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NP - 258
ll Semester B.Com. Examination, AugusUSeptember 2023
(NEP Scheme)
Paper - 2.2: Business Ethics
Time : 2Yz Hours Max. Marks : 60

lnstruction : Answers should be completely either in Kannada or English.

AqDrl - o
1. Answer any six sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (6x2=12)
oCndde e$l erud-$d4rleri erudotu. $9 wd-$d4CD addt erodzl$dl doood:dd.

a) Define ethics.
Oe.9sotd$ EJEraDretu.
b) What is code of ethics ?

. &eB Bobd aodde$ ?

c) Give the meaning of nepotism.

{xdd{aadd erfrr OeE.

d) Who is moral entrepreneur ?

d,3d wdrar aodd o$a& ?

e) Define creative accounting.

d aoad"d ejdFg dd.>4 drD, ero, 0e .

Who are the accusedrof kingfisher airlines scam and satyam scam ?
80n6.!dd edelerof drldea d:d: idro drldeadO-udoe.l Cncb t

s) What is corporate culture ?

rodprdeuf Boir8 aodded: z

h) State any 2 scope of CSR.

CSR d otDdde 2 asaraoJo&4 e9&.

I tllllil lllll lll lllll lllll llll llll

NP - 258
a?Pd - a

questions. Each question carries four

marks. (3x4=12)
Answer any three
merl er od'l$dtr dooa&d d'
dlro& erod otu' g J O E*
oJndtde d,d4ileli
business ethics'
2. Explain the argument against ad otu'
P eeds-Do,d* mdd&o
3. Give a brief note on Karma Yoga'
iart oSoerld u{nosd $qt6
in finance'
4. Explain the needs of ethics
J tonmO- OeBoJ: erifdrdd€d1
5. Explain the ethical edox'}'
dDdd i.idge:-o-{ed na:nd7isdtr
6. ExPlain the Cadbury Committee'
araro ntu.9o$dtr adotu'
a?Pd -3r
Each question carries twervem^arks. (3x12=36)
" Answer any three questions. d'
oindd e dlracb €, d4ile ri *g uuliT ;{otll ;qd; er od rls&o do o ad:d

exprain influencing t!" business ethics'

7. what is business ethics ? Briefry Irtoo d'-A -'gwna s)edrd elodrl*$"'
6sa",aad ee.gsau aodded: ;' *r# o*u*{J
xo1daan Ddotu'
q.\ j and
ethical dilemmas in healthcare
g. what is ethical dilemma ? Briefly explain
education' Adotu'
xoa{d aodded: t udoerl, dJdj a{todo-d {,sd edot^l$ealxot*{a"R
d.Bd in marketing'
unethical practices
g. what is marketing ethics ? Briefly explain ;{eJ e*n' Xneq nomD R edotu'
dn8 r $ on6 & eEoa{aodded:
; d"St uJ dn'de)i'
viruses and
security ? Briefry exprain the types of computer
10. what is information
aeirec ar,Q do-'.rn,t^rd d*rdx"rrs
XX,[3,9 3:13:5;'T.H;;d
m n Ddotu'
oanuqei*-ocq n oX{
JA argo$&{ t3drxr'
m-.rprdeuf erdedd -r'1:ad"-ottrq'

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