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Practice Sheet-1
Grade: X Topic: Ch 1. Resources and Development
Subject: Social Science Maximum Marks: 25

Question 1
(a) State the classification of land according to the ownership. [1]
(b) Name the factors that determine the land use. [1]
(c) What is alluvial soil consisted of? [1]
(d) State the origin of the word ‘laterite.’ [1]
(e) How have shelter belts helped in soil conservation? [1]
(f) What is the main cause of land degradation? [1]
Question 2
(a) Resources are not free gift of nature. Why? Explain. [3]
(b) Why is Solar Energy a potential resource in Rajasthan and [3]
(c) Throw light on the views of Gandhiji about conservation of [3]
Question 3
(a) Explain how the texture and quality of forest soil varies from [5]
place to place.
(b) Explain by giving an example how ecological restoration has [5]
taken place with the help of people and government in India.


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Practice Sheet 2
Grade: X Topic: Ch 1 Power Sharing
Subject: Social Science Maximum Marks: 10

Question 1 Choose the correct option.

(a) Which of the following is an example of horizontal sharing of power? [1]
i. Power sharing between different states.
ii. Power sharing between different organs of the government.
iii. Power sharing between different levels of the government.
iv. Power sharing between different political parties.

(b) Power sharing is desirable because it helps: [1]

i) To increase pressure on government.
ii) To reduce possibilities of conflicts.
iii) To generates awareness among people.
iv) To increase percentage of voters.

(c) System of 'checks and balances' means: [1]

i) Horizontal distributions of powers.
ii) Separations of powers.
iii) Put a check on the exercise of unlimited powers of government
by maintaining a balance of power among various institutions.
iv) Federal division of powers.

(d) Who elects the ‘community government’ in Belgium? [1]

i) People belonging to one language community only.
ii) By the leader of Belgium.
iii) The citizen of the whole country.
iv) The community leaders of Belgium.

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(e) Which of the following statements about power sharing arrangements [1]
is correct?
i) Power sharing is necessary only in societies which have religious,
linguistic or ethnic divisions.
ii) Power sharing is suitable only for big countries that have
regional divisions.
iii) Every society needs some form of power sharing even if it is
small or does not have social divisions.
iv) Power sharing is not necessary at all.

Question 2 Answer the following questions briefly. [1]

(a) Which factors are responsible for increasing the feeling of alienation
among Sri Lankan Tamils?

(b) What is the difference between prudential and moral reasons for power [1]

(c) What is separation of power? [1]

(d) In which form of power sharing, power is shared at different levels of [1]

(e) Define coalition government. [1]


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Practice Sheet-2
Grade: X Topic: Ch 1. Resources and Development
Subject: Social Science Maximum Marks: 25

Question 1
(a) Give one example and define the renewable resources. [1]
(b) What are resources that are found in a region but are not utilised [1]
(c) Which resources are surveyed and determined on the basis of [1]
quantity and quality for utilization?
(d) Give two examples of biotic resources. [1]
(e) Which cold desert is relatively isolated from the rest of the [1]
(f) Which is the most widely spread and important soil of India? [1]
Question 2
(a) How can the problem of deforestation be solved? [3]
(b) Name the type of soil found in western Rajasthan. Mention two [3]
features of this soil.
(c) Write three points on resource planning. [3]
Question 3
(a) What is Regur Soil? Give two features of Regur soil. Name two [5]
regions where it is found.
(b) Explain the factors that have contributed to the land [5]

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