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School Grade Level 11

Luna Goco Colleges, Inc.

Daily Lesson Log
Teacher Reniel M. Zamora Learning Area Philosophy
Teaching Date and Time July 09 & 11, 2024 Quarter 1st

A. Content Standard The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy
B. Performance Standard The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way
C. Learning 1.1.Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view PPT11/12-Ia-1.1
Competency/Objectives Lesson Objectives: Lesson Objectives:
1. Define philosophy. 1. Recall the meaning and salient features of philosophy.
2. Identify salient features of philosophy. 2. Apply the learned concept of philosophy through
3. Cite situational examples where philosophy is essay.
important. 3. Recognize the importance of philosophy in daily
Tuesday Thursday

The Meaning of Philosophy Activity Time


1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person K-12 First
Edition (REX) pg. 2-4
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous LET’S SEE WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW The following parts of this plan, for this day are intended for the
lesson or presenting the 1. What comes to your mind whenever you hear the word giving of instructions, and the accomplishment of the provided
new lesson Philosophy? activity by the teacher
2. What are the important requirements in doing Philosophy?

B. Establishing a purpose Doing philosophy can also be applied in making laws.

for the lesson How is Philosophy helpful in our day to day life? Nowadays, the number of minors involved in criminal acts is
rising. There had been proposals by some legislators that the
age of criminal liability be reduced to 15 years old as opposed to
the usual 18 years old.
Direction: Make your arguments regarding this issue. Write
your clear and valid arguments, minimum of 10 sentences on
the space provided.

C. Presenting Flash the statements:

examples/Instances of the “The unexamined life is not Your output will be graded using this particular rubric.
new lesson worth living” and “He who has
a why to live for can bear with
almost any how”.
then will ask the students to relate the statements to their
present condition as SHS Learners preparing for college.

D. Discussing new Unlocking of Difficulties:

concepts and practicing Philosophy as a concept - Philosophy is a system of beliefs
new skills # 1 about reality. It is one’s integrated view of the world. It
includes an understanding of the nature of existence, man, and
his role in the world. It is a necessary product of man’s rational
Philosophy as a process - Philosophy is employed as a method
of inquiry. It is an engagement in the search for the meaning of
life, its value and relevance. It is a process for finding
significance in existence.
E. Discussing new The term Philosophy came from two Greek words philo and
concepts and practicing sophia which means “to love” and “wisdom”, respectively.
new skills # 2 Simply put, Philosophy means the love of reasoning making
wisdom as its primary goal. Technically, Philosophy is defined
as the science that by natural light of reason studies
the highest principles of things.
Salient features of it must be taken into consideration:
A. ) Philosophy is a science.
B.) It employs Natural Light of Reason.
C.) Philosophy has an inclination to Study All Things
D.) Philosophy employs First Cause or Highest Principle.

F. Developing mastery Ask the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

Knowledge- is knowing that tomato is a fruit
Wisdom - is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad
Philosophy - is asking if ketchup is a fruit shake
G. Finding practical LET’S TRY THIS AND SELF-CHECK
application of concepts Read the puzzle below and try to answer what are being asked.
and skills in daily living The Missing One Peso
Three friends decided to eat in a restaurant. Each has P10.
They agreed to cheap in their money (amounting to P30) and
chose a menu which they could eat together. After finishing
their meal, they’ve learned that their bill amounted to P25.
This is what they did with the remaining P5. Each one got P1
back and they gave the waiter P2 as tip.
Here’s the puzzle. If each of them contributed P10 and got
back P1 later it means that each one actually spent P9. If we
multiply P9 by 3 (friends), it means that they spent P27.
Adding the P2 they gave to the waiter to P27 they spent,
makes it P29. If their money from the start is P30, where is the
H. Making generalizations LET’S REMEMBER
and abstractions about Philosophy means the love of reasoning making wisdom its
the lesson primary goal. Philosophy is defined as the science that by
natural light of reason studies the highest principles of things.

The salient features of Philosophy are: it applies science in

its investigation similar to other sciences, employs the Natural
Light of Reason or the natural capacity to think compared to
other sciences which use laboratory instrument or
investigative tools, it is a Study of All Things thus overarching
other sciences, it is also guided by First Cause or Highest
Principle in doing the process of philosophizing.
The First Cause or Highest Principle are comprised of: Principle
of Identity, Principle of NonContradiction, Principle of Excluded
Middle and Principle of Sufficient Reason. Using any, if not all,
of these philosophical principles enables the process of
reasoning clear, valid, reliable and strong.
I. Evaluating learning 1. Philosophy is considered to be overarching other fields
of science. What makes philosophical approach overarching
other sciences?
A. Philosophy is said to be overarching other sciences for
the reason that it became a discipline ahead of other sciences.
B. Philosophy is said to be overarching other sciences
because all of them originated from it.
C. Philosophy is said to be overarching other sciences
because it studies everything.
D. Philosophy is said to be overarching other sciences
because each field of science uses scientific method just like
2. There are many different disciplines under Social
Science. Which of the following statements shows the
relationship between Social Science and Philosophy?
A. Social Science and Philosophy are disciplines.
B. Philosophy is a discipline under Social Science.
C. Philosophy is employed in many different disciplines in
making arguments.
D. Social Science is a discipline under Philosophy.
3. Economics, Sociology, Psychology, History, among
others; are disciplines that follow scientific method in their
inquiry thus making them science. What makes Philosophy a
A. Philosophy is a science because it enables us to find
answers to our questions.
B. Philosophy is a science because reasoning itself is a
C. Philosophy is a science because, as a discipline, it helps
other sciences in their quest for answers.
D. Philosophy is a science because it is an organized body
of knowledge just like any other sciences.
4. Most of social science concepts have etymological
background. Which of the following
tells about the etymology or origin of the term philosophy?
A. The term philosophy comes from two Greek words philo
and sophia which means “to love” and “wisdom”, respectively.
B. The term philosophy comes from Confucian idea which
says that deep thinking is essential to one’s well-being.
C. The term philosophy comes from two Greek words philo
and sophia which means “to argue” and “agree”, respectively.
D. The term philosophy was coined by early philosophers
which means reasoning.
5. One of the characteristics of doing philosophy is that it
is multidimensional or holistic in its approach. What is meant
by holistic?
A. It means that a philosopher does not limit himself to a
particular object of inquiry.
B. It means that a philosopher questions almost anything,
if not everything.
C. It means that philosophical approach must be based on
empirical evidences.
D. Both A and B are correct.
6. The Principle of Non-Contradiction is one of the Highest
Principles employed by philosophical inquiry. Which of the
following statements best applies this principle?
A. A cow is the same as beef.
B. Ice is a liquid matter in solid form.
C. If Ana went to school then she is not anywhere else.
D. The same person is present in two places at the same
7. “Nothing exists without sufficient reason for its being
and existence” is stated by the Principle of Sufficient Reason.
Which of the following scenarios best describes this
A. Ghosts as popularly known are spirits who could not be
accepted either in hell nor in heaven.
B. Anything afloat the atmosphere will fall down on Earth
because gravity will work on it after some time in one way or
C. Cats have nine lives because they can easily prevent
D. Happy people are those who are contented with their
8. One distinguishing characteristic of philosophy is that it
uses Natural Light of Reason.
Choose from the following statements below that best
describes this characteristic.
A. A philosopher uses his natural capacity to think or the
so-called unaided
B. A philosopher uses experiments to test his arguments
and consequently uses
the result of such experiment to aid his reasoning.
C. A philosopher employs his gut feeling in order to arrive
at reasonable argument.
D. A philosopher can assume what the majority thinks and
consider such as valid
9. Philosophy follows First Cause or Highest Principle.
Which of the following pertains to the Principle of Identity?
A. The Principle of Identity means “it is impossible for a
thing to be and not to be at the same time, and at the same
B. The Principle of Identity means “everything is what it is”.
C. The Principle of Identity means “nothing exists without a
sufficient reason for its being and existence”.
D. The Principle of Identity means “a thing is either is or is
not, there is no middle ground possible”.
10. `Philosophy is a science just like any other sciences.
But what makes it different from other sciences?
A. It is different from other sciences in the sense that it
considers itself unique.
B. It is different from other sciences because it focuses
mainly on reasoning.
C. It is different from other sciences because it does not
employ laboratory instrument nor any investigative tools but
instead uses human reason alone.
D. It is different from other sciences simply because
philosophers are different from scientists.

J. Additional activities for Assignment:

application or Cite some other applications of the salient features of
remediation Philosophy, you may write it on your notebook.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: Checked and Verified by:

Reniel M. Zamora Luz A. Mallorca

Teacher Principal
Basic Education Department Basic Education Department

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