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OS AINE ver Is of tal inpetance, bere allemping to operate your engine, to res tne general. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS" inthe folowing secton and to stlly adhere to the advice contains ‘Algo. please stusy the entre contents of this Instruction manual, eo a1 ararize youreel wth the contol and other features of he eran. [SHE NgTHUGTONS ND WARNINGS ABDUTYOUR OS ENGR Remember that your engine is nota "toy", but a highly" efficientinternalcombustion machine ‘whoee power is eapable of harming yeu, or others, inte misused [As owner, you, lone, are responsible forthe safe ‘operation of your engine, se act with discretion ‘and care ata times. iat some future dite, your (0.8, engine Is acquired by another person, we ‘would respeetfuly request that these Instructions [ne also passed on tots new owner. ilThe advice which follows is grouped under two headings aceorang to the degree of damage oF danger hich might ize through misuse or neglect. ZXWARNINGS| ‘These cover evente which might involve sero Ainextreme cvcumstances, even fatal) Injury ‘Ay NOTES mety eos of Sag cotta Secn"uranacne toy ae eerteorn WARNINGS evr m AA miseretctth othe ene when Titan ontainr and out ofthe each of chilren. away from Dy Since Anyone els to smoke, near tt Mode! engines generate considerable heat. De not touch any pert of your ‘engine un # has cooled. Contact with ‘the mutter (alencer), cylinder head oF ‘exhaust header pipe, In particular, may [A weakened or lose propelier may disintegrate or be thrown off and, since p ‘speeds with Pewertul engines may exzeed 600 fet(180 metres) all id that such & tin serous injury, (see NOTES! section relating to propeller set) rate your engine In an enclosed space. Model engines, lke automobile engines, exhaust ‘dency earborrmonoxide. Run your engine ont In ‘NOTES 1 This engine was designed for model avert. De not attompt to use t for any cher puxpose “Mount the engine in your model secure. folowing the manutactres reconmendiions, sing appr priate srews ana lek, + Be sur 0 use the soncer (mute suppted wth he engine, Frequent expoture fo an open exhaust may rently mat your Peaing. Such noise i 3 Tely to cause annoyance to athes over «wie a ‘If you remove the glowplg trom the engine and naok ts condton by connecting the baler leads to Teo not hold the plug wih bare finger Use an Sppreprite tol ora folded piece o lth, ‘Insta atp-qualty prope he ameter and pzch peced forthe engine and itera". Loeate the Proper onthe sho tate curved face of the Binge are forearm the rection ofan. Fy ‘ighten the propeller nu ug the cove! 528 wench “Aways check te tonnes ofthe propeller nut ang robghten it necessary, btor resaring he engine ‘iso. check the tginess ofall fhe cere and ruts INSTRUCTION MANUAL “Ifyou tala sinner make sur that tea precsan ‘nade predict andl he st rte propel blades donot xno be bade ool ana weakon rom. oly gases i alo stony recommended + Diseard any propeller which has become «pli Never atop! repair suchapropeler: destey i Denctmodty a propel nay way. unless you ae hgh experioncedin tuning propel for specialized compatlon wor such a ploacing + Tate care that he glow plug clip o ater leads do rot come int conlac withthe propeller Also check the linkage to the trots am. & dlscennectes + Aor staring he engine, cary out any neodlevate reagustments ‘vom a safe postion behind the rotating propeller. Stop the engine before sttmoting tomar cher agustmerts tothe carburetor, + Aust he tote nage 60 that the engine stops ‘ranamiter are tll retardes. Aematvey. the engine maybe stopped by cuting of the fel supply. Never te sep the engine praca ‘Take care that loaee clothing (hee, eit sloves, scarves, slz)s0 nol come nia cane! wath the propeler. De not cary lose objects {cueh a6 ovele, serewsrvers, ele} im a ah pockel tom ‘aher hey cou fal rough the proper ae + De not stat your engine in an are containing loose materaln you face and yes and cause iy. + For wate satety. keep at onlookers (especialy smal hdren wellbek (teat 20 fet or melee) when prepa your model org you have to carry the Irodel th ate point with he engine unnng be + ¥/arningl_ Immediately after a. glowplus-ntion fngine hat been run and is sll warm, conditions Sometmes exist whereby Is ust possible forthe gin to sbrpy restr the propel i casually fipped over compression WITHOUT tre glmplig battery being reconnected. Remember hie I 904 wish avoid the isk ofapsinfll rapped krucse ABOUT THE ENGINE designed or sc and arobate models. (The 40K carburetor needevale assembly has now been angled backward or eae) 1 Now E-3071 sloncr (POWER BOX) develops vary ‘tectve muting, As, the compact body enables ‘oe fe wahin mot cont, STANDARD ACCESSORIES Neal vabe TE-G07! Slencer Ascey Exerson eu Se SlorcorRetaing Seren MIDASIC ENGINE PARTS. Cylinder head “ype 40% SQ Crankenat SPP! INSTALLATION 1s suggested to use as heavy and rgd as posse {engine mouning for highest performance and safe ‘ing Ist he engne ona laste moun! using at Teast 3mm stool serews, such as Alen type. wih leeks fr bang the engine tthe bearers. sceurtey algned and tly intgrat wy the Sirrae,reniteng the adjacent structure to abso Vrain. Use Amm of larger steal serows, Drelerably Alen type hexagon socket head cap crows, wih washer sn less, for Boting the ‘engine tothe bearer. A. special OS. radial motor mount (Code No71015100) is avatable, a5 an plone ex, for se whee fiona ype mounting is equted. THROTTLE LINKAGE tat the tote am and linkage sfely clear any ldacent part of tre antare struct, ee, as he wot Is opened and csed. Cennect ho lakage so {hat he thle ie fuly closed when the tanemiter rrotle ste and Re tim lover are at her lowest Zzotinge ana fuly open when he vote sk ine ‘ulj-open postion. Carey aon the approprite mobs in te trate arm and seve hom 20 thal they move sSymmeticaly and smoot hough tulvave MEINSTALLING SILENCER Secure the silencer to he engine by means of wo retanng serews supped ae te engine is securely ‘The exrauet curlet of te slencer can be rotted to any dosed poston nthe fallowing manne: 1) Locsen telco and ese sre 2) Set na exhaust cut at he egted poston by rath ‘heroarpatof te slercr. 3) Re-igran he assy sro elowedy th lock PROPELLERS. The choice of proper depends on the design and weight ofthe area and the type of yng in whien you Wit Be engaged. Determine the best size and ype ‘iter praca! experimentation. As a staring poi, fete: te prope lsted In he accompanying fable Slightly larger oF even slighty smal, props than tose Show in the lable may bo used, bul remember thatthe propel nose wl nerease, duo npr” em ont a letgerlameterlowerptzhed pop ls used [spon [i278 13x67] Waring Make sure that the propeler ls well balanced, An Unbalanced propeller andlor spinner ean eauseseious ‘ration whieh may weaken pats ofthe arrame ot atte the aft ofthe rado-conieled system. spinner Since De engin Is iiended to be stated wit an loci steer, Ine adson of spinner assembly for Cerering the starter sleeve le dashable, Use heey uty wel Dalanced spinner either of etl o plastic, mrueL ‘The 46AXI shouldbe operated ona methanol based ‘uel eontaing nt les than 18% (volumetie) east cil or top quay symhetie brant ora intr of Both, plus a small percentage (-20%) of nivemetnane {or mprovedtlsoity and power. (The carburetors fated a eon the rh ade al he factory or ue Containing 20% lubricant and 15% nitromethane) Some commercial tues alo contin coloring adatves {35 an aldo ful lve visbiy. In some cases, the datives have deste egy negate eect on he performance. Wo woule suggest that you use such ‘els only you ae sais that they donot adverse) affect runing qualtes when compared with familar Eandard fuel, When changing To fuel brand or formula hat ferent rom the one o which you sre fccustomed, le aise precaution fo temporary revert to insight ranningn procedures, unl you are sute thatthe ‘ong sunning etraysatstactoly. Ay, Model engine te is poltonaus. De nat allow into come Into contact with the eyes or ‘mouth. Aheaye store tin a clearly marked ‘container and out ofthe resch of ehildren, Ay Medel engine fel i alee hgh tammable Keep 1 away trom open flame, excessive heat sources of sparks, or anything else Which might ignite Do net smoke, oF alow “anyone elge to smoke, near tt Fuel Tank Mel nk ol sprotmate 60ceeapsety J ie suggest. Ths allows arouna 10-12 SL rinwos ying me, devendent won he pe’ ue Urea he s20 of propeller and on the smount ol toe pareve operation thoughout he i alow Ps S BENE gees opie win ange, 3 I Electric Starter and Starter Batty Reauired wren staring the ensine. BEFORE STARTING MONEY ona» mare nae "ED rmangalor electric tel puns may beused os container tothe fl ane, ‘2GtowPiug igniter Commerc avaleble handy glowskg a”) howtor i which the lonpug eatery ana AS“ ater eae ate neato ae 10.5. Supe Fier Pet Can iter inal ater ene sale of yor helng curr poe ey fey at al Gg tine 09, So siege ond soa ve Stas rls 905. Non-Bubbie Weight e To prevent te pickup tom adhering to he ake wall under euelon and veering ue lm, Ss may be fled | the end ofthe weight Merraively 0.5, Non-Bubble Weight ie IFUELTANK LOCATION fee sure 10 use a pressurzes fuel system by ‘connecting the muller pressure ripple le the vont beat heel an rut rier TES See et sod hr Dette ener experi prt EP rir ffrsign matiorinto the carbureir, $5 Feapeotsliore tig appox irmad. 2% ezennid emqundie ne canes Ae) Sinead AD) Lona Socket vrench th Pla Gp Recrrmnndeda ey eee anapacrtntot ho foie and rcness ghmpla he 0.5 Lang Socket Vioneh neorporates 2 special gp en = i] STARTING Be cure to use an elect tater to start the engine Starting procedure leas follows: 1. Fil he fu tnk ith fe When fils, prevent fowing into the carburetor wth a conmerllly valable fuel stopper, ee. lease the stopper betre starting ne engine 2. Make sure that plug element slows re, and install ‘he plugin the ender hea crags oy lag 8" ey SSS Replace tho plug when nef Steeles gener Ay Glow Pius tgcer 8. Check that he neeole-vave i closed (Do net ‘overighen) Now open the needanaive counter ‘louse 225 neo the startng eating. (te. (open force mie 4 pen the hot approx. one-quarir Fy ones Ff meee u seating pont 5. Apply the eater and press he state ste for 6. Connect bar leas oslowrlug 7. Brng elec tara ino contact wth spinner or spinner and dapress sate ewieh ft one oF Second. Repeat necessary When the engine ‘at, widraw the starter nme. Astetion: Do not choke the carburetor intake whan aop ing he starter, Thos could cause an excessive amount ot {uel be drawn ino the ender whieh may nite 2 hiya lok and aamage he engine, LS For carburetor Plug \ commercial avalbi) Thaial the Wel Wank 20 at he cerier of he arbors even wth he center fhe el ak ep 15mm VERY mPORTANT! Belo beng operas a ul power (eat ubihotle ‘snd wih the neece-alveclaeea to opinum esters) the engine musi be adeguatel run oternise tere is danger of becering overheated ana damages, How to stop the engine Pall coun the trot lever and tim lever on the ‘vane ay Twe mixture controls are provided on this carburetor +The Nee Valve Wen set to produce maximum power a fll rote The comect mbure le then mastained by the catbureter's ulin automate mixture conta system to cover the engine's requ reducos rot singe. ‘The mixture Conta! Valve This meters fuel flow at parthret pends to ensure reliable operation a opened anc cbsed. The Moxure Conl Valve ie factory #9 or he approximate beat rau, et un re engne at recehed and readjust he Mie Corba Seren ony necessary GQyy,_tnercein we 1 RUNWING IN Breaking in’) tn hoy ae nn fr be fw tion a8 Tne alow the mong pa 0 mae gear ner inootais compen bain bt abing tine tour cotnaoury a igh speed and Belo fesang catburstor sure {ior feet roca pace machey end Yom Siple range sed ecled for ad en oe epoceeresions ne lo Vabe 1.naalthe engine withthe propel inardes or your model, Open the neesle-vale to the screed ‘Rating cling and ear the engine. he engine stops when the low plug batery is dscennected, ‘open the noeainaive to he pan wrare the engine oes not stop. Run the engine fr one mint uth ‘he thotle uly open, but with the nevce-vave gusta te tih,slow Youreyel operation, Up to ‘wo-ycle-opersion and allow 10 un for bring she engine back to Yourcycloperation and ‘unl or anther £0 seconde. Repeat hi procedre Untlne tetance emo. a. Re-stat and adjust the neesle-talve s0 thet the ‘engin ust breaks ito "oreele” om “our” ‘operation, then make tee or fou fights, avoding ‘hecessive nose up ight. 4 During subsequent fghs, the nessa can be ‘gaculy closed ta ge more power. However, the engine shows sgrs of runang te lean the nex. {ght shoud be eel rcher. Aer a ital on igh ‘he engine shoul un eontnucusy on te oman reedlevale eoling, without lee of power a8 rams vp Aer the completion of the runnngin adust the ‘earburetr a optimum seting referring to MIXTURE CONTROL VALVE ADJUSTMENT section and SUBSEQUENT READIUSTMENT secton. ‘optimum needle esting (1) Slowly advance the tvetle to Re uly open postion, ‘hen gradual clse the neele-ave una he exhaust role Bogs a change. (yee to 2yele) optimum ne setting @) As the novde-vale is closed slowly ane gradualy. he tngine rpm. ull increase and a continuous high pichod exnaust ote. ony. wll be hears. Close the heedle-valve 10-13 degrees ang wt forthe change ot pm. After the engine rpm. Increases tum the reedle-vaie ante 10-18 degrees and wal for he rex change of rpm. As the speedo he engin does hot instant change wih needle-vaveroasjustment Small movements. with pauses between, ave necessary to aie a he optum sting 4 eae tom gow 3 Nt ‘This diagram ie for ceteronce purposes only ‘Actual needle positions may 7 i xrune CONTROL VALVE ADJUSTMENT With the engine runing. lose the thot ad allow it {uly tat this poi, the engine is slow fo pck up and produces an excess of exhaust sick he mate is foo reh, Corect this eondon by ting the Mise Cont Seren lackite 15-30 degrees the mature Ic excessively re, engine rom wil become unstable opening te ote wilprduce a get deal of sake {and rpm may drop suddenly oF he engine may sp. This condton may alsa be inated by excessively prolonged cing Ineatd by a. marked lack of exhaust smoke and a tendeny for he engine tact dt when the tte i ‘opened. In his cave. tum the Mature Cont Serow counlerchekwise 90 degrees to pastel enrch the ele mitre, then tun the ere elocxwiee gaduly Unt engine regains ul power cesly when the ‘hte Ie reopened. Cany out adjustments paterty Unt tne engine responds qucy and postvey ta the ‘ttle conta. Note: Mixture Control Valve a ‘made in stepe of 1520", carefully heckng the effect. on throttle response, of (teh small aajustment In the course of making earbutelor austen, is Just possible that tne Mixture Control Valve may be Inadverenty screwed In or out too far and theteby moves beyond its effective acustment range. The Basle poston ean be found he sketch shown below ~ Fist the Mitre Conte Vale unl Re body then seri out one tun This is the standard posto, {opr 05mm) nr guy Moir Conve IICARE AND MAINTENANCE ay attention to the matters described ‘ensure that your engine serves you well performance, reliably and Yong Ie, ‘As previously mentioned iis vlaly Inport’ to ld operating the engin in cnctions where dus, Sisturbes by the proper, may be deposed on he fngine and eres working pat 1 Remember to Keep your fuel conlainer closed to preven! foreign mater rom contaminating the ua ‘Inca fuel fiero prevent rt and dustin he fl enlainer Item enterng the fuel tank 0.8. Super Fito (and 8) are avalale as opona xa. Install a ine fuel ser betwean the take end atbursl: to proven it at nthe tank fom ‘ntting the carburetor + Clean heze fers poral. ‘hose procautons are noglcted,resticton o uel ‘tow may cauve the engine te el of te fuer micure to become to lean causing the engine *0 ‘+The use of modern high-peromance aleohol based ‘roel engine ‘ul, whle romatng cele running, Ioroved aidetonton combustion and hereased power, have the ceasvantage of causing coroion Sue othe ac oy products ef combustion. The use ‘ot miremethane in the fal ean seo contbte to the peter. 100 not close the needlvalve and mixture conto ‘ave too far asthe wil cause a lean seting and ‘overheating ofthe engine. This ean in tum, ee ntomathane oe lading to lama using of ‘engine. Always aust the neeclvalve sight on the "eh sido peak rm Do not leave unused fuel In the engine at the condusion ofa days thing. Accepted practice Ist Cult he tel suply while the engine Is il unning {ful roto, then expel 2¢ much fue residue as Dossiie by tung te engine over 8-10 seconde ‘ah the eocire starter. Final inject some afer Si bwough ine glows hele and tur the engine ‘ver cavral mes by nan ‘+ Wnen the engine I ot 0 be usd for some menths {ior example, as between fying. seasons) 2 wrtbunile precaution Is to remove It om the Sirrame and, ator washing off the exterior with Sieohat (pot gaseline not Kerosene). vemeve avetuly the carburetor, glen plug and al slieone tubing and put them safely aside. Then, merce tho engine in a container of aloha. tate the caniahatl wee engine Is mers, frign Imater ie vsble in the aleoral. rinse the engine {gain clean aleehol. Final shake of and ry the alechol and inject some atterrun ll the Glowplug hole and rotate the eankshatt several tes by hand Rectal the carburetor and glowplig on the engine and keepin ary place ar puting navn bag OS. GENUINE PARTS & ACCESSORIES ‘¢ RADIAL MOTOR MOUNT (ris13t00) + Noe (71608001) + Ne.10 (Forma AS) «iso7100) (© SPINNER NUT 127-28) (23024008) (© PROPELLER NUT SETS FOR 2c SPINNER ya (78101020), «SILENCER EXTENSION ADAPTORS. (25425600) © LONG PROPELLER NT SETS, e280 «@ar07000) ¢ SUPER FILTER (72409050) (¢ Now-suBBLE wetgHr (71831000) ¢ Non-euaBLE WEIGHT (3) ssi0%0) ‘FANG NUTS (6sce ees) Ma (79870031) © Lock WASHER (10st) Mg (53800002) ‘¢Loha SockET WRENCH WITH PLUG GRI (71821000) ‘Tha specifeatons ae subject to aeraton or ALENGINE EXPLODED VIEW MITHREE VIEW DRAWING Dimenssoneinm) SPECIFICATIONS Broke race Po, vii ALENGINEN PARTS LIST Ne, [ Cogs Ne, Deseripion [25704000 ‘ylnder Haas [25703000 [25206000 [28217000 Piston Pn Rane Gee [acea i010 ‘Garburetor Compas Type AOR) fzazi0007 Propallor Nut z 3 [25205000] 8 7 z [25708003 [24608000] 10" [48120000 “Trust Waeher 1 fps7at002 ‘rankahat GallGearng 112 [25701000 13. [25830010) ‘Granishat al Bearng "1 [25702000 Graniahat 15 [25714000 16. [25707000] ‘over Pa 17 [2467000] Serow Se 71608007 [raz000a Needle Valve Evanston Cable St [2c625270 E071 Silene Assembly [22605125 [25625300 Assemay Sew [2268957 rsure hippo 7 [25825400 ‘Sener Relaning Screw (CMOS Pere) ‘The spoctestons ae aja aerate Ne. [ Code Ne. ‘Beseripton 1 [2208108] ¥-1 [27081313] “Tee Lever Retaining Seem 2_[2agai210) Tasreter Role '3_[25781600 Mature Conte Valve AES 3-1 [46066319] ‘O Ring (ee, 32 [po7eie00 ‘Ong (5) 2pes) [24681110 5 [45581820 iter Gude Sram _[zpeni953 velit Nt [44281970 Reese Asser [2e961837 “O" Rig 2pe5) [26381501 Sei Screw [arasie40 ewale-ave aide Assembly [26711905 Ratchet Spring [46215000 Cabarete Rubber GRE [25081700 Tarear Relaning Sew (D.S.ENGINES mracosro, 6-15 3-Chome Imagawa Hgashisumyoshiku (Osaka 546-0003, Japan TEL. (06) 6702-0225,

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