. But in
the summit is a moment of in- U.S. to NATo control elements of qué Tuesday as the summit got Some acknowledged that the “Ukraine is not a teeny-tiny his remarks Tuesday evening,
tense scrutiny as he faces pres- the effort to arm and train underway. The latest proposal word was more symbolic than Balkan country that we’re talking Zelensky focused on the much
sure over his readiness to serve Ukraine, and other measures offi- would offer Ukraine an “irrevers- substantive. about,” one official said. “It’s huge more immediate question of how
another four years. cials are depicting as a “bridge” to ible” path toward NATo member- Biden, who has remained more and it will have a sizable impact.” to defend against the russian
NATo Secretary General Jens Ukraine’s future accession to the ship, but it would also include resistant on the subject than for now at least, top Ukrainian onslaught in the immediate fu-
Stoltenberg sought to cast the alliance. extensive language about the many of his senior aides, initially officials appear publicly focused ture.
stakes of the Ukraine conflict in more direct action to admit need for Kyiv to make anti-cor- rejected the plan to include the on what their country will gain,
historic terms, saying the oppo- Ukraine, such as setting a time- ruption and good governance irreversibility language and de- rather than what remains elusive. karen deyoung and john Hudson
nents of democracy would ben- line for entry, remains a conten- changes before it can join, 12 clared in more than one oval U.S. and NATo officials sought contributed to this report.
A12 eZ Re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

israel-gaza war

Renewed Israeli o≠ensive leaves hospitals in northern Gaza struggling

BY L EO S ANDS, brink of collapse. sides’ positions. “But we
H AZEM B ALOUSHA, Numerous medical workers wouldn’t have sent a team over
S ARAH D ADOUCH have been detained by Israeli there if we didn’t think we had a
AND K AREEM F AHIM forces, including some who have shot there.”
died in custody.
Hospitals in the northern Gaza’s largest hospital, the al- Here’s what else to know
Gaza Strip are struggling to treat Shifa complex in Gaza City, has Australia appointed a special
patients and offer desperately been mostly reduced to gutted envoy for combating antisemi-
needed medical services amid ruins, after a weeks-long offen- tism. Prime Minister Anthony
Israeli operations in Gaza City, sive by Israeli troops against Albanese said that Jillian Segal,
according to local officials and Hamas militants who Israel said announced Tuesday as the office-
hospital administrators. had barricaded themselves in- holder, will help ease tensions
The resumed military offen- side. brewing in Australia “as a result
sive, which forced tens of thou- The Israeli military concluded of the devastating conflict in the
sands to flee, has sown chaos its operations in Gaza City Middle East.” A special envoy for
among sick and injured Palestin- months ago but has repeatedly Islamophobia will also be an-
ians, as the city’s remaining med- reentered parts of the Gaza Strip nounced, the statement said.
ical facilities have been caught to deal with what it has de- A Hezbollah member was
up in Israeli-ordered evacuation scribed as resurgent Hamas forc- killed in the Damascus country-
zones while others struggle to get es. side on the Damascus-Beirut
fuel and medical supplies. Meanwhile, U.S. negotiators highway, Hezbollah confirmed
Military action was not limit- returned to the Middle East to in a statement after local reports
ed to the north. At least 17 people continue cease-fire talks this of a drone attack striking a car in
were killed after an Israeli air- week, as hopes for an imminent the area. The IDF declined to
strike early in the day on a home breakthrough faded after Israeli comment. A member of Hezbol-
in the Nuseirat refugee camp in Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- lah’s media office, who spoke on
central Gaza, according to Nas- yahu injected further uncertain- the condition anonymity in ac-
sar Ghareez, a spokesman for the ty by insisting that Israel should cordance with the group’s media
Palestinian civil defense. Eleven be able to resume fighting as part rules, confirmed that Hezbollah
were children, according to a list anadolu/anadolu vIa getty Images of any deal accepted by negotia- member Yasser Qaranbash was
of the victims provided by the A room at al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City, which the WHO said was one of two hospitals that effectively tors. killed near the border but gave
civil defense. Later Tuesday, the had stopped functioning as of Monday evening. Wards had been emptied of patients, photos showed. The delegation includes CIA no further details. Hezbollah
Gaza Health Ministry said 25 Director William J. Burns, a key said it targeted IDF headquar-
people were killed and 53 injured The IDF denied that it includ- U.S. participant in past cease-fire ters of the 210th Golan Division
in an apparent Israeli strike near ed hospitals and medical facili- negotiations, and Brett McGurk, with dozens of rockets in re-
the Al-Awda school in eastern ties in its evacuation orders. President Biden’s coordinator for sponse to the attack in Syria.
Khan Younis, which was being In northern Gaza, civil defense spokesman “There is no need to evacuate the the Middle East and North Afri- Syrian state media accused
used as a shelter for displaced hospitals and medical facilities ca, who White House National Israeli forces of bombarding
people. Mahmoud Bassal said fighting has made it in the area,” it said in a statement Security Council spokesman targets in the coastal city of
The Israel Defense Forces de- Tuesday morning, although it John Kirby said met with their Baniyas. The state news agency
clined to say whether it had too dangerous for patients or ambulances said that civilians in specific Egyptian, Israeli and Jordanian reported that an overnight attack
carried out the Nuseirat strike areas were ordered to evacuate counterparts in the Egyptian resulted in “some material loss-
but said it “follows international to reach Gaza City’s al-Ahli Hospital. to protect them from active com- capital. es,” without offering details. The
law and takes feasible precau- bat. Monday’s evacuation order Burns met with Egyptian Pres- IDF declined to comment.
tions to mitigate civilian harm.” covered 70 percent of the city. ident Abdel Fatah El-Sisi on At least 38,243 people have
The IDF has not commented In a separate statement Tues- Tuesday, discussing “joint efforts been killed and 88,033 injured
publicly on the Al-Awda school and Patient’s Friends Benevolent said patients at the hospitals day morning, the IDF said it has to reach an agreement on a in Gaza since the war started,
strike. Society hospitals had effectively have been discharged or self- killed dozens of militants and cease-fire,” according to a read- according to the Gaza Health
In northern Gaza, civil defense ceased to function as of Monday evacuated, with some referred to was operating “above and below out from the Egyptian presi- Ministry, which does not distin-
spokesman Mahmoud Bassal evening. the nearby Kamal Adwan and the ground” in Gaza City’s Shejai- dent’s office. State-affiliated guish between civilians and com-
said fighting has made it too The Episcopal Diocese of Jeru- Indonesian hospitals — both of ya neighborhood. Egyptian media reported that a batants but says the majority of
dangerous for patients or ambu- salem, which helps operate al- which he said were suffering Since the war began Oct. 7, delegation would travel to Doha, the dead are women and chil-
lances to reach Gaza City’s Ahli, said in a statement that from shortages of fuel, beds and Israel has made hospitals a key Qatar, on Wednesday for more dren. Israel estimates that about
al-Ahli Hospital. As of Tuesday drones were fired around it Sun- trauma medical supplies. “Indo- target of its military campaign, talks, amid “intensified activity” 1,200 people were killed in
morning, Israeli troops re- day evening and that those in- nesian Hospital is triple over its alleging that Hamas uses them to bring the two sides closer Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, including
mained in southern areas of side were forced to flee. Photo- capacity,” he said. for militant activity. Wartime together. more than 300 soldiers, and it
Gaza City, he said, including graphs of al-Ahli taken Monday On Tuesday, the Palestine Red conditions have eviscerated In its report, the state televi- says 324 soldiers have been killed
around the headquarters of the showed wards emptied of pa- Crescent Society said that all its Gaza’s medical infrastructure, sion outlet cited officials saying since the start of its military
U.N. Relief and Works Agency tients and hospital workers, with medical stations and emergency with hospitals suffering from there was “agreement on many operations in Gaza.
(UNRWA), which aids Palestin- medical equipment strewn clinics in Gaza City were “out of shortages of medical supplies points.”
ian refugees. across the floor. service due to the Israeli occupa- and fuel needed for generators. At a news briefing Monday, mohamad el Chamaa, lior soroka
According to the World Health In a post on X, WHO Director tion’s forcible evacuation mea- Health officials have repeatedly Kirby said “there are still some and Heba Farouk mahfouz
Organization, both the al-Ahli Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus sures.” warned that the system is on the gaps that remain” in the two contributed to this report.

Judge David S. Tatel (Ret.)

Author, “Vision: A Memoir of Blindness and Justice”

Today at 1:00 p.m.

Tatel discusses his new memoir, his rise
to becoming a judge on the influential D.C.
circuit and his concerns about the direction
of the Supreme Court.

To register to watch, visit:
or scan code with
a smartphone camera:

Moderated by:
Jonathan Capehart
Associate Editor

wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A13

The far-right ascendancy in France looked certain. The polls were wrong.
el macron’s ailing centrist alli- last election, too — but in the supporters in the week between
Blackout period before ance.
Why was the result such a sur-
opposite direction. In 2022, the
leftist and centrist alliances end-
the two rounds of voting, said
Pierre mathiot, a political re-
vote meant data missed prise? ed up getting fewer seats than searcher.
candidate maneuvers Polling firms say their models
weren’t able to fully capture the
expected, below the lowest end of
the range for any survey.
Hastily recruited after macron
unexpectedly called snap elec-
shifting dynamics in the days be- This time, when results came tions last month, some far-right
fore the vote — either the late in, it was clear that the strategy to candidates struggled in debates
BY R ICK N OACK efforts to block the far right with a prevent a far-right surge had been on television and in other public
AND S COTT C LEMENT coordinated “republican front” or more successful than anticipated appearances. “Not all of them
an apparent softening of enthusi- in the polls. Antoine Jardin, a were very well prepared,” said re-
PARIS — It was one of the greatest asm for National rally. political researcher, said there naud Dehousse, director of SAIS
political upsets in french history, The far right’s chances shrank was “a strong transfer of votes” in Europe.
and an outcome that pollsters significantly in the week between a way that consolidated the oppo- “I think that for a small portion
failed to predict. the voting rounds, as left-wing sition. of voters, this caused a rethink,”
When far-right supporters and centrist candidates who had In head-to-head contests be- mathiot said.
gathered for their election watch placed third in the first round on tween the left and far right in the In the wake of National rally’s
party in Paris on Sunday, they June 30 voluntarily withdrew second round, between 43 and 54 defeat at the polls, questions
were ready to celebrate a historic from more than 200 runoffs. The percent of people who had initial- about its ability to govern are un-
night. The far right had been com- idea was to prevent splitting the DimitAr Dilkoff/AfP/Getty imAGes
ly supported a macron-backed likely to wane. The party had
fortably ahead in the first round of vote in a way that would have Supporters of the French Rassemblement National far-right party candidate voted for a left-wing hoped that it would be busy this
voting, with the support of 1 in 3 enabled far-right victories. react after the first results of the second round of voting Sunday. candidate, according to france’s week preparing to share power
voters, and second-round polls There were only three days be- public broadcaster, which com- with macron. Instead, the Paris
showed them placing first again. tween the finalization of the can- tional vote share for National ral- the 289 seats needed for a majori- missioned an Ipsos-Talan exit poll. prosecutor’s office said Tuesday
A majority of seats in the National didate list and the legally mandat- ly in first round, the statistical ty appeared to be diminishing. And in districts with second- that it had opened a preliminary
Assembly, and a far-right govern- ed polling blackout before the models used to forecast local con- “my assumption is that the dy- round contests between a ma- investigation into the possibility
ment, appeared to be within election. tests in the second round overesti- namic still progressed on friday, cron-backed candidate and the far that Le Pen illicitly financed her
reach. “The biggest challenge for us is mated far-right wins. Ipsos’s final Saturday and Sunday,” Gallard right, 72 percent of voters who had unsuccessful 2022 presidential
But marine Le Pen’s National time,” Ipsos research director ma- survey of 10,101 registered voters said. supported the left-wing New Pop- election campaign.
rally party ended up not only thieu Gallard told The Washing- on July 3 and 4 projected that National rally ended up with ular front alliance turned out to
falling short of a majority but ton Post on Tuesday. National rally would win be- 143 seats. support the centrists. Clement reported from Washington.
coming in third, behind a surging Although Ipsos and many other tween 175 and 205 seats. The pos- french pollsters misjudged the The far right may have also lost lenny Bronner and elie Petit
left and even President Emmanu- firms accurately estimated the na- sibility of the far right securing resistance to the far right in the some momentum among its own contributed to this report.


Thousands took to the streets

Fed up with overtourism in Barcelona, put up “No tourists welcome”
signs in neighborhoods. “What
has happened in Barcelona will
of Barcelona over the weekend to
protest overtourism, some
armed with brightly colored wa-
protesters blast visitors with water guns spread to more tourist-crowded
places beyond Europe,” he add-
ter pistols that sent bewildered
visitors fleeing restaurant patios, The bigger picture
abandoning half-eaten meals. Locales in Japan, Indonesia,
The protesters, who carried Greece, Italy and the Nether-
signs reading “Tourists go home,” lands have also taken steps to
say tourism has inflated the cost curb influxes of visitors in the
of living for Barcelonians, while past year.
the revenue from visitors hasn’t In Japan, one town sought to
been fairly distributed across the install a huge screen at a popular
city. As travel rebounds after the photo spot in front of mount fuji
end of pandemic restrictions, the to stop tourists from taking self-
frustration in Spain reflects ies and causing traffic jams. Last
growing backlash against over- year, the Greek government im-
tourism around the world. posed a new timed ticketing
system for the ancient Acropolis,
The facts a UNESCo World Heritage site,
Led by the Assemblea de Bar- along with a visitor cap of 20,000
ris pel Decreixement Turístic, or people per day. Venice experi-
the Neighborhood Assembly for mented with extracting extra
Tourism Degrowth, the protest- fees from tourists, while Amster-
ers listed 13 demands in a mani- dam restricted the construction
festo published Saturday, includ- of new hotels.
ing restrictions on tourist accom- “I think the key point here is
modations, fewer cruise termi- about sustainable tourism devel-
nals in the city’s port and an end opment and sustainable man-
to tourism advertisements using agement of tourist flows within a
public money. country,” said J.J. Zhang, a tour-
Local authorities estimated ism geographer at Nanyang
2,800 people participated in the Technological University in Sin-
protests. Daniel Pardo rivacoba, gapore.
48, a member of the organizing As a possible solution, Zhang
group, said as many as 20,000 suggested determining the ca-
people from 170 organizations pacity of popular sites and con-
took part in the protests. trolling traffic, such as by “using
rivacoba said the use of water technology where real-time data
guns was a spontaneous decision can be communicated to tourists
made by individual protesters such that overcrowded places
and was not suggested by orga- could be avoided,” he said.
nizers. “receiving water on your But Bob mcKercher, a profes-
face is not nice, but it’s not sor in tourism at the University
violent,” he said. of Queensland in Australia,
responding to growing con- raised another issue: The majori-
cerns, Barcelona mayor Jaume JoseP lAGo/AfP/Getty imAGes
ty of tourists worldwide are do-
Collboni pledged Saturday to re- a protest against overtourism in Barcelona on Saturday. Thousands of locals marched and delivered a manifesto about the cost-of-living mestic. “So while overtourism
serve 10,000 residential units impact of tourism, the latest backlash against a global travel surge since the end of pandemic restrictions. may be a long-standing issue,” he
usually used by tourists for local said, “can you really stop people
residents and increase taxes on popular tourist destination. Last world, according to U.N. Tour- ism began, said T.C. Chang, a been no explicit violence. But from visiting their own coun-
tourists, among other measures. year, close to 26 million visited ism. Barcelona’s population is 1.7 professor of geography at the [overtourism] was already recog- try?”
the region, according to official million. National University of Singapore nized at least 2-3 years before the
Background figures, and Spain was the sec- Along with Venice, it is where who researches urban tourism. pandemic,” he said in an email, Beatriz ríos contributed to this
Barcelona has long been a ond-most-visited country in the the backlash against overtour- “As far as I know, there has noting that residents have also report.

Despite U.S. e≠orts to woo Modi and isolate Putin, India-Russia ties continue
iNdia from a1 the Indian diaspora in moscow, But it demonstrated modi’s global an crisis, and of course, primarily dia to wean itself off russian cedure? A foreign agent, then a
modi also announced the open- aspirations and gave him a by peaceful means.” weapons, the russian state- criminal case, then an arrest?!”
bloody criminal in moscow on ing of new consulates in Kazan chance to show Putin that India Indian foreign Secretary Vinay owned arms giant rostec an- she posted. “When you write
such a day,” he wrote. and Yekaterinburg to enhance has not lost its autonomy even Kwatra told reporters russia nounced last week that it would about this, please don’t forget to
The meeting represented a ties between the two peoples. though it is receiving new invest- would work to discharge all Indi- manufacture armor-piercing write the main thing: Vladimir
coming together of two leaders “India and russia are walking ments, technologies and weapon- ans currently serving in the rus- tank rounds inside India to sup- Putin is a murderer and a war
who need each other but are shoulder-and-shoulder and in- ry from the Biden administration, sian military, after modi appar- ply India’s army. criminal. His place is in prison,
otherwise drifting closer to duel- fusing new energy into global Indian analysts say. ently requested the step. Indian officials hope that Putin and not somewhere in The
ing camps led, respectively, by the prosperity,” modi said in his “The decision to go early in the The issue became politically will maintain a degree of inde- Hague, in a cozy cell with a TV, but
United States and China. for speech. “Any mention of russia term is a signal that India re- contentious in India this year pendence from China in ex- in russia — in the same colony
modi, russia remains a crucial reminds every Indian of an ally mains invested in the russia rela- after reports emerged that Indi- change for receiving India’s sup- and the same 2 by 3 meter cell in
source of weaponry and energy that has been with us through tionship — that is part and parcel ans seeking job opportunities as port, at a time when russia is which he killed Alexei.”
and space technology that India good times and bad, as a trusted of India’s foreign policy, cutting “security helpers” or porters were increasingly seen as a junior part- for Putin, modi’s visit, which
sees as indispensable in becom- friend of India.” across party lines,” said Pankaj recruited to russia and deployed ner to Beijing. India and China wrapped up Tuesday, provides a
ing a great power. Analysts also Almost immediately after Saran, a former Indian ambassa- to fight on the front, possibly have been locked in a tense bor- further chance to show he is not
say India does not want russia to modi arrived monday evening, dor to russia and deputy national against their will. Indian officials der dispute since 2020. totally isolated over his war in
grow overly dependent upon In- the leaders showcased their security adviser who continues to say at least four Indians have Even as modi, the leader of the Ukraine.
dia’s rival neighbor, China. friendship at the russian leader’s advise the Indian government. been killed in combat so far. world’s largest democracy, em- “for Putin, it’s very important.
Putin’s war effort, mean- residence in Novo-ogaryovo, The Indian establishment, Sa- Even though the India-russia braced Putin, the russian leader’s It is international recognition,” a
while, has been funded in signifi- near moscow, for tea on an out- ran added, still considers ties relationship was cemented dur- brutal use of his country’s judicial russian official said, speaking on
cant part by Indian purchases door terrace. with Washington its highest pri- ing the Cold War, the energy and system for political purposes was the condition of anonymity be-
of russian oil products, which “It is a great honor to visit a ority. India could seek to assuage defense ties between russia and on full display. A russian court on cause he was not authorized to
have increased almost 20-fold friend’s home,” modi said, accord- U.S. concerns by arguing that an India — the world’s largest weap- Tuesday ordered the arrest of discuss the matter. Touting rus-
since 2021. russia, likewise, ing to clips released by russian India that is friendly with russia ons buyer and the No. 3 importer Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of sia’s relationship with India also
hopes India will keep some dis- state media, after he warmly em- could prove useful as a potential of oil — have continued to thrive. political opposition leader Alexei allows Putin to boost russia’s
tance from the United States, braced Putin with his trademark interlocutor between moscow Indian imports of russian crude Navalny, who died in an Arctic position in relation to China, he
and Putin spokesman Dmitry Pes- hug. Putin congratulated modi on and the West, he said. rose from $2.5 billion in 2021, prison earlier this year. Navalna- said.
kov mocked the West this week his recent reelection victory and At a formal meeting with Putin before the invasion of Ukraine, to ya, who is living outside russia, Just last month, Putin visited
for feeling “jealous” about russia- drove him around his dacha’s at the Kremlin on Tuesday after- $46.5 billion in 2023, according to was accused of participation in an North Korea in a trip that was
India ties. manicured grounds in a golf cart, noon, modi called for “dialogue” Indian Commerce ministry data. extremist community. “not received very well in Beijing,”
The moscow meeting appeared the official footage showed. to end the fighting in Ukraine and Last year, only China purchased She has accused Putin of killing said the russian official, who is
to deepen what the two countries on Tuesday, Putin led modi on indirectly raised the hospital at- more russian crude. her husband, who previously had close to senior russian diplomats.
call a “special and privileged stra- a tour of an exhibition by russia’s tack in Kyiv a day prior that Indian officials say the transac- survived an assassination at- “When we became completely
tegic relationship.” As modi State Atomic Energy Corpora- Zelensky accused russia of carry- tions have been priced below the tempt by russian security agents dependent on China, we suddenly
wrapped up his visit Tuesday eve- tion. officials at rosatom said ing out. “Anybody who believes in $60-per-barrel cap imposed by using a banned chemical weapon. had the visit to North Korea and
ning, Indian and russian officials this week that it is in talks to build humanity is aggrieved at the loss the Group of Seven countries, and many world leaders condemned now this balance with India,” the
announced their ambition to ex- six new nuclear power reactors in of life in war or in terror attacks,” the United States has refrained Navalny’s death, and some, such russian official said. “With these
pand annual trade volumes to India — a fast-growing economy modi told Putin. “Even so, it from criticizing India’s purchas- as Biden, said Putin was responsi- types of triangles, [Putin] is able
$100 billion by 2030 and sign with soaring energy needs. breaks our hearts to see innocent es. But they represent such a large ble. to balance the situation to show
long-term agreements on oil and modi’s trip to moscow, coming children get killed.” windfall for russia that Indian on X, formerly Twitter, Naval- that he is not completely subser-
gas supplies while diversifying less than a month after he was Putin replied: “I am grateful to officials have begun to voice con- naya mocked the judicial process vient.”
trade beyond the energy sector. sworn in for a third term, broke you for the attention you are cerns about India’s mounting in which, since taking over her
The two countries signed with the Indian tradition of prime paying to the most pressing is- trade deficit with russia. husband’s work abroad, she has Belton reported from london and
agreements to collaborate on po- ministers visiting South Asian sues, including trying to find And while U.S. officials have faced multiple allegations. ilyushina from Berlin. Anant Gupta in
lar research and, in a speech to neighbors first after an election. some ways to resolve the Ukraini- publicly and privately urged In- “oh, there’s no normal pro- New Delhi contributed to this report
a14 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

Economy & Business

In a first, federal regulators ban messaging app NGL from hosting minors
BY C RISTIANO L IMA- S TRONG million and stop marketing to as a place where people can play The agency added it “received FTC officials suggesting children ment of children’s online safety.
kids and teens to settle the law- games such as “never have I ever.” invaluable assistance from Fair- may find ways around them. But Ferguson said he did not
Federal regulators have for the suit, which also alleged that the But it’s one of several anony- play and social media reform ad- The Supreme Court is set to believe federal law “categorically
first time banned a digital plat- company violated children’s pri- mous messaging services whose vocate Kristin Bride” in the case. consider a Texas law requiring prohibits marketing any anony-
form from serving users under 18, vacy laws by collecting data from pervasiveness among young peo- Fairplay policy counsel Haley websites to verify that users are mous messaging app to teen-
accusing the app — known as youths under 13 without parental ple has triggered alarm from chil- Hinkle said Tuesday that the adults to access pornography, a agers.”
NGL — of exaggerating its ability consent. dren’s safety advocates, who say FTC’s move “demonstrated once case that could have implications The agency last year struck a
to use artificial intelligence to The settlement marks a major the companies have failed to take again that tech companies will be for laws aimed at social media record $520 million settlement
curb cyberbullying in a ground- milestone in the federal govern- adequate steps to prevent cyber- held responsible for their obliga- access as well. with Epic Games, maker of the
breaking settlement. ment’s efforts to tackle concerns bullying and other harmful activ- tions to kids and teens.” While limited to one company, popular “Fortnite” video game
An app popular among chil- that tech platforms are exposing ities on their products. As part of the deal, NGL will be the settlement represents one of series, over allegations that the
dren and teens, NGL aggressively children to noxious material and In October, child safety group required to prevent users from the FTC’s most forceful actions to company violated children’s data
marketed to young users despite profiting from it. And it’s one of Fairplay and parent activist Kris- accessing the app if they indicate better protect children online un- privacy laws and tricked players
risks of bullying on the anony- the most significant actions by tin Bride filed a complaint urging they are under 18 and to delete der Khan. into making unwanted purchas-
mous messaging site, the Federal the FTC under Chair Lina Khan, the FTC to investigate allegations any data it obtained from young The agency unanimously ap- es. But the settlement stopped
Trade Commission and the Los who has dialed up scrutiny of the that the app’s parent company, children unless a parent signs off proved the settlement 5-0, with short of imposing any prohibi-
Angeles District Attorney’s Office tech sector at the agency since NGL Labs, illegally marketed it- on it. The company will also be both of FTC’s new Republican tions against marketing to those
alleged in a complaint unveiled taking over in 2021. self to children using unfair and barred from making misrepre- commissioners joining Khan and under 18.
Tuesday. “We will keep cracking down deceptive trade practices. sentations about its ability to other Democrats. The vote is em- The FTC has separately pro-
The complaint alleged that on businesses that unlawfully ex- Bride’s 16-year-old son Carson filter out cyberbullying or about blematic of the bipartisan con- posed a sweeping plan to bar
NGL tricked users into paying for ploit kids for profit,” Khan (D) died by suicide in 2020 after the sender of messages on its app. cern over children’s online safety Facebook and Instagram parent
subscriptions by sending them said in a statement. facing cyberbullying on two sepa- A raft of states have passed in Washington. company Meta from monetizing
computer-generated messages NGL co-founder Joao Figueire- rate anonymous messaging ser- laws requiring websites and so- In a statement, GOP Commis- the data of children and teens
appearing to be from real people do said in a statement Tuesday vices, Yolo and LMK. Bride has cial media platforms to screen sioner Melissa Holyoak said NGL under 18, but the plan has yet to
and offering a service for as much that the company cooperated said that Carson’s last search on users’ ages to make sure they are “engaged in truly despicable con- be implemented pending a series
as $9.99 a week to find out their with the FTC’s investigation for his phone was for ways to uncover not children or teens, a practice duct” by “taunting tweens and of legal challenges from the tech
real identity. People who signed nearly two years and viewed the who had been harassing him often referred to as “age verifica- teens” into paid subscriptions. giant. The agency proposed the
up received only “hints” of those “resolution as an opportunity to anonymously online. tion” or “age-gating.” Holyoak decried NGL for luring restrictions as an update to its
identities, whether they were real make NGL better than ever.” “It was extremely concerning Digital rights and tech indus- young users with messages pur- historic $5 billion privacy settle-
or not, enforcers said. NGL’s popularity has exploded, to learn that a new anonymous try groups, however, have ex- portedly posed by their friends, ment with the company.
After users complained about with a user base topping 200 app, NGL hit the market and pressed concern that the restric- including phrases like “Are you The FTC is also considering
the “bait-and switch tactic,” exec- million. At one point, it became found a way to further monetize tions infringe on free speech and straight?” and “I know what you broadening its enforcement of
utives at the company “laughed the most downloaded product on their dangerous product by force companies to collect even did.” the landmark Children’s Online
off ” their concerns, referring to Apple’s app store only a year after charging vulnerable teens for more data from users to verify Andrew Ferguson, the agency’s Privacy Protection Act. Under the
them as “suckers,” the FTC said in its 2021 launch. The platform lets useless hints regarding who is their ages, harming online priva- other Republican, said he sup- proposed rulemaking, platforms
an announcement. users anonymously respond to sending them the messages,” cy. There’s also lingering ques- ported the agreement “without would be required to turn off
NGL, internet shorthand for questions from friends and social Bride said in a statement last tions about the effectiveness of reservation,” calling it a “novel” targeted ads to children under 13
“not gonna lie,” agreed to pay $5 media contacts and markets itself year. the restrictions, with even some approach to the agency’s enforce- by default.

Personal Finance

For these parents,

frugal habits start
in the home
A family has constant talks about budgeting
to teach their children the value of money
BY A MY R OSE D OBSON ing the dishwasher to beef up her
The Pruett family of Belling- More recently, the Pruetts in-
ham, Wash., has been debating a troduced the idea of compound
major financial decision: how interest to their 11-year-old by
much to spend on a new car. using an online calculator and
When Wade Pruett asked his numbers he could understand.
two children — Soren, 8, and They’re planning to set up an
Odin, 11 — what they wanted, they interest-bearing account for him
pushed for a Rivian. He quickly and want to make sure he under-
saw their enthusiasm fizzle when stands what interest over time
they saw the price range, with can do.
base models starting at $75,000. “We plugged in the numbers
“We’re not getting one of and said if you have this much
those,” he laughed, after seeing and contribute a hundred [dol-
their reaction. lars] every year until you’re 65,
Wade and Alissa Pruett make a look how much you’ll have,” Alis-
point of having constant talks sa Pruett said. “That was an ‘aha’
about money with their children moment for him.”
— something they started a few When asked how he would
years ago by discussing the family explain compound interest to
budget. someone just learning about it,
Wade admits they didn’t think Odin had a ready answer: “It’s
about budgeting until well after when I put money in the bank and
they had children. But once they if I just let it sit there and don’t
realized the financial pressures of spend it, and I keep adding to it,
parenting, “we felt it was really then it will grow faster because
important to share that concept it’s building onto itself, like
with them sooner rather than algae.” alana PaTerson for The WashingTon PosT

later,” he said. Wade Pruett and son Odin, 11, look at their bank account. The Pruetts provide a weekly allowance to both children, but instead of doling
The Washington Post spoke Understand trade-offs out cash, they place the money in a checking account, which has the effect of ensuring it’s not spent right away.
with the Pruetts, as well as two When the children were old
financial advisers, on effective enough to ask for more expensive Make mistakes and learn and to make successes,” he said. quickly when they need to. drink [at a restaurant]. They’re
lessons for teaching children the gifts and toys — like when Odin from them Huyen Nguyen, a financial ad- For example, at the local con- happy with water.”
value of money. requested an Apple Watch — the Sometimes after those conver- viser at Inclusive Wealth, also signment shop where they drop Beyond the day-to-day, Nguyen
Pruetts brought out their budget sations, their children will go emphasizes the value of mistakes. off clothes, the Pruetts make sure suggests parents help children
Put your money in the bank, spreadsheet, listing spending in ahead with a purchase, like when She recommends to parents that their children see the salespeople make a list of items they want to
not your pocket each category. They used it to Soren recently bought an expen- they list what their best and worst carefully picking out suitable purchase and number them in
Like most parents, the Pruetts introduce the concept of opportu- sive Lego set with her own money. financial decisions ever were — clothes for resale, so they know order of priority. Then after wait-
provide a weekly allowance to nity cost — that is, the trade-offs She wound up regretting it be- and then ask themselves what the items on the racks are in good ing for some time, the children
both children, with each getting that come with each financial cause it didn’t live up to her drove those decisions so that they condition while costing a fraction revisit the list to see if their wish
an amount equal to half their age. decision. expectations. can understand what to pass on of brand new clothes, Wade said. list has changed. That way, they
But instead of doling out cash, Wade explains they simplified That was a useful lesson, Wade to their children. Another savings trick that their make the connection between
they place the money in a check- the idea for the children this way: Pruett said. “That [understanding] will adviser, Chesbrough, recom- how much money is in the bank
ing account, which has the effect “If we buy that item that is twice “They have to feel the pain [of flow into how you can be in mends is a method he calls “keep and how they can use it for pur-
of ensuring it’s not spent right as much, we’re not going to be remorse] for it to process,” he control of money — not letting the change.” If he gives his chil- chases that are meaningful over
away. When the children don’t see able to buy something else.” explained. money be in control of you,” she dren money for a nonessential the longer run, she explained.
the money, “it accumulates,” Alis- Now, when it comes to pricier John Chesbrough, a financial said. purchase, he hands over enough Looking at all these strategies,
sa Pruett said. requests, the Pruetts suggest to adviser with TrailFP, has worked to cover the cost but tells them to Alissa Pruett emphasizes that she
They also let their children the children that they use their with the Pruetts and agrees that Set priorities and make keep the change. That promptly doesn’t want to introduce stress
earn extra cash by doing chores own allowance money. If the kids letting children make mistakes decisions in real time forces his children to bargain- — it’s about ensuring her children
beyond what is normally expect- balk at that suggestion, Wade and with money — within reason — The Pruetts often use errands hunt so that they can pocket are well-educated.
ed of them. When their daughter Alissa tell them that they don’t helps instill responsibility. and shopping runs to start spon- whatever savings they can find. “Growing up we got an allow-
was saving up for something she want to spend their money, either. “If you’re going to teach agency taneous conversations about “You’ll notice their buying de- ance, [but] we didn’t talk a lot
had her eye on, for example, she That moves the choice back to the to people, you have to really give spending so that their children cisions just totally shift,” Ches- about money,” she recalled. “I had
helped for a few weeks with load- children. them agency to make mistakes can learn to make decisions brough said. “They don’t order a no idea how much things cost.”

D i g es t

stocK MarKet OXO products, sank nearly of public markets at U.S. Bank airlines Delta and Riyadh did not give also in Business
28 percent after posting results Wealth Management. a timetable for beginning flights The auto safety agency for the
Wall Street wavers that fell far short of forecasts. The Fed has remained Delta partners with or financial details around their U.S. government is investigating
over Powell testimony Treasury yields rose slightly in cautious about making a move start-up Riyadh Air partnership. Their CEOs said a potential “loss of motive
the bond market. The yield on on interest rates, holding its neither airline is taking an power” in more than 94,000 Jeep
Stocks closed mixed on Wall the 10-year Treasury edged up to benchmark interest rate at its Delta Air Lines said Tuesday it ownership stake in the other. Wrangler 4xe vehicles, following
Street after testimony from 4.29 percent. highest level in more than two has entered into a partnership Delta CEO Ed Bastian and complaints outside the scope of
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. The market’s muted reaction decades as it waits cautiously for with start-up Riyadh Air with the Riyadh Air CEO Tony Douglas an earlier recall involving an
Powell in front of Congress reflected how Powell’s testimony more signals that inflation is still goal of operating flights between said they envision selling tickets engine shutdown condition in
provided little new guidance on didn’t give Wall Street any clear cooling. the United States and Saudi on each other’s flights — a the same SUV model. The
the Fed’s plans on when it might indication on the timing for While prices have eased Arabia. practice known as code-sharing National Highway Traffic Safety
lower interest rates. The S&P 500 when the central bank may begin sharply over the last two years as Riyadh Air, which plans to — that requires approval from Administration opened a recall
and the Nasdaq composite each cutting its benchmark interest the Fed raised interest rates, the begin passenger flights next the U.S. Transportation query Friday “to assess the
rose 0.1 percent Tuesday, adding rate. central bank’s goal is to cool summer, is backed by Saudi Department. severity of the alleged defect.” A
to their recent records. The Dow “The market is really seeing inflation back to its target of Arabia’s sovereign-wealth fund They said the partnership spokesperson for Stellantis said
Jones Industrial Average fell 52 no surprises today and so that’s 2 percent without slowing and is part of the country’s plan could grow into a full-blown the company was cooperating.
points, or 0.1 percent. Helen of allowing it to modestly drift economic growth too much. to diversify its oil-based economy joint venture.
Troy, which makes Osprey and higher,” said Lisa Erickson, head — Associated Press and boost tourism. — Reuters — From news services
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A15

Targeting white-collar crime, Justice Dept. looks for more whistleblowers

countable, or recovering criminal tions to more effectively investi-
proceeds, it all takes the form of gate themselves. For example,
Agency to offer rewards general deterrence.” they said, employees might
for tips on criminal In addition to the Danske Bank choose to forgo bringing allega-
case, authorities pointed to sev- tions to their company’s internal
financial misconduct eral other examples of the kind of compliance department in favor
criminal misconduct that the new of pursuing a whistleblower pay-
whistleblower program is aiming out from federal authorities.
BY D AVID N AKAMURA to uncover. Whistleblowers do not always
In December 2020, the U.S. have a complete picture of what is
Howard Wilkinson was a mid- affiliate of Vitol, an energy trad- happening inside a company, and
level manager at a Danish bank ing firm, agreed to pay $135 mil- in some cases the misconduct
branch in Estonia when he alert- lion to settle charges that it en- they allege to investigators “is not
ed his superiors about the sus- gaged in a scheme to bribe gov- what the whistleblower thought
pected illicit transfer of Russian ernment officials in Brazil, Ecua- it was,” said Mike Piazza, a Dallas
funds through the bank and then dor and Mexico for insider attorney who has defended com-
into the United States. information to help win fuel oil panies in whistleblower cases.
Danske Bank last year pleaded contracts. Once federal prosecutors open
guilty to criminal charges of laun- In May 2022, Glencore, a Swiss- an investigation, he said, “there
dering $230 billion and agreed to based commodities trading and can be a great deal of reputational
forfeit $2 billion to settle the case mining corporation, pleaded harm” for a company even if the
with the U.S. Department of Jus- guilty to bribing officials in the allegations are unfounded and
tice. United States, United Kingdom criminal charges are not filed.
Justice officials say the case is a and Brazil, and to seeking to Federal officials, however, said
prime example of the kind of manipulate fuel oil prices. The that whistleblowers who first
global financial corruption that company agreed to pay $1.1 bil- raise their concerns internally
can be exposed with the help of an lion to resolve the case. will remain eligible for reward
insider — and they are developing Last March, Trafigura, a Swiss- payments even if company offi-
plans to recruit more whistle- based commodities multination- cials then self-report the miscon-
blowers to generate new leads. al, pleaded guilty to charges of duct to the Justice Department.
Under a Biden administration JaBin BoTSford/The WaShingTon PoST bribing Brazilian officials to do Whistleblower advocates have
program the Justice Department Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco says an upcoming Justice Department initiative is a modern-day business with a state-controlled flagged concerns that the sheer
plans to unveil within weeks, au- version of the rewards that authorities offered in “the days of ‘Wanted’ posters across the Old West.” oil company and agreed to settle volume of tips have threatened to
thorities will offer whistleblowers the case for $126 million. overwhelm authorities in other
who provide tips that lead to And whistleblower advocates est rates manipulation case that Danske Bank case in 2014, has not The Justice Department’s will- federal agencies that have reward
successful prosecutions a per- voiced concerns that prosecutors resulted in the German bank be- been paid a whistleblower award. ingness to pay for tips “does make programs. In some cases, that has
centage of the resulting forfei- could become inundated with ing fined $2.5 billion. Federal authorities said he prob- their life easier, and it does help resulted in administrative delays
tures — an amount that could tips, making it difficult to deter- Authorities did not offer de- ably will not be eligible to apply them bring cases, including some on investigations and paying out
total millions of dollars. mine which are most likely to lead tails of what kind of information for payment under the new Jus- cases they would not discover reward money.
The initiative is designed to to successful cases. the whistleblowers in those cases tice Department program, which otherwise,” said Robert Anello, a The Internal Revenue Service’s
help prosecutors navigate the Justice has for many years paid provided, citing laws aimed at will be limited to cases within the New York corporate defense law- whistleblower program has fal-
world of criminal financial mis- whistleblowers under the False maintaining anonymity for tip- department that originate after yer. “It’s very helpful to the gov- tered in recent years amid staff-
conduct by persuading compa- Claims Act, which is limited to sters who could face retribution the program is launched. ernment, and they’ve reached out ing reductions. The amount of
nies to bolster internal compli- civil cases involving abuse of the from their employers or others. Justice officials said the initia- to do it in every realm of criminal revenue the IRS collected in tax
ance and voluntary disclosures of U.S. government’s vast federal The Treasury Department, un- tive aims to fill enforcement gaps and what you might call quasi- fraud enforcement cases involv-
wrongdoing and by providing a contracting system. Prosecutors der its Financial Crimes Enforce- in areas where the other federal criminal civil actions, such as ing tips from whistleblowers
road map to pursue charges and their tipsters last fiscal year ment Network, is also establish- agencies lack legal jurisdiction. sanctions and sexual harass- plunged from $1.4 billion in 2018
against those that do not. were party to a record 543 settle- ing new whistleblower regula- They cited foreign money-laun- ment.” to $172 million in 2022, according
Deputy Attorney General Lisa ments and judgments totaling tions, mandated by Congress, dering operations that entangle In April, the Justice Depart- to that agency.
Monaco described the effort as a $2.68 billion. that will implement mandatory American institutions, bribery of ment began testing a separate In a 2019 report, that agency
modern-day version of the re- Officials said they are model- payments to tipsters. government employees and abus- program to offer non-prosecution found that payouts to whistle-
wards that law enforcement once ing the new program after similar Federal whistleblowers in all of es of the U.S. financial system by agreements to corporate insiders blowers took as long as a decade
offered in “the days of ‘Wanted’ ones in two other federal agen- these programs are eligible to non-publicly traded companies who are willing to provide infor- to be processed and 23 whistle-
posters across the Old West,” and cies, the Securities and Exchange collect payments ranging from out of the SEC’s reach. mation about misconduct and co- blowers died in 2018 while still
authorities say it could lead to Commission and the Commodity 10 percent to 30 percent of the Under the guidelines, officials operate in investigations against awaiting payments that were nev-
asset forfeitures worth hundreds Futures Trading Commission. penalties and fees assessed in the said, whistleblowers will be eligi- others. U.S. attorneys offices in er made.
of millions or billions of dollars The SEC received 18,000 tips in case, depending on how much ble for cash rewards provided New York and California are test- Siri Nelson, executive director
annually. fiscal 2023, up nearly 50 percent value their information had in the they have not been involved in the ing similar versions of that pro- of the National Whistleblower
The expansion of whistleblow- from a year earlier, and paid a prosecution, officials said. alleged misconduct and their in- gram. Center, said her organization has
er programs across the U.S. gov- record $600 million to 68 whistle- “The biggest untold story in formation helps lead to a convic- “Our message to whistleblow- lobbied Justice officials to estab-
ernment since 2011 — when Con- blowers. The CFTC received 1,530 whistleblowing are these new tion involving a forfeiture above a ers is clear: The Department of lish a dedicated whistleblower
gress granted some federal agen- tips and paid seven whistleblow- award laws and the revolution certain threshold. That figure has Justice wants to hear from you,” office with enough staff to deter-
cies new powers to pay for tips ers a total of $16 million last year. they are causing,” said attorney yet to be announced. A similar Monaco said at an American Bar mine which tips are worth pursu-
under the Dodd-Frank Act — has The SEC’s awards in 2023 in- Stephen Kohn, who represented requirement at the SEC puts the Association conference in March. ing and to expedite award pay-
received bipartisan support. cluded a record $279 million pay- Wilkinson, a British national bar at cases that result in settle- “And to those considering a vol- ments.
Yet some white-collar defense out to a tipster in a bribery case whose identity was leaked when ments of $1 million or greater. untary self-disclosure, our mes- “A lot of times, we hear con-
lawyers cautioned that the Justice involving the Swedish telecom- the Danske Bank scandal became “The goal here is accountabili- sage is equally clear: Knock on cerns about, ‘How do we deal
Department’s efforts could un- munications company Ericsson public in 2018. “Whistleblowers ty,” said a senior Justice official, our door before we knock on with all the tips? How do we
dermine the ability of corpora- that was settled for $1.1 billion. In are being compensated for turn- who spoke on the condition of yours.” differentiate between what is le-
tions to conduct their own inves- 2021, the CFTC awarded nearly ing in some of the largest corpora- anonymity because details of the Some lawyers cautioned, how- gitimate and what is not support-
tigations, creating an incentive $200 million to a former tions in the world.” program have not been finalized. ever, that the government’s will- ed or is misleading and results in
for tipsters to bypass internal Deutsche Bank employee who Wilkinson, who first came for- “Whether it’s criminal prosecu- ingness to reward tipsters could the waste of the agency’s time?’ ”
compliance in hopes of a payday. provided information in an inter- ward with his allegations in the tions and holding individuals ac- work against its push for corpora- Nelson said.

My husband and I
love traveling, Overtourism is an issue. Here’s how to be a considerate traveler. United plane
and now that he’s
retired, we have lands safely after
plans to see so
much more of this losing a wheel
Michelle world.
Singletary We are heading BY J ENNIFER H ASSAN
The Color to Cambodia and
of Money Vietnam next A Boeing aircraft operated by
year, and in 2026, United Airlines lost a landing gear
we are planning a wheel during takeoff in Los Ange-
trip to Europe with extended les before landing safely in Den-
family. ver, the latest in a string of me-
Recent protests aimed at chanical issues this year involving
travelers have made me more the manufacturer’s planes.
aware of the good and bad The wheel fell from the Boeing
impacts of tourism. You should 757-200 on Monday and was later
be concerned too. recovered in Los Angeles, United
Thousands of Barcelona said in a statement Tuesday.
residents took to the streets There were no injuries report-
recently to protest the financial ed on the ground or on board
effects of overtourism in their Flight 1001, United said, adding
city. Armed with neon-colored that it was investigating what
water guns, they squirted happened.
visitors dining at outside The plane was carrying 174 pas-
restaurants. sengers and seven crew members,
Protesters carried signs that the statement said. The aircraft
said “Tourists go home.” was 29 years old, according to
Chief among their complaints Flightradar24. Boeing ended pro-
— as with many disgruntled duction of 757 planes in 2004.
locals worldwide — is that While Boeing has been at the
extreme tourism has inflated the center of several high-profile mis-
cost of living. Investors snatch haps this year, including lost
up properties to rent to tourists, wheels, engine failures and
driving up housing costs. Other blown-out door plugs, aviation ex-
entrepreneurs also rush to cash perts stress that flying is incred-
in on travelers looking for ibly safe and that fatal accidents
lodging other than a standard WaShingTon PoST illuSTraTion; iSTock
are rare. Boeing has said it has
hotel room. “taken important steps to foster a
Crowds are straining the appropriately, by pointing to the Pack cash think this advice goes without bill? safety culture.” Incidents like this
infrastructure of major popular cost of their trip. Yes, tipping is not expected in saying, yet social media postings The general tipping guide for may not necessarily be the respon-
destinations in the United States It’s understandable that they many cities abroad, and that is a and news reports tell a different the Emily Post Institute, which sibility of the manufacturer, but
and cities abroad, such as want to watch every penny if welcome practice for many story. offers etiquette advice, says you rather that of the airline that oper-
Amsterdam, Athens, Paris and they know that when they Americans suffering from Is that selfie you want going to tip pretax. However, some ates and maintains an aircraft.
Venice. UNESCO World Heritage return, they will face a credit tipping fatigue back home. damage property or disturb the servers argue that quibbling over In March, a Japan-bound Unit-
sites are being overrun by people card bill with a 20 percent-plus However, you may meet a host harmony of the place you visit? whether you should tip pre- or ed flight from San Francisco was
trying to tick off their bucket-list interest rate. of folks — guides, street Spending a lot of money on post-tax is petty. diverted to L.A. after losing a
dream vacation. So, save and go. You are more musicians, luggage handlers or your trip doesn’t entitle you to For example, let’s say your wheel during takeoff, with debris
There is something I have also likely to be a better, more housekeepers — that you should act ugly. Don’t vex the locals with meal pretax is $100. With a 6 landing in an employee parking
noticed as a tourist: In the name generous traveler when you tip, even if a gratuity is not bad financial behavior. percent sales tax, the bill is $106. lot at San Francisco International
of frugality, some visitors grouse aren’t worried about the debt expected. Before taxes, a 20 percent tip Airport and damaging several ve-
about prices and end up you will face when you return Even when a tip is included, Build generosity into your would bring the bill to $120. At hicles. No one on the aircraft, a
becoming traveling misers. They home. it’s nice to have cash on hand to travel budget $106, including tax, your bill Boeing 777-200, was injured.
don’t tip when they should, they show appreciation for people If you are visiting a country would be $121.20. In April, an engine cover of a
vandalize historical monuments, Avoid the tourist traps who go above and beyond in where you know the cost of So, no, you aren’t going Southwest Boeing 737-800 fell off
and they fail to consider the My husband and I like to find their service. living is high, or its citizens are against etiquette protocol to during takeoff, striking a wing
positive financial impact they places far less traveled by the Before you go, ask questions living below the poverty line, base your tip on just the meal flap, the Federal Aviation Admin-
could have on a local economy. visiting masses. This serves two about the local tipping culture so pack your generosity. and not the tax. Neither should istration said. The plane immedi-
Even though I am frugal, I purposes. We get to relax that you are prepared to support In addition to your vacation you be called a miser if you tip ately returned to Denver Interna-
become overly generous when I without the crowds, and we those working to serve you. costs, consider the impact of pretax. However, the extra tional Airport. No injuries were
travel. Here are five tips to avoid support vendors, artists and donating much-needed items to money could go a long way for reported. And in January, the door
being an inconsiderate tourist. restaurants that don’t see the Don’t be that entitled tourist residents or schoolchildren. Is someone trying to make ends plug on an Alaska Airlines Boeing
same traffic as the tourist traps. Keep this in mind: Travel there a local charity you can meet on a low-wage salary. 737 Max blew out while it was
Don’t travel with debt Trendy places that cater to industry workers are not your support? Don’t be that tourist who ascending over Portland, Ore.,
I find that people who stretch tourists often have higher prices, servants. Let me also revisit the issue of shortchanges locals working in leaving a hole in the side of the
themselves financially by going so we can save money by finding You are a visitor and should tipping. the travel industry. Frugality fuselage and forcing an emergen-
into debt to travel rationalize less popular parts of a city or respect the places you visit and A question I get often is: doesn’t mean you have to be cy landing. None of the passen-
being stingy, such as not tipping town. the people you meet. You would Should you tip on the pretax miserly. gers were seriously injured.
A16 eZ su the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

Without Chevron, Biden’s plan against tech giants faces new legal dangers
BY C RISTIANO L IMA- S TRONG “We don’t expect the court’s
AND E VA D OU ruling on Chevron is going to have
a significant impact on agency
The Biden administration’s ag- efforts to protect consumers on
gressive attempt to regulate tech issues like privacy and safeguard
and telecom giants such as fair and competitive markets in-
Google, Meta and Verizon has cluding for innovative new prod-
relied on the power of federal ucts like AI,” FTC spokesperson
agencies, which have proposed Douglas Farrar said.
sweeping rules for the internet Joseffer said “Chevron’s de-
age amid inaction in Congress. mise” is also likely to be “materi-
The dynamic has granted ally important” in an ongoing
outsize influence to enforcers at lawsuit by the Chamber of Com-
the Federal Trade Commission merce and other business groups
and Federal Communications to halt a Labor Department rule
Commission, among other agen- aimed at preventing gig economy
cies, who have pressed to rein in companies from treating workers
alleged misconduct by industry as contractors rather than em-
titans. ployees. The department did not
The strategy is now under return a request for comment.
threat after the Supreme Court White House spokesperson
curtailed agencies’ powers in a Robyn Patterson said the Chev-
landmark ruling, overturning a ron ruling “doesn’t change the
decades-old legal precedent giv- President’s unwavering commit-
ing agencies greater leeway to ment to protecting Americans
interpret ambiguous federal laws. from the harms associated with
The court’s decision in Loper social media and other emerging
Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo technologies” and that it “under-
last month, striking down a prin- scores the importance of the ac-
ciple known as the Chevron defer- tions President Biden has already
ence, has given business and in- taken as well as the urgent need
dustry groups ammunition to for Congress to pass legislation.”
thwart tighter tech regulations Many in the technology indus-
proposed by the administration try view the Supreme Court’s de-
— imperiling some of the most cision overturning Chevron as a
significant actions ever by the positive, according to Jason Mul-
U.S. government to check the vihill, founder and president of
world’s most powerful compa- Capitol Asset Strategies, a policy
nies. If they succeed in slowing and regulatory consulting firm.
regulation, it could put the United DemeTRius FReeman/The WashingTon PosT Mulvihill predicted that the rul-
States further behind its counter- President Biden signs an executive order aimed at promoting competition in the economy in 2021. His aim to regulate tech and telecom ing will make “laws more specific
parts in Europe, who have moved companies may lose steam after the Chevron deference was overturned in last month’s Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. and regulators more humble.”
more swiftly to set new rules. But Nik Marda, technical lead
Agencies are advancing a raft on Chevron already has telecom counselor at the Benton Institute any attempts by the agency — a ital realities are now on steroids for AI governance at Mozilla, said
of proposals to increase oversight lawyers scrambling to determine for Broadband and Society, who is linchpin of the Biden administra- with AI,” and yet, “it appears as agencies have been one of the
of the tech and telecom sectors, if it could unwind the agency’s working on the case in support of tion’s efforts — to stretch its au- though the Supreme Court just “bright spots” when it comes to
including restoring the Obama- plans. Others say the impact the FCC, said he plans to argue thority on tech. limited the ability of expert agen- setting effective guardrails for
era net neutrality regulations, im- could be felt even further, impli- that Loper Bright doesn’t affect “The FTC should really think cies to deal with the impact of that tech companies as Congress has
posing new data privacy regula- cating rules aimed at preventing the net neutrality issue “much, if twice now before trying to imple- digital revolution.” struggled to pass tech regulation.
tions on companies and requiring “digital discrimination.” at all,” though he concedes it has ment comprehensive privacy or The FTC has separately been Government agencies also have
that gig economy workers be The U.S. Court of Appeals for made the landscape more chal- AI rules,” said Daryl Joseffer, chief exploring sweeping new rules to more technical expertise than
treated as employees. the 6th Circuit is considering an lenging. “The decision will un- counsel for the Chamber of Com- crack down on what it calls “com- Congress or the courts, making
The decision’s full impact is industry challenge alleging the doubtedly make it much harder merce’s litigation center, which mercial surveillance” — the mass them better at tracking and un-
unclear and likely to play out over agency’s net neutrality order for the FCC to defend its decision has filed more than a dozen chal- collection and sale of consumer’s derstanding changes in tech, he
many years, but it’s poised to amounts to regulatory overreach. in the years to come,” he said. lenges against the Biden adminis- personal data that is the lifeblood said.
pressure Congress to legislate on The same day of the Loper Bright The FCC said in a statement it tration’s attempts to check major of vast swaths of the tech sector. Steven Augustino, a tech regu-
tech instead — a prospect many decision, the court asked the Ohio is reviewing the impacts of Loper businesses. The Chevron decision could give lation attorney at Nelson Mullins,
view as far-flung. Telecom Association, Texas Cable Bright on the agency but that it The FTC has proposed more business groups like the Chamber called the idea that lawmakers
“What this really has done is to Association and other parties to didn’t believe the decision under- narrow rules to combat the use of of Commerce fresh ammunition could fill more of the gaps on tech
create a tremendous amount of the case to submit briefs by Mon- mined its net neutrality rules be- AI for impersonation but to date to target any rules that come out rules in the wake of the Chevron
uncertainty over everything,” said day on how the new ruling affects cause it “did not rely on Chevron has not launched a broader cam- of that process. ruling “wishful thinking.”
Harold Feld, senior vice president their case. deference for authority.” But the paign to craft rules for the use of Ryan Quillian, a former man- “It’s hard enough to get Con-
at the consumer advocacy group Helgi Walker, an attorney rep- Supreme Court has previously AI across the economy. ager of the FTC’s tech enforce- gress to act at all,” Augustino said.
Public Knowledge. resenting the wireless association linked the two, invoking Chevron Consumer advocates have ex- ment division, said the agency’s “The idea that these intractable
In April, the FCC reinstated net CTIA in the proceedings against deference in a 2005 case that pressed concern that the Su- ability to craft rules on consumer questions are going to be ham-
neutrality regulations that enable the FCC, said Loper Bright would upheld the FCC’s regulatory pow- preme Court’s ruling could knee- protection issues like privacy has mered out in the legislation
greater oversight of internet serv- be “contextually helpful” for their er over internet provision. cap future AI endeavors across generally been less contested, but seems quite a heavy lift.”
ice providers (ISPs) such as Com- case. Walker said the courts Meanwhile, critics of the FTC the federal government. Chevron could factor into areas
cast and AT&T, fulfilling a signa- “should be taking a skeptical eye” are celebrating the Chevron rul- Tom Wheeler, who served as where they are “trying to expand Tony Romm, gerrit De Vynck, Cat
ture pledge by President Biden. to the agency’s authority. ing and warning that it gives FCC chairman under President their authority,” like around un- Zakrzewski and Lisa Bonos
But the Supreme Court’s decision Andrew Schwartzman, senior them a new cudgel to beat back Barack Obama, said that our “dig- fair methods of competition. contributed to this report.

Alaska federal judge appointed by Trump resigns over sexual misconduct

BY T OBI R AJI law clerks’ boyfriends and dating place sexual misconduct. February 2020 helped inspire a ships because it’s easier to leave
lives, among other topics. Chief Judge Mary H. Murguia, bipartisan group of lawmakers to than it is to report because of
A federal judge in Alaska re- Kindred encouraged his law who initiated the misconduct in- introduce the Judiciary Account- potential retaliation early on in an
signed from his lifetime appoint- clerks to rate people based on vestigation into Kindred, said in a ability Act, which provides several attorney’s career.”
ment after an internal investiga- their sexual desirability, the report statement accompanying the re- safeguards for courthouse em- The 9th Circuit’s public infor-
tion concluded he created a hos- said, and belittled or ostracized port that the 9th Circuit takes ployees, including the creation of mation office did not immediately
tile work environment for his law clerks who tried to talk to him complaints of misconduct seri- a commission to oversee a pro- respond to a request for comment
clerks and engaged in an inappro- about his inappropriate behavior. ously and that federal judges must gram to prevent workplace mis- on those criticisms.
priate sexual relationship with The 9th Circuit Judicial Coun- be held “to the highest standards conduct and an office to oversee Trump tapped Kindred in 2019
one of them after her clerkship cil asked Kindred to resign after of integrity and impartiality.” confidential reporting systems re- to replace U.S. District Judge
ended, according to a judicial con- concluding that he violated the But criminal defense attorney garding workplace misconduct. Ralph R. Beistline, who assumed
duct report released Monday. Judicial Conduct and Disability Olivia Warren, who has testified Deeva Shah, an attorney with senior status (a form of semi-
The report details two separate Act and the Code of Conduct for before Congress about sexual ha- Keker, Van Nest & Peters who has retirement) in 2015. The League of
sexual encounters in October United States Judges. The council rassment she experienced as a law been an advocate for law clerks Conservation Voters, the nation’s
2022 between U.S. District Judge also referred the matter to the senaTe JuDiCiaRy CommiTTee clerk, called the investigation an experiencing workplace miscon- top environmental group, op-
Joshua M. Kindred and the former Judicial Conference of the United Joshua M. Kindred, in a still embarrassment because of how duct, questioned the report’s con- posed Kindred’s nomination, cit-
law clerk shortly after she began States, the policymaking body of image from a Senate Judiciary long it took judiciary leaders to clusion that Kindred did not retal- ing concerns about his time as
working as a federal prosecutor. It the U.S. Courts, to consider im- Committee video of his reprimand Kindred. She noted iate against his clerks for partici- environmental counsel for the
says they exchanged nearly 300 peachment. confirmation hearing. The that Kindred continued to work as pating in the investigation. She Alaska Oil and Gas Association.
pages of text messages over an On July 3, Kindred submitted Senate confirmed him in 2020. a judge for more than a year after noted that the report said in a Kindred was confirmed by the
11-month period. his two-sentence resignation let- Murguia became aware of the mis- footnote that the clerks were Senate in 2020, in a 54-41 vote that
The report accuses Kindred, ter to President Biden, who will Judiciary leaders have sought conduct allegations. afraid to be named as part of the fell mostly along party lines.
who was appointed to the U.S. have the opportunity to nominate to encourage more courthouse “Nothing in this report … ex- investigation, or to come forward. In January, Kindred dismissed
District Court for the District of a successor. Sen. Lisa Murkowski employees to report misconduct plains what they did for those law “Fear of retaliation is the big- a lawsuit seeking to bar Trump
Alaska in 2019 by President Don- (R), the senior senator from Alas- ever since Judge Alex Kozinski of clerks to protect them personally gest reason people haven’t come from appearing on Alaska’s No-
ald Trump, of discussing his di- ka, said in a statement on X that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the and professionally,” Warren said. forward,” Shah said in a state- vember election ballot, citing
vorce, dating life, sex life and ro- she would work to quickly ad- 9th Circuit in California retired in Warren’s appearance before a ment. “When faced with miscon- technical issues with the lawsuit,
mantic preferences as well as his vance a new nominee. 2017 amid allegations of work- House Judiciary subcommittee in duct, people have just left clerk- including lack of jurisdiction.

Menendez’s defense ‘preposterous,’ prosecutor says in closing arguments

BY S HAYNA J ACOBS saying “he obviously had access to trial. Agents found more than served as liaison between the cou- Afghanistan after the U.S. military in the bedroom closet with the
AND S ALVADOR R IZZO the closet in his own bedroom.” $480,000 in cash, some of which ple and Egyptian officials. Hana, a withdrawal. At the time, Daibes stash of gold and cash, when it
“Throughout this trial, you was in envelopes inside the law- longtime friend of Nadine Menen- was seeking a multimillion-dollar actually was elsewhere in the
NEW YORK — Sen. Bob Menen- heard that everyone was to blame maker’s jackets. At the time, he dez’s, is accused of giving her a investment from a member of house. The agent corrected him-
dez’s list of explanations for why a but Menendez,” Monteleoni said was chair of the Senate Foreign salary for a no- or low-show job in Qatar’s royal family, prosecutors self a day after being confronted
stockpile of cash and gold bars in his five hours of closing argu- Relations Committee, and in that exchange for her husband taking said. on cross-examination.
were in his house when it was ment. role he had dealings with foreign meetings and advancing policy All three men pleaded not The evidence in the case was
raided by the FBI defy logic, the Menendez, 70, is charged with governments that prosecutors say priorities as directed by Egyptian guilty. Businessman Jose Uribe, “not overwhelming” but “cherry-
prosecution said Tuesday, particu- 16 felony counts, including brib- he began to exploit. (He was re- military and intelligence leaders. charged with bribing the senator, picked nonsense,” Fee said as he
larly the veteran lawmaker’s “pre- ery, extortion and acting as a for- moved as chair after indictment.) The senator is also accused of pleaded guilty in March and testi- began his closing arguments late
posterous” assertion that he didn’t eign agent. The government al- “Friends do not give friends en- working to have Philip Sellinger fied for the government. He told Tuesday. He criticized prosecutors
know the piles of money and other leges that he benefited from a velopes stuffed with $10,000 in appointed as U.S. attorney in New jurors that Menendez asked him for telling a “false story” of wanton
treasures were in his bedroom wide-ranging conspiracy during cash, just out of friendship. Jersey, which he ultimately was, for details about a criminal case bribes and called his client’s ac-
closet because his wife kept its which he offered favors and influ- Friends do not give those same on the expectation that he could Uribe wanted the senator to “stop tions “lawful, normal and good for
door locked. ence in exchange for hundreds of friends kilogram bars of gold get the prosecutor to kill a probe and kill” after he began financing his constituents in this country.”
The government’s closing argu- thousands of dollars in gifts. The worth $60,000 each out of the into real estate developer Fred the luxury convertible for the law- If Menendez kept cash in his
ment as Menendez’s two-month case has tarnished his lengthy po- goodness of their hearts,” Mon- Daibes. “Menendez tried to shut maker’s then-girlfriend. home, it’s because “everyone in his
corruption trial nears an end re- litical career; a conviction could teleoni said Tuesday. down the investigation, just as he Monteleoni said a mountain of family was basically hoarding
minded jurors of all they had seen carry a significant prison term and The Menendezes allegedly ac- was paid to do,” Monteleoni said. compelling evidence overshad- cash” after being targeted and ran-
and heard in testimony: the in- a ban on him ever again holding cepted a Mercedes-Benz convert- That plan did not pan out, ju- owed the tales offered by the de- sacked by authorities in Cuba be-
criminating text messages, origins public office. ible and a $23,000 payment to rors heard, because Menendez fense. He characterized Menendez fore they fled for the United States
of all that cash and the value of the The New Jersey Democrat was cover a mortgage debt, with gifts could not control Sellinger, and as a once-trusted elected official in the 1950s, Fee said. While born
brick-sized ingots, as well as Me- previously indicted on unrelated rolling in before and after their the prosecutor was recused from who was so entrenched in his cor- after that in New York, Menendez
nendez’s effort to handpick a New federal corruption charges in 2017, October 2020 nuptials. Nadine the case upon taking office. ruption that he agreed to help still emulated his parents’ exam-
Jersey federal prosecutor who he a case that was not retried after Menendez is charged in the con- Daibes is the final co-defendant Egypt and Qatar in exchange for ple, he said.
believed would derail a friend’s the jury deadlocked, and a mistrial spiracy but will be tried at a later in the current trial, and prosecu- gifts and money. “What your com- “They want you to conclude
2018 indictment for bank fraud. was declared. date. She has been undergoing tors allege that Menendez, at his mon sense tells you is the cash and that every dollar must have been a
Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul A search warrant executed in treatments for breast cancer dur- behest, issued positive statements gold was part of a corrupt quid pro bribe,” Fee said of the government.
Monteleoni scoffed at the idea that June 2022 at Menendez’s Engle- ing her husband’s trial. and promised to advance a resolu- quo,” the prosecutor argued. But he insisted, “There is no text,
Menendez’s wife, Nadine, secretly wood Cliffs, N.J., home yielded the Wael “Will” Hana, an Egyptian tion before the Foreign Relations Menendez’s attorney, Adam no email, no photo that shows
hoarded thousands of dollars she trove of evidence used against him native living in New Jersey, is a Committee praising Qatar for its Fee, attacked an FBI agent’s testi- Senator Menendez taking a bribe
collected without his knowledge, and two co-defendants at this co-defendant who allegedly efforts to evacuate people from mony that the senator’s jacket was — because there is none!”
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post EZ rE a17

now then when? I have no plan, no ring,
but we’re in Europe! That’s inherently
romantic. We would probably want to
buy the ring together anyway. And this is
maybe the best conversational opening
I’m ever going to get. This is the moment,
just do it.
“You could call me your fiancé,” I said.
“Ha ha —” she said, then she looked at
my face, and said “Oh!”
I think I said the actual words, then:
Will you marry me? And I think she said
yes. But that part of the memory is fuzzy.
What I really remember is: “ha ha ... oh!”
Her sudden realization that I was serious
mirrored my sudden realization that this
was the moment, that it had arrived
seemingly out of nowhere on a day that
didn’t begin with any portentous signs or
omens. We secretly bought some cham-
pagne and told her parents we were
engaged a few days later, on her father’s
birthday, and he cried. Her mother told
me that the first time she met me she
didn’t like me but that she liked me now.
We bought a handmade engagement
ring from a tiny jeweler’s shop in a side
alley in Venice.
The point of this long anecdote with
only the flimsiest connection to hiking is
that I believe that life is essentially
arbitrary and the only trick to it is being
in the right place at the right time. But no
one knows what the right time will be, so
you just have to find the right place and
wait, staying alert for the right time to
present itself.
Christina has always been a combina-
tion of amused and annoyed that the way
we got engaged makes such a charming
story, despite my seeming lack of prepa-
ration. But I’d been preparing for six
years. I was so prepared that when the
opportunity presented itself, I was able
to recognize it, and I didn’t need to think
about it. I could just take it.
The most truthful answer to the
question of why I’m doing this hike is: I
saw the opportunity, and I took it. I’ve
been personally and professionally rest-
less lately. The Appalachian Trail has
lurked in my imagination for decades.
Mica, the oldest of my three kids, is the
only person I think I could hike the
Mica FoSTEr whole trail with, and he happened to be
The author, on a recent practice hike, standing on Sunday River Whitecap mountain in western Maine, looking north. graduating college at the right time to
start south. I happen to have the kind of

Why am I hiking the Appalachian Trail?

job that I could just decide to take six
months off from and the kind of job I can
plausibly hope to do a version of on the
I can post hoc you a lot of propter hoc,

It’s a matter of opportunity.

and I will. But the most honest reason
I’m going is that I saw the necessary
pieces come into the correct alignment.
It didn’t feel like making a decision, it
felt like recognizing what was going to
happen. The only questions I asked
BY R USTY F OSTER Rusty Foster, author of the Today in Tabs was early August and hot, and we were Europe alone and seeing Nine Inch Nails myself were all aimed at determining

newsletter, recently announced he was both dusty from wandering around the at Woodstock ’94. She remembered a whether this recognition was correct,
number of people have asked me pausing publication to hike the appalachian gardens of Nymphenburg, killing time in good joke I made at that mixer, but it whether it truly was possible for Mica
some version of: “Why would Trail with his 19-year-old son, Mica. The two Munich before we met her parents to wasn’t until we’d been married for more and me to attempt this now. I didn’t
you leave a lovely family and a plan to trek from Maine to Georgia over drive south into the mountains. I had a than a decade that she realized it was me really even wonder why.
perfectly comfortable home to headache and wanted an iced coffee, so who’d made it. I had to work a little In his seminal work about one of
approximately six months, and departed on
traverse the East Coast by foot for half a we went to the overpriced tourist cafe. I harder to capture her attention than she antiquity’s greatest hikers, “The Myth of
year, climbing every mountain along the July 2. This is the first in a series of pieces got a coffee and we sat at a wire patio did to capture mine. Sisyphus,” Camus writes of a different
way?” To answer that question, I need to adapted from the newsletter he will be filing table. Midafternoon, and the place was In the six years that elapsed between major life decision: “An act like this is
share a piece of personal lore that might from the wilderness, Today on Trail. nearly empty. We were minutes from the freshman mixer and that afternoon prepared within the silence of the heart,
at first seem unrelated, but I promise I’m getting engaged. We chatted a bit. Sec- in the cafe, we had been together for 11/2 as is a great work of art. The man himself
going somewhere with it. onds from getting engaged. Neither of us years, then not officially together for is ignorant of it.” He’s not talking about
The day I asked my wife to marry me, I speaking part of the Italian Alps. I’m sure knew it yet. about three years because I was callow marriage proposals or through-hiking
didn’t wake up knowing that’s what there are many people who knew there In a way, though, we both knew it and indecisive, and then back together but important decisions are all similar.
would happen that day. If I could travel was a German-speaking part of the already. We had talked about getting for another year and a half. In all that The decision to attempt this hike was
back in time to the year 2000 and meet Italian Alps, but I wasn’t one of them married in general terms. I mean we’d time, though, neither of us was closer to prepared within the silence of my heart,
myself five minutes before I proposed, until that trip, nor did I know there is a talked about getting married to each another person than we were to each during a lifetime spent in love with the
young me would have been very sur- particularly German definition of “hik- other, so the terms weren’t all that other. We knew we would be together outdoors. I know this isn’t a very satisfy-
prised to learn that in six minutes he ing” that involves eating a lot of bread general. No one had said “will you,” but because we’d tried being apart, and it ing answer, but it’s the truth, and if I
would be engaged. and cold cuts and then walking a couple we were in agreement that it would didn’t work. can’t be completely honest, what are we
The day we got engaged, we were in of kilometers uphill to an alm where you happen at some point. We were both That day, the conversation turned to even doing here?
Europe, me and my future wife, touring are served even more bread and cold 18 when we met, freshman year of the German relatives I would soon meet On our last practice hike, Mica told
Schloss Nymphenburg in Munich. Her cuts, along with heaps of wurst and shots college. We lived in the same dorm; her for the first time, and Christina said, “It me, “I just realized that you’re doing this
parents are both German, though they of the most potent homemade kirsch hall was directly below mine. At a doesn’t feel right introducing you as ‘my instead of having a mid-life crisis.” I said
met and settled in New York state, where imaginable. They uncorked that freshman mixer, before classes even boyfriend.’ It sounds too casual for our that was a very generous way of express-
Christina grew up. We were picking schnapps bottle and we could smell it started, I was charmed by her Doc actual relationship.” ing it, but he’s not wrong. I’m in mid-life,
them up in Munich and then meeting her across 200 meters of edelweiss. Martens and her long blond hair and her This was the moment. I know I’m and I’m not in crisis. I think what I’m
older siblings in Südtirol, the German- But all that hadn’t happened yet. It glamorous stories of backpacking across going to ask her soon, I thought, so if not having is a mid-life opportunity.

lally Weymouth

Sweden’s prime minister: Europe must step up to defend itself

weden has enjoyed a 200-year era do anything more.” I think it’s obvious have kept the unity in supporting very impressively. Some people said this
of neutrality and nonalignment. that they are willing to take big risks. Ukraine, but we have also kept up unity war would end in just a few weeks with a
But when Russia launched its They are willing to act militarily in a way between Europe and the United States in Russian victory. That has obviously not
full-scale invasion of Ukraine in that most European countries did not support of Ukraine. It would have been happened. The Ukrainians are really
2022, both Sweden and Finland applied expect Russia to do. very hard for Europe to help Ukraine on struggling. But let us be honest — that
for NATO membership. Finland succeed- But they have not succeeded. its own. struggle would not have been at all as
ed in joining the alliance in 2023. Leading defense experts in the Unit- At the same time, if we ask the United successful without the enormous sup-
Sweden was accepted in March. Swedish ed States argue that President Biden’s States to be committed to what is hap- port in military, financial and political
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson spoke to fear of nuclear escalation has led him to pening on our continent, we in Europe terms from the European and American
The Post’s Lally Weymouth on the eve of put too many restrictions on the use of have good reason to be committed to partners.
embarking to the NATO summit held in weapons that the United States has American security concerns in other Do you worry about what a victory
D.C. this week. delivered to Ukraine. For example, the parts of the world. We should worry by former president Donald Trump
Excerpts from this interview have administration told the Ukrainian gov- more about what is happening in China, would mean for Europe and Ukraine?
been edited for length and clarity. ernment that, by and large, it can’t use for example. Yes, most European leaders are wor-
oliviEr hoSlET/EPa-EFE/ShuTTErSTock
U.S. weapons to hit targets inside Rus- Do you think there will be a settle- ried about the risk of the United States
Lally Weymouth: What will you tell Swedish Prime Minister Ulf sia. Does Sweden put such restrictions ment forced on Ukraine’s president, being less committed to what is happen-
the NATO prime ministers about Kristersson in Brussels last month. on the weapons that it sends to Volodymyr Zelensky? How do you ing in Europe. I think most European
Ukraine? Ukraine? think the war will end? leaders realize that in the long run, we
Ulf Kristersson: We will tell them the sion against Ukraine took place. In 2022, No, we do not have any restrictions on Everybody would like peace, but I Europeans have to step up for ourselves
extreme importance of allowing Ukraine it became totally self-evident. Now, Rus- how to use the weapons we deploy to think that in most European countries, regardless of who wins the presidential
to win this war and that Ukraine will sia is the defining threat that we build all Ukraine. I think most countries don’t. If people firmly believe that peace must be election in the United States in Novem-
never be able to win unless we stick to of our defense capabilities to be able to you are not entitled to stop the perpetra- settled on Ukrainian terms. ber. Europe will have to defend itself and
our united support. meet. tor, then you are very limited in the ways Ukraine’s government says that pay for its own defense.
I heard that your country knows a lot Do you see Russia as the major threat you can protect yourself. The Russians means taking back all of Ukraine. There is a fair criticism in the United
about Russia. not only to your country but also to constantly repeat the threat of using As long as they say that, that needs to States against quite a few European
We have been following and watching Europe? nuclear weapons in a way that is very be the starting point. It’s not Ukraine countries for not funding their armed
Russia for hundreds of years. Quite a few countries in Europe, even careless in this sensitive situation. But that is threatening Russia; it’s Russia forces in a sufficient way. There is a good
How do you see the threat posed by those geographically far away from Rus- we cannot allow ourselves to put too that is occupying, or trying to occupy, reason for many European countries,
President Vladimir Putin and Russia? sia, realize that if Russia succeeds in its many limits on Ukraine’s right to stop Ukraine. Peace can only be discussed on Sweden included, to increase our invest-
We have always been very suspicious invasion of Ukraine, it will pose an the aggression from Russia. Ukrainian terms. Otherwise we will ments in national defense.
of Russian aggression. Obviously things enormous threat to other European How do you assess the situation in redraw the security framework of Eu- What percentage of its gross domes-
have changed dramatically since the countries. Ukraine now? rope. tic product does Sweden spend on
full-scale invasion of Ukraine. We say In other words, Russia might invade Russia has not succeeded the way they Russia has a huge advantage in man- defense?
now that we should have realized [the other countries? hoped. On the other hand, Ukraine is power over Ukraine, doesn’t it? We are doubling our defense spending
extent of Russia’s threat] in 2008, [when If they succeed in their ambitions in fighting bravely, but they obviously need Yes, Russia is a big country and in Sweden during a period of four years.
Russia destabilized] Georgia, and then Ukraine, there are no signs suggesting more support from Western and Euro- Ukraine is much smaller. Given that, I This year, we will reach the 2 percent
in 2014, when the first [Russian] aggres- that Russia will settle and say, “We won’t pean allies. European Union countries think the Ukrainians [have performed] ceiling.
a18 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024



Degrowth debunked, Part II

MERICA’S FERTILITY rate is plummeting, Asia and Latin America halt their development in the subsist. Productivity growth can take the world in abortion care.” Moreover, so-called pronatalist pol-
with profound consequences for the coun- name of fighting climate change. directions that are benign for the physical and icies deployed in many countries have largely failed
try’s economic and political future. But is a For more than 200 years, pessimists have warned social environment. Growth can mean less pollu- to pump up birth rates.
declining birth rate something to lament or that a rapidly increasing population would bring tion, more forests and better health. Pronatalist policies should not be directed
to celebrate? civilizational doom. Yet unprecedented population We do not know exactly how many humans the toward those who prefer to remain childless. No
Our recent editorial on the “birthrate bomb” growth has coincided with unprecedented eco- Earth can support. But across the globe, economic amount of government support will fully offset the
elicited understandably strong reactions. Many nomic development, which in turn has freed and social development inevitably lead to fewer hundreds of thousands of dollars it costs to raise a
readers took issue with our focus on how declining billions of people from extreme poverty. Human child. Rather, pronatalist programs are properly
fertility rates might weaken the ingenuity — a feature of growing societies — has aimed at the still large number of women who say
EdiTOriaL U.S. economy. “Endless growth — made ills such as famine and infant mortality rarer. they want children but cannot bear the cost. Even if
whether that’s of the population or One reader wrote that “we cannot continue to Human ingenuity — a feature birth rates do not boom in response, enabling
the economy — is an unachievable fantasy,” one grow in a finite space.” Moreover, some readers women to make that choice is still worthwhile.
wrote. Another wrote: “Now is the time to reject argue, a society that values economic growth above, of growing societies — has made American values of individual autonomy and
growthist ideology for good.” say, justice or morality has lost its way. We choice mean that a child-free life is one that must be
These reactions reflect a growing intellectual fad: acknowledge the challenge of combating economic ills such as famine and respected. But freedom cuts the other way, too: One
“degrowth.” Degrowthers offer a substantial cri- inequality and providing all people with opportu- shouldn’t assume that women who desire more
tique of the tendency to prioritize economic growth nity and purpose as society’s overall wealth increas- infant mortality rarer. children suffer from false consciousness. As one
above all else. They argue it would be better to es. But degrowth threatens to do the opposite. The reader put it, “Everyone should have the right to
re-center increasingly unhappy societies away from rich would stay rich, while everyone else’s living choose if and when to have children and to have the
materialism and toward ecological sustainability. standards would decline. children. This is why our concern is not breakneck number of children they want. That’s a basic tenet of
We share some of their concerns. But, with respect, Degrowther pessimism rests on the notion that population growth but the opposite: how to sustain reproductive justice.”
we still disagree that degrowth is the way to address economic output is inherently exploitative: Growth, economic vibrancy if and when the number of We agree. Societies should make it easier to have
them. As we noted in another editorial, the numbers in this view, necessarily requires extracting more. people working — thinking, experimenting, invent- children — but also prepare for a time, already
show that curtailing economic growth cannot pro- But history has proved time and again that ing and investing — stops increasing, or declines. here for many, when they can no longer rely on a
duce a safer, sustainable world. Even if economic economies can defy gloomy predictions. Electricity, Wise societies would prepare. rising population to thrive. Humans have to do
growth paused in rich countries, the world would the internet, penicillin, breakthroughs in agricul- We agree with some of our readers that paying more with the same or a declining number of
still miss its carbon emissions targets by 38 billion ture and other advancements made it possible to do women to have more children can reinforce patriar- people. Or else the world will get the future that
tons. And it would amount to a kind of environmen- more with less, improving people’s living standards chal norms. As one noted, “Politicians are using degrowthers desire — and our bet is people will not
tal imperialism to insist that poor countries in Africa, and freeing them from a constant struggle to merely women’s bodies as a political tool in the fight over like it.

LETTErs TO ThE EdiTOr draWing bOard industrial processes they cover. Consequently, the
EPA is often called upon to clarify both statutory
How can the government function and regulatory language and to explain whether or
how those rules would apply to a particular
after this Supreme Court case? configuration or modification of an industrial
plant or process.
Regarding The Post’s June 29 front-page article During my tenure at the agency, I wrote many of
“Court weakens authority of U.S. agencies”: these policy memorandums that set legal precedent
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. famously and enabled the EPA to effectively implement
described a modest role for the Supreme Court in environmental regulations. These interpretation
his nomination hearings. But the decision to policies adhere strictly to a “plain-language reading”
overrule the Chevron deference doctrine and to of the statutory and regulatory language, and they
expand the role of courts is an extraordinary and are scrutinized by legal staff to ensure the EPA does
self-aggrandizing claim of power and authority for not overstep the intent of the original statutory or
the judicial branch. regulatory language. The clarifications are an
Acceptable regulatory policy should be shaped by integral part of the environmental regulatory
three considerations: implementation process.
1. The wishes of the voters, expressed through an EPA staff have spent decades writing and
elected president, his or her appointees, and elected implementing these regulations and are uniquely
legislators who alone define and control agency qualified to make these interpretations. Removing
power. this authority from regulatory agencies and placing
2. The weight of scientific and technical evidence it with the courts will severely limit the EPA’s ability
about the issue. to act in a timely and effective way to protect the
3. The actual impacts on affected stakeholders — environment from toxic pollutants. Without these
regulated parties and the publics they serve — years of expertise, the courts are not in a position to
whose views are collected through elaborate take over this responsibility, and the health and
outreach efforts that both bring major players to welfare of the public will suffer.
the drafting table and involve thousands, Scott Throwe, Bristol, R.I.
sometimes hundreds of thousands, of public mike luckovich/atlanta Journal-constitution

The role of the courts is to keep agencies within Get Congress to work
whatever boundaries Congress delineates. When Karen Tumulty’s June 29 op-ed, “The Supreme
Congress does not, cannot or will not identify those Court just gave Congress more work. But is it up to
boundaries, Chevron teaches that reasonable the job?,” was well done.
agency interpretations are as close as we can get to From my own career of 30 years of legislative
actual legislative intent. Creating a more intrusive advocacy, I would add that if Congress is going to
role for courts seems unwise, as courts do not function in the way it will need to now that the
participate in any of the three conditions for Supreme Court has tasked lawmakers with writing
acceptable policy. much more detailed legislation, it is critical to
William R. Andersen, Seattle restore congressional “regular order,” which has
been eroding since Georgia Republican Newt
In 1981, I joined the solicitor’s office at the Gingrich’s tenure as speaker of the House in the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, defending 1990s.
agency decisions before federal appellate courts. Regular order is simply the congressional process
When the Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense through which all legislation must be reported from
Council decision was issued in 1984, I cited it in a related committee to be considered on the floor of
dozens of briefs and in oral argument. Overruling the House or Senate. The committee process itself
this significant precedent is a tragic mistake. Under encouraged legislative expertise, bipartisan
Chevron, when a statute administered by an agency behavior and cohesive, on-time policy results. The
contained ambiguous terms, the reviewing courts Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control
would defer to the agency construction as long as Act of 1974 established a new congressional budget
that decision was rational. process and timetable, a budget committee in each
The pretext advanced in the majority decision house, a Congressional Budget Office, and
doing away with Chevron was that the 1984 case congressional control over the impoundment of
led to inconsistency because interpretations funds by the executive branch.
would often change when a new administration Yet today, the use of continuing resolutions has
Jack ohman
took power. During my appellate tenure, I recall become common any time that Congress and the
only one time when an incoming administration president do not reach agreement on spending
attempted such a change. That circumstance levels and fail to enact regular appropriations by
occurred in 1981, before Chevron existed, when the start of the federal fiscal year beginning
incoming Reagan administration commissioners cases despite the grant of deference. byproduct material as the Commission may deem Oct. 1. Between fiscal years 2010 and 2022,
tried to overturn a prior decision that had been The ultimate folly in Chief Justice Roberts’s necessary or desirable to promote the common 47 continuing resolutions passed, allowing
upheld by the 11th Circuit. decision is his “belief ” that all federal jurists are defense and security or to protect health or to Congress to delay its duties for as long as 176 days at
In short, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. is fixing paragons of virtue without any biases whatsoever. I minimize danger to life or property.” a time. On three occasions, not even a continuing
a problem that does not exist. Even if it did exist, the pity those federal agencies whose decisions are Given the varying educations, experiences and resolution was approved, resulting in a government
simple solution would be to bar an agency that has subject to review in federal district courts. The perspectives of judges, despite their acting in good shutdown.
been afforded deference for one interpretation from conservative rush to the district court in Amarillo, faith, the reversal of Chevron will no doubt create a This astonishing record of legislative failure is a
again claiming deference for a different Tex., and Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk will be “crazy quilt” of requirements resulting in varying direct result of not adhering to the important
construction of the same provision. immediate. levels of safety and protection in different districts, committee role, the fundamental precept of regular
The real reason for the conservative assault on Joel Cockrell, Damascus states and regions of our country. This will also order. If Congress can’t even fund the government,
Chevron is to prevent an alleged “deep result in confusion and costs to the nuclear how can it be expected to write detailed
administrative state” with its “liberal bias” from industry. regulations?
imposing allegedly onerous regulations on Americans deserve consistency Jim Lieberman, Silver Spring Dan Flanagan, Annapolis, Md.
business. Agency decisions at FERC are rendered by As a former director of the Office of Enforcement
five commissioners appointed by the president and and assistant general counsel for enforcement at
confirmed by the Senate. Only three can be from the the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, I am very ... And expertise guest opinion submissions
same political party. To be sure, these concerned about the impact overturning the The recent overturning of the “Chevron the Washington Post accepts opinion articles on any
commissioners collaborate with lawyers, Chevron decision will have on radiation and nuclear doctrine” by the Supreme Court will definitely topic. submit a guest opinion at
economists, engineers and other regulatory reactor requirements. The impacts of nuclear affect Environmental Protection Agency’s ability or read our guide to writing an opinion article at
specialists when reaching their decisions. During accidents do not respect the boundaries of states or to regulate toxic air pollutants. I had the honor of guestopinion.
my four decades at FERC, political biases were district courts. The American people deserve working for the Environmental Protection Agency
checked at the door. The men and women I worked uniform requirements that equally protect all. for 30 years. My job was concerned with the Clean Letter submissions
with were consummate professionals, always Yet now, U.S. courts will decide for themselves Air Act and the regulations developed to letters can be sent to
seeking the correct result. Sometimes, we got it the reasonableness of NRC implementation of the implement it. submissions must be exclusive to the Post and should
wrong. In those cases, the agency was unable to Atomic Energy Act of 1954, which requires the The Clean Air Act is one of the most complicated include the writer’s address and day and evening
show a logical connection between the facts commission to promulgate “standards and environmental statutes, and the regulations telephone numbers. We are unable to acknowledge
adduced and the decision made. Accordingly, the instructions to govern the possession and use of promulgated under that statute are equally submissions; writers whose letters are under
appellate court either reversed or remanded the special nuclear material, source material, and complicated because of the broad array of consideration for publication will be contacted.

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wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post Ez RE a19

leana s. Wen CatheRIne Rampell

You should Don’t fall for

try bathing Trump’s
in the forest Project 2025
here is a new field of medicine
that might sound too good to

be true. The therapy can re-
duce stress, lower blood pres- onald Trump’s top advisers are orga-
sure, improve mood, help with sleep nizing an authoritarian “revolu-
and even enhance the immune system, tion,” and they are recruiting a
yet there are no pills involved and no 20,000-strong “army” of loyalists to
side effects. carry it out. Yet Trump himself claims to
This medical field is called forest know nothing about the project.
medicine, based on the practice of Don’t fall for it.
shinrin-yoku, a Japanese phrase that Over the past couple years, the conserva-
translates to “forest bathing.” Forest tive Heritage Foundation think tank has been
bathing is not physical exercise, but running a presidential transition project
rather a form of relaxation while ex- called “Project 2025.” It includes a 900-page
periencing the forest through all five “policy bible” — far more comprehensive
senses. than the 16-page convention platform recent-
The idea that being in nature can be ly released by the Republican National Com-
therapeutic is not new, but it was only mittee. The Heritage document’s 30 chapters
in the last two decades that researchers provide a detailed game plan for how the next
began documenting the health benefits Republican president should curb the First
of forest immersion. Qing Li, a physi- Mikhail METzEl/via REUTERS
Amendment, roll back gay rights, infuse
cian and professor at Nippon Medical Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Minsk in May 24. Christianity into more state functions, repeal
School in Tokyo, is widely regarded as a climate and environmental protections, and
founder of the field of forest medicine.
He and his colleagues have authored
dozens of peer-reviewed papers dem-
onstrating the health benefits of forest
NATO is a bulwark against tyranny ... limit reproductive care and health care more
broadly. Oh, and it also disembowels much of
the federal government and concentrates
more power in the hands of the president.
therapy. BY N ANCY P ELOSI (with Putin’s assistance) stole the elec- Second, we must enforce strong Because rampant vacancies and poor
One meta-analysis of 20 clinical tri- AND S VETLANA T IKHANOVSKAYA tion from the Belarusian people, dis- sanctions on Russia for its antidemo- training limited Trump’s ability to imple-

als found that forest bathing can re- mantled free and fair elections and cratic activities, isolating Putin and ment his agenda last time, Project 2025 has
duce blood pressure, in some cases pon signing the North Atlan- unlawfully clung to power. his economy from the democratic also been recruiting and training thousands
with effects on par with antihyperten- tic Treaty, U.S. President Har- We don’t know the total number of world. of loyal foot soldiers to execute these pol-
sive agents. Other studies revealed that ry S. Truman declared, “We political prisoners enduring harsh Third, both Putin’s and Lukashen- icies. As Paul Dans, Project 2025 director and
the practice decreases hormones im- believe that it is possible for treatment in Belarus. But we know ko’s regimes need to be designated former chief of staff of the Office of Personnel
plicated in metabolic disorders such as nations to achieve unity on the great many of their names. In the 2020 elec- “state sponsors of terrorism.” In 2023, Management under Trump, put it: “Our goal
obesity and diabetes. Forest bathing principles of human freedom and tion, Sergei Tikhanovsky was Lukash- Russia was designated as a “country is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted,
has also been shown to lower anxiety justice.” Seventy-five years later, as enko’s primary political opponent. He of particular concern” because of Pu- trained, and prepared conservatives to go to
and reduce depressive symptoms, and the NATO summit convenes in D.C., was arrested and removed from the tin’s ongoing campaign of cruelty and work on Day One to deconstruct the Admin-
there is also data associating forest the NATO alliance continues to stand race. (He is also the husband of Svetla- oppression. It is past time to go istrative State.”
immersion to higher levels of antican- as a bulwark against tyranny. na Tikhanovskaya, one of the authors further. Trump has disavowed any involvement in
cer proteins. Unfortunately, tyranny is on the of this piece, who took up the mantle of Make no mistake: Putin and Lu- the project. In a post on his social media
Li’s hypothesis for the wide-ranging march in Eastern Europe. Russian leading the opposition after his jail- kashenko are as much a danger to the platform Friday, he claimed he knows “noth-
effects is that being in a forest decreas- President Vladimir Putin’s war of ing.) For more than 400 days, Sergei global order as Adolf Hitler was in his ing about Project 2025” and has “no idea who
es stress hormones such as adrenaline conquest in democratic Ukraine is has been held incommunicado. Not time. History warns us that we must is behind it.”
and cortisol. The reduced stress re- emblematic of this sad trend. The even his family has heard from him. never be afraid to confront repressive This is preposterous.
sponse relaxes the brain, reduces blood mass terror and repression in neigh- And he is not the only one. Several dictatorships bent on snuffing out Besides Dans, hundreds of Trump appoin-
pressure and impacts other body sys- boring Belarus, wrought by “Europe’s top opposition figures have also not democracy. The Belarusian opposi- tees and aides are part of the initiative.
tems including the endocrine and im- last dictator,” Alexander Lukashenko, been heard from in more than a year, tion and Ukrainian freedom fighters Among them is Russell Vought, Trump’s for-
mune systems. is less frequently reported on. including Maria Kolesnikova, Mikalai share a kinship. As they labor for their mer head of the Office of Management and
“The relaxing effects of forest bath- Lukashenko is known to be Putin’s Statkevich and Maxim Znak. And own liberation, they are beacons of Budget, who is now policy director for the
ing begin to appear 20 minutes after closest ally. He has put Belarus at the there are concerning reports about freedom for Europe — and for the Republican National Committee. Also Ste-
you begin and reach their maximum center of the Ukraine crisis by allow- the health of Ales Bialiatski, Nobel world. phen Miller, Trump’s top immigration advis-
effect after two hours,” Li told me in an ing Putin to stage troops and station Peace laureate, held by Lukashenko’s We must be there for them until er. Plus John McEntee, one of Trump’s closest
interview. “The longer you bathe in the nuclear weapons within its borders. cronies in inhumane conditions. democracy prevails. aides, who recently told a conservative pod-
forest, the greater the effect will be.” He is content to allow Putin to wield As the NATO summit begins, our Three-quarters of a century since cast that Project 2025 will “integrate a lot of
Li explained that though forest influence and control over Belarus so allies and partners should take steps the ink dried on the North Atlantic our work” with the Trump campaign later
medicine is in its nascency in the long as it helps him keep his grip on to support the pro-democracy move- Treaty, and thanks to the leadership of this year. Meanwhile, Trump’s super PAC is
United States, it is so well established power. ment on the ground in Belarus while President Biden, the West’s “unity on running ads highlighting Project 2025.
in Japan that there are 65 official In Belarus itself, nearly everyone increasing pressure on Putin’s crony the great principles of human free- So why might Trump and his campaign
“forest therapy bases” across the coun- lives in fear of a knock on the door. Lukashenko — and, by extension, dom and justice” remains in place. wish to distance him from Heritage’s proj-
try. Some Japanese companies con- Almost any form of suspected disloy- Putin himself. But unity of purpose must be matched ect? Partly because of troubling comments
tract with these bases to improve their alty or dissent to Lukashenko’s re- First, we must ensure a haven for by action. Let us carry on the fight for made last week by the foundation’s presi-
employees’ health and manage their gime can be punished by death. KGB Belarusian pro-democracy activists freedom and justice together — for dent, Kevin Roberts. In an appearance on the
stress, and some even pay for their agents force confessions from inno- who need to seek asylum. And we the people of Belarus, for the people of “War Room” podcast, founded by Trump
employees’ forest outings with compa- cent people and post them on the must aid those who have successfully Ukraine and for all mankind. adviser Stephen K. Bannon, Roberts de-
ny insurance. internet to spread fear. fled into exile. We must provide com- clared that “we are in the process of the
Forests occupy 67 percent of the But the people of Belarus neverthe- prehensive assistance to the Belaru- Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, second American revolution, which will re-
land in Japan, making them more less resist Lukashenko’s tyranny. In sian pro-freedom movement, includ- is speaker emerita of the house of main bloodless if the left allows it to be.”
easily accessible than here in the Unit- 2020, voters bravely rejected dictator- ing independent media, civil society Representatives. Svetlana Tikhanovskaya But the problem isn’t merely this chilling
ed States. So I was glad to learn that ship and voted for democracy in over- groups, human rights defenders and is the leader of the democratic opposition threat. The greater liability is nearly every-
city dwellers can experience the ben- whelming numbers. But Lukashenko the repressed. of Belarus. thing Project 2025 says Trump would do as
efits of forest bathing simply by visit- president, as it’s chock-full of unpopular,
ing local parks. Li himself lives in sometimes even dystopian policies.
central Tokyo and practices forest For instance, it says “Pornography should
bathing weekly by walking in city be outlawed” and “The people who produce
parks. davId IgnatIus and distribute it should be imprisoned,”
He advised that forest bathing can without defining “pornography.” Given the
encompass many activities. “Find a
place you like, then sit for a while and
read or enjoy the scenery,” he said. “You
... but the alliance has always been vulnerable ongoing library wars, which have seen books
about gay penguins and how puberty works
challenged as obscene, this seems like a

can do tai chi, yoga or picnic.” Walking dangerous, criminal campaign for the presi-
is great, but he cautioned against over- hen NATO met for its 25th the Marine Band played two songs from House Republicans who tried to block dent to launch. Project 2025 would also
exerting yourself and recommended anniversary summit in June the musical “Porgy and Bess” that unin- $61 billion in essential military aid to infuse Judeo-Christian values throughout
resting when you are tired. 1974, President Richard tentionally highlighted gaps in the alli- Ukraine. By the end of that agonizing our government, such as its proposal for the
Melanie Choukas-Bradley, a natu- M. Nixon was facing im- ance’s bold promises. The tunes were “I debate, more Americans — even House state to formally recognize the Sabbath.
ralist and forest bathing expert in D.C., peachment in the Watergate scandal and Got Plenty o’ Nuttin’” and “It Ain’t Neces- Republicans — understood better why the When it comes to health care, the plat-
offered additional guidance for people was two months from resignation. There sarily So.” security of Europe and that of the United form would slash Medicaid funding, end
interested in trying this practice. was some high-minded talk about the As NATO waged the Cold War, its core States are intertwined. health department programs promoting
“Any time you take to connect with alliance but also much foreboding about conundrums remained. When Kissinger Biden and Jake Sullivan, his national “LGBTQ+ equity,” and direct the Food and
nature is good for you,” she told me. “If the political future of its critical member, became Nixon’s national security adviser security adviser, have worked this spring Drug Administration to reverse its approval
you have five minutes to walk into the the United States. in 1969, he saw three big issues: America’s and summer to put more bite into NATO’s of medication abortion drugs. On climate
backyard and look up through the Henry Kissinger, then secretary of “flexible response” doctrine of nuclear commitment to Ukraine. With new and energy, it would cut federal funding for
branches of a tree at the sky, just feel state, explained the fraught atmosphere retaliation against a Russian attack, the U.S. weapons and more freedom in using research and investment in renewables and
the breeze on your face, feel the sun in his memoirs: “The Western leaders alliance’s formula for sharing defense them, Ukraine was able to halt Russia’s block expansion of the electrical grid for
and feel the rain.” treated Nixon with the respect they felt for costs and the number of U.S. troops need- offensive on Kharkiv, stabilize its lines wind and solar power.
When Choukas-Bradley leads guid- him and the solicitude shown to terminal- ed in Europe. Those questions persist to and inflict severe casualties on Russian Among its unpopular immigration pro-
ed walks, she asks people to try simple ly ill patients.” this day, even as NATO remains the forces. At the summit, Biden is expected to posals, the blueprint would effectively ter-
exercises that engage their senses. For At this week’s 75th anniversary NATO world’s most successful alliance. announce that Ukraine will have an “irre- minate the Deferred Action for Childhood
instance, she asks them to notice summit in Washington, the mood is likely Panic is the flavor of the day in Wash- versible” bridge to NATO membership, so Arrivals program, which provides work per-
what’s in motion. to be similar. President Biden has been one ington, and in this anxious environment, long as it continues anti-corruption re- mits and protection from deportation to
“It sounds like such a simple thing, of the most effective leaders in NATO his- the NATO summit may seem like a televi- forms. That would be a stronger commit- undocumented immigrants brought to the
but it’s a really powerful mindfulness tory, rebuilding the alliance and galvaniz- sion rerun from the 1960s. But if we take a ment than NATO made a year ago during United States as children. It would also
exercise,” she said. “You notice the ing its members to support Ukraine. But closer look, we can see reasons the alli- its summit at Vilnius. further restrict legal immigration. For ex-
tiniest little movement in the leaves Europeans tell me they feel a deep anxiety ance is less fragile than the current politi- This week’s appalling Russian missile ample, it would dismantle the program that
and an ant crawling across the ground, now about the future of U.S. leadership, cal climate on both sides of the Atlantic. strike on a children’s hospital in Kyiv is a allows seasonal agricultural workers to
a spider and a web. You just notice so with Biden in severe political trouble and The White House had planned this grim reminder of why NATO matters. come here on visas.
much, and you calm down.” former president Donald Trump seeming week’s summit as a celebration of NATO Looking at footage of the hospital ruins, More broadly, the playbook explains how
Another exercise is to stand with poised to regain the White House. as guarantor of collective security — and Americans and Europeans alike will see the president would purge nonpartisan ca-
one’s back to a flowing stream and cup The historical resonance of this week’s of Biden’s role as steward of that relation- vivid evidence that Putin is a cruel and reer civil servants and experts (the supposed
one ear from the front. This amplifies gathering is haunting — and also, per- ship. Those arguments may seem wobbly unyielding adversary. Without NATO’s “deep state”) and replace them with political
the sound of the water. Then take away haps, oddly reassuring. Worries about the now, but I’d argue that both remain true, opposition, Putin would redraw the secu- appointees. This was actually a project
your hand and see how much the future of American leadership and the regardless of what happens at the ballot rity map in Europe, with lasting conse- Trump began on his way out the door in
sound diminishes. durability of the transatlantic alliance are box in November. As for Trump’s lead in quences for America. 2020 but failed to complete.
“Even just closing your eyes when such common NATO themes that they the polls, voters can surprise us, as the A similarly macabre message came in The platform also lays out how the presi-
you’re in nature magnifies the sounds ought to be part of the organization’s recent victory of the left-wing parties over September 1949, when the Soviet Union dent would seize direct control of independ-
around you, and you focus on the mission statement. Europeans are always the hard right in France demonstrated. detonated its first nuclear weapon just as ent agencies such as the FBI and Federal
sounds and the smells,” Choukas-Brad- fretting about America’s reliability, just as For all Biden’s political troubles, his the Senate was debating the North Atlan- Trade Commission. Conveniently, this would
ley explained. She encourages people Americans are always peeved that the NATO laurel is well deserved. He helped tic Treaty. Acheson mused: “Once again better enable Trump to use the powers of
to connect with nature wherever they Europeans aren’t pulling their weight in refurbish the alliance after four years of the Russians had come to the aid of an state to reward his friends and punish his
are, even if it’s looking at one tree. “It’s providing for the common defense. Trump’s disdain. He shared American in- imperiled nonpartisan foreign policy, enemies, as he has vowed to do (and often
really an awareness practice,” she said. The alliance was founded with what telligence secrets to warn Europe that binding its wounds and rallying the divid- attempted the last time he was president).
In my view, the potential preventive Dean Acheson, the secretary of state who Russia truly intended to invade Ukraine; ed Congress.” Perhaps when Trump says he knows noth-
effects of forest bathing are convincing drafted its founding treaty, described in his he mobilized NATO to help valiant Ukrai- Biden’s successful stewardship of ing about Project 2025, he means he’s unfa-
enough that people should give it a try. memoir as “basic problems, which NATO nians defend their country. Some argue in NATO makes this an ideal time, in my miliar with its nitty-gritty details. That could
Here’s another reason: One of the key has never been able to solve.” The alliance hindsight that he didn’t do enough, but a view, for him to take a victory lap (at a slow be true; few would mistake the man for a
tenets of the forest medicine move- was “a body … without a head,” unable to more aggressive American stance might pace, to be sure). Then he should invite policy wonk.
ment is that it promotes not only compel its members to do anything. And have busted NATO’s solidarity. Democrats to select a new presidential But last time around, he delegated major
human health but also forest health. By NATO’s collective defense required “in- The truth is that Biden blocked Presi- candidate who can represent the United administrative decisions to his underlings,
practicing forest bathing, we are also creased forces from its members,” though dent Vladimir Putin while avoiding a di- States in its long struggle against all en- and he’d likely do the same again in a second
celebrating conservation and spread- many European nations from the start rect conflict with Russia — no easy task. emies, foreign and domestic. term. Which is why this playbook, written by
ing the message that human well-being refused to pay their fair share. I’d credit Biden for rebuilding support Your race is won, Mr. President. As your those same underlings, should be taken seri-
is inextricably tied to the well-being of At the signing ceremony for the North for NATO at home, too. He was steadfast allies and friends applaud, hand off the ously — whether you buy Trump’s professed
the natural environment around us. Atlantic Treaty in 1949, Acheson noted, through six months of delay by a cabal of baton. ignorance of the malevolence ahead or not.
A20 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

Democratic lawmakers seek criminal investigation of Clarence Thomas

BY J USTIN J OUVENAL matter. “Inevitably it would be commented publicly on the loan, Wyden said. They also want to
seen as political retribution for but Welters told The Washington know if Thomas’s benefactors
Two Democratic U.S. senators rulings the justices made that they Post last year that he believed paid gift taxes, and whether Leo’s
announced Tuesday that they are don’t like,” he said. “I just don’t Thomas had “satisfied the loan.” payment to Ginni Thomas was
seeking a criminal investigation of know how you get out of that box.” The senators also want the spe- part of a coordinated gift program
Supreme Court Justice Clarence The Justice Department de- cial counsel to investigate multi- or required any additional disclo-
Thomas over gifts of travel, a loan clined to comment on the request. ple instances of jet travel, yacht sures by the justice.
for a recreational vehicle and oth- Special counsels are generally trips, home renovations, tuition, Last month, Whitehouse and
er benefits he received from appointed when the attorney gen- luxury sports tickets, lodging and rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) asked
wealthy benefactors. eral wants to assure the public other gifts that Thomas did not the officials with the U.S. Judicial
Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse that a sensitive investigation will disclose on his annual financial Conference, which oversees judi-
(D-r.I.) and ron Wyden (D.-ore.) be conducted fairly and free from forms. The gifts were reported in a cial ethics issues, to explain how
said they sent a letter to Attorney political considerations; Garland series of articles by ProPublica last they were handling the disclo-
General merrick Garland last has appointed three special coun- year. many of the items were paid sures about Thomas. They have
week requesting he appoint a spe- sels during his tenure, to oversee for by Harlan Crow, the Texas yet to receive an answer. The law-
cial counsel to probe whether investigations involving former billionaire, Thomas friend and makers had previously asked the
Thomas violated ethics, false president Donald Trump, Presi- major republican donor. conference to refer Thomas to the
statement and tax laws. dent Biden and the president’s In addition, the senators want Justice Department for potential
The action marks a significant son, Hunter Biden. J. Scott AppLewhite/Ap
the special counsel to probe ethics violations.
escalation in efforts by Democrat- “We do not make this request Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas at the Supreme Court $25,000 in consulting fees that The Senate Judiciary Commit-
ic senators to address ethics con- lightly,” Whitehouse and Wyden Building in Washington, on Oct. 7, 2022. were directed to Thomas’s wife, tee revealed last month that
troversies related to Thomas and said in a statement. “The evidence Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, by con- Thomas took three flights paid for
the court in recent years. White- assembled thus far plainly sug- travel as they existed at the time. have not received adequate an- servative judicial activist, Leon- by Crow between 2017 and 2021
house’s staff said it was likely the gests that Justice Thomas has “Justice Thomas has always swers from Thomas about how he ard Leo. The payment was first that he did not disclose. Berke said
first time anyone had requested a committed numerous willful vio- strived for full transparency and handled the matter. An investiga- disclosed by The Washington Post Thomas was not required to dis-
special counsel investigate a Su- lations of federal ethics and false- adherence to the law, including tion by the Senate finance Com- last may. Some ethics experts said close the travel because it hap-
preme Court justice. Whitehouse statement laws and raises signifi- with respect to what personal mittee concluded a substantial it raised questions about whether pened before the high court clari-
sits on the Senate Judiciary Com- cant questions about whether he travel needed to be reported,” portion of the loan from Thomas’s Thomas should have recused him- fied its own ethics rules to specify
mittee, while Wyden chairs the and his wealthy benefactors have Berke said in a statement last year. friend and businessman, Anthony self from certain cases. Neither that free travel must be reported
Senate finance Committee. complied with their federal tax He described any failures to dis- Welters, was forgiven in 2008. The Clarence nor Ginni Thomas re- as a gift. Thomas reported three
Jeremy fogel, a former federal obligations.” close travel as “strictly inadver- committee found Thomas failed sponded to requests for comment trips on Crow’s jet during 2022,
judge and executive director of the Thomas and his attorney, Elliot tent.” to report the loan on his financial about the payment at the time. after the policy change.
Berkeley Judicial Institute, said S. Berke, did not immediately re- Whitehouse and Wyden said disclosure forms, raising ques- The failure to disclose the gifts The justice also revised his 2019
the Justice Department has the spond to requests for comment, they wanted a special counsel to tions about whether he reported it and payments may have violated a financial disclosures last month to
legal authority to appoint a special but Berke has said previously that examine a $267,000 loan Thomas as income on his taxes as required federal law requiring government reflect lodging and other expenses
counsel to investigate Thomas, Thomas tried to comply with fi- used to purchase a luxury motor by law. officials to disclose gifts, loans and paid for by Crow during trips to
but whether it would is another nancial disclosures of gifts and coach in 1999, adding that they Thomas has not previously other benefits, Whitehouse and Bali and a club in California.

Experts see conservatives’ skepticism over prosecutorial discretion in ruling

SmiTh from A1 from more than $175,000 in loans and making it more difficult for
and gifts, including a rolex the U.S. to maintain credibility in
ideological lines last week that watch, vacations and partial pay- the global fight against corrup-
presidents are immune from ments for a daughter’s wedding tion. It’s really problematic.”
criminal prosecution for “official reception, that the governor and The federal charges against
acts,” while adding that they may his family received from a busi- Trump include that he pressured
still be prosecuted for unofficial nessman who wanted state uni- his own Justice Department and
acts. The ruling did not offer a versities to perform clinical tests threatened to replace his attorney
clear line between the two, and on a dietary supplement his com- general if senior department offi-
the justices may have to settle pany had developed. cials didn’t support him in his
further disputes about that — Burnham was part of the de- unfounded claims of massive vot-
including in Trump’s four crimi- fense team in that case; Smith er fraud. roberts’s opinion took
nal cases. was the head of the Justice De- particular aim at those allega-
many legal experts see the partment’s public integrity sec- tions, saying such conduct should
historic ruling as the latest salvo tion, which oversaw the mcDon- be considered off-limits in any
from conservative Supreme nell investigation. one of the top criminal case against a former
Court justices who have long be- prosecutors Smith has recruited president.
lieved that federal prosecutors to the special counsel’s office was That part of the case was based
often go too far in the pursuit of a prosecutor at mcDonnell’s trial. on a bad legal theory that led to a
alleged wrongdoing by elected In the mcDonnell ruling, rob- bad indictment, which led to a
officials. The decision will signifi- erts wrote that the Justice De- bad Supreme Court opinion, ar-
cantly limit what evidence pros- partment’s prosecution of the gued Sarah Isgur, a Justice De-
ecutors may present in Trump’s governor, on allegations of doing partment spokeswoman during
D.C. case, and is already prompt- favors in exchange for lavish gifts, the Trump administration who
ing new challenges to his felony “could cast a pall of potential now hosts a legal podcast called
conviction in New York and his prosecution” over government of- “Advisory opinions.”
classified documents indictment ficials engaged in campaign fund- “You can’t prosecute the presi-
in florida. It will probably lead to raising, social events and con- dent for wanting to switch out his
fresh motions to dismiss or limit stituent services. roberts cited attorney general — that whole
the state counts he faces in Geor- that phrase in the Trump deci- theory was nuts,” Isgur said. “I
gia for alleged election interfer- sion, raising a similar concern don’t like this opinion but I don’t
ence, as well. that a president could be unfairly think it would exist but for pros-
“The conservative majority has hamstrung in office by the fear of ecutors charging it this way.”
a lot of skepticism of prosecutori- prosecution unless there is im- Current and former federal law
al discretion, and this immunity munity for official acts. enforcement officials said pros-
case is yet another offshoot of this BiLL o'LeAry/the wAShington poSt “The hesitation to execute the ecutors have to apply the law as
ongoing suspicion or dislike,” said Special counsel Jack Smith in August. The Supreme Court ruling granting presidents broad immunity duties of his office fearlessly and they understand it, and it is not
Jessica Tillipman, an associate will significantly limit the evidence his office can present in the Jan. 6 case against Donald Trump. fairly that might result when a practical to spend much time and
dean at George Washington Uni- President is making decisions un- energy during an investigation
versity Law School. Trump and his allies have chal- Trump faces four counts in the “Smith has nobody to blame der ‘a pall of potential prosecu- trying to predict how the high
While many lawyers see the lenged Smith’s appointment as election interference case: con- but himself.” tion’ … raises ‘unique risks to the court may decide to redefine the
ruling as a dispiriting setback unlawful — a long-shot argument spiracy to defraud the United A spokesman for Smith de- effective functioning of govern- rules — potentially years after a
that puts the president at least that failed with previous special States; conspiracy to obstruct an clined to comment. In brief re- ment,’” roberts wrote in Trump trial.
partially above the law, conserva- counsels but drew notable sup- official proceeding; obstruction marks when he announced the v. United States. The tensions between how the
tive lawyers said the decision was port from Supreme Court Justice of and attempting to obstruct an indictment, the special counsel In the mcDonnell case, roberts Justice Department and the Su-
a predictable comeuppance for Clarence Thomas. official proceeding; and conspira- said the violence on Jan. 6, 2021, found that prosecutors had de- preme Court see corruption pros-
Smith and other Justice Depart- Smith brought the D.C. indict- cy against rights. His lawyers was “fueled by lies. Lies by the fined “official acts” too broadly; in ecutions date back to at least 1987,
ment officials who have been ment against Trump in August, argued he should be immune defendant targeted at obstruct- the Trump decision, he took the said Sharon fairley, a former fed-
repeatedly reined in by the 21/2 years after Trump’s efforts to from prosecution for actions he ing a bedrock function of the U.S. position that prosecutors had eral prosecutor who is now a law
Supreme Court. reverse Joe Biden’s 2020 election took as president, and that legal government, the nation’s process considered the question too nar- professor at the University of Chi-
“Smith’s team pushed the court victory culminated in the bloody argument is what made its way to of collecting, counting and certi- rowly. But in both cases, roberts cago. That’s when the high court
into adopting a legal rule that attack on the Capitol. the Supreme Court. fying the results of the presiden- concluded prosecutors over- ruled the federal mail fraud stat-
massively constrained prosecuto- Democratic lawmakers, Trump The special counsel and the tial election.” reached, exceeding the authority ute does not cover “schemes to
rial power vis-à-vis former presi- critics and some outside experts Justice Department, Burnham Burnham is one of several con- and intent of the criminal stat- defraud citizens of their intangi-
dents, not just for Trump but for had been clamoring for criminal said, overplayed their hands by servative lawyers who follow the utes. ble rights to honest and impartial
all future presidents,” said James charges after nationally televised charging Trump based on his Supreme Court closely and saw Tillipman, the GWU law school government.”
Burnham, a former law clerk for congressional hearings that ex- discussions with Justice Depart- particular meaning in a reference dean, agreed that the mcDonnell “I think the Justice Depart-
Justice Neil m. Gorsuch who has amined Trump’s conversations ment officials and his vice presi- that Chief Justice John G. roberts decision is important in under- ment does try to walk that fine
also worked at the Justice Depart- with top aides at the White House dent — government officials Jr. included when writing the standing the Supreme Court’s line, but there’s probably always
ment and Trump White House. and Justice Department about whose communications with the ruling in Trump’s immunity case. thinking on corruption cases, but going to be some concern,” fairley
Attorney General merrick Gar- pursuing unfounded claims of White House can be at the heart roberts mentioned a 2016 Su- decried its reasoning as an exam- said. “The court definitely uses its
land appointed Smith as special election fraud, conversations of a president’s job. preme Court decision, one he also ple of what she called “the on- ability to interpret the statutes to
counsel to add a layer of inde- with then-Vice President mike Burnham called the indict- wrote, in which the court unani- going weakening of how we han- rein the Department of Justice in
pendence to the Trump investiga- Pence, and efforts to submit slates ment “a prime example of the mously overturned the convic- dle corruption in the United and send the message that we
tion in late 2022, once it became of pro-Trump electors to cast Justice Department overreaching tion of former Virginia governor States.” have to be very careful on intrud-
clear Trump would again run for votes in his name from key states and ending up miles behind robert mcDonnell, a republican. over many years of such deci- ing on people’s ability to do poli-
president in this year’s election. Biden had won. where it began.” The mcDonnell case stemmed sions, she said, “it’s getting worse tics.”

More in late author’s circle say they knew that daughter was sexually abused
munrO from A1 Thacker said that Skinner said, later adding: “The term she ential people came to know
wrote to him about her experi- used was, she was ‘devastated.’ something of my story yet con-
stepfather, Gerald fremlin, had ence in 2005, after she had “I knew this day was going to come. … I knew And she was devastated. It tinued to support, and add to, a
sexually assaulted her starting in contacted police about fremlin wasn’t anything she did. It was narrative they knew was false.”
1976, when she was 9 years old. and as Thacker’s book was going that it was going to come out, and I knew that something he did.” A story by two others who worked closely
And after munro learned of the to press. He decided not to act on reporters at the Toronto Star with munro knew about Skin-
abuse from her daughter 16 years the information. I would be having conversations like this.” described how fremlin had writ- ner’s experience, Thacker said:
later, she reacted without sympa- “Clearly she hoped — or she ten letters admitting to the abuse “Certainly people knew there
Robert Thacker, biographer of Alice Munro
thy to Skinner and chose to stay hoped at that time, anyway — and pleaded guilty to indecent was a burden she was dealing
with fremlin; they remained that I would make it public,” he assault in 2005. with.”
married until he died in 2013. told The Post on monday. “I According to Thacker, it was He declined to name specific
An extra shock was Skinner’s wasn’t prepared to do that. And broadly understood that munro individuals, but said that he had
claim that some who knew mun- the reason I wasn’t prepared to came clear what the issue was, Thacker said that he and mun- drew from events in her life for spoken with a colleague about
ro had been aware of the story for do that is that, it wasn’t that kind with Gerry fremlin’s full shame- ro spoke about the matter in her 1993 story “Vandals,” about a their anticipation that munro’s
years. of book. I wasn’t writing a tell-all ful role revealed, but I have 2008, when they met in a restau- woman who represses the family secret would be shared
robert Thacker, a Canadian biography. And I’ve lived long nothing to add to this tragic rant for an interview. munro knowledge that her partner sexu- with the world, and that both
academic and author of “Alice enough to know that stuff hap- family story and have no further asked him to turn off his record- ally abused children: “Those of had resolved to confirm that they
munro: Writing Her Lives,” said pens in families that they don’t comment to make.” er. He declined to describe the us who [study] Alice, or have had known earlier.
that he expected this revelation want to talk about and that they others close to munro ex- conversation in detail, but said [studied] Alice, have always Penguin random House Cana-
and its fallout to happen. want to keep in families.” pressed great surprise. “I did not that munro informed him that, thought that this story directly da did not return a request for
“I knew this day was going to “As Alice’s Canadian editor learn the details of this until in 1992, when Skinner was 25, connected to this whole issue.” comment. When contacted by
come,” Thacker told The Wash- and publisher, I was aware that everyone else did, though I’d had she told munro about the abuse. Skinner, who did not return The Post, Deborah Treisman, the
ington Post on monday, later Alice and Andrea were estranged hints not long before this past munro said that she had left The Post’s request for comment, fiction editor at the New Yorker,
adding, “I knew that it was going for a number of years,” Douglas weekend. Horrifying,” Canadian fremlin for a time and that she wrote in her essay that her which first published many of
to come out, and I knew that I Gibson wrote in an email re- novelist margaret Atwood, a ultimately decided to return. mother’s fame meant that the munro’s stories, declined
would be having conversations sponding to an interview request friend of the author’s, said in an “In a case like this, I wasn’t silence about her abuse extended through a spokesman to com-
like this.” from The Post. “In 2005, it be- email to The Post. prepared to be probing,” Thacker beyond her family: “many influ- ment.

METRO wednesday, july 10 , 2024 eZ re b

High today at MarylanD the District Obituaries
approx. 5 p.m.
Former Montgomery A woman is accused of Diplomat Wayne S. Smith,
8 a.m. noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
97° schools chief Monifa B. using a dead man’s 91, resigned from his U.S.
precip: 40% McKnight is joining the severed thumb to steal post in Cuba and called
84 92 95 90
° ° ° ° Wind: s
8-16 mph University of Maryland. b3 from his bank account. b3 for rapprochement. b4

Council Va. aims

passes to curb
truancy phones
in class
D.C. bill will pilot social
services program for STATE TO DEVELOP
students missing class ADVICE FOR SCHOOLS
Youngkin cites effects on
BY L AUREN L UMPKIN mental health, learning
D.C. lawmakers passed emer-
gency legislation Tuesday that BY K ARINA E LWOOD
will test a new approach for keep-
ing truant teens in school: provid- Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin
ing them with social service pro- (R) called for policies restricting
grams, rather than sending them cellphone use in schools in an
to court. executive order Tuesday, citing
The measure is a departure rising concerns about the effects
from the city’s practice of having of phone usage and social media
schools refer teens between the on youth mental health.
ages of 14 and 17 to the city’s Under the order, the state edu-
juvenile probation agency for po- cation Department will create
tential legal action after missing pHoToS By SHUrAn HUAng For THe WASHingTon poST
guidance for school districts to
15 days of school without an ex- develop policies for a “phone-
cuse. That system has faced at- free” education environment. The
tacks this past year as schools
have struggled to get students to
attend consistently and advo-
cates have questioned whether
Picking a free tree for a yard in D.C. goal, the order says, is to limit the
amount of time children are on
phones “without parental super-
vision.” The order is not an out-
the referrals work — nearly half of right ban on the use of phones in
high-schoolers in the city were To help fulfill a U.S. plan to forest urban areas, a local arborist travels from home to home class.
truant during the 2022-2023 “This essential action will pro-
school year, and D.C. Public BY B ISHOP S AND mote a healthier and more fo-
schools complied with the law 44 cused educational environment
percent of the time, data shows. Gaby elliott drives down the street where every child is free to learn.
even after referrals were made, scanning front yards for an elusive com- Creating cellphone and social me-
students were not prosecuted. modity: space for a tree to grow. dia-free educational environ-
The city’s attorney general also sidewalks meld into buildings — little ments in Virginia’s K-12 educa-
has said that prosecuting chil- room for life. But somehow, in a tiny box tion system will benefit students,
dren and families for missing cut into the concrete landscape, a massive parents, and educators,” Young-
school should be a “last resort” tree trunk rises about 60 feet into the air. kin said in a statement.
and that kind of punishment is “Yeah, you’re like, ‘Where is the root The move comes as states
not an effective way to improve system?’” elliott bursts out. “That’s prob- around the country increasingly
attendance. ably a willow oak. And they’re magnifi- look to restrict cellphone use in
now, students will be referred cent. The resiliency of plants … it just schools. Last month, California
see trUAnCY On B3 really blows my mind.” Gov. Gavin newsom (D) an-
In a forest, a large tree like this would nounced his support for restric-
be part of a sprawling scaffold supporting tions following U.s. surgeon Gen-
thousands of species from floor to canopy, eral Vivek H. Murthy’s call for

Marshal she notes, an ecosystem far removed from

the paved-over terrain out the car win-
tobacco-style warning labels on
social media apps to inform users
about their deleterious effects on

shoots teen Yet, even in this area of D.C., trees

sustain life. They shield city dwellers from
heat waves and storms growing increas-
youth mental health.
Other states have taken similar
steps. Indiana passed a bill this

near home ingly punishing with climate change.

Urban groves bolster bird populations at
a time when human activity is decimating
year that requires school districts
to adopt policies banning wire-
less devices during class, and last

of justice them, studies show. And, of course, trees

see trEES On B2
top: Arborist Gaby Elliott provides a consultation to first-time homeowners
Caroline and Luke Mihalovic in hyattsville. ABoVE: Elliott measures a backyard.
year, Florida Gov. Ron Desantis
(R) signed the most restrictive
school smartphone law in the
see phonES On B4

A deputy U.s. marshal on a

supreme Court protective detail
shot and wounded a D.C. teen-
ager who tried to carjack him
Former ‘Bob’s Burgers’ voice actor pleads guilty in Capitol riot
Friday near the home of Justice
sonia sotomayor, according to BY T OM J ACKMAN Judge Carl J. nichols. The FBI es, who had a concussion and
authorities and court documents. first posted photos of Johnston in lacerations to his face as rioters
The shooting occurred Friday Actor Jay Johnston, who March 2021, seeking help in iden- ripped off his gas mask and
at 1:17 a.m. around the U street voiced a pizzeria owner in the tifying him, and a lawyer for punched him.
corridor, D.C. police said. television show “Bob’s Burgers” Johnston soon contacted the bu- “I can’t remember all the dif-
Kentrell Flowers, 18, of south- and had roles in “Better Call reau. Johnston was then fired ferent ways in which I was as-
east Washington was a passenger saul,” “Arrested Development” from “Bob’s Burgers,” the Daily saulted,” Hodges testified in one
in a silver Toyota minivan that and the movie “Anchorman,” has Beast reported in 2021, but he case. Johnston is not charged
pulled alongside a parked un- pleaded guilty to interfering with was not charged until June 2023 with assault on law enforcement
marked government vehicle and police at the Capitol on Jan. 6, as the Justice Department but did acknowledge being part
stopped, according to court docu- 2021. Johnston admitted being worked through its backlog of of the crowd that used stolen
ments. A marshal was seated part of a crowd that pressed up potential cases against thousands police riot shields to create a
inside the vehicle as Flowers left against officers in the lower West of rioters. “shield wall” and yelled “heave-
the van’s rear right passenger Terrace tunnel at the height of the Johnston’s sentencing was set ho” as they repeatedly tried to
door and approached and point- uprising, including the widely for Oct. 7. According to his plea overwhelm the stack of officers
ed a handgun through the win- shown incident in which a D.C. agreement, federal sentencing protecting the Capitol entrance.
dow in an apparent attempted police officer screamed for help guidelines call for a sentence of As of early June, more than
carjacking, charging documents as he was being crushed between eight to 14 months. But prosecu- 1,450 people had been charged
say. the rioters and a door. tors said they will seek an in- see rIot On B2
The marshal pulled out his Johnston, 55, pleaded guilty to JUSTiCe DepArTMenT/Ap creased range of 12 to 18 months
service weapon and fired several felony civil disorder in a hearing Body-cam footage shows Jay Johnston, circled, at the U.S. Capitol because of the physical injuries Oath Keepers: An attorney for the
see ShootInG On B3 Monday before U.s. District on Jan. 6, 2021. he pleaded guilty Monday to felony civil disorder. suffered by Officer Daniel Hodg- right-wing group will plead guilty. b2

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B2 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

To nip climate change in the bud, a billion-dollar plan for more trees in cities
TREES frOm B1 street noise and perhaps even says. “That’s so cool!”
slow down cars. One study that Trees to be planted: 2
grow by pulling carbon out of the arborists love to cite shows mo-
atmosphere. torists slow down when passing The last consult
That is why the federal govern- trees. The property in Hyattsville is
ment is spending $1 billion to There’s room for Elliott to be immense — 2.3 acres of sloping
forest urban areas across the creative. Good soil, a bit of stand- greenery. There is plenty of space,
country, part of the largest effort ing water. She suggests three great soil, no power lines. Any
to fight climate change in U.S. Southern magnolia trees, lush tree could be the right tree in this
history. evergreens with thick leaves and space.
for the endeavor to bear fruit, bold white flowers. “I’m kind of wondering what
arborists such as Elliott must “They get this big — like the this person would want from a
ensure millions of trees thrive in size of my hand,” Elliot says of the free-tree program,” she says. “If
less-than-ideal conditions: under flowers. “It’s just a very aesthetic they want specific things that are
power lines and around utilities tree.” much more about aesthetics —
and foundations; in compact, The owners say they’re excited like ornamental plants — it might
polluted soil, beset with floods to do their part for the environ- be a challenge to persuade them
and droughts. ment. otherwise.”
And, perhaps most important- Trees to be planted: 5 We make our way up to the
ly, within the confines of a home- house — a structure designed by
owner’s taste. A pretty tree John Joseph Earley, a D.C. artist
“We have to choose the right At the next home, in Hyatts- responsible for the intricate con-
species in places where they can ville, the owner says she’s been crete designs of meridian Hill
be left alone,” Elliott says. “So, considering planting a flowering Park and Dumbarton Bridge.
that means the tree needs to be dogwood or eastern redbud, The owners, Jonathan and
happy in its spot, and the person small ornamental trees with Ann Barrett, with their yellow
needs to be happy with the tree.” bright white and pink flowers, lab, Toby, escort us 40 yards
for one day, I follow her to respectively. behind their house. Sunlight is
learn what it takes for new trees sHUrAn HUAng for tHe WAsHIngton post Elliott estimates 65 percent of everywhere. Toby’s tail is wag-
to thrive in the city. Urban forester Gaby Elliott prods a D.C. yard with a flag to diagnose its soil. City soil is full of homeowners want ornamental ging.
materials that do not occur in a natural forest setting, such as bricks and concrete. trees with flowers and fall colors, “What are you looking to do?”
A tree for a small space but she believes they can be Elliott probes.
We pull up to the first house — beam or a flowering dogwood. marker. The skinny metal rod about getting them pruned even convinced to accept a larger can- “Plant more trees. I don’t have
a slim, two-story duplex in But the owner would need to do transforms into a diagnostic tool decades in the future.” opy tree with the same traits, a clear answer,” Jonathan says.
Ward 8, the southern tip of the what Casey Trees normally does: in her hands. The owner smiles. which will provide more wildlife “You can imagine this becoming a
District. Elliott, about 5 feet tall, Buy it, transport it, plant it and “Do you have concrete or de- In the fall, crews will dig and habitat and shade. protected canopy space.”
strides toward the door in a prune it. bris under here?” she asks the transplant a tree here and at the “It seems counterintuitive, but “I love that,” Elliott says.
high-visibility orange vest. The “It’s not easy to navigate plant- homeowner. other homes. If all goes well, they the trees that get taller actually She is thinking about a grandi-
owner has arranged for this con- ing a tree if you’re not in that “Yeah, there’s a ton of debris, will thrive for decades, perhaps maintain more functional space ose willow oak. A large tree here
sultation, hoping to receive a free world for 40 hours a week,” Elliott construction things, just random centuries. because their canopy is above can benefit the people down the
tree from a local program. says. stuff,” she answers. Trees to be planted: 1 your head as opposed to the block, but the owners are hesi-
The federal government has Trees to be planted: 0 Urban soil is full of materials smaller ornamental trees, like tant. They ask for something that
deemed most of this area to be that do not occur in a natural A tree for a busy spot that cherry over there,” she says will help the bees in their apiary.
underinvested and overburdened A tree for bad soil forest setting: bricks, concrete, five minutes away, we step gesturing toward a neighboring Elliott suggests a tulip tree,
by pollution. D.C.’s Casey Trees is The next house, also in Ward 8, heavy metal elements. Only cer- onto a young couple’s corner lot. yard. which will grow up to 50 feet tall
getting $9.1 million out of the has a 30-foot clearing in the tain trees can thrive here. Elliott looks up and envisions a “It branches out down here so and produce yellow flowers that
billion dollars earmarked for ur- backyard — enough room. Next, Elliott quickly makes a diagno- black gum with deep red-orange it limits your functional space,” attract pollinators and lightning
ban forests by the Inflation re- we consider the ground. roots sis: lots of water runoff, owner is leaves in the fall. It can grow to 30 she adds. bugs.
duction Act. meandering into a house’s foun- open to any species, nearby re- feet tall — large enough to pro- Instead, she recommends a There’s room for more. She
Compared with other cities, dation is a worry for many home- taining wall, poor soil quality, vide shade but stay clear of the yellowwood, a canopy tree that suggests a few common hackber-
D.C. is green. Casey Trees reports owners. exposed to southern sunlight, overhanging power lines. blooms in the spring. ry or black gum trees near the
that nearly 37 percent of the city “We work really hard to select nearby insects, the available trees Trees can be a bane to utility The homeowner mulls this fence line — hardy non-obtrusive
is covered by trees. much of the species that do well in the built at the nursery. It all goes into her companies, causing outages over. Elliott knows she needs the canopy trees that won’t obstruct
remaining planting space is in environment,” Elliott says. “So, advice. when limbs fall. Down the street, homeowners to buy in for the drivers’ views when they turn
people’s yards. I’m not going to plant something “my first suggestion would be a we see poor planting decisions: suggestions to work. around the property.
The owner shows us to the 15 feet from your house that has bald cypress,” she says. large over-pruned trees contort- “Whether they know it or not, At the front of the house, there
backyard, a 15-foot-wide box. aggressive roots.” Elliott is upselling for more ing themselves away from the they have all the power,” she says. is a perfect spot for a statement
There’s no room for a large cano- Elliott has a master’s in forest canopy cover. She estimates this utilities. “Taking the time to work with tree — a regal American linden
py tree — the kind that under the restoration and conservation. tree could grow to about 40 feet Elliott steps back and decides people and educate people and would give the home a stately
program’s rules would come free. She says the public often associ- tall in this watery soil, full of on another black gum left of the try to make things work for them Southern look, Elliott says.
A tree that size requires a 20-foot ates arborists with chopping obstructions. The trees are natu- front door. It’s for symmetry. She is worth it.” The couple agree. They say
radius of clear earth to fulfill its down trees. rally found in wetlands, where says good aesthetics encourage In this case, the homeowner they wanted help in finding the
potential. “Traditionally, it was much they encounter periods of intense homeowners to embrace their takes her advice. for the front trees that are native and stretch
So, there will be no free tree more about managing timber for- moisture and droughts. new trees. yard, Elliott suggests an eastern high enough to restore shade that
assigned here. ests, using trees as a material “Pyramid shape. Not aggres- Along the south side of the redbud — a native ornamental nearby development has re-
The homeowner can get a re- resource,” she says. “Now, there’s sive roots. They have very fine house, the power lines aren’t an tree to sweeten the deal. It’s rare moved.
bate on a smaller tree that would more of a Venn diagram over needles,” she says. “They turn a issue. But a few loud trucks to be offered a yellowwood and “I have to say that this has been
provide an intermediate forest forestry, arboriculture, horticul- really beautiful rust orange.” shudder by, reminding us of an- redbud, she tells the owner, be- one of my best consults I’ve had
layer for wildlife and tolerate ture and environmental science.” “Low-maintenance trees,” she other consideration: traffic. Trees cause they’re so coveted. all season,” Elliot says.
shade, such as an American horn- Elliott prods the soil with a flag adds. “So you won’t have to worry can help shield the house from “Oh, really?” the homeowner Trees to be planted: 4

the District
Oath Keepers lawyer Kellye SoRelle to plead guilty in riot case seek up to
She was a key liaison 18 months from a mental disease or defect
rendering her unable to under-
stand the proceedings or assist in
ing to court evidence.
In a July 2022 hearing, the
House Jan. 6 committee played a
with pro-Trump and
‘Stop the Steal’ groups for actor her defense.
Sorelle’s competence was re-
stored earlier this year after a
snippet of Sorelle’s deposition
with investigators earlier that
year. She said that Trump politi-
21/2-month evaluation while con- cal confidant roger Stone, In-
fined by the federal Bureau of fowars founder and conspiracy RIOT frOm B1
BY S PENCER S . H SU Prisons, according to court fil- theorist Alex Jones, and Stop the
ings. She was set to face resched- Steal coordinator Ali Alexander with crimes at the Capitol on
An attorney for the Oath Keep- uling for trial next week. became “the center point” for Jan. 6, according to the Justice
ers charged in the Jan. 6, 2021, On June 28, the Supreme Trump’s post-2020 election pro- Department, and over 1,040 had
attack on the U.S. Capitol will Court ruled 6-3 that U.S. prosecu- tests leading up to the Jan. 6 riot pleaded guilty or been convicted
plead guilty after being charged tors could not broadly apply to that forced the evacuation of at trial. The average sentence for
with conspiring with the right- Jan. 6 defendants a statute that Congress. a felony guilty plea has been
wing group’s founder to obstruct makes it a crime to corruptly five people died in or immedi- about 29 months, according to a
Congress’s certification of the re- obstruct or impede an official ately after the Jan. 6 violence, Washington Post database, but
sults of the 2020 election, her proceeding — the basis of two of which left more than 100 police the average sentence when civil
attorney and federal prosecutors Sorelle’s four counts. The high officers injured and caused about disorder is the lead charge has
said. court overturned lower courts $3 million in damage. Trump been about eight months.
In separate court filings mon- that said the law could be applied supporters inflamed by his false Court records indicate that
day, Kellye Sorelle’s federal de- to interfering with Congress’s claims that the election had been Johnston was first captured by
fender and a prosecutor wrote election certification session, stolen stormed the building, ran- cameras at 2 p.m. on Jan. 6,
that Sorelle is set to enter a guilty finding instead that it could only sacked offices, and shouted that standing behind police barri-
plea on July 17 after entering into be used to charge the corrupt they were searching for lawmak- cades on the Capitol’s West Plaza,
a deal with the government. As- HoUse seleCt CommIttee to InvestIgAte tHe JAn. 6 AttACk on tHe U.s. CApItol/Ap impairment or destruction of evi- ers and Trump’s vice president, recording the crowd and police
sistant federal Defender mau- Kellye SoRelle, an attorney for the Oath Keepers, appears in a still dence such as records or docu- mike Pence, who refused to over- on his phone. As the barricades
reen Scott franco said her client from a deposition by the House panel investigating the Capitol riot. ments. turn the results. were taken down by rioters, John-
is indigent and asked a federal The obstruction and conspira- On the day Sorelle was arrest- ston followed the crowd up the
judge in an unopposed motion to ers to be charged in late August attempting to use force to oppose cy counts that could be dropped ed, Trump, now the presumptive lower West Terrace, and entered
order the Justice Department to 2022. the peaceful transfer of presiden- against Sorelle are each punish- republican nominee for presi- the tunnel at 3:05 p.m. and was
pay for Sorelle’s travel between rhodes and five co-defendants tial power between Trump and able by up to 20 years in prison, dent in 2024, announced that he handed a stolen police riot shield,
her home in Texas and D.C. were the first to be accused of and Joe Biden. But a four-count in- although the average sentence would issue full pardons and a according to the statement of
Neither franco nor Assistant convicted of seditious conspiracy dictment said she joined rhodes for Jan. 6 defendants convicted of government apology to Capitol facts filed in court monday.
U.S. Attorney Kathryn L. rakoczy in the massive Jan. 6 investiga- outside the Capitol that day in a no other felonies who are first riot defendants if he were to win. As rioters called for a “shield
elaborated on the details of what tion. He was one of the highest- shared plan to intimidate and offenders has been slightly more Trump similarly spoke out in wall,” Johnston handed the shield
charges would be included in the profile figures to face trial in thwart lawmakers’ work. The in- than two years. The evidence- defense of Jan. 6 defendants in to rioters immediately in front of
plea, which is not final until connection with rioting by angry dictment accused her of con- tampering count faced by Sorelle January 2022 at an Arizona rally the police and joined the group
accepted by a judge. Trump supporters who injured spiracy, obstruction of an official also carries a maximum 20-year days after rhodes was indicted, push that crushed Hodges, court
franco did not immediately scores of law enforcement offi- proceeding, tampering with evi- punishment, while the misde- attacking what he called the Jus- documents state. Johnston was
respond to a request for com- cers, ransacked offices and forced dence by directing co-conspira- meanor count carries a one-year tice Department’s “appalling per- initially pushed back toward the
ment, and a spokeswoman for the lawmakers to evacuate the U.S. tors to erase their phones, and maximum. secution of political prisoners.” entrance of the tunnel but made
U.S. attorney’s office in D.C. de- Capitol. misdemeanor trespassing in a Sorelle emerged as an intrigu- more than 1,400 people have his way back into the tunnel and
clined to comment. rhodes was sentenced to 18 restricted building or grounds. ing figure in rhodes’s trial and in been federally charged in the rejoined the push against the
A volunteer for Lawyers for years in prison for leading the Sorelle initially pleaded not Congress’s investigation of the Jan. 6 attack, including more officers before leaving at 3:13 p.m.
Trump, Sorelle became Oath group that stashed weapons out- guilty, but her case was frozen Jan. 6 Capitol breach. rhodes than 500 charged with assault- Johnston was the voice of the
Keepers leader Stewart rhodes’s side Washington and whose when a judge found her mentally said he had designated her as his ing, resisting or impeding police. character Jimmy Pesto on fox’s
girlfriend and a key post-2020 members forced entry into the incompetent in June 2023, one liaison to the pro-Trump, GOP more than 130 allegedly used “Bob’s Burgers.” He also appeared
election contact with pro-Trump, Capitol while wearing military- month before she was set to and “Stop the Steal” campaigns, weapons or caused serious bodily regularly on “mr. Show with Bob
GOP and “Stop the Steal” groups. style gear, hoping that President stand trial. U.S. District Judge and she became a point of con- injury that day. About 1,000 have and David,” an HBO sketch com-
The filing paves the way for the Donald Trump would call on Amit P. mehta did not specify any tact with Proud Boys leader Hen- pleaded or been found guilty at edy series that starred Bob Oden-
resolution of charges against militia groups to take up arms to reason, but found that both gov- ry “Enrique” Tarrio. rhodes also trial, a third of them for felonies kirk and David Cross, and “The
Sorelle, 44, who was one of the keep him in office. ernment and defense experts re- ordered followers to destroy evi- and two-thirds for misdemean- Sarah Silverman Show” on Com-
last members of the Oath Keep- Sorelle was not accused of ported that she was suffering dence through Sorelle, accord- ors. edy Central.

Enter for the chance to win a pair of tickets to the Totally Tubular Festival
on July 14 at The Anthem
In an electrifying nod to the 1980s music scene, legendary bands and performers including thomas Dolby, thompson twins’ tom Bailey,
men Without Hats, tommy tutone, Bow Wow Wow and modern english have joined forces to announce the “totally tubular festival.”
The Guide to Offers this extraordinary lineup will take fans on a journey through some of the decade’s most iconic hits like “she Blinded me With science,”
“Hold me now,” “the safety Dance,” “867-5309/Jenny,” “I Want Candy” and “I melt With You.”
see details at
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re B3


Former Montgomery schools superintendent McKnight set to join U-Md.

BY N ICOLE A SBURY Schools, maryland’s largest her appointment — gave her a But she also had several col-
school district, with 160,000 stu- unique perspective that she in- leagues from her professional
montgomery County Public dents. tends to share with other people. network reach out to her — both
Schools’ former superintendent As superintendent, she led ef- “I have been able to support formally and informally — look-
monifa B. mcKnight will join the forts to conduct an “anti-racist others who may be history-mak- ing for her expertise. She thought
University of maryland in August audit” that vetted the school sys- ers,” she said. “Any time there’s a about what her next step should
to serve as a superintendent in tem’s policies and curriculums change with something new and be and how that role could inter-
residence and dean’s fellow in the and oversaw the reopening of different, there’s much that sect with “helping others at a
College of Education. in-person classes after the pan- comes with that. It hasn’t broader scale.” It led her to take
The position is new to the demic caused districts to switch changed who I am — I am still the job at the University of mary-
college. Through it, mcKnight to virtual learning. But mcKnight one that relies on my foundation land. She said that her previous
will advise staff members from stepped down about two years of faith, family and education. I’m experience in both montgomery
the College of Education and into a four-year contract amid just grateful those could continue and Howard counties has given
focus on core issues affecting questions about how the district to be my priorities.” her “types of vignettes … that we
public education, including handled allegations of sexual ha- When asked what she learned can use in the university space” to
teacher recruitment and reten- rassment and bullying, among during her time as superinten- highlight what needs to change
tion. She plans to support and other accusations, involving a dent, particularly in the after- and what’s working in the educa-
grow the college’s partnerships — former principal. math of a law firm report that tion world.
including with lawmakers, other College of Education Dean documented failures by senior She graduated with a doctoral
parts of the university, and public Kimberly Griffin said that mcK- michael S. WilliamSon/The WaShingTon PoST
management, she referred to the degree in educational policy and
and private schools. night’s experience as a teacher Monifa B. McKnight, seen in 2023, will serve as a superintendent school system’s corrective action leadership from the University of
“I think one of the best-kept and superintendent made her in residence and dean’s fellow at the University of Maryland. plan. “The plan to address what maryland about a decade ago.
secrets about education is that it well suited for the newly created we learned was very strong, and She also holds a bachelor’s degree
is a wonderful profession that role. mcKnight had two decades of Three years later, she was cho- my hope is that the system has from South Carolina State Uni-
can be so rewarding in so many “Her knowledge will be partic- experience in montgomery Coun- sen to head the district. As part of continued to do that.” versity and a master’s degree
different ways,” she said in an ularly critical as we generate new ty schools. She was named mary- her separation agreement with Since stepping away from her from Bowie State University.
interview last week. “And it’s our ideas to grow and better prepare land Principal of the Year in 2015. the district, she received $1.3 mil- role as superintendent, she has mcKnight said her new role is a
job to really put that out there the educator workforce to meet She briefly left the school system lion. Under that deal, the board focused on spending time with contracted position with the pos-
and help our students to see that.” the needs of today’s students and to join Howard County Public and mcKnight are prohibited her son, who is a middle school sibility of renewal.
In 2022, mcKnight, a longtime communities,” Griffin said in an Schools but returned to mont- from making disparaging com- student in montgomery County. “I am just really, really proud to
educator, became the first wom- email. “She knows education, and gomery County in 2019 to serve as ments about each other. She said the time she has spent be returning to my alma mater
an to be named superintendent of more importantly, she knows deputy under Schools Superin- She said the post in montgom- with him has “just been amaz- and be serving in this position,”
montgomery County Public education in maryland.” tendent Jack R. Smith. ery — and the historic nature of ing.” she said.

the District

Woman accused of using slain man’s

thumb to steal from bank account
seen on surveillance footage en- cut off Teklemariam’s thumb and
tering Teklemariam’s apartment said they had observed Gray
She is among four people and carrying items out of it in the using Teklemariam’s severed
under investigation in days before police found him thumb to steal money from his
dead, according to charging doc- account.
killing of ‘sugar daddy’ uments. Tiffany Taylor Gray, 22, While surveillance footage ref-
was arrested in Prince George’s erenced in court records places
County earlier this month on a the suspects in and around
BY J ENNY G ATHRIGHT warrant for first-degree murder Teklemariam’s apartment in the
while armed; she will be extradit- days surrounding the killing, the
A woman accused of using the ed to Washington, according to records do not contain more
severed thumb of her “sugar D.C. police. An attorney was not information about the alleged
daddy” to steal money from his listed for Gray in online court attack itself. The last time Tekle-
bank account and pay for Uber records. mariam was seen alive on sur-
rides, marijuana and alcohol fac- Authorities have also charged veillance footage was on the
es a charge of first-degree mur- Audrey Denise miller, 19, with evening of April 1, according to
der in the man’s killing, accord- first-degree murder while armed court records. He is seen in
ing to court records. in connection with the killing. footage going to meet miller
Police found fasil Teklemari- Surveillance video shows miller outside his apartment and then
am, 53, in his apartment on with Teklemariam before his going back inside with her, the
craig hudSon For The WaShingTon PoST
Peabody Street NW in Washing- death, the charging documents records say. He exited about 20
D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D) attends an April budget meeting. The budget, which was ton’s Brightwood neighborhood say. miller has been ordered held minutes later and returned
approved in June, included a $3.38 million funding boost for the Department of Human Services. on April 5 with several traumatic without bond ahead of her trial, shortly after with three cans of
injuries and a missing right and is scheduled for another soda, according to court records.
thumb, charging documents say. court appearance later this After that point, according to

D.C. Council passes truancy measure A doctor who performed Tekle-

mariam’s autopsy determined he
had suffered multiple blunt-
month. Two men who were seen
entering Teklemariam’s apart-
ment are also under police inves-
police, footage shows the sus-
pects exiting his apartment. Cell-
phone data shows that Teklemar-
force fractures to his head, sev- tigation in connection with the iam’s phone left the area of his
TRUANCY fROm B1 would be enough data to report lence, mental health challenges, eral lacerations and a stab homicide, according to charging apartment late that night, ac-
by the spring. But mendelson said beliefs that being in school isn’t wound. The doctor determined documents. cording to the charging docu-
directly to social services man- lawmakers should have some important and increased skittish- that Teklemariam had been An anonymous witness told ments.
aged by the Department of Hu- idea of whether the new truancy ness about illnesses since the pan- killed two to five days before police that Gray and Teklemari- When police filed charges
man Services, which will get a approach works by the time demic, according to findings by a police found him and that his am knew each other and referred against miller last month, detec-
$3.38 million funding boost in Bowser introduces a budget in citywide attendance task force. thumb had been severed shortly to him as Gray’s “sugar daddy,” tives still had not located Tekle-
the budget the council approved the spring. “Just because a kid misses before or after his death. court records say. The witness mariam’s thumb, cellphone, tab-
in June. The agency runs “well-re- “While it may not be the best school doesn’t mean the kid is Police are investigating at told police that the group of let or any other electronic devic-
garded but fairly small” pro- delinquent,” mendelson said at a least four suspects who were people involved in the attack had es, the documents say.
grams, according to D.C. Council Tuesday meeting with other
Chairman Phil mendelson (D), council members. “But kids in-
“The rates of truancy
Never Paint Again!
including intensive case manage- volved in the juvenile justice sys-
ment, a court diversion program tem almost always have an at-
and family therapy. and absenteeism in our tendance problem.”
“I continue to believe that the The measure is a piece of the
rates of truancy and absenteeism public schools are larger legislation Bowser intro-
in our public schools are unac-
ceptable,” said council member unacceptable. We have duced in April to drive down
truancy and mandate more ag-
Our siding products resist extreme climate conditions,
Zachary Parker (D-Ward 5). “We
no choice but to make gressive prosecution for young including high temperatures, humidity, rain, hail, snow,
have no choice but to make big people accused of committing
changes in our approach.” certain crimes. The bill remains and even hurricanes.
If the emergency legislation big changes in our under council consideration.
receives the mayor’s signature, it Bowser’s bill also includes a
will take effect as a pilot for the approach.” provision that would send truant 18 months with
2024-2025 school year at five high Zachary Parker (D-Ward 5) younger students to the Depart- no payments and
schools. mayor muriel E. Bowser ment of Human Services for so- no interest
(D) will select schools that had cial services, rather than the city’s Or
truancy rates above 50 percent data, it’s better than no data,” he Child and family Services Agen- 50% off Installation
last school year. A student be- said. cy. Advocates have said the agen- with 12 months
comes truant after accumulating The city has struggled with cy, which investigates cases of
10 unexcused absences. attendance for years, but the issue child abuse and neglect, is not no interest with
The measure also will require worsened when students re- equipped to deal with the root minimum monthly
the Department of Human Ser- turned to classrooms from virtual causes of truancy. payments*
vices to publish a preliminary learning. At the same time, youth Council members on Tuesday *with approved credit. Call for details.
Offer valid 30 days following date of
report on its progress in march involvement in crime became a also approved a measure that will written price quote given prior to 7/31/24.
and a final report in August. The persistent problem. Bowser and create a revenue fund to pay for
success of the program will de- local lawmakers have said in- maintenance at Nationals Park, FREE Gutters and
pend on whether the students creasing school attendance is a which D.C. owns. The fund, which Downspouts with
improve their attendance and necessary part of keeping chil- will comprise revenue including the purchase of
academic performance, as well as dren safe and out of trouble. ballpark sales taxes and rent that New Siding
*Terms and Conditions Apply. See Ameritech for
whether the teens avoid getting Youth advocates, meanwhile, the team pays D.C. for the sta- details. Minimum purchase of 1000 square feet.
arrested. have pointed out that teens miss dium, is expected to total about
Some council members raised school for myriad reasons, includ- $25 million each year, mendelson

Call Today
concerns over whether there ing fears of neighborhood vio- said.

for Free
Teen allegedly tried to carjack marshal Estimate
SHOOTING fROm B1 shals were assigned to protect list an attorney for flowers.

shots, striking flowers in the

Sotomayor, according to a person
familiar with the matter, who
Details of the shooting were
reported earlier by the Daily 2 02- 8 97- 4155 DC
301-264-8642 MD
mouth, according to court docu- spoke on the condition of ano- mail.
ments. A second deputy marshal nymity because they were not A D.C. police spokesman said
arrived in another vehicle and authorized to speak to the media. the shooting was being investi- VA #2705029456A | MHIC #46744
also fired his service weapon,
police said.
flowers was taken to a hospital
with non-life-threatening inju-
gated by the department’s
internal-affairs division. DC #67000878 | NC #77474 703 -586 -9 050 VA
Someone else in the van, which ries and remained there as of According to D.C. police, car-
had been carjacked, fled the Tuesday. He was charged in U.S. jackings in the District are down
scene, and the vehicle has not District Court with armed car- 46 percent, with 258 carjackings
been recovered, authorities said. jacking, carrying a pistol without in the first six months of 2023 take The Post shopping
A spokeswoman for the U.S. a license and possession of a compared with 482 carjackings Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere
marshals Service said the two large-capacity ammunition- over the same period last year.
S0108 3x1

marshals involved in the shoot- feeding device. Police said they
ing were part of the unit assigned found a black and silver Smith & aaron Schaffer, Spencer S. hsu and
to protect the residences of U.S. Wesson handgun at the scene. Justin Jouvenal contributed to this Politics • History • Culture • More
Supreme Court justices. The mar- Online court records did not report.
B4 ez re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

Youngkin seeks to limit

phone use during school obituaries
phones from B1 schools or districts have made to Wayne S. Smith, 91
limit phone use, by creating guid-
country, banning class-time use ance and best practices for the
and blocking social media access state.
on campus internet. many school districts in Vir-
The debate over smartphones ginia already have rules restrict-
in schools has been going on for ing phone usage, and others are
years. Educators have long com- in discussions on how to better
plained about students texting, enforce or strengthen such pol-
scrolling and playing games dur- icies. The fairfax County School
ing class, leading some to imple- Board voted in may for the super-
ment their own classroom bans — intendent to develop a pilot pro-
having students check in or stow gram to store cellphones during
away cellphones. Some schools the school day in the state’s larg-
and districts have also taken ap- est district. The superintendent is
proaches using tech products, slated to present the pilot pro-
such as magnetic pouches that gram to the school board this
can lock students’ devices for the summer.
day. David Walrod, president of the
Last fall, a study from the fairfax County federation of
children’s nonprofit group Com- Teachers, said in an interview
mon Sense media found that that schools in fairfax vary in
97 percent of teens used cell- their level of enforcement of the
phones during the school day. cellphone policy. He said the
Some researchers see cellphones statewide guidance could be
as contributing to the decline in helpful in bringing consistency
academic performance and rise across the district.
in mental health struggles among As a parent of a rising seventh-
teens. The stakes are higher now grader, Walrod said he under-
as schools rush to make up for stood the need for tighter restric-
learning lost during the pandem- tions. While phones can be a
ic. powerful tool for learning when
Parents are divided on the is- used properly, he said, it’s very
sue. Some favor the tighter re- easy for the devices to become
strictions, while others say deci- distractions.
sions about cellphone usage “I think anything that we can
should be left up to parents, or do to help keep our kids pointed
express concerns about needing to the direction we want them
to contact students in case of an pointed to, it’s going to be help-
emergency or school lockdown. ful,” Walrod said. “I don’t neces-
Education has been a key focus sarily agree with Governor alan Diaz/aP

for Youngkin, who ran for office Youngkin about a lot of things, Longtime diplomat Wayne s. smith, seen in 2005 in Miami, helped organize the evacuation of Americans from Cuba when Fidel Castro
on a message of “parents’ rights.” but I don’t oppose this.” took control of the nation. After returning to a post in havana, Mr. smith resigned in 1982 over his opposition to punitive U.s. policies.
The Virginia order is twofold in Last month, the Loudoun
its reasoning. Curbing excessive County School Board approved a
screen time, the state argues, will
both benefit student mental
health and remove classroom dis-
tractions to boost learning.
policy restricting the use of cell-
phones during class time. The
policy, which received hundreds
of comments from parents, teach-
Envoy to Cuba resigned over embargo
“Creating a cell phone-free ers and students, states that
education environment in public phones and ear buds must be BY M ATT S CHUDEL they don’t hate anyone.” Cuban government was trying to the Korean War and decided on a
schools is not only a prudent silenced and out of reach during over time, other countries export its communist ways to cold night that I was going to be a
measure but an essential one to class periods unless “a special Wayne S. Smith, an American abandoned sanctions against Central America and other plac- diplomat,” he later said. “I
promote a healthier and more circumstance exists and there is a envoy in Cuba when fidel Castro Cuba, eventually leaving the es. mr. Smith argued that Cuba’s thought, ‘There has to be a better
focused educational environ- documented accommodation.” took control of the island nation United States as the only country international interventions were way to solve problems.’”
ment where every child is free to In Arlington County, a parent in 1959 and who returned to a still maintaining the embargo. overblown and that continuing He used the GI Bill and a
learn,” the order reads. group has been urging the school diplomatic post in Havana two mr. Smith considered it “obsolete the embargo was futile. football scholarship to attend
The order directs the Educa- district to develop a countywide decades later, only to resign in and counterproductive,” he wrote “As for keeping the heat on, we what is now the National Autono-
tion Department to host listening policy requiring students to stow opposition to the U.S. embargo in a 1998 essay, depriving the have kept it on for 20 years, to no mous University of mexico in
sessions for parent and stake- phones in lockers during the day. and other punitive measures Cuban people of needed goods avail,” he said in a declassified mexico City. (Some mexican col-
holder input on what approaches In a letter to the superintendent, against Cuba, died June 28 at his and American businesses of a State Department cable, provided leges have fielded American foot-
would be best for Virginia. The Arlington Parents for Education home in New orleans. He was 91. nearby market. to The Washington Post by Peter ball teams since the 1920s.) He
department will then issue guid- argued that the policy would be He had complications from He acknowledged that Castro Kornbluh, a Cuba expert at the graduated in 1957 with a degree
ance on the best practices and the best way to curb the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, said his was an autocrat and called for National Security Archive, a re- in Hispanic American literature
policies that school districts can cellphones. daughter, melinda Smith Ulloa. Cuba to improve its record on search institute in Washington. and joined the State Department
implement. The Education De- “Now that we know the detri- mr. Smith was an idiosyncratic human rights. But, in his view, “We obviously proceed from to- later that year.
partment should have final guid- mental impacts of personal devic- blend of blunt-spoken Texan and the absence of diplomatic rela- tally incompatible perceptions of He received master’s degrees
ance ready in September for dis- es on students’ personal well-be- diplomatic finesse who became tions only served to stoke suspi- Cuban reality,” mr. Smith added in philosophy and international
tricts to start to adopt cellphone ing and their opportunity to learn one of the country’s leading au- cion and anger on both sides. in the cable. He denounced the relations from Columbia Univer-
policies by Jan. 1. The guidance is and access the curriculum, the thorities on Cuba during his 25- “He was not a starry-eyed apol- tougher stance toward Cuba as sity in 1962 and a doctorate in
not a hard requirement. sense of urgency is greater than year career with the State Depart- ogist for the Cuban government “tragically mistaken.” political science from George
Sen. Schuyler T. VanValken- ever before,” the group wrote in ment. He was first assigned to by any means,” said William After “one disillusionment too Washington University in 1977.
burg (D-Henrico), a public-school its letter. Cuba, just 90 miles from Key Goodfellow, the former executive many,” he resigned his post in mr. Smith learned russian for
teacher, commended the ap- Amy rzepka, a parent of a West, fla., in 1958. director of the Center for Interna- 1982 and left the State Depart- his posting to moscow from 1966
proach, which allows the state to middle-schooler and an Arling- U.S. Embassy staff members tional Policy, a Washington think ment. He joined the Carnegie to 1969. In Argentina in the early
take feedback on the issue and ton Parents for Education board were shaking off their New Year’s tank where mr. Smith was a Endowment for International 1970s, he voiced internal opposi-
then issue guidance for districts member, said in an interview that Eve hangovers early on Jan. 1, longtime fellow. “There is no Peace in Washington and became tion to U.S. ties to the country’s
to find what works for them. she was eager to see the guidance 1959, when Cuba’s strongman question that he was the most an adjunct professor at the Johns military regime during its brutal
“It’s really all come to a head, from the state and what policy the president, fulgencio Batista, fled effective and outspoken oppo- Hopkins School for Advanced In- “dirty war” crackdowns on dissi-
which is why I think you see school district comes up with. the country as Castro’s forces nent of the U.S. policy toward ternational Studies. He wrote es- dents.
bipartisan support for doing She’s a proponent of restricting closed in on Havana. Cuba.” says for newspapers and foreign His marriage to Jacqueline
something,” VanValkenburg said. phone use for the entire school “I’ll never forget Castro’s first Increasingly, official U.S. policy policy journals and was a lonely richard ended in divorce. A son
“Because [smartphones] are a day, not just during classroom televised speech,” mr. Smith told toward Cuba reflected the atti- voice in support of opening a from that marriage, Wayne Smith
problem. They’re a problem in the instruction. a Johns Hopkins University mag- tudes of hard-line anti-Castro Cu- dialogue with Cuba. Jr., died in the 1970s. His second
classroom, and it needs to be “With proven negative impacts azine in 1998. “They had released ban Americans who had fled their “Wayne Smith was a titan in wife, the former roxanna Phil-
taken care of.” of phones on students’ mental a flock of white doves as a symbol homeland. Year after year, as long the cause of reconciliation,” Korn- lips, died in 2014 after 55 years of
Part of the goal of the order, health and academics, I think it’s of peace, and one of the doves as Castro remained in power, bluh said in an interview, “a marriage. Survivors include two
according to the Youngkin ad- really encouraging to see that flew up and landed on Castro’s there would be no diplomatic diplomat’s diplomat when it children from his second mar-
ministration, is to streamline the Virginia is addressing this issue shoulder. A white dove is a mes- thaw. came to Cuba policy, and the dean riage, melinda Smith Ulloa of
efforts that individual teachers, statewide,” she said. senger in the Cuban religion of “Cuba seems to have the same of the advocacy movement for Washington and Sanford Smith
Santeria that shows the anointed effect on American administra- normalized relations between of New orleans; a sister; and two
one.” tions,” mr. Smith often said, “as Washington and Havana.” grandchildren.
mr. Smith helped organize the the full moon has on werewolves.” mr. Smith elaborated on his mr. Smith made frequent visits
sudden evacuation of thousands In the late 1970s, President views in his autobiographical to Cuba to teach or to lead tours
of Americans from Cuba, which Jimmy Carter sought to reopen “The Closest of Enemies” (1987) for members of Congress and
had long been a tropical play- channels with Cuba and end the and other books. He asked why other dignitaries. Cabdrivers in
ground. Castro’s regime national- embargo. mr. Smith was part of the United States could have full Havana knew him by name, and
ized U.S.-owned businesses, from that effort and, in 1979, was put in diplomatic and trade relations people flocked around him on the
sugar companies to hotels, and charge of a U.S. “interests sec- with China and Vietnam, but not street.
ultimately declared Cuba a social- tion” in Havana. fluent in Span- with Cuba. In 1999, he helped organize a
ist state. ish, he traveled throughout the “It’s my cause and I just can’t baseball game in Havana be-
mr. Smith was among the last country and spoke often with let go of it,” he said in the Johns tween the Baltimore orioles and
U.S. diplomats to leave the coun- Castro. Hopkins article. “I can’t go off and the Cuban national team, which
try when the embassy was closed “I’ve spent hundreds of hours sail around the world or retire to was considered a breakthrough
in 1961. Soon afterward, as Cas- talking to him,” mr. Smith said in a mountain meadow while this is for the two countries. mr. Smith
tro’s rule hardened into a repres- 1998. “It’s not too hard to do. A still there.” taught at Johns Hopkins until
sive dictatorship, formal rela- conversation with fidel Castro 2014 and moved to New orleans
tions between the two countries can last six hours.” studied in Mexico two years later.
came to an end, and the United In 1980, Castro announced Wayne Sanford Smith was After years of stalemate, the
States and other countries im- that Cubans were free to leave the born Aug. 16, 1932, in Seguin, Tex. United States and Cuba an-
posed an economic blockade. country from the port of mariel if The family moved often through- nounced a resumption of diplo-
Through the years, mr. Smith they could find transport. During out the state, following his fa- matic relations in 2014. Since
had State Department postings in a six-month period, about ther’s work as an oil-field engi- then, the countries have main-
Brazil, the Soviet Union and Ar- 125,000 people — including some neer. His mother was a home- tained limited relations, and
gentina, but he always felt drawn from prisons and psychiatric in- maker. some restrictions on travel and
to Cuba and hoped for a rap- stitutions — arrived in florida in mr. Smith completed high trade are still in place. Nonethe-
prochement between the two a chaotic seaborne scramble that school in Corpus Christi, Tex., less, mr. Smith was present when,
countries. became known as the mariel then entered the marine Corps after more than 50 years, Cuba
“I love the Cuban people,” he Boatlift. after his father signed a waiver opened a new embassy in 2015.
said in the Johns Hopkins maga- opposition to Cuba was in- allowing him to join at 16. He “I was standing next to him
zine interview. “They are about flamed by the boatlift, and with served in combat during the Ko- when the Cuban Embassy in
Minh Connors for the Washington Post
the nicest I’ve ever met. I found the election of ronald reagan as rean War and became a drill Washington was reopened,”
Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R), seen March 14, said restricting phone use that in 1958, and since then I’ve president in 1980, U.S. sanctions instructor. Kornbluh recalled. “Wayne had
will foster a “healthier and more focused” learning environment. been impressed with the fact that were stiffened. officials said the “I was fighting in the winter in tears running down his cheeks.”

Stories of the past, rediscovered.
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE B5


in 1965. She stayed home with their two
children for many years before returning to

No story is
work as a realtor for McEnearney Associ-
ates in McLean, Virginia.
Prior to moving to Peabody, Massachusetts
in 2021, Marilyn lived in Northern Virgin-
ia for 45 years. She enjoyed the outdoors

more global.
and spent a lot of time at Bryce Mountain
in Basye, Virginia skiing and playing tennis.
Marilyn also enjoyed working in her garden
and was an active member of the Woodlea
Garden Club in Leesburg, Virginia. She also
volunteered for the Loudoun Symphony, The

More profound.
Loudoun Hospital, and was a Red Cross vol-
unteer at Bethesda Naval Hospital for over
20 years.
Marilyn was predeceased by her loving hus-

More extreme.
band of 52 years, Captain L. Andrew Cumb-
WILLIAM M. CLARK SR. FLOYD WHITE II “Larry” ie, USN Retired and is survived by their two
Passed away on June 28, 2024. A service It is with deep sorrow that we announce MARILYN RUSHTON CUMBIE children Robert Cumbie of Atlanta, Georgia
will be held on Friday, July 12, 2024 at Faith the passing of Floyd “Larry” White, who Marilyn Rushton Cumbie, a longtime resi- and Benjamin Cumbie of Boxborough, Mas-
Temple No.2 OFWB Church, 211 Mary- peacefully departed on Thursday, June 13, dent of Northern Virginia, died on May 18, sachusetts and four grandchildren.
land Park Drive, Capitol Heights, Maryland 2024 at the age of 74. Floyd was a beloved 2024. She was 89 years old.
20743. Viewing: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.; Father, G-Pop, Uncle, Brother, and a cher- A memorial service in Marilyn’s honor will
Funeral: 10:30 a.m. ished friend. Marilyn was born in Florence, South Caroli- be held at St. James’ Episcopal Church in
na. She received a bachelor’s degree from Leesburg, Virginia on July 13 at 10 a.m. In-
Born in Washington, DC, Larry lived a life Florida Southern in 1957. Immediately fol- ternment at Arlington National Cemetery

FLATTER marked by generosity and unwavering lowing college, Marilyn worked for Delta
Airlines in several cities including Atlanta,
will be schedule at a later date. Contribu-
tions in her name may be given to the St.

This is
dedication to his family and friends. He will
be remembered for his ability to tell-it-like- Georgia and Washington, DC. She married James’ Episcopal Church or the Loudon
is, willingness to do all within his power to L. Andrew Cumbie in Alexandria, Virginia Symphony.
On Saturday, July 6, 2024, Dr. CHARLES H. assist family and friends, and his passion
FLATTER, of Ellicott City, MD. Beloved hus- for chasing a little white ball.
band for nearly 59 years to Janice Flatter;
Loving father to Chris Flatter (Cindy), Julie
Flatter, and Jennie Cox (Joseph); cherished
A memorial service to celebrate Larry’s
life will be held on July 16 at From the
grandfather of Melanie Maier (Karl), Brian Heart Church Ministries, 5055 Allentown
Road, Suitland, MD 20746. Family Hour at Applications International Corporation in
Flatter (Addie Storr), Joseph, Jillian, Joshua McLean, VA, and simultaneously co-founded
Ornelas, and Jacob Cox; and brother-in-law 10 a.m. and the Service will follow at 11
Media Systems, Inc., consultants to radio,

to Mary Lou Flatter. Charles was preceded a.m. In lieu of flowers, the family requests
that donations be made to The 13th Man, television and cable outlets. In 1995 he be-
in death by his sister and brother-in-law, came a full-time systems architect and soft-
Marilyn and Art Mulling and his brother, Dr. an organization focused on elevating the
lives of young men of color through em- ware developer for Media Systems, where
John Flatter. All services will be private. On- he remained until retirement.
line condolences may be made to: powerment, development, and leadership engagements.
His wide-ranging enthusiasms included
We invite all who knew and loved Larry to fantasy and science fiction writing, pottery
making, Egyptology, music from the clas-
HARPER-SIMON join us in honoring his memory.
sical composers to Gilbert & Sullivan and
Stephen Sondheim, food and wine. He trea-
sured good conversation among friends and
was always ready to share a laugh.
Bruce and his much loved first wife, Dr.
from Anne Elaine Caesar, were together for 35
years until her death in 2009. He later traded
northern for southwestern Virginia and was
married again in 2014 to his cherished sec-
BRUCE ARMSTRONG GORDON ond wife, Dr. Deborah Michelle Garfield; she
March 27, 1950 – June 16, 2024 passed away in 2023. He was also preceded
in death by his parents.
Dr. Bruce Armstrong Gordon, 74, died on
Sunday, June 16, 2024, at an assisted-living Survivors include a brother, Donald R. Gor-
residence in Bristol, TN, near his beloved don; a sister-in-law, Carol A. Johnston; and
home in Abingdon, VA. nephews Christopher, Alexander and An-
drew Gordon, all of Los Angeles. In addition,
Born on March 27, 1950, in Boston to Rob- Bruce leaves behind loving brothers-in-law
ert F. and Mary Elizabeth Armstrong Gordon, David and Michael Garfield, of Tennessee,
Bruce grew up in Fairfax, VA; graduated and many devoted family members, friends,
from W. T. Woodson High School, and was a colleagues and caregivers. All who knew
longtime resident of Annandale, VA. A parti- him will miss Bruce’s intelligence and cre-
DEATH NOTICES cle physicist by training, he held an under- ativity, his wit and his gentle spirit.
GLORIA C. HARPER-SIMON ESQ. MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. graduate degree from MIT and a PhD from
The Simon and Norwood families are sad- SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Harvard. A memorial service will be scheduled for a
dened to announce the peaceful passing later date. Arrangements by Weaver Funeral
of our beloved Gloria C. Harper-Simon, Esq. To place a notice, call:
He worked as a research physicist at Science Home, Bristol, TN.
on July 3, 2024. She is survived by Joseph, 202-334-4122
her devoted husband, son, and many rela- 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
tives and friends. Visitation will take place EMAIL:
at Joseph Gawler’s Sons located at 5130
Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016
at 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 13, 2024, fol-
lowed by a celebration of her life at noon.
Email and faxes MUST include
name, home address & home phone #
of the responsible billing party.
Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily Dr. McIndoe graduated from Allegheny Col-
Phone-In deadline lege in 1952, joined the United States Air
4 p.m. M-F Force in 1955, and earned his medical de-
3 p.m. Sa-Su gree from Temple University in 1956.
CURRENT 2023 RATES: He retired as a Colonel from the United
States Air Force in August, 1979, then he
continued practicing medicine in Towson
MONDAY-SATURDAY and Woodbine until his retirement. In addi-
Black & White tion to his many achievements during his
1" - $160 (text only)
2" - $370 (text only) career, he enjoyed traveling, reading, play-
3" - $525 ing the piano, cooking and gathering with
4" - $575 his family.
5" - $725
------ He is survived by his four children, Wendy
SUNDAY McIndoe Austin and her husband Robert, Black & White
1"- $191 (text only)
Darrell Bruce McIndoe, Ronald Scott McIn-
doe and his wife Kathy, and Holly Beth Beau-
N0642 2x10.5

2" - $405 (text only) lac and her husband Chad, and 10 grand-
3" - $580 children.
4" - $610
5" - $790 DR. DARRELL W. MCINDOE (Age 93) He was preceded in death by his oldest
6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
September 28, 1930 ~ July 5, 2024 daughter, Sherri Lee Condon, and his wife,
$160 each additional inch Mon - Sat Dr. Darrell Windfred McIndoe, 93, of Fulton, Carole Jean McIndoe, his brother, Melvin
$191 each additional inch Sunday Maryland passed away on July 5, 2024. Douglas McIndoe, and his parents.
MONDAY-SATURDAY He was born in 1930 to Clarence Wilbert Services will be held at Donaldson Funeral
Color McIndoe and Dorothy Morrow McIndoe in Home in Laurel, MD on Friday, July 12, 2024
3" - $670 Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. at 6 p.m.
4" - $725
5" - $885

Great meals

3" - $710
4" - $810
5" - $985
6"+ for ALL color notices eternal optimist with a positive outlook

out start here!

NOGA $268 each additional inch Mon - Sat
$299 each additional inch Sunday
on absolutely everything. He was fun,
philosophical, full of life, ethical, joyful,
hard-working and tenderhearted. Quick
CECELIA CATHERINE NOGA Notices with photos begin at 3" with a smile or a joke, he was accepting of
Cecelia C. Noga, 94, of Derwood, MD (All photos add 2" to your notice.) everyone and immediately made a person
passed away on July 6, 2024. Beloved wife ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID feel loved without ever taking himself too
of late Paul M. Noga: Loving mother of Paul seriously. He often said marrying his wife,
Noga, Jr. (Ben), Diana Hirrlinger (Tim) and MEMORIAL PLAQUES: Cecile, was the best decision he ever made
Anita Doherty (Shannon), she was much All notices over 2" include followed by his second-best decision of buy-
Get The Washington Post Dining Guide loved by her many grandchildren and
great-grandchildren. A viewing will be held
at the DeVol Funeral Home, Gaithersburg,
complimentary memorial plaque ing a large house as a newlywed and filling it
with children and love.
Additional plaques start at $26 each
MD, on July 11, 2024 from 2 to 4 p.m. A and may be ordered. Tom’s career in Washington, DC included
Mass of Christian Burial will be offered on service in multiple federal agencies includ-
Friday July 12 at 11 a.m. at St. Francis of All Paid Death Notices ing the CIA, Small Business Administration
Assisi Catholic Church in Derwood, MD. appear on our website through and the Office of Economic Adjustment at
Please sign family guest book at: the Department of Defense.Throughout his career, Tom was active in politics and proud
Included in all death notices to serve in Vice-President Humphrey’s ad-
Optional for In Memoriams
Tom passed away suddenly at his home in A funeral mass will be held at Blessed Sac-
PLEASE NOTE: Alexandria on July 2, 2024. He is survived by rament Catholic Community, 1427 W Brad-
CHARLES BRYAN ROSS his wife of 61 years, Cecile Chabot Shea; sis- dock Rd., Alexandria, VA at 11 a.m. on Sat-
Charles Bryan Ross, 88, of Fairfax, VA, Notices must be placed via phone or ter Patricia Ann Shea; brother William Shea; urday, July 13. In lieu of flowers, memorial
passed peacefully surrounded by his fam- email. Photos must be emailed. You can and four children: Julie D’Attoma (Todd), contributions may be made to Jose Andres’
ily on June 12, 2024. Loving husband of no longer place notices, drop off photos Thomas Shea (Joan), Sabrina Erickson (Pe- World Central Kitchen or the Alexandria
Mary Jane; father of Peter, Daniel, Andrew, and make payment in person. ter), and Kevin Shea (Jennifer) and 11 grand- Carpenter’s Shelter. More information at
Phillip, and Matthew, and brother of Judy Payment must be made via phone with children.
Gori. Visitation will be held Saturday, July debit/credit card. Thomas-Shea
13, from 11 a.m. to 12 Noon with a Mass Tom was known by his loved ones as an
of Christian Burial celebrated at noon at St.
Ambrose Catholic Church, 3901 Woodburn
Rd; Annandale, VA. Burial at Arlington Na-
tional Cemetery on Tuesday, October 3, 11
a.m. Share a memory with the family DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE
CLOUD Felix, Emily Felix, Olivia Felix, Madeline Pon-
ticelli, Elli Ponticelli and Caroline Ponticelli;
are planted” and bloom she did. She and as well as to first great granddaughter, Mae
Mike raised five children of their own and Louise Menzi. His professional life began as
countless others throughout the years. Their Assistant Editor at Southern Publications in
home was known to be a safe haven for 1963, followed by 8 years as Director of Pub-
anyone needing love and a place to pause. lic Relations for The American Association of
Patty opened the Cloud Insurance Agen- Nurserymen. He started his own company,
cy in the family dining room in 1972. That Dickson Public Relations which merged
business thrived for more than 40 years to with Carol Felix in 1986, as Dickson-Felix,
become the Marshall Agency which was Inc., a public relations, advertising and mar-
later sold for her retirement. Patty believed keting company. In 2001 they co-founded
strongly in her Catholic faith and her local Blake-Dickson Real Estate Services, a com-
community. She earned her BA from Mary mercial boutique serving DC, MD and VA,
Washington College, studied Mediation Dis- specializing in neighborhood /community
pute Resolution and used her education and building and development. He continued as
life skills to help form the Piedmont Dispute Principal Broker until his death, during the
Resolution Center. Patty was the agency’s past 23 years also mentoring many young
first president in 1990 and a board member agents and entrepreneurs. He was an avid
Food critic Tom Sietsema offers 40 suggestions for 30 years. She also counseled many oth-
ers through “friends of Bill and Lois W”. She
reader, a seasoned backpacker across the
US, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, England
for any occasion in the fall edition of PATRICIA Q. CLOUD (Age 81)
was a long-time member of the Marshall
Small Business Alliance. The family wishes
to thank Hospice of The Piedmont and her
Wayne Hermion Dickson passed away
peacefully at his beloved Hap’s Hill Farm
and Australia, an accomplished sailor having
spent his youth in Annapolis, a history buff
particularly fond of Winston Churchill, and a
The Washington Post Dining Guide. Patricia Quinn Cloud, 81 died peacefully
in her home on June 16, 2024. Patty was
Nurse Jenny Hunter and Hospice CNA Helen
Lewis. At the end of her life, Patty was able
in VA on Saturday, June 22, 2024. He was
born September 25,1938 to Virginia Ise-
dogged follower of ongoing political matters.
He most enjoyed gathering to eat crabs, and
preceded in death by her husband Michael to be cared for in her home by her family man Dickson and James Folsom Dickson, deeply loved his Bernese Mountain dogs,
Plus, his pick for Restaurant of the Year. Cloud; her son Michael Paul Marra (Cloud);
her brother Jimmy Quinn and her grand-
because of the love and care provided by
her Aid and friend Amayo Sebokonyane. The
Jr. in Washington, DC, first attending grade
school there, then Wroxeter-On-Severn and
Hap, Babe, Maggie and Sam. Wayne bravely
fought an aggressive cancer the last year of
Get it for yourself or as a perfect gift daughters Katelyn Quinn and Margaret
Quinn Cloud-Borgstedt. She leaves behind
family will receive guests at Moser Funeral
Home on Sunday July 14 from 6 to 8 p.m. All
Valley Forge Military Academy, before grad-
uating as a journalist from the University of
his life and was profoundly grateful to his
wife Carol and son Stephen, and the many
caregivers who ministered to him. While he
her sisters Carol Quinn-LaSalle and Mau- are welcome for Patty’s Celebration of Life Maryland in 1963. He remains a blessing
for the foodies in your life. reen Quinn, brothers Clinton Quinn (Joyce)
and Kevin Quinn, four children: Katheryn
Catholic Mass on Monday July 15 at 11 a.m.
at St. John’s Catholic Church in Warrenton. A
to his wife, Carol Felix; sister Diane Gates;
brother Stanley Dickson (Dani); and children
lived life to the fullest in so many parts of
the world, moving to Rappahannock Co., VA
(Ann), Marion (Lora), Patrick (Vicki) and J. private burial will take place at a later date. Stephen Dickson (Rhonda), Lisa Lang (Len- in 2012 proved to be the one spot on earth
Chris (Deborah); four grandchildren: Chris- Patty loved all animals. In lieu of flowers, the ny); stepchildren Chris Felix (Kelly), Jennifer he chose for his final resting place. Wishing
topher, Patrick, Sarah and Alexander. Her family asks that you donate to your local an- Felix, Teresa Felix (Phillip), and Andrew Felix for no formal services, his spirit will be truly
loyal dog Chloe will miss her. Patty believed imal shelter/rescue (Julie). A proud grandfather of Cassie Sorna, missed but will remain alive and vibrant in
strongly that you should “bloom where you Amanda Menzi (Kyle), James Felix (Ari), Jon the hearts of all who knew him.

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B6 EZ RE the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

The Weather . x: @capitalweather .

Steamy, with storm chances Today Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday O FFICIA L REC ORD
T‑storm, hot T‑storms T‑storms T‑storm Mostly sunny, T‑storm, hot
We’ll awake to another steamy hot Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

morning as temperatures spike with

the rising sun. Some clouds should
bubble into the midday, and
afternoon highs should be fairly
similar to Tuesday’s, mainly in the mid- and
upper 90s. There will be higher odds of scattered
thunderstorms than on Tuesday, and some could
be strong. But it looks as though they will hold off
97° 74 ° 93° 77 ° 82° 72 ° 92° 75 ° 97° 76 ° 99° 77 °

FEELS*: 103° FEELS: 96° FEELS: 85° FEELS: 99° FEELS: 102° FEELS: 104°
until the late afternoon or evening. CHNCE PRECIP: 40% P: 75% P: 100% P: 80% P: 20% P: 45%
WIND: S 8–16 mph W: WNW 7–14 mph W: SE 3–6 mph W: SSW 4–8 mph W: SSW 6–12 mph W: W 6–12 mph
HUMIDITY: Very High H: Moderate H: High H: High H: High H: High
F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F
Statistics through 5 p.m. Tuesday

REGIO N N ATION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 99° 3:59 p.m. 98° 3:51 p.m. 99° 1:05 p.m.
Low 79° 6:00 a.m. 76° 5:00 a.m. 77° 5:00 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
93/76 Normal 90°/72° 88°/67° 89°/68°
92/73 Record high 104° 1936 99° 1988 103° 1936
Hagerstown Record low 55° 1891 48° 1984 54° 1984
95/74 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (National): this month: +3.4° yr. to date: +3.1°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
85/58 97/74 82/73
92/76 OCEAN: 70°

Charlottesville Ocean City

93/70 82/75
OCEAN: 68°
95/75 Virginia Beach
88/79 National Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 77°
92/79 Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" 0.13"
Total this month 0.26" 0.68" 0.13"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 1.32" 1.22" 1.18"
OCEAN: 77° Total this year 19.95" 18.67" 21.82"
Normal 21.75" 22.86" 22.50"
Pollen: Low Air Quality: Moderate
Grass Low Dominant cause: Ozone
Trees Low
Weeds Low UV: Very High Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Low 10 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 5:52 a.m. 8:35 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, cloudy. A thunderstorm; any time in Moon 10:21 a.m. 11:31 p.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front July 13 July 21 July 27 Aug 4
central parts, in the afternoon in northern parts, and dry Yesterday's National World
First Full Last New
Venus 6:39 a.m. 9:14 p.m.
in southern parts. High 76 to 83. Winds south–southwest High: Needles, CA 118° High: Adrar, Algeria 121° Mars 2:12 a.m. 4:17 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Gothic, CO 33° Low: Balmaceda, Chile 11° Jupiter 3:10 a.m. 5:44 p.m.
12–25 mph. for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 11:33 p.m. 11:00 a.m.
Atlantic beaches: Today, breezy, humid, a thunderstorm NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 82/63/t 85/65/pc Oklahoma City 93/68/s 93/71/s WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 97/80/s 97/80/pc Rio de Janeiro 77/69/pc 77/70/pc
around in the afternoon. High 82 to 92. Winds south 10–20 Detroit 74/63/r 79/64/pc Omaha 87/65/t 88/68/pc Addis Ababa 72/56/sh 72/56/sh Istanbul 91/76/s 88/76/t Riyadh 114/89/pc 115/91/pc
mph. Tonight, uncomfortably humid. Low 74 to 79. Winds Albany, NY 91/75/t 88/68/t El Paso 99/73/s 96/74/c Orlando 91/77/t 86/75/t Amsterdam 72/59/sh 69/55/s Jerusalem 94/74/s 94/74/s Rome 92/65/s 92/65/s
south 10–20 mph. Albuquerque 91/65/pc 90/68/c Fairbanks, AK 74/56/c 65/52/c Philadelphia 93/76/t 91/75/t Athens 98/81/s 98/77/s Johannesburg 69/43/s 72/44/s San Salvador 88/69/c 88/69/t
Anchorage 67/55/c 65/54/c Fargo, ND 86/64/pc 88/68/s Phoenix 117/90/s 117/90/s Auckland 59/41/s 57/40/pc Kabul 94/66/s 93/64/s Santiago 52/30/pc 56/30/s
Atlanta 90/71/pc 90/73/s Hartford, CT 92/76/t 93/72/t Pittsburgh 89/66/t 81/60/c Baghdad 117/89/s 120/90/s Kingston, Jam. 91/82/s 91/82/t Sarajevo 97/60/pc 98/62/s
Austin 97/73/t 97/73/c Honolulu 87/77/sh 88/77/sh Portland, ME 85/68/t 80/67/r Bangkok 93/80/t 93/80/t Kolkata 93/83/c 92/80/pc Seoul 81/71/r 87/71/r
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, partly sunny, a t-storm Baltimore 95/74/t 92/75/t Houston 93/76/t 91/76/t Portland, OR 93/60/s 87/57/pc Beijing 96/74/t 96/74/c Kyiv 87/69/t 92/71/s Shanghai 91/79/t 81/77/t
around in the afternoon. Wind south 7–14 knots. Waves 1–2 feet. • Billings, MT 99/66/s 101/66/s Indianapolis 77/63/r 82/66/t Providence, RI 85/73/t 83/72/t Berlin 86/67/t 79/63/sh Lagos 85/76/r 83/76/r Singapore 87/78/t 87/80/c
Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, partly sunny, a t-storm Birmingham 89/68/c 91/69/s Jackson, MS 91/70/pc 92/69/s Raleigh, NC 95/74/t 93/74/t Bogota 70/47/r 69/48/pc Lima 66/59/pc 66/59/pc Stockholm 70/61/c 70/58/c
around in the afternoon. Wind south 8–16 knots. Waves 1–2 feet on Bismarck, ND 87/63/s 91/66/s Jacksonville, FL 93/76/t 92/72/t Reno, NV 105/68/s 107/68/s Brussels 76/58/sh 73/55/pc Lisbon 81/67/s 81/64/pc Sydney 66/48/s 64/49/pc
Boise 109/70/s 106/69/s Kansas City, MO 88/67/s 89/69/pc Richmond 95/75/t 92/71/t Buenos Aires 48/39/pc 51/38/s London 72/54/pc 71/55/pc Taipei City 97/78/t 97/78/t
the Lower Potomac; 1–3 feet on the Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages:
Boston 89/75/t 87/74/t Las Vegas 118/91/s 117/91/pc Sacramento 106/65/s 110/64/s Cairo 99/83/s 103/82/s Madrid 93/70/s 96/67/s Tehran 103/84/s 103/81/s
The stage at Little Falls will be around 2.70 feet today, with no Buffalo 82/68/t 77/62/r Little Rock 89/72/c 91/71/s St. Louis 87/69/sh 87/70/t Manila 90/78/t 91/79/t Tokyo 91/79/c 87/77/r
Caracas 78/65/t 78/64/sh
change of 2.70 Thursday. Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 76/72/r 87/71/t Los Angeles 94/65/pc 93/68/s St. Thomas, VI 88/80/t 91/81/pc Copenhagen 75/60/sh 74/58/sh Mexico City 70/58/r 73/57/sh Toronto 71/66/r 75/62/r
Charleston, SC 95/76/t 95/76/t Louisville 82/68/t 86/69/pc Salt Lake City 104/74/s 107/75/s Dakar 86/78/pc 87/80/pc Montreal 76/66/r 80/67/r Vienna 95/70/t 90/70/pc
Charleston, WV 86/65/t 85/64/c Memphis 86/71/pc 91/73/s San Diego 78/66/pc 76/69/s Dublin 61/52/c 62/49/r Moscow 78/56/s 82/60/s Warsaw 93/72/pc 86/67/t
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 96/73/t 91/75/c Miami 93/80/t 91/77/t San Francisco 77/57/pc 79/56/s Edinburgh 60/51/r 63/47/c Mumbai 87/81/t 87/81/t
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 6:29 a.m. 11:53 a.m. 6:59 p.m. none Cheyenne, WY 87/57/s 93/60/s Milwaukee 75/64/c 78/64/t San Juan, PR 89/80/t 91/79/t Frankfurt 80/63/t 81/64/pc Nairobi 72/55/c 73/51/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 77/64/r 82/66/t Minneapolis 84/66/t 86/67/s Seattle 87/59/s 82/56/s New Delhi 97/85/t 101/85/t sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 2:35 a.m. 9:01 a.m. 3:35 p.m. 9:33 p.m. Geneva 85/62/t 85/64/t
Cincinnati 77/62/t 83/65/pc Nashville 88/69/pc 89/68/s Spokane, WA 105/66/s 97/66/s Oslo 62/57/r 71/56/pc Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 5:27 a.m. 11:21 a.m. 5:25 p.m. 11:41 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 85/76/s 85/78/s Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 83/65/t 79/64/c New Orleans 87/77/t 89/77/t Syracuse 88/72/t 81/66/t Helsinki 74/55/s 76/63/c Ottawa 73/64/r 77/63/r quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 12:58 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 1:34 p.m. 7:33 p.m. Dallas 97/77/pc 96/75/s New York City 88/75/t 89/74/t Tampa 92/80/t 91/79/t Ho Chi Minh City 90/76/t 89/76/t Paris 80/61/c 78/60/t * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 4:58 a.m. 11:55 a.m. 5:44 p.m. 11:37 p.m. Denver 93/62/pc 97/65/s Norfolk 92/79/t 87/76/t Wichita 93/69/s 95/69/pc Hong Kong 93/83/t 92/84/sh Prague 86/63/pc 81/63/t measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

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wednesday, july 10, 2024

Style eZ su C

What to
know about
‘Rust’ trial

Nearly three years after a prop

revolver discharged in Alec Bald-
win’s hand on the set of “Rust,”
killing the western movie’s cin-
ematographer and injuring its di-
rector, his trial for involuntary
manslaughter started with jury
selection Tuesday.
“Are you going to be a free man
in two weeks, Mr. Baldwin?” a
reporter asked the emmy-win-
ning actor as he arrived at First
Judicial District Court in santa
Fe, N.M., with his attorneys, Luke
Nikas and Alex spiro. Baldwin
ignored questions as he passed by.
Technical difficulties delayed
the start of selecting from about
70 prospective jurors, court
spokesman Barry Massey said.
But the day ended with 12 chosen
jurors and four alternates told to
report back Wednesday morning.
Baldwin, sitting at a table, had
listened attentively for much of
the day, occasionally leaning over
to whisper to his lawyers, some-
times appearing to write a note.
scheduled to run until July 19,
the long-awaited trial is a high-
stakes moment for Baldwin, who
could be sent to prison if found
Here’s what you should know
about the tragic incident as the
trial begins.
iLLusTrATioN by LuCy NALANd/THe WAsHiNgToN posT; CHAd HipoLiTo/CANAdiAN press/Ap
What happened on the “Rust”
essay some cast and crew of “Rust”
were rehearsing at Bonanza

The shifting epilogue to Creek Ranch near santa Fe on

oct. 21, 2021, when a revolver
being handled by Baldwin went
off, releasing a live round that was

Alice Munro’s life and works not supposed to be on set.

The bullet hit cinematogra-
pher Halyna Hutchins in the
chest and director Joel souza in
the shoulder.
Author, who stayed with her husband after his sexual abuse of her daughter see BALDWIN oN C3

came to light, often wrote about abandonment and diverting blame

BY J ESS R OW theater reView

A ‘Colored
few days ago, I listened to a song I hadn’t thought about of the best short-story writers in the english-speaking world —
in ages: a cover of John Denver’s “Around and Around” chose to stay with Fremlin. Munro said that she’d been “told too
by the indie rock musician Mark Kozelek. There was a late,” and that, in skinner’s words, “our misogynistic culture was to
time when Kozelek was one of my favorite musicians,
but over the decades, I found myself listening to him
less and less, partly because, to put it bluntly, he was creeping me
blame if I expected her to deny her own needs, sacrifice for her
children, and make up for the failings of men.” skinner believes
that Munro viewed Fremlin’s assault as infidelity, as if she, as a
out. He often sang in the voice of an isolated, disturbed man, even
at times a serial killer. When allegations emerged in 2020 and 2021
that he had harassed and assaulted female fans going back to the
9-year-old, represented sexual competition. In 2002, when skin-
ner was a new mother, she informed Munro that Fremlin could
never be around her children; when Munro grew angry and
beginning of his career, I felt — what’s the right word? — not
shocked, not even surprised, but heartbroken by a sense of
defended Fremlin again, skinner cut off contact with her and
remained estranged until Munro died this spring, at 92.
This is a story I know and you know. It reverberates in my family
on sunday, the Toronto star published a long-overdue story and in the families of many of my friends. It’s in Faulkner, the
about the celebrated Canadian writer Alice Munro; the story was Bible, Freud, Greek tragedies and “Game of Thrones.” Denying and BY T REY G RAHAM
written by her daughter Andrea Robin skinner. In 1976, Gerald erasing incest, sexual abuse, or other crimes against children is, to
Fremlin, Munro’s second husband and skinner’s stepfather, mo- steal a phrase from the literary theorist René Girard, one of the Before he staged “Angels in
lested skinner while she was staying with the couple during her “things hidden since the foundation of the world.” America” on Broadway, before he
summer vacation. she was 9 years old. sixteen years later, in 1992, It was also a central element of Munro’s fiction. over and over in took the helm at the Public
when skinner was 25 and in therapy, she informed her mother of her stories, a person in a position of authority sees an opportunity Theater in New York, before he
what had happened, and Munro — by that time acclaimed as one see ESSAY oN C2 moved into filmmaking and
brought us “Ma Rainey’s Black
Bottom” and “Rustin,” George
C. Wolfe was a wet-behind-the-
ears playwright whose experi-
mental off-Broadway musical
“Paradise” had just been demol-
ished by the New York Times.
What better time for a young
Black writer to square his shoul-
tV reView ders and take a swing at the
titans of 20th-century African

Rashida Jones gives a radiant performance in the dark ‘Sunny’ American culture?
The room was demonstrably
ready when “The Colored Mu-
seum” opened at New Jersey’s
BY L ILI L OOFBOUROW under my skin and stayed there. Crossroads Theatre in 1986. The
set in Kyoto, “sunny” follows Times’s Frank Rich saluted the
some shows have an after- an American expat and misan- performers’ “stinging parodies,”
taste. thrope named suzie sakamoto praising the “pacing and unity”
That’s a weird way to talk (Rashida Jones) as she reels from of an evening that’s basically a
about ambiance, I realize — or the deaths of her husband and dozen dark-comedy sketches.
style, or narrative heft — but it son in a plane crash. Jones plays The Washington Post’s David
strikes me every time the mood suzie as reflexively unpleasant Richards hailed the playwright
of a particular series colonizes even in grief. Impatient, foul- as one with “an antic imagina-
my days long after I’ve forgotten mouthed and brash, she never tion, a passionate sense of com-
a plot or key twist. “sunny,” learned Japanese but neverthe- edy and a welcome willingness to
creator Katie Robbins’s glossy less manages to trade barbs with step on everyone’s toes.”
new show for Apple TV Plus, various Japanese officials thanks What pins critics’ ears reliably
starring Rashida Jones opposite to an in-ear translating device. back about “The Colored Mu-
a 3-foot robot, seemed unlikely to Her clashes with her reserved seum” is “The Last Mama-on-
join their ranks. The show looks and frosty mother-in-law, Noriko the-Couch Play,” an affectionate
dark and scary and fun in pre- (Judy ongg), rarely escalate into but withering centerpiece skew-
views, but also a tad forgettable. actual conflict. Via performances ering a half-century’s worth of
The robot for which the series is so grounded the result some- AppLe TV pLus
Black theater landmarks: dra-
named (voiced by Joanna soto- times feels like realism border- Rashida Jones as Suzie and Hidetoshi Nishijima as Masa in “Sunny,” a dark comedy about a woman in mas such as “A Raisin in the sun”
mura) says everything too ing on mumblecore, ongg and Japan who receives a companion robot after her husband and son die in a plane crash. and “For Colored Girls” and
brightly. The bad gal, Hime Jones conjure a whole world all-Black musicals like “Cabin in
(played by You), is amusing but (and a prickly shared past) out of work does a lot to anchor and loved one’s phone to hear their to have worked with Masa shows the sky” and “Purlie.” Whatever
distinctly cartoonish. The action their habitual, tensionless hostil- counteract the broad, paint-by- outgoing voicemail message and up at her door with a consolation the merits of those shows, Wolfe
sequences seem like standard ity. The undemonstrative, famil- numbers silliness of the thriller grieve hearing them for the last gift from his employer, a compa- notes acerbically that their au-
fare. But this dark comedy about iar, humdrum, low-grade tenor plot. time. When suzie finally relents ny called ImaTech. The gift is a thors still traffic in frustrating
technology and loneliness — dis- of their antagonism elevates “sunny” begins with Noriko and dials, her husband Masa’s domestic “homebot” named sun- stereotypes, locking Black char-
guised as a thriller about a help- both; paradoxically, their re- strong-arming suzie into a col- (Hidetoshi Nishijima) phone, ny, which Masa allegedly pro- acters into old positions and
ful “homebot” with murderous strained unpleasantness makes lective grieving exercise for the which should be off, keeps ring- grammed for suzie himself. inviting White audiences just far
potential that Yakuza Mafiosi (of each, individually, more likable. families of those who died in the ing. The thriller stuff really gets suzie hates homebots. she enough in to snack casually on
course) hope to harness — got That fine-grained character crash. each person calls a dead underway when a man claiming see TV REVIEW oN C8 see THEATER REVIEW oN C4
C2 ez re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

Alice Munro chose denial to preserve her art


to help a child, or young adult, or

someone else in distress, and
chooses not to. Her work is satu-
rated with neglect, abandonment,
blame-shifting, denial. my favor-
ite of all her stories, “open Se-
crets,” is about the disappearance
of a young girl on a scouting trip
just outside a town in rural ontar-
io. Told in a circular fashion, from
varying points of view, the story’s
accretion of tiny details implies
that something sinister has hap-
pened without ever revealing the
girl’s fate. The town keeps the se-
cret; the reader isn’t allowed in;
and all throughout, there’s an un-
dercurrent of judgment and dis-
approval, as if the girl, wayward
and rebellious, had brought this
on — whatever, in fact, happened
to her — herself.
Another story that came to
mind after I read Skinner’s ac-
count, in a horrifying way, is
“friend of my Youth,” in which a
young woman, flora, discovers
her fiancé has been sleeping with
her sister and has gotten her preg-
nant — which means he has to
marry the sister instead. Because
the two sisters own a farm togeth-
er, flora is forced to share a house
with the couple for decades,
watching (perhaps with secret de-
light) as her sister suffers repeated
miscarriages and dies of a linger-
ing cancer.
In recent years, and especially
since she won the Nobel Prize in
2013, munro has been treated as a
secular saint, a feminist icon, a
sympathetic observer of ordinary
life, of mothers and children and
families. That was never my view. Peter muhly/aFP/getty Images

Her work always seemed to me

savage and relentlessly bleak, all
the more so because her prose was dealing with the emotional fallout especially if you’re munro, but
so tidy, so carefully controlled. She of being a child in an era when there is a real psychological risk
wrote about the changes that sec- their liberated parents — liberated involved, and sometimes a moral
ond-wave feminism and other lib- for good and necessary reasons! — risk — to others. As I put it in one of
eratory movements of the 1960s were treating them as an after- my own short stories: “The thing
brought over the world — as a thought. or as a target. Knowing about being a writer of fiction is
divorced mother, with partial cus- that munro was one of those this: you spend a lot of time having
tody of her children — but often adults, then looking back at her feelings which are not really your
with a sense of dread and recrimi- work, I don’t feel angry, much less feelings to have. or conjuring feel-
nation. interested in opining about ings in others that aren’t your feel-
And it’s tempting to say: Ah, whether she should be “canceled.” ings to give. The risk is that you lose
okay, now we know why. fremlin (Her work has been read, studied touch with any sense of reality and
was, by Skinner’s account and by and internalized by writers for just float around in a fog.”
his own description (in letters he some 50 years. It’s not going any- I can’t know whether Alice mu-
wrote to her family) a classic and where.) I feel the same recognition nro felt that way, but I strongly
vile 1970s libertine-slash-sexual I feel listening to Kozelek today. suspect she did. She chose denial.
predator who liked to opine about The pieces match up. This is art She chose over and over to shelter
how pedophilia was celebrated in steeped in pain and personal trag- and defend a pedophile, because
other cultures and imagined him- edy. It reminds me of an interview anything else would have threat-
self to be Humbert Humbert re- I recently watched with another ened her art. Skinner’s story needs
sponding to Lolita. He and munro singer, Townes Van Zandt, who to be heard and absorbed by any-
were married for 37 years; for 21 of battled addiction and mental ill- one who has ever cared about mu-
those years, she knew he had mo- ness his entire life. “I have a few nro’s work. It’s part of the record of
lested her daughter. munro’s femi- [songs] that aren’t sad,” he gently who she was, the cost of her partic-
nist principles, according to Skin- corrected the interviewer in the ular and painful vision.
ner, told her that she had to make a clip. “They’re hopeless.”
choice between her child’s well- JoNathaN NaCkstraNd/aFP/getty Images fiction writers take the material Jess row’s most recent novel, “the
being and her own happiness Canadian author Alice Munro, pictured at top in 2009, was acclaimed for her short stories they’re given — the raw mass of New earth,” was recently published in
(and, of course, her career and and won the Nobel Prize in literature in 2013. Munro, who died in May, has been treated as a their lived experience — and make paperback. his forthcoming books are
reputation). secular saint, a feminist icon, a sympathetic observer of ordinary life, of mothers and something new out of it, something “storyknife,” a collection of short
She chose. children and families. On Sunday, her daughter Andrea Robin Skinner published a story that may seem lifelike but is out- stories, and an essay collection, “on
many adults now in their 50s about her molestation by her stepfather when she was 9 and said that, when she told her side of life, isolated and contained. Being short: men, masculinity, and
and 60s, myself included, are still mother 16 years later, Munro chose to stay with her husband. You can produce great art that way, Not measuring up.”

Singalong trains will shuttle Taylor Swift fans from Orlando to Miami shows
BY C OLLEEN G RABLICK shows in miami, New orleans and
Indianapolis this fall before clos-
In what could be a daydream to ing out in Canada. The billion-dol-
some and a nightmare to others, a lar tour and the April release of
Taylor Swift singalong train will Swift’s 11th studio album have
shuttle fans to and from the pop sparked pop-ups and themed
star’s Eras Tour concerts in miami events around the world, many of
this fall. them unofficial. A Swift-themed
Brightline, a privately owned cruise, for one, sets sail in october.
rail line servicing Central and Brightline is not the first trans-
South florida, is partnering with portation service to cash in on the
iHeartRadio on the Swift-themed tour’s financial effect, either. Rally
trains, which will leave from or- ran special buses for the Sofi Sta-
lando twice a day during the sing- dium leg in California last sum-
er’s three-day october stop at mer, and transit agencies in Eras
Hard Rock Stadium. orlando- Tour cities have added extra serv-
based radio DJs will play songs ice to meet fan demand.
from Swift’s two-decade catalogue one-way tickets for the miami
during the train ride as guests, in concert trains — which will drop
between lyrics, munch on “curat- passengers off at the Aventura sta-
ed” food options, Brightline said. tion and connect them to a shuttle
Some singalong trains Tuesday to Hard Rock Stadium — start at
showed they already were sold $209 for the full ride from orlan-
out. do. Brightline also will be running
“This is more than a ride — it’s a late-night return trains from
first-of-its-kind immersive experi- Aventura, where the company
ence,” Travis Christ, chief commer- promises a Swiftian pop-up bar.
cial officer for Brightline, said in a (While the return trips aren’t ad-
news release. vertised as Swift singalongs, one
Brightline avoids mentioning can imagine such a train would not
Swift directly in its promotions, exactly be an Amtrak quiet car.)
instead referring to playing “Tay- Anyone who needs to travel that
tunes” on “SWIfT rides” to “The weekend along the singalong
Big Concert.” The rail company train’s route — which includes
previously generated attention for stops in West Palm Beach, Boca
its service linking downtown mi- Raton and fort Lauderdale — for a
ami to orlando International Air- non-Swift purpose can book a
port and for its partnership with a train at a different time, Brightline
shuttle company that takes pas- spokesperson Vanessa Alfonso
sengers directly to Disney World’s wrote in an email. otherwise,
parks and nearby hotels. headphones might be necessary.
Swift, who is playing the Euro- Singing, Alfonso said, will take Carlos alvarez/getty Images

pean leg of her 152-show Eras Tour, place on “the ENTIRE Sing-Along Taylor Swift, pictured at her July 4 concert in Amsterdam, will play three shows at Miami’s Hard Rock Stadium in October. The shuttle
will return to the United States for Trains.” service operated by Brightline, a privately owned rail line, will feature radio DJs playing Swift songs as well as “curated” food options.

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wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re C3

Baldwin’s manslaughter trial for ‘Rust’ shooting begins


Hutchins, 42, was airlifted

from the scene and pronounced
dead at a hospital in Albuquer-
que. Souza was released from a
hospital, expected to make a full
Production on the film was
temporarily halted as authorities
examined the firearms and pro-
jectiles on set, and Baldwin —
both the star and producer of
“rust” — announced he was “fully
cooperating with the police inves-
What is Alec Baldwin being
accused of ? Could he face jail
Baldwin, who was holding the
loaded gun when it went off and
killed Hutchins, was this January
indicted by a grand jury on invol-
untary manslaughter charges, for
which he will stand trial this
The indictment, which was
filed in Santa fe, lists two counts
of involuntary manslaughter:
first, that Baldwin handled the
prop gun negligently, and second,
that he caused the tragic accident
“with the total disregard or indif-
ference for the safety of others.”
Baldwin can be convicted only on
one of the counts.
If convicted, Baldwin could be
sentenced to up to 18 months in
prison. He has denied pulling the
gun’s trigger and pleaded not
Baldwin also pleaded not guilty
when similar charges were filed
against him in January 2023. But
those charges were dropped that
April when the case’s special pros-
ecutors said they needed more FrederiC J. BrowN/AFP/GeTTy imAGeS

time to investigate.
What did Baldwin say ing that the charges could be could introduce videos allegedly of those options.” civil lawsuits. Less than a month
happened? refiled. showing Baldwin behaving reck- after the shooting, he was sued by
Baldwin denied pulling the In January, a grand jury indict- lessly throughout filming, partic- Have others faced criminal two crew members who accused
trigger in a December 2021 inter- ed Baldwin with involuntary ularly when handling guns, but charges in the “Rust” him and other producers of as-
view with ABC News, before manslaughter once again. barred any videos reportedly shooting? sault and inflicting emotional dis-
charges were brought before him. The case has also been affected showing the actor profanely be- Gutierrez-reed, the armorer tress. About a year later, Baldwin
That claim was seconded at the by a high turnover of the prosecu- rating cast and crew members to tasked with handing all prop guns sued Gutierrez-reed, Halls, prop
time by the attorney for the film’s torial team. New mexico first speed production. Alec Baldwin, center right, on set, was in march found guilty master Sarah Zachry and ammu-
assistant director Dave Halls. Judicial District Attorney mary The judge’s rulings will prob- arrives at the courthouse of involuntary manslaughter for nition supplier Seth Kenney,
Baldwin has also said that he Carmack-Altwies first appointed ably make the prosecution’s job on Tuesday in Santa Fe, N.M., failing to ensure gun safety on set blaming their negligence for
was told the gun contained blanks Andrea reeb as special prosecu- more difficult. New mexico’s in- for the start of his and not guilty of evidence tam- Hutchins’s death in an effort to
rather than a live round. tor. But in march 2023, Kari mor- voluntary manslaughter statute manslaughter trial, which pering. She was sentenced to 18 “clear his name,” the lawsuit said.
“I would never point a gun at rissey and Jason Lewis were ap- requires proof beyond reasonable began with the jury selection months in prison and is seeking a Hutchins’s family has also pur-
anyone and pull a trigger at them. pointed to replace reeb, who re- doubt that the accused “acted process. retrial. A district court judge sued legal action against Baldwin
Never,” he said. “… The notion signed after Baldwin’s lawyers recklessly or with criminal negli- ruled that Gutierrez-reed won’t and others working on “rust.” In
that there was a live round in that questioned whether she could le- gence.” While Sommer’s ruling be forced to testify in Baldwin’s october 2022, Baldwin, along
gun did not dawn on me until gally be a prosecutor and serve in prevents prosecutors from argu- trial and won’t be granted immu- with the film’s production compa-
probably about 45 minutes to an the New mexico House of repre- ing Baldwin was an irresponsible nity in the unlikely event that she nies and several crew members,
hour later.” sentatives. producer, they claimed they will does. reached a settlement after
But prosecutors announced morrissey and Lewis remained still show Baldwin was reckless as The low-budget western film’s Hutchins’s husband, matthew,
last year that forensic testing on a team until April, when Lewis well as negligent. first assistant director and safety and son sued for the cinematogra-
the gun suggested that Baldwin stepped down from the case and But that could require arguing coordinator, Halls, who allegedly pher’s wrongful death.
had to have pulled the trigger. The was replaced by Erlinda Johnson. legal complexities and nuances, handed Baldwin the gun and told As part of the agreement, mat-
state also contends that Baldwin Now that it’s started, the trial is which could also hurt their case, him it had no live rounds, avoided thew was made an executive pro-
behaved irresponsibly on set, ig- expected to move quickly. It’s some experts think. jail time with a no-contest plea. ducer of “rust.” Hutchins’s father,
noring gun safety protocols. scheduled to run until July 19. “There’s been lots of confusion He signed a deal for a petty misde- mother and sister living in
over the years about the language meanor charge of negligent use of Ukraine have sued separately for
Why did the trial take so long What challenges do of the state’s involuntary man- a deadly weapon and was sen- negligence and intentional inflic-
to start? prosecutors face? slaughter statute, and this trial tenced to six months of unsuper- tion of emotional distress, among
Baldwin was initially charged, In a pretrial hearing monday, just highlights the confusion,” vised probation, a $500 fine, 24 other charges.
along with the movie’s armorer Judge mary marlowe Sommer said John Day, a former prosecu- hours of community service, and The movie finished filming last
Hannah Gutierrez-reed, of two ruled that prosecutors could not tor who has been a criminal de- a firearm safety course. As part of year, but last week, producers
counts of involuntary manslaugh- argue, as they had intended, that fense attorney in Santa fe for 30 the terms of his plea deal, he also were denied a film production tax
ter in January 2023 — more than a Baldwin’s role as a producer of the years. “right now, prosecutors must testify in all hearings in- incentive worth as much as $1.6
year after the shooting. film made him especially respon- are trying to convict Baldwin volved in the shooting and have million in New mexico, according
But about three months later, sible for on-set safety. Sommer based on theories that he either no contact with co-defendants or to the Associated Press. An attor-
the charges against the actor were declared that line of argument to was negligent in operating a fire- witnesses. ney for the film’s production com-
dropped after “new facts were be irrelevant in part because arm or he created recklessness to pany said the incentive was going
revealed that demand further in- Baldwin was only one of the film’s the point that somebody died. It’s What else is Baldwin to fund the settlement.
vestigation and forensic analysis,” producers. conceivable a jury could get con- contending with?
prosecutors said at the time, not- Sommer said the prosecution fused when presented with both Baldwin is involved in several Triplett reported from Santa Fe, N.m.

Parents are ‘very opinionated’ about how their children’s partners should look
Dear Carolyn: when my brother got engaged. toxic superficiality. K.: of the people receiving your
Ever since we other than this quirk, they’re I wish you both had cut them “I’m sorry to hear that”
started dating, not bad people. Any ideas how I off on this topic years ago, response, how many do you
our parents have can head them off ? sending them a clear message: think understand what you
been very — Anonymous “Your opinions about our dates’ mean by it? Sixty percent?
opinionated bodies are unacceptable.” [Both Twenty percent? Two?
Carolyn about what the Anonymous: They’re eugenics- walk away.] Even if it’s 100, how many —
Hax people my curious, but lovely people But better late than never. in your opinion — intended “not
brother and I otherwise! okey-doke. first you say what you mean, too bad” to be taken 100 percent
date should look Just say the thing out loud to unequivocally, as I already literally?
like. They’ve completely them: “I watched you alienate advised. Then you prove you How many see it as your job
alienated my brother and his [brother’s] awesome wife only mean it by leaving — cold — to “get” them “out of their bad
wife because they were so vocal because she’s tall and he’s short. whenever they start “insisting.” zone”?
about her being all wrong for “So here’s your chance not to Let them “insist” into an In all, who are you helping?
him. They wanted him to marry blow it again: Please don’t echoing void. meanwhile: We know you’re
a petite woman because he is choose blond hair over a or, to co-opt a new classic: annoying your wife. one
short, and they insisted he relationship with your future Let them jerk you around, and hundred percent.
didn’t “look right” with a tall son-in-law and possible olive- find out. Time to put your quip away
woman. But my brother loves skinned grandkids. for good. Both senses
tall, curvy women, and he “Any questions?” Dear Carolyn: When I ask intended.
married one. They were If they put up even a squeak people, “How are you doing?,” Suggested replacements:
distraught, as if he married an of resistance: many times they respond, “Not “okay, then!” “Good enough!” or
ax murderer or something. She “I can’t save you from too bad.” I always respond with, other kind words that
is an awesome person. They yourselves. But I had to try.” “I’m sorry to hear that.” acknowledge their effort to
came around, but my sister-in- on the surface, this will look After all, they said they were answer an impossible question
law never warmed to them. like a simplistic answer: Just tell doing bad — just not too bad. asked on friendly reflex
They insist my boyfriends them the truth!! my wife is not happy with my whenever we say “hello.”
must be tall and blond with blue But here’s the thing. There’s saying that to people.
eyes because I am tall and only one way your parents could Should I just accept what write to Carolyn Hax at
blond, and that way we would have been “very opinionated” illuSTrATioN By NiCk GAliFiANAkiS For THe wASHiNGToN PoST they say and let them continue Get her
look right together, and so and “so vocal” and “distraught,” with their “bad” lives, or column delivered to your inbox each
would our children. They hate and done all that insisting — continue with my comment in morning at
my not-tall, Greek-immigrant enough for you to “just know” hopes they realize what they’re
boyfriend. We are getting they’ll “carry on” about you. subconsciously saying and get  Join the discussion live at noon
engaged soon, and I just know They did that by having you as out of their bad zone? Fridays at
they will carry on like they did their steady audience for their — K. chats.

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lives. why are they so easy to obtain and carry out? N0229 6x1
C4 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

The sketches in
‘Colored Museum’
are introspective
THEATER REVIEW from C1 Thus, too, does the production
have stylistic room for the bitter
Black trauma before catching a honesty of Webb’s vivid “snap
late supper at the oyster bar queen” miss roj, who would just
across the way. Nor do Black as soon destroy you as let you get
actors escape the nip of Wolfe’s under his skin; the haunted and
teeth: Watch the cast of Psalmay- haunting “kindness” of a Viet-
ene 24’s handsome new Studio nam soldier (a superbly con-
Theatre production scramble for tained Watkins) whose ghost
possession of the oscar statuette goes about quietly killing his
that gets passed around, even as platoon in their sleep to spare
Wolfe’s barbs about overacting them the grief and abuse he sees
detonate like tart little truth awaiting them back home; and
bombs. the commandingly elemental in-
The director, fresh off the nocence of Normal Jean reyn-
folger Theatre’s richly textured olds (the mesmerizing Bakari), a
but curiously unmoving refresh grubby red-dirt teenager with a
of mary Zimmerman’s “meta- deeply eerie monologue about
morphoses,” fares far better with how she came to give birth to an
“The Colored museum,” a show egg.
similarly episodic in structure famously, Wolfe framed “The
but much less dependent on Colored museum” as a string of
tone. With less of the supernatu- exhibits exploding the ways
ral to integrate, and without the Black Americans tell and are told
self-imposed addition of a unify- in their own stories. Psalmayene
ing conceit, he and his cast — 24 and designer Natsu onoda
matthew Elijah Webb, Kelli Power lean into the notion with a
Blackwell, Ayanna Bria Bakari, casually environmental ap-
Iris Beaumier and William oliver proach that, not unlike ror-
Watkins are the tight ensemble, schach Theatre’s “Human mu-
with drummer Jabari Exum seum” earlier this season, re-
drawing their efforts even more frames the Studio lobbies and
impressively together — can fo- parts of the Victor Shargai Thea-
cus on squeezing each sketch for tre itself as an exhibition space
its individual vitality. wherein compact installations bring your more easily offended
Thus does the evening have invite further reflection on the theatergoing buddies.
the breadth to satisfyingly ex- corresponding scenes — so take Do bring a sense of hope,
plore the emotional price paid by time before and after curtain to George C. Wolfe framed though: Wolfe’s “museum” in-
a Josephine Baker-style chan- explore. vites visitors to consider what
teuse (Beaumier) who has sacri- Even more famously, Wolfe “The Colored Museum” kinds of pain are formative and
ficed the simplicities of her mis- bookends the show’s action with what kinds are just poisonous:
sissippi childhood to transform a skit welcoming audiences as a string of exhibits what’s key to remember and
herself into a global sophisti- aboard a slave ship that’s either what’s safe to forget. once visit-
cate, while also reserving just sailing the middle Passage or exploding the ways ing hours are over, Blackwell’s
the right sparkle and sass for time-warping its way through to travel guide returns, reminding
a sequence in which a wom- the present, or both. regardless, Black Americans tell audiences to check the overhead
an (Blackwell) getting dressed Power has transformed the thea- bins for anything we really want
for a breakup dinner argues with ter space into the wood-benched and are told in their to take with us. Anything we
her two unexpectedly sen- deck of a merchant vessel, choose to leave behind, she
tient wigs — Beaumier and Ba- aboard which a cheerily hospita- own stories. promises warmly, gets chucked
kari, one an exuberant An- ble cabin attendant (Blackwell, straight into the trash.
gela Davis-level Afro, the other game for pretty much everything
a silkier mariah Carey waterfall the evening throws at her) warns PhoTos by Teresa casTracane The Colored Museum, through
— over which of them will help patrons that drumming won’t be TOP: From left, William Oliver Watkins, Kelli Blackwell, Ayanna aug. 11 at studio Theatre in
her project the right Strong tolerated and that the fasten Bria Bakari, Matthew Elijah Webb and Iris Beaumier in Studio Washington. about 1 hour 30
Black Woman vibe for the occa- Your Shackles sign must be close- Theatre’s “The Colored Museum,” directed by Psalmayene 24. minutes without intermission.
sion. ly observed. So maybe don’t ABOVE: From left, Beaumier, Blackwell and Bakari.

lA TiMes CRossWoRD By seth Bisen-Hersh Television

ACRoss 7/10/24 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00
1 Stage name of
4.1 WRC (NBC) + NBCNe.. + Hollywo.. + Chicago Med + Chicago Fire + Chicago P.D. News
actor Raiford +

4.2 WRC (IND) Roseanne Roseanne Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Nanny
Chatman Davis
5.1 WTTG (Fox) + Fox 5 + TMZ + MasterChef + Food Stars + Fox 5 at 10 + Fox 5
6 Spanish 7.1 WJLA (ABC) + Wheel + Jeopardy! + Million (SP) + Claim to Fame (SP) + Shark Tank + News
53-Down 9.1 WUSA (CBS) + InsideEd. + ET + Price Is Right + Real CSI + Real CSI + 9 News
11 Band also 14.1 WFDC (UNI) + Fútbol + CONMEBOL Semifinal: Uruguay vs. Colombia (Live) + El amor no tien + Noticias
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14 Shapewear 26.1 WETA (PBS) + PBS News Hour + Dynamic Planet (F) + NOVA + NOVA + Amanp..
brand 32.1 WHUT (PBS) + Homelessness + Frontline + Last Battlefront + The Porter + BBCNe..

15 Trojan War hero 50.1 WDCW (CW) + Neighbor + Neighbor + Police 24/7 + Wild Cards + DC News Now + Seinfeld

16 “Shine Ya Light” 66.1 WPXW (ION) + Blue Bloods + Blue Bloods + Blue Bloods + Blue Bloods + BlueBlo..

singer Rita A&E Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam CourtCam Arrest Arrest CourtCam
17 Small, rustic AMC
(5:15) Movie: Ocean's Movie: Ocean's Eleven +++ (2001) A suave ex-con (:45) Movie: Ocean's
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house on a
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game reserve
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© 2024 Tribune Content Agency, llC. 7/10/24 (6:00) Movie: Movie: Monsters University +++ (2013) At first rivals, Royal The 700
mater Freeform Monsters, Inc. (2001) Mike and Sulley became the best of pals. Rule Club
34 Meadow 66 GPS guess 39 Snack 53 24-Across, (5:30) Movie: Talladega Movie: Step Brothers ++ (2008) Movie: Step Brothers ++ (2008)
28 __ cum laude FX
35 Muppeteer Jerry 67 Will of “Blue 42 Syllables for a for one Nights: Ballad of Rick...
29 Pants part Movie: Cross Country Christmas (2020) Movie: A Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas Movie:
36 Cash provider Bloods” stage magician 54 Über relative Hallmark
30 Attendance (2019) Christm...
37 Opportunity for 68 Set a security records? 46 Like some alter 56 Only pres. to Gourmet Detective Mysteries Movie: 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Ghost (2023) Murder ...
success, or what system again egos hold a patent
Hallmark M&M
17-, 29-, 45-, and 31 Rant and
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have DoWn 32 [Run program] 48 Straight HGTV Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Backed by the Bros Hunters Hunters Hunters
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40 Large container keeper
41 Polite refusal 2 Played dreidel the Andes 51 Bowen Yang’s Lifetime
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3 Castle makeup 37 Possible litmus show, for short 59 Agenda listing Castle
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the ER 7 Winter hiker’s TUESDAY’S LA TIMES SOLUTION Nat’l Geographic Great Shark Chow Shark Eat Shark Supersized Sh Attack of th Shark Eat
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50 “Star Wars” 9 “You always tell Paramount
Two and a Two and a Movie: Shooter ++ (2007) A betrayed sniper is the Movie: World War Z
me what to do!” Half Men Half Men subject of a massive manhunt. +++ (2013)
heroes (6:15) Movie: Rocky Movie: Die Hard +++ (1988) (:15) Movie: Die Hard 2 +++
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Webber title 11 Pitch, in cricket Syfy Movie: Pacific Rim +++ (2013) Humans pilot giant robots to fight Reginald the Movie:
52 Actress Watson 12 Snap, Crackle, monstrous creatures. (P) Vampire (SF) Prodigy (...
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(6:00) Movie: The Out- Movie: House of Usher +++ Movie: The Pit and the Pendulum Movie:
opening? 13 Performed an TCM of-Towners (1970) (1960) +++ (1961) Raven (...
56 Chinese Ameri- aria TLC Hoarding: Buried Alive My 600-Lb. Life Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple
can fashion icon 15 Before today Movie: We're the Millers ++ (2013) (:15) Movie: My Cousin Vinny +++ (1992) An inept
60 Director Ang 18 SIGINT org. lawyer tries to free his cousin from a Dixie jail.
61 Changing price 22 Baroque Travel Paranormal Cam. Paranormal Cam. Paranormal Cam. Paranormal Cam. Paranor..
63 Yield to gravity instrument TruTV Wipeout Wipeout Wipeout Movie: Pineapple Express (2008)
24 Bygone Swedish TV Land Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond (:20) Raymond Raymond Raymond King
64 Latin for “actu- TV One CosbySh.. CosbySh.. Fatal Attraction Fatal Attraction For My Man Crime Fil.
ally existing” carmaker
USA Network Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law-SVU
65 “A Delicate 25 Mouselike
VH1 Dating Naked Dating Naked Dating Naked Dating Naked Dating Na.
Balance” 26 Trolley sound WNC8 Paid Prog. Ukraine 7News at.. Paid Prog. SportsTalk WorldNe.. WJLANe.. Help National
playwright 27 Fur tycoon LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs + High Definition
Movie Ratings (from TMS) ++++ Excellent +++ Good ++ Fair + Poor No stars: not rated
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C5

Is it fair to have guests wait for host’s baby to wake up before starting brunch?
Dear Miss Babies not being great if I wear open-toe sandals. I have to wear nail polish” is not my husband and I frequently If the guests are your
Miss Manners: A conversationalists at the best of not worn any kind of nail polish working, you may have to invite friends to join us during husband’s boss and his third
Manners friend of ours times, Miss Manners would have since I was in my 20s. I do not escalate to, “In my day, ladies did our week. Is it appropriate to wife, you may wish to do the
JudIth hosted a brunch thought 10 parents, hot babies want to polish my toenails or my not do that.” Or even, “I’ll be at enlist the guests in the cleanup cleaning yourselves after they
MartIN, for several new and all, could have improvised a fingernails. My toenails are the bar.” if we are all leaving the same leave. If, instead, it is your kid
JacobINa parents. The party on their own while young neatly cut regularly by my day? Some guests have brother with whom you have
MartIN aNd brunch was on a Jethro finished his nap. podiatrist. Dear Miss Manners: My volunteered, unsolicited, to shared chores since you were
NIcholas hot summer day Whether the resulting event What should I tell her? She is husband and I own a condo at clean their bathroom and teenagers, Miss Manners leaves
Ivor MartIN and held squarely would be fair or foul would, she very firm about this. the beach with two other change the sheets on their bed. you to it.
in the middle of supposes, depend on the moods couples, dividing up the weeks Others seem to be oblivious to
morning nap time. When the of all involved — and whether Cruises involve a lot of free among us. Our agreement is what needs to be done after New Miss Manners columns are
five other couples arrived, sustenance was withheld time. So although Miss Manners that, at the end of their week, their departure. Would it be posted Monday through Saturday on
we found out that the host’s pending Jethro’s arrival. does not want to pick a fight, she each couple will leave the condo unseemly to ask them to You can
baby was still asleep, and we does think it would be well to in tiptop shape: fresh sheets, participate in some of the send questions to Miss Manners at
had to sit around for 20 minutes Dear Miss Manners: I am an establish from the start that the scrubbed bathrooms, vacuumed cleanup activities? her website, You
(with hot babies in tow) waiting 89-year-old lady. My daughter is primary activity on this cruise carpets, etc. This has worked out can also follow her
for the host’s baby to finish taking me on my very first will not be Telling Mama How to well and saved enormously on It will depend on how well you @RealMissManners.
his nap. cruise. She insists that I must Behave. cleaning fees. know the guests and how much
Is this fair play or foul? wear nail polish on my toenails If “Thank you, but I don’t like During the summer months, warning you give them. © 2024 Judith Martin

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Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:50-1:25-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:50-
AMC Georgetown 14 ichidai onna) (NR) 1:15-6:00 Kill (Hindi) (R) CC: 7:00-9:35 Horizon: An American Saga Kill (Hindi) (R) 6:50-9:30 7:05 Kingdom of the Planet of the 7:00-9:10 MaXXXine (R) 11:10-1:50-4:40- 5:20-5:50-6:10-6:30-8:00-8:40-
3111 K Street N.W. Horizon: An American Saga Chapter 1 (R) 12:10-6:10 Horizon: An American Saga A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Apes (PG-13) CC: 11:40-5:30 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:45-2:00- 7:30-10:10 9:20; 11:10-1:40-4:20-7:00-9:50;
AMC Academy 8
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 6198 Greenbelt Road Chapter 1 (R) CC: 4:40-8:30 Thelma (PG-13) 12:15-3:30-7:20 Chapter 1 (R) 12:00-3:50-8:20 1:10-2:10-5:10-6:30-7:50-9:25 Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 10:40-8:00 4:15-6:35-9:00 Kingdom of the Planet of the 11:30AM
12:10-3:00-8:10-10:00 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Kinds of Kindness (R) 12:05- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 4:50 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 1:00- The Bikeriders (R) CC: 7:00-9:50 Kill (Hindi) (R) 2:10-6:45 Apes (PG-13) 6:10-9:30
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 3:40-6:40-9:15 Regal Manassas
Sing (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 1:20-4:10-8:20 1:00-3:30-6:00-8:30 2:30-6:15 Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu) Kill (Hindi) (R) CC: 2:30-5:15 Horizon: An American Saga Chap- Horizon: An American Saga 11380 Bulloch Drive
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Despicable Me 4 (PG) 5:00 4:30 Xscape Theatres Brandywine 14 Horizon: An American Saga ter 1 (R) 11:45-3:30-7:15-9:15 Chapter 1 (R) 11:45-4:00-8:10
CC: 9:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 2:10-
CC: 10:20-12:50-3:15-5:45-8:15 Experience (PG) CC: 12:00-2:30- Horizon: An American Saga Sound of Hope: The Story of 7710 Matapeake Business Drive Chapter 1 (R) CC: 10:30-1:10- Thelma (PG-13) 4:45 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 4:20
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:00- Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:00- 5:00-7:30 Chapter 1 (R) 3:45 Possum Trot (PG-13) 3:10 The Mask (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-7:00 2:20-6:10-9:00 Kinds of Kindness (R) 11:00- Kinds of Kindness (R) 12:10-
1:30-4:00-6:30 Sound of Hope: The Story of Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:50- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 2:30-6:00-9:15 4:30-8:30 Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
12:20-2:45-5:15-7:45 Landmark Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:15-1:45- The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 12:00- at Annapolis Harbour Center 3:30-6:10-8:50; 11:10AM 12:00-12:50-2:40-3:40-5:30-6:30- 11:30-4:30-9:30 Blue Lock The Movie -Episode Blue Lock The Movie -Episode
4:20-7:10-9:50 3:10-6:20 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 8:10-9:50 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Nagi- (PG-13) 11:55-4:35 Nagi- (PG-13) 11:40AM Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
10:20-4:20 Regal Laurel Towne Centre
MaXXXine (R) CC: 1:50-4:30-10:30 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 12:15- Experience (PG) CC: 12:00-2:30- MaXXXine (R) 1:20-3:25-5:45-8:15 Sound of Hope: The Story of (PG) 11:00AM
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:30- The Goonies (PG) 11:00AM 14716 Baltimore Avenue A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
Robot Dreams CC: 12:40 2:45-5:15-7:45 5:00-7:30-10:00 Possum Trot (PG-13) 2:40 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
2:00-7:10 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 1:40- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:30- 6:50-9:20 CMX Village 14
The Bikeriders (R) CC: 12:00 MaXXXine (R) CC: 10:45-2:00- MaXXXine (R) OC: 8:45 4:15-6:45 2:30-3:20-6:00-9:20-10:20 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:40- Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 11:40- 1600 Village Market Boulevard Close Encounters of the Third
Horizon: An American Saga 4:40-7:10 Sound of Hope: The Story of A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 1:30-2:00-3:50-4:20-6:40-9:00 3:20-8:10-9:30 Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG)
Possum Trot (PG-13) OC: 9:30 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Jurassic Park (PG-13) 6:30
Chapter 1 (R) CC: 11:20-3:10-9:00 Horizon: An American Saga 11:50-2:30-5:05-7:30 der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:50-12:40- Blue Lock The Movie -Episode 7:10 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:10-
Thelma (PG-13) CC: 11:20- Nagi- (PG-13) 3:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 11:35- 11:30-12:00-2:00-2:30-3:00-
Chapter 1 (R) CC: 10:10-12:50- AMC Montgomery 16 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:25- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 1:10-3:00-3:30-5:20-7:40 2:20-5:00-8:00 Regal Dulles Town Center
3:15-10:00 4:30-7:00 7101 Democracy Boulevard 12:00-1:00-2:15-3:15-4:25-5:25- (PG) 11:00AM MaXXXine (R) 2:20-5:10-7:50- Sound of Hope: The Story of 21100 Dulles Town Circle 4:00-5:00-5:30-6:30-7:00-7:30-
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 12:30- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 6:40-7:10-7:40 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 10:20 3:40-6:50-8:20 11:20-12:50-1:50-3:40-4:55-6:10- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:40- 8:00-9:00
11:00-1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00 1:30-4:15-7:00-9:45 Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:30-1:45- 11:20-1:00-2:00-3:40-4:50-5:40- Horizon: An American Saga 7:35-8:45-9:30 2:30-9:40 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:50-2:20-
Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Sound of Hope: The Story of Sing (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 2:45-4:00-5:00-6:15-7:15 7:30-8:15-10:15 Chapter 1 (R) 11:25-3:45-7:45 Close Encounters of the Third 4:50-7:40
Experience (PG) CC: 12:15-2:45- Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:05- Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 10:00- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) The Bikeriders (R) 1:50-4:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:30- Sound of Hope: The Story of 11:45-1:00-1:30-2:10-2:40-3:25- der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM MaXXXine (R) 1:10-3:40-6:20-
5:15-7:45-10:20 Possum Trot (PG-13) 12:10-3:10- 7:00 9:10
1:10-6:50 CC: 11:45-2:15-4:45-7:15-10:00 Horizon: An American Saga 11:30-12:00-12:50-1:20-2:10- 3:55-4:35-5:25-5:50-6:20-7:00- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 2:15- Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 4:45 Chapter 1 (R) 11:35-3:20-7:00 2:50-3:30-6:10-6:50-7:50-8:45- 6:20-9:10 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 11:10- Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 3:50
4:40-6:00-9:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 1:45-4:15-7:20 7:30-8:15-9:25 (PG) 11:00AM
AMC Annapolis Mall 11 11:15-12:30-3:15-4:30-6:00-7:10- Thelma (PG-13) 12:10-2:40- 9:30-10:25 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) The Garfield Movie (PG) 11:15- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Kill (Hindi) (R) 12:15-2:50-
Sound of Hope: The Story 4:55-7:25 Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:10-1:30- 11:50-2:10-4:30-6:00-7:30-8:20- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
1020 Annapolis Mall Road 8:45-9:45 CC: 10:50-11:20-1:20-1:50-3:50- 1:40-4:05 11:30-11:40-12:50-2:10-3:40- 5:20-7:50
of Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 2:40-6:30-10:10 10:00
11:10-3:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: 4:45 Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 4:30-6:20-7:00-9:30-10:00 MaXXXine (R) 11:55-2:25- 4:50-6:20-7:40-9:00-10:20 Horizon: An American Saga
12:00-4:45-7:30-10:40 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:00-1:30- 3899 Branch Avenue MaXXXine (R) 11:00-1:45-4:40- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:10- Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 12:30- 5:15-7:50 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:50- Chapter 1 (R) 11:20-3:20-7:20
Close Encounters of the Third 7:20-10:00 10:40-12:20-12:30-1:00-2:50-
Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 7:00 Sing (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 4:00-6:30-7:30-9:00 Smurfs: The Lost Village (PG) 2:00-7:00-8:00-10:30 Horizon: An American Saga 12:30-1:30-3:20-4:20-5:00-7:10- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 4:30
Horizon: An American Saga 3:20-4:50-5:40-6:10-7:10-8:00-
Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 12:30- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) MaXXXine (R) CC: 12:30-3:30- 10:00AM
Chapter 1 (R) 2:20-6:20-7:40- 8:30-9:30 AMC Shirlington 7
Chapter 1 (R) 11:00-3:00-7:10 7:50-8:50-9:50-10:40 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX
3:00-5:30-8:00-10:30 CC: 10:10-12:00-2:30-3:30-5:00- 6:15-10:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:35- 2772 South Randolph St.
Thelma (PG-13) 9:30 Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:40-2:00- Experience (PG) 1:00-3:30-
Horizon: An American Saga 3:30-6:45-9:35 9:00 iPic Pike & Rose Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 3:30-4:40-6:00-7:20-8:40-10:00 6:00-8:30
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 7:30-8:30-10:15-11:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC:
CC: 11:50-2:20-4:50-7:30-10:10 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 9:15- Chapter 1 (R) CC: 11:30-3:30-9:00 Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 11830 Grand Park Avenue 12:15-5:05 MaXXXine (R) 10:30-1:20-4:10- Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu)
Despicable Me 4 (PG) OC: 1:50 4:20-5:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 11:25-2:20-5:10-7:50 Inside Out 2: The IMAX Experi- 7:00-10:10
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 12:50- 11:40-2:10-4:35-7:00-9:30 (PG) 10:00AM 11:50-7:45
Horizon: An American Saga Blue Lock The Movie -Episode 12:15-3:00-3:30-6:45-7:30-10:00- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) ence (PG) 11:30-1:10-2:00-2:55- Horizon: An American Saga
3:20-5:50 If (PG) CC: 9:30AM A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) CC: 10:00-12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00 Sound of Hope: The Story of
Chapter 1 (R) OC: 7:30 12:05-2:30-5:00-7:00-7:30-9:35- Nagi- (PG-13) 5:20 10:45 3:35-4:45-6:00-7:20-8:30 Chapter 1 (R) 1:40-5:10-9:10
MaXXXine (R) OC: 7:10 The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:30- Possum Trot (PG-13) 12:40
9:30AM AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 10:00 Sound of Hope: The Story of Despicable Me 4 (PG) (!) 11:45- Sound of Hope: The Story of Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 6:10
The Bikeriders (R) OC: 6:15 Possum Trot (PG-13) 4:00-7:10 12:45-2:45-4:15-6:00-6:15-9:15 11:30-1:00-3:30-4:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:30
Horizon: An American Saga Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 9:25-10:00- 11115 Mall Circle Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:30- Possum Trot (PG-13) 12:00-3:15- Close Encounters of the Third
12:10-1:20-2:00-2:30-3:45-4:30- Close Encounters of the Third MaXXXine (R) (!) 1:00-4:00- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:15- 6:30-9:00 Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 6:50 Regal Springfield Town Center
Chapter 1 (R) OC: 7:15 3:10-4:50-5:45-7:20-8:15-9:45 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 12:45-5:40
4:45-6:05-7:05-9:30 Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 7:15-10:30 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) 12:30-7:45 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 2:20 6859 Springfield Mall
Despicable Me 4 (PG) OC: 8:20 MaXXXine (R) CC: 12:25-3:00- 2:00-4:45-7:30-10:15 7:00 MaXXXine (R) CC: 10:05-12:40-
5:35-8:10-10:45 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:30-3:00- Kingdom of the Planet of the Cinema Arts Theatre Regal Fairfax Towne Center Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:20-
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 5:30-8:00 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) 11:45AM Apes (PG-13) 11:15-9:30 3:20-5:55-8:30 3:30-6:50-9:40
DC Bryant Street The Bikeriders (R) CC: 10:35 CC: 12:30-1:15-3:00-3:45-6:15- Horizon: An American Saga 9650 Unit 14 Main St. 4110 West Ox Road
Horizon: An American Saga 8:45-10:30 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) Regal Rockville Center Inside Out 2: The IMAX Experi- Firebrand (R) 2:25-5:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
630 Rhode Island Ave NE ence (PG) 12:00-3:15-6:30-9:45 Chapter 1 (R) CC: 10:50-2:40- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R)
Chapter 1 (R) CC: 11:15-2:45- Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 1:00- 11:00-8:35 199 East Montgomery Avenue The Bikeriders (R) 9:40-12:05- 4:20-9:40 der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM
The Company of Wolves (R) 7:30 Horizon: An American Saga 6:30
6:45-10:00 3:30-6:00-8:30 Regal Cinemas Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 9:40 2:35-7:40-9:55 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:00- Chapter 1 (R) 11:00-3:15-7:45 Thelma (PG-13) CC: 5:55-8:20 (PG) 11:00-11:20
3:15-6:30-9:45 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 10:45- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 1:30-4:00- Majestic Stadium 20 & IMAX Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Daddio (R) 10:05-12:25-2:45- der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM
1:10-6:00 6:30-10:20 der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer
Vacation (PG) 11:45AM Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 11:45- MaXXXine (R) CC: 12:45-3:15-
900 Ellsworth Drive
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 2:35- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie VIRGINIA 2:00-7:00
Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC:
4:50-7:00-9:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Janet Planet (PG-13) 9:45-12:10- (PG) 11:00AM 11:10-1:50-2:50-4:50-5:50-7:40-
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 3:20-7:00-10:35 5:45-8:15-10:45 5:30-8:45 (PG) 11:00AM AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 3:15-8:10 4:45-7:20-9:25 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 8:40-10:15
10:15-1:15-4:15-7:15-8:45-10:15- Sound of Hope: The Story of The Bikeriders (R) CC: 10:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 2150 Clarendon Blvd. Horizon: An American Saga 11:50-1:50-5:00-7:10-10:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:50-
Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 12:40- Horizon: An American Saga 11:50-2:40-5:10-6:10-7:40-10:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: AMC Tysons Corner 16 11:50-12:30-1:30-2:00-2:30-3:10-
10:45 der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM 7850e Tysons Corner Center
Chapter 1 (R) 9:45-1:00-4:15- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:20-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:00- 3:50-10:15-11:55 Chapter 1 (R) CC: 2:30-6:30-9:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:10- 11:05-1:50-4:50-7:40 7:35 12:30-1:30-3:10-6:00-6:50- 3:40-4:10-4:40 -6:00-7:05-7:30-
Close Encounters of the Third Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: (PG) 11:00AM 12:30-1:00-1:30-2:00-2:30-3:20- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Ghostlight (R) 9:40-12:15-2:30- 8:40-9:20 8:00-8:50-9:50-10:30
1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 7:00; 9:00
Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:30-1:30- Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 7:00 11:45-2:15-4:45-7:15-9:45 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 4:00-4:30-5:50-6:30-7:10-7:30- CC: 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00 5:00-7:30-9:40 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:30-12:10- Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:05-12:40-
Inside Out 2 3D (PG) 11:50-2:20 Sound of Hope: The Story of 10:40-11:40-12:40-1:25-2:25- 8:30-9:50 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:05- Despicable Me 4 (PG) OC: 9:10; Thelma (PG-13) 10:00-12:15- 1:40-2:50-4:10-5:40-7:05-8:20- 1:40-3:20-4:20-6:10-7:10-9:00-
3:00-4:30-6:45-10:30 6:35
MaXXXine (R) 10:45-4:45-7:45- Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:05- Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 12:15- 3:25-4:10-5:10-6:10-7:55-8:55- Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:20-12:45- 11:00-1:30-2:30-4:00-6:30 2:20-4:40-7:10-9:10 9:35 10:00
12:30-2:55-5:20-7:45-10:20 3:30-6:45 9:40-10:30 1:50-3:30-4:20-6:00-7:20-8:40 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 2:00-6:55- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: MaXXXine (R) 2:00-4:50-7:30- MaXXXine (R) 1:20-4:00-7:20-
9:30-11:00 11:25-2:15-5:05-7:55-10:45 Cinemark Centreville
Kinds of Kindness (R) 11:00- AMC Center Park 8 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 5:30-8:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:30- MaXXXine (R) 12:10-2:50- 9:00-9:20 10:10 10:10
5:20-7:50 Sing (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 6201 Multiplex Drive
2:45-6:00-10:00 4001 Powder Mill Rd. Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD 11:45-1:15-1:45-2:00-2:30-4:00- MaXXXine (R) CC: 9:50-12:20- Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 9:00 The Bikeriders (R) 10:20
4:30-4:45-5:15-6:30-6:45-7:15- Horizon: An American Saga The Fall Guy (PG-13) CC: 10:15 The Lego Movie (PG) 9:00AM
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:30- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 7000 Arundel Mills Circle
7:30-8:00-9:15-9:30-10:00 Chapter 1 (R) 11:40-4:10-8:15 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R) Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:50- Horizon: An American Saga Horizon: An American Saga
12:15-3:00-5:00-6:00-8:00 12:30-4:15-6:45-10:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) The Bikeriders (R) CC: 10:50- 3:45-10:30 Chapter 1 (R) 11:40-3:40-8:00 Chapter 1 (R) 3:50-8:20
Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:30-11:10- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:00 4:50 CC: 10:25
MaXXXine (R) 1:45 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 6:35
1:10-1:50-3:05-3:45-4:25-5:50- Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 4:15 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:10
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 2:15 CC: 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30-9:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) XD: Horizon: An American Saga 9:15-9:45-11:55-12:25-2:30-3:00- Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu) Sound of Hope: The Story of
6:40-8:40-9:20-10:10 8:50 Chapter 1 (R) CC: 11:20-3:10- CC: 11:00
Angelika Pop-Up Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 9:00-11:30-2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30- 5:05-5:35-6:40-10:15-10:40 5:10 Possum Trot (PG-13) 10:55AM
MaXXXine (R) 11:20-2:20- Kinds of Kindness (R) 11:30- 7:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 12:40-
at Union Market 11:30-12:45-2:00-3:15-4:30-5:45- 12:01; 6:25 3:20-5:50-8:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 9:50- Blue Lock The Movie -Episode Close Encounters of the Third
5:20-8:20 3:10-6:45-9:00 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Nagi- (PG-13) 12:00
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E 7:00-8:30-9:30 Inside Out 2 (PG) 6:45; 10:40-1:15- The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: 11:50-12:20-2:50-4:50-7:20- Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 7:00
Kingdom of the Planet of the Blue Lock The Movie -Episode 12:00-5:00-7:30 Hijack 1971 (R) 11:10-2:20-
Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 12:15-1:30- 3:50; 9:00-9:15-9:30-10:55-11:35-
Apes (PG-13) 10:15 Nagi- (PG-13) 1:15 Sound of Hope: The Story of Pos- 11:15-1:50-4:25 9:50-10:25 Regal Virginia Gateway
Kamikakushi) (PG) 7:00-7:45 4:00-6:30-9:00 11:50-12:05-2:00-2:10-2:25-2:40- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:05-1:35- Inside Out 2 (PG) 8:45-9:35- 4:40-9:50
Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 4:20 Sound of Hope: The Story of sum Trot (PG-13) CC: 1:40-7:40 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) MaXXXine (R) CC: 1:15-3:45- 4:10-4:35-4:45-5:00-5:15-7:10-
Kill (Hindi) (R) 11:50-2:40- Possum Trot (PG-13) 3:50 4:10-6:50-9:20 11:25-12:05-1:00-2:00-3:30-4:35- Escape 2:40-7:40
6:15-8:45-10:00 7:35-7:50-9:20-10:10-10:25 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 6:00-9:45 Close Encounters of the Third Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 2:20-
12:00-2:30-4:20-7:25 5:25-8:10 Close Encounters of the Third 11:30-4:30 MaXXXine (R) CC: 11:30-2:15-
Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:45-2:00- Horizon: An American Saga Chap- Blue Lock The Movie -Episode MaXXXine (R) 9:05-11:45-2:35- Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 5:10-8:10
Horizon: An American Saga Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 4:55-7:40-10:50
5:00 ter 1 (R) CC: 12:30-3:30-7:15 Nagi- (PG-13) 9:00-11:45 AMC Hoffman Center 22 Kingdom of the Planet of the 5:15-10:10 7:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
Chapter 1 (R) 11:55-4:15-8:25 7:00
JESUS: a Deaf Missions film Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 7:30 The Lego Movie (PG) 10:00AM
A Quiet Place: Day One: The Blue Lock The Movie -Episode
206 Swamp Fox Rd. Apes (PG-13) CC: 9:55 Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 3:15-7:00 Blue Lock The Movie -Episode der-Verse (PG) 10:45-11:00
12:20-3:45 Sound of Hope: The Story of Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) Nagi- (PG-13) 3:40 Despicable Me 4 (PG) OC: 12:00 Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 3:30- Kill (Hindi) (R) 10:45 Nagi- (PG-13) 2:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 3:00 10:25-1:20-2:15-4:20-5:10-8:05- IMAX Experience (PG-13) 9:00 (PG) 11:00-11:30
Avalon Theatre Thelma (PG-13) 1:35-4:05-6:50 Horizon: An American Saga 7:00-10:40 Horizon: An American Saga Regal Fox
10:15-11:00 Regal Waugh Chapel Chapter 1 (R) OC: 7:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
5612 Connecticut Avenue AMC Columbia 14 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 12:15- The Bikeriders (R) CC: 12:35- Chapter 1 (R) 8:55-2:25-9:15 22875 Brambleton Plaza
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 1419 South Main Chapel Way Sound of Hope: The Story of
Restore Point 8:00 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway 3:00-5:45-8:30 8:05 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 9:20- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:50- 11:50-1:40-2:40-3:40-4:30-5:30-
XD: 7:05-9:45 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:50- Possum Trot (PG-13) 1:00 Horizon: An American Saga 2:20-5:20 6:20-7:20-8:20-9:30-10:10
The Green Border (Zielona Despicable Me 4 (PG) OC: 7:00 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX 3:40-6:40-9:50 1:45-4:45-7:50-10:50
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 9:40- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: Chapter 1 (R) CC: 10:55-2:50- Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu) Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:10-
granica) 12:30-3:45-7:00 Blue Lock The Movie -Episode 12:10-2:40-5:10-7:40-10:10 Experience (PG) 12:45-3:30-6:15 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- 11:30-2:15-5:00-7:40-10:20 6:45-10:20 11:30AM der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM 11:40-12:30-1:00-2:30-3:15-3:50-
Thelma (PG-13) 12:15-2:35-5:00 Nagi- (PG-13) 6:40 MaXXXine (R) 9:15-11:55-2:35- Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu) der-Verse (PG) 11:00-11:20 Sing (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 12:05-8:15 Thelma (PG-13) CC: 2:20-7:20 Sound of Hope: The Story of Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 6:00-6:30-8:00-8:50-9:20
Landmark 5:20-10:45 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Possum Trot (PG-13) 9:40- The Garfield Movie (PG) 2:10-
12:20-3:10-7:10-9:55 Blue Lock The Movie -Episode (PG) 10:40-11:00 (PG) 11:00-11:30
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema Kingdom of the Planet of the CC: 11:15-12:30-1:15-1:45-3:00- 10:50-1:20-4:00 12:55-4:15
807 V Street Northwest Sing (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 Apes (PG-13) 7:25-10:50 Nagi- (PG-13) 10:55AM A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 3:45-4:15-5:30-6:15-6:45-8:00- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 4:50
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Protocol-7 7:00 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Inside Out 2 3D (PG) 8:10 8:40 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:10-12:10-
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) CC: 10:00 Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 9:10-2:50 11:05-1:50-3:00-4:50-5:50-7:20- 8:45-9:15 Experience (PG) CC: 11:30-2:05- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 8:20
Sound of Hope: The Story of 8:50-10:10 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:30- 12:40-1:50-2:50-3:30-4:40-5:40-
4:40-7:00 The Bikeriders (R) 10:50 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:00- 4:35-7:10-9:50 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 12:00-1:10-2:20-2:40-3:50-5:20- 6:10-7:40-8:30-9:00
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 12:00- Possum Trot (PG-13) 3:15 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:30-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 3:50- 2:30-5:00-7:30 Kill (Hindi) (R) 6:40-9:35 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00 Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 11:20- 7:40 6:30-8:00-9:10-10:40 MaXXXine (R) 12:20-3:10-7:10-
4:50-7:10 Horizon: An American Saga Close Encounters of the Third 11:50-12:40-2:20-3:20-6:00-8:10- If (PG) CC: 4:15
The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: 12:15 Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 3:00-6:40-10:35 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 7:50 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:10-5:00- 10:00
Inside Out 2 (PG) 4:00-5:00- Chapter 1 (R) 10:45-2:45-10:45 9:00-10:30 The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: 3:30
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:15-1:45- 7:05 Blue Lock The Movie -Episode Inside Out 2 (PG) 7:10 7:30-10:00 Horizon: An American Saga
6:30-7:30 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 11:50- Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:35-11:30- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:30- Nagi- (PG-13) 11:45-5:00
4:15-6:25-9:50 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:15AM 2:10-3:50-5:00-7:40-9:10-10:20 12:15-2:00-2:45-4:30-5:15-6:15- MaXXXine (R) 7:30 MaXXXine (R) 11:10-2:00-4:50- Chapter 1 (R) 10:50-3:00-5:50-
MaXXXine (R) 4:20-7:20 2:20-3:55-4:50-7:20-9:50 Sound of Hope: The Story of Pos- Horizon: An American Saga 7:40-10:30
MaXXXine (R) CC: 11:20-1:55- Blue Lock The Movie -Episode MaXXXine (R) 11:40-2:40-5:20- 7:00-7:45-8:45-9:30-10:15 9:40
Landmark E Street Cinema 4:30-9:45 Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu) sum Trot (PG-13) CC: 4:50-10:55 Chapter 1 (R) 6:30 Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 2:10-5:35- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:20
10:30 Nagi- (PG-13) 9:25 7:50-10:25 MaXXXine (R) CC: 11:45-12:45-
555 11th Street Northwest Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 5:40-9:15 Close Encounters of the Third Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 6:15-9:40-10:20 Blue Lock The Movie -Episode
Kinds of Kindness (R) 11:20- Regal Germantown Kingdom of the Planet of the 2:15-3:15-4:45-5:45-7:15-8:15- Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 7:00
Inside Out 2 (PG) 3:15-4:30-7:15 The Bikeriders (R) CC: 9:50 20000 Century Boulevard Apes (PG-13) 10:00 11:20AM Jatt & Juliet 3 12:40 Nagi- (PG-13) 10:30
MaXXXine (R) 3:30-7:30-8:30 3:10-10:40 9:45-10:45 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 12:25- Sound of Hope: The Story of
Horizon: An American Saga The Bikeriders (R) 4:20 Kill (Hindi) (R) 1:20-4:00-6:40- Close Encounters of the Third
June Zero 4:15-7:25 Sound of Hope: The Story of Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 2:00- Kingdom of the Planet of the 2:55-5:25-8:00-10:30 Possum Trot (PG-13) 8:00 9:20
Chapter 1 (R) CC: 11:00-3:00- Possum Trot (PG-13) 10:00-1:15- 4:50-7:40-10:25 Horizon: An American Saga Apes (PG-13) CC: 6:00-9:15 Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 7:30
The Bikeriders (R) 7:45 6:00-9:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 (PG) 8:50-1:50- Horizon: An American Saga
4:30-11:00 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Chapter 1 (R) 4:40-9:20 Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 6:00-9:30 CC: 11:10-12:30-1:45-3:10-4:20- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:40-
Daddio (R) 4:30 Thelma (PG-13) CC: 4:40 A Quiet Place: Day One: The 4:20-6:50-9:20 Chapter 1 (R) 10:20-2:15-6:20- 1:30-4:20-7:00-9:50
Escape 9:55 der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM The Bikeriders (R) CC: 11:00- 6:00-10:00
Thelma (PG-13) 3:45-6:30 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Close Encounters of the Third Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie IMAX Experience (PG-13) 9:40 1:35-4:15-7:35-10:15 Cinemark Fairfax Corner and XD 10:05
Kinds of Kindness (R) 3:00- 12:45-3:15 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 12:05- 11900 Palace Way Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 10:00- Reston, VA -
Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 7:00 (PG) 11:00AM Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:30 Daddio (R) CC: 3:20 2:40-5:10-7:45 LOOK Dine-in Cinema
4:00-7:15 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Inside Out 2 3D (PG) 1:35 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Kill (Hindi) (R) CC: 7:30-10:20 The Lego Movie (PG) 10:00AM 12:40-3:20-6:00 11940 Market Street
Regal Gallery Place Experience (PG) CC: 11:00-1:30-
Kalki 2898 AD 3D 10:00 10:45-1:20-2:30-3:50-5:10-6:20- Experience (PG) 11:10-1:40- Horizon: An American Saga
AMC Worldgate 9 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 9:10- Despicable Me 4: The IMAX
701 Seventh Street Northwest 4:00-6:30-9:00 7:50-9:00-10:20 4:30-7:10 13025 Worldgate Drive 12:05-1:30-4:25-7:20-10:30 Experience (PG) 11:00-1:40-4:20- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 11:15-
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 7:15 Chapter 1 (R) CC: 11:00-3:00-
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 11:40- Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 11:00- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 (PG) Blue Lock The Movie -Episode 9:30 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 7:00-9:40 2:15-5:00-7:45
2:40-5:50-9:10 2:40-6:15-9:05
9:05-9:15-9:30-11:30-11:55- 11:30-12:00-1:10-1:50-2:20- Nagi- (PG-13) 2:30 A Quiet Place: Day One: The IMAX 1:00-3:45-6:30-9:15 9:30-12:10-2:50-5:30-7:40-8:10- Kalki 2898 AD (Tamil) (Telugu) Trolls Band Together (PG)
Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Sound of Hope: The Story 2:50-3:20-4:00-4:30-5:30-6:00- Sound of Hope: The Story of A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 10:20-10:50 1:30 11:20AM
12:10-12:30-1:15-2:10-2:35-3:05- Experience (PG-13) CC: 10:30
der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM of Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 6:30-7:10-7:30-8:00-8:40-9:10- Possum Trot (PG-13) 1:10-7:30 Thelma (PG-13) CC: 12:30-4:35- CC: 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 9:25-9:45- Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
11:50-3:10 3:55-4:50-5:15-5:40-7:30-7:55-
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 8:20-9:15-10:10-10:35-11:00 9:40-10:10-10:30 Close Encounters of the Third 7:05-10:45 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 12:45- 11:55-12:45-2:45-3:15-5:15-5:45- 2:50-6:15-10:15 12:15-2:45-5:30-8:00
(PG) 11:00AM Close Encounters of the Third If (PG) 11:40AM Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 3:15-5:45-8:15 7:45-8:15-10:15-10:45 Sound of Hope: The Story of Despicable Me 4 (PG) 1:00-3:30-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 9:20- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC:
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 7:00 10:00-10:20-10:50-12:30-12:50- Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:50-12:20- 7:00 1:00-3:30-6:00-8:30-10:45 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 2:15-4:45- Inside Out 2 (PG) 9:05-9:40- Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:45AM 6:00-8:20
1:10-4:10-4:50-6:30-7:10-7:40- Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 12:15- 1:25-1:40-3:00-3:20-4:10-5:30- 1:30-3:00-4:10-5:50-6:50-8:30- Inside Out 2 3D (PG) 1:20-6:20 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX 7:15-9:45 11:40-12:20-2:15-2:55-4:50-5:30- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:00-1:30-
9:00-9:50-10:20 2:45-5:15-7:45 5:50-8:00-8:20-8:55 9:30 Blue Lock The Movie -Episode Experience (PG) CC: 12:30-3:00- MaXXXine (R) CC: 2:45-5:15- 7:25-8:05-10:00-10:40 5:10-7:45 2:15-4:00-6:30-7:15-9:00
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:50- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) MaXXXine (R) 8:00 MaXXXine (R) 11:50-2:40- Nagi- (PG-13) 4:10 5:30-8:00 7:45-10:15 MaXXXine (R) 9:20-12:00-2:40- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 7:30 MaXXXine (R) 12:30-3:00-5:45-
12:00-12:30-1:00-1:30-2:30- CC: 11:15-1:45-3:00-4:15-5:30- 5:40-8:20 Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 2:30- 5:20-8:00-10:40 Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:10-12:05- 8:30-9:20
6:45-8:00-9:15 Horizon: An American Saga Regal Westview Kinds of Kindness (R) CC: 12:45-
3:30-4:00-5:00-5:30-6:00-7:30- Chapter 1 (R) 6:45 Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 4:40-8:50 4:00-6:45-10:00 6:00-9:30 Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 2:05- 3:30-6:55-9:35 Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 1:45-
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:30- 5243 Buckeystown Pike
10:00-10:30 Kill (Hindi) (R) 11:05-1:40 Horizon: An American Saga 10:15 Jatt & Juliet 3 10:25-2:55-6:05- 5:15-8:45
Kinds of Kindness (R) 6:50 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Blue Lock The Movie -Episode
Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:20-12:20- 2:00-4:30-9:30 Sound of Hope: The Story of Horizon: An American Saga 10:50-1:40-4:25-7:10-9:45 Nagi- (PG-13) 12:30-2:50-5:10- Chapter 1 (R) CC: 1:00-5:00- Horizon: An American Saga 9:15
Horizon: An American Saga
1:50-2:50-4:20-5:20-6:50-7:50- MaXXXine (R) OC: 7:10 Chapter 1 (R) 1:00-5:20-9:20 10:25 6:15-9:00 Chapter 1 (R) 10:10-2:10-6:15- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Chapter 1 (R) 6:45
Possum Trot (PG-13) 7:45 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:30-
9:20-10:30 AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:00 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 10:15 11:15-1:50-4:30
Cinépolis Gaithersburg 3:10-5:50-8:35; 1:30; 12:10-2:45- Sound of Hope: The Story of 1:45-4:15-6:45-9:15 Thelma (PG-13) 11:45-4:45-9:45
MaXXXine (R) 11:10-1:50-4:40- 9811 Washingtonian Center Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu) 6:20-9:00 Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 4:00- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 12:15- Regal Kingstowne Sound of Hope: The Story of
629 Center Point Way Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC:
7:20-10:10 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 3:10 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:55-2:20- 7:00-10:00 2:25-4:55 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:00; 1:15-3:45 Possum Trot (PG-13) 12:15-
The Bikeriders (R) 9:40 CC: 12:15-10:15 Sound of Hope: The Story of 4:55-7:30-9:55 Close Encounters of the Third Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu) Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 1:10- 3:15-6:15
Kill (Hindi) (R) 8:50 6:00-9:15 Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:20AM Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 7:00 10:05AM
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 2:45- Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:00 Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 4:00-7:10-10:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:30-
Horizon: An American Saga Barbie (PG-13) 7:30 One Loudoun Kinds of Kindness (R) 9:50-3:05- Spider-Man: Across the Spi-
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
Close Encounters of the Third Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 1:20- Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 11:00- 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30
Chapter 1 (R) 11:50-3:50-8:10 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:45-2:15- Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 4:20-7:20 1:20-3:45 20575 East Hampton Plaza 6:45-10:25 der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 11:30- 4:45-7:15-9:45 10:15-1:15-4:15-7:45-10:45 7:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 2:30- The Company of Wolves (R) 7:00 Sound of Hope: The Story of Smithsonian -
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:00- Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 MaXXXine (R) CC: 11:45-2:25- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:55AM 5:00-7:30-10:00 Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Possum Trot (PG-13) 9:10-12:25- (PG) 11:00AM Airbus IMAX Theater
12:00-1:00-1:45-3:00-3:45-4:30- der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM
Blue Lock The Movie -Episode 5:00-7:35-10:10 Regal Hyattsville Royale Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie AMC Potomac Mills 18 Vacation (PG) 11:30AM 3:40-6:55-10:10 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
Nagi- (PG-13) 2:10 5:45-6:30-7:15-8:30-9:30 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Close Encounters of the Third
Despicable Me 4: The IMAX 6505 America Boulevard (PG) 11:00AM 2700 Potomac Mills Circle 6:00-9:10 Journey to Space 11:05-3:00-
Close Encounters of the Third Experience (PG) CC: 11:15-1:45- Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:30-12:15- 10:45-1:35-4:30-7:40-10:25 Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG)
1:30-3:00-4:15-7:00-10:15 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 1:20- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:55- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:40-3:30 5:05
Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 4:15-6:45-9:15 11:35-2:30-3:00-4:10-5:30-7:00- 7:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:55- 7:00 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:20-12:50- Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the
7:00 MaXXXine (R) 1:00-4:45-7:45- 4:20-7:10
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 7:40-8:10-9:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) OC: 3:00; 1:35-4:20-9:55 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 3:40-5:00-6:20-7:50-9:00 Seas 12:40
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) CC: 1:15-3:45-6:15-8:45 10:45 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- XD: 7:10-9:50
der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM If (PG) 10:10AM 5:30 Inside Out 2 (PG) 9:50-12:35- MaXXXine (R) 1:50-4:40-7:40- Superpower Dogs: The IMAX 2D
1:40 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 3:15- Horizon: An American Saga 2:20-3:20-5:00-6:00-10:10 Despicable Me 4 (PG) XD: 9:00- 10:20
Chapter 1 (R) 11:00-3:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:30-1:50- MaXXXine (R) 5:00 Experience (G) 10:10AM
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) 5:45-8:15; 12:45 4:15-6:50-9:20 MaXXXine (R) 11:50-2:40-5:30- 11:30-2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 Kill (Hindi) (R) 12:00 Deep Sky: The IMAX Experience
3:00-8:00arner Bros. Wolf Trap Sound of Hope: The Story of (PG) 11:00AM Blue Lock The Movie -Episode
AMC Magic Johnson A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) MaXXXine (R) 12:20-3:05- Nagi- (PG-13) 9:00 7:15-8:15-10:15 Inside Out 2 (PG) XD: 10:20- Horizon: An American Saga 1:20-3:40
Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:45- Horizon: An American Saga 12:55-3:30
Capital Center 12 Chapter 1 (R) 12:10-4:10-8:10
MARYLAND 800 Shoppers Way
3:30-7:00 11:40-12:40-2:20-3:20-5:00-6:00-
6:00-8:55 Sound of Hope: The Story of
Kalki 2898 AD (Telugu) 11:15AM Possum Trot (PG-13) 5:10-10:00 Chapter 1 (R) 11:15-3:20-7:25 Regal Ballston Quarter Despicable Me 4 3D (PG)
To Fly! 4:30
Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
Greenbelt Cinema Kinds of Kindnes s (R) 10:15- 671 North Glebe Road 4:50-7:30
AFI Silver Theatre Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 129 Centerway Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:30- Horizon: An American Saga Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: (NR) 11:45AM
Cultural Center 12:00-2:45-5:30-8:15 1:40-2:10-2:50-4:10-5:30-7:30- Chapter 1 (R) 12:00-3:55-8:00 10:30-1:20-4:20-7:20-10:20 2:15-6:15-8:50 Spider-Man: Across the Spi- Blue Lock The Movie -Episode The Dream is Alive 2:10
8633 Colesville Road Sing (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 Robot Dreams 7:15 8:10-9:50 Despicable Me 4: The IMAX Sing (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:00- der-Verse (PG) 11:00AM Nagi- (PG-13) 12:30
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) The Bikeriders (R) 7:00 The Garfield Movie (PG) 2:40 Experience (PG) 11:20-2:00-4:35- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 11:30-12:50-2:20-3:40-5:10-6:30- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Sound of Hope: The Story of University Mall Theatres
(¡Atame!) (NC-17) 9:10 CC: 12:30-2:00-3:00-4:30-5:30- Landmark Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:50-12:30- 7:15-9:50 CC: 9:00 8:00-9:20-10:50 (PG) 11:00AM Possum Trot (PG-13) 3:20 10659-A Braddock Road
Kinds of Kindness (R) OC: 1:30 7:00-8:00-9:30 Bethesda Row Cinema 1:10-2:30-3:40-5:10-6:20-7:00- Kalki 2898 AD (Hindi) (Telugu) Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:00- Angelika Film Center Mosaic A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Close Encounters of the Third Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:15-2:20-
The Day a Pig Fell Into the Well Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 12:30- 7235 Woodmont Avenue 8:00-9:00-9:40 2:55 1:30-4:00-6:30 2911 District Ave 2:30-5:30-6:40-8:20-9:50 Kind (2024 Re-Release) (PG) 4:35-7:00-9:10
(Daijiga umule pajinnal) 8:45 3:00-5:30-8:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) MaXXXine (R) 11:20-2:00-4:40- Blue Lock The Movie -Episode The Garfield Movie (PG) CC: Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:55- 6:50 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
Mickey One (1965) (NR) 4:00 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 1:15-3:45- 12:50-3:05-6:50 7:20-10:00 Nagi- (PG-13) 3:45 10:50-1:40-4:20 Kamikakushi) (PG) 7:00 11:30-12:00-12:30-1:00-1:30- Inside Out 2 3D (PG) 2:20 12:30-2:45-5:00-7:30-9:35
The Green Border (Zielona 6:15-8:45 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:30- Kingdom of the Planet of the Sound of Hope: The Story of Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:45- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 2:20-2:50-3:20-3:50-5:20-6:00- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:20-
granica) 12:05-3:05-6:05 MaXXXine (R) CC: 12:50-3:30-6:10 1:30-2:45-4:00-6:00-7:15-8:15 Apes (PG-13) 5:20-9:10 Possum Trot (PG-13) 11:30AM 11:50-2:20-4:50-9:45-10:15 11:45-2:15-4:35-8:15-9:30 6:30-7:00-8:00-8:40-9:10-9:40 1:30-3:10-4:30-7:20-8:20-10:10 2:30-4:45-7:15-9:15
C6 EZ RE the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024





♠ KJ
♥ 6532
♦ K 10 7 4
♣ A62
♠ 75 ♠ 10 8 6 2
♥ AKQ984 ♥ J 10
♣ K98 ♣ J 10 3
♠ AQ943
♥ 7
♦ AQ6
♣ Q754

The bidding:
1♥ Pass Pass Dbl
2♥ 3♦ Pass 3♠
Pass 4♠ All Pass

I t was only the second week

of the month, but Unlucky
Louie approached me in the
club lounge, asking for a
loan. (Admittedly, he always
pays me back.)
“I’m so broke,” Louie com-
plained, “that if a burglar
broke into my house looking
for cash, I would just laugh
and help him look.”
Louie would be cash flush RHYMES WITH ORANGE
if he didn’t lose consistently
in his penny games. He attri-
butes his failures to bad luck
when bad technique is the
issue. At today’s four spades,
Louie ruffed West’s second
high heart, took dummy’s K-J
of trumps, led a diamond to
his queen and drew trumps,
leaving him with none. West
pitched hearts. MARK TATULLI
Louie then took the A-K
of diamonds. When West
threw a club, Louie shrugged,
cashed dummy’s ace of clubs
and lost the rest. Down one.
Louie tossed away 470
points. After he took his dia-
mond tricks, he could lead
a heart from dummy at the
10th trick. West could cash
two hearts but would then
have to lead a club from his CHRIS BROWNE
king, conceding the contract.
You hold:
Your partner opens one
heart, you respond one
spade and he bids two clubs.
What do you say?
ANSWER: If partner has a
minimum hand such as 2, A
good hearts and weak clubs,
you probably belong at 3NT.
But he could hold 2, A 8 6 5
3, K 7, A K 10 6 3, and then
six clubs would be a heavy
favorite. Bid two diamonds,
a forcing “fourth-suit” call,
to let partner make another
descriptive bid.
— Frank Stewart





wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C7



The Moon is in
Virgo.You are steady,
purposeful and
focused. You work
diligently for what you want.
You are both modest and
flamboyant. This is a year of
teaching and learning. Take
time to renew your spiritual or
religious beliefs.
Moon Alert: There are no
important decisions today.
The Moon is in Virgo.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Keep your wits about you
today. As this day wears on,
you’ll become more and more
productive. In particular, you
will get a lot done at home
or in a family business. This
is a particularly good day
to listen to the advice of
others who are older or more
You can learn a lot today.
In fact, you might want to
burn the midnight oil and
study into the night to grasp
what you really want to
understand. Someone older
or more experienced might
help you.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Later today is an excellent
time for you to make important
business decisions or
decisions about what to
do with your belongings,
ideas will affect your long-term
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
This is an excellent day
for important discussions
about politics, religion and
educational matters. You also
might look into the details
and learn more information
about travel plans. Some of
you will learn more about
other countries and different
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
Research and behind-the-
scenes activities will yield
valuable information for you
today. This could relate to
important financial matters
that deal with taxes, estates,
wills or inheritances.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
This is a positive day for you.
You still have the advantage of
having the Moon in your sign.
Furthermore, discussions with
friends and colleagues, as well
as partners and close friends,
important information for you.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
It will be to your advantage
today to listen to bosses,
parents, teachers and people
in authority. They might have
practical advice for you.
They also might teach you
something especially helpful to
your job or your health.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Later today, you’ll find it easy
to study and learn. You might
politics, religion or any subject
at the university or college
level. You might learn practical
information about caring for
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Discussions about shared
property, banking, taxes,
debt or inheritances will be
practical and productive
today. Someone older (or in
the family) might get involved,
perhaps with advice or positive
input that is helpful to you.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
No matter how much you
know, there’s always room to
learn more. Today a friend,
spouse or partner might teach
you some information that will
help you in your daily world.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
This is a productive day! And
it becomes more productive
as it wears on, which is why
you might work this evening.
Not only will you accomplish a
lot, you might learn something
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
You’ll be successful teaching
or training children today.
This is also a good day to
work in the entertainment
world or the hospitality
industry to perfect and
hone a technique. Practical
discussions about vacation
plans will please you.
— Georgia Nicols



More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775.
C8 eZ Re the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

PhoTos by APPle TV Plus

‘Sunny’ creates a pared-down world — and does a lot with it

TV REVIEW from C1 and homophobia and civic cor-
ruption in 1980s New York) into
also believed — because he told a fable about mental illness,
her as much during their 10 narcissism, gentrification and
years together — that masa addiction, “Sunny” is understat-
worked on refrigerators, not ro- ed and focused. Its themes are
bots. This, then, is the mystery few. Its world is pared down. The
Suzie is roped into solving while show’s version of Japan is — save
Sunny worms her way into her for one memorable episode paro-
owner’s (and viewers’) good dying Japanese TV — more work-
graces through acts of service, aday than exotic. Even its futur-
gentle questions and spurts of ism is curated, restrained. The
benevolent disobedience. As- homebots are charmingly sim-
sisting Suzie in her inquiries is ple, practically buttonless. The
mixxy (Annie the Clumsy), a devices people use in lieu of
bartender who alerts her to a cellphones are only slightly for-
thriving black market for bits of eign, and in a cozy, analog way.
code that people buy to hack (Instead of screens, they’re small
homebots into performing other projectors.) Although both
functions. Surveilling Suzie and shows feature great perform-
Sunny is Hime, the ambitious ances given the (extremely chal-
daughter of an ailing Yakuza lenging) circumstances, Jones’s
leader. She’s soft-spoken, she’s quiet, precise, matter-of-fact
deliciously creepy, and she des- work opposite the robot endows
perately wants to acquire a de- their scenes together with the
finitive hacker’s guide to home- virtuosic specificity of a seasoned
bots, known as “The Dark manu- miniaturist.
al.” (This is also the name of the Judy Ongg, pictured at top, as Noriko and Rashida Jones, above, as Suzie Sakamoto conjure a whole world (and a prickly shared I worry, therefore, given the
Colin o’Sullivan novel on which past) out of the characters’ habitual hostility in Apple TV Plus’s “Sunny.” The robot Sunny (voiced by Joanna Sotomura) worms goofy cliffhanger with which the
“Sunny” is based.) Armed with her way into Suzie’s (and viewers’) good graces through acts of service, gentle questions and spurts of benevolent disobedience. first season concludes, that the
that code, which masa appears show misunderstands its
to have had a hand in writing, strengths. These do not include
Hime hopes to outsource execu- and “not trash.”) — is the show’s driving tension. Japan. And to Apple TV Plus’s a robot in “Sunny”). Both are “realistic action sequences” or
tions, consolidate power and Compounding Suzie’s grief at And “Sunny” isn’t “Big Little “Severance,” which also uses a technically thrillers in thrall to a tight plotting. But I’ll devour
take over when her father dies. the loss of her family is her Lies” or “The Undoing,” where little modest futurism to interro- pretextual and only semi-coher- that second season if it comes,
But the show’s real story isn’t dawning realization that she may the answer identifies a monster gate grief and disconnection. But ent story involving organized because I desperately want more
the homebot, the code that could not have known the one person and resolves. If anything, the “Sunny’s” more relevant counter- crime. Both treat their missing of the proud, tetchy, immersive,
hack it or Sunny’s growing sen- (besides her son) with whom reverse is true: As the thriller part is probably “Eric,” the re- boys as beautiful but largely oddly relatable world it builds
tience, which is competently she’d managed to meaningfully plot gets punchier and more cently released Netflix show in symbolic ciphers. Both are around Suzie and Noriko and
(and sometimes movingly) ren- connect. The show turns on her predictable, the show’s medita- which Benedict Cumberbatch named after their chief gimmick, mixxy. If that’s leavened by some
dered. The heart of the series is fear of what ugly things she tions on what went wrong or plays a host of a beloved chil- and both build up to a highly artificial intelligence theory and
humbler and peppered with de- might discover about him and unsaid between masa and Suzie dren’s show whose son goes miss- predictable, over-telegraphed a few over-the-top Yakuza scenes,
ceptively simple questions, such her growing horror that she get smaller. more tender. more ing. Both series make their grief- twist. so much the better.
as, “Why did my father hate me?” might be mourning something precise. stricken protagonist unlikable. But “Sunny” succeeds where
(Another, which one character that never existed — and may “Sunny” will no doubt garner Both outfit the parent with a “Eric” falls short. Whereas the Sunny (10 episodes) premieres
regards as a programming chal- have lost her son as a result. This comparisons to “Lost in Transla- therapeutic but inanimate com- latter flailed in an admirable but Wednesday with two episodes on
lenge, concerns teaching a robot — the “What did I miss?” ques- tion,” Sofia Coppola’s 2003 trea- panion during their search for weakly executed effort to fold Apple TV Plus. subsequent episodes
the difference between “trash” tion, with all its abject loneliness tise on American loneliness in answers (a giant puppet in “Eric,” racism (and the AIDS epidemic will air weekly.

Our friendship made me uncomfortable, so I ghosted him. Now I feel guilty.

Dear Eric: I did a but you’re the one being Connections” and the Substack Them’s the breaks!” a physician, and in my state However, if it is for
Asking bad thing: I haunted. The way to exorcize newsletter friendship Explained, What you want to focus on is (Illinois), issuing handicap convenience, he may see this as a
Eric ghosted a friend. your guilt is to own up to your for a helpful script: your emotional health and well- permits is highly regulated. victimless offense, which isn’t
r. Eric The friendship part and see whether there’s a “I like the ‘gracious, direct and being. Sometimes we don’t get it Should I confront him on this? technically true. If he’s in the last
Thomas made me way to make amends. That being warm’ method when declining right when communicating with — Sticker Shock handicap-designated space,
uncomfortable. I said, it’s important to listen to invitations,” Goldfarb said. other people. We can always where does a person with
thought he had your initial discomfort. “‘Thank you for reaching out, apologize and try to do better, Sticker: You should speak up for mobility issues park? You don’t
romantic feelings for me, or You’re not obligated to put Becky (gracious), but I’m not but you don’t have to torture the sake of your friendship. This have to get into a political debate
maybe he just wanted more from yourself in a position that could available to get together for yourself with what you imagine is going to keep festering. You with your friend. Some might
the relationship than I did. harm you as recompense for an lunch this week (direct). Have a is your former friend’s emotional may be wondering whether there argue that all of this is the city of
Since I had moved to a unkind act. So proceed with great day! (warm).’ repeat as state. are other areas where you and Los Angeles’s fault for not
different city, I became very slow caution here: make a script with necessary.” your friend see morality properly regulating its parking
to respond to texts/calls and your therapist, and figure out By the way, when talking Dear Eric: I have an extremely differently and what that might stickers.
basically stopped. Then the what your goals are. You don’t about your situation with close friend who lives in mean. This doesn’t have to sever okay, fine. That’s neither here
pandemic hit, and he reached want to reestablish a connection; Goldfarb, she had a different “parking challenged” Los your friendship, but keeping nor there in your friendship. We
out to see whether I was okay, you just want to clear the air. read than I did; it’s worth Angeles and uses a handicap your thoughts inside will only owe it to our friends, and to
and still I did not respond. This Consider a letter instead of a considering: parking sticker for pure magnify them. society, to “call them in” when we
was cruel. I think about it phone call or text. I think you’re “Studies show social rejection convenience. Now, your friend may have a see them doing something that
regularly and have spent therapy holding yourself to a stricter hurts as much as physical pain, He was initially issued this reason for continuing to need might be harmful to themselves
dollars talking about it, and still standard than you need to and so you feel like you’ve harmed permit more than 10 years ago the permit, which you may not or others.
I have done nothing. are causing yourself misery. him and are racked with guilt. from his orthopedic surgeon, know about. He’s not required to
I hurt someone who cared friendships ebb and flow all But I’m not convinced an when he had hip replacement disclose his medical status to send questions to R. eric Thomas at
about me, and I want to the time. Sometimes the hardest apology is in order. We are not surgery. The permit is you, and you shouldn’t press, but or P.o. box
apologize for that, but I don’t part is acknowledging that a morally obligated to respond to automatically reissued to him be open to the possibility that it’s 22474, Philadelphia, PA 19110.
want to open the door to a connection has changed or sporadic unsolicited messages without the necessity of proving not just for pure convenience. Follow him on Instagram and sign up
relationship. Can you help? doesn’t feel right anymore. I from acquaintances who live in its continued need. He hasn’t None of us should ever judge for his weekly newsletter at
— Disappearing Friend asked Anna Goldfarb, author of other cities. That’s the risk this done anything to dispel this, but someone for using a handicap
“modern friendship: How to friend took in texting you out of I find this distasteful, and it permit just because they don’t
Friend: You may have ghosted, Nurture our most Valued the blue; you may not respond. makes me think less of him. I am “look” disabled. 2024 Tribune Content Agency, llC.

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SPORTS wednesday, july 10 , 2024 sU d

soccer soccer pro football
With help from 16-year-old lamine Yamal, spain beats lionel Messi’s Argentina denies upset-minded canada not seen since the 2018 season, gold pants are slated
France to reach the European championship final. d2 and claims a spot in the copa América title game. d3 to return to the commanders’ uniform rotation. d12

Small lapse
looms large
for Irvin,
mets 7,
nationals 5
Two-out walk sparks
four-run second inning


nEW YORK — One of Dave Marti-

nez’s biggest pet peeves: when a
pitcher records the first two outs
of an inning, then walks the third
batter. It has been a concern for
the manager less frequently this
season; the Washington nation-
als’ pitching renaissance emerged
from a focus on attacking the
strike zone.
But Tuesday night at Citi Field,
Jake Irvin’s brief lapse of focus
snowballed into a painful second
inning during a 7-5 loss to the
new York Mets that opened a
three-game series.
Irvin recorded the first two
outs of the second, then walked
Jeff Mcneil — the Mets’ no. 8
hitter — on five pitches. It was no
big deal until Harrison Bader and
Francisco Lindor singled to give
the Mets a 1-0 lead. Two pitches
later, Brandon nimmo hit a three-
run homer to the opposite field. A
harmless two-out walk had
turned into a four-run inning.
“It’s my job to keep guys off the
base paths,” Irvin said. “And walk-
ing guys with two outs is unac-
On the homer, rookie left field-
er James Wood took a few steps
back and appeared ready to settle
under a flyball. But he kept mov-
stEPH cHAMbErs/gEttY iMAgEs ing back as the ball kept carrying
angel Reese, left, with teammate Chennedy Carter, recently set a WNba record with her 13th straight double-double. the sky star has played just 20 career games. and eventually cleared the fence.
Per Baseball savant, it would have

Too good to be the bad guy

been a home run in just 14 of 30
MLB parks.
Irvin lasted six innings and
allowed six runs — all of them
with two outs. (The Mets added a
run against Jordan Weems in the
Sky rookie Reese has proved her worth. She doesn’t have to pretend to be the heel anymore. eighth.) The 27-year-old was an
all-star candidate who has im-
pressed throughout his second
There’s a good way to tell look like the meanest, baddest so-and-so forwards who could also get buckets MLB season, but Tuesday’s rough
when Angel Reese is in the WnBA. That stank face of hers will such as Lauren Jackson and Candace outing boosted his ERA to 3.13 as
rolling. Then, and pretty make highlight shows and drive up Parker. And Reese needed just 20 games he equaled the most runs he has
much only then, she’ll television ratings. Audiences can’t get to accomplish something even those allowed this season. His other
start snarling. enough of the bad guy. legends of the past could not. Though six-run outing came April 24 in a
Reese loves feeding into Problem is, she’s just too good for that some might have believed the 2024 loss to the Los Angeles Dodgers,
Candace her “Barbie” branding. role. rookie of the year award was wrapped up who were his opponent for a
Buckner she won’t take the floor Reese, the 6-foot-3 Chicago sky rookie, the moment Caitlin Clark went no. 1 to second consecutive start.
before applying her set a WnBA record sunday with her 13th the Indiana Fever, Reese has interrupted Irvin faced the same scenario
feathery eyelashes and rouge blush, for consecutive double-double. Think about that coronation, barging in with her Tuesday. On Thursday at nation-
heaven’s sake. Yet she also thrives in that. This league, nearly three decades shiny tiara and snarling mean-mug. als Park, he pitched eight one-hit
playing the part of the “bad guy.” old, has featured outstanding centers Reese’s game proves her worth. she innings and struck out eight in a
Women’s basketball’s villain. The Anti- such as sylvia Fowles and Lisa Leslie, doesn’t have to pretend to be the heel 1-0 win over the Mets. Jose Quin-
Caitlin. so, in an exaggerated, put-on chairwomen of the boards such as Tina anymore. tana opposed him that day and
way, she’ll curl up one side of her lip and Charles and Tamika Catchings, power sEE buCkNeR On d6 tossed seven innings of scoreless
ball himself, allowing four hits.
Quintana was even better Tues-
day, allowing one hit in seven
sEE NatioNals On d5

Nationals at Mets
7 p.m., MAsn

At USA Basketball camp, Tennis and a marathon: Wimbledon takes its time
Flagg steals the show Relentless summer rain
Teenage prodigy impresses the Paris-bound pros and five-set matches
BY B EN G OLLIVER sity affair, according to a UsA
make event feel endless
Basketball official. And steve
laS VEgaS — Before Cooper Kerr, coach of the national team,
Flagg emerged as the world’s declined to comment on Flagg’s BY A VA W ALLACE
leading teenage basketball prodi- sterling showing, citing nBA
gy, he spent childhood winters in rules that prohibit public state- WIMBlEdOn, England — Be-
Maine ice fishing with his father ments about players who aren’t yond the relentless rain and the
and two brothers. yet draft eligible. bummer rash of injuries that
Amid the scorching nevada As soon as the gym doors forced several big-name players
summer heat, the 17-year-old opened to reporters, though, out of the tournament, there re-
turned in an impressive stretch Flagg drew chuckles and gasps by mains one dominant pattern at
of all-around play in a scrimmage taking over the scrimmage with this year’s Wimbledon: The
against UsA Basketball’s nation- an 11-point flurry to lead a select matches in the men’s draw are
al team Monday that is bound to team comeback. The 39-year-old taking their sweet time.
be mythologized like a fishing James, who knows a hoops prodi- When no. 5 Daniil Medvedev
tale as his promising career un- gy when he sees one, sought out upset top-seeded Jannik sinner,
folds. Flagg for a congratulatory pat on 6-7 (9-7), 6-4, 7-6 (7-4), 2-6, 6-3, in
Media members weren’t al- the butt after the national team the first quarterfinal Tuesday un-
lowed to watch the entire scrim- barely held on for a 74-73 victory. der a closed roof on Centre Court
mage between the team that’s Flagg, a 6-foot-8 forward who — it was raining again — it was the
headed to the Paris Olympics, led became the first college player to 36th match to go five sets. That’s a
by LeBron James and stephen earn a select team invite in more record for a Grand slam in the
Curry, and the select team, com- than a decade, showed why he is Open era, which began in 1968.
posed primarily of young nBA projected to be the no. 1 pick in And the second quarterfinal
players and Flagg, who will be a the 2025 nBA draft. The polished sEE WiMbledoN On d12
freshman at Duke this fall. Offi- wing started his scoring burst
cial stats weren’t kept for the with a three-pointer from the left Wimbledon, quarterfinals HEnrY nicHolls/AgEncE FrAncE-PrEssE/gEttY iMAgEs

traditional varsity vs. junior var- sEE Flagg On d5 8 a.m., EsPn, EsPn2 daniil Medvedev upset top-seeded Jannik sinner in the 36th match to go five sets at this Wimbledon.
d2 EZ su the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024


oLYMPICS Hines-Allen, whose sister
Myisha plays for the Washington
investigator supports Mystics, announced the change
WaDa in china case on social media and cited legacy,
pride and maintaining family
An investigator backed the tradition and joy with the
World Anti-Doping Agency’s hyphenated name on the back of
handling of a doping case his No. 41 jersey. ...
involving 23 Chinese swimmers Former Cleveland Browns star
while also publishing notes quarterback Bernie Kosar was
highlighting WADA’s own science diagnosed with cirrhosis of the
director expressing doubts about liver and Parkinson’s disease,
China’s explanation of how the according to a story in Cleveland
athletes had been subject to Magazine.
contamination. The 60-year-old is on the list
WADA released an interim for a liver transplant, though
report Tuesday from the Swiss University Hospitals hepatologist
prosecutor it chose for the probe, Anthony Post told the magazine
Eric Cottier, who concluded he that Kosar has improved since the
found no evidence that WADA year started.
showed favoritism toward China
in its handling of the case. Pro BASkETBALL
Cottier also said WADA made a
“reasonable” decision by taking cunningham, pistons
the word of authorities in China reach deal on extension
who determined the swimmers
ingested a banned heart Cade Cunningham and the
medication, residue of which was Detroit Pistons agreed on a five-
found in a kitchen at the hotel year contract extension worth at
where the athletes were staying. least $224 million, two people
In an annex to his interim familiar with the situation told
report, Cottier described WADA the Associated Press.
chief scientist Olivier Rabin as The deal could reach nearly
unable to exclude the $270 million if Cunningham
contamination scenario and so becomes eligible for a supermax
faced with “no other solution extension, according to the two
than to accept it, even if he people, who spoke on the
continued to have doubts about condition of anonymity because
the reality of contamination as the team had yet to announce the
described by the Chinese agreement.
authorities.” ... Detroit drafted Cunningham
About the only real surprise No. 1 overall in 2021, and the
when the U.S. track and field former Oklahoma State star has
roster came out was who didn’t had individual success amid hard
make the list: Athing Mu. times for the franchise.
Although the middle-distance The 6-foot-6 point guard has
runner didn’t qualify at the U.S. averaged 20 points, 6.5 assists
trials to defend her 800-meter and five rebounds in his career,
Olympic title, she figured to be FILIP sINGEr/EPA-EFE/shuTTErsToCK including an injury-shortened
under consideration for a spot in second season. …
the relay pool. Instead, one of the Photo finished The Los Angeles Sparks signed
biggest names in track will be left a five-year extension to continue
A pitch invader took a selfie with Kylian Mbappé during France’s Euro semifinal game against Spain in Munich on Tuesday.
on the sideline for the Paris playing their home games at
Games. Arena through 2029.
As expected, Noah Lyles, The team shares the arena with
Sha’Carri Richardson, Gabby the NBA’s Los Angeles Lakers and
Thomas and Sydney NHL’s Los Angeles Kings. The
McLaughlin-Levrone were all on NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers have
a U.S. roster that boasted more left for their own new arena in
than 100 athletes. The squad S Po TL IG hT: So CCE r nearby Inglewood.
includes four reigning Olympic
champions: McLaughlin-Levrone CoLLEGES
(400-meter hurdles), Ryan
Crouser (shot put), Katie Moon
(pole vault) and Valarie Allman
Yamal helps La Roja reach the Euro final no ban for Gordon,
hot water for Gundy
Quincy Wilson, a 16-year-old BY D ANIELLA M ATAR the back post that was headed in by Oklahoma State football coach
from Bullis School who turned in Spain 2, Randal Kolo Muani. Mike Gundy said NCAA rushing
dazzling times to finish sixth in MUNICH — Spain reached the European France 1 But there was no stopping Yamal’s champion Ollie Gordon II will
the 400 meters at the trials, and Championship final with a 2-1 victory stunning equalizer in the 21st minute as not miss any games because of his
sprinter Christian Coleman are over France on Tuesday with 16-year-old he became the youngest player ever to recent arrest on suspicion of
in the relay pool. Lamine Yamal becoming the youngest- 16-year-old becomes youngest score at a men’s European Championship driving under the influence, then
Karissa Schweizer and Grant ever scorer at the tournament. to score in tournament history when he curled the ball past Mike Maig- later had to clarify what he meant
Fisher both earned spots in the France took an early lead when Randal nan and in off the left post from 25 yards. when discussing his decision.
5,000- and 10,000-meter races. Kolo Muani headed in a cross from Kylian And Spain turned the match around When talking with ESPNU at
Some shuffling took place Mbappé, who played without a mask, they proved it again tonight,” France completely four minutes later when Big 12 football media days, Gundy
coming out of the trials, with Elle before Yamal’s moment of brilliance in Coach Didier Deschamps said. “Even Olmo’s goal-bound shot was turned into said drinking two, three or four
St. Pierre electing to concentrate the 21st minute. Dani Olmo scored what though we were fortunate to open the the net by France defender Jules Koundé. beers could put someone around
on the 1,500 meters and scratch was to prove the winner four minutes scoring, Spain made things difficult for us.” It was originally adjudged by UEFA to the legal limit.
the 5,000. The spot went to later. There was surprise in Munich when have been an own-goal but was later “I’m not justifying what Ollie
Parker Valby, but the runner “We were in a difficult stretch after not Mbappé took to the field without the awarded to Olmo. did,” he said during the network
from the University of Florida expecting to concede so early. I just took mask he has been wearing since getting “We are very close, just one more step segment, adding that no one got
decided that she would focus on the ball and wanted to put it right there. I his nose broken in Les Bleus’ opening to go. It is incredible what the team is hurt. “I thought, I’ve probably
just the 10,000. That led to am very happy,” Yamal said. group game at Euro 2024. doing. We deserve to be in the final, one done that a thousand times in my
Whittni Morgan getting the spot La Roja, which is chasing a record Mbappé had been complaining the step from glory,” Olmo said. “Whether it is life, and, you know, which is fine,
in the 5,000 after taking fifth at fourth European Championship title, will mask was impeding him, and ditching it my goal or Koundé’s, it doesn’t matter. A so I got lucky. People get lucky.
the trials. … play England or the Netherlands in the appeared to have an immediate effect as goal is a goal. The important thing is that Ollie made a decision that he
Taylor Knibb resigned from final Sunday in Berlin. he created the game’s opening goal in the we are in the final.” wishes he could have done better.”
her position on the U.S. cycling “We knew they were a great team, and ninth minute with a tantalizing cross to — Associated Press The coach later tried to clarify
team for the road race at the Paris what he meant in a post on X.
Olympics and will be replaced by “My intended point today ...
Kristen Faulkner, who already was that we are all guilty of
had been picked to compete with making bad decisions. It was not
the American pursuit squad in TE LEvISIoN A Nd r Ad Io a reference to something
the velodrome. specific,” the coach wrote. ...
The decision by Knibb was not Gymnast Olivia Dunne will
entirely surprising. Her specialty MLB SoCCEr return for a fifth season at LSU,
is the triathlon, and the two-time 2 p.m. Minnesota at Chicago White Sox » MLB Network 3 p.m. European Championship, semifinal: Netherlands vs. England saying on social media she’s “not
defending women’s Ironman 6:30 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Baltimore » MAsN2, WIYY (97.9 FM), WsBN (630 AM) » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45) Dunne yet.” The decision brings
70.3 world champion long has 7 p.m. Washington at New York Mets » MAsN, WJFK (106.7 FM), 8 p.m. Copa América, semifinal: uruguay vs. Colombia » Fox sports 1 back one of college sports’ most
WDCN (87.7 FM)
planned to compete in that event 7 p.m. Los Angeles dodgers at Philadelphia » EsPN TENNIS marketable athletes to a Tigers
at her second consecutive 9:45 p.m. Toronto at San Francisco » MLB Network 8 a.m. ATP/WTA: Wimbledon, quarterfinals » EsPN, EsPN2 program coming off its first
Summer Games. … national championship.
Joost Luiten won the battle in WNBA MEN’S BASkETBALL
a Dutch court to play in the Noon Washington at Indiana » Monumental sports Network, 10:30 p.m. Exhibition: Canada at united States » Fox sports 1 MISC.
Olympics. That wasn’t enough for WTEM (980 AM)
the International Olympic NBA SuMMEr LEAGuE
Force exits Va. hospital
Committee, which denied a 7 p.m. California Classic: Miami vs. Los Angeles Lakers » EsPN2 to move closer to home
request to add him to the field for 7 p.m. Salt Lake City: Memphis vs. oklahoma City » NBA TV
men’s golf at the Paris Games. 9 p.m. Salt Lake City: Philadelphia at utah » EsPN2 John Force left a Virginia
Antony Scanlan, executive 10 p.m. California Classic: Sacramento at Golden State » NBA TV hospital to move to a
director of the International Golf rehabilitation center closer to his
Federation, said the Dutch court home in California, and the
ruling merely directed its NHRA great celebrated the news
Olympic committee to send by taking his daughter for ice
Luiten to the Olympics. … cream on her birthday.
World 200-meter champion semifinals were disrupted when it Croatian forward Stipe Biuk federal appeals court to revive a was “taking from the Brittany Force wrote on social
and Olympic favorite Shericka had to rearrange travel plans to completed a transfer from Los defamation lawsuit Favre filed underserved,” that he “stole media that the stroll outside the
Jackson pulled up with an host city Dortmund because of a Angeles FC in MLS to Spanish against a fellow Pro Football money from people that really hospital — Force appears to be in
apparent injury late in a race as “blockage” on a train line. side Real Valladolid. Hall of Fame member, former needed that money” and that a wheelchair and has a cast on his
part of the Hungarian Athletics The Dutch were due to get a MLS said in a statement that tight end Shannon Sharpe, amid someone would have to be a sorry right arm — was in celebration of
Grand Prix. train from Wolfsburg to Valladolid exercised an option to the backdrop of a Mississippi person “to steal from the lowest of her 38th birthday.
The Jamaican standout was in Dortmund, but the service was acquire the 21-year-old, who had welfare scandal that is one of the the low.” … Force suffered a traumatic
front and nearing the finish line canceled, the team said. been at Valladolid on loan since state’s largest public corruption Former Carolina Panthers brain injury in a fiery, 300-mph
when she suddenly shut it down. The squad instead was having January and helped the team cases. executive and Arizona Cardinals crash at the Virginia Nationals
Jackson appeared to be in to fly about 190 miles to earn promotion to La Liga. … A federal judge in Mississippi star safety Adrian Wilson was last month. …
discomfort as she walked off the Dortmund, forcing the Former Wales captain Craig threw out the lawsuit in October, arrested in Arizona on June 1 on Jasper Philipsen won a
track in a race won by Julien cancellation of the Netherlands’ Bellamy was hired to coach the saying Sharpe used charges of assault, property thrilling sprint to earn his first
Alfred of St. Lucia. … planned pre-match news national team until 2028. constitutionally protected speech damage and disorderly conduct, stage victory of this Tour de
French marathon runner conference at Westfalenstadion Bellamy, who was a striker with on a sports broadcast when he according to the Scottsdale France cycling race after finishing
Mehdi Frere will miss his home with Coach Ronald Koeman and Liverpool, Manchester City and criticized Favre’s connection to Police Department. runner-up twice last week.
Olympics after receiving a defender Nathan Aké. … Newcastle, has most recently the welfare misspending case. The police department said in Biniam Girmay was runner-up
two-year suspension for breaking The American owners of been assistant coach at Burnley in Favre’s lawyer, Amit Vora, a statement that all three charges a second time and Pascal
anti-doping rules, his lawyer, Liverpool are looking to purchase the English Premier League. This told three judges from the 5th are misdemeanors related to Ackermann was third on the 10th
Laurent Fellous, confirmed. French club Bordeaux as they will be his first senior coaching U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in domestic violence. The statement stage from Orléans to Saint-
seek to expand their soccer role. New Orleans that the lawsuit didn’t provide details of the Amand-Montrond.
SoCCEr portfolio. should be revived, arguing that incident that led to the arrest. ... The overall leaders stayed the
Bordeaux said the project to Pro FooTBALL Sharpe accused Favre, who has The Jacksonville Jaguars’ star same. Tadej Pogacar retained the
change of travel plans sell a majority stake to Fenway not been charged with a crime, of pass rusher changed his name to yellow jersey with the same
disrupts Dutch team Sports Group has been presented Favre’s lawyers want theft. Josh Hines-Allen from Josh 33-second gap on Remco
to the Direction Nationale du defamation suit revived Sharpe said during a Allen to honor his maternal Evenepoel and more than a
The Netherlands’ preparations Contrôle de Gestion, which September 2022 broadcast of the family and relatives who have minute on two-time defending
for its match against England in monitors the finances of French Lawyers for retired NFL Fox Sports show “Skip and worn that surname on their champion Jonas Vingegaard.
the European Championship clubs. … quarterback Brett Favre asked a Shannon: Undisputed” that Favre jerseys. — From news services
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post EZ su D3

‘Maybe someday’ has finally arrived for new Caps general manager Patrick
general manager, steadily taking MBA at Virginia — before begin- Patrick and MacLellan de-
on more responsibility around ning his hockey career as a part- scribed the work as a collabora-
After steady rise through the Capitals and spending more time scout. He steadily ascended tive process, and they plan for
organization, 48-year-old time traveling with the team. the ranks over the past 16 seasons things to remain that way, even as
Patrick’s previous role as assis- with the Capitals, going from MacLellan moves into more of a
takes over for MacLellan tant general manager meant he scout to director of player person- big-picture consulting role.
primarily spent his time with the nel to assistant general manager, “We worked hard over the last
Hershey Bears of the American associate general manager and month to prepare for it and
BY B AILEY J OHNSON Hockey League and managed the now general manager. execute it,” MacLellan said. “I
professional scouting staff, mak- “I never had this as an end goal think credit goes to our whole
A decade ago, when Brian Mac- ing him less present in Washing- when I first got back into the group.”
Lellan was the interim general ton — but that started to change game,” Patrick said. “I just want- Added Patrick: “Anything we
manager of the Washington Capi- over the past year as MacLellan’s ed to be involved with the team. I do, Mac and I spend a lot of time
tals, Chris Patrick — then a pro succession plan was put in mo- wanted to do a good job. I wanted talking about it. Anything —
scout in the organization — met tion. to try to help the Caps win a sending a guy down, bringing a
with him over a drink to discuss MacLellan added president of Stanley Cup.” guy up. And that’s no different
the future. hockey operations to his title last When the Capitals won it in with this current process. That’s
“He said to me, ‘Do you ever season, at the same time that 2018, Chris and Dick Patrick be- how I envision things going for-
think about doing something like Patrick was promoted to associ- came the sixth and seventh mem- ward. I’ll be making the calls and
this?’” Patrick recalled. “I said: ate GM, laying the groundwork bers of the Patrick family to have doing some of the legwork, but
‘Yeah. I’m not ready now, but for the transition that was made their names engraved on the it’s still the same process.”
maybe someday.’” official this week. Stanley Cup. MacLellan leaves his role as
A decade later, he was ready — “He’s grown his skill set. I’ve Patrick will report to MacLel- general manager with the third-
100 percent ready, Patrick said at been a big part of watching him lan, who will maintain oversight highest winning percentage in
his introductory news conference grow and develop from being a of all hockey-related decisions, NHL history among general man-
Tuesday. Patrick was named the scout to what he’s been doing but the daily responsibilities of agers with at least 500 games
seventh general manager in Capi- recently, managing Hershey, sTEpHEn WHyno/AssocIATEd prEss
running the team will be Pat- under their belt, and owner Ted
tals history a day earlier, taking managing our pro staff,” MacLel- Chris Patrick has been part of the Capitals for 16 seasons. “I never rick’s. As the Capitals trans- Leonsis was clear that he expects
over for MacLellan, who will re- lan said. “[He] has a great skill had this as an end goal when I first got back into the game,” he said. formed their roster over the past Patrick to continue that success.
main as the president of hockey set, has really worked hard to several weeks, Patrick was work- “Chris has a lot of work to do,
operations but hand over the develop it, has an all-around today. ... I’ve had a firsthand over the last 10 years.” ing in lockstep with MacLellan but I’m not lowering the bar,”
day-to-day reins to Patrick. background in the game and has seat, developed a friendship, a Patrick, the son of Capitals and the rest of the front office, Leonsis said. “We expect in 25
Patrick, 48, enters the role after made sure that he’s accumulat- working relationship. There’s a chairman Dick Patrick, spent making the decisions that have years, at the next handoff, people
a season of working hand-in- ed the skills and the experience lot of trust there. He’s been a big years working in finance after prepared Washington for the fu- will say they have similar kinds of
hand with MacLellan as associate to get to the point where he is part of what we’ve accomplished college — and after getting his ture. success and results.”

copA AméricA

Messi-led Argentina advances to final by ending Canada’s respectable run

just his seventh match in charge of
ARGENTINA 2, Canada, the semifinal appearance
CANADA 0 still offered personal vindication.
Boasting a résumé featuring head
coaching stints in the German
BY T HOMAS F LOYD Bundesliga and the English Pre-
mier League, Marsch failed to land
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — The the U.S. men’s national team job
U.S. men’s national soccer team last summer when the U.S. Soccer
had been eliminated for more Federation instead chose to reap-
than a week by the time Argentina point Gregg Berhalter. Now, with
took the field against an upstart Berhalter’s fate up in the air fol-
Canadian squad in Tuesday lowing the Americans’ calamitous
night’s Copa América semifinal at group-stage exit, Marsch can
MetLife Stadium. Yet the match count a deep Copa América run as
featured a native son trying to a feather in his cap.
solve the Lionel Messi-led World Ranked 48th by FIFA, the Cana-
Cup champions all the same. dians were considerable under-
For Canada Coach Jesse dogs against their top-ranked op-
Marsch, the onetime U.S. mid- ponent Tuesday. Argentina has
fielder who played college soccer three World Cup titles; Canada
at Princeton an hour down the has only qualified for the World
New Jersey Turnpike and coached Cup twice. Argentina is pursuing
the New York Red Bulls from 2015 its 16th Copa América crown; Can-
to 2018, the 2-0 loss capped a run ada has won its less-competitive
that can be interpreted as both a regional tournament, the Conca-
telling bellwether and an undeni- caf Gold Cup, just once.
able boon. It was apparent well before
By advancing to Copa América’s kickoff that Argentina would en-
final four and hanging with the joy a home-field advantage some
World Cup champions for the sec- 5,000 miles from Buenos Aires.
ond time in three weeks, Canada The odd Canadian kit stuck out in
showcased its ascent to soccer re- a sea of Argentine blue and white,
spectability. By failing to score for and many of the jersey outliers —
the second straight meeting with Barcelona garnet and blue, Inter
Argentina and exiting the tourna- Miami pink — belonged to Messi
ment with two goals in five match- devotees. Moments after the Ca-
es, the Canadians also put their nadians were greeted by shrill
shortcomings on display. whistles as they took the field for
“I know that they’re very disap- warmups, their Argentine coun-
pointed, but I’m very proud of ElsA/gETTy ImAgEs terparts earned an enthusiastic
them,” Marsch said. “We’ve had a Always the center of attention, Lionel Messi gets accolades from his teammates after scoring a second-half insurance goal for Argentina. ovation.
wonderful five weeks together, six Messi may have reversed the
weeks together, and it’s gone way not an easy task.” As Enzo Fernández fired a low bid snake-bitten narrative that long
better than any of us could have Tuesday was a rematch after from the top of the box, Messi hounded him in an Argentine jer-
scripted. So there’s still a lot of Argentina opened the tourna- slipped through traffic and de- sey by winning the World Cup and
work to do, but we’ve built a really ment — a special edition of South flected the shot past Crépeau for the 2021 Copa América, but this
good foundation.” America’s revered championship, his first goal of the tournament. victory represented MetLife Sta-
Argentina, meanwhile, cleared expanded to feature six guests Canadian players promptly ap- dium redemption. The last time
the last hurdle on the path to its from North and Central America pealed for a flag, but replays Messi played a knockout game
sixth Copa América final in the and the Caribbean — with a tena- showed defender Derek Cornelius here, he missed his penalty kick in
past eight tournaments. Powered cious 2-0 win over Canada in At- keeping Messi onside. Argentina’s shootout loss to Chile
by Julián Álvarez’s early opener lanta. Once the teams advanced Canada ratcheted up the pres- in the 2016 Copa América final — a
and Messi’s second-half insurance from Group A, they each survived sure down the stretch but lost its setback that extended Argentina’s
tally, Argentina bewitched an an- a quarterfinal shootout last week most dynamic weapon when Bay- decades-long title drought and led
nounced crowd of 80,102 and as Argentina edged Ecuador in ern Munich left back Alphonso Messi to briefly question whether
moved to 17-1-1 since lifting the Houston and Canada ousted Ven- Davies limped off with 18 minutes he still wanted to represent his
World Cup in 2022. ezuela in Arlington, Tex. remaining. The renewed intensity country.
La Albiceleste will face the win- Restored to the lineup after only produced cautions as Ste- If Argentina — and, perhaps, a
ner of Wednesday’s semifinal be- consecutive games as a substitute, phen Eustáquio and Ismaël Koné 39-year-old Messi — plan to return
tween Colombia and Uruguay for Álvarez took 22 minutes to repay picked up yellow cards for hard to this stadium for the 2026 World
the title Sunday night at Hard Scaloni’s faith. Finding space be- fouls. Cup final in just over two years,
Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, tween Canada’s center backs, Ál- “It wasn’t as easy to slice they’ll do so with the knowledge
Fla. varez deftly collected a clipped through our team as it was the first that their demons in New York
“It is harder and harder, and the pass from Rodrigo De Paul and game, so I thought that we were City’s shadow have at last been
bar is up high,” Argentina Coach sneaked a shot through goalkeep- more stable defensively, but I exorcised. And they just might do
Lionel Scaloni said, via an inter- er Maxime Crépeau’s legs to put think that the tournament caught so in search of a fourth straight
preter, of reaching another title Argentina on top. up with us a little bit,” Marsch said. major title.
game. “Everyone thinks it is very After limiting further damage AdAm HungEr/AssocIATEd prEss
“I think we just lacked efficiency in “It is extremely tough to reach
easy and straightforward, and before halftime, Canada saw its Alexis Mac Allister and Argentina head to Sunday’s final after the final third.” another final,” Scaloni said. “We
Canada has shown today that it is deficit double in the 51st minute. staving off a challenge from Richie Laryea and upstart Canada. To Marsch, who was coaching know how hard it is to get there.”

United acquires Enow in $2.2 million transfer deal

BY S TEVEN G OFF inique Badji. The trio’s first po- in MLS. (United already has the only three times this season. In
tential appearance could come in maximum three DPs.) recent matches, United’s bench
D.C. United reached a verbal a July 20 friendly against Scottish But further negotiations this has included two goalkeepers,
agreement with Israeli club Mac- champion Celtic at Audi Field. week allowed United to acquire two players recalled from loans to
cabi Netanya to acquire Cameroo- United officials declined to Enow and fit him onto the roster second-division clubs and two
nian midfielder Boris Enow in a comment. using targeted allocation money, others.
$2.2 million transfer deal, people Enow, a defensive midfielder, the second level of league salaries. Aside from the loans, United’s
familiar with the move said Tues- has played three seasons for Mac- Jackson Hopkins, a natural at- already small roster has been
day. cabi Netanya, starting 83 matches tacker, and Matti Peltola have further depleted by long-term in-
Barring last-minute complica- and scoring three times in league started in defensive midfield this juries and numerous red- and
tions, the 24-year-old will sign a play. Previously, he was with the season. Hopkins has been side- yellow-card suspensions.
multiyear contract and become second teams at Lens in France lined for weeks with a back inju- United is winless in 11 straight
eligible when the MLS transfer and Porto in Portugal. He made ry; Peltola has been used in mid- (0-8-3) heading into Saturday’s
window opens July 18. United, one appearance with Cameroon’s field and on the back line. home match against Nashville SC
which is in last place in the East- under-20 national team. Russell Canouse, the incum- (6-8-8). After a July 17 game at
ern Conference, will have nine United’s interest, first reported bent at that position for several Minnesota and the friendly
regular season matches left at by the Athletic, seemed to hit a years, has missed the entire sea- against Celtic, United will com-
that point. dead end last week because of son after undergoing colon sur- pete in the Leagues Cup, the
Enow would become the third financial differences. “It’s not gery. annual MLS-Liga MX tourna-
player acquired by United ahead looking likely,” a team official said First-year coach Troy Lesesne ment.
of the summer window, joining at the time. Enow would have had is in desperate need of roster help. mAccAbI nETAnyA

Austrian left back David Schnegg to become a designated player, United (4-11-8) has had the maxi- Nashville Sc at D.c. United Midfielder Boris Enow, 24, joins United after playing three seasons
and MLS veteran forward Dom- the highest salary classification mum nine available substitutes saturday, 7:30 p.m., Apple TV plus with Israeli club Maccabi Netanya. He will become eligible July 18.
d4 eZ su the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

national league american league
East W l pct gB l10 str cEntral W l pct gB l10 str WEst W l pct gB l10 str East W l pct gB l10 str cEntral W l pct gB l10 str WEst W l pct gB l10 str
philadelphia 59 32 .648 — 6-4 W-1 Milwaukee 53 39 .576 — 4-6 l-1 los angeles 55 37 .598 — 4-6 l-2 Baltimore 57 34 .626 — 6-4 l-1 cleveland 57 33 .633 — 6-4 W-1 x-seattle 49 43 .533 — 4-6 l-2
x-atlanta 50 39 .562 8 6-4 W-3 st. louis 48 42 .533 4 7-3 W-2 x-san diego 49 45 .521 7 6-4 l-2 New York 55 38 .591 3 3-7 l-2 Minnesota 52 39 .571 51/2 7-3 W-3 Houston 47 44 .516 11/2 7-3 W-1
New York 45 45 .500 131/2 5-5 W-1 pittsburgh 44 47 .484 81/2 5-5 W-2 x-arizona 45 46 .495 91/2 6-4 l-1 Boston 50 40 .556 61/2 7-3 W-2 Kansas city 49 43 .533 9 5-5 W-1 x-texas 43 48 .473 51/2 6-4 W-4
Washington 42 50 .457 17 1/
2 3-7 l-3 cincinnati 44 48 .478 9 6-4 W-2 x-san Francisco 44 47 .484 10 5-5 l-2 1/
2 tampa Bay 45 46 .495 12 5-5 W-1 detroit 43 49 .467 15 6-4 l-1 x-los angeles 37 53 .411 11 3-7 l-2
Miami 32 59 .352 27 3-7 l-1 chicago 43 49 .467 10 5-5 W-2 colorado 32 60 .348 23 5-5 l-3 x-toronto 41 49 .456 151/2 4-6 W-2 chicago 26 67 .280321/2 4-6 l-3 oakland 34 59 .366 151/2 5-5 l-2
x-Late game x-Late game

Mets 7, nationals 5 guardians 9, tigers 8 (10) rays 5, yankees 3 n ot E s

NAtIoNALS Ab R h bI bb So Avg Jose ramirez became isaac paredes hit a
Abrams ss...........3 0 0 0 0 1 .276 the second player to get in- three-run homer, and tam-
Thomas rf ...........3 0 0 0 1 1 .242
Wood lf ...............4 0 1 0 0 0 .273 tentionally walked three pa Bay held on to beat rain postponEs tilts
Ramírez dh .........3 0 0 0 0 2 .233 times and to have three hits struggling New York, hand- in chicago, st. louis
Winker ph-dh......1 0 0 0 0 0 .267
Yepez 1b .............4 1 1 0 0 0 .300 in a game since MlB began ing its american league two games were washed
Ruiz c ..................4 1 1 2 0 0 .224 tracking free passes in east rival its 17th loss in
García 2b.............4 1 2 0 0 1 .277 out and will be made up
Lipscomb 3b........2 0 0 0 0 1 .227 1955, and cleveland held 23 games.
Vargas ph-3b ......2 1 1 2 0 0 .250 on to beat detroit in extras. Wednesday. the twins
three days after becom-
Young cf..............3 1 0 0 1 2 .259
gUARDIANS Ab R h bI bb So Avg ing the first Yankees rookie and White sox will play a
totALS 33 5 6 4 2 8 —
Kwan dh ...................5 2 3 0 1 0 .363 to homer three times in a straight doubleheader,
mEtS Ab R h bI bb So Avg Martínez lf...............6 1 1 1 0 0 .346
Ramírez 3b...............3 2 3 1 3 0 .275 game, Ben rice hit a two- the royals and cardinals
Lindor ss .............4 2 3 3 1 0 .253
Nimmo lf.............5 1 1 3 0 1 .252 J.Naylor 1b...............4 2 3 4 2 0 .247
Noel rf ......................4 0 1 0 0 2 .250
run shot in the seventh. a split doubleheader.
Martinez dh ........3 0 1 0 1 1 .264
Alonso 1b............4 0 0 0 0 0 .237 Fry ph .......................1 0 0 0 0 0 .298 yANKEES Ab R h bI bb So Avg
Alvarez c.............4 0 1 0 0 2 .298 Rocchio ss ................0 0 0 1 0 0 .218
Rice 1b ................5 1 1 2 0 2 .267 pErsonnEl dEpt.
Stewart rf...........3 0 0 0 0 0 .168 Giménez 2b ..............6 0 1 2 0 4 .252
Soto rf ................4 1 0 0 1 1 .291
Taylor rf..............1 1 1 0 0 0 .226 Schneemann ss-rf ...4 0 0 0 1 2 .240
Judge dh .............3 0 1 0 1 0 .308 dodgers: placed all-star
Vientos 3b ..........4 0 0 0 0 0 .287 Freeman cf...............4 0 1 0 1 1 .215
Iglesias 3b ..........0 0 0 0 0 0 .313 Hedges c...................3 1 1 0 0 2 .153 Verdugo lf...........3
Torres 2b ............4
1 0 1 2 .245
1 1 0 1 .223
rHp tyler Glasnow on
B.Naylor ph-c ...........2 1 0 0 0 0 .201
McNeil 2b............3 1 1 1 1 0 .216
totALS 42 9 14 9 8 11 —
Wells c ................4 0 0 0 0 2 .210 the 15-day injured list with
Bader cf ..............4 2 3 0 0 1 .279 Volpe ss ..............3 0 0 0 1 1 .249
totALS 35 7 11 7 3 5 — tIgERS Ab R h bI bb So Avg Grisham cf ..........4 0 1 0 0 1 .172 back tightness.
LeMahieu 3b .......4 1 2 0 0 0 .206
wAShINgtoN 000 000 023 — 5 6 1 Vierling cf............5 1 1 0 0 1 .244
totALS 34 3 7 3 4 10 — phillies: Bryce Harper
NEw yoRK...... 040 002 01X — 7 11 1 Keith 2b...............5 3 2 2 0 2 .248
Greene lf .............4 0 1 0 1 0 .257 (strained left hamstring)
E: Irvin (1), Bader (3). Lob: Washington Kelly c..................4 1 1 1 0 1 .245 RAyS Ab R h bI bb So Avg
5, New York 7. 2b: García (16), Yepez Urshela 1b...........5 2 3 3 0 1 .257 Díaz 1b................3 1 1 0 1 0 .270 and Kyle schwarber
(3), McNeil (12). 3b: Taylor (2). hR:
Vargas (1), off Ottavino; Ruiz (6), off
Pérez rf ...............5
Malloy dh ............5
1 1 0 1 .261
1 1 0 1 .195
Arozarena lf........3
Rosario dh ..........3
1 0 1 0 .202
2 0 0 1 .302
(strained left groin) were
Garrett; Nimmo (15), off Irvin; Lindor Báez ss................3 0 0 0 0 0 .182 B.Lowe ph-dh .....1 0 0 0 0 0 .225 activated from the il and
(16), off Irvin. RbI: Vargas 2 (20), Ruiz 2 McKinstry 3b ......3 0 1 0 1 0 .192 Paredes 3b..........3 1 1 3 1 1 .267
(27), Lindor 3 (48), Nimmo 3 (58), Mc-
totALS 39 8 11 8 2 7 — Siri cf ..................4 1 1 0 0 2 .202 in the lineup tuesday
Neil (21).
NAtIoNALS Ip h RERbbSo NpERA cLEvELAND. 303 001 000 2 — 9 14 0
DeLuca rf ............4
Caballero 2b........3
1 1 0 2 .181
0 0 1 2 .238
night vs. the dodgers.
DEtRoIt ...... 002 104 000 1 — 8 11 2 Walls ss ..............3 0 0 0 0 1 .154
Irvin ..................6 9 6 6 2 2 943.13
Jackson c ............3 0 0 0 0 2 .063
pirates: activated rHp
Weems..............2 2 1 1 1 3 395.94 E: Maeda (2), Pérez (2). Lob: Cleveland
13, Detroit 6. 2b: Giménez (13), Ramírez totALS 30 5 7 4 4 11 — Quinn priester (injured lat)
mEtS Ip h R ERbbSo NpERA (19). 3b: Urshela (1). hR: Martínez (1),
Quintana ..........7 1 0 0 1 51033.91 off Maeda; J.Naylor (22), off Maeda; NEw yoRK .... 100 000 200 — 3 7 1 from the 15-day il.
Ottavino........... 1/3 2 2 2 0 0 205.03 Keith (8), off Lively; Urshela (3), off tAmpA bAy .. 400 000 01X — 5 7 0
Núñez ............... 2/3 1 0 0 0 1 82.54 Lively; Malloy (5), off Sandlin. E: Verdugo (1). Lob: New York 8, Tampa
red sox: 3B rafael
Garrett ............. 2/3
Díaz ................. 1/3
3 3 1 1 233.64
0 0 0 1 44.21
gUARDIANS Ip h R ER bb So ERA Bay 5. 2b: Arozarena (16), DeLuca (5). devers (left shoulder
Lively .................51/3 7 6 6 1 4 3.59 hR: Rice (5), off Poche; Paredes (15),
wp: Quintana (4-5); Lp: Irvin (7-7); S: Sandlin.................2/3 1 1 1 0 1 3.66 off Rodón. soreness) was scratched
Díaz (9). Inherited runners-scored:
Núñez 1-0, Díaz 1-1. hbp: Quintana
Smith ................... 1 1 0 0 0 2 2.43
Gaddis.................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.25
yANKEES Ip h R ER bb So ERA from the all-star Game
Rodón .................. 4 5 4 4 2 5 4.63
(Abrams), Ottavino (Abrams). wp: Barlow ................. 1 0 0 0 1 0 3.58 Cousins................ 2 0 0 0 1 5 1.86 and replaced by the
Díaz. t: 2:41. A: 31,243 (42,136). Clase .................... 1 2 1 0 0 0 0.83 Tonkin............... 12/3 1 1 1 1 1 1.60
Kahnle ................ 1/3 1 0 0 0 0 2.87
orioles’ Jordan Westburg.
how thEy ScoRED tIgERS Ip h R ER bb So ERA
mEtS SEcoND Maeda................22/3 7 6 6 1 2 7.26 paul saNcYa/associated press RAyS Ip h R ER bb So ERA
DJ Stewart flies out. Mark Vientos pops Wentz ................21/3 3 1 1 3 3 5.03 Pepiot ............... 52/3 4 1 1 3 7 4.20
out. Jeff McNeil walks. Harrison Bader Brieske...............22/3 1 0 0 1 3 3.30
to d ay
A cut above
Kelly ................... 2/3 1 1 1 0 0 3.89
singles. Jeff McNeil to second. Francis- Chafin .................. 1 0 0 0 2 2 3.72 Poche.................. 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 3.57
co Lindor singles, harrison bader to sec- Vest ...................11/3 3 2 1 1 1 3.43 Adam ................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.82
ond, Jeff mcNeil scores. brandon Nim- wp: Barlow (3-3); Lp: Vest (1-3); S: Clase Fairbanks............. 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.13
mo homers, Francisco Lindor scores, (28). Inherited runners-scored: Wentz Josh Naylor points toward the sky after blasting a two-run homer in the first inning Tuesday to help stake
harrison bader scores. J.D. Martinez 1-0, Brieske 2-1, Chafin 1-0. Ibb: off wp: Pepiot (5-5); Lp: Rodón (9-7); S: nl games
pops out. Brieske (Ramírez), off Chafin (Ramírez), Cleveland to an early lead in Detroit. Naylor finished with four RBI in the Guardians’ 9-8, 10-inning win. Fairbanks (15). Inherited runners-
scored: Kahnle 1-1, Kelly 1-0, Poche 1-1.
mets 4, Nationals 0 off Vest (Ramírez). hbp: Sandlin (Báez). NAtIoNALS At mEtS, 7:10
mEtS SIXth t: 3:08. A: 17,111 (41,083). t: 2:34. A: 20,436 (25,025).
Mark Vientos pops out. Jeff McNeil flies w-L ERA tEAm
out. Harrison Bader singles. Francisco

O’s, Kremer undone

Corbin (L) 1-8 5.49 5-13
Lindor homers, harrison bader scores.
Brandon Nimmo flies out.
phillies 10, dodgers 1 red sox 12, athletics 9 astros 4, Marlins 3 cubs 9, orioles 2 Severino (R) 5-3 3.83 8-9
mets 6, Nationals 0 trea turner launched his Brayan Bello fanned a alex Bregman had three cUbS Ab R h bI bb So Avg DoDgERS At phILLIES, 7:05

by errors, home runs

Luis Garcia doubles. Ildemaro Vargas sixth career grand slam for career-high 11 batters — rBi and hit a tiebreaking Hoerner 2b...........5 2 1 1 0 0 .245
Stone (R) 9-2 3.03 12-4
Busch 1b ..............6 2 4 1 0 1 .273
pinch-hitting for Trey Lipscomb. Ildema- his fifth home run in seven getting each of his first 10 two-run homer, ronel Bellinger cf-rf......5 1 1 0 1 1 .265 Sánchez (L) 6-4 2.96 9-8
ro vargas homers, Luis garcia scores.
Jacob Young flies out. CJ Abrams hit by games, Bryson stott and outs by strikeout — and Blanco threw seven in- Suzuki rf ..............5 1 2 2 0 2 .258
Happ lf .................4 2 2 3 1 1 .244 RocKIES At REDS, 7:10
pitch. Lane Thomas strikes out swing- Brandon Marsh also went Wilyer abreu and dominic nings of two-run ball, and Morel dh ..............4 0 1 0 1 2 .199
ing. James Wood singles. CJ Abrams to Freeland (L) 0-3 6.62 3-4
third. Jesse Winker pinch-hitting for deep, and philadelphia smith homered on back-to- Houston edged Miami. Swanson ss .........5 0 0 1 0 3 .201
Harold Ramirez. Jesse Winker grounds
routed los angeles. back pitches in an eight- the victory was the sev-
Mastrobuoni 3b...3
Nido c...................4
2 0 2 0 .172
1 1 0 1 .133 Cubs 9, orioles 2 Montas (R) 4-6 4.19 5-11

mets 6, Nationals 2 DoDgERS AbR hbIbbSo Avg run second inning for Bos- enth straight at home for totALS 41 9 14 9 5 11 — pIRAtES At bREwERS, 8:10
mEtS EIghth ton, which hung on to beat the astros, who dropped Pérez (L) 1-4 4.85 4-9
Tyrone Taylor triples. Mark Vientos
Ohtani dh .................... 2 0 1 0 1 1 .315
Barnes ph-dh-2b ......... 2 0 2 0 0 0 .234
grounds out. Jeff mcNeil doubles, ty-
Smith c........................ 4 0 2 0 1 2 .274
oakland. the final two games of a Henderson ss.......4 1 1 0 0 1 .293 Myers (R) 5-3 3.52 6-6
rone taylor scores. Harrison Bader
series at Minnesota last Rutschman c........4 0 2 0 0 1 .286
strikes out swinging. Francisco Lindor
walks. Brandon Nimmo strikes out on a
Freeman 1b ................. 3 0 0 0 0 1 .299
K.Hernández 3b-ss-p ... 1 0 0 0 1 1 .196
AthLEtIcS Ab
Bleday cf.............5
h bI bb So Avg
0 0 0 3 .230 weekend.
Santander rf ........4 0 0 0 0 2 .232 Baltimore — Dean Kremer didn’t have it Tuesday bRAvES At DIAmoNDbAcKS, 9:40
O'Hearn dh ..........4 0 0 0 0 1 .280 Morton (R) 5-5 3.96 7-9
foul tip.
T.Hernández rf............ 2 0 0 0 1 1 .257
Taylor cf-3b................. 1 0 0 0 1 0 .154 Andujar lf............5 2 2 0 0 1 .299 Westburg 2b........4 1 1 1 0 0 .281 night, and neither did his defense behind him.
mARLINS Ab R h bI bb So Avg Cecconi (R) 2-6 6.10 5-7
mets 7, Nationals 2
Outman cf-rf-cf .......... 3 0 0 0 0 3 .162 Rooker dh ...........3
Soderstrom 1b....5
2 1 2 1 .282
1 0 0 2 .219 Chisholm cf ........4 2 2 1 0 1 .258
Kjerstad lf ...........2
Mountcastle 1b ...3
1 0 1 1 .304
0 0 0 1 .266
Making his second start since being activated from
M.Rojas ss .................. 3 0 0 0 0 1 .286
Juan Yepez doubles. Keibert Ruiz hom-
Pages rf....................... 1 0 0 0 0 0 .251 Langeliers c ........5 1 2 1 0 3 .209 De La Cruz dh .....3 0 2 1 1 1 .241 Mullins cf.............3 0 0 0 0 1 .214 the injured list, the right-hander allowed seven runs,
ers, Juan yepez scores. Luis Garcia Gelof 2b ..............4 2 3 4 0 1 .212
strikes out swinging. Ildemaro Vargas
Lux 2b-ss..................... 4 0 1 0 0 1 .208
Butler rf ..............5 1 2 3 0 2 .196
Bell 1b ................4
J.Sánchez rf .......3
0 0 0 2 .226
1 1 0 1 .240
Urías 3b ...............3
totALS 31
0 0 0 1 .234
5 1 1 9 —
five earned, in the Baltimore Orioles’ 9-2 loss to the nl scores
Vargas lf...................... 4 0 0 0 0 1 .294
grounds out. Jacob Young walks. Jacob
Young advances to second on defensive
Biggio 3b-1b................ 3 1 1 1 1 0 .189 Harris 3b.............3 0 0 0 1 1 .164 Myers ph ............1 0 0 0 0 1 .267 Chicago Cubs. moNDAy’S RESULtS
Schuemann ss ....3 0 1 0 1 1 .236 Burger 3b ...........3 0 1 0 1 1 .217 chIcAgo........ 112 300 011 — 9 14 0
indifference. wild pitch by pitcher Ed- totALS 33 1 7 1 6 12 —
totALS 38 9 13 9 4 15 — Edwards ss.........4 0 0 0 0 0 .278 bALtImoRE... 011 000 000 — 2 5 2 Kremer made a triumphant return to the Orioles’ St. Louis 6, at Washington 0
at Pittsburgh 8, N.Y. Mets 2
win Díaz, Jacob young scores. CJ
Abrams strikes out swinging. phILLIES Ab R h bI bb So Avg
Gordon lf ............3
Rivera ph ............1
0 0 0 1 .226
0 0 0 1 .213 E: Henderson (11), Urías (3). Lob: Chi- rotation last Wednesday with five scoreless frames at Cincinnati 6, Colorado 0
RED SoX Ab R h bI bb So Avg
mets 7, Nationals 5 Schwarber dh......4 1 1 2 1 1 .250
Duran cf ..............4 1 1 1 0 0 .276
Bruján 2b............3 0 0 0 0 1 .223 cago 12, Baltimore 3. 2b: Suzuki (12).
hR: Busch (12), off Kremer; Happ (14),
against the Seattle Mariners, but he struggled to avoid Atlanta 5, at Arizona 4 (11)
Turner ss .............4 1 3 4 0 1 .342 Fortes c ..............3 0 0 0 0 0 .175
Merrifield 3b .......1 0 0 0 0 0 .196 Hamilton 2b........4 1 2 1 1 1 .264
totALS 32 3 6 3 2 10 —
off Kremer; Westburg (15), off Taillon. the Cubs’ barrels in a similar fashion as Michael tUESDAy’S RESULtS
O'Neill lf .............4 2 1 0 0 3 .260 RbI: Busch (33), Nido (3), Suzuki 2 (38), at N.Y. Mets 7, Washington 5
NAtIoNALS’ LEADERS Harper 1b ............4
Sosa 3b-ss...........1
0 0 0 2 .299
0 0 0 0 .273 Devers 3b............4 2 2 3 1 1 .296 Swanson (28), Happ 3 (55), Hoerner Busch and Ian Happ both took him deep to sink at Philadelphia 10, L.A. Dodgers 1
Entering Wednesday’s game.
Bohm 3b-1b.........4 0 0 0 1 0 .293 Wong c................4
Yoshida dh ..........3
1 0 0 2 .309
2 1 1 0 .259
Altuve 2b............4
h bI bb So Avg
1 0 0 1 .309
(25), Westburg (50). Sb: Mastrobuoni
(1). SF: Nido.
Baltimore in the opener of the three-game inter- Pittsburgh 12, at Milwaukee 2
at Cincinnati 12, Colorado 6
batters Avg h 2b hR RbI bb Sb Stott 2b...............4 1 1 1 0 0 .240
Call .313 5 1 0 1 3 1 Castellanos rf......4 0 0 0 0 0 .234 Abreu rf ..............3 1 1 4 1 0 .257 Bregman 3b........4 1 2 3 0 0 .254 cUbS Ip h R ER bb So ERA league series. Atlanta at Arizona, late
Smith 1b .............4 2 1 1 1 2 .226
.300 6 3 0 1 2 0
.277 81 16 10 44 14 12
Marsh lf...............3 3 2 1 1 0 .267
Rafaela ss...........5 1 2 1 0 1 .247
Alvarez dh ..........4
Diaz c..................4
0 0 0 3 .295
0 0 0 2 .280
Taillon ................. 6 4 2 2 1 7 2.99 The Orioles (57-34) backed Kremer with two runs.
Marchán c............3 2 3 1 0 0 .313 Miller ................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 1.74
Abrams .276 92 21 14 46 29 14 J.Rojas cf.............3 2 2 1 0 1 .234 totALS 35 12 13 12 5 10 — Peña ss...............4 0 1 0 0 1 .278
Leiter................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.16 Jordan Westburg, named an all-star replacement
Wood .273 9 1 1 6 6 1 Pache cf...............0 0 0 0 0 0 .196 Singleton 1b.......3 0 0 0 1 0 .239
Bigge ................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 before the game, homered over the left field wall in his interleague games
Winker .267 75 17 10 41 46 12 oAKLAND ...... 200 003 103 — 9 13 0 Meyers cf ...........3 1 1 0 0 0 .242
totALS 35 10 12 10 3 5 —
Young .259 66 13 1 18 16 20 boStoN......... 380 000 01X — 12 13 0 Dubón lf..............2
McCormick rf......3
1 0 1 1 .290
1 1 0 0 .207
oRIoLES Ip h R ER bb So ERA first at-bat for his 15th home run and 50th RBI of the cUbS At oRIoLES, 6:35
Vargas .250 41 12 1 20 13 5
Thomas .242 61 10 8 37 22 21
L.A. ................. 000 010 000 — 1 7 0
phILA. ............ 030 600 10X — 10 12 1
Lob: Oakland 7, Boston 9. 2b: Rooker
(16), Duran (25), O’Neill (12), Devers totALS 31 4 7 4 2 8 —
Kremer ................ 4
Baker ................... 2
7 5 3 3 4.42
0 0 1 3 4.97
season, and Gunnar Henderson added to his MLB- w-L ERA tEAm
Adams .235 20 5 2 7 7 1
Ramírez .233 7 1 0 6 0 0 E: Turner (9). Lob: Los Angeles 12, Phila- (17), Yoshida (7). 3b: Rafaela (4). hR:
mIAmI ........... 100 000 110 — 3 6 1
Akin ..................... 2 4 1 1 1 4 3.86 leading total with his 77th run when he came home on Imanaga (L) 7-2 3.16 12-4
Butler (5), off Bello; Gelof (10), off Win- Tate ..................... 1 3 1 1 0 1 4.45
Meneses .231 65 11 3 42 21 2 delphia 6. 2b: Marchán 2 (4). hR: Biggio
(1), off Wheeler; Turner (8), off Miller; genter; Abreu (7), off Ferguson; Smith hoUStoN...... 010 010 20X — 4 7 0
wp: Taillon (6-4); Lp: Kremer (4-5).
a double play in the third. But that was all the Orioles’ Burnes (R) 9-3 2.32 12-6
Lipscomb .227 30 1 1 9 11 10
Ruiz .224 53 9 6 27 9 1 Stott (6), off Miller; Marsh (8), off Pe- (4), off Ferguson. E: Edwards (2). Lob: Miami 4, Houston hbp: Kremer (Hoerner). t: 2:39. A: offense managed against starter Jameson Taillon and gAmE 1: RoyALS At cARDINALS, 1:45
AthLEtIcS Ip h R ER bb So ERA 5. 2b: Altuve (18), Dubón (17). hR: Ch-
Senzel .209 43 10 7 18 27 1 tersen.
DoDgERS Ip h R ER bb So ERA Estes ................ 12/3 7 8 8 1 1 5.53 isholm (11), off Blanco; J.Sánchez (10),
30,373 (45,971).
the Cubs’ bullpen. Marsh (R) 6-6 4.57 10-6
Rosario .183 40 11 7 26 13 8
Millas .167 5 1 1 1 2 2 Miller ................... 4 10 9 9 3 2 8.07 Ferguson .......... 21/3 5 3 3 0 2 5.87 off Blanco; Bregman (11), off Bra-
Chicago scored in each of the four innings Kremer Pallante (R) 4-3 4.00 5-2
Otanez.............. 12/3 0 0 0 3 4 0.00
.164 23 7 5 11 21 1
.120 3 0 0 2 5 4
Ramírez ............... 2 0 0 0 0 3 3.20
Petersen ..............2/3 2 1 1 0 0 5.23 Alexander ......... 11/3 1 0 0 0 2 3.24 mARLINS Ip h R ER bb So ERA oRIoLES’ LEADERS took the mound. Busch put the Cubs (43-49) ahead mARINERS At pADRES, 6:40
Entering Wednesday’s game.
Nuñez .077 1 0 0 0 1 3 K.Hernández ......11/3 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Adams ................. 1 0 1 1 1 1 4.60 Rogers.............. 51/3 6 2 2 2 5 4.82 early with his solo home run on the third pitch of the Miller (R) 6-7 3.84 10-8
totals .239 726 150 77 363 268 119 Brazoban.......... 11/3 1 2 0 0 1 3.86 batters Avg h 2b hRRbI bb Sb
phILLIES Ip h R ER bb So ERA RED SoX Ip h R ER bb So ERA Puk ..................... 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 4.97 McKenna .375 3 0 2 2 1 0 game, and Tomás Nido made it 2-0 with a sacrifice fly King (R) 7-5 3.51 11-7
pitchers w L ERA Ip ER bb So Bello ................. 51/3 9 5 5 2 11 5.40
Floro 3 2 2.06 43.2 10 11 35
Wheeler ............... 5 3 1 1 2 7 2.70
Weissert........... 12/3 2 1 1 1 2 4.38
Bender................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.08 Kjerstad .304 14 2 3 12
Henderson .293104 18 27 61
6 0
47 14
in the second. After Westburg cut the lead in half with gAmE 2: RoyALS At cARDINALS, 7:45
Domínguez........... 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.98
2 4 2.17 37.1 9 12 39
5 0 2.22 56.2 14 16 47
Soto ..................... 1 1 0 0 2 3 3.56 Kelly .................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.89 AStRoS Ip h R ER bb So ERA Rutschman .286 99 12 16 59 33 1 his homer, the Orioles’ infield defense recorded two Wacha (R) 5-6 3.74 7-8
Wingenter ........... 1 2 3 3 1 1 27.0 Blanco ................. 7 4 2 2 1 7 2.53 Stowers .286 10 4 1 9 0 0
Irvin 7 7 3.13 112.0 39 26 96
Kerkering ............. 1
Ruiz...................... 1
0 0 0 0 1.34
0 0 1 0 3.76 wp: Bello (9-5); Lp: Estes (3-4). Inherit- Abreu .................. 1 2 1 1 0 1 3.05 Westburg .281 91 20 15 50 17 6 errors in the third to allow another two runs to score. Gray (R) 9-5 3.30 11-5
4 2 3.35 53.2 20 14 48
5 5 3.44 91.2 35 19 74 wp: Wheeler (10-4); Lp: Miller (1-2). In- ed runners-scored: Ferguson 2-2, Alex- Hader .................. 1 0 0 0 1 2 4.05 O'Hearn
.280 70 10 11 37
.267 36 12 3 14
23 3
7 0
Kremer exited after the fourth inning, marking the mARLINS At AStRoS, 8:10
ander 2-0. hbp: Estes (O’Neill), Adams
J.Barnes 5 2 3.74 33.2 14 9 24 herited runners-scored: K.Hernández
2 (Wong,Yoshida). wp: Estes(2), Ad-
wp: Blanco (9-3); Lp: Brazoban (1-2);
S: Hader (16). Inherited runners- Mountcastle .266 85 21 12 42 21 2 third time in 11 starts this season the 28-year-old has Hoeing (R) 0-1 1.98 0-1
Gore 6 7 3.83 94.0 40 34 112 2-0. hbp: Ramírez (Marchán), Urías .234 33 7 4 11 11 0
Harvey 2 4 4.40 43.0 21 12 46 Domínguez (Outman), Petersen (J.Ro- ams, Bello(2). t: 3:05. A: 31,826 scored: Brazoban 2-0. t: 2:18. A: 34,776
Santander .232 76 15 23 57 26 0 gone that many frames in a start. Valdez (L) 7-5 3.84 8-7
(37,755). (41,000).
0 3 5.04 30.1 17 10 43
1 3 5.17 31.1 18 9 41
jas). wp: Miller. t: 2:49. A: 43,065 Mateo .229 40 13 5 18 10 13 — Baltimore Sun
bLUE JAyS At gIANtS, 9:45
Adon 0 0 5.40 5.0 3 3 3
Corbin 1 8 5.49 100.0 61 35 68 Bassitt (R) 7-7 3.43 7-11
Weems 1 1 5.94 36.1 24 17 29 pirates 12, Brewers 2 reds 12, rockies 6 twins 8, rangers 9, angels 4 Braves 5, Webb (R) 7-6 3.09 9-10
M.Barnes 0 0 6.75 13.1 10 4 10 Joey Bart hit a grand Will Benson hit a three- White sox 6 (11) Late Monday diamondbacks 4 (11)
Rainey 0 0 6.84 25.0 19 16 20
Rutledge 0 0 9.00 1.0 1 0 1 slam, and pittsburgh run homer in a five-run sec- Late Monday corey seager extended Late Monday
Gray 0 2 14.04 8.1 13 5 9 scored six runs in the sixth ond inning and rookie rece twINS Ab R h bI bb So Avg his hitting streak to 13 sean Murphy hit a tying interleague scores
totals 42 50 4.06 816.1 368 252 745
inning to storm past Mil- Hinds crushed a 458-foot Castro 2b ............6 0 2 0 0 1 .272 games with a long two-run home run with two outs in moNDAy’S RESULtS
waukee. shot to power cincinnati to Correa ss.............5
Larnach dh ..........4
1 1 0 1 .303
1 1 1 1 .242 homer, Nathaniel lowe the ninth inning, Marcell No games scheduled.
Bryan reynolds, rowdy a rout of colorado. Miranda 1b .........5 0 2 0 0 1 .332 had three hits, and texas’s ozuna drove in the deci- tUESDAy’S RESULtS
nl leaders tellez, Jack suwinski and RocKIES Ab R h bI bb So Avg
Kepler rf..............4 2 1 0 1 0 .259
lineup remained hot in a sive run with a sacrifice fly Chicago Cubs 9, at Baltimore 2
Buxton cf ............5 2 3 1 0 1 .282
at Houston 4, Miami 3
Entering Tuesday’s games. Joshua palacios also hom- Tovar ss...............3 0 1 1 0 2 .263 B.Lee 3b ..............5 1 2 2 0 0 .458 victory over los angeles. in the 11th, and atlanta ral- Seattle at San Diego, late
Rodgers 2b ..........5 0 0 0 0 2 .277 Jeffers c..............4 0 1 0 0 0 .239
bAttINg ered for the pirates. McMahon 3b .......4 0 1 0 0 3 .274 Margot pr-lf........1 0 0 1 0 0 .235 Wyatt langford also lied past arizona for its Toronto at San Francisco, late
Kansas City at St. Louis, ppd.
Profar, SD ........................................ .315 pIRAtES Ab R h bI bb So Avg
E.Díaz dh .............5 0 0 0 0 2 .292 Wallner lf............4 1 2 2 0 1 .167 went deep as the rangers third straight victory.
Ohtani, LA ....................................... .314 Doyle cf ...............4 2 3 2 1 0 .279 Vázquez c............1 0 0 0 0 0 .202
Arraez, SD ....................................... .312
Palacios rf...........5 1 1 2 0 0 .267 Stallings c ...........3 2 1 0 1 0 .265 totALS 44 8 15 8 2 6 — pushed their winning bRAvES Ab R h bI bb So Avg
Reynolds dh ........5 2 2 2 0 2 .280
Betts, LA ......................................... .304
Tellez 1b .............4 2 2 1 1 1 .249
Toglia 1b..............5
Jones lf................3
1 2 0 1 .187
1 0 1 0 .190
streak to four games. Kelenic cf ............5 0 1 0 0 1 .271
whItE SoX Ab R h bI bb So Avg
homE RUNS Gonzales 2b ........4 1 2 1 1 0 .278 Goodman rf .........4 0 2 1 0 1 .188 RANgERS Ab R h bI bb So Avg
Albies 2b.............4
Riley 3b...............4
0 1 0 2 .261
1 1 1 1 .253
al games
Hayes 3b.............5 1 1 0 0 1 .232 Sosa 3b ...............5 0 0 0 0 1 .250
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 28 totALS 36 6 10 6 3 11 — Benintendi lf.......4 1 0 0 0 0 .194 Semien 2b...........4 1 2 2 1 1 .232 Olson 1b..............4 0 1 0 1 1 .239
Suwinski lf..........5 2 2 2 0 0 .186 gAmE 1: twINS At whItE SoX, 2:10
Ozuna, Atl ........................................... 23 Bart c ..................4 1 1 4 0 0 .241 Vaughn 1b...........5 1 1 0 0 3 .241 Seager ss ............5 2 2 2 0 0 .273 Ozuna dh.............4 0 0 1 0 1 .292
Walker, Ari ......................................... 22 Triolo ss..............3 1 0 0 0 1 .203 REDS Ab R h bI bb So Avg Sheets rf.............2 0 0 0 0 0 .228 Smith 3b .............5 0 1 0 0 1 .290 Duvall rf..............5 0 1 0 0 2 .184
w-L ERA tEAm
Harper, Phi .......................................... 20 Taylor cf..............3 1 0 0 1 2 .201 Steer lf ................3 1 1 2 2 1 .242 Robert ph-cf .......2 1 0 0 1 1 .224 Langford lf..........5 2 2 2 0 0 .273 Rosario lf ............4 1 1 0 0 1 .250
De La Cruz ss.......4 0 1 0 1 1 .251 Jiménez dh .........4 1 2 1 1 0 .236 A.García rf ..........5 1 1 0 0 3 .214 White lf ..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .167 López (R) 8-7 5.18 10-8
ERA totALS 38 12 11 12 3 7 —
Candelario 3b ......4 1 0 0 1 1 .240 DeJong ss ...........5 0 0 0 0 3 .229 Lowe 1b ..............4 1 3 1 0 1 .276 Murphy c.............4 1 2 2 0 1 .224
Arcia ss...............3 0 1 0 0 0 .211 Thorpe (R) 3-1 3.71 3-2
López, Atl ........................................ 1.71 Stephenson c ......5 3 3 2 0 0 .240 Lopez 2b .............3 1 2 2 1 0 .250 Heim c.................4 0 0 0 0 1 .244
bREwERS Ab R h bI bb So Avg Mendick ph .........1 0 0 0 0 0 .198 Jankowski dh......3 1 0 0 0 0 .211 d'Arnaud ph ........1 0 0 0 0 1 .233
Suárez, Phi ....................................... 2.58 Ríos 1b ................4 1 1 0 1 1 .125 gAmE 2: twINS At whItE SoX, 5:55
Sale, Atl ........................................... 2.71 Chourio rf-lf........4 1 1 0 1 0 .247 Marte dh .............3 1 0 1 0 1 .128 Julks cf-rf ...........5 0 1 1 0 1 .236 Taveras cf ...........3 1 1 1 1 2 .239 Short ss ..............0 1 0 0 0 0 .137
Wheeler, Phi .................................... 2.74 Contreras dh.......4 1 1 1 0 1 .296 Hinds rf ...............5 1 3 2 0 2 .625 Maldonado c .......1 1 1 1 1 0 .108 totALS 39 5 8 5 2 11 — TBD ---- ---- ----
totALS 38 9 12 8 2 9 —
Irvin, Was ........................................ 2.80 Monasterio 1b ....1 0 0 0 0 1 .181 Espinal 2b............4 2 2 1 0 0 .195 K.Lee pr-c............2 0 0 0 0 1 .228
Yelich lf...............2 0 1 0 2 0 .331 TBD ---- ---- ----
Benson cf ............4 2 2 3 0 1 .192 totALS 39 6 7 5 4 10 — ANgELS Ab R h bI bb So Avg D'bAcKS Ab R h bI bb So Avg
StRIKEoUtS Mitchell rf...........1 0 0 0 0 1 .167 gUARDIANS At tIgERS, 6:40
totALS 36 12 13 11 5 8 — Rendon 3b...........4 0 1 1 0 0 .266 Carroll rf .............5 1 1 1 0 0 .210
Glasnow, LA ..................................... 143 Adames ss ..........3 0 1 0 1 2 .235 mINNESotA 100 100 400 02 — 8 15 2
More about
Perkins cf............3 0 1 1 1 0 .252 Schanuel 1b ........2 0 0 0 2 0 .236 Newman 3b ........0 0 0 0 0 0 .286 Bibee (R) 7-3 3.67 14-4
Cease, SD .......................................... 138 coLoRADo .... 000 400 020 — 6 10 1 chIcAgo ..... 001 013 010 00 — 6 7 0 Pillar lf ................4 0 0 0 0 1 .295 Marte 2b .............4 1 0 0 1 0 .281
Sale, Atl ............................................ 127 Hoskins 1b..........3 0 1 0 0 0 .218 cINcINNAtI ... 050 020 41X — 12 13 2 E: Castro 2 (6). Lob: Minnesota 7, Chi- Hiura dh ..............4 0 1 0 0 3 .333 Pederson dh........3 0 0 0 2 0 .276 Olson (R) 3-8 3.22 4-13
Peralta, Mil ....................................... 124 Bauers ph-p ........1 0 0 0 0 1 .217
Turang 2b ...........4 0 0 0 0 0 .284 E: Goodman (2), Benson (1), Espinal (5). cago 8. 2b: Wallner (2), Kepler (16), O'Hoppe c ...........4 1 1 0 0 1 .275 Walker 1b ...........4 0 0 1 1 1 .265
Lob: Colorado 10, Cincinnati 7. 2b: Good- Buxton 2 (18), Miranda (21), Julks (7), Drury 2b..............4 1 2 0 0 1 .182 Gurriel lf .............4 0 1 1 0 0 .268 yANKEES At RAyS, 6:50
Haase c ...............3 0 0 0 1 3 .357
Capra 3b..............4 0 0 0 0 3 .111 man 2 (7), Stallings (9), Doyle (16), De La Vaughn (17), Lopez (10). hR: Larnach Moniak cf............4 2 2 2 0 0 .196 Moreno c.............4 0 0 0 0 0 .249 Stroman (R) 7-4 3.58 12-6
Suárez 3b............4 0 0 0 0 0 .207
totALS 33 2 6 2 6 12 —
Cruz (18), Hinds (2), Stephenson 2 (15), (9), off Flexen; Wallner (2), off Leasure; Adell rf................4 0 1 1 0 1 .184 Our newsletters deliver more
al leaders Benson (14). 3b: Hinds (1). hR: Doyle Correa (12), off Leasure; Maldonado (3), Guillorme ss .......3 0 0 0 1 1 .259 McCarthy pr-rf....0 1 0 0 0 0 .279
of what you’re looking for.
Eflin (R) 5-5 4.19 10-6
(12), off Lodolo; Toglia (11), off Lodolo; off Paddack. totALS 33 4 8 4 3 8 — Thomas cf ...........3 0 1 0 0 0 .212
pIttSbURgh . 002 006 130 — 12 11 1 AthLEtIcS At RED SoX, 7:10
Entering Tuesday’s games. Doyle (13), off Farmer; Stephenson (7), twINS Ip h R ER bb So ERA Perdomo ss.........3 1 1 1 0 1 .273
mILwAUKEE . 002 000 000 — 2 6 1
bAttINg E: Triolo (2), Adames (7). Lob: Pitts-
off Quantrill; Benson (10), off Quantrill; Paddack ............... 5 3 2 2 2 3 5.18 tEXAS............ 200 500 200 — 9 12 0 totALS 34 4 4 4 4 2 — Sears (L) 5-7 4.74 7-11
Candelario (14), off Quantrill; Hinds (2), Okert .................. 1/3 1 2 2 0 1 4.10 L.A.................. 030 000 100 — 4 8 1
burgh 3, Milwaukee 10. 2b: Contreras off Lawrence; Steer (14), off Lawrence. AtLANtA .... 100 000 002 11 — 5 8 1 Pivetta (R) 4-5 4.06 8-5
Kwan, Cle ......................................... .358 Staumont ........... 2/3 2 1 0 0 1 0.00 E: Drury (3). Lob: Texas 5, Los Angeles
Witt, KC ........................................... .324 (22), Hoskins (8), Adames (20), Chourio RocKIES Ip h R ER bb So ERA ARIzoNA..... 000 003 000 10 — 4 4 0
(10). hR: Reynolds (17), off Rea; Bart Alcala .................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.67 5. 2b: Langford (12), Seager (12). 3b: RANgERS At ANgELS, 9:38
Altuve, Hou ..................................... .309 Quantrill .............. 2 4 5 5 1 4 4.13 Jax ....................... 1 1 1 1 1 2 2.06 Moniak (2). hR: Seager (17), off Daniel; E: Arcia (5). Lob: Atlanta 7, Arizona 6.
Judge, NY ......................................... .308 (5), off Wilson; Tellez (8), off Milner; Lorenzen (R) 5-4 3.21 5-10
Suwinski (9), off Payamps; Palacios (2), Lambert ............... 3 3 2 2 2 2 5.72 Thielbar ............... 1 0 0 0 0 1 6.00 Langford (5), off Fulmer. hR: Riley (12), off Diaz; Murphy (5), off
off Payamps. Lawrence ............. 2 4 4 4 2 1 6.34 Duran................... 1 0 0 0 1 1 3.14 RANgERS Ip h R ER bb So ERA Sewald. Canning (R) 3-9 4.87 6-12
homE RUNS Funderburk.......... 1 0 0 0 0 0 5.79
Mears................... 1 2 1 1 0 1 6.25 bRAvES Ip h R ER bb So ERA
Judge, NY ............................................ 32 pIRAtES Ip h R ER bb So ERA Gray ..................... 5 5 3 3 1 2 4.01
Fleming ............... 1 0 0 0 3 0 3.99 REDS Ip h R ER bb So ERA whItE SoX Ip h R ER bb So ERA Ureña................ 12/3 3 1 1 2 2 2.78 Elder .................... 5 4 3 3 2 1 5.71
Henderson, Bal ................................... 27 Holmes ................ 3 0 0 0 1 0 1.15
Priester ............... 6 4 2 1 2 8 4.30 Flexen.................. 6 7 2 2 1 4 4.95 Robertson........... 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 3.11
Santander, Bal .................................... 23
Ramírez, Cle ....................................... 23 Santana ............... 2 2 0 0 1 4 6.75
Lodolo ................32/3
Martinez ............11/3
4 4 1 4 3.30
0 0 0 3 4.10 Leasure............... 2/3 4 4 4 0 0 5.22 Leclerc ................. 1 0 0 0 0 2 4.12 Iglesias ................ 2 0 1 0 0 0 2.08 al scores
Sborz ................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.68 Jiménez ............... 1 0 0 0 1 1 2.31
Sims..................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 3.68 Anderson.......... 11/3 1 0 0 1 0 4.76 moNDAy’S RESULtS
ERA bREwERS Ip h R ER bb So ERA Brebbia ................ 1 1 0 0 0 1 4.50
Wilson..................2/3 2 0 0 0 1 4.84 ANgELS Ip h R ER bb So ERA D'bAcKS Ip h R ER bb So ERA
Rea ...................... 5 6 7 7 2 3 3.81 at Detroit 1, Cleveland 0
Lugo, KC ........................................... 2.21 Cruz......................1/3 0 0 0 0 0 4.42 Kopech................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 5.31 Diaz ..................... 6 4 1 1 1 5 1.50
Wilson ................. 1 1 1 1 0 2 4.17 Daniel ............... 32/3 8 7 7 0 3 5.82 Minnesota 8, at Chicago White Sox 6 (11)
Burnes, Bal ...................................... 2.32 Farmer ................. 1 1 2 1 1 2 2.81 Shuster................ 1 2 2 1 0 0 3.62 Ginkel .................. 1 1 0 0 0 2 2.61
Milner.................. 1 1 1 1 0 1 4.83 Fulmer ................. 3 4 2 2 0 5 3.83 Texas 9, at L.A. Angels 4
Skubal, Det ...................................... 2.37 Suter .................... 1 0 0 0 1 1 3.70 wp: Duran (5-3); Lp: Shuster (1-2); S: Thompson ........... 1 0 0 0 1 2 1.67
Payamps.............. 1 2 3 3 0 1 4.68 Marte................ 11/3 0 0 0 2 0 3.97
Blanco, Hou ...................................... 2.53 wp: Martinez (3-5); Lp: Quantrill (6-7). Funderburk (1). Inherited runners- Crouse ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.00 Sewald................. 1 2 2 2 0 1 3.93 tUESDAy’S RESULtS
Bauers ................. 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Inherited runners-scored: Martinez 1-1, scored: Staumont 2-2. Ibb: off Duran Martinez.............. 2 1 2 0 0 1 1.42 at Tampa Bay 5, N.Y. Yankees 3
StRIKEoUtS wp: Priester (1-5); Lp: Rea (8-3). Inher- wp: Gray (4-4); Lp: Daniel (1-2). Inher- Cleveland 9, at Detroit 8 (10)
Cruz 2-0. hbp: Quantrill (Marte), Lodolo (Jiménez). hbp: Okert (Benintendi), Al- wp: Iglesias (1-1); Lp: Martinez (3-1);
ited runners-scored: Ureña 1-0, Robert-
N0302 1x6.25

Crochet, Chi ...................................... 146 ited runners-scored: Wilson 3-3. hbp: (Tovar), Farmer (Stallings), Suter (Mc- cala (Maldonado). wp: Jax. t: 3:18. A: at Boston 12, Oakland 9
Payamps (Triolo). pb: Bart (2). t: 2:36. son 3-0, Fulmer 1-0, Marte 1-0. hbp: S: Jiménez (2). Inherited runners-
Ragans, KC ........................................ 134 Mahon). wp: Lawrence. t: 3:00. A: 10,881 (40,241). Texas at L.A. Angels, late
A: 26,422 (41,700). Daniel (Jankowski). wp: Marte. t: 2:38. scored: Holmes 3-2. t: 2:45. A: 20,594
Skubal, Det ....................................... 132 17,542 (43,891). Minnesota at Chicago White Sox, ppd.
A: 25,193 (45,517). (48,359).
Ryan, Min .......................................... 118
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post eZ SU d5

Against NBA veterans, Flagg stars with prodigious outburst

FLAgg from D1

corner over Los Angeles Lakers

center Anthony Davis and a post-
up turnaround over Boston Celt-
ics guard Jrue Holiday.
Then, with momentum build-
ing, the baby-faced flagg
brought the ball up the court,
worked his way into isolation
against Davis and drilled a side-
step three-pointer over one of the
NBA’s best defensive players. Af-
ter the national team committed
a turnover trying to find Davis in
transition, flagg took control of
the ball and quickly pushed it
ahead to Sacramento Kings for-
ward Keegan murray, who
missed a three-pointer from the
left angle. flagg sprinted the
length of the court during the
shot, jumped in traffic to grab the
offensive rebound with both
hands and finished a midair
putback while being fouled by
miami Heat center Bam Ade-
The sequence — the shot, the
pass, the rebound and the finish
— went viral on social media,
garnering millions of views with-
in an hour. All told, flagg
scored six points in less than 20
seconds to set up a tense end-
game. Davis prevented an embar-
rassing loss for the overwhelm-
ing gold medal favorites by block-
ing a potential game-winning
jumper by Golden State Warriors
guard Brandin Podziemski at the
flagg’s game-changing per-
formance was made even more
remarkable by the fact that he is
five years younger than minne-
sota Timberwolves guard Antho-
ny Edwards, the national team’s
youngest player. When flagg was
born Dec. 21, 2006, James was in phoToS by eThAN mIller/geTTy ImAgeS

his fourth NBA season and about During a scrimmage between the U.s. olympic team and a select squad of younger American players, teenage Duke signee Cooper Flagg impressed by leading a late rally.
to make his third all-star appear-
ance. Just going out there and doing those players, but not once we
“I was just competing and his job. That’s a good sign.” started playing,” he said. “once
trying as hard as I can,” flagg If flagg blossoms into a player the ball goes up, I’m just a
said. “Giving it 100 percent. I’m capable of taking the reins of the competitor. It’s a little bit of an
confident in my ability and skill. U.S. team, his fearless showing at adjustment being on the court
I’m confident in who I am and UNLV will be remembered as the with them, but at the same time
what I can do. It’s a surreal moment he first proved he could I’m just playing basketball and
feeling being able to share the hold his own against the best in trying to win.
court [with the national team]. the world. “[The national team players]
I’m blessed to have this opportu- “The select team was great,” have all been pretty welcoming.
nity to be here. I had no worries. I Kerr said, smiling as he artfully They’re just telling me to keep
didn’t put any pressure on my- dodged commenting directly working and stay grounded.”
self. I’m here for a reason. I know about flagg. “They challenged flagg, who reclassified to be a
that.” us. They were physical. They ran high school senior last year be-
flagg’s appeal as a prospect a lot of stuff the European teams fore leading montverde Academy
owes to his excellent motor, will run. It couldn’t have worked (fla.) to an undefeated season
strong athletic tools and innate out any better.” and a national title, said he was
basketball intelligence, plus the The one person who didn’t “striving for” a spot on the U.S.
do-everything game he displayed appear to be caught up in the roster for the 2027 fIBA World
monday in front of a few hundred excitement was flagg, who chat- Cup in Qatar. By that point, he
onlookers. He is an effective ball- ted with a pair of fellow Duke will be 20 and probably will have
handler, a willing outside shoot- Blue Devils — Celtics forward completed a one-and-done fresh-
er, a physical rebounder, an Jayson Tatum and USA Basket- man campaign at Duke and two
above-the-rim finisher and a ball managing director Grant NBA seasons.
multi-positional defender who Hill — before nonchalantly re- In the meantime, flagg ex-
can handle assignments in the counting the afternoon’s events. pects the national team to secure
paint or on the perimeter — all Though flagg grew up as a Celt- its fifth consecutive gold medal
rolled into one package. ics fan and fashioned his offen- in Paris next month.
“He looks like a hell of a sive approach by studying Tatum, “They can be any team they
player,” said Phoenix Suns for- he said he felt comfortable play- want to be,” he said. “They have
ward Kevin Durant, who was ing against a U.S. squad of 12 no weaknesses, no holes. They
sidelined for the scrimmage with all-stars and nearly as many fu- can play any type of way and
a calf injury. “He’s 17 years old ture Hall of famers. dominate. It’s going to be a
coming in here playing like a “[There was some awe] at first, dominant team that asserts their
[veteran] almost. No emotion. walking into the gym, seeing all After the olympic team’s narrow win, 39-year-old LeBron James congratulated the 17-year-old Flagg. will on everybody they see.”

Irvin’s second-inning lapse leads to meltdown as Nationals succumb to the Mets

nATIonALs from D1
N at i o N a l s o N d e C k
innings while striking out five. He at New York Mets
retired the side in order in six
innings. The only time he didn’t Wednesday 7:10 mASN
was the third, when Luis García Thursday 1:10 mASN
Jr. opened the inning with a sin-
gle to center and advanced to at Milwaukee Brewers
second on an error by Bader. A
hit-by-pitch and a walk loaded Friday 8:10 mASN2
the bases with two outs for Wood, Saturday 4:10 mASN2
who grounded out on the first
pitch. Sunday 2:10 mASN
“He wasn’t missing in the mid-
dle,” catcher Keibert ruiz said of vs. Cincinnati Reds
Quintana. “He was just attacking
the bottom of the zone. His break- July 19 6:45 mASN
ing ball was good when he got July 20 6:45 mASN
behind in the count.”
When Quintana exited, the Na- July 21 1:35 mASN
tionals (42-50), who have lost
three in a row, found some life. A Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM),
García double greeted reliever WDCN (87.7 FM)
Adam ottavino in the eighth,
then pinch hitter Ildemaro Var-
gas slugged his first home run of the weekend, Gallo fielded
the season. In the ninth against groundballs at first base. on
reed Garrett, Juan Yepez doubled Tuesday, he took swings in bat-
before ruiz added a long two-run ting practice. ...
shot of his own to make it 7-4. A right-hander Trevor Williams
two-out walk to Jacob Young is continuing to rehab from a
compelled the mets (45-45) to right flexor strain that has side-
bring in closer Edwin Díaz, whose lined him since the beginning of
wild pitch let Young score from June. He’s throwing from 60 feet
second base before he struck out but has a ways to go until he can
all-star CJ Abrams to end it. throw off a mound. Gallo and
After Nimmo’s home run, Irvin Williams entered the season as
settled in by retiring the next six potential trade candidates, but
batters. In last week’s matchup, their injuries make it unlikely
he relied heavily on his curveball they’ll fetch much of a return — if
(40 pitches) and his fastball (38), FrANk FrANklIN II/ASSocIATed preSS any — with the trade deadline
mixing in 18 sinkers, two cutters Jake Irvin allowed back-to-back singles and a three-run home run following a two-out, five-pitch walk in the second inning Tuesday night. looming July 30. …
and a slider. But Tuesday, his Left-hander Jose A. ferrer is
game plan was different: He hitters, made some mistakes just first two outs but this time al- Irvin turned to the home-plate and go back out there and com- scheduled to throw Tuesday for
threw 31 sinkers, 30 curveballs by location. All in all, he gave us lowed a single to Bader to bring umpire and asked for another pete.” Class AA Harrisburg as he rehabs
and 29 fastballs (plus three some innings that we needed. It’s up the top of the order. Lindor ball. notes: Joey Gallo has not been a left shoulder strain. After that,
change-ups and one cutter). just one of those days.” crushed a 2-1 fastball that Irvin “He’s been a workhorse for us, cleared to run the bases but is he and righty Cade Cavalli (Tom-
“He wasn’t as sharp,” martinez In the sixth, Irvin faced the left over the heart of the plate for so it’s one game,” martinez said. partaking in light baseball activi- my John surgery) will head to
said. “His breaking ball wasn’t as same problem he grappled with a two-run homer. The Citi field “He has one more start before the ties nearly a month after he florida to throw during the all-
sharp. He fell behind a couple of in the second. He recorded the lights flashed blue and orange as [all-star] break. He’ll lock it in strained his left hamstring. over star break.
d6 eZ sU the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024



WnBA MLS Wimbledon Official World Golf Ranking

east w l pct gb east w l t pts gf ga At All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club; in London Through Monday.
New York .................................... 17 4 .810 — Cincinnati ........................15 4 3 48 42 26 purse: $19,280,205
Connecticut ................................ 17 4 .810 — Inter Miami CF ................14 4 5 47 51 37 surface: Grass 1. ............................Scottie Scheffler 17.66
Indiana.......................................... 9 13 .409 81/2 Columbus ........................11 3 6 39 40 18 2. ...................................Rory McIlroy 9.24
meN’s sINgles — QUarterfINals 3. ......................... Xander Schauffele 8.79
Chicago ......................................... 8 12 .400 81/2 New York...........................9 4 9 36 36 27
Atlanta ......................................... 7 13 .350 91/2 New York City FC ............11 9 2 35 33 27 Daniil Medvedev (5), Russia, def. Jannik Sinner (1), 4. ..................................Ludvig Aberg 5.93
Washington.................................. 5 17 .227 121/2 Charlotte FC ......................9 8 5 32 24 23 Italy, 6-7 (9-7), 6-4, 7-6 (7-4), 2-6, 6-3; Carlos Alcaraz 5. ............................. Wyndham Clark 5.90
Orlando City ......................7 9 6 27 32 36 (3), Spain, def. Tommy Paul (12), United States, 5-7, 6-4, 6. .............................Collin Morikawa 5.45
Nashville ...........................6 8 8 26 25 31 6-2, 6-2. 7. ...............................Viktor Hovland 5.37
west w l pct gb 8. .............................. Patrick Cantlay 5.17
x-Minnesota ............................... 15 6 .714 — Toronto FC ........................7 13 3 24 30 43 wOmeN’s sINgles — QUarterfINals
Atlanta..............................6 10 6 24 31 32 9. ..................... Bryson DeChambeau 4.89
Seattle........................................ 14 7 .667 1 Donna Vekic, Croatia, def. Lulu Sun, New Zealand, 5-7, 10. ..................................... Jon Rahm 4.60
x-Las Vegas................................ 13 7 .650 11/2 CF Montreal ......................5 9 8 23 31 46
6-4, 6-1; Jasmine Paolini (7), Italy, def. Emma Navarro 11. ....................... Tommy Fleetwood 3.97
Phoenix....................................... 11 10 .524 4 New England .....................7 12 1 22 20 38
(19), United States, 6-2, 6-1. 12. ...............................Brian Harman 3.92
Los Angeles .................................. 5 16 .238 10 Chicago..............................5 11 6 21 28 40
Philadelphia ......................4 9 9 21 36 39 13. .......................Hideki Matsuyama 3.90
Dallas............................................ 5 17 .227 101/2 meN’s DOUbles — tHIrD rOUND 14. ...........................Sahith Theegala 3.84
D.C. United ........................4 11 8 20 30 47 Kevin Krawietz and Tim Puetz (8), Germany, def. Jack
x-Late game 15. ....................................Max Homa 3.66
Withrow and Nathaniel Lammons (12), United States, 16. ................................... Tony Finau 3.51
mONDaY’s resUlts west w l t pts gf ga 6-3, 6-4. 17. .......................................Tom Kim 3.48
Los Angeles FC................13 4 4 43 43 24 18. ............................. Russell Henley 3.47
No games scheduled. Real Salt Lake .................12 3 7 43 48 27 wOmeN’s DOUbles — tHIrD rOUND
19. ............................Keegan Bradley 3.41
LA Galaxy ........................12 4 7 43 44 30 Laura Siegemund, Germany, and Barbora Krejcikova (8), 20. .......................... Matt Fitzpatrick 3.30
tUesDaY’s resUlt Czechia, def. Hao-Ching Chan, Taiwan, and Veronika
Colorado ..........................11 8 4 37 44 37 21. ........................... Matthieu Pavon 3.24
Minnesota at Los Angeles, late Portland ............................9 8 6 33 45 39 Kudermetova (12), Russia, 6-1, 6-2; Gabriela Dabrowski, 22. .............................. Tyrrell Hatton 3.17
Vancouver .........................9 7 5 32 34 29 Canada, and Erin Routliffe (2), New Zealand, def. 23. ............................Cameron Young 3.13
weDNesDaY’s games Elena-Gabriela Ruse, Romania, and Marta Kostyuk,
Seattle ..............................8 7 7 31 31 26 24. ................................. Sepp Straka 3.09
Washington at Indiana, noon Houston ............................8 7 6 30 29 26 Ukraine, 6-3, 6-1. 25. ..............................Akshay Bhatia 3.09
New York at Connecticut, 11 a.m. Austin FC ..........................8 8 6 30 25 31 26. ............................. Justin Thomas 2.95
Atlanta at Chicago, noon Minnesota United .............8 9 5 29 35 37 27. ................................... Sam Burns 2.92
Las Vegas at Seattle, 3 FC Dallas ...........................6
St. Louis City SC ...............4
WTA 28. ................................... Sungjae Im 2.91
Dallas at Phoenix, 3:30 29. .....................................Jason Day 2.89
Sporting KC .......................5 13 5 20 37 48 NOrDea OpeN 30. ............................ Byeong Hun An 2.75
tHUrsDaY’s game San Jose............................4 16 2 14 30 56 At Bastad (Sweden) Tennis Stadium 31. ................................ Min Woo Lee 2.75
Chicago at New York, 7 weDNesDaY, JUlY 3 purse: $115,000 32. .......................... Denny McCarthy 2.70
surface: Red clay 33. ................................ Shane Lowry 2.70
frIDaY’s games Cincinnati 3, at D.C. United 2
34. ...............................Jordan Spieth 2.64
Las Vegas at Atlanta, 7:30 Miami 2, at Charlotte FC 1 sINgles — rOUND Of 32 35. ..................................... Chris Kirk 2.54
emIlee ChInn/getty Images Phoenix at Indiana, 7:30 at New York City FC 2, CF Montreal 0 Jaqueline Adina Cristian (2), Romania, def. Nellie Taraba 36. ................................... Nick Taylor 2.51
Minnesota at Seattle, 10 Orlando City 2, at Toronto FC 1 Wallberg, Sweden, 6-2, 6-2; Kamilla Rakhimova (9), 37. .............................. Adam Hadwin 2.44
Angel Reese made a fashion statement with her shoes June 16 at New England 2, Atlanta 1 Russia, def. Veronika Erjavec, Slovenia, 6-1, 7-5; Anna- 38. .......................... Davis Thompson 2.43
Karolina Schmiedlova (4), Slovakia, def. Ekaterina Ma- 39. .............................Cameron Davis 2.42
during a game against fellow rookie Caitlin Clark and the Fever. at Chicago 4, Philadelphia 3
karova, Russia, 6-2, 7-5; Tamara Korpatsch (3), Ger- 40. ..............................Corey Conners 2.42
Vancouver 3, at Minnesota 1
CyCLinG at St. Louis City SC 2, San Jose 0
many, def. Ella Seidel, Germany, 6-4, 6-7 (7-4), 6-4; 41. ................................ Lucas Glover 2.37
Maria Carle (6), Argentina, def. Rebeka Masarova, 42. .............Christiaan Bezuidenhout 2.37
at Columbus 2, Nashville 0 Spain, 6-1, 6-2; Mananchaya Sawangkaew, Thailand, 43. ............................Stephen Jaeger 2.28
CAndACE BuCknER Tour de France at Real Salt Lake 3, Houston 2 def. Irina Maria Bara, Romania, 6-1, 7-6 (7-4); Diane
Parry (1), France, def. Caijsa Wilda Hennemann, Swe-
44. ........................ Robert MacIntyre 2.24
tHUrsDaY, JUlY 4 45. .......................... Nicolai Hojgaard 2.23

Reese makes big impact

9tH stage den, 1-6, 7-6 (8-6), 6-4; Katarzyna Kawa, Poland, def. 46. ...............................Will Zalatoris 2.22
at FC Dallas 3, Portland 2 Anastasiya Soboleva, Ukraine, 2-6, 6-2, 7-5; Darja 47. ................................... J.T. Poston 2.21
A 116-mile race from Orleans to Saint-Amand-Mon-
trond. at Colorado 2, Sporting KC 1 Semenistaja, Latvia, def. Mirjam Bjorklund, Sweden, 48. ............................. Brooks Koepka 2.21
Los Angeles FC 2, at LA Galaxy 1 6-4, 6-2; Nuria Parrizas Diaz, Spain, def. Julia Riera, 49. ....................................... Eric Cole 2.21
1. Jasper Philipsen, Belgium, Alpecin-Deceuninck/BEL, Argentina, 6-3, 6-1.
4:20:06s. 50. ................................... Si Woo Km 2.20
satUrDaY’s resUlts

beyond being the bad guy

2. Biniam Girmay, Eritrean, Intermarche-Wanty/BEL., at Orlando City 5, D.C. United 0 DOUbles — rOUND Of 16
same time Alana Smith and Christina Rosca, United States, def.
3. Pascal Ackerman, Germany, Israel-Premier Tech/ISF, at Cincinnati 6, Miami 1
same time. at Columbus 4, Toronto FC 0 Tamara Zidansek and Veronika Erjavec, Slovenia, walk- PGA Tour
over; Peangtarn Plipuech, Thailand, and Chia Yi Tsao (4),
4. Wout Van Aert, Belgium, Team Visma/Lease a Vancouver 1, at CF Montreal 1 Taiwan, def. Nadia Kolb and Maryna Kolb, Ukraine, 6-3, feDex CUp leaDers
Bike/NED, same time. New York 0, at Philadelphia 0 6-3; Nellie Taraba Wallberg and Linea Bajraliu, Sweden, Through Monday.
5. Fernando Gaviria, Colombia, Movistar Team/ESP, at Austin FC 2, New York City FC 1 def. Prarthana Thombare, India, and Tamara Korpatsch, points money
BuCkneR from D1 the so-called meanie is simply same time.
6. Sam Bennett, Ireland, Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale
at Real Salt Lake 5, Atlanta 2 Germany, 6-1, 6-4; Quinn Gleason, United States, and 1. ......................Scottie Scheffler 5,768 $27,696,858
at Seattle 2, New England 0 Yuliia Starodubtseva (3), Ukraine, def. Alena Fomina
acting out the role. Savvy enough Team/FRA, same time. and Ekaterina Makarova, Russia, 6-2, 6-0.
2. ................... Xander Schauffele
3. .............................Rory McIlroy
3,257 $12,636,360
2,445 $10,034,665
Scrubs need that kind of to recognize the audience’s 7. John Degenkolb, Germany,Team DSM-Firmenich sUNDaY’s matCHes 4. ....................... Collin Morikawa 2,241 $7,509,252
POSTNL/NED, same time. at Sporting KC 3, FC Dallas 2 5. ....................... Wyndham Clark 2,088 $9,728,975
shtick. Not all-stars who are appetite and self-assured enough 8. Phil Bauhaus, Germany, Bahrain Victorious/BRN, at San Jose 1, Chicago 0 6. ............................Ludvig Aberg 1,992 $7,830,998
same time.
among the top five vote-getters to handle any negativity, reese 9. Dylan Groenewegen, Netherlands, Team Jayco Alula/ at Colorado 4, St. Louis City SC 1 graND esta OpeN 88 7. ...................Hideki Matsuyama
8. .......................Sahith Theegala
1,893 $7,597,331
1,845 $7,562,685
at LA Galaxy 2, Minnesota 1
in the WNBA fan balloting. has willingly played to the AUS, same time.
10. Axel Zingle, France, COFIDIS/FRA, same time. at Portland 4, Nashville 1
At Tennis Club de Contrexeville (France)
purse: $100,000
9. ........................ Patrick Cantlay 1,717 $5,406,237
Certainly not a player who perception. Last month, reese alsO
Los Angeles FC at Houston, ppd. surface: Red clay
10. ...................... Byeong Hun An
11. ........................Akshay Bhatia
1,620 $5,175,436
1,606 $4,842,490
earned rookie of the month allowed the audience a peek at 30. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Team Visma, satUrDaY’s matCHes sINgles — rOUND Of 32 12. .......................... Shane Lowry 1,592 $5,093,520
13. ............................. Tony Finau 1,579 $4,881,060
honors for June, a star who the playbook. 4:20:06S.
151. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-
Nashville at D.C. United, 7:30 Mayar Sherif (3), Egypt, def. Polina Kudermetova,
Russia, 6-2, 1-0, ret; Gao Xinyu, China, def. Lola 14. ..................... Matthieu Pavon 1,558 $5,032,808
Charlotte FC at Cincinnati, 7:30
delivered the sound bite of the “It all started from the EasyPost, 1:16s. Atlanta at CF Montreal, 7:30 Radivojevic, Serbia, 6-0, 6-4; Diana Martynov, France, 15. ............................. Sungjae Im
16. ............................Sepp Straka
1,558 $4,743,972
1,413 $4,062,901
170. Sean Quinn, United States, EF Education-EasyPost, def. Nadia Podoroska (1), Argentina, 2-6, 6-3, 6-3;
season in her walk-off interview national championship game, 2:07S.
Orlando City at New England, 7:30
Caroline Werner, Germany, def. Justina Mikulskyte, 17. ....................... Justin Thomas 1,412 $4,130,661
Philadelphia at Toronto FC, 7:30 18. ...............................Tom Hoge 1,406 $4,188,593
following a big win over the and I’ve been dealing with this Overall staNDINgs (YellOw JerseY) Seattle at Austin FC, 8:30
Lithuania, 3-6, 6-2, 6-0; Selena Janicijevic, France, def.
19. ....................... Russell Henley 1,371 $4,016,969
Amandine Hesse, France, 6-1, 6-3; Laura Pigossi (5),
fever. When you’re as talented as for two years now,” reese said. 1. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, New York City FC at Chicago, 8:30 Brazil, def. Iryna Shymanovich, Belarus, 6-3, 0-6, 6-4; 20. ....... Christiaan Bezuidenhout 1,370 $4,651,538
40:02:48S. 21. .........................Brian Harman 1,362 $4,731,373
reese, you should lean on the “And understanding, like, yeah, 2. Remco Evenepoel, Belgium, Soudal Quick-Step/Bel,
LA Galaxy at FC Dallas, 8:30
Minnesota at Houston, 8:30
Dalila Jakupovic, Slovenia, def. Lucija Ciric-Bagaric (9),
Croatia, 6-1, 6-3; Andreea Mitu, Romania, def. Amandine 22. .................... Davis Thompson 1,318 $3,730,873
substance, not the sideshow. negative things have probably :33s behind. Vancouver at St. Louis City SC, 8:30 Monnot , France, 6-2, 7-6 (11-9); Emiliana Arango (6), 23. ............................... Chris Kirk
24. ...............................Jason Day
1,290 $5,306,316
1,210 $3,573,685
3. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark, Team Visma/Lease a Colombia, def. Conny Perrin, Switzerland, 6-3, 4-6, 6-2;
for a while, this whole villain been said about me, but honestly, Bike, 1:15s. New York at Colorado, 9:30
Leyre Romero Gormaz, Spain, def. Audrey Albie, France, 25. ......................Stephan Jaeger 1,207 $3,669,034
Real Salt Lake at Portland, 10:25 26. ................. Tommy Fleetwood 1,203 $3,648,118
cosplay might have been I’ll take that because look where 4. Primoz Roglic, Slovenia, Red Bull-Bora-Hansbrohe,
1:36s. Columbus at Los Angeles FC, 10:30
7-5, 5-7, 6-3; Elsa Jacquemot (8), France, def. Elena
Pridankina, Russia, 4-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7-0). 27. ............................. J.T. Poston 1,193 $3,468,670
necessary — and personally women’s basketball is. People are 5. Juan Ayuso, Spain, UAE Team Emirates, 2:16s. Sporting KC at San Jose, 10:30 28. ..............................Sam Burns 1,181 $3,680,980
6. Joao Almeida, Portugal, UAE Team Emirates, 2:17s. 29. ..............................Max Homa 1,175 $3,550,666
beneficial. reese probably would talking about women’s 7. Carlos Rodriguez, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 2:31s. weDNesDaY’s matCHes 30. ........................ Thomas Detry 1,173 $3,342,119
not have graced magazine covers basketball that you never would 8. Mikel Landa, Spain, Soudal Quick-Step, 3:35s.
9. Derek Gee, Canada, Israel-Premier Tech/Isr, 4:02s.
D.C. United at Minnesota, 8:30 WTA 31. ......................Cameron Young
32. ...................... Taylor Pendrith
1,162 $3,758,346
1,152 $3,572,893
New York City FC at Atlanta, 7:30
or won entertainment show think would be talking about 10. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Team Visma, Chicago at Cincinnati, 7:30 sINgles raNKINgs 33. ........................ Adam Hadwin 1,133 $3,779,658
34. ............................ Si Woo Kim 1,123 $3,354,133
awards without creating that women’s basketball. People are 4:03s. Charlotte FC at Columbus, 7:30 Through Sunday.
35. ........................Corey Conners 1,121 $3,301,242
Toronto FC at Miami, 7:30 1. Iga Swiatek, Poland, 11585
viral moment with Clark at the pulling up to games, we’ve got alsO
47. Neilson Powless, United States, EF Education-Easy- CF Montreal at New York, 7:30 2. Coco Gauff, USA, 7943
36. .....................Matt Fitzpatrick
37. ......................Keegan Bradley
1,049 $3,184,775
1,030 $3,133,530
end of the 2023 national celebrities coming to games, Post, 36:31s behind. New England at Philadelphia, 7:30 3. Aryna Sabalenka, Belarus, 7841
4. Elena Rybakina, Kazakhstan, 6026
38. .................... Denny McCarthy 1,024 $3,156,124
championship game. Sure, reese sold-out arenas, just because of 114. Sean Quinn, United States, EF Education-Easypost,
Austin FC at FC Dallas, 8:30
Orlando City at Nashville, 8:30
5. Jessica Pegula, USA, 5025
39. ...................Robert Macintyre
40. ......................... Will Zalatoris
1,023 $3,135,146
1,019 $3,790,799
has been gobbling up double- one single game. And just team staNDINgs Colorado at LA Galaxy, 10:30
6. Marketa Vondrousova, Czechia, 4463 41. .................................Tom Kim 1,001 $3,946,918
42. .......................Cameron Davis 979 $3,061,884
doubles since her Baltimore prep looking at that, I’ll take that role. 1. UAE Team Emirates, 120:13:19s.
Houston at San Jose, 10:30
43. ............................. Nick Taylor 964 $3,067,935
St. Louis City SC at Seattle, 10:30
days, but she doesn’t reach I’ll take the bad guy role, and I’ll 2. Soudal Quick-Step, 6:04s behind.
3. Ineo Grenadiers, 6:45s. Sporting KC at Vancouver, 10:30 AuTO RACinG 44. ....................... Austin Eckroat
45. .............................Jake Knapp
celebrity status without continue to take that on and be 4. Red Bull-Bora-Hansgrohe, 7:41s. Real Salt Lake at Los Angeles FC, 10:45 46. ........................ Harris English 938 $2,680,160
5. Movistar Team, 12:41s. 47. .........................Billy Horschel 937 $2,595,533
imitating the “You can’t see me” that.” 6. Bahrain Victorious, 14:33s. nASCAR Cup Series 48. ............................. Alex Noren 866 $2,507,213
gesture and pointing to her ring Although during that one 7. Team Visma/Lease a Bike, 18:34s.
8. EF Education-Easypost, 23:40s. nWSL pOINts leaDers 49. ..................... Patrick Rodgers 853 $2,378,482
50. .......................Viktor Hovland 846 $2,647,858
finger to mock Clark in the episode in the national title 9. LIDL-Trek, 33:04s. w l t pts gf ga
Through Monday.
51. .................Mackenzie Hughes 832 $2,526,005
1. Kyle Larson, 671.
closing moments of the title game, reese auditioned for and 10. Uno-X Mobility, 50:05s. Orlando ...........................11
Kansas City .....................10
22 2. Chase Elliott, 660.
52. ................................. Eric Cole
53. ..................... Grayson Murray
game. And ever since she trolled won the villain role, she should ClImber (reD pOlKa DOt JerseY) 3. Tyler Reddick, 648. 54. .....................Erik Van Rooyen 799 $2,360,499
Washington ....................11 4 1 34 32 18
1. Jonas Abrahamsen, Norway, Uno-X Mobility, 33pts. 4. Denny Hamlin, 629. 55. .........................Peter Malnati 791 $2,467,368
America’s sweetheart, reese has now abandon it. Equally 2. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Emirates, 20 pts.
Gotham FC ........................9
Portland ............................8
20 5. Martin Truex Jr, 601. 56. .......................... Min Woo Lee 780 $2,325,686
become a target for one crowd important, the audience should 3. Valentin Madouas, France, Groupama-FDJ, 16 pts.
4. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark, Team Visma/Lease a
North Carolina...................8 7 1 25 20 17 6. William Byron, 599.
7. Ryan Blaney, 587.
57. ............................... Aaron Rai
58. ............................. Ben Griffin
Chicago..............................7 7 2 23 23 22
that has dog-whistled its dislike let her. As WNBA viewership Bike, 15 pts. Bay FC ...............................6 10 0 18 19 28 8. Christopher Bell, 586. 59. ..........................Taylor Moore 741 $2,316,051
5. Remco Evenepoel, Belgium, Soudal Quick-Step/Bel, 9. Ty Gibbs, 560.
and an icon for another group grows, hopefully attracting more 12 pts.
San Diego ..........................3
17 10. Brad Keselowski, 558.
60. .........................Jordan Spieth
61. ........................ Mark Hubbard
willing to rush to her defense. serious fans wanting to watch 6. Stephen Williams, Great Britain,Israel-Premier Tech,
10 pts.
Angel City .........................4 9 3 15 16 26 11. Alex Bowman, 553.
12. Ross Chastain, 529.
62. ....................... Seamus Power 655 $1,876,679
Houston ............................3 8 5 14 11 23 63. ................. Maverick McNealy 636 $2,016,021
Between the clashing camps, actual basketball and fewer 7. Carlos Rodriguez, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 10 pts. Seattle ..............................2 9 5 11 16 28 13. Chris Buescher, 521. 64. ....................... Emiliano Grillo 633 $1,952,469
8. Frank Van den Broek, Netherlands, Team DSM-Fir- 14. Joey Logano, 484.
she was simultaneously called rubberneckers rooting for a car menich PostNL, 9 pts.
Utah ..................................2 11 3 9 8 28
15. Bubba Wallace, 476.
65. .........................Brendon Todd
66. ............................. Davis Riley
“classless” and “authentic.” An crash, reese’s reputation as a 9. Ion Izagirre, Spain, Cofidis, 8 pts. satUrDaY’s resUlts 16. Chase Briscoe, 433. 67. ................................ Luke List 601 $2,444,305
10. Juan Ayuso, Spain, UAE Team Emirates, 8 pts. 17. Kyle Busch, 423. 68. ...........................Lucas Glover 596 $1,765,831
enemy but also a cultural hero. player can grow, too. Washington 3, at Bay FC 0
18. Daniel Suárez, 410. 69. .............................Lee Hodges 588 $1,768,538
YOUtH-U26 (wHIte JerseY) at Chicago 1, Houston 0
Because the viewing public Possibly into the rookie of the 1. Remco Evenepoel, Belgium, Soudal Quick-Step/Bel, Orlando 2, at Kansas City 1
19. Todd Gilliland, 400.
20. Austin Cindric, 389.
70. ......................... Adam Schenk 578 $1,789,247
71. ............................ Adam Scott 576 $1,676,806
needs easily digestible year. 40:03:21S. Gotham FC 2, at Angel City 1 21. Josh Berry, 369. 72. ........................... Victor Perez 568 $1,718,802
2. Juan Ayuso, Spain, UAE Team Emirates, 1:43s behind. 22. Michael McDowell, 365.
narratives, during the year or so Clark has made history, too, 3. Carlos Rodriguez, Spain, Ineos Grenadiers, 1:58s. sUNDaY’s resUlts 23. Carson Hocevar, 363.
73. .....................Andrew Putnam
74. ........................ Keith Mitchell
in which reese has blossomed becoming the first WNBA rookie 4. Matteo Jorgenson, United States, Team Visma, 3:30s.
5. Santiago Buitrago, Bahrain Victorious, 5:20s.
at North Carolina 3, Louisville 1
Utah 1, at Seattle 1
24. Noah Gragson, 353. 75. .................... Nicolai Hojgaard 511 $1,656,266
25. Ricky Stenhouse Jr, 339. 76. ............................ Justin Rose 506 $1,439,683
into a household name, she has to post a triple-double. And with 6. Ben Healy, Israel, EF Education-EasyPost, 6:42s. 26. Ryan Preece, 311. 77. ..................... Adam Svensson 505 $1,520,975
7. Javier Romo, Spain, Movistar Team, 11:06s. frIDaY, aUg. 23
been pitted against Clark as the the fever recovering from a 8. Ilan Van Wilder, Soudal Quick-Step, 16:06s. Orlando at Houston, 8
27. Daniel Hemric, 297.
28. Erik Jones, 290.
78. ............................. Ben Kohles 491 $1,586,015
79. ......................... Brice Garnett 481 $1,246,838
antihero. for all of its flaws and sluggish start to the season, 9. Tom Pidcock, Great Britain, Ineos Grenadiers, 17:03s. Bay FC at Utah, 9:30 29. Justin Haley, 287. 80. ....................... Andrew Novak 478 $1,429,240
10. Maxim Van Gils, Belgium,Lotto DSTNY/Bel, 20:54s. 30. John H. Nemechek, 284.
divisions, this story arc has Clark — along with all-stars satUrDaY, aUg. 24 31. Corey LaJoie, 283.
81. ....................... Kurt Kitayama
82. ..........................Beau Hossler
grown the game. Kelsey mitchell and Aliyah Portland at Gotham FC, 2 32. Austin Dillon, 256.
33. Harrison Burton, 231.
83. ................................. Kevin Yu 466 $1,596,211
Angel City at San Diego, 4 84. .................................. C.T. Pan 455 $1,469,714
When the Sky faces the fever, Boston — has helped Indiana TR A nSA CTiOnS Chicago at Louisville, 7:30 34. Zane Smith, 220. 85. ....................Charley Hoffman 442 $1,347,616
the league’s television partners leap up the standings. She has 35. Kaz Grala, 166.
36. Joey Hand, 43.
86. ........................Sami Valimaki
87. ............................. Doug Ghim
enjoy a ratings bonanza. The first done little to remove herself as mlb 37. Jimmie Johnson, 35. 88. .......................... Justin Lower 415 $1,168,178
meeting June 1 — long sigh — the front-runner. However, reese boston red sox: Recalled IF/OF Jamie Westbrook from Copa América 38. Derek Kraus, 32. 89. ........................ Tyrrell Hatton 413 $1,191,868
39. David Ragan, 17. 90. ....................... Chris Gotterup 410 $1,033,561
Worcester (IL). Selected the contract of RHP Trey sUNDaY, JUNe 30
when the Sky’s Chennedy Carter has entered the debate and Wingenter from Rochester. Optioned IF/OF Enmanuel
Mexico 0, Ecuador 0
40. Cody Ware, 17.
41. Kamui Kobayashi, 8.
91. ..........................Sam Stevens 410 $1,165,320
92. ....................Chandler Phillips 410 $1,233,697
committed a flagrant foul on should be considered Clark’s Valdez to Worcester. Designated RHP Naoyuki Uwasa-
wa for assignment.
Jamaica 0, Venezuela 3 42. Will Brown, 6. 93. ............................ Nick Dunlap 401 $1,255,825
43. Cam Waters, 2.
Clark and reese popped off the biggest threat. Chicago white sox: Agreed to terms on a minor league mONDaY, JUlY 1
94. .......................... Nate Lashley
95. ................... Max Greyserman
contract with LHP Pat Maybach from the Billings
bench to applaud her teammate, And there it is again. Clark vs. Mustangs (Pioneer League) and assigned him to Kan-
United States 0, Uruguay 1
Panama 3, Bolivia 1
96. ......................... Rickie Fowler 368 $1,146,676
97. ........................Ryo Hisatsune 360 $951,189
created a hysteria of hot takes. A reese. While circumstances have napolis (CRL). nASCAR Xfinity Series 98. ................................Chan Kim 348 $1,016,986
minnesota twins: Sent RHPs Zack Weiss and Brock tUesDaY, JUlY 2
few weeks later, the rematch squeezed her into this limiting Stewart to St. Paul (IL) on rehab assignments. Brazil 1, Colombia 1 pOINts leaDers 99. .......................... David Skinns 345 $1,039,126
100. ......................Ben Silverman 344 $914,801
generated an average of role — which reese accepted for Oakland athletics: Placed LHP Hogan Harris on the
paternity list. Recalled RHP Michel Otanez from Las
Costa Rica 2, Paraguay 1 Through Monday.
101. .......................Carson Young 343 $1,033,366
1. Cole Custer, 657 (0).
2.25 million viewers. When the the good of the game, as well as Vegas (PCL). QUarterfINals 2. Justin Allgaier, 619 (1).
102. ............... Nicolas Echavarria
103. ............. Taylor Montgomery
tampa bay rays: Recalled RHP Manuel Rodriguez from tHUrsDaY, JUlY 4
teams met for a third time to grow her own popularity — Durham (IL). Argentina 1, Ecuador 1; Argentina 4-2 on penalty kicks
3. Chandler Smith, 618 (2).
4. Austin Hill, 597 (2).
104. .................Kyoung-Hoon Lee 323 $903,704
105. ........................ Joel Dahmen 316 $1,089,223
June 23, that game toppled the she should be something greater texas rangers: Sent RHPs Tyler Mahle to Frisco (TL) and
Austin Pruitt to Round Rock (PCL) on rehab assign- frIDaY's resUlt 5. Jesse Love, 548 (1). 106. .................. Seonghyeon Kim 310 $959,623
previous record and averaged than Clark’s foil. Barbies can ments. Venezuela 1, Canada 1; Canada 4-3 on penalty kicks
6. Riley Herbst, 523 (0).
7. AJ Allmendinger, 522 (0).
107. .............................. Ryan Fox
108. ...................... Mac Meissner
atlanta braves: Optioned RHP Bryce Elder to Gwinnett
2.3 million viewers, the most for snarl and wear makeup on the (IL). Reinstated RHP A.J. Smith-Shawver from the satUrDaY's resUlts 8. Sheldon Creed, 505 (0). 109. ......................... Michael Kim 304 $829,248
9. Parker Kligerman, 495 (0).
a WNBA game in 23 years. court, but reese no longer needs 15-day IL. Colombia 5, Panama 0
Uruguay 0, Brazil 0; Uruguay 4-2 on penalty kicks 10. Sam Mayer, 474 (2).
110. ......................... Chad Ramey 292 $857,303
Chicago Cubs: Reinstated RHP Mark Leiter from the
This is the playbook to get to accessorize her persona with 15-day IL. Optioned RHP Ethan Roberts to Iowa (IL).
11. Shane Van Gisbergen, 457 (3).
semIfINals 12. Sammy Smith, 455 (0).
eyeballs. Good vs. evil — even if the black hat. Cincinnati reds: Agreed to terms with LF Tony Kemp on
a minor league contract. Activated LF Austin Slater. tUesDaY’s resUlt 13. Ryan Sieg, 432 (0). LPGA Tour
Argentina 2, Canada 0 14. Brandon Jones, 388 (0).
Reinstated LHP Nick Lodolo from the 15-day IL. Op- 15. Anthony Alfredo, 370 (0). mONeY leaDers
tioned RHP Yosver Zulueta and SS Livan Soto to weDNesDaY’s matCH 16. Brennan Poole, 326 (0). Through Monday.
Louisville (IL). 17. Parker Retzlaff, 310 (0). trn money
Colorado rockies: Sent LHP Josh Rogers to the ACL Colombia vs. Uruguay, 8
18. Josh Williams, 289 (0). 1. ...............................Nelly Korda 11 $2,943,708
Rockies on a rehab assignment. tHIrD plaCe 19. Jeremy Clements, 260 (0). 2. .................................Yuka Saso 12 $2,648,812

Explore cuisines
los angeles Dodgers: Recalled RHP Michael Petersen satUrDaY’s matCH 20. Jeb Burton, 252 (0). 3. ................................. Amy Yang 13 $1,672,443
from Oklahoma City (PCL). Placed RHP Tyler Glasnow on 21. Leland Honeyman, 246 (0). 4. ........................ Hinako Shibuno 14 $1,643,177
Canada vs. Colombia-Uruguay, 8
the 15-day IL, retroactive to July 6. 22. Kyle Weatherman, 240 (0). 5. ................................ Ally Ewing 12 $1,620,710
philadelphia phillies: Reinstated DH Kyle Schwarber and CHampIONsHIp 23. Ryan Ellis, 237 (0). 6. ...........................Hannah Green 11 $1,438,448
1B Bryce Harper from the 10-day IL. Designated OF sUNDaY’s matCH 24. Kyle Sieg, 221 (0). 7. ......................................Lilia Vu 9 $1,261,303
David Dahl for assignment. Optioned IF Kody Clemens to IN mIamI garDeNs, fla. 25. Aric Almirola, 202 (1). 8. ............................. Ayaka Furue 16 $1,244,717
Lehigh Valley (IL). Argentina vs. Colombia-Uruguay, 8 26. Blaine Perkins, 192 (0). 9. ................................Maja Stark 12 $1,180,837
pittsburgh pirates: Reinstated RHP Quinn Priester from 27. Matt DiBenedetto, 184 (0). 10. ...........................Jin Young Ko 10 $1,116,535
the 15-day IL. Optioned OF Edward Olivares to Indian- 28. Hailie Deegan, 174 (0). 11. .....................Atthaya Thitikul 8 $1,109,289
apolis (IL). Assigned LHP Justin Bruihl outright to 29. Ryan Truex, 163 (1). 12. ............................. Andrea Lee 13 $1,009,288
Indianapolis after he cleared waivers. Sent RHP David 30. Carson Kvapil, 154 (0). 13. ............................ Ruoning Yin 14 $1,005,186
Search our database of tested Bednar and LHP Ryan Borucki to Altoona (EL) on rehab European Championship 31. Garrett Smithley, 143 (0). 14. .............Brooke M. Henderson 15 $964,773
assignments. 32. Josh Bilicki, 140 (0). 15. .............................Haeran Ryu 14 $934,730
st. louis Cardinals: Sent SS Tommy Edman to Spring- rOUND Of 16 33. Austin Green, 112 (0). 16. ..................... Lauren Coughlin 15 $741,726
recipes by ingredient or name. field (TL) on a rehab assignment.
san francisco giants: Sent LHP Robbie Ray to San Jose
satUrDaY, JUNe 29
Switzerland 2, Italy 0
34. Dawson Cram, 106 (0). 17. ..................................Lydia Ko 12 $702,234
35. Patrick Emerling, 82 (0). 18. ..................... Gabriela Ruffels 13 $680,051
(PCL) on a rehab assignment. Reinstated IFs Wilmer Germany 2, Denmark 0 Flores and Thairo Estrada from the 10-day IL and LHP
36. Joey Gase, 74 (0).
37. BJ McLeod, 69 (0).
19. .............................Rose Zhang
20. ...............................Jin Hee Im
Blake Snell from his rehab assignment and the 15-day IL. sUNDaY, JUNe 30
38. David Starr, 66 (0). 21. ...............Madelene Sagstrom 13 $646,951
Designated IF Nick Ahmed for assignment. Optioned England 2, Slovakia 1 (OT) 39. JJ Yeley, 61 (0). 22. ..................... Jennifer Kupcho 15 $639,300
LHP Kolton Ingram to Sacramento (PCL). Spain 4, Georgia 1 40. Ed Jones, 57 (0). 23. .............................. Minjee Lee 11 $600,693
Nba mONDaY, JUlY 1 41. Sage Karam, 49 (0). 24. ...................................Xiyu Lin 14 $589,256
42. Alex Labbe, 46 (0). 25. ....................... Lexi Thompson 10 $586,396
atlanta Hawks: Signed G/F Seth Lundy to a two-way France 1, Belgium 0
43. Nick Leitz, 41 (0). 26. ...................... Carlota Ciganda 13 $582,290
contract. Portugal 0, Slovenia 0; Portugal 3-0 on penalty kicks
44. Jordan Anderson, 40 (0). 27. .....................Sarah Schmelzel 15 $575,007
brooklyn Nets: Re-signed F Trendon Watford to a 45. Logan Bearden, 36 (0). 28. .................. Patty Tavatanakit 10 $554,606
contract. tUesDaY, JUlY 2
Netherlands 3, Romania 0 46. Brad Perez, 32 (0). 29. ..........................Mi Hyang Lee 14 $550,152
Denver Nuggets: Signed F DaRon Holmes II to a rookie 47. Bubba Pollard, 31 (0). 30. ............................Charley Hull 10 $546,739
contract. Turkey 2, Austria 1
48. Caesar Bacarella, 30 (0). 31. ...............................Mao Saigo 13 $536,937
Detroit pistons: Claimed F Paul Reed off waivers. QUarterfINals 49. Natalie Decker, 27 (0). 32. ..................... Arpichaya Yubol 12 $536,825
los angeles Clippers: Signed G Nicolas Batum and F
Derrick Jones Jr. Re-signed G James Harden to a
frIDaY's resUlts 50. Justin Bonsignore, 25 (0). 33. ........................ Sei Young Kim 12 $519,162
Spain 2, Germany 1 (OT) 51. Patrick Gallagher, 25 (0). 34. .................... Esther Henseleit 14 $509,067
contract. 52. Myatt Snider, 18 (0). 35. .........................Celine Boutier 14 $508,937
milwaukee bucks: Signed G Stanley Umude to a two- Portugal 0, France 0; France 5-3 on penalty kicks
53. Preston Pardus, 18 (0). 36. ................................. Narin An 14 $506,001
way contract. satUrDaY's resUlts 54. Dexter Bean, 17 (0). 37. ................. Wichanee Meechai 10 $503,946
minnesota timberwolves: Signed C Jesse Edwards to a 55. Nathan Byrd, 17 (0). 38. ........................... Hyo Joo Kim 10 $501,014
England 1, Switzerland 1; England 5-3 on penalty kicks
two-way contract and re-signed G Jordan McLaughlin. 56. Daniil Kvyat, 16 (0). 39. ...............................Linn Grant 13 $497,038
Netherlands 2, Turkey 1
New Orleans pelicans: Signed F Daniel Theis. 57. Andre Castro, 16 (0). 40. ...............................A Lim Kim 13 $483,866
sacramento Kings: Re-signed C Alex Len to a contract semIfINals 58. Chad Finchum, 15 (0). 41. .........................Nasa Hataoka 14 $482,822
and G Devin Carter to a rookie contract. Signed G Jordan tUesDaY’s resUlt 59. Frankie Muniz, 11 (0). 42. ..................... Lauren Hartlage 10 $459,418
McLaughlin. Spain 2, France 1 60. Glen Reen, 10 (0). 43. ........................... Hye-Jin Choi 15 $439,110
toronto raptors: Signed C Ulrich Chomche to a two-way 61. RC Enerson, 9 (0). 44. ....................... Leona Maguire 13 $434,744
contract. weDNesDaY’s matCH 62. Boris Said, 9 (0). 45. ......................... Megan Khang 12 $426,163
NHl Netherlands vs. England, 3 63. CJ McLaughlin, 6 (0). 46. ............................... Grace Kim 14 $420,324
64. Armani Williams, 4 (0). 47. ..........Nanna Koerstz Madsen 15 $396,925
florida panthers: Agreed to terms with D Adam Boqvist fINal 65. Thomas Annunziata, 3 (0). 48. ........................ Allisen Corpuz 13 $395,125
on a one-year contract. sUNDaY’s matCH 66. Ryan Vargas, 2 (0). 49. ............................. Gaby Lopez 13 $380,040
minnesota wild: Signed D Declan Chisholm to a one-year IN berlIN
S0115-2x4 contract. Spain vs. Netherlands-England, 3
67. Akinori Ogata, 1 (0). 50. ..............................Jenny Shin 12 $366,165


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Gebhardt & Smith LLP
Martin Law Group Pardo & Drazin, LLC
Lutheran Mission Society of MD
Compassion Place ministries PRINCE WILLIAM, VA 22192 One South Street, Suite 2200 8065 Leesburg Pike Suite 750 Russell S. Drazin, Attorney
help local families with food, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Vienna, VA 22182 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible.
MVA licensed #W1044. Public hearing SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF 703.834.5550 Washington, DC 20015
410-228-8437 JULY 17, 2024
7:00 PM
815 1. Public Facilities Review #PFR2024-00011, Daves Store Substa- Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE
Legal Notices tion: This is a request to allow an electrical substation. The property is of Trust, Assignment of Leases and Rents, Security Agreement and
Fixture Filing dated January 31, 2020 from Girard House Cooperative, 2404 WISCONSIN AVENUE, N.W. OF REAL PROPERTY
located at 13714 Daves Store Lane, located off Daves Store Lane in the
All medical records retained by southwest quadrant of Route 66 and Route 29. The ±10.80-acre prop- LCA (the “Grantor”) to the trustees named therein (the “Original Trust-
ees”) for the benefit of United Bank (the “Prior Lender”) and recorded
WASHINGTON, DC 20007 4821 Georgia Avenue, NW
Laura Primakoff, Ph.D will be erty is located at 13714 Daves Store Lane, in the southwest quadrant
destroyed after September 3, of Route 66 and Route 29 and is identified on County maps as GPIN on February 3, 2020 among the DC Recorder of Deeds (“Recorder of Washington, DC 20011
2024. Clients can obtain their 7397-75-7977. The site is designated I-4, Industrial with a T-4 Transect Deeds”) at Document Number 2020013350, as supplemented by the CURRENTLY USED AS A RESTAURANT Lot 0193 in Square 3011
records or have them trans- in the Comprehensive Plan. The site is zoned A-1, Agricultural and is First Supplement to Deed of Trust, Assignment of Leases and Rents,
ferred by contacting Dr.Pri- located within the Lee Highway (Route 29) Highway Corridor Overlay, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing dated April 13, 2023, by and
makoff at drprimakoff@gmail. Airport Safety Overlay, and Agritourism and Arts Overlay Districts and between the Grantor and the Original Trustee named therein for the (Square 1300, Lot 0333) Under a power of sale contained in that certain Deed of
com, calling 301-299-6888, or the Gainesville 66/29 Activity Center. Gainesville Magisterial District benefit of the Prior Lender and recorded with the Recorder of Deeds
coming to Davis Library, 6400 on April 14, 2023 at Document Number 2023031002 (collectively, the Trust, Assignment of Leases and Security Agreement (“Deed
Democracy Blvd., Bethesda on 2. Special Use Permit #SUP2024-00027, Daves Store Substation: “Deed of Trust”), and the Prior Lender having subsequently assigned In execution of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust and Security Agreement of Trust”) dated September 21, 2022 and recorded on
the Deed of Trust to 744 WDC LLC (the “Noteholder”) pursuant to an
September 3 between 10am
and 12noon.
This is a request for a special use permit to allow an electrical substa-
tion. The ±10.80-acre property is located at 13714 Daves Store Lane, Assignment of Deed of Trust, Assignment of Leases and Rents, Secu- dated as of September 30, 2021 and recorded on November 1, 2021 as Instrument No. September 22, 2022 as Instrument No. 2022097338, from
in the southwest quadrant of Route 66 and Route 29 and is identi- rity Agreement and Fixture Filing dated February 28, 2024, executed 2021144471 with the District of Columbia Recorder of Deeds (the “Recorder”) in the FAITH ASSEMBLY OF CHRIST INC., as grantor, to GEORGE
by the Prior Lender and recorded among with the Recorder of Deeds
fied on County maps as GPIN 7397-75-7977. The site is designated
I-4, Industrial with a T-4 Transect in the Comprehensive Plan. The site at Document Number 2024024334, and the Noteholder having sub- original principal amount of $2,300,000.00 (the “Deed of Trust”), which Deed of Trust LEROY MORAN (“Original Trustee”), as trustee, for the
THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA zoned A-1, Agricultural and is located within the Lee Highway (Route sequently appointed Michael G. Gallerizzo and Richard A. DuBose, III, also constitutes a security agreement and creates a security interest in all fixtures and benefit of ML CAPITAL INVESTMENTS LLC, as beneficiary, as
as Substitute Trustees (the “Substitute Trustees”) in the place of the
29) Highway Corridor Overlay, Airport Safety Overlay, and Agritourism
and Arts Overlay Districts and the Gainesville 66/29 Activity Center. Original Trustees under the Deed of Trust by a Deed of Appointment personal property described in the Deed of Trust, a default having occurred in the payment amended and increased by that certain Modification to Deed
PNC Bank, National
Association Gainesville Magisterial District of Substitute Trustees recorded on March 28, 2024 with the Recorder of the indebtedness secured thereby and the covenants contained therein, and at the of Trust dated June 27, 2023 and recorded on June 28, 2023
of Deeds at Document Number 2024028651, default having occurred
3. Comprehensive Plan Amendment #CPA2024-00001: Alarosa, under the terms of the Deed of Trust and at the request of the Note- request of the party secured thereby (the “Noteholder”), and following mailing of a Notice as Instrument No. 2023054266, securing that certain Deed
v. LLC: This is a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan long range holder, and pursuant to a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or of Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or Condominium Unit which was recorded on June 13, of Trust Note dated September 21, 2022 in the principal
Condominium Unit filed on or about May 13, 2024 with the Recorder of
land use designation from MU-2, Mixed Use Village with a TC-1C Tran-
sect to County Registered Historic Site (CRHS) for the ±10.12-acre Deeds in accordance with DC Code § 42-815 and the applicable laws 2024 as Instrument No. 2024054878 and Affidavit of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure, amount of $1,400,000.00 as amended and increased by that
Lois F Keys
Defendant subject site is located at 12625 Fitzwater Drive, approximately 800 of the District of Columbia, the Substitute Trustees will offer for sale which was recorded with the Recorder on June 4, 2024 as Instrument No. 2024052193, and certain Allonge to Note dated June 27, 2023 increasing the
to the highest qualified bidder at a public auction to be held at the
feet west of Aden Road and identified on County maps as GPIN 7493-
77-4019. The site is zoned A-1, Agricultural; and is located within the offices of Greysteel Company LLC, 7735 Old Georgetown Road, Suite the recordation of a Deed of Appointment of Substitute Trustee (Trustee) with the Recorder principal amount by $310,000.00 to $1,710,000.00, default
Case No. 2023-CAB-005554
Domestic Fowl Overlay District and Nokesville Village Land Use Spe- 850, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, on: as Instrument No. 2024052192, the undersigned Trustee will sell, at public auction, within having occurred under the terms thereof, and following
By Oral Ruling Granting Plaintiff’s cial Planning Area. (Concurrently processed with Special Use Permit
#SUP2024-00011: Alarosa, LLC.) Brentsville Magisterial District Monday, July 22, 2024 At 1:00 p.m. the office of ALEX COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC., 4910 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W., SUITE the mailing and recordation of a Deed of Appointment of
Motion for Service of Process by
Publication entered in the above 100, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20016 on July 17, 2024 at 1:00 PM that certain land and premises Substitute Trustee removing Original Trustee as trustee
ALL THAT piece, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the
referenced case on January 13, 4. Special Use Permit Amendment #SUP2024-00011, Alarosa,
LLC: This is a request to amend conditions associated with SUP2016- District of Columbia, together with any buildings, structures, improve- commonly described as 2404 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007, which has under the Deed of Trust and appointing RUSSELL S. DRAZIN
2017 the Plaintiff, by undersigned
counsel, hereby inform interest- 00013 to allow a private school, religious institution, and catering. ments and appurtenances thereon, more particularly described as the following legal description as set forth in the Deed of Trust: (“Substitute Trustee”) as successor trustee under the
follows (the “Property”):
ed parties as follows: The ±10.12-acre subject site is located at 12625 Fitzwater Drive, ap-
proximately 800 feet west of Aden Road, and identified on County
Deed of Trust, an Affidavit of Non-Residential Mortgage
“There is now pending before maps as GPIN 7493-77-4019. The site zoned A-1, Agricultural. The Lots 22 and 23 in Block 3 in Todd & Brown’s subdivision of parts of the Lot 333 in Square 1300 in a subdivision made by Elie Fabre, as per plat recorded in Liber No. Foreclosure, and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real
the District of Columbia Superior site is currently designated MU-2, Mixed Use with a T-1C Transect
in the Comprehensive Plan and is located within the Domestic Fowl
tracts of land known as “Mount Pleasant,” and “Pleasant Plains,” as
per plat recorded in Liber Levy Court No. 2 folio 24 of the Records of
39 at folio 48 in the Office of The Surveyor for the District of Columbia. Property or Condominium Unit, at the request of the current
Court a civil action, case num-
ber 2023-CAB-005554 seeking Overlay District and Nokesville Village Land Use Special Planning Area. the Office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia, except the parts noteholder, Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction at
to affect title to the property (Concurrently processed with Comprehensive Plan Amendment
#CPA2024-00001: Alarosa, LLC.) Brentsville Magisterial District
thereof condemned and taken for alley purposes by proceedings in
District Court Cause No. 1008 in the District Court of the United State
FIXTURES the office of Harvey West Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin
now or formerly owned by the
Defendant Lois F. Keys, locat- for the District of Columbia. Pursuant to the Deed of Trust and the UCC Financing Statements recorded in Land Records Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015, on
ed at 1428 Florida Ave., NW, 5. Public Facilities Review, PFR2024-00010, NTT VA10 Substa-
tions: This is a request for a Public Facilities Review to obtain approv- NOTE: At the date hereof the above described land is designated on
as Instrument Nos. 202114473 and 202114474, the Beneficiary holds a security interest and
Washington, DC 20009. A copy
of the action is available in the al for two electrical substations on the property that will be conveyed the Records of the Assessor of the District of Columbia for taxation lien on all of the tangible and intangible assets of Borrower and will sell at public auction on JULY 16, 2024 AT 2:15 PM
Clerk’s office of the Court. A writ- to and constructed by Dominion Virginia Electric. This subject site is
located at 14300 John Marshall Hwy, 13716 Daves Store Lane, and
purposes as Lot 878 in Square 2885. the same date and at the same time and place, ALL OF THE FIXTURES of Borrower located on
ten answer, including any claims
or defenses, must be filed with 14000 Daves Store Lane, on the north side of Daves Store Lane from For informational purposes – Property Address: 744 Girard Street NW, or about the Real Estate that is subject to the security interest and lien of Beneficiary and ALL THAT LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS
the District of Columbia Superior the intersection with Route 55 (James Madison Highway) continuing
approximately 2,235 feet to the terminus of Daves Store Lane. The
Washington, DC 20001. not owned by any third party. THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington,
Court Civil Branch, 500 Indiana
Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. ±12.72-acre subject site is identified on County Maps as GPIN 7397- The Property is believed to be improved by a three story multi-family District of Columbia, known as 4821 Georgia Avenue, NW,
20001, on or before the 12th day 75-3515, 7397-55-9794 (pt.), and 7397-74-0187 (pt.). The site is des-
ignated I-4, Industrial Heavy in the Comprehensive Plan and zoned
building containing approximately 36,640 square feet (“Building”). The
Building is believed to contain 36 units, consisting of 31 one-bedroom
TOGETHER WITH any and all buildings, structures, improvements or appurtenances Washington, DC 20011 (Lot 0193 in Square 3011), and more
of September 2024.”,
A-1, Agricultural and B-1, General Business. The site is located within units and 5 two-bedroom units (each a “Unit”). Each Unit is believed to now erected on the above-described land, including, without limitation, all equipment, fully described in the Deed of Trust.
Samuel I White PC the Lee Highway (Route 29) Highway Corridor Overlay and the Airport contain a kitchen that includes a refrigerator, four burner gas range,
stainless steel sink and wood cabinets. Each Unit is also believed to
apparatus, machinery and fixtures of any kind or character forming a part of said buildings,
Safety Overlay Districts. Gainesville Magisterial District
6100 Executive Blvd, Suite 400
Rockville MD 20852 contain one bathroom that includes a tub with a shower, a wall mount- structures, improvements or appurtenances, and any furniture, furnishings, equipment, The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no
Attorney for Plaintiff 6. Special Use Permit #SUP2024-00023, NTT VA10 Substations: ed sink, a toilet, ceramic floor tile and wainscoting. Heat for the Building
and each Unit is believed to be provided by a central gas fired boiler to
machinery and other personal property owned and located in, upon or about the above- warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions,
This is a request to allow two electrical substations that will serve the
85164 previously approved data center and be conveyed to and constructed cast iron radiators. Cooling for the Building and each Unit is believed to described land and any buildings thereon all as more particularly described in the aforesaid agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting
by Dominion Virginia Electric. This subject site is located at 14300 be provided by window units. The Building is also believed to include
a laundry and trash room located in the lower level. Garage parking is
Deed of Trust (the “Property”). Pursuant to Section 28:9-604 of the D.C. Code, the Trustee the same – except those encumbrances of record that are
John Marshall Hwy, 13716 Daves Store Lane, and 14000 Daves Store
On July 8, 2024, NOAA Fisheries Lane, on the north side of Daves Store Lane from the intersection with believed to be provided for seven vehicles. is proceeding against both the real property and the personal property described in the extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by
published proposed inciden- Route 55 (James Madison Highway) continuing approximately 2,235
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit (the “Deposit”) in the amount of One Hun-
Deed of Trust. virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust.
tal take regulations for public feet to the terminus of Daves Store Lane. The ±12.72-acre subject site
comment in the Federal Regis- is identified on County Maps as GPIN 7397-75-3515, 7397-55-9794 dred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), payable by certified or cashier’s
ter (open until August 7, 2024), (pt.), and 7397-74-0187 (pt.). The site is designated I-4, Industrial check, will be required of the successful bidder (the “Purchaser”) at
the time and place of sale. Within three (3) business days after the
TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. The bid which yields the highest price for the Property will Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes,
Heavy in the Comprehensive Plan and zoned A-1, Agricultural and B-1,
pursuant to the Marine Mammal
Protection Act. The proposed General Business. The site is located within the Lee Highway (Route date of the sale, the Purchaser of the Property shall deliver a certified be accepted by the Trustee (unless the sale is postponed or cancelled) and all bids will water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if
IHA would authorize the “take” 29) Highway Corridor Overlay and the Airport Safety Overlay Districts. or cashier’s check to the Substitute Trustees to increase the deposit
to an amount that is equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid price (the
be provisional until acceptance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Trustee absolutely any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the
Gainesville Magisterial District
of marine mammals incidental
to a marine geophysical survey “Additional Deposit”). The balance of the purchase price, together with reserves the right to postpone the sale and/or cancel the sale at any time until the auctioneer property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall
of the Chain Transform Fault in 7. Proffer Amendment #REZ2024-00001, Manassas Point PRA: (i) interest thereon at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from the
date of sale to the date of settlement, and (ii) a buyer’s premium equal
announces that the Property is “sold” and the deposit in the required amount and form is be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
To amend the proffers associated with #REZ1986-0037, #PLN2003-
the equatorial Atlantic Ocean.
You can find information related 00020, and #PLN2008-00001 for the purposes of developing data to 4% of the bid price, shall be due from the Purchaser by wire transfer received by the Trustee. A deposit in the amount of $75,000.00 will be required at the time property.
to this action at https://www. center uses as a consolidated campus, and to increase building height or certified check within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of sale,
unless such closing deadline is extended in writing by the Substitute
of sale. Such deposit must be by cashier’s check or certified check or in such other form as
of up to 78 feet (excluding rooftop mechanical equipment that may
dental-take-authorization-lam- be up to 15 feet in height) and a floor area ratio (FAR) of up to 1.0 for Trustees. Time is of the essence. If settlement is delayed for any reason, the Trustee may determine in his sole discretion. The deposit must be increased to 10% of TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sales price by
ont-doherty-earth-observato- data center uses. The ±39.93-acre property area is located west of there shall be no abatement of interest on the unpaid purchase price. the winning bid amount and delivered to the Trustee within two (2) business day after the cashier’s check will be required of purchaser at the time and
Bethlehem Rd., ±0.70 mile north of the intersection with Sudley Manor Settlement shall be held at such place as may be agreed to by the
Dr., and on the north side of the railroad tracks. The ±39.93-acre site Substitute Trustees. In the event the Noteholder, or an affiliate or sub- consummation of the sale in the same form of funds as the initial deposit. Failure to timely place of sale. Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days
830 is identified on County maps as GPINs 7596-79-3589, 7596-89- 0058, sidiary thereof, is the successful bidder at the sale, such party will not tender the deposit or increased deposit shall constitute a material default by the purchaser. of sale. TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO
Special Notices and 7597-70-9703; and is currently addressed as 7816, 7820, and 8122
Bethlehem Rd. The site is designated I-3, Technology/Flex Industrial,
be required to make the Deposit or Additional Deposit, to pay interest
on the unpaid purchase money or to pay the buyer’s premium. The The Noteholder (or any related party) shall be exempted by the Trustee from submitting any SETTLEMENT BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price
Public Notice with a T-3 Transect that recommends a range of 0.23 to 0.57 floor area Substitute Trustees reserve the right to withdraw the Property from bidding deposit. The Trustee will, as a condition of the sale, require all potential bidders to be paid in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest
sale, to reject any and all bids at the sale, and to extend the time for
All medical records retained by ratio (FAR), and OMU-2, Office Mixed Use (Low-Rise), with a T-2 Tran-
sect that recommends up to 0.23 FAR. The site is also located within settlement, at their discretion. except the Noteholder (or any related party) to show their deposit before any bidding begins. to be paid on the unpaid purchase money from the date of
Dana O’Brien, PhD, LLC will be
destroyed after September 5, the Bethlehem Road Activity Center special planning area of the Com- The retained deposit of the successful purchaser shall be applied, without interest, to sale to the date of settlement at the applicable interest
The Property is being sold in an “AS IS” condition and without any war-
2024. Clients can obtain their prehensive Plan. The site is currently zoned M-1, Heavy Industrial; and
is located within the Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District, ranties or representations of any kind, either express or implied, as to the successful purchaser’s credit at settlement, provided, however, that in the event the rate set forth in the debt instrument secured by the Deed
records or have them trans-
ferred by contacting Dr. O’Brien Airport Safety Overlay District, and Agritourism and Arts Overlay Dis- the value, nature, condition, use or description of the Property or the successful purchaser fails to consummate the purchase in accordance with the terms of of Trust. Purchaser shall be responsible for payment of all
improvements thereon. The Property is also being sold subject to: (a)
at, trict. Gainesville Magisterial
any existing building and zoning code violations; (b) any environmental sale as herein provided, such deposit, at the option of the Trustee, will be forfeited. The settlement costs.
calling 3014934320, or coming
to 11119 Rockville Pike, #200, 8. Proffer Amendment and Rezoning #REZ2024-00009, NVA05A problems and conditions, lead paint conditions, encroachments and/ terms of sale must be complied with and settlement consummated thereon within thirty
or violations which may exist on or with respect to the Property; (c)
Rockville, MD on Sept. 5 be- and NVA05B: A request to amend proffers associated REZ2017-
00016 and to rezone a portion of parcels from A-1, Agricultural to PBD, any senior liens, encumbrances, easements, conditions, restrictions, (30) days from day of sale unless extended at the sole discretion of the Trustee. TIME IS The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be
tween 9:00 and11:00 AM.
Planned Business District. The properties are located at the southeast agreements, declarations and covenants of record which are not ex- OF THE ESSENCE. The balance of the purchase price, over and above the retained deposit, required to post a deposit or to pay interest.
tinguished as a matter of law by the foreclosure sale; (d) any rights
corner of the intersection of Wellington Rd. and Freedom Center Blvd.
of redemption; and (e) such state of facts that an accurate survey or with interest thereon at the current interest rate contained in the Note from the date of sale
Prince Georges County The property addresses are 9101 & 9001 Freedom Center Blvd., 9006
& 8986 Ellsworth Rd. and 8826 Wellington Rd.; are identified on Coun- physical inspection of the Property might disclose, if any. The Purchas-
er is responsible for conducting its own due diligence regarding the
through the date of receipt of the balance of the purchase price, will be due at settlement In the event that purchaser does not settle as required
ty maps as GPIN(s) 7696-30-4783, 7696-41-1654, 7696-31-8770, 7696-
31-9766, and 7696-42-1302 on approximately ±37.4 acres; is zoned Property. in cash or certified funds; and if not so paid, the Trustee reserves the right to retain the for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such
PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, PBD, Planned Business District and A-1, Agricultural and is designated deposit and resell the Property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after such default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Substitute Trustee
All senior liens, real estate taxes, water charges and municipal charges
MARYLAND I-3, Industrial (Tech /Flex) in the Comprehensive Plan; and is located
within the Data Center Opportunity Overlay District, Technology Over- and assessments owed against the Property which are not extin- advertisement and on such terms as the Trustee may deem proper, and to avail himself and and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees
Brennan Ferguson, et al. lay District HO (Higher Education Office/R&D and EO, Employment guished as a matter of law by the foreclosure sale shall be the sole the Noteholder of any legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purchaser, including, and costs, and full commission on the gross sale price)
responsibility of the Purchaser and shall be paid for by the Purchaser
Substitute Trustees Center Office/R&D), Airport Safety Overlay District, Agritourism and
Arts Overlay District, and the Innovation Park Special Planning Area. at settlement. The cost of all documentary stamps, recordation taxes, without limitation, the recovery of all of Noteholder’s costs, expenses and reasonable shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
Brentsville Magisterial District. transfer taxes, document preparation costs, title examination costs attorneys’ fees to conduct both sales, plus any deficiency resulting from such subsequent deposit. Substitute Trustee may resell the property at the
9. Rezoning #REZ2023-00027, Bradley South: This is a request to
and other costs associated with conveying the Property to the Pur-
chaser shall also be the sole responsibility of the Purchaser and shall sale and the cost of collecting same. risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulting
WILBERSON DERISCA, rezone from A-1, Agricultural to PMR, Planned Mixed Residential to be paid for by the Purchaser at settlement. purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or
Defendant. allow for a residential development of 108 single-family townhomes.
The property is located at 10791 Dumfries Road, on the east side of The Purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of loss for
The Property is sold subject to the rights, if any, of any parties in possession, if such rights profits resulting from any resale of the property. Defaulting
Case No. C-16-CV-23-005674 Dumfries Rd, and ±115 ft northeast from the intersection of Dumfries the Property immediately after the sale takes place. It shall be the Pur- have priority over the Deed of Trust, and to any and all covenants, conditions, restrictions, purchaser shall be liable to Substitute Trustee for legal fees
Road and Godwin Drive. The subject site is identified on County maps
as GPIN 7794-87-1236 on approximately ±10.15 acres; is zoned A-1,
chaser’s responsibility to obtain possession of the Property after the
closing. The Purchaser shall not be entitled to receive any rent relating
easements, rights of way, and limitations of record. The Property will be sold “WHERE IS” and costs incurred by Substitute Trustee in connection with
Agricultural; and is designated RN-3, Residential Neighborhood, Tran- to the Property until the Purchaser pays the entire purchase price and and in “AS IS” condition without any warranty as to condition, express or implied, and such default.
Notice is hereby issued this 1 sect 3, in the Comprehensive Plan; and is located within the Highway
Corridor Overlay District, Airport Safety Overlay District, and Agritour-
closes on its purchase of the Property. without any representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the information furnished to
day of July, 2024 that the sale
of the property in this case, ism and Arts Overlay District, and within the Fairgrounds Special Plan- In the event the Purchaser fails to go to settlement and pay the entire prospective bidders by the Trustee or any other party and without any other representations If Substitute Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein,
1007 Montrose Avenue, Lau- ning Area. Coles Magisterial District. purchase price as required herein, or the Purchaser fails to make any
required Additional Deposit by the deadline stated herein, in addition
or warranty of any nature. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Property purchaser’s sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited
rel, Maryland 20707, reported
by Brennan Ferguson, John C. Copies of the above files can be viewed in the Planning Ofc. @ 5 to any other legal or equitable remedies available to the Substitute will be sold without representation or warranty as to (i) title to the Property, (ii) the nature, to a refund of the deposit and the sale shall be considered
Hanrahan, Jeremy B. Wilkins, County Complex Ct., Ste. 210, PW, VA. Copies of staff reports may be
requested after 7/05/24, or you can view reports @
Trustees and the Noteholder, the Substitute Trustees may declare the
aforementioned Deposit and any Additional Deposit forfeited by the
condition, structural integrity, or fitness for a particular use of any improvements, fixtures null and void and of no effect whatsoever.
Amanda Driscole, Robert Oli-
veri, and Paul Heinmuller, Sub- pc, or contact us @ (703) 792-7615 or email us @ planning@pwcgov. Purchaser and resell the Property at the Purchaser’s sole risk and ex- or personal property included within the Property, (iii) the environmental condition of the
stitute Trustees, be ratified and org. For the full list of items scheduled for this agenda visit www.
pense. In such event, the defaulting Purchaser shall be liable for the
payment of any deficiency in the purchase price sustained by the Sub-
Property or the compliance of the Property with federal, state and local laws and regulations Substitute Trustee reserves the right, in Substitute Trustee’s
confirmed, unless cause to the
contrary be shown on or before stitute Trustees and/or the Noteholder, all costs and expenses of both concerning the presence or disposal of hazardous substances, (iv) compliance of the sole discretion, to reject any and all bids, to withdraw the
the 1 day of August, 2024, pro- ACCESSIBILITY TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: The hearings are be-
ing held at a public facility believed to be accessible to persons with
sales, attorneys’ fees, and any other damages sustained by the Substi-
tute Trustees and/or the Noteholder, including, without limitation, all
Property with the Americans with Disabilities Act or any similar law, or (v) compliance of the property from sale at any time before or at the auction,
vided a copy of this Notice be
inserted in The Washington Post, disabilities. Any person with questions on the accessibility of the fa- incidental damages. In the event a resale of the Property results in a Property with any zoning laws or ordinances and any and all applicable safety codes, and to extend the time to receive bids, to waive or modify the
a newspaper published in Prince cility should contact the Planning Ofc. @ the above address & No., or sale in excess of the amount originally bid by the defaulting Purchaser,
the defaulting Purchaser waives any and all claims, rights and interest
acceptance of the Deed to the Property by the successful purchaser shall constitute a waiver deposit requirement, to waive or modify the requirement
TDD (703) 792-6295. Persons needing interpreter services for the deaf
George’s County, Maryland, once
in each of three (3) successive must notify the Clerk no later than 7/10/24. to any such excess amount and shall not be entitled to any distribution of any claims against the Trustee or the Noteholder concerning any of the foregoing matters. that interest be paid on the unpaid purchase money, and/or
weeks on or before the 1 day whatsoever from the resale proceeds or a return of any portion of the
Purchaser’s forfeited Deposit or Additional Deposit.
The successful purchaser recognizes that any investigation, examination or inspection of to extend the period of time for settlement.
of August, 2024. The report
states the amount of sale to be
the Property is within the control of the owner or other parties in possession of the Property
$326,000.00. If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey the Property as de-
scribed above, the Purchaser’s sole remedy at law or in equity shall be
and not within the control of the Trustee or the Noteholder. Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The
Mahasin El Amin limited to a refund of the aforementioned Deposit and any Additional successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to
Clerk Deposit, without interest thereon. Upon refund of the Deposit and any
Additional Deposit to the Purchaser as aforesaid, the sale shall be void
Conveyance shall be by Substitute Trustee’s Deed, without covenant or warranty, express or Substitute Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at
Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012465470 and of no force or effect, and the Purchaser shall have no further claim implied. The risk of loss or damage by fire or other casualty to the Property from and after the the conclusion of bidding.
against the Substitute Trustees, the Noteholder or the auctioneer con-
ducting the sale of the Property (“Auctioneer”).
date of sale will be upon the successful purchaser. Adjustment of all taxes, ground rents,
public charges, assessments, sewer, water, drainage and other public improvements will be Russell S. Drazin, Substitute Trustee
The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed
to be reliable but is offered for informational purposes only. The Sub-
made as of the date of sale and are to be assumed and paid thereafter by the successful
purchaser, whether assessments have been levied or not. The Noteholder and Trustee
Give the
stitute Trustees, the Noteholder and the Auctioneer do not make any
representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy of this in-
assume no liability for fuel, gas, electricity, utilities and other operating charges accrued
before or after the sale and all such charges shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser
from the date of sale. All costs incident to the settlement and conveyancing including,
gift of
The parties’ respective rights and obligations regarding the terms and
conduct of the sale shall be governed by the laws of the District of
Columbia. without limitation, examination of title, conveyancing, all recordation taxes and charges,
all transfer taxes and charges, title insurance premiums, notary fees, settlement fees and
Jul 2,4,8,10,12,15 2024 0012463873
being in-
Michael G. Gallerizzo and Richard A. DuBose, III,
Substitute Trustees all other costs incident to settlement shall be at the cost of the successful purchaser. If
the Trustee cannot convey title, the purchaser’s sole remedy is a return of deposit. Further
For further information, please contact:
particulars may be announced at the time of sale. For further information, please contact
Michael G. Gallerizzo, Substitute Trustee
Richard A. DuBose, III, Substitute Trustee John E. Reid, Esquire at 703-834-5550.
Gebhardt & Smith LLP
One South Street, Suite 2200
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Tel: (410) 385-5046
Jeffery T. Martin, Jr.
Gift subscriptions Auction Company: Substitute Trustee
Greysteel Company LLC Ari Firoozabadi
202-280-2724 Manage
your print
Jul 10,12,15,17,19 2024 0012464769

Jul 8,10,12,15,16 2024 0012465474


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Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County
WHITEFORD Pardo & Drazin, LLC Pardo & Drazin, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
1800 M STREET, NW SUITE 450N Russell S. Drazin, Attorney Russell S. Drazin, Attorney 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
WASHINGTON, DC 20036 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
202.659.6800 Washington, DC 20015 Washington, DC 20015 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
202-223-7900 202-223-7900
NW, Washington, DC 20037. Pursuant to the District of 3528 Park Place, NW 400 15th Street, NE
Columbia Condominium Act of 1976, as amended, the Washington, DC 20010 Washington, DC 20002 610 FIFTH STREET A/R/T/A 610 5TH STREET 926 KARLSON AVENUE
Condominium Declaration recorded February 4, 2009 as Lot 0118 in Square 3036 Lot 0090 in Square 1053 LAUREL, MD 20707 HYATTSVILLE, MD 20783
Instrument No. 2009010272, and the Bylaws relating
thereto recorded on February 4, 2009 as Instrument No. Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
2009010273 among the Land Records of the District (“Deed of Trust”) dated September 14, 2023 and recorded (“Deed of Trust”) dated March 22, 2023 and recorded on dated September 24, 2007, recorded in Liber 29316, Folio dated October 24, 2008, recorded in Liber 30124, Folio 471
of Columbia, and any recorded amendments thereto as on September 25, 2023 as Instrument No. 2023082513 from June 28, 2023 as Instrument No. 2023054274 from 1452 173 among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD,
of the date hereof, and pursuant to D.C. Code Section PARK PLACE PARCEL LLC, as grantor, to RUSSELL S. DRAZIN D ST NE LLC, as grantor, to RUSSELL S. DRAZIN (“Trustee”), MD, with an original principal balance of $284,000.00, with an original principal balance of $420,000.00, default
42-1903.13,establishing that the Executive Officer shall be (“Trustee”), as trustee, for the benefit of WCP FUND I LLC, as as trustee, for the benefit of WCP FUND I LLC, as beneficiary, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
the Trustee to conduct the foreclosure sale, notice was filed beneficiary, securing that certain Commercial Deed of Trust securing that certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note dated Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
on June 10, 2024. The Trustee shall sell at public auction on Note dated September 14, 2023 in the principal amount of March 22, 2023 in the principal amount of $882,000.00 Prince George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 11:50 A.M., at the office of ALEX $975,000.00 made by PARK PLACE PARCEL LLC, as maker, made by 1452 D ST NE LLC, as maker, payable to the order MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC., 4910 Massachusetts Avenue, payable to the order of WCP FUND I LLC, as payee, default of WCP FUND I LLC, as payee, default having occurred under
NW, #100, Washington, DC 20016, the following described having occurred under the terms thereof, and following the the terms thereof, and following the mailing and recordation JULY 30, 2024 AT 10:52 AM JULY 30, 2024 AT 10:50 AM
premises situated in the District of Columbia: mailing and recordation of an Affidavit of Non-Residential of an Affidavit of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure
Mortgage Foreclosure and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of and a Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
UNIT 1A IN THE CONDOMINIUM KNOWN AS “2501 Real Property or Condominium Unit, at the request of the Condominium Unit, at the request of the current noteholder, buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE CONDOMINIUM”, ACCORDING TO current noteholder, Trustee will sell at public auction at Trustee will sell at public auction at the office of Harvey West George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the
THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM DATED JANUARY 27, the office of Harvey West Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440, aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust.
2009 AND RECORDED FEBRUARY 4, 2009 AS INSTRUMENT Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015, on Washington, DC 20015, on The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
NO. 10272 AND THE BYLAWS RELATING THERETO DATED an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
JANUARY 27, 2009 AND RECORDED FEBRUARY 4, 2009 JULY 16, 2024 AT 2:10 PM JULY 16, 2024 AT 2:00 PM and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
AS INSTRUMENT NO. 10273 AMONG THE LAND RECORDS with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION RECORDED APRIL 14, 2010 THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District Terms of Sale: A deposit of $30,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $17,000 in the form of certified
AS INSTRUMENT NO. 201031709 AND BY FIRST AMENDMENT of Columbia, known as 3528 Park Place, NW, Washington, of Columbia, known as 400 15th Street, NE, Washington, DC check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
TO BYLAWS RECORDED APRIL 14, 2010 AS INSTRUMENT NO. DC 20010 (Lot 0118 in Square 3036), and more fully 20002 (Lot 0090 in Square 1053), and more fully described purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
201031710, AND ANY RECORDED AMENDMENTS THERETO described in the Deed of Trust. in the Deed of Trust. price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
AS OF THE DATE HEREOF, AND AS PER PLAT RECORDED at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
IN THE OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR FOR THE DISTRICT OF The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
COLUMBIA IN CONDOMINIUM BOOK 70 AT PAGE 6. warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED PERCENTAGE SHARE the same – except those encumbrances of record that are the same – except those encumbrances of record that are Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS OF SAID “2501 extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law by purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE CONDOMINIUM” AS SET FORTH IN virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
SAID DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes, Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes, taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
SAID CONDOMINIUM PROJECT IS SITUATE ON LOT 73 IN water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
SQUARE 14 IN THE SUBDIVISION MADE BY CHATHAM LAKE any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
ASSOCIATES, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN LIBER 185 AT property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
FOLIO 21 IN THE OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR OF THE DISTRICT be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
OF COLUMBIA. property. property. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
SAID PROPERTY BEING NOW KNOWN FOR ASSESSMENT AND TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $40,000.00 by cashier’s check TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $50,000.00 by cashier’s check The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
TAXATION PURPOSES AS LOT NUMBERED 2232 IN SQUARE will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale. will be required of purchaser at the time and place of sale. ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
NUMBERED 14. Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO SETTLEMENT SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO SETTLEMENT by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
TERMS OF SALE: Sold subject to real estate taxes, and BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
subject to other superior liens, encumbrances and municipal in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
assessments, if any. The Association is foreclosing on on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
both its six-month priority lien and the balance of the date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
Association’s statutory lien against the Property. Other oral the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser the debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
information regarding 1100 25th Street, NW, Unit 1A may be shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. shall be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
disclosed at the time of the sale. A deposit of $10,000.00 off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be required at time of sale and such deposit shall The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
be a certified check, cashier’s check, or in such other form required to post a deposit or to pay interest. required to post a deposit or to pay interest. in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
as the Association, in its sole discretion, requires. All interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
conveyancing, recording, recordation tax, transfer tax etc. In the event that purchaser does not settle as required In the event that purchaser does not settle as required ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
shall be at the purchaser’s sole expense. for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustee and default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Trustee and Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
The balance of the purchase price, together with interest all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
at the rate of 10% per annum from date of sale to date of costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
receipt of the balance of the purchase price, must be paid, be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit. papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
and all other terms shall be complied with within 30 days. Trustee may resell the property at the risk and expense of the Trustee may resell the property at the risk and expense of the days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
Otherwise, the deposit is forfeited and the property may be defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
re-advertised and resold at the discretion of the Trustee entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any entitled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
and at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. The resale of the property. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable resale of the property. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
Trustee shall convey a deed pursuant to D.C. Code Section to Trustee for legal fees and costs incurred by Trustee in to Trustee for legal fees and costs incurred by Trustee in resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
42-1903.13, and makes no further representations or connection with such default. connection with such default. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
warranties as to title. The Trustee cannot guarantee clear Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title or the purchaser’s ability to obtain title insurance. If Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, purchaser’s If Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, purchaser’s title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
For this reason, the purchaser may not be able to obtain sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
financing but must be able to pay the entire purchase of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
price balance, in any case, within 30 days from the date of and of no effect whatsoever. and of no effect whatsoever. deposit without interest. (Matter No. 344897-2) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 356232-1)
auction. In the event of the failure on the part of the Trustee
to convey such deed for any reason, the purchaser’s sole Trustee reserves the right, in Trustee’s sole discretion, to Trustee reserves the right, in Trustee’s sole discretion, to Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
remedy shall be the return of the deposit. reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
at any time before or at the auction, to extend the time to at any time before or at the auction, to extend the time to
Contact: Natasha James, at (202) 659-6798, Attorney for receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to
the 2501 Pennsylvania Avenue Condominium Association, waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the
Inc. unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time
for settlement. for settlement.
Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The Jul 10,17,24 2024 0012465543 Jul 10,17,24 2024 0012465542
successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver
to Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the to Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the
conclusion of bidding. conclusion of bidding.
Jul 1,5,10 2024 0012464655
Russell S. Drazin, Trustee Russell S. Drazin, Trustee
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814
(301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000
202.659.6800 Jul 2,4,8,10,12 2024 0012463872 Jul 2,4,8,10,12 2024 0012463871 OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
851 851 851 851
TRUSTEE’S SALE OF VALUABLE CONDOMINIUM UNIT 5A, Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County 6219 DIMRILL COURT 2108 CATSKILL STREET
Avenue Condominium Association, Inc., 2501 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20037. Pursuant to the TRUSTEE’S SALE Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
District of Columbia Condominium Act of 1976, as 13720 Old Chapel Road, Bowie, MD 20715 from William F. Hill, Jr. and Luther Michael Williams, III from Sandra W. Chriss dated September 3, 2013 and
amended, the Condominium Declaration recorded February dated January 3, 2020 and recorded in Liber 43062, folio recorded in Liber 35989, folio 632 among the Land Records
4, 2009 as Instrument No. 2009010272, and the Bylaws Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by 392 among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, of Prince George’s County, MD, default having occurred
relating thereto recorded on February 4, 2009 as Instrument premises known as 13720 Old Chapel Road, Bowie, MD MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the under the terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public
No. 2009010273 among the Land Records of the District 20715. By virtue of the power and authority contained in Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County,
of Columbia, and any recorded amendments thereto as of Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC a Deed of Trust, dated December 29, 2006, and recorded Prince George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing
the date hereof, and pursuant to D.C. Code Section 42- 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 in Liber 27556 at Page 005 among the land records of the MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on entrance, located on Main St.), on
1903.13, establishing that the Executive Officer shall be the Hunt Valley, MD 21031 County of Prince George’s, in the original principal amount
Trustee to conduct the foreclosure sale, notice was filed on 470-321-7112 of $277,500.00. Upon default and request for sale, the JULY 30, 2024 AT 10:32 AM JULY 30, 2024 AT 10:30 AM
June 10, 2024. The Trustee shall sell at public auction on undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at
Thursday, July, 11, 2024 at 11:40 A.M., at the office of ALEX TRUSTEES’ SALE OF the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE’S, at the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the
COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC., 4910 Massachusetts Avenue, VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY front of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince
NW, #100, Washington, DC 20016, the following described KNOWN AS at 14735 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the
premises situated in the District of Columbia: 7647 ALLENDALE DR July 23, 2024 at 2:00 PM, all that property described in said aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #12-1363654. aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #12-1236918.
HYATTSVILLE, MD 20785 Deed of Trust including but not limited to: The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in
UNIT 5A AND LIMITED COMMON ELEMENT PARKING SPACE an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
NOS. P1-3 AND P1-13 IN THE CONDOMINIUM KNOWN AS Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated Tax ID# 14-1652957 and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
“2501 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE CONDOMINIUM”, ACCORDING October 17, 2007, and recorded in Liber 28952, folio 384, of with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
TO THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM DATED JANUARY 27, the land records of PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY , with an Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling
2009 AND RECORDED FEBRUARY 4, 2009 AS INSTRUMENT original principal balance of $177,600.00, default having and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior Terms of Sale: A deposit of $26,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $12,000 in the form of certified
NO. 10272 AND THE BYLAWS RELATING THERETO DATED occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of
JANUARY 27, 2009 AND RECORDED FEBRUARY 4, 2009 Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE of-way, as may affect same, if any. the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the
AS INSTRUMENT NO. 10273 AMONG THE LAND RECORDS GEORGE’S COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final
OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AS AMENDED BY FIRST THE DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George’s ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George’s
AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION RECORDED APRIL 14, 2010 MAIN ST, UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money
AS INSTRUMENT NO. 201031709 AND BY FIRST AMENDMENT balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the
TO BYLAWS RECORDED APRIL 14, 2010 AS INSTRUMENT NO. JULY 22, 2024 at 2:00 PM annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be date of sale to the date funds are received in the office date of sale to the date funds are received in the office
201031710, AND ANY RECORDED AMENDMENTS THERETO paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in
AS OF THE DATE HEREOF, AND AS PER PLAT RECORDED ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any the event additional funds are tendered before settlement the event additional funds are tendered before settlement
IN THE OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR FOR THE DISTRICT OF buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder
COLUMBIA IN CONDOMINIUM BOOK 70 AT PAGE 6. GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser.
more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. thereafter assumed by purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. There will TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. There will
TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED PERCENTAGE SHARE be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit.
INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS OF SAID “2501 TAX ID# - 13-1565308 If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture
PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE CONDOMINIUM” AS SET FORTH IN dues and assessments that may become due after the of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other
SAID DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM. The property and improvements will be sold in an “AS time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount
IS” physical condition without warranty of any kind and Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges,
SAID CONDOMINIUM PROJECT IS SITUATE ON LOT 73 IN subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at
SQUARE 14 IN THE SUBDIVISION MADE BY CHATHAM LAKE record affecting the same, including any condominium or to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the
ASSOCIATES, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN LIBER 185 AT homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All
FOLIO 21 IN THE OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR OF THE DISTRICT Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities
OF COLUMBIA. the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc.
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure
SAID PROPERTY BEING NOW KNOWN FOR ASSESSMENT AND $11,500.00 by cashier’s/certified check or such other form accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment.
TAXATION PURPOSES AS LOT NUMBERED 2243 IN SQUARE as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 18-274036. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured
NUMBERED 14. discretion, required at time of sale except for the party taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes),
secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser.
TERMS OF SALE: Sold subject to real estate taxes, and from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
subject to other superior liens, encumbrances and municipal price together with interest thereon at 6.500% per annum LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of
assessments, if any. The Association is foreclosing on both from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward.
its six-month superpriority lien and the balance of the Trustees must be paid by cashier’s check within 10 days Charlotte, North Carolina 28216 Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale.
Association’s statutory lien against the Property. Other after final ratification of sale. The noteholder shall not be (410) 769-9797 If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
oral information regarding 2501 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall
Unit 5A may be disclosed at the time of the sale. A deposit no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If
of $50,000.00 shall be required at time of sale and such that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall
deposit shall be a certified check, cashier’s check, or in settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all
such other form as the Association, in its sole discretion, and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale
requires. All conveyancing, recording, recordation tax, as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
transfer tax etc. shall be at the purchaser’s sole expense. If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s
association dues and assessments that may become due Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012463645 fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this
The balance of the purchase price, together with interest after the date of sale shall be purchaser’s responsibility. sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
at the rate of 10% per annum from date of sale to date of Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the
receipt of the balance of the purchase price, must be paid, taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser
and all other terms shall be complied with within 30 days. responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies
Otherwise, the deposit is forfeited and the property may be is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the
re-advertised and resold at the discretion of the Trustee deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
and at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. The cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such
Trustee shall convey a deed pursuant to D.C. Code Section deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and surplus results from improvements to the property by said surplus results from improvements to the property by said
42-1903.13, and makes no further representations or attorney’s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall
warranties as to title. The Trustee cannot guarantee clear convey title for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable
title or the purchaser’s ability to obtain title insurance. of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with
For this reason, the purchaser may not be able to obtain audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the
financing but must be able to pay the entire purchase including but not limited to determining whether prior to resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any
price balance, in any case, within 30 days from the date of sale a bankruptcy was filed; forbearance, repayment or document filed in connection with such a motion on him/ document filed in connection with such a motion on him/
auction. In the event of the failure on the part of the Trustee other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and
to convey such deed for any reason, the purchaser’s sole
remedy shall be the return of the deposit.
or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and
void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit
sweater or tank top? expressly agrees to accept service of any such document expressly agrees to accept service of any such document
by regular mail directed to the address provided by said by regular mail directed to the address provided by said
without interest. File No. (23-130511) purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees’ purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees’
Contact: Natasha James, at (202) 659-6798, Attorney for Stay one step ahead of the weather with the file number 22-002461-MD-F-1. file number 23-000056-MD-F-1.
the 2501 Pennsylvania Avenue Condominium Association, KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, BRYSON STEPHEN,
Inc. Substitute Trustees Capital Weather Gang Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees
S0141 2x3

Jul 1,5,10 2024 0012463875 Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012463874 Jul 10,17,24 2024 0012465553 Jul 10,17,24 2024 0012465551
851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated November 22, 2013, recorded in Liber 35530, Folio dated April 15, 2006, recorded in Liber 29134, Folio 668 dated July 21, 2011, recorded in Liber 32940, Folio 553 dated July 5, 2006, recorded in Liber 25931, Folio 562 among dated February 28, 2020, recorded in Liber 43711, Folio 97
424 among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, with an among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD,
MD, with an original principal balance of $447,086.00, with an original principal balance of $236,800.00, default with an original principal balance of $236,968.00, default original principal balance of $427,500.00, default having with an original principal balance of $270,019.00, default
default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George’s will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
Prince George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
JULY 30, 2024 AT 10:48 AM JULY 30, 2024 AT 10:42 AM JULY 23, 2024 AT 10:53 AM JULY 23, 2024 AT 10:49 AM JULY 16, 2024 AT 10:39 AM
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the
aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $36,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $25,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $20,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $24,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $25,000 in the form of certified
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 359695-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 130227-3) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 358537-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 365780-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 362611-3)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees

Jul 10,17,24 2024 0012465541 Jul 10,17,24 2024 0012465538 Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012464780 Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012464778 Jun 26,Jul 3,10 2024 0012464507

BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated June 2, 2020, recorded in Liber 43800, Folio 504 dated February 17, 2015, recorded in Liber 36840, Folio 95 dated May 9, 2013, recorded in Liber 34726, Folio 155 dated August 24, 2007, recorded in Liber 28650, Folio 177 dated July 21, 2006, recorded in Liber 26648, Folio 236
among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD,
with an original principal balance of $322,040.00, default with an original principal balance of $330,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $304,385.00, default with an original principal balance of $544,185.00, default with an original principal balance of $312,000.00, default
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
JULY 30, 2024 AT 10:44 AM JULY 23, 2024 AT 10:55 AM JULY 23, 2024 AT 10:51 AM JULY 16, 2024 AT 10:41 AM JULY 16, 2024 AT 10:37 AM
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince any buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the
aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $32,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $14,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $23,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $35,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $35,000 in the form of certified
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 360853-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 347372-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 362257-2) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 356800-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 349382-2)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees

Jul 10,17,24 2024 0012465540 Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012464781 Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012464779 Jun 26,Jul 3,10 2024 0012464509 Jun 26,Jul 3,10 2024 0012464506
Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 875
Fauquier County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC McNamee Hosea, P.A. BWW Law Group, LLC Trustee’s Sale
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6404 Ivy Lane, Suite 820 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 105 East Washington Street,
Remington, Virginia 22734
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 Rockville, MD 20852 (GPIN: 6887183950000;
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 301-441-2420 (301) 961-6555 Mblu.: 6887/ 18/ 3950/ 000/)
Default having been made in
Trust dated February 1, 2008,
the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit
4525 & 4527 RHODE ISLAND AVENUE Court of the County of Fauqui-
554 HARRY S. TRUMAN DRIVE 9506 TELLICO PLACE BRENTWOOD, MARYLAND 20722 124 SHELLY ROAD er, Virginia in Deed Book 1289,
page 975, the undersigned Sub-
UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20774 CLINTON, MD 20735 GLEN BURNIE, MD 21061 stitute Trustees will sell at public
(Case No. C-16-CV-23-002360 in the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County) auction on August 14, 2024, at
12:00 PM in front of the building
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust housing the Fauquier County Cir-
dated December 28, 2006, recorded in Liber 27105, Folio dated May 7, 2010, recorded in Liber 31735, Folio 269 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Purchase Money Deed of Trust and Security dated September 11, 2006, recorded in Liber 18307, Folio cuit Court, 40 Culpeper Street,
Warrenton, VA 20186, the prop-
86 among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, Agreement from Faith Full Gospel Deliverance Church of God, a District of Columbia 368 among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, erty situate on Route 1205 in the
with an original principal balance of $159,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $210,200.00, default nonprofit organization dated March 7, 2017 and recorded in Liber 39807, folio 581 et seq with an original principal balance of $225,000.00, default Town of Remington, Lee Magis-
terial District, Fauquier County,
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, to MSR Venture, LLC, a Maryland having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees Virginia, and according to a plat
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince limited liability company and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said Deed of Trust, will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne of survey of record with a deed in
deed book 494, page 629 in the
George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, which was given to secure a loan on the real properties and personal property described Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Office of the Clerk of the Circuit
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on therein, subsequently assigned by Collateral Assignment of Promissory Note and Deed Annapolis, MD 21401, on Court of Fauquier County, Virgin-
ia, containing 0.68039 acre. Sale
of Trust dated April 20, 2023 and recorded in Liber 48775, folio 535 et seq (collectively is subject to all prior liens, ease-
JULY 16, 2024 AT 10:35 AM JULY 30, 2024 AT 10:54 AM the “Deed of Trust”) and default having occurred under the terms and conditions thereof, JULY 30, 2024 AT 9:20 AM ments, restrictions, covenants,
and conditions, if any, of record,
and the recordation of a Deed of Appointment of Substitute Trustees (Substitute Trustees) or other matters which would be
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any appointing Aaron D. Neal and Michael L. Brown, Substitute Trustees in Book 48832, Page 62, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any disclosed by an accurate survey
or inspection of the premises.
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince who will sell the property commonly known as 4525 & 4527 Rhode Island Avenue Brentwood, buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel
George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the Maryland 20722 at public auction to be held upon the steps of the Circuit Courthouse for County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed TERMS: CASH. A deposit of
$7,500.00 or 10% of the sale
aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. Prince George’s County, Maryland located at 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 of Trust. price, whichever is lower, will be
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.) , on: The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in required of the successful bidder
at time of sale. Prior to the sale,
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions interested bidders will be re-
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and JULY 16, 2024 AT 10:50 AM and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and quired to register with and must
present a bid deposit which may
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. be held during the sale by the
Property Descriptions: trustee. The bid deposit must be
certified funds and/or cash, but
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $13,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $20,000 in the form of certified Condominium Unit “D” , Parcel “C”, in the Crittenden-Brentwood Warehousing Condominium Terms of Sale: A deposit of $32,000 in the form of certified no more than $9,900.00 of cash
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the as established by that certain Declaration of Condominium recorded among the Land check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the will be accepted. The successful
bidder’s deposit will be retained
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase Records of Prince George’s County, Maryland in Liber 17675, folio 368 and as shown on the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase at the sale and applied to the
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money Plat entitled “Crittenden Brentwood Warehousing Condominium” recorded among the Land price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money sale price. If held by the trustee,
all other bid deposits will be re-
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or Records of Prince George’s County, Maryland in Plat Book 197, Folio 31. at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or turned to the unsuccessful bid-
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date TOGETHER WITH a pro-rated undivided percentage interest in the common elements thereof any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date ders. Settlement is to be made
within 15 calendar days. The
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash as established for this unit pursuant to the aforesaid Declaration and By-Laws as amended. funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash successful bidder will be respon-
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit ALSO, TOGETHER WITH the improvements thereto and rights and appurtenances thereto within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit sible for obtaining possession of
the property, and for all costs
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the belonging or appertaining and particularly the rights in common with others of a Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the and fees related to recording
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before condominium owner in said Condominium, subject to the obligations of such owners. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before the Trustee’s Deed, including the
grantors tax. The successful bid-
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Tax ID: 17-3528932 settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. der will be required to execute a
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Premise Address: 4525 Rhode Island Avenue Brentwood, MD 20722 Unit: D Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale,
available for review on the Fore-
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Condominium Unit C, as recorded in the Condominium Plat titled “Units A thru D, Crittenden- taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private closure Sales page of www.glas-
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive Brentwood Warehousing Condominium and recorded in Plat Book REP 197 at Pages 31 charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive [],
outlining additional terms of sale
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and and 32 in the Land Records of Prince George’s County, and subject to the Declaration of foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and and settlement. A Trustee’s Deed
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions Crittenden-Brentwood Warehousing Condominium, front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and will be prepared by Trustee’s at-
torney at high bidder’s expense.
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible Prince Georges County, Maryland dated July 2, 2003 and recorded in the Land Records of thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer Prince George’s County on July 3, 2003. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer This is a communication from a
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. Premise Address: 4527 Rhode Island Avenue Brentwood, MD 20722 Unit: C taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. debt collector, Glasser and Glass-
er, P.L.C. on behalf of Atlantic
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the Tax ID # 17-3528924 The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the Trustee Services, L.L.C., and/or
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ The properties consist of two commercially zoned condominium units: ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ REO Solutions, LLC, and/or NF-
PDS-VA LLC, Substitute Trustees,
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed 4525 Rhode Island Avenue Brentwood, MD 20722-unit D has approximately 4,814 +/- or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed Crown Center Building, Suite
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is square feet. by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is 600, 580 East Main Street, Nor-
folk, VA 23510, File No. 236514-
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the 4527 Rhode Island Avenue Brentwood, MD 20722-unit C has approximately 2,420 +/- responsible for obtaining physical possession of the 01, Tel: (757) 321-6465, between
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property square feet. property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon only.
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit The properties and improvements will be sold in an “AS IS” condition and subject to from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012463898

of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, conditions, restrictions, covenants, encumbrances, easements, right of ways, existing of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, 877
Spotsylvania County
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower building and/or environmental violations, violation notices, agreements of record affecting but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid the same, if any, and with no warranty either expressed or implied as to the description of entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid TRUSTEE’S SALE OF
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale the condition of the properties or improvements. off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale FREDERICKSBURG, VA 22408
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
In execution of a certain Deed of
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without Terms of Sale: The Properties will be offered as an entirety only. These Terms of Sale are in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without Trust dated December 6, 2004,
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of a pre-condition to bidding at the aforementioned sale of the properties, and any person interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in the original principal amount
of $190,000.00 recorded in the
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that submitting a bid at the sale shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms of Sale. A ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. deposit in the form of cashier’s or certified check or in such other form as the Substitute property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Spotsylvania County, Virginia as
Instrument No. 200400048932.
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees may determine, at their sole discretion, for $50,000 at the time of sale. The deposit Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by The undersigned Substitute
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further must be increased to 10% of the purchase price within 1 business day after the sale, and the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustee will offer for sale at
public auction in the front of
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any delivered to the office of the Substitute Trustees in the same form as the initial deposit. If the liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the Circuit Court building for
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten note holder and/or servicer is the successful bidder, the deposit requirement is waived. The papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten Spotsylvania County, 9107 Ju-
dicial Center Lane, Spotsylvania,
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service balance of the purchase price is to be paid in immediately available funds, within twenty days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service Virginia, or any such temporary
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser (20) days after the final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County. by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser alternative Circuit Court location
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted If payment of the balance does not take place within twenty (20) days after ratification, as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted designated by the Judges of the
Circuit Court, on August 15,
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds the deposit will be forfeited and the properties will be resold at the risk and expense of the purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds 2024, at 12:30 PM, the property
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from defaulting purchaser. The defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from described in said Deed of Trust,
located at the above address,
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. or profits resulting from any resale of the properties. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. and more particularly described
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable In the event the properties are purchased by someone other than the note holder or an Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable as follows:
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification affiliate, interest shall be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate of 11% per annum title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT, PARCEL
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the from date of sale to the date funds are received in the office of the Substitute Trustees. In of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the OR TRACT OF LAND, SITUATE,
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the the event the settlement is delayed for any reason and the properties are purchased by Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, SPOTSYL-
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 364641-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 187524-6) someone other than the note holder or an affiliate, there shall be no abatement of interest deposit without interest. (Matter No. 194127-2) VANIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BEING
caused by the delay. Taxes, agricultural taxes, water, sewer, ground rent, condominium fees, AS LOT 204, SECTION 3B, RUF-
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., and/or homeowners association dues, if applicable, to be adjusted to the date of sale and Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., FIN’S POND, ON PLAT OF SURVEY
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees assumed thereafter by the purchaser. All other public charges and assessments payable on Substitute Trustees INGALLS, RECORDED IN PLAT FILE
an annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges are to be adjusted 7, PAGES 14-18.
for the current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Cost of all LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193, TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A
documentary stamps, recordation taxes and transfer taxes shall be borne by the purchaser. A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508 bidder’s deposit of ten percent
(10%) of the sale price or ten
The properties will be sold in an “AS IS” condition and without any recourse, representations percent (10%) of the original
or warranties, either express or implied, as to its nature, condition or description. principal balance of the subject
Deed of Trust, whichever is low-
Potential purchasers are responsible for conducting their own due diligence regarding the er, in the form of cash or certified
Jun 26,Jul 3,10 2024 0012464505 Jul 10,17,24 2024 0012465544 condition, location, permissible uses, and value of the properties. Neither the Substitute funds payable to the Substitute
Trustee must be present at the
Trustees, the secured party, the note holder nor any other party makes any warranty or time of the sale. The balance of
representation of any kind or nature regarding the physical condition of, the description of, the purchase price will be due
within fifteen (15) days of sale,
or title to the properties. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall assume the risk of loss Jul 10,17,24 2024 0012465537 otherwise Purchaser’s depos-
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC for the properties immediately after the sale. it may be forfeited to Trustee.
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 If the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey the properties as described above, by reason
Time is of the essence. If the
sale is set aside for any reason,
Bethesda, MD 20814 of any defect in the title or otherwise, the purchaser’s sole remedy at law or in equity shall be the Purchaser at the sale shall
(301) 907-8000 limited to the refund of the aforementioned deposit. Upon refund of the deposit to purchaser,
be entitled to a return of the
deposit paid. The Purchaser the sale shall be void and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further claims may, if provided by the terms
of the Trustee’s Memorandum
against the Substitute Trustees or the secured party. The conveyance of the properties by of Foreclosure Sale, be entitled
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE the Substitute Trustees to the purchaser at settlement shall be by Substitute Trustees’ Deed to a $50 cancellation fee from
OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY without covenant or warranty.
the Substitute Trustee, but shall
have no further recourse against
The purchaser is responsible for, and the properties are sold subject to, any environmental BWW Law Group, LLC the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or
6500 TALL WOODS WAY matter or condition, whether latent or observable, if any, that may exist at or affect or relate 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 the Mortgagee’s attorney. A form
copy of the Trustee’s memoran-
CLINTON, MD 20735 to the properties and to any governmental requirements affecting the same. Rockville, MD 20852 dum of foreclosure sale and con-
BWW Law Group, LLC The Memorandum of Purchase between the Substitute Trustees, as sellers, and the (301) 961-6555 tract to purchase real property is
available for viewing at
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 purchaser (the “Memorandum of Purchase”) shall include, by reference, all the terms Additional terms, if
from Rudolph Tate dated December 27, 2017 and recorded Rockville, MD 20852 and conditions contained herein, specifically including, but not limited to, the following SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE any, to be announced at the sale
and the Purchaser may be given
in Liber 40647, folio 199 among the Land Records of Prince (301) 961-6555 provisions: “Purchaser agrees and represents that the purchaser is purchasing the OF REAL PROPERTY AND the option to execute the con-
George’s County, MD, default having occurred under the properties subject to all matters known and unknown, in “AS IS, WHERE IS” condition. In ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON tract of sale electronically.
terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE executing and delivering the Memorandum of Purchase, purchaser recognizes purchaser This is a communication from a
Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, 14735 Main St., OF REAL PROPERTY AND has not relied upon nor been induced by any statements or representations of any person, 708 204TH STREET debt collector and any informa-
tion obtained will be used for
Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON including the Substitute Trustees, the secured party, the Deed of Trust holder or an affiliate PASADENA, MD 21122 that purpose. The sale is subject
on Main St.), on or their respective servicers, heirs, personal and legal representatives, agents, employees, to seller confirmation. Substitute
Trustee: Equity Trustees, LLC,
15806 APPLETON TERRACE successors and assigns (collectively, “Released Parties”), in respect of the condition of Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust 8100 Three Chopt Road, Suite
JULY 16, 2024 AT 10:25 AM BOWIE, MD 20716 the properties, including the environmental condition to the properties, unless such dated June 8, 2007, recorded in Liber 19223, Folio 410 240, Richmond, VA 23229.

representations or statements are specifically set forth in the Memorandum of Purchase. among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, For more information contact:
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Purchaser has not relied on anything in the foreclosure advertisement, but rather has relied with an original principal balance of $249,500.00, default BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys
for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003
buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince dated June 29, 2012, recorded in Liber 33818, Folio 491 solely on such investigations, examinations or inspections of the properties as purchaser having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees Executive Blvd, Suite 101, Rock-
George’s County, MD and more fully described in the among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, has made. Purchaser waives and releases the Released Parties from any and all claims the will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne ville, MD 20852, 301-961-6555,
aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #09-3796448. with an original principal balance of $345,549.00, default purchaser or its successors and assigns may have now or in the future may have relating to Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, VA-370708-1.
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees the condition of the properties. Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that this provision was Annapolis, MD 21401, on Jul 10,17 2024 0012463228
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince a negotiated part of the Memorandum of Purchase and serves as an essential component
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, JULY 23, 2024 AT 9:39 AM DC H SOUTHEAST
of consideration for the same. The parties specifically acknowledge and agree that this
with no warranty of any kind. The property will be sold 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on clause bars all claims by purchaser against Released Parties, arising from the condition Apartments
subject to a deferred water and sewer charge (Front Foot of or releases from the properties pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any Condos H Co-ops
Benefit). JULY 30, 2024 AT 10:46 AM Compensations and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, and all other actions pursuant to buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel
Morris Road Apartments
federal, state or local laws, ordinances or regulations for any environmental condition of or County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed Waitlist Opening for one dayTwo
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $44,000 in the form of certified ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any releases from the properties. Further, purchaser agrees to indemnify the Substitute Trustees of Trust. bedrooms only August 23, 2024
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince for any liability they may have to any third party for an environmental condition of the The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in 1535 Morris Rd. S.E. #101
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the properties. Notwithstanding the parties’ intent that this clause bars all such claims, should an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions Washington, D.C. 20020
Must bring valid government-
purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final aforesaid Deed of Trust. a court of competent jurisdiction deem otherwise, purchaser agrees that the presence of this and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and issued Non-drivers or driver’s card,
ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George’s The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in clause should serve as the overwhelming, primary factor in any equitable apportionment of with no warranty of any kind. original birth certificate, and social
security cards for all household
County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions response costs under applicable federal, state or local laws, ordinances, or regulations.” members. No lining up at night. If
at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and Note: The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable, Terms of Sale: A deposit of $18,000 in the form of certified you need to make a reasonable
accommodation request,
date of sale to the date funds are received in the office with no warranty of any kind. but is offered for information purposes only. The Auctioneer, the Substitute Trustees, the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the contact us at: compliance@
of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in Deed of Trust holder and the secured party do not make any representations or warranties purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
Equal Housing Opportunity
the event additional funds are tendered before settlement Terms of Sale: A deposit of $28,000 in the form of certified with respect to the accuracy of the information contained herein. Prospective purchasers are price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the urged to make their own inspection. at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or 225
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. There will price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money Aaron D. Neal, Esquire funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash BUYING: Baseball Cards and
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be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or Michael L. Brown, Esquire within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Call 202-322-7241
Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date Substitute Trustees Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the 245
of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Electronics
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execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive Cards. Call Today! 1-855-407-6870
purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and 265
due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and Home & Garden
charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive Jun 26,Jul 3,10 2024 0012464619 thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible Eliminate gutter cleaning forever!
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sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate
Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the today. 15% off Entire Purchase.
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taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ Call 1-844-566-3227.
and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed 610
Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is Dogs for Sale
possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit FRENCH BULLDOGS: M/F, health guar.
If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable responsible for obtaining physical possession of the of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, $2000-$3500. FRENCHTON:7/8 French
Bulldog 1/8 Boston. $900-$1200. 301-
title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower 252-9213
be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid MALTESE PUPS - Pure bred, white,
the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale 2 females, 1 male, 8 weeks old,
be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, Ready now, Registered.
Asking $1000 . 571-398-9366
expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, Manage interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
Papillon. $2000. 540-229-1191
fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by POODLE PUPPIES - AKC, toy & mini.
deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further AKC breeder of merit.
property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. print liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any Call 804-313-7445

T E H?
or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the
property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any subscription! days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted SHIH-CHON: "Teddy Bears". $900-
surplus results from improvements to the property by said days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
$1100. Maryland. SHIH-TZU: $1100-
$1250. M/F. Health guar. 301-252-9213
be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds my-post Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
document filed in connection with such a motion on him/ Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification deposit without interest. (Matter No. 184915-1)
expressly agrees to accept service of any such document of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
by regular mail directed to the address provided by said Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et al.,
purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees’ deposit without interest. (Matter No. 192979-1) Substitute Trustees
file number 22-000543-MD-F-1. Washington Post newsletters
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,
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Jun 26,Jul 3,10 2024 0012464293 Jul 10,17,24 2024 0012465546 Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012464777
852 852 852 852 852 852 853 853 853 853
Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Calvert County Calvert County Calvert County Calvert County
BWW Law Group, LLC TRUSTEE’S SALE BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 1545 Hodges Avenue, Glen Burnie, MD 21060 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
by premises known as 1545 Hodges Avenue, Glen Burnie,
County of Anne Arundel, in the original principal amount
2091 LAKE GROVE LANE of $304,385.00. Upon default and request for sale, the 8005 PINE RIDGE ROAD 5715 OAKCREST DRIVE 12053 BULLWHIP TRAIL
CROFTON, MD 21114 undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction PASADENA, MD 21122 SAINT LEONARD, MD 20685 LUSBY, MD 20657
at the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF ANNE ARUNDEL, at
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland, on July 23, 2024 at Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated December 30, 2008, recorded in Liber 21198, Folio 4:00 PM, all that property described in said Deed of Trust Trust dated June 23, 2017, recorded in Liber 31114, Folio dated February 22, 2008, recorded in Liber 3124, Folio 369 dated June 23, 2020, recorded in Liber 5631, Folio 309
140 among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, including but not limited to: 13 among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, and re-recorded in Liber 4464, folio 344 among the Land among the Land Records of Calvert County, MD, with an
with an original principal balance of $225,732.00, default with an original principal balance of $304,385.00, default Records of Calvert County, MD, with an original principal original principal balance of $239,200.00, default having
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees Tax ID# 05-748-15054000 having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees balance of $411,300.00, default having occurred under the occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at at public auction at the Circuit Court for Calvert County, at
Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, the Circuit Court for Calvert County, at the Court House Door, the Court House Door, 175 Main St., Prince Frederick, MD
Annapolis, MD 21401, on and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior Annapolis, MD 21401, on 175 Main St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678, on 20678, on
covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
JULY 23, 2024 AT 9:37 AM of-way, as may affect same, if any. JULY 16, 2024 AT 9:15 AM JULY 23, 2024 AT 3:20 PM JULY 16, 2024 AT 3:20 PM
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel buildings or improvements thereon located in Calvert buildings or improvements thereon located in Calvert
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed
of Trust. annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be of Trust. of Trust. of Trust.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
thereafter assumed by purchaser.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $21,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $31,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $40,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $23,000 in the form of certified
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase dues and assessments that may become due after the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 19-285394. taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. Charlotte, North Carolina 28216 taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the (410) 769-9797 The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed A181, A316, A311, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463, A508 or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012464297 off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further TRUSTEE’S SALE the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any 204 Allensway Drive, Edgewater, MD 21037 liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser premises known as 204 Allensway Drive, Edgewater, MD by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted 21037. By virtue of the power and authority contained in as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds a Deed of Trust, dated December 24, 2013, and recorded purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from in Liber 26965 at Page 334 among the land records of the resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. County of Anne Arundel, in the original principal amount improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable of $938,250.00. Upon default and request for sale, the Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the at the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF ANNE ARUNDEL, at of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland, on July 23, 2024 at Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 175101-1) 4:00 PM, all that property described in said Deed of Trust deposit without interest. (Matter No. 348225-3) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 365302-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 364663-1)
including but not limited to:
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Tax ID# 01-000-90082866; 01-000-90082871; AND Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193, LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,
A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508 Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508
and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior
covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
of-way, as may affect same, if any.
Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012464783 Jun 26,Jul 3,10 2024 0012464512
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
855 855
or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The Charles County Charles County
Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012464774 balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per Jun 26,Jul 3,10 2024 0012464503
annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be
853 853
paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Calvert County Calvert County Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
Rosenthal Gormly, LLC.
10605 Concord Street #307 Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or Rosenberg & Associates, LLC 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Kensington, MD 20895
regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000
Civil Action No. C-02-CV-24-001575 (301) 907-8000
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
dues and assessments that may become due after the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Com-
mercial First Deed of Trust from Close It Now 365, LLC to Mark L. transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident 1010 GOLDEN WEST WAY 202 WILLIAMSBURG CIRCLE
Leemon and Mark L. Hessel, Trustee, dated March 31, 2023, recorded
to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of 12493 SAN JOSE COURT LUSBY, MD 20657 LA PLATA, MD 20646
April 3, 2023 in Liber 39561, folio 110 both among the Land Records of
Anne Arundel County, MD, the holder of the indebtedness secured by the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be LUSBY, MD 20657
the Deed of Trust having appointed Charles F. Gormly, Substitute Trust-
forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
ee by instrument duly executed, acknowledged and recorded among
the aforementioned Land Records, default having occurred under the the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Aaron Mead Reichard and Melissa Reichard dated from Bhadresh A. Mehta dated November 21, 2006 and
terms thereof and at the request of the parties secured thereby, the
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in from Stephanie Savoy dated December 10, 2021 and April 27, 2020 and recorded in Liber 5583, folio 146 among recorded in Liber 6118, folio 277 among the Land Records
undersigned Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction at the Circuit
Court for Anne Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Cir- accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy recorded in Liber 6168, folio 8 among the Land Records the Land Records of Calvert County, MD, default having of Charles County, MD, default having occurred under the
cle, Annapolis, MD 21401, on
is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 22-289762. of Calvert County, MD, default having occurred under the occurred under the terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the
JULY 22, 2024 AT 12:00 PM
terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the public auction at the Circuit Court for Calvert County, at Circuit Court for Charles County, 200 Charles St., La Plata,
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. Circuit Court for Calvert County, at the Court House Door, the Court House Door, 175 Main St., Prince Frederick, MD MD 20646, (Sale will be held in the breezeway between the
The land referred to herein is located in Anne Arundel County, Maryland
and is described as follows:
175 Main St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678, on 20678, on Circuit Court and the District Court), on
Lot numbered Fourteen (14) in Block numbered Eight (8), Plat 1, Oyster
Harbor, as shown on plat dated April 18, 1950 entitle “Plat Number Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, JULY 30, 2024 AT 12:50 PM JULY 23, 2024 AT 12:50 PM
1, Oyster Harbor, near Arundel on the Bay, 2d Election District, Anne Charlotte, North Carolina 28216 ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the
Arundel County, Maryland” made by J.R. McCrone, Jr. and recorded
among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland in Plat (410) 769-9797 ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the
Book 22, folio 9. buildings and improvements thereon situated in Calvert buildings and improvements thereon situated in Calvert buildings and improvements thereon situated in Charles
A181, A316, A311, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463, A508 County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed
Property Address: 3338 Arundel on the Bay Road, Annapolis, MD 21403
Being the same property recorded in Liber 39392 at Page 404 of Trust. Tax ID #01-091441. of Trust. Tax ID #01-094556. of Trust. Tax ID #01-073672.
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in
Tax ID #02-597-09700600
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to condi- and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
tions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any
and with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $20,000 by cashiers check or certified
check or in such other form as the Substitute Trustee may determine Terms of Sale: A deposit of $26,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $24,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $69,000 in the form of certified
in his sole discretion. The deposit must be increased to 10% of the Jul 3,10,17 2024 0012463638 check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
winning bid amount and delivered to the Substitute Trustee within 3
(three) business days after the consummation of the sale in the same purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
form of funds as the initial deposit. Failure to timely tender the depos- price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification
it shall constitute a material default by the purchaser. Balance of the
purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final ratification of Give the gift of sale by the Circuit Court for Calvert County. Interest to of sale by the Circuit Court for Calvert County. Interest to of sale by the Circuit Court for Charles County. Interest to
be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate pursuant be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate pursuant be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate pursuant
of information
sale by the Circuit Court.
Manage your
The successful bidder shall be required to execute a Memorandum of print subscription! to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date
Sale immediately upon completion of the sale. A copy of the Memoran-
Gift subscriptions funds are received in the office of the Trustees. There will funds are received in the office of the Trustees. There will funds are received in the office of the Trustees. There will
dum of Sale may be obtained from the Substitute Trustee prior to the
foreclosure sale. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds be no abatement of interest in the event additional funds
the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed are tendered before settlement or if settlement is delayed
date funds are received in the office of the Substitute Trustee. If the
purchaser fails to go to settlement within ten days of the ratification, for any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay for any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay for any reason. The noteholder shall not be obligated to pay
the deposit shall be forfeited to the Substitute Trustee and all of the ex- S0390-1x1
interest if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR interest if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR interest if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR
penses of this sale (including attorney fees and full commission on the
gross sale price of the sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the THE PURCHASER. There will be no reduction of interest due THE PURCHASER. There will be no reduction of interest due THE PURCHASER. There will be no reduction of interest due
forfeited deposit. Purchaser(s) acknowledge the obligation to settle to overpayment of deposit. Adjustment of all real property to overpayment of deposit. Adjustment of all real property to overpayment of deposit. Adjustment of all real property
within ten days of ratification of the foreclosure sale. In the event that
settlement does not occur within ten days, the purchaser(s) shall be in taxes (excluding recapture of previously reduced or exempt taxes (excluding recapture of previously reduced or exempt taxes (excluding recapture of previously reduced or exempt
default. Upon such default, Substitute Trustee shall file a Motion and taxes) and any other public charges or assessments, to taxes) and any other public charges or assessments, to taxes) and any other public charges or assessments, to
Order to resell the property at the risk and expense of the defaulting
purchaser(s). Purchaser(s) hereby consent to entry of such resale or-
the extent such amount survive foreclosure sale, including the extent such amount survive foreclosure sale, including the extent such amount survive foreclosure sale, including
der without further notice. The defaulting purchaser(s) shall not be en- water/sewer charges, and ground rent to be adjusted water/sewer charges, and ground rent to be adjusted water/sewer charges, and ground rent to be adjusted

titled to any surplus proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the
property. In the event settlement is delayed for any reason, including,
to date of sale and paid at execution of the deed, except to date of sale and paid at execution of the deed, except to date of sale and paid at execution of the deed, except
but not limited to, exceptions to the sale, bankruptcy filings by inter- where the secured party is the purchaser, and thereafter where the secured party is the purchaser, and thereafter where the secured party is the purchaser, and thereafter
ested parties, court administration of the foreclosure or unknown title
defects, there shall be no abatement of interest. Taxes, ground rent,
assumed by the purchaser. All due and/or unpaid private assumed by the purchaser. All due and/or unpaid private assumed by the purchaser. All due and/or unpaid private
water and all public charges including, sanitation and/or metropolitan utility, water and sewer facilities charges, condo/HOA utility, water and sewer facilities charges, condo/HOA utility, water and sewer facilities charges, condo/HOA
district charges, if applicable, are to be adjusted for the current year to
the date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Cost of all
assessments and Columbia Assoc. assessments, to the assessments and Columbia Assoc. assessments, to the assessments and Columbia Assoc. assessments, to the
documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be extent such amount survive foreclosure sale, are payable by extent such amount survive foreclosure sale, are payable by extent such amount survive foreclosure sale, are payable by
borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining
physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of
the purchaser without adjustment. Cost of all documentary the purchaser without adjustment. Cost of all documentary the purchaser without adjustment. Cost of all documentary
loss or damage to the property immediately from the time and date stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured taxes (including but not stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured taxes (including but not stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured taxes (including but not
of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee is unable to convey good and
marketable title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall be
limited to agricultural taxes), and settlement expenses shall limited to agricultural taxes), and settlement expenses shall limited to agricultural taxes), and settlement expenses shall
limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. Any such additional be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible be borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible
terms may be announced at the sale. for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser
The contract of sale between the Substitute Trustee, as seller, and the assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the
purchaser (the “Contract of Sale”) includes, by reference, all the terms
and conditions contained herein, specifically including, but not limited
date of sale forward. Additional terms to be announced at date of sale forward. Additional terms to be announced at date of sale forward. Additional terms to be announced at
to, the following provisions: “Purchaser agrees and represents that the the time of sale. the time of sale. the time of sale.
Purchaser is purchasing the Premises subject to all matters known and
unknown, in ‘AS IS, WHERE IS’ condition. In executing and delivering
If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
the Contract of Sale, Purchaser recognizes Purchaser has not relied title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall
upon nor been induced by any statements or representations of any
person, including the Substitute Trustee, the secured party, the deed of
be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If
trust and security agreement holder or an affiliate or their respective the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall
servicers, heirs, personal and legal representatives, counsel, auction-
eers, other professionals, agents, employees, successors and assigns
be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all
(collectively, “Released Parties”), in respect of the condition of the expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale
Premises, including the environmental condition of the Premises, un-
less such representations or statements are specifically set forth in the
price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
Contract of Sale. Purchaser has not relied on anything in the foreclo- of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s
sure advertisement, but rather has relied solely on such investigations,
examinations or inspections of the Premises as Purchaser has made.
fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this
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D12 eZ sU the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

The fans spoke, and the Commanders took note: Gold pants are coming back
It wasn’t until 2010, at the start punter Tress Way, defensive tack- er, fans’ love for the gold pants
of the mike Shanahan era, that les Jonathan Allen and Daron seemed to strike a similar majori-
Team’s uniform rotation the franchise reintroduced the Payne and wide receiver Jamison ty. Still, it’s unclear whether this
will include popular color gold pants as part of its primary Crowder, who re-signed with the change will lead to a broader
uniforms. franchise in 2023. uniform change in the near fu-
for first time since 2018 “In talking to the alumni … and According to the Gridiron Uni- ture for Washington.
to the fans, they wanted to see the form Database, Washington is NfL teams cannot change
gold pants,” team president Bruce 130-114-3 in gold pants since 1969. their home and away uniforms
BY N ICKI J HABVALA Allen said at the time. But the Commanders’ new own- more than once every five years,
Players seemed to agree, espe- ership group, led by Josh Harris, except in “extenuating circum-
Gold is back in for 2024. cially after Washington opened has made recognizing the history stances,” according to the league’s
The Washington Commanders that season with a 13-7 win of the team a priority. many for- constitution and bylaws. Such cir-
will wear gold pants as part of against the Dallas Cowboys on mer players, including John rig- cumstances include a club owner-
their uniform rotation this sea- “Sunday Night football.” gins and Darrell Green, have re- ship change. requests for
son, the first time the franchise “You look good, you play good,” turned in support of the fran- changes have to be submitted by
has done so since 2018. The team, Brian orakpo told The Washing- chise’s new era. march 1 a year prior to the year in
which made the announcement ton Post afterward. “We looked When Washington unveiled its which the changes would take
Tuesday on its 92nd anniversary, clean out there, man; we looked new name — the Commanders — place.
has not determined in which real nice.” in 2022, it also introduced new Starting in 2002, the NfL al-
games it will sport gold pants. The second go-round for the uniforms, including an all-black lowed teams to add a third uni-
The move was made by the gold pants lasted nine seasons, six ensemble that seemed to pull the form design — either an alternate
franchise’s decision-makers after toni L. sandys/the Washington Post
of which ended with losing rec- franchise even further from its color scheme, using colors al-
receiving significant feedback According to the Gridiron Uniform Database, Washington is ords. past. ready in the club’s palette, or a
from fans, who have lobbied for 130-114-3 in gold pants since 1969. They will return this season. The last time the team sported In an April Post-Schar School “classic” uniform from the team’s
the team to bring back some gold pants was in the 2018 season poll, most local sports fans said history.
staples of its past. manders’ jerseys — were staples pants for nearly four decades finale, when Washington took a they either dislike or hate the This offseason, NfL owners
Washington’s gold pants, of the team’s uniforms during its before moving away from them 24-0 drubbing from the Philadel- name and believe the team approved another uniform
which had a stripe down the side earliest years, when it moved after the 1978 season, save for a phia Eagles at home. only four should change it a third time. change by allowing teams to add
— the new ones do not because from Boston to the D.C. area in few special occasions in 1994 and players who participated in that In a much-less-official investi- a third helmet design for the 2025
the stripe doesn’t match the Com- 1937. The franchise wore gold the early 2000s. game are still with the team: gation by The Post a decade earli- season.

Wimbledon keeps going mentum.

No. 14 Ben Shelton, who lost to
Sinner in the fourth round Sun-
Some argue five-set matches
inherently mean high-quality
drama. But the momentum
gettable moments just as often as
they devolve into battles of attri-
tion that suck up hours of airtime
at a major tournament by beating
qualifier Lulu Sun, 5-7, 6-4, 6-1.
“Those couple of years were

... and going ... and going day, felt that when he played three
five-set slugfests in his first three
matches. His third-round match
swings that lead to five sets are
frequently just that — undula-
tions that aren’t any more epic
and sour viewers. That’s why the
37-year-old Djokovic, who has yet
to have a match go the distance at
very tough. I didn’t think I was
ever going to come back to the
level that I even had last year,” she
against Denis Shapovalov was than what unfolds in a three-set this Wimbledon, has a compro- said. “So this now, reaching my
WimbleDon from D1 Slam titles and everyone else suspended because of rain with match. They just last longer. mise that could suit players and best result ever at a Slam, I’m
knotted together just a hair be- Shapovalov leading 3-2 in the medvedev and Sinner rode that time-conscious fans: He suggest- really proud of myself, of the work
began molasses-slow when No. 3 hind that. opening set. The American had a roller coaster Tuesday even before ed men’s matches go to best-of- that I’ve done, of the work that my
Carlos Alcaraz and No. 12 Tommy “In my opinion,” medvedev full night to think about adjust- the top-ranked Italian felt so ill five only in the later rounds of team has done. I’m very thankful
Paul played a first set that lasted continued, “grass is always a sur- ments — and Shapovalov had and dizzy that he left the court for Grand Slams. to them for believing in me when I
1 hour 12 minutes. Alcaraz picked face where it’s very tough to win time to counter. a medical timeout in the third set. “That’s just me, my thinking. I didn’t.”
things up after that and defeated straight three sets, like [6-4, 6-4, “Shapo started doing a really He returned, briefly rejuvenated, think best-of-five, particularly in She will face french open run-
the American, 5-7, 6-4, 6-2, 6-2, to 6-4]. one break can decide the good job in the fourth set of re- to win the fourth before an ultra- the last three or four rounds of a ner-up Jasmine Paolini for a spot
set up a rematch of last year’s outcome of the set.” turning my serve, finding a way to aggressive medvedev closed the Slam, you need to keep,” said the in the final. Paolini, the No. 7 seed,
semifinal against medvedev. And then there is the weather. neutralize, so I had to change it match to gain a modicum of ven- second-seeded Djokovic, who fac- beat No. 19 Emma Navarro, 6-2,
But even Alcaraz, who is in the rain drenched the All England up. In the fifth set, I served almost geance against Sinner after sur- es No. 9 Alex de minaur in a 6-1, to become the first Italian
hunt to back up his french open Club over the first nine days of the every serve into the body and rendering a two-sets-to-none lead quarterfinal Wednesday. “But in woman to reach the semifinals at
title with his second Wimbledon tournament, falling in just about serve-and-volleyed,” Shelton said. to lose the Australian open final. terms of innovation in tennis, in the All England Club.
championship in as many years, every variation imaginable — “I think that’s the part that I like “for me, this is tennis at its our sport, I think it’s necessary. I Until last week, Paolini was 0-3
couldn’t escape a marathon along with a momentary bout of the most about it — the game pure sport, pure game,” medve- think we have to, other than at the All England Club. And until
match this fortnight. His third- hail Sunday — and coming almost within the game.” dev said, going on to describe the Slams, figure out how to attract Tuesday, Paolini was 0-3 against
round battle with frances Tiafoe daily. only two days have been Shelton’s appreciation of five- opportunities Sinner had to win young audience.” Navarro — who dismissed Coco
went five sets and took 3 hours completely dry. set tennis is a popular opinion the third set Tuesday and the Gauff and Naomi osaka earlier in
50 minutes. That has affected attendance: among players and fans alike, opportunities he had but couldn’t Vekic ends Sun’s run the tournament.
medvedev’s theory? That’s just The first week of the tournament who consider the men playing grasp to win in melbourne. Donna Vekic had thought a “She was a totally different
grass-court tennis, with its quick drew 293,681 visitors in 2023 but best-of-five matches at Grand “That’s why people love tennis. couple of times about quitting player today than when I played
points and games dictated heavily just 282,955 hearty souls this year. Slams — as opposed to best-of- That’s why people get crazy tennis, including when she strug- her in the past. I felt like in our
by the quality of your serve. But it also has altered the rhythm three, which the men play at non- watching tennis. That’s why we gled to get back to her best after previous meetings I was the ag-
“maybe the level is closer than of matches played on the outer Grand Slams and the women play tennis players sometimes get cra- knee surgery in 2021. gressor, I was the one controlling
before,” he said Tuesday — and courts. Player after player has had all the time — a special mental zy playing tennis.” Now she’s happy she stuck with points, getting ahead at the begin-
that’s a strong possibility, too, a match delayed and interrupted and physical demand that sepa- Crazy, sometimes. Tired? Al- it. The 28-year-old Croatian ning of points, then controlling
with Novak Djokovic the outlier mid-set, which tends to lay the rates the pretenders from the most always in a marathon reached her first Grand Slam the rallies, too,” Navarro said.
of the bunch with his 24 Grand groundwork for a change of mo- greats and elevates the majors. match. five-setters offer unfor- semifinal in her 43rd appearance — Associated Press

Food wednesday, july 10 , 2024 ez ee e

iLLuStratioN by NataLia agatte for the WaShiNgtoN poSt

The allure of Hamptons chefs

ike a flock of rare migratory birds, the And although it seemed as if the collective
private chefs of the Hamptons have obsession might be just a flash in the All-Clad
arrived for the summer. We know this pan, the often-fickle interest of social media
because they’re back to sharing their Private cooks are a hit isn’t waning when it comes to this small group
lives on TikTok and Instagram: trips to farmers’
stands for ripe produce, snipping herbs in their
on TikTok, probably of chefs catering to the whims of the rich and
famous summering in one of the world’s most
clients’ magazine-worthy gardens, prepping thanks to the gorgeous exclusive enclaves.
bruschetta and grilled peaches.
The trend began in earnest in 2022, when a
views and food Pamela Wurst Vetrini, a content curator in
Alexandria, Va., this summer started a second
handful began posting “day in the life” videos season of her TikTok series in which she rates
chronicling their long days, including their own BY E MILY H EIL the Hamptons chefs in a “Dance Moms”-style
morning coffee runs, shopping, and serving pyramid, judging them on the videos they post.
their clients dinner. The videos racked up Criteria is subjective, but it includes the food
millions of views and boosted the careers of they create and whether they show “farmers
several of the chefs, including Meredith market hauls” and interiors of their clients’
Hayden, who landed a cookbook deal and runs a kitchens — basically, the elements that make
popular blog called Wishbone Kitchen. See hamptons oN e6

Shopping for one? Here’s hOw tO

how to be less wasteful. Get the most from your tomatoes with these tips
Grocery shopping loads of fresh ingredients, and
for a single person not take up too much time and There was a time when I would
is hard. It’s effort. Unfortunately, it’s nearly scoop out the seeds and gel from
something I’ve impossible to have all three while the inside of a tomato, because I
more or less had still being friendly to the planet didn’t like the texture. I know
to do all of my and your wallet. (Heck, now that I was throwing away
Aaron adult life. When I sometimes it’s difficult to get to both flavor and nutrition — and
Hutcherson lived with two.) I’ve learned my lesson.
Dinner in roommates, we But not all is lost! You don’t But how to get the most flavor
minutes would need to just throw your hands up out of tomatoes? It’s not always
occasionally share in despair and eat peanut butter straightforward.
things we cooked and jelly sandwiches for every Unfortunately, a tomato’s fla-
and would split kitchen staples, meal. Here are my tips for vor often falls victim to modern
such as oils and seasonings, but intentionally and efficiently refrigeration, year-round supply
otherwise we focused on feeding grocery shopping for one person, and even state-of-the-art farming
ourselves when we made trips to with delicious possibilities. practices, yielding tasteless, rock-
the grocery store. Now that I’ve hard fruit hardly fit to top off a
been living alone for the past few Know thyself burger or blend into salsa. But
years, shopping for just myself Some weeks, I have the best of don’t despair. Here are a few rules
has only become more intentions about what I think I’m for getting the tastiest tomatoes
challenging. going to eat. I dream of onto your plate.
The issue with single smoothies in the morning, salads
households is that it’s easy to at lunch, and something Use the entire tomato
over-shop at the grocery store, delicious and homemade for Tomato lore is filled with
which means wasted food and See dInner In mInUtes oN e2 myths and truths. Your family’s
money — two things I hate. The treasured tomato sauce recipe,
problem is caused by the desire ReCIPe rey Lopez for the WaShiNgtoN poSt; food StyLiNg by LiSa CherkaSky for the WaShiNgtoN poSt
handed down through the gener-
to enjoy a variety of foods, use Lamb pita Sandwiches e2 Believe it or not, peeling tomatoes is often not necessary. Instead, keep the skin — and the flavor. See how to oN e4

nOuRIsh weeknIght VegetaRIan mORe at washIngtOnPOst.COm

poached salmon with three-bean salad greek-Style Shrimp Skillet Online Watermelon Mint Smash Online
zucchini tzatziki offers sandwiches have Spicy Carrot and asparagus Stir-fry Online raspberry Whipped Cream
icebox Cake Online
ample pleasure and the makings of a new
Watermelon and tomato Salad Online Chat at noon:
nourishment. e3 picnic classic. e4
E2 ez ee the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

If you’re grocery shopping for one, these tips can help you save food and money
dinner in minutes from e1

dinner. But, in reality, most days I

have a piece of fruit or a granola
bar in the morning (or skip break-
fast entirely), I’m running too late
to pack anything to bring for
lunch, and I resort to takeout or
delivery for dinner because I’m
too exhausted to lift a finger at the
end of the workday. Throw in the
recipe tests that become meals,
and my weekly eating schedule
can be difficult to predict.
We need to be real with our-
selves about what we actually eat
each week. Here are some ques-
tions to get started: How often do
you prepare your own food versus
having someone else prepare it for
you? Are leftovers okay for the
week, or would you rather be one
and done with your meals? If you
freeze leftover food, will you re-
member to eat it down the road?
Can you stick to a strict food plan,
or do you need some level of
flexibility built in?
make a plan
once you’ve answered those
questions, you can start making a
plan, which is paramount to the
goal of cutting back on buying
excess groceries. Start by picking
just one or two dishes you plan to
make that week — don’t forget to
check how many servings they
make — and look at the ingredi-
ents required for each. for the
fresh ingredients, are you able to
buy them in a quantity where
you’ll use them up for the recipe,
or will there be some part remain-
ing, such as half a bunch of fresh
herbs or a few stalks of celery?
With that answer, you can think
up ways to make use of those
ingredients in other meals (within IllustratIon by alIna spatz/the WashIngton post

their expected life span) or make a

note to yourself to repurpose each week to get only what you
them for later, such as by drying need is a great way to prevent
the herbs to store in your spice yourself from buying too much.
cabinet or freezing the celery to It’s when you try to “save time”
eventually make stock. and shop for the next week or two
that you can find yourself in trou-
take inventory ble. more than once, I’ve loaded
Coinciding with making a plan, up on fresh fruit and vegetables
you need to know what ingredi- with a plan to eat more healthful-
ents you already have and which ly, only to barely make a dent in
ones you need to consume immi- them before they need to head to
nently. Buying a new box of pasta the compost bin.
only to discover four more sitting
in your cupboard waiting to be embrace and freeze leftovers
cooked isn’t the end of the world. I know not everyone loves left-
But avoiding overbuying is imper- overs, but making recipes that
ative with perishable items, such lead to more meals later on can
as the head of cabbage you’ve make grocery shopping — and life
been meaning to do something in general — so much easier. I’m
with for weeks or the avocados on all for simply reheating and eating
your counter that you’ve been the same meal three or so times
carefully waiting to ripen for days. over a few days. But if that’s not
one trick to help you remember is your speed, maybe portioning and
to keep perishable things in clear freezing the meal to eat in a few
eyesight. for refrigerated items, weeks or months is more appetiz-
bring the produce to the front of ing. or you can also repurpose,
the shelves and consider taking say, a rotisserie chicken, batch of
things out of drawers. tomato sauce or pot of beans to
use in curries, dips, quesadillas,
stock up on pantry items shakshuka, salads, tacos, grain
Having a well-stocked pantry bowls and more. Enjoying a new,
will simplify your cooking and freshly prepared meal three times
shopping, so it’s a good idea to buy a day would be a joy, but it’s simply
as many shelf-stable items as not practical for most of us. Left-
make sense when you’re on a gro- overs can work wonders if you
cery run. There are the obvious give them a chance.
things, such as rice, beans and To put all this advice into prac-
pasta, but I’m also talking frozen tice, let’s say you want to make the
seafood and vegetables; ferment- accompanying Lamb Pita Sand-
ed things, such as kimchi and
sauerkraut; and frozen meals,
wiches With Tzatziki recipe. fea-
turing cinnamon- and garlic-
Lamb Pita Sandwiches
such as pizza and dumplings. scented lamb patties and cool, With Tzatziki
Knowing that you already have creamy tzatziki, this recipe is
what you need to put together adapted from “The Complete 2 servings (makes 2 sandwiches)
meals with minimal fresh ingredi- Cooking for Two Cookbook” by Cinnamon- and garlic-scented
ents gives you more flexibility America’s Test Kitchen (America’s lamb patties and cool, creamy
when you don’t have many avail- Test Kitchen, 2024), meaning you tzatziki star in these pita sand-
able. can eat one serving for dinner the wiches. This recipe is designed
night you make it and save the for two, but it can easily be scaled
Buy perishable goods other for lunch later in the week. up to feed more. Adding lettuce,
in small quantities It originally called for 12 ounces tomato and cucumber is just one
for the most part, you want to of ground lamb, which you could way to assemble the sandwiches;
limit how much bread, fresh pro- get from the meat counter or a other possibilities include hum-
duce, dairy, meat and seafood you butcher shop. But if you go to the mus, harissa, baba ghanouj, pick-
purchase at once. And even still, meat aisle, you’re more likely to les, olives, feta and more.
the right storage and changing find it sold in one-pound packag- storage: refrigerate the lamb
the types of certain items you es. In this instance, instead of patties and tzatziki separately for
purchase can have a large impact freezing 4 ounces of lamb or try- up to 3 days.
on how long they last. Unless ing to find another use for such a total time: 30 mins
you’re buying commercially small amount, I modified the reci- Adapted from “The Complete
baked bread that contains preser- pe to list a range so you can cook it Cooking for Two Cookbook” by
vatives, your loaves will last only a all at once and each sandwich will America’s Test Kitchen (Ameri-
couple of days at room tempera- get slightly more lamb. ca’s Test Kitchen, 2024).
ture. (Though you can always You need only one cucumber
freeze bread.) Lettuces and herbs total, part of which gets grated for ingredients
can go bad quickly, particularly if the tzatziki and the rest of which l one (6-ounce) cucumber
you don’t store them properly. I gets sliced and stuffed into the l 1/2 cup plain whole or low-fat
don’t drink much milk, so I always pita. The remaining pitas can be Greek yogurt
purchase organic when it’s on my used for more sandwiches, used as l 1 teaspoon minced fresh mint
shopping list, because it lasts the base for pizzas or repurposed or dill
much longer than nonorganic into chips. If you buy a large tub of l 2 garlic cloves, minced or finely
milk. fresh meat should be yogurt, the rest can be eaten for grated, divided
cooked or frozen within a few days breakfast, blended into l 3/4 teaspoon fine salt, divided, photos by peggy Cormary for the WashIngton post; food stylIng by lIsa Cherkasky for the WashIngton post

of purchasing, and I’d plan to use smoothies, baked into cakes and plus more to taste this recipe for lamb pitas makes two servings, so save the second for lunch or for another dinner.
fresh seafood within one day. used to marinate meats, to name a l 12 to 16 ounces ground lamb
Though the family pack of chick- few options. Any extra tomatoes l 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
en thighs might be more afford- and lettuce can easily be made l 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground steps mixture into six to eight 1/2-inch- seconds. (Alternatively, wrap in
able, you’ll need to keep this time- into a salad (or stuffed into more black pepper l Grate about two-thirds of the thick patties (about 2 ounces foil and place in a moderate
line in mind. pita sandwiches). And the rest of l 1 teaspoon neutral oil, such as cucumber into a small bowl. each). oven, toaster oven or air fryer
the ingredients are pantry staples canola or vegetable (Thinly slice the rest and re- l Line a plate with towels and set until warm.) Spread half of the
shop more frequently that you don’t need to think about. l Two (8-inch) pitas serve for the sandwiches.) Add it near your stove. In a large tzatziki inside each pita, then
If possible, try to make smaller, With this jump-start on mak- l 1/2 romaine lettuce heart, thinly the yogurt, mint or dill, half of (12-inch) nonstick skillet over fill each with half of the lettuce,
more frequent shopping trips. ing a plan, give it a try and see how sliced the garlic, and 1/4 teaspoon of medium-high heat, heat the oil sliced cucumber, tomato and
making a couple of smaller trips these tips work for you. l 1 medium tomato, thinly sliced the salt, and stir to combine. until just smoking. Add the pat- the lamb patties. Serve warm.
Taste, and season with more ties and cook until well browned l substitutions: fresh herbs >>
salt, if desired. This is your on the bottom, about 4 minutes. 1/ teaspoon dried herbs. ro-
tzatziki. Cover and refrigerate flip the patties, reduce the heat maine >> another crunchy let-
fo od until ready to serve. to medium and cook until well tuce.
l Break up the ground lamb into browned on the other side, nutrition | per serving (1 sandwich with 3
food and dining editor: Joe yonan • deputy food editor: matt brooks • Recipes editor: becky krystal • Art small pieces in a medium bowl, about 4 minutes. Transfer to the lamb patties), using 12 ounces of lamb:
and add the cinnamon, pepper, towel-lined plate. 760 calories, 45g carbohydrates, 140mg
directors: Cece pascual, marissa Vonesh • Photo editor: Jennifer beeson gregory • Assistant recipes editor: cholesterol, 47g fat, 3g fiber, 39g protein,
and the remaining garlic and 1/2 l Cut off the top 2 inches from 20g saturated fat, 1289mg sodium,
olga massov • food critic: tom sietsema • Staff writers: tim Carman, g. daniela galarza, aaron hutcherson, emily
teaspoon of salt. Lightly mix each pita. Place the pitas on a 5g sugar
heil • Copy editor: rachael bolek • Editorial aide: anna luisa rodriguez | Contact us:, 202- with your hands until com- plate, cover and microwave on recipe tested by aaron hutcherson; email
334-7575. the Washington post, food, 1301 k st. nW, Washington, d.C. 20071 bined. Pinch off and shape the HIGH until warm, about 30 questions to
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E3

phoTos by Tom mCCorkle for The WashinGTon posT; food sTylinG by Gina nisTiCo for The WashinGTon posT

You may just fall for this impressive poached salmon with zucchini tzatziki
Poached salmon draped in a cool, creamy yogurt of acid, aromatic and herb enough to handle, the skin is that gives it an earthier flavor The creamy sauce is spread
will always hold a sauce. will work — and bring it to easily removed, and the tender, and a more substantial texture. onto each plate, then topped
spark of romance Making poached salmon, like a boil. pink fish is ready to be eaten A key step is to remove as much with a fillet of the poached fish,
for me because it nurturing a good relationship, Then you add the salmon, either warm at that moment, or liquid as possible from the and adorned with a drizzle of
was the first involves a measure of care and reduce the heat, and cook the chilled for later. In this recipe, it grated vegetable by letting it olive oil and feathery fronds of
dinner I ever attention, but there is an overall fish it until it flakes easily but is is first seasoned with a lovely drain for 15 minutes, then dill for a meal that — just like
Ellie made for my ease to it. You start by getting still tender inside. You don’t sprinkle of lemon zest, salt and giving it a good squeeze. true love — brings ample
Krieger husband, roughly the poaching liquid together want the poaching liquid to pepper. The zucchini is then stirred pleasure and nourishment.
Nourish this time of year in a pan wide enough to boil; it’s best to attentively The creamy yogurt sauce for with yogurt, garlic and olive oil,
30 years ago. It hold the fish in a single layer. adjust the heat to keep it gently the fish is similar to a Greek plus lemon, shallot and dill, krieger is a registered dietitian
wouldn’t be a You season it — in this case simmering, just like with a new tzatziki, but it’s made with which echo the flavors in the nutritionist, cookbook author, and
stretch to say we fell in love over with lemon juice, sliced shallots relationship. Once the salmon is zucchini instead of the salmon poaching liquid. I like to cooking show and podcast host.
that meal of buttery, flaky fish and dill, but any combination transferred to a plate and is cool traditional cucumber, a twist add some fresh mint, too. learn more at

in a large (12-inch) lidded skillet

Your Kitchen,
with tall sides set over high
heat, bring 4 cups of water to a
boil. (In a separate saucepan or
kettle, bring an additional 2

just the way you like it.

cups of water to a boil, in case
it’s needed.) Add 2 tablespoons
of the lemon juice, the sliced
shallots and dill sprig to the
boiling water in the skillet, re-
duce the heat to medium-low
and place the salmon in the
skillet, skin side down. If the
fillets are not completely sub-
merged, add boiling water from
the kettle to the skillet until they
l Cover the skillet and poach the
salmon, checking occasionally
to make sure the water is at a
Poached Salmon With Zucchini Tzatziki bare simmer, until the fish is
opaque, flakes easily under the
4 servings tines of a fork and reaches an
In this light, summery dish, tender poached salmon sits atop a internal temperature of 125 de-
creamy yogurt sauce similar to a Greek tzatziki. This version, however, grees on an instant-read ther-
is made with zucchini instead of the traditional cucumber. The poached mometer for medium-rare,
salmon can be served either warm or chilled. about 10 minutes for 1-inch-
Storage: Refrigerate the salmon for up to 2 days; the sauce, for up to thick fillets. Use a slotted spatu-
3 days. la to transfer the fillets to a
Total time: 25 mins plate, let sit until cool enough to
From cookbook author and registered dietitian nutritionist Ellie handle, then remove and dis-
Krieger. card the skin.
l While the fish is cooling, trans-
Ingredients / teaspoon freshly ground
l 18 fer the drained zucchini to the
l 11/2 teaspoons finely grated black pepper bowl with the grated shallot.
lemon zest (from 1 large lemon) Add the yogurt, 11/2 tablespoons
l 2 medium shallots (2 ounces Steps of the oil, 1 tablespoon of the
total), divided l Place the lemon zest in a small dill, the remaining 1 tablespoon
l 1 medium zucchini (8 ounces), bowl and cover with a clean, of lemon juice, the mint, if us-
coarsely grated damp towel to keep it from ing, and 1/8 teaspoon of the salt,
l 1/4 teaspoon plus 1/8 teaspoon drying out. Coarsely grate about and stir to combine. You should
fine salt, divided 2 teaspoons of one of the shal- have about 11/3 cups.
l 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice lots and transfer to a medium l Add the remaining 1/8 teaspoon
(from the same lemon), divided bowl. Slice the remaining shal- of salt and the pepper to the
l 1 large sprig plus 1 tablespoon lots. lemon zest, and stir to combine.
chopped fresh dill, divided, l In a colander or fine-mesh Sprinkle the zest mixture on top
plus more as needed strainer set over a bowl, toss the of the salmon.
l Four (6-ounce) skin-on salmon zucchini with 1/8 teaspoon of the l To serve, spread about 1/3 cup of
fillets salt and let drain for about 15 the sauce on each plate, top
l 1 cup plain Greek yogurt minutes. Using your hands, each with a salmon fillet (warm
(low-fat or whole-milk) squeeze out (and discard) or at room temperature), drizzle
l 2 tablespoons extra-virgin as much liquid as possible; with the remaining 1/2 table-
olive oil, divided you should get about 3/4 cup spoon of oil and garnish with
l 2 teaspoons finely chopped zucchini. dill.
fresh mint leaves (optional) l While the zucchini is draining, Substitutions: Dill >> parsley.
Shallot >> white or yellow on- Free advice. A detailed scope of work with a fixed price.
ion. Zucchini >> yellow squash.
Dairy-free? >> Use a nondairy Passionate and background checked team members.
Search “Poached Salmon and Napa Slaw Greek yogurt instead.
All backed by a 5-year workmanship warranty.
With Citrus-Miso Dressing” or “Grilled nutrition | per serving (1 salmon fillet and

Salmon With Pistachio Lemon Pesto” in

about 1/3 cup sauce): 340 calories, 7g
carbohydrates, 84mg cholesterol, 16g fat,
1g fiber, 42g protein, 3g saturated fat,
Offering peace of mind since 1961.
our recipe archives 364mg sodium, 5g sugar
recipe tested by olga massov; email
find these dishes and discover more dinner inspiration
in our archive of more than 10,000 post-tested recipes.
questions to
Recipe questions? email VA 703.691.5500
Julia MD 301.388.5959
Turshen DC 202.770.3131
scan the Qr code with your phone’s
camera or visit
Julia is away. The column will
resume when she returns. A DIVISION OF VA #2701039723 | MD MHIC #1176 | DC #2242
E4 eZ ee the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

What’s better than three-bean salad?

Three-bean salad on a sandwich.
I can no more wrote my 2020 cookbook, “Cool with chickpeas, cannellinis and
remember the Beans.” for that, I roasted fresh kidneys, and it was spot-on.
first time I tasted wax beans along with garlic Pick whichever beans you
a three-bean cloves, using the soft garlic in a want, naturally, combining a
salad than I can dressing that includes a lot less half-cup from three different
remember the sugar than my mother’s did. I cans to make four sandwiches,
Joe Yonan first time I added a fistful of parsley and but to make it easier, look for
WeeKnight breathed. It’s topped the salad with feta, and I cans of already-mixed beans.
Vegetarian always been have made it that way for years. They go by many names —
there, at every Recently, though, when I “bean trio,” “bean medley,”
picnic, every cookout of my life, started craving three-bean “three-bean blend” — but avoid
as unchanging as the air. salad, I wanted it in sandwich those that are already tossed in
And for the longest time, I form. After all, if a picnic classic a dressing or that, ugh, already
loved it. My mother, like so is good eaten with a fork, include canned green beans.
many of her generation, would wouldn’t it be even better To take my sandwiches to the
combine three kinds of canned between slices of bread? one of next level, I leave onions out of
beans — including green — in a the charms of three-bean salad the salad and layer on slices of
sweet-tart (let’s be honest: is that its flavors improve over sweet Vidalias. And for a little
mostly sweet) dressing, along time, a quality that would serve richness, I turn to a favorite
with chopped onions and celery. a picnic sandwich well, too — at product, Boursin spreadable
But as I grew up and my palate least for a day. cheese (the kind that stars in
matured, I had to admit a There was still that matter of “The Bear” omelet), which now
problem with the whole the green beans. Even after comes in an excellent plant-
concept: I loathe canned green roasting them, I just didn’t want based version. I also like to
beans. Where other beans can them in a sandwich, where their include big, crunchy sprouts,
still maintain their taste and texture was neither soft and like those from sunflowers, if
texture when canned — I creamy like the other beans, nor you can find them, but you can
consider them one of the best crunchy like the onions in the use whichever sprouts you like.
convenience products you can mix. Distracting. I thought of I’m not saying these
buy — I find the green ones chopping them finer and finer, sandwiches should replace every
mushy and relatively flavorless, until I realized that the dish has three-bean salad at every picnic
especially when compared with an escape clause built right into you attend for the rest of your
the freshly cooked version. the name. Who’s to say exactly life. But I do think they have the
I updated the dish when I which three beans? I tried it makings of a new classic.

Three-Bean Salad Sandwiches l 8 slices low-sodium multigrain

sandwich bread, such as food
4 servings for Life Ezekiel 4:9 brand,
This recipe turns the cookout staple of three-bean salad into simple, lightly toasted
satisfying sandwiches. Use a can of three-bean medley, mash the beans l 1/ cup Boursin or other
slightly with a tangy-sweet dressing, and layer it on bread with spreadable cheese (see
spreadable cheese, sweet Vidalia onion slices and sunflower sprouts. If Substitutions)
you can’t find the three-bean cans (sometimes labeled “salad beans” or l 1/ cup large sprouts, such as
“bean trio”), use separate cans of whichever varieties you like (see sunflower sprouts or
Substitutions). microgreens, for serving (see
Storage: Wrap any leftover completed sandwiches in parchment or Substitutions)
wax paper, and refrigerate for up to 1 day. Refrigerate leftover salad l Thinly sliced yellow onion,
(minus the bread) for up to 4 days. preferably Vidalia, for serving ToM MCCoRkLe foR The WashiNGToN PosT; food sTYLiNG bY GiNa NisTiCo foR The WashiNGToN PosT

Total time: 20 mins

from food and Dining editor Joe Yonan. Steps ing enough that they stick to- another vegan spreadable beans, taste the salad and season
l In a medium bowl, whisk to- gether. cheese, such as Kite Hill brand. with salt as needed. Sunflower
Ingredients l 14 / teaspoon freshly ground gether the olive oil, vinegar, l Spread one side of each bread To make this low-carb >> use sprouts >> pea shoots or any
l 2 tablespoons olive oil black pepper mustard, maple syrup, garlic slice with 1 tablespoon of the lettuce and make wraps instead other sprouts you like.
l 2 tablespoons apple cider l one (15-ounce) can three-bean and pepper until emulsified. cheese. Build the sandwiches of sandwiches. Gluten-free? >> Nutrition | Per sandwich: 326 calories,
vinegar combination, drained and l Add the beans and parsley, and with sprouts on the bottom, Use gluten-free bread. Three- 51g carbohydrates, 40mg cholesterol,
l 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard rinsed (11/2 cups; see stir to combine. Use a potato beans in the middle and onions bean combination >> whichever 19g fat, 12g fiber, 17g protein, 8g saturated
fat, 553mg sodium, 4g sugar
l 1 teaspoon maple syrup Substitutions) masher or wooden spoon to on top, then serve. combination of canned or home-
l 1 garlic clove, finely grated 1/ cup lightly packed fresh flat- Recipe tested by Joe Yonan; email questions
l 4 lightly mash the beans, keeping l Substitutions: To make this ve- cooked varieties you’d like. If to
or pressed leaf parsley leaves, chopped many of them whole but mash- gan >> use dairy-free Boursin or you use no-salt-added canned

What to know about using up sweet red onions, storing corn on the cob and more
Each Wednesday for steeping the mint for 30 cob, says Jeffrey Brecht, a A: You can go either way. I
Q&A at noon, Post minutes in a warm cream/milk/ professor at the University of don’t know about anti-
aaron recipes editor sugar mixture. Although it’s florida. So when you don’t nutrients, but it seems as if
hutcherson Becky Krystal good, it tastes vegetal. Any remove the leaves, the kernels cooking in fresh water rather
and BecKy and food writer thoughts? can dry out and get dented. than the soaking liquid might
Krystal Aaron A: Sounds like it steeped too Brecht suggests sprinkling the help make them slightly more
Hutcherson long or too hot. Maybe try for corn with some ice and storing digestible and reduce the side
answer questions and provide shorter next time, or use less it in a plastic bag, removing the effects of beans that people
practical cooking advice in a mint. A longer steep in just cold water from the melted ice, and tend to harp on.
chat with readers at cream/milk could give you more replenishing it every so often. — B. K. subtle flavor. Also curious: Did — B. K.
community. Here are edited you use spearmint (the Q: I appreciate and enjoy these
excerpts. Recipes whose names preferred type for cooking) or Q: How hot should the pan get food chats every week, even
are capitalized can be found at peppermint? Spearmint is to get a good crust on a though I usually have to wait to
our Recipes landing page at mellower, and peppermint is hamburger? I’m thinking of read them after work. Thanks more astringent and your Smash Burger Tacos for providing help and your
toothpaste-y, although that recipe. knowledge about cooking! I
Q: I couldn’t resist sweet red doesn’t quite seem like your A: Heat a griddle or large cast- have always loved cooking and
onions at the farmers market, issue. sCoTT suChMaN foR The WashiNGToN PosT
food sTYLiNG bY CaRoLYN Robb foR The WashiNGToN PosT iron, carbon-steel or stainless- baking but don’t have much
forgetting that I hadn’t been — Becky Krystal steel skillet over medium-high confidence with substitutions. I
able to resist them two days To get a good crust on a burger, such as for Smash Burger Tacos, heat until very hot (a few always follow recipes! But after
before. I have them all in those Q: I have a potato salad recipe I heat a skillet over medium-high until very hot (a few minutes). minutes). reading this chat and the food
wonderful Evert fresh bags, but want to make, but I can’t find — A. H. columns in The Washington
how should I use them up fresh tarragon in any of the at the farmers market, I that method, or would it be fine Post, I have started to go rogue
before they are past their peak? stores I shop at. What would be dutifully cut off the leaves about to stick the cobs in the fridge Q: Please weigh in on whether occasionally. Just wanted to
I’ve been grating the bigger a good alternative? an inch from the end and store untouched and husk them the soaking water from dried thank you for helping me gain
ones into salads. Should I make A: Basil is somewhat close to them separately for use in before cooking? beans should be discarded or the confidence to go off-recipe
a quiche or something? fresh tarragon. Parsley should frittatas, stir-fries, bean dishes, A: I addressed this in a piece a retained. A little research will sometimes!
A: I love pickling them! A also work. or maybe a soups, etc. The goal is to few years ago! If I know I’m find studies that claim the A: This is exactly one of our
quiche or tart of some sort combination. prevent the leaves from going to use the corn soon, I soaking liquid contains “anti- goals with everything we share.
sounds like a great option, too. — A. H. drawing liquid out of the will just refrigerate the corn nutrients” and say it’s best to Glad to hear that you’re
— Aaron Hutcherson I don’t know the rest of the vegetables. I recently read that husks and all, and it’s usually drain and rinse. A commercial becoming a more confident
recipe, but potato salad = dill a similar principle applies to fine. Think you’re protecting bean producer, however, now cook!
Q: I just got an ice cream maker for me. corn on the cob: that, contrary your corn by leaving it in the claims that talk of anti- — A. H.
and made mint ice cream in an — B. K. to instinct, the husks should be husk, as I did? Wrong! Corn nutrients is bunk and that Aw, love to hear this, thank
attempt to use some of my stripped off and the naked cobs loses water through the husk, people should cook the beans in you!
excess mint. The recipe called Q: When I buy beets or radishes refrigerated. Do you agree with which draws moisture from the the soaking water. — B. K.

To pick the tastiest tomatoes, sni≠ and squeeze them — then eat them promptly
how To fRoM E1 antioxidants not found in the rest ponically in a controlled environ- tomatoes — say, from the garden
of the fruit. And, in a practical ment — and subjected to different — that you can’t use before they
ations, probably includes strict sense, the skin is a structural weather endures a certain go off, refrigerate them for no
instructions for skinning and element that keeps the tomato amount of stress, and this turns longer than 3 days, and bring
seeding the tomatoes to get a from disintegrating — which is out to be a benefit for flavor. “Just back to room temperature before
smoother texture, but Harry Klee, pretty important when making a like the best wines come from old eating. (Don’t chill unripe toma-
emeritus professor at the Univer- Caprese salad or stuffed toma- vines that have been very stressed toes, because they’ll never ripen.)
sity of florida’s Horticultural Sci- toes. out, the same thing is true of The University of California rec-
ences Department, has been tomatoes,” Klee says. Such toma- ommends placing tomatoes in
studying tomatoes for nearly 40 Give the tomato a sniff toes are exposed to a variety of the crisper drawer in their origi-
years and notes that today’s high- “Perception is so important to pathogens, soil types, bright sun- nal clamshell package, a paper
speed blenders negate such time- flavor,” Klee says, “because flavor light and ultraviolet radiation, bag or a plastic bag with a few
consuming efforts. “I just cut off is a combination of taste and and Klee’s studies have shown slits. These strategies prevent
the stem scar and throw the smell. The signals from your ol- that this resilience builds flavor. moisture loss and the buildup of
whole tomato in the blender,” he factory nerves go to your brain ethylene, a ripening hormone
says. “It comes out velvety and light up some neurons, and Store your tomatoes on the that can eventually cause rotting.
smooth, and you don’t lose any the signals from your mouth light counter — and eat promptly
flavor or nutrition.” up some neurons. Then your If you shop, like many Ameri- Eat tomatoes when
It turns out that a tomato really brain magically puts these two cans, just once a week, then it’s they are in season
is the sum of its parts: While the things together.” If a tomato sCoTT suChMaN foR The WashiNGToN PosT
food sTYLiNG bY Lisa CheRkaskY foR The WashiNGToN PosT best to eat any ripe tomatoes It seems obvious, but in a
flesh can have that juicy texture doesn’t smell great, it won’t taste within a day or two. Avoid refrig- world where we can get tomatoes
that instantly transports us to a great, either — but don’t confuse erating them to extend their shelf on demand any day of the year,
classic tomato sandwich on a the scent of the fruit with the the fruit. The scent can be subtle, somewhere in between. You life, especially those purchased we end up sacrificing flavor for
summer day, the gel is packed scent of its stem or leaves. In fact, but you should get a nice tomato- should very lightly press the to- from the supermarket. “A tomato convenience. one way to preserve
with umami flavor, offering more Klee notes that consumers love to ey aroma. mato between your fingers to that has been refrigerated for the true umami flavor of your
than triple the glutamate pro- purchase tomatoes on the vine at avoid bruising. It should be firm four days or longer is going to lose favorite tomatoes? Try oven-dry-
teins — flavor compounds — the supermarket, but “all you’re Give the tomato a squeeze but have a slight give. its flavor,” Klee says, “and you ing those summer beauties —
found in the flesh. As to the seeds, really smelling is the stem, which flavor and ripeness go hand in have no way of knowing if that seeds, skin, and all — then freeze
which some find slightly bitter, triggers a psychological reaction.” hand, so a tomato should be able Go for ‘stressed out’ tomatoes supermarket tomato has been them to enjoy in recipes all winter
they are actually very nutritious, Be sure to smell the skin, perhaps to pass the Goldilocks test: not A tomato that has been grown there for 24 hours or a week.” If long, a little taste of July sun-
while the skin is loaded with near the stem scar at the top of too hard and not too mushy, but outside — as opposed to hydro- you have a sudden influx of ripe shine.
wednesday, july 10 , 2024 . the washington post ez ee e5

Biodynamic wine may have roots in pseudoscience, but the proof is in the bottle
In 1924, a group of
farmers in Central
Europe became
concerned about
the declining
health of their
Wine soils. They blamed
Dave the increasing use
McIntyre of synthetic
herbicides and
insecticides in modern industrial
agriculture and sought to restore
a natural balance on their lands.
So, naturally, they asked a
philosopher for help.
In a series of lectures, Rudolf
Steiner outlined what became
known as biodynamic
agriculture. The Austrian native
was a disciple of Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe and
advocated what loosely translates
as “spiritual science.” (Steiner also
created the Waldorf system of
Steiner argued that a farm
should be viewed as its own
ecosystem, with a rich
biodiversity rather than a
monoculture. Fertilizers and
treatments for crops should be
natural and drawn from within
the farm, rather than using
synthetics from outside. Planting
and harvesting should be timed
to take advantage of the
gravitational effects of the sun
and moon.
Biodynamics preceded organic
agriculture (though both started
as throwbacks to preindustrial
farming). Today there are various
organic certifications with
differing standards, but,
essentially, organic and
biodynamic practices eschew
synthetic fertilizers and Jeff pachoud/afp/getty images

chemicals and emphasize soil

health. Biodynamics differs by its the chamomile tea will calm vines
emphasis on the farm as a living that are too vigorous. It’s not a
organism and the source of its placebo effect. Something is
own fertilizer, as well as its definitely happening.”
reliance on the lunar calendar. Alexander Zahel adopted
Because of those aspects, organic viticulture when he took
biodynamics has been ridiculed over his family’s vineyards on the
as pseudoscience, voodoo outskirts of Vienna, in 2005, and
agriculture and several turned to biodynamics because of
unprintable descriptions. Its its rigor and emphasis on
most famous “preparation” biodiversity. He achieved Demeter
involves stuffing cow horns with certification for his vineyards in
manure and burying them 2018. Zahel told me that
throughout the farm in the fall, biodynamics has made the vines
then digging them up in the less vigorous, which resulted in
spring to make a tisane — a not- grapes achieving ripeness and a
exactly-herbal tea — to spray on concentration with lower sugar
the crops to promote vigor. Other levels. That means lower alcohol
preparations use chamomile and in the finished wines.
stinging nettle. The biodynamic “The wines are more
calendar, with its reliance on the individual, with good complexity
phases of the moon and root, and texture but without being so
flower, leaf and fruit days full-bodied as they were 15 years
according to where the moon is in ago,” Zahel says.
the zodiac, conjures images of Austria’s Demeter branch
hippie communes. requires growers to share
And yet, some of the world’s experiences with the various
most renowned wineries are preparations in small groups.
biodynamic: Domaine de la Zahel said the exchange of ideas
Romanée-Conti and many others creates a sense of community
in Burgundy and Château Palmer “and gets us away from the more
and Château Pontet-Canet in esoteric, howling-at-the-moon
Bordeaux. Biodynamics is almost hocus-pocus stuff.”
de rigueur in Oregon’s Willamette More recently, Zahel became
Valley, where my favorites include the first European winery to
Brooks, Winderlea and Soléna receive the new Regenerative
Estate. And it’s immensely Organic Alliance certification,
popular in Austria, where which has been described as
organizations such as Respekt- philippe desmazes/afp/getty images
biodynamics without the
BIODYN promote biodynamic pseudoscience. Like with
viticulture. TOP: Among many practices of other countries such as France or “I believe in it,” he says. “It’s even on a scorching July day, the biodynamics, the regenerative
Biodynamic Federation biodynamic farming is the use Italy the most known biodynamic obliged me to be as gentle as leaves seemed to be lifting toward certification focuses on soil health
Demeter International, named of cover crops in between vines. product is wine. In Latin America, possible to the earth and to make the sun rather than drooping and biodiversity, but it also adds a
for the ancient Greek goddess of ABOVE: In this type of Demeter coffee, bananas and sure I’m going to pass the from the heat. social dimension — for instance,
agriculture and harvests, is the agriculture, horses are chocolate are also known, property to my daughter in better In our recent conversation, considering how an enterprise
leading certification body; based encouraged for plowing and whereas in the U.S. most people shape than when I took it on. Montalieu said he noticed treats its employees. It also has
in Darmstadt, Germany, it aerating the soil instead of know only biodynamic wine.” That’s rewarding in itself.” differences in the soil, too. “The bronze, silver and gold tiers to
certifies 7,067 farms worldwide, tractors. Asked about the controversial Several years ago, Montalieu soil is … less compact, so the root inspire companies to improve.
including 1,439 wineries. A aspects of biodynamics, some gave me a tour of a biodynamic system can go deeper,” he said. Zahel said the Regenerative
French organization called winegrowers shrug and point to vineyard in Willamette Valley’s “So we get a better expression of Organic certification will attract
Biodyvin certifies wineries in the results. Yamhill-Carlton district. The the sandstone and siltstone companies and wineries that are
Europe and has more than 200 “I don’t understand it, but it’s most obvious difference subsoil we have here, and that interested in improving their
members. been a fascinating journey,” says compared with a nearby vineyard helps me make a wine with a stewardship of the land but that
“The visibility of biodynamic Laurent Montalieu, whose NW farmed more conventionally was better sense of place.” were perhaps put off by
farming depends on the country,” Wine Co. owns some 1,200 acres the cover crop between the rows And he compares the biodynamics’ more esoteric
Clara Behr, spokeswoman for of vineyards in Oregon’s that lent an air of untidy biodynamic preparations to qualities. But he doesn’t expect
Demeter, said in an email. “In Willamette and Umpqua valleys. rowdiness. I recall Montalieu homeopathic medicine. “Just as a the discipline to become obsolete.
Germany or Switzerland people About 200 acres are farmed pointing out more subtle stinging nettle tea can stimulate “There will always be a niche
are familiar with all sorts of biodynamically, including at his influences, such as a healthy your digestive system, it seems to for those who love the spiritual
biodynamic products, … but in family winery, Soléna Estate. sheen on the vine leaves and how, energize the vines,” he says. “And aspects of biodynamics,” he says.

r ec o mme nd at io n s

hot weather calls for cold wine. value red wines, year after year. and the websites and
this week, slake your thirst with a the oVr rosé may have more social media feeds of the wineries,
citrusy, refreshing white from sicily competition, but it delivers importers, distributors, and your
and rosés from provence and refreshing cherry and berry flavors favorite local wine store. You can also
california. with a hint of sage. the blend is ask your local retailer to order wines
— Dave McIntyre syrah, grenache noir and grenache from the distributors listed. Bottle
gris. aBV: 13.5 percent. BW: 480 weight is included, because this is
Great VaLUe grams (light). the single most important contributor
Villarini Grillo 2023 distributed locally by rndc. to wine’s carbon footprint. Have wine
 questions for Dave McIntyre? Send
Sicily, Italy, $14 H&B rosé 2023 them to
crisp and refreshing, this wine 
offers flavors of lime, mango, Côteaux d’Aix-en-Provence, France, Legend
kumquat and mint. if that sounds a $20  good: the wine delivers what it
bit busy, it’s because there’s a lot textbook provence rosé: promises at a fair price. if it says
going on in this delightful bottle. Watermelon, cantaloupe and wild chardonnay, it tastes like
organic; vegan. alcohol by volume: herbs parade across your palate chardonnay.
12.5 percent. Bottle weight: 380 for a refreshing summer quaff. the   excellent: a wine with
grams (light). blend is grenache, cinsault and character and added interest. may
imported by Vinimundi. distributed locally rolle (vermentino). the bottle is elevate your eyebrows at the first
by craft Wine & spirits. unnecessarily heavy. certified sip.
B corp; organic. aBV: 13 percent.    extraordinary: an exciting
marietta cellars oVr old Vine BW: 680 grams (heavy). wine that stands out from others in
rosé 2023
imported by Vineyard Brands. distributed its class. fist-pumping, table-
 locally by Breakthru Beverage group, rndc. thumping good.
California, $19
    sublime: otherworldly.
marietta cellars brings us the old Prices are approximate. For may have you thinking, “so this is scott suchman for the Washington post
Vine red, one of california’s best- availability, check, Wine- what they were talking about.” FROM LEFT: Villarini Grillo 2023; Marietta Cellars OVR Old Vine Rosé 2023; H&B Rosé 2023.
E6 eZ ee the washington post . wednesday, july 10 , 2024

The chefs of the Hamptons are back for more on TikTok

HAMPtOnS from E1

Hamptons private chef accounts

so riveting.
“There is something about
that East Coast/Nancy meyers/
Ina Garten aesthetic that people
just cannot get enough of,” Vetri-
ni says. “It’s remote, it’s exclu-
sive. They’re places that not a lot
of us are going to ever be able to
experience in our life.”
This year, among the dozen or
so accounts she is highlighting,
she has even identified a few she
suspects aren’t real chefs, but
fans who appear to be cosplaying
the Hamptons private-chef life-
style they’ve come to know on
Jill Donenfeld, co-founder of
the Culinistas, an agency that
connects clients to private chefs
— including in the Hamptons —
says the social media attention
has helped bring prestige to
personal cheffing, a field that
was long seen as “the stepchild”
of the culinary industry, which
reveres restaurant chef work as
its pinnacle. “We really get to see
that it’s an interesting career
path,” she says. “It’s a rewarding
career path. And it is just as
difficult and demanding as the
restaurant world but in a little
bit of a different way.”
That, she says, has led to a
noticeable uptick in the supply of
chefs applying for jobs — and of
clients who have spotted the
chefs on social media. This sum-
mer, the agency rented a house in
the Hamptons where some of the
30 or so chefs working in the area
can stay.
Donenfeld, who says she’s in
talks with several production
companies about a potential alex BakeR

TV show but declined to give

details, chalks up the phenom- CLOCKWISE FROM tOP: Alex
enon’s appeal to its blend of Baker has spent the past three
fantasy and reality. “Everyone summers with the same family
can relate to it because so many in the Hamptons. tiana tenet,
of us cook for our own families,” left, and Jill Donenfeld, co-
she says. “And yet it’s also aspira- founders of the Culinistas, an
tional, because it’s in this beauti- agency that connects clients to
ful setting. It’s such a funny private chefs. Pamela Wurst
mixture.” Vetrini in her Alexandria
kitchen. Baker likes to serve
the setting is gorgeous lighter food in the Hamptons,
of course, we’ve always loved such as wild salmon with a
getting glimpses into the houses lemon caper sauce and a
of the 1 percent, going back to tomato, basil and mozzarella
Jane Austen-era visits to the salad. Seth Boylan finishes a
great homes of the English coun- charred corn and tomato salad
tryside and continuing with with pesto before serving.
“Lifestyles of the rich and fa-
mous,” mTV’s “Cribs” and even
the real Housewives franchise.
But the Hamptons’ specific aes-
thetic — with its cedar-shake
siding and acres of hydrangeas —
makes it particularly alluring. Vetrini says the videos might
Alex Baker, who has spent the help home cooks stuck in a rut —
past three summers as a private even if they don’t have the gleam-
chef in the Hamptons with the ing-white kitchens and high-end
same family for whom she works ranges they see on social media.
year-round, says the magic is in “I love the idea of becoming the
the setting. Like her, many of the main character of your own life
Hamptons chefs work in New and romanticizing the things
York City during the rest of the that we do every day,” she says. “I
year — some for the same fami- cook for my family, three meals a
lies as in the summer. day, every day, but if I were to
In her experience, the content pretend that I was a private chef,
she produces in the city just Jenn BeCk/JB MaRie photogRaphy Sylvie RoSokoff it could be much more enjoy-
doesn’t get as much engagement, able.”
and a lot of that has to do with Tiana Tenet, the other co-
the backdrop. Even kitchens in founder of the Culinistas agency,
multimillion-dollar city homes says that, because of their short-
don’t impress as much as the airy er form and punchier style, the
summer digs do. “City kitchens chefs’ TikToks might seem more
aren’t as extravagant. There’s not approachable to a home cook
as much space, there’s no gar- than traditional TV shows.
den,” she says. “It’s really easy to “They’re seeing the chefs go to
make beautiful content here. It’s their garden and make some-
literally a movie set.” thing from it,” she says. “I think
they’re starting to help viewers
the food looks amazing realize that they can take el-
Just as there’s a specific look to ements of the private chef into
the “set” they’re working in, the their own lives.”
food made by many of the chefs Baker attributes some of the
has a definite vibe. genre’s popularity to a wider
Chef Seth Boylan, who is on interest in cheffing. “Because of
his second summer in the exclu- shows like ‘The Bear,’ people are
sive community, says his goal is so aware of this profession, and
to let the ingredients shine. “It’s the private chef thing is kind of a
just keeping things very simple new twist,” she says.
as it is: finishing things on the
grill or marinating something It’s honest work
and throwing it on the grill. Hamptons chefs’ content, too,
Everything is nice, light and has a more wholesome feel than
bright.” many other videos people post.
“You don’t really need to be for one thing, the cooks are
doing complex dishes with a putting in long days and working
million ingredients,” he says. “A hard. These aren’t diva influenc-
tomato salad can be as simple as ers swanning into restaurants.
seasoning it with salt, olive oil, a And there’s just not a ton of
little bit of lemon zest, and drama, which might be partly
plating it with some grilled sour- because they exercise discretion
dough.” about their clients. (This varies;
Baker’s menus are similarly some film freely around the
breezy. “I love taking a whole alex BakeR paMela WuRSt vetRini properties where they work, and
side of salmon and just roasting others only shoot close-in videos
it and putting it on a platter, and off-site.) As Donenfeld notes,
and then having a bunch of giant crudité and cheese platter, normie grocery shopping has they’re too professional and busy
salads to go with it,” she says. a Caesar salad, quinoa with an become financially fraught, a $7 for that. Vetrini recalled that, last
“People aren’t really eating that herb vinaigrette, grilled steaks heirloom tomato feels almost as summer, the closest thing to
heavy in the summer. It’s hot, you and chicken, and salmon with unattainable as the Carrara mar- drama was when a chef acciden-
know?” labneh and a zhoug sauce. oh, ble countertops. tally spilled grease on his client’s
She also leans on “lots of and a birthday cake. “Everyone can relate to it because so many You can romanticize
wooden deck and had to scram-
lemon and vinegar” and olive oil “It was a lot,” she said with a ble to clean it — hardly the kind
instead of butter, she says. laugh. “But I’ve been doing this of us cook for our own families. And yet your own life of table-turning stuff of most
This year, she kicked off the for a long time, so it’s kind of Viewers aren’t necessarily reality shows.
summer season on memorial second nature at this point.” it’s also aspirational, because it’s in this watching so they can re-create Viewers get a taste of a world
Day weekend, which included a Even the chefs’ shopping trips the dishes themselves, just as of wealth and privilege, but
last-minute party for 30 guests for ingredients are a feast for the beautiful setting. It’s such a funny mixture.” most viewers of traditional food through people who seem a lot
on Sunday night. She couldn’t eyes — and another aspirational TV aren’t interested in reproduc- more like us regular folk. “You’re
Jill Donenfeld, co-founder of the Culinistas
find anyone to hire to lend her a experience. They often shop at ing an Iron Chef ’s moves. But not seeing it through the eyes of
hand on the holiday weekend, so local farm stands, or they pick up they might get inspiration for a millionaire. You’re seeing it
she pulled the whole thing off seafood and luxe cuts of meat at family meals or pick up tips on through the eyes of a creative
herself: “tons of appetizers,” in- shopping spots including the cooking for a crowd (because who’s working for a millionaire,”
cluding caviar with crème round Swamp farm and Citarel- many meals the chefs create are Vetrini says. “I think the access
fraîche and Lay’s potato chips, a la markets. In an era where for their clients’ parties). point is very good.”

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