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Mehran University of Engineering and Technology

Past paper solution

Q1. If the number of gas molecules is doubled in a certain volume of
gas the pressure is:
a) Decrease to half
b) Doubled
c) Increase four times
d) Unchanged
Q2. The number of moles of solute present in 1kg of solvent is called:
a) Molarity
b) Molality
c) Normality
d) Formality
Note: Molality (m) = no. of moles /kg solvent
Q3. Electron was discovered by:
a) Michael faraday
b) James Maxwell
c) Yuri Gagarin
d) J.J Thomson
Q4. Sodium carbonate is produced by:
a) Haber process
b) Ammonia Solvay process
c) Decon’s Process
d) Lead Chamber process
Q5. Isotopes of same elements have _____?
a) Differ: no. of protons
b) Same no. of neutrons
c) Differ: no. of neutrons
d) Not
Q6. The most electronegative element is:
a) Sodium
b) Bromine
c) Fluorine
d) Oxygen
Note: left to right E.N increases
Top to bottom decreases
Q7. The most commonly used bleaching agent is:
a) Alcohol
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Chlorine
d) Sodium carbonate
Q8. The nucleus of hydrogen atom consists of:
a) 1 Proton
b) 1 proton + 2 neutron
c) 1 neutron
d) 1 electron
Q9. Which instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure?
a) Barometer
b) Calorimeter
c) Voltmeter
d) Spectrometer
Q10. The “n” and “l” values of 3d orbital are:
a) n=1 and l = 2
b) n=2 and l =2
c) n=3 and l=2
d) n=4 and l=2
Q11. PH is abbreviation for:
a) Power of hydrogen
b) Possibility of hydrogen
c) Position of hydrogen
d) Not
Q12. Which of the following contains same number of molecules as
9g of water (H2O)?
a) 2g of Hydrogen gas
b) 14g of nitrogen gas
c) 32g of oxygen gas
d) 44g of carbon dioxide gas
Note: half mole of water 9g and there are half moles in 14g of
Q13. Volume is directly to temperature at constant pressure is the
statement of:
a) Boyle’s law
b) Charle’s law
c) Avogadro’s law
d) NOT
Q14. Intermolecular attraction of ideal gases can be increased by:
a) Pressure
b) Temperature
c) Heat
d) Not
Note: ideal gases have no force of attraction and repulsion
Q15. In d orbital maximum no. of electrons can be accommodated:
a) 2
b) 6
c) 10
d) 14
Q16. What type of bond is present in MgO2?
a) Ionic bond
b) Covalent bond
c) Polar covalent
d) Coordinate covalent bond
Note: Transfer of electrons so ionic bond/ electrovalent bond
Q17. A balanced chemical equation can be affected by:
a) Temperature
b) Pressure
c) Catalyst
d) All
Q18. Sodium can be used as:
a) Reducing agent
b) Oxidizing agent
c) Gas
d) Not
Note: Reducing agent: which loss their electron with non metals
Q19. Borax chemical formula is:
a) H2SO4
b) CaCO3
c) Na2B4O7.10H2O
d) Not
Note: Borax Chemical name is “Sodium Tetraborate”
Q20. Chemical formula of dichloromethane is:
a) CH2Cl2
b) CH2Cl
c) CHCl2
d) CCl4
Note: methylene chloride is also called dichloromethane
Q21. The general formula of alkane is:
a) CnH2n
b) CnH2n+1
c) CnH2n+2
d) Not
Q22. Saturated hydrocarbons are the compounds in which carbon is
satisfied _____bond:
a) Single
b) Double
c) Triple
d) Not

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