[Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 2002-jul 26 vol. 35 iss. 1] Wolfgang A. Schulz_ Jussi P. Elo_ Andrea R. Florl_ Sari Pennanen - Genomewide DNA hypomethylation is associated with alterations on chromosome 8 in prostate carc

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GENES, CHROMOSOMES & CANCER 35:58 – 65 (2002)

Genomewide DNA Hypomethylation Is Associated

With Alterations on Chromosome 8 in Prostate
Wolfgang A. Schulz,1,2* Jussi P. Elo,3,4 Andrea R. Florl,1 Sari Pennanen,3,4 Simon Santourlidis,1 Rainer Engers,2,5
Martin Buchardt,1 Hans-Helge Seifert,1 and Tapio Visakorpi3,4
Department of Urology, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany
Biomedical Research Center, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany
Laboratory of Cancer Genetics, Institute for Medical Technology, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland
Department of Pathology, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany

To elucidate the relationship between genomewide DNA hypomethylation and chromosome instability, 55 prostate carcinoma
specimens were analyzed for extent of hypomethylation by Southern blot analysis of LINE-1 sequence methylation and for loss
or gain of chromosomal material by comparative genomic hybridization. Seventeen (31%) tumors showed strong hypo-
methylation of DNA, whereas four (7%) displayed slight hypomethylation and the rest of the tumors normal-level methylation.
Chromosomal aberrations were observed in 34 carcinomas. The most frequent chromosomal alterations were loss of 13q in
18 cases and aberrations in 8p (loss) or 8q (gain) in 16 cases. The presence of chromosomal loss or gain was significantly
associated with the presence of strong hypomethylation. A striking correlation (P ⫽ 0.00001) was observed between
aberrations on chromosome 8 and hypomethylation, whereas no association was seen between DNA hypomethylation and
loss of 13q. The association between DNA hypomethylation and the presence of metastases was statistically significant (P ⫽
0.044), and both chromosomal alterations and DNA hypomethylation tended to be more frequent in higher-stage tumors. In
conclusion, the data indicate that hypomethylation is associated with chromosomal instability in prostate cancer. Specifically,
a surprisingly strong association between alterations on chromosome 8 and genomewide hypomethylation was found. This
association suggests that DNA hypomethylation and alterations in chromosome 8 may be mechanistically linked to each other
in prostate carcinoma. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

INTRODUCTION to this latter group. Although many specimens

In many human cancers, the overall level of seem to retain an overall DNA methylation level
DNA cytosine methylation is decreased, even close to that of normal tissue, some show extensive
though specific sites may be hypermethylated hypomethylation, with an up to 50% decrease in
(Baylin et al., 2000; Robertson, 2001). The de- overall methylation. Such extensive hypomethyla-
crease in overall DNA methylation affects different tion occurs mostly in metastatic carcinomas (Bed-
types of repetitive sequences, such as retrotrans- ford and van Helden, 1987, Santourlidis et al.,
posons, endogenous retroviruses, and satellites, 1999), suggesting a relationship with tumor pro-
which contain most of the methylcytosines in the gression.
genome (Schulz, 1998; Ehrlich, 2000). In addition, Causes and consequences of DNA hypomethy-
single-copy sequences may also become hypom- lation in human cancers are poorly understood.
ethylated (Cho et al., 2001; Takai et al., 2001). Mouse cells engineered to contain very low levels
Nevertheless, although DNA hypomethylation is
common in cancer and may not display much spec-
ificity with regard to sequence, it displays a remark- Supported by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Grant number:
able specificity with regard to cancer type. For Schu 604/7-2; Academy of Finland; Cancer Society of Finland;
Reino Lahtikari Foundation; Medical Research Fund of Tampere
instance, DNA hypomethylation is regularly found University Hospital; Sigrid Juselius Foundation; Finnish Life and
in bladder carcinoma, whereas the overall level of Pension Insurance Companies.
*Correspondence to: Dr. Wolfgang A. Schulz, Urologische Klinik,
DNA methylation is usually preserved in renal cell Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Moorenstrasse 5, 40225 Düsseldorf,
carcinoma tissues (Florl et al., 1999). In other com- Germany. E-mail: wolfgang.schulz@uni-duesseldorf.de
Received 23 November 2001; Accepted 14 February 2002
mon cancers, hypomethylation is present in a frac-
DOI 10.1002/gcc.10092
tion of cases (Feinberg et al., 1988; Cravo et al., Published online 15 April 2002 in
1996; Lin et al., 2001). Prostate carcinoma belongs Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).

© 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

of DNA methylation show an increased mutation genomic hybridization (CGH). To detect genome-
rate, especially of deletions (Chen et al., 1998). In wide hypomethylation, 1 ␮g of DNA each was
humans suffering from immunodeficiency– centro- extensively digested with the methylation-sensi-
meric instability–facial anomalies (ICF) syndrome, tive restriction enzyme HpaII or its non-methyla-
which is caused by mutations in a DNA methyl- tion-sensitive isoschizomer MspI, separated on aga-
transferase, DNA methylation of satellite se- rose gels, blotted, and hybridized with a 32P-
quences is severely impeded and chromosomes labeled specific LINE-1 probe. After HpaII
that contain large satellite arrays tend to become digestion, decreased methylation of LINE-1 se-
unstable (Xu et al., 1999). Likewise, demethylation quences results in the appearance of new bands in
of specific satellite sequences is associated with an the 1.0- to 4.0-kb range on Southern blots, whose
increased frequency of loss of the corresponding intensities relative to the MspI signals, after correc-
chromosome arms in several human cancers (Qu et tion for unequal loading of the two lanes, can be
al., 1999a,b; Kanai et al., 2001). This mechanism used as a quantitative measure of genomewide
may also account for the association between the hypomethylation. With this method, background
extent of DNA hypomethylation and loss of chro- hypomethylation is 0.5–1% in normal bladder and
mosome arm 9p in bladder carcinoma (Florl et al., approximately 2% in noncancerous prostate tissue
2000). It is therefore likely that DNA hypomethy- (Florl et al., 1999; Santourlidis et al., 1999).
lation in human cancers promotes chromosomal
CGH was done as previously described (Visa-
instability, especially loss of chromosome arms or
korpi et al., 1995). Briefly, DNA samples from
chromosomal fragments.
prostate tumors were labeled with FITC-dUTP
In the present study, we have investigated the
(DuPont, Boston, MA) and normal reference male
relationship between DNA hypomethylation and
DNA with Texas Red-dUTP (DuPont) using nick
chromosomal alterations in prostate carcinoma.
translation. Labeled DNAs were hybridized to nor-
Specifically, we have attempted to determine
whether extensive DNA hypomethylation is asso- mal male lymphocyte metaphase slides (Vysis,
ciated with chromosomal instability at large and/or Downers Grove, IL). After hybridization, the slides
with the loss or gain of particular chromosomal were washed and counterstained. Five metaphases
regions. from each hybridization were captured using a Pho-
tometrics ImagePoint CCD camera (Photometrics,
MATERIALS AND METHODS Tuscon, AZ) mounted on an Olympus BX50 epi-
fluorescence microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan)
Tumor Tissues and IPLab Spectrum software program (Scanana-
The material consisted of 50 specimens from lytics, Fairfax, VA). Relative DNA sequence copy
prostatectomies and 5 from transurethral resections number changes were detected by analyzing the
of locally recurrent tumors after androgen with- fluorescence intensities of green (tumor) and red
drawal. The clinical staging and histological grad- (normal) signals along the lengths of all chromo-
ing were performed according to the WHO classi- somes in the metaphase spreads using the Quips
fication. In summary, one tumor was staged as T1, CGH analysis program (Vysis). Hybridizations of
23 were staged as T2, 26 as T3, and 3 as T4; the FITC-labeled normal male DNA against Texas
stage was unknown for two specimens. Four tu- Red–labeled normal female DNA, in each hybrid-
mors were histologically graded as G1, 33 as G2, ization batch, were used as negative controls. The
and 18 as G3, respectively. Lymph node and/or mean green-to-red ratio and corresponding SD for
distant metastases were present in 10 patients, in all autosomes remained between 0.85 and 1.15 in
38 patients no metastases were found, and for these control hybridizations. Thus, chromosomal
seven patients no information on metastases was regions with a mean ratio of 0.85 or less were
available. Histopathological representativeness of considered lost and those with a ratio 1.15 or more
the specimens was verified by a trained pathologist. gained in the prostate tumors. The Y chromosome
DNA was extracted from the freshly frozen tumors was excluded from CGH analysis.
by standard methods.

Molecular and Cytogenetic Analyses Statistics

Aliquots from the same DNA were employed to Statistical analysis of the data was performed by
measure DNA hypomethylation as well as to detect chi-square and Kruskal–Wallis tests using software
chromosomal losses or gains by comparative from SPSS (Chicago, IL).

RESULTS 7p13– q22, 7q31– qter, 8q21, 8q23– qter, 16p13,

The data on DNA methylation analysis, CGH, 17q24 – qter, and 19 entirely. Gains of 8q occurred
and clinical characteristics for each tumor are listed concurrently with losses on 8p in 7/10 cases. Many
in Table 1. chromosomes or chromosome arms were never
We have previously shown that overall DNA gained, notably 5q, 6, 8p, 9p, 16q, and 18, which
methylation, as measured by decreased methyl- were often affected by losses. The association be-
ation of LINE-1 sequences, is usually slightly tween the presence of chromosomal gains and me-
lower in carcinoma-free prostates of elderly men tastases approached statistical significance (P ⫽
than in normal bladder or kidney (Santourlidis et 0.056), but otherwise neither the presence of chro-
al., 1999), in which 0 –1% hypomethylation consti- mosomal alteration nor loss or gain was significantly
tutes the normal range. Therefore, we considered associated with the clinical or histopathological pa-
rameters tested (stage and grade). The association
up to 4% hypomethylation as indistinguishable
of specific chromosomal alterations with histologi-
from normal. Seventeen (31%) prostate carcinomas
cal grade and clinical stage was investigated for the
had pronounced (10% or more) DNA hypomethy-
two most frequent aberrations, losses on chromo-
lation, whereas 4 (7%) tumors showed slight (5–
some arm 13q and alterations of chromosome 8.
9%) hypomethylation. The rest of the cases (62%)
Neither alteration was significantly associated with
showed methylation levels that could be consid-
any clinical parameter. Of note, all androgen-inde-
ered normal (0 – 4%). DNA hypomethylation was
pendent recurrent tumors harbored either losses on
neither related to tumor T-stage nor histological
chromosome arm 8p or gains of 8q or both.
grade (Table 2). However, extensive hypomethy-
As Table 1 demonstrates, DNA hypomethyla-
lation was observed in 7/11 (64%) cases with lymph
tion and overall chromosomal loss or gain as detect-
node or distant metastases (N⫹ or M⫹), but only
able by CGH tended to occur together. The me-
in 8/38 (21%) cases without detectable metastases
dian number of chromosomal alterations in prostate
[P(␹2) ⫽ 0.044]. All five hormone-refractory locally cancers with pronounced hypomethylation (de-
recurrent tumors displayed extensive hypomethy- fined as ⱖ10%) was 5, whereas in half of the 38
lation with some of the highest values observed cases with normal methylation no alteration was
(Table 1). Nevertheless, the association between detected. However, no strict relationship was ob-
DNA hypomethylation and the presence of metas- served. For example, pronounced DNA hypo-
tases remained statistically significant, if only tu- methylation was found in four tumors (cases 1, 22,
mors untreated by androgen withdrawal were con- 32, and 33) without detectable chromosomal alter-
sidered (P ⫽ 0.035). ations. There were also a number of cases (14, 17,
Chromosomal alterations were detected by CGH 30, 41, and 42) displaying multiple chromosomal
in 32 prostate carcinomas, whereas 23 specimens losses and gains, but only slight or no changes in
did not show loss or gain of chromosomal regions. DNA methylation. In spite of these exceptions,
Thirty tumors showed chromosome losses and 22 most carcinomas with pronounced DNA hypo-
had gained chromosomes or chromosomal frag- methylation displayed a high number of chromo-
ments. The pattern of alterations in this series was somal alterations and vice versa. For example, 13 of
similar to that in other studies (Visakorpi et al., the 17 specimens with pronounced DNA hypo-
1995; Cher et al., 1996; Alers et al., 2000). The most methylation contained between 4 and 14 chromo-
frequent losses involved chromosomes or chromo- somal aberrations. Conversely, 13 of the 21 carci-
somal regions 13q (18 cases), 8p (13 cases), 6q (11 nomas with 4 or more chromosomal alterations
cases), 5q and 16q (8 cases each), 18q (5 cases), and showed 10% or more DNA hypomethylation, and
9p and 17p (4 cases each). The common minimal only 5 had normal-level methylation. Overall, the
deleted regions were 5q14 – q23, 6cen– q22, 8p12– association between DNA hypomethylation and
p21, 9p21–pter, 13q13– q21, 16q, 17p12–pter, and chromosomal aberrations detectable by CGH (Fig.
18q12– qter. Almost all chromosomes were occa- 1) was highly statistically significant [P(␹2) ⫽
sionally affected by losses, notable exceptions be- 0.0071; Kruskal–Wallis test: P ⫽ 0.0057]. For this
ing chromosomes 15 and 20 as well as 7q and 16p. statistical analysis, data were divided into three
The most frequent chromosomal gains were ob- categories for DNA hypomethylation (defined as
served for chromosomes or chromosomal regions 8q above) and two categories (at least two losses
(10 cases), 7 and 19, 16p and 17q (5 cases), and the and/or gains vs. none or one) for chromosomal ab-
telomeric region of chromosome 1p (3 cases). The errations. Highly significant associations were also
common minimal gained regions were 1p32–p36, observed between DNA hypomethylation and the
TABLE 1. Clinical Characteristics, DNA Hypomethylation, and Chromosomal Alterations in Individual Prostate Carcinomas

Case Tumor Tumor N/M % losses ⫹
number stage grade stage Hypomethylation Lossesa Gainsa gains

1 3 3 1/0 10 0 0 0
2 2 2 0/0 3 0 0 0
3 1 1 0/0 3 0 0 0
4 2 2 0/0 0 0 0 0
5 3 3 1/0 10 1p, 2q, 4q, 5q, 6q, 8p 8q 7
6 2 2 0/0 0 0 0 0
7 2 2 0/0 3 13q 16p 2
8 3 3 1/0 0 13q 0 1
9 4 2 1/0 0 0 0 0
10 4 3 0/0 0 0 0 0
11 3 3 0/0 1 0 0 0
12 3 2 0/0 4 13q 0 1
13 3 3 0/0 1 8p, 13q, 16q, 18 7q, 16p 6
14 2 2 0/0 0 0 0 0
15 3 3 0/0 0 5q, 6q, 8q, 9p, 11q, 12q, 13q 16pq, 17, 19 10
16 3 3 0/0 0 0 0 0
17 3 2 0/0 0 13q 0 1
18 2 2 0/0 0 0 0 0
19 3 3 1/0 19 0 0 0
20 3 2 0/0 0 0 0 0
21 2 3 0/0 4 0 0 0
22 3 3 0/0 15 1q, 2q, 5q, 6p, 8p 7, 8q 7
23 3 2 2/0 13 8p, 13q, 16q 8q 4
24 2 2 0/0 6 0 8q 1
25 2 2 0/0 5 7p, 11p, 11q, 17p 0 4
26 2 2 0/0 37 8p, 10p 8q, 17q 4
27 2 2 0/0 3 0 0 0
28 2 2 0/0 10 8p, 8q 16p, 17q 4
29 3 3 0/0 4 0 5p, 8q, 9q 3
30 3 3 1/0 2 2pq, 3pq, 4q, 6q, 12q, 13q 1p, 9q, 10q, 17, 19, 20q 12
31 3 2 0/0 13 6q, 12pq, 13q 1p 4
32 3 2 0/0 41 0 0 0
33 2 3 0/0 17 0 0 0
34 2 2 0/0 3 16q 0 1
35 3 1 0/0 4 13q 0 1
36 2 2 0/0 21 2p, 6q, 8p, 13q 22 5
37 3 1 0/0 7 5pq, 8p, 10q, 13 0 4
38 2 2 x/0 4 6q, 16q 19, 22 4
39 4 2 x/0 5 6q, 8p, 11q, 16q, 21q, 22 5p, 7p, 7q, 19p 10
40 2 2 x/0 35 13q, 14q, 16q, 18q, Xq 0 5
41 2 2 0/0 0 5q, 6q, 8p, 13q 7 5
42 2 2 0/0 0 0 0 0
43 2 2 0/0 0 6q, 9p, 13q 0 3
44 2 2 0/0 3 0 0 0
45 2 2 0/0 1 0 0 0
46 3 1 0/0 4 0 0 0
47 3 2 x/1 2 13q, 18q 19 3
48 xb 2 0/0 0 0 0 0
49 3 3 x/0 3 10 0 1
50 3 2 0/0 2 0 0 0
51c 2 3 2/2 30 5q, 8p, 10q, 13q, 14, 17p 1p, 1q, 8q, 13q, 17q 11
52c 3 2 x/1 12 17p, 19, 22q 8q 4
1p, 2q, 4p, 5pq, 6, 8p, 9pq,
53c 3 2 x/0 30 13q, 16q, 17p, 18q 8q, 16p, Xq 14
54c 3 3 x/1 30 2p, 8p, 16q 7, 8q 5
55c x 3 x/1 45 5q, 8p, 9p, 18q 7pq, X 6
Chromosomal arms affected by gains or losses.
x, not known.
Recurrent tumors after androgen-withdrawal treatment.

TABLE 2. DNA Hypomethylation and Chromosomal Alterations in Prostate Carcinomas*

Tumor stage Tumor grade NM status

T1/T2 T3/T4 G1 G2 G3 N⫹ or M⫹ N0 and M0

DNA hypomethylation
ⱖ10% 6 10 0 9 8 7 8
5–9% 2 2 1 3 0 0 2
⬍5% 16 17 3 21 10 4 28
Chromosome alterations
⬎1 10 14 1 15 9 7 25
ⱕ1 14 15 3 18 9 4 13
Median no. 0.5 1 0.5 1 2 4 0
Mean no. 2.1 3.3 1.3 2.5 3.8 4.6 1.8
Total number 24 29 4 33 18 11 38
*All figures refer to number of cases, with the exception of rows labeled “Median no.” and “Mean no.,” which refer to number of chromosomes.

Figure 1. Relationship between DNA

hypomethylation and chromosomal alter-
ations in prostate carcinoma. The extent
of DNA hypomethylation in individual
prostate carcinomas is shown for cases
with ⬎1 (top, 24 cases) or ⱕ1 (bottom,
31 cases) chromosomal alterations de-
tected by CGH; categories were selected
by the median value. The circled areas are
proportional to the number of cases
(1–12 per symbol). Recurrent tumors are
denoted by filled circles. The median ex-
tent of hypomethylation in each group is
denoted by t-bars.

Figure 2. Relationship between

DNA hypomethylation and specific
chromosomal alterations in prostate
carcinoma. The extent of DNA hy-
pomethylation in individual prostate
carcinomas is shown for cases with
alterations on chromosome 8 (top),
or with losses on 13q (bottom). p,
q, and pq denote loss of 8p, gain of
8q, or both, respectively. The circle
areas are proportional to the num-
ber of cases (1– 4 per symbol). Dot-
ted lines connect identical cases. Re-
current tumors are denoted by filled
circles. The median extent of hy-
pomethylation in each group is de-
noted by t-bars.

presence of either loss [P(␹2) ⫽ 0.012; Kruskal– imens of the 17 (65%) with loss of 8p and/or gain of
Wallis test: P ⫽ 0.012] or gain of at least one 8q showed pronounced hypomethylation, and
chromosomal region [P(␹2) ⫽ 0.00021; Kruskal– three (18%) showed intermediate methylation. By
Wallis test: P ⫽ 0.00092]. comparison, only 7 out of 18 (39%) tumors with 13q
The most frequent chromosomal alteration in loss displayed strong hypomethylation, and six
the present series of prostate carcinomas was loss of among these had alterations on chromosome 8 as
chromosome arm 13q. It appeared to be unrelated well. The association between alterations on chro-
to DNA hypomethylation [P(␹2) ⫽ 0.94; Fig. 2]. mosome 8 and DNA hypomethylation showed the
DNA hypomethylation was clearly associated with highest significance of all tested associations in the
alterations on chromosome 8 (Fig. 2). Eleven spec- present study [loss: P(␹2) ⫽ 0.00001; Kruskal–Wal-
lis test: P ⫽ 0.00013]. All seven specimens with hypomethylation is consistent with the assumption
alterations on both arms displayed strong hypo- that DNA hypomethylation promotes chromosomal
methylation (Fig. 2). Likewise, all recurrent andro- instability. Because in some cases chromosomal insta-
gen-independent tumors displayed alterations of bility was observed together with normal levels of
chromosome 8, as well as pronounced hypomethy- DNA methylation, DNA hypomethylation is obvi-
lation. ously not the only factor promoting genomic insta-
DISCUSSION The association between hypomethylation and
The aim of the present study was to determine alterations in chromosome 8 was particularly evi-
the relationship between DNA hypomethylation dent. It has been suggested previously that associ-
and chromosome instability in prostate carcinoma. ation of DNA hypomethylation with alterations on
Prostate carcinoma seemed particularly suited, be- chromosome 1, 9, or 16 in various cancers could be
cause DNA hypomethylation in this tumor differs attributable to hypomethylation of specific juxta-
substantially between different cases. Many cases centromeric satellite sequences on these chromo-
show close to normal or only slightly decreased somes, leading to increased recombination be-
overall DNA methylation levels, whereas hypo- tween them (Qu et al., 1999a,b; Kanai et al., 2001;
methylation is pronounced in some cases. For in- Kimura et al., 2001; Wong et al., 2001). However,
stance, in this study 31% of the tumors showed chromosome 8 is not known to contain structural
pronounced (ⱖ10%) hypomethylation. The distri- features that would make it particularly prone to
bution of hypomethylation in prostate cancer is destabilization by DNA demethylation. The mech-
very different from that, for example, in bladder anisms underlying the common changes affecting
cancer, where DNA hypomethylation is present in this chromosome in prostate cancer are not known.
almost every specimen (Florl et al., 1999). We One important mechanism involves formation of an
found a highly significant correlation between isochromosome 8q with concomitant loss of 8p
DNA hypomethylation and chromosomal instabil- (Macoska et al., 2000). Given that in the present
ity, which could, in theory, be explained by three study concomitant loss of 8p and gain of 8q were
different arguments. consistently associated with pronounced DNA hy-
First, the relationship could be indirect, because pomethylation, it is conceivable that DNA hypo-
both alterations are related to tumor progression. methylation facilitates this particular chromosomal
Indeed, both alterations tended to occur more fre- change.
quently in advanced stage tumors, particularly in Third, DNA hypomethylation might be a conse-
metastatic cases (N⫹ or M⫹), and in carcinomas quence of chromosomal instability, either at large
recurring after androgen deprivation therapy. How- or through alterations of specific chromosomes. Ob-
ever, their relationship toward each other was viously, our data argue against the first alternative.
much stronger than their association with any of If DNA hypomethylation was a consequence of
the clinical parameters of tumor progression such as overall chromosomal instability, it ought to corre-
stage, grade, or even presence of metastases. This late to similar degrees with alterations of any chro-
suggests a direct relationship between hypomethy- mosome. However, no association was observed
lation and chromosomal instability. between hypomethylation and the most frequent
Second, DNA hypomethylation might facilitate chromosomal aberration, loss of 13q, whereas a
chromosomal instability, particularly chromosome striking and highly significant correlation was re-
breaks, deletions, amplification, and illegitimate re- vealed with alterations of chromosome 8. In addi-
combination through its effect on chromatin struc- tion, the association of DNA hypomethylation with
ture (Ehrlich, 2000; Robertson, 2001). Demethyl- chromosome 8 alterations, but not 13q loss, makes
ation of repetitive sequences such as LINE-1 it highly unlikely that the association between hy-
retrotransposons, which are otherwise strongly pomethylation and overall chromosomal instability
methylated and maintained in an inactive chroma- might result from both changes being more easily
tin compartment, may be particularly important in detectable in samples containing a higher propor-
this regard. Comparative genomic hybridization tion of carcinoma cells.
would detect such events, if they caused loss or Multiple alterations on chromosome 8 are
gain of sufficiently large chromosomal fragments in thought to be important in the development and
a substantial fraction of tumor cells. The highly progression of prostate carcinoma. The gain of 8q
significant association observed between either has been shown to predict the course of disease
gain or loss of chromosomal material and DNA well, even better in combination with loss of 8p

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