Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH._MARIMAR

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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH (ARTS)

Philippine Festivals
Prepared by; Angel Grace B. Sayson

I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. describe the origins and cultural background of selected Philippine festivals;


a. Identify the different religious and non-religious festival in the Philippines
b. Narrative the origin and cultural background of selected Philippine Festival
c. Appreciate the value of our own festival; and
d. Create art of a selected Philippine Festivals
a. Topic: Philippine Festivals
b. Sub Topic: Representative Festivals and Theatrical Forms of the Philippines
c. References: Wikipedia,
d. Materials: Laptop,PowerPoint Visual Aid,Art Materials, Speaker
e. 21st Century skills: Creativity and Communication
f. Values/s:Solidarity, Teamwork and Respect


1. Prayer
Before we start our class,may I request to Let us pray. Almighty God…
everyone to please stand for our prayer. Liam (Student’s Prayer)
kindly lead the prayer.

2. Greetings Good Morning Ma’am and classmates!

Good Morning Grade 7 Narra and all good!

3. Classroom Rules
Before we proceed I would like to present to you
my class room rules, Liam kindly read the
classroom rules.

1. Always listen when someone is speaking.

2. Keep your hands, feet, and things to
yourself Yes Ma’am
3. Show respect for your classmates and
your teacher.
4. Work quietly so you don’t disturb others.

Before we proceed, I have some pictures here. I
want you to observe and analyze the pictures, I’ll Yes Ma’am
be asking a question, okay?
Now let’s try to answer the following question. Ma’am in the pictures you have shown to
us. I observed that they are the different
types of festivals.
Class! In the pictures that I showed to you what did
you observe?

Aside from festivals what else?

Ma’am I observe that they are the different
Very Good Class! types of Philippine Festivals.

Why is there a need to celebrate festivals?

That’s right! Now why do you think festivals are Ma’am because festival dances are cultural
important to our lives as Filipino? dances performed in honor of a patron’s
saints or in thanksgiving of bountiful
Good Job!Thank you for your participation. This harvest.
activity will help you to understand more on our
topic. We celebrate our unity amidst the diversity
of cultures
A. Lesson Proper
Based on the pictures you have analyzed and
Ma’am I think it has something to do with
with the Philippines

What do you think is our lesson or topic for today?

Ma’am I think I think it has something to do

That’s correct, any other idea ? with the festivals in the Philippines

Very Good! Our topic for today is all about Philippine

Festivals and here are our objectives. Kindly read. Ma’am our topic for today is all about
Philippines festival

Now, what comes in your mind when you hear the Reading…..
word festivals?

Ma’am it is event where they celebrate

something like their patrons.
What else?
Ma’am it is an event where they show and
celebrate their tradition and beliefs.

Ma’am Pahiyas Festivals, Panagbenga

Very Good! Another Festivals in the Philippines; will festivals, ati-atihan festivals..
you give some festivals in the Philippines that you
Yes Ma’am
Okay Very Good. Some of our discussion we’ll be
talking about Religious and Non-religious Festivals. Do
you have any idea what are Religious and Non-
Religious Festivals?
Ma’am Religious Festival is a festival by a
certain or specific group of churches or
What is Religious Festival? religions.

Festivals that honors certain religious icon

such as Patron Saints
Very Good! What else ?

Ma’am the Religious festivals in the

Philippines are the Moriones, ati-atihan,
Can you give me some example of religious festival sinulog.
class ?
Ma’am Non-religious Festivals is the festivals
Good Job! How about the Non-Religious festival? with a group of people, community due to
tradition and culture and also the non-
religious festivals in the Philippines includes
Panagbenga, Masskara, Kaamulan and
kadayawan ma’am

Okay Very Good! Thank you for your participation!

Here’s a list of some religious and Non-religious Yes Ma’am

festival in the Philippines. You identify the image if it is
a religious festival or non religious festival , okay. Are
you ready class ?

Okay the first one is the Panagbenga is it a Religious or Ma’am Panagbenga is not a religious festival
Non-religious? because it is a cultural festival

Ma’am masskara festival is a non-religious

Very Good! Next is the Masskara Festival is it a festival and some of its iconic features
religious or non-religious festival ? include the use of smiling masks, colorful,
costumes, and fabulous headdress
Very Good! Next slide is ati-atihan festival is it a
religious or non-religious festival?

Ma’am its religious festivals,because of the

Santo Nino(holy child or infant)

Great! Next picture is a Dinagyang festival is it a

religious or non-religious?

Ma’am Religious festival, because the

history of devotion to the holy Child Jesus.

Did you know class that festival is known as “Fiesta”
and is a part of the Filipino culture Each city or
province has local fiesta. Being a very religious
centered country, a fiesta is commonly about the
celebration of a city or province’s patron saint or a
thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest.They are always
colorful and unique. Like most Asian countries; the
philippines is rich in culture and tradition.
So, today we are going to focus on the well-
known festivals from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

Class before we proceed to our lesson, can you tell

some festivals that you know in Luzon? Ma’am Panagbenga in Baguio

What else? Ma’am Pahiyas festival in Lucban Quezon.

Very Good! How about Visayas? Ma’am the festivals in Visayas are Sinulog,
Masskara, Dinagyang Festivals Ma’am

Oky Very Good!

How about in Mindanao?
Ma’am I think Kadayawan Festival in Davao
Very Good Class!


The first one is from Luzon and that is Panagbenga

Festival(Student will read from my power point on the Ma’am Festival in Baguio
screen an then I will show the pictures of the festivals.
Now, what comes in your mind when you here the
word Panagbenga festivals ?

Nice what else?

Okay Very Good! Panagbenga Festival- is a flower Ma’am it seasons of blooming

festival of Baguio City which is celebrated for month
long through parade of floats that are decorated with
flower. This is being held every month of February as
way to commemorate the rise up from the
devastation of the 1990 Luzon earthquake
Pahiyas festival- Colorful feast celebrated
Another from Luzon is the Pahiyas festival,please every 15th of May by the people of Lucban
somebody read Quezon in honor of San Isidro Labrador. It is
the farmers thanksgiving for bountiful
harvest with a grand display of colorful rice,
fruits vegetables and handecrafts adoring
every house

Now Let’s go to Visayas. Sinulog Festivals- this is an annual festival

The first one from Visayas and that is Sinulog being held every third Sunday of January in
festivals(Student will read from my power point on Cebu City. Maasin City, Southern Leyte, and
the screen and then I will show the pictures of the balingasag Misamis Oriental in the
festivals Philippines. The festivals commemorate the
Filipino people’s pagan origin and their
acceptance of roman Catholicism

Another from Visayas is the ati-atihan festivals.

Ati-atihan Festival- is a feast held annually in
January in honor of the Santo Nino(infant
Jesus),concluding on the third Sunday, in the
island and town of kalibo, aklan, in the
Philippines. The festivals consist of tribal
dance, music, accompanied by indigenous
costumes and weapons, and parade along
the street.

Masscara Festival- held each year in Bacolod

Now the one of the most popular is the Masscara Philippines every third weel of October
Festivals. nearest October 19. The word cara(face)
mascara means multitude of face
Now let’s go to Mindanao is the Kadayawan festivals. Kadayawan Festival dance on the streets is
the most-a waked and main highlight of the
event. Contingents from various parts of
Mindanao display their award-winning
choreography while showcasing their
creativity through their colorful and
extravagant Kadayawan Festival dance

Very Good!

To see if you really understand our lesson, Lets’s have Ma’am banderitas
an acitivity. Ma’am Mask
Ma’am Flowers
This activity called ‘Sing, Stop and Answer’. But before
that, I have a question. What do you usually see in a
festival? What common design and display?

That’s right! I have here a mask with little Banderitas

Inside these Banderitas are question. You will pass this -Yes Ma’am were ready!
to your classmate while the music is playing.. When
the music stops, the person who has the mask will pick
one banderitas and answer the question inside. Are
you ready grade 7?

Play the music ‘Piliin ang Pilipinas’

1. The term ‘PANAGBENGA’ comes from? 1. Kankanaey meaning’a season for blossom
2. Where is Pahiyas originated from? 2. Lucan Quezon
3. What festival is celebrated in Baguio? 3. Panagbenga Festival

Very Good! Grade 7!

E. Application
Let’s have another activity; I will group you into 2.

(the teacher will group the student)

In this activity, your group will make your own

Festival art craft that you will choose in the box.

I need one representative from each group then pick

here in the box on what festival you are going to do.

Is that clear? Yes Ma’am!

You will be guided by these rubrics (The student will do their activity)

15 10 5
CREATIVITY Aligned in Slightly Not
the topic aligned in aligned in
the topic the topic
UNIQUENES Unique Kind a Very
S style unique common
TEAMWORK All of the Some of All of the
members the members
cooperate members were not
cooperate cooperate
at all

Directions; Choose the letter of the correct answer:

1. What are the two types of festival?

a. Christian and Muslim festival
b. Foreign or Local festival
c. Religious or Non-religious Festival
d. None of the above
2. What month Ati-atihan celebrated?
a. May
b. April
c. March
d. January
3. This festival come from the word “season of blooming”
a. Moriones festival
b. Pahiyas festival
c. Ati-atihan festival
d. Panagbenga festival
4. This festival celebrated in January expect
a. Ati-atihan
b. Sinulog
c. Dinagyang
d. Panagbenga
5. Masskara festival is part of?
a. None religious
b. Christiann
c. Religion
d. Local

For your assignment.

Interview your grand parents or some eldest from your barangay about your festival or fiesta. Ask
these questions and write in your MAPEH NOTEBOOK.

1. What did the first celebration happen in your province?

2. What artist skills are being used for the celebration of your fiesta ?
3. How will you promote festivals in your provinces?

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