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Trisha Mae D.





Many students are perplexed as to why this Rizal-related material is required to be studied again,

despite having studied it in elementary school or the previous school year, notably his biography and his

two well-known novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. The majority of students think it is tedious

or a waste of time, but the Rizal Law requires that it be included in the college curriculum.

With these issues and controversies, does this law's continued existence serve its purpose? Or is

it simply a requirement for each student? Does the lengthy process and consultation with a number of

opponents that led to this statute now amount to nothing more than a piece of paper? Should this law be

altered to be more "realistically" effective?

This paper will provide a peek of the hearing before it became a law, giving the reader insight into

how and why the author and its sponsor fought for this to become a law and its benefit to the youths and

to the country as well.

This law was not passed for no reason. This was passed into law only after extensive debate,

opposition, and procedure. Senate Bill 438 ("An Act to Make Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

Compulsory Reading Material in All Public and Private Colleges and Universities, and for Other Purposes.")

was drafted because people are fighting to restore the Philippines' freedom, justice, and independence at

a time when it is being repressed and impeded by the government. In this Senate Bill, it was stated that a

nation should rededicate itself to the ideals of freedom and nationalism, specifically remembering how

heroes lived and sacrificed their lives for the country, as well as the two significant, yet controversial novels

written by Rizal - Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo - in which the character is believed to be the

constant and source of inspiration for patriotism among the citizenry, particularly the youth.

At first, when it was submitted, it was approved abruptly. Not until, Sen. Laurel mentioned the

involvedness of the religion – he stated that it should not be part or even involved in this law. By his words,

the tension around the deliberation rises. People from different institution that has a connection with the

Catholic such as Catholic Action of the Philippines, San Sebastian College, Order of St. Vicente de Paul.

Their entire argument was based on how the youth will perceive religion, and they believed the youth might

do what Hukbalahap failed to do.

Trisha Mae D. Perez


Due to the impressions and views that this is a controversial law, this topic dominated the news

headlines, and word-of-mouth that quickly spread across the nation. This is anticipated due to the fact that

Philippines are influenced by the Spanish.

Despite these oppositions, "pro-Rizal" individuals and organizations, such as Judge Guillermo

Guevarra, Nieves Baens del Rosario, and Knights of Rizal, supported the objective of this law and

responded to the opposition statements made by the institutions listed above.

Guillermo Guevarra stated that opposing this also opposes "academic freedom" because,

according to him, "the state has every right to prescribe what should be read in the country's schools" and

"the bill did not violate any constitutional provision, much less the academic freedom of colleges and


Nieves Baen del Rosario, citing other pro-Rizal advocates, asserts that the law's obligatory nature

will encourage (particularly contemporary) youth to choose the correct path.

And from Knight of Rizal, they show their support to this law by having this popular quote of Manuel

Luis Quezon: “My loyalty to my religion ends, where my loyalty to my country begins”

After this initial deliberation, more serious deliberations and debates between Catholics and pro-

Rizal supporters ensued. These discussions allowed more institutions to participate, whether in favor or

opposition. Catholics make a massive effort to fight and thwart this law by publishing and campaigning to

colleges. Even a pastoral letter was sent to demonstrate the Catholic opposition to this law.

The pastoral letter have included three reasons why they oppose the law. First, the law itself was

in breach of Canon 1399 of the Code of Canon Law, which states that writings like Rizal's novel that

undermine the foundation of the faith are absolutely prohibited. Second, the mandatory nature of the

regulation is perceived as compelling Catholic youth to study materials that are contrary to the Catholic

faith. Lastly, there is the separation of the church in teaching patriotism among youth through education.

Aside from these three factors, the primary reason for the criticism is that the anti-religious content

of the book outweighs the declared nationalistic objective of the law.

Religion is also intertwined with politics on this topic, such that Catholics will not vote for any

politician who supports this law.

Trisha Mae D. Perez


Despite a number of instances in which it was nearly discarded. Recto and Laurel continued to

pursue the bill until it was signed into law on June 12, 1956.

The conclusion and observation drawn from this is that this law was not enacted for no reason. The

process or the law itself should not be wasted, as the individuals behind it strive and fight for it to the finish,

as they are aware that it will not only benefit the young of that time, but also those of the present and future.

Some may believe that this controversial law will be unfeasible, however this is not the case. It is

by no means impracticable, as this legislation or subject course, when taught effectively, will be

considerably more valuable and engaging than could be imagined.

The preceding discussion demonstrated that this law or curriculum, Life and Works of Rizal, is

hugely controversial due to its "dangers" and "sensitive," particularly because of its effect on religion. It

makes a great deal more sense that it was and will always be effective if we also consider the dispute, with

which I concur, even though it is controversial. Because the law is controversial, it has attracted the attention

of the authorities and all the higher-ups, which suggests that it will have a significant impact on our lives

and on the nation. With this knowledge, we should devote time, energy, and focus to learning and analyzing

Rizal's works.

We all know that the style of writing of Rizal especially with his two famous novel was astonishing,

as, two seemingly irreconcilable genres melodrama and satire, are brought together in this work. Despite

its picaresque deviations, the plot is pure melodrama (Anderson, 1997). Thus, will require to be study and

analyzed with critical thinking for us to have literary criticism to know what it does and what is this worth, to

provide us with lenses which ultimately reveal the strength, weaknesses, important aspects, lessons and

important lesson of the mentioned novel that would be a help both in ourselves and to our country.

It may not be immediately applicable to our lives, but when we understand the message of his

works, we will see its significance for the rededication of patriotism and nationalism among our country's

citizens, especially the youth.

Aside from this, the fact that we have great teachers who will guide and be with us throughout this

course is also one of the reasons why this literature will be effective as a means of communication for

learning nationalism and patriotism, as they will always ensure that we learn something from them and

choose the right path. They will make our eyes wide open to reality, as opposed to skewed and one-sided
Trisha Mae D. Perez


"facts." We should be aware of all perspectives on what occurred because it is part of history. The manner

in which we perceive the present is shaped by our understanding of the past, and as a result, the solutions

we offer to existing problems are influenced by our historical perspective.

We thoroughly define ourselves not only by our future, but also by our origins or our past. Ancient

traditions, ancestry, historical customs, and cultures (regardless of whether they were still known or not)

are significant indications and drivers of our contemporary dilemma as a nation.

If I had the opportunity to deconstruct one of Rizal's literary works, I would not do so in light of the

above observations and thoughts. I simply want it to have a version that all Filipinos can comprehend. If

possible, a version of each dialect's meaning. There is no need to deconstruct because the author's intent

and message will be altered and lose their significance and relevance. It is written for a reason, and that

reason is to make our country aware of the impact our past has had on the present and future.

Therefore, both Life and Works of Rizal, and the law, RA 1425 is not merely just a simply a paper

legislation that needs to be obeyed nor a student requirement, and not even a waste of time; rather, they

are a fire that will burn the bridges of ignorance and ignite the unlit flame of patriotism in each Filipino, and

again, must not be changed or deconstruct.

Trisha Mae D. Perez



Iniego Jr, F. A. (2015). Ang “Ikalawang Paglilitis” kay Jose Rizal: Ang Pagpapasá ng Batas Republika

1425. Lagda: Journal ng UP Departamento ng Filipino at Panitikan ng Pilipinas, 10(1).

Anderson, B. (1997). First Filipino. London Review of Books

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