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Power system protection I

EE 442
Prepared by
Dr. Khaled El Bahrawy
Lecture #10
Generator Protection
1 Generators in Power Plant

2 Generating Unit SLD

3 Typical protection functions of generators

4 Typical protection functions of generating unit

5 Generator & Unit differential protection

6 Generator grounding protection

7 Generator Restricted Earth Fault protection

8 Sizing calculations for neutral point resistor

1 – Generators in Power Plant

2 – Generating Unit SLD

3 – Typical protection functions of generators

1. Differential protection.

2. Earth Fault protection.

3. Restricted Earth Fault protection.

4. Rotor protection (Earth Fault).

5. Voltage protection.

6. Frequency protection.

7. Loss of excitation protection.

8. Out of step protection.

9. Negative sequence protection.

10. Check Synchronization.

11. Reverse power protection.

4 – Typical protection functions of generating unit

1. Generator Differential protection.

2. Generator and Generator transformer overall Differential protection.

3. Unit Aux Transformer Differential protection.

4. Station Service Transformer Differential protection.

5. Generator Restricted Earth Fault protection.

6. Unit Aux Transformer Restricted Earth Fault protection.

7. Station Service Transformer Restricted Earth Fault protection.

8. Generator stator Earth Fault protection.

9. Generator rotor Earth Fault protection.

10. Generator Inter turn fault protection.

11. Fire protection.

5 – a - Generator differential protection

To Gen.
GCB Step Up

Differential Relay

5 – b - Unit overall differential protection

In addition to the 87 elements in the multifunction relays, a Unit Overall Differential

(87) is provided.

6 – Generator grounding protection

Types of Generator grounding

Solidly Grounded Grounded through

(For small size generators) Resistance

Why Generator grounding ?

1. Improved Safety.

2. Stop transient over voltages.

3. Limitation of fault current in neutral point.

3. Provide of grounding source for the network connected to the generator.

Generator grounding and restricted earth fault protection

The closer the ground fault is to the generator neutral,

the less the neutral to ground voltage will be

Then, Restricted Earth Fault Protection must be used

7 – Generator Restricted Earth Fault protection


8 – Sizing calculations for Neutral Point Resistor

Earth Fault current is reduced with higher neutral resistance, hence, smaller portion
of winding should be protected by Restricted Earth Fault protection

How to calculate the percentage of unprotected portion of generator winding as a

result of insertion neutral point resistor ?

% of unprotected winding = ( R x Io / V ) x 100

Where :

Io = Relay setting.

V = Phase voltage.

R = Ohmic value of neutral point resistor.

= V/I (I = Full Load current)

Example 1
5MVA, 11kV generator is protected by Restricted Earth Fault protection relay with
25% out of balance setting. The percentage of protected winding against phase to
ground fault is 80%. Calculate the neutral point resistance.

Solution 1
% of unprotected winding = ( R x Io / V ) x 100

V = 11 x 1000 / √3 = 6340 V

I = 5x103 / (11 / √3) = 262 A

Then, Io = 0.25 x 262 = 65.5 A


% Unprotected winding = 20 = ( R x 65.5 / 6340 ) x 100

R = 1.94 Ohm

Example 2

11kV, 3 phase alternator has full load rated current of 200A. Resistance of armature
winding is 15%. The differential protection system is set to operate on earth fault
currents of more than 200A. Find the neutral earthing resistance, which gives earth
fault protection to 90% of stator winding

Solution 2
Neglecting the impedance of alternator winding, then

% of unprotected winding = ( R x Io / V ) x 100

V = 11 x 1000 / √3 = 6350 V

I = 200 A

Then, Io = I = 200 A


% Unprotected winding = 10 = ( R x 200 / 6350 ) x 100

R = 3.18 Ohm 16
Example 3

The neutral point of a 3 phase, 20MVA, 11kV alternator is earthed through a

resistance of 5 Ohm. The relay is set to operate when there is an out of balance
current of 1.5A. The CTs have the ratio of 1000/5A. What is the percentage of
winding which is protected? Also, calculate the earthing resistance required to protect
90% of the winding

Solution 3

% of unprotected winding = ( R x Io / V ) x 100

V = 11 x 1000 / √3 = 6350 V

Io = 1.5 A secondary side

Then, Io = 1.5 * (1000/5) = 300 A


% Unprotected winding = ( 5 x 300 / 6350 ) x 100

% of unprotected winding = 23.62
Solution 3 (Cont.)

When the protected portion = 90%, then the unprotected portion = 10%

% of unprotected winding = ( R x Io / V ) x 100

V = 11 x 1000 / √3 = 6350 V

Io = 1.5 secondary side

Then, Io = 1.5 * (1000/5) = 300 A


10 = ( R x 300 / 6350 ) x 100

R = 2.12 Ohm

Example 4

A 5MVA, 6.6kV, star connected alternator has a synchronous reactance of 2 Ohm per
phase and 0.5 Ohm resistance. It is protected by a Mertz-Price balance current
system which operates when out of balance current exceeds 30% of load current.
Determine what portion of alternator winding is unprotected if the star point is
earthed through a resistance of 6.5 Ohms.
Solution 4
Neglecting the impedance of alternator winding, then
% of unprotected winding = ( R x Io / V ) x 100

V = 6.6 x 1000 / √3 = 3810.5 V

I = 5x103 / (6.6 / √3 ) = 437.4 A

Then, Io = 0.30 x 437.4 = 131.22 A


% Unprotected winding = ( 6.5 x 131.22 / 3810.5 ) x 100

% of unprotected winding = 22.4
Solution 4 (Cont.)
Alternative solution
Neglecting the reactance of alternator winding, then

The resistance affecting the earth fault = Neutral point resistance + the resistance
of unprotected winding portion

Assume that the unprotected winding portion = y %, then,

Total resistance R’ = 6.5 + 0.5(y/100)

Apply the same rule as before, then

% Unprotected winding = y = { 6.5+[0.5 x (y/100)] } x 131.22 / 3810.5 ) x 100

Solving the above equation yields,

% of unprotected winding = y = 22.78

Example 5

A 6.6kV, 10MVA star connected alternator has a reactance of 2 Ohms per phase and
a negligible resistance. Mertz-price protection is used for winding protection. The
neutral grounding resistance is 5 Ohm. If only, 10% of the winding is to remain
unprotected, determine the setting of the relay

Solution 5

% of unprotected winding = ( R x Io / V ) x 100

V = 6.6 x 1000 / √3 = 3810.5 V

I = 10x103 / (6.6 / √3) = 874.77 A

Io = Unknown


10 = ( 5 x Io / 3810.5 ) x 100

Then, Io = 76.21 A = 76.21 / 874.77

Io = 8.71%
Example 6

An alternator stator winding is protected by a percentage differential relay is

illustrated in the below figure. The relay has a 15% slope characteristic I1 - I2 versus
[(I1 + I2)/2]. A high resistance earth fault has occurred nearer the ground neutral end
of the generator stator winding while the generator is carrying a load. The currents
flowing at each end of the generator winding under this fault condition are shown in
the figure. Assuming CT ratio of 500/5A, will the relay trip the generator circuit
breaker under this fault condition?

Solution 6

End of Lecture #10

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