How to Help Your Friends Join the Company (2)

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ig HOW DO | INVITE MY FRIENDS TO JOIN THE COMPANY? 1. First you need to introduce our company projects to your friends A: VC Online Business is an online second-hand luxury goods trading platform. Headquartered in France, the company has the best sales channels and sells in more than 80 countries, offering an unparalleled catalog of 6,000 luxury brands. B: We all know that the price of luxury goods is very ow, but the profit is huge. The reason why the company enters India for promotion depends on the population of our country and the many big-name luxury goods in recent years (Gucci, Chanel, Hermés, Dior, Rolex and Burberry) have also entered the Indian market. This shows that the Indian market has great prospects, for luxury goods. Its very good for our prospects that we join this job. : In 2023, the company's business value will be USS1 billion, so that the 6 million agents who join the company will achieve financial freedom and at the same time provide an Indelible Impact on social development. 2. Show your VC income and how you earned it. Members. who actively work have purchased appliances, cars, houses, etc. through the company! ! 3.Find your work link and send it to your friend to register a partner account 4.Select the product you need to purchase cho 245s 955.585 2 & isons |/ 1075Rs || 40 = 3 cha || rasons || a7sacne || a1 || 15289:76R5 a co |r|) sae | «| srams| 3 ‘aor || rsoons |[ 735%: || 40 || zsaons 1 ‘aa2 || asaons | 2530es || <1 || 95767685 3 ‘A032 || seoons |[ sisans || 42 || 2rer4srs 3 ‘ao4 || te000ns || szans || 43 || 39752Rs 3 ‘05 |[2ea00rs || 1s00.8es || <4 || s6o35.2es || 3 “Notice: arexampe, if you rent products A-05 and A-04, your daily product income fs 2484s Yow can ent any proc t any ime and eam income from diferent products 5. After the purchase is completed, guide him to add the manager’s WhatsApp number and send detailed onboarding information! Please provide the following entry information 1, Name/Age/Occupation/Usual Place of Residence 2.Your APP registration number 3. Referrer APP registration number 4 Screenshots of V.C equipment 5. Please send invitation link 6. When the APP opens, there will be a handheld photo of you and your superior. @Q: What is VC online business? ‘Answer: We are an online second-hand fashion and luxury goods trading platform. We adhere to the mission of connecting global user groups and have established close cooperative relationships with many luxury brands and fashion experts. Our platform provides users with safe and convenient second-hand fashion. and luxury goods buying and selling environment, our goal is to help more people join this industry and achieve wealth growth by expanding online business DQ: What are the luxury products promoted by the company? Answer: Mainly including high-end fashion, watches, jewelry, bags, shoes, perfume, etc. These products are usually made of high-quality materials and exquisite craftsmanship, with higher prices, low costs, and high profits, @Q: Why does the company provide us with such generous income? ‘Answer: You buy a luxury product at the lowest price through the company. The company will help you sell the luxury product to the people who need it most. You can get 20%-50% of the profit. The company gets 50-70% The products you purchase provide you with stable income! There is no risk! @Q: Why does the company want to enter the Indian market to promote luxury products? Answer: There are many reasons wy companies choose to come to India to develop the market. Fist, India is one ofthe most populous ‘countries in the world, which means there is @ huge pool of potential customers in this huge market. Just ike 10 years ago, people's pursuit of cars and houses has become their identity symbol. In today's 21st century, cars and houses have become household symbols. f you know thatthe price of @ nouse has increased from 10 years ago to the current price. Would you have taken out a loan to buy a house a few years ago? By the same token, in recent years, India's economy has continued to develop and people's income levels have also continued to increase. More and more people have begun to pursue luxury goods, viewing them as a symbol of identity and social status, Be it fashion apparel, high-end watches, luxury cars or luxury homes, these products have considerable demand in the Indian market ‘Asa partner ofthe company, you will have the opportunity to participate in and benefit fram this booming luxury market. By partnering with Us, you will become an important player in the luxury goods industry. sharing market growth and business opportunities. ‘The number of millionaires in India is expected to grow by 105% by 2026, according to a Credit Suisse report. The number of ultra-rich people in India has grown 1 times in the last 10 years! A large number of young Indians have become ideal consumers of luxury goods due {0 rising disposable income, increasing awareness of luxury brands and steady economic growth in India. ‘This shows the future of luxury goods in India! It will strengthen the company's determination to expand the Indian market, and at the same time provide more income to those members who work actively and hard in the company! 3Q: When did the company enter the Indian market? Answer: January 2022 6Q: What are the benefits to us of promoting luxury products? ‘Answer: Promoting luxury goods will help increase the company's visibly in India, attract more high-end people, and increase the company's sales. As the company's sales increase, it will bring more profits, and the company will share a part of the profits with its partner. 2:Q: Why should | help my friends join the company and help the company promote luxury products? ‘Answer: When you help your friends join, you can actively promote the development of this business, increase the company’s visibility and influence in India, and the company’s sales will become higher and higher. And you can take advantage of this great opportunity to increase your al-important team revenue. Your friend will also get a job witha stable income because of your help. #Q: Why does the company not have a physical store in India? Answer. The company is a second-hand luxury shopping platform wth an onine platform as its main business model, Atthe same te, the company’s business models more suitable for online transactions, cause it lows users around the world to easily access and purchase goods 2, Opening a physical store requires fot of investment and operating costs, and you may need to deal with complex business regulations and market environment i the Indian market, which may not be the optimal choice for a company that focuses on online business. 3. With the rise of e-commerce, many companies choose to expand their business through online channels, which can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and better meet consumer needs. Therefore, the fact that VC Online Business does not have a physical store in India may be due to ther business model and merket strategy which prefers fo serve Indian consumers through online platforms ®Q: Our friend doesn’t know how to make money in VC! Answer: You become a parner ofthe company by purchasing its products, and as part of cur partner program, you willearn considerable profits from ths partnership. AS a partner, you wil enjoy the folowing proft opportunites 4. Product prof: You buy the product ata lower cost price, and we sell to users atthe market price ora slightly higher price, You will receive a potion ofthe sales prof 3s your income. 2. Invitation bonus: When you successtuly invite a fiend to join and become @ new user of the company, we wil provide you wth an invitation bonus. Your revenue wil also increase by helping promate your company, increase company visibly, and drive better produc sles. 3. Team income: After the fiends you invite become your team members, you wil be able to obtain longterm and stable ncome by buléing and developing the team, Our Partner Program s designed to build long-term partnerships that lead to mutual economic growth and success. We are committe to providing our partners wth good proftrturns and working with you to achieve common goals. We welcome you to join our parner program ‘and share the opperturity fr success and wealth %Q: How long is the profit period after a partner purchases a product? ‘Answer: Each product offers you a different profit ime. You can check the prof time of your product on the APP. D@Q : Our friends think the income in VC is too low and think it is difficult to earn 1000-9000Rs. Answer: Product income is part of it. Spend 1-2 hours every day actively helping the company to promote, pay attention to the work. {group's information and leam from the manager how to increase your income! You can easily earn dally income of more than 1000-9000Rs 0@Q: If linvest, will | lose my money? who can guarantee Answer Your funds are 100% safe with the company and we have been a pioneer in luxury certification since 2009. We have established ‘ix cetfied academies around the word and provide training irectly with top luxury brands, Our team of 60+ experts specializes in stitch counts and serial codes! It isa larger seconc-hane luxury goods trading platform that can provide more favorable quotes, Faster sales! (A transactions of the company are supervised by relevant Indian departments. Your funds are 100% safe. You and your eam members ‘can rest assured to make money here) 9.0: If! invest, will my money be lost? who can guarantee ‘Answer: Your funds are 100% safe withthe company and we have been @ pioneer in luxury catfction since 2008. We have established six certified academies around the world and provide training directy with top luxury brands, Our team of 60+ experts specializes in atch counts and serial codes! It isa larger seconc-hana luxury goods trading platform that can provide more favorable quotes. Faster sales! (All transactions of the company are supervised by relevant Indian departments. Your funds are 100% safe. You and your team members can rest assured to make money here) Q: How long can the company last? Answer: The goal of VC Online Business isto expand the Indian market and achieve transaction growth in the next 20 or even 30 years. Help 63 milion members take advantage ofthis amazing opportunity to become India's super rich! Help 28 milion people get a stable income in VC Online Business! Enjoy the company's benetits, choose to work in the company, and become a member ofthe company! #Q: Will this company run away like other companies? Many companies before said they had been established for a long time, but they all ran away. After all, no one has actually seen them Answer: Yes, I can understand your concems. itis indeed important to choose 2 reliable company to work with. Other companies have no relationship with our company. The company has been operating well since 2009 and has complete company qualifications. Because your fiend doesn't know much about the company, your fiend can choose to jon the company for S00Rs and learn about the company and learn how to increase his income! All company information can be searched on major websites ‘Atthe same time, your friends have joined the company for a while, Neither you nor your friends have lost 1Rs in the company. 26: Is online work reliable in today's society? Answer: Internet work is quite reliable in today's society. As technology develops, more and more companies and organizations offer remote work opportunities, and many people are able to complete their work from home or remotely via the Internet. Working oniine has become the primary way of working for meny people and is quite reliable and common in today's society For example, entrepreneurs such as Vijay Shekhar Sharma (Founder of Payim), Bhavish Aggarwal (Founder of Ola), Kunal Bahl and Rohit, Bansal (Founder of Snapdeal), Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal (Founder of Flipkart) have created and Run an online platform and use the inlemet and technology to successfully eam a lt of money. Their successful experience also inspires more people to create wealth through online part-time jobs in India and around the world ‘At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the behavior of criminals using the Intemetto commit fraud Your choice of VC is trustworthy. As an old company with more than 15 years of experience, even if you have no background or identity, you only need a smartphone to realize your life dreams and career advancement through VC online business. .

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