MUET Physics # 12@

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Mehran University of Engineering and technology

Sample Paper Solution

Class XII part 3
Q1. According to second law of thermodynamics 100%
conversion of heat energy into work is:
a) Possible
b) Not possible
c) Possible when conditions are ideal
d) Not
Q2. The efficiency of Carnot engine is given by: (T1>T2)
Note: T1 = tem: of source (hot body) T2= tem: of sink(cold body)
a) 1-
b) 1 -
c) –1
d) – 1
Q3. If the temperature of cold body is decreased, the efficiency
of Carnot engine will:
a) Decrease
b) Increase
c) Remains same
d) Not
Note: Efficiency =( 1 - ) x 100
Q4. The efficiency of Carnot engine depends on:
a) Temperature of source
b) Temperature of sink
c) Both
d) Not
Q5. When temperature of sink and source will be equal then
efficiency will be:
a) Maximum
b) Zero
c) Negative
d) Equal to 50%
Note: Efficiency = ( 1 - ) x 100
Q6. The efficiency of Carnot engine can’t be 100% unless cold
reservoir is at:
a) 0K
b) 27K
c) 100K
d) 273K
Note: Efficiency =( 1 - ) x 100 i.e T2 = 0 K (sink)
Q7. The engine supposed to work between 737 °C and 227°C
then maximum possible efficiency is:
a) ½
b) ¼
c) 0
d) 1
Note: Efficiency =( 1 - ) = 1 – 500/1000 = 1/2
i.e 737 °C = 1000 K and 227°C = 500 K
Q8. The change in disorder of the system is equal to:
a) dS = dT/Q
b) dS = dQ/T
c) dS = dQ/dT
d) dS = dQ.T
Q9. Decreasing the separation of two positive charges by on half
will cause the force of repulsion/attraction to be changed by:
a) ¼ times increase
b) 2 times increase
c) ½ times increase
d) 4 times increase
𝑞1𝑞2 1
Note: F = K 2 i.e F ∝ 2
𝑟 𝑟
Q10. Which can’t be unit of electric field?
a) N/C
b) V/m
c) J/Cm
d) J/C
𝐹 𝑉 𝑤 𝑤
Note: E = = i.e V = so E =
𝑞 𝑑 𝑞 𝑞𝑑
Q11. Which one is not scalar quantity?
a) Potential
b) Electromotive force
c) Electric flux
d) Electric intensity
Q12. Electric flux through the surface of a sphere which contains
a charge at its center depends on:
a) Radius of sphere
b) Surface area of sphere
c) Amount of charge inside the sphere
d) Amount of charge outside the sphere
Note: ∆𝑄𝑒 = × 𝑄 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑
Q13. The change in potential energy per unit charge between the
two points in an electric field is called:
a) Intensity
b) Flux
c) Potential difference
d) Permittivity
Q14. A point charge is placed at the center of spherical Gaussian
Surface. If the sphere is replaced by a cube of 1/10 the electric
flux will be:
a) Not change
b) Decrease by 10 times
c) Increase by 10 times
d) Increase by 6 times
Note: ∆𝑄𝑒 = × 𝑄 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑
Q15. Joule per coulomb is called:
a) Farad
b) Henry
c) Ampere
d) Volt
Note: V = W/q = j/C
Q16. Electric flux through a surface is maximum when the angle
between E and ∆𝐴 is:
a) 0
b) 30
c) 45
d) 90
Note: ∆𝑄𝑒 = 𝐸. ∆𝐴 = 𝐸∆𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 i.e cos0°=1
Q17. Electric flux through a surface is minimum when the angle
between E and ∆𝐴 is:
a) 0
b) 30
c) 45
d) 90
Note: ∆𝑄𝑒 = 𝐸. ∆𝐴 = 𝐸∆𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 i.e cos90°=0
Q18. When dielectric is placed between two point charges the
electrostatic force will be:
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Remains same
d) Become zero
1 𝑞1𝑞2 1
Note: F = 2 𝑖. 𝑒 𝐹 ∝ i.e 𝜀𝑟 = 𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐
4𝜋𝜖°𝜀𝑟 𝑟 𝜀𝑟
Q19. Electron volt is the unit of:
a) Electric charge
b) Electric potential
c) Energy
d) Power
Note: V = w/q
Q20. The electric field intensity at center of a charged sphere is:
a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) 1
d) Zero
Note: ∆𝑄𝑒 = × 𝑄 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑
Q21. Two equal charges of one coulomb are 1m apart, exerting
force of repulsion on each other with magnitude of:
a) One newton
b) 9 x 109 N
c) 8.85 x 10-12 N
d) 6.67 x 10-11 N
Note : K = 9 x 109 Nm2/C2 is value of coulomb constant
Q22. One equipotential surface, work done is moving a charged
particle is:
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Zero
d) Infinity
Note: V = w/q i.e W = dVq (dV=0) = w =0J

Q23. The scalar product of electric intensity E and vector area ∆𝐴

is called:
a) Electric flux
b) Electric force
c) Electric potential
d) Electric flux density
Note: ∆𝑄𝑒 = 𝐸. ∆𝐴 = 𝐸∆𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
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