Soft Skills - Unit 5

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When a group of individuals work together for achieving the reset goals or objective is
known as Team. Team building is about providing the skills, training and resources that
employees or team members need, so that they can work in synchronization. Team building is
not a onetime process, in fact it is a continues process embedded into your team and
organization's culture.

Team building makes stronger bonds among the members of an organization. The each
employee respects each other and their differences and share common goals and expectations.
Team building will ensure the process of turning a group of individual contributing employees
into a more efficient and effective team a group of people organized to work together to meet the
needs of their leaders by accomplishing their long and short term goals.

5.1.1 - Team Development Stages

The course of learning to work together effectively is known as team development.

Research has revealed that teams go through definitive stages during development. A five-stage
development process that most teams follow to become high performing was coined by Bruce
Tuckman, an educational psychologist. He named the stages: forming, storming, norming,
performing, and adjourning. Team development stages are shown as below:

1. Forming stage: The forming staged is the time of orientation and getting acquainted.
Hesitation is high during this stage, and people are looking for leadership guidance. A
member who knowledgeable and trust worthy may be looked to take control. Mainly
communications are social as members get to know each other.

2. Storming stage: The storming stage is the most hard and acute stage to pass through.
By now conflict and competition as individual personalities appear. Team performance
may actually decline in this stage because energy is put into uncreative activities.
Members may strike down on team goals, and subgroups and gangs may form around
strong personalities or areas of disagreement. To get through this stage, members must
work to overcome problems, to accept individual differences, and to work through
disagreeing ideas on team tasks and goals.

3. Norming stage: Once the team successfully lives through the storming stage, conflict
is resolved and some degree of unity emerges. In the norming stage, consensus develops
around whom the leader or leaders are, and individual member’s roles. Interpersonal
differences begin to be resolved, and a sense of cohesion and unity emerges. Team
performance increases during this stage as members learn to cooperate and begin to focus
on team goals. However, team spirit is lost and disagreements re-emerge the team can
return into storming stage.

4. Performing stage: In the performing stage, harmony and cooperation have been well-
established and the team is developed, prepared, and well-functioning. There is a strong
and stable structure, and members are devoted to the team’s mission. Difficulties and
conflicts still emerge, but they are allocated with constructively. The team is motivated
on problem solving and meeting team goals.

5. Adjourning stage: In the adjourning stage, most of the team’s goals have been
achieved. The weight is on enfolding up final tasks and documenting the effort and
results. There may be a feeling of sadness as the team ends, so an official
acknowledgement of the work and success of the team can be helpful
5.1.2 - Types Teams

The progress of teams and teamwork has grown intensely in all types of organizations for
one simple reason: No one individual has the ability to deliver the kinds of results required in
today's highly competitive marketplace. Hence various types of teams are created for well-
functioning of the organization.


Decision Making and problem solving are two key spaces of life, whether you are at
student or a professional. Every day we make countless decisions, some of it are ‘big’ like the
impact of it on us and few are ‘small’ which have less effects on us. Few decisions and problems
are so way too small that we may not even count them. For some individual’s even small
decisions, sometimes, can be overwhelming. They may face a dilemma while taking his

Example of small decisions could be “Tea or coffee” Ice-cream or cold drink” many such
small or minor decisions are arrived by less of time and ease.
5.2.1. Steps for Decision Making

Problem solving and decision making go hand in hand. You can solve a problem by
taking a decision. There are three main types of decision makers. Few are systematic decision
maker, few are rational decision maker and even fewer are intuitive decision makers. They go
with their gut feeling and think it’s a right approach, but cannot explain why they have chosen
this decision.

1. Identify the Problem – Problem accepted is half solved. Each time you face a
problem, just wait for a while to assess ‘What is the problem?’ Many a times we try and
focus only on the outcome because of the problem or we focus on the cause of the
problem. In both the situation the control is not in our hands. Hence it is necessary to
look at the problem only.

2. Search the alternative –There is no lock without a key, which means the problem or
the decision that we are planning to take will have alternative to take you to the desired
result. Sometimes you are so engrossed with the problem that you stop looking for an
alternative or solution to change your present condition.

3. Compare the alternatives – In this step you will evaluate the alternative solutions or
outcome before you freeze any one. One of the simplest ways is just to list the pros and
cons of each alternative and then move forward. In this step you could also use the Rule
of Elimination means, rule out the options that does not make any value addition to you.

4. Make a choice – If all the three steps are done properly then this step would turn out to
be the most easy and logical step. By now you are clear with the problem statement and
have looked for various alternatives to change or solve the problem and from all of these
alternatives you will happen to choose the best. Generally lay man will only think the
point on which you decide the alternative is your way of making decision.

5. Implementation of choice – Just by choosing the right alternative your problem will
not be solved, implementation is the key. In organization implementation is carried out at
a vast extent. As organizations are wide spread across location and deal with people at
large. Some decision take time to implement, on the other hand few can be implemented
quickly. Change in Petrol Price is implemented at large but quickly, whereas new
education policy issued in 2020 will take time to be implemented.

6. Evaluate results – Though this is the last step in the process of decision making but
most people miss this step. As they don’t measure or evaluate their outcome of the
decision that they had made.

5.2.2 Decision Making Techniques

As a leader, the majority of the time he/she allots to have the final say in decisions related
to organizations goal. But many a times, your team will have to choose the best alternative.

Leader has to deal with different opinions and personalities; this can be a nerve-wracking
thought for a leader who wants to continue a good bond and understanding among group
members. Below are techniques used for decision making and problem solving –

Brainstorming - This is clear and creative approach for developing alternative. Installing all
members of a group, interested in solving a problem, think together about the problem and
contribute their ideas to arrive at the most viable solution. The basic idea behind brainstorming to
get fresh ideas for all the group members. For the success of brainstorming, every idea should be
welcomed and the group members should refrain from judging each other idea on the spot.

5 Whys -No problem can have one root cause or reason. The 5 whys technique enables you to
know the multiple causes of the problems. In this technique a single problem is exploded
extensively by repeating the question “why?” This technique is used to study the cause and effect
relationship of a given problem. The success of this technique depend upon how appropriately
are the questions asked to find out the cause of a problem and its solution.
Nominal group- It is one step ahead of brainstorming as it includes a voting process tour and the
ideas or solution generated by the group members. Every member get equal representation in the
group to contribute to decision making. First every member states his or her solution briefly
explains the reasons why he or she opted for that solution. Then all the solutions are listed and
later on arranged through voting to choose the most valued one. Decision making techniques it is
the job of the facilitator to encourage all group members to share their child then their invite
them to rank all the choices to select the best one.


Accountability is important in leadership because it helps ensure that your team is

working towards a common goal and that they are following through with their commitments. It
instills a sense of trust and mutual respect among the leader and their team.

When leaders are held accountable for their actions, as well as understand the
consequences of failing to meet expectations, employees will trust in your leadership more. This
type of accountability also spurs innovation among the people on your team which can lead to
better success in the long run.

5.3.1. Why must a good leader be accountable?

To be an effective leader, you must be able to hold yourself accountable for your actions
and decisions, as well as the actions and decisions of those who report to you.

If people don’t feel accountable they won’t take personal responsibility for themselves
and they won’t be held accountable by others or by management for their own actions or those of
others on their team.

5.3.2. Five Ways to Demonstrate Leadership Accountability

1. Communication: Being able to communicate effectively is vital to get alignment and

clarity of purpose in your team. People need to know that their leaders are capable of
giving them clear direction.
2. Delegation: When people feel accountable for their actions, they take ownership of them
and can easily fix mistakes they make. This builds trust between leaders and their
team members
3. Listening: There has been a significant increase in the need to demonstrate you are a
supportive and caring leader. This is closely followed by being employee-focused which
need to start with listening.
4. Ownership: Self-accountability dictates that leaders make sure they set high standards
for themselves and map out on paper how they will get there. If you want your team to be
accountable for their actions then we must first be accountable for our own actions
5. Investment in your people: You must be willing to invest in people so they feel
appreciated and respected. If you show employees trust by giving them responsibilities
and opportunities, they will feel more invested in their work and will be more
accountable for how they perform.


Planning is the process of determining an organization's direction and allocating resources

to pursue that direction. Setting goals, analyzing the competitive landscape, identifying
opportunities and challenges, and developing action plans to achieve the desired outcomes are all
part of the process.

5.4.1. For several reasons, leadership is essential in the planning process:

 Vision and Direction: Leaders establish the organization's vision and direction. They
define the strategic planning process's purpose, values, and mission.

 Alignment and Buy-In: Leaders make certain that all stakeholders are on the same page
and committed to the strategic plan. They communicate the goals and objectives of the
plan to the entire organization and involve employees in the planning and implementation

 Decision Making: Leaders must make difficult decisions in order to successfully

implement the strategic plan. To stay on track, they prioritize initiatives, allocate
resources, and adjust the plan as needed.

 Adaptation: As the business environment changes, leaders must be adaptable and

capable of adjusting the strategic plan. They must be adaptable and responsive to changes
in customer preferences, market trends, and technological advancements.

5.4.2. Tips for Improving Leadership Skills in Planning

 Create a Strong Team: Strategic planning necessitates a collaborative effort. Leaders

should focus on building a strong team with the right mix of skills and expertise to
successfully execute the plan. They should also foster a collaborative, trusting, and
accountable culture.

 Communicate Effectively: Leaders must communicate the strategic plan to all

stakeholders in a clear and consistent manner. They should use a variety of channels to
ensure that everyone is on the same page with the plan's goals, objectives, and action

 Empower your Team: Leaders must empower their teams to make decisions and take
ownership of the plan's execution. They should provide the necessary resources and
support to assist teams in achieving their goals.

 Encourage an Innovative Culture: Strategic planning necessitates creativity and

innovation. Leaders should encourage their teams to think outside the box to generate
novel ideas and solutions.


Effective public speaking is a key skill for leaders. As individuals develop in their careers,
take on more responsibilities and move into leadership roles, the more likely they are to be called
on to give speeches and talks.

5.5.1. Why leaders need to master public speaking

Public speaking skills are not only required because leaders might be called upon to give
speeches and talks. Public speaking also means effective communication with your team
members. You might be speaking to inform, persuade or inspire, but whatever you’re attempting
to communicate, the principle is the same.

5.5.2. Benefits of Public Speaking

 Public speaking creates connections

 Public speaking skills drive change
 Public speaking skills can help you win hearts and minds

5.5.3. Public Speaking Tips

1. Know your audience.

2. Write an outline.

3. Practice makes perfect.

4. Determine what resources you need, if any.
5. Be yourself.
6. Practice in front of a mirror.
7. Give a test run to a friend or family member.
8. Ask for feedback.
9. Remember to speak slowly and clearly.
10. Focus on eye contact.
11. Use humor if applicable.
12. Concentrate on eliminating nervous gestures.

13. Try a practice run in the location you'll be presenting.

14. Decompress and relax before you present.
15. Get feedback from those in the room.

Motivation is a key component of effective leadership. As a leader, it is your responsibility to
motivate and inspire your team to achieve goals. When team members are motivated, they are
more productive, engaged, and committed to their work.

5.6.1. Process of Motivation

The process of motivation is based on human needs. The steps of the process of motivation are as

1. Unsatisfied Needs: Need is the starting point of motivation. The process always begins
when a person feels that there is some unsatisfied need in him.

2. Tension: When an unsatisfied need is recognized, a tension is created in the mind of the

3. Drive: This tension stimulates the drive and compels the person to take action to fulfil his

4. Search Behaviour: In this, the drives create a drive to search for different ways or
alternatives to relieve the tension.

5. Satisfied need: After searching the various options available, the person chooses a
particular option. The person evaluates whether his need is satisfied or not as per the
chosen option.
6. Reduction of Tension: Tension is reduced and the person feels motivated when he is
successful in satisfying his needs.

5.6.2. How leaders can motivate their teams to succeed:

a) Leaders Set a Clear Vision: Effective leaders communicate a clear vision and goals to
their teams. By sharing the "why" behind the work, leaders spark motivation and
inspiration in their teams.
b) Leaders Recognize and Reward Good Work: Recognition and rewards are powerful
motivators. When leaders acknowledge and reward good work, teams feel appreciated
and valued.
c) Leaders Coach and Develop Teams: Effective leaders invest in the development of
their teams. Through coaching and feedback, leaders help teams acquire new skills and
strengthen their abilities. This demonstrates to teams that leaders care about their growth
and progress.
d) Leaders Lead by Example: Ultimately, leaders must lead by example. When leaders
demonstrate the behaviors and values that they want to see from their teams, it serves as a
powerful motivator.


Risk-taking is the ability of a leader to make bold decisions, venture into uncharted
territory, and embrace uncertainty in pursuit of growth and innovation within the organizations.
This leadership style fosters a culture of continuous learning, pushing boundaries, and embracing
challenges. By adopting risk-taking leadership, you can:

 Drive innovation and creativity within your team

 Adapt to the ever-changing business landscape

 Stay ahead of the competition by capitalizing on new opportunities

5.7.1. Practical Tips - Ready to embrace risk-taking leadership

1. Set realistic and attainable goals for risk-taking initiatives

2. Clearly communicate the potential benefits and risks of each initiative to your team

3. Involve your team members in the decision-making process to promote ownership

and commitment

4. Monitor and evaluate the outcomes of risk-taking initiatives to learn and improve

5. Celebrate and reward calculated risks, regardless of the outcome, to encourage a

culture of innovation

5.7.2. How to Encourage Calculated Risk-Taking

Risk-taking leadership is not about taking reckless risks, but rather making informed
decisions that balance potential rewards and risks. To encourage calculated risk-taking:

 Develop a thorough understanding of potential risks and rewards

 Establish clear goals and objectives for each risk-taking endeavor

 Create contingency plans to mitigate potential adverse outcomes

5.8. Time Management

Time in any organization is constant and irreversible. Nothing can be substituted for time.
Leaders have numerous demands on their limited time. Time keeps getting away and they have
trouble controlling it. No matter what their position, they cannot stop time, they cannot slow it
down, nor can they speed it up. Thus, time needs to be effectively managed to be effective.

On the other hand, you can become such a time management skills fanatic convert by
building time management spreadsheets, creating priority folders and lists, color coding tasks,
and separating paperwork into priority piles that you start to waste more time by managing it too
In addition, time management skills and techniques may become so complex that you
soon give up and return to your old time wasting methods.

What most people actually need to do is to analyze how they spend their time and
implements a few time saving methods that will gain them the most time.

5.8.1. Time management skills:

a) Managing the decision making process, not the decisions.

b) Concentrating on doing only one task at a time.
c) Establishing daily, short-term, mid-term, and long-term priorities.
d) Handling correspondence expeditiously with quick, short letters and memos.
e) Throwing unneeded things away.
f) Establishing personal deadlines and ones for the organization.
g) Not wasting other people's time.
h) Ensuring all meetings have a purpose, time limit, and include only essential
i) Getting rid of busywork.
j) Maintaining accurate calendars; abide by them.
k) Knowing when to stop a task, policy, or procedure.
l) Delegating everything possible and empowering subordinates.
m) Keeping things simple.
n) Ensuring time is set aside to accomplish high priority tasks.
o) Setting aside time for reflection.
p) Using checklists and To-Do lists.
q) Adjusting priorities as a result of new tasks.

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