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4 MOCT TEST 4 12
5 MOCT TEST 5 15
6 MOCT TEST 6 18
7 MOCT TEST 7 21
8 MOCT TEST 8 25
9 MOCT TEST 9 29
10 MOCT TEST 10 32
1 MOCT TEST 1 36
2 MOCT TEST 2 38
3 MOCT TEST 3 40
4 MOCT TEST 4 42
5 MOCT TEST 5 44
6 MOCT TEST 6 46
7 MOCT TEST 7 48
8 MOCT TEST 8 50
9 MOCT TEST 9 52
10 MOCT TEST 10 54

Part 1:
Choose the correct word in the box and write each of them in the space given.
You do not need to use all the words. There is one example.
0._Blanket_: You use this to cover your body when you are sleeping in cold weather.

awkward manners behavior

firmly gesture appropriately

1………………: the way you act that is considered polite in your society or culture
2………………: suitable or right for a particular situation
3………………: a movement of hand or head to express something
4………………: in a strong, steady way
5………………: the way you act or behave
6………………: not comfortable, embarrassing
Part 2:
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Japan……………many high mountains.
A. have B. is having C.has D. are having
2. Customer:……………
Shop assistant:……………?
A. Good morning / Good morning B. Excuse me / Yes, can I help you?
C. Bless you / Thank you D. How do you do / How do you do
3. Pick……………your litter! Don’t drop it on the street!
A. on B. up C.out D.back
4. The shop hasn’t got ……………washing powder.
A. a few B.few C.much D.many
5. Nancy’s car is……………than mine, but Ben’s car is……………car.
A. the most expensive / more expensive B. more expensive / the most expensive
C. expensiver / expensivest D. expensiver / expensivest
6. If I……………Prime Minister, I……………increase tax for rich people.
A. would be / shall B. will be / will
C. am / would D. were / would
7. I will have a bath……………I go to bed.
A. when B. if C. before D. until
8. Ankara is……………capital of Turkey.
A. The B.a C.x
9. She enioys……………the news on television.
A. watching B. to watch C. to watching D. watch
10. She’s got……………records of classical music.
A. very much B. very little C. a few D. plenty
Part 3:
Complete the gaps in Sue and Teo’s conversation by using the sentences below. Write the correct
letters in the spaces. There is an option that you do not need.
A. Sorry, I’m not sure I understood
B. So I go down New Bridge street
C. Are you busy?
D. Ok, and then?
E. The metro station is there, but at the moment it’s closed
F. Can you help us?
G. Go Straight on, along John Dobson street towards the river

Sue: Excuse me. (1)……………?

We’re looking for the nearest metro station.
Teo: Yes, it’s very near here. (2)……………
Walk past Durant Road and Saville Row towards Market street. When you get to New Bridge street,
turn right.
Sue: Sorry, (3)……………Could you repeat that, please?
Teo: Sure, go along John Dobson street, and then turn right on to New Bridge Street. (4)……………
Sue: Oh, I see. (5)……………
Teo: That’s right.
Sue: (6)……………?
Teo: Well, when you reach the end of New Bridge street you’ll see Grey’s Monument, and there’s a metro
station right next to it.
Sue: Thank you!
Part 4:
Read the passage and choose a word from the box to fill in each blank. Write the correct word next to the
number. There is one example.
little on without temperature
recorded air couple scientists

(0). On September 13th 1922, (1)……………. in El Azizia in Libya (2)…………….a temperature of

57.8°C. This is the hottest temperature ever recorded.
EI Azizia is near the Sahara Desert. Scientists believe that the temperature in the desert is even hotter than
the (3)……………. in El Azizia, but there are no weather stations in the desert to record the temperature.
Libya is one of the hottest places in the world because a hot, sandy wind blows across the country in the
spring and autumn. The wind can raise temperature by 20 °C in just a (4)…………….of hours. Also, there is
very (5)…………….water in the desert and it hardly ever rains. In some parts of Libya, ten years can pass
(6)…………….rain. In Uweinat on the border between Libya and Egypt, the last rain was recorded in 1998.
Part 5:
Read the text and use no more than three words and/or a number to answer each of the following
What’s in a name?
Last year, as I was travelling through Australia, I often stopped at places with strange or unusual
names: names like Murwillumbah and Waterloo. I often asked myself, ‘Where do all these names come
from? And what can we learn from them?’ Local people sometimes knew the answer and sometimes they
didn’t, so I decided to look at these place names more closely and found out some interesting facts.
Many place names give us a clue because they describe physical characteristics, like ‘big hill’, ‘dry
desert’, or ‘tall tree’. Thousands of years ago, this is how the first Australians - the Aborigines - named
places. Today, in Australia, there are thousands of places with Aboriginal names, towns like Murwillumbah
(good campsite), Nambucca (entrance to the sea), Bondi Beach from the world ‘Boondi’ (the sound of water
falling over rocks) and Uluru (big rock).
The Europeans had different ideas. When they first arrived in 1606, they wanted to make this strange
new land feel like home. How did they do it? Well, they borrowed names from the country they came from -
it showed that these places belonged to them. French and Dutch place names like Bougainville and Arnhem
Land started to appear along the Australian coast. Then, in 1770, the English explorer Captain Cook arrived
in Botany Bay. Soon, there was Melbourne, a town named after a British Prime Minister, and Waterloo,
named after a famous battle between England and France.
1. How did the Aborigines name places?
2. Who were the first Europeans to arrive in Australia?
3. What does Uluru mean?
4. How did they feel when they arrived?
5. What type of names did they use?
6. When did Captain Cook reach Botany Bay?
Part 1:
Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the given words.
1. The name of the book is “Stonehenge”.
The book……………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. I want to go to the cinema later.
I feel like……………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. The car was fixed in the garage.
4. It is the first time that I have heard that word.
I have…………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. I haven't finished my sandwich yet.
I am…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. The house is too small.
The house isn’t……………………………………………………………………………………….
Part 2:
In 100 words, write about a day in your life in 2050. Answer these questions.
Where will you live?
How will you travel?
What will you eat?
What will you do in your free time?

Part 1:
Choose the correct word in the box and write each of them in the space given. You do not need to use all
the words. There is one example.
0._Blanket_: You use this to cover your body when you are sleeping in cold weather.
overwhelming addiction self-esteem
counselor urge debt

1…………….: something that a person cannot stop doing

2…………….: money that someone owes
3…………….: a person who gives advices
4…………….: very great
5…………….: a strong need or desire
6…………….: the opinion that people have of themselves
Part 2:
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Hannah: Have you ever……………..a holiday in India?
Dave: Yes, we have. We……………..there in 2000.
A. had / ’ve gone B. x/ went C. had / went D. have / went
2. Tommy: “I feel really depressed at the moment. Nothing’s going right in my life.”
Ben: “……………..”
A. I know. We really need some sunshine, don’t we?
B. Cheer up! Things can’t be that bad!
C. I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m sure he’ll be all right.
D. That’s good. I’m pleased to hear it.
3. Can I speak…………… for a minute?
A. with B. of C. at D. for
4. I’m looking for yesterday’s newspaper. Did you throw it……………..?
A. out B. down C. back D. away
5. James: “How……………..languages can your son speak?”
Barney: “Three……………...”
A. much / languages B. many / language
C. many / languages D. much / language
6. The film star gave a party……………..cost $10.000.
A. Ø B. who C. which D. where
7.I am…………… the Mexican Culture, because it is……………...
A. interesting / excited B. interested / exciting
C. interesting / exciting D. interesting / excited
8. English is……………
A. speak B. spoke C. is speaking D.spoken
9. She needs…………… help her choose a birthday present.
A. something B. anybody C. someone D. somewhere
10. My family is trying……………..where to go on holiday.
A. decided B. decide C. to decide D. deciding
Part 3:
Complete the gaps in James and his dad’s conversation by using the sentences below. Write the correct letters
in the spaces. There is an option that you do not need.
A. no problem
B. Could I use your laptop, please?
C.That depends
D. You’ve got school tomorrow, remember?
E. Of course
F. Do you know how to do your homework?
G. Is it OK if I use your bike?
James: (1)…………….? My computer is broken.
Dad: Sure, (2)…………….. But just for five minutes. I’m trying to work!
James: Thanks. I just need to send Paul an email. And is it OK if I stay at his house tonight?
Dad: (3)…………….Why do you want to stay at Paul’s house tonight? (4)…………….
James: I know. But we’re working on our project. It’s really important.
Dad: Well, don’t stay up all night.
James: I won’t. (5)…………….?
Dad: (6)……………., but ride carefully!
James: Thanks, Dad!

Part 4:
Read the passage and choose a word from the box to fill in each blank. Write the correct word next to the
number. There is one example.
unless disappeared careless mysterious
took foolish cash cheque

One of the most (0). mysterious unsolved bank robberies (1)…………… at the First National
Bank of Chicago, USA. One Friday in 1977, an employee at the bank put $4 million in (2)…………… a
bank vault. When another employee came to make the weekly check on the vault she discovered that only $3
million was there. A million dollars had simply (3)……………... The robbery appeared in all the national
newspapers. Because nobody had broken into the vault, the police suspected it was an ,'inside job', and were
at first hopeful that they would recover the money quickly. 'It's (4)…………… rob your own bank,’
said one police officer. ‘You are almost certain to get caught, (5)…………… are very lucky.’ Because
most robbers are in a hurry, they are usually (6)……………..and leave clues, but the police could find
nothing to identify the thief or thieves. The FBI were suspicious of one employee, but they didn't have
enough reliable evidence to arrest him. Four years later, police discovered $2,300 of the money in a drugs
raid, but have never found the thief or the rest of the money.
Part 5:
Read the text and use no more than three words and/or a number to answer each of the following
Strange buildings
The Shoe House
Along the Lincoln Highway, near a small town in the state of Pennsylvania, you can see one of the
strangest, funniest, most unusual buildings in the US. It’s the Shoe House. It looks exactly like a gigantic
shoe, but, at almost eight metres high, it’s a lot bigger than any ordinary shoe or boot! These days, it’s a
museum and ice-cream shop but, unbelievably, it was once someone’s home.
Unsurprisingly, perhaps, a boot and shoe manufacturer built the house in 1948 because he wanted a
home that was also an advertisement for his business. He gave one of his boots to a local architect and said,
‘Build me a house like this!’ Fortunately, the architect knew exactly what to do, and designed a five-storey,
three-bedroomed house. At first, the owner decided to make a home in his wonderful new building, but then
he moved into another house - it wasn’t comfortable or luxurious enough for a successful businessman!
After he left, he invited old people to stay in the house for luxury weekends. The people had a maid, a
cook, and a driver to look after them! And everyone got a free pair of shoes when they left!
The Toilet-shaped House
This is the weirdest house in South Korea. In 2007, the mayor of the city of Suwon decided to
construct a two-storey mansion which looked exactly like an enormous toilet. And naturally there is a big
hole in the top! It cost over a million dollars to build and is one of the most expensive homes in the city. It is
also one of the best for the environment as the house has some of the world’s best technology for saving
water. It also has a roof-top balcony, and, of course, it has four of the most elegant bathrooms you can
imagine, including a large, glass-walled bathroom right at the centre of the house.
The mayor didn’t build the house to show off. He had a political reason for spending all that money
on something so strange. The first important meeting of the World Toilet Association (or WTA. took place at
the house, and both the mayor and the WTA wanted to bring attention to the fact that two billion people in
the world don’t have a toilet. Building a huge toilet in the shape of a house is a great way of doing that!
Following the death of the mayor, the house is now a museum and it teaches people about the history
of toilets. And, if you think that’s funny, wait until you hear the name of the house. In Korean, it’s called
Haewoojae. In English, that means ‘a peaceful place where you don’t have to worry about things’. Isn’t that
the perfect name for a house - and a toilet?!
1. What do people sell in the Shoe House?
2. How many floors are there in the house?
3. When did the old people stay in the house?
4. How many bathrooms are there in the Toilet House?
5. Why did the mayor build the House?
6. How did the locals call the Toilet house?
Part 1:
Finish the second sentence so that it has a simitar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given
1. My friend told me she always went there, so I started going too.
My friend said, 'I always………………………………………………there’, so I started going too.
2. It has been there for four years.
It has been there………………………………………………four years ago.
3. It stays open until seven o'clock.
It…………………………………………………….close until seven o'clock.
4. I have my hair cut there every six weeks.
The hairdresser…………………………………………………….my hair every six weeks.
5. Men's haircuts are cheaper than women's haircuts.
Men's haircuts are less…………………………………………………….women's haircuts.
6. August is hotter than the other months of the year.
August is…………………………………………………………………..month of the year
Part 2:
Your new friends at UMS decided to have a party to welcome every new student in the school. Describe 2
of your most favourite games to play in this party. Write in 80 words.
Part 1:
Choose the correct word in the box and write each of them in the space given. You do not need to use all
the words. There is one example.
0._Blanket_: You use this to cover your body when you are sleeping in cold weather.
journalist joke celebrity
trend admire risky

1……………….: to respect someone very much

2……………….: a famous person
3……………….: a popular idea or change
4……………….: a thing that someone says that is funny, not serious
5……………….: a person who collects, writes, and publishes news.
6……………….: dangerous
Part 2:
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. There’s nobody in the class. All the students have ……………home.
A. been B. went C. gone D. be
2. Marco: “I’m really excited. I’m going on holiday to Australia tomorrow.
Polo: “……………”
A. Good luck! Do your best. B. Why don’t you go home to bed?
C. That’s great. Have a good time. D. Cheer up! Things can’t be that bad!
3. It happened……………seven o’clock……………the evening.
A. when / x B. in / at C. at / last D. at / in
4. Don’t forget to……………off the lights when you come to bed.
A. down B. turn C. fall D. fill
5. Is this radio……………?
A. to you B. of you C. you D. yours
6.Toby,……………parents both died a few years ago, is the same age as me.
A. who B. which C. where D. whose
7. I turned around……………, because there was a……………shout.
A. immediately / sudden B. immediate / suddenly
C. immediate / sudden B. immediately / suddenly
8. Rolls Royce cars……………in England.
A. were made B. is made C. makes D. are made
9. If……………asks, tell them I’ve got a cold.
A. anyone B. anything C. somewhere D. somebody
10. When we arrived, the people next door invited us……………a drink with them.
A. have B. to have C. to had D. having
Part 3:
Complete the gaps in Toby and Mia's conversation by using the sentences below. Write the correct letters
in the spaces. There is an option that you do not need.
A. Is anyone sitting here B. It is so pretty C. I'll give it back later
D. Look at that rain E. Are you ok F. Is it far

Toby: Hi, Mia. (1)………………………………..?

Mia: Hi, Toby. No. Sit down, I'll move my bag.
Toby: Thanks. (2)………………………………..? You look a bit anxious.
Mia: I've got a job interview in twenty minutes.
Toby: Oh! I won't chat, then, I promise!
Mia: It's OK. I'm going to leave Soon anyway. I need to walk to Hill Top Road.
Toby: Not really. It'll take about ten minutes.
Mia: Oh no. (4)………………………………..! I'm going to get wet!
Toby: I'll lend you my umbrella.
Mia: It's OK. I'll call a taxi.
Toby: There isn't time for that. Here, take it.
Mia: Thanks. (5)………………………………... Where will you be?
Toby: I'll wait here for Good luck!
Part 4:
Read the passage and choose a word from the box to fill in each blank. Write the correct word next to the
number. There is one example.
in the name of culture drops in fact
nerves cosmetics Therefore dangerous

Although (0) cosmetics have been used all throughout history, not all of them have been safe. (1)…………..,
some of them have been quite (2)………… people. For example, long ago in Italian (3)…………..,
people thought women with big eyes were beautiful. Therefore, (4)…………, women began to put
(5)…………..of belladonna in their eyes to make their pupils larger. Belladonna, however, is poisonous, and
it can affect the (6)………… the body.
Part 5:
Read the text and use no more than three words and/or a number to answer each of the following
Everybody knows that India is a huge country with an enormous population (there are around 1.2
billion people in India! They also know that it has noisy, crowded cities, hot, spicy food, and some
wonderful, historical sites, such as the Taj Mahal, a beautiful, white palace which a sultan built because he
wanted to remember his wife, a princess who died when she still a young woman.
There are, however, lots of surprising things about India, too. I’ve just returned from my first trip to
the country, and in this blog, I want to write about some of the things I found out. Did you know, for
example, that India is a great place to go if you love music festivals? And I don't mean traditional music.
More than half of India’s population is under twenty-five and they love pop and rock music. That’s why there
are so many festivals, a few of which take place in unusual locations such as in deserts or on the sides of
mountains. Major Indian cities are becoming popular places for international stars to play, and there is so
much local musical talent that there is always a live concert on somewhere.
I was also amazed to find out that there are between one and two thousand ‘marriage detectives’ in
the country. A lot of marriages are arranged by families in India, and it’s important to them to find out as
much as they can about the person who their son or daughter is going to marry, so sometimes families hire a
detective who checks that their son or daughter’s future husband or wife is telling the truth about their family,
their job and how much money they have.
Indians also have a surprising view of beauty. One of my Indian friends told me that I had put on
weight when I met her for coffee on my second day in the country. I was surprised, but she wasn’t being
rude. In India, people think that gaining weight is a sign of looking healthy and more beautiful. In fact, if you
are very slim, Indian people worry about you! I think it’s good that Indians aren’t always worried about being
thin, like many Europeans are. However, these days, a lot of young people are overweight because people
there are really keen on fast food.
In India, it seems as if everyone reads newspapers. In Europe, young people prefer going online to
find out about the world. In India, however, the opposite is true. More and more people are learning to read
and they are then getting well-paid jobs which mean they can afford to buy newspapers. As a result,
newspapers have never been more popular. I was really surprised! In my next blog, I’ll share more
fascinating facts about India. What do you know about the country?
1. What color is the Taj Mahal?
2. Who did Sultan want to remember?
3. What kind of music is popular in India?
4. Who is going to check on the new bride/groom?
5. What is the sign of beauty in India?
6. Is newspaper popular in India?
Part 1:
Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the words given.
1. The alphabet we use in English has 26 letters.
In the alphabet we use in English,…………………………………….are 26 letters.
2. The two Greek letters “alpha” and “beta” give us the word “alphabet”.
We get the word “alphabet”…………………………………….the two Greek letters “alpha” and “beta”.
3. An alphabet was first used about 3,500 years ago.
People …………………………………….an alphabet for about 3,500 years.
4. Without an alphabet, we couldn’t write down our ideas.
If we…………………………………….have an alphabet, we couldn't write down our ideas.
5. You can't learn to read and write until you know your alphabet.
You must know your alphabet…………………………………….you can learn to read and write.
6. Is learning the alphabet easier for children than learning to count?
Is leaning to count not…………………………………….for children as learning the alphabet?
Part 2:
Think of a good friend you have at school. Write a letter with a description of the person to enter the
People Close to Us competition. Use the plan to help you.
Paragraph 1: Say who this person is and how you know them.
Paragraph 2: Explain why you like them.
Paragraph 3: Talk about their achievements and good qualities.
Paragraph 4: Say why you are good friends
Write in 80 words.

Part 1:
Choose the correct word in the box and write each of them in the space given. You do not need to use all
the words. There is one example.
0._Blanket_: You use this to cover your body when you are sleeping in cold weather.
curriculum syllabus tornado
easy-going hurricane generous

1……………..: a list of the topics, books, etc that you study for a particular subject at school
2……………..: the subjects that are included in a course, or taught at a school
3……………..: a very strong wind that looks like an upside-down cone
4……………..: a violent storm with very strong winds
5……………..: very relaxed, cheerful, tolerant, happy to accept things
6……………..: giving or willing to give freely
Part 2:
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. It……………..her fifteen minutes to school.
A. took / go B. has taken / walk C. takes / walk D. takes / to walk
2. Anna: “Hello. Can I speak to Mr. James, please?”
Billie: “I’m sorry. He is……………..on holiday at the moment. Can I help you?”
A. in B. on C. away D. off
3. The phone rang……………..I was having supper.
A. while B. during C. for D. in
4. I phoned the police because I……………..smell gas in the kitchen.
A. can B. could C. managed to D. couldn’t
5. The film star gave a party……………..cost $10,000.
A. Ø B. who C. which D. where
6. We don’t have……………..vacation.
A. long enough B. a long enough C. long enough a D. enough a long
7. All that glitters……………..not gold.
A. are B. is C. were D. aren’t
8. Where is the…………… in the world?
A. hottest B. as peaceful as C. more interesting D. colder
9. I can’t speak English as…………… elder brother.
A. good as B. fluently as C. better than D. well
10. The plane arrived……………..than we’d expected.
A. very late B. later C. as late as D. lately
Part 3:
Complete the gaps by using the sentences below. Write the correct letters in the spaces. There is an option
that you do not need.
A. The food is good here. B.That’s better than nothing
C. Are you busy? D. It’s not working
E. What’s the problem? F. It’s at the sports club on Saturday.
G. I’m really hungry.

Paul: Hi, Zara. (1)…………….

Zara: Oh, hi Paul. It’s this vending machine. (2)…………….and (3)…………….

Paul: Hey, I’m going to the school café. Do you want to come?
Zara: That’s a good idea. I can get something there.
Paul: (4)…………….. What do you think?
Zara: It’s OK. They’ve got crisps, right?
Paul: No, they haven’t, but they’ve got some apples.
Zara: (5)…………….. So, what are you doing this weekend?
Paul: I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. (6)…………….
Zara: Really? Are a lot of people going?
Paul: Yes, everyone is going. Hey, would you like to come with me?
Zara: Thanks, but I’m busy. I’m going to the cinema with Jamie on Saturday.
Part 4:
Read the passage and choose a word form the box to fill in each blank. Write the correct word next to the
number. There is one example.
studied gunpowder spacecraft wanted
successful fireworks explore satellite

For thousands of years people have (0). wanted to know more about space. In ancient Babylon
people (1)…………..the sun and the stars. The ancient Egyptians used the stars to tell the time. In 1609, the
Italian scientist Galileo was the first person to study the moon and stars through a telescope. But when did
people actually begin to (2)…………
Space exploration might not have been (3)…………..without an ancient Chinese invention: (4)……
The Chinese filled sticks with (5)…………... When they threw the sticks into a fire, the sticks flew into the
air and exploded. These were the first rockets. In 1898, Russian scientists Konstantin Tsiolkovsky said that
people could use rockets to travel into space. For the next few decades, scientists all over the world worked
on rockets, On October 4th 1957, a Russian team used a rocket to send the first (6)…………..into space.
When this trip was studied, they decided to send a dog into space. On November 3rd 1957, a dog named Laika
became the first living creature to travel into space. Sadly, Laika died before the rocket returned to Earth.
Part 5:
Read the text and use no more than three words and/or a number to answer each of the following
Eyewitness account: Scott’s Hut
Brita Harding is a scientist and she's been in Antarctica for five weeks. She is working in a small
building called Scott's Hut and helping to preserve it. The British explorer Captain Robert Scott used the but
as a base camp in 1911.
The Antarctic is the driest, coldest and windiest continent in the world. It's dark for six months of the
year and not many animals live here, apart from penguins. There are no native people like the Inuits, and
tourists never stop off to explore. Its easy to understand why. It isn't the best place to live and work and it's
freezing at the moment -we've had temperatures of -73°C since Monday!
Every day, I go down to Ross Island and work in Scott's Hut with other scientists. Inside there are
books, wooden skis, biscuits, penguins' eggs and many other interesting things. All these things have been
here for a hundred years and they're completely frozen. That's why we want to save the hut - it brings Scott's
expedition to life!
The race to the South Pole is a famous story. Captain Scott and a Norwegian explorer called Roald
Amundsen both wanted to get there first. They both prepared for many months, but in the end their
expeditions were very different: Amundsen used dogs to pull his sleds and Scott used motorized sleds and
horses. Amundsen had good weather during his expedition, but Scott had bad weather. When Scott's team set
out from the but on 1 November 1911, there were terrible snow storms and the sleds broke down. After a few
weeks, the horses died and most of his team turned back. In the end, only five men carried on to the South
Pole: Scott, Oates, Evans, Bowers and Wilson.
1. What job does Brita do?
2. What animal can survive in Antarctica?
3. Where does Brita work every day?
4. How many people wanted to reach the South Pole first?
5. What animals were used in the explorers’ expedition?
6. Eventually, how many people were able to continue to the South Pole?
Part 1:
Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the given words.
1. Not all people enjoy eating fish.
Not every……………………………………………………………………………………………
2 My school is quite near my house.
My house isn't very………………………………………………………………………………….
3. My English teacher is so helpful.
I have ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. My homework needs checking.
I need someone………………………………………………………………………………………
5. My course is harder than I expected.
My course isn't as……………………………………………………………………………………
6. I haven't been to a concert for a long time.
It's a long time since…………………………………………………………………………………
Part 2:
In 100 words, write about you and your favorite activities. Answer these questions to give your ideas. What
kind of person are you? What activities are you good at? What is your favorite activity?

Part 1:
Choose the correct word in the box and write each of them in the space given.
You do not need to use all the words. There is one example.
0._Blanket_: You use this to cover your body when you are sleeping in cold weather.
guidebook critic accuse tsunami passport avalanche

1……………..: a book that gives information about a country, city for tourists / travellers
2……………..: an enormous wave in the sea, usually caused by an earthquake
3……………..: a small book that shows who you are and what your nationality is.
4……………..: say that someone is guilty of a crime
5……………..: a huge mass of snow and ice that falls down the side of a mountain
6……………..: someone who gives their opinion of a play, film, book, etc
Part 2:
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. That is……………...
A. a carving steel new knife B. a new steel carving knife
C. a steel new carving knife D. a new carving steel knife
2. Unsurprisingly, a recent study…………….that the majority of parents who didn't manage to achieve their
own dreams, want their children to succeed in those things.
A. has revealed B. revealed C. reveals D. is revealing
3. If he practices a bit more, he…………….a champion.
A. wil1 be B. is C. would be D. is
4. We had a long way to go so we…………….of very early
A. made B. put C. set D. went
5. I didn't buy any new boots because the shop didn’t have my size……………..stock.
A in B. at C. out D. off
6. I’ll never forget…………….three weeks in the rainforest.
A. spending B. spend C. spent D. had spent
7. Letting children under six walking alone to school is…………….
A. irresponsible B. immature C. imperfect D. inaccurate
8. Kristin Duquette was congratulated…………….her many successes, including her flight for the rights of
disabled people.
A. for B. on C. at D. in
9. It's…………….that Earth’s population will be over nine billion in 2050.
A. estimated B. examined C. decreased D. increased
10. Neither John nor his friends…………….the beach this lunch.
A. are going to B. is going to C. go D. goes
Part 3:
Complete the gaps by using the sentences below. Write the correct letters in the spaces. There is an option
that you do not need
A. What do I need to do?
B. Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by scanner.
C. I can hear it whirring, so a box that holds the cartridges has come out into the middle now, yes?
D. How do I do that?
E. You need to check it really is out of ink before you change the cartridge.
F. I have no idea.
G. Yes, I'm getting a warning sign when I try to print something.
Lara: Hi, Bobby! Can you help me? I need to change a cartridge on my new printer, and I know you’ve got
the same model as me. (1)……………...
Bobby: Sure. Are you sure it needs replacing?
Lara: (2)……………....
Bobby: OK, but you get those ages before it actually needs replacing. (3)……………...
Lara: (4)……………....
Bobby: Try and print something. It will tell you it can't if it really needs a new cartridge.
Lara: OK ... Yes, it's telling me I have to replace the cartridge.
Bobby: Right. First lift the lid and the scanner.
Lara: (5)……………...
Bobby: The glass bit which you put things on for scanning and photocopying.
Lara: Right, I’ve got that.
Bobby: Great. (6)……………...
Lara: Yep. What do I do next?
Bobby: Then open the lid of the box and you'll see the cartridges.
Lara: OK. Thank you.
Part 4:
Read the passage and choose a word form the box to fill in each blank. Write the correct word next to the
number. There is one example.
boldly doubt greatest told out
receiving select spoke out legends

Who is the (0). greatest sportsman of all time? It's certainly a tough question to answer as you've got
to take into consideration a vast array of sports from all different eras. Three organizations made lists to (1)
……………. the Greatest Sportsman of the last century. The groups listed many (2)…………….from the
world of sports, but all three amazingly chose the same person as greatest. In addition to (3)…………….
many awards in his sport over his career, this sportsman (4) …………….against the abuse of civil liberties.
He also (5)…………….faced a serious disease later in his life. Without a (6)……………., the greatest
sportsman of the 20th century is Muhammad Ali.
Part 5:
Read the text and use no more than three words and/or a number to answer each of the following
The importance of pets
When they were asked, six million people in Britain said they own a pet cat. That's strange, as only
four million cats are known to be living in Britain! Perhaps some cats have more than one owner. What's
clear however, is that cats are popular with people in Britain.
Doctors have known for some time that a link exists between animals and human health. In a special
report, they express the importance of pets to people in Britain. They say that pet owners are less likely to
have a heart attack than people who do not own a pet. Also, people who do not keep a pet have a 20 per cent
greater chance of having a weak heart than those who do. This is especially true of people who live alone.
Although the favourite pets in Britain are cats and dogs, doctors think that all pets are good for
people's health, even pet goldfish! What is the reason for this? Doctors believe that people need to have
someone or something to care for and take care of. Then they don't think about themselves so much. They
forget their own problems and thus feel better.
Animals are known to have a good effect on hospital patients too. In one hospital, several animals
were brought to be with some cancer patients. These patients had been given drugs but had not got better.
However, after a few days with the animals, they showed signs of improving. A few even recovered
1. How many people in Britain claimed that they own a cat?
2. What is the number of cats known to be living in Britain?
3. What are the favourite pets in Britain?
4. What happens when people forget their own problems?
5. What happened to the cancer patients who were visited by animals in the hospital?
Part 1:
Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given
1. The music programmes are less popular than the news programmes.
The music programmes aren’t…………………………………………………………………..
2. This is the first time I’ve been to this sports centre.
3. I ate pizza almost every day when I was younger.
I used…………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. There isn’t anybody in the school who can tell which one is which.
5. My brother owns this apartment.
6. Do they usually feed the animals three times a day?
Part 2:
In 100 words, write about your favorite school day.

Part 1:
Choose the correct word in the box and write each of them in the space given. You do not need to use all
the words. There is one example.
0._Blanket_: You use this to cover your body when you are sleeping in cold weather.
origins analyze complex
collaboration reviews feedback

1……………..: information that tells you how well or badly you're doing something
2……………..: reports that give opinions about music, books, or plays
3……………..: not a copy
4……………..: study something in a careful way
5……………..: having many parts
6……………..: the act of working together
Part 2:
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1.……………Sandra……………ridden a horse?
A. Has / never B. Have / never C. Have / never D. Has / ever
2. Lana: “I don’t feel very well. I think I’m getting the flu.”
Rick: “……………”
A. Poor you! That happens to me sometimes.
B. Why don’t you go home to bed?
C. I’m sorry to hear that but I’m sure he’ll be all right.
D. Cheer up! Things can’t be that bad!
3. Please ask……………help if you want.
A. to B. for C. of D. in
4. Could I……………on these shoes, please? Size nine.
A. look B. put C. try D. turn
5. We can all get on the bus. There are only……………passengers on it now.
A. many B. much C. a few D. a little
6. I……………to work if I……………better, but I feel terrible.
A. went / felt B. would go / feel C. will go / feel D. would go /felt
7. At first we draw……………then…………….
A. quickly / slowly B. quick / slowly C. quickly / slow D. quick / slow
8. He is……………at painting. He paints…………….
A. bad / worse B. bad / badly C. worse / bad D. badly / the worst
9. Would……………please explain what happened?
A. anything B. somewhere C.anybody D. someone
10. When I was young, I……………ice-skatina.
A. went to B. go C.used to go D. going
Part 3:
Complete the gaps by using the sentences below. Write the correct letters in the spaces. There is an option
that you do not need.
A. I’m so envious! B. You’re kidding!
C. Not at all! D. What a shame!
E. It’s so cute. F. What a relief!
G. Yeah, well it’s all ok now
Jess: I’m going on a road trip around America next summer!
Ben: Really? What a cool thing to do. (1)………………
Jess: And, I’m going with my grandmother!
Ben: (2)………………Your'grandmother? That sounds like a nightmare!
Jess: (3)………………She’s a famous photographer. She took photos of The Beatles when she was in her
twenties. We’re going to write a blog about our trip and maybe even a book.
Ben: That’s amazing! Did you hear that I lost my phone last week with all of the photos from the school trip?
Jess: Not the photos that we were going to upload to the school website? (4)………………
Ben: Don’t worry, I found it eventually.
Jess: Phew! (5)………………Where was it?
Ben: It was on the train. But I had to spend about two hours on the phone trying to find it.
Jess: Two hours on the phone, how frustrating!
Ben: (6)………………. Anyway, good luck with your road trip. How exciting!
Part 4:
Read the passage and choose a word form the box to fill in each blank. Write the correct word next to the
number. There is one example.
cure encourage myth necessarily
sure skin pop
There’s no (0). sure way to prevent acne. Some of the ways people think they can (1)……………or
control pimples are really just myths. For example, teenagers often try to (2)……………their pimples to get
rid of them. However, this can cause more (3)……………problems. For this reason, doctors (4)……………
people not to pop their pimples. Another (5)……………people believe is that oily skin will develop pimples.
Oil does not (6)……………cause pimples, but it's still a good idea to wash your face regularly.
Part 5:
Read the text and use no more than three words and/or a number to answer each of the following
To toot, to cut the cheese, or to fart are all funny ways to talk about something that everyone does:
passing gas! A normal person passes about half a liter of gas a day, which equals about 14 farts per day. Lots
of people are embarrassed by passing gas, but there is no need to feel this way. The first step is to admit that
everyone does it. After you face up to this fact, then you can really enjoy learning some interesting facts
about your gas.
There are several sources of gas. Gas in our intestines has to do with both the air we swallow and the
gas molecules in our blood. In addition, gas is also produced from chemical reactions and bacteria living in
our intestines. Nervous people usually have more gas for two reasons. They swallow more air when they get
nervous, and food usually goes through their digestive systems faster, which means that the oxygen in the
food cannot be absorbed quickly enough. Therefore, the oxygen naturally found in the food goes into the
intestines and becomes gas.
Another interesting fact is that a person’s diet affects the stinkiness of his or her 15 gas. Foods with a
lot of sulfur in them--such as eggs, meat, and cauliflower - cause stinkier gas. On the other hand, beans cause
a lot of gas, but this gas isn’t usually stinky because beans aren’t high in sulfur. However, they do contain a
lot of sugars that bacteria in the intestines love. The bacteria eat the sugars and produce gas. Finally, people
wonder, “Where does gas go when you hold it in? Is this held gas harmful?” Well, this gas will not poison
you, but you may get a bad stomachache from the pressure. The gas that you hold in is neither released nor
absorbed. It moves back up into the intestines and sooner or later comes out. It is not lost, just delayed. Now
that you know some facts about gas, be proud of yourself and say, “Yes, I cut the cheese!”
1. What does it mean when someone said they cut the cheese?
2. How much gas does a person produce in one day?
3. Apart from chemicals, where is gas produced from?
4. What kind of people usually have more gas?
5. What is it in the food that makes gas smell bad?
6. What can you get if you do not fart?
Part 1:
Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given
1. Clocks and watches are seen everywhere.
You can………………………………………………………..clocks and watches everywhere.
2. The earliest clocks used the sun's shadow to tell the time.
With the earliest clocks, people………………………………………the time by using the sun's shadow.
3. Modern clocks are more accurate than old-fashioned ones were.
Old-fashioned clocks weren't as………………………………………………………..modern ones are.
4. The most famous clocks in the world are made in Switzerland.
In Switzerland, they…………………………………………………the most famous clocks in the world.
5. An alarm clock can help you wake up early.
An alarm clock is helpful………………………………………………………you need to wake up early.
6. People without watches are often late for appointments.
People without watches are often not ………………………………………… time for appointments.
Part 2:
Think of someone who influenced you when you were a child. Write a letter with a description of the person
to enter a writing competition. Use the plan to help you.
Paragraph 1: Say who the person is and how you know them. Say how long you’ve known them for and how
you met them.
Paragraph 2: Explain how they have influenced you.
Paragraph 3: Talk about their achievements and their good qualities.
Paragraph 4: Say what your relationship with them is like now.

Part 1:
Choose the correct word in the box and write each of them in the space given.
You do not need to use all the words. There is one example.
0._Blanket_: You use this to cover your body when you are sleeping in cold weather.

enthusiasm challenge fail emotional

single-minded lifestyle sportsmanship sensitive

1…………..: expressing strong feelings

2…………..: very determined to achieve something
3…………..: something that requires great effort
4…………..: way of living
5…………..: feeling of eagerness to be involved in something
6…………..: to not succeed
Part 2:
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. We………… school by bus today.
A. go B. are going C. is going D. goes
2. Do we have………… juice left?
A. some B. many C. little D. any
3. We decided to go on our journey…………..the fourth of July.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
4. I can’t imagine…………..anywhere else but here.
A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed
5. The building is historically impressive. It………… the thirteenth century.
A. builds B. build C. is built D. was built
6. Where………… like to go tonight?
A. can B. do C. would D. are
7. If I…………..this homework, my mom will be angry!
A. am not finishing B. won’t finish C. don’t finish D. didn’t finish
8. Jack: “Thanks for your help.”
Jill : “…………..”
A. Don’t do that B. My honor, your majesty!
C. Your welcome D. No worries
9. I am thinking of buying…………..apartment.………… with a huge backyard.
A. a/A B. an/A C. an/The D. a /-
10. I bought some lovely red…………
A. cabbages B. cucumbers C. berries D. pineapples
Part 3:
Complete the gaps by using the sentences below. Write the correct letters in the spaces. There is an option
that you do not need.
A. Not at all.
B. Yes, thanks. Now, once I get to Andrew Square, how do I proceed?
C. Thanks, Linda. How long does it take to get there?
D. That's a busy time. You should leave at 9.
E. OK, then afterwards should I turn left?
F. Take the blue line from 14th Ave. and change to the gray line at Andrew Square. Get off at 83rd street. Got
G. Can you repeat that?

John: Linda, do you know how to get to Samson's and Co.? I've never been there before.
Linda: Are you driving or taking the subway?
John: The subway.
Linda: Take the blue line from 14th Ave. and change to the gray line at Andrew Square. Get off at 83rd street.
John: Just a moment, let me write this down.
Linda: (1)……………
John: (2)……………
Linda: Once you are on 83rd street, go straight, past the bank. Take the second left and continue going
straight. It's across the street from Jack's Bar.
John: (3)……………
Linda: Once you are on 83rd street, go straight, past the bank. Take the second left and continue going
straight. It's across the street from Jack's Bar.
John: (4)……………
Linda: It takes about a half-hour. When is your meeting?
John: It's at 10 a.m. I'll leave at 9:30.
Linda: (5)……………
John? OK. Thanks, Linda.
Linda: (6)……………
Part 4:
Read the passage and choose a word from the box to fill in each blank. Write the correct word next to the
number. There is one example.
whose for however either
rules who allowed strict

School in 15th century England

How different was life (0). for school children in Tudor England, over 400 years ago? The biggest difference
is that not many children even had the chance to school. Those that went were mainly boys (1)…………rich
families could afford to pay the fees. Girls were (2)…………kept at home to help with housework or sent to
work to earn some money. They weren’t (3)…………to go to school.
At school, boys often had to speak in Latin. There were very few books, so each pupil read from a wooden
board altogether. They attended school six days a week, and teachers were very (4)…………boys were
punished if they broke the school (5)…………. When boys left school, they could go to university, with
some boys as young as fourteen attending classes. (6)…………,at that time there were only two universities -
Oxford and Cambridge.
Part 5
Read the text and use no more than three words and/or a number to answer each of the following
The man who climbed Everest
These days, climbing up to the top of Mount Everest, the world’s highest mountain, has become so
popular that it is often crowded with teams of climbers. Fifty years ago, only a few people had reached its
summit. Nowadays, more than a hundred people a year do the climb up Mount Everest. However, in 2006,
one of the many people who reached the top was different. His name was Mark Inglis, he came from New
Zealand, and his successful climb was unusual because Mark doesn’t have any legs.
If you know anything about the history of climbing Mount Everest, you’ll know that Mark wasn’t the
first New Zealander to reach the summit. In 1953, Edmund Hillary was not only the first New Zealander to
climb the world’s highest mountain, but also one of the first two men on earth to do so. He reached the
summit along with his climbing partner, a Nepalese mountain climber called Tenzing Norgay. However,
Mark’s achievement was a first for someone with his disability. Other disabled climbers, including a blind
American man and a Nepalese man with no hands, had succeeded in climbing Everest before Mark, but what
Mark managed to do was perhaps more incredible. He wore artificial legs during the climb, which had been
made especially for him, but the strength and effort he needed to achieve his goal was amazing.
After the climb, Mark told reporters that he had decided to go up Everest because he was a mountain
climber and had always dreamed of climbing Everest, and not because he wanted to set records as a disabled
person. He had lost his legs when he was in his twenties. At the time, he was working as a mountain rescue
worker and during a climb, bad weather meant that he and a friend had to find shelter in an ice cave. When
they were rescued, two weeks later, their legs had frozen and doctors had had to cut them off. Despite this
personal disaster, Mark continued to love climbing, and never stopped dreaming about reaching the top of
Everest one day.
As well as achieving a personal goal, Mark climbed Everest to raise money to help other people. On
his website, he says that you don’t see many disabled people in Tibet, one of the countries where Mount
Everest is situated, because life is hard there, and there is very little support for people with disabilities. By
raising money, he hoped to be able to provide artificial arms and legs for disabled Tibetan people, as well as
for people who had lost arms and legs in other poor countries, such as Cambodia. Mark’s successful climb
was both an important personal achievement and an act that helped give other people hope and support.
1. According to the information provided in the text, is this statement correct:
“About a hundred people have climbed Everest in the last fifty years”?
2. What makes Mark’s successful climb to mount Everest special?
3. What did he have along with his artificial legs that made his climb so astounding?
4. Where did Mark hide during the incident when he was at his twenties?
5. What did Mark do to help disabled people in countries like Cambodia or Tibet?
6. What has Mark’s success brought to the less fortunate?
Part 1:
Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given
1. It was such a good wine that I drank 3 glasses in a row.
The wine………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. He started studying Chinese five years ago.
He has ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3. “Why don't we go out for a walk?” Lan said
Lan suggested …………………………………………………………………………………….
4. I think you should study harder for the exam.
If I…………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. They are going to build a new market here.
A new market……………………………………………………………………………………..
6. She was punished because she behaved improperly.
On account of …………………………………………………………………………………….
Part 2:
Imagine you are writing a letter to make a new friend in an English-speaking country.
Write a letter in about 100 - 120 words to him/her introducing yourself.

Part 1:
Choose the correct words in the box and write each of them in the space given.
You do not need to use all the words. There is one example.
0._blanket_: You use this to cover your body when you are sleeping in cold weather.
dialect slang fluent accent
ethnic antonym synonym phonetic

1……………..: very informal language

2……………..: a word that means the opposite of another word
3……………..: relating to a particular race of people
4……………..: the way in which people in a particular area pronounce words
5……………..: flowing in a smooth way
6……………..: special signs that represent sounds
Part 2:
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. He has written four novels…………….
A. so far B. one year ago C. last year D. yet
2. I spent most of the time…………….on the Internet when I was a boy.
A. to wander B. wandering C. wander D. wandered
3. Mark Twain,…………….American writer, wrote “Life on the Mississippi River”.
A. a B. an C. the D.x
4. I like this essay because it’s very……………..
A. imaginative B. imaginary C. imaginable D. imagination
5. She wishes she…………….a new house in the city.
A. can have B. will have C. has D. could have
6. This is very important. I need you to send this……………..!
A. fast B. fastly C. more fast D. fastlier
7. Bill asked where……………..from.
A. do I come B. did I come C. I come D. I came
8 Mom: “It’s time for lunch!”
Jack: “……………..”
A. Finally! B. No thanks
C. Just a minute Mom! D. Thanks for the reminder.
9. All his children speak……………..Chinese.
A. flowing B. smoothly C. fluent D. easy
10. Micheal is not at home currently. I suppose he is ……………
A. in B. on C. at D. away
Part 3:
Complete the gaps by using the sentences below. Write the correct letters in the spaces. There is an option
that you do not need.
A. That sounds great.
B. I can't decide between the chicken marsala and grilled fish.
C. I'll get the drinks and the appetizers.
D. What would you recommend?
E. What would you like to drink?
F. Really? I wouldn’t try it.
G. It is! I had it the last time I was here.

Kevin: The spaghetti looks really good.

Alice: (1)……………..
Peter: How is the pizza, Alice?
Alice: It's good, but I think the pasta is better. (2)……………..
Waitperson: I'd recommend the lasagna. It's excellent!
Alice: (3)……………..I'll have that.
Waitperson: Fine. Would you like an appetizer?
Alice: No, lasagna is more than enough for me!
Kevin: I think I’ll have the lasagna as well.
Waitperson: Right. That's two lasagnas. Would you care for an appetizer?
Kevin: Yes, I'll take the calamari.
Peter: Oh, that sounds good! (4)……………..
Waitperson: The fish is fresh, so I'd recommend that.
Peter: Great. I'll have the fish. I'd also like a salad.
Waitperson: (5)……………..
Kevin: I'll have water.
Alice: I'd like a beer.
Peter: I'll take a glass of red wine.
Waitperson: Thank you. (6)……………..
Kevin: Thank you.
Part 4:
Read the passage and choose a word from the box to fill in each blank. Write the correct word next to the
number. There is one example.
creatures cushion permission anxious
escape hands loved jump

My favorite movies
By Sean Heston
I’ve always (0). loved scary movies. I remember the first one I watched very clearly. My dad’s
favourite films were his DVD collection of old black and white thrillers. One day while my parents were out,
I decided to watch one of these DVDs on my laptop.
The quality wasn’t great because the screen was very small and I wasn’t used to watching black and
white films. I felt guilty because I hadn’t asked my parents’ (1)……………to watch the film, but excited at
the same time. I was also (2)……………in case it would be too frightening. Luckily it wasn’t. It was only a
little scary and I thought it was brilliant.
After that, from the age of 14-18, I watched all kinds of scary movies with my friends. Films about
sharks, monsters, vampires and ghosts; we loved them all. Sometimes I was so scared I couldn’t even look at
the screen and spent most of the time with a (3)………… over my face. I became too nervous to swim in the
sea and imagined all kinds of (4)……………hiding in the dark outside my bedroom window.
Since that time, I’ve watched all these films again and again. I still think they’re terrific and they still
make me (5)……………. But I’ve never been able to explain this strange attraction to fear. How can being
frightened be a form of entertainment for so many people? Is it a way of learning to deal with fear or is it just
a way to (6)……………from boring reality? I have no idea. But what I do know is that I can’t live without
the excitement of scary movies.
Part 5:
Read the text and use no more than three words and/or a number to answer each of the following
Singing in the rain
You wake up in the morning and there’s snow on the ground, but on the walk to school the sun comes
out and it feels like summer. You go outside at lunchtime because it’s still sunny, but you get caught in a
thunderstorm. On your way home, it’s so hot that you have to take off your jumper. Does it sound familiar? If
it does, then you probably live in the UK.
The weather in the UK is unpredictable, and this is partly because of the location of the British Isles.
Cold polar air from the north and warmer air from the Tropics, brought by the Gulf Stream, push against each
other to create the UK's changeable weather patterns.
This means that weather forecasting in the UK is a difficult job, and the people who do it can have
embarrassing moments. For example, in 1987, weather forecasters missed a huge storm that was coming
towards the UK. There was no mention of the storm during the daytime weather forecast, but later that night,
a place called Sevenoaks near London lost six of its seven famous oak trees when the strong wind blew them
These days, UK weather forecasters usually know about extreme weather that is about to hit the
country, and they also try not to make unrealistic predictions about the weather. For example, they don’t say
that there’s going to be a ‘barbecue summer’ (a very hot summer when people can cook outside all the time)
or a freezing winter, because usually the opposite happens. They now only forecast a maximum of five days,
and people don’t even trust that - they check regularly to see if a forecast is still correct.
You may think that living with this sort of weather every day makes people unhappy, but actually it
has an unexpected effect on a lot of people in the UK. They tend to get more excited by sunshine than most
people. They are likely to change into summer clothes whenever they see the sun, whether it is August or
December. They don’t mind the rain and they’re always prepared for it, with their waterproof coats, boots
and umbrellas ready by the front door. They also know how to have a good time despite the weather. Rainy
summers are so common that people try not to let the weather spoil their fun. In fact, for some people,
particularly young children, the rain can be fun, and you may even find them singing in the rain!
1. How is the weather in the UK?
2. How many famous oak trees were there at after the storm?
3. What do weather forecasters in the UK avoid doing?
4. If people want to have a picnic and make their meals outside, what kind of weather should they wait for?
5. What do people in the UK do if it’s sunny in December?
6. To whom might the rain be more fun?
Part 1:
Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given
1.I was taught to ski by my mother.
My mother……………………………………………………………………………………
2. My father doesn’t play basketball now. But he did when he was a young man.
My father……………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Amanda told us she had just moved out. Her father is a dentist.
Amanda, ……………………………………………………………………………………..
4. They said they didn’t need so much space.
They said: “ ………………………………………………………………………………….”
5.I would rather go shopping than watch TV at home.
I prefer………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. You must do exactly what the manager tells you.
You must carry……………………………………………………………………………….
Part 2:
An English-speaking friend called Leo has invited you to go to a foothball match with him on Saturday.
Write an e-mail to Leo in 100 - 200 words. In your e-mail, you should:
- thank him for asking you.
- say how you feel about going.
- invite him to a meal afterwards.

Part 1:
Choose the correct word in the box and write each of them in the space given.
You do not need to use all the words. There is one example.
0._Blanket_: You use this to cover your body when you are sleeping in cold weather.
Article editor audition rehearse
advertising entertaining genre plot

1……………..: the story of a book or a film

2……………..: to practice for a performance
3……………..: a person who corrects a piece or work
4……………..: a particular style of of art
5……………..: an act of making products well-known
6……………..: a piece of writing
Part 2:
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. The Earth is a planet which…………….around the Sun.
A. revolve B. are revolving C. revolves D. goes
2. Let’s go into…………….garden. It’s sunny outside.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
3. They are going to get married…………….the first month of the year.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
4. Since that accident, he has always avoided…………….his friends.
A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. to meeting
5. One way to stay healthy is making exercising part of your…………….
A. chore B. routine C. frequency D. ritual
6. It’s snowing. Please drive…………….
A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. carefullier
7. She said she…………….make it to the wedding the following day because she was having a terrible
A. would B. will C. wouldn’t D. won’t
8. Bobby : “Mind your head. The ceiling is a bit too low.”
Tina : “…………….”
A. Leave me alone! B. Don't worry I’ll make it higher
C. I think I can handle that D. Thanks for the reminder
9. This book is even…………….than the other one.
A. most boring B. boringer C. far boringer D. more boring
10. My mom…………….her car yet.
A. didn’t sell B. haven’t sold C. hasn’t sold D. doesn’t sell
Part 3:
Complete the gaps in the conversation by using the sentences below. Write the correct letters in the spaces.
There is an option that you do not need.

A. I'm especially concerned about math and science.

B. Do you have my e-mail on file?
C. Nothing too serious.
D. I hope it's not too bad.
E. I hope Judy feels well soon.
F. My pleasure, have a nice day.
G. Can I have your email?

Caller 1: Good morning, Washington Grade School, this is Chris. How may I help you?
Caller 2: Good morning, this is Alice Smith, I'm calling for my daughter, Judy. She's not feeling well today.
Caller 1: I'm sorry to hear that. (1)……………..
Caller 2: No, no she has a little fever and a cough. (2)……………..
Caller 1: Well, I hope she feels well soon.
Caller 2: Thank you. Do you think I could get her homework for today?
Caller 1: Is there any specific class?
Caller 2: (3)……………..
Caller 1: OK, is it all right for me to give your email address to the teachers? They can then send the
homework along later today.
Caller 2: That would be great. (4)……………..
Caller 1: Just a moment... We have Is that correct?
Caller 2: Yes, that is correct.
Caller 1: OK, I’ll make sure Mr. Brown and Ms. White get your message and email.
Caller 2: Thank you very much.
Caller 1: (5)……………..
Caller 2: She should be fine by tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
Caller 1: (6)……………..
Caller 2: Thank you. Goodbye.
Caller 1: Goodbye.
Part 4:
Read the passage and choose a word form the box to fill in each blank. Write the correct word next to the
number. There is one example.
has between everyone successful
more achieve face keep

The importance of team games

Taking part in games and sports teaches young people a lot of useful skills as well as helping them to
(0) keep fit and healthy. Firstly, games which involve more than just a contest (1)…………..two competitors
teach people to have respect for the law because no game will work unless (2)…………..plays according to
the rules.
The other thing you discover is that you cannot (3)…………..success by yourself in a team game.
You have to support each other, otherwise you can never win.
Playing team games also teaches you that losing isn’t the end of the world. There’s always
(4)…………..opportunity and you may be more (5)…………..against your components next time. It is
essential to learn how to be a good loser because being able to (6)…………..defeat is an important lesson in
Part 5:
Read the text and use no more than three words and/or a number to answer each of the following
What makes a song become a popular hit? Do you think hit songs are popular because they are great
songs? If so, you need to think again. Researchers say that hit songs become popular because listeners care
about what other people think. For most listeners, the quality of the song is not as important.
A recent online study looked at how we choose our music. It showed that a song’s popularity
influences our choices. In other words, we like to listen to the music that our peers enjoy. In the study,
researchers gave a list of 48 unknown songs to 14000 teenagers. The students listened to some of the songs
and rated them. Participants gave one star to the songs that they didn’t like. They gave five stars to songs that
they like very much.
The researchers divided the participants into two groups. The first group saw only the song title and
the name of the band. They rated songs because the name of the song or the name of the band looked
interesting. After listening to the song, participants rated it with stars.
The second group of teenagers received extra information. This group could also see the number of
downloads for each song. The songs with many downloads looked like they were very popular. The teenagers
thought that these songs were favorites with their peers. However, the researchers made up the number of
downloads for each song. The songs showing the most downloads weren’t really popular. In fact, these songs
weren’t very good, according to music experts.
Participants in the second group usually gave the most stars to the songs with the most downloads.
They thought these songs were popular with their peers. They were not interested in the quality of the song.
They just wanted to listen to the songs that their peers liked.
So why did participants give the most stars to the songs that seemed popular? of the authors of the
study, Matthew Salganik, a researcher at Columbia University in New York, says “People are faced with too
many options, in this case 48 songs. Since you can’t listen to all of them, a natural shortcut is to listen to what
other are listening to. I think that’s what happens in the real world.”
Salganik also says that people want to know what others are listening to. He says that people enjoy
discussing and sharing music and books with their friends. So it isn’t necessary for a popular book or song to
be of good quality. It is only necessary that some people enjoy it. Then these people influence their friends.
And soon, the popularity of a song or boo spreads. Perhaps it will even become a big hit.
Today the Internet lets people share their opinions about movies, books, and music almost instantly.
People write about music or on social networking sites, post comments on the Web, or read readers’ reviews.
On the Internet, a person can easily see how many people bought a book or downloaded a song. Perhaps this
information has more influence on our choices than we think.
1. Are all famous songs great?
2. In the study, what did students do to rate the song they listened to?
3. What kind of information was provided for the second group?
4. What do we tend to do when we have too many options?
5. According the Salganik, who is most likely to be influenced by us when choosing music to listen?
6. On the internet, where do people share their opinions?
Part 1:
Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given
1 We haven’t stayed in such a luxurious hotel before.
This is ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. I haven't played tennis for a long time.
It’s a long time………………………………………………………………………………………
3. A man told us where to put our tent.
4. I can’t afford this house.
This house……………………………………………………………………………………………
5. It’s essential to book your room in advance.
6. She spent 3 hours making her new recipe.
Part 2:
Think of the time you did online learning, write a letter to a teacher to feedback two activities you like the
most. You should write in 100-120 words.

Part 1:
Choose the correct word in the box and write each of them in the space given.
You do not need to use all the words. There is one example.
0._Blanket_: You use this to cover your body when you are sleeping in cold weather.
expel anxiety destroy shelter currency

1……………..: to make a student leave a school permanently

2……………..: the type of money that a country uses
3……………..: damage something so badly that it can’t be used
4……………..: the feeling of being frightened and worried
5……………..: a place that protects you from bad weather or danger
Part 2:
Circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. It’s usually my job to…………….the washing machine in our house.
A. revolve B. are revolving C. revolves D. goes
2. It seems that sheep are also social animals that can recognize other sheep as well as…………….humans.
A. ordinary B. usual C. familiar D. frequent
3. Last Sunday we…………….out of the house where we…………….for five years.
A. had moved/lived C. moved/had lived
B. have moved/lived D. will move/have lived
4. You will kill yourself if you…………….stop smoking.
A. aren’t B. didn’t C. don’t D. weren’t
5. A: Do they allow smoking?
B: No, smoking…………….inside the terminal building.
A. doesn’t allow B. wasn’t allowed
C. hasn’t been allowed D. is not allowed
6. A lot of research has been…………….out in recent years
A. carried B. taken C. made D. looked
7. No wonder you always look pale. You…………….get more fresh air.
A. will need B. ought to C. had to D. must have
8. After looking at his notes again, he …………….to complete the exercise.
A. could B. was able to
C. can D. has been able to
9. I tried…………….her flowers but it didn’t have any effect.
A. to send B. sending C. sent D. to be sent
10. My brother finished his dinner…………….than my sister.
A. quickly B. much quicker C. more quickly D. the quickest
Part 3:
Complete the gaps by using the sentences below. Write the correct letters in the spaces. There is an option
that you do not need.
A. If I were you, I’d go and visit him in the holidays.
B. Well maybe it’s a good idea to get up early and talk to him then.
C. My brother James has just moved to Silicon Valley.
D. How did you do that?
E. I can’t do my homework because I keep thinking about him.
F. What’s your advice for getting rich quickly?
G. Oh, my nephew has just got a new job in Massachusetts.
Amber: Hi, Jade. What's wrong?
Jade: (1)……………..He's got a job at a technology company there.
Amber: Cool!
Jade: Yeah but I really miss him. (2)……………..What do you think should do?
Amber: You ought to talk to him online every night.
Jade: I can't because it's two o’clock in the morning here when he finishes work in California. I'm always
asleep then.
Amber: (3)……………..
Jade: That's not a bad idea... But it's not the same as seeing him everyday at home.
Amber: (4)……………..
Jade: That's really expensive. (5)
Amber: I think you should start your own business.
Jade: That's a good idea! ... But what kind of business? Should I help people with their computer problems?
Amber: Yes, definitely. You're great with computers!
Part 4:
Read the passage and choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to the number. There is one
good raw things explored qualifications becoming

Years ago, when I first thought of (0). becoming a designer, people just didn't seem to be as interested
in design. These days, there's always some series on TV about design. There are all sorts of
(1)……………you can get. Actually, we’ve had designers all the way through our history. They have made
pyramids, scientific instruments, things to sit on, clothes to wear... Nowadays, a lot of IT designers seem to
think they are kings of emperors, that their work is the most interesting work there is.
Boats can be quite a (2)……………way of understanding this point. Sea transport was one of the
crucial (3)……………we learnt to do - we spread our population, we got new kinds of food and (4)……
materials. It's amazing to think how far people (5)……………in ancient boats.
Part 5:
Read the text and use no more than three words and/or a number to answer each of the following
The British honours system: two points of view
If you won an MBE, would you accept it? We asked two British people what they think about the
honours system. Here is what they said.
Every year about two thousand amazing people receive a special honour from the queen. And it
seems to me that they deserve it.
Take Eleanor Simmonds, for example. She was born with dwarfism, and at the age of thirteen, she
was only 123 cm tall. But that didn't stop her from reaching the top in her sport. She has won four swimming
gold medals in the Paralympic Games.
As a teenager, Chris Preddie used to be in a gang. His friends used to steal and sell drugs. Chris didn't
use to believe that he could make a positive difference to his community. However when he was sixteen,
someone shot and killed his brother. Chris decided to change his life, and now he helps young criminals to
stay out of trouble.
Bill Crispin is eighty-two. Every morning, he helps young children to cross the road safely on their
way to school. It is sometimes very cold in winter, but just Bill complains? Certainly not. He is always
smiling, and always ready to help other people.
Eleeanor and Bill won MBEs for their achievements, and Chris won an OBE. I feel the British
honours system is a great way to thank people for their hard work. The Queen gives each winner a medal,
either in Buckingham Palace in London, or in Edinburgh or Cardiff, the capitals of Scotland and Wales. For
these British heroes, it’s the proudest moment of their life.
1. What health problem does Eleanor Simmonds have?
2. Who died when Chris Preddie was a teenager?
3. What do the winners receive as an honour to their work?
4. How many cities do the award ceremonies take place?
5. How do British call the winners of MBEs?
Part 1:
Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the given words.
1. Why don’t you join a swimming team?
If I were you,……………………………………………………………………join a swimming team.
2. He’s very careful when he drives, so he doesn’t have an accident.
He drives very…………………………………………………………… avoid having an accident.
3. She didn’t want to go by herself.
She wasn’t keen……………………………………………………………………by herself.
4. Keith’s parents let him stay out until midnight.
Keith was……………………………………………………………………out until midnight.
5. I very rarely go into the city centre, so I don’t know where to stop.
I am……………………………………………………………………shopping in the city centre.
Part 2:
Imagine that you are given the power to make any one of your dreams come true. Which dream would you
choose? Write about the dream that is most important to you and why you would most want it to come true.

Part 1:
In this part, you will hear FIVE short recordings. There is one question following each recording. For each
question, circle the correct answer a, b or c. You will listen to each recording TWICE.
1. How much money does the woman give the man?
A. $7 B. $10 C. $20
2. How many dogs does the man own?
A. Four B. Three C. Two
3. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A. To relieve B. To comfort C. To scare
4. Why did the man call the woman?
A. To order a pizza B. To find his wallet C. To order a wallet
5. What word best describes the man in the story?
A. Nervous B. Embarrassed C. Stressed
Part 2:
In this part, you will hear a person talking about jobs. For questions 6 to 10, use NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to fill in the gaps with the missing information. You will listen to the
recording TWICE.
Job Location Hours Hourly rate
Hylands Hotel (cleaning, Near Shift work £6.75 plus
waitressing, kitchen 6…………… No later than 10 pm 7……………
The Cedars Hamilton Terrace 8……………. £6.10
(home for elderly) Some weekends
and evenings
looking after Poplar Street 2-3 hours each morning 10…………..
9…………….. Plus transport

Part 3:
Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a young woman called Lisa and a man called Robin
talking about recycling. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick in the box
under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the box under B for NO. You will listen to the recording
11. Robin is surprised by how much recycling people do in his town □ □
12. Lisa thinks it takes too long to recycle metal. □ □
13. Robin believes there should be more bottle banks. □ □
14. Lisa thinks that people are making good progress with paper recycling. □ □
15. Robin and Lisa agree that people need more information about plastic. □ □
Part 4:
In this part, you will hear a person talking about fashion. For questions 16 to 20, use NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to answer each question. You will listen to the recording TWICE.
16. What did the dress at the fashion show look like?
17. Did people laugh when they saw the dress?
18. According to the man, what is fashion all about?
19. Who do people want to dress like?
20. A journalist wrote a critical article about a designer. What did the designer do?

Part 1:
In this part, you will hear FIVE short recordings. There is one question following each recording. For each
question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording TWICE.
1. How much does the man weigh?
A. 70 kgs B. 64 kgs C. 69 kgs
2. How much does a pair of tickets to the art show cost?
A. $55 B. $45 C.$100
3. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A. To criticize B. To make a suggestion C.To anger
4. Why did the man call the woman?
A. To apply for school B. To get directions C.To ask about a job
5. What are the speakers talking about?
A. How talented the man’s mom is
B. The man’s necklace
C. Gifts for the
Part 2:
In this part, you will hear a talk about an exercise class called Extreme Bootcamp. For questions 6 to 10, use
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to fill in the gaps with the missing information.
You will listen to the recording TWICE. There is an example.
Extreme Bootcamp
The (0)army use the name “bootcamp” for soldiers’ training.
Extreme bootcamp takes place on a (6)…………so you can exercise and look at the river.
Members start each class at 6.20 am by doing some (7)………….
Wear the same clothes as for other exercise classes, and bring good (8)………….
The next bootcamp starts on (9)…………
Contact Ellie (10)…………for more information.

Part 3:
Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a young woman called Sylvia and a man called Ted
talking about using social media. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick in
the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the box under B for NO. You will listen to the
recording TWICE.
11. Ted thinks he wastes time looking at Instagram. □ □
12. Ted is surprised at how long Sylvia spends online every day. □ □
13. Sylvia admits that she finds it difficult to sleep after looking at screens. □ □
14. Ted and Sylvia agree that Snapchat is fun to use. □ □
15. Ted and Sylvia both enjoying reading posts on Twitter. □ □
Part 4:
In this part, you will hear a teacher talking to parents about the field trip the whole class took. For questions
16 to 20, use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to answer each question. You will
listen to the recording TWICE.
16. What did Frank like to do?
17. Did Frank’s adoptive parents have other children?
18. How old were Jim Springer and Jim Lewis when they were adopted?
19. What things did they both like to do?
20. What did they name their pets?

Part 1:
In this part, you will hear FIVE short recordings. There is one question following each recording. For each
question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording TWICE.
1. How much did the hat cost?
A. $8 B. $4 C. $32
2. How many cans did they bring all together?
A. $70 B. $100 C. $103
3. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A. To compareB. To make a suggestion C. To anger
4. What word best describes the man in the story?
A. Sad B. Angry C. Tired
5. What is the man’s job?
A. A fireman B. A plumber C. A security guard
Part 2:
In this part, you will hear hear a film review programme on the radio. For questions 6 to 10, use NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to fill in the gaps with the missing information. You will listen
to the recording TWICE. There is an example (0)
The film review programme
This week’s reviews
The film Jungle Fever is a (0) cartoon About a family of tigers.
Actor Steve Wills plays a (6)……………in his new film, Call it.
Swim! Is about a man who wants to swim in a local (7)…………….
Competition for listeners
Listeners can enter an online quiz at www. (8)…………….co.
Winners will receive (9)……………tickets.
Entries must be received on (10)……………by 2 pm.

Part 3:
Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a man called Aaron and a woman called Sophia talking
about learning languages. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick in the box
under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the box under B for NO.
11. Sophia thinks that Japanese is a difficult language to learn. □ □
12. Aaron and Sophia agree that it is important to learn languages. □ □
13. Aaron thinks he has a natural ability for remembering new words. □ □
14. Sophia feels worried when she can’t understand what someone says □ □
15. Aaron thinks writing is the most difficult skill. □ □
Part 4:
In this part, you will hear a person talking about buildings. For questions 16 to 20, use NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to answer each question. You will listen to the recording TWICE.
There is an example.
16. What building material did Kuma use first?
17. In what city did Kengo Kuma build his first buildings?
18. What colors did Kuma use in his more recent buildings?
19. What type of line does Hundertwasser avoid using in his building?
20. What did Hundertwasser use to compare usual apartment buildings with?

Part 1:
In this part, you will hear FIVE short recordings. There is one question following each recording. For each
question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording TWICE.
1. What did the man do at the sports centre yesterday?
A. Running B. Diving C. Workout
2. Which sport does the woman compete in?
A. Surfing B. Football C. Baseball
3. Where will the friends go running this evening?
A. A path by the river B. The countryside C. A path through the woods
4. Which winter sport was Max good at when he was young?
A. Ice hockey B. Snowboarding C. Skiing
5. What did the girl lose?
A. Backpack B. Trainers C. Racket
Part 2:
In this part, you will hear a woman talking on the radio about the NEW SPORTS CENTRE. For questions 6
to 10, use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to fill in the gaps with the missing
information. You will listen to the recording TWICE.
It opens on (6)……………
It is opposite the (7)……………
The car park entrance is in Fortescue Road.
It costs (8)£……………per week to be a member.
A (9)……………is provided.
You can learn to (10)……………at 5.30 each day.

Part 3:
In this part will hear a conversation between a boy, Oliver, and a girl, Hannah, about a party. Decide if each
sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a
tick in the box under B for NO.
You will listen to the recording TWICE.
11. Hannah shared a birthday party with her sister last year. □ □
12. They agree that the barbecue was a good idea. □ □
13. Hannah’s grandmother will let her use her house for her party. □ □
14. Oliver would like to have a party in his grandmother’s flat. □ □
15. Hannah thinks the Chinese restaurant would be the best choice. □ □
Part 4:
For questions 16 to 20, use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to answer each
question. You will listen to the recording TWICE.
16. When did Bradley start the Milton Bradley Company?
17. What colors were the squares on the board for The Checkered Game of Life?
18. How many copies did The Checkered Game of Life sell in the first year?
19. What do players use to buy things in the most recent versions of “The Game of life"?
20. What is the name of Alex Vargas’s new game?

Part l:
In this part, you will hear FIVE short recordings. There is one question following each recording. For each
question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording TWICE.
1. What are the speakers talking about?
A. The man’s necklace
B. How to make jewelry
C. How talented the man’s mom is
2. What word best describes the man’s friend in the story?
A. Arrogant B. Sad C. Considerate
3. What is the woman’s job?
A. A mail carrier B. A babysitter C. A lawyer
4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Brother - Sister B. Mother - Son C. Coach - Player
5. What is the speaker talking about?
A. A library B. The internet C. A fax machine
Part 2:
In this part, you will hear a talk about how to get famous on Youtube. For questions 6 to 10, use NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to fill in the gaps with the missing information. You will listen
to the recording TWICE.
How to become famous on Youtube
About (6)……………hours of video are uploaded to Youtube every minutes.
Videos about (7)……………are usually more popular than all other types.
People want to find out about the video presenter, so be (8)……………
Make at least ten videos before telling people about your (9)……………
And be patient! It may take two or three (10)……………to become well known.

Part 3:
Look at the five sentences for this part. You will listen to the radio programme. Decide if each sentence is
correct or incorrect. If it Is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the
box under B for NO.
You will listen to the recording TWICE.
11. The programme is about cooking. □ □
12. The public first learned about the ‘Grow Your Own’ project at an event in Hyde Park. □ □
13. The presenter says that growing your own food helps the environment. □ □
14. He grows vegetables in his garden. □ □
15. He gets a lot of fresh air and exercise. □ □
Part 4:
In this part, you will listen to Jamie Richardson talking about adventure trips. For questions 16 to 20, use
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to answer each question. You will listen to the
recording TWICE.
16. How long has Jamie been doing his job?
17. What animal did he see during the Alaskan expedition?
18. What do Jamie call habits like drinking alcohol, driving too fast, or cycling without a helmet?
19. What do teenagers want to test to find out about their potentials?
20. According to Jamie, is it good to go out with friends?

Part 1.
In this part, you will hear FIVE short recordings. There is one question following each recording. For each
question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording TWICE.
1. What will the man do?
A. Take medicine B. Get more rest C. Go to the doctor
2. Where is the conversation taking place?
A. At an airport B. At a zoo C. At a gas station
3. Which of the following best concludes the passage? It seems that…………...
A. Learning while you asleep isn’t possible
B. It’s hard to remember all of your dreams
C. You can learn a lot while sleeping
4. What is being advertised?
A. Sandwiches B. Bread C. Mustard
5. According to the dialog, which statement is true?
A. The yard is going to be cleaned today.
B. They are going to plant a tree in the yard.
C. The man is buying the rose bush today.
Part 2:
In this part, you will hear a woman called Catherine Bryant talking about a competition on the radio. For
questions 6 to 10, use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to fill in the gaps with the
missing information. You will listen to the recording TWICE.
App competition
Design an app and win fantastic prizes!
You should apply online before (6)…………..June.
The subject of this year’s challenge is (7)…………..
The judge is Fran Maddison, author of Apps (8)…………..
The prize for the winner of the final is a (9)………… California.
The next competition will be held in Prague at the (10)…………...
Part 3:
Look at the five sentences for this part. You will listen to the radio programme. Decide if each sentence is
correct or incorrect. If it Is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the
box under B for NO.
You will listen to the recording TWICE.
11. Charlie regularly goes to second-hand clothes shops, but hardly ever finds anything he likes. □ □
12. Charlie says that if you buy second-hand clothes, you support bad working conditions. □ □
13. Andy thinks it is better to buy clothes made of organic cotton. □ □
14. One speaker often buys a new mobile phone □ □
15. The first mobile phones, used in cars, were made in the 1940s. □ □
Part 4:
In this part, you will listen to a dialogue about three people talking about the education in their countries.
For questions 16 to 20, use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to answer each
question. You will listen to the recording TWICE.
16. What did the first speaker get help with?
17. Does he want to get into universities?
18. At what age do children begin to go to school in Finland?
19. How much does it cost for school meals in Finland?
20. What do students wear at school instead of shoes?

I. Part 1
In this part, you will hear FIVE short recordings. There is one question following each recording. For each
question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording TWICE.
1. How much does the women weigh?
A. 59 kgs B. 69 kgs C. 86 kgs
2. What did Judy know was hard for some people to do?
A. To confirm B. To give an opinion C. To ask for help
3. Why did the man call the woman?
A. To tell her he found her dog
B. To get directions to her house
C. To ask her where she lives
4. What will the man do?
A. Ask his parents for help B. Get a tutor to help him C. Ask his teacher for help
5. Where is the conversation taking place?
A. In a grocery store B. At the beach C. In a restauran
Part 2:
In this part, you will hear a guide talking about tours of a film studio. For questions 6 to 10, use NO MORE
THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to fill in the gaps with the missing information. You will listen to
the recording TWICE.
Maxie's Time Machine tour
The tour lasts: (6)……………..
See the (7)……………..time machine that was Maxie's
The Totem Men tour
The tour lasts: 30 minutes
Visit (8)…………… the camp to learn about the daily life of the Native Americans
Ricky Ranger tour
The tour lasts: 45 minutes
Learn how they made the (9)……………..for the film.
Oakwood cafeteria and shop
Salads, burgers, pizzas. Closed on (10)……………..
Buy souvenirs, such as (11) ……………..
Part 3:
Look at the five sentences for this part. You will listen to the radio programme. Decide if each sentence is
correct or incorrect. If it Is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the
box under B for NO.
You will listen to the recording TWICE.
11. Fauja Singh was the first 100-year-old man to finish a marathon. □ □
12. He started running when he was five years old. □ □
13. He started running his first marathons in India. □ □
14. Singh is in the Guinness Book of Records. □ □
15. Singh thinks eating red meat helps him stay healthy. □ □
Part 4:
In this part, you will listen to a man talking about his view on the definition of success. For questions 16 to
20, use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to answer each question. You will listen to
the recording TWICE.
16. Does Daniel consider making a lot of money successful?
17. What does he think is the real definition of success?
18. What did Daniel use to be before he started his writing career?
19. How much did he earn in the first year as a full-time writer?
20. According to Daniel, what do we need to do to achieve success?

Part 1
In this part, you will hear FIVE short recordings. There is one question following each recording. For each
question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording TWICE.
1. How much does a hotel room cost?
A. $75 B. $275 C. $300
2. What word best describes the man in the story?
A. Worried B. Pleased C. Humiliated
3. What is the woman’s job?
A. A receptionist B. A judge C. A janitor
4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Doctor - Patient
B. Ticket salesperson - Customer
C. Mechanic - Customer
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Old Household Items May Turn into Ghosts
B. How To Take Care Of Old Objects at Home
C. Ghosts and Spirits from Around the World
Part 2:
In this part, you will hear You will hear a boy giving a class presentation about a teenage girl called Mi kail
a, who helps to protect bees. For questions 6 to 10, use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER to fill In the gaps with the missing information. You will listen to the recording TWICE.
Mikaila Ulbner
Mikaila’s (1)………….taught her not to be afraid of bees. The ingredients of her great-grandmother’s recipe
include (2)………….and honey.
The Ulmer family set up a company after (3)………….bought Mikaila’s lemonade. Mikaila gives advice to
(4)………….who want to set up business. The most Important things m her life are her family and (5)
…………. If bees disappear, (6) …………. will be affected.
Part 3:
Look at the five sentences for this part. You will listen to the radio programme. Decide if each sentence is
correct or incorrect. If it Is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the
box under B for NO.
You will listen to the recording TWICE.
11. Wanda wants to study economics next year. □ □
12. You can surf the Internet in the library. □ □
13. Conor has an exam tomorrow morning. □ □
14. Conor doesn’t have a good English teacher. □ □
15. Wanda studies all the same subjects as Conor. □ □
Part 4:
In this part, you will listen to Steve talking about his trip to Prague. For questions 16 to 20, use NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to answer each question. You will listen to the recording
16. When did Steve go to Prague?
17. How many bridges are crossing over the River Vltava?
18. How wide is Charles Bridge?
19. What was the weather like when Steve was in Prague?
20. How does Steve find the culture of the city?

Part 1:
In this part, you will hear FIVE short recordings. There is one question following each recording. For each
question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording TWICE.
1. Why is the man worried about Spot?
A. Spot looks too skinny.
B. Spot rarely likes to play outside.
C. Spot dislikes his canned food.
2. How much does the movie ticket cost?
A. $2 B. $10 C. $8
3. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A. To give an opinion B. To cancel C. To demonstrate
4. Why did the man call the woman?
A. To find out which fruits are in season
B. To place an order for pies
C. To ask if the bakery makes pies
5. What word best describes Julie and her friends in the story?
A. Nervous B. Pleased C. Humiliated
Part 2:
In this part, you will hear a class presentation about people in the world. For questions 6 to 10, use NO
MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to fill in the gaps with the missing information. You will
listen to the recording TWICE.
The world's (6)…………… is growing by around 82 million people every year.
Between 1960 and (7) ……………, the number of people in the world increased from three billion to over
seven billion.
In the ‘global village’ there would be 61 people from (8)……………as 61% of the world’s population lives
12 out of the 100 people would speak Mandarin Chinese as their first language, five people would speak
(9)……………as their first language and five people would speak Spanish as their first language.
(10)……………people in the ‘global village’ wouldn’t have clean, safe water to drink.
Part 3:
Look at the five sentences for this part. You will listen to the radio programme. Decide if each sentence is
correct or incorrect. If it Is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the
box under B for NO.
You will listen to the recording TWICE.
11. The direct train to York arrives there at 16.20. □ □
12. The man decides to travel on the 12.30 train. □ □
13. He's going to return to London on Monday the 10th. □ □
14. The man can't take his dog on the train. □ □
15. The clerk suggests that the man buys his tickets on the Internet. □ □
Part 4:
For questions 16 to 20, use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to answer each
question. You will listen to the recording TWICE.
16. During the time between 1930 and 1970, how many generations often live together under one roof?
17. What does Mary think about helping her parents?
18. What does Paul’s dad give him when he cleans the car?
19. What is Helen’s Mom teaching her at the moment?
20. Can William choose not to do the chores?

Part 1:
In this part, you will hear FIVE short recordings. There is one question following each recording. For each
question, circle the correct answer A, B or C. You will listen to each recording TWICE.
1. What is the woman’s job?
A. A librarian B. A mail carrier C. An artist
2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Father - Daughter
B. Boss - Friend
C. Interior decorator - Customer
3. What is the speaker talking about?
A. Color B. Paint C. Nature
4. What will the man do?
A. Hire a new DJ for the dance
B. Talk to the band members
C. Practice with the band
5. Where is the conversation taking place?
A. On a cruise ship B. At the beach C. In a hotel room.
Part 2:
In this part, you will hear a presentation about life styles then and now. For questions 6 to 10, use NO MORE
THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to fill in the gaps with the missing information. You will listen to
the recording TWICE.
A lot of people today think we have a much (6)…………….lifestyle compared to people in the past.
In the 1950s, people didn't all have (7)…………….devices like vacuum cleaners or washing machines.
Women in the 1950s were burning about 1,000 calories a day doing (8)……………..
Not many families in the 1950s had a (9)……………., so they walked a lot.
In the evenings in the 1950s, reading, board games and listening to the radio were common forms of

Part 3:
Look at the five sentences for this part. You will listen to the radio programme. Decide if each sentence is
correct or incorrect. If it Is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the
box under B for NO.
You will listen to the recording TWICE.
11. Professor Forni says people are more polite now than in the past. □ □
12. Professor Forni says rudeness can cause social problems. □ □
13. Professor Fomi says there is no connection between rudeness and stress. □ □
14. The best idea is to be polite when people are rude to you. □ □
15. It’s OK to say that you don’t like someone’s behavior. □ □
Part 4:
For questions 16 to 20, use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER to answer each
question. You will listen to the recording TWICE.
21. Where is Knebworth House?
22. How old is the building?
23. What can guests do in the Library?
24. In what films is the house used as the setting?
25. Besides the restaurant, where can visitors eat their lunch?


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