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Practice Test 1

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not a type of force?

o A) Push
o B) Pull
o C) Twist
o D) Spin
2. A force can affect an object’s:
o A) Color
o B) Motion or shape
o C) Temperature
o D) Volume
3. The unit of force is:
o A) Joule
o B) Newton
o C) Pascal
o D) Watt
4. Which of the following is a non-contact force?
o A) Friction
o B) Tension
o C) Gravity
o D) Normal force
5. In a force diagram, the arrow pointing upwards represents:
o A) Gravity
o B) Normal force
o C) Friction
o D) Thrust
6. Balanced forces:
o A) Cause acceleration
o B) Cause deceleration
o C) Keep an object at constant velocity
o D) Change the direction of an object
7. An example of an unbalanced force is:
o A) A book resting on a table
o B) A car accelerating
o C) A person standing still
o D) A balanced seesaw
8. Newton’s first law is also known as:
o A) Law of Acceleration
o B) Law of Inertia
o C) Law of Action and Reaction
o D) Law of Universal Gravitation
9. Energy is measured in:
o A) Joules
o B) Newtons
o C) Pascals
o D) Watts
10. The formula for work is:
o A) Work = force / distance
o B) Work = force × distance
o C) Work = force + distance
o D) Work = force - distance
11. Which of the following is an example of potential energy?
o A) A moving car
o B) A stretched rubber band
o C) Flowing water
o D) Sound waves
12. The law of conservation of energy states that:
o A) Energy can be created and destroyed
o B) Energy is always conserved in the form of heat
o C) Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed
o D) Energy is always lost in any transformation
13. Heat transfer by convection occurs in:
o A) Solids
o B) Liquids and gases
o C) Vacuum
o D) Metals
14. The formula for kinetic energy is:
o A) EK = mg
o B) EK = mgh
o C) EK = ½mv²
o D) EK = mv²
15. Efficiency of an energy transfer can be calculated by:
o A) Useful energy output / Total energy input
o B) Total energy input / Useful energy output
o C) Total energy input / Work done
o D) Work done / Total energy input

Short Answer Questions

1. Define what is meant by a contact force and give two examples.

2. Explain the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces with an example for
3. State Newton’s first law of motion.
4. Describe the law of conservation of energy.
5. Explain how heat is transferred through radiation.

Fill-in-the-Box Questions

1. The unit of force is the ________________.

2. Energy is the ability to do ________________.
3. The formula for potential energy is ________________.
4. Kinetic energy depends on the ________________ and ________________ of an
5. Conduction occurs primarily in ________________.

Multiple Choice

1. D) Spin
2. B) Motion or shape
3. B) Newton
4. C) Gravity
5. B) Normal force
6. C) Keep an object at constant velocity
7. B) A car accelerating
8. B) Law of Inertia
9. A) Joules
10. B) Work = force × distance
11. B) A stretched rubber band
12. C) Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed
13. B) Liquids and gases
14. C) EK = ½mv²
15. A) Useful energy output / Total energy input

Short Answer

1. Contact forces are forces that act on an object through direct physical contact.
Examples: friction, tension.
2. Balanced forces do not change the state of motion of an object, e.g., a book resting on
a table. Unbalanced forces cause a change in motion, e.g., a car accelerating.
3. Newton’s first law states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion
stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
4. The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed,
only transformed from one form to another.
5. Heat is transferred through radiation by electromagnetic waves without involving
particles, such as the heat from the sun.


1. Newton
2. Work
3. EP = mgh
4. Mass, velocity
5. Solids

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