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Dona : "Good morning, Dimas.


Dimas : "Good morning, Dona. How are you doing today?"

Dona : "I'm doing well, thanks. I'm a little bit tired, but I'm ready to start the day."

Dimas : "Me too. I had a long weekend, but it was nice to have some time to relax and

Dona : "I know what you mean. I spent most of my weekend catching up on sleep
and reading."

Dimas : "That sounds relaxing. I did some yard work and went for a hike on Sunday."

Dona : "Nice. I'm always looking for new hiking trails to try out. Do you have any

Dimas : "Sure. I really like Semeru. It's a moderate hike with some great views."

Dona : "I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip."

Dimas : "You're welcome. What are you working on today?"

Dona: "I'm finishing up a report for my boss. Then, I have a meeting with the
marketing team this afternoon."

Dimas : "Busy day? I'm working on a new project for a client. I need to meet with
them this afternoon to discuss the project timeline."

Dona: "Good luck with that. I'm sure you'll do a great job."

Dimas : "Thanks. I hope so. Well, I better get started on my work. Nice talking to

Dona : "You too. Have a good day."

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