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St. James Academy, Plaridel, Bulacan, Inc.

Basic Education
Sta. Ines, Plaridel, Bulacan
3004 Philippines
Tel.No: (044) 795-0784/795-0120



Science 6 Ms. Winnie Queeny S. Quetua

QUARTER: Second Quarter

The learner…Explain how the organs of each organ system work together

When we are hungry, all we can think about is food! But have you thought about why you need to
eat at least three times a day? Where does the food actually go? Just like a car that needs fuel, our
body also needs food as a source of energy. Our body has a group of connecting organs that
processes and converts the food into nutrients so that we have the energy we need to perform our
daily activities. This group of organs makes up the digestive system.

Lesson 5: Digestive System


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At the end of the topic, students will be able to…

 identify the parts of the digestive system

 explain the function of each parts of digestive system;
 explain the process of digestion

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The Parts of the Digestive System and Their Functions

Food is taken as a whole, and it is the digestive system’s responsibility to convert it into nutrients that
the body can use for energy, growth, and cell repair. The process of converting food into nutrients and
energy that the body can use is known as digestion. In this process, food passes through a long tube
called the digestive tract or the alimentary canal. The alimentary canal is composed of the mouth,
pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus

 Mouth
Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth—as soon as you take your first bite. Mechanical digestion
refers to the physical process of breaking down the food. The teeth chew and break down the food
into pieces. The tongue tastes, grips, holds, and helps mix the food with saliva, a liquid produced by
the salivary glands.

 Pharynx
With the help of the tongue, the food is pushed from the mouth to the pharynx or throat. The pharynx
contains a flap called the epiglottis, which serves as a switch for either food (to the esophagus) or air
(to the larynx or voice box)

 Esophagus
The esophagus is a muscular tube that is located between the pharynx and the stomach. The
swallowed food is delivered into the stomach through peristalsis, which is the involuntary downward

SJA Gr. SLK in Science: Ms. Winnie Queeny S. Quetua Page 2

movement of food due to the action of the muscles along the walls of the esophagus. The lower part
of the esophagus has a special part called the sphincter, which traps the food in the stomach and
prevents food from going backward.

 Stomach
The stomach is a strong, muscular, saclike organ that holds the food. In here, the food is churned,
mixed, and grinded. The stomach secretes an acid called hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes
that further break down the food. Hydrochloric acid also kills some bacteria that comes with the food
that you ate. Hydrochloric acid is a highly corrosive substance.

 Small Intestine
After the stomach, the chyme will go to the small intestine. The small intestine is a long tube with a
diameter of about 3.81 centimeter and a length of about 60 centimeters when stretched out. It is
located behind the stomach.

 Pancreas
The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice in the small intestine, which helps break down carbohydrates,
protein, and fats into simpler substances. This completes the chemical digestion of food. The liver
produces bile, which helps break down most fats or lipids. It also helps the bloodstream to absorb fats.
The gall bladder stores and recycles the bile, keeping it until the body needs it in the future.

 Large Intestine
Once the nutrients have been absorbed by the bloodstream, and the leftover liquid has passed the
small intestines, the undigested food will then proceed to the large intestine through peristalsis. The
large intestine is about 8–13 centimeters in diameter and approximately 152 centimeters in length
when spread out.

The Digestion Process

The digestive system involves six major processes, namely, (1) ingestion, (2) secretion, (3) mixing
and movement, (4) digestion, (5) absorption, and (6) excretion

Ingestion Digestion starts as soon as the food enters the mouth. This process is called ingestion. The
mouth is the only opening for food to enter the body.

Secretion of fluids and digestive enzymes

Certain organs of the digestive system secrete fluids that help in digestion. These are the saliva,
hydrochloric acid, pancreatic juice, and bile.

Mixing and Movement of Food

The digestive process uses three processes to move and mix the food. These are swallowing,
peristalsis, and segmentation.

Digestion of Food

As mentioned, food is broken down mechanically and chemically. Mechanical digestion refers to the
breaking down of large chunks of food to make them easier to absorb later. Then chemical digestion
refers to the conversion of the mechanically digested food into simpler forms that the body can

SJA Gr. SLK in Science: Ms. Winnie Queeny S. Quetua Page 3

separate, use, and absorb.
Absorption. Once the food nutrients have already been broken down into their simplest forms, the
body is now ready to absorb them. Water and alcohol in the stomach are directly absorbed in the
bloodstream. Because digestion happens mostly in the small intestine, majority of the food absorption
also takes place in the small intestine. The blood vessels in the small intestine pick up the food
nutrients and carry them to the rest of the body.

Excretion. This is the last process of the digestive system. At this stage, the undigested food is
expelled from the body through the process of defecation. This prevents the buildup of stool inside
the large intestine. Although the defecation process can be controlled, this process must be done


Grinding Machine: A Digestion Simulation

Materials: Banana, white vinegar, cracker, water, spoon, resealable bag, old stocking, plate, a pair of
disposable gloves.

1. Tear the food into pieces. Notice their shapes and sizes.
2. Put all the torn food inside the resealable bag. Add two tablespoons of vinegar and one tablespoon
of water. Squeeze the air out of the bag and press it so it will lock.
3. Gently squeeze the food bag back and forth. Do this continuously for 3–5 minutes. Compare the
activity with how digestion process takes place in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine. Record your
comparison in the data table.

1. Cut the foot end of the old stocking.
2. Hold one end of the stocking open.
3. Scoop the food from the same food bag and place it inside the open top end of the stocking.
4. Gently squeeze the food down the stocking. Observe what is being released as the food goes down.
Keep squeezing and pushing until the food reaches the other end of the stocking. Compare the result of
the activity with how the digestion process takes place.

Simulation Observation and Comparison Chart

Simulation A Simulation B

SJA Gr. SLK in Science: Ms. Winnie Queeny S. Quetua Page 4

Guide Questions:

1. Compare the actual digestion process with what you have observed in the simulated activity.

2. What did the liquids, vinegar, and water represent in simulation A?


3. Which simulation activity represents the digestion process that takes place in the stomach and in the
small intestine? How about in the large intestine? Explain your answer.


4. Why does vomit have an unpleasant smell and have a different appearance than swallowed food

B. Write the term that is being described in each sentence.

______________1. It is the process of breaking down food and converting it into a form that the body
can absorb and use
______________2. This is the digestive juice secreted by the pancreas.
______________3. It is the organ that produces bile.
______________4. Digestion begins in this part.
______________5. It is an opening where the stool is excreted out of the body.
______________6. This kind of digestion happens in the mouth.
______________7. It is where the undigested food goes.
______________8. It is an acid found in the stomach that helps break down food.
______________9. It is the first step in digestion.
______________10. It is a collective term for the parts of the digestive system that resemble a long
tube where the food to be digested passes through.

C. Enumerate what is asked for in each situation. Write your answers on a sheet of pad paper.

1–6. Give the six processes of digestion.

1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
6. ______________
7–9. Give the three kinds of mixing and movement processes.
7. ______________
8. ______________
9. ______________
10. Give the main function of the digestive system

SJA Gr. SLK in Science: Ms. Winnie Queeny S. Quetua Page 5


Eat foods rich in dietary fiber such as pineapples and whole wheat grains, as they prevent constipation
by serving as roughage in the colon.

Reflective Questions:

1. Can you breathe and swallow at the same time?


2. Is the slogan, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” true? Justify your answer.


 Answer page Refresh 96 (Cyber Science Rev. 6)

 Answer page Click On 97-98 96 (Cyber Science Rev. 6)
 Answer page Zoom In 103-103 (Cyber Science Rev. 6)

Write a paragraph showing at least five key concepts that you learned from the lesson.

 Answer page Save As 99 (Cyber Science Rev. 6)


Label the parts of

digestive system

SJA Gr. SLK in Science: Ms. Winnie Queeny S. Quetua Page 6

 Answer page Move On 100 (Cyber Science Rev. 6)

 Adduru-Quilang, Myrna .Ph D. 2021.Cyber Science. Rev 6 .Rex Book store Inc.Philipines.
 Abracia,Ed,D. Jordan. Ramos. 2021. Science in our world.Vibal Publisher House. Inc.

Prepared by:

Ms. Winnie Queeny S. Quetua

Subject Teacher

Checked by: Noted by:

Mrs. Aiza G. Trillana Sr. Enriqueta B. Arnaiz, O.P.

SATL-Math & Science Director/Principal

SJA Gr. SLK in Science: Ms. Winnie Queeny S. Quetua Page 7

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