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The Most Crowded Island on Earth

YouTube: Living on the Most Crowded Island on Earth 1:30

1. Fill in the blanks: 3. Vocabulary:

Inhabitants _________________
A two-hour boat ride off the coast of Columbia is an
Uninhabited _________________
island. The most densely populated island on Earth.
Santa Cruz del Islote consists of more than Dense _________________
________________ people, living on land the size of Steady _________________
two soccer fields, making it _______times as dense Shelter _________________
as Manhattan. On the island is a school that runs up
to the tenth grade, __________ and one restaurant. Give up _________________
There is no steady supply of water, and a sole Crowd _________________
generator that only runs for ________per day. There
are no police, but there isn’t much need for them, as
Is there a lot of room on the island?
everyone on the island ____________.
Are there a lot of rooms?
A hundred and fifty years ago the island was primarily
uninhabited and was _____________ used by local
fishermen as a place to rest and to take shelter during 4. Room for improvement
storms. Gradually, some fishermen came to ________ Fill with room or rooms. Explain your choice.
their homes here, these were the grandparents and 1) Not enough ___________ for a dog
great grandparents of the current generation of
2) No cheap ________ left in the hotel
3) Under the bed in your ________
Despite the close living quarters inhabitants on the 4) Not much _________ in that car
island _________ they wouldn’t give up their 5) Make _________ for a new sofa
peaceful existence for anything, not even a little
6) A house with five __________
7) Lots of _________ in that closet
2. Discussion: 8) Lots of ____________ for rent
1) What are the advantages and disadvantages 9) The little _________ where he slept
of living on the island? 10) Little __________ for error
2) Small town big hell. Do you agree? 11) No _______ in my suitcase for that
3) Do think it is good for several generations to
live under the same roof?
4) The island needs tourists. Do you agree?
5) What is your relationship with your neighbors
6) Would you like to live on that island? Why or
rowing boat
why not?
on the surface

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