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PPKMI International Webinar

“Becoming the Best

Humane Health Worker in
the Modern Era”
Omar K. Lodhi
Founder & CEO
Saturday, 22 June 2024
PT Zafyre Pendidikan Klinikal
Challenges in Delivering Healthcare
Education in Indonesia
● Geographical Barriers ● Technological Challenges
○ Dispersed Population: Over 17,000 islands; ○ Digital Divide: Unequal access to technology and
limited access to education in remote areas. the internet.
○ Infrastructure Issues: Poor transportation ○ Limited Use of Technology: Insufficient
and communication hinder program infrastructure for advanced training tools.
● Language and Cultural Barriers
● Resource Constraints ○ Language Diversity: Hundreds of local languages
○ Limited Funding: Inadequate facilities and complicate standardization.
outdated equipment. ○ Cultural Differences: Variations in cultural practices
○ Shortage of Educators: Insufficient affect training acceptance.
qualified educators, especially in specialized
● Regulatory and Policy Challenges
○ Regulatory Hurdles: Bureaucratic delays in program
● Curriculum and Standardization Issues implementation and updates.
○ Outdated Curriculum: Does not reflect ○ Inconsistent Policies: Regional policy variations
current practices and technologies. cause training inconsistencies.
○ Lack of Standardization: Variations in
● Socio-Economic Factors
quality across institutions.
○ Economic Disparities: Inequities affect access to
○ Job Market Dynamics: Market fluctuations influence
healthcare profession attractiveness.
Tenaga Kesehatan Indonesia
Tersebar di Seluruh Nusantara
● Perawat: 582
2.924 > 1,5 juta ● Bidan: 344
● Dokter: 183
Rumah Sakit Tenaga Kesehatan
● Nakes lainnya: 387

Hospitals having growing training needs
owing to …

1 2 3 Mandatory training
Staff shortages & for Healthcare
turnover worker license

But current in-house training practices are inadequate…

Poor & unmeasurable learning outcomes

Lack of supply provision – trainers & infrastructure

Low penetration rate

Non scalable over a large workforce

Missed clinical days resulting in high cost

Hospitals must start to see training as a
competitive edge & not just a cost center
Improved Staff Performance Cost Efficiency
● High quality care & improved patient safety ● Well trained staff perform duties more
● Reduced medical errors and clinical risk efficiently with increased productivity
● More competent and confident staff ● Decreased errors and need for rework
● Streamlined processes lead to reduced wait
times & department throughput
● Fosters innovation and proactive approach
leading to long term success
Higher Motivated Staff
● Ongoing and high quality training
Improved Patient Outcomes
demonstrates a commitment to Quality
employee development leading to Competitive Advantage
● Leads to higher job satisfaction, Well-trained staff provide superior care,
increased morale and lower staff attract more patients, and improve the
turnover hospital's reputation, giving it a competitive
edge in the market.

Compliance and Accreditation

● Better training ensures stronger compliance with regulations and
accreditation standards
● Improves the hospital's standing in the eyes of regulatory bodies, insurers, and
patients, enhancing its reputation, community trust and marketing standing.

Better trained workforce ➜ better patient outcomes ➜ increased productivity ➜ higher ROI
“What we know and
Learning Interdisciplinarity
Traditional (i.e., Mathematics)
Modern (i.e., Entrepreneurship)
Themes (i.e., Global Literacy)

21 st
Skills Century Character Experience
Teamwork “How we use Learner “How we behave and
engage in the world”
Activities for Skills what we know”
Simulations/VR Creativity Mindfulness
Problem solving Critical Thinking Curiosity Courage
Communication Resilience
Collaboration Ethics
Psychomotor Leadership

"How we reflect and adapt"
Growth Mindset
Technology provides a superior training

Web & 3D
Knowledge Simulation Practical
Training Future
Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality
AI based Adaptive

….that will increasingly extend to skills training as

“Minimum” training regime for a average

Quality Risk & Compliance Nursing Upskilling

● Patient Safety (IPSG) ● Nursing Onboarding

● Risk Identification & Mitigation ● Patient Assessment
● Infection Control & Prevention ● Intro to ER
● Wound Management
● Pain Management
● Diabetes Management
Emergency Life Support

● ACLS Perawat Non Clinical

● Effective Communication
● ECG Interpretation
● Case Management for Healthcare
● EWS & Code Blue
● Conflict Resolution

30-40 hours of training / year

3-5 Clinical Days
5 SKP/year
How do Nakes and Named Train Today

In House External
Seminar, MOOC

✔ ✔ ❌

Reasonable ✔ ✔ ❌

Interactive ✔ ✔ ❌

Scalable ❌ ❌ ✔

Cost Effective ❌ ❌ ✔
The MOH doesn’t want training to be a tick box exercise

Accreditation Regime SKP Practices

❖ Stipulate Mandatory Training

Zero Retention
❖ Enforce Standards
➢ Ensure completion
➢ Measure outcomes
➢ Assess competency gaps Attend the webinar while


Poor Quality

Rumah Sakit

Internal training
Quality over Quantity


● Offline
● Adaptive Learning

In house training is
Cost comparison of 2 days training for 25 workers

Cost Component In-House Zafyre

Trainer 15 MM Nil

Logistic (Meals/Transport) 2.5 MM Nil

What about
Productivity and Missed clinical days 14 MM Nil
Potential Calculated at 2 days of IDR 6mm
Revenue Lost? avg salary per worker

Equipment and admin Fee 5 MM Nil

Course registration fee Nil 15 MM

Total 37 MM 15 MM

Cost per Learner 1.5 MM 600 RP

Zafyre in Indonesia
Zafyre adalah penyedia pendidikan kesehatan yang berpusat di Singapura.
Zafyre menggabungkan konten kelas dunia dengan format penyampaian
yang inovatif dan lebih relevan. Tujuan kami adalah:

Memperluas akses terhadap Pendidikan

Kesehatan yang berkualitas di Indonesia

Memperkuat kualitas profesional di bidang

kesehatan dan sistem kesehatan

Menyempurnakan hasil pelayanan kesehatan

…serta menjadi perusahaan yang scalable dan profitable di seluruh pasar

global yang sedang berkembang.
Penyedia pendidikan kesehatan yang menggabungkan konten kelas dunia dengan
format penyampaian yang inovatif dan relevan.

Mitra Konten Global

German Nursing Council

Mitra Teknologi
The Most Powerful Learning
Platform in the World

Mitra Lokal Pelanggan

Terakreditasi B
Kemenkes RI

and more…
Zafyre deploys technology
that delivers theoretical and practical skills training

Customized to individual needs through AI

based adaptive learning

Delivering vastly superior learning


Measurable through powerful

analytics for healthcare systems

Can be consumed anywhere, anytime

Scalable and cost-effective Up to 80%

lower cost
AI Based Adaptive Learning adjusts to each
healthcare worker

AI based online delivery method that

automatically adjusts to the needs of each

Recreates at scale the optimal teaching

approach of a 1-on-1 personal tutor

Uses proven data analytics and

intelligent technologies to adjust in real
time to deliver an optimal experience

Can be integrated with skills, activities,

and practical training
The course adapts to every learner
based on their learning needs

Learner 1 Learner 2 Learner 3

100% proficient 100% proficient 100% proficient
8m 25s 19m 39s 33m 40s

88% correct 52% correct 47% correct

Initial 9% consciously incompetent 7% consciously incompetent 29% consciously incompetent
3% unconsciously incompetent 41% unconsciously incompetent 24% unconsciously incompetent

100% Competence
learners 50% Reduce time to
Adaptive Learning - A Big Leap in Education
Offline & Traditional E-Learning AI Powered Adaptive Learning

Adapts to individual learner

Content is preset
Content Learner sees more or less content based on learning needs
Everyone has to sit through same content
using a formative assessment methodology

Course Course is preset & cannot be altered Varies from learner to learner
Duration Reduces learning time as learners see only content they need

Learner No effective way to gauge learner engagement AI engine continuously engages & motivates the learner
Engagement Unpredictable knowledge outcomes & difficult to Platform ensures ~100% completion & knowledge
measure proficiency

Refresher Standardized for everyone AI engine generates customized refresher to each learner
Training Has to be prepared as an additional module Focuses only on what learner is having difficult with

Knowledge Results in poor knowledge retention & recall Efficacy of learning outcomes leads to higher knowledge
Retention retention which can be measured through powerful analytics

Weaker learning Far superior

outcomes learning outcomes
The Engine Works to Achieve METACOGNITION in Every
Healthcare Worker – a High % of CONSCIOUS COMPETENCE

Conscious Incompetence Conscious Competence

Learner is aware she doesn’t Learner knows topic and knows
know topic and has to learn it she knows it with high confidence


Unconscious Incompetence Conscious Incompetence

Learner doesn’t know material & is Learner probably knows topic but
unaware that she doesn’t know it lacks confidence of her knowledge

Novice Expert
Leveraging Virtual Reality for Healthcare
Highly Immersive and Engaging Practical Skills Improvement

VR provides an immersive environment that Repeat procedures multiple times until

closely simulates real-life scenarios, increasing learners achieve mastery without any risk
learner engagement and knowledge retention. to patients.
Technology in the area of Emergency Life Support training

Blended Learning solutions beginning with Emergency Life

Support training (BLS, ACLS and BTCLS)

Fully integrated simulation stations Mixed Reality Simulations with VR

… building up to a complete full-suite offering for hospital’s practical training needs

Data Analytics – no more guessing in the dark .. Know exactly the
competency (gaps) in your work force
… with powerful analytics configured to the hospitals
competency standards and team structure…

Individual Level

Further breakdown by:

● Team
● Function
● Role (Doctor, Nurse)
● Ward
● Etc.

Hospital Level
Powerful Analytics – Heat Map Uji Coba Pelatihan Pegawai

Learning objective

Heatmap Legend:
Zafyre brings a new and relevant course catalogue
● MOH Certified with SKP
● International Certification
● Innovative Adaptive Technology

Semua Tenaga Kesehatan Perawat & Bidan Kurikulum terstandar lokal

Dikembangkan dengan
1 Produk: Quality Risk & Compliance 4 Produk: Clinical Nursing Upskilling melibatkan kolegium
Penggunaan AI dalam
● Keselamatan Pasien (IPSG)* ● Pengkajian Pasien*
memberikan pelatihan
● Identifikasi & Mitigasi Risiko* ● Keperawatan Gawat Darurat*
Meningkatkan kompetensi
● Pencegahan & Pengendalian Infeksi* ● Manajemen Luka* dan pengetahuan

● Manajemen Nyeri* Kemudahan mengakses

2 Produk: Emergency Life Support pelatihan
● Manajemen Diabetes
● Interpretasi Elektrokardiogram* Ber-SKP dan perpanjangan
● Onboarding Keperawatan SIP
● EWS & Code Blue*

3 Produk: Nonclinical
● Komunikasi Efektif* ● Sertifikasi Internasional ● Akreditasi Lokal (dengan SKP)
● Manajemen Kasus*
● Penyelesaian Masalah

* Sudah terdaftar di Kementerian Kesehatan

Kurikulum PerawatEd dan Pelatihan Berbasis
Pembelajaran Adaptif Untuk Mahasiswa
Apa itu PerawatEd dan
Pembelajaran Adaptif?
Zafyre dan AIPNI telah berkolaborasi dalam
menyusun PerawatEd untuk perguruan
tinggi keperawatan di seluruh Indonesia.

Disusun sesuai dengan standar kurikulum

Indonesia dan didukung oleh AIPNI,
PerawatEd adalah alat penting bagi
mahasiswa dan fakultas.

Kurikulum inti setara dengan 35 SKS,

diluncurkan dengan mata kuliah pertama
kami, Ilmu Biomedik Dasar, untuk ajaran
baru Agustus 2024.
Kurikulum PerawatEd
Sarjana Keperawatan, 35 SKS dari total 144 SKS

Tingkat 1 Tingkat 2 Tingkat 3

Keperawatan Dewasa
Sistem Endokrin,
Perkemihan, Imunologi
dan Reproduksi

Peluncuran Keperawatan Dewasa Keperawatan Dewasa

Perdana Sistem Kardiovaskuler, Keperawatan Anak Sistem Muskuloskeletal,
Agustus ‘24 Respiratori, dan Sehat dan Sakit Akut Integumen, Persepsi
Hematologi Sensori, dan Persarafan

Ilmu Keperawatan Anak

Ilmu Dasar Keperawatan Keperawatan Kesehatan Keperawatan
Biomedik Keperawatan Maternitas Reproduksi
Sakit Kronis dan
Gawat Darurat
Dasar Terminal

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6

Pembelajaran Konvensional
Di dalam kelas Di luar kelas



Dosen memberikan kuliah di dalam kelas dan Mahasiswa diberikan latihan atau aktivitas
menyediakan materi pelajaran. untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran mereka.

Pembelajaran PerawatEd Sebelum &

Setelah kelas
Sebelum kelas Di dalam kelas


● Dosen melihat hasil

mahasiswa melalui
● Mahasiswa mempelajari mata kuliah analisis yang mendalam
● Mahasiswa datang ke kelas setelah
di platform ● Membantu dosen
mempelajari materi
● Teknologi AI menyesuaikan materi menyusun diskusi kelas
● Kelas sekarang lebih fokus pada diskusi
untuk setiap mahasiswa seperti tutor dan memantau progres Pelatihan refresher yang dihasilkan
mendalam dan interaktif antara
1-on-1 belajar masing-masing AI membantu mahasiswa
mahasiswa dan dosen
● Menghasilkan hasil pembelajaran mahasiswa mengurangi kesenjangan
berkualitas & retensi pengetahuan kompetensi
Mengapa PerawatEd?
Untuk Fakultas
100% disesuaikan dengan Kurikulum Keperawatan Indonesia, dikembangkan dan diakui oleh

Memberikan analisis mendetail pada fakultas mengenai hasil pembelajaran dan kompetensi
mahasiswa, memungkinkan fakultas untuk lebih berfokus pada diskusi kelas.

Mahasiswa belajar melalui platform, menghemat waktu belajar di kelas untuk diskusi yang
lebih praktis dan berorientasi pada keterampilan

Mengatasi kekurangan fakultas dengan tetap menyesuaikan standar kualitas.

Membantu meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran mahasiswa hingga menghasilkan lulusan

yang berkualitas dan memiliki kesempatan untuk bekerja di rumah sakit besar.

Investasi dengan keuntungan tinggi bagi lembaga pendidikan dari perspektif kuantitatif
dan kualitatif
Mengapa PerawatEd?
Untuk Mahasiswa
Teknologi AI menyesuaikan materi berdasarkan kebutuhan mahasiswa,
menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang lebih personal.

Memberikan hasil belajar yang unggul, terukur dengan analisis yang


Mendorong dan melibatkan mahasiswa melalui teknologi interaktif dan

umpan balik real-time

100% Asinkronus, memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk belajar kapan saja,

dimana saja.
Case Study: IPSG Pilot with
Indonesian Ministry of Health (MOH)
Indonesian Ministry of Health IPSG Pilot Brief

● Zafyre Pilot Course: International Patient Survey Results

Safety Goals (IPSG)

● Time: June 2022

● Pilot Objective: to assess effectiveness and

viability of Zafyre’s adaptive learning
platform across different regions

● 103 diverse workers from 3 regions

(Makassar, Kariadi, Batam)
○ 31 doctors
○ 38 nurses
○ 31 allied healthcare workers

● 100% asynchronous course delivered on

Zafyre’s AI enabled adaptive learning
Pilot Delivered Successful Learning
Outcomes for MOH Workers

Before After

68.3% 96.7%


24.7% 1.3%

Conscious Unconscious
Competent Incompetent
What they said after
participating in the IPSG pilot…

The system is easy to operate and

This kind of training can be done

The program is very good. With
useful. I am hopeful that more routinely for hospital staff to gain an active display and speaker, I
course offerings to be provided knowledge that can improve the don’t get bored or sleepy during
for medical workforce. quality of healthcare services. the training.
“ “ “

MOH Indonesia workers, June 2022

With a customized journey for each MOH
Cohort Metacognition Progress Unconscious Other Observations:
Incompetence to Conscious Competence
● Learners took different times to
complete the course

● Learners saw more or less

content based on their needs

● But all learners ended with

100% proficiency with reduced
The cohort emerges time spent
highly proficient
and consciously
Fastest learners Average learners Slowest learners Time spent
for offline
~3 hrs ~5.4 hrs ~13 hrs >2 days

Time saving and resource efficient while delivering the best possible learner outcomes.
Kebutuhan: Pelatihan IPSG dengan 2.000 tenaga kesehatan
Pelatihan Tradisional

● Pelatihan 2 hari: dilakukan sendiri ● 40 sesi pelatihan = 80 hari pelatihan

oleh pelatih eksternal
● Kapasitas per pelatihan: 50
● 80 hari klinis terlewatkan
peserta ● 12–18 bulan jangka waktu implementasi
● Biaya: Rp2 juta per peserta

● IPSG 5 jam tentang Pembelajaran ● Pelacakan kemajuan penuh ● 2 minggu selesai

Adaptif ● 97% kemahiran pengetahuan ● 1 vs 11 jam
● 100% asinkron, belajar kapan saja ● 50% pengurangan waktu Peserta tercepat vs
paling lambat
& di mana saja ● Analisis peserta terperinci
● Bite-sized modules ● 5,4 jam rata-rata
● Sertifikasi:
● Analisis pelatihan lengkap waktu peserta
● Biaya: Rp600.000 per peserta
(70% lebih murah!) 3 SKP
Zafyre Partners
Global Content Partners

German Nursing Council

Technology Partner

The Most Powerful Learning

Platform in the World

Indonesia Partners Customers

Accredited B by
MOH Indonesia

and more…
Terima Kasih
Hospitals must start to see training as a
competitive edge & not just a cost center

1. Improved Staff Performance:

○ High quality training leads to improved staff performance & efficiency
○ Better Patient Care leading to improved patient outcomes and enhanced operational efficiency
2. Cost Efficiency:
○ Well trained staff perform duties more efficiently with increased productivity
○ Decreased errors and need for rework
○ Streamlined processes lead to reduced wait times & department throughput
3. Improved Patient Outcomes leading to Competitive Advantage:
○ A well-trained staff provide superior care, attract more patients, and improve the hospital's
reputation, giving it a competitive edge in the market.
4. Compliance and Accreditation:
○ Better training ensures stronger compliance with regulations and accreditation standards
○ Improves the hospital's standing in the eyes of regulatory bodies, insurers, and patients, enhancing
its reputation and marketing standing.
5. Higher Motivated Staff:
○ Ongoing and high quality training demonstrates a commitment to employee development
○ A culture of continuous training fosters innovation, allowing hospitals to adapt quickly to new
challenges and advancements in healthcare
○ Leads to higher job satisfaction, increased morale and lower staff turnover
The True Cost of Training…

Workers will miss clinical days…

Million Rupiah

Potential revenue But what about productivity and

lost of 85 MM* potential revenue lost?

14 MM

5 MM
2.5 MM

15 MM
15 MM

*Calculated based on average

revenue per hospital worker
In house training is
Cost comparison of 6 days training for 25 workers
Cost Component In-House External Zafyre

Trainer 18 MM N/A

Logistic (Meals/Transport) 10 MM N/A

Missed clinical days 41 MM 34 MM N/A

Calculated at 6 days of IDR 6mm
avg salary per worker

Training materials 6 MM N/A

Course registration fee N/A 30 MM

Total 75 MM 125 MM 30 MM

Cost per Learner 3 MM 2.5MM 600 K

And what about lost revenue?
The True Cost of Training…

What about
Productivity and
Million Rupiah

Revenue Lost?
Zafyre delivers hospitals a superior & more cost
effective solution vs. current in-house training
In-house Training vs.

Missed clinical days Zero missed clinical days - bite size learning during
working day

Poor learning outcomes Superior & measurable learning outcomes via AI

based adaptive platform

Non-scalable solutions Highly scalable allowing larger workforce to be

trained in 50% reduced time

High cost Up to 70% more cost effective

Zafyre enhances hospital training by providing efficient asynchronous classroom instruction,

complementing in-house centers that offer practical "hands-on" training for workforce.

Better trained workforce ➜ better patient outcomes ➜ increased productivity ➜ higher ROI

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