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722 Abstracts

path identification. The authors used a synthetic lower leg at- outcomes of patients, arguably the most important outcome in
tached to a tilt board, then had a trained marksman shoot the these kinds of studies. Another important limitation relates to
leg with a Remington 0.30–06 rifle (similar to weapons used the lack of data related to potential confounders such as earlier
in combat against US troops) at 6 clinometer-measured angles access to ventricular fibrillation, differences in intensive care
from 50 yards away. The simulator leg was then put through unit care post-resuscitation, and time to initial CPR, as well as
the CT scan, and three radiologists with varying levels of expe- duration and effectiveness of CPR. Still, the study does provide
rience used a picture archiving and communication system sufficient data to form a hypothesis that could be evaluated in
(PACS) angle tool to measure the trajectories. The radiologists prospective trials.
also used a coordinate system using Cartesian x, y, z coordinates
to separately measure the trajectory angles. Bland-Altman plots , TREATMENT OF ACUTE OTITIS MEDIA IN CHIL-
were used to evaluate agreement between the radiologists’ cal- DREN UNDER 2 YEARS OF AGE. Hoberman A, Paradise
culated angles and the actual clinometer-measured angles. All JL, Rockette HE, et al. N Engl J Med 2011;364:105–15.
three radiologists were able to identify the six separate wound The goal of this prospective, randomized control trial was to
paths. Using the PACS angle tool, calculated angles were within determine the affect of amoxicillin-clavulanate therapy on the
5 degrees of the shooting angles with 95% confidence. The cal- clinical course of acute otitis media among children 6–23
culated Cartesian angles were within 6.5 degrees of the shooting months of age. Children were eligible if they had at least two
angles with 95% confidence and within 5 degrees of the PACS doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, and were diagnosed
angles with 95% confidence. with acute otitis media via three criteria: symptoms rated by par-
[Nicole Seleno, MD ents at least 3 on the Acute Otitis Media Severity of Symptoms
Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO] Scale (AOM-SOS) with an onset within the previous 48 h, the
presence of a middle-ear effusion and marked bulging of the
Comments: Although imperfect in many ways, this study tympanic membrane or bulging accompanied by otalgia or
was both innovative and creative. The authors themselves admit membrane erythema. Patients were excluded if they had an al-
to various limitations, including not accounting for exterior bal- lergy to amoxicillin, had other chronic illnesses, had a dose of
listics, wound ballistics, weapon and ammunition properties, any antimicrobial within the previous 36 h, or otalgia for longer
weather conditions, tissue characteristics, and the assumption than 48 h. There were 291 patients enrolled in the study. Chil-
of perfect linearity of the trajectories. Nonetheless, their results dren were first randomized in a block fashion, to placebo or
suggest that CT may be useful as a means for identifying bullet amoxicillin-clavulanate at a dose of 90 mg/kg amoxicillin
trajectory and subsequently, potential internal injury. with 6.4 mg/kg clavulanate, two doses per day for 10 days.
Symptomatic response within the first 7 days was recorded.
, CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION OUT- Time to resolution of symptoms was defined by two criteria:
COME OF OUT-OF-HOSPITAL CARDIAC ARREST IN time to first record of an AOM-SOS score of 0 or 1, and time
LOW-VOLUME VERSUS HIGH-VOLUME EMER- to the second of two successive recordings of that same score.
GENCY DEPARTMENTS: AN OBSERVATION STUDY Clinical failure was defined as lack of significant improvement
AND PROPENSITY SCORE MATCHING ANALYSIS. in symptoms, worsening signs on otoscopic examination, or
Shin SD, Suh GJ, Ahn KO, Song KJ. Resuscitation 2011;82: failure to completely resolve clinical symptoms at 10–12-day
32–9. follow-up. All patients with failed treatment were given a
This retrospective cohort study investigated survival to dis- 10-day course of amoxicillin, and cefixime. The authors found
charge for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients’ at that children randomized to the treatment group had no differ-
low-volume cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) facilities ence in recorded symptom resolution by day 2 in 35% of chil-
(< 68 CPR cases per year) vs. high-volume CPR facilities dren, day 4 in 61% of children, and day 7 in 80% of children,
(> 69 CPR cases per year). Data were collected from ambulance in comparison with children who received placebo with symp-
run sheets during a 2-year period for all patients that had OHCA tom resolution by day 2 in 28%, day 4 in 54%, day 7 in 74%
in Korea. More than 20,000 patients with OHCA were included. of children (p = 0.14 overall). Children who were treated with
Patients were excluded if they were transferred to a facility other amoxicillin-clavulanate were less likely than those treated with
than an emergency department, if the cause of OHCA was placebo to have evidence of clinical failure at or before the
trauma related, or if there was no CPR attempt by emergency day 4–5 visit (4% vs. 23%; 95% confidence interval [CI]
medical personal in the out-of-hospital setting. For patients 12–27; p < 0.001), as well as at or before the day 10–12 visit
transported to a high-volume CPR facility, 16.9% survived to ad- (16% vs. 51%; 95% CI 25–45; p < 0.001). In addition,
mission and 5.9% survived to discharge, whereas at low-volume the mean AOM-SOS scores were lower in the amoxicillin-
CPR facilities, 13.1% of OHCA patients survived to admission clavulanate group than the placebo group. Mastoiditis developed
and 3.6% survived to discharge (p-values < 0.01). No information in one child treated with placebo therapy.
was available for functional neurologic outcomes. [Ann Arens, MD
[Anna Engeln, MD Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO]
Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO]
Comment: This study demonstrates once again the limited
Comments: This study was flawed by its retrospective design. benefit of the use of antibiotics in the treatment of acute otitis
In addition, no data were available on functional neurologic media. Although there were differences in treatment failures

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