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Statutory note:

Before start – up, kindly go through the entire operating manual and understand the operation of all sub-
systems and controls. Failure to understand the system operation and attempting to startup the system without
familiarity with controls could result in an accident.


This machine is dependent on 3 Phase connection. Any fluctuation of electricity will result in malfunction and
/or damage to the equipment
The Operation & Maintenance Manual of Chicken Marinate is subdivided into following sections:

1. Technical Specifications

2. System Description

3. Equipment Description

4. Trouble Shooting

5. Maintenance Schedule

6. Recommended Spares List

I. Technical Specifications

The system is designed to meet following specifications:

Product specifications:

Product: Fresh Chicken Pieces + Spices + Oil

Capacity: 40 Liters

Energy specifications:

Electrical power input : 415 V AC, 3 Phase Connection, 50 Hz.

Man power specification:

This is single equipment & one operator can operate the system.

II. System Description


Sr. No. Description Make/specifications

1 Working Capacity 40 Liter

2 MOC All contact- SS304

3 Motor Specification  0.37 Kw/0.5 Hp Power Motor,

 Current: 1 A
 Voltage: 415 V +-10 %
 Speed: 1390 RPM
 Frequency: 50 Hz +-5%
 Protection: IP 55
 Duty Cycle – S1
 Make : Hindustan Electric Motor
 For detail specifications check the motor certificate

4 Gear Box Specification  Type: ALM

 Size: 50
 Ratio: 50
 Handing Position: 71B5
 Make- Premium Make
 For detail specifications check the Gear Box certificate

5 Gasket  Food Grade

6 Coupling  Jaw Coupling

 Dia: 50
 Three Standard Jaw in both male & female part

7 Bearing  Pedestal Bearing: Size 205

8 Movable Wheels  Food Grade: Size 1”

 Front wheel: 360 Degree Rotating with Braking pedal
 Rear wheels: 360 Degree Rotating without Braking pedal

9 Control Panel  Star/Stop Button

 Starter Control for motor
 Wiring for starter & motor, Food Grade Cover.


Marinating System :

Marinating system consist of tumbler drum with locking handle. We can control the movement from
start/stop button of Panel. It is design to move 40 liter capacity drum with speed of 28 RPM which allows
chicken to marinate in few minutes.

Operating Procedure:

 Open the drum to load with chickens and ingredients to be pickled.

 If more than the limit, the torque limiter may slip, leading to the disoperation of the Marinator.
 Close the drum by putting in place the gasket ring and tight the all wing bolts properly.
 Push the green button on the panel to start operation of the Marinator drum.
 In case of upset, push the red emergency button.
 Allow the drum to rotate for the desired time.
 Once you finish the batch time just push the red button to stop the rotation.
 Move the drum to an appropriate place to open the drum and put the chickens to a pickling pan.
 Switch off the Marinator at the end of the day.
 Fully unload the pickling drum and clean the Marinator.
 Make sure that electrical system shall not come in contact with water.

Safety requirements:
 Ensure that input voltage and frequency are as per requirement.
 Special three pronged outlets with ground wire are only permitted. Ground wire is not permitted to be
mounted on tap water line or gas line.
 Inflammable, explosive and corrosive substances are not allowed around the Marinator.
 Work on electrical appliance with wet hands is prohibited.
 Please stay away from the rotating parts of Marinator during operation.

 Installation ·
 Manually move the dump station to the designated position.
 Press the brake pedal for two rotor wheels.

5. Trouble Shooting

Sr. Trouble Cause Solutions

 Fuse broken  Replace fuse

1 Power off  Improper contact of plug with socket  Repair or replace
 Input control circuit fails  Check with instrument

 Motor breakdown  Repair or replace

2 Motor not working  Improper contact of wire  Check and rewire

 Voltage too low  Use voltage regulator

 Transmission gear loosened or damaged  Repair or replace

 Bearing worn  Replace
3  Screw loosened  Tighten screw
 Moving parts not properly lubricated  Lubricate

4 Motor Gets heated  Overloading  Reduce Load

6. Maintenance Schedule:

 The machine is designed to operate continuously over several hours of operations. The continuous
operation however requires that the machine is well maintained and all the lubrication systems are fully
 Lubricate the bearing every 3 months. Renew the gear transmission oil every 1 years. Recommend use
of molybdenum disulfide, to be charged via vent.
 Remove oil contaminant off the equipment surface with rag of fine fabric.


Cleanliness. In poor environments, blow out dirt weekly; in normal environments, a quarterly or semi-annual
cleaning should be adequate. Make sure that dust or contamination is kept off high-voltage equipment. This is
important because dust may contain conducting materials that could form unwanted circuit paths, resulting in
current leakage or possible grounds or short circuits.

Moving part inspection. Moving parts should operate easily without excessive friction. Check operation of
contactors and relays by hand, feeling for any binding or sticking. Look for loose pins, bolts, or bearings. If the
control is dirty, it should be wiped or blown clean.

Contact inspection. Check contacts for pitting and signs of overheating, such as discoloration of metal, charred
insulation, or odor. Be sure contact pressure is adequate and the same on all poles; verify with manufacturer's
specification. Watch for frayed flexible leads.

Contact resistance testing. On essential controls, perform contact-resistance tests with a low-resistance
ohmmeter on a regular basis. Proper contact resistance should be about 50 micro-ohms, Record readings for
future comparison. This will indicate trends in the condition of contacts.

Sr. No Specifications Quantity

1. Motor (0.5 Hp) 01

2. Gear Box 01

3. Pedestal Bearing (Size 208) 01

4. Allen Bolts (M6 Size) 8 Qty

5. Rotating Wheels (1” Size) 4 Qty (2 Qty with brake, 2 Qty Without brake)

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