2011-2016_Local Shelter Plan_Caloocan

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fey iss Gty ‘Tel. No. 323-7946 November 15, 201: MEMORANDUM FOR: : HON. RENATO L. BRION, CESO Ill Regional Director, DILG-NCR SUBJECT : CALOOCAN CITY SHELTER PLAN 2011 ~ 2016 ond MINUTES OF THE EXIT CONFERENCE ON LOCAL GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LGPMS} We are respectfully submitting a copy of the Caloocan City Shelter Plan 2011 -2016; and the Minutes of the Exit Conference on Local Governance Performance Management System {LGPMS) held on October 9, 2012, 9:00am- 12:00nn at the Conference Room, Office of the City Mayor, 2" Floor, Caloocan City Hall. For your information and ready reference. City Difector It's more fun in the Phi’ pines Republic of the Philippines CITY OF CALOOCAN -000- Activity EXIT CONFERENCE - Local Governance Performance Management System STATE OF LOCAL GOVERNANCE PERFORMANCE REPORT (2011) Date October 9, 2012 Time 29:00 AM ~ 12:00 NN Venue: Conference Room, Office of the City Mayor 2h¢ Floor, Caloocan City Hall (Main) ATTENDANCE PNeeAeNe 12, 13, 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. S8BN ai. 32. 34, 35. ‘Mr. RUSSEL C. RAMIREZ ‘Ms. AURORA C. CIEGO ‘Ms. CAROLIZA D.R. DELOS SANTOS ‘Mr. RENATO V. ARIZALA ‘Aity. MELANIE T. SORIANO-MALAYA ‘Mr. AUGUSTO R. RAVAGO- ‘Ms. NENITA R. MACAVINTA, ‘Ms. MARIA ROWENA S. DIMAANO ‘Mr. ARNOLD P. DE CASTRO |. Ms. EDNA R. DE LEON Mr, ROBERTO M. CRUZ ‘Mr. ALEXANDER A. BERNADETTE Engr. REYNALDO D.G. REYES Ms. LOURDES T. DEPANES ‘Mr. JESSE V. ACENAS Dr. HENRY G. FALCOTELO Dr. RAQUEL M. SO-SAYO ‘Ms, EDNA V. CENTENO, CPA ‘Mr. ANTHONY L. PULMANO- |. Ms. JESUSA C. GARCIA 2i. Engr. ROLANDO D. EDURIA Atty. FLOR A. ESTEBAN EnP. YOLANDA P. PLATA Ms. EVELINA M. GARMA, Ms, LUCENA M. FLORES Mr, ALFONSO C. STA. MARIA ~ Mr. JIMMY F. CASTRO ‘Ms. EDERLINDA M. FIESTA, Ph.D. ‘Ms. FLORA D. BOMBASE Aity. VEDASTO D. BASSI ‘Mr. CESAR M. SCHNEIDER Mr. HONESTO Y. GUTIERREZ, JR. Ms. GRACIA MA. CLEOFAS P. LALU Mr. JOSELITO D. FAUSTO ‘Mr. MICHAEL ALLAN S. ARCEO. City Administrator City Planning and Development Coordinator Officer-in-Charge, City General Services Office Officer-in-Charge, Barangay Secretariat Chief, Business Permits and Licensing Services Officer in-Charge, City Waterworks System Officer in-Charge, Community Relations Services Officern-Charge, Cultural Affairs and Tourism Services Officer in-Charge, information Technology Services Officer.in-Charge, Internal Audit Services Officer-in-Charge, Labor and Industrial Relations Services Officer-in-Charge, Office for the Urban Poor City Building Official Officer.in-Charge, Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs Officer-in-Charge, Parks Administration Services Hospital Director, President Diosdado Macapagal ‘Memorial Medical Center City Health Officer City Accountant Officer-in-Charge, City Assessor's Office Officer-in-Charge, City Budget Department City Engineer Officerin-Charge, City Legal Department Land Use and Zoning Administrator City Treasurer City Civil Registrar Officer.in-Charge, Reformed Department of Public Satety and Traffic Management Officer in-Charge. Social Welfare Department University Administrator, University of Caloocan City Chief, People’s Law Enforcement Board City Director, Department of the Interior and Local Government, Caloocan City Cluster Head, Department of the Interior and Local Government - CAMANAVA District Representative, Office of the City Veterinarian Staff, City Planning and Development Department Staff, City Planning and Development Department Staff. City Planning and Development Department (Page 2... EXIT CONFERENCE - LGPMS-SLGPR 2011, October 9. 2012) MINUTES OF THE MEETING In 2006, the Caloocan City Goverment adopted the Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS). Since then. the administration's management and operation conceming the delivery of essential public services upon its constituents has improved dramatically. Aside from this, the LGPMS was found to be an effective fool in measuring the performance and the productivity of the local govemment. The results and findings, as shown and evaluated through the LGPMS, are presented in the State of Local Govemance Performance Report (SLGPR). It determined the capabilities and limitations in the provision of necessary ‘community services for a constant development and honest-to-goodness governance. an idea which is continuously being pursued by the administration of the Hon. ENRICO “RECOM” ECHIVERRI. As the official coordinator and encoding office of the LGPMS, the City Planning and Development Department (CPDD) distributed the Data Capture Forms to the different concemed departments and offices and provided all the information into the LGPMS database. The 2011 SLGPR was presented by Ms. AURORA C. CIEGO, City Planning and Development Coordinator, emphasizing the local government's performance in the areas of govemance: administrative, social, economic and environmental sectors. Copies of the report were distributed in order to guide the department and office heads throughout the presentation. Below are the issues and recommendations raised during the detailed discussion of each area of governance: FUNDAMENTALS OF GOVERNANCE Participation = City Administrator Mr RUSSEL C. RAMIREZ instructed Ms. Ciego to coordinate with Hon. CAROLYN C. CUNANAN, Chairman of the Committee on Cooperatives, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) and People's Organizations (PO's), about the status of the different ‘organizations’ accreditation, which is necessary in creating an updated NGO masterist. Transparency = Mr. ANTHONY L PULMANO, Officerin-Charge of the City Assessor's Office, reiterated the proposed electronic interinking of the three offices - Business Permits and Licensing Services, City Treasurer's Office and City Assessor's Office. Ms. EVELINA M. GARMA, City Treasurer, affirmed to this proposal. ~ Mr, Ramirez advised Mr. ARNOLD P. DE CASTRO, Officer-in-Charge of the Information Technology Services, to take note of the proposal so as to fully automate revenue- generating and collection departments and offices. ADMINISTRATIVE GOVERNANCE Legislative Services = Several codes which were deemed to be important for economic and social growth were still pending at the City Council. Mr. LORENZO O. SUNGA. Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod, was not available to explain the reasons why the passage of such codes is delayed. - Mr, Ramirez said he will draft a letter to be signed by the City Mayor that will urge the City Council to pass the following codes: ‘+ City Investment and Incentive Code ‘© Gender and Development Code + Market Code © Code of General Ordinances (Page 3... EXIT CONFERENCE - LGPMS-SLGPR 2011, October 9. 2012) Revenue Generation = Mr. Pulmano made some recommendations which will eventually increase the city's revenues. «impose taxes on the Philippine National Railways (PNR) and Light Rail Transit * review/ update taxation scheme on govemment-owned land particularly PNR and National Housing Authority (NHA) properties re-fling of the proposed ordinance on idle land tax review of the City Revenue Code — Mr. Ramirez encouraged all the department and office heads to formulate more proposals and introduce different innovations that will constantly initicte reforms towards the administration's revenue policy direction. He shared the discussion he had with Ms. Ciego. regarding the progressive stance of the City of Valenzuela. He believes that the said city has grown a lot, and will continue to develop in the coming years, largely due to its govemment's strong will and determination to start a huge transformation. In 2010. they maximized the city's borrowing capacity for the computerization of the Business Permit and licensing Office. As a result, the City Goverment of Valenzuela has increased its tax collection more than three-fold, from PhP19 Mion in 2010 to PhP77 million in 2011. — Mr. Ramirez asked for each one's support through enhancing the capacity of the local government in strengthening local revenue generation. Everyone was asked to think and to suggest methods that may be beneficial fo the city as to imitate the best practices performed by the different local government units. Resource Allocation and Utilization = Mr. Ramirez announced that PhP! billion was allocated for the construction of school buildings in preparation for the implementation of the K to 12 Program of the Department of Education. Human Resource and Management Ms. LUCENA S. FLORES, City Civil Registrar said that the City Personnel Selection Board should strengthen and properly accredit the system being implemented with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) - Performance Evaluation System, Incentive/ Award System, Merit Promotion Plan, and Grievance Machinery - so as to constantly achieve a more desirable organizational performance and productivity. According to her assessment, in- house trainings with the Human Resource Management Services as the training arm are crucial to having a more dynamic organizational structure. - Dr. RAQUEL SO-SAYO, City Health Officer, recommended the immediate filing-up of vacant positions for a more effective and efficient organizational structure. Ms. Flores suggested that a profiling of employees be prepared as basis and guide for promotions. She said a mass promotion would not entail a huge budgetary requirement. Civil Applications = Ms. LUCENA S. FLORES made some amendments on the report such as Operation Birth Right should have been written as Mobile Civil Registry Services. These were all noted by the CPOD staff. = She also announced that by November 2012, the department would have completed the ‘computerization of all its records. (age 4... EXIT CONFERENCE - LGPMS-SLGPR 2011, October 9.2012) ‘SOCIAL GOVERNANCE Health Services — Dr. RAQUEL SO ~ SAYO, City Health Officer was cited for coming up with a satistactory performance. Several new practices with regards to the delivery of basic health services were commended. Education Services — Ms. EDERLINDA M. FIESTA, PhD. University of Caloocan City Administrator was also applauded for the support extended to the Education Sector. Housing and Uiilties — Mr. Ramirez instructed Mr. ALEXANDER A. BERNADETTE, Officer in-Charge of the Office for the Urlpan Poor, fo consider offering new housing programs, as well as improvements on its basic Utlities. Mr. Ramirez has observed that basic services are not well delivered to communities especially projects built under the Community Mortgage Program (CMP). Hence, he required that all originators and developers must be accredited and a clear-cut policy and regulation must be applied. A resolution should be passed through the Local Housing Board, the policy-making body for housing concems, which he proposed to be insfitutionalized. An inventory of ail originators and persons who are accountable was also requested to be submitted to the City Administrator. According to him, empowering barangays! housing personnel may resolve the issue of illegal CMPs. Peace, Security and Disaster Risk Management — For the information of the group, Mr. Ramirez announced that P/St. Supt. RIMAS G. CALIXTO. Caloocan City Police Chief, has deployed police personnel in every barangay to maintain Peace and order and to respond efficiently and quickly on each crime incident in the area. ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE Livelihood = Based on the study and analysis undertaken, Mr. Ramirez noted that job fairs conducted had limited impact in addressing the problems on employment. Instead, he advocated for more community livelihood programs that would benefit the majority of the citizenry either through employment or starting up of own business enterprise. ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE Urban Ecosystem Management = Mr, Ramirez advised the Environmental Sanitation Services that there is an impending need to focus their efforts on waste segregation so as to minimize the volume of garbage generated within the city. OTHER MATTERS Engr. ROLANDO D. EDURIA. City Engineer, informed Mr. Ramirez on the on-going completion of the nationwide Cadastral Survey Program of His Excellency, President BENIGNO SIMEON C. AQUINO Ml, The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) prepared the cadastral survey of the City of Manila and requested the Caloocan City Government through the City Mayor, Hon. ENRICO “RECOM” ECHIVERRI for the evaluation and further approval of Manila's Political Boundary Map. Mr. Ramirez asked for a copy of the DENR cadastral map to be used as reference. In relation to this, he will also draft an executive order creating a committee to handle the preparation of the Caloocan City Cadastral Map. Mr, Pulmano informed the group that the preparation of the City of Valenzvela's cadastral map was not realized due to failure in the bidding process. (Page 5... EXIT CONFERENCE - LGPMS-SLGPR 2011, October 9. 2012) ‘ADJOURNMENT After the presentation of the 2011 SLGPR and its comprehensive analysis, Mr. Ramirez expressed his gratefuiness to the City Planning and Development Department (CPDD) with whom he had tasked fo handle the procedures conceming LGPMS. He also directed the other department/ office heads to create a team within their department/ office who would work closely with the CPOD in terms of updating respective statistics for subsequent uploading to the LGPMS database. He acknowledged all those who have participated in the activity which is for the benefit and progress of the city. Lastly, Mr. Ramirez suggested that the next Exit Conference be conducted outside Metro Manila to effectively deliberate the performance of the city govemment as well as responding to the ‘reas that need improvement and reforms Prepared By: GRACIA MA. CLEOFAS P. LALU Administrgtive Officer V Administrdtive/ Institutional Developrhent Division Noted By: AURQRA C. CIEGO ining and Development Coordinator Planning and Development Department Gy lanning-Adein le Ci Hall (0"\caloocan cll -LGPMS\ minutes et conference 2011) doe CALOOCAN CITY SHELTER PLAN 2011 - 2016 clare Part! City Housing Profile Table of Contents Page Housing Overview 1 Occupied Housing Unit 1 Number of Households by Tenure Status of The Lot, 2007 (Table) 1 Number of Households by Tenure Status of The Lot, 2007 (Figure) 1 Occupied Housing Units, By Type of Construction Materials of the Outer Walls, 2007 (Table) 2 Occupied Housing Units, By Type of Construction Materials of the Outer Walls, 2007 (Figure) 2 By Type of Construction Materials of the Roof, 2007 (Table) Occupied Housing Units, Household Population Household Population By Year Magnitude of Informal Settlers (Table) Part Il City Shelter Plan BOON Medium Term Housing Plan Goal Problem Identification Objectivesi/Target Setting Policies/Strategies ProgramsiProjects/Activities Implementing/Coordinating Agency Funding 5-7 Caloocan City Housing Plan 2011-2016 8 Part Ill Annex A Magnitude of Informal Settlers (List) ach Annex B City Community Mortgage Program i-n Part I City Housing Profile CALOOCAN CITY HOUSING OVERVIEW OCCUPIED HOUSING UNIT ‘The 2007 Census of Population and Housing showed that, of the 309,621 households, 59.24 percent owned their housing unit, Households who rented their housing unit were 28.04 percent. Those who ‘occupied their housing unit for free with consent of owner were 10.31 percent, while those who occupied their housing unit for free without consent of the owner were 1.48 percent. In the same census year, the number of occupied housing units reached 297,199. Of these occupied housing units, 68.87 percent had cuter walls made of concretelbrick/stone, 27.57 percent had outer walls made of half concrete/brick/stone and half wood. As to construction materials of the roofs, majority (86.55 percent) of the occupied housing units had roofs made of galvanized iron/aluminum, Occupied housing units with roofs made of half galvanized iron and haif concrete comprised 1.95 percent. Table No. S-1 NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS BY TENURE STATUS OF THE LOT, 2007 PARTICULARS. NUMBER ‘SHARE Total 308577 ‘Ownedienng Anarized 83779 am Rented 36.819 2.00% ent fe wih consent of owner 31,928 10.31% Reni-fe without consent of owner 2.585 148% ‘Nol appieable 530) ors Nat reported 2038 86% Figure No. S NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS BY TENURE STATUS OF THE LOT, 2007 tenes oa te (ol \nolele VR olLNG ae) Table No. $-2 OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS By Type of Construction Materials of the Outer Walls, 2007 PARTICULARS NuMBER | % SHARE Total 297-198 ConcrierBnce Sion 174.955 are Wood! = 3128 10.47% Half Concree/Brick/ Stone and Wail Wood 8.945 215%. ‘Gahan ron/Aluminum 4207 745% Bamboo/Sawal! CogonNipa — a6 016% ‘Asbestos - 96 ‘0.03% Glass = ar ‘0.08% MakeshiSalvaged’ improvised Materials 7970 0.86% ‘Others Not Reported 2084 070% ‘No wall =r 001% Figure No. $-2 ‘OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS By Type of Construction Materials of the Outer Walls, 2007 =f Concert Stone Salone fon/Alarinam arbooiSawat! Copontina Matsentussnagea! (Shere Repered Table No. S- OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OF THE ROOF, 2007 PARTICULARS _ NUMBER | % SHARE Toa Galvanized ron/Aluminm 297,108 B5% Tile ConcreteiClay Te 5.127 173% Ha Galvanized ion and Hail concrete sia. 105% | ‘Wood - 5.806 195% CogeniNiparanahaw — 0.03% ‘Makeshf/Saivaged improvised Waterals = 775. 0.26% ‘AsbestosiOhes 268 (0.09% Not Reported “ino 0.58% CALOOCAN CITY Table No. $-8 ‘OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS, HOUSEHOLD POPULATION BY YEAR Caloocan City (1980, 1995, 2000, 2001-2010) ‘OCCUPIED HOUSEHOLD YEAR | Housinc unt | HOUSEHOLDS | popULATION 2000 235 465. a8 567 1,174,673, "2007 287.198 309,621 11379,942 2008. ~ 306 888. 318,968 7,410 839. 2008 316802 | __328,.597, 7.442.632 | 2010 327223 338,516 1,475,038 2011 337,890 | 348,735 7.508.171 2012 348,905, 359,263, 7542.04. 2013 360,280, 370,108, 1.576.687, 2014 372,025, 361,281 4,612,103 2015 364.153, 392.790. 7,648,315, 2016 306 676 404,648 7.685.341 2017 409,608 416,863 723,198 Figure No. S-7 HOUSEHOLD POPULATION BY YEAR ‘Caloocan City ( 2000, 2071-2017) nil ‘Actual census conducted by the Urban Poor Affairs Office (UPAO) last 2010 covered 79,643 families who were living in danger areas, road-right-of-ways (ROW), government owned lands and private properties The large colonies of urban poor dwellers or informal settlers are in North Caloocan particularly in Barangays 181 and 182. Informal settlers occupy not only vast tracts of public and private lands but also riverbanks, creeksides, canals, esteros and cramp spaces under the bridge. The 2010 report also included the Community Mortgage Program (CMP) project wherein a total of 895 families are beneficiaries situated in Barangay 171, Bagumbong and with an aggregate lot size of 44,052 square meters. CALOOCAN CITY Table No. S-8 MAGNITUDE OF INFORMAL SETTLERS ‘Caloocan North and South ‘As of 2010 LOCATION CENSUSED FAMILIES Taformal Sets on + Road Rightof Way (ROW) 305, = Danger Areas (Creek, Riverside, canals, Esteros 7413 ‘and Under the Bridge) = Government Owned-Lands 5430 = Private Properties 7.472 Total T5218 ‘Number of informal setters in Nowih Caloocan (Bay. 170,171,174, 175, 176, 17, 178, 179 180,181,162, 186, 168) 4335 Grand Total 79,543 Part Il City Shelter Plan 1000 asej0m, | reE0$ fy 19+ Buwueld fin + 2 oO WOUNSIIESS eqepysnsuB0 YanPLOD Siaes (eU0}01 Bunyoud ut AeBue1e9 ui JO a0ueysisse au 1910S, ‘9uo2 s96uep Jo edus pue foyod Suprebe svoyenuebio sramas euro: rena AeBueveq aun re 404 ayyoud a1woU0de syamias rewuojuls0} warshs Suvoywow vanBuaRs ‘sjuanansuco ss9jawoy ue pabajnudiepun | ‘eovereg * ‘uy hq s20nuos Busou ot : | Oven + | Aebueiegjo uowewauo + | sssove aaeinbe awd « | é 1390 1 1100 poe | | | Suuveld Ai + | ide Suieou | | 16ua hig | ‘hyp ayiyo wesbord | pue0a nea | busnoy au WsuaUIOL + wean pue | “oaenys Busnou e501 Bursnoy [2907 | fig ve200%e9 | (own) Weld JUBUS Ue Id 29S | oO suIEWY 12907 anssuayasdwoa 12007 anisuayardwoa | ood wea e auiwoueuy + : peusay + | jounies, owas 01+ ‘spaau_ | solo pue swesGoxd —_uewny oseq ese Busnou 10 Aianfap watoue pue enpaye aun aie) OL + pue0a aun jo es Suoveuyyo soos | : pieog —svoquow aig jo Supestdn ‘sienbape dei pue swestord wowsoynog angedes (eouyo=1 + | ojenud oi uum uonesodooo snOU @eUOPUN 'SeCI08 preog Busnon ea pve pie08 remo} nm eu) preoK, hyo ueDoo!e> ussnoy e007 Busnot h19 veD00%e) BursnoH Aig vea0d%e5 ‘au azyevonniasr fig wes00(e + | aupjobuuonsco eno « e Mamuaabuersol + open + ‘XONGOY innowy | s30unos SaUlIALLOV ONILLaS NOILYOISUNZO | oniLyNiawooo saioa1vuisisaionod San QNUYNIGYOOS —jg03rOud/SWYHOOUd 130uvUSSAILD3PEO WaTEOMS ‘SamWey eUIBTEW Buf AfEDSdsS SOW SUBPISAI UESOOTED Jo PUBLIBP Bij THSLN O} WOWAES WaG—p BLE B|AEPIOHE JO UOISAOI ONIsnoH RRS ye6png focorpeywtora + enw so uo 4010 pean Sptinowe wo conaone (ovan) JueWLOIAUA/SANIUNWIWIOD yaGpng ayy aseasouloy =» juaWUONAUS soyoreny ‘edvogn ouaussoaee Nakao || __sequrumes ae Sa es «| puewempeonovol «| weaned Sureanu + SauaTos roomed ! postunueg | pus sueagule ends | GuewnBbueg + ysutebe sayWWOD si3mas cos) :) —“woonowotee «| ony ounces sacle oven >| ubtuceatusconse | _soyebs o uoiendepue Geen comntorpue seastupee | sojinteuionay soqun aes aren cor 2 eMNGThessooou opmeig «| Suseacu ag jones, + | hv foot aenbepeut | seaneseoon uy Aq paseye Sv8NeS jeumjarpreabeneey + somata | baron pocres eae eee ee nnowy | s30un0s | oyAoh#O¥. 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