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here is a sample phone conversation between a receptionist and a colleague who is

leaving a message:

Dina : Cucumber Corp, good morning. This is Dina speaking. How may I help you?

Sean : Hi Dina, it's Sean from the marketing department. I'm calling to leave a
message for Mr Bryan.

Dina : Sure, I can take a message for Mr Bryan. What would you like to say?

Sean : Please tell Mr Bryan that I've been trying to reach Mr Seno by phone, but I
haven't been able to get through. I asked them to email me back, but I haven't heard
from them yet. Could Mr Bryan please try giving them a call and see if they can
connect with them?

Dina : Okay, I'll write that down. Is there anything else you'd like me to add to the

Sean : Yes, please let Mr Bryan know that I'm out of the office today for a meeting
and won't be back until 24 hours. They can reach me on my cell phone at 36281 if
they need to get in touch with me urgently.

Dina : Got it. I'll make sure to pass along all of the information to Mr Bryan.

Sean : Thanks, Dina. I appreciate your help.

Dina : You're welcome, Sean. Have a great day.

Sean : You too

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