2010-2015 Local Shelter Plan_Mandaluyong

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City Medium-Term Development Plan (CMTDP) 2010-2015 Housing and Development Board MANDALUYONG CITY DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT NATIONALCAPITAL REGION stove pe ibnasy sort ycoos) a6 porutiey naan | scH¥8830030 opps euicuyp| ns 2 ‘wowlodue| (onr aegis te) ) ‘sanyo rau jysied) —Sopyneyeo.25 je uemanas.eg 7] pepoowen] (pap saroevey z rienaapeeyo | ror | icreoox'idid| obec tums | weamtsewury] oxape Burra eunpertay i] vessel fucose | “Yaw sagceaeng emai ser soHWEB 10040 ‘ss32s prune. 130] wneu3 2] 1800907 popIBNG 0 Yaa! 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