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Database Systems – CS 220


Dr. Shams Qazi
Course Objectives

On successful completion, you should be able to:

 Toengineer database system and handle practical
problems in modeling and implementation of real-
world data repositories
Course Learning Outcomes

1. Develop
a database schema that incorporates
keys and integrity constraints
2. FormulateSQL queries to retrieve information from
a relational database
3. Designa relational schema using the entity
relationship model
4. Apply normalization to relations
Course Outcomes

 Be
able to create databases and pose complex
SQL queries of relational databases.
 Developan appreciation for several DBMS's
 Familiarize
with a broad range of data
management issues including data integrity and
Major Topics

 Fundamental concepts, system organization

 Logical Database Modeling & Design
 The Relational Model
 Normalization (1st – 3rd Normal forms) and BCNF
 Relational Algebra (Select-Project-Join)
 SQL (Structured Query Language)
 NoSQL Systems
Suggested Books

 R.Elmasri, S.B. Navathe (2016): “Fundamentals of

Database Systems”, 7/E, Addison-Wesley
 T.Connolly and C. Begg . “Database Systems, a
Practical Approach to Design, Implementation
and Management”.
 Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Mary B. Prescott and Fred R.
McFadden. “Modern Database Management”,
8th Edition, Pearson Education Inc.
Grading Policy – Tentative*

 Theory 75%
 10 % Quizzes
 10% Assignments
 30% Mid Semester Exam
 50% End Semester Exam
 Labs 25 %
 70% Lab Tasks
 30% Project
Class Etiquettes

 Respect each others

 Keep your mobiles switched off
 Be careful of class timing
 Late comer may be not allowed
 Delay talks with colleagues
 Try to avoid questions during a lecture
 Ask questions at the end of a lecture
 Avoid interruption in class
SEECS/NUST Etiquettes

 It is far better to fail than to cheat

 Plagiarism is strictly prohibited
 Required Class attendance is 75%
Consultation Hours/Location

Tuesdays 10am – 12pm

Office: Room 302, 2nd Floor
IAEC Building
Database Systems
Definitions - Data

 Data

 Collection of raw facts and figures.

 Storedrepresentation of objects and events that
have meaning and importance in the user
 Structured vs non structured data
Definitions - Data

6’ 2”
Fall of Wickets: Sam

4 8 15 16 23 42 Will

5’ 10”

OHT Marks?
Definitions - Information

 Information
 Processed form of data.
 Data can be processed in two ways
 Structure and additional data

 Summarize the data(diagrams and charts)

Definitions - Information

Large volume of facts,

difficult to interpret or
make decisions based
Definitions - Information

Useful information that managers can use for decision

making and interpretation
Definitions - Database

An organized collection of logically related data.

Definitions – Meta Data

Meta Data describes the properties and characteristic

of data.
Definitions - DBMS

Database Management System

“It is a software that is used to create, maintain

databases and also provide controlled access to users”.

Examples: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access


A database is the data stored and a database system is

the software that manages the data.

 Data Models
A conceptual view of the database which captures the
nature of data and relations among data.
 Entities
A person, place, object, event or concept in the
user/business environment for which information must be
 Relationships
How different entities are interacting with one another
Data Model

Customer Order
Databases in the Real-World

 Databases are everywhere in the real-world even though you do

not often interact with them directly.
 Examples
 Retailers manage their products and sales using a database. (Wal-Mart
has one of the largest databases in the world!)
 Online web sites such as Amazon, eBay, and Expedia track orders,
shipments, and customers using databases.
 The university maintains all your registration information and marks in a
 Can you think of other examples?
Example Problem

 Implement a system for managing products for a retailer.

 Data: Information on products (SKU, name, desc, inventory)
 Add new products, manage inventory of products

 How would you do this without a database?

 What types of challenges would you face?
Why do we need Databases?

 Without a DBMS, your application must rely on files to store its data
persistently. A file-based system is a set of applications that use files to store
their data.

 Each application in a file-based system contains its own code for accessing
and manipulating files. This causes several problems:
 Code duplication of file access routines
 Data is usually highly redundant across files
 High maintenance costs
 Hard to support multi-user access to information
 Difficult to connect information present in different files
 Difficulty in developing new applications/handling data changes
Traditional File Processing Systems
Disadvantages of File Processing

 Program-Data Dependence
All programs maintain metadata for each file they use
 Duplication of data
Different systems/programs have separate copies of the same data
 Limited Data Sharing
No centralized control of data
 Lengthy Development Times
Programmers must design their own file formats
 Excessive Program Maintenance
80% of information systems budget
Problems with Program-Data Dependency

 It
is the tight relationship between data stored in files
and the specific programs required to update and
maintain those files
 Change in the file format affects both the program
and the file
 Lack of coordination and central control
 Non-standard file formats
Problems with Data Duplication

 Waste of space to have duplicate data

 Causes more maintenance headaches
 The biggest Problem:
 When data changes in one file, could cause
 Compromises data integrity
Problems with Limited Data Sharing

 Limited data for processing

 Managers face difficulty in generating reports
 Incompatible files in separate systems
Problems with Development Times

 Thenew application must follow the file pattern of the

old system
 Therefore,
programmers prefer developing the
program from scratch
 System becomes static
Problems with Program Maintenance

 Managing a non-centralized data is more difficult

 All replicated data must be consistent
 Therefore,
more budget is required during
Solution: The Database Approach

 Central repository of shared data

 Data is managed by a controlling agent
 Stored in a standardized, convenient form
 Easy to store, manipulate and retrieve

Requires a Database Management System (DBMS)

Database Management System

A DBMS is a software program that manages a

 Itcontrols the organization, storage, management
and retrieval of data in a database.
Database Management System



DBMS Database
shared data

DBMS manages data
#3 resources like an operating
system manages hardware
Advantages of Database Approach

 Program-Data Independence
 Metadata stored in DBMS, so applications don’t need
to worry about data formats
 Data queries/updates managed by DBMS so programs
don’t need to process data access routines
 Increased application development and maintenance
 Minimal Data Redundancy
 Leads to increased data integrity/consistency
Advantages of Database Approach

 Improved Data Sharing

 Different users get different views for data
 Enforcement of Standards
 All data access is done in the same way
 Improved Data Quality
 Constraints, data validation rules
 Better Data Accessibility/ Responsiveness
 Use of standard data query language (SQL)
 Security, Backup/Recovery, Concurrency
 Disaster recovery is easier
Costs and Risks of the Database

 Up-front costs:
 Installation Management Cost and Complexity
 Conversion Costs
 Ongoing Costs
 Requires New, Specialized Personnel
 Need for Explicit Backup and Recovery
 Organizational Conflict
 Old habits die hard
Data Definition Language (DDL)

 A DBMS achieves these goals by supporting data abstraction.

 The DBMS takes the description of the data and handles the low-level details of
how to store it, retrieve it, and handle concurrent access to it.
 The database is described to the DBMS using a Data Definition
Language (DDL). The DDL allows the user to create data structures
in the data model used by the database.

 A data model is a collection of concepts that can be used to

describe the structure of a database.
 In the relational model, data is represented as tables and fields.
 Examples: relational model, XML, graphs, object-oriented

 A database designer uses a DDL to define a schema for the database.

The schema is maintained and stored in the system catalog. The schema
is one type of metadata.
 A schema is a description of the structure of the database.
 A schema contains structures, names, and types of data stored.
 For example, the data model for Access is a relational model.
A relational model contains tables and fields as its model constructs. The following DDL
creates a product table:
sku as VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
name as VARCHAR(40),
desc as VARCHAR(50),
inventory as INTEGER,
Data Manipulation Language (DML)

 Once a database has been created using DDL, the user accesses data using a Data
Manipulation Language (DML)
 The standard DML is SQL.

 The DML allows for the insertion, modification, retrieval, and deletion of data.

 A DML provides data abstraction as user queries are specified using the names of data
and not their physical representation.
 For example, in a file system storing 3 fields, you would have to provide the exact location of the
field in the file. In a database, you would only have to specify it by name.

 The DBMS contains all the code for accessing the data, so the applications do not have to worry
about those details any more.
SQL Examples

 Retrieve all products in the database:

SELECT sku, name, desc, inventory FROM product;

 Retrieve all products where inventory < 10:

SELECT name, inventory FROM product WHERE inventory < 10;

 Insert a new product into the database:

INSERT INTO product VALUES ('1234','Soap','Ivory',100);

 Delete a product from the database:

DELETE FROM product WHERE sku = ‘1234’;

Database Properties Question

Question: True or False: The data in a database is lost when the power
to the computer is turned off.

A. True
B. false
Database Abstraction Question

Question: Defining how data is stored using DDL is similar to what in

object-oriented programming?

A. Objects
B. Classes
C. Inheritance
D. Polymorphism
DDL vs. DML Question

Question: If you are querying data in a database, which language

are you using:

C. schemas
D. Java
Components of the DBMS

A DBMS is a complicated software system containing many

 Query processor - translates user/application queries into low- level
data manipulation actions.
 Sub-components: query parser, query optimizer
 Storage manager - maintains storage information including
memory allocation, buffer management, and file storage.
 Sub-components: buffer manager, file manager
 Transaction manager - performs scheduling of operations and
implements concurrency control algorithms.
DBMS Architecture
End-User Direct (SQL) Database
Users Programs Users Administrators

DBMS Database API

Parser + Result
Compiler Formatting Query
Query Optimizer Execution
Planner Engine

Transaction Buffer
Manager Manager Storage
Recovery File
System Manager

DB Operating
Files System
Database Architecture

There are several different database architectures:

 File-server (embedded) architecture - files are shared but DBMS
processing occurs at the clients (e.g. Microsoft Access or SQLite)
 Two-Tier client-server architecture - dedicated machine
running DBMS accessed by clients (e.g. SQL Server)
 Three-Tier client-server architecture - DBMS is bottom tier, second
tier is an application server containing business logic, top tier is
clients (e.g. Web browser-Apache/Tomcat-Oracle)
Two-Tier Client-Server Architecture

Clients Tier 1: Client

•User Interface
•Business and Data Logic

Tier 2: Database Server

Database •Server-side validation
Server •Data storage/management

 Only one copy of DBMS software on dedicated machine.
 Increased performance.
 Reduced hardware and communication costs.
 Easier to maintain consistency and manage concurrency.
Three-Tier Client-Server Architecture

Tier 1: Client (Web/mobile)

•User Interface

Tier 2: Application Server

•Business logic
•Data processing logic

Tier 3: Database Server

•Data validation
•Data storage/management

 Reduced client administration and cost using thin web clients.
 Easy to scale architecture and perform load balancing.
Database Team

 Database administrator (DBA) - responsible for installing, maintaining, and configuring the DBMS
 Data administrator (DA) - responsible for organizational policies on data creation, security, and
 Database designer - defines and implements a schema for a database and associated
 Logical/Conceptual database designer - interacts with users to determine data requirements, constraints, and
business rules.

 Physical database designer - implements the logical design for a data model on a DBMS. Defines indexes, security,
and constraints.

 DBMS developer - writes the DBMS software code.

 Application developer - writes code that uses the DBMS.
 User - uses the database directly or through applications.

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