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js vs Next,js

Library for building UIs.
Highly flexible and unopinionated.
Primarily client-side rendering.
Requires additional tools for routing, SSR, etc.

Framework built on React.js.
Supports server-side rendering (SSR).
Offers static site generation (SSG).
Built-in file-based routing.
Allows API routes within the project.
Streamlined development with hot reloading, code splitting.

What's New in React 19

Concurrent Rendering: Faster rendering through improved concurrency.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Optimizations for better server-side performance.
DevTools: Enhanced tools for debugging and profiling React apps.
Suspense: New APIs for handling asynchronous operations more effectively.
Event Handling: Improved event management for better performance.
Concurrent Mode: Stability improvements for concurrent rendering.
Error Boundaries: Better error handling and boundaries for robust apps.
TypeScript: Improved TypeScript support with stronger type definitions.
Performance: General optimizations to make apps faster and more responsive.
Hooks: Possible new hooks and enhancements for functional components.

A New Era in Charting Libraries Shadcn

Shadcn UI: Tailwind CSS-based component library supporting Next.js and Gatsby, prioritizing
accessibility and aesthetic design, with manual integration and considerations for bundle size and

Framework: Built on Tailwind CSS and Radix UI.

Compatibility: Supports Next.js, Gatsby, Laravel, and others.
Features: Offers customizable, accessible components.
Integration: Requires manual installation into projects.
Considerations: May increase bundle size and require performance optimizations.
What is Vercel

Vercel is a platform that facilitates the deployment, management, and scaling of modern web applications.
It is designed to streamline the workflow for developers by providing a robust and easy-to-use
infrastructure for hosting websites and applications, with a focus on performance, scalability, and
developer experience.

How to Deploy Your Next.js App on Vercel

Integration: Connect your GitHub repo directly to Vercel for deployment.
Automatic Deployments: Vercel automatically deploys changes pushed to GitHub.
Branch Deployments: Test different branches with separate preview URLs.
Pull Request Previews: Generate deployment previews for each pull request.
Environment Variables: Manage configurations securely within Vercel.
Custom Domains: Easily set up custom domains for your app.
Deployment Hooks: Trigger deployments based on GitHub events or custom webhooks for automation.

React Hooks

React Hooks are a feature introduced in React 16.8 that allow you to use state and other React features
without writing class components. They enable you to reuse stateful logic across components, previously
only possible with class components and lifecycle methods. Hooks are functions that hook into React
state and lifecycle features from function components, offering a more readable and reusable way to
manage state, effects, context, refs, and more. They include useState, useEffect, useContext,
useReducer, useMemo, useCallback, useRef, and custom hooks, transforming how React
applications are structured and developed.

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