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A to Z roadmap | eCommerce

If you're just starting out, dropshipping (and eCommerce in general) can be a little confusing. In this
PDF, I'll clarify the entire path of this business model from start to finish.

I'll walk you through the entire roadmap of running an eCommerce business, divided into 10 clear
steps; however, I won't go too in-depth on all aspects of it because they all deserve their own
elaborate content (which I've already prepared in Mavenport).

After reading this document down to the end, you'll have a clear vision of where you are in this journey,
and what your next step should be.

introduction to dropshipping

Most of you should know this already, but I'm going to still give you a brief explanation of how this
business model works.

Dropshipping is a branch of eCommerce that requires no stock. That means that as soon as a
customer buys a product from your website, you can ship their product straight from a warehouse in
China, without needing to own any of the goods.

Why is it amazing?

Because of the low barrier to entry & low investment risk. Instead of needing to buy stock and bring it
to your own warehouse, you leverage the stock that someone in China already owns.

They're happy because you sell their items & they make money, and you're happy because you only
need to pay for products after your customers have paid you. Win-win!

customer your store Chinese warehouse

overseas shipping

how much money do you need to get started?

Starting out involves a lot of failure, and a lot of burnt money - so you'll need to account for that (and
be okay with it).

The amount of money you need to finally get it right is always inversely proportional with your
knowledge & experience.

What does that mean? The more know-how you have, the less money you'll end up burning before you
find profitability.

If you're starting out and have absolutely no experience & understanding of dropshipping, then be
prepared to spend $6000-$10,000 before you get the hang of it. Sounds scary, right? That won't be
the case for you. You're already part of Mavenport, and the information we share in here will easily
speed up your learning curve.

What I recommend a beginner that has access to valuable information (such as Mavenport) to have is
about $500-$1,500, and cashflow (a source of income).

That's because, even if you were to immediately find success, you'll still need money to ship out
products, and payment processors take a while to pay you (that's if you're lucky and don't have any
holds). So it's always good to have a source of income that funnels more money into your new

1. finding a product to sell

You might think the first thing you need to do is create a store, but that's wrong.

The most important aspect of dropshipping is the product that you sell. Everything else comes
second, because - without a product that has demand - your store, ads, and knowledge mean

So your first move should always be hunting for a product that sells.

Competition is not something to be scared of - quite the opposite actually; it's a very good indicator
that a product is selling well for other people. So there's a good chance you can make it work too.

Ideally, you need to find a product that brings value to the end user (improves their life in some way).
That, along with multiple indicators that your product is likely to sell is what will lead to profit.

I have created an in-depth PDF about how to find products that can bring you 5 figures a day in
revenue for all Mavenport hustlers (my discord).

Note 1: Testing multiple products and failing to make sales is completely normal. If you want to
succeed with dropshipping, you need to accept that you'll lose money at first, which you'll eventually
make back as soon as you find your first winning product.

Note 2: Ideally, find a product whose cost you can mark up at least 3x & can be sold for at least $30

2. sourcing your product

Most beginners complicate this part a lot. Don't put too much effort into sourcing your product before
you validate that it sells. Most products you test will fail, so sourcing them ahead of time is a waste.

Initially, just find it on AliExpress and check its cost, see if you can mark it up enough to be profitable
(about 3x); just a quick search.

Once you have validated a product, follow the PDF we have about sourcing.

3. creating a Shopify store

After you found a product that you want to test, you'll create a store for it. A lot of you are wondering:

Should I create a one-product store or a general store?

None of those.

One-product stores are inefficient for testing because they're tailored to sell just the one item you
picked. If that fails, then you need to create a whole new store, that's a waste of time.

General stores have too many products on them that don't go together, so they look untrustworthy and

You want the best of both worlds. So you'll create a hybrid store. How do we do that?

You'll pick a name that means nothing, but could match a brand that creates any product. For
example: Southfield. It means nothing, but you could give that name to literally any product you want
to sell; just like Apple did, pretty much.

Buy a .com domain (ideally) to make your website look professional.

And then create a Shopify store with that name. Do it through this link and you'll only have to pay $1/
month (& a 3-day free trial), which is crazy:

Add the first product you want to test to the store and write its description. If it's a winner, great! Scale
it & make money. If it fails, no problem. You switch that product offline, and add the next one to test.

What's the benefit of this? You get to look like you're the creator of the product you sell - which
inspires trust. And if you picked a bad product, you simply swap it out for the next one and continue
looking like you're a professional one-product store, when in reality you've added multiple items to test.

That's the most efficient way to find a profitable product, that's exactly how I do it.

Again, when you're ready to create your Shopify store, do it through Mavenport's link and potentially
get a deal:

4. bringing customers to your website

There are multiple ways to test a product by exposing it to the target market:

If your budget is extremely low (under $500), then start by posting organic TikTok videos of your
product. If you do it consistently & get better, eventually some of your videos will go viral and will bring
a lot of potential buyers to your website.

If your budget is over $500, use paid advertising to market to customers. Which social media platform
should you run ads on? I personally prefer Facebook ads, but you can use TikTok, Google, Snapchat,
Pinterest, etc.

In Mavenport we currently teach Facebook & TikTok ads, and I'm hoping to add a Google ads section
soon, too. We currently have PDFs available on how to test products with ads, scale them, and even
when to turn ad sets off (so that you don't over spend & lose money).

Creating a TikTok ad account can be annoying, so here's a quick link to help you do it: https://
Tip: Use a USA VPN + USA information (even fake) if you want to target USA.

Note 1: The most efficient way to test products quickly is by using content (videos / pictures) that is
already available on the internet. Ordering and filming a product will consume too much time.

Note 2: Although Facebook ads have the best consistent results, they also ban people recklessly. Do
not let this deter you. Push through and find workarounds because there's a ridiculous amount of
money to be made on this platform. If you have issues with bans, let us know and we'll advise you.

5. scale it up!

After running multiple ads (organic or paid) and failing multiple products, you've finally found your
winner. This is the moment when all the money you lost will be compensated in just a few days.

There are countless ad scaling strategies - some are easy, some are advanced; however, we always
share the most efficient & up-to-date ones on the hustler side of Mavenport. Here are some of the
results we got so far:

$27,000+ in a single day, by Eddie $36,600+ in a single day, by Eddie $138,000+ in a single week, by Eddie

Some of our hustlers are currently selling $1000-$5000 per day using our strategies. Their results are
visible in the #success channel of the Mavenport discord.

6. replicate & multiply

Now that you're getting the hang of it, it's time to use the experience you've gathered to replicate your
first success.

Ideally, turn your current successful hybrid store into a niche store by adding new products to it that
are in the same niche as your winner. If those products also have demand, test them with ads as well,
otherwise, use them as upsells. That will increase your AOV (average order value) & trustworthiness
significantly. It'll also increase the perceived value of your store.

Meanwhile, create a separate hybrid store & keep testing new products. You want to find more winners
and scale those up, too - replicating what I explained above. The more, the better.

7. create systems

You only have 24 hours in a day. If you've already created multiple stores and are running multiple
tests, then you'll most likely run out of your own 24 hours. That means you should start borrowing time
from others.

Delegate repetitive tasks (such as customer support, product sourcing, etc.) to others who are
experienced in that field. A sourcing agent will help you source products & ship faster, for example.

If you're getting more than 10 orders a day consistently, you guys can skip looking for agents &
potentially getting scammed; instead, work with one of my agents who's very reliable and honest.
You can apply straight in discord in the channel called reliable-agent & apply.

Focus your 24 hours on work that brings the best ROI (return on investments). The smart work.

8. improving & branding

You're at the point where your stores are bringing consistent sales at a medium to high volume. It's
time to invest in making your product better & improving the customer experience.

Take feedback from your customers and pass it on to the factory you source from, or your sourcing
agent. Make improvements to your main products that will make your customers happier, and get
some custom packaging & custom cards.

Ideally, if you've been ripping content off the internet for ads, create some custom ads either by filming
yourself, your friends, or sending your products to influencers.

9. diversifying

Once you've made some decent money, start investing it in order to diversify your sources of income.

Relying just on dropshipping is not a good idea, considering you're generally one ban away from going
back to 0. I know, it sounds scary; but that's the downside that comes with the amazing potential
behind this business model. If you think about it, you gain more than you lose. It's a sweet balance.

Either way, build some financial security by putting some money into new businesses, or even stocks, or
cryptocurrencies. Currently, I won't be giving you any advice on where you should invest, but make sure
you don't put all your eggs in one basket - 'cause those bitches might crack all at once.

10. make an exit

After a while, your successful store/s will have made a significant amount of money and profit. It's time
to consider selling and cashing in the ultimate paycheck.

Stores that have a decent profit and a revenue of around...

• 5 figures, can sell for a few thousand dollars
• 6 figures, can sell for 5-6 figures (priced under the generated revenue)
• 7 figures, can sell for millions of dollars (potentially priced over the revenue generated)

It's pretty clear to understand that eCommerce is a complex business with multiple, high-potential
ways to change your life forever.


eCommerce is an incredible business, and dropshipping is an amazing model that has changed the
lives of so many people I know inside our community on discord, including mine.

If you've come this far, I respect you. Most people are watching Netflix right now or drinking beer at the
pub; but you chose to invest in yourself.

This is a rocky road, full of obstacles. It's hard & it requires a lot of sacrifice; most people aren't made
for it. Most people are built to serve.

Be persistent. Be one of the few who break out of the pattern and earn their freedom.

want to learn more?

Mavenport is becoming the most complex, up-to-date, and resourceful eCommerce community.
Rapidly. All 10 steps listed above are elaborated & taught thoroughly inside our discord.

You can join up for free, however, if you're ready to commit and start your own successful business, we
can also offer you guidance via the following premium memberships:

hustler perfect for intermediate, advanced, & experts

Learn how to make 4-5 figures per day from Eddie himself & other mavens using resources that have
already built multiple success stories; finding winning products, copywriting & selling, scaling to
massive numbers - you name it, we got it! Some of our hustlers have already reached $20,000-
$30,000 per day (probably even more, by the time you read this). This membership is a proven

• network with Eddie, other mavens (teachers), & other hustlers in premium, private chats
• unlike a shitty course, this membership provides all hustlers continuous guidance - ask all your
pressing questions inside our always-active, private chat & regular Q&As
• learn from clearly structured PDFs, videos, training sessions, & more

Join now:

MVP unreleased

We'll let you know as soon as this membership becomes available. I assure you it'll be life-changing.

ready to start building your future?

Join the premium side of Mavenport at

written by @eduardbeschea | mavenport


This document & the information on it are not to be shared by anyone other than Eddie & his admins. Giving away any
of our assets (such as this document) will result in a permanent ban from the discord community.
Thank you for understanding.

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