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Baitil Azha Istamala

The Lion and The Mouse.

One day, a lion was sleeping in his den. A mouse came and started to play
on him. The lion woke up and caught the mouse. He was about to kill the mouse,
when the mouse said, “Please spare me, Your Majesty. I am a small creature. I did
not mean to disturb you. If you let me go, I will be grateful to you. Maybe
someday I can help you in return.” The lion laughed and said, “How can a tiny
mouse help a mighty lion? But I am feeling generous today. I will let you go. Run
away and don’t bother me again.” The mouse thanked the lion and ran away.
A few days later, the lion was caught in a hunter’s net. He roared and
struggled, but he could not free himself. The mouse heard the lion’s roar and
came to see what was happening. He saw the lion trapped in the net. He said,
“Don’t worry, Your Majesty. I will help you.” He quickly gnawed at the ropes of
the net and cut them. The lion was freed from the net. He said, “Thank you, my
little friend. You have saved my life. You were right. Even a small mouse can help
a big lion.” The mouse said, “You are welcome, Your Majesty. You spared my life,
and I repaid your kindness.” The lion and the mouse became friends.
The moral message of this story is: No one is too small or too weak to help
others. Kindness is never wasted.

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