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Defining your why - the reasons behind why you are choosing
to let go of:
restrictive eating,
purging(laxatives, exercise bulimia, etc),
a negative body image,
comparing yourself to others
or overexercising.

Either write it down, record an audio recording, verbalize why,

or both:
-WHY you're choosing recovery, each and every reason why.
-WHY you want to and why you need to.

Remember your WHY:

every time you go to eat,
have a disordered thought,
shaming your body,
body checking,
if your disordered part of your brain is telling you to restrict,
remember your why to help get you through the rough

Other questions to ask/contemplate on:

WHY do you need to let go of the self sabotaging behaviors?

WHAT will happen if you continue to hold on to these

destructive behaviors?

Define the sabotaging behaviors: that is pinching your

body, checking your body in the mirror constantly, weighing
yourself, weighing/counting your food, feeling guilty for
gaining (healthy) weight, feeling guilty or shameful for
eating, restricting calories or whole food groups, calorie
compensating, over exercising to earn the right to eat,
comparing your body to others, thinking you’re worthless or
not deserving, things like this.
What happens if you stay in your safe zone?

What happens if you challenge your safe zone?

Our thoughts may tell us something very very bad.. but in

reality, nothing BAD will happen. Perhaps initially a lot of
things are uncomfortable, mentally physically and
emotionally, but remember your body’s WHY as well..
being starved/semi-starved, damaged, depleted and
needing to make up for this QUICK for survival.

What are your Priorities, goals, aspirations and values? Not

anyone else, but YOURS.

Do your current beleifs align with your core morals, values.

Are your current behaviors in alignment or consistent with

your core values? Will they help you get to the person you
want to be in 5 years from now? Remember the bigger
picture of recovery when your ed mind wants to just focus
and fear and stay stuck on any weight gain.

Ask yourself “is what I am focusing and doing right now

getting me closer to recovery or if it’s just leading me
away from it?” And then follow the way that leads
towards recovery. Any day you are following the
distorted mindsets is just keeping you away from
reaching your goal – full recovery / freedom.

Do you feel SAFE now? Can you realize that you are
safe now and therefore you are safe to release these old
behaviors and belief systems that are keeping you
stuck and sick?
Remember your why when you are challenging these
old belief systems. When the fear, anxiety and doubt
creeps in.

Repeat this mantra to yourself everyday all day, when

you go to eat, when you feel bad about your body
image, when you feel the urge to purge because you
don’t feel worthy of keeping in your calories for your
body and brain, or whatever else:

"I got this, I am safe, I will be okay, just do it - I got this, I

am safe, I will be okay, just do it - I got this, I am safe, I will
be okay, just do it!"

Focus on what’s going good in your life / Recovery? Find

the positive in the chaos and focus on that. What are
you grateful for in this experience? That your body
does? About your body?

Re-read your why(s) every day. I promise you, it will help.

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