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Power system protection I

EE 442
Prepared by
Dr. Khaled El Bahrawy
Lecture #7
Transformer Protection (Cont.)
1 Restricted Earth Fault Protection REF
2 – Transformer Restricted Earth Fault protection

- Differential protection can not protect complete transformer winding due to its
setting sensitivity.

- Accordingly, it is important to find some sort of protection to protect the

unprotected portion of the transformer winding by Differential protection.
- The main objective of Restricted Earth Fault (REF) protection is Fast and
sensitive detection of earth faults in a power transformer winding (either solidly
earthed or low impedance earthed networks).

- The only requirement is that the power transformer winding is connected to earth
in the star point (in case of star-connected windings) or via separate earthing
transformer (in case of delta-connected windings).

- The restricted earth fault function is used as a unit protection function. It protects
the power transformer winding against the faults involving earth.

- Restricted earth fault protection is the fastest and the most sensitive protection a
power transformer winding can have and will detect faults such as:
• earth faults in the transformer winding when the network is earthed through
an impedance
• earth faults in the transformer winding in solidly earthed network when the
point of the fault is close to the winding star point.
• Inter-turn faults

- When there is an earth fault outside the protective zone, say at F1, it causes the
currents I2 and I1 in CT secondaries as illustrated above. So, the resultant current
in the REF is negligible. Accordingly REF shall not trip the circuit breaker.

- When there is an earth fault inside the protective zone, say at F2, only current I2
shall exist and current I1 shall be negligible. Then the current I2 is only shall flow in
the REF which shall trip the circuit breaker.
Connection of Restricted Earth Fault protection`

R.E.F. Protection connection R.E.F. Protection connection

for Star winding for Delta winding with earthing transformer

- Setting of Restricted Earth Fault relay is made so that the REF is sensitive for
faults near the neutral point of transformer star connected winding (up to 15-20%
of the winding from neutral point).
Classification of Restricted Earth Fault Protection

Restricted Earth Fault


1. Low Impedance 2. High Impedance

• Provided with new all types of relays

• Provided with new numerical relays
• There is High stabilized input impedance
• There is no input impedance
• Stable with CT saturation for external faults
• Does not have the same inherent stability
• The relay measures differential currents
against CT saturation for external faults
• CT ratios for the phase CTs and neutral CTs
• The relay measures all four CTs current
must be the same
• CT ratios for the phase CTs and neutral CTs
do not have to be the same
Principle of High impedance Restricted Earth Fault protection
Principle of High impedance Restricted Earth Fault protection
during saturation one CT
Connection of METROSIL (Non Linear resistor) with Restricted Earth Fault protection

- Non-linear resisters are connected in parallel with the relay circuit to limit the peak
voltage developed across the high impedance components during internal faults to a
safe level below the insulation level of the current transformers, relay and
interconnecting leads .
If a Metrosil is not used to protect the relay, the approximate voltage developed
by a current transformer under internal fault conditions may be given by Mathews’

METROSIL current is calculated by

Shunt resistor with Restricted Earth Fault protection

- Shunt resistor may be used in order to increase the relay operating current.
Example 1

65MVA, 110/13.8kV Transformer (% Impedance = 20.33 @ 65MVA) is protected by

restricted earth fault protection relay type MFAC 14, made by AREVA, with proposed
sensitivity of 10% as per below SLD.

Rating of CTs connected to REF protection is:

Vk = 450V, Im = 5mA @ (½ ) Vk
RCT = 5 Ohm
Total CT cable lead resistance = 1.1248 Ohm

Standard Metrosil (Metrosil constants are C = 450 and β = 0.25) shall be used with
the relay, the relay operating current including the Metrosil is given in the table below.


a. Relay setting voltage.

b. Value of shunt resistor necessary for relay operation.

Solution 1
1 110/13.8kV Tranformer H.V REF protection relay setting
1.1 Power Transformer Details :
H.V winding voltage 110 kV
L.V winding voltage 13.8 kV
Rating 65.0 MVA
1.2 Transformer H.V REF Relay details:
Relay Type MFAC14
Relay Ordering inf. 14S1BA0001A
Current input 1 A
Frequency 60 Hz
Setting Range 25-175 V
Operating current Ir 19 mA
Standard with a single 152.4mm disc
Metrosil Type
per element
Metrosil nominal characteristic C= 450 ,β= 0.25
1.3 CT Details:
CT primary current 500 A
CT Secondary currnt 1 A
Ual 450 V
Im 5 mA @ 0.5* Ual
Rct 5.00 Ω
RL (Cable lead resistance at 75°C) 1.1248 Ω
Total CT number N = 4
1.4 Relay setting:
Calculating Voltage across the relays Vs:
65 MVA
HV side FL current = =
(root3) x 110 kV
HV side FL current = 341.16 A
Tr. % impedance@ 65 MVA = 20.33%

HV side through HV side FL current

= = 1678.12 A
fault current Tr. % impedance
VF = Isn x ( Rct + RIead )
= 3.36 x 6.125
= 20.56 V
Then Vs (Available setting) = 25.00 V From given Table
Vs Relay setting voltage
Isn Short circuit current referred to CT secondary
Claculating Shunt resistance value :

Proposed Senstivity for REF = 10% of Full load current

Primary current corresponding to

34.12 A
required senstivity (Ip) =
Ip (Primary operating Current) = (Ir + n x Im + IM+Ishunt ) * CTR
Im @ Vs = 0.555556 mA

IM @ Vs (Metrosil current @ operating voltage)

= 0.52 x (sqrt (2)*Vs/C)^1/β
= 0.020 mA
Ishunt = 0.0470 A
Rshunt = 532.03 Ohm

Accordingly, H.V. REF Protection setting

Parameter Range Step Unit Setting

Setting Range 25-175 V 25
Metrosil Parameters
C= 450 β= 0.25
Shunt Resistor
Ohm 532.03
End of Lecture #7

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