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New words (Từ mới)
Words Type Pronunciation Meaning
benefit (n) /ˈbenɪfɪt/ lợi ích
bond (n) /bɒnd/ sự gắn bó
breadwinner (n) /ˈbredwɪnə(r)/ trụ cột gia đình
celebrate (v) /ˈselɪbreɪt/ tổ chức tiệc
achievement (n) /əˈtʃiːvmənt/ thành tựu
appreciate (v) /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ biết ơn, trân trọng
character (n) /ˈkærəktə(r)/ tính cách
cheer up (v) /tʃɪə(r) ʌp/ làm cho vui lên, cổ vũ
choice (n) /tʃɔɪs/ lựa chọn
cook (v) /kʊk/ nấu ăn
damage (v) /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ phá hỏng
difficulty (n) /ˈdɪfɪkəlti/ vấn đề khó khăn
discuss (v) /dɪˈskʌs/ thảo luận
divide (v) /dɪˈvaɪd/ chia
fair (adj) /feə(r)/ công bằng
gratitude (n) /ˈɡrætɪtjuːd/ lòng biết ơn
grocery (n) /ˈɡrəʊsəri/ thực phẩm và tạp hóa
grow up (v) /ɡrəʊ ʌp/ trưởng thành
heavy lifting (n) /ˌhevi ˈlɪftɪŋ/ mang vác nặng
homemaker (n) /ˈhəʊmmeɪkə(r)/ người nội trợ
honest (adj) /ˈɒnɪst/ thật thà
household chore (n) /ˈhaʊshəʊld tʃɔː(r)/ công việc nhà
housework (n) /ˈhaʊswɜːk/ công việc nhà
instead of (adv) /ɪnˈsted əv/ thay cho
laundry (n) /ˈlɔːndri/ quần áo, đồ giặt là
life skill (n) /ˈlaɪf skɪl/ kĩ năng sống
list (n) /lɪst/ danh sách
manage (v) /ˈmænɪdʒ/ xoay sở
manner (n) /ˈmænə(r)/ tác phong, cách ứng xử
prepare (v) /prɪˈpeə(r)/ chuẩn bị
put out (v) /pʊt aʊt/ vứt
raise (v) /reɪz/ nuôi nấng
respect (n) /rɪˈspekt/ sự tôn trọng

responsibility (n) /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ trách nhiệm
result (n) /rɪˈzʌlt/ kết quả
routine (n) /ruːˈtiːn/ công việc hằng ngày
rubbish (n) /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ rác rưởi
spotlessly (adv) /ˈspɒtləsli/ không tì vết
strengthen (v) /ˈstreŋkθn/ củng cố, làm mạnh
success (n) /səkˈses/ sự thành công
support (n, v) /səˈpɔːt/ sự ủng hộ, hỗ trợ
value (n) /ˈvæljuː/ giá trị
washing-up (n) /ˌwɒʃɪŋ ˈʌp/ việc rửa chén bát
task (n) /tɑːsk/ nhiệm vụ
truthful (adj) /ˈtruːθfl/ trung thực

I. Present simple and present continuous. (Thì hiện tại đơn và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)
1. Công thức, dấu hiệu cách sử dụng
Present simple (Hiện tại đơn) Present Continuous (Hiện tại tiếp diễn)
Công thức Công thức
(+) S + Vs, es/ V1 (+) S + is/ are/ am + V-ing
(-) S + do/ does + not + V1 (-) S + is/ are/ am + not + V-ing
(?) Do/ Does + S (?) Is/ Are/ Am + S + V-ing?
Cách dùng Cách dùng
- Hành động lặp đi lặp lại theo thói quen - Hành động đang diễn ra tại thời điểm nói
- Hành động lâu dài, bền vững - Hành động tạm thời xảy ra
- Lịch trình, thời khóa biểu - Tình cảm, cảm xúc - Kế hoạch trong tương lai gần
- Chân lý, sự thật hiển nhiên đúng
Dấu hiệu Dấu hiệu
- always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, - Look! / Listen! / Be quiet! / Be careful! / Don't
occasionally, never, ... make noise! / Keep silent!
- every day/week/ month/ year, … - now, right now, at the moment, at the
- on Mondays/ Tuesdays, Sundays, ... present, ...
- once/ twice / three times a week/ month - today, these days, this week, this month, ...
- every two weeks, every three months, ...
Chú ý Chú ý
Vị trí trạng từ tần suất (always, usually, often, Is/ Are/ Am + always/ forever + V-ing
sometimes, seldom, rarely, never) - Diễn tả hành động xảy ra quá thường xuyên và
- Trước động từ thường mang lại cảm giác khó chịu
I often go out with my friends in the evening. You are always stepping on my foot.
- Sau động từ to be
I am never late for school.
- Giữa trợ động từ và động từ thường
He doesn't always get up early in the morning.

2. Các động từ không chia tiếp diễn
Senses / Perception feel hear see smell taste
assume believe consider think
find (= consider) suppose feel doubt
forget imagine know mean
Mental states
notice recognize remember understand
want/ need fear dislike/ hate hope wish
Emotions / desires
like love mind prefer regret
Measurement contain/ consist cost hold measure weigh
look be depend
belong have seem/ appear
* Lưu ý: Những động từ này có thể sử dụng với thì tiếp diễn nhưng chúng mang ý nghĩa khác.
This coat feels nice and warm. John's feeling much better now. (His health is improving).
She has three dogs and a cat. (Possession) She's having supper. (She's eating).
I can see Anthony in the garden. I'm seeing Anthony later. (We are planning to meet)


Exercise 1. Write the words below into the correct column.

crash brother crowded cricket trousers

truth traffic credit cream broad
create broad-minded brown train truck
breath tree browse bridge try

/br/ /kr/ /tr/

brother, broad, broad-minded crash, crowded, credit, cricket, truth, trousers, traffic, train,

browse, brown, breath, bridge cream, create truck, tree, try

Exercise 2. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. public B. globe C. brother D. climb
2. A. bull B. but C. son D. fun
3. A. clock B. secret C. specific D. education
4. A. children B. member C. content D. special
5. A. team B. patient C. between D. later
6. A. mum B. fun C. huge D. rubbish
7. A. heavy B. ready C. bread D. break
8. A. parents B. careers C. rings D. couples
9. A. establish B. significant C. financial D. economic
10. A. enjoyed B. developed C. prepared D. transformed

Exercise 3. Find the word whose main stress is different from others.
1. A. standard B. argue C. debate D. decade
2. A. amount B. adopt C. attend D. option
3. A. household B. laundry C. routine D. picnic
4. A. similar B. important C. atmosphere D. breadwinner
5. A. discipline B. emotion C. together D. consider
6. A. export B. knowledge C. technical D. resurface
7. A. society B. encouragement. C. relationship D. independent
8. A. provide B. private C. arrange D. advise
9. A. indicate B. forefinger C. procedure D. enemy
10. A. tiredness B. contribute C. benefit D. nursery


Exercise 1. Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase from the box.

breadwinner housework groceries homemaker heavy lifting

responsibility gratitude strengthen family bond duty

1. Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions.

2. How much do men share housework and the care of the children?
3. Mothers have been leaving the traditional role of fulltime homemaker.
4. Do your duty to your parents because they have given their entire lives to us.
5. A family bond is the strong connection that exists between family members.
6. The supermarket donated a year’s supply of groceries to one needy family.
7. We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher’s Day!
8. This is a special set of exercises which will strengthen your back muscles.
9. One of the causes of low back pain is poor lifting technique or frequent and heavy lifting.
10. Women in the past have been content to let the man be the breadwinner and head of household.

Exercise 2. Fill in each blank with the correct word below.

bonds benefits example laundry

washing-up breadwinner chores role

1. Mr Long has found that his wife receives a great deal of love when he shares household chores.
2. In fact, childcare seems to have some important benefits for young children.
3. My mother was hanging out the laundry in the sun.
4. Bonds in the extended family are generally very close.
5. Mothers play an enormous role in the lives of their children and the bond is very strong.
6. You should set a good example for your little brother.
7. Traditionally, the breadwinner in the home is the father.
8. Every day at 7 pm, dinner is finished and the washing-up is done.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct words.

1. Everyone in my family shares the cooking and domestic chores / housework.
2. Women became managers / breadwinners while their husbands went to fight in the war
3. Yesterday she went to the supermarket to buy the laundry / groceries and flowers.

4. For this exercise, the teacher is going to divide / make the class into tour groups.
5. You should tidy up / away your room at the weekend.
6. My sister did the laundry / groceries and hung wet clothes out to dry
7. My grandfather can’t do heavy lifting / loud voice because he has a bad back.
8. Every day after dinner I do the routine / washing-up before 1 do tny homework
9. My dad is the breadwinner / game-winner. He goes to work to support the family
10. My sister tries to get some simple basic home cook / cooking from my mother

Exercise 4. Choose the best option A, B, C or D.

1. Studies show that doing chores _______ is good for children.
A. regular B. regularly C. regularity D. regularities
2. Housework is work around the house such as _______ cleaning or washing clothes.
A. cook B. cooks C. cooker D. cooking
3. They have to try to finish their tasks _______ they don’t enjoy doing them.
A. despite B. indeed C. although D. because
4. Parents will be able to see the classes broadcast _______ on the internet.
A. live B. life C. living D. lives
5. Children need to learn to take care _______ other family members.
A. of B. to C. for D. with
6. Jessica always quibbles about _______ affairs with her mother.
A. homework B. homemaker C. household D. housewife
7. Her dad usually _______ a bedtime story to her and her brother.
A. read B. is reading C. reads D. doesn’t read
8. His parents always listen to him and _______ whenever he has problems.
A. cheer up he B. cheer up him C. cheer he up D. cheer him up
9. I _______ outside with my friends now because it.
A. am playing - rains B. am not playing - is raining
C. am not playing - rains D. don’t play - is raining
10. Is it true that women more assertive in the past decade?
A. have become B. became C. become D. are becoming
11.The kid feels _______ that he knows how to run a washing machine.
A. proud B. pride C. proudly D. prideful
12. The material has exceptionally high _______ for its weight.
A. strong B. strength C. strongly D. strengthen
13. Your living is determined so much by the attitude you bring _______ life.
A. to B. from C. on D. in
14. The point of the program is to empower young fathers with _______ skills.
A. parenting B. parented C. parents D. parent
15. Family values define what is _______ to your family - the beliefs and ideas that bind your family
A. mean B. meaning C. meaningful D. meaningfully
16. On the top of British family values are the values of _______ truthful and honest.
A- be B. to be C. been D. being
17. To_______ responsibility is to accept the duty of deciding for oneself what is right.
A. make B. take C. get D. have

18. In this photo, my grandfather _______ beside a lake near my house.
A. is walking B. walks C. was walking D. walked
19. I _______ tired now. I think I _______ at home and watch TV tonight.
A. am - will stay B. will be - will stay C. am - am staying D. am - stay
20. I _______ my grandparents in the countryside next week. I can’t wait!
A. visit B. will be visiting C. will visit D. am going to visit

Exercise 5. Choose the answer which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words.
1. The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among Vietnamese people.
A. popular B. rare C. regular D. communal
2. It is very difficult to define the concept of beauty.
A. context B. notion C. proof D. reality
3. The more successful we are at extending longevity, the more it will cost us.
A. endurance B. durability C. year D. life expectancy
4. They have very definite ideas on how to bring up children.
A. bear B. feed C. raise D. teach
5. The number of children and the family dynamics have changed over time.
A. extents B. norms C. standards D. motions

Exercise 6. Choose the answer which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words.
1. These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic targets.
A. critical B. vital C. key D. unplanned
2. I’m sure that his parents won’t allow him to stay out late.
A. permit B. admit C. ban D. grant
3. Each school should evolve its own way of teaching during the pandemic.
A. decrease B. develop C. leave D. diminish
4. Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university’s institute.
A. group B. entity C. privacy D. persons
5. Nowadays many women refuse to take on the traditional woman’s role.
A. classic B. modern C. ancient D. old

Exercise 7. Supply the correct form of the word in the brackets.

1. For a small woman, she has surprising strength. (strong)
2. They relied heavily on the advice of their grandparents. (heavy)
3. She doesn’t have to do anything except cooking a little. (cook)
4. The kitchen was spotlessly clean, with nothing out of place. (spot)
5. The book provides valuable information on recent trends. (value)
6. No one can tell you what book to buy - that’s a personal choice. (person)
7. You should make friends with whom you share common interests. (interest)
8. Sharing housework helps young people learn to be more responsible. (Share)
9. Teenagers need love, encouragement and reassurance from their parents. (encourage)
10. Cycling is highly beneficial to health and the environment. (benefit)

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1. Who is responsible for taking care of the children?

2. Would you like to share your feelings with the group?
3. Parents should set an example for their children.
4. Doing exercise regularly is good for you.
5. Close relationship is one of the most effective ways of creating a good atmosphere for all of us.
6. The most important thing that my old grandparents care about is health.
7. I have quite a good relationship with my teachers and classmates.
8. She’d like to show a deep gratitude to the teacher who had encouraged her to go to university.
9. What are the qualities that are needed for job?
10. My dad and I do the repairs around the house.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous.
1. My brothers aren’t watching TV now. (not watch)
2. I study English at school five periods a week. (study)
3. My cat isn’t sleeping at the moment. (not sleep)
4. What does your mother do every morning? (do)
5. What’s that noise? – Carl is playing the piano. (play)
6. My best friend doesn’t play football every weekend. (not play)
7. Does Angelina always wear skirts? (always wear)
8. That girl over there is wearing a beautiful dress. (wear)
9. They sometimes play chess during break time. (play)
10. Katy is opening the windows because it’s too hot inside. (open)
11. I don’t think this is a good idea. (not think)
12. Don’t disturb him. He is trying to sleep. (try)
13. You are talking a lot! Stop it a moment please. (talk)
14. Shops close late on Saturday and Sunday nights. (close)
15. Jim never drinks lemonade or soft drink at night. (never drink)
16. Teachers usually travel with students in summer. (usually travel)
17. Are the students traveling to school by bus? (travel)
18. What social media do you usually read? (usually read)
19. Are you watching the television? Can I turn it off? (watch)
20. We usually going to Da Lat on holiday, but this week we are going to Phu Quoc. (usually go)/ (go)
21. We don’t own that car. (not own)
22. I think this box weighs about 9 kilos. (weigh)
23. Johnathan is seeing his old friends this afternoon. (see)
24. Are you free tonight? We are having a party. (have)
25. In my opinion, she isn’t beautiful. (not be)
26. How much does the ticket cost? (cost)
27. Take an umbrella. It is raining outside at the moment. (rain)
28. We don’t have anything special for this event. (not have)
29. Call later. My sister is studying for her exam now. (study)
30. Right now I am looking for information about famous artists. (look)

Exercise 10. Choose the underlined words that need correction.

1. There is no question that life for women is more difficult than life for man.

2. Family life had completely transformed during generations since the rise of technology.
3. Technology makes our lives easier and it makes us to feel like we are more in touch with the world.
4. Family life may have changed but family values today remain as strongly as they were.
5. Women have attained immense succeed in every field, whether it is sports, politics or academics.


A Listening
Exercise 1. Listen to a family expert talking about how the roles of men and women in families have
changed and do the tasks belowd
Task 1: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
Statements True False
1. Men’s and women’s roles in the family have become similar. 
2. Both men and women now work to contribute to the family finances. 
3. According to 'equally shared parenting', both men and women have equal chances

for recreation.
4. According to 'equally shared parenting', the husband’s career is less important than

the wife’s.
5. Families following 'equally shared parenting' are happier. 
Task 2: Answer the questions.
1. How has the role of men in the family changed?
→They are not the only breadwinner in the family, and they get more involved in housework and
2. How have men's and women's roles become alike?
→ Both are responsible for family finances, home-making/housework, and parenting.
3. What is the result of 'equally shared parenting'?
→The families become happier and the divorce rate amongst them is the lowest.

Today we'll discuss the changes in roles performed by men and women in the family. Changes in family
life have made men's and women's roles more alike than ever as the wives are also responsible for the
family finances.
Family experts say the old notions of who does what in families may be more and more unclear. Men are
not the sole breadwinners for the family like they used to be and they are becoming much more involved in
housework and parenting.
Because men's and women's roles in families have become more alike, for couples to balance their work
and family life, perhaps, 'equally shared parenting is the best solution. Equally shared parenting' means the
'conscious and purposeful sharing in four domains of life:
1. Child-raising: Both parents have equal responsibility to nurture and to take care of the children-
2. Breadwinning: Husband's and wife's careers are equally important;
3. Housework: The household chores should be equally divided between the wife and the husband;
4. Recreation: Both partners have an equal chance and time for their own interests, of course, to be with
each other.
Experts have found out that families that can keep to those four principles of ‘equally shared parenting’
become happier and the divorce rate is the lowest amongst them.

B Speaking
Exercise 1. Complete the conversation with the sentences from the box.
A. Not parties, just family meals.
B. Have best time with your family!
C. How many people are you?
D. We should save time to stay with them, or we will regret it one day.
E. I've promised to have some big meals with them.
F. I haven't seen them for months.

Michael: We’re going fishing this Saturday. Do you want to join us?
Jonathan: We? What do you mean ‘we’? (1) _____________C______________
Michael: Only some of my friends in the fishing club. It would be nice if you can go.
That sounds interesting but I’m going to visit my grandparents. (2)
Michael: You can visit them another time. Join our day! It’s only held once a year.
No, Michael. I miss my grandparents. (3) ____________E_______________ This can’t be
Michael: Really? You are going to have parties? Is that why you can’t go fishing?
Jonathan: (4) _____________A______________
Michael: I’m kidding. Although I like going out with friends, family is the most importance to me too.
Jonathan: Our grandparents, and parents, they are getting old. (5) ___________D________________
I know what you are talking about, but you must join me another day for picnic or other sort
of things.
Jonathan: Okay, I’m sure about that.
Michael: (6) __________B_________________
Jonathan: Thank you. Have fun with your friends.

Exercise 2. Match the sentences in column A with the sentences in column B.
1. I never do the washing up. a. Only three, my parents and me.
2. My father often helps my mother with the b. Do you help her then?
cooking. c. That’s not good. You should help your parents
3. Is this your brother standing next to you? with the housework.
4. Will you have dinner with US at the restaurant? d. You are a happy family.
5. My mother is coming to pick me up. e. The groceries there are a little expensive, aren’t
6. How many people are there in your family? they?
7. Sometimes we have arguments but I love my f. Great to hear. I have to take the bus
parents most. home.
8. We usually go shopping in the supermarket. g. They live in the suburbs.
9. My mother does the laundry once a week. h. Really? He’s a good man.
10. Where do your grandparents live? i. Yes, it is.
j. No, I won’t. My parents are waiting for me.

1.c 2.h 3.i 4.j 5.f

6.a 7.d 8.e 9.b 10g.

C Reading
Exercise 1. Reading the text, and choose the best answers.
Children can learn a lot from doing household chores. Doing chores helps children learn about what
they need to do to care for themselves, a home and a family. They learn skills they can use in their adult
lives, like preparing meals, cleaning, organizing and keeping a garden. Being involved in chores also gives
children experience of relationship skills like communicating clearly, negotiating, cooperating and working
as a team.
When children contribute to family life, it helps them feel competent and responsible. Even if they don’t
enjoy the chore, when they keep going they get the feeling of satisfaction that comes with finishing a task.
Sharing housework can also help families work better and reduce family stress. When children help
out, chores get done more quickly, and parents have less to do. This frees up time for the family to do fun
things together.
In order to get children involved in chores, it is best to start by choosing chores that works for
children’s ages and abilities. Chores that are too hard can be frustrating, and chores that are too easy might
be boring. If children are old enough, we can have a family discussion about chores. This can reinforce the
idea that the whole family contributes to how the household runs.
1. Doing chores can have children have some benefits EXCEPT _______.
A. learning life skills B. looking after the family
C. getting a job D. learning relationship skills
2. By sharing housework with other family members, children also can_______.
A. join a team B. become a co-operator
C. develop language skills D. express themselves better

3. When children don’t like a task, they also have the feeling of _______ in finishing it.
A. pleasure B. achievement C. desire D. acceptance
4. Which statement that the author of the text supports most?
A. Children should do as much as they can to help their parents out.
B. Children should be old enough to share the chores.
C. The chores that children do should be based on their qualities.
D. The chores that children do should be hard to develop life skills.
5. The phrase ‘works for’ in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. does B. suits C. succeeds in D. involves

Exercise 2. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Family types vary in different countries and among different cultures. In Western, industrialized
societies, the nuclear family ranks as the most common family type. It consists of a father, a mother and
their children. But nuclear families exist together with many other types of family units. In the single-
parent family, for example, a mother or a father heads the family alone. A blended family is formed when
a divorced or widowed parent remarries. As divorce rates have risen, the number of single-parent and
blended families has increased.
In many parts of the world, parents and children live together with other family members under the
same roof. These complex families usually contain several generations of family members, including
grandparents, parents and children. They may also include brothers or sisters and their families, uncles,
aunts and cousins. Even when relatives do not live together, they still consider themselves members of the
same extended family includes grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
1. The nuclear family ranks as the most common family type _______.
A. in many industrialized countries B. in countries with nuclear weapons
C. that consists of more than two generations D. that leads to the divorce of parents
2. In the single-parent family, _______.
A. there are often no children
B. only one parent lives with his or her child or children
C. the number of blended children has increased
D. children live with their grandparents
3. Grandparents, parents and children are mentioned as _______.
A. the three typical generations of an extended family
B. three branches of a family tree
C. the closest and happiest relatives in family units
D. a complex combination
4. The second paragraph is about _______.
A. American culture B. relatives and family members
C. the relationship between family members D. the extended family
5. The word “blended” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. complex B. married C. mixed D. formed

Exercise 3. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each question.
Comparing society 40 years back to activities and happenings of today, I appreciate that family values
have changed over time. In our world today, a lot of vices are holding sway and these vices are quickly
displacing virtues because we have compromised family values.

Today children are growing up in a society that is technologically driven and are learning at a much
faster pace than in the 70s. The fast pace of learning has kept parents lagging in getting a hold of their kid’s
moral values and helping them understand what family values used to be.
Family values have changed over time from my perspective, seeing all that is happening in our world
today. To better appraise this conclusion let us understand the definition of family values. Family values
are traditional values that are passed on from generation to generation within the family that address the
family roles, family structure, function, attitude, and ideas. These traditional values are like unwritten
codes that guide the actions of individuals. They help people decide what is right or wrong.
The family is a powerful institution with tremendous influence on society, and when these family
values become promoted by parents within the family, society will feel the effect.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Family Values have changed over time. B. Traditional values have lost.
C. Family values in modern society become better. D. What are traditional family values?
2. In the first paragraph, why does the author mention that a lot of vices are holding sway?
A. Because family values have changed over time.
B. Because we have compromised family values.
C. Because virtues are being displaced.
D. Because so many things have changed for 40 years.
3. The second paragraph is mainly about _______.
A. the importance of technology B. the fast pace of modern life
C. the fast pace of life in the 70s D. the impact of the fast pace of learning
4. The word “driven” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to_______.
A. transported B. turned C. oriented D. controlled
5. The word “codes” in the third paragraph can be best replaced with_______.
A. laws B. manners C. etiquettes D. habits
6. Which of the following statements is true according to the third and the fourth paragraphs?
A. Family values are any values that are passed on from generation to generation.
B. Family values can be passed outside the family as long as they address the family roles, family
structure, function, attitude, and ideas.
C. Traditional family values guide the actions of individuals which help them decide what is right or
D. The society won’t be affected if family values become promoted by parents within the family.

Exercise 4. Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C or D.

Have you ever wondered, “What is social change?” You’ve probably heard of the term thrown around
before, or maybe you even (1) _______ about it briefly in school. Social change may have several definitions
and it is very complex. (2) , as humans living in this world, understanding social change and how it has
played a role in our lives (3) _______, will allow us to spur social change now and in the future.
Social change can be defined as the way in which human interactions, relationships, behaviour patterns,
and cultural (4) _______ change over time. These changes ultimately transform cultural and social
institutions, concepts, and rules, which will inevitably impact society for the long-haul. These changes and
(5) _______ are not necessarily good or bad, but they are profound. On the surface, we may not notice social
change; it can take years - (6) _______ centuries - of action to cause one change.
As students and members of a rapidly changing society, it’s important to (7) _______ on social changes
of the past and how they’ve influenced US now. For instance, at one point, women were not able to study

at university. Today, both men and women, of all races, religions, nationalities, and creeds, can study -
even online and tuition-free. This is why social change is (8) _______. Without social change, we cannot
progress as a society.
1. A. made B. worked C. taught D. learned
2. A. Instead B. Because C. Yet D. Although
3. A. historically B. historical C. historian D. history
4. A. standards B. levels C. norms D. scales
5. A. transformations B. transportations C. transactions D. transitions
6. A. like B. even C. so D. rather
7. A. look forward B. look after C. look up D. look back
8. A. weak B. important C. inessential D. worthless

Exercise 5. Read the passage and write True or False next to the sentences.
The majority of jobs today are reserved for men but that should not mean that women cannot make
their career. Men are nowadays entering the jobs which are considered for women like nursing and
women, therefore, have been allowed to enter into job vacancies that are left by men. Many television
shows have portrayed successful women’s career stories.
Various changes have been seen and impacted the role of women in society. Now, women have gained
a lot of ground in politics, the workforce, social welfare, etc. They are even more powerful within their
households. From a time when women were not able to voice their opinions to the modern time when
women started ruining presidential campaigns, the lifestyle of a woman has undergone a drastic
transformation. The modern society and workforce are filled with powerful women who play their
leadership roles in offices in a very impactful and efficient manner.
Women are in powerful positions in various large-scale companies. Working outside doesn’t mean
women do not do household chores. Women do two full- time jobs - the one at the workplace and the one
at home. Women nowadays are becoming keepers of the home, planners of family events, errand runners,
and bill payers. According to studies, when the economical and political organization of a society changes,
women come to the forefront and help the family to adjust to new challenges. Women are likely to be the
prime initiator of outside assistance, and they play an important role in facilitating changes in family life.
1. The majority of jobs today are reserved for men, so women cannot make their career. False
2. Nowadays, men are entering the jobs which are considered for women. True
3. Women have dominated the ground in politics, the workforce, social welfare, etc. False
4. Women were not able to voice their opinions because they sometimes ruin presidential campaigns.
5. Women hold leadership roles in the modern society and workforce. True
6. Women not only work in various large-scale companies, but also do household chores. True
7. Women do full-time jobs at home and part-time jobs at the workplace. False
8. Women still play an important role in facilitating changes in family life. True

Exercise 6. Read the lecture to parents, and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or NG (not given).
Some people point out that today's children have more homework and have less time to do chores
around the house. If they're teenagers, they also don't have much energy because their bodies and brains
are developing very quickly, and that can be tiring for them.
Children also say, 'It's not my house, why should I clean it?' Actually, they use it, and if they don't learn
how to do basic chores like cooking and cleaning, how can they look after themselves when they leave

home? Helping with chores is training in basic survival skills. It's also a good way to remind children that
they are a part of something bigger than themselves the family. And, by giving them some responsibilities,
you're also telling them that you trust them, and that increases their confidence.
But it's often tricky to get children to do chores. There is no 'I' in the words 'work' or 'chores', and most
kids only like to do things that help them or give them something back immediately. The best way to deal
with this is to make some family rules and the family chore chart, and also point out some of the long-term
benefits: studies show that children and teenagers who help around the house are happier and have better
family values. When they take out the rubbish, lay the table or clean the floor, they are actually learning
how to become more helpful members of society.
The most important thing is to help children start good habits early, and also help them become good
and responsible citizens in the future.
1. Children today don't have as much homework as children in the past. F
2. Teenagers have more energy than young children. NG
3. It's important for children to learn how to cook and clean. T
4. Chores remind children of their responsibility to other people. T
5. Children who do chores feel more confident. T
6. Most children like doing things that have long-term benefits. F
7. Parents are usually very lazy. NG
8. Children who do chores become better members of society. T

D Writing
Exercise 1. Reorder the words and phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. Parents / looking / for / reassurance / are / their / children’s safety / about
→ Parents are looking for reassurance about their children's safety.
2. Are / children / to / their parents / teachers / taught / treat / deference? / with / and
→Are children taught to treat their parents and teachers with deference?
3. ago / were / are / on / less / than / clothing / Families / they / spending / 30 years
→Families are spending less on clothing than they were 30 years ago.
4. spend / other / of / extra money / on / their / forms / Many families / entertainment
→ Many families spend their extra money on other forms of entertainment.
5. Today, / the / more / has / average family / in / they / expendable income / than / did / the past
→Today, the average family has more expendable income than they did in the past.
6. For / many families, / dreams / owning / major part / home / has / been / a / a / their / of
→For many families, owning a home has been a major part of their dreams.
7. of / Family life / been / affected / by / the / into / movement / mothers / has / the / workforce
→Family life has been affected by the movement of mothers into the workforce.
8. with / reaching / half of children / About / their / married parents / until / live / adulthood
→About half of children live with their married parents until reaching adulthood

Exercise 2. Write questions for the underlined parts.

1. My keys are on the kitchen counter.
Whose keys are on the kitchen counter?

2. I usually have dinner at about 7.00 p.m.
When do you usually have dinner?
3. No, she doesn’t like staying at home on weekends.
 Does she like staying at home on weekends?
4. I enjoy my holiday with lots of laughs.
How did you enjoy your holiday?
5. They go for a picnic twice a month.
 How often do they go for a picnic?
6. The Johnsons won the typical family prize of the year.
 Who won the typical family prize of the year?
7. I can’t join you in the football game because I’m helping my father with the gardening.
 Why can't you join us in the football game?
8. Doing housework teaches the children to take responsibility.
 What does doing housework teach the children?
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Exercise 3. Combine the pairs of sentences using the words in the brackets.
1. It was a boring film. I fell asleep. (such)
 It was such a boring film that I fell asleep
2. I will wait. My mother comes to pick me up. (until)
I will wait until my mother comes to pick me up
3. She trusts Robert. He is kind and honest. (because)
 She trusts Robert because he is kind and honest.
4. Kimberly went upstairs. It was bedtime. (for)
 Kimberly went upstairs, for it was bedtime.
5. It’s a good idea. It’s also dangerous. (however)
 It's a good idea, however, it's also dangerous.
6. Carson is intelligent. Elena is more intelligent. (than)
 Elena is more intelligent than Carson.
7. I bought this headphone. Five years have passed. (for)
 I have bought this headphone for five years.
8. He doesn’t like school. He doesn’t like being at home. (nor)
 He neither likes school nor being at home.

Exercise 4. Complete the second sentence using the words in the brackets.
1. The new secretary doesn't type well. (at)
 The new secretary isn't good at typing.
2. Susan left but she didn’t say goodbye to us. (without)
 Susan left without saying goodbye to us.
3. We don’t want to talk about it anymore. (prefer)
 We prefer not to talk about it anymore.
4. The last time Ms. Nhung came here was in 2021. (since)
 Ms. Nhung hasn’t come here since 2021.
5. I think that I might fail the history test. (afraid).
 I’m afraid of failing the history test.

6. Switch off all the lights, then you can leave. (before)
 Switch off all the lights before leaving.
7. He says he may grow flowers in the garden. (interested)
 He says he's interested in growing flowers in the garden.
8. I haven’t gone to a Thai restaurant for months. (went)
 It’s months since I went to a Thai restaurant.

Exercise 5. Writing about family routines

 Write an email about your family routines and their benefits, using the information below. The
first and the last paragraphs have been done for you.
— my family / often / dinner together / at weekends / we / spend / more time together / lunch and dinner
— we / celebrate celebrations / like Tet or Christmas / before that / we / go shopping together / my parents /
us / some presents / new clothes/ then / we work together / decorate our house / help my mother / a lot of
special dishes / spend time together / having meals / singing / visiting our relatives
— on Saturday morning / we all / clean up the house / we / tidy up our rooms / clean the floor / brush the
walls / ceiling / clean / furniture / wash the blankets
— Spending time / our family / a great way / make / family bonds / memories / last forever
Hi Nick,
How are you? We're all doing fine here. You asked me about my family routines. We have some routines to
help us learn life skills as well as build family bonds. Here are the three main ones.
First, my family often have dinner together. At weekends, we spend more time together as we usually have

lunch and dinner together Second, we celebrate celebrations like Tet or Christmas. Before that, we go

shopping together, and my parents buy us some presents or new clothes. Then, we work together to

decorate our house, and help my mother cook a lot of special dishes. We spend time together having meals,

singing or visiting our relatives. Third, on Saturday morning we all clean up the house, we tidy up our

rooms, clean the floor, brush the walls and ceiling, clean the furniture or wash the blankets. Spending time

with our family is a great way to make the family bonds and memories last forever.

What do you think about my family routines? Please write back soon and let me know.
Best wishes,

 Write a short essay telling your family routines and their benefits, using the prompts below.
spending time / our family / very enjoyable participating / common activities as a family / not only bring
love, unity in the family / but also / help / keep / our bodies fit / at the same time.
Routines When / How often Things to do
1. go to the park every weekend my father and brother / play / badminton
my mother and I / walk / park / an hour
we all / go shopping / eat out
2. go fishing every two weeks choose / a good fishing point / the suburb
/ choose a good weather day
Dad / tell / how to fish / Mum / remind / patience

to do fishing
3. go on a picnic every month find / a good place / a beautiful scenery / go to also
bring / tent / water / some favourite food / everyone
during the picnic
Benefits of family routines
— these activities / helpful / creating / a strong bond / the family
— also the time / the family members / close to each other / they / share / problems / offer advice / get over
Spending time with our family is very enjoyable. Participating in common activities as a family does not

only bring love, unity in the family, but also helps to keep our bodies fit at the same time. First, we go to

the park in our neighbourhood every weekend. My father and brother day badminton: my mother and I

walk around the park for an hour. After that, we all go shopping and eat out. Second, we go fishing every

two weeks. We choose a good fishing point in the suburb and choose a good weather day. My father tells

us how to fish and my mother reminds us of the patience to do fishing. Finally, we go on a picnic every

month. We find a good place with a beautiful scenery to go to. We also bring our tent, water and some

favourite food for everyone during the picnic. These activities are helpful in creating a strong bond for the

family. It is also the time the family members are close to each other, and they can share their problems and

offer advice to get over them.


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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. take B. family C. grateful D. table
2. A. nursing B. curtain C. turn D. picture
3. A. society B. sociable C. groceries D. finance

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
4. A. breadwinner B. homemaker C. washing-up D. homemaking
5. A. routine B. laundry C. household D. finance

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
6. Do you have to do _________?
A. the mess B. your bed C. the washing-up D. the cook
7. Do you have to _________ the rubbish out?
A. take B. make C. empty D. do

8. My mother _________ the responsibility for running the household.
A. holds B. takes C. runs D. hears
9. We share the house with our grandparents and our uncle's family. It is a(n) _________ family.
A. nuclear B. extended C. crowded D. multi-generation
10. Are you free on Sunday evening? I'd like to _________ to the cinema?
A. ask you B. ask out you C. ask you out D. ask you away
11. My mother is very good at _________ her time between work and family.
A. leaving B. splitting C. sharing D. taking
12. When a couple can _________ chores in a way that both spouses feel satisfied with the outcome, they are
showing mutual respect for one another.
A. cut B. run C. take D. divide
13. The children, all three, have done ___________, mopped, dusted, helped on the house and in the yard.
A. laundry B. clothes C. groceries D. rubbish
14. Our parents _________ hands to provide for the family and make it happy.
A. were joining B. are always joining C. join D. joins
15. My grandparents _________ with my family at present and my grandmother _________ me how to cook
several traditional Vietnamese dishes.
A. stay — instructs B. stay — is instructing
C. are staying — instructs D. are staying — is instructing

Fill in each blank with the correct word / phrase below.

breadwinner heavy lifting iron chores responsibilities

share strengthen homemaker groceries laundry

16. If your partner has agreed to buy the groceries, you might plan the week's meals and make the
shopping list.
17. We should pay attention to the conditions that foster and strengthen early childhood development and
health across the life course.
18. Past studies have shown that couples who share household chores report feeling happier overall.
19. Couples who share responsibilities at home are happier overall.
20. It takes a housewife a lot of time to iron clothes for the household.
21. I have watched my husband and children take over much of my role as a(n) homemaker.
22. The husband replaces the light bulbs while the wife does the laundry.
23. Nowadays in nuclear families, homemaker and breadwinner roles have evolved into something that
makes it impossible to define exactly.
24. Many couples find that they look at the division of chores differently.
25. Men and boys do most of the heavy lifting in the family.

Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Working Mothers
In the United States today, more than half of mothers with young children work, compared to about
one third (26) _______ 1970s. Women have been moving into the workforce not only for career (27) _______
but also for the income.
In many families today, mothers continue to work because they have careers that they have spent years
(28) _______. Some women (29) _______ to work soon after (30) _______ birth because they know that most

employers are not sympathetic to working mothers who wish to take time off to be with their young
Some people still think that a "good mother" is one who (31) _______ work to stay home with her
children. However, no scientific evidence says children are harmed when their mothers work. A child who
is emotionally well adjusted, well loved, and well cared for will thrive regardless of (32) _______ the
mother works outside the home.
In most families with working mothers, each person (33) _______ a more active role in the household.
The children tend to (34) _______ one another and help in other ways. The father as a (35) _______ is more
likely to help with household chores and child rearing. These positive outcomes are most likely when the
working mother feels valued and supported by family, friends, and coworkers.
26. A. in B. in the C at D. at the
27. A. enjoy B. satisfy C. satisfaction D. pleasant
28. A. develop B. to develop C. developing D. developed
29. A. return B. tum C. happen again D. exchange
30. A. producing B. making C. taking D. giving
31. A. gives up B. stop C. end D. puts up
32. A. where B. when C. how D. whether
33. A. plays B. does C. makes D. takes
34. A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look up
35. A. bread B. breadwinning C. breadstick D. breadwinner
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Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Home Life in Japan
It is common in Japan for three generations to live under the same roof. This is becoming less common
today, but still exists, certainly in the countryside.
Husbands in Japan give their salaries to their wives. They are returned a sum of money as pocket
money, otherwise how to use the rest is the wife's decision. The finances of a family are the responsibility of
the women who handle most of the household expenses. There are exceptions in instances when something
of value, like a car, is being bought. This is changing with more women going to work.
Japanese fathers in contemporary urban households spend so much time at work, and the company
demands on them are so great. it means that they often really have very little time or energy to spend with
their children. The responsibility for raising children, overseeing the education fall onto the mothers.
Mothers play an enormous role in the lives of their children and the bond is very strong. Babysitters are
rarely used, and mothers often sleep with their babies. A mother will also spend hours with children doing
schoolwork. Few Japanese men help with housework. There is more pressure today for this to change.
Most families in Japan today are nuclear families, such as those in the United States. That is to say that a
married couple lives together with their children, perhaps with one grandparent. But for the most part, the
Japanese family today looks much like the American family.
36. In Japan, extended families are still popular ________.
A. in big cities B. in the countryside C. everywhere D. in urban areas
37. A Japanese woman is responsible for all of these EXCEPT ________.
A. raising children B. handle household expenses
C. making decisions on very valuable things D. taking care of children's schoolwork
38. Japanese fathers in contemporary urban households ________.

A. are under great pressure of work B. are responsible for most household chores
C. handle most of the household expenses D. stay at home to work as babysitters
39. Nowadays there is a pressure that men should ________.
A. earn more money B. help their wives with housework
C. leave important decisions to their wives D. work harder at work
40. Most families in Japan nowadays may be ________.
A. extended families B. three-generation families
C. the same as the traditional ones D. similar to those in the Western

Complete the conversation, using the sentences (A-F) given. There is one sentence that you do not need.
A. It's hard work, and it may hurt your back.
B. I can do it in my free time.
C. I do the laundry, fold the clothes after doing the laundry, and iron the clothes.
D. I hate ironing most.
E. I don't mind cooking.
F. I love eating, and I think it's one of the most important skills in my life later.
Anna What household chores do you do to help your parents?
Mai (41) ________C_________. Sometimes I help to cook dinner.
Anna Which of the chores do you like doing the most?
Mai (42) _________E________
Anna What do you like about it?
Mai (43) __________B_______
Anna Which of the chores do you dislike the most?
Mai (44) __________D_______
Anna Can you give the reason for that?
Mai (45) __________A_______
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Write complete sentences using the words / phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more
necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
46. family members / divide / household chores / based / who / better / doing them
 Family members should divide the household chores based on who are better at doing them.
47. for example / the wife / cook / dinner / and then / the husband / clean / kitchen
 For example, the wife cooks dinner and then the husband cleans the kitchen.
48. we also / divide chores / based / consideration / love
 We also divide chores based on consideration and love.
49. the one / who / arrive / home earlier / cook the meal / and the others / lay / table / or do / washing up
 The one who arrives home earlier will cook the meal, and the others will lay the table or do the
washing up.
50. parents / train / children / help with housework / and / most cases / they / willing / give a hand
 Parents should train the children to help with housework, and in most cases, they are willing to give
a hand.
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--- THE END ---


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