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Badi Bata Programme for the year 2024-25 is to be conducted in all the
Schools of Tealngana State from 03.06.2024 to 19.06.2024 for the enrolment
of school age children.

Objectives of the Programme:

1. Identification of all the school-age children in all the habitations and

enrolling them in the nearest schools.
2. Increasing enrolment in Government Schools and to provide
quality education.
3. To increase awareness of the various schemes provided by the
government to students and the school.
4. Strengthening of Government Schools with the support of
community participation (community support) with the active
participation of SHGs and AAPCs.
5. Identification of school-age children from the nearby Anganwadi
Centers and join them in the Government Schools.
6. Updating Village Education Register (VER) / Updating Admission
register with PEN number and updating other online services related
to the School Education Department.
7. Enrolling children in Upper Primary School / High School those who
have completed the 5th class and enrolment of children in High
School those who have completed the 7 th/ 8th class and ensuring
100% transition of children.
8. Identifying schools with low enrolment and preparing a special plan
to increase the number of students with parental and community
9. Preparing a plan to identify out-of-school children with the help of
AAPC and enrol them in the relevant class according to their age.
10. Preparing a plan emphasizing the importance of girls’ education so
that all the girls are enrolled in the school and continue their
11. Creating awareness of RTE (Right to Education) among Parents,
Children, and Community members.
12. Emphasizing the role of Parents in the effective schooling process
and the importance of their attendance in PTMs.
13. Creating awareness of Government initiatives like bi-lingual
textbooks, notebooks, uniforms, Mid-day meals, CWSN provisions
(escort, transport & reader allowance, stipend for girls, aids and
14. Creating awareness on the Digitalization of Classrooms (IFP Panels,
Teacher Tabs, Desk tops, e-learning, Education Apps, Facial
Recognition Systems, and Learning Management Systems).
15. Creating awareness of various resources available for children to
learn at home (IntintaChaduvulaPanta) and drive registrations on
the IICP bot.

The District Collectors, District Educational Officers, Mandal
Education Officers, Headmasters, and Teachers shall make effective plans
to achieve the objectives of BadiBata and ensure the following activities
are taken up.

A. Preparatory activities:

District Collector’s Role:

1. District Level Convergence Meeting by involving Panchayath Raj &
Rural development, Municipal Administration, Labour department,
WCD, Health department, all welfare departments and Zilla Mahila
Samakhya to be conducted on or before 30.05.2024 under the
chairmanship of the District Collector to prepare an action plan in
conducting the programme effectively.
2. The District Collector shall take steps to involve all District Level
Officers,other Employees up to Panchayat level in the district,
SelfHelp Groups, AAPC members, Local community Leaders in the
District in Badi Bata Programme to conduct in vibrant manner.
3. The District Collectors have to ensure that all AAPC works, stitching
of one pair of Uniforms are completed and Text Books, Note Books,
Work Books etc., are ready for distribution by 10.06.2024.
4. The District Collectors have to ensure that Mandal Level Committees
are formed and involved actively in Badibata programme under the
supervision of Mandal Special Officers.

District Educational Officer’s Role:

5. Under the guidance of the District Collector, the DEO should
coordinate all stakeholders, social service organizations, NGOs and
community to make the programme a success.
6. The District Educational officer should coordinate with PD, DRDA, PD,
MEPMA and GHMC officials in order to involve SHGs, SLFs in a big
way in enrolment &retention drive and all Badibata activities.
7. The DEO has to issue time to time directions to MEOs.,MNOs, School
Complex HMs Headmasters and Teachers in order to reach the
objectives of Badibata program.
8. Partner with non-governmental organizations that focus on
education to run joint campaigns in promoting the facilities and
benefits of Govt. Schools and to ensure 100% enrolment and
9. Local media channels, such as radio, television, newspapers, and
social media, should be used to run awareness campaigns
highlighting the benefits of enrolling children in government schools.
10. The complex Head Masters Mandal Nodal Officers, Mandal
Educational Officers, all District Coordinators of SamagraShiksha and
District Educational Officer should closely monitor Badi Bata
programme on a daily basis.
11. The coordinator (Community mobilization) has to report the
details of newly admitted children to the Badi Bata desk at the State
Level on daily basis.

Mandal Parishad Development Officer

12. A Committee shall be constituted at Mandal Level with the
Tahsildar, Mandal Development Officer, Mandal Education Officer,
Station House Officer, Assistant Labour Officer, NGOs, Hostel
Welfare Officers of all Welfare Hostels, Women & Child Welfare
Supervisors, and Cluster Resource Persons and the main
responsibility of this Committee is to prepare a plan to achieve
objectives of Badi Bata and also to take action to see that there is no
child labour in the residential areas in the Mandal.
13. The Mandal Level Convergence Meeting shall be conducted on
31.05.2024 with the concerned line departments, Village
Organizations, Mandal Mahila Samakhya and AAPC chairpersons to
prepare an action plan for effective implementation of the
14. All Mandal Officers shall be given responsibility of clusters
containing some Villages / habitations to ensure effective
implementation of Badi Bata programme.
15. MPDOs have to ensure that Village Level committees are
formed with the Special Officers of the Village, Village Secretary,
HM, Teachers, HWOs, Anganwadi workers, SHGs, etc., to plan to
achieve the objectives of Badi Bata

Mandal Educational Officer’s Role:

16. The MEO has to coordinate with the Mandal Level Committee
for effective implementation Badi Bata programme.
17. To report on a daily basis, the list of newly admitted children
to the DPO.
Headmaster’s Role:
18. Conducting a preparatory meeting on 01.06.2024 at Village
Level / School Level duly involving AAPC members, SMC members,
Parents, Anganwadi workers, HWOs, SHGs & Asha workers to
prepare an action plan to achieve the objectives of Badi Bata.
19. In the meeting of Village Organization (Mahila Samakya) the
enrolment and retention in all schools should be made as an Agenda
item and follow up actions and targets should be fixed. The Village
Education committees should be strengthened and the school
development should be the priority item in GP / Municipality level
planning duly including parents, teachers, HWOs and villagers.
20. Wide publicity shall be given on the facilities provided at
Govt. Schools like free Uniforms, Text Books, Notebooks, qualified
teachers, best infrastructure facilities and benefits like scholarships,
transportation charges, admission in IIIT Basara , fee
reimbursement at Higher Education Level for the students studied in
Govt. Schools.
21. Preparation of an action plan by all schools to implement the
day-wise activities and also to achieve the objectives of BadiBata.
22. Ensure cleanliness of the classrooms and school vicinity. Check
for water supply in the school before 11.06.2024.
23. To keep alltherecords at the school level ready.
24. To ensure all emergency maintenance works are completed by
25. To ensure all school safety measures are taken care of as
per the norms.
26. To make all arrangements for the PTM on 12.06.2024 like
traditional invitations to parents, decoration of schools, taking the
time of public representatives, etc. well in advance.
27. To keep textbooks, notebooks, workbooks, and stitched
uniforms ready by 10.06.2024.
28. Feedback of parents should be recorded for further
29. Engaging students and alumni as ambassadors to share their
positive experiences in Govt. Schooling system.
30. Share success stories of students who have excelled
academically or in extracurricular activities, with the community.
31. Engage local leaders, and influential community members to
advocate for education and Govt. Schooling system. Their
endorsement can significantly influence parents' decision to choose
Education to their children and to choose Govt. Schools.
32. Name-wise particulars of children who are newly admitted,
children enrolled from Anganwadi Centers, and children who enrolled
from private schools are to be uploaded in the portal every day.
B. Badi Bata - 03.06.2024 to 11.06.2024
The following activities shall be taken up in the morning from 7.00
AM to 11.00 AM on each day in all the schools from 03.06.2024 to
a. To enrol the eligible Anganwadi children& 5+ age group children into
nearby Primary Schools in Class-I in coordination with officials of the
Women Development & Child Welfare Department at the
District/Mandal/Village level.
b. Identify school-age and out-of-school children, drop outs, never
enrolled children and long absentees with the help of women Self
Help Groups (SHGs) and design an action plan to enrol these
children into Government Schools.
c. Identification of child labor and to enrol them in appropriate classes
in Government Schools.
d. Online promotion activity shall be completed by 08.06.2024.
e. Readiness Programmes shall be conducted for children to create
interest in school and education.
f. Welcoming parents, community and all public representatives in
traditional way for all the activities of Badi Bata programme to be
conducted from 12.06.2024 to 19.06.2024
g. Give wide publicity about the welfare Hostelsnearby School Head
Masters and concerned Hostel HWOs
Activities to be taken up from 03.06.2024 to 11.06.2024

Village Organizations (VOs), all Self-Help Groups, AAPC members, HMs &
Teachers, Hostel Welfare Officers (HWOs), parents, old students are to be
involved daily from 03.06.2024 to 11.06.2024 at village level for conduct of
day wise activities. The Public Representatives shall be involved after
prevailing Model Code of Conduct.

Sl. Date Activities

1 03.06.2024  Conduct of Meeting of Village Organizations (VOs) at
Village Level to discuss on Badi Bata enrollment
 To take pledge to enroll all school age children of the
village in schools during Badi Bata.
 To conduct Badi Bata awareness rally by involving all
Self-Help Groups, AAPC members, HMs & Teachers,
HWOs, parents, old students etc.

Sl. Date Activities
2 04.06.2024  Visit to each and every household of school age
children of the village for enrolling them in Schools.
 Prepare the list of school going children and update
the Village Education Register (VER) accordingly.
3 From  Door to Door campaign for enrollment of school age
05.06.2024 children in the schools.
to  To visit the Anganwadi Centres and motivate parents
10.06.2024 to enroll school age children in Government Schools.
 To create awareness of the parents by utilizing
brochures, pamphlets, handouts etc., on the benefits
offered by Government in admitting their children in
Government Schools and facilities in Government
schools for their continuance of study.
 To identify Out of School Children (Never enrolled /
Dropout) in the Village and to enroll them in Schools.
 To identify the CwSN who require Special Education
and to admit them in nearby Bhavitha Centre /
Inclusive Education Resource Centre and also to
create awareness to parents about the benefits they
receive in Bhavitha Centres/IERCs.
 The children who are identified for admission in
Government Schools shall be provided Admission
Form (one to be handed over to the parent and other
to be kept at School) and to welcome the student
and parent by giving a sapling.
4 11.06.2024  Conduct of Grama Sabha to discuss on the progress
done under Badi Bata Programme from 03.06.2024
to 10.06.2024.
 Left over school age children who are yet to enroll in
Schools are to be identified and they are to be
enrolled in Schools by 12.06.2024.
 To discuss on day wise activities scheduled from
12.06.2024 to 19.06.2024 in Schools as a follow up
of Badi Bata Programme and active involvement by
all to enroll all School age children in Schools.

C. Activities to be taken up under Badi Bata after the reopening of

In addition to the activities of Enrolment Drive mentioned at (A)

&(B), the following day-wise activities shall be taken up from 12.06.2024
to 19.06.2024 on par with regular teaching activities.
Day Date Programmes
1 12.06.2024 Welcoming Day / School Readiness Day / Day of
Amma Adharsha Patashaala

● Conduct activities as mentioned above at (A) & (B)

of guidelines, as applicable from 7.00 AM to 9.00
● Decorate the schools attractively so that the people
in the habitats can recognize the importance of
Badi Bata.
● To create a festive atmosphereinSchoolthe
students are to be encouraged to take up Rangoli
activity and to welcome the
parents/community/public representatives.
● Proper awareness is to be created among parents
and the community on the details of infrastructure
provided for the convenience of the students under
AAPCbythe state government and the details of
facilities sanctioned to the school under this
● A grand Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) is to be
organized by involving public representatives,
parents, community.
● Inaugurations of AAPC works shall be conducted.
● Distribution of textbooks, workbooks, notebooks,
uniforms, etc.
● School walk-through for honorable public
representatives, parents, community members,
and children.
● Appreciation of students and parents for good
attendance, good performance in academics, co-
curricular activities, extra-curricular activities,
sports, etc. during the academic year 2023-24.
2 13.06.2024 Foundation Literacy &Numeracy (FLN), Learning
Improvement Programme (LIP) day:

● Conduct of activities as mentioned above at (A) &

(B) ofguidelines, as applicable from 7.00 AM to
9.00 AM.

● FLN song (audio) to be played which emphasizes

on asking children to come school.
Day Date Programmes
● Displaying good quality learning outcomes posters
in all classes subject-wise.
● Read-aloud activities are to be conducted.
● Children will make charts of different subjects of
important concepts and will decorate the class.
● FLN/LIP quiz competition - Host a quiz competition
focused on FLN/LIP topics such as letter
recognition, basic math operations, and
vocabulary. Divide children into teams and ask
questions of varying difficulty levels to engage
participants of all skill levels.
3 14.06.2024 Saamoohika Aksharabhyasam (for Primary)

● Conduct of activities as mentioned above at (A) &

(B) of guidelines, as applicable from 7.00 AM to
9.00 AM.

● Honorable public representatives, AAPC members,

parents, and community members shall be invited
to the Saamoohika Aksharabhyasa programme.
This shall be celebrated in a festive environment.
Cultural programmes depicting the importance of
Badi Bata and education shall be conducted.
● Ensure the attendance of newly enrolled children
along with their parents.
● Arrange the material for Aksharabhyasam.
● Formation of school-level children
committees &clubs.
Conducting Bala Sabha: (for High School)
● Cultural activities shall be conducted for school
children on the importance ofEducation, facilities
provided by the Government, etc.
● Preparation of TLM in a play way method and
display at the prominent places.
● Activity-oriented programs like drawing,
dramatization, reading library books, etc without
any Homework.
4 15.06.2024 Inclusive Education Day and Girl-child Education

● Conduct of activities as mentioned above at (A) &

(B) of guidelines, as applicable from 7.00 AM to
9.00 AM.

● Identification of children with special needs and to

enrol them in Schools/ Bhavitha Centres.
Day Date Programmes
● Enrolment of all out-of-school children who are
identified during recent survey &Badibata.
● To ensure 100% enrolment and retention for these
two categories.
● Ensure that there are no child laborers in the
● Create awareness of steps taken by the
government to improve inclusivity in the classroom
and the school for parents and teachers. [CWSN
provisions (escort, transport & reader allowance,
stipend for girls, aids, and appliances)]

Girl Education & Career Guidance:

● Conduct of activities as mentioned above at (B) of

guidelines, as applicable.
● Class X and Class XII passed-out students are to
be invited along with their parents and they have
to be properly oriented with experts in the relevant
field on future career opportunities. Parents are to
be motivated for the continuation of higher
education for their children.
● The staff of all schools/Kasturba Gandhi Balika
Vidyalaya shall interact with parents and students
regarding facilities provided in KGBV Schools for
the girls.
● The girls who studied in Government Schools and
settled in the profession, obtained a good rank in
EAMCET, and also in sports / other activities shall
be felicitated.
● Special facilities provided for girls’ education in
schools should be explained (Self-defense
programme, life skills, Stipend for girls with special
needs, etc.)
● Menstrual Hygiene, Girl child rights, and their
protection Acts are to be discussed with girl
● Women officers are to be invited to give messages
on the importance of girls’ education.

5 18.06.2024 Awareness of Digitalization of the classrooms and

Tree plantation day.

● Conduct activities as mentioned above at (A) & (B)

of guidelines, as applicable from 7.00 AM to 9.00

Day Date Programmes

● Select a space for tree plantation in the school and

let children plant a few plants class-wise. Children
should take care of these plants throughout the

● Children should be responsible for taking care of

the old and new plantations. Make a committee
consisting of children from different classes and
create a plan for developing the Kitchen Garden.
● English Medium has been introduced in Schools
during 2022-23 by the State Government.
● The parents and community are to be well
informed about the introduction of English Medium
in schools for the holistic development of students.
Guide parents on installing and using the Intinta
Chanduvula Panta App.
● Explain the details of Bilingual Textbooks to be
provided by the State Government for the
convenience of students in English Medium.
● Inform the details of English Medium Training
programs conducted by the State Government to
strengthen the teachers.

6 19.06.2024 Sports Day

 Conduct activities as mentioned above at (A) & (B)
of guidelines, as applicable from 7.00 AM to 9.00 AM.
● Conduct various sports activities to involve all
students from all the classes.
● Arrange for necessary equipment, such as sports
gear and first aid kits.
● Prepare a plan to organize the day.
● Have inter-class competitions on various sports
activities like Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, volleyball,
football, etc.


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