رياضيات تكامل المساحات

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Pah ciara ee he) Multiple Titegrals eee & In this chapter we shall see tegvals ° Neen Pe cee raget tas equeenenaners pakke cs coiled reulliple integ vals and Bi Oe aaa He same woy as \ategrals of Canctons ¢ a swale varrolae - (Seen eS Ga) anes 5 # Deable dateqrali sic) tera. sh Z pec, wo Tes otticle we dette the iakeg yall of a functor fex,3) of tuo variables over a reétarg ular region the xy-plane . We thenshow how sucky on vakeg rel is evaluated ond general\te Ae deturkian to include bounded reg ons oF amore genere! nature - yO BAD (BEANS > Double Tactegrals Over Rectangles J; Suppsse teal Quy ts defined on 7 arectargalar reyion UR) delmed by . ARO KECID enceaceas DAhzc Axby Med xb then Aad mers AES Xa (163) ne) ale ine) i when Ferygjre we weg See test Wise fens inet Aes athens cies 7 Bere un Lyn (Ga oretmtine saplnce ato Double Tntegrals Lor Bounded Monrectangular eg ae ie si Jgevagiels As a 929) Gy) ches ——s, 9109) afi Find He giver double integ rally . —— = b Leex) O LS fea) -da.dx > SS he dy Ax = " Few) IW Ris sched by acx hw i. eee Ce) U6) : Pele chone (a) integrating fex,4) ath ileraecad Cath x held Cxed) on ean Bie irecalnaninteriee o cemtreiads e ‘ a Awetels Ses eee mam C\nanging to lor Coordmate 5 Sie = my 4 vahlo) “= iS a ~ Suppose that fia ~~ Larction Fer,0) ts deCned ee over aregien (R) oF = e ~y hounded Sy He rays wee bw Oe ond te dAaderde 4, “> Comdinvons, Carve refi , y ~ rafe(0) as shown Im fig. *e ; ba . 0.P r{20) aN i) s SS Fer9) she J SI Fira) -rdr- do i ecco dee Ao)? Wisin. sea nan Cpelar) vei 3 Area. Pa IE as f a “ 1, z i; an) ae aay "i Seal Cee j nar . a vine ddd oe SS SE ti, AE i = (ED) Changing Coordinates 2 eS a If avegyon (G) in the uv-plane is trans Formed \wts Ae region UR) in the xy-plane by differentia -~ 4 equations of te form x=fu,r) Yy=9luu) Huan afunction Y 08 lz eos 8 : onde Sa . 9078) Joy 22 sie ~ 3 se eeeetae Veo) wv [esor ro , lt. ete polar lean Seo" ig .Aad ond [fecxpdx-dy x ffeteese/ 08 = a a e ne Sxl s Using ame ixteg patina PAS ce aes pated by the ia Anh <@ei je + —— “4k yoax > Jalax By kal es eae ty Lind points of, fax = 2 2xn Hotes sol4) wtersection (cit ve ux Ney Ral _ xt x50 xO (jee Ke genes som Clee at vim lao Dye Cotel xect ae fi 2 \ Leelee (be s : xant Yoo ( Bla Al SG Lis a Lae ey = > oe oe ye of £_g22x —> lan pwe imagine avertical Be : “Te foe [ine CL) curbing through (R) i Rea the direction of increasing J, “Han we Wregrate bse Lrom the y-valuzg where L) eaters 218) haere CaM oP az > ey eo ace - rey Gave) co aa ies —- a. 5 oo pie fen ae 5 nd SANS) JST Ie aad Bk _4ahis G -2] 2.x aul ke Hit. J -3-1 | Anta? i= ee Eager ts Cid avea ghown incthe Fig- bounted “—. s =a 2 | P22 ed ee —-— 1 et A=f fdy.dx acd tsi. =x fe (x) 4x 2 — wh ee + fs ix.dx feet], - ee ee lp pg (135) \ re —f- = Bie tel aS é solution ©: ee J Bg i esd; 4s. fit -doe =a. alten + Jone) e sai + fads. + fon fae fon tite + bl -eet, A=[o-Cof+|>-l4)|+ [+ |-]4- . | (ok [2 6-34 6-4 ee eed oN peg ne Hts ISI) \o & ; abou op WiGeed Seay 22 IE ee » he ase 1 re UPL we \eN a a : pase eta de Volume of te solid ener ex* ates atask 35 UO the vegion tthe 49-P07* Re ee by te Paraloola ye 4-x® dnd the Aine Soest ea set nese cla plane Za xX tt poate ee) or \rersection of ye3% and Jet-x i Bx=4-K- £4 3x-4 =? (K-00CK 4) = eet = 3 Rema ae Yo [mma eff fous) dy dx a x Z 4 nae es SID «(eeu dx i -Y x \ 2f(y-£-3 x) (R84) dx 2 fte-sx-B) dx <4 4 x5 ( : 2 K¥tYy) o/ = : Poulos a i a7. [iene ux Bx Gx] 4 ola -[1e-4-3 4 -fucg-we} Zed} -Leu) | = 9-4/2 -(~42. 662) = 52.084 chbic uw ae encanto) Tle 2 de Je (GF Leche aren of the region im The Ne T9tadrank bounded by ee Ex and : Sex is 9/2 Fink ia 2 y pee bs we zu Je4x-« yon 33 sy y ° S 2 at 5 % 3 co,0) Rais) te Redit polats ot itersection : Le Jee and I s4x~ 2 XSyx— xt oy CoeneWorutr. peeve 3) = i ; ao oS 8 Co, 0) CSS, Sle 3 G23 ) here [et Se a ts. s4A R223 ea ee ae yee aK ee Yxux2 ee te este oe. qe * x Sot dx yt dic $68). tz — at tb & of in aray Yorgi val (R) ° leav / ox Is. oe) 1 - a 2 \ (#9) ake te J Ue ‘ z Ge p83 “Stas A Ex6 : By double \ntegyation, Bind The aren hak lies inside the Cardioid r= all +ose) and outside The circle rea Gescy ate Gnd the Ateits of integration, trace @2mt aray sews De ble Wee, intesrate. from value where Herray enters (R) te the rvalue where ks leaves (2) eat re alltcosd) Qaef [r-dr. dd Q@20 Yea os Avis Via, 223 (2¢ stn ek Fn © (0,2 )7-" 2p PIG ow) Glas Tyre a All+cos 6 2 q A-ftey ) 10 2 ftcivcos oF x ]do at, 2s) O*. es 2 a [ela 2eosor wi O-l) do =a flecse+ tte Py 7 ee Wr : es. Aza smd +40 + 5 20]. ok. Ex $ ane 4 =F [ae Bree e)=2(0.,) \% xg asy be 8! The polar moment of inertia Go) of ae ion bounded toy The ellipse == AS Jigs by the double ‘witegral a t Ne aad y=bli- Ss “I Cty .dy. dx Xena York (xt steqral _ using Hee A ons Formation Xeaivtosg and yebr. sind ay Xeare cosa Pd Ly r 30 = 208) fay ay dy 86 , A039 —arsind _ 2a.b.r-cose -(-a-b-rsine) 4 b.sma bb. ¥- cosa NG eo. by corp ie £4 5.5, ee ~ ee ¥(608 0 +4: sun 8 =! : “> r=! (Le b Be © geet rel | Se 22.2 pee j(t- Ti=f [Geratgabrsied)-abr.a, r.- -) g ai tt YX qi>\ f ev : z 6 = eee ee, = ot spa ah ae eS an f, 3028 Pg pb .2m2e [¢ Cea: co, ii. 2 Pparee b ee (2.7) me i a 0 My - : Ex.9: Using polar coordinates Cin d the rabies 2[e 4 oF gyration (Rx) erent ic Fesion in te Piegt } Buadr at bounded boy see cwcele Kaye 4, c a -piheste eee mae (2 V0 = 1G, 5 t) GA $.| . FeaSSS.F) 4A 7 ‘We Rr 02%, v2 AL OU sta8 dy, do a x4y <4 2 @-E 20 ae / 4 rae ug TE ee : Sl if ' = J (E] sive dg -/ 12 i ‘ Sin ete. 2 005 28 )}i . at : 45108 ee |c-2)! . «4g = 20)-do = ee ino f? (183) Ne : “ = [e884] ao) 4] : pet] Belatt| E+ | absz005 J) : ee ‘ We We ae snacis «fed uee us iB — awe L - Dea he te Tategralls to Rectang lay a ripls Coordinate 5 TEA AMS ah 3 dus dx. dy-do > and IF Foy aris ahenctton Met ced on aboundet region D in Space thin the whegrel oF (Py over (D) may be deliy, ¢ ‘oy LS Peay ).abir ) Phy $1 ©? eg Lef é Vive D =fffav a i: 9 CCAR” o ( to evaluate the inteord), integral fiat @ Cs > oth respect t. ©: fecond ff; a. r : bd th. ns, | tHe region \y, x ie I-plane by the equ eee (ow ees) third, sketch ye a Gis: From gad Ueto (use tht ee ee 5 ee “ers See by, 2a Oa, ala CNA sere ie ey Boek capt) eS — Zz. &. = ey) fog ed ak. (165) physical Appli cations in Three Dimensi ens Lef S04 4,2) 1 PS the ens, ty of am objed acenp yrs arejion (1D) in space . oO ree (8 Scnye) dv (meth mass) D @ Kirst Wowk aboal the coor dinate elowes ¢ Bee (0 x.s-4v Hrea({{y8:4u Mxy 2 {ff2-$ de P Oe mel: C5, 2) _* = =. Me ee je a Oy Mow ek of inertia(second moments) B -/(fete=)- cs ob Ty. eS/{fcxxe) b-4u Be -Sscte5)-5-dv —_——_ ‘ ation about axe. © Radius F II es ada -/£2 -/t. oe Re -[ Ry [2 Ke a S phe - |. oth (5) F ate St aebo( AOL : cron 9 A oo eee OS > .2Geemdrie Pigures \n Space are Tred as vlaj ects wth constact density a ete Ys + Integrals in Cylinderical CGoordinar ee ESE EE Cylinder cal nee ales Pre ce ful m applications that Involve : Cylinders alony the Beals ond planes sed ee ovat > Perpendicular 1 4, te Ze av- axis The Volume of 2 tle ack dvederdr4g av Sift i= 41. Sing enc) oY | : V& 5 “cate J "S are }- iw spherical coor dinates is gitegrods in Spherical Gordinates oe eS Spher'i co! coor dinates are useful in ications that InvolveDshapes Proeenkes\ by spheres centered at tH, Bryne, ahyough the Z-axis and @) cones with ‘ vertéces ot the ongin, whore axes lie along fle Z-axis - ca ae Volume clenwt . >. dye dp de lo © x? Gaff risi-¢- 47. 1¢-40 77 Kaye eae fei daslave Zi ing ery ys - a) » y oh o> ve MG ea pg rot re gtavy'C ~ ay ale lndegrntre By wreple wb Ree ia ole, Valse: c< boumoled by Ht ic Por 2 lo els (er by the sufae \%e x4 oy) io Zz fics) J [Jace [ffnsor ff i ‘| I, Sas ‘ fox) ae rayon R cpajertion of D den 28 18-8 y ZY over ie First with ion R vite sgt ve he: SPheita\ cH eh \ ao & cept ae ‘J ad ah ers of cney e\ (the plone 22 [eedo Wey He eee) ys By spre @egeateede™ aeiB\ 5-0 Fcc aa If As Ly Vol Ne riled ao hh > beensk — = fant from 220 tm 2HOtNY ov 2- 4a" r, 2= fart vo i rol? rofdle w : 2a%s0 far deol, a neh POLO 4S -2f eo a = 6405 Cr_ 2b 1s i 1S ' | Exaple a) Enel ihn) as ida volume nth ole Plex Pooky nr eK | Pam Ve a ¥ J 4 f ¢ ae tise o a 277 =) om A6= 28 ee Zotac. : Cs0)] Ro vocd o ts : olubts, of he Bat oP ingae BT » Solve the site at Plag | , pete a9 pe fess 239) o 2 Ppt -S yop. «9: ae + a X- 2y- 32-3 ~ eee y - 2. | Beer Aw eb of al : | KVP a ee {3 2-3] Iki: i 2 ns\ 2 z | Bi asa 444 A Poo ke Tid Ake determine Bhd: PS) ehwal-steole bo) EH -3e+s = -2¢ PEBEVE I (Pind AL. CofA i ey he ha Ais oe | Qh A= Ra An Boe eS | me a An A ie ars | . g-Cor) a! a (ugs a, ; Zin gigen’ aS _lenvecty, (215) S Let A=[nx n} cy ee m : Ax- Rand Cons, le & Ae nee Rey NSider Pig |. Here Aa AL On un known eee Best A a me Un Choun Wore | | alae fA) fr whic ep he | jolubien as called ay Zigeny i me | characteristic value ae matriy (A Eigen” ies German ond recave “Proper” or | voharacteristic”. The correspon ing solution Xb0 of e4u-O are called te eigenvecters e or characteristic vectors of {AT correspondiny te fthek ergenvalucl(A) «Tre set of all the eigenvalues of [AJ 1s called te spectrum, TAD. puss Ob a VE wo have: Au%t Be am se antnc . daWitaeer 1 GD \ eee : 22% | iimee \ gide to the | Transferring the terms on the right side to left site, we have ; a es —_ | rg ee aint _ et AMXn= & Ae tO am-Dkare = i Me ay Canter a a ee aa “y WSEAS tyre oh Pan, of wo 4uations cy id aa, pete 4 : | athe only one ot tH need [£ we choose Kal pwe obtain the * envecsor- fa : Bo 8 gues 2 AX jselation \s Xrarx 1 0 Az=-6 aor of AJ wrresponding to 22 4 Ligenvecto . becomes : as: | aaeers es ani. : ( 2 Xe . aoe e cee SS pe Se (CL ave ee x a . vu ie “ ey “fl oo Be in SPA] eorres pont “sta y - [a ~ALIA4 ai oS Bg f PUN a -1s] ‘By 2) [A= 5 I i a 5 le i A, o.2 A i ot oF A) arresponcling ae GPO hia So YL2-A2)Kr = BX 4 x2 +(3-WX3 ae > C1-@) xX + UX = : Xp etx (2-Cyx2 =o : j 3xX,4X%2 t(-3-(2))4e? D 3xXLt -5(G Xeo ye x, 4 | So if Xj =4 . ten [Xi] J |2 ton : : Fae ne Bs oe (2-(-8))x2= oO Bess eee (3-8) X37° ? . | [ 2 fe 3x, eX. t%X% 2S t ‘SE Fonct, SS and Variable Cay 3 : GeV) Bisttl Xa -|-2{ Mm xe are eack Called atomelex er ! mis areal part of X_ and Xz zi. ~ te tmajinary pat of x, My Gow ie orem ee eral. Zeoxetly is called acomplex and plet it as follows ‘ é ii eee a oh : x Raed yh St so tier sind 58 +t sind) A whan © Eu fers : mh 2 easdtisine > (22 bs lutte val ug ae ) f eo oe = 29 . : mo ler nuemloen) j Es 8 ae x-ty > ofl te. ck & : a lL we have Tuo complex num pert (Sv ean (E2) where: EGr=Xit!Y, Zr=xX2t 19 ‘ : Es © e@,-2fe Ghen X,=X2 and Y, =Y> “OA Br= (KFKe) + (IF In) . t i : oe @ BS kK tix Je tiyerery4 ( = a ae =a) = = (Xi X2-3, J ctkiyae ®2y,) @ Bi. kein . Xarty, cae Xotty, aay, : = Gila 95. Ee oo @ 2.22 ‘ ee Pt +13) 4 'X) =X, a) = Yea < the Following equ. Os i, ty CJ amity) ~~ Ne at X+iy \ ° 4 Kei San ! i ; —- = +l x+y Z \ = (+ > a2+l oe : Bala erro (Gee as) SN a we Xx : —T AN ow ‘ S and eae tess p> Bewatwe Ses a a : pect) oletarned es ; Lee : Wee was Aa case ot teu.) Valued Pekcaree S ‘Let w=fcz) be tees ena womolex Berable (2) ond \ct Zaz be aug pack peor ye tl Ne Acryactive ‘ Pe ee a, oe S -Feay By pee a tee SEI) Ae age a5. er Lor FE Zz my approach Zero J ow ON «a trection we alte bk ee Comes PoE) BPC omtable ue oo / by Z we st: ' placiy Lo : Dien Heese) =e) — See =). az 3 * et Pe oe ee et eet ke A : bik : axe OO eee aa _ Lion : At m= Az? 3 ° ee Si Si eae we) (ow Nes DEE 2g ls ae ada r the Parcion = hee) 4s analyhic then as = Er = RACISU ect. sawn as Ak Poe. to egy: ©. Ex Clack fr analyHedy fr te Lillowing A ene oe Rid de/de W = Dante Oa ie awe 3 =s\nx: SO ICS nH sinCiy) Pi = oN soy O52 s\vk3 : | eS i 4 AL (249 Qet Feud he veal valued wensemts 4b ,¢ and A gotta Collovivg Fanchons are analytic ‘ Oo waxray+ i(bx CH) ® vexzaxyqbyte ier 4 -%9 «y) ® CF Coshx -co shy 4 a: COSH Sieky + $b sink. siege Sux cosy ) 2 Pa eee cy, ee Nas eroved to | ee ae avalytic rr he tO Fa ie Follow ins properties : ea 2 Uxe2y $e 24x24 sob: = analyte Parctic a oe =- Bucky Riemann egy. are sattishted| ) OU - exety = Us Ke exyx &O) oe Jee ee ——* oe Mn ee 0) = x25 az f ee eps fz. dy aed aca -y tr, pe thes oe Lx — Se k&, Be “w 2 ib p37 C6 / TE = ~418) ry ms Ein finte See C49) tous SS x Ucnj be afunction of (n) which has e 3 is Nalug Por al\ positive \ateg er Values of (n) - Then on expression ot Ales orm 3 . ; mea = ily 2 BicwcoW\ed on Wile series Ond is curithen ag: Ea) meal Exarvagles* a ¥ , O/E Ucn=k Her Haseries is Ib tebe te--- 3) @IL Un = e oF ee lee, =e ) nO n ne eee @Ol uan)= pans woe each weleeee ie | ft { ® if ue= cos (HL) cage = cos TT + oS Exes Ly ~ | BK wre of the series + os Let (Sy) denstes Thy ee ee e Pie tke Cirst (n)terms of the series Un) a S 2 Ut) 4 Uce)+ Wea) + ——— + Uew) hee Re es nn a i) ) (co Ys = Opbeg® > Eovernen’s we, TOO = ipergenh (259) Her OIF a0 Sir is alinite value) Ure pec then the series is sald te be Converged ® IF fin Sn is inbinike value (705) they hoe ee sertei ts Said te be divergent Bho ex. Py vel e-the “halure iets Hie Following Serres: Os ( \ tee ees ax Meee tncreis © % Spee ale! = \ \ en | tee zee Ged £7" ren * homed ea ew n~ ij terw vith: term Wenn eet nh SCIP WAC som N\ttR OWN | é Se) Soe a K+ Deon Ce = fiat qi lea | eee ac ea ar de the Serves ts conver get need a ae Preset a ie the naturn (251) aes nw : H the Series n+ pees wES\ f Joh fe et ptm thes ~ hiz:| a ki n+} F F< Te A ae: B, By NRG hy w Ba tnt) 3 Sn eS OR ) ; Aten | pee EID wl Bats Series as divergante i Geometric Series Sl, ee ee | Tee Series of the form Aeartar or ee art a her ts called aJeometric Series having the Lirst term is CO dy,4) and 145 ammon rats BC) care rand ty Lind the nature of ~ the series > oS S 2X3 arse, m= AE AE (AK a4- +t eoN -O ABE WY? Si WIS 6 Albu. : () 2 ot @ Hou. ves : gr Snaser PACER AMT ATH a” -® (OC® de 2» 2S) Seg ne a oy Suci-y) = a(t-y") Ba) rae \=¥ WLW (ny 4 Se gd! = E PM he (yah a ah i it: abou Me Pt |

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