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Calcification of Tissue Heart Valve Substitutes:

Progress Toward Understanding and Prevention
Frederick J. Schoen, MD, PhD, and Robert J. Levy, MD
Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, the Harvard-MIT Division of Health
Sciences and Technology, Boston, Massachusetts, and the Abramson Pediatric Research Center, The Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Calcification plays a major role in the failure of biopros- ventive strategies have included binding of calcification
thetic and other tissue heart valve substitutes. Tissue inhibitors to glutaraldehyde fixed tissue, removal or
valve calcification is initiated primarily within residual modification of calcifiable components, modification of
cells that have been devitalized, usually by glutaralde- glutaraldehyde fixation, and use of tissue cross linking
hyde pretreatment. The mechanism involves reaction of agents other than glutaraldehyde. This review summa-
calcium-containing extracellular fluid with membrane- rizes current concepts in the pathophysiology of tissue
associated phosphorus to yield calcium phosphate min- valve calcification, including emerging concepts of en-
eral deposits. Calcification is accelerated by young recip- dogenous regulation, progress toward prevention of cal-
ient age, valve factors such as glutaraldehyde fixation, cification, and issues related to calcification of the aortic
and increased mechanical stress. Recent studies have wall of stentless bioprosthetic valves.
suggested that pathologic calcification is regulated by
inductive and inhibitory factors, similar to the physio- (Ann Thorac Surg 2005;79:1072– 80)
logic mineralization of bone. The most promising pre- © 2005 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

H eart valve substitutes are of two principal types:

mechanical prosthetic valves with components
manufactured of nonbiologic material (eg, polymer,
thesis type, model, site of implantation, and certain
characteristics of the patient. Specifically, mechanical
prosthetic valves have a substantial risk of systemic

metal, carbon) or tissue valves which are constructed, at thromboemboli and thrombotic occlusion, and the
least in part, of either human or animal tissue [1, 2]. chronic anticoagulation therapy required in all mechan-
ical valve recipients potentiates hemorrhagic complica-
See page 905 tions. Nevertheless, contemporary mechanical prosthe-
ses are durable.
Tissue valves have been used since the early 1960s when In contrast, tissue valves have a low rate of thrombo-
aortic valves obtained fresh from human cadavers were embolism without anticoagulation, owing to a central
transplanted to other individuals (homografts). A decade pattern of flow similar to that of the natural heart valves
later, chemically preserved stent-mounted tissue bio- and cusps composed of valvular or nonvalvular animal or
prosthetic valves (generally termed bioprostheses) were human tissue. However, a high rate of valve failure with
commercially produced and implanted. Today, stent- structural dysfunction owing to progressive tissue dete-
mounted glutaraldehyde preserved porcine aortic valves rioration (including calcification and noncalcific damage)
and bovine pericardial bioprosthetic valves are used undermines their attractiveness [2, 5–9].
widely, and stentless valves have been introduced. Ap- Structural dysfunction is the major cause of failure of
proximately 85,000 substitute valves are implanted in the bioprosthetic heart valves (flexible-stent-mounted, glut-
United States and 275,000 worldwide each year, of which araldehyde-preserved porcine aortic valves and bovine
we presently estimate that approximately half are me- pericardial valves). Within 15 years following implanta-
chanical and half are tissue, suggesting a shift toward tion, approximately 50% of porcine aortic valves suffer
increasingly greater usage of tissue valves over the last the major prosthesis-related complication with this type
decade. of valve—tissue failure. The principal underlying patho-
Within 10 years postoperatively, prosthesis-associated logic process is cuspal calcification; secondary tears fre-
problems overall necessitate reoperation or cause death quently precipitate regurgitation. Calcification can also
in at least 50% to 60% of patients with substitute valves [3, cause pure stenosis owing to cuspal stiffening. Calcific
4]. The rate is similar for mechanical prostheses and deposits are usually localized to cuspal tissue (intrinsic
bioprostheses; however, the frequency and nature of
specific valve-related complications vary with the pros-
Dr Schoen discloses that he has financial relationships
Address reprint requests to Dr Schoen, Department of Pathology, with CarboMedics, Edwards Lifesciences, Medtronic,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115; and St. Jude Medical.

© 2005 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 0003-4975/05/$30.00

Published by Elsevier Inc doi:10.1016/j.athoracsur.2004.06.033

tissue samples implanted subcutaneously in very young,

rapidly growing mice, rabbits, or rats [16 –18]. In both
circulatory and noncirculatory models, bioprosthetic tis-
sue calcifies progressively with a morphology similar to
that observed in clinical specimens, but with markedly
accelerated kinetics. The subcutaneous model has
emerged as a technically convenient and economically
advantageous vehicle for investigating host and implant
determinants and mechanisms of mineralization, as well
as for screening potential strategies for inhibition of
calcification. In general, large animal valve replacements
can (1) elucidate further the processes accounting for
clinical failures, (2) evaluate the performance of design
and biomaterials modifications in valve development
studies, (3) assess the importance of blood/surface inter-
actions, and (4) provide data required for approval by
regulatory agencies. Despite the potential of in vitro
models to elucidate the pathophysiology of biomaterials
calcification, such systems have not been generally useful
in this regard [19 –22].

Fig 1. Extended hypothetical model for the calcification of biopros- Determinants

thetic tissue. This model considers host factors, implant factors, and The determinants of bioprosthetic valve and other bio-
mechanical damage and relates initial sites of mineral nucleation to material mineralization include factors related to (1) host
increased intracellular calcium in residual cells and cell fragments in metabolism, (2) implant structure and chemistry, and (3)
bioprosthetic tissue. The ultimate result of calcification is valve fail-
mechanical factors. Natural cofactors and inhibitors may
ure, with tearing or stenosis. The key contributory role of existing
also play a role (see below). Accelerated calcification is
phosphorus in membrane phospholipids and nucleic acids in deter-
mining the initial sites of crystal nucleation is emphasized, and a associated with young recipient age, glutaraldehyde fix-
possible role for the independent mineralization of collagen is ac- ation, and high mechanical stress. Calcification is more
knowledged. Mechanical deformation probably accelerates to both rapid and aggressive in the young; the rate of failure of

nucleation and growth of calcific crystals. Modified by permission bioprostheses is approximately 10% in 10 years in elderly
from Schoen FJ: Interventional and surgical cardiovascular pathol- recipients, but is nearly uniform in less than 4 years in
ogy: clinical correlations and basic principles. Philadelphia: WB most adolescent and preadolescent children. Although
Saunders, 1989. the relationship is well-established, the mechanisms ac-
counting for the effect of age are uncertain. The acceler-
ated onset of calcific failure in young patients is simu-
calcification), but calcific deposits extrinsic to the cusps lated by the rapid calcification that occurs in young
may develop in thrombi or endocarditic vegetations experimental animals.
(extrinsic calcification). Calcification is markedly acceler- The structural elements of the biomaterial and their
ated in younger patients; children and adolescents have modification by processing clearly play an important
an especially accelerated course, and older patients have role. Cells are the predominant location of mineralization
a lower rate of bioprosthetic valve degeneration. Progres- (see later) and the usual pretreatment of commercially
sive collagen deterioration, independent of calcification, available bioprostheses with glutaraldehyde, done to
is also a likely important contributor to the limited improve tissue durability, also potentiate calcification [23,
durability of bioprosthetic valves [10, 11]. Bovine pericar- 24]. Calcification of porcine aortic valve and bovine
dial valves also calcify but design-related tearing has pericardium are qualitatively, quantitatively, and mech-
been prominent [12, 13]. anistically similar. It has been hypothesized that the
cross-linking agent glutaraldehyde stabilizes and per-
haps modifies phosphorous-rich calcifiable structures in
Determinants, Mechanisms, and Regulation the bioprosthetic tissue. These sites are capable of min-
Pathological analysis of tissue valve explants from pa- eralization upon implantation when exposed to the com-
tients and experiments in animal models using biopros- paratively high calcium levels of extracellular fluid. Par-
thetic heart valve tissue have elucidated many aspects of adoxically, high glutaraldehyde pretreatment conditions
the pathophysiology of this important clinical problem. (3% glutaraldehyde compared with 0.6% or less presently
The current understanding of the determinants, mecha- used commercially) seem to be protective against calcifi-
nisms, and regulation of tissue calcification is summa- cation of bioprosthetic tissue [25].
rized below and in Figure 1. Calcification of the extracellular matrix structural pro-
The most useful experimental models have been or- teins collagen and elastin has been observed in clinical
thotopic tricuspid or mitral replacements or conduit- and experimental implants of bioprosthetic and ho-
mounted valves in sheep or calves [14, 15], and isolated mograft valvular and vascular tissue, and has been stud-

ied using a rat subdermal model. Collagen and elastic foci of dystrophic calcification; (2) osteonectin; and (3)
fibers can serve as nucleation sites for calcium phosphate osteocalcin [38], and other ␥-carboxyglutamic acid
minerals, independent of cellular components [2, 16 –18, (GLA)- containing proteins, such as matrix GLA protein
26]. Cross-linking by either glutaraldehyde or formalde- (MGP). Naturally occurring inhibitors crystal nucleation
hyde promotes the calcification of collagen sponge im- and growth may also play a role in the regulation of
plants made of purified collagen but the extent of calci- calcific degeneration of natural and bioprosthetic valves
fication does not correlate with the degree of cross and other cardiovascular calcification such as arterioscle-
linking [27]. In contrast, the calcification of elastin ap- rosis [39, 40]. Specific inhibitors in this context include
pears independent of whether pretreatment has occurred osteopontin [41] and high-density liproprotein (the
[28]. Calcification has also complicated the clinical use “good” cholesterol) [42]. The role in pathological miner-
and experimental investigation of heart valves composed alization of naturally occurring promineralization cofac-
of bovine pericardium [12, 29] and polymers (eg, poly- tors, such as inorganic phosphate [43], bone morphoge-
urethane) [30, 31]. Furthermore, both intrinsic and extrin- netic protein [44], proinflammatory lipids [35], and other
sic mineralization of a biomaterial is generally enhanced substances (eg, cytokines), as well as inhibitors, is an
at the sites of intense mechanical deformations generated active area of research [45]. Recent evidence suggests that
by motion, such as the points of flexion in heart valves [2, hypercholesterolemia may be a risk factor in clinical
16, 17, 32]. bioprosthetic valve calcification [46, 47]. The noncollag-
enous proteins osteopontin, TGF-␣, and tenascin-C in-
Mechanisms volved in bone matrix formation and tissue remodeling
The mineralization process in the cusps of bioprosthetic have been demonstrated in clinical calcified biopros-
heart valves is initiated predominantly within nonviable thetic heart valves, natural valves, and arteriosclerosis,
connective tissue cells that have been devitalized but not suggesting that they play a regulatory role in these forms
removed by glutaraldehyde pretreatment procedures [2, of pathologic calcification in humans [48 –50].
16 –18, 33, 34]. This dystrophic calcification mechanism Evidence for the active regulation of cardiovascular
involves reaction of calcium-containing extracellular calcification also derives from tissue culture models of
fluid with membrane-associated phosphorus, causing vascular cell calcification, which mimic vascular calcifi-
calcification of the cells. This likely occurs because the cation in vivo and genetic studies in mice. For example,
normal extrusion of calcium ions is disrupted in cells that osteopontin inhibits and proinflammatory lipids and cy-
have been rendered nonviable by glutaraldehyde fixa- tokines enhance the mineralization of smooth muscle cell
tion. Normally, the plasma-extracellular calcium concen- cultures [51–53]. In transgenic mouse models, in which
tration is 1 mg/mL (approximately 10⫺3 M); since the

the gene for the MGP was knocked out [54] or the
membranes of healthy cells pump calcium out, the con- osteopontin gene was inactivated [55], severe calcifica-
centration of calcium in the cytoplasm is normally 1,000 tion of blood vessels resulted. Moreover, inhibition of
to 10,000 times lower (approximately 10⫺7 M). However, matrix remodeling metalloproteinases inhibits calcifica-
the physiologic mechanisms for elimination of calcium tion of elastin implanted subcutaneously in rats [56].
from the cells are not available in glutaraldehyde- A potential role for inflammatory and immune pro-
pretreated tissue. The cell membranes and other inter- cesses has been postulated by some investigators [57–59].
cellular structures are high in phosphorus (as phospho- Although (1) experimental animals can be sensitized to
lipids, especially phosphatidyl serine, and the phosphate both fresh and cross-linked bioprosthetic valve tissues
backbone of the nucleic acids); they can bind calcium and [60, 61], (2) antibodies to valve components can be de-
serve as nucleators. Initial calcification deposits eventu-
tected in some patients following valve dysfunction [62],
ally enlarge and coalesce, resulting in grossly mineral-
and (3) failed tissue valves often have mononuclear
ized nodules that stiffen and weaken the tissue and
inflammation, no definite role has been demonstrated for
thereby cause a prosthesis to malfunction.
circulating macromolecules or cells. In particular, the
Regulation presence of mononuclear cells in a failed tissue valve
does not equate to immunologic rejection. In all papers
Although pathologic calcification has typically been con-
thus far purporting to demonstrate immune-mediated
sidered a passive, unregulated, and degenerative pro-
injury, no evidence is presented to suggest that the
cess, recent studies suggest that the mechanisms respon-
mononuclear inflammatory cells are causing functional
sible for pathologic calcification may be regulated,
valve degeneration.
similarly to the physiologic mineralization of bone and
Indeed, many lines of evidence suggest that neither
other hard tissues [35–37]. In normal blood vessels and
valves, inhibitory mechanisms outweigh procalcific in- nonspecific inflammation nor specific immunologic re-
ductive mechanisms and calcification does not occur. In sponses appear to favor bioprosthetic tissue calcification,
contrast, in bone and pathologic tissues, the inductive and no causal or contributory immunologic basis has
mechanisms dominate. In the process of normal bone been demonstrated for bioprosthetic valve calcification
calcification, the growth of apatite crystals is regulated by or failure. For example, in experiments in which valve
several noncollagenous matrix proteins including: (1) cusps were enclosed in filter chambers that prevent host
osteopontin, an acidic calcium-binding phosphoprotein cell contact with tissue but allow free diffusion of extra-
with high affinity to hydroxyapatite that is abundant in cellular fluid and implantation of valve tissue in congen-

itally athymic (“nude”) mice, who have essentially no Table 1. Preclinical Studies of Efficacy and Safety
T-cell function, calcification morphology and extent are Study Purpose
unchanged [63]. Clinical and experimental data detecting
antibodies to valve tissue after failure may reflect a Tissue biomechanics Compliance
secondary response to valve damage rather than a cause Strength
of failure. Finite element analysis/ Identification of stress
computer simulation concentrations
Subcutaneous animal Initial screen for
Prevention of Calcification studies (usually rat) anticalcification efficacy
Dose response
Three generic strategies have been investigated for pre-
venting calcification of biomaterial implants: (1) systemic
therapy with anticalcification agents; (2) local therapy
Biomechanical studies of Flow simulation
with implantable drug delivery devices; and (3) bioma- prototype valves Accelerated durability
terial modifications, such as removal of a calcifiable
Morphologic studies of Structural degradation
component, addition of an exogenous agent, or chemical
unimplanted tissue (ie, Matrix integrity
alteration. The subcutaneous model has been widely light, scanning, and
used to screen potential strategies for calcification inhi- transmission electron Surface uniformity and
bition (anticalcification). Promising approaches have microscopy) defects
been investigated further in a large animal valve implant Circulatory implants in In vivo hemodynamics
model. Strategies that appeared efficacious in subcutane- large animals (usually Explant valve pathology
sheep) for calcification,
ous implants have not always proven favorable when
durability, and blood-
used on valves implanted into the circulation (see below). materials interaction
Analogous to any new or modified drug or device, a Systemic pathology
potential antimineralization treatment must meet rigor-
ous efficacy and safety requirements [64]. Investigations
of an anticalcification strategy must demonstrate both the
effectiveness of the therapy and the absence of adverse adjacent to the prosthesis have been investigated. With
effects. The treatment should not impede valve perfor- localized drug delivery the effective drug concentration
mance such as hemodynamics and durability. Adverse would be confined to the site where it is needed (ie, the
effects in this setting could include systemic or local implant) and systemic side effects would thereby be

toxicity, tendency toward thrombosis on infection, induc- prevented [69]. Studies incorporating EHBP in nonde-
tion of immunologic effects, or structural degradation, gradable polymers, such as ethylene-vinyl acetate, poly-
with either immediate loss of mechanical properties or dimethylsiloxane (silicone), and polyurethanes have
premature deterioration and failure. There are several shown the effectiveness of this strategy in animal models.
instances in which an antimineralization treatment con- This approach, however, has not been implemented
tributed to unacceptable degradation of the tissue clinically.
[65– 67]. Previously investigated strategies for the prevention of
The essential steps in preclinical validation of the tissue valve calcification are summarized in Table 2. The
safety and efficacy of an anticalcification strategy are approach that is most likely to yield improved clinical
summarized in Table 1. Explant pathology analyses con- results in the short term involves modification of the
tinue to be highly useful, not only in preclinical studies, substrate, either by removing or altering a calcifiable
but also in clinical trials and postmarket surveillance of component or binding an inhibitor. The agents most
approved products in general clinical use. widely studied for efficacy, mechanisms, lack of adverse
Systemic therapy with anticalcification agents may be effects, and potential clinical utility are summarized be-
efficacious but is unlikely to be safe. Sufficient doses of low. Combination therapies using multiple agents may
systemic agents used to treat clinical metabolic bone provide a synergy of beneficial effects to permit simulta-
disease, including calcium chelators (eg, diphosphonates neous prevention of calcification in both cusps and aortic
such as ethane-1-hydroxy-1, 1 bisphosphonate [EHBP]), wall, potentially and particularly beneficial in stentless
can prevent the calcification of bioprosthetic tissue im- aortic valves, have also been investigated [70].
planted subcutaneously in rats [68]. However, because of
their ability to interfere with physiologic calcification (ie,
Inhibitors of Hydroxyapatite Formation
bone growth), systemic drug administration is associated
with many side effects in calcium metabolism, and ani- Bisphosphonates
mals receiving doses sufficient to prevent bioprosthetic Ethane-1-hydroxy-1, 1 bisphosphonate has been ap-
tissue calcification suffer growth retardation. Thus, the proved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for
principal disadvantage of the systemic use of anticalcifi- human use to inhibit pathologic calcification and to treat
cation agents for preventing pathologic calcification is hypercalcemia of malignancy. Compounds of this type
the consequent inhibition of bone formation. To avoid probably inhibit calcification by poisoning the growth of
this difficulty, coimplants of a drug delivery system calcific crystals and stabilizing bone mineral. Orally ad-

Table 2. Antimineralization Strategies in Tissue Heart Valve Removal or Modification of Calcifiable Material
Systemic drug administration Incubation of bioprosthetic tissue with sodium dodecyl
Localized drug delivery sulfate and other detergents extracts the majority of
Substrate modification acidic phospholipids [81]; this is associated with reduced
● Inhibitors of calcium phosphate mineral formation mineralization experimentally, probably resulting from
Biphosphonates suppression of the initial cell-membrane oriented calci-
Trivalent metal ions fication. This compound is used in a commercial porcine
Amino-oleic acid valve [82, 83].
● Removal/modification of calcifiable material
Surfactants Ethanol
Ethanol Ethanol preincubation of glutaraldehyde-crosslinked
Decellularization porcine aortic valve bioprostheses prevents calcification
● Improvement/modification of glutaraldehyde fixation of the valve cusps in both rat subdermal implants and
Fixation in high concentrations of glutaraldehyde sheep mitral valve replacements [84 – 86]. Eighty percent
Reduction reactivity of residual chemical groups ethanol pretreatment (1) extracts almost all phospholip-
Modification of tissue charge ids and cholesterol from glutaraldehyde-crosslinked
Incorporation of polymers cusps, (2) causes a permanent alteration in collagen
● Use of tissue fixatives other than glutaraldehyde
conformation, (3) affects cuspal interactions with water
and lipids, and (4) enhances cuspal resistance to collage-
Epoxy compounds
nase. Ethanol is in clinical use as a porcine valve cuspal
pretreatment in Europe, and use in combination with
Acyl azide
aluminum treatment of the aortic wall of a stentless valve
is currently in clinical trials.

ministered bisphosphonates are used to stabilize osteo-
Since the initial mineralization sites are devitalized con-
porosis. Either cuspal pretreatment or systemic or local
nective cells of bioprosthetic tissue, decellularization
therapy of the host with diphosphonate compounds
approaches attempt to remove these cells from the tissue,
inhibits experimental bioprosthetic valve calcification
with the intent of making the bioprosthetic matrix less

prone to calcification [87, 88]. Such an approach has been
Trivalent Metal Ions used on nonfixed homografts which were clinically im-
planted, yielding unfavorable results [89, 90].
Pretreatment of bioprosthetic tissue with iron and alumi-
num (eg, FeCl3 and AlCl3) inhibits calcification of sub-
dermal implants with glutaraldehyde-pretreated porcine Improvement or Modification of Glutaraldehyde
cusps or pericardium [74, 75]. Such compounds are Fixation
hypothesized to act through complexation of the cation
Although pretreatment with glutaraldehyde is the most
(Fe or Al) with phosphate, thereby preventing calcium
widely used tissue preparation method for bioprosthetic
phosphate formation. Both ferric ion and the trivalent heart valves, previous studies have demonstrated that
aluminum ion inhibit alkaline phosphatase, an important conventional glutaraldehyde fixation is conducive to cal-
enzyme involved in bone formation, and this may be cification of bioprosthetic tissues. Moreover, the bio-
related to their mechanism for preventing initiation of chemistry of glutaraldehyde cross-linking is poorly un-
calcification. Furthermore, recent research has demon- derstood [91]. Therefore, studies have investigated
strated that aluminum chloride prevents elastin calcifi- modifications of and alternatives to conventional glutar-
cation through a permanent structural alteration of the aldehyde pretreatment [92]. Some investigators have
elastin molecule [76]. aimed to improve glutaraldehyde fixation or modify
tissues following conventional treatment with this com-
Calcium Diffusion Inhibitor pound. For example, fixation of bioprosthetic tissue
(cusps and aortic wall) using extraordinarily high con-
Amino-oleic Acid centrations of glutaraldehyde (5⫻ to 10⫻ those normally
Two-␣-amino-oleic acid (AOA, Biomedical Design, Inc, used) appear to inhibit calcification in subdermal im-
Atlanta, GA) bonds covalently to bioprosthetic tissue plants [93, 94]. However, tissue fixed by concentrated
through an amino linkage to residual aldehyde functions glutaraldehyde may be stiffer than could be used in a
and inhibits calcium flux through bioprosthetic cusps [77, clinically useful bioprosthesis. Agents that reduce the
78]. The AOA is effective in mitigating cusp but not aortic reactivity of chemical groups by reduction (eg, borohy-
wall calcification in rat subdermal and cardiovascular dride, cyanoborohydride), block residual aldehydes (eg,
implants. This compound is used in FDA-approved non- L-glutamic acid, glycine, L-lysine, diamine) [95, 96], mod-
stented and stented porcine aortic valves [79, 80]. ify tissue charge (eg, protamine), and incorporate poly-

mers (eg, polyethylene oxide, polyethylene glycol) have vide synergy of beneficial effects to permit simultaneous
been used to render the glutaraldehyde-fixed tissue less prevention of calcification in both cusps and aortic wall,
reactive. potentially and particularly beneficial in stentless aortic
valves. For example, reduced valve and wall calcification
was demonstrated in vivo in sheep by a differential
Use of Tissue Fixatives Other Than
Glutaraldehyde treatment of ethanol on cusps and aluminum on the
aortic walls [105, 106], and diamine treatment followed by
A distinct set of strategies has sought to avoid glutaral- extraction of excess glutaraldehyde from porcine aortic
dehyde altogether and use other methods of tissue cross- valve roots mitigated both cuspal and aortic wall calcifi-
linking. Nonglutaraldehyde cross-linking of biopros- cation [107]. Cross-linking by a carbodiimide-based
thetic tissue with epoxy compounds, carbodiimides, acyl method [108] and dye-mediated photooxidation also mit-
azide, and other compounds reduces their calcification in igated both cuspal and aortic wall calcification of porcine
rat subdermal implant studies [97–99]. Epoxy cross- aortic valve roots [109, 110]. More recently, and in a study
linking has generated considerable interest owing to the reported in this issue of The Annals, Zilla and colleagues
retained pliability and natural appearance of tissues so [111] reduced aortic wall calcification in rat subcutaneous
treated [100, 101]. Although some of the alternative tissue
implants by treatment of glutaraldehyde-fixed aortic wall
treatment strategies have met with experimental success,
segments with AOA followed by an ethylcarbodiimide-
there has been little translation to the clinical environ-
dependent carboxyl-group cross-linking (carbodiimide)
ment and, with few exceptions, the mechanistic basis for
treatment. The possibility that this will be shown to be
nonglutaraldehyde approaches has not been established.
mechanistically sound and proven effective with no del-
One approach investigated clinically illustrates how dif-
eterious effects in vivo is indeed exciting.
ficult this might be. In a process called dye-mediated
photooxidation, tissue is incubated in a photooxidative
dye followed by exposure to light of specific wavelengths Conclusions
that are selectively absorbed by the dye, thereby causing
cross-linking. Photooxidative preservation inhibits ex- Calcification of bioprosthetic implants is a clinically im-
perimental bioprosthetic heart valve calcification, but the portant pathologic process limiting the anticipated dura-
mechanisms responsible for this are not well understood bility and, hence, use of tissue-derived valves. The patho-
at this time [102]. Clinical investigation of this technol- physiology of calcification has been characterized and
ogy, however, met with failure, owing to design-related largely understood through investigation using animal
models; a key common feature is the involvement of

cuspal tearing [103].
devitalized cells and cellular debris. Although no clini-
cally useful preventive approach is yet available, several
Special Problems Created by an Exposed Aortic strategies based on either modifying biomaterials or local
Wall drug administrations appear to be promising in some
Calcification of the aortic wall portion of glutaraldehyde- contexts. Calcification of an exposed aortic wall may be a
pretreated porcine aortic valves (stented and nonstented) significant problem with some implant types. Interesting
and valvular allografts and vascular segments is ob- approaches to preventing this problem through synergis-
served clinically and experimentally. Mineral deposition tic and simultaneous employment of multiple anticalci-
occurs throughout the vascular cross section but is ac- fication therapies or novel tissue treatments are under
centuated in the dense bands at the inner and outer investigation. Since some anticalcification approaches
media. As with porcine valve cusps and bovine pericar- have been used in clinical valves for nearly a decade,
dium, cells are the major sites of initiation of calcific documentation of favorable 15 to 20 year outcomes will
deposits [104]. Extracellular matrix, especially elastin, require yet approximately another decade.
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