Blended Learning

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Blended learning

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning or mixed-mode learning, combines

traditional face-to-face teaching with online learning experiences. That way of learning offers
several benefits to both students and educators. Firstly, Blended learning provides flexibility
for students to learn at their own pace and at a time and place that suits them. Students can
access course materials and lectures online and study at their convenience, which is
especially helpful for adult learners or students with busy schedules. Secondly, Blended
learning can be a cost-effective option for educational institutions. Digital resources can
reduce the need for physical textbooks and other materials, and online courses can be
delivered to a larger number of students at a lower cost than traditional classroom-based
courses. Overall, blended learning combines the best of both worlds: the personal touch and
expertise of traditional teaching, with the flexibility and interactivity of online learning.

Protect the eniviroment

To protect the environment, it's important for everyone to practice the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse,
and Recycle. Firstly, we can reduce waste by being mindful of our consumption habits. This
means buying only what we really need and avoiding excessive packaging. By doing so, we
can prevent unnecessary waste from ending up in landfills. Secondly, we can reuse items
instead of throwing them away. For example, we can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags
when we go shopping and bring our own reusable water bottles instead of using single-use
plastic bottles. Additionally, we can donate or sell items that are still in good condition,
giving them a second life. Finally, recycling is crucial for the environment. We should
separate recyclable materials, such as paper, plastic, and glass, and place them in recycling
bins. This helps to conserve resources and reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills.
By practicing the 3Rs, we can all contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment for future

Benefit of ecotourism
Ecotourism provides local people a suitable amount of money to sustain . Firstly, it will
supply enough money to make some specific activities in order to protect the environment so
that we could sustain entertainment activities.It then urges the economy of that local places to
be on the rise and people will have more money to do some improvement for the environment
.it helps with research and development then it will become popular and many volunteers
may come to that place to do some voluntary works which could do good to the Mother
Nature.Local jobs are one of the economic benefits of ecotourism. As well as providing an
income for staff who work at ecotourism sites, ecotourism allows them the opportunity to
receive training in skills that can transfer to other areas of employment and even nutrition
when they receive meals at work. Surplus income allows workers or their family members to
start up small businesses or to pass on the money to other community members by buying
local goods and paying for child care and other services. Ecotourism companies can also help
give back to the community by offering training in useful skills.

The job
My dream career in the future is to become a lawyer. The legal profession has always
captivated me with its ability to advocate for justice and uphold the rights of individuals in
society. As a lawyer, I am eager to work diligently to ensure fairness and equality prevail. I
will use my knowledge of the law to provide expert advice, represent clients, and navigate
complex legal proceedings. I am motivated to make a positive impact by fighting for the
underprivileged and voiceless, striving for a more just and equitable world. With strong
research skills, persuasive communication, and a commitment to ethical practices, I am
dedicated to becoming a trusted and respected advocate for my clients and the principles of

Viet nam
Viet Nam has gained three main benefits since it joined different international organisations.
Firstly, it is easier and more convenient for Viet Nam to promote its culture and learn about
other cultures. For example, various cultural exchanges help foreigners know more about our
country. In addition, Vietnamese people have a better chance of experiencing different
cultures. Secondly, this has created greater education opportunities for both Vietnamese and
foreign students. More education opportunities abroad are now open to Vietnamese students.
Viet Nam's colleges and universities can also accept international students. Finally, joining
these organisations has also helped Viet Nam increase both local and international tourism. In
fact, Viet Nam has become one of the most popular destinations for many foreign tourists in
the region. It is also easier for Vietnamese people to travel abroad. In short, Viet Nam has
benefited greatly from becoming a member of different international organisations.

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