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Cavite I - ________
II - ________
Second Semester IV - ________
Academic Year 2023-2024 V - ________
Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person Total - ________
Grades 11
Name: _________________________________________ Level: ___________________________________

I. Read and analyze each of the given statements carefully. Identify the kind of freedom that is being
described. Write your answer on the space provided before each item number.

__________________1. Sarah finally forgave herself for past mistakes, freeing her from the burden of regret
and allowing her to embrace the present with a renewed sense of freedom. (Psycho)
__________________2. Amir is chosen to live his life bound by an adherence to virtues such as honesty,
loyalty, forgiveness, and self-discipline. (Moral)
__________________3. John's decision to forgive his abusive father wasn't about excusing the past; it was
his way of reclaiming freedom, breaking free from the anger and resentment that had
held him captive for years. (Psychological)
__________________4. Sheena experienced freedom as she stood at the summit of the mountain, feeling the
vast expanse of open space around him, the wind in her hair, and the exhilaration of
knowing she could go anywhere and do anything. (Physical)
__________________5. When faced with the opportunity to cheat on a test, Maloi exercised freedom by
choosing to uphold her integrity and study honestly, despite the pressure from her
peers to engage in dishonest behavior. (Moral)
__________________ 6. Anna exploring new places alone allows her to experience freedom. She can make
spontaneous decisions, choose her own itinerary, and immerse herself fully in the
adventure without being tied to anyone else's schedule or preferences. (Physical)
__________________ 7. Toni discovers that their company is engaging in unethical practices, such as
environmental pollution or financial fraud. Despite potential backlash or personal risk,
Toni decides to speak out against these wrongdoings by whistleblowing. (Moral)
________________________ 8. By learning to assertively communicate her needs and boundaries, Maya reclaimed
her sense of freedom in relationships, no longer feeling obligated to please others at
the expense of her own well-being. (Psychological)
__________________ 9. Prince volunteers his time and resources to support a charitable cause that aligns
with his values, such as helping the homeless, advocating for animal rights, or
promoting environmental sustainability. (Moral)
__________________ 10. Deanna leisurely cycles through a picturesque park, with the wind blowing through
her hair and the sun shining overhead. As she pedals along tree-lined paths and
open meadows, she feels a sense of freedom and exhilaration, enjoying the freedom
to explore her surroundings at her own pace. (Physical)

II. Identify the type of fallacy in each of the following statements. Write the answer on the space provided
before each item number.
_________________ 1. “Who is going to vote for a person looking like this?”
_________________ 2. “Can I have the last piece of cake? I’ve had such a bad day, and this cake would just
make me feel so much better. You don’t want me to be sad, right?”
_________________ 3. “If the Iraqi regime is able to produce, buy, or steal an amount of highly-enriched
uranium, it could have a nuclear weapon in less than a year and if we allow that to
happen, a terrible line would be crossed.”
_________________ 4. “The American judicial system is a fair system. Therefore, the defendant got a fair
trial and was not executed unfairly.”
_________________ 5. “All logical fallacies are the same. I understand one type of logical fallacy, so I
understand all types of logical fallacy.”

III. Complete the given table below by filling it in with the needed data. (two points each)

Types of Bias Characteristics Examples


Cultural Bias

Correspondence Bias

Confirmation Bias

IV. Illustrate and explain the human person as an embodied spirit using the lens of Hinduism beliefs
(Samsara). (ten points)



Indicators Points Scores
Accuracy of Illustration 4
Clarity of Explanation 3
Organization of Ideas 3
Total 10

V. Explain the “Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Paths” of Buddhism in ten sensible sentences. (ten


Indicators Points Scores
Content 5
Depth of Discussion 3
Organization of Ideas 2
Total 10

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;

the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light”
- Plato
Prepared by:

John Mark S. Diaz

SHS, Faculty

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