Entrance Exam Interview Sample Questions (BIC)

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Sample Information for Prepration of Budapest Internationa College (BIC)


 As for the interview, I would also like to give you some advice, based on
the feedback of our Applicants:
 Student must know about, in which Programme he/ she is applying,
know about University, know about Hungary Country, know about
himself/ herself, Previous Education, Financially Supporting.
 You may be asked questions about the capital of Hungary, the language,
official currency, etc. In many cases, they ask Applicants to show the
country on the map. Please also check which are the neighboring
 Hungary is a member state of the EU, but it is good to know that it only
joined the EU in 2004.
 You have to remember EXACTLY the name of the programme you
applied for (that also reads on your letters).
 They may ask you why you would go exactly to Hungary (why not other
European countries). You may answer that we have relatively lower costs
compared to Western European countries. You have to be frank with
 If you studied in different fields before, they may ask you for an
explanation about why you would continue with business administration or
international relations, etc. Please try to bring up some plausible
 You have to get prepared for the interview.
 And please don’t forget: what you have to do is to convince the Embassy
that you have sincere intensions and you really want to study and study in
Hungary. They need to get reassured of that.

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Hello, how are you?

Ans. I am fine.
Have you traveled abroad before / Have you been abroad before?
Ans. No. or Yes
Where do you work now / where are you working currently, if doing?
Ans. Plz tell about your current job (if any)
For how long have you been working there?
Ans. Plz tell about your job duration (if any)
How much is your or family monthly income?
Do you have saving?
Ans. Yes/ No
Do you have property in Pakistan?
Ans. Yes/ No
Who will you sponsor?
Ans. I am self sponsor and I will bear all expenses during my study. Please find
attached my personal bank statement.
My father / mother is my sponsor and he / she will bear all expenses during my
Note: Brother or Sister or Uncle cannot sponsor according to Law of Hungarian.
How many Brothers’ & Sisters’ you?
What is your last Education/ Qualification?
What is your Passport No.?
What is your national Identity Card No, (CNIC)?
Do you have any relative in Europe?
Ans. No.
How did you find the Hungarian Educational Institute?

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Ans. Through Internet
What is the name of University, in which you applied?
Ans. Budapest International College (BIC)
What is the address of University?
Ans. https://budapestcollege.hu/
Where is the Campus Or in which Campus will study?
Ans. In Budapest city.
What will you study in College?
Ans. I will study “University Foundation Program - Business track” program.
How long this study programme?
Ans. Duration of program is 1 Year (2 Semesters)
How much tuition fee of this programme?
Ans. 3000 Euro per Semester
When will be starting Intake?
Ans. October 2024
Are you ready to pay 1 Year Tuition in Advance?
Ans. Yes I am ready to pay 1 Year Tuition Fee 6000 Euro in advance.
How much Application Fee?
Ans. 150 Euro (Non-Refundable)
Do you want to live College Hostel?
Ans. Yes.
How did you apply to the Hungarian University?
Ans. I have applied through Consultant/ Agent Mr. Asif Mahmood,
STUDYLINKER Student Consultancy (SSC).

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At Budapest International College, we offer university foundation programs for
engineering, IT and business programs in Hungary. We have an ever-growing list
of partner universities, who are waiting for our students with open arms for their
renowned Bachelor's and Master's programs.

If you already have the necessary skills to start a university program, BIC also
helps you gain direct access to any of the partner programs.

We help you find the university program that suits you most
Not sure whether you’ll love the university program you choose? Don’t worry, our
admission officers are here to offer you some guidance. Our goal is to help you
pick the career path that suits you most, builds on your strengths and is also
enjoyable for you.

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University Foundation Program - Business track (Two semesters)
University Foundation Program – Business track is designed for you, if you wish
to study any Bachelor’s program related to business, management or
International Relations at Budapest Business School but your professional skills
(Maths, IT, English etc.) are not yet on a level to start a university program. BBS
or BIC admission staff will evaluate your eligibility for Bachelor’s level studies
during the online admission interview and Maths test. If you need to improve your
skills before starting the Bachelor’s program, they will guide you to their
University Foundation Program organised by Budapest International College.

This is a crucial step before starting university, as business programs are

extremely advanced, and require a high level of professional preparedness. Don’t
worry though; our professors have a long experience in introducing you to even
the most complicated skills, thus you will start your university years full of

Tuition fee: 3000 EUR/semester

Next starting date: October 2024

University Foundation Program – Professional Track (Two semesters)

Professional Foundation programs are designed for you, if you wish to study
engineering or IT at one of our partner universities, but your professional skills
(Math, IT, Physics etc.) are not yet on a level to start a university program. Our
admission staff will evaluate your eligibility for Bachelor’s level studies during the
online admission interview and Math & Physics test. If you need to improve your
skills before starting the Bachelor’s program, they will guide you to the
Professional Foundation program.

This is a crucial step before starting university, as engineering and IT and

science programs are extremely advanced, and require a high level of
professional preparedness. Don’t worry though; our professors have a long
experience in introducing you to even the most complicated tech skills, thus you
will start your university years full of confidence.

Our professional Foundation programs are tailor-made for all study fields, thus
you will learn the specific skills that will be the most important for you at the
university later on.

Tuition fee: 3000 EUR/semester

Next starting date: October 2024

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Have you heard before about Hungary? What do you know about the Country?
Please give some information that you know (Name of Capital, Size of Population
Or Territory, Currency Name, Economy etc.
Ans. I know, Hungary is located in the Central Europe. Budapest is the Capital of
Hungary. Hungary Currency name is HUF or Forint. Economy Growth is 2.9
Hungary is Located in central Europe, Hungary offers a wide range of unique
destinations. Low mountain ranges, lakes and rivers, plains and more are
spread across the country, as are many small, quaint villages. With easy
access to Europe due to its convenient location, as well as growth as an
economic powerhouse in the region, visitors to Hungary will enjoy the ability to
experience a vivid culture that showcases its worthiness as one of the top 15
global destinations.
Hungary can be divided into 5 regions, with the most visited one being Central
Hungary including the city (capital) of Budapest. Lake Balaton offers beautiful
wine regions and rural life, while Transdanubia offers a more historic region
and is actually the most economically developed region within the country.
Northern Hungary includes a variety of historic towns and cave baths, while the
Great Hungarian Plain is a large region with flat rolling hills that remains
somewhat isolated from the rest of the country.
Hungary’s capital city of Budapest is considered one of Europe’s most
enjoyable cities, featuring green parks, amazing museums and even a thriving
nightlife scene. The country’s second largest city, Debrecen, offers a more
cultural and ecclesiastical feel. A member of the Schengen Agreement,
Hungary has no border controls between countries within the agreement.
Access to the country is easy and convenient, with several international
airports, train stations (Budapest is a hub for Central Europe), private car and
bus. Domestic transport is also very convenient with train hubs, bus stations
and private car being easily accessible.

Why did you select this Country for study?

Ans. Because, the degree is recognized in all EU-countries. The University is
situated in Budapest city of Hungary which is very beautiful city. It is highly safe
city for international students and affordable cost of living. Hungary has also
become a member of EU and also part of Schegen Countries. It is beautiful,
peaceful and progressive country.
Do you have any relative or friend in Hungary or in Europe?
Ans. No.
What is your plan after completion your study? Will you stay there or come back?
Ans. I will come back, to serve my country.
What is currency of Hungary?
Ans. Hungarian Forint (HUF), internal sign: Ft
What are the Hungary Border Countries?
Ans. Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.

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What is official language of Hungary?
Ans. Hungarian.
Would you like to study Hungarian Language during your studies?
Ans. Yes.
What are the Pakistan Border Countries?
Ans. India, Iran, Afghanistan & China.
How many Countries in Schengen?
Ans. 26.
what are names of Schengen Countries?
Ans. Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.
Thanks for coming and nice to meet you. We will inform you about the decision
very soon.
Take care, bye.

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BSc Business Information Technology
For non-EU students: 2,900 EUR per semester

Start of study
September 2024

Study location
Budapest, Hungary

Faculty of Finance and Accountancy, see on map

3.5 years (7 semesters)

Programme objective

The course provides students with interdisciplinary knowledge in line with the
needs of the labour market, who can understand and model actual economic and
business processes, formulate problems, and propose solutions. They can
effectively use the opportunities offered by IT systems, and where necessary,
they can implement and improve IT systems.

Program Content

Courses in Natural Sciences

Key subjects: mathematics, statistics, basics of computer science, operations


Courses in Economics and Basic Social Sciences

Key subjects: economics, business economics, finance, accounting,

management, business law

Core Courses in IT and Business

Key subjects: Operation Systems, computer Networks, Information system audit,

Information system development methods, Database systems and DBMS, Data
Analysis, Business informatics and IT concepts, Basic of programming, OO
programming and planning

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Elective Courses

Key subjects: Data security, CRM, Web programming, Data mining

Specialised Professional Courses

Key subjects: Decision Theory, Engineering of logistics, Project management,

Business Intelligence, Integrated Enterprise Resource Systems, Process
modelling, Artificial Intelligence, SQL in business applications

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get details from this link about BBU University, why chosen BBU

BBU Fact and Figure details

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