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UDiversity of Technolory

Buildiog and Constructiotr EngiDeering Dcp.rtment

Final Eram-First Attempt / 2013-2014
Subject: Engineering Statistics Year: 2d
Division: All divisions Time:3 honrs
Examiter: Committee Datet !6 n|l4
[Answer 5 quGtiont onlyl- I5i tll-| f,..i Oe !'+ll

!!! The ftequency table below shows the comPressive strength of concrete cubes
a) Constxuct a histogram.
b) Calculat€ mean and median.
c) Calculate the varianc€ and the Standard Deviation.
a; Calculate the percentage ofthe compressive strength results <34.3 N/mm'.

3l - 31.9 32 - 32.9 35 - 35.9

(20 marks)

Q2: Batches that consist of 55 concrete blocks from a production process are checked
for confonnance to building requirements. The mean number of nonconfomring
concrete blocks in a batch is 4. Assume that the number of nonconforming concrete
blocks in a batch. denoted as X, is a binomial random variable'
(a) What are n and p? (b) What is P(X S 2)?
(c) What is P(X < 53)?
(20 marks)
!l$ The diameter ofa shaft in an optical storage drive is normally distributed with
'mean 0.2508 inch a.nd standard deviation 0.0005 inch. The specifications on the shaft
are 0.2500 + 0.001 inch. What proportion of shafts conforms to specifications?
(20 marks)
Q! The analysis of cement sample for a concrete mixture is summarized by
conformance to specifi cations.

Chemical conforms

Yes No

Physical Conforms Yes 30 I


PaEe 1of2
(a) Ifa
cement sample is selected at random, what is the probability that the sample
conforms to physical requirements?
(b) What is the probability that the selected cement sample conforms to physical
requirements or to chemical requirements?
(c) What is the probability that the selected shaft either conforms to physical
requirements or does not conform to chemical requirements?
(d) What is the probability that the selected shaft conforms to both physical and
chemical requirements?
(20 marks)

@Aircrew escape systems are powered by a solid propellant. The buming rate of this
prop€llant is an important product characteristic. Specifications require that the mean
buming rate must be 50 cnr./s. We know that the standad deviation of buming rate is 2
cm./s. significance level of 0.05 and. The selected random sample size n:
25 and
obtained sample average buming rate of X-= 51.3 cm/s. What conclusions should be
(g) Test the hypothesis Ho: p = 50 versus Ha: p # 50 using o :0.01
(!)Test the hlpothesis Ho: p = 50 versus Ha: p I 50 using a : 0.05
(20 marks)
@ The diameter ofa concrete pipes manufactured for a waste line is known to have a
normal distribution with o 0.1 cm. A random sample of size 8 yields an average
diameter of 30 cm.

a) Find a 95% two-sided confidence interval on the mean pipe diameter.

b) Ifthe bound of error in estimation E is one-half of the length of95% CL, find
the value of samole size? (20 marks) arjtJ t cirr
or Z=J or Z=
o /,li t-
tdi . o;
.J nr nz

-2_ EGi - i)'fi ; p=t!z"Go

e-^ 1'
P(x = x,) = Ov'<t - v>*' ;P(x = x) =

fl = lzo/2o12
tE J
P= 2lr
- O(lzl)l
P = @(z)

PaEe 2 of 2
o(z) - r4z s 2t - l-rf;;i' a,

Tetlc ll Orurlrivc Srad|tJ NdlnJ Dr.Eihurk'n

-19 0.rm33'a 0.um36 omm? o.lxnEg oqnxt 0.qxxx2 0.$ma4 ofixx6 0,mr8
'].8 0_(n50 0.qmn 0,qm54 0.fim57 0.0m059 o.(Itl62 0-0qD54 0.0m5? 0.dtn5c 0.d812
-1? O.odpt5 0.m71 omm&l o00085 0.{xrxB8 oqno92 0.00(ne6 0.00100 0.mtlX 0.0(n,08
-16 0.m ? o.tmt l7 0.{mt2r omr26 o.flnll l 0.0(trt.u 0.mta? 0.mt3 0.mrJ9
-3.5 0.180155 o.ont?2 0.@01?9 o.qnt$ 0.0,m1t3 oo(pm 0.qtEct 0.@15 0.qxu24 0.drE33
-l.a 0.@a2 0.Gl5l 0.m:xo 0.(mt0 00(n280 o@91 o.(tnl(n o.ruJ13 om32J 0.ffi)137
-3.3 0.0(m50 o.{Im52 0.q)or76 0.(Im90 o{nx)a o.drxl9 O.|IIX3,a 0.dtt{ro 0.{xDa67 0.dba83
-3.2 0.00J0r o(m519 0-0)5!8 0.m05r? 0.{xn57' 0.qn598 0.60619 0.0ul6.l 0,m664 0,00(x8?
-3.t o.|Il''lr 0.(xrB6 o.(IIyr& 0.(xfi89 o.(xIEl6 0.q845 o.ffi7{ 0.(mqx 0.tu)935 0.qr)968
-10 o.mtml 0.$r03J 0-(x),070 0.0fi07 0.00 44 0.m 83 0-mu23 0.mD6a o.lnr3lx 0.d)13!0
-29 0_001395 omta4l o_mla89 0.mrJl8 0.00rJ89 o.ml64l 0.ml6e5 odllTg) 0.00tut o.(tr1866
-18 0.m1926 0.mr988 0.o20r2 0.d)2118 0.002r86 0.dt2255 0-02127 0.@.rol o.wr411 0.@215s
-2? 0.m2635 0.007t8 o-qn80l 0.m28q) 0.002980 0.qlto72 0.mI67 o003264 0.u03!6t o.mta67
-15 0.03573 0.flI36Et 0.m3793 0.m390? 0-0(x)25 otx){ta5 0.ln4t69 0.qxt06 noJ,'sn o0fi651
-25 0.m4799 0.m49{0 0.ms0€5 0.m5234 0,00J186 0,(x)5541 0,m5?03 oulr868 0.(n60!t 0.m62r0
-za 0.m6]t7 0.(n6569 0-06756 0.0604? 0.00?t4r 0.00?1114 o-m7tr9}7750 0.07975 offil9t
-L3 0-m8124 om8556 0.008894 omot37 0.00e387 0.m9642 0.000901 0.0l0lm 0-0t0a4r 0.0r0?2a
-22 0.0t l0ll 0.0t t304 o-ol t604 0.0||9ll o.0t22u 0.0r2J45 0.0t28?4 0.0:la)t) 0.011553 0.013903
-zt 0014262 O01,1629 o.olJ00l 0.0t5185 0-015778 0.0t6I77 o.0t6586 0.017m3 o-ot1t]j, 0.0t?864
-20 0-0t83{B o0t876l 0.0t9226 0.0t9699 0.0x)t& 0.@0675 o{ntt?8 0.@1692 o.@):216 0.tzrt0
- 1.9 0.@3295 o.o,38s2 o.o2t4t9 0.02,{998 0.025588 0.02ir90 o0268Ui o.o27a2t o-02!06? o.g2a7t7
-t.8 0{Dqt?9 o(Bd)3t o.om42 0.031443 o.o32rs1 0.82884 o.033625 0.o!,t379 0.03J1,a8 o.035930
-1.1 0.036121 0.o37538 0.038161 0.0392{X 0.041x159 0.040029 0.(Xl8t5 o.o{t?t6 0.(X!633 0.fi4565
- r.6 0.fi55Ia o.wt19 o.u7ffi 0.{x8,15? 0. 94?I 0.050503 o05l55r 0,052615 0.053609 0.0tr?99
-t.5 0.05J9r? 0.$?053 o.058zx 0.059380 0.0605?r 0.{rrt80 0.(b$03 0.001256 o-r)5J522 o{x6&7
-t.4 0.068[t 0.069437 0.070781 0.072t45 o07JJ2g 0.c11431 0.06159 0.077&x o.aD270 0.080757
- r.3 0_082261 0.083791 0.65:43 0.ff6915 o-088508 0.090123 0.09t759 0.0914t8 0.i)93)98 0.09681)l
- r.2 0.09812J 0, t00:m o.twz 0. t03835 0.105550 0.t0748t 0. t093,t9 0. I I l23l 0.113l,$ 0.1t5070
- l.t 0.117021 0.119q)0 0.l2tml o.t2x2a o.t2lo7) 0.U?la3 0.12 8 0.131357 0, t!35@ 0.135666
-1.0 0.t378s? 0- r{oo 0.r42310 0.14312 o 146859 0.t491?0 0.151505 0.153t54 0. ts52a 0.158655
-o9 0.t6I087 0.163J43 o.156(2l 0. t68528 0.t ?t056 0.1?3609 0.1?6185 0.178?86 0.t8t4ll 0. | 8,t{x0
-o8 0.185733 o lt9{30 0.r92150 0. t94894 o.t9162 0.n(x54 o.m]269 0.206t08 0-r8970 02|l855
-o1 0.2111f4 0.2t7695 o.22{X50 o.223627 o.2262l 0.?29650 o.2326,5 o2357t;2 038852 o.ut 1
-06 0.245097 o)Aa1s2 o2st4x o.r3un1 0.2J7t46
0.25i086 o.2H31I 0.261629 o.n0'3l 0.214253
-o5 0:77595 0.280057 O,28,(339 o2t77(J 0.29 019{590 0:9glJ6 0.'r'l1532 o-]/Jfi)5 o3m5l8
-O,a 0.3U67 0,3rs6t4 03 t9l7t 0.3?1758 0.326355 032Wt 0.333598 0.33?243 0.!4lq)l 0,3,t4578
-ot 0.348268 0.35 t9?! 0.35560t 0.359424 0-363t69 o-3669;28 0.3707tr 0374t'j 03?8:Al 0.382(B9
-o2 0.3859m 0389739 0.393580 o.t9142 0_401294 0.405t65 0.4d046 0.1179X 0.41683 o.4fr140
-or 0.42465J o.{2a576 0.432JO5 o.1t644l 0.440382 0.4rt43:l{l O.rl4828l o.452212 0.a562tx 0.!I,172
O0 0.4641t 4 0.468119 o.472{,7 0.1?6078 0.480061 0.48{04? o18803r 0.{r2t2:, 0.4960t I 0.50flD0
o(z) = 4.23.') = rl--Y2ll -L" zdu

rabh tr Gsnulnivc S.rndstd Nornnt Dn'tribodoo (cd itlrc4

0.5 0-5t9939o.532t22 o527903 0.53r881 0535t56

0.0 05ffiD 0.503989 0JUt978 967
0557495 o51t421 0.s15t15
o_l 0.539828 o.t13795 05477J8 o.5Jt7t7 05557@ 05s9618 0J63559
0.60tr20 05t0261 0.61409
0: 0.579260 0-t83166 0.58n64 0.590954 0.594835 0.59876 0.6{n568
0-5{4309 0.618{D7 0.651?32
03 0.61?9lI 0.621?19 0.625516 o.6293m 0.633{m o-636E3r 0.610576
0.6ta386 0.6879!3
o! o.65yn 0.6590!)7 0.667757 o.ffi2 05?u3l 06r!6/15 o.677242 0.6t08:12
o:n90/.t oi21t5
0-5 0.591462 o.ga974 0.69E168 0.701 { 0.70$01 0-?o8840 01t22& 0.?15661
| 0.7'slla 0.L2t54 oJ15373 0.748571 0.7517{8 0.754X}3
0.6 0i25111 0.129M 033237 o.?35653
0-7t2305 0.785236
o:rB3Tt o.17631t 0J79350
o.7 0.75t0!5 0.75tr{E 0.?6423t 0.767305 0.7m350
o.Eo?t50 0,$05?0 0.813257
o-19515 0.802338 0.805106
0.8 0.?E 45 o,?91030 o193Ar2 0.796?31
0.63397 033d!t? 0.83t91!
o.9 0.EI5910 0. t5E9 0.t2t214 o.&23E15 o.E26391 0.44944 0.831172
0.85?690 0t59929
1.0 0.841345 0.8a3752 0.8{6t36 0.t4E495 0.t50830 0.t53lill 0.E55428
l.l 0.80r$4 0.866500 0.868dr3 0.87qt62 0.872857 o.8;t4s28 0.6759?6 0.878999 oj${m
0.t94350 0.896r65 0.t9?958 0.89972t 0.901475
12 0.88,4930 0.tt6E60 0.tE8t67 0.890651 0.E92512
0.9t30E5 0t1,4657 0.9162{n 0.91??36
r.3 0.m3199 0.9049@ 0.9(bJE2 0.90E24t 0,909877 0.911492
o.g2g7l o,9n855 0.929219 0.930563 0.931E88
1.4 0.919243 o.920730 0.922196 o.92364l 0.9250,66
1.5 0-933193 o.934414 03157,14 o.$6vn o.93t220 o-939.29 09&m o91t7v) 0.94294?
o.9fi529 0.95rs43 0.952t10 0.953s21 0.951,186
l-6 0.9{5201 0.9,{5101 0.94?384,&9 o.949191
0.961636 0.964{6il 0. 3273
l.? 0.955435 0.955367 o.951284 0.9581t5 0.95907 t 0-959941
o.9692s8 0.969946 0.970521
1.8 0.964{t0 0. 4t52 o.96s621 o.966375 0.96?116 o.96?8/t3 0.968557
0976148 0.976705
1.9 0.t1283 o971933 o3-t57l o.gT3rgl 0.973E l0 o3?412 0.91fi2 0.95581
2.O O9n2$ o.w7a4 0.9783(X o.97at/n o.919325 o.vt98l8 0.9to301 0.9&rr't l 0.98t237 0.981691
o.9u;L22 0.984614 0.98,1997 0,9853?l 0.985738
2.1 0.9t2136 0.98571 0.982E)7 0.983414 0.983823
0.988695 0988989
osn116 0.98t396
22 0.9tf[,7 o.98'|47 0.98679 t 0.987126 0.987455 0.988089
0.990863 oJ9l!()6 0.991344 0.E11576
2.3 0989716 0.989556 o.9t9830 o.99ms7 0.990358 0.990613
0,92656 o.992851 0.993051 o3932& 0.D3431 0.9936 t3
2.4 0-991802 o.992m4 0.992210 0.992151
o.99s060 0.95201
o.904514 0.994765 o-99a9r5
2.5 0-93?m 0.993 3 0.994t32 o.9942:11 0.99445?
0.9,6319 0.99Un
0.99r97s 0.996093 o.9462tr1
2.6 0.995339 D.995413 0.995604 0.995731 0.995t55
o.997)a2 0997365
2.7 0-996533 o.996636 0.996?36 0.9 t13 0.996928 0.99?O2() 0.997 0 0.997197
o.99174 0.99?814 0.997tE2 o.9794E 0.998012 0.99t0?4
2.a o.8 7415 o.97523 0.997591) o.997673
0.99851I 0.998559 0.98605
0.998359 0.998,{n 0398152
2.9 0.98134 0.998193 0.998250 0.998305
0.98930 0.998965 0.998999
3.0 0-98650 o.9986&l 0.9947J6 o.998177 0.998817 o.98856 0.998893
o.9v|25 0.999t55 0.999184 0.999211 o.999Itr 0.99926/. 0.9E 289
3.1 0.999032 0.999065 0.999096
os9962 0.999481 0.999499
o.999&2 o_999423 0.999443
3.2 03993t3 o.999336 o.999359 0.999381
33 0-999517 o.999511 0.999550 0.999566 0.999581 0-999596 o.999610 o99624 0.999638 0.999650
0.999?30 o.9vt7& 0.999749 0gvn'a
3.4 0.999663 0.999675 099968? o.99969t o,99E16 0.999?20
0-999821 0.999828 0.999835
3.5 0.999167 0.990776 o99984 o.999792 0.9998m o_9998()?
o.999879 0.999883 0.999888
o.999869 0.999874
3.6 0-999841 o.999847 0.999853 0.999858 0.999864
0.9999?, O.99992s
0.99908 0.999912 0.999915 0.99918
3.7 0.999892 0.99896 0.999900 o.999904
0.999 8 0.99950
3.t 0.999928 0.999931 0.999933 0.999936 0.99993t 0.99941 0.999943
0.999963 0.999964 0.99996 0.9q,967
3.9 0.999'52 0.999954 0.999956 0.99995E 0.9ry939 0.999961

Page | 2
The Answer






Class fa fixi ki -u\2 fi Fi
3l - 30 31.45
943.5 110.592
31.9 0.153845
7460.24 38.088
45 32.45
32.9 0.230769
33- 33.45
33.9 0.282051
34- 40 34.45
1378 45.656
34.9 0.205128
35- 25 35.45
885.25 108.16
3s.9 0.128205

I= res
t = 6507.75 ) = 303.848 )

^"on =
x=ff= 6507.7 5
195 = 33.37
median = a +Z-"
ln A

medidn = 32.95 * -=, 1 = 33.36
^, Qi-n2fi 3cB.A48

Standard deviation = fz = JiJ36 = 1.2a8

P(x < 34.3)
. rrp-n1
'tqqn 1?n
34.3 = 33.e5 +# - (r)
p =;;r7) = 0.738 * TSVo
c.'l-L"J {UJ. rl
P(x < Histogtlmless than34'3
3g.s) =Areaof EOCAI Lfeq
_ asls + a.h + \13 + L2f2 + L:.fI
1'30+ 1* +s + r * 55+0.35'40 144
r1x a 39.5.y = -l-les - z+e6

The Answer

(a) What are n and p?

n=55 , p: 0.072
(b) What is P(X S 2)?

p(x < z)= (tj) fo.rr)*(1 - 0.022;ss-,

I x
= 0.0164 + 0.07 + O.t467O = 0.233L
(c) What is P(X < 53)?
P(x < s3) = 1- p(x . z) = r- 0.2331 = o1,66e

The Answer
/ 0.248s
P(0.248s < x< 0.2515).\ = pl -0.2508 - 0.2508
<z< 0.25150.0005
=P(-4.6<Z<t.4\:P(Z< t.4)-42<-4.6)
: 0.91924 - 0.0000 = 0.9t924
P(0.2485 < X< 0.25t5) = p
0.2485 - 0.2500 - 0.2500
<z< 0.25150.0005

0.99865 - 0.00135



(a) Ifa
cement sample is selecied at random, what is
the probability that
the sample conforms to physical requirements?
(b) What is the probability that the selected
cement sample confomrs to
physical requirements or to chemical requirements?
P(A u B) = p(A) + p(il - p(A n B) o.s4
(c) What is the probability that the selected shaft either conforms to
physical requirements or does not conform to chemical requirements?
P(Au B') =?
p(AuB')=0.85+0.138-0.05s=0.s42f (A e B) = .-1 V-".oJJ--,,i
(d) What is the probability that the selected shaft conforms to both
= a I8 5 ,

physical and chemical rcquirements?



a) Test the hypothesis Ho: ;"r

: 50 versus IIa: p I 50 using c = 0.01

t = 51.3
a) Test Ho: p = 50
a = 0.01

Critical region
Critical region


-z"n-_2.5 O zap=2.:,5
z -/6 - -/JB =!u+
=T! -- z.zs .'. reject Ho
b) Test the hypothesis Ho: p = 50 versus Ha: p # 50 using c = 0.05
l. Thr paiam€rE of iltcrcst ir F., dE 6can burning rate.
2. Ho: p, = 50 centiDr€tcn pet gccond
3. H;p,* g)cer ineter per second
4. o = 0,05
5. Th€ r€st stdistic is
- qlt6
6 Rcj.ct ..'o ift > L96 or ifzg < - 1.96. Note thsr this resuhs ftqn srep 4 wherr se
lpcciicd a = 0.05, ad so thc boundarics of th€ critical r€gion ar€ at 20r2j = 1.96
ard -zoo2r = -1.96.
7. Computations: Sincc i = 51.3 ondo :2"
5t.3 - 50
= 1.25
& Corclusiou: Siace zo = 3-25 > 1.95, vr do: |r : 50 rt th€ 0.05 la/.| of
significgrEe, Statcd morg conplctcly, s€ coiclud. that tb€ nrc.n burninS rrrc dif-
fc$ ftom 50 centinet€rs per sccon4 based on a saEple of25 maasurerrFnls. In
fact, there is stsong evideocc that tbe meen burliag rate ejcccds 50 ceotimeters
per serond.




e=rotr.eos= G:iil'#I


n =, -. (!4!i*acj'dr*!Fjrb-.,,*j
I r..=

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