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Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 209–214

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Aerospace Science and Technology

Demonstration of 500 N scale bipropellant thruster using non-toxic

hypergolic fuel and hydrogen peroxide
Hongjae Kang, Dongwook Jang, Sejin Kwon ∗
Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST 291,
Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34141, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: While shedding light on green space propulsion, the development of non-toxic hypergolic bipropellants
Received 15 May 2015 has provided alternatives to the conventional, highly toxic propellants. Non-toxic energetic hydrocarbon
Received in revised form 11 November 2015 fuels promoted by sodium borohydride were produced, and their hypergolicity with rocket grade
Accepted 22 November 2015
hydrogen peroxide was confirmed. Ignition delays ranged from 4 ms to 17 ms, depending on the oxidizer
Available online 4 December 2015
concentration. A 500 N scale thruster utilizing a non-toxic hypergolic bipropellant combination was also
Keywords: developed. With an oxidizer-to-fuel ratio of 5.48, the injector was designed with pentad unlike-impinging
Hypergolic ignition jets, one fuel jet orifice and four oxidizer jet orifices for enhancing the mix and atomization of the
Non-toxic hypergolic fuel hypergolic propellants. The operation test was performed, and burning time was established to be 3.5 s.
Sodium borohydride For the demonstrator, the rising time was approximately 158 ms, and the pressure oscillation inside
Hydrogen peroxide the combustion chamber was approximately ±7.69%. These results indicate the feasibility of this novel
Ignition delay concept engine for future space missions.
© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction budget of national space agencies for space missions, along with
stricter environmental and safety regulations, emphasizes the need
Liquid-fueled propulsion systems have been developed over for non-toxic hypergolic propellants. Thus, extensive research has
the past 100 years, and monopropellant or bipropellant chemi- been conducted on non-toxic hypergolic bipropellants to remedy
cal propulsion thruster systems have undergone several specific the drawbacks reported from the existing hypergolic propulsion
changes. The latter is the most commonly used in a variety of systems, although follow-up implementation continues to remain
civilian and military applications, and in an attempt to increase relatively scarce [3–5].
its performance, various propellant combinations have been tested The principal goal of this research is to demonstrate a novel
since Robert Goddard’s first rocket. Above all, the hypergolic igni- concept of 500 N scale bipropellant thruster using a non-toxic
tion system has been widely adapted for space propulsion applica- hypergolic bipropellant combination. This paper then presents ex-
tions, where reliable and repetitive ignition is essential. perimental demonstrations with respect to hypergolic interactions
A hypergolic bipropellant is a particular combination of fuel and and thruster operation. The focus is placed on the use of high test
oxidizer that ignites spontaneously upon contact. However, in the hydrogen peroxide (HTP) as a green oxidizer, considering its envi-
existing hypergolic propulsion systems, the use of hydrazine or its ronmentally benign nature, and the search for non-toxic energetic
derivatives as a fuel, along with nitrogen tetroxide or nitric acids hypergolic fuels comparable to conventional toxic fuels.
as an oxidizer, is indispensable, even if they are extremely toxic, In general, there are two different types of additives for grant-
corrosive, potently carcinogenic to humans and detonable. These ing hypergolicity in a rocket fuel: catalyst or strong reducer. A cat-
utmost dangers that stem from the toxicity of the propellants sig- alyst dispersed in fuel can vigorously decompose an oxidizer when
nificantly increase the cost and time required for development and they are brought into contact. This process represents a rapid
launch of a rocket. The cost penalties are made up of diverse parts:
exothermic reaction that generates enough energy to ignite the re-
the propellant, its handling, health surveillance, decontamination
actants. However, this catalyst additive is not directly involved in
and disposal of residuals [1,2]. Furthermore, a curtailment in the
the combustion process, which could result in increasing ignition
delay and in degrading performance. Unlike the catalytic additive,
once a strong reducer, such as metal hydrides, comes into contact
* Corresponding author.
with an oxidizer, ignition occurs immediately because the strong
E-mail addresses: (H. Kang),
(D. Jang), (S. Kwon). reducer itself can easily combust with a strong oxidizer. Due to its
1270-9638/© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
210 H. Kang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 209–214

Table 1
Compositions of non-toxic hypergolic reactive fuels.

Name Compositions
Stock 0 Tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (Tetraglyme)/Sodium borohydride
Stock 1 Tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (Tetraglyme)/Tetrahydrofuran/Sodium borohydride
Stock 2 Tetraethylene glycol dimethylether (Tetraglyme)/Tetrahydrofuran/Toluene/Sodium borohydride

Fig. 1. Molecular structures of hydrocarbon solvents used for non-toxic reactive fuels.

active participation in the ignition process, the fuel promoted by Table 1 shows the three different types of non-toxic hypergolic
a strong reducer, commonly referred to as a reactive fuel, provides fuels that were considered in this work. All the candidates are
faster and more reliable ignition. Therefore, although hypergolic in- reactive fuels promoted by sodium borohydride. Stock 0 was pre-
teractions can be caused by the two different types of additives, pared by blending sodium borohydride powder into a tetraglyme
reactive fuels promoted by strong reducers are typically preferred. solvent. A small Teflon stir bar was used for vigorous mixing for
Three reactive fuels were produced by blending sodium boro- a minimum of one hour; the product was a colorless liquid. The
hydride (NaBH4 ) powder, a strong reducing agent, into energetic composition of Stock 0 was the same fuel previously tested by
hydrocarbon mixtures. Sodium borohydride was previously used R. Mahakali et al. [6]. Tetraglyme is a polar aprotic solvent that is
as an ignition promoter for 90 wt.% hydrogen peroxide by R. Ma- miscible with sodium borohydride and has excellent chemical and
hakali et al. [6]. In the previous work, although most of the fuels thermal stability, along with high density (specific gravity: 1.013 at
demonstrated hypergolic properties with the oxidizer, they were 20◦ C), low vapor pressure (< 0.01 mmHg at 20◦ C) and low toxi-
potentially not suitable for practical applications because the sol- city [10]. However, its low chemical potential energy leaves room
vents used for sodium borohydride had low chemical potential for improvement.
energy. In addition, there was no attempt to evaluate the non-toxic Stock 1 and 2 are reactive fuels prepared and improved by
hypergolic bipropellant in actual conditions. This work is dedicated adding more energetic solvents, such as tetrahydrofuran and
to developing enhanced reactive fuels by using more energetic sol- toluene to Stock 0. Comparing the newly introduced solvents,
vents compatible with sodium borohydride and applying them into tetraglyme has lower chemical potential energy because the heat
a 500 N scale hypergolic bipropellant thruster with 90 wt.% hy- of combustion decreases with the rise of the oxygen percentage
drogen peroxide as an oxidizer. Through ground hot-fire tests, the in the molecule; their molecular structures are pictured in Fig. 1.
feasibility and performance of the non-toxic hypergolic bipropel- The production methods of Stock 1 and 2 basically followed the
lant thruster were evaluated. aforementioned method for Stock 0. The only difference between
Stock 0 and the enhanced reactive fuels was the composition of
2. Materials and experimental methods solvents. The more energetic solvents did not retain the same com-
patibility with sodium borohydride, and thus precipitation was
formed at the end of the process. After leaving the solvents un-
2.1. Materials der standard atmospheric conditions for a minimum of one day,
we could finally obtain colorless liquids by collecting the limpid
Metal hydrides are typically introduced as reducing agents in portion of the solution. Sodium borohydride powder with >98%
chemical synthesis and in materials for hydrogen storage appli- purity, 99.8% pure tetrahydrofuran (THF) and 99.8% pure toluene
cations. Light metal hydrides, such as lithium or beryllium com- were purchased from Samchun Chemical Inc. located at Daejeon,
pounds, are preferred as additives in rocket fuels due to their and >99% pure tetraglyme was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Inc.
low molecular weight, enhancing the rocket performance. They Theoretical performance data and physical properties of the re-
are, however, extremely expensive and difficult to handle; lithium active fuels are tabulated in Table 2. Density was measured by
compounds react explosively with moisture and water. Practically, I.S.O 649 Standard Hydrometers, and viscosity was measured with
sodium borohydride is a promising alternative when considering an SV-10 VIBRO Viscometer. Vapor pressure of the mixtures was
cost and handling, even if it has lower chemical potential energy calculated using Raoult’s law. The net energy content from com-
than lithium or beryllium compounds. Moreover, the presence of bustion was measured by a Parr 1261 bomb calorimeter. All candi-
boron and borane compounds has been reported to act as ener- dates have higher density than MMH, and Stock 2 is estimated to
getic additives or active promoters in the process of hypergolic be the most energetic material among the candidates, even more
combustion [7,8]. The borohydride is also part of the electron-rich than MMH. The observed unstable chemical behavior of Stock 1
groups that prefer hypergolic reactions with a strong oxidizer such during its storage is associated with its high volatility. Theoretical
as hydrogen peroxide. Other characteristics of sodium borohydride, vacuum specific impulse (I sp ) and O/F ratio were estimated using
which encourage its use, are described below [9]: NASA CEA code, where the chamber pressure was set to 30 bar
[11]. Based on the data, the non-toxic bipropellant combination of
– The least expensive metal hydride commercially available (on a hy- Stock 2 fuel and 98 wt.% H2 O2 oxidizer is expected to have a per-
dride equivalent basis). formance comparable to the conventional toxic hypergolic bipro-
– Safe with regards to storage and use & handling. pellants, with a volumetric specific impulse (ρ · I sp ) greater than
– Industrial implementation requires no or limited equipment invest- 99% of MMH/RFNA and 97.5% of MMH/NTO. This slightly lower
ment. performance can be compensated by the cost savings and risk re-
– Ease of work-up (water soluble boron salts). duction in terms of handling, storage and environmental impact.
H. Kang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 209–214 211

Table 2 2.2. Drop test

Theoretical performance data and physical properties of non-toxic reactive fuels.

Fuel Density Viscosity Vapor pressure Net energy content The drop test was implemented to verify the hypergolicity of
(kg/m3 ) (cP) (kPa) (MJ/kg)
the candidates with high test hydrogen peroxide. As shown in
Stock 0 1,013 7.1 1 .3 26.8
Fig. 3, a syringe pump fed the oxidizer through a nozzle and then
Stock 1 953 1.8 14.6 28.9
Stock 2 952 2.3 8 .8 30.8 a small oxidizer droplet fell down on the pool of hypergolic fuel
MMHa 874 0 .8 6 .7 28.3 at a height of 12 cm from the surface of the fuel. The droplet di-
ameter was approximately 3.2 mm. Upon contact of the droplet
Fuel Oxidizer Average density I sp ρ · I sp
(kg/m3 )b (s)c (kg · s/L) with the surface of the pool, the combustion occurred sponta-
Stock 2 98 wt.% H2 O2 1,196 318.1 380.4
neously, and the flame propagated rapidly into air. Ignition delay
MMH RFNA 1,194 319.7 381.7 was defined as the time interval between the contact of the reac-
MMH NTO 1,159 336.5 389.8 tants with the oxidizer droplet and the first detection of a flame.
PubChem Public Chemical Database, the PubChem Project, USA: National Center The whole process was recorded by a high speed CCD camera,
for Biotechnology Information. X-StreamTM XS-3 model with 1000 fps, and the delay was iden-
Density averaged between fuel and oxidizer. tified using the time marks on the consecutive images. A high-
Estimating by NASA CEA code.
powered halogen lamp illuminated the reaction process. All fuels

Infrared spectroscopy is used in research endeavors for both

organic and inorganic chemistry, and it is a simple and reliable
technique to obtain molecular information from a sample. Fig. 2
indicates the infrared spectra of Stock 2, along with its reference
materials: tetraglyme, toluene and tetrahydrofuran. The reference
materials were tested to assess the instruments’ influence. Accord-
ing to the data of Stock 2, with the exception of the weak band
appearing between 2000 and 2500 cm−1 wavenumber, the other
peaks correspond to the observations in reference materials. The
complexity of the infrared spectra is a result of the solvents’ com-
plex molecular structure; the addition of an additive also brings
about a combination of bands and overtones of the fundamental
vibrations, thereby increasing the number of observed absorption
peaks [12]. For Stock 2 fuel, the unusual band might appear due
to the presence of the dissolved sodium borohydride, consider-
ing that Harvey and McQuaker [13] recorded distinct absorption
peaks in the spectra of sodium borohydride in the region of 2200
to 2400 cm−1 at 295 K. Fig. 3. Schematic of drop test apparatus.

Fig. 2. Infrared spectra of Stock 2 fuel and reference materials measured by IS50 ATR with number of scans: 32, data spacing: 0.482 cm−1 , detector: DTGS ATR and range:
400–4000 wavenumber (cm−1 ).
212 H. Kang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 209–214

Fig. 4. Consecutive high speed images of hypergolic reactions between Stock 2 fuel and 90 wt.% H2 O2 .

oped non-toxic hypergolic bipropellant combination by operating

it under actual operating conditions.

2.3. Configuration of experimental system

Fig. 6 outlines the propellant feed system for the static firing
test. The propellants were fed into the thruster by regulating the
pressurized high purity nitrogen gas. Pneumatic valves controlled
the injection sequence of the propellants. A pressure transducer,
manufactured by Sensor System Technology Co., LTD, was installed
at the end of the chamber, which functioned with ±0.037% fem-
tosecond accuracy. A data acquisition card (DAQ) was used to
record pressure data and a SCXI module from National Instru-
ments was used as a signal conditioning device with a sampling
rate of 1000 Hz and a 100-kHz filter. The mass flow rates of both
the fuel and the oxidizer were measured using orifice-type mass
flow meters (MFMs) with ±0.5% accuracy; these orifice diameters
Fig. 5. Variation of ignition delay depending upon H2 O2 concentration. were 1.2 mm for the fuel and 2.5 mm for the oxidizer. A cavitat-
ing venturi tube was inserted as a passive flow control device into
experienced hypergolic interactions with hydrogen peroxide. Fig. 4 the oxidizer feed line for the reasons mentioned below. With an
displays high speed images taken during the period of hypergolic oxidizer-to-fuel ratio of 5.48, the mass flow rate of the oxidizer ac-
reaction between Stock 2 and 90 wt.% H2 O2 , and Fig. 5 provides counted for the majority of the total mass flow rate. Thus, the total
the variations in the delays, depending on the concentration of mass flow rate could then be effectively regulated by exclusively
hydrogen peroxide. According to the reported data [14], the ig- controlling the oxidizer mass flow rate to prevent the oversupply
nition delay of the existing hypergolic combinations is normally of propellants caused by the tremendous pressure difference be-
less than 5 ms in this type of drop test. Thus, if we use the green tween the tank and the chamber during the startup phase [15,16].
hypergolic combinations of Stock fuels and 98 wt.% H2 O2 as an As a result, hypergolic ignition could be achieved smoothly in the
oxidizer, the hypergolic start for a thruster is expected to be appli- condition of a fuel-rich atmosphere, having the advantage of pro-
cable. moting chemical reaction rates for hypergolic ignition, particularly
Based on the results from the aforementioned works, Stock 2 for hydrocarbon fuels. By contrast, an oxidizer-rich stream, which
was regarded as the best available. Therefore, a 500 N scale hyper- could lead to serious damage to the chamber wall or easily initiate
golic thruster was designed on the basis of the following propellant explosion, should be avoided [17,18].
combination: Stock 2 fuel and 90 wt.% H2 O2 oxidizer. Instead of Table 3 contains the design parameters for a ground test model
98 wt.% H2 O2 , 90 wt.% H2 O2 was selected as an oxidizer in this of 500 N scale non-toxic hypergolic bipropellant thruster. A pentad
work for safety reasons. The aim of the static firing test was to unlike-impinging jet type injector was fabricated, having one fuel
evaluate the performance of the thruster using the newly devel- injection orifice at the center of the injector face and four oxidizer

Fig. 6. Outline of propellant feed system.

H. Kang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 209–214 213

Table 3
Design parameters of 500 N scale non-toxic hypergolic bipropellant thruster ground

Parameter Value
Oxidizer 90 wt.% H2 O2
Reactive fuel Stock 2
Design thrust 500 N
Design chamber pressure 30 bar
Ideal vacuum specific impulse (I sp ) 306.5 s
Ideal characteristic velocity (C ∗ ) 1579.2 m/s
Theoretical O/F ratio 5.48
Design mass flow rate Oxidizer: 131.4 g/s, fuel: 24 g/s

Nozzle type 15◦ conical nozzle
Nozzle throat diameter 10.2 mm
Nozzle expansion area ratio 4
Chamber length without converging section 80.2 mm scale
Chamber diameter 32.5 mm Fig. 8. Demonstration of 500 N scale non-toxic hypergolic bipropellant thruster.
Converging angle 30◦

Injector type Pentad unlike-impinging jets
Configuration of injection element Single element
(1 fuel orifice + 4 oxidizer orifices)
Impinging oxidizer jet angle 60◦
Fuel orifice diameter 1.2 mm
Oxidizer orifice diameter 1.25 mm

Fig. 9. Pressure curves verse time.

Fig. 7. Cold flow test of pentad unlike-impinging jet injector.

injection orifices surrounding it. The oxidizer liquid jets collided

with the fuel jet at the designated point with a 60◦ inclined angle
as indicated in Fig. 7.

3. Results and discussion

The static firing test was conducted for a total of 3.5 s with
the objective of demonstrating the feasibility of 500 N scale bipro-
pellant thruster using the novel non-toxic hypergolic propellant
combination. As shown in Fig. 8, hypergolic ignition was achieved
without the use of an external ignition system, and the rocket
exhaust plume was stably formed. Mach diamonds in the plume
were clear evidence that the nozzle throat was choked; there-
fore, the combustion gas flew at supersonic speed. Fig. 9 reports
the pressure data measured in the chamber during the test. Al- Fig. 10. Variation on mass flow rate of propellants over time.
though some pressure perturbations were observed in the fuel and
the oxidizer feed injectors at startup, the chamber pressure built dicates that the cavitating venturi functioned well, even under the
up smoothly, and the thruster experienced steady-state operation, tremendously high differential pressure during the startup phase.
roughly from 0.8 s to 3.6 s. Fig. 10 provides the variation of the The pressure perturbation may be caused by the impact of hyper-
mass flow rates of the propellants over time. The fuel was injected golic ignition, accompanied with the oversupply of fuel. The aver-
into the chamber slightly earlier than the oxidizer because of the age mass flow rate of the oxidizer and the fuel during steady-state
two main factors; the difference in the response times of the con- operation was approximately 129.9 g/s and 23.2 g/s, respectively,
trol valves and the existence of the cavitating venturi. Although the which was very close to the design values.
fuel was oversupplied before the chamber pressure was fully built The rising time and combustion instability, which are essen-
up, the mass flow rate of the oxidizer was consistent. The result in- tial factors for control, were estimated for the design validation. At
214 H. Kang et al. / Aerospace Science and Technology 49 (2016) 209–214

Table 4 more energetic non-toxic hypergolic propellants and to develop a

Performance data of 500 N scale non-toxic hypergolic bipropellant thruster with a more sophisticated design. The work represented
thruster ground model.
in this study has profound implications for future studies in the
Parameters Experimental data green space technology fields and may contribute to solving the
Mass flow rate of fuel 23.2 g/s problems caused by existing toxic propellants.
Mass flow rate of oxidizer 129.9 g/s
C ∗ efficiency 88.3 (±2.1%) Conflict of interest statement
Rising time (t rising ) 158 ms
Pressure instability (P ins ) ±7.69%
There is no conflict of interest statement.

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