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BALANGIR - 767002


Papers Group Title of the Paper Mid End Total Credit
Sem Sem
Mathematical Methods in
01 PHY101 Core 20 80 100 5
Semester 1

02 PHY102 Core Classical Mechanics 20 80 100 5

03 PHY103 Core Numerical Methods 20 80 100 5
Core Computational Methods in
04 PHY104 - 100 100 5
(PRAC) Physics
TOTAL 400 20
01 PHY201 Core Quantum Mechanics - I 20 80 100 5
Atomic, Molecular Spectra &
Semester 2

02 PHY202 Core 20 80 100 5

Laser Physics
Basic Condensed Matter
03 PHY203 Core 20 80 100 5
04 PHY204 Modern Physics - 100 100 5
TOTAL 400 20
01 PHY301 Core Quantum Mechanics - II 20 80 100 5
Semester 3

02 PHY302 Core Basic Electronics 20 80 100 5

03 PHY303 Core Nuclear Physics 20 80 100 5
04 PHY304 Electronics - 100 100 5
TOTAL 400 20
01 PHY401 Core Statistical Mechanics 20 80 100 5
Semester 4

02 PHY402 Core Classical Electrodynamics 20 80 100 5

03 PHY403 Core Particle Physics 20 80 100 5
04 PHY404 Optics & Electricity - 100 100 5
05 PHY405 project Project/ Dissertation - 200 200 10
TOTAL 600 30
1800 90


Complex Variables: Cauchy’s condition of analyticity, Cauchy's Integral Theorem, Cauchy's
integral formula, Singularities and Calculus of Residues, Cauchy's residue theorem, Evaluation
of definite integralsusing residue theorem (using the circles, infinite semi-circles and rectangular

Tensor Analysis and Differential Geometry: Metric tensor, Cartesian tensors in three-space,
Curves in three space and Frenet formula, General Tensor Analysis, covariant and contravariant
tensors, contraction of tensors, Symmetric and antisymmetric tensors, Kronecker delta and Levi-
civita tensor and their uses. Covariant derivative and Christoffel symbol.

Special Functions: Solutions of Bessel, Laguerre, Legendre,Hermite differential equations by
generating function method and their properties (Rodrigue’s formula, Recurrence relations,
orthonormality condition), Elementary idea aboutSpherical Bessel functions.

Hyper geometric and confluent hypergeometric equations and their solutions by
generatingfunction method and their properties.
Concept of Green’s function, symmetry of Green’s function, Solutions ofinhomogeneous Partial
Differential Equations by Green’s function method and applications.

Groups and Group Representations: Definition of groups, Finite groups, Examples from Solid
State Physics, Group of symmetry of square and triangle, dihedral group, permutation group,
Sub-groups and classes, Group Representations, Characters, Infinite groups and Lie groups,
Irreducible representation of SU (2), SU(3) and O(3).

Text Books:
1. Arfken, Weber, and Harris: Mathematical Methods for Physicists
2. J. Mathew and R. L. Walker: Mathematical Methods of Physics
3. Mary L. Boas: Mathematical Methods in Physical Sciences.
4. Riley and Hobson: Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering.
5. M. Hamermesh: Group Theory.
6. A.W. Joshi: Elements of Group Theory for Physicists.

Reference Books:
1. Dennery & Krzywicki: Mathematics for Physicists
2. M.C.Potter & J. Goldberg : Mathematical Methods
3. C. Harper: Mathematical Physics.
4. J D Joglekar, Universities Press: Mathematical Physics: The Basics
5. P. K. Chattopadhyay - Mathematical Physics
6. A.W.Joshi- Matrices and Tensors.
7. Morse and FeshbachVol-I, Vol-II: Methods of Theoretical Physics


Lagrangian Formulation: Mechanics of a System of Particles, Lagrangian Formulation,
Velocity-Dependent Potentials and Dissipation Function, Conservation Theorems and Symmetry
Properties, Homogeneity and Isotropy of Space and Conservation of Linear and Angular
Momentum, Homogeneity of Time and Conservation of Energy,Calculus of Variations and
Euler-Lagrange’s Equation, Brachistochrone Problem

Hamiltonian Formulation: Hamilton’s Principle, Extension of Hamilton’s Principle to
Nonholonomic Systems, Legendre Transformation and the Hamilton Equations of Motion,
Physical Significance of Hamiltonian.
Routhian Formulation: Derivation of Hamilton’s Equations of Motion from a Variational
Principle, Routh’s Procedure, Δ-Variation, Principle of Least Action.

Canonical Transformations: Canonical Transformation, Types of Generating Function,
Conditions for Canonical Transformation, Integral Invariance of Poincare, Poisson Bracket,
Poisson’s Theorem, Lagrange Bracket, Poisson and Lagrange Brackets as Canonical Invariant,
Infinitesimal Canonical Transformation and Conservation Theorems, Liouville’s Theorem.

Hamilton Jacobi Theory: Hamilton-Jacobi Equation for Hamilton’s Principal Function,
Harmonic Oscillator and Kepler problem by Hamilton-Jacobi Method, Action-Angle Variables
for completely Separable System, Kepler Problem in Action-Angle Variables.
Small Oscillation:Problem of Small Oscillations, Example of Two coupled Oscillator, General
Theory of Small Oscillations, Normal Coordinates and Normal Modes of Vibration, Free
Vibrations of a Linear Tri-atomic Molecule.

Rigid Body Motion: The Independent Co-ordinates of a Rigid Body, Orthogonal
Transformations. The Euler’s angles, The Cayley-Klein parameters; Euler’s Theorems on the
Motion of a Rigid body, Infinitesimal Rotations, Rate of Change of a Vector, The Coriolis Force.
Rigid Body Dynamics: Angular Momentum and Kinetic Energy of Motion about a Point. The
Inertia Tensor and Moment of Inertia, Eigenvalues of Inertia Tensor and the Principal Axis
Transformation. The Euler Equations of Motion, Torque-free motion of a rigid body. The Heavy
Symmetrical Top with One Point Fixed.

Text Books
1. H.Goldstein: Classical Mechanics.
2. J.C.Uppadhya- Classical Mechanics

Reference Books:
1. Landau and Liftshitz: Course on Theoretical Physics : Mechanics
2. R.G.Takwale & P.S.Puranik: Introduction to Classical Mechanics
3. N.C.Rana & P.S.Joag : Classical Mechanics
4. Marion &Thornton : Classical Dynamics

5. Kiran C. Gupta: Classical Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
6. Corben&Stehle : Classical Mechanics
7. D.C.Tayal-Mechanics
8. L. Hand and J. Finch, Analytical Mechanics



Methods of approximation and errors: Significant errors, Truncation and round-off errors,
Inherent error, Rounding error, Absolute and relative error, Error propagation, Accuracy and
precision, Errors and Their Computations, A general error formula, Error in a series formula.
Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental equations: Roots of Non-linear equations:
Bisection method, False position method, Newton – Raphson Method, Fixed-Point method,
Secant method, Muller’s method, Gauss Elimination method by pivoting, Gauss-Jordan method,
Gauss-Seidel Method

Interpolation: Forward, backward and central differences, Interpolation with unevenly space
points-Lagrange’s interpolation formula, Hermite’s Interpolation formula, Divided differences
and their properties, Newton’s General interpolation formula
Curve fitting: Least square fitting of a set of points to a straight line, Quadratic equation
Numerical Differentiation & Integration: Differentiating Continuous functions,
Differentiating Tabulated functions, Difference Tables, Richardson’s Extrapolation, Newton-
cotes integration formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3-Rule, Simpson’s 3/8-Rule, Boole’s
and Weddle’s rule, Romberg’s Integration.

Differential Equations: Taylor series method, Euler’s method, Modified Euler’s Method,
Runge-Kutta Methods, Predictor Corrector methods: Adams-Moulton method, Milne’s method,
Cubic spline method, Boundary Value problem- Finite difference method, Cubic spline method,
Galerkin’s Method.

Texts Books:
1. S. S. Sastry: Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis, Prentice-Hall India Pvt. Ltd.
2. J.B. Scarborough: Numerical Mathematical Analysis , Oxford and IBH)
3. E. Balagurusamy: Numerical Methods , Tata McGraw-Hill

1. V. Rajaraman: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
2. George W. Collins, II: Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis – Free
internet resource available at
3. Numerical Analysis: Timothy Sauer: Pearson Education (2006).
4. S. S. M. Wong, Computational Methods in Physics, World Scientific (1992).

Time-6 Hours Full Mark: 100, Credit: 5

Introduction to computer hardware and software, Introduction to storage in computer memory,

stored programme concepts, storage media.

Computer operating system, LINUX commands related to general commands, directory, file,
printing, background process, message and mail, shell concept.

Programming with FORTAN/SCILAB/PYTHON:

Programme solving on computers – algorithm and flow charts, data types, operators, expressions
and statements, input/output commands, control statements and loops, arrays, sub-programs.

Exercises for acquaintance:

1. To find the largest/ smallest of a given set of numbers

2. To print first hundred prime numbers
3. Finding LCM & HCF of two numbers
4. Sum of an AP /GP series
5. Find factorial of a number/Fibonacci sequence
6. Check whether a given number is prime/palindrome/perfect etc.
7. Solution of a quadratic equation
8. Algebra of complex numbers
9. Find the area of a triangle whose sides are given. Whether the triangle is a right-angled
triangle/ equilateral/ isosceles.
10. Find simple/compound interest of a principal sum for a given period.
11. Matrix operations: multiplication, addition, transpose, trace and its inversion.

Numerical Analysis:

1. Interpolation by Lagrange method

2. Numerical solution of simple algebraic equation (finding roots) by Newton-Raphson
3. Least Square fit using rational functions
4. Numerical integration: Trapezoidal method, Simpsons method, Gauss quadrature method,
Romberg integration
5. Eigen values and eigenvectors of a matrix
6. Solution of simultaneous linear equation: Matrix inversion method,Gaussian elimination
method, LU decomposition method.
7. Solution of ordinary differential equation by Runge-Kutta Method, Finite difference
8. Solution of Radioactive decay, Simple harmonic oscillator, Schrödinger Equation
9. Use Monte Carlo techniques for finding the value of Pi/ numerical integration etc.
10. Solutions of Schrodinger’s equation for different potentials.


1. C. Xavier :Fortran 77 and Numerical methods

2. P.S. Grover : Programming and Computing with FORTRAN 77/90
3. V. Rajaraman: Fundamentals of Computers
4. Hans Fangohr: Introduction to Python for Computational Science and Engineering
5. R.S.Salaria: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods

General Principles of Q.M.: Linear Vector Space (LVS) formulation, Hilbert space, linear
independence, linear superposition of general quantum states, ortho-normality of basis vectors,
completeness, Schmidt’s orthonormalization procedure, Dual space, Bra and Ket vectors and
their algebra.
Operators: Linear, Adjoint, Hermitian, Unitary, Inverse, Antilinear operators,
Noncommutativity and uncertainty relation.

Quantum Measurements: Complete set of compatible operators (C.S.C.O.), Simultaneous
Measurement, Projection operator, Eigenvalues and eigen vectors of linear, Hermitian, unitary
operators, Matrix representation of vectors and operators, matrix elements, eigenvalue equation
and expectation values, transformation of basis vectors, similarity transformation of vector and
operator representation, diagonalization. Vectors of LVS and wave function in coordinate,
momentum and energy representations.

Quantum Dynamics: Time evolution of quantum states, Time evolution operator and its
properties, Schrodinger picture, Heisenberg picture, Interaction picture, Equations of motion,
Operator method solution of 1D Harmonic oscillator, Matrix representation and time evolution
of creation and annihilation operators, Density matrix.

Rotation and Orbital Angular Momentum: Rotation Matrix, Angular momentum operators as
the generators of rotation, Lx, Ly, Lz and L2 and their commutator relations, Raising and lowering
operators. (L+ and L-). Lx, Ly, Lz and L2 in spherical polar coordinates, Eigen values and Eigen
functions of Lz, L2 (operator method) spherical harmonics, Matrix representation of L+, L- and
Spin Angular Momentum: Spin 1/2 particles, Pauli spin matrices and their properties,
Eigenvalues and Eigen functions, Spinor transformation under rotation.
Addition of angular momentum: Total angular momentum J. Eigen value problem of Jz and J2,
Angular momentum matrices. Addition of angular momenta and Clebsch-Gordan (C.G.) co-
efficients, Angular momentum states for composite systems with (i) J1 = ½ , J2 = ½ and (ii) J1 =
1 , J2 = ½.

Motion in Spherically Symmetric Field: Hydrogen atom, Reduction to equivalent one body
problem, Radial equation, Energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, degeneracy, radial probability
distribution. Free particle problem incoming and outgoing spherical waves, expansion of plane
waves in terms of spherical waves, Bound states of a 3-D square well, particle in a sphere.

Text Books
1. S. Gasiorowicz: Quantum Physics
2. L.I. Schiff: Quantum Mechanics
3. R. Shankar: Principles of Quantum Mechanics
4. Ghatak and Lokanathan: Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications
5. E. Merzabacher: Quantum Mechanics

Reference Books:
1. Mathews and Venkatesan: A text Book of Quantum Mechanics.
2. D J Griffith : Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Pearson
3. R.H.Dicke and J.P.Wittke : Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
4. Schewabl: Quantum Mechanics
5. Powel and Crasemann: Quantum Mechanics
6. M.E.Rose : Elementary Theory of Angular Momentum
7. P. A. M. Dirac :Principles of Quantum Mechanics
8. Ashok Das :Quantum Mechanics
9. S. N. Biswas: Quantum Mechanics


Review of one-electron atoms: Quantum mechanics of H atom, Atomic Orbital’s and Hund’s
rule, Magnetic dipole moment, Electron spin and vector atom model, Spin-Orbit interaction,
Hydrogen Fine structure, Lamb Shift, L-S & J-J Coupling: spectroscopic terms, selection rule,
Lande Interval rule, Zeeman Effect (normal and Anomalous) and Paschen-Back Effect: Splitting
of spectral lines and selection rules, Hyperfine Structure Spectral Lines: Isotope Effect, Nuclear
spin and Hyperfine Splitting and selection rules.

Many electron atoms: Central field approximation, Helium and multi electron atoms:
Approximation models, Pauli principle and symmetry of wave-functions, Helium spectrum,
Explanation of splitting of terms of He spectrum, model of electron shells, periodic system of the
elements, alkali atoms, Isotope shift (mass shift and volume shift), Breadth of Spectral lines.

Molecular structure: Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Rotational structure of diatomic
molecules, vibrational structure of diatomic molecules, Rotational-vibrational spectrum of
diatomic molecules, Electronic structure of diatomic molecules, Selection rules for rotational,
vibrational and electronic transitions, Franck-Condon principle, Raman Effect: quantum
mechanical theory of Raman Effect, Rotational and Vibrational-Rotation Raman Spectroscopy.

X-ray Spectra: The nature of X-ray, Production and Properties of X-rays, X-ray emission
spectra and the Mosley law, Absorption spectra, Absorption spectra, Energy levels, selection
rule, fine structure of X-ray levels, screening constants, Augur transitions, The Regular-doublet
law, Screening doublets and the irregular-doublets law.

Lasers: Spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein A & B coefficients; Lasers, optical
pumping, population inversion, rate equation, Modes of resonators and coherence length, Optical
Laser Oscillation Condition - Gain and Population inversion,Mechanism of Three and Four level
Lasers, Ruby Laser, He-Ne Laser.


1. Introduction to Atomic Spectra, H. E. White, Mc Graw Hill - India, 2016.

2. Physics of atoms and molecules, Bransden and Joachain, Pearson 2003.
3. Atomic and molecular Spectra: Laser by Raj Kumar, Kedar Nath, Ram Nath Publisher.
4. K. Thyagarajan, AjoyGhatak, Lasers Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition,
Springer, 2010.

Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy by C.N. Banwell and E.M. McCash, Tata-
McGraw-Hill (1995).
2. Introduction to Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy by Vimal Kumar Jain, Narosa
Publishing House.
3. Spectra of Atoms and Molecules by Peter F. Bernath, Oxford University Press (2005).
4. Atomic Physics by C.J. Foot, Oxford Master Series in Physics, Oxford University Press (2005).
5. Atoms, Molecules and Photons: An Introduction to Atomic-, Molecular-and Quantum Physics
by Wolfgang Demtröder, Springer (2010).
6. Gerhard Hertzberg: Spectra of diatomic molecule, Krieger Pub. Company
7. G. W. King: Spectroscopy and molecular Structure , Holt, Rinehart, New York
8. S. Bhagavantam: Scattering of light and Raman Effect, Chemical Publishing Company, New

Crystal Binding: Crystal of inert gases, ionic crystals, covalent crystals, Metallic binding, and
hydrogen bonded crystals.
Phonons and lattice vibration: Vibrations of monatomic and diatomic lattices, dispersion
relation, optic and acoustic modes, phonon as quantum of lattice vibration, phonon momentum,
inelastic scattering of neutrons and photons by phonons.
Thermal Properties of insulators: Lattice heat capacity, Einstein & Debye models,
Anharmonic crystal interactions, thermal conductivity and thermal expansion.

Free Electron Fermi Gas: Density of states in one dimension, effect of temperature on Fermi-
Dirac distribution, Free electron gas in three dimensions, Heat capacity of electron gas, Electrical
and thermal conductivity of metals.

Band theory: Electrons in periodic potential, Bloch’s theorem, Kronig Penney model, origin of
band gap.Wave equation for an electron in a periodic potential, Bloch functions, Brillouin zones.
Semiconductors: Intrinsic and impurity semiconductors, band gap, law of mass action, intrinsic
carrier concentration, mobility in the intrinsic region, p-n junction rectification.

Superconductivity: Experimental survey, Meissner effect, Type-I and Type-II superconductors,
thermodynamics of superconductors, London's theory, Electron-electronattractive interaction due
to virtual phonon exchange, Cooper pairs and BCS Hamiltonian,Superconducting ground state
and the gap equation at T= 0 K.

Josephson effect: Macroscopic quantum mechanical tunneling effect, DC Josephson effect,
Effect of electric field- AC/ Inverse AC Josephson effect, Effect of magnetic field, SQUID.
High Tc superconductors: Basic ideas and applications

Text Books
1. C. Kittel: Introduction to Solid-state Physics
2. Ashcroft and Mermin, Solid State Physics
3. P. M. Chaikin and T. C. Lubensky: Principles of Condensed Matter Physics

Reference books:
1. A.J. Dekker: Solid-state Physics.
2. M. Ali Omar Elementary SolidState Physics, Pearson Edition
3. J. Callaway:Quantum Theory Solid State


Time-6 Hours Full Mark: 100, Credit: 5

1. Measurement of wavelength of light / thickness of mica sheet by Michelson

2. Measurement of difference between wavelengths of sodium D-lines by Michelson
3. Determination of wavelength of light / difference between the wavelength of sodium D
lines by a Fabry – Perot interferometer.
4. Determination of thickness of the air film by a Fabry-Perot etalon
5. Hall coefficient of a semiconductor sample and Experiments related to Hall effect.
6. To determine the Planck’s constant using LEDs of at least 4 different colors.
7. Measurement of Planck’s constant using black body radiation and photo-detector
8. To determine the wavelength and velocity of ultrasonic waves in a liquid (Kerosene Oil,
Xylene, etc.) by studying the diffraction through ultrasonic grating.
9. Photo-electric effect: photo current versus intensity and wavelength of light; maximum
energy of photo-electrons versus frequency of light.
10. To determine the wavelength of H-alpha emission line of Hydrogen atom.
11. Study of Electron spin resonance - determine magnetic field as a function of the
resonance frequency
12. Study of Zeeman effect with external magnetic field, Hyperfine splitting
13. Measurements with G.M. counter.
14. Determination of e/m by Braun tube/ hellical method
15. Determination of e/m by magnetron valve.
16. Determination of 'e’ by Millikan's oil drop experiment.
17. To determine the Dielectric constant of a dielectric material with frequency.
18. Stefan’s constant measurement
19. Existence of discrete energy level by Frank Hertz experiment.
20. Study of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
21. Determine the Magneto-resistance of the given sample.
22. M.Sc. Experiments developed by Indian Academy of Sciences.

Approximation Methods for Stationary States: Rayleigh Schrodinger Method for Time-
Independent Non-Degenerate Perturbation Theory, First and Second Order Correction, Perturbed
Harmonic Oscillator, Anharmonic Oscillator, The Stark Effect, Quadratic Stark Effect and
Polarizability of Hydrogen atom

Degenerate Perturbation: Degenerate Perturbation Theory, Removal of Degeneracy, Parity
Selection Rule, Linear Stark Effect of Hydrogen atom, Spin-Orbit Coupling, Relativistic
Correction, Fine Structure of Hydrogen like Atom, Normal and Anomalous Zeeman Effect, The
Strong-Field Zeeman Effect, The Weak-Field Zeeman Effect and Lande’s g-factor.

Variational Methods: The Variational method, Ground State, First Excited State and Second
Excited State of One-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator, Ground State of H-atom and He-atom,
Hydrogen molecule.

WKB Approximation Method: General Formalism, Validity of WKB Approximation Method,
Connection Formulas, Bohr Somerfield Quantization Rule, Application to Harmonic Oscillator,
Bound States for Potential Wells with One Rigid Wall and Two Rigid Walls, Tunneling Through
a Potential Barrier, Cold Emission, Alpha Decay and Geiger-Nuttall relation.
Time Dependent Perturbation Theory: Transition Probability, Constant and Harmonic
Perturbation, Fermi’s Golden Rule, and Electric Dipole Radiation and Selection rules. Quantum
description of Spontaneous Emission, Einstein’s A, B-Co-efficient, Basic Principles of Laser and

Scattering Theory: Scattering Amplitude and differential Cross Section. Born Approximation.
Application to Coulomb and Screened Coulomb Potential, Partial Wave Analysis for Elastic and
Inelastic Scattering, Effective Range and Scattering Length, Optical Theorem, Black Disc-
Scattering, Hard-Sphere Scattering, Resonance Scattering from a Square Well Potential.

Text Books
1. S. Gasiorowicz:Quantum Physics
2. N. Zettili: Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications
3. R. Shankar: Principles of Quantum Mechanics
4. Ghatak and Lokanathan: Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications
5. A. Das: Quantum Mechanics
Reference Books:
1. Quantum Mechanics- E. Merzbacher
2. Quantum Mechanics - S. N. Biswas
3. Quantum Mechanics - L.I. Schiff
4. Quantum Mechanics Vol I - A.Messiah
5. Principles of Quantum Mechanics - P. A. M. Dirac
6. Quantum Mechanics (Non-relativistic theory) - Landau and Lifshitz
7. Modern Quantum Mechanics - J. J. Sakurai
8. Advanced Quantum Mechanics – P. Roman

Amplifiers: Frequency response of linear amplifiers, amplifier pass band, R.C, L.C. and
transformer coupled amplifiers, Frequency response, gain band-width product, Feedback
amplifiers, effects of negative feedback, Boot-strapping the FET, Multistage feedback, stability
in amplifiers, noise in amplifiers.
Oscillator Circuits: Feedback criteria for oscillation, phase shift, Wien bridge oscillator, crystal
controlled oscillator, klystron oscillator, Principle of multivibrator.

Operational amplifiers: The differential amplifiers, inverting and non-inverting amplifier,
rejection of common mode signals. Characteristics of ideal OPAMP, The operational amplifier
input and output impedances, application of operational amplifiers, unit gain buffer, summing,
integrating and differentiating amplifiers, comparators and logarithmic amplifiers.

Digital Electronics: Number System, Binary, Octal (inter conversion), Binary codes, BCD,
Grey code, Binary algebra (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) Boolean algebra,
De-Morgan’s Theorem, Logic Gates – RTL, DTL and TTL gates, OR, AND, NOT, NAND,
NOR, XOR, XNOR gates (Logic symbol, Truth table, Circuit with operation). Universal
Building Block, Idea of Minterms and Maxterms. Conversion of a Truth table into Equivalent
Logic Circuit by Sum of Products Method.

Ionosphere Propagation: Stratification of ionosphere, propagation of e.m. waves through
ionosphere, Attenuation factor for ionosphere propagation, skip distance and Maximum usable
Electronic Communication: Modulation, needs for modulation, Amplitude Modulation:
Expression for AM wave, Spectrum of AM Signal, Power radiated in AM, Super heterodyne
Receiver, Frequency Modulation: Expression for FM wave, Spectrum and Bandwidth of FM
Signal, Pulse modulation.

Antenna: Basic Antenna action, Current and voltage distribution in Linear Antenna, Different
types of Antenna (only descriptive study) – Dipole Antenna, Home Antenna, Yogi Antenna.
Principle of TV: Principle of colour mixing, Principle of TV Transmission and Reception,
Block diagram of both Black & White and Colour TV.

Text Books
1. J.D.Ryder: Electronic Fundamentals and Applications (PHI).
2. Millman and Halkias: Electronic Devices and Circuits (TMH).
3. Rakshit and Chattopadhyay: Foundations of Electronics.

Reference Books:
1. Mottershed: Electronics Devices and Circuits (PHI).
2. R.P.Jain: Modern Digital Electronics.
3. Gupta and Kumar: Handbook of Electronics
4. Millman and Halkias: Integrated Electronics

Two Nucleon Problem: Central and non-central forces, Deuteron and its magnetic moment and
quadruple moment, Isospin dependence of Nuclear force, Exchange force, Elementary discussion
on Yukawa’s theory, Charge independence and charge symmetry of nuclear force, Mirror nuclei.

Nuclear models: Single particle model of nucleus,Semi empirical mass formula, Liquid drop
model, Explanation of nuclear fission using Liquid Drop model, Magic numbers, Shell model,
Analysis of shell model predictions, Collective Motion in Nuclei: Collective model, Rotational
and Vibrational levels.

Nuclear Structure: Form factor and charge distribution of the nucleus, Hofstadter form factor
Nuclear reactions: Energetics of nuclear reactions, nuclear scattering and reaction cross-section
using partial wave analysis resonance (Breit-Wigner dispersion formula), Compound nucleus
hypothesis, Effect of Barrier penetration on reaction cross section, Statistical model and Ghosal

Nuclear Decays: Gamow’s theory of Alpha decay, Fermi’s theory of beta decay, Selection rules
for allowed transitions, Parity violation in beta decay, Helicity of neutrino, Theory Orbital
electron capture, Gamma decay: multipole selection rules (Qualitative discussion).

Nuclear Fission: Spontaneous and Induced fission, Fission cross section, Mass and Energy
distribution of fission fragments, Nuclear fission as a barrier penetration phenomena, Chain
Nuclear Fusion: Thermonuclear reaction, Nucleo-synthesis in stars, CNO cycle, Elementary
idea on s-process and r-process.

Text Books
1. R.R. Roy and B.P. Nigam: Nuclear Physics. (Wiley Eastern)
2. Introductory Nuclear Theory, L. R. B. Elton, Published by Saunders, Philadelphia.
3. Introductory Nuclear Physics, Kenneth S. Krane, JOHN WlLEY& SONS.
4. An introduction to Nuclear Physics, Yatramohan Jana, Narosa Publishing House.
5. Nuclear physics, 2nd Edition, V. Debanathan, Narosa Publishing House.
6. Theory of Nuclear Structure, M. K. Pal,Published by Scientific and Academic Editions
7. Elementary Nuclear Theory, Hans Bethe and Philip Morrison, Dover Publications.
8. S. N. Ghosal: Nuclear Physics, S. Chand publication.

Reference Books:
1. Preston and Bhaduri: Structure of the Nucleus.

2. Nuclear Structure, Vol-I & II, Aage Bohr and Ben. R. Mottelson, World Scientific
Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
3. K Heyde, The Nuclear Shell Model, Basic Ideas and Concepts in Nuclear Physics
4. Blatt and Weisokoff: Theoretical Nuclear Physics
5. Samuel S.M. Wong: Introductory Nuclear Physics
6. Greiner Marulin: Nuclear Models
7. D.C. Tayal: Nuclear Physics (Himalaya Publishing House)
8. Kaplan :Nuclear Physics


Time-6 Hours Full Mark: 100, Credit: 5

1. Study of Hartley and Colpitts oscillator

2. Study of Astable /Monostable /BistableMultivibrator.
3. To study the frequency response of voltage gain of a RC-coupled transistor amplifier..
4. To show the tunneling effect in tunnel diode using I-V characteristics
5. Study of V-I & power curves of solar cells, and find maximum power point & efficiency
6. To study the analog to digital convertor (ADC) IC.
7. To design a digital to analog converter (DAC) of given specifications.
8. To design an inverting amplifier using Op-amp (741,351) for dc voltage of given gain
and study its frequency response
9. To design non-inverting amplifier using Op-amp (741,351) & study its frequency
10. Use of operational amplifier for integration / differentiation / addition / subtraction.
11. To design a Wien bridge oscillator for given frequency using an op-amp.
12. To design a phase shift oscillator of given specifications using BJT.
13. To add two dc voltages using Op-amp in inverting and non-inverting mode
14. Half Adder, Full Adder and 4-bit binary Adder.
15. Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor, Adder-Subtractor using Full Adder IC.
16. To convert a Boolean expression into logic circuit and design it using logic gate ICs to
minimize a given logic circuit.
17. To build Flip-Flop (RS, Clocked RS, D-type and JK) circuits using NAND gates.
18. To build JK Master-slave flip-flop using Flip-Flop ICs
19. To build a 4-bit Counter using D-type/JK Flip-Flop ICs and study timing diagram.
20. Study the various stages of a regulated power supply, find its regulation and ripple factor.
21. Programming using into 8085 microprocessor.

Classical Statistical Mechanics: Postulate of classical statistical mechanics, Liouville’s
theorem, micro canonical ensemble, Derivation of thermodynamics, equipartition theorem,
classical ideal gas, Gibb’s Paradox.

The Partition function for Canonical ensemble and energy fluctuation, thermodynamics
ofclassicalideal gas, grand partition function for grand canonical ensemble and
densityfluctuation, Equivalence of canonical and grand canonical ensemble.

Quantum Statistical Mechanics: The density matrix, ensembles in quantum statistical
mechanics, Distribution functions, Ideal gas in micro-canonical, Canonical and grand canonical
ensembles, Classical limit of Quantum Statistics.

Applications of Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Equation of state for ideal Fermi gas, Theory
of white dwarf stars. Chandrasekhar limit, Ideal Bose Gas, Photons and Planck’s law, Phonons,
Bose-Einstein condensation.

Phase Transition: Thermodynamic description of phase transitions, phase transitions of second
kind, Discontinuity of specific heat, change in symmetry in a phase transition of second kind.
Definition of Ising model, One Dimensional Ising model.

Text Books:
1. Statistical Mechanics – K. Huang
2. Statistical Mechanics – R. K. Pathria
3. An introduction to Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics – Palash Das

Reference Books:
1. Elementary Statistical Physics – C. Kittel
2. Statistical Mechanics – F. Mohling
3. Statistical Mechanics – Landau and Lifsitz
4. Physics Transitions & Critical Phenomena – H.E. Stanly
5. Fundamentals of Statistical & Thermal Physics – F. Reif

Maxwell's Equations: Maxwell’s equations in free space, Magnetic charge, Maxwell’s
equations inside matter, Displacement current, Vector and scalars potentials, Wave equation for
potentials, Lorentz and Coulomb gauge conditions, Wave equation for Electric and Magnetic
fields in absence of sources, Poynting vector.
Covariant Formulation of Maxwell’s Equations: Lorentz transformation, Scalars, vectors and
Tensors, Maxwell’s equations and equations of continuity in terms of Aµ and Jµ , Electromagnetic
field tensor and its dual, Covariant form of Maxwell’s equations, Lagrangian for a charged
particle in presence of external electromagnetic field and Maxwell’s equation as Euler-Lagrange

Plane Waves in Non-Conducting Media: Plane waves in non-conducting media, velocity of
wave propagation and energy flow, linear, circular and elliptic polarization, Reflection and
refraction of electromagnetic waves at a plane interface between dielectrics at normal and
oblique incidences, total internal reflection and polarisation by reflection. Waves in dispersive
media, Kramer-Kronig relation.

Plane Waves in Conduction Media: Plane waves in conduction media, Reflection and
transmission at a conducting surface, Cylindrical cavities and wave guides, Modes in rectangular
wave guide and resonant cavities.

Green’s Function Solution: Green's function solution of potential form of Maxwell's
equations, Retarded and advanced Green's Functions.
Radiation by Point Charge: Lienard-Weichert potential, Field due to a point charge, Angular
distribution of radiation and total power radiated by an accelerated charge, Larmor's formula,

Multipole Radiation: Potential, Fields and radiation due to an oscillating electric dipole,
radiation due to a centre -fed linear antenna, angular distribution of power radiated, Magnetic
dipole and Electric Quadrupole radiation,Thomson's scattering, Rayleigh Scattering.

Text Books
1. Classical Electrodynamics - J. D. Jackson
2. Introduction to Electrodynamics - D.J.Griffiths.
3. Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory : Reitz and Milford

Reference Books:
1. Classical Theory of Fields - L.Landau & Lifsitz
2. Principles of Optics-M.Born and E. Wolf
3. Classical Electricity and Magnetism: Panofsky and Phillips
4. Electrodynamics - S. P. Puri


Elementary particles and their Interactions: Introduction to elementary particles,
Classification of sub-atomic particles and their interactions (Electromagnetic, weak and strong
interactions), Fermions and Bosons, leptons and Baryons, Hyperons, Mesons and Hadrons,
Gauge Bosons, Lepton number, Baryon number, Color quantum number and color hypothesis,
Strangeness quantum number, Associated production of strange particles

Two nucleon state vectors, Isospin, Strangeness and Hypercharge, Lepton and Baryon number
conservation, Yukawa’s theory, Neutrinos, Charge independence of nuclear forces, Isospin, Test
for isospin conservation, Gell-Mann Formula and its extension for heavy quarks, Conservation
laws during particle reactions.

Invariance Principle and conservation laws: Translation and Rotation operators, theParity
Operation, Parity conservation and non-conservation, Parity non-conservation in weak
interaction, Time reversal, Consequences of time reversal invariance, Charge conjugation, G-
parity, Isospin symmetry, Statement of CPT theorem and its consequences, Proof of equality of
mass and life time for particle and anti-particle, CP and T violation

Unitary Symmetry and SU(3) Quark Model: Unitary symmetry and classification of state,
Hadrons and SU(3) multiplets, Concept of I-Spin, U-spin, V-spin, SU(3) quark model, The eight
fold way, Mesons and Baryons in the octet representation, The Baryon decuplet, Motivation for
colour quantum number, Color hypothesis, Evidence of color

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Lorentz transformations, Four Vectors notation and Lorentz
covariance, Klein-Gordon equation and its drawbacks, Solution of K. G. equation, Dirac
equation, Properties of Dirac matrices, Covariant form of Dirac equation, Conserved currents
and the adjoint Dirac Equation, Free particle spinors, Normalization of spinors and completeness
Relations, Bilinear Covariants.

Text Books:
1. David Griffiths: Introduction to Elementary Particles, John Wiley & Sons
2. Donald H. Perkins: Introduction to High-energy physics, Cambridge University Press
3. F. Halzen& A. D. Martin: Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern
Particle Physics, John Wiley & Sons
1. Melvin Leon: Particle physics: an introduction, Academic Press
2. David C. Cheng and K. O’neil: Elementary particle physics, Addison Wesley.
3. M P Khanna: Particle Physics an Introduction , Prentice hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
4. Nuclear Physics, S. N. Ghosal, S. Chand Publisher.
5. Kenneth S. Krane, Introductory Nuclear Physics, Wiley India.
6. An introductory course on Particle Physics, Palash B. Pal, CRC Press, 2014.


Time-6 Hours Full Mark: 100, Credit: 5

1. Determination of wavelength of light by (a) biprism (b) bimirror

2. To determine the specific rotation of sugar solution using Polarimeter.
3. Verification of Brewster's law and the law of Malus for plane polarized light.
4. To analyze elliptically polarized Light by using a Babinet’s compensator.
5. To determine the wavelength of laser source using diffraction of single slit
6. Measurement of wavelength of light using a (a) narrow wire (b) straight edge.
7. Verification of Fresnel's laws of reflection of polarized light & analysis of elliptically
polarized light using a quarter wave plate.
8. Determination of resolving power of a (a) telescope (b) grating.
9. Measurement of susceptibility of (a) Solids (b) paramagnetic solution (Quinck`s Tube
10. To draw the BH curve of Fe using Solenoid & determine energy loss from Hysteresis.
11. To measure the resistivity of a semiconductor (Ge) with temperature by four-probe
12. (a) De-Sauty's Bridge (b) Owen's Bridge (c) Anderson's Bridge
13. Maxwell's Bridge for determination of (a) 'L' (b) 'M'
14. Carey - Foster Bridge (Comparison of nearly equal resistances)
15. Setting up, calibration & experiments with VTVM.
16. Measurement of current, voltage and frequency with CRO.
17. Study of different Logic gates
18. To study the hybrid parameters of a junction transistor
19. Verification of Richardson’s T3/2 low
20. To determine work function of material of filament of directly heated vacuum diode.
21. Measurement of attenuation and phase shift of A.C. in L.C.R. network
22. M.Sc. Experiments, related to above, developed by Indian Academy of Sciences.


[Mark Distribution: Dissertation (100 mark) + Presentation (50 mark) + Viva (50 mark)]

Topics include but not limited to:

1 - The Classical Harmonic Oscillator in Physics: Newtonian mechanics, Lagrange formulation,

Hamilton formulation, Hamilton Jacobi formulation.
2- The Quantum harmonic oscillator: Uncertainty principle, Schrodinger equation, Heisenberg
operator Formulation, Feynman Path Integral formulation.
3- Foundations of Quantum Theory, Interpretation problem, Quantum Measurement problem,
Delayed choice experiments, Interaction-free measurements.
4- Examples of objections to Uncertainty principle and their resolution,
5- Examples of objections to Special Theory of Relativity and their resolution.
6- General Theory of Relativity, Relativistic Astrophysics, Cosmological Models,
7- Stellarevolution, Blackhole Physics,
Astroparticle Physics, Neutrino Physics, Quark Gluon Plasma, Dark Matter and DarkEnergy.
High Energy Physics,
8- Quantum Field Theory, Unification of Forces, Standard Model, Grand
Unification, Supersymmetry, Fundamentals of String theory.
Symmetries in Physics: Continuous and Discrete symmetries and Gauge Symmetris, Lagrangian.
9- Nuclear Matter, Stellar equilibrium, Nucleosynthesis,
Accelerators Physics, Data Analysis and Computational Simulation, Particle detectors .
10- Nano Science and Nano Technology, Materials Science, Meta materials, Smart Materials,
11- Magnetic Monopoles, Symmetric Maxwell equations, Quantum Hall Effect
Advances in Superconductivity, Superfluidity.
12- Embedded system. Communication system, Image processing, Signal processing, Electronic
devices, Solar devices
13- Phase transitions, fractal dimensions, Chaos, modern experimental techniques & their


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