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Power system protection I

EE 442
Prepared by
Dr. Khaled El Bahrawy
Lecture #9
Line Feeder Protection (Cont.)
1 Solved Examples
Example 1
Study the effect of Infeed current IN on Z2 calculations

Solution 1

Example 2
Three Transmission lines, each one of them is protected by two distance
relays at its two ends as shown in the below figure. If each distance relay
has 3 forward zones


R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6

Calculate the distance relay zone settings Z1, Z2 & Z3 for both Relay R1
and R6, If line parameters are as follows:
TL1 has a length of 9kM and impedance of 0.0406 Ω/kM (prim. side)
TL2 has a length of 50kM and impedance of 0.0080 Ω/kM (prim. side)
TL3 has a length of 7kM and impedance of 0.0278 Ω/kM (prim. side)

Solution 2

Zone 1 setting = 80 : 90% of First Line (85% will be selected)

Zone 2 setting = 100% of First Line + (25 : 50)% of Second Line

(50% of TL2 will be selected)

Zone 3 setting = 100% of First Line + 100% of Second Line + 25% of Third Line

Total impedance of TL1 = 0.0406 Ω/Km x 9kM = 0.3654 Ω

Total impedance of TL2 = 0.0080 Ω/Km x 50kM = 0.400 Ω
Total impedance of TL3 = 0.0278 Ω/Km x 7kM = 0.1946 Ω

Solution 2 (Cont.)

Then, For Relay 1 setting

Zone 1 setting = 0.85 x TL1

= 0.85 x 0.3654
= 0.3106 Ω

Zone 2 setting = 1.00 x TL1 + 0.50 x TL2

= 1.00 x 0.3654 + 0.5 x 0.400
= 0.5654 Ω

Zone 3 setting = 1.00 x TL1 + 1.00 x TL2 + 0.25 x TL3

= 1.00 x 0.3654 + 1.00 x 0.400 + 0.25 x 0.1946
= 0.8141 Ω

Solution 2 (Cont.)

Then, For Relay 6 setting

Zone 1 setting = 0.85 x TL3

= 0.85 x 0.1946
= 0.1654 Ω

Zone 2 setting = 1.00 x TL3 + 0.50 x TL2

= 1.00 x 0.1946 + 0.5 x 0.400
= 0.3946 Ω

Zone 3 setting = 1.00 x TL3 + 1.00 x TL2 + 0.25 x TL1

= 1.00 x 0.1946 + 1.00 x 0.400 + 0.25 x 0.3654
= 0.6860 Ω

Example 3
In the below figure, newly installed substation “A” shall be connected to the
power network by under ground cable feeder to the existing substation “B”
(called remote end of substation “A”)

This AB transmission line is protected by two distance relays at its both

ends (A & B). Substation B (remote end of substation “A”) is connected by
many transmission lines; the longest one is BD and the shortest one is BC.
As the substation A is a new one, so it has no other remote ends rather
than substation “B”. If each distance relay has 3 forward zones. Calculate
the setting values (primary values), in ohm/km of the 3 forward zones of
distance relay located at substations A. The line parameters are as follows:
Line AB : 15kM and impedance of 0.0406 Ω/Km (prim. side)
Line BC : 7kM and impedance of 0.0080 Ω/kM (prim. side)
Line BD : 50kM and impedance of 0.0278 Ω/kM (prim. side)
Solution 3

Zone 1 setting = 80 : 90% of Line AB (85% will be selected)

Zone 2 setting = 100% of Line AB + (25 : 50)% of next shortest Line (BC)

(50% of BC will be selected)

Zone 3 setting = 100% of Line AB + (100)% of next Longest Line (BD)

Total impedance of Line AB = 0.0406 Ω/Km x 15kM = 0.609 Ω

Total impedance of Line BC = 0.0080 Ω/Km x 7kM = 0.056 Ω
Total impedance of Line BD = 0.0278 Ω/Km x 50kM = 1.39 Ω

Zone 1 setting = 0.85 x 0.609 = 0.5177 Ω
Zone 2 setting = 1.00 x 0.609 + 0.50 x 0.056 = 0.6118 Ω
Zone 3 setting = 1.00 x 0.609 + 1.00 x 1.39 = 1.9990 Ω
Example 4

A 138kV (TB-CP) TL has a nominal load rating of 130MVA is protected by 3

zones distance relay “R” through 600/5A CT and 138/0.1kV PT, as shown in
below figure.
0.00484+J 0.02001 pu
0.00499+J 0.02025 pu
0.01984+J 0.03055 pu

0.01084+J 0.02905 pu 0.00984+J 0.02055 pu

0.022748+J 0.05456 pu

If the network per unit impedances are shown on the above figure on the
base values of SB = 200 MVA and VB = 138kV, calculate the settings
(resistive and reactance settings) of the 3 zones of the distance relay
taking into consideration that the relay setting is in secondary values.
Also, assume suitable time setting for each zone.
Solution 4
From the network; we can note the followings:
1. The longest line is CP-JA with ZLo = 0.01984+J 0.03055 pu
2. The shortest line is CP-LN with ZSh = 0.00484+J 0.02001 pu

As per the given data;

SB = 200 MVA & VB = 138kV

ZB = VB2 / SB = (138kV)2 / 200MVA = 95.22 Ω

CT ratio = 600 / 5 A = 120 & PT ration = 138/0.1kV = 1380

CT / PT = 120/1380 = 0.087
(The primary value to be multiplied by CT/PT ratio to be converted to
secondary value) 12
Solution 4 (Cont.)

Zone 1 setting = 80 : 90% of Line TB-CP (85% will be selected)

Zone 2 setting = 100% of Line TB-CP + (25 : 50)% of next shortest Line (CP-LN)
(50% of CP-LN will be selected)

Zone 3 setting = 100% of Line TB-CP + (100)% of next Longest Line (CP-JA)

Solution 4 (Cont.)

Zone 1 setting calculations:

X(Z1) = 0.02905 x 0.85 = 0.02469 pu

= 0.02469 x 95.22 = 2.3512 Ω (Primary Value)
= 2.3512 x 0.087 = 0.20456 Ω (Secondary Value)
Then the X(Z1) setting for the relay is 0.20456 Ω

R(Z1) = 0.01084 x 0.85 = 0.009214 pu

= 0.009214 x 95.22 = 0.8774 Ω (Primary Value)
= 0.8774 x 0.087 = 0.07633 Ω (Secondary Value)
Then the R(Z1) setting for the relay is 0.07633 Ω

Zone 1 time setting; T (Z1) is proposed to be equal to = 25 msec.

Solution 4 (Cont.)

Zone 2 setting calculations:

X(Z2) = 0.02905 x 1.00 + 0.02001 x 0.50 = 0.039055 pu

= 0.039055 x 95.22 = 3.7188 Ω (Primary Value)
= 3.7188 x 0.087 = 0.32354 Ω (Secondary Value)
Then the X(Z2) setting for the relay is 0.32354 Ω

R(Z2) = 0.01084 x 1.00 + 0.00484 x 0.5 = 0.01326 pu

= 0.01326 x 95.22 = 1.2626 Ω (Primary Value)
= 1.2626 x 0.087 = 0.1098 Ω (Secondary Value)
Then the R(Z2) setting for the relay is 0.1098 Ω

Zone 2 time setting; T (Z2) is proposed to be equal to = 250 msec.

Solution 4 (Cont.)

Zone 3 setting calculations:

X(Z3) = 0.02905 x 1.00 + 0.03055 x 1.00 = 0.0596 pu

= 0.0596 x 95.22 = 5.6751 Ω (Primary Value)
= 5.6751 x 0.087 = 0.4937 Ω (Secondary Value)
Then the X(Z3) setting for the relay is 0.4937 Ω

R(Z3) = 0.01084 x 1.00 + 0.01984 x 1.00 = 0.03068 pu

= 0.03068 x 95.22 = 2.9213 Ω (Primary Value)
= 2.9213 x 0.087 = 0.2542 Ω (Secondary Value)
Then the R(Z3) setting for the relay is 0.2542 Ω

Zone 3 time setting; T (Z3) is proposed to be equal to = 500 msec.

Question 5

Given line impedance

ZL=2.5+j5.0 ohm
CT ratio = 400/1A
VT ratio = 33/0.11kV
a. Plot line characteristics on R-X plane referred to secondary side.
b. Plot characteristics of minimum impedance relay to protect 80% of the line
length on the same R-X diagram.
c. Plot characteristic on mho relay having 45 degree maximum torque angle to
protect 80% of the line. Indicate the regions of operation and non-operation
on the R-X diagram.

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Answer 5

Answer 5 (Cont.)

Answer 5 (Cont.)

Answer 5 (Cont.)

Question 6

Consider the plain impedance relay and the mho relay in problem 5 for
protecting 80% of a line AB. Given a symmetrical phase to phase fault at F at a
distance of 60% from A. Fault resistance is 2 ohms. Indicate the fault point on
R-X diagrams and state whether the relays operate or not.

Answer 6

Answer 6 (Cont.)

Question 7

A 110kV line of 35 kM length is protected by impedance relay. The first stage of

distance relay protects 90% of the line. Calculate the setting of impedance
relay and draw the characteristic of line and the relay on R-X plane. Neglect
the influence of arc resistance.
The line impedance is 0.24+j0.41 ohm/kM.
CT ratio is 300/1A
VT ratio is 100 / 0.1kV.

Answer 7

Answer 7 (Cont.)

Question 8

Distinguish between unit protection and non-unit protection. Give examples for both of

Answer 8

Line Feeder Protection

1. Unit Type Protection 2. Non-Unit Type Protection

a. Line Differential Protection. a. Distance Protection.

b. Over Current Protection.
c. Earth Fault Protection.

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Question 9

Describe the principle of distance relay and explain its characteristics on V/I and
R-X planes.
Answer 9

Z = U/IF


Answer 9 (Cont)

 Principle of R-X Diagram:


Non-Tripping Zone



Tripping Zone

Distance Relay will operate when IF ≥ ISet & ZF ≤ ZSet

Question 10

What are the types of impedance relays? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each?

Answer 10

 Impedance Relay Characteristics

Non-Tripping Zone Non-Tripping Zone

+R +R
Tripping Zone

Plain Impedance Relay Plain Impedance Relay

with Directional Element

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Answer 10 (Cont)

+JX Non-Tripping Zone

+JX Non-Tripping Zone

Tripping Zone

Tripping Zone

+R +R

Shifted Impedance Relay Quadrilateral Impedance Relay

Question 11

What are the types of Distance relays? Describe the basis of each one

Answer 11

Distance Protection Relays

1. Impedance Relay (Z) 2. Reactance Relay (X) 3. Admittance (Mho) Relay (Y)

Question 12

Draw schematic diagram showing the connection of a distance relay with CT and
VT circuits indicating the connection of test switch in order to facilitate the testing
and maintenance activities.
Answer 12

End of Lecture #9

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