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Published in Canada by General Publishing Com­
pany, Ltd., SO Leslnill Road, Don Mills, Toronto,
Published in the United Kingdom by Constable
and Company, Ltd., 10 Orange Street, London \\rc 2.

This Dover edition, first published in 1975, is an

unabridged and unaltered republication of the
work originally published by G. Bell and Sons, Ltd.,
London, and Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, in
1955. It is reprinted by special arrangement with
G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., York House, Portugal Street,
London \\rC�A 2HL.

International Standard Book Num,beT:0-486-20317-4

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 74-7;267

Manufactured in the United States of America

Dover Publications, Inc.
180 Varick Street
New York, N.Y. 10014
This collection of games is intended to link up with the present day the
first two volumes published under the title of 500 Master Games of Chess.
Nevertheless, the reader will easily perceive that the present volume is
complete in itself.
The period of the war was practically barren, but soon after its
conclusion chess had a tremendous revival which made the task of
selection for this book one of no little difficulty. Luckily, contem­
porary chess strategy unites the beauties of combinative play with the
depth of a general plan and so provides many outstanding games.
The authors hope that the examples selected paydue attention to
the many innovations in opening theory which occurred during the
period they cover and also that their original annotations will throw
some fresh light on these games. If, therefore, the present volume
succeeds in presenting a living survey of contemporary chess, while at
the same time adding to the reader's knowledge and his resthetic
enjoyment, the authors would consider this the finest reward for their
Thanks are due to Messrs. D. Castello, L. E. Fletcher and A. R. B.
Thomas for undertaking the onerous task of reading the proofs.


1. G IU O C O P I A N O
Game Page
1 Tartakower- Euwe Venice, 1948 Classical Defence (4 . . . . B-Kt3; 1
or 4 . • . .
Rossolimo­ France-Belgium, " " 2
Dunkelblum 1948
2 Rossolimo-Miibring Hastings, 1948- 9 " " 3
3 Corte-Jac. Bolbochan Parana, 1946 Greca Attack (7 Kt-B3) 4
K ildal- H unt e 1951 " " 4

2. E VA N S G A M B I T

4 A. R. B. Thomas­ Hastings, 1950- 1 Alapin Defence (6 • • • • P-Q3) 6

H elms-Tenner New York, 1942 Evans Gambit Declined 6
M. Barker- Birmingham, 1951 6
w. Marshall

3. T W O K N I G H T S' D E F E N C E

5 Kovacs-Lokvenc Vienna, 1948 8

Sorensen-J ul. Nielsen A alborg, 194 7 8
6 Prins-J. Penrose Southsea, 1950 Ulvestad (5 . . . . P-QKt4) 9
Rut ka- Vesely Prague, 1950 Trax ler (4 B-B4)
. • . • 9
7 Crowl-Klass Correspondence, Max Lange Attack 11
8 Szab6-M iihring Zaandam, 1946 Pseudo Max Lange (5 . . • • Kt x P) 12
R ossolimo-Prins Bilbao, 1951 .. " " 12


9 Smyslov- Reshevsky Radio, 1945 Morphy Defence (3 . . . . P-QR3) 15

1 0 Estelles-Dilworth Correspondence, ' Open' (5 • • . •
Kt x P) 17
1 1 Smyslov-Buwe Moscow, 1 948 " 18
Malmgren-Cuadrado Correspondence, " 18
12 Yanofsky-Botvinnik Groningen, 1 946 'Qosed' (5 . . . . B-K2) 20
1 3 Bronstein-Panov Moscow, 1 946 Panov (12 • • . •
B-Kt2) 21
Gracs-Berger Correspondence, " 22
14 Alexander-Pachman Hilversum, 1 947 " 23
15 Bronstein-Keres Budapest, 1950 " 26
16 Kuppo-Rautenberg Weidenau, 1 944 Marshall (8 . . .. P-Q4) 27
17 Sir G. Thomas- Harrogate, 1947 Worrall (5 (or 6) Q-K2) 28
G. Wood

1 8 Kirilov�urman U. S.S.R., 1 949 Worrall 29

1 9 Broderman- Havana, 1947 5 (or 6) P-Q4 29
Edw. Lasker
Wade-Le Schmi d Mat ch, 1950 " " 30
20 Broadbent-AUtken London, 1 948 Steinitz Defence Deferred 31
(4 . . . . P-Q3)
F euer-O' Kelly Liege, 1951 Steinitz Defence Deferred 31
2 1 Euwe- Keres Moscow, 1 948 " " tt 33
22 Tarnowski- Keres Szczawilo Zdroj, 1 950 " " " 34
23 Michel-Rossetto Mar del PIata, 1947 Bird's Defence (3 Kt-Q5) 35
24 O'Kelly-Denker Mar del PIata, 1 948 Schliemann (3 . . . . P-B4) 36
Kubanec- Wacker Correspondence, 1939 " 37


2 5 Tartakower- G. Wood Hastings, 1946- 7 38

26 Bogoljubow-L. Schmid Bad Pyrmont, 1949 39


27 Botvinnik- Reshevsky Moscow, 1 948 Rubinstein (4 • • • • Kt-Q5) 41

Nebe/-Hallmann Correspondence, " 41


28 Barden-Klein Buxton, 19 50 43

8. P ET R O F F ' S D EF E N C E

29 Fuderer-Kostic Ljubljana, 1 9 5 1 45


30 Heikinheimo-Crepeaux Dubrovnik, 1950 47


3 1 Prins-Rellstab Travemunde, 1 9 5 1 2 . . . . Kt-KB3 49

32 Adams-H . Steiner Hollywood, 1945 Hamppe-Allgaier Gambit 50
(2 . . . . Kt-QB3)
Brooks-Crous Correspondence, 51
S. Africa, 1946


33 Ravn-O'Kelly Southsea, 1 9 5 1 Cunningham Gambit 53

(3 . . . . B-K2)
H oerner-L orenz Correspondence, Breyer Gambit (3 Q-B3) 53
D evos-Borodine Antwerp, 1951 53
Keres-Alatorz ev Moscow, 1950 54

34 Koch- Gereben Zoppot, 1 9 5 1 King's Gambit Declined SS

(2 . . . . B-B4)
Soler-Almeda Madrid, 1947 ,. " II SS
35 Horne-A. R. B. Thomas Felixstowe, 1949 Falkbeer Counter Gambit 56
(2 . .
P-Q4) . .

Tolush-Alatorz ev U. S.S.R. Champi on- 3 .... Q x P 56

ship, 1948
Englund-lArsson Correspondence, 3 .. . PxP
. 56
J avetle-Dewacke Correspond ence, F alkbeer Cou nt er Gambit 57



36 Pilnik-Beni Vienna, 195 1-2 61

37 Alexander-Yanofsky Hastings, 1 946-7 Chatard-Alekhine (6 P-KR4) 62
3 8 Evans-Pilnick New York, 1947 5 B x Kt 64
Mi lner-Barry-Troll l/f ord, 1951 Nimzovi!ch (3 P-K5) 64
Pao/i-Stalda Venice, 1950 64
39 Dr. B. Neumann� Manchester, 1950 McCutcheon (4 . . . . B-KtS) 65
Miss Tranmer
Coles-Westbrook F ort Worth, 1951 " 66
40 Stannard- Nikolenko Perth (Australia), Winawer (3 . . . . B-Kt5) 67
Dr. Torber-Menke Correspond ence, 67
41 Pleci-Endzelins Buenos Aires, 1939 Rubinstein (3 . . . . Px P) 69
Moyse-Sweby Correspond ence, B urn (4 . . . . Px P) 69
42 Bronstein-Szab6 Saltsjobaden, 1 948 Tarrasch (3 Kt-Q2) 70
Menke-Dr. H erberg Correspondence, " 70

13. C A R O - KA N N D E F E N C E

43 Alekhine-Eliskases Buenos Aires, 1939 Panov Attack (4 P-QB4) 72

44 Fuderer-Donner Beverwijk, 1952 3 . . . . Px P 73
Re/I stab-Edith Keller Duisburg, 1948 3 P-KB3 73


45 Boleslavsky-L. Steiner Saltsjo baden, 1 948 Scheveningen Variation 7S

( . . . . P-Q3)
46 B. H. Wood-Winter London, 1948 Dragon (6 . . . . P-KKt3) 76
47 Szab6-Lundin Groningen, ,1 946 Richter Attack (6 B-KKt5) 77
48 Rico-N aj dorf Radio Match, 1949 Boleslavsky (6 . . . . P-K4) 79
McCormick-Evans New Y ork, 1951 " 79
Bolesla vsky-Stahlberg Blldapest, 1950 " "
49 Alexander-Bogoljubow Cheltenham, 1951 " " 81
50 Pilnik-Kashdan New York, 1948-9 Anti- Dragon (6 P-B4) 82
Shapi ro-Somov Leningrad, 1950 tt " 82
5 1 Rossolimo-O' Kelly Oldenburg, 1 949 Wyvill (3 B-Kt5) 83
Rossoli mo-Kottnauer Ba d Gastein, 1948 " 83
52 Crown-Kotov London, 1 947 Closed System (3 P-KKt3) 84


S3 Milner- Barry- Utrecht, 1 949 86

van den Bosch
Solmanis-Pirtskalava U .S.S.R., 1949 86

16 . A LEK H I N E' S D E FE N C E

54 Golombek-H. Brown London, 1 949 88

Fuller-D erby Felixstowe, 1949 88

1 7. N I M Z O W I TS C H' S D E F E N C E

5 5 Keres-Mikenas THlis, 1 947 90



56 Stahlberg- Alexander Birmingham, 1 9 5 1 95

57 Muffang- Devos Paris, 1 948 96
H aberdi tz-Prohaska A ustri a, 1948 96
Tartakower-Fuster Budapest, 1948 96

19. A LB I N C O U N T E R- G A M B I T
5 8 Flohr- Benko Moscow, 1 949 98
Hrdy-Haberdi tz Vi enna, 1951 Tchigori n's D efence 98
(2 . . • . Kt-QB3)
Kortchnoj-Shapki ne L eni ngrad, 1949 98
Muir-Mi tchell A tlanta, 1939 98

20 . Q U EE N'S G A M B IT D E C LI NE D

59 Rabar�ajec Sarajevo, 1 9 5 1 Rubinstein's Attack (1 1 Castles) 100

Makarcz.yk- Lodz, 1952 (4 • • • •
B-KtS) 101
60 Reshevsky- Guimard New York, 1 9 5 1 Exchange (4 Px P, Px P) 101
61 Fine- Euwe Avro, 1938 Vienna Variation 103
(4 . . . . B-Kt5 ch)
62 Stahlberg-Sefc Trencianske- " " 104
Teplice. 1 949
SlI barlc-Tri/ unovi c B elgrade, 1946 " "
63 Vera Menchik- Buenos Aires, 1939 Semi- Tarrasch (4 . . . . P-QB4) 105
Sra. Mora
64 G ligoric-Bemstein Match, Belgrade­ " 106
Paris, 1950
Cas as-Piazzini A rgentine, 1950 Tarrosch Defenc e (3 . .... P-QB4) 106

21 . S L AV D E F E N C E

65 G . Wood-Yanofsky Hastings, 1946-7 Accepted (4 . . . . Px P) 109

66 Abrahams-Canal Bad Gastein, 1948 " 110

2 2. S E M I - S L A V D E F E N C E
67 Taimanov-Lissitsin Leningrad, 1949 112
68 Bronstein- Kotov Budapest, 1950 American Attack '4 P-K4) 113
Mllnich-A ugsburg Correspondence, 113
69 Kottnauer-Kotov Prague, 1946 Meran Variation (6 .. . . P x P) 115
70 Botvinnik-Euwe Moscow, 1948 " " 116
71 Mme. ChaudHomar Sitges, 1949 Foltys Attack (10 P--Q5) 117

23 . A N TI- M E R A N G A M B I T

72 Denker- Botvinnik Radio, 1945 Flohr Attack (9 Ktx KtP) 120

7 3 Ragosin-Book Helsinki, 1946 Ragosin's Attack (9 Px Kt) 121
Pomar-Tramoyeres San Sebasti an, 1951 " " 122

2 4 .. Q U E E N' S P A W N G A M E

74 Eliskases-Rossetto Mar del Plata, 1950 Colle System 123

2 5. D U T C H D E F E N C E

75 Bronstein-Botvinnik Match, 1951 125

2 6. S TA U N TO N G A MB I T

76 Barda-Rossolimo Hastings, 1949-50 2 P-K4 127

H ayden-H. Brown L ondon, 194 7 127

2 7. B E N O N I C O U N T E R- G A M B I T

77 Foltys- Gereben Budapest, 1948 129

28. P R O T O - I N DI A N D E F E N C E

78 Teschner- Tartakower Southsea, 1951 1 • . . • P-Q3 131




29. O LD I NP I A N D E F E N C E
79 Golombek- Wahltuch London, 1 950· 1 33


80 Kotov- Geller U.S.S. R., 1 950 2 . . . . P-KKt3; with White's 135

81 Strehle-Gygli Winterthur, 1 946 5 B-K2 1 36

31. G RU N F E L D D E F E N C E

82 Bronstein-Boleslavsky Match, 1 950 Becker Attack (4 P x P) 1 38

83 Fine-Najdorf Match, 1 949 Lodz Attack (4 B-B4) 1 39
Swihart- H all Correspondence, " " 1 39
84 Kramer- Najdorf New York, 1 945:-9 Amsterdam Attack (4 Q-Kt3) 141
Sokor- Volck L eni ngrad, 1938 " " 141
Kmoch-Prins A msterdam, 1940 " " 141
85 Fairhurst- Rhodes Felixstowe, 1 949 ' Pseudo-Griinfeld' 1 42

3 2. Q UEEN'S I N D I A N D E F EN C E

86 Euwe-Keres Match, 1 940 • . • . P- -QKt3 1 44

87 Horowitz- Denker New York, 1 947 " " 145
Nurnberg-Dr. R lldl Riedenburg, 1947 " " 145
88 Pirc- O'Kel1y Amsterdam, 1 950 ' Colle-Indian' (3 P-K3) 1 46


89 Capablanca- Mikenas Buenos Aires, 1 939 Capablanca Attack (4 Q-B2) 148

90 Keres- Botvinnik Leningrad, 1 941 " " 149
91 B. H. Wood- Devos Soest-Baarn, 1 948 " " 1 50
92 Botvinnik- Capablanca Avro, 1 938 Rubinstein-Samisch Attack 1 52
Gell er-Golombek B udapest, 1951 ., " " 1 52
93 Lilienthal- Najdorf Saltsjobaden, 1 948 " " " 1 53
(4 P-K3 or 4 P-- Q R3)

3 4. C A TA L A N S Y S T E M

94 Alekhine-Bogoljubow Warsaw, 1 943 Queen's Gambit Deferred 1 56

(4 . . . . Px P)
Vei tch-Penrose B ux ton, 1950 Queen's Gambi t D eferred 1 56
L undi n-B enktJ Bad Gastei n. 1948 " 1 56

35. B U D A P ES T D E FEN C E

95 Golombek- Bisguier Southsea, 1 950 Fajarowicz Variation 1 58

(3 .. Kt-K5)0 .

Donovan-Bi sguler D etroi t, 1950 Normal (3 . . . . Kt-Kt5) 1 58

Whyte- Davi s H asti ngs, 1951-2 " " 1 58

3 6. E NG L I S H O P E N I N G

96 Tartakower- L. Schmid South sea, 1 950 1 . .

. . P-K4 160
97 Denker- Rabar Radio, 1950 .
1 . . . Kt-KB3 161

3 7. R E TI- Z U K E R T O R T

98 H eberger- Kunerth Weilheim, 1949 163

99 Tartakower- Southsea, 195 1 163
A . R. B . Thomas
Dav; d-Balogh J
B udapest 1948 164


100 Grob- Mme. Cha ude Match, 195 1 1 P-KB4, P-Q4 1 66

H . Brown-Friedman London, 1949 Inverte d D utch 1 66
Jrrasner-AntonoJr Paris, 1949 From's Gambit (1 . . . . P-K4) 1 66

I N D EX O F P L AY E R S • • • 1 69

1 More effective is the restricted retreat
1 0 B-Q3, which would achieve the same
TARTAKOWER EUWE object-namely, vacating QB4. Good also
(Venice, 1 948) is 1 0 Kt-B2, followed eventually by
P-Q Kt3, and B-QR3 .
If i t w ere necessary to demonstrate that,
in an age of fluctuati ng fashi ons, chess sti ll 10 . . . . . . Kt-KI
remai ns an art and that the spi ri t of Morphy To all appearances, 1 0 . . . . Kt-Q2 ; is
sti ll inspi res even sci entifi c play, the followi ng more natural.
game provi des the irrefutable proo/. In a game Rossolimo-Dunkelblum ( Match
France v. B elgi um, 1948), Black played
1 P-K4 P-K4 1 0 . . .. P-B3 ; and the game continued :
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 II Kt-B4, B-B2 ; 12 P-QKt3, P-B4
3 B-B4 B-B4 (this forestalls the threat 1 3 B-R3, but
4 P-B3 B-Kt3 prematurely gives up the strategic point at
A staunch defence. In connection with White's Q5 to his adversary. Preferable is
his next move, this preventive retreat (or 1 2 . . . . P-QKt3); 1 3 PxKP, P x P ;
fi r. st 4 . . . . Q-K2 ;) enables Black to main.. 1 4 Kt-K3, P-QKt3; IS Kt-Q5, Kt x Kt ;
tain his centre, for now, after 5 P-Q4, he 1 6 P x Kt, P-B3; 1 7 Kt-Q2, Kt-B2 ;
need not exchange his KP, which exchange 18 P-KB4, Q-Q I ; 1 9 Kt-B4, P x P ;
is forced if Black plays 4 . . . . P-Q3 ; or ( 1 9 . . . . B-Kt2 ; is better) 20 P-Q6
4 . . . . Kt-B3. (beginning a combination of the highest
class), 20 . . . . B x QP; 2 1 Q-Q5, B-R3 ;
5 P-Q4 Q-K2 22 Kt x B, B x B; 23 R-K8 C'the bull in
6 Castles the china shop"), 23 . . . . Q x Kt ; 24 Q x R,
Development first! The impulsive sacri­ and White, emerging from this hot en­
fice of a pawn by 6 P-Q5, Kt-Ktl ; counter the exchange to the good, won
7 P-Q6, is unconvincing. easily.
6 ...... P-Q3
II Kt-B4
7 P-KR3 Kt-B3
8 R-KI The immediate "gain" of a pawn by
9 Kt-R3 II P x P, P x P; 12 Kt x P, Q x Kt; 1 3 Q x Kt,
Here 9 P-QR4, P-QR3; 1 0 P-QKt4, is would be premature and deceptive, for the
consequence would be: 1 3 . . • .B x P;
not unusual, but this continuation fails to
make an impression on the hostile forma­ 1 4 Q x R, Kt-Q3; IS Q x R ch, K x Q ;
16 P x B, Q-Kt6 ch; and Black wins.
tion. That is why White has recourse to
play by pieces rather than by pawns : his This variation demonstrates that, already
QKt is to make for QB4, in order to eliminate with his preceding move, Black had an
Black's KB, or, perhaps, to reach the
active defence in view.
dominating square Q5, "i a QB2 and K3.
This is one of Morphy's ideas, which he II . . . . . . P-KB3
tried out in a game against Arnous de And here again-a puzz ling move which
Riviere, Paris, 1 863 . looks like an oversight, for Black now loses
a pawn. The sequel, however, tends to
9 . .. . . . Kt-Q I show that it is part of a deep-laid plot I
Another defensive plan could be 9
P-QR3; 1 0 B-Q3, R-KI; II Kt-B4, 1 2 P-QR4 P-B3
B-R2 ; and Black succeeds in maintaining 1 3 Kt x B P x Kt
his KB on its present diagonal. 14 Q-Kt3 ch Kt-K3
Playable also is 9 . . . . . K-RI ; re- IS Q x P P-Kt4
grouping his forces by . . . . Kt-KKtl ; The note to move II is now clear-White
and . . . . P-KB3 . has won his pawn . But observe that Black
is now ready for an offensive on the K side.
1 0 B-BI in which his pawns will play a major part,

while White's Queen is stranded far away 23 P x Kt B-R6 ch

from the scene of action, and will not be But not at once 23 . . . . KtP x P ; because
able to resume an active rOle throughout the of 24 R-Rl , and White is safe.
24 K-Kt3
1 6 B--QB4 The white King is compelled to venture
Faulty judgment: White deprives the forth from his quarters, for if 24 K-Ktl ,
King's field of an important defensive piece. KtP x P ; 25 B-KB l , Q-R2 ; and Black's
He should aim at consolidation, and a more attack succeeds.
useful plan would be 1 6 P-KKt3, followed
by B-Kt2. 24 . . . . . . KP x P ch
25 B x P Q-Q2
16 . . . . . . P-R3 A splendid interi m man� uvre which
1 7 P-R4 threatens mate iD two . White had not
Faulty temperament: not satisfi .ed with foreseen this beautiful turn in his calcula..
the gain of a pawn, he thinks he can also tions (at move 22) thinking that after
secure the initiative. 25 . . . . P x B ch ; 26 K x P, he would be out
Wisdom demanded 1 7 B-K3, or of all danger.
1 7 Q-Kt3.
26 Kt-R2 P x B ch
17 . . . . . . K-R2 27 K x P R-R5 ch
1 8 P x KtP 28 K-K3
Faulty perspective: it is not White but his If 28 K-Kt3 , R-Kt5 ch ; 29 K-B3
opponent who will benefit from the opening (29 K x B, R-Kt4 dis ch), 29 ....
of the KR file. B-Kt7 ch ; followed by 30 . . . . R x P ch ;
or 28 K-B3, B-Kt7 ch ; 29 K x B,
1 8 .. . . . . RP x P Q-R6 ch ; etc.
19 P x P QP x P
20 B-K3 28 . ... .. B-Kt7
He re--o r 0 n the next move- White 29 Kt-B3 R x P ch
migh t well have begun his trek to the Q side In full cry.
with K-B I-K2, etc.
30 K x R Kt-Q3 ch
20 . . . . . . R-R l 3 1 K-Q3 Q-B4 ch
2 1 P-KKt3 K-Kt3 32 K--Q4 Q-B5 ch
22 K-Kt2 33 K--Q3
This calls forth the storm. Essential is If 33 K-B5, Q x B ch ; 34 K x Kt,
the defence of the King's fi .eld by 22 B-KB l , Q--Q4 ch ; 3 5 K-K7, R-R l ; and wins.
fol1owed by B-Kt2.
33 . . . . . . Q x B ch
34 K-B2 B x Kt
3 5 P-Kt3
A stronger resistance results from
3 5 Q--Q4 . However, after 3 5 . . . . Q x Q ;
3 6 P x Q, Kt-B4 ; 3 7 K-B3, R--Q l ;
Black wins the QP and, with two minor
pieces for a Rook, has good winning

35 . . . . . . B-K5 ch
36 K-Kt2 Q--Q6
A beautiful move, which threatens
37 . . . . Q-B7 ch ; 38 K-R3 , Kt-B5 ch;
39 P x Kt, Rx P mate.

37 R-Ktl ch K-B2
38 QR--QBl
A passive defence. Also insufficient would
22 . . . . . . Kt-B5 ch be 3 8 Q-B7 ch, K-K3 ; 39 Q R-Q l ,
Before White can oppose the occupation Kt-B5 ch ; and wins.
of the open file by R-Rl , Black strikes the Instead of the text-move� 3 8 KR-QBl
first blow. makes things more difficult for Black (e.g.
oruoco PIANO 3

3 8 . . . . Q-Q7 ch ; 39 K-R3, Kt-Kt4 ch ; If 1 0 .. . . P-B4 ; relinquishing the con­

40 K-Kt4, etc.). trol of the strategic point at his Q4, then
1 1 Kt-B4, B-B2 ; 1 2 P x KP, P x P ;
3 8 .. . .. . Q-Q7 ch 1 3 Kt-K3, followed by Kt-Q5, gives
39 K-R3 White a clear positional advantage (Rosso­
Now, at last, White appears to be safe. limo-Snaevarr, Reykjavik, 1 9 5 1).
But the fireworks begin afresh and with
redoubled brilliance. 1 1 Kt-B4 B-B2
After 39 K-Rl , Black also plays 39 . . . . 12 P-QKt3
Kt-B5 ; 40 P x Kt, R x P mate. A very ingenious move intending
If instead 40 Q x P ch, K-K3 ; and it is B-QR3, seriously hampering Black's posi­
quite remarkable that, on an open board, tion.
White has no practicable check! E.g.
41 R-Ktl , Q X P ch ; 42 K-R2, R X P ch ; 12 . . . . . . P-QKt4
and mate next move. Here 1 2 . . . . P-QKt3 ; would afford
Black better chances against the danger
39 . . . . . . Kt-B5 ch mentioned above ; e .g. 1 2 . . . . P-QKt3 ;
40 P x Kt R x P ch 1 3 B-R3 , P-B4. When attempting to
The climax! drive away a piece, it is essential to make
sure that there is no interim mante uvre
41 K x R Q-R7 ch available to the other side.
It is clear now that, on his thirty..eighth
move, White should have played his KR to 13 P x P P xP
QB l . With reference t o the preceding note, if
now, instead of the text-move, 1 3 . . . .
42 K-Kt4 Q-Kt7 ch
P x Kt ; 1 4 P x Kt, Q x BP; 1 5 B x P, Q x P ;
Black is in a hazardous situation.
A spectacular victory by the former world
14 B-R3 P-B4
1 5 Kt-K3 B-R4
1 6 Q-B2 B-Kt2
2 1 7 Kt-Q5
Forcing the opening of lines . Of no
ROSSOLI MO MUHRING value would be the gain of a pawn after
(Hastings, 1 948-9) 1 7 Kt-B5, Q-B2 ; 1 8 B x KtP, because
1 8 . . . . Kt-K3 ; 1 9 Q R-Q l , Q R-Q l ;
What is the secret of contemporary master.. and Black's counter-chances must not be
ship in chess? Is it the depth of strategical under-estimated .
conception or the subtlety of tactical man...
a uvres? We w ould say that it is a skilf ul 17 . . . . . . B x Kt
fusion of the two-as illustrated in the 18 P x B B-B2
follow ing beautiful game. 1 9 Kt x P B x Kt
20 P-KB4 P-Kt5
1 P-K4 P-K4 21 R x B Q-Q3
2 Kt-KB3 It-QB3 22 B-Kt2 P xP
3 B-B4 B-B4 Otherwise there follows 23 P-B4, and
4 P-B3 Q-K2 White would not only maintain his gain
5 P-Q4 B-Kt3 (the QP) but his Bishops on the open
The inversion of Black's fourth and fifth diagonals would become irresistible.
move is of little importance. It is true
that White, instead of 5 P-Q4, could have 23 B x P P-KR3
p]ayed 5 P-Q3, the Giuoco Pianissimo, but To prevent 24 R-Kt5.
even then Black's fourth move has its uses.
24 R-KBl Kt-Kt2
6 Castles P-Q3 Not 24 . . . . Kt x P ; 25 R x Kt, Q x R;
7 P-KR3 Kt-B3 26 B-K4, and wins.
8 R-K l . Castles
9 Kt-R3 Kt-Q l 25 B-B4 Q R-Q l
1 0 B-Q3 26 R-B3 Q-Kt3
A shrewd manreuvre. 27 R-Kt3 Kt-Q3
Threat: . . .. Kt-Kt4-Q5 ; intercepting
10 . . . . . . P-B3 the long black diagonal.

28 Q-Q3 P-R3 3 B-B4 B-B4

With the text-move, Black wishes to 4 P-B3 Kt-B3
prepare for the simplifying transaction : The classical reply.
29 . . . . Kt-Kt4 ; 3 0 B x Kt, P-B5 dis ch;
3 1 Q-Q4, Q x Q ch; 32 B x Q, P x B ; etc. 5 P-Q4 Px P
But it would be better to pay attention to 6 Px P B-Kt5 ch
the consolidation of his King's fi.eld by 7 Kt-B3
playing 28 . . . . KR-KI . The famous Greco conti nuati on. More
prosaic is : 7 B-Q2, B x B ch; 8 QKt x B ,
P-Q4 ; 9 P x P , K K t x P; 1 0 Q-Kt3 (or
1 0 Castles, Castles; 1 1 R-KI , etc., with a
slight frontal pressure), 1 0 . . . . QKt-K2 ;
1 1 Castles, Castles ; 1 2 KR-KI , P---Q B 3 ;
1 3 P-QR4 (or 1 3 Kt-K4, Kt-QKt3 ;
14 Kt-B5, etc., with a slight lateral pres­
sure), 1 3 . . . . Q-Kt3 ; 14 P-R5 (or
14 Q-R3, B-K3 ; 1 5 P-R5, Q-B2, and
Black holds his own), 1 4 . . . . Q x Q ;
I S Kt x Q, B-B4; 1 6 Kt-K5, KR-B I
(or, as in a game O'KeUy-Dr. Euwe, Amster­
dam, 1 950, 1 6 . . . . Kt-Kt5; 1 7 QR-Bl ,
and White has secured a slight positional
advantage) ; 1 7 QR-B I , K-B I ; 1 8 P-Kt4
(playing his trumps without delay. In a
game Rossolimo-Konig, H astings, 1948-9,
the more dilatory 18 P-R3, was played, and
Black succeeded in throwing back the hostile
29 R x P ch cavalry by 1 8 . . . . P-B 3 ; 1 9 Kt-B3,
The long-expected blow has fallen. P-QKt3, etc.), 18 . . . . B-Kt 3 ; 1 9 Kt-B5,
Mate or loss of Queen cannot be avoided. and White's pressure becomes dangerous,
which shows that the whole of this variation
29 . . .. . Kx R
If" If"
(7 B-Q2), although reputed to be quiet, or
Forced. even inoffensive, contains subtle possibili­
30 Q-Kt3 cb K-R2
In reply to 30 . . . . K-R I ; 3 1 R-R5, is 7 ...... KKt x P
clearly decisive. 8 Castles Kt x Kt
Black here rebels against theory which
31 B-Q3 ch Kt(Q3)-K5 prescribes as the best continuation for both
32 R x Kt P-B5 dis ch sides : 8 . . . . B x Kt ; 9 P-Q5 (the Mo //er
33 B-Q4 PxB Attack), 9 . . . . B-B3 ; 1 0 R-KI , Kt-K2 ;
34 B x Q Rx P 1 1 R x Kt, P---Q3 ; 1 2 B-Kt5, B x B ;
Or 34 . . . . Kt x R; 35 Q x P, QR-K l ; 1 3 Kt x B, Castles ; 1 4 Kt x RP, K x Kt ;
36 P-Q6, P-B4; 37 P-Q7, and wins 1 5 Q-R5 ch, K-Kt l ; 16 R-R4, P-KB4 ;
easily. 1 7 Q-R 7 ch, K-B2 ; 18 R-R6, R-KKtl ;
19 R-K l , Q-B I ; 20 B-Kt5, R-Rl ;
35 R-Q4 Resigns 2 1 Q x R, P x R ; 22 Q-R7 ch, K-B 3 ;
2 3 R x Kt, Q x R ; 24 Q x RP ch, K-K4 ;
25 Q-K3 ch, K-B 3 ; 26 Q-R6 ch, with
perpetual check. To avoid this humdrum
3 termination, analysts actively seek improve­
ments for either side.
JACOBO Taking the position in the following
CORTE BOLBOQHAN diagram, after White's fourteenth move
(Par ana, 1 946) Kt x RP, the continuation in a game Kildal­
Hunte, 1 9 5 1 , was as follows : 14 . . . . B-B4;
In the following brief encounter we witness 1 5 R-R4 (obstinacy : by continuing simply
the triumph of creative mind over mere 1 5 R x Kt, Q x R ; 1 6 Kt x R, R x Kt ;
matter. 1 7 Q-Q2, R-K I ; 1 8 B-Kt5 , B-Q2 ;
1 9 B x B, Q x B ; 20 R-KI , etc. White can
1 P-K4 P-K4 again bring about equalisation), 1 5 . . . .
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 R-K I ; 1 6 Q-R5 (if 1 6 Kt-B6 ch, P x Kt ;

1 1 R-KI ch, is decisive. Against 1 0 . . . .

Kt-K2 ; there follows 1 1 R-Bl , B-R4· ,

1 2 P-QS, etc. or even 1 1 Q-Kt3, as

suggested by Kercs.

1 1 B-KtS Bx R
1 2 R-KI ch B-K3
1 3 Q-R4
As can be seen, the contest now centres
around White's QB6.

1 3 . . . . .. R-QKt l
In order to reply to 1 4 B x Kt ch, P �< B ;
1 S Q x P ch. with I S . . . . Q-Q2; without
losing the" Rook ; but White need not hurry
to force a decision .

Posi ti on after Whi t�'s 14th move Kt X RP 1 4 Kt-KS

in the vari ati on A decisive reinfolcement.

1 7 Q-RS, Kt-Kt3 ; parrying all threats), 14 . . . . . . Q-BI

1 6 . . . . Kt-K t3; 1 7 Kt-KtS, Q-B3
Providing the unfortunate black King,
(Black keeps perfectly cool. If 1 7 . . . . rooted in the middle, with a flight square.
Kt x R ; 1 8 Q x P ch, and White secures the
dra w by perpetual check) ; 1 8 Q-R7 ch,
K-B I ; 1 9 B-KtS, Q x P (decisive) ; IS B x Kt ch Px B
20 Q-R8 ch, Kt x Q ; 21 R x Kt ch, K-K2 ; 16 Q x P ch Resigns
22 R-KI ch, K-B3 ; White resigns. For if 1 6 . . . . K-Q I ; White wins
prettily by 1 7 Kt x P ch, B x Kt; 1 8 B-K7
9 P x Kt BxP mate.
1 0 B-R3 Pi nal positi on
A critical moment. Greco demonstrated
that 1 0 Q-Kt3, wins forcibly against the
covetous 1 0 . . . . B x R. But the wily Dr.
Bemstein showed (about 1 922) that the
counter-thrust 1 0 . . . . P-Q4 ; saves the
situation, and probably the former Argen­
tine champion counted on this when playing
his eighth move . . . . Kt x Kt.
The ingenious move in the text is of recent
Italian origin and illustrates the tireless work
of theoretical investigators.

1 0 . . . . .. P-Q4
What was Black to do '1 After 1 0
P-Q 3 ; comes 1 1 Q-Kt3, or as was indicated
by Dr. J. M. Aitken, 1 1 R-B I , B-R4;
1 2 Q-R4, etc. After 1 0 . . . . B x R ;
4 I • . . .
K-B I ; 9 B-K3, etc., or, finally, 7
Q-Q2 ; 8 Castles, P-KR3 ; 9 B-R4, and
A. R. B. THO MAS UNZICKER White has the better game.
(Hastings, 1 950- 1)
7 ...... Kt x P
Modern theory is ever on the look-out for An obviously risky line, in which, at the
vari ants, which tend to depri ve the good old cost of losing the option of castling, Black
Gambi ts of their charm. Nevertheless, the relies on maintaining his extra pawn. But
chess muse, at ti mes, rebels and shows that Black is in an awkward situation in that he
these Gambits, or, at least, the ideas which cannot play 7 . . . . Q-K2 ; on account of
ani mate them, remai n eternally young. 8 P-QS, Kt-QS ; 9 Kt x Kt, P x Kt ;
10 Q-R4 ch, followed by Q x B . In order
1 P-K4 P-K4 to avoid this untoward turn, Black at this
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 point usually plays 7 . . . . Q-Q2 ; after
3 B-B4 B-B4 which White still has some awkward
4 P-QKt4 Bx P threats, as shown in the following game
Declining the gambit hardly lightens from a qualifying tournament in the World
Black's task, as is shown, for instance, in the Juni or Championship, 1 95 1 : Malcolm Barker­
following superb brevity, Helms-Tenner, W. Marshall, 8 P x P, B-Kt3 (if 8 . . . .
New Y ork, 1 942 at 1 0 seconds a move ; 4 . . . . P x P ; 9 Castles, followed by R-Q I , and
B-Kt3 ; 5 P-Q R4 (against 5 B-Kt2, White's pressure becomes over...powering) ;
Black's best is 5 . • Kt-B3), 5
. • . . • 9 QKt-Q2 (or 9 Kt-R3, Kt-R4 ;

P-QR3 ; 6 P-RS (usual here is 6 Castles, 1 0 Q-Kt4, Kt x B ; 1 1 Kt x Kt, and Black

or 6 B-Kt2, or 6 Kt-B3), 6 . . . . B-R2 ; is still in difficulties), 9 . . . . Kt-R4 (here
7 P-KtS, P x P ; 8 B x P, Kt-B3 ; 9 B-R3, and even more so on the" next move, Black
Kt x KP ; 1 0 Q-Kl, Kt x BP (his only should play . . . . Kt-R3) ; 1 0 Q-B2,
chance is 10 . . . . Kt-Q3. He evidently Kt-Kl ; 1 1 B x P ch (tally..ho! the King..
underrates the aggressor's resources) ; I hunt begins), 1 1 . . . . K x B ; 1 2 P-K6 ch,
1 1 Kt x P, Kt-QS ; 1 2 Kt x QP dis ch (a K x P ; 1 3 Kt-KtS ch, K-B3 ; 14 P-KS ch,
most brilliant and attractive combination), , P x P ; I S QKt-K4 ch, K-Kt3 ; 1 6 Kt-B3,
1 2 . . . . Kt X Q (against either 12 . . . . I
QKt-B3 (or 1 6 . . . . Q-Q4 ; 17 P-B4,
Kt-K3 ; or 1 2 .. . . Kt-KS ; White has 'Kt x P ; 18 Kt-B3 dis ch, B-B4 ;
the same reply) ; 1 3 Kt-B6 mate. I 19 Kt-R4 ch, etc.) ; 1 7 Kt-BS dis ch,
Q-B4 ; 1 8 Kt-R4 ch, and Black resigns.
5 P-B3 B-R4
6 P-Q4 P�Q 3 8 Kt x Kt P x Kt
The modem defence (due to Alapin). 9 B x P ch K-Bl
I t also is the key move to Lasker's D efence 10 Castles Q-Kl
which runs as follows : 6 Castles (instead of The immediate development by 1 0 . . . .
6 P-Q4), 6 . . . . P-Q3 ; 7 P-Q4, B-Kt3 Kt-B3 ; would be bad because of 1 1 P-KS,
(instead of 7 . . . . P x P. Another idea of and if then, mechanically, 1 1 . . . . P x P;
Alapin's here is 7 . . . ". B-Q2) ; 8 P x P, P x P ; 1 2 B-R3 ch.
9 Q x Q ch, Kt x Q ; 1 0 Kt x P, B-K3 ; and
Black, having given back the pawn, has the 1 1 B-QB4 Kt-B3
superior end-game. We are far, however, 12 P x P Kt x P
from the lively exchanges which normally 1 3 Q-B3 ch Kt-B3
characterise this attractive opening. 14 Kt--B3 B x Kt
On the well-tried principle that, in a
7 Q-Kt3 difficult defensive position, exchanges are to
Other continuations are 7 Castles. be recommended. If, instead, 1 4 .. . .
7 Q-R4, or 7 P x P. But 7 B-KKtS, holds P-B3 ; White plays I S B-R3, followed by
out the greatest promise of a vigorous QR-K l , and Black's position is most
game, e.g. 7 . . . . Kt-B3 ; 8 Q-R4, etc., precarIous.

or 7 . . . . KKt-K2 ; 8 B x Kt, Q x B ;
9 Castles, etc., or 7 . . . . P-B3 ; 8 Q-Kt3. I IS Q x B B-B4

1 6 R-K 1 Q-Q2
1 7 B-KKt5 Kt-K5
If, still in line with the principle enunciated
above, 1 7 . . . . R-K1 ; there follows
1 8 B x Kt, R x R ch ; 1 9 R x R, P x B ;
20 Q-B3, P-B3 (in order to guard the
QKtP and to prepare the thrust . . . . P-Q4.
If 20 . . . . K-Kt2 ; 2 1 Q x P, and, in spite
of dwindling material, White's advantage is
decisive) ; 21 B-K6 (not 21 P-Kt4, because
of the counter-thrust 2 1 . . . . P-Q4 ;
22 P x B, P x B ; 23 Q-R3 ch, K-B2;
etc., and Black is safe), 2 1 .. . . B x B ;
22 Q x P ch, K-Ktl ; 23 R x B, with a quick I

win for White.

1 8 R x Kt
The soundness of this posi!i onal sacrifi ce Posi ti on after 20 . • • . PXR
is based on the following logical considera­
tion : White must maintain a situation in position independently of his previous
which the black King hinders the co ..opera.. intentions. Thus, here, he misses a win in
tion of his Rooks. the grand manner by 2 1 Q-Kt4 ch, Q-Q3
(forced, for if 2 1 . . . . K-K 1 ; 22 Q x P,
18 . . . . . . BxR I R-QB1 ; 23 Q x P ch, K-B l ; 24 B-K6);
1 9 R-K 1 P-Q4 22 Q x P, R-K 1 ; 23 B-Q2 (with the
If he retires the Bishop to Kt3, there deadly threat 24 B-Kt4), 23 . . . . Q-Q 1
follows : 20 Q-B3 ch, B-B2 ; 2 1 R-K7 (or 23 . . . . R-K2 ; 24 Q-B8 ch, R-K 1 ;
(or equally well 2 1 B-K 7 ch), and wins. 25 Q-B5 ch, Q-B3 ; 26 B-Kt4 ch,
The text move appears to save the situation, R-K2 ; 27 Q-B 8 mate. Incidentally,
but is refuted by White's brilliant rejoinder. not 23 . . . . P-B4 ; 24 Q-B7 mate) ;
On the whole, 1 9 . . . . Q-Kt5 ; provides 24 B-Kt4 ch, R-K2 ; 25 Q x KP (threaten­
the most promising defence, although, even ing 26 Q-B5 ch, K-K 1 ; 27 B-Kt5 ch,
then, 20 P-B3, Q x B ; 21 P x B, etc. , or, R-Q2 ; 28 Q-K6 ch), 25 . . . . P-Kt3
still more straightforwardly, 20 B-KB 1 , (or 25 Q-Q2 ; 26 Q-R8 ch,
Q x B ; 2 1 R x B, etc., would have set Black Q-K 1 ; 27 Q-B3 ch) ; 26 Q-K6, K-K 1 ;
some difficult problems. 27 B-Kt5 ch, K-B 1 ; 28 Q-B6 ch,
K-Ktl ; 29 B-B4 ch, with mate to follow.
20 R x B
A second sacrifice of the exchange, and
21 . . . . . . Q-Q3
one of great beauty. With the black King I 22 Q-Kt4 P-KKt3
unfavourably placed, the two mobile
The magical saving clause mentioned in

Bishops are superior to the disconnected

Rooks. the preceding note.

20 . . . . . . P x R (see diag.) 23 B-R6 ch K-K 1

Compulsory, for if 20 . . . . P x B ; 24 Q x KP ch K-Q2
2 1 Q-B3 ch, wins at once (21 . . . . K-Kt l ; 25 Q-Kt4 ch K-K 1
22 R-K7, or 2 1 . . . . Q-B2 ; 22 R-B4). A see-saw motion by the King which, not
� unlike the flight of the King, at times helps
2 1 Q-KKt3 to save desperate situations.
A pity ! He overlooks that . . . . P-KKt3 ;
makes all safe for Black-an instructive 26 Q-K4 ch K-Q2
inadvertence. 27 Q-Kt4 ch K-K 1
In following up a plan, a player can easily Draw.
fail to take advantage of a new possibility ; A most creditable performance by White,
that is why he should constantly review the against the winner of the tournament.
5 measure, 9 P-KR3, he lays himself open
to possible surprises, as is shown by the
KOVACS LOKVENC following brevity, Sorensen�Jul. Nielsen,
(Vienna, 1948) Aalborg, 1947: 9 P-KR3, B-Q3; 10 P-Q3
(he does not see what is coming; he should
Whenever Black succeeds early in assuming retire the Bishop, or at least play 10 Kt-B3),
the initiative and in maintaining it to a 10 ... _ P xB (confiscation); 11 Q xR,
successful conclusion, the sporting spirit of Kt·--B3 (sequestration); 12 Kt-QB3,
the chess lover feels gratified, because it B-QKtS; White resigns, for if, e.g.,
shows that the resources of the game are far 13 B-Q2, BxKt; 14 BxB, P-KtS;
from being exhausted. IS B-Q2, Castles; etc., or 13 P-QR4,
Castles; 14 Px P, B-Kt2, and the white
1 P-K4 P-K4 Queen is lost.
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 (c) 8 .... B-Kt2; 9 B�R4, B-Q3;
3 B-B4 Kt-B3 10 Kt-B3, Castles; 11 P-Q3, etc.
4 Kt-KtS (d) 8 .... QR-Kt l ; 9 B-Q3, etc.
This variation, which for a time had fallen (e) 8 .... B-K2; 9 BxP ch, KtxB;
into disrepute, has been rehabilitated by 10 Q xKt ch, B-Q2; 11 Q-B4, Castles;
recent analysis. 12 QKt-B3, and the extra pawn, will tell.
(j) 8 .... P xB; 9 Q xR (a continuation
4 ..... . P-Q4
suggested by unbelievers), Q-Q2 (less con­
S PxP Kt-QR4
vincing are other tries: 9 . . . . B-QB4; or
6 B-KtS ch
9 .-... Kt-Kt2); 10 Q--B3 (a precipitate
De gustibus non est disputandum. but necessary retreat, e.g. 10 Kt-QB3,
Kt-B3; 11 P-QKt4, K-K2; with the
6 ... , .. , . P-B3 mortal threat 12 .... B�Kt2; capturing
7 PxP pxP the white Queen in broad daylight).
There is nothing particularly new about
all this; it is already found in Polerio's 9 B-Q3
MoSS. (about lS8S). This semi-retreat i s fashionable in all
variations deriving from 6 B-KtS ch. An
8 Q-B3 accessory idea 0 f the text-move is to provide
A move originally suggested by Staunton the Knight with an honourable retreat yia
which was much analysed a century later. K4. Not without drawbacks would be
Those who dislike adventure can retire the 9 B-R4, because of 9 ... . B-K2; followed
KB quietly to K2, or more artificially to Q3. by .... Castles (e.g. 10 P-QR3, Castles;
Best is the retreat to QR4. 11 P-QKt4, P-B4; and Black has the last
8 ,..... B-Kt2
There are possible drawbacks to this 9 .... .. B�K2
move: the QKt is deprived of its natural White is in a difficult situation with his
flight square and the QB renounces its KKt "in the air,H his Queen in line with
primary original diagonal. A compensation Black's QB and his own KB temporarily
is the fact that the adverse KB is forced to obstructing his QP.
retreat immediately.
Other possible plans are: 10 Kt-B3 P-KR3
(a) 8 .... Q-Kt3. The Queen leaves 11 KKt-K4 Kt-Q4
the centre too much to itself. 12 P-QR3
(b) 8 Q-B2. A more natural He thinks that his move will not only
square for the Queen, which indirectly forces prevent the intrusion 12 .... Kt-KtS; but
the retirement of White�s KB (because of also threaten 13 P-QKt4, winning the
the threat 9 .... B-KKtS). Indeed if one hostile QKt, whose only flight square was
way or another White delays the retreat of cut oft' by Black's eighth move.
the threatened Bishop, or prefers to parry Nevertheless, White underestimates the
the threat 9 .... B-KKtS; by a preventive vitality of Black's pieces.

In this fight for squares, White could not ' 24 Kt-R2 Q-K3
simultaneously guard the two danger points 25 Kt-Bl
a� QKt4 and KB4, but, against this, he could White tries too late to eliminate this black
himself secure the important square QBS Knight established within his lines.
by playing 12 Kt-R4. Better, in any case,
than the slow text-move is the exchange of 25 ...... P-BS
KnIghts: 12 Ktx Kt, Px Kt; 13 Kt-Kt3, 26 Q-Ktl
P-KS; 14 B-Kt5 ch, K -BI; 15 Q-K2, A dismal retreaty but 26 Q-K4, would be
and the battlefield is cleared somewhat. no better. After 26 .... Kt xKt; 27 K x Kt,
B-Q6; 28 Q-KI, Q-Kt6; Black wins.
12 ...... Kt-KBS
13 P-QKt4 26 ...... B-Kt4
Fatal would be the chastened retreat 27 B-B3
13 B-BI, because of 13 .... P-KB4; He is now willing to throw over some
14 Kt-Kt3, P-B4; 15 Q-K3, Kt-BS; ballast (the exchange), but Black wants
winning the white Queen in a comical man­ more.
ner (16 B x Kt, KtxP ch).
27 ...... B-R5 ch
28 K-Ktl KtxKt
Mate is forced, e.g. 29 K xKt, Q-Kt6;
etc., or 29 Rx Kt. Q-Kt6 ch: 30 B-Kt2,
Q-Q6 ch; 31 K-R2, B-Kt6 mate.
An attractive finish.

(Southsea, 1950)

Modern scientists, such as in France,

Renri Poincare, Borel and others, in England,
Whitehead, Bertrand Russell and others,
excel in the calculation of probabilities.
13 ..... . Kt-Kt6 Similarly in chess it is sought, in certain
Very clever. After 14 R-QKtl, Kt-Q5; risky variations, to establish and master the
Black also obtains an overwhelming attack. laws of chance.

14 P xKt KtxB ch 1 P-K4 P-K4

15 K-QI Q-Q2 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
Re-inforcing, just in time, the frontal 3 B-B4 Kt-B3
pressure on the Q file. 4 Kt-Kt5 P-Q4
A startling variation here is 4 .... B-B4
16 K-B2 R-QI (which the Americans attribute to re-­
17 Q-K3 P-KB4 searches of the Wilkes-Barre C.C. of
18 Kt-B5 BxKt Pennsylvania, while Czechoslovakians claim
19 Px B Castles that K. Traxler is its spiritual father). The
20 P-B3 B-R3 I subtleties of this line are illustrated by the
21 R-QI following brevity Rutka-Vesely (from the
In order to connect the Rooks b y B-Kt2 Team-championship at Prague, 1950): 4 ....
without losing the QP. B-B4; 5 Kt x BP (a plausible but detri...
mer ta I reply. Weak also is 5 P-Q4,
21 ...... K R-KI because of 5 .... P-Q4; 6 KPxP,
22 B-Kt2 Q-K2 QKtx P; 7 P-Q6, Castles, etc. Best is
23 P-QKt4 5 B x P ch, K-K2; 6 P-Q4-instead of the
He wishes to preserve all his material immediate retreat 6 B-Kt3, R-BI;
including the QBP, but he again surrenders 7 P-Q3, P-Q3; 8 Kt-QB3, etc.-6 . ...
an important square (QB4). B x P; 7 P-QB3, B-Kt3; 8 B-Kt3, etc.),
5 .... B xP ch; 6 K x B (it is equally danger ...
23 ...... B-BS ous not to recapture, e.g. 6 K -BI, Q-K2;

7 Kt x R, P-Q4 ; 8 P x P, Kt-QS, etc.), is clearly ]ost. More complicated is

6 . . . . Kt x P ch ; 7 K-K3 (an unnecessary 1 3 Kt-BS, B x Kt ; 1 4 B x B, Q-Q7 ch ;
journey. Much more prudent is 7 K-Ktl), I S K-B l , Kt-QS ; 1 6 Q-Q3, Q-Kt4 ;
7 .. .. Q-K2 (most astute) ; 8 K x Kt, 1 7 P-B3 ( 1 7 Q-Kt3, Q x Q ; followed by
Q-RS ch ; 9 P-Kt4, P-Q4 ch ; 1 0 B x P, Kt x B), 1 7 . . . . P-KS ; 1 8 Q-B4, Kt x B ;
B x P ; 1 1 Q-K l , B-B4 db ch ; White 1 9 Q x Kt, P x P ; 20 P-KKt3, Q-Q7 ;
resigns (if 1 2 K x B, Q-BS ch ; and mate 2 1 B-B2, R-Q3 ; 22 P-B4, Q-K7 ch ;
next move, or 1 2 K-K3, Q-B5 ch ; 23 K-Ktl , KR-Q l ; 24 R-KBl ,
1 3 K-K2, B-KtS ch, followed by mate). R-Q8 ; and wins.

5 Px P P-Kt4 13 . . . . . . P x Kt
Another risky variant is S . . . . Kt-QS 14 Q x P Q-K3
(Frilz), for White has its refutation in I S Q-QR4 Q-Kt3
6 P-QB3, P-Kt4 ; 7 B-B l , Kt x P ; White has the semblance of an attack,
8 Kt-K4, etc., or, more quietly 6 Kt-QB3, but must provide against Black's threat of
P-KR3 ; 7 Kt-B3, B-QB4; 8 P-KR3, 1 6 . . . . Kt-QS .
Castles ; 9 P-Q3, etc.
The text-move, known under the name of 1 6 P-B3
U lvestad Vari ati on, also aims at a counter­ Not 1 6 B x P, Kt x B. and wins.
attack, but in an improved form.
16 . . . . . . P-KS
6 B-B l 1 7 P-KB4 Kt-Ktl
The best continuation. The obvious A fine positional manc:euvre, as will be
reply 6 P x Kt, P x B ; 7 Q-K2, P-KR3 ; seen.
8 Kt-K4, Q-Q4 ; is good for Black. On
the other hand, after 6 B x P, Q x P ; 1 8 Q x RP
7 B x Kt ch, Q x B; 8 Castles, B-Kt2, etc. Or 1 8 R-B2, P-QR3 ; retreat of the
Black's development is ample compensation aggressor.
for his pawn.

6 ...... Kt x P
Instead of bringing about, with 6 . ...
Kt-QS ; the Fritz Variation mentioned
above, Black accelerates his general mobilisa­
tion. If 6 . . . . Q x P ; 7 QKt-B3, and now
the preventive nature of White's sixth move,
guarding the KKtP, becomes clear.

7 BxP B-Kt2
8 Q-B3
More straightforward is the attempt to
develop by 8 P-Q4, P x P ; 9 Castles, etc.
An alternative is 8 Kt-KB3, B-Q3 ;
9 P-Q4, P-K5 ; 1 0 P-B4, Kt-K2 ;
1 1 P-QS , etc. (W. Korn's analysis, 1 942.)
The text-move is tricky but superficial.

8 .'''''' Q-Q2 18 . . . . . . R-Q7

9 Kt-B3 Kt x Kt A little brilliance thrown in. If 1 9 B x R,
1 0 QP x Kt P-B3 P-K6 ; 20 P-KKt3, Q-KS.
1 1 Kt-K4 Castles
By simple means Black has steered clear 19 R-B2 Rx R
of all danger and his freedom of ac�ion is 20 K x R B-Q3
well worth the pawn he has given up. 2 1 K-Ktl Q-R4
22 B-B4
1 2 B-K3 P-B4 White is a piece down and must go on
Black plays his trumps and White must attacking (threat: 23 B-K6 ch, Kt-Q2 ;
lose a piece. 24 B x Kt ch, K x B ; 25 Q x B). It is well
to remember that it is risky to place a piece
1 3 Castles on an unguarded square.
For if 1 3 Kt-Kt5, P-KR3 ; 1 4 Kt-R3,
P-B5 ; 1 5 B-QB l , P-Kt4 ; and White 22 . . . . . . R-K l

2 3 Q-Q4 P-Kt4 The Max Lange A ttack is full of similar

24 Q-B6 surprises.
This costs a piece, but there is no longer a
valid defence. 14 Kt x B
A far-sighted plan of attack. Theoreti­
24 ...... Px P cians have given much thought to the
25 Bx P Q-B4 ch following turn : 1 4 P x P, B x P ; 1 5 R x B ch�
26 K-R l Qx B B-B3 ; 1 6 P-KKt4, Q-Q4.
27 Bx B Px B
28 Qx P P-K6
The white Queen in the enemy camp is
curiously helpless.
An imaginative and fearless player, the
Dutch master, in this game, was beaten with
his own weapons by the young British

Max L ange A ttack

(Correspondence, Australia, 1 949)

The resources of this vi brant attack are

many, and i n spi te of analyses by well- known Here is a beautiful possible continuation :
theoreticians, their potentialities are by no 1 7 P-B4 (proposed by the Hungarian
means exhausted. expert, K. Torma), 1 7 . . . . P-KR4 (or
1 7 . . . . K-Kt2 ; 1 8 P-BS, Kt-K4 ;
1 P-K4 P-K4 1 9 B-B4, B x Kt ; 20 B x Kt ch, etc. ) ;
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 1 8 P-BS ch, K-Kt2 ; 1 9 B-B4, B-K4 ;
3 B-B4 Kt-B3 20 R-Kt6 ch, K-B I ; 2 1 B x B, Kt x B ;
4 P-Q4 Px P 22 Kt-K6 ch, K-B2 ; 23 R-Kt7 ch,
5 Castles B-B4 K-B3 ; 24 P-KtS ch (in this Kiag-hunt,
6 P-KS P-Q4 White has of course to burn his boats),
7 P x Kt Px B 24 . . . . K x P ; 2 5 Q-KB l ch (note: if
8 R-K l ch B-K3 25 Kt x P ch, then not 25 . . . . K-KS ;
9 Kt-KtS Q-Q4 26 Q-K2 ch, K x Kt ; 27 Q-B2 ch, K-K S ;
1 0 Kt-QB3 Q-B4 28 R-K l mate, but, ruthlessly, 2 5 . . . •

1 1 QKt-K4 B-KBl Q x Kt ch ; 26 Q x Q, Kt-B6 ch ; with a

This move, introduced by Rubinstein, is substantial advantage for Black).
not easy to refute. Early analysis was Instead of this Torma Variation (with
based on 1 1 .. . . B-Kt3 . Later on the 1 7 P-B4) there is another continuation.
following line was suggested : 1 1 . . . . proposed by Tartakower as far back as 1 924,
Castles QR; 12 Kt x QB, P x Kt ; which runs as follows : 1 7 Kt-R3, e.g.
1 3 P-KKt4, Q-K4 ; 14 P x P, KR-Kt1 ; 1 7 . . . . K-B2 ; 1 8 Kt-B4, Q-QB4 ;
1 5 B-R6, B-KtS (or at once 1 5 . . . . 19 Q-B3, KR-KB l ; 20 Kt-Q3
P-Q6) ; 1 6 R-K2, P-Q6 ; etc. (not, recklessly, 20 R x B ch, K x R ;
2 1 Kt-Q3 dis ch, K-Kt2 ; 22 B-R6 ch,
1 2 Kt x BP K-Rl ; 23 B x R, Q x B ; 24 Q x Q ch, R x Q,
The only way to effect a breach. Little etc., and Black stands better ), 20 . . . .
good would result from 1 2 P-KKt4, P x Kt ; 2 1 R x B ch, K-K2 ; 22 R x R,
Q x KtP ch ; and Black has the last word. R x R ; 23 Q-K4 ch, K-Q l ; 24 P x P, etc. ,
with advantage to White.
12 . . . . . . K x Kt
1 3 Kt-KtS ch K-Kt3 14 . . . . . . Px P
Against 1 3 . . . . K-Ktl ; White con .. I S P-KKt4 Q-Q R4
tinues with 1 4 P-KKt4, as his opponent 1 6 B-B4 B-Q3
cannot now reply 1 4 . . . . Q x KtP ch ; 17 B x B
1 5 Q x Q, B x Q; because of 1 6 P-B7 mate. Far better than 1 7 Q-B3, QR-Kl ; etc.

17 . . . . . . Px B 6 R-Kl P-Q4
Black's position seems to become more 7 BxP QxB
secure. 8 Kt-B3 Q-KR4
Four other flight squares for the Queen
have been tried-namely, QR4, QI, KB4
and Q BS. The most usual reply is 8 . . . .
Q-QR4 ; with the following continuation:
9 Kt x Kt, B-K3 ; 1 0 QKt-KtS (after
1 0 B-Q2, B-Q KtS ; the pressure is eased),
1 0 . . . . Castles ; 1 1 Kt x B, P x Kt ; 1 2 R x p.
and now 1 2 . . . . B-Q3 ; when White's
best is 1 3 B-KtS, QR-K l ; 1 4 Q-K l
(if 14 Q-K2, Kt-K4), 1 4 . . . . Q x Q ch ;
I S QR x Q, etc. , which will give White a
slight advantage for the end-game.

9 KtxKt B-K3
1 0 B-KtS
White must endeavour to keep the
adverse King in the middJe. After
1 0 QKt-KtS, Castles ; 1 1 Kt x B, Px Kt ;
1 2 R x P, B-Q3, etc., Black has gained the
1 8 P-Kt4 initiative.
A fresh dagger thrust in his opponent's
side. 10 . . . . . . P-KR3
An instinctive reaction which leads Black
18 • • . . . Kt x P
astray, for he now loses a valuable defensive
If 1 8 . . . . Q x KtP ; 19 R-Ktl . tempo. Black envisaged only the white
Bishop's retreat and not White's subtle
19 Q x P P-Q4 reply.
20 Q-B4 QR-KKtl As a consequence of Black's misconcep­
If 20 . . . . P-QS; 2 1 Q-K4 ch, P-B4 ; tion, White's attack now takes a concrete
22 P x P ch, Q x P ; 23 Q-Kt2 ch, and form. Unsatisfactory also would be 1 0 . . . .
White still breaks through. B-K2 ; 1 1 B x B, Kt x B, 1 2 Kt-Kt3,
Q-R3 ; 13 Q x P, CastJes ; 14 QR-Ql, etc.,
K-B2 and White has the advantage in space. He
2 1 Q-BS ch
22 P-KtS should therefore have rested content with
KR-KKtl the continuation recommended by the
23 P-KR4
books : 10 . . . . B-QKtS ; 1 1 Kt x P
24 K-R 1 Resigns
(24 . . . . Q-Kt4 ; 2S P x P, P-KR3 ; ( 1 1 P-B3, P x P ; 1 2 P x P, B-R4, etc. ),
11 Q x Q ; 1 2 KR x Q, Kt x Kt ;
26 Kt-KtS ch, P x Kt ; 27 R-K7 ch ,
1 3 R x Kt, B-K2 ; 1 4 B x B, K x B ;
followed by mate.)
I S Kt-BS, QR-Q l , etc., with complete

1 1 B-B6
8 A nice turn, which had already occurred
, in 1 860, in a correspondence game between
SZABO MUHRING Wesel and Orefeld.
(Zaandam, 1 946) White has now what de la Bourdonnais
called une petit e position, there being the
In the following curious encount er, the Knight fork after . . . . P x B ; which threat
black Queen is forced to execut e extraordinary recurs several times in the course of the
evolutions--a real danse macabre. game.

1 P-K4 P-K4 11 . . . . . . Q-Q4

2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 Seeking more comfortable quarters for the
3 B-B4 Kt-B3 lone Queen.
4 P-Q4 Px P After 1 1 . . . . Q-R4 ; a beautiful continu­
5 Castles Kt x P ation occurred in a game Rossolimo-Prins,
This is the pseudo-Max Lang e, which is Bi lbao, 1 9S 1 : 1 2 Kt x P (not 1 2 B x QP,
frequently played in contemporary contests. . Castles), 1 2 . . . . PxB (incredulity, but i n

the game Wesel-Orefeld, mentioned above 1 6 P-QS

1 2 . . . . Kt x Kt; 1 3 Q x Kt, etc. , also This and the following move, giving up
resulted in a win for White) ; 1 3 Kt x P ch, the exchange, show tactical skill of a high
K-K2 ; 14 P-QKt4 (pawn ex machina) , order.
1 4 . . . . Kt x P (any move by the black
Queen would be equally disastrous); 1 6 . . .. . . Q x QP
1 5 Kt x B, K x Kt (or 1 5 . . . . P x Kt; Not 16 . . . . B x R ; 1 7 P x B, P x P ;
16 Q-Q7 ch, etc.) ; 16 Q-Q4 ch, K-Kt3 ; 1 8 B x P, nor 16 . . . . P x B ; 1 7 P x B,
1 7 Q x R, Kt x B P ; 1 8 K t x B ch, RxKt; R-Ql ; 1 8 P x P ch, K x P ; 1 9 Q-Kt3 ch,
19 Q x R, Kt x KR; 20 Q-Kt8 ch, K-B 3 ; and White has command of the situation.
2 1 Q-Q8 ch, K-Kt3 ; 22 Q-Q I , and
Black resigns, as his Knight is lost. This 17 Q-KKt3 BxR
game failed to gain the brilliancy prize Again the Knight fork follows the capture
because the whole of the splendid combina .. of the Bishop.
tion occurred in an earlier game in the
U .S.S.R.-an unusual case of duplication. 18 R x B Q-QR4
1 9 B-B3 Q-Q4
1 2 P-B3 P-Q6 This is the black Queents seventh move
He again cannot capture the Bishop, but and, what is worse, she is no better placed
he wants, at any rate and as far as possible, than before.
to preserve what he has gained.
20 Q x BP
1 3 Kt-Q4 Kt x Kt Not 20 Q x KtP, after which Black castles
14 P x Kt Q-QR4 and obtains the better game, nor 20 B x P,
15 Q x P B-QKt5 Castles ; and Black, who threatens 2 1 . . . .
And still he cannot effect the capture. Q x Kt; obtains serious counter-chances.
Observe 1 5 . . . . P x B ; 1 6 Kt x P ch,
K-QI ; 1 7 P-Q5, B x P ; 1 8 R-K8 mate, 20 . . . . . . R-Q l
o r 1 6 . . . . K-K2 ; 1 7 P-Q5, K x Kt If 20 . . . . Castles ; 21 Q-Kt3, and again
(if 1 7 . . . . R-QI ; 1 8 Q-B5, R-Q3 ; the fork is threatened-to say nothing of the
1 9 P-QKt4, etc., and if 1 7 . . . . B-Kt2; mate.
1 8 Q-B5, Q-Kt 3 ; 1 9 R x B ch, P x R ;
20 R-K I , K-QI ; 2 1 R x P, Q-Kt4 ; 2 1 B-Kt4
22 R-B6, with a knock-out) ; 1 8 Q-Q4 ch, An interesting moment: White prefers to
K-Kt3 ( 1 8 . . . . K-K2 ; 1 9 P x B, etc . ) ; maintain his pressure, rather than to allow
19 Q x R (19 P x B, B-Kt2; or 1 9 R-K3, the following liquidation: 2 1 B x P, Q x Kt
B-Q3), 19 . . . . Q x QP; 20 QR-Q l , (an elegant way to avoid a de'bd cle);
Q x P ; 2 1 R-Q3 (as can b e seen, White's 22 Q x R ch, K x Q ; 23 R x Q, R-R2 (after
attack has four open or semi-open lines 23 . . . . R-Ktl ; 24 B x P, . with material
available), 2 1 . . . . P-KR4 ; 22 R-Kt3 ch, advantage to White) ; 24 B-B6 ch, K-Q2;
B-Kt5 ; 23 P-R3, B-Kt5 ; 24 QxR, 25 P-KKt4 ; P-KR4 (otherwise
B x R ; 25 Q-Kt8 ch, K-B3 ; 26 P x B, and, 26 P-KR4, and the black Rook remains
after all this, White has the exchange and a imprisoned) ; 26 P-Kt5, P-R5 ; and the
winning attack. Bishops of opposite colours give Black
drawing chances.

21 . . . . . . R-Q2
22 Q-Kt3 P-B3
Evidently neither 22 . .. . R-Kt l ; nor
even 22 . . . . R-R2 ; again because of
23 Kt-B6 ch.

23 Q-Kt8 ch
Having weakened the hostile King's
I ramparts, the white Queen continues her
harassing tactics. Very strong, however, is
here 23 Kt-B5, R-K2 (23 . . . . K -B2;
24 Kt x B, etc. ; or 23 . . . . Castles ; 24 Kt x R,
winning the double exchange!); 24 Kt x B,
R x Kt; 25 R x R ch, Q x R; 26 Q-Kt8 ch,
K-B2; 27 Q x R. Q x P; 28 Q-B8 ch,

K-Kt3 ; 29 Q-K8 ch, K-R2; Bu t Black imagines he can trap the

30 Q-K4 ch, K-Kt l ; 3 1 B-B3, and Queen-
White is a piece ahead.
24 Q x R R-Ql
23 . . . . . . K-B2 25 Q-R7 B-B4
He should resist with 23 . . . . R-Q 1
in this way, but White has seen a move
(24 Kt-Q6 ch, Q x Kt, etc., or 24 Q x RP,
K-B2, or, finally, 24 Q-B7, R-Q2;
25 Q-B8 ch, R-Q l ; 26 Kt x P ch, P x K t;
27 R x B ch, K-B2; 28 R-K7 ch, K-Kt3 ; 26 Kt-Kt5 ch BP x Kt
29 Q-Kt4 ch, Q-Kt4 ; 30 Q-QB4, 27 R-K7 ch Resigns
Q-Q4, etc.). Whatever Black plays, 28 Q x KtP, mates.
9 temperamental, on the other hand is the
sacrifice 1 1• Kt X KBP (see following
. . .


(Radio Match, 1945)
1 2 Kt-Kt3
The Second World War brought about an A positional diversion heralding a local
almost complete cessati on of internati onal struggle around the square Q4.
c ompeti ti on. Less tense, but also less promising, is
A bri lli an t revi val of these intellectual and 12 P x P e.p., Kt x P (B3) ; 1 3 Kt-Kt5,
peacef ul contests was the sensati onal radi o B-KKt 5 ; etc. , or 1 3 Kt-Kt3, B-K2; and
match whi ch took place i n 1945 between Black can equalise in either case.
the U .S.S.R. and the U.S.A. This revealed
not only the great playi ng strength of the
12 . . . . B-Kt3
Russian players, but also their profound
More precise is 1 2 . . . . B-R2; for, after
theoreti cal knowledge.
the text move, White could have played
P-K4 1 3 P-QR4, P-Kt5 ; 1 4 P-R5, B-R2;
1 P-K4
1 5 QKt-Q4� gaining in space, without any
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
corresponding loss of time.
3 B-Kt5 P-QR3
This is called the Morphy Defence, but
with little justifi.cation, for he played it only 1 3 QKt-Q4 Kt x Kt
a few times. Here already (or on the next move)
. . . . Q-Q2; avoids many dangers for
4 B-R4 Kt-B3 Black and promises equality.
5 Castles Kt x P
The so-called open defence, although it 1 4 Kt x Kt B x Kt
opens, for the time being, nothing. This Or, as mentioned above, 1 4 Q-Q2
variation, at one time under a cloud, has had (e.g. 1 5 B-Kt3, P-B3 ; or 1 5 P-B3,
a new lease of life in the last decade. Kt-B4) .

6 P-Q4 P-QKt4 15 P x B P-B5

7 B-Kt3 P-Q4 1 6 P-B3 Kt-Kt6
8 Px P B-K3 The famous Mackenzi e sacrUi ce, which
9 P-B3 B-QB4 occurred in a similar position in a game
This move was tried in the Vi enna Fleissig-Mackenzie, Vi enna, 1882.
Tournament of 1 8 82. It is more ambitious
than the modest 9 . . . . B-K2; and has
not ceased to intrigue both theoretician and
practical player.

10 QKt-Q2
He loses no time in undermining the
enemy's advanced post.
Against 1 0 Q-Q3, known as the Motzko
Attack, Dr. Euwe, the great expert in the
open defence, recommends, not 1 0 . . . .
Castles ; 1 1 QKt-Q2, etc., but an immediate
re.. grouping of Black's forces by 1 0 . . . .
Kt-K2 ; with a view to 1 1 . . . . B-B4.

10 . . . .. . Castles
1 1 B-B2 P-B4
Too little temperament is shown by the
exchange 1 1 . . . . Kt x K t ; 1 2 Q x Kt, with a
small but definite advantage to Wh i te; too 17 P x Kt

On the principle that the best refutation of

a gambit is to accept it. Nevertheless, it
is more prudent, in this case, to decline it by
1 7 R-B2. There follows: 1 7 . . . . Q-R5;
1 8 Q-Q3, R-B4 (if 1 8 . .. . B-B4;
1 9 Q-B3, B x B ; 20 R x B, with advantage
to White) ; 1 9 B x P, R x B (if 1 9 . . . . Q x B ;
20 P x Kt, Q x K tP; 2 1 P-B4, Q-R5;
22 P-KKt3, Q-Kt 5 ; 23 Q-KB3, White
has the better game) ; 20 P x Kt, Q x P ;
2 1 Q x P ch, K-B2; 22 Q-R5 ch, K-K2;
23 R-Q2-an important moment. A
galaxy of high-grade analysts, Smyslov,
Botvinnik, Bronstein, and others at this
point considered only 23 R-Q l , which,
after 23 . . . . R-R5 ; 24 Q-Kt6, QR-Rl ;
25 K-B l , R-Kt5; 26 Q-Q3, R-R8 ch;
27 K-K2, R-K 5 ch ; 28 Q x R, P x Q ; Position after 23 B-Q2
29 R x R, B-B5 ch; 30 K-K3, P-Kt4 ;
etc., leads to the unexpected triumph of­ 24 B-B4 P-B4
Black! Too late! He has nothing better than
The man<Euvre which we suggest-
I to rely on the potentialities of his most
23 R-Q2-fulfils the double function of ' advanced pawn by playing 24 . . . . P-Q 5 ;
guarding the pawn at Q4, the key to the e.g. 2 5 B x B P (or 25 B x KtP, P-Q 6;
position, and of giving the King breathing 26 B x P, P-Q7, etc), 25 . . . . P-Q 6;
space, 23 ... . R-R5; 24 Q-Kt6, and 26 B x P, P-Q7 ; 2 7 B-K6 ch, K-R l ;
White's advantage becomes concrete. 28 P-B4 (the counterblast!), 28 . . . .
R-Ql ; 29 QR-QI (or 29 P-B5, Q-B3 ;
17 . . . . .
30 QR-Q l , R-Q5, etc.), 29 . . . . R-Q 6;
1 8 Q-Q3 30 R-B2 (if 3 0 B-B2, Q-B3 ; 3 1 P-B5,
In order to reply to 1 8 . . . . Q-R5; P-Kt4 ; etc. Kagan-Estrin, correspondence,
by 19 Q x P ch, with a favourable liquida· 1 947) ; 30 . . . . Q-Kt5; 3 1 B-R2, Q-K 5 ;
tion. If, however, 1 8 R-K l , Q-R5; 32 B-Kt4, P-KR4 (unloading ballast,
1 9 B-K3, then 19 . . . . B-Kt5 ; 20 Q-Q3, Baturinsky-Estrin, correspondence, 1 946) ;
P-Kt3 ; gives Black an irresistible attack. 33 B x P, Q-K8 ch; 34 R-B I , R-K6; and
Black has set up a fairly secure defence.
18 . . . . . . B-B4 As can be seen, after having been dis..
If 1 8 . . . . P-Kt3 ; 19 Q-K3, Q-RS; sected by various experts at various times,
20 Q-R6. the Mackenzie sacrifice ( 1 6 . . . . Kt-Kt6;)
represents the longest variant known to
19 Q x B RxQ
20 B x R Q-R5 25 B-K6 ch
2 1 B-R3 QxP ch It is to be noted that Smyslov, who was
22 K-Rl Q x KP thoroughly conversant with the ramifications
23 B-Q2 (see diag.) of this line of play, used up six minutes for
Or 23 R-QKtl, P-B4; 24 B-Q2, the first twenty..five moves, at which stage his
R-KB l ; 25 KR-K l . We see here the opponent was already nearing the time limit.
eternal clash between quantity (the three
white pieces) and quality (the black Queen). 25 . . . . . . K-Rl
26 B x QP R-Ql
23 . . . . . . QxP 27 QR-QI P-BS
The temptation was too great, but White 28 B x KtP
will be able to eliminate, without difficulty Thus Black's advanced pawns are being
and almost simultaneously, two scourges­ slaughtered .
namely, the terrible pawn at KKt3 and the
dangerous passed QP. 28 . . . . . . P-B6
Another plan here is 23 . . . . P-B4 ; 29 B-KS P-KtS
as played in a game Cortlever-Dr. Euwe, 30 B-QKt3 R-Q7
Amsterdam, 1 9 4 1 . There can follow 3 1 P-B4
24 QR-K l , Q x P ; 25 B-B4, P-Q 5 ; Threatening 32 R x R, Q x R ; 3 3 R-Q l ,
2 6 B x P, Q-B 6; with a n uncertain issue. I P-B7; 3 4 B x P, Q x B ; 3 5 R-Q8 mate.

31 . . . . . . P-KR4 6 P-Q4 P-QKt4

32 R-QKtl R-KB7 7 B-Kt3 P-Q4
An ingenious artifice, which, however, 8 PxP B-K3
cannot relieve the black Queen's compro.. 9 P-B3 B-QB4
mised position. 1 0 QKt-Q2 Castles
1 1 B-B2 Kt x KBP
33 KR-Kl Plunging into the beautiful adventure.
The final struggle for the open files.
If 33 KR-Q 1 , Q-K7 ; and Black can 1 2 Q-K2
breathe again ; but if Black after the text.. The Dilworth Gambit deferred. Much
move, were to try 3 3 . . . . R-K 7 ; there more to be recommended is the immediate
follows 34 KR-Q l , and Black's Queen acceptance of the gift : 1 2 R x Kt, P-B3 ;
would be forced to the inglorious retreat to 1 3 P x P, Q x P ; 1 4 Q-Bl (best. If, for
QR6. example, 1 4 Kt-Kt3, the picturesque
continuation in a game Nightingale-Ritson
33 . . . . . . Q-Q7 Morry, correspondence, 1 944, was: 1 4 . . . .
34 QR-Ql Q-Kt7 B x R ch ; I S K x B, Kt-K4 ; 1 6 Kt-BS,
A more active defence is 34 . . . . R-K 7 ; B-KtS ; 1 7 Q x P ch, K-Rl ; 1 8 Q-K4,
3S R-KKt l , Q-K6. P-Kt3 ; 19 K-Kt3, Kt x Kt ; 20 Q x B,
Kt-Kt8; 21 Kt-Q 3 , QR-Q l , etc.), 1 4 • • . .

3 S R-Q8 ch K-R2 B-KKt S ; I S P-KR3 (an immediate

36 B-Kt8 ch K-Kt3 counter-measure. Good also, according to
The mating net is tightening: observe Fine, is I S Q-Q3. Too slow is the con­
36 . . . . K-R 3 ; 37 R-Q6 ch, P-Kt3 ; tinuation in a game Smyslov-Botvinnik,
38 R-Q7, P-Kt4 ; 39 R-Q6 mate, or 1944: I S K-Rl, B x R ; 1 6 Q x B, QR-Kl ;
3 6 . . . . K-R 1 ; 37 B-K6 dis ch, K-R2; 17 Q-Kt3, Kt-K4 ; 1 8 B-Q l , P-KR4 ;
38 B-BS ch, and mate follows. 19 P-KR 4, K t-Q6; etc., with the better
game for Black), I S B x Kt (or I S
37 R-Q6 ch K-B4
• • • • • • • •

B-R4 ; 1 6 Q-Q3, etc.), 1 6 Kt x B, Kt-K4 ;

3 8 B-K6 ch K-Kt3
1 7 B-Q l , etc. , with a consolidated position.
39 B-QS dis ch K-R2
If 39 . . . . K-B4 ; 40 B-K4 ch, followed
12 . . . . . . P-B3
by mate in three.
Completing the idea of the sacrifice, the
40 B-K4 ch K-Ktl opening of the KB file in order to exert
Or 40 . . . . P-Kt3 ; 4 1 R-Q8, with mate pressure on White's King's field.
to follow.
13 P x P QxP
4 1 B-Kt6 Resigns 14 R x Kt QR-Kl
If, in order to avoid 42 R-Q8 mate, Black 1 5 Q-Q3 P-Kt3
plays 41 . . . . R-Q7; 42 B-Q4, and mate 1 6 Q-Bl
by one of the white Rooks, or 41 . . . . K-Bl ; In reply to hostile threats, the Queen
42 R-K6. makes a third move to occupy a square
which she could have reached in one.
Thus White has lost two tempi, a fact of
which Black takes skilful advantage.
(Correspondence, 1941) 1 7 Kt-Q4 (see diag., p. 1 8)
White believes that his adversary has
And here Black o.ffers another sacrifice waited too long before capturing the Rook,
aiming at the break-up of the ramparts, and that now he can intercept the critical
reputed so solid, of the Ruy Lopez. Although diagonal and thus preserve the whole of his
known since 1887, this sacrifice has been gaIns.
revived and, as it were, polished by the efforts
of Vernon Dilworth of Manchester. 17 . . . . . . Kt x Kt
A clever reply, as will be seen.
1 P-K4 P-K4
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 18 R x Q RxR
3 B-KtS P-QR3 1 9 P x Kt
4 B-R4 Kt-B3 The point is that White cannot take the
S Castles Kt x P Rook. Observe 1 9 Q x R, Kt-B6 db ch;

3 B-KtS P-QR3
4 B-R4 Kt-B3
5 Castles Kt x P
As mentioned before, Dr. Euwe is a great
exponent of the open defence.

6 P-Q4 P-QKt4
7 B-Kt3 P-Q4
8 PxP B-K3
The normal position in the open defence.
To recapitulate the main points of the
respective positions : White has an objective
in Black's advanced Knight. If he con­
centrates on this objective, Black will have
to exchange the Knight with what amounts
to the loss of a tempo, or retire it to QB4,
still further obstructing the QBP.
Position after 1 7 Kt-Q4 Black's strategic aim is to advance his
QBP to the fourth and, if he can achieve this
20 K-B l , R-K8 mate; or 20 K-Rl, without jeopardising his centre or his K side,
R-K8 ch, and mate one move later. he will have a positional advantage in his
pawn majority on the Q side.
19 . . . . . . B x P ch
20 K-Rl R x Q ch 9 Q-K2
21 Kt x R R-K8 The modem continuation. It was origin­
The famous irruption on the "last rank." ally thought essential for White to play
White's agony will be short. 9 P-B3, in order to preserve the KB.
White's strategy then aimed at the dis­
22 B-Q3 B-KB4 lodgment of Black's outpost Knight by
With the direct threat to break down the R-K l , or Q-K2, in conjunction with
last defence (23 B x B, R x Kt mate), and the B-B2 or QKt-Q2, which takes much
consequent threat of occupying the domin­ time. However, the retreat, . . . . Kt-B4,
ant square, K5. delays Black's important move . . . . P-QB4
R x KB for some time. The text-move, which per­
23 B-K2
B-K5 mits the exchange of the terrible "Spanish
24 B-R6
Bishop," opens up a new vista.
This game created something of a sensa­
9 ...... Kt-B4
tion when it was first published.
Other moves have been tried here, 9 . . . .
Botvinnik is one of the experts who have
Kt-R4 ; 9 . . . . B-QB4; and particularly
adopted the Dilworth Variation on several
occasions. 9 . . . . B-K2. I n spite of the seeming
solidity of this last move, White can try to
pierce the enemy lines as shown in the
following game, played by correspondence in
11 1 9 5 1 between Malmgren and Cuadrado :
9 . . . . B-K2 ; 1 0 P-B4 (a fine attacking
SMYSLOV EUWE idea, tried for the first time in a correspond­
(World Championship, Moscow, 1 948) ence game, Adam-MaImgren, in 1939. If
more quietly 10 R-Q l , as played in an
In both preceding games, we have seen earlier round in the same tournament,
attempts by Black to rebel against the Mosco w, 1 948, between Keres and Dr. Euwe,
supremacy of the move. Nevertheless, the which continued 1 0 . . . . Castles ; 1 1 P-B4,
Ruy Lopez continues to be one of the most KtP x P ; 1 2 B x P, etc., the best continuation
popular openings. It is remarkable that, after is 10 . . . : Kt-B4; 1 1 P-B4, P-Q 5 ; an
the many thousands of games played with effective counter-advance of the QP),
this opening and the enormous amount of 10 KtP x P (if 10 . . . . Q P x P ;
analytical research which has been devoted to 1 1 R-Q l , etc. But the greatest presence of
it, the experts should still find new lines and mind is shown by 1 0 . . . . Kt-B4, e.g.
fresh ideas. 1 1 P x KtP, Kt x B ; 12 P x Kt, P x P ;
1 3 R x R, Q x R ; 1 4 Q x P, Castles; and
1 P-K4 P-K4 Black's counter-chances are not to be under­
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 estimated) ; 1 1 B-R4, B-Q2; 1 2 Kt-B3,

Kt x K t ; 1 3 P x Kt, Kt-R2 (preferable is I 14 . . . . Q-Kt2; 1 5 Kt-Q4, etc. , nor

1 3 . . . . Castles , i n order to reply to 14 P-K6, 1 4 . . . . Q-K 3 ; I S R-Q6, etc., nor 14 . . . .
by the pretty counter, 1 4 . . . . Kt-QS, Kt-Q l ; I S B-KtS, etc., is satisfactory.
which saves the situation) ; 1 4 B-B2, He should have tried to defend himself
Q-B I ; I S B-KtS, Q-QI ; 1 6 B-B6 with 1 4 . . . . Kt-KtS ; I S B-KtS, B-B4
(Bravo!), Castles ; 1 7 Kt-KtS, P-R3 ; (not I S • • B-K2; 1 6 B x B, K x B ;
• •

1 8 Q-RS, Kt-Kt4 (sinking into the 1 7 P-QKt3, winning) ; 1 6 R-Q8 ch, Q X R ;

abyss) ; 1 9 Q x P, a thunderclap which forces 1 7 B x Q , R x B ; etc.
Black's capitulation.
I S Kt-R3 P-QB3
1 0 R-QI If 1 S . . . . B-K3 ; 1 6 Kt x P.
This re-grouping of Queen and Rook
behind the lines constitutes a complementary 1 6 Kt x B P x Kt
point to White's preceding move. 1 7 Q x BP Q-Kt2
What can he do ? If, for example, 1 7 . . . .
10 . . . . . . Kt x B Kt-Q4; 1 8 Kt-Q4, K-Q2 ; 1 9 Kt x P,
Or, as played in a subsequent round of the with gain in material. And if 1 7 . . . . Q-K3 ;
same tournament, Moscow, 1 948, between 1 8 Q x Q, P x Q ; 1 9 Kt-KtS, winning the
Keres and Reshevsky: 10 . . . . P-KtS ; KP.
I I B-K3, Kt x B ; 1 2 RP x Kt, Q-B I ; The text-move is to offer the exchange of
1 3 P-B4, and still White has the better Queens by . . . . Q-Kt4.

I I RP x Kt Q-BI
Evading the awkward opposition of the
white Rook.

1 2 P-B4
A thematic advance.
I n a game Keres-Reshevsky, played in a
preceding round of this same tournament,
Moscow, 1 948, the less consistent continua­
tion was: 1 2 B-KtS, P-R3 ; 1 3 B-R4
( 1 3 B-K3 is preferable), 1 3 . . . . B-QB4;
1 4 Kt-B3, P-Kt4 ; I S B-Kt3 , Q-Kt2;
1 6 Kt x QP, Castles Q R ; 1 7 Kt-B6,
P-KKtS ; 1 8 Kt-Kl , Kt-QS ; 1 9 Q-BI,
P-KR4; and Black has succeeded in build­
ing up an enduring counter-attack which
brought about victory.
In the present game, however, instead of 1 8 P-K6
the problematical gain of a pawn, Smyslov
A death-blow. One must admire the
has thought out a purely positionai sacrifice seemingly so simple means with which
of a pawn, with the only ostensible object Smyslov obtains the maximum effect.
of bIinging his Queen into a commanding
position. Incidentally, this is the first
tournament game in which this ingenious 18 . . . . . . P-B3
break-through has been tried. If 1 8 . . . . P x P ; 1 9 Kt-KtS, and Black's
position is hopeless.
12 . . . . . . QP x P
Preferable is 1 2 . . . . KtP x P ; 1 3 P x P, 1 9 R-Q7 Q-Kt4
Kt-KtS; declining the Greek gift. 20 Q X Q BP x Q
He hopes to attain a certain relief in the
13 PxP BxP tension of the battle, but White gives him
If 1 3 . . . . P-KtS ; White can still play no time to breathe.
1 4 Q-K4, and have full control of the I

centre as well. 2 1 Kt-Q4

With the terrible threat, 22 Kt x P, with
1 4 Q-K4 Kt-K2 23 Kt-B7, or Kt-Q6 mate.
Now Black is thoroughly bottled up and
White has full value for his pawn, whi; ' 21 . . . . . . R-BI
Black gives back without a struggle. Neithl ' The only move.

22 B-K3 Kt-Kt3 P-Kt3; 1 6 B-R6, Kt-KKt2 ; 1 7 Kt-Kt3,

If 22 . . . . Kt-B3 ; 23 R-QB l , Kt-K2; P-B3 ; etc., with a long and arduous defence
24 R x Kt ch, followed by R x R : of a cramped position. Other tentative
lines are 1 2 . . . . B-Q2 ; or 1 2 . . . . B-Kt2 ;
2 3 R x RP Kt-K4 or, again 1 2 . . . . Kt-Q2; manreuvring
24 R-Kt7 B-B4 on inner lines ( 1 3 Kt-B I , Kt-Kt3 ;
The Bishop arrives too late. 14 P-QKt3, Kt-B 3 ; 1 5 P-Q5, Kt-Q l ;
1 6 P-KKt4, P-B3 ; 1 7 Kt-Kt3, Kt-B2 ;,
25 Kt-BS Castles etc.).
26 P-R3 Resigns
A humorous finish. There is no reply to 13 P x P Kt-B3
27 B x B, followed by the doubling of 14 P-QS
Rooks on the seventh. Practically forced, for neither 14 Kt-B l ,
P x P ; 1 5 B-Kt3, Q-Kt3 ; etc., nor
14 Kt-Kt3, P-QR4; etc., is satisfying for
Wh ite.
14 . . . . . . Kt-QKt5
(Groningen, 1 946) 1 6 Kt-B l
Nonchalantly, White prepares for action
The following game is remarkable on on the K side, without paying overmuch
several counts. Far from being an example attention to what happens on the opposite
of monolithic art, it is rather a jewel of many wing. Normally, White loses no time in
facets. Black treats the opening in superior chasing away the intruding Knight with
fashion, as can be expected from that great 1 6 P-R3.
connoisseur Botvinnik. His young adversary, I
the Benjamin of the tournament, Yanofsky, 16 . . . . . . B-Q2
develops his forces a little superficially. 1 7 B-Q2 KR-Bl
Black's thirty-fourth move-a rare occur­ If, first, 17 Kt-R3 ; 1 8 B-B2,
rence with. Botvinnik-is too hasty and the KR-B I ; 1 9 R-B I , and the localised con ..
whole scene changes: the "loss" of a white test fo r preponderance on the QB file tends
pawn is transformed into a deep "sacrifice",· to end in White's favour.
Yanofsky harasses his great opponent and
even effects on the forty-ninth move an elegant 1 8 B x Kt
turn which brings him victory and the Brilli­ If, instead 1 8 P-R3, Black can already
ancy Prize. play 1 8 . . . . Kt-B7.

1 P-K4 P-K4 18 . . . . . . PxB

2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 1 9 B-Q3 B-Ql
3 B-Kt5 P-QR3 20 Q-Q2 Q-R4
4 B-R4 Kt-B3 2 1 Kt-K3
5 Castles B-K2 Threatening to win the contested pawn by
The resources of this closed defence are 22 Kt-B2, but Black has a fine rejoinder at
many. his disposal.

6 R-Kl P-QKt4 21 . . . . . . P-Kt6

7 B-Kt3 P-Q3 22 P-R3
8 P-B3 Castles Nei ther 22 P x P, Q x R ; 23 R x R,
9 P-KR3 QKt-R4 R x R ch; etc., nor 22 Q x Q, B x Q ;
1 0 B-B2 P-B4 23 KR-Q I , P x P ; 24 R x P, B-Kt3 ; etc.,
1 1 P-Q4 Q-B2 would be any better for White.
1 2 QKt-Q2
A well-known "book position.l' Against 22 . . � . . . Q-R5
1 2 P-QR4, 1 2 . . . . R-R2; can be recom­ 23 Kt-Q 1 P-Kt5
mended. "Striking while the iron's hot." He
threatens 24 . . . . R-B 7 ; 25 B x R, P x B ;
12 . . . . . . BP x P 26 Kt-K3, P-Kt6; with a formidable
Above all, Black thus secures a base for position.
action on the QB fi l e. Less active is the ,
immediate 1 2 . . . . Kt-B3 ; 1 3 P-Q5,
Kt-Q l ; 1 4 Kt-B I , Kt-KI ; 1 5 P-KKt4,
-I 24 Kt-K3
25 R x P
Kt x KP

Thanks to the patrol work of his doubled 45 R-Kt6 B-R5

KtP, Black has effected a favourable clear... 46 Q-B3 Q-K8 ch
ance of the battlefi,eld. Now White cannot He could have tried 46 . . . . Q-B8 ch;
reply 26 R x Q, because of 26 . . . . Kt x Q ; 47 K-R2, P-B4; 48 R x P, P-B5 ; but
27 R x R, Kt x Kt ch; followed by . . . . then White answers neither 49 Kt-BS ch,
R x R. P x Kt; 50 Q-R5, P-B6; etc., nor
49 Kt-Kt4, B-Q8 (capturing the Queen in
26 Q-QI Q-Kt5 broad daylight) ; but, elegantly, 49 R-Q8,
27 R x P Q-R5 P-R4; 50 P-Q6, and White must win.
28 B-B2 Kt-B4
29 R-B3 Q-Kt4 47 K-R2 P-B4
Instead of Black's QKtP, it is White's 48 R x P P-B5
QKtP which is seen to be weak and exposed.
White must now try to create some counter­

30 Q-Ktl P-Kt3
3 1 R-B4 Q-Kt2
32 P-QKt4 Kt-R3
33 R x R RxR
34 B-Q3
The pawn cannot be saved, and White
tries a diversion in the shape of a trap.

34 . . . . . . Kt x P
Too rash. He should first play 34 . . . .
R-Ktl ; after which the contested pawn
would fall of its own accord.

3 5 R-K2 B-R4
This defence of the pinned Knight is 49 Kt-B5 ch
scarcely economical, as the power of Black's Forced , but also forcing.
KB is thereby impaired. By playing 35 . . . .
R-Kt l ; 36 R-Kt2, P-K5 ; 37 B x P, 49 . . . . . . K-B2
B-KB3 ; etc., Black could avoid much If 49 . . . . P x Kt; 50 Q-R5, wins.
50 Q-Kt4 Kt-K5
3 6 R-Kt2 R-Ktl 5 1 Q-R4 P x Kt
37 Kt-Q2 52 Q x P ch K-KI
With the threat 3 8 KKt-B4. NaIve 53 Q-Kt8 ch Resigns
would be, at once, 37 Kt-B4, Q x P. Downfall of a Colossus.

37 . . . . . •
38 Kt(Q2)-B4 Q-B4(R5)
39 Kt x B Q x Kt
40 Kt-B2 Kt x B 13
The drama of the pin is resolved by
Black's loss of the exchange. BRONSTEIN PANOV
(Moscow Championship, 1946)
4 1 R x R ch K-Kt2
42 Kt-K3 Q-Q7 To be taken by surprise by a prepared
43 Q-KBI Kt-B4 variation without losing his head but, adapting
Black's QP cannot be held. He could himself to the ne w circumstance, to redress
have sought revenge on White's QP by the balance and to exploit his own chances
4 3 . . . . Kt-B5 ; e.g. 44 R-Q8, B-R5; to the end-that is the mark of the great
45 R x P, B-Kt6. player.

44 Q-Ql Q-B6 1 P-K4 P-K4

A less ambitious player than Botvinnik 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
would have told himself that here the 3 B-Kt5 P-QR3
exchange of Queens would be the lesser evil. 4 B-R4 Kt-B3

5 Castles B-K2 P-Q4; e.g. I S R-K2, P-Q 4; 1 6 QP x P,

6 R-Kl P-QKt4 Kt x P ; 1 7 Kt-Kt3, P-B4; 1 8 P x P e.p.,
7 B-Kt3 P-Q3 B x P; etc., or 16 KP x P, P x P (if 16 . . . .
8 P-B3 Castles P-K S ; 1 7 Kt-KtS); 1 7 Kt x P, Kt x P,
"Castle fi.rst and philosophise after­ etc., with equality. After I S Kt-K3, there
wards." This principle may be too sweep­ can follow I S Kt x P ; 1 6 Kt-BS,
• • • •

ing, but its neglect brought about an early Q x B ; 1 7 Kt x B ch, K-Rl ; 1 8 Q X Q (or
catastrophe in the following correspondence 1 8 Kt x R, Q x BP ch, followed by . . . .

game played in 19S1 between Gracs and R X Kt, with advantage to Black), 1 8 . . . .
R. Berger : 8 . . . . Kt-QR4 ; 9 B-B2, R x Q ; 1 9 P x P, P x P ; 20 Kt x P, P-B 3 ;
B-Kt2 (Black thinks he can immediately and Black has the initiative.
solve the problem of his QB. The reasoned
continuation of the Tchigorin system is IS• • • • • • P-Q4
9 . . . . P-B4; 1 0 P-Q4, Q-B2, etc.) ; This counter-idea is due to Panov himself.
10 P-Q4, P-Q4 (too venturesome) ; It is a complement to Black's twelfth move,
1 1 Kt x P, Kt x P ; 12 Kt-Q2, Kt-KB3 (if and extends the range of his QB on the long
1 2 . . . . P-KB4; 1 3 Q-RS ch, P-Kt3 ; White diagonal.
1 4 Kt x P, Kt-KB3 ; I S Kt x B dis ch,
Kt x Q ; 1 6 Kt-B6 dis ch, and wins) ; 1 6 QP x P
1 3 Kt-B l , Castles ; 14 Kt-Kt3, Kt-K l ; A crucial moment. The main complica­
I S Q-Q3, P-Kt3 ; 1 6 B-R6, Kt-Kt2 ; tion occurs when White plays 1 6 KP x P, e.g.
1 7 B x Kt, K x B ; 1 8 Kt-BS ch (brilliant), 1 6 . . . . P-KS (a pawn sacrifi.ce which
1 8 . . . . K-B3 (if l 8 . . . . P x Kt; 19 Q X BP, White must accept) ; 1 7 B x KP, Kt x B ;
is decisive, or 1 8 . . . . K-Kt l ; 1 9 Kt x B ch, 1 8 R x Kt, B x P ; 1 9 R-Kl, Q-Kt2 (if
Q x Kt; 20 Kt x KtP, etc.) ; 19 Kt-Kt4 ch, 19 . . . . B-KB3 ; 20 Kt-K 3, etc. A very
K-Kt4 ; 20 Q-K3 ch, followed by mate in useful preparatory measure here is at once
two. 1 9 . . . . KR-Q l ; 20 Kt-KS, Q-Kt2, etc.) ;
20 B-B4, KR-Q I ; and Black develops
9 P-KR3 QKt-R4 some energetic counter-play (Verlinsky­
10 B-B2 P-B4 Panov, Moscow, 1945). On the other hand,
1 1 P-Q4 Q-B2 if 1 6 Kt x P, P x P ; Black gains space.
1 2 QKt-Q2 B-Kt2 Bronstein recognises all these dangers and,
The development of Black's Bishop at while renouncing the gain of a pawn,
QKt2 in this variation was refuted by engages in an open battle in the centre.
Teichmann in two memorable games against
Schlechter and Rubinstein, Carlshad, 1 9 1 1 .
16 . . . . . . Kt x P
But the positions were rather different, for
Teichmann in both cases played P-Q3, and 1 7 Kt-Kt3
not P-Q4, and against Rubinstein he Not 1 7 Kt-K3, because of 1 7 ....
KR-Q l .
played P-K R3, much later and against
Schlechter not at all. The principle, never­
theless, remains the same, and in both the 17 . . . . . . KR-Ql
games mentioned a white Knight eventually The aim of reinforcing the advanced
landed on KBS with devastating effect. Knight could be attained in a far more
It will be seen in this game that Black concentrated manner with 1 7 . . . . P-B4;
was aware of this, but a new idea underlies e.g. 1 8 P x P e. p . , B x P (with enduring
the Bishop's move. counter-play on widely open terrain).
Psychologically, it can be said that
Bronstein's reply ( 1 6 QP x P, in place of

1 3 Kt-B l
Continuing on his way. For 1 3 P-QS, 16 KP x P) took his opponent b y surprise
see the next game. and upset his plans.

13 . . . . . . BP x P 1 8 Q-K2 B-KtS
14 P x P QR-Bl Now it is too late for . . . . P-B4 ; because
I S B-Q3 Black's KB would be attacked twice after
This reply, natural as it appears, has the 1 9 P x P e.p., Kt x P(B3).
drawback of obstructing the Q file, which
enables his opponent to disorganise the 19 R-Bl Q-B3
centre. Doubtful also is I S B-Ktl , and He strives with all his forces to maintain
even against I S R-K2, which strengthens his Kt at KS, but White's brilliant reply
the second rank, Black can effect, as in the forces the position, frees the centre and
present game, the counter�thrust . . . . opens the flood-gates of his direct attack.

20 Kt-KtS Kt x Kt(KtS) P-R3 ; 3 1 Q x P, P x B ; 32 Q-RS, or

2 1 B x Kt R-Kl Q-Kt8 mate, or 28 . . . . Q-QS ch;
22 Q-Kt4 29 K-R2, P x K t ; 30 Q-RS, P-R3 ;
This brings the Queen into a commanding 3 1 Q x P, etc.
position, taking advantage of the unpro­
tected position of Black's KB and Kt. 28 . . . . . . Q-K7
He avoids the trap and prefers a slow
22 . . . . . . B-BI death.
For, if 22 . . . . R x P; 23 Q x B, R x B ;
24 Q x Kt, P-QS ; 2S B-K4, and wins. 29 Kt x R Q x Kt
30 Q-R4 P-R3
23 QR-B l Q-QKt3 3 1 R-KI Q-B3
24 Kt-RS RxR Or 3 1 . . . . B-B4 ch; 32 K-R2, Q-B 3 ;
2S R x R Q-K3 3 3 B-B6, K-Ktl (not 3 3 . . . . Q x B ;
If 2S . . . . R x P ; 26 Kt-B6 ch, K-R I ; 34 R-K8 ch, nor 33 .... P x B;
27 Kt-Q7. In one way or another Black 34 Q x RP ch, nor 33 . . . . B-KB l ;
must lose material. 34 Q x P ch, followed by mate) ; 34 B-B3,

32 B-K7 B-Bl
33 KB x B Q xB
34 B x B QxB
3 S Q-K7 K-Ktl
36 Q-Q7 Q-B4 ch
37 K-R2 Kt-BS
38 R-K8 ch K-R2
39 Q-BS ch Resigns
The square KBS at the last.


26 B-BS (Zonal Tournament, Hi1versum, 1947)
A tremendous deployment of force in
front of the hostile King. Note how the The winner in the following game, which
square KBS has come into its own. gained the first Brilliancy Prize, is known as
To be objective, however, it must be said the scourge of Continental champions.
that, according to M. Andor, a Parisian
amateur, White, instead of merely gaining 1 P-K4 P-K4
material, could already undertake the 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
final assault and overrun the enemy lines 3 B-KtS P-QR3
with 26 B x P ch, e.g. 26 . . . . K x B ; 4 B-R4 Kt-B3
27 Q-KR4 (more precise than at once S Castles B-K2
27 Kt-B6 ch), 27 K-Kt I ; 6 R-KI P-QKt4
28 Kt-B6 ch, P x Kt ; 29 B x P, B-Kt2 ; 7 B-Kt3 P-Q3
30 Q-KtS, forcing mate at KKt7, or 26 . . . . 8 P-B3 Castles
K-R I ; 27 Q-KR4, Q x KP; 28 Kt-B6, 9 P-KR3 Kt-QR4
Q x B ; 29 Q x Q, P x Kt ; 30 Q x P ch, 1 0 B-B2 P-B4
B-Kt2; 3 1 Q-R4, winning easily. 1 1 P-Q4 Q-B2
1 2 QKt-Q2 B-Kt2
26 . . . . . . QxP A similar idea is to play fi.rst 1 2 • • . •

27 Kt-B6 ch K-RI . • . •
BP x P ; 1 3 P x P, and now, instead of 1 3
28 P-B4 Kt-B3 (or 1 3 . . . . B-Q2) ; the fi.anchetto
He is not content with the simple and development, 1 3 . . . . B-Kt2; e.g. 14 P-QS,
immediate gain of the exchange by B-B I ; I S Kt-B I , B-Q2; 16 B-K3,
28 Kt x R, Q x Kt ; 29 B-B8, etc. He QR-BI (or 1 6 . . . . KR-B I ; 17 R-B I ,
prefers to drive the Queen away from the Q-Kt2, etc.); 1 7 R-B I , Q-Kt l ; etc., or
Bishop, the threat being, e.g. 28 . . . . 14 Kt-B I , QR-B I ; etc., as in the preced­
Q-K6 ch; 29 K-R2, Q x R ; 30 Q-RS, Ing game.

1 3 P-QS Once again, this famous square is playing

It was one of Steinitz's axioms that the the star role.
centre must be unassailable or fixed before
an efl'ective attack on the wings can be 23 . . . . . . P x Kt
undertaken. This explains the text-move. The first capture in the game. Capturing
with the Bishop or Knight would expose
13 . . . . . . B-Bl Black to the same dangers on the KKt file,
Black's plan is clear. He wanted White without any material compensation.
to lock up the centre, and hoped, with the
QB on its original square, to resume his 24 KtP x P P-B3
development, and if possible, to open up his 2S Kt x P
game with . . . . P-KB4. But in effect A thunderclap. Had Black played
White has received, as a gift, two temp; for I
24 . . . . P-R3 ; White also sacrifices by
his pending K side attack. capturing the BP; e.g. 24 . . . . P-R3 ;
2S Kt x P ch, R x Kt; 26 Q-RS, R-B 3 ;
14 Kt-BI R-Kl 27 R x B , B-K I ; 28 Q-Kt4, B-B2;
I S K-R2 29 R-KKt l , and wins (29 . . . . R-KKtl ;
In a game Boleslavsky-Smyslov, Warsaw, 30 R x R ch, and mate at Kt7, or 29 . . . .
1947, the white King retired to K R l . The Kt-Ktl ; 30 R-R 7 ch, and mate at Kt7).
positions were soon equalised.
25 . .. . . .
.. B-K I
IS . . . . . . P-Kt3 26 R x B
1 6 Kt-K3 B-Bl A third sacrifice t
1 7 P-KKt4
A style of attack well-known In this I 26 ...... KxR
opening. 27 Kt x R K x Kt
28 B-R6 ch K-B2
17 . . . . . . B-KKt2 29 Q-RS ch
1 8 R-KK t l K-RI Here 29 R-KK tt, would have shortened
19 Kt-KtS R-BI Black's agony.
20 P-KR4 Kt-Ktl
21 Q-K2 B-Q2 29 . . . . . . Kt-Kt3
Preferable is 21 . . . . P-R3. A sad necessity; he must close the terrible
KKt file ; the rest needs no comment.
22 B-Q2 Kt-K2
Both sides have proceeded according to 30 P x Kt ch K-Ktl
plan, but, whereas Black could now play 31 Q-BS Q-K2
the desired . . . . P-B4 ; White seems to be 32 R-KKtl Kt-BS
debarred from playing Kt-BS. by Black's 33 B-BI B-Q2
pawn at KKt3. However, Black should 34 Q-B3 R-K B I
play 22 . . . . P-R3. 3S P-Kt3 Kt-Kt3
36 P-RS P-B4
37 B-KtS PxP
38 Q-K2 Q-Kl
39 Bx P B-B4
40 B-R6 R-B3
41 Q-B3 Resigns
(41 . . . . Q-Q2; 42 R-KtS.)


(World Championship Candidates'
Tournament, Budapest, 19S0)

The follo wing beautiful game had a dramatic

23 Kt-BS background. Pitted against one of the
A brilliant vindication of his strategy, strongest players of the time, Bronstein had to
which leads to beautiful and varied play. play for a win, for only thus could he equal

the score of the tournament leader, Boleslav­ 1 2 Q-Ql

sky. The resulting tie match was won 'by Thus White has udefended" his QP quite
him and enabled him to challenge Botvinnik simply by abandoning it. He relies on the
for the Championship of the World. resulting practical chances, without troubling
over-much whether this "sacrifice" will prove
1 P-K4 P-K4 entirely sound In the light of subsequent
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 analysis.
3 B-KtS P-QR3
4 B-R4 Kt-B3 12
� . . � . Px P

S Castles B-K2 1 3 Kt x P Kt-QR4

6 R-K I P-QKt4 1 4 B-B2 R-K I
7 B-Kt3 Castles And already Black hesitates to pursue his
8 P-Q4 positional and material advantage on the Q
side, by playing 1 4 . . . . P-B4 ; followed by
He deliberately engages In a far more . . . . P-BS ; and eventually . . . . Kt-B3.
exigent line than the ordinary 8 P-B3, Instead of this, he conceives a rather
P-Q 3 ; 9 P-KR3. meticulous plan for taking purely defensive
measures on the K side.
8 ...... P-Q3
Neither 8 . . . . Kt x Q P; 9 B x P ch, I S P-B4 P-KtS
followed by Kt x P ; nor 8 . . . . P x P ; He tries to bring about liquidation, but
9 P-KS, etc., i s satisfactory. disarranges his pawn phalanx. One would
rather expect I S B-B 1 . • • • •

9 P-B3
1 6 Kt-QS Kt x Kt
The coup juste. If 9 P x P, P x P ;
1 7 Q x Kt P-B3
1 0 Q-K2, B-QB4 ; Black has a very good
18 Q-Q3 P-Kt3
game, as is also the case after 9 Kt-B3,
Kt-QR4. A necessary weakening of the black
King's field.
9 ...... B-KtS 19 K-RI B-Bl
Black wishes to solve the problem of his
20 R-B I
awkward QB. If first 9 . . . . P x P ; 1 0 P x P,
Setting up again a base for action on the
and now only 10 . . . . B-Kt S ; there follows
KB file.
(as was demonstrated in a neo-classical
game Dr. Lasker-Bogoljubow, Miihrisch­ 20 . It . . B-Kt2
. ..

Ostrau, 1923) 1 1 Kt-B3, and White has the 2 1 B-Q2

better centre. Strategy of pinpricks on the Q side, pre­
paring for more serious blows on the
1 0 P-KR3 opposite wing.
A critical moment. Having had the
choice of several moves, Bronstein un­ 21 . . . . . . P-QB4
hesitatingly chooses the most courageous Having, on the sixteenth move exchanged
(and incidentally, the least analysed). his defensive Knight, he does not now wish
The other possibilities are : 1 0 P-QS, the to let go his defensive Bishop as well, or he
most solid ; 1 0 B-QS, interesting; 10 B-K3, might have preferred the following trans­
weak ; 10 P x P, flabby; 10 P-QR4, trouble­ action : 2 1 . . . . B x P ; 22 QR-Ktt , B-B6;
some. 23 B x B, P x B ; 24 Q x BP, Q-B2; and in
spite of weak points in his formation, Black
10 . . . . . . B x Kt has defensive chances, for his extra pawn
If 10 . . . . B-R4 ; there follows already, represents some compensation.
and the more tellingly 1 1 P-QS, Kt-QR4;
12 B-B2, etc. 22 B-R4 R-K B l
23 QR-Ktl Q-Kt3
11 Q x B A distant expedition. The counter­
A momentous decision. He avoids ,the measure 23 . . . . P-B4 ; is possible, but
ambiguous continuation 1 1 P x B, Kt-QR4 ; White would have continued his destructive
1 2 P-KB4, Kt x B ; 1 3 P x Kt, P-Q4 ; work on the Q side with 24 P-R3, etc.
1 4 BP x P, Kt x P ; I S P-B3, Kt-Kt6 ;
1 6 B-B4, Kt-B4; etc., and selects one 24 P-B S B-QS
even more tenebrous. 2S Q-KKt3
Premature would be 2S P-B6, because of
11 . ... . . PxP the counter-stroke, 2S . . . . P-Q4; but now

White already threatens 26 P-B6, and if 16

then 26 . . . . P-Q4; 27 P-K5, Kt-B5 ;
(Weidena U, 1 947)
25 . . . . . . Kt-B5
26 B-R6 B-Kt2 The spirit of attack for ever seeks-and
, finds-for Black, enterprising variations rich
The future is dark for Black. The lesser
in practical chances and able to stand up even
evil is the sacrifice the exchange by to analytical investigation.
26 . . . . B x P ; etc.
1 P-K4 P-K4
27 B x B KxB 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
28 P-B6 ch K-RI 3 B-Kt5 P-QR3
The King is in trouble. 4 B-R4 Kt-B3
5 Castles B-K2
6 R-KI P-QKt4
7 B-Kt3 Castles
Reserving the option of advancing the
QP one or two squares.

8 P-B3
He has no objections to Black's inten­
tions, or he could have played (as in the
preceding game) 8 P-Q4, P-Q3 ; 9 P- B3,
Less good is 8 P-QR4, because of 8 . . . .
B-Kt2. On the other hand, in a game
Broadbent-Alexander, Buxton, 1950, White
as a good psychologist, played the modest
little move 8 P-Q3, trying successfully to
nip his spirited antagonist's plans in the
bud. Another sort of "anti-Marshall" con­
tinuation could be 8 P-KR3, still reserving
the choice between P-Q4 and P-Q3 .
29 Q-Kt5
8 ...... P-Q4
The final assault on the enemy fortress
Or 8 . . . . P-Q 3 ; with an ordinary
oegins. White's terrible threat is now
normal development.
R-B4, followed by Q-R6. Inaccurate
would be 29 R-B4, at once, because 9 PxP
29 . . . . P-Kt4 ; would have eased Black's Accepting the challenge. The following
defence. might be termed the "Marshall Gambit
Declined " : 9 P-Q4, KK t x P ; l O P x P,
29 . . . . . . P-Kt6 B-K3 ; reverting to known variants of the
There is no saving clause. If 29 . . . . open defence.
R-KKtl ; 30 R-B4, Q-Q I ; 3 1 R-R4,
Q-KB I ; 32 R-R6, with the pitiless sequel, 9 ...... Kt x P
3 3 Q-R4. A sort of intensified Marshall Gambit is
here 9 . . . . P-K5. This attempt is met by
30 P x P l O P x Kt, P x Kt; I I P-Q4, P x P ;
1 2 Q-B3, etc.
He could already realise the main varia­
tion : 30 R-B4, P x P ; 3 1 Q-R6, 10 Kt x P Kt x Kt
P x R(Q) ch ; 32 K-R2, R-KKtl ;
I I R x Kt P-QB3
3 3 Q x P ch, K x Q ; 34 R-R4 mate.
A modernised form of this Gambit,
instead of I I . . . . Kt-B3 ; played in the
30 . . . . . . Q-Kt5 original game Capablanca-Marshall, New
3 1 P x Kt QxB York, 1 9 1 8 .
32 R-B4 Q-B7
3 3 Q-R6 Resigns 1 2 R-KI
For again, after a "spite check" by 33 . . . . Or first 1 2 P-Q4, B-Q3 ; 1 3 R-K I , etc.
Q x R ch ; 34 K-R2, mate at KKt7 or Other defensive systems have been suggested,
K R7 is unavoidable. e.g. 1 2 B x Kt, P x B ; 1 3 P-Q4, B-Q3 ;

14 R-K3, etc., or 12 Q-BI . B-Q3 ; A vain attempt to counter the enemy's

1 3 R-KI , Q-RS ; 1 4 P-Kt3, Q-R4; intentions. But 1 9 Kt-Q2, or even
I S P-Q4, B-KKt S ; 16 B-K3, etc., but 1 9 B-Kt3, is answered in the same trench­
Black will always have some attack for the ant manner.
pa wn sacrifi.ced.

12 . . . . . . B-Q3
1 3 P-Q4
After 1 3 P-Q3, Black would follow the
same schem e: 1 3 . . . . Q-R S ; 1 4 P-Kt3,
Q-R6; I S B x Kt, P x B ; 1 6 Q-B3,
B-KKtS (not 1 6 . . . . B-KB4; 1 7 B-B4) ;
1 7 Q-Kt2, Q-R4 ; and Black's pressure

13 . . . . . . Q-RS
1 4 P-Kt3
If 1 4 P-KR3, B x P.

14 . . . . . . Q-R6
I S B-B2
At this critical moment, White dawdles
instead of taking concrete precautionary
19 . . . . . . P-BS
measures. But wrong would be I S R-K4,
Black's assault is in full swing. The
P-Kt4; 1 6 B x P, Q-B4 ; and Black wins a
point of this advance is revealed on the
piece. Laborious would be I S Q-B3,
next move.
B-KKt S ; 1 6 Q-Kt2, Q-R4; 1 7 B-K3,
B-B6 ; 1 8 Q-B I , P-KB4 ; and this
renewed activity gives Black equal chances. 20 P x Kt KBP x P
More agile is the white Queen in the Not 20 . . . . P x B ; 21 P-B4, although
following variation : I S Q-Q3, B-KB4 ; even then White's position remains critical
1 6 Q-B I , reaching this important square in after 2 1 . . . . P-Kt4.
two tempi instead of three ; nevertheless
equality is again reached after 1 6 . . . . 2 1 RP x P
Q-KtS ; 1 7 B-K3, P-KR4; 1 8 Kt-Q2, After 2 1 Q-Kt2, there follows ruthlessly
P-R S ; 1 9 B-Q 1 , Q-Kt3 ; etc. As the 21 . . . . P x RP ch; 22 K-RI , B-B6;
best solution, the following can be recom­ winning the Queen.
mended for White: I S B x Kt, P x B ;
1 6 B-K3 (instead of 1 6 Q-Q3, B-KB4; 21 . . . . . . B-B6
1 7 Q-B I , etc.), 1 6 . . . . P-KR4 (or 1 6 . . . . Resigns
B-KKtS ; 1 7 Q-Q3, or 1 6 . . . . B-KB4 ;
1 7 Kt-Q2, etc.) ; 1 7 Q-B3, P-RS ;
1 8 Kt-Q2, and White has at least mobilised
his reserves with some hope of holding the 17
IS • • • • • •
B-KKtS (Harrogate, 1 947)
1 6 Q-Q3 QR-Kl
The concentration of the Black forces One is as 01d as one's nerves. In the
becomes overwhelming. following superb game (which won a brilliancy
prize) the nerves of that glorious veteran,
1 7 B-K3 P-KB4 Sir George Thomas, are intact. The tension
1 8 Q-Bl of the battle is brought to its maximum,
If 1 8 P-KB4, B-B 6 ; wins a piece. after which the decision is reached by a
( 1 9 Q-Q2, R x B ; 20 R x R, Kt x R ; etc. devastating attack.
It is now seen that an early exchange,
I S B x Kt, etc., or even 1 2 B x Kt, etc., would 1 P-K4 P-K4
ha ve been justified. 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
3 B-KtS P-QR3
18 . . . . . . Q-R4 4 B-R4 Kt-B3
1 9 P-QB4 5 Q-K2

The Worrall At tack one move ahead of Better again is 1 4 . . . . R-K I ; followed by
time. It is usual to castle before playing the B-Q3.
S ...... P-QKt4 It is seldom possible to leave one's own
This would be a good opportunity to King's position so bare without fear of con­
play more actively S . . . . B-B4; as did sequences.
Alekhine against Sir George Thomas,
Margate, 1937. The text-move is, of course, 15 . . . . . . R-KI
quite sound. 1 6 Q-Kt2 Q-Kt3
1 7 Kt-Q2 QR-Ql
6 B-Kt3 B-K2 1 8 P-KtS Kt-R2
7 P-B3 Castles 19 Kt-B3
8 Castles P-Q3 Splendid restraint. If 1 9 P x P, Q x P.
On 8 . . . . P-Q4 ; White need not
embark on adventure by 9 P x P, B-KKtS ; 19 . . . . . . P-QS
1 0 P x Kt, P-KS ; etc., for he can restrain 20 P-B6 B-B I
Black's momentum. 21 Kt-KS Kt x KtP
22 P x Kt R x Kt
9 P-Q4 PxP The moment for big decisions has arrived.
Since the basic idea of the Ruy Lopez is to Black threatens 23 . . . . P-Q6.
exert sustained pressure on the centre, Black
should refrain as long as possible from
liquidation. Otherwise White is in a favour­
able position for a King's side attack.
That is why counter-action by 9 . . . .
B-Kt S ; is justified.

10 Kt x P
If 10 P x P, B-KtS ; would already have
more concrete aims (control of White's

10 . . . . . . Kt--QR4
1 1 B-B2 P-B4
1 2 Kt-BS
Less ambitious would be the retrogressive
1 2 Kt-B3. Note how the dissolution of
Black's centre has benefi ted White. KBS is
a notoriously strong point for a white
Knight in the Ruy Lopez. Black cannot 23 P-Kt6
afford to drive it away by . . . . P-Kt3 ; The beginning of a most attractive com­
weakening his King's field. If he captures bination, e.g. 23 . . . . KtP x P ; 24 P x P db ch,
the Knight, White is well set for an advance K x P; 2S Q-Kt6 ch, K-K2 ; 26 Q-R7ch,
of his K side pawns. Best would be to K-K3 ; 27 R x P ch, K x R ; 28 Q-Kt6 ch,
leave it alone for the time being by playing etc., or 23 . . . . BP x P ; 24 Q x P, P-Q6;
1 2 . . . . R-K I ; getting the Rook into play 2 S P-B7 ch, again winning the Queen.

and threatening . . . B-B 1 .
23 . . . . . . P-Q6
12 . . . . • .
B x Kt Black seems to say, uKismet."
13 P x B P-Q4
Black starts a counter-demonstration on 24 P x P ch K-R2
the Q side, where he has a pawn majority, 2S B x P ch RxB
quite a sound idea which fails only by 26 PxP P-BS dis ch
reason of White's masterly handling of his 27 K-RI BxP
K side pawns. 28 Q x B ch KxQ
29 P-B8(Q) ch K-R2
1 4 P-KKt4 P-R3 30 R-B7 ch K-Kt3
This is fundamentally unsound. White's 31 R-Kt7 ch K-R4
P-KtS, cannot be prevented, and so the 32 Q-B7 ch K-RS
text-move provides an additional target. 33 Q-B4 ch Resigns

18 20 R-K l , R x R ch ; 2 1 Q x R, R-K2 ;
22 Q-Q I , B x Kt ; 23 P x B, Q-Kt3 c h ;
KIRILOV FURMAN 24 K-R t , Q-R4; 2 5 Q-Kt l , R-K8 ;
(U .S.S.R. Championship, 1 949) knocking out his adversary.

The soundest opening, �f treated super-­

jicially, can give Black a chance to develop
his latent powers.

1 P-K4 P-K4
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
3 B-Kt5 P-QR3
4 B-R4 Kt-B3
5 Q-K2 P-QKt4
6 B-Kt3 B-K2
7 P-QR4
As the Black pieces are placed on inner
lines and Black has not yet played
P-Q 3 ; this move is ineffective.

7 ...... P-Kt5
8 B-Q5
Beating the air. White has nothing better
than 8 P-Q3, followed by the time· honoured 19 . . . . . . B x P ch
manreuvre QKt-Q2-B I-K3 or Kt3. 20 K x B Q-R5 ch
2 1 K-Ktl BxP
8 ...... Kt x B The Two Bishops' Sacrifice. The student
9 P x Kt Kt-Q 5 should be familiar with the conditions in
1 0 Kt x Kt P x Kt which it is likely to be sound : the defending
1 1 Castles King must be exposed and his pieces not
Better is 1 1 Q-K4, which attacks the readily available for defence. The attacker's
QP, but also threatens to win by P-Q6. Rooks must serve a double purpose: to
Worthy of consideration is 1 1 P-Q6, at prevent the King's escape to the other
once, forcing the trebling of Black's QP, wing and to take part in the final stages of
followed by 1 2 P-Q3. the attack without any loss of time. All
these premises obtain here in ideal fashion.
11 � � • • • • Castles
1 2 Q-B4 P-QB4 22
KxB R-B3
1 3 P x P e.p. PxP 23
B-B4 QxB
14 Q x BP 24
R-Rl R-B3
Now White has won a pawn, but at the 25
R-KR2 R-Kt3 ch
expense of his development. Resigns
For after 26 K-Rl, R-K8 ch; 27 Q x R,
14 . . . . . . R-R2 Q-B6 ch; is conclusive.
1 5 Q-KB3 R-B2
An exhilarating finale.
1 6 P-Q3 B-Kt2
He is wise in not taking the pawn, which
would yield White an important tenlpo for
the development of his forces. If 1 6 . . . .
R x P ; 1 7 Kt-Q2 (threatening 1 8 Kt-B4) ,
1 7 . . . . D-K 3 ; 1 8 Q-Q l , and White gets BRO DERMAN EDW ARD LASKER
his pieces out.
( Havana, 1 9 50)
1 7 Q-Ql B-Q3
1 8 Kt-Q2 R-Kl The follo wing gaf!le illustrates a well­
1 9 Kt-B4 known fault, which occurs from time to time.
This permitsthe famous Two Bishops' The Queen's great mobility is all incitement
Sacrifice, knownthrough the games Lasker­ to various expeditions: once the Queen strays
Bauer, A m sterdanl, 1 889, N i m sowitsch­ too far from the battlefield, it is Ilot surprising
Tarrasch, St. Petersburg, 1 9 14, Alekhi ne­ if the King's position collapses.
Drewitt, Portsmouth, 1924, and others.
However, even after 1 9 Kt-B3, he could 1 P-K4 P-K4
scarcely save the game: 19 . . . . Q-B3 ; 2 Kt-·KB3 Kt-QB3

3 B-KtS P-QR3 But White tries to prevent all this.

4 B-R4 Kt-B3
5 P-Q4 8 P-KS
A sidelight fro m history ; this primitive Complications in the centre. The Ruy
continuation (at one time pref erred by Lopez is astoundingly rich in alternative
Morphy) has in our time experienced an continuations.
intense revival, and was even ure-exported"
to Europe by Reshevsky, as a Usecret 8 ...... Kt x P
weapon" for the Olympiad at Dubrovnik Little good comes of 8 . . . . P x B ;
in 19S0. It also appears in a deferred form, 9 P x Kt, P x P ; 1 0 Kt x P, etc., or 8 . . . .
as follows: S Castles, B-K2, and now, Kt-Q 4 ; 9 B-Kt3, Kt-Kt3 ; 1 0 P-B3,
instead of the usual 6 R-K I , the proud etc., and White possesses a comfortable
advance in the centre, 6 P-Q4. initiative.

5 . .. PxP
. . . . 9 Kt x Kt
Or 5 • •Kt x K P ; 6 Castles, etc., leading
• • The subtleties of 9 R x Kt, are well
into variations of the open def ence. Of illustrated in the following brevity played in
doubtful value is S Kt x QP. • • • • a match Wade-Schmid, Bamberg, 1 9S0:
9 R x Kt, P x B (the right move is first
6 Castles 9 . . . . P-Q 3 ; e.g. 1 0 R-K I , P x B ;
Feasible is also, at once: 6 P-KS, 1 1 K t x P, B-Q2, etc., or, as in a
Kt-K S ; 7 Kt x P, etc. Less energetic is game Reshevsky-Euwe, Dubrovnik, 1 9S0,
6 Q-K2, here or on the next move. 1 0 R-KtS, P x B ; 1 1 R x P, Kt-R4 ;
1 2 R-KtS, B x R ; 1 3 B x B, P-KB3 ;
6 • . B-K2
. . . . 14 Kt x P, Castles, and Black emerged
Too restless is first 6 . . . . P-QKt4 ; in the end the exchange to the good,
7 B-Kt3, B-K2. Against 6 . . . . B-B4 ; and the American had to exert all his
White also secures the superiority in the skill to escape with a draw) ; 1 0 Kt x P,
centre by 7 P-KS, Kt-KS ; 8 P-B3 , etc. Castles; 1 1 Kt-BS, R-K I ; 1 2 B-KtS,
Kt-Q4 (the lesser evil is 1 2 . . . . P-Q3) ;
7 R-KI 1 3 Kt x P (brilliant), 1 3 . . . . K x K t ;
White pref ers to complete some final prep­ 14 Q x Kt, P-QB3 ; I S Q-Q4, P-B3 ;
arations instead of playing out his trumps 1 6 R-K3 , P-B4 ; 1 7 B-R6 ch, K x B ;
forthwith by 7 P-KS, Kt-K S ; with the 1 8 Q-KKt4, P-B4 ; 1 9 R-R3 ch, Black
following continuations: resigns.
(a) 8 R-K I , Kt-B4 ; 9 B x Kt (or, more A fine perf ormance by the New Zealander.
impetuously, 9 K t x P, K t x B ; 10 Kt-BS ,
Castles; 1 1 Q-Kt4, P-KKt 3 ; etc.) ; 9 . . . . 9 ...... PxB
Q P x B ; 1 0 Kt x P, etc. 10 Q x P R-QKtl
(b) 8 Kt x P, Kt-B4 ; 9 Kt-BS (this The text-move is an innovation. By
offer secures a fine attack f or White, while playing the Rook thus early to the QKt file,
simplification by 9 B x Kt, QP x B ; Black gains a tempo,_ f or White must provide
1 0 QKt-B3, Castles; leads to equality), against . . . . R-KtS.
9 . . . . Castles (this wise decision was The continuation in a game Reshevsky­
already applied in a game Zukertort­ Unzicker, Dubrovnik, 19S0, was : 1 0 . . . .
Mackenzie, London, 1 8 8 3. Neither 9 . . . . Castles; 1 1 Q x RP, R-Kt I ; 1 2 Kt-Q3,
K t x B ; 1 0 Kt x P ch, K-B l ; 1 1 B-R6, Kt-Q4 ; 1 3 B-Q2, B-B 3 ; 1 4 Kt-R3,
K-Ktl ; 1 2 Q-Kt4, etc., nor 9 . . . . B-B I ; P-Q3 ; I S Q-RS, B-Kt2 ; 1 6 P-QB4,
10 R-K I , with the fine threat 1 1 Kt-Q6 ch, Kt-Kt3 ; 17 Q-KBS, Kt-RS ;
etc., is playable f or Black) ; 1 0 Q-Kt4, 1 8 QR-Ktl , etc., with tactical complica­
P-KKt3 ; 1 1 B x Kt, QP x B ; 1 2 Kt x B ch, tions which led to a draw.
Q x K t ; 13 Q-Kt3, and White maintains
the pressure. 1 1 P-QR3
This precautionary measure is a waste of
7 ...... P-QKt4 time. Better is 1 1 K t-Q3, guarding not only
If 7 . . . . P-Q3 ; White still plays 8 P-KS the square QKt4, but in addition the QKtP.
(e.g. 8 . . . . Kt-KKt S ; 9 Kt x P, etc.), with
advantage to White. With the text-move, 11 ...... Castles
Black tries to utilise the respite aft"orded him 1 2 Q x RP R-K I
in f orestalling the various threats, and, 1 3 R-Q I
if 8 B-Kt3, P-Q 3 ; 9 P-KR3, Castles, etc�, An instructive mistake. One should
to lead the contest into smoother waters. never make a threat which the opponent

can parry with a developing move. The 24 R-KB5 Q-KS

threat 1 4 Kt-B6, looks attractive, but to 25 R-B3 R x Kt
make it he has to move the Rook twice, and Resigns
that after the Queen also has used up two For if 26 R(B3) x R, Q x P mate, and if
tempi already. Better is 1 3 QKt-B3. 26 R(B I ) x R, Q-K8 mate.
An entertaining game.
13 . . . . . . R-Kt3
1 4 QKt-B3
If 14 B-K3, P-B4.

14 .
. . . • . P-Q3
1 5 Kt-QS
This "threat," as was the one before, is a BROADBENT AITKEN
little crude ( 1 5 . . . . P x Kt; 1 6 Kt x Kt ch,
(London, 1 948)
etc.). Observe how Black meets the threat
and then proceeds to exact penalties in many
There is no need to despair of contemporary
tempi lost by White.
style, nor the future of chess, as long as
memorable games such as the following are
15 . . . . . . K t x Kt produced.
1 6 R x Kt B-B3
17 Kt-Q3 B-Kt2 1 P-K4 P-K4
1 8 R-KR5 R-K 5 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
1 9 P-QB4 Q-K2 3 B-Kt5 P-QR3
20 B-K3 4 B-R4 P-Q3
Since move fifteen, White has been con­ In this variation, the Steinitz Defence
tinuously on the retreat, and now the time Deferred, the idea of Black's sustaining his
has come for Black to strike a heavy blow. K4 shows the greatest vitality. Having
prepared the repulse of the aggressor Bishop,
Black avoids many drawbacks of the
Steinitz Defence proper: 3 . . . . P-Q3
(4 P-Q4, etc.). Again, in what might be
termed the "Steinitz Defence twice de­
ferred," 3 . . . . P-QR3 ; 4 B-R4, Kt-B3 ;
5 Castles, P-Q 3 ; Black gives up a choice of
development of his KKt at KB3 or else­

5 B x Kt ch
He tries to solve the problem set by the
Steinitz Deferred by simplification.

5 ...... PxB
6 P-Q4 PxP
The logical answer is 6 . . . . P-B 3 ; pre­
paring to hold on to his centre. However,
even then Black must be prepared against
20 . . . . . . RxB the refinements of the opening, as is demon­
21 P x R Q x P ch strated by the following tragi-comic game,
22 Kt-B2 Feuer-O'Kelly, Liege, 1 951 : 6 . . . . P-B3 ;
If 22 K-R I , P-Kt3 (necessary to give 7 Kt-B 3, R-Kt l (the development 7 . . . .
his King brea thing space) ; 23 R-KI (a P-Kt3; 8 B-K3, Kt-R 3 ; 9 Q-Q2,
desperate attempt to save the situation, for Kt-B2; etc., is to be preferred) ; 8 Q-Q3,
neither 23 R-R5, Q x Kt nor 23 R-R3, Kt-K2 ; 9 P-KR4, P-KR4; 10 B-K3,
Q x R is playable), 23 . . . . Q x Kt; R x P (a moment of chess-blindness, rare in
24 Q-K8 ch, K-Kt2 ; 25 R x P ch, K x R ; the Belgian champion) ; 1 1 P x P, QP x P
26 Q x P ch, B-Kt2 ; and White is lost. (still chess-blind, but 1 1 . . . . BP x P ;
1 2 Kt x P, etc., i s not pleasant for Black) ;
22 . . . . . . RxP 12 Q x Q ch, K x Q ; 1 3 Castles ch. .Black
23 R-KB 1 B-Q5 resigns.
With the threat 24 . . . . Q x Kt ch;
25 R x Q, R-Kt8 ch. 7 Kt x P

The situation now resembles the Steinitz To avoid exchanges after . . . . Kt-K4;
Defence proper (3 . . . . P-Q3); but Black but also to allow P-KB4, at a later stage.
has prematurely abandoned the centre (his
strong point at K4). 15 . . . . . . Kt-K4
16 Q-K2 P-QR4
7 ... ..
. P-QB4 1 7 Kt-Q5 B-R3
A player full of imagination, the Scottish He could not afford 1 7 . . . . B x Kt;
champion delights in experiments. The 18 P x B, because White would have the run
drawback of this impetuous move is that of the op en K file and Black would have a
Black is practically forced to develop his hopelessly weak square at his K3.
Bishop at QKt2, which is the wrong diagonal.
The following continuation is preferred: 1 8 P-B4 R-K l
7 . . . . B-Q2; e.g. 8 Castles, Kt-B3 ; 1 9 B-Kt3 Kt-B3
9 Q-B3, P-B4 (now necessary because of 20 P-B4 B-KBl
the threat 10 P-K5, P x P ; 1 1 Kt x P); 21 P-B5 B-BI
10 Kt-B5, B x Kt; 1 1 P x B, B-K2 ; Returning to the diagonal which it should
1 2 Q--B6 ch, Kt-Q2; 1 3 Kt-B3, Castles ; never have left. The immediate threat is
14 Kt-Q5, R-R2; and Black's defence is 22 . . . . B X P ; which is easily parried.
artifi cial.
22 Q-R5
8 Kt-KB3 Threatening 23 Kt x QBP, Q x Kt;
More resilient i s 8 Kt-K2, e.g. 8 . . . . 24 Q x R, which accounts for Black's reply.
B-Kt2; 9 QKt-B3, Kt-B3 ; 1 0 Kt-Kt3,
etc. 22 . . . . . . R-R2
23 B-R4
8 .... .. B-Kt2 Preparing for the final onslaught and also
In a game Broadbent-Sergeant, Felixe preventing . . . . Kt-K2.
stowe, 1949, the battle-tried veteran executed
a different plan of development: 8 . . . . 23 . . . . . . Kt-Kt5
B-K2; 9 Kt-B3, Kt-B3 ; 1 0 Castles, This diversion does not alleviate Black's
Castles ; 1 1 Q-Q3, B-K3 (trying to make difficulties ; relatively best is 23 . . . . Kt-K4;
use of his Bishop on its original diagona)); obstructing the centre.
12 B-B4 (simpler is 12 P-KR3, followed
by B-K3, or even P-KKt4), 1 2 . . . .
Kt-R4; 1 3 B-K3, P-B4, and here IS
Black actually assuming the offensive.

9 Kt-B3 Kt-B3
1 0 Castles B-K2
As long as the black King is not yet in
safety, the capture of the KP ( 1 0 . . . . Kt x P ;
etc.) would clearly be reckless.

1 1 R-Kl Castles
1 2 Q-Q3
H e defers 1 2 B-B4, because the reply
1 2 . . . . Kt-R4; would be awkward for

12 . . . . . . Kt-Q2
1 3 B-B4 K-RI
Black pursues the wrong system. He 24 Kt x KBP P x Kt
still had a chance of retrieving the situation 25 P-K5
with 1 3 . . . . R-K I ; followed by KB-B3 ; The winning move, which Black tried hard
and Black's KB is as effective as its White to prevent. Much less effective would be
counterpart. 25 B x P ch, Q x B ; 26 Q x R, B-Kt2 ; etc.

14 QR-Q I P-KB3 25 . . . . . . RxP

Now the KB is bottled up with little A dramatic moment. If 25
prospect of coming to life. B-KKt2; 26 P x BP, R x R ch ; 27 R x R,
etc., or 25 . . . . Q-Q2 ; 26 B x P ch, B-Kt2 ;
1 5 Kt-Q2 27 P-K6, Q-R5; 28 B x B ch, K x B ;

29 Q-Kt5 ch, K-B l ; 30 P-B6, R x P ; 9 P-B3

3 1 Q-Kt7 ch, K-K l ; 32 Rx R ch, with The former World Champion shows his
an unavoidable mate by 33 Q-K7. thorough theoretical knowledge, and his
positional advantage appears to be on the
26 R x R B-K2 way to consolidation.
If 26 . . . . QP x R ; 27 Kt-K4.
9 . . . .
. •

27 R x B QxR A remarkable positional sacrifice.

28 R-Kl Q-Q2
29 B x P ch Resigns 1 0 P-KB4
A most impressive finish, not only o n I An adequate reply, while 1 0 B x P, P-R3 ;
account of its brilliance, but even more so 1 1 Kt-KR3 , B x KKt; 1 2 P x B, Q-R5 ch;
because it was the result of cumulative brings the White camp into disorder.
strategy and not a fortuitous happening.
10 . . . . . . B-Q3
1 1 Q-B3
Here again 1 1 B x P, would lead to a fine
21 position for Black after 1 1 . . . . Q- K 2;
12 Q-K2, Kt-B3 ; 1 3 Kt-B3 (if 1 3 Castles,
EUWE KERES P-R3, to Blackts advantage), 1 3 . . . .
(Moscow, 1 948) B-KKt5 ; 1 4 QKt-Q2, Castles K R ; etc.
A finesse, improving on the text-move,
The ability to create and to control the would be 1 1 Q-R5 ch, P-Kt3 ; 1 2 Q-B3.
tension of battle is perhaps the principal
attainment of the great player. 11 . . . . . . Q-B3
Keres finds an improvement on the game
1 P-K4 P-K4 Horowitz-Fine, Syracuse, 1934, in which,
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 after 1 1 . . . . Q-Q2; 12 Q x P ch, Kt-K2 ;
3 B-Kt5 P-QR3 1 3 Kt-B3, Castles K R ; 14 Kt-K5, Black
4 B-R4 P-Q3 had no compensation whatever for his pawn.
5 P-B3
A violent attempt to gain space In the

1 2 Q x P ch
centre. Inferior to 12 B x P.
S • • • • • • P-B4
12 . . . . . Kt-K2
The much-discussed Siesta Variation,

1 3 B x Kt ch
which has come to the fore since 1928.
Mter the useless check, this useless ex..
Careful players prefer 5 B-Q2,
change facilitates Blacl{'s counter-action.
followed eventually by a Kingts fi ,anchetto.
The circumstances demanded the developing
6 PxP move, 1 3 QKt-R3.
13 . . . . . . PxB
6 • . . . . • Bx P 1 4 Castles Castles K R
7 P-Q4 1 5 Kt-Q2
Here 7 Castles avoids potential trouble. In his anxiety to complete his mobilisation,
he misses the opportunity to strengthen his
1 ...... P-K5 position by 1 5 Kt-B3, followed by Kt-K5.
8 Kt-Kt5
Here neither 8 Q-K2, B-K2; etc. 15 . . . . . . Kt-Kt3
(Capablanca-Marshall, fourteenth match The storm-clouds gather.
game, 1909), nor 8 B-KKt5, B-K2 ; etc.
(A. Steiner-Capablanca, Budapest, 1 928), has 1 6 P-KKt3 QR-Kl
given results satisfactory for White. 1 7 Q-B2
Note that 1 7 Q-B3, would lose the
8 ...... P-Q4 Knight after 1 7 . . . . P-R3.
This counter-idea, due to Znosko­
Borovsky, increases Black's chances. The 11 . . . . . . B-Q6
following are less satisfactory for the 1 8 R-Kl R x R ch
defence : 8 . . . . P-R3 ; 9 Q-Kt3, P x Kt; 19 Q x R
1 0 Q x P, etc., or 8 . . . . Kt-B3 ; 9 P-B3, He relies on 20 Q-K6 ch, to give him
P-Q4 ; 10 Castles, etc. breathing space at last.

5 P-Q3, P-Q3 ; 6 P-B4). Note that the

text-move was introduced by Keres himself
(against Alekhine, Margate, 1 937), so that
the Esthonian has to contend here against
his own weapons!

5 ...... B-Q2
Here 5 . . . • B-Kt5 ; promises greater

6 Kt-B3
White can well play 6 P-Q4, at this point.

6 ...... P-KKt3
7 P-Q4 B-Kt2
Holding the centre as far as possible.
Less judicio\ls would be 7 . . . . P x P ;
BxP 8 Kt x P, B-Kt2 ; e.g. in a game Boleslavsky­
19 . . . . . .
The climax to a series of clever manreuvres. Fine, Radio Match, U.S.S.R. v. U.S.A., 1945 ;
9 Kt x Kt, P x Kt; 1 0 Castles, Kt-K 2;
White is overwhelmed before he is able to
complete his development. 1 1 P-B5, and White succeeded i n dis..
organising his opponent's forces.
20 P x B
If 20 Q-K6 ch, Q x Q ; 2 1 Kt x Q, 8 B-K3 KKt-K2
B-K6 c h ; 22 K-R l (22 K-Kt2, And again 8 . . . . P x P ; 9 Kt x P,
R-B7 ch), 22 . . . . R-B8 ch; 23 Kt x R, KKt-K2 ; would be injudicious, although
B-K5 mate. Black, having sufficiently supported his
QB3, can now hope for equality, e.g. Keres­
20 . . . . . . Kt x P Capablanca, Buenos Aires, 1 9 3 9 : 1 0 Castles,
2 1 QKt-B3 Kt-K7 ch Castles ; 1 1 P-KR3, Kt x Kt; 1 2 B x B,
22 K-Kt2 P-R3 Kt-K7 ch; 13 Kt x Kt, Q x B ; 14 B-Q4,
At last the Knight, unmolested for B x B ; 1 5 Q x B, Kt-B 3 ; and the armistice
fourteen moves, meets its fate. negotiations begin.
It is to be noted that the "tlat" develop­
23 Q-Q2 Q-B4 ment in the text is more elastic than 8 . . . .
24 Q-K3 P x Kt Kt-B3 ; after which 9 P x P, P x P; 1 0 B-B5,
25 B-Q2 B-K5 Kt-KR4 ; 1 1 Kt-Q5, etc., would hinder
Resigns the harmonious development of Black's
If 26 R-KBl , P-Kt5; and White is lost. forces.

9 Q-Q2 Castles
10 P-KR3
As the tension in the centre cannot go on
22 indefinitely, 10 P x P, is preferable. The
text-move is intended to pave the way for
TARNOWSKI KERES 1 1 P-KKt4, but now Black himself opens
(Szczawno Zdroj, 1 9 50) the offensive.

In the following game Black develops the 10 . . . . . . P-B4

utmost energy. 1 1 P x KP
He wants-but too late-to make a
1 P-K4 P-K4 clearance in the centre. Necessary is fi.rst
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 1 1 P x BP, Kt x BP; 1 2 P x P.
3 B-Kt5 P-QR3
4 B-R4 P-Q3 11 . . . . . . BP x P
5 P-B4 All of a sudden the battle is at its height.
This move, which tries to control both
Q5 and QKt5, transfers, so to speak, to the 1 2 Kt-KKt5
Steinitz Deferred an idea of Duras', which is If 1 2 Kt x P, there follows 1 2 . . . . Kt x P ;
to be found in another variation of the Ruy 1 3 B x B, Kt x Kt ch (but not 1 3 . . . .
Lopez (3 . . . . P-Q R 3 ; 4 B-R4, Kt-B3 ; Kt x P ; 14 B-K6 ch, nor 1 3 . . . . R x Kt;

1 4 B-K6 ch, K-Rl ; 1 5 Kt-Kt5, etc.); Or 23 Q x B. Q X Q ; 24 Kt x Q, Kt-K6

14 P x Kt, Q x B ; with advantage to Black. mate.

12 . . . . • . Kt x P 23 • • • • • • R-Q l
1 3 B-Ktl Kt-Q6 ch Resigns
Driving a wedge into the hostile position. For the white Queen is attacked and
cannot simultaneously defend the Rook at
1 4 K-B l Kt-QB4 Q l , the Knight at K4 and the mating square
1 5 B-B2 . Q-Kl K3.
Effecting a pressuro-at present stilt An impressive victory for the black
hidden-on the K file. pieces.

1 S R-Ql Kt-B4
17 B x Kt
He thinks he can win a piece, or at least
ease the situation after 1 7 . . . . P x B ; P. MICHEL ROSSETIO
1 8 Q x B, Kt-K6 ch; 1 9 K-Kt t , Kt x B ;
(Mar del Plata, 1947)
20 Q x Q, QR x Q ; 21 KKt x KP, etc. But
Keres has reserved a little surprise for his
If game in which a Queen is given up for,
theoretically, insuffident material (in this case
two minor pieces) will always give pleasure to
beginners and experts alike.
1 P-K4 P-K4
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
3 B-Kt5 Kt-Q5
Bird'8 Defence, the most important and
perhaps the soundest of the secondary
defences. It is not generally realised that,
on the third move, Black has a choice of no
less than eighteen more or less acceptable
replies. The three principal ones are
Morphy'a Defence (3 . 0 0 .
P-QR3), the
Berlin Defence (3 . . . •
Kt-B3), and the
Stein;': Defence (3 . . . . P-Q3). All the
others arc more fanciful than sound.

4 Ktx Kt P x Kt
5 Castles P-KR4
17. 0 . . . . P-K6 Altogether too venturesome and quite
1 8 Q-Q5 ch K-Rt unjustified. Normal continuations here are
19 Kt-Kl 5 . . . . P-QB3 (6 B-K2, P-KKtl ;
White notices with alarm that he cannot , 7 P-Q3, B-Kt2; 8 P-KB4, etc.); or 5 0 • • •

yet retire the QB, e.g. 19 B-R3, Kt-Kt6 ch; P-KKtl (6 P-Q3, B-Kt2 ; 7 Kt-Q2,
20 K-Ktt, P x P ch ; 21 K-Rl, B-K4 ; Kt-K2 ; 8 P-KB4, P-Q B3; 9 B-B4,
22 Kt-B3, Kt-B8 mate. P-Q4; 10 B":""Kt3, etc.) ; or 5 B-B4 0 • • •

(6 P-Q3, Kt-K2; 7 Q-R5, B-Kt3 ;

19. 0 • • • 0 Px P 8 B-Kt5, Castles ; 9 Kt-Q2, etc.). As,
Without hurrying to recover his piece, however, all these variations give White the
Black proceeds to complete a mating net. initiative and a comfortable game, modern
tendency leans towards the more elastic
20 B-K4 B-QB3 5 . . . . Kt-K2.
If at once 20 . . . . P x B ; White of course
plays, not 2 1 Q x B, Kt-K6 mate, but 6 P-Q3 B-B4
2 1 Q x BP. 7 Kt-Q2 P-QB3
8 B-B4 P-Q4
2 1 Q-Q3 Px B 9 B-Kt3 K-B l
22 P-KKt4 He is at least consistent. He canno t
Or 22 B x B, Kt-K6 ch. castle, but moves his King from the threat..
ened K file (P x P and R-Kl ch) in order
22 • . . . 0 0 Bx B to keep up, for what it is worth, the attack
23 Kt x B , initiated by 5 . . . 0

1 0 P-QB4 at once 1 8. . • .
Q-R2 ; 19 QR-Kl (threat­
With this fine flank attack, White vitalises ening mate in three by 20 Kt-Q7 db ch, etc.).
the contest, whereas after 1 0 Kt-B3,
B-KKt 5 ; or 1 0 P-KB4, Kt-R3 ; Black 1 9 R-Kt5 Q-R2
could hope for a quiet jife. 20 Kt-K4 dis ch K-Kl
If 20 . . . . K-Kt l ; 21 Kt-B6 mate.
10 . . . . . . P x P e.p.
1 1 P x BP B-KKt5 2 1 R-K5 ch K-Ql
He spends much ingenuity on an attack 22 R-K7 Kt-B4
which, being fundamentally wrong, must 23 R-Ql ch K-Bl
needs bring its own refutation. 24 R x BP Resigns
The threat is 25 B-K6 ch, K-Ktl ;
12 Q-B2 B-K7 26 R x Kt, with a further threat of
1 3 R-Kl PxP 27 B-Q6 mate. If 24 . . . . R-Kl (pre­
1 4 Kt x P venting 25 B-K6) ; White wins by 25 Kt-B6,
Of course, not 1 4 R x B, P x P ; and Black and if 24 . . . . Q-Kt3 ; 25 R x Kt.
wins. A brilliant finish to an exciting game.

14 . • . . . . BxP
This was what Black was playing for :
he has won a pawn, but . . .

(Mar del PIata, 1 948)

He who ventures on a counter-gambit is

playing with fire. This is shown in the
follo wing magnificent game, in which it is
White who seizes the initiative and main­
tains it to the end without allo wing his
opponent a moment's respite.
1 P-K4 P-K4
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB 3
3 B-Kt5 P-B4
The choice of the Schliemann Defence
shows an aggressive spirit. The trouble is
that, if you meet a level-headed opponent,
15 Q x B the end can easily justify Boden's famous
. . . here comes retribution in the shape of aphorism : "In a gambit you give up a pawn
a brilliant counter by White ; fairly obvious for the sake of getting a lost game."
if your instinct tells you it must be there, but
not easy to calculate over the board. 4 Kt-B3
The development of pieces is more ener­
15 . . . . . . QXQ getic here than other possible continuations,
1 6 Kt x B such as 4 P-Q3 or 4 P-Q4 or 4 P x P, or
The point of the combination. The black also 4 B x Kt, QP x B .
Queen is attacked, but must keep control of
her Q2 where mate is threatened by the white 4 ...... PxP
Knight. More incisive than 4 . . . . Kt-B3 ; after
which 5 P x Pt P-K5 ; 6 Kt-KKt5,
16 . . . . . . Q-B4 P-Q4 ; 7 P-Q3, gives White an advantage
1 7 B-R3 Kt-R3 .. in the centre.
Black feels safe now, as nothing is to be
gained by a discovered check. But White 5 QKt x P P-Q4
takes advantage of the Queen's vulnerable Evidently the former Champion of the
position. U .S.A. has an aggressive temperament, but
also an optimistic one. The text-move is
18 R-K5 Q-Kt3 very risky and not good enough fo r a
Black cann9t capture the Rook on this or strong masters' tournament. A normal
the next move, as he would lose the Queen. If continuation is 5 . . . . Kt-B3. Another

line, more or less "normal,l9 is 5 . . . . B-K2; (attack with development) would have
in preparation for the development of the delighted Morphy.
KKt. That it is not without its dangers is
shown in a game Kubanec-Wacker corres­ 11 . . . . . . P x P e.p.
pondence, 1 9 3 9 : 5 . . . . B-K2; 6 P-Q4, 1 2 B-Kt5 ch Kt-B 3
Kt-B 3 (or more prudently 6 . . . . P x P ; 1 3 Castles Q R K-B2
7 Castles, Kt-B3, etc.) ; 7 Kt x Kt ch, 14 KR-Kt BxP
B x Kt (if 7 . P x Kt; 8 P x P, Castles;
. . •
1 5 Q-R5
9 B-KR6) ; 8 P x P, Kt x P (he should have Gaining an important tempo.
resigned himself to the retreat, 8 . . . . B-K2 ;
15 . . . . . . B-K3
The text-move costs a piece in an instructive
1 6 B x Kt QxB
manner) ; 9 K t x Kt, Q-K2 (on 9 . . . .
If 1 6 . . . . P x B ; 1 7 R x P, followed by
B x Kt or even 9 . . . . P-B 3 ; the attack by
B x R, and a general rout of the black
1 0 Q-R5 ch wins) ; 10 Castles, B x Kt;
1 1 R- K t , K-B l (if 1 1 . . . . Castles;
12 Q-Q5 ch, or 1 1 . . . . P-B3 ; 12 Q-R5 chf
or, finally, 1 1 . . . . K-Q t ; there arises the
amusing sequel, 1 2 Q-R5, B x P ch;
1 3 K x B, Q x R; 14 B-Kt5 ch, and Black
is irretrievably lost) ; 1 2 Q-B3 ch, Q-B 3 ;
1 3 R x B , Black resigns.

6 Kt x P
A splendid counter. Black will suffer
from under·developmenl in an open position.

6 . . . . . •
P x Kt
Otherwise 8 Q-R5 ch, and after 8 . . . .

P-Kt3 ; 9 Kt x P, the defence 9

Kt-B3 is not available.

7 Kt x Kt P x Kt
I t is questionable whether the text-move
is compulsory. It is true that after 7 . . . .
Q-Kt4; White obtains a definite advantaie 17 R x B
after 8 Q-K2, Kt-B3 ; 9 P-KB4, etc. Brilliant l If now 1 7 . . . . Q x R ;
1 8 B-Q5, and if 1 7 K x R;
But 7 . . . . Q-Q4; is playable.
1 8 Q-Q5 ch, K-K2 ; 1 9 Q-Q7 mate.
8 B x P ch B-Q2
9 Q-R5 ch K-K2 17 . . . . . . QxP
Not 9 . . . . P-Kt3 ; 10 Q-K5 ch, Q-K2 ; 18 R x P KxR
1 1 B x B ch, K x B ; and White can capture 1 9 Q-Q5 ch K-K2
the KR or alternatively win the Q R by 20 Q-K5 ch Resigns
1 2 Q-Q5 ch. If 20 . . . . K-B2 ; 2 1 B-Q5 ch, K-Kt3 ;
22 R-Kt3 ch, etc.
1 0 Q-K5 ch B-K3 A piquant feature of this attractive fight
1 1 P-Q4 is that the black QR remains en prise for
This and the subsequent three moves twelve moves and is en prise at the end.
2S In order to free his game at last by
(Hastings, 1 946-7) 1 3 Kt-B3 Kt-KS
1 4 Q-Q3 KR-Kl
Nearly every chess contest has its moments 1 5 QR-Q l QR-Ql
of danger. Frequently, the greatest danger 1 6 Kt-Q4
occurs, not when a player is subjected to Nothing more than equality would result
attack, but, on the contrary, when he himself from 1 6 P-B4, P x P ; 1 7 Q x P, B-B4;
believes that he has secured the initiative. 1 8 B-Q4, B-Kt3, etc.
For then, it is not merely a question offinding
the coup juste, but also of elaborating a 1 6 . .. .. . .
... Q-Q2
whole series of plans which meets the 1 7 P-KB3
situation, as otherwise there would come a A binding but logical move which aims at
troublesome reaction. repelling the hostile forces. If 1 7 P-QB4,
This is what happens on Black's nineteenth P-QB3.
move in the following game.
17 . . . . . . Kt-Q3
1 P-K4 P-K4 Not 1 7 . . . . Kt-B 3 ; 1 8 Kt-BS, etc.,
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 nor 1 7 . . . . Kt-B4; 1 8 Q-B3.
3 P-Q4 PxP
4 Kt x P Kt-B3 1 8 Kt-K2
This so-called modem defence is losing Instead of this voluntary renunciation of
ground, while the ancient line, 4 . . . . B-B4 ; territory, 18 B-R3, is worth considering.
is gaining in popularity.
1 8 . .. . . . . Kt-B4
5 Kt x Kt
1 9 KR-Kl
Sharper than 5 Kt-QB3, B-KtS ; etc.
He plays with instead of taking pre..
5 . . . .KtP x Kt
• .
ventive measures by occupying the critical
6 Kt-Q2 diagonal : 1 9 B-Q4, Kt x B ; 20 Kt x Kt,
This new attack in the Scotch Game also B-B4; 2 1 K-Rl .
has more "bite" than the usual 6 B-Q3,
P-Q4 ; 7 P x P, P x P ; 8 B-KtS ch, 19 . . . . . . B-RS
B-Q2; etc. Instead of indulging in pinpricks, Black
should conceive some definite counter-plan.
6 ...... P-Q4 Less artificial would be 1 9 . . . . B-B4 ch;
Playable also is 6 . . . . B-B4. 20 K -RI, which maintains the solidity of
the position with chances for either side.
7 Px P PxP
8 B-KtS ch 20 P-Kt3 R-K6
And so White has gained a very useful 2 1 Q-Q2 B-K2
tempo (see note to White's sixth move). A compulsory retreat. Insufficient is the
sacrifice 2 1 . . . . R x B P ; 22 P x B, Kt x P,
8 ...... B-Q2 because of 23 Kt-Q4 (23 . . . • Q-R6;
9 B x B ch QxB 24 K-Rl).
1 0 Castles B-K2
1 1 P-QKt3 22 Kt-Q4
The contest would be less incisive after The key-move-compulsory, but sufficient.
1 1 Kt-Kt3 , followed by B-KtS. But the
most direct plan of action would be here 22 . . . . . . R x R ch
1 1 Kt-B3, Castles K R ; 1 2 B-KtS. 23 R x R B-B4
If 23 . . . . Kt x Kt; 24 B x Kt, P-QB4 ;
1 1 . . . . .. � Castles K R 25 Q-K3, emphasising White's positional
1 2 B-Kt2 Q-B4 advantage.

24 K-Kt2 Kt x Kt 2(j
25 B x Kt B-Kt3
Or 2S . B x B ; 26 Q X B , _ P-QB3 ;
27 Q-B5, etc., or 25 . . . . Q-Q 3 ; 26 B-K5, (Bad Pyrmont, 1949)
and White maintains the initiative. In the
local contest for White's QB5, the text-move A game of chess can impress on various
appears to secure Black's prospects (for if, counts: It may be brilliancy, intrinsic logic,
e.g. 26 Q-B3, P-KB3 ; the situation is theoretical value or, finally, originality .
stabilised), but appearances are deceptive. The following game belongs to the last

1 P-K4 P-K4
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
3 Kt-BJ Kt-B3
4 P-Q4
The Scotch Four Knights',

4 ..•••• PxP
5 Kt x P Kt x P
A startling continuation which shows that
modern theoretical investigation does not
restrict itself to stable variations and does not
shrink from fanciful ideas. The usual con­
tinuation is 5 . . . . B-KtS ; 6 Kt x Kt,
KtP x Kt; 7 B-Q3, P-Q4; and Black has a
satisfactory game.

6 Kt x QKt
26 B x P A violent continuation, in which White
A solution as elegant as it is unexpected. relies on his advantage in development.
At the least, White wins a pawn. The best system for White, however, is the
capture of the other Knight : 6 Kt x KKt,
26 • . . . • .
KxB Q-K2, 7 Kt-KtS (not so good is 7
Against 26 . . • . R�Kl ; 27 Q-Kt5, is P-KB3, P-Q4; etc.), 7 . . . . Q x Kt ch;
decisive. 8 B-K2, K-Q l ; 9 Castles, etc., with com­
pensations for the mislaid pawn.
27 Q-Kt5 ch K-B l
6 . ..... Kt x Kt
28 Q-B6
7 Kt x Q Kt x Q
This "quiet" move is one of the points of
White's combination. 8 Kt x BP Kt x BP
These fantastic "desperado" manarovres
by both opposing Knights give the game a
28 • . . • • . B---Q 5 character of its own. At first sight the play
He is already forced to give up material,
has the appearance of a light..hearted
for if 28 . . . . K-Kt l ; 29 R-K7, Q x R
skirmish between carefree amateurS, but
(compulsory) ; 30 Q x Q, R-Q 3; 31 P-KB4,
closer examination indicates that Black, who
White is in sight of victory.
starts the ball rolling, has at all times aD
equal game.
29 Q x B K-Ktl
30 Q-KB4
An astute man(eUVl'e. 9 Kt x R Kt x R
10 B-Q3 B-B4
30 • . . . • • R.-Kl Here 10 • . . • P-KKt3 ; would be unsatis­
After this instinctive reply, plausible factory after 1 1 B-K3, B-Kt2 ; 12 Kt x P,
though it appears, Black is lost -at once. P x Kt ; 1 3 B x P ch, followed by Castles.
Necessary is 30 . . . . Q-Q3 ; after which
White continues with 3 1 R-K5. 11 BxP
White has recovered his pawn, but he
3 1 Q-:-Kt4 ch \
wants to get more for all his trouble and
A bolt from the blue. Black resigns, for WOrry.
after 31 . . . . Q x Q ; 32 R x R ch, K-Kt2;
33 P x Q, he remains a Rook down. 11 . . . . . . Kt-B7

1 2 B-B4 P-Q3
Black has no time for elaborate man­
reuvres, as his King is exposed to attack.

1 3 B-Kt6 ch K-B l
14 B-Kt3
To 14 K-Q2, threatening I S R-KB l ,
the reply would be 1 4 . . . . Kt-K tS;
followed by I S . . . . Kt-B3 ; without
Black coming to any harm.

14 . . . . . . Kt-KtS
I S Kt-B7
A surprising error of judgment in so ex­
perienced a player as Bogoljubow. He could
have extricated his Knight without any
complications by I S B-Q3, followed by
1 6 Kt-Kt6 ch, with a probable draw. Position after 19 Kt X B

20 B-R4 ch K-Kl
IS . . . . Kt-K6 21 Kt-K6 K-Q2
1 6 K-Q2 B-B4 Better than 21 . . . . Kt x R ; 22 Kt x BP ch,
The young German master seizes his K-Q 2 ; 23 Kt x R, K-B l ; 24 B-Kt3,
opportunity. K-Ktl ; 2S B x P ch, K x Kt; 26 B-KS,
and White gets two strong passed pawns for
1 7 Kt-KtS BxB the Knight, which makes a win for Black
1 8 Kt-K6 ch K-K2 problematical.
1 9 Kt x B
He expects 1 9 . . . . P x Kt; 20 K x Kt, etc., 22 Kt-B4 Kt x R
with equality. 23 Kt x B R-Kl
24 B-B2 Kt-B7
19 . . . . . . Kt x BP 2S Kt-B4 Kt-KtS
An interim manlZuvre. This is where Resigns
White's combination goes wrong. We again An original game in which the Knights
have Spielmann's "desperado" Knights. on either side exhibit a voracious appetite.
27 An important juncture. The text-move
indirectly protects the KP. Other playable
BOTVINNIK RESHEVSKY lines are 1 1 . . . . P-B 3 ; 1 2 B-B 1, Q-B2;
(Moscow, 1 948) etc., or, more incisively, 1 1 . . . . P-B4;
which also indirectly guards the KP (for
In the following memorable game, Mikhall if 1 2 P x KP, P x P; 1 3 Kt x P, Kt-B2; wins
Botvinnik, playing in his own sober and a piece '. ) .
precise style, made sure of the world's title, a
worthy successor to his predecessor, Alexandre 1 2 B-B I
Alekhine. Without waiting to be compelled, White's
other Bishop also returns to base and pre­
1 P-K4 P-K4 pares, undisturbed, for fresh operations.
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
3 Kt-B3 Kt-B3 12 . . . . .
. Kt-B1
4 B-KtS B-KtS Continuing the re-grouping behind the
Here Rubinstein's counter, 4 . . . . front. Another plan could be 1 2 . . . .
Kt-QS ; can be mastered, but is neverthe­ P-KKt3 ; 1 3 P-Kt3, Kt-R4; 14 B-KKt2,
less full of pitfalls, as is shown by the fol.. P-QB4.
lowing brevity, played by correspondence
between H. Nebel and K. Hallmann
1 3 Kt-R4
4 . . . . Kt-Q S ; S B-R4, B-B4 (Black has
to continue in gambit style) ; 6 Kt x P, And again a move characteristic of
Castles; 7 Kt-B3 (he should have combined Botvinnik's self-reliant strategy : usually this
attack and defence with the retreat, 7 Kt-Q3 diversion is undertaken only after due
B-Kt3 ; 8 P-KS, Kt-K 1 ; 9 Castles, etc.), preparation by 1 3 P-KKt3, but this
7 . . . . P-Q4; 8 Kt x Kt, B x Kt; 9 P-KS immediate escapade renders his opponent's
(at this point the move is a waste of time, but task more complicated, for if 1 3 P-Kt3,
9 Castles, P x P also is in favour of Black), B-KtS; and if first 1 3 R-KtI , R-Kt l .
9 . . . . Kt-KtS (not 9 . . . . B x P ; 10 P-Q4) ;
1 0 Castles (having gone astray on his seventh 13 . . . . . . Kt-KtS
move, White's every attempt is one move If Black tries to win a pawn by 1 3 . . . .
late. Better, however, is 1 0 Q-B3), Kt x P ; 1 4 R x Kt, P-KB4; White obtains
1 0 . . . . Q-R S ; 1 1 P-KR3, Kt x P ; a formidable attack by I S B-B4 ch, K-R1 ;
1 2 R x Kt (or 1 2 Q-B3, Kt x P dis ch, etc.), 1 6 Q-RS, P x R ; 17 B-KKtS, Q-Q2 ;
12 . . . . Q x R ch; 1 3 K-R2, B-KtS; this 1 8 B-B7, P-QKt3 (if 1 8 . . . . P-KR3 ;
superb fi nal stroke forces White's resiina­ 1 9 B x P, P x B ; 20 Q X RP ch, Kt-R2 ;
tion. 2 1 Kt-Kt6 mate) ; 1 9 Kt-Kt6 ch, Kt x Kt;
20 B x Kt, P-K R 3 ; 2 1 B x R, Q x B ;
S Castles Castles 22 P x P, P x P ; 23 B x P, R-Ktl ; 24 R-Q I ,
6 P-Q3 B x Kt and wins.
He rightly gives up symmetry, for after Instead of the text-move, Black should
6 . . . . P-Q 3 ; 7 Kt-K2, the position adopt the counter-mea$ure 1 3 . . . . P-B4 ;
becomes for Black more tricky than it but he thinks the moment favourable to
looks. capture the initiative.

7 PxB P-Q3 14 P-Kt3 Q-B3

8 B-KtS Q-K2 A double threat to White's KB2 and Q4.
This move implies a re-grouping of three
pieces, the Queen , QKt and KR, and is one I S P-B3 Kt-R3
of the soundest defensive systems for Black. 1 6 B-K3 R-K1
1 7 Q-Q2 Kt-Kt3
9 R-KI Kt-Q1 1 8 Kt-Kt2
1 0 P-Q4 Kt-K3 Neither 1 8 B-KKtS, Kt x Kt; 19 B x Kt,
1 1 B-QB1 R-QI Q-Kt3 ; 20 B-KKtS, P-KB3 ; etc., nor

1 8 B x Kt, Kt x Kt; 1 9 P x Kt, P x B ;

20 Q-B2, K-R I ; etc., is advisable, for
in either case Black obtains counter-chances.

18 . . . . . . B-R6
Black also avoids a hornet's nest after
18 .... Q x P; 1 9 B-K2, Q-B3 ;
20 B-KKt5, Q-K3 ; 21 P-Q5, Q-Q2 ;
22 B x Kt, P x B ; 23 Q x P, Q-R6 ;
24 Q-Kt5, etc., with advantage to White.
We see that the play on either side is full
of pitfalls, which require the most intricate

1 9 B-K2 B x Kt
20 K x B
Thanks to scientific manreuvring, which
White has carried out with the greatest 30 QR-Ql
composure over numerous quicksands, he Threatening to win a Knight by 3 1 B x Kt.
has consolidated his defences and preserved
the dynamic advantage of the "two Bishops" 30 . . . . . . P-QB4
on a mobile front. If 30 . . . . Kt-B l ; 3 1 B-K4, P-QB4 ;
He threatens both 21 P-Q5, followed 32 P x P e.p., threatening P-B7.
by B-KKt5 (mating the Queen), or
21 B-KKt5, Q-K3 ; 22 P-Q5, Q-Q2; 3 1 P x P e.p. Kt x QBP
23 B x Kt, P x B ; 24 Q x P, securing a foot­ If 3 1 . . . . P x P ; 32 P-B7, R-KB l ;
ing in the hostile position. 33 B x P, Kt-B4; 34 R-Q7, with an over­
powering position for White. Black has
20 . . . . . . P-Q4 now recovered his pawn, but this "success"
And now Black decides to sacrifice a pawn is not lasting, and the long range of the
in order to enlarge his field of action. He "two Bishops" comes into play.
hopes to recover the pawn, or at least to
seek safety in an ending in which the weak­ 32 B-K4
ness of White's Q side may make itself felt. Producing a double threat (33 B x Kt, and
33 P x P), which is more telling than 32 P x P,
21 P x QP PxP Kt(B3)-K4 ; and Black avoids the worst.
22 P x P
If 22 B x P, Q-Q3 ; 23 P-QB4, Kt-B 4; 32 . . . . . . QR-Bl
24 B-B2, P-QB3 ; and then . . . . KR-Ql . 33 R x R ch Kt x R
34 B-B5
22 . . . . . . Again stronger than the immediate
23 B-B2 KR-Ql 34 P x P.
24 P-QB4 P-KR4
34 . . . . . . R-RI
25 P-KR4 P-Kt4
3 5 R-K8 ch K-R2
Another attempt at the devaluation of the
36 P x P
hostile mass of pawns would be 25 . . . .
A ripe fruit falling.
36 . . . . . . P-B3
26 Q-Kt5 Desperately, Black tries to evade the
This counteracts any prospective attack stranglehold, but it would be simpler to
against the white King. resign.

26 . . . . . . QxQ 37 B-B7 Kt-K3

27 P x Q P-R5 38 R x R
28 B-Q3 RP x P Instead of 38 R x Kt, White under time
29 B x P Kt x P pressure prolongs the agony.
The temptation to recover his material is
too great, otherwise he might play for sim­ 38 ...... Kt x B
plification by 29 . . . . Kt x B ; 30 K x Kt, 39 RxP Kt x P
P x P ; 3 1 B x P, when White keeps his extra 40 R-Q7 PxP
pawn, weak as it is. 41 P-R4 Resigns
28 8 Q-R5 P-KKt3
9 Q x B QXQ
(Buxton, 1 950) 1 1 Castles Q R B-K3
1 2 B-K2 P-B3
In the following game the main feature, 1 3 B-K3
after an early exchange of Queens, is the White has had the better of the opening.
struggle for space, in which White succeeds, and he has secured a nicely centralised
in exemplary fashion, in gradually working position and the command of the open
his way into the enemy position. Queen's file.
Incidentally, and as in the preceding game,
the malifold activities of the "two Bishops" 13 . . . . . � Kt-K2
are well to the fore.

A more immediate plan for consolidation

is 1 3 . . . . P-KR4 ; followed by . . . . R-R2;
1 P-K4 P-K4
contesting the Q file at the earliest possible
2 Kt-KB3 P-Q3
3 P-Q4 Kt-Q2
The Hanham Variation proper. Against
3 . . . . Kt-K B3; the following is to be 1 4 R-Q2 Kt-B l
recommended : 4 P x P, Kt x P; and now 1 5 KR-Ql Kt-Kt3
5 QKt-Q2,-development by opposition. 1 6 R-Q6 P-KR4
Not to be commended, in any case, is the 1 7 P-QR4 Kt(Kt3)-Q2
immediate and voluntary abandonment of 1 8 P-R5
the centre by 3 . . . . P x P; 4 Kt x P, etc. An instructive technical point: White has
asserted his command of the Queen's file,
4 B-QB4 P-QB3 and in particular he will make good use 0 f
5 Kt-B3 B-K2 his Q6, a s will be seen during the course of
After 5 . . . . P-KR3 ; 6 P-QR4, Black's the game. A more incisive procedure, how­
game remains restricted. ever, would be 1 8 P-QKt4-Kt5, and Black
must allow the entry of the Knight or lose a
6 PxP pawn.
An astute simplification. More energetic,
however, is 6 Castles, P-KR3 ; 7 P-QR4, 18 . . . . . . P-R3
KKt-B3 ; 8 P-·QKt3, Q-B2; 9 B-Kt2, 1 9 Kt-R4 R-KR2
etc., with a promising mechanism. 20 P-QKt3 R-K2
2 1 Kt-Kt2 K-B2
6 ...... PxP 22 Kt-B4 K-Kt2
NaIve would be 6 . . . . Kt x P ; 7 Kt x Kt, 23 R(Q6)-Q2 Kt-R2
P x Kt; 8 Q-R5, and White wins a pawn, 24 Kt-Q6 Kt(Q2)-B l
thanks to his double-threat against Black's 25 Kt-B4 Kt-Q2
KB2 and K4. Both players are getting short of time,
which explains some unimportant repetitions
7 Kt-KKt5 of moves.
He wisely strikes the iron while it's hot;
if 7 Castles, P-KR3 ; Black's defences are 26 P-Kt3 R-QBl
already "over..protected." 27 Kt-Q6 R-QKtl
28 Kt-B4 R-QBl
7 .... . . B x- Kt 29 P-B4 PxP
An instinctive reply. By playing the 30 B x BP Kt(Q2)-B l
correct 7 . . . . Kt-R3; he would lay himself 3 1 B-Q6 R-KB2
open to a perpetual check after 8 B x P ch, 32 B-R3 R-Rl
Kt x B ; 9 Kt-K6, Q-Kt3 ; 10 Kt x P ch, Black is reduced to complete passivity and
K-B l ; 11 Kt-K6 ch, K-K l ; can do nothing but "wait and see" what
1 2 Kt-Kt7 ch, etc. plan his opponent will think out.

3 6 B-KB3 RxR
37 R x R Kt-Kt4
This attempt to break out is natural, but
in no way improves Black's constricted
position. He has a better chance with
37 . . . . R-K I ; and a difficult ending,
although White's Bishops and his strong
K.night would still win.

38 B-Kt2 Kt-B2
39 Kt-Q3 Kt-Q2
40 R-K2 R-KI
An impulsive move just before the time
control, a not unusual occurrence. But if
40 . . . . B-B4; 4 1 R-K7, and White must

41 Kt-B4 Kt-Kt4
33 P-KS Nothing can save Black, for if 41 . . . .
Rupturing the centre. As indicated by Kt-B4 ; 42 P-QKt4, or 4 1 . . . . Kt-B I ;
Mr. Barden himself after the game, a more 42 B-QR3, or 41 . . . . Kt-QI ; 42 B-KR3,
effective plan-and more in keeping with his B-B2 ; 43 B x Kt.
methodical play up to this point-is
3 3 R-Q8, R x R ; 34 R x Rt followed by 42 P-R4
Kt-Q6, and R-QKt8, winning a pawn. Winning a piece and the game, although
Black struggled for some moves longer.
33 . . . . .
" PxP A splendid piece of deep positional play
34 B-Kt2 K-R3 on the part of the victor against a formidable
3 S Kt x P R-B7 opponent.
29 He hardly has a choice. If S • • •
P-Q4. •

then not 6 Q-K2, B-K3 ; 7 Kt x Kt,

FUDERER KOSTIC P x KKt (Rossolimo-Pomar, Gijon, 1 9S 1 ) ;
(Ljublana, 1 9 S 1 ) but rather 6 Kt x Kt, P x QKt; 7 P-Q4,
P x P e.p. ; 8 Q x P, Q x Q ; 9 B x Q, and
Th e following beautiful game represents White has the superior development
a clash between the old guard and the new. (O'Kelly-Pomar, Gijon, 19S1). If S • • . .

One must admire the optimism which enables Kt-KB3 ; 6 P-Q4, B-K2 ; 7 B-Q3,
fresh talent to break through all obstacles. Kt-B3 ; aiming at equality (Matanovic­
1 P-K4 P-K4
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3 6 KtP x Kt B-K2
3 Kt x P Black has the choice of two other con­
Steinitz's continuation 3 P-Q4, has its tinuations in 6 . . . P-Q4; 7 Kt-K3,

supporters. In a game, Broadbent-B. H. B-K3 ; 8 R-QKt l , P-QKt3 ; 9 P-Q4,

Wood, London, 1 9S0, the continuation was B-Q 3 ; 1 0 Q-B3, P-QB3 ; with equality
3 . . . . Kt x P (preferable is 3 . . . . P x P); (Rossolimo-Alexander, Birmingham, 19 S 1 ),
4 B-Q3, P-Q4; S Kt x P, B-Q3 ; 6 Castles, or 6 . . . P-KKt3 ; (best), as played In

Castles ; 7 P-QB4 (the accepted procedure Matanovic-Alexander, London, 1 9 S 1 .

against the Petroff, which aims at under..
mining Black's centre, one of the weak points 7 P-Q4 Kt-Q2
of this defence), 7 . . . . P-QB3 ; 8 Q-B2, This development is more flexible than
and White has a strong initiative. 7 . . . . Kt-B3 ; e.g. 8 B-Q3, B-B3 ;
9 Castles, Castles; 1 0 Kt-K3, P-KKt3 ;
3 . . . . .. . P-Q3 1 1 P-KB4, Kt-K2 ; 1 2 P-BS, etc., after
4 Kt-B4 which White has a fi ne attack (Gligoric­
An unusual continuation, which Wil! tried Vidmar, Yugoslav Championship, 19S1).
successfully by L. Paulsen-Schallopp, Frank­
furt, 1887. The idea is that Black must 8 B-Q3 Kt-Kt3
capture the pawn, allowing White some 9 Kt-K3
advantage in development. The traditional A beautifully centraJised Knight.
variant is 4 Kt-KB3, Kt x P ; after which
White obtains no palpable advantage from 9 ...... P-Q4
the classic continuation, S P-Q4, P-Q4; He cannot submit to 1 0 P-QB4, without
6 B-Q3, B-K2 ; 7 Castles, Kt-QB3, nor resistance.
from the simplifying line, S Q-K2, Q-K2;
6 P-Q3, Kt-KB 3 ; etc. (a line handled by 1 0 Castles Castles
Lasker with great virtuosity), nor from other 1 1 P-KB4
variations, such as S Kt-B3, Kt x Kt ; Heralding the coming K side attack, but
6 QP x Kt, B-K2; etc., S P-Q3, Kt-KB3 ; the move is a two-edged weapon. If this
6 P-Q4, B-K2; etc. pawn is prevented from advancing further,
White may be deprived of the use of his
4 . . .. . . . Kt x P QB in future operations.
S Kt-B3
In a game from the match PiJnik-Bogolju­ 11 . ... . . P-KB4
bow, Zurich, 1 9S 1 , equality was reached 1 2 Q-RS P-Kt3
after S Q-K2, Q-K2 ; 6 Kt-K3, P-QB3 ; White has provoked this move in order to
7 P-Q3, Kt-B3 ; 8 Kt-Q2, QKt-Q2 ; provide himself with a future target for
9 P-QKt3. In the game mentioned above, attack.
L. Paulsen-Schallopp, S P-Q4, P-Q4;
6 Kt-B3, B-K3 ; 7 B-Q3, P-KB4 ; 1 3 Q-B3 P-·B3
8 Castles, B-Q 3 ; etc., the game also is 14 P-Kt4 Kt-BS
even. He tries a diversion, hoping for 1 S Kt x Kt,
in which case 1 S • • • •
P x P ; followed by
5 . . . . • . Kt x Kt 16 . . . . P x Kt; would ease the situation.

However, 1 4 . . . . B-K 3 ; is less artificial. A picturesque situation. H e resists the

temptation to add to his spoils because
15 PxP Kt x Kt White would win quickly after 1 6 . . . .
If 1 5 . . . . B x P; Black loses a vital pawn Kt x R ; 1 7 Q-R5. But the text-move
after 1 6 Kt x Kt. enables White to force a win by an over­
whelming accumulation of forces. The
better alternative is 1 6 . . . . Kt-B4; when
Black has every chance of a draw.

1 7 P-B5
The winning move, which releases the
QB and gets both Rooks into play.

17 . . . . . Kt-B3
1 8 B-KR6 R-KI
1 9 P x P ch K-Rl
A deceptive shelter.

20 K-RI B-BI
21 B-KKt5 B-Kt2
22 R-KKt l Q-K2
23 R-Kt2 B-Q2
This looks like consolidation! But, no,
16 P x P
the end is near.
Imaginative play, even though practically
forced, as White has already burnt his
bridges. The obvious 1 6 B x Kt, leaves 24 QR-KKtl R-KB l
Black with the superior game after 16 . . . . 25 B-R4 R-B2
B x P. 26 R-Kt6 QR-KB I
27 Q-Kt2 Resigns
16 . . . • . . Kt-Kt5 There is no reply to 28 B x Kt.
30 can prepare to castle on the Q side, where
his King will enjoy greater safety.
(Dubrovnik, 1 950) 9 . . . .. . . Q-R4
Not good, although it looks tempting.
This is an old-fashioned opening which runs Also after 9 . . . . B-KB4; 1 0 Kt-Q4,
counter to the modern tendency to develop B-Kt3 ; 1 1 KR-K 1 . White's frontal
Knights before Bishops (in application of the pressure becomes too heavy, in view of
principle of the "least commitment"). The which Black should organise his defence as
opening is rarely met in contemporary con­ follows : 9 . . . . B-K3 ; 10 B-Q3, QKt-Q2 ;
' 1 1 Kt-Q4, Kt-B4 ; 1 2 P-B4, Kt-Ktl ;
tests, particularly because it nearly always
transposes into other openings such as the 1 3 KR-K I , K-B I ; and Black, although
Vienna Game, the Giuoco Piano or the he can no longer castle, has sufficient
King's Gambit Declined, etc. means of defence.
In the following game, however, the opening
retains its distinctive character. 1 0 KR-Kl
With the obvious threat : 11 B x Kt,
1 P-K4 P-K4 P x B ; 1 2 Q x BP.
2 B-B4 Kt-KB3
3 P-Q4 10 . . . . . . B-K3
A vigorous move. Too quiet is 3 P-Q3 Now the blockade of the K file proves to
(3 . . . . P-B3 ; to be followed soon by be insufficient.
. . " P-Q4), and too impetuous is 3 P-B4
(3 . . . . P-Q4; if not 3 . . . . P x P ; reverting
to the Bishop's Gambit).
Alternatives are: 3 Kt-QB3, the Vienna
Game, and 3 Kt-KB3, which after 3 . . . .
Kt-B3 ; leads to the Two Knights' Defence.
An ancient continuation, preferred by
Steinitz, is 3 Q-K2.

3 ...... Px P
4 Kt-KB3 Kt x P
5 QxP
This prevents the logical and strong
advance 5 . . . . P-Q4. Black now has won
a pawn, but at the cost of a somewhat
retarded development.

5 . . . . • • Kt-KB3

6 B-KKt5 B-K2 1 1 Kt-Q4

7 Kt-B3 P-B3 White acts with dispatch and skill. His
Black must build up his defences. A little Bishop still cannot be taken, for if 1 1
" P x B ; 12 Kt x B, P x Kt ; 1 3 R x P, K-B2 ;
premature is 7 . . . . Castles (8 Castles QR,
P-B3 ; 9 Q-R4, etc.). Again 7 . . . . 1 4 QR-Kl , R-K l ; 1 5 B x Kt, B x B ;
Kt-B3 ; 8 Q-R4, P-Q 3; 9 Castles QR, 1 6 R x B ch, P x R ; 1 7 Q x RP ch, K-Bl ;
B-K3 ; 10 B-Q3, offers little resistance and 1 8 Q-R8 ch, with swift destruction.
White's pressure goes on increasing.
11 . . . . . . QKt-Q2
8 Castles QR P-Q4 A desperate measure : Black returns the
9 Q-R4 pawn, but the pressure remains.
Less good is 9 KR-K l , B-K3 ; 1 0 B-Q3
Q-R4; 1 1 K-Kt l , QKt-Q2 ; and Black 1 2 Kt x B PxKt

1 3 R x KP K-B2 15 . . . . . . B-Ql
If 1 3 . . . . P x B ; 14 QR-K l . 1 6 B-Kt4 Kt x B
1 7 Q x Kt B x B ch
14 QR-Kl QR-Kl All these exchanges fail to ease the situation.
1 5 B-K2
With this super-ingenious manreuvre 18 Q x B Kt-B3
White renders his attack irresistible. Black 1 9 R x Kt ch Resigns
cannot well reply with 1 5 • • • •
Kx R; If 1 9 . . . . P x R ; 20 Q-RS ch, followed
because of 1 6 B-RS dis ch. by R x R.
31 1 1 P-Q3 Kt-Q5
The value of 1 1 . . . . B-QKt2 ; is still sub
PRINS RELLSTAB judice, e.g. 1 2 P-KR4 (or else 1 2 Kt-R3,
(Travemiinde, 1 9 5 1 ) or even, as suggested by a French amateur,
B. Eliacheff, fearlessly 1 2 Kt-B3, P-B 5 ;
Here is one of the most original and startling 1 3 Castles, Kt-Q 5 ; 1 4 Q x B , Kt x Q ;
games from contemporary practice. 1 5 Kt x Kt, P x Kt; 1 6 B x P, etc.), 1 2 . . . .
P-B5 (or 1 2 . . . . P-KR3); 1 3 Q-B3 (or
1 P-K4 P-K4 first, . 1 3 Kt x P, P x Kt; 1 4 Q-B3), 1 3 . . . .
2 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 Kt-Q 5 ; 14 Q-R3, with a very uncertain
3 B-B4 Issue.

Preventing 3 . . . . P-Q4. If 3 P-KKt3,

P-Q4 ; 4 P x P, Kt x P ; 5 B-Kt2, B-K 3 ; 1 2 Kt-R3
Black has a very good game. Similarly, in An amusing continuation occurred in a
the case of the Vienna Gambit proper, simultaneous performance at Amiens, 1950,
3 P-B4, Black's best is the counter 3 . . . . Tartakower-N. : 1 2 P-KR4, P-KR3 ;
P-Q4; and after 4 BP x P, Kt x P ; 5 Kt-B3, 1 3 Kt x P, P x Kt ; 1 4 Q-R8, K-B2 ;
B-K2 ; 6 P-Q4 (if 6 Q-K2, P-KB4, etc.), 1 5 B-Q5, Kt x P ch; 16 K-Q l , Kt x R ;
6 . . . . Castles (or 6 . . . . B-QKt 5 ; 7 B-Q2, 1 7 B-K3, and White retains the initiative.
with equality) ; 7 B-Q3, P-KB4 ;
8 P x P e.p., B x P ; 9 Castles, Kt-B3 ; and 1 2 . .. . . . . P-KR3
the tension relaxes. 1 3 P-QB3 B-QKt2
The text-move certainly is more imagina­ 14 Q x B
tive than 3 Kt-B3, bringing about a A compulsory sacrifi.ce, for the Queen
Three Knights· or Four Knights' Game. has no move ; but White foresaw this con­
tingency, as he comes out with Rook,
3 ...... Kt x P Bishop and Knight for Queen and pawn,
Accepting the challenge. and, most important, his pieces are
exceptionally mobile.
4 Q-R5 Kt-Q3
5 B-Kt3 14 . . . . . . Kt x Q
Simplification by 5 Q x KP ch, Q-K2 ; 1 5 P x Kt Q-Kt5 ch
6 Q x Q ch, B x Q ; 7 B-Kt3, etc., does not The beginning of Black's disappoint­
conform with the Dutchman's spirited style. ments. He must forgo 1 5 . . . . P x P dis ch;
16 K-Q l , as the opening of the K file
5 ...... Kt-B3 would benefit only his adversary.
The play now becomes embittered, while
5 . . . . B-K2; can still lead to a peaceful 1 6 B-Q2 QxP
issue after 6 Kt-B3, Kt-B3 ; 7 Kt x P, 1 7 Castles KR B-Q3 (see diag.,
Castles ; etc. p. 50)
To take either pawn would leave the
6 Kt-Kt5 Queen dangerously exposed. Unfavourable
Opinion on this enterprise is divided; too would be 1 7 . . . . P-KKt4 ; because of
while it wins the exchange, it may unleash 1 8 B-B3, Q-Q 3 ; 1 9 P-B4, etc. Similarly,
an attack by Black. if 1 7 . . . . B-Kt2 ; 1 8 B-B3, etc. The best
in the circumstances is 1 7 . . . . Q-KR5 ;
6 ...... P-KKt3 1 8 B-B3, B-Q3 ; etc.
7 Q-B3 P-B4
8 Q-Q5 Q-K2 1 8 Kt-B4
Nolens volens, Black must be prepared for A brilliant turn. He can play this after
sacrifices. For tactical reasons 8 . . . . all, for if 1 8 . . . . P x Kt; 19 B-B3, Q-B4;
Q-B 3 ; is inferior. 20 B x R. The white pieces now get into
ful l play.
9 Kt x P ch K-Ql
1 0 Kt x R P-Kt3 18 . . . . . • Kt-R4

26 . . . . . . P-Q4
Or 26 . . . . Kt-Q S ; 27 B-Q l . With the
text·move Black has the satisfaction of
gaining a piece, but at the cost of under­
mining the foundations of his position.

27 B-Ql P x Kt
28 B x BP Q-Q2
He has to parry the double threat,
29 B x Kt, and 29 B-KKt4.

29 R x P Kt-QS
Side-stepping the new threat, 30 B x Kt,
Q x B ; 3 1 B-K7 ch.

30 B x Kt PxB
3 1 B-Kt4 Q-QKt2
Position ufter 1 7 . . . . B-Q3 If 3 1 . . . . Q-KKt2 ; 32 Kt-QS, again
with the threat 3 3 R-B8 mate.
Had Black foreseen the coming machina­
tions, he would have given preference to 32 R x P ch
1 8 . . . . Q x KtP; with the following contin­ More dynamic than 32 R-B8 ch, Q x R ;
uation : 1 9 Kt x KKtP, R-R2 ; 20 QR-Q l , 3 3 B x Q, P x Kt; after which Black has some
Q-Q 5 ; 2 1 P-K t3, etc., with chances for hope of a draw.
both sides. Mter the text-move, Black still is the
exchange ahead, but White takes advantage
1 9 B-K3 Q-KtS of the mobility of his pieces with consum­
20 Kt-QS Q-KRS mate skill.
Or 20 . . . . Q-Kt4.
32 ...... K-K l
2 1 QKt x P 33 R-Kl R-R2
The moribund Knight comes to life. 34 Kt-BS dis ch K-B l
Black cannot very well reply with 2 1 . . . . 35 R-Q8 ch K-B2
P x Kt (22 B x P ch, followed by 23 B x Kt) ; 36 R-K7 ch K-B3
nor with 2 1 . . . . Kt x B (22 P x Kt, P x Kt ; 37 R-B8 ch K-Kt4
23 R-R8 ch, with mate to follow). 38 RxQ RxR
39 Kt-K3 P-KR4
21 . . . . . . P-BS 40 P-R4 ch K-R3
22 QR-Bl 41 B-K6 Resigns
Unperturbed, White carries out his plans.

22 . . . . . . Kt-B3
23 Kt-B4 32
By skilful manreuvring White succeeds in
saving the whole of his threatened material. W. W. ADAMS H. STEINER
(Hollywood, 1944)
23 . . . . . . B-Ktl
24 B-BS P-B6 Another fierce contest. It is surprising to
But here is a fresh danger. note that the Vienna game, so sedate at first
sight, can lead to the most turbulent variations
25 P-Kt3 in the repertoire of the openings-namely, the
Not 25 P x P, because of 25 . . . . P-KS. Hamppe-Allgaier (6 Kt-KKt5), the Pierce
(5P-Q4) and the Steinitz (4 P-Q4) Gam­
2S . . . . . . Q-R6 bits. '
26 Kt(QS)-K3
Faulty would be 26 Kt(B4)-K3, P-KR4 ; 1 P-K4 P-K4
followed by . . . . P-RS. But after the text­ 2 Kt-QB3 Kt-QB3
move, the continuation 26 . . . . P-KR4 ; This gives White the opportunity of
27 Kt-Q2, P-R S ; 28 Kt x P, P x P ; turning the opening into a real gambit, with
29 BP x P, P-KS ; 30 P x P, B x P ; 3 1 P x B, all its attendant dangers and complications.
etc., would result in the exhaustion of the
Black forces. 3 P-B4

Heralding the intended attack. Players here to upset the balance in the centre. As
of a less bellicose temperament can revert to we can see, even in an old-fashioned gambit
a Three Knights' or eventually a Four modern research can modify the trend of play.
Knights' Game, with 3 Kt-B3. Older
masters, such as Louis Paulsen, Tchigorin, 9 ...... QKt-K2
and later on Mieses, had a preference for 10 B x P Kt-Kt3
3 P-KKt3, which, however, promises no Black prefers not to recapture the QP,
more than equality. which would expose him to fresh dangers
The Vienna Game proper occurs after (10 Kt x P; 1 1 B-B4, P-B 3 ;
3 B-B4, and contains dangers for both 1 2 Castles). H e hopes t o blockade the
sides, which we shall now examine in con­ critical pawn by . . . . B-Q 3 ; and to use it
nection with a game played by correspond­ as a shield.
ence in South Africa, 1946 : St. John Brooks­
Crous: 3 B-B4, B-B4 (3 . . . . Kt-B3); 1 1 B-K5 B-Q3
shows greater initiative) ; 4 Q-Kt4, A clever reply. It would be dangerous
Q-B 3 ; 5 Kt-Q5, Q x .P ch; 6 K-Q I , for White to take the Rook.
K-B I ; 7 Kt-R3, Q-Q 5 ; 8 P-Q3,
B-Kt3 (in view of the threat, 9 P-B3, but 1 2 B-QB4 Kt x B
he should first ease his position by 8 . . . . White's threat was 1 3 Castles ch.
P-Q3 ; 9 Q-Kt3 , B x Kt; 10 Q x B, etc.) ;
9 R-B I , P-B3 (not 9 . . . . P-Q 3 ; 1 3 P x Kt BxP
1 0 R x P ch, K x R ; 1 1 Kt x B dis ch, 1 4 Q-Q3
K-B I ; 1 2 Kt x B, Kt-B 3 ; 1 3 Q-K6, etc., An excellent move which keeps up the
nor, as in a game, A1ekhine-Lugovsky, pressure and leaves White with a wide choice
1931, 9 Kt-Ql ; 10 P-B3, of moves.
Q-B4 ; 1 1 Kt-Kt5, nor even 9 . . . .
Kt-B3 ; 1 0 R x Kt, P-Q 3 ; 1 1 Q x P �h, 14 . . . . . . Kt-B3
K x Q ; 1 2 B-R6 ch, K-Kt 1 ; 13 R-Kt6 ch, A more obdurate resistance was seen in a
RP x R; 14 Kt-B6 Inate) ; 10 Kt x KBP, game from the Pan-American Tournament of
Black resigns, for 1 0 . . . . Kt x Kt (10 . . . . 1947 between W. W. Adams and A. Sandin :
P x Kt ; 1 1 B x Kt) ; 1 1 . R x Kt ch, P x R ; 14 . . . . K-Kt2; 1 5 Castles QR, Kt-K2 ;
12 B-R6 ch, followed by 1 3 Q-Kt7, is 1 6 Q-K4, B-B 3 ; with an improved defence
devastating. for Black.

3 . . . . PxP
• • I S Castles QR P-Kt4
4 Kt-B3 P-KKt4 Directed against the dangerous discovered
5 P-KR4 P-Kt5 check by P-Q6. At the same time Black
6 Kt-KKt5 hopes for some counter-play on the open
The Hamppe-Allgaier Gambit. Although QKt file. Nevertheless, such an incisive
recognised as unsound, it yields a ferocious measure reveals a restless spirit. Far more
attack which is difficult for Black to meet. collected is 1 5 . . . . K-Kt2.

6 ...... P-KR3 16 Kt x P K-Kt2

7 Kt x P K x Kt 17 P-R5 B-B5 ch
The difference between this position and 18 K-Ktl R-B I
that occurring in the Allgaier Gambit is that 19 P-KItt3 B-Kt4 (see diag.,
here both QKts are developed. In conse­ p . 52)
quence, Black can, in answer to B-B4 ch, He may have intended 1 9 . . . . B-Q3 ;
reply . . . . P-Q4 ; B x P ch, K-K I ; with but it is not play able because of
comparative safety. 20 Q-Kt6 ch, and 21 Q x P ch.

8 P-Q4 P-Q4 20 P-Q6

An alternative is 8 P-B6 ; Opening up dangerous lines for White's
9 B-B4 ch, P-Q4 ; 1 0 B x P ch, K-K I ; attack. It is clear that the attacking
with good prospects for Black. technique of contemporary masters is equal
in every way to that of their glorious pre­
9 PxP decessors.
Mter 9 B x P, B-Kt 5 ; Black should
weather the storm as he then succeeds in 20 . . . . . . P-B3
consolidating his Q4, the critical square It is manifest that 20 . . . . P x P ; would be
( 1 0 B-QKt5, KKt-K2 ; etc. , or 1 0 P-K5, fatal after 21 Q-Kt6 ch, K-RI ; 22 Kt x QP,
B-K3 ; etc.), and that is why White tries and Black has no defence.

22 QR-Kl
Jl The last act of the drama. The threat is
23 R-K7 ch, K-R l ; 24 R-K.B l , to which
there is no reply.

22 . . . . . . Kt-Ktl
If 22 . . . . Kt-Q4 ; there follows
23 Kt x Kt, P x Kt ; 24 R-K7 ch, B x R ;
2S Q-Kt6 ch, K-R l ; 26 Q x P ch, K-Ktl ,
27 B x P ch, R-B2 ; 28 B x R ch, K x B ;
29 Q-Kt6 ch, K-B l ; 3 0 R-B l ch, and
Black has no resource.

23 Q-Kt6 ch K-R r
24 B-Q3 Kt-B3
2S R-K7 QxR
Position after 19 . . . B-Kt4
26 P x Q R-Ktl
27 P-K8(Q) Resigns
2 1 Kt-B7 R-QKtl A skilfully conducted attack.
33 The usual continuation is 4 . • . .

B-RS ch; S K-B I , P-Q4 ; 6 B x P,

O'KELLY Kt-KB3; 7 Kt-B3, Castles ; 8 P-Q4,
RAVN DE GALWAY P-B 3 ; 9 B-B4, B-Kt S ; 10 B-K2,
(Southsea, 1 9 S 1) B x Kt; 1 1 B x B, B-Kt4 ; 12 P-KKt3, and
White intends to have the last word . That
An aggressor thro wn on the defensive, that is why the text-move is more in the spirit of
is the motive of the following game. : modern positional play. Its finer points
have been analysed by Dutch players,

1 P-K4 P-K4 especially by Dr. Euwe and H. Kmoch.

2 P-KB4
The young Dane follows in the footsteps
of two contemporary grand masters, Keres
and Bronstein, who, in our scientific age, A natural reaction. White lets himself be
still dare from time to time, to offer this tempted to this advance, which, however,
can easily prove to be premature.
To be recommended is S Kt-B3, with
2 . . . . . Px P
. the intended continuation 6 P-Q4, and
3 Kt-KB3 Castles.
Less aspiring is 3 B-B4, the Bishop:'s A superb illustration of this line of play is
Gambit. More ambitious, however, is given in the following from the Antwerp
3 Q-B3, known as the Breyer Gambit, League Competition, 1 9 S 1 , Devos-Borodine,
although this was tried already by Charousek S Kt-B3, Kt x P ; 6 Kt-KS (weak would
against Show alter, Nuremberg, 1 896. The be 6 Kt x Kt, because of 6 . . . P-Q4..

following brevity was played by correspond­ Too impetuous would be 6 B x P ch,

ence in 19S0, between Hoerner and Lorenz : K x B ; 7 Kt-KS ch, for then the black
3 Q-B3, Kt-QB3 (a recognised reply) ; King takes a wise refuge by 7 . . . . K-Kt l ;
4 Kt-K2 (in this opening it is essential for 8 Kt x Kt, Kt-B3, etc.), 6 . . . Kt-Q3 ;

White not to obstruct his Queen. If 7 B-Kt3, Kt-B 3 ; 8 P-Q4, Castles;

4 P-B3, Kt-B 3 ; S P-Q4, P-Q4 ; 9 B x P, Kt x Kt; 10 B x Kt, P-QKt3
6 P-KS, Kt-K S ; etc. The simplest is (Black is reduced to an artifici al plan of
4 Q x P), 4 . . . . B-B4 (here the soundest defence) ; 1 1 Castles, B-Kt2 ; 1 2 Q-RS,
is 4 . . . . P-Q4) ; S P-Q3, P-KKt4 P-Kt3 ; 1 3 Q-R6, Kt-K I ; 14 Q x R ch
(White is unaware of his danger, and allows (a thunderbolt), 14 . . . . K x Q (if 14 . . . .
his Queen to be hemmed in more and B x Q ; 1 S B x P mate) ; 1 S R x P ch, and
more) ; 6 P-KKt3, Kt-K4 ; 7 Q-Kt2 (if Black resigns, for he is faced with a pitiless
7 Q-RS, White loses his Queen or is mated mate in two.
after 7 . . . . Kt-KB3, etc.), 7 . . . P-B6, .

White resigns. He loses at least a piece. S ...... Kt-KtS

An important decision. Much inferior is
3 ...... B-K2 S Kt-R4 ; 6 Kt-B3, P-Q 3 ; 7 P-Q4,
The Cunningham Gambit, which for a long
• . . •

B-KtS ; 8 Q-Q3, and White stands con·

time was thought to be decidedly inferior,
siderably better.
but which has successfully been modernised,
and strengthened by some new turns.
6 Castles
Nowadays, however, it has become the usual
practice to adopt a more elastic defence by If 6 P-KR3, B-RS ch; and White is in
3 . . . . P-Q4 ; or . . . . Kt-KB3.

4 B-B4 6 ...... Kt-QB3

Interesting is here the Chaude Gambit, By reinforcing the attack against White's
4 P-KKt3. M. Bernard Chaude, husband advanced pawn this sound developing move
of the Lady Champion, Mme. Chaude de is effected without loss of time.
Silans, is himself a player of parts. Premature would be 6 . . . P-Q4 ;

7 P x P e.p., Q x P ; 8 P-Q4, Castles ;

4 . . • . . . Kt-KB3 9 Kt-B3, worrying the black Queen.

7 P-Q4 P-Q4 Again obstructing White's desire to open

Well timed ! It is instructive to note how the long diagonal for his Bishop ; for if
Black manages to develop his game and at 22 P-Q5, Kt x Kt ch; 23 P x Kt,
the same time to hold on to his gambit pawn. Q-Kt4 ch; 24 K-R l , Q-Kt6 ; demolish­
ing White's position.
8 P x P e.p.
Not the retreat, 8 B-Kt3, Kt-K6 ; 22 Kt x Kt Kt x Kt
9 B x Kt, P x B ; etc., by which White would 23 Q-B2
lose space and see his attack vanish into In order to limit the damage after 23 . . . .
thin air before having properly begun. Q-Kt4 ; by 24 Q-B2, e.g. 24 . . . . P-B6 ;
25 P-Kt3, Kt-B4; 26 K-R2, etc., or
8 ...... BxP 24 . . . . R-K6 ; 25 R x R, P x R ; 26 Q-K2,
The key-move ; Black does not fear the etc.
coming frontal attack.

9 R-KI ch
The continuation in a game, Keres­
Alatorzev, Moscow, 1950, was as follows:
9 Kt-B3, Castles ; 10 Kt-K2, Kt-K6 ;
1 1 B x Kt, P x B ; 1 2 P-QR3, Q-B3 ;
1 3 Q-Q3, Q-R3 ; 1 4 QR-K l , B-KKt5 ;
1 5 P-R3, B-R4 ; 1 6 Kt-B3, QR-K l ;
1 7 Kt-Q5, P-K7; 1 8 R-B2, B-Kt6 ;
White resigns.

9 .. .... Kt-K2
The value of Black's sixth move now
stands out clearly.

1 0 P-KR3 Kt-B3
1 1 Kt-B3
If 1 1 Kt-K5, B x Kt; 1 2 P x B, Q x Q ; 23 . . . . . . P--B6
1 3 R x Q , Kt-R4 ; 1 4 B-K2, Kt-Kt6 ; Driving a wedge into the hostile position.
1 5 B-B3, Kt-Kt3 ; with a poor outlook The whole defence against a dangerous gam­
for White. bit was conducted by Black with supreme ease.

11 . .. . . . Castles 24 P-Q5
1 2 Kt-QKt5 Kt-Kt3 At last he can make this advance, attack­
1 3 Kt x B P x Kt ing the Queen. But before he can force a
Another instructive move. He submits to passed pawn by P-B5, Black's own K side
having an isolated pawn in order, at any attack will be in full swing.
cost, to guard his K4. And still the gambit If 24 P-Kt3, Kt-Kt7; 25 R x R ch,
pawn is guarded. R x R ; 26 P-Q5, Q-Kt4 ; and wins,
thanks to his command of the open K file.
1 4 B-Q3 Kt-R4 24 . . . . . . Q-Kt4
1 5 P-B4 Q-B3 25 P-Kt4 P-KR4
1 6 P-QKt4 Demolition !
Trying to create counter-chances wherever
he can. 26 Q-B I R x R ch
27 Q x R PxP
16 . . . . . . Kt-Kt6 28 B-B I Q-B3
1 7 B-Kt2 B-B4 29 R-R,3 PxP
1 8 P-QR4 KR-KI Spoliatio n !
1 9 Q-Q2
He tries to make possible the advance 3 0 K-R2 P-B7
20 P-Q5, by connecting his Rooks and 3 1 Q-BI Q-K4 ch
guarding his QB. Black's next move pre­ Resigns
vents this. There is no reply to . . . . Q-K8. The
chief characteristics of O'Kelly's play are
19 . . . . .
. BxB logic and aggressiveness. These enabled
20 Q x B Kt-B4 him here to accept the gambit and then to
2 1 Q-Kt3 Kt(Kt3)-R5 wrest the initiative from his opponent.
King's Gambit Declined 9 ...... Castles QR
1 0 Q-Kl B x Kt
34 11 PxB
If 1 1 R x B, Kt-Q 5 ; 1 2 R-B2, Kt-Kt5 ;
KOCH GEREBEN 1 3 R-Q2, P x P ; 1 4 P-B3, Kt-K3 ;
(Zoppot, 1 9 5 1 ) 1 5 R-Q l, P-KKt4 ; and Black has not
only maintained his extra pawn, but he is
Another example in which White's impet- ready to launch a counter-offensive.
uous strategy is mastered by the technique of '
modern defence. 11 . .. . .. Kt-KR4
12 P x P P-KKt4
1 P-K4 P-K4 A significant moment, and one which
2 P-KB4 B-B4 clearly illustrates the nature of the modern
3 Kt-KB3 P-Q3 technique of defence. The recapture of the
4 B-B4 pawn is not urgent; the attack has priority,
Or alternatively, 4 P-B3, or even first and for this it I S essential to secure the
4 P x P, P x P ; 5 P-B3. I n an amusing necessary bases.
game, Soler-Almeda, Madrid, 1947, White
played 4 P-Q4, and the continuation was 1 3 B-K3 KR-Ktl
4 . . . . P x QP; 5 Kt x P (interesting is 1 4 B-Q5 Kt-Q5
5 B-Q3), 5 . . . . KKt-B3 ; 6 QKt-B3, As can be seen, Mr. Adams is right in
Q-K2 ; 7 Q-Q3, Kt x P (too precipitate ; recommending the elimination of this
7 . . . . Castles, was essential) ; 8 Kt-Q5, dangerous piece. Less active is 14 . . . .
Q-R5 ch; 9 P-Kt3, Kt x P ; 10 P x Kt, Kt x P ; 1 5 P-Q4, P x P ; 1 6 B x QP, and
Q x R ; 1 1 Q-K2 ch, B-K 3 ; 12 Kt x B, Whi te has gained space.
K-Q2 ; 1 3 Kt-B8 ch (a brilliant solution.
1 5 Q-B2 R-Kt3
If 1 3 Kt x B ch, K-B I ; while now there
1 6 P-B3 Kt-K3
follows a pitiless King-hunt), 1 3 . . . .
1 7 B x Kt ch QxB
R x Kt; 14 Q-K7 ch, K-B3 ; 1 5 Q x BP ch,
1 8 P-Q4
K x Kt; 16 Q x KtP ch, Kt-B3 ;
If 1 8 B x BP, Kt-B5 ; with the double
1 7 Q-Kt3 ch, K-K5 ; 1 8 Q-Q3 mate.
threat 1 9 . . . . Kt-R6 ch; and 1 9 . . . .
Kt x P. The advance in the text defends
4 ...... Kt-QB3
both the pawns at Q3 and K5. Nevertheless,
5 Kt-B3 Kt-B3
Black finds an ingenious way of disrupting
6 P-Q3 B-KKt5
White's formation.
The normal position in the King's Gambit
Declined. The actual order of the moves as 18 . . . . . . PxP
they occurred in this game was: 1 P-K4, 19 P x P P-Kt5
P-K4 ; 2 B-B4 (Bishop's Opening), 2 . . . . Here it is ! White is forced to open the
KKt-B3 ; 3 P-Q3, B-B4 ; 4 QKt-B 3 KKt file, for if 20 P-B4, there follows
(the Vienna Game), 4 . . . . P-Q 3 ; 5 P-B4, 20 . . . . P-Kt6 ; 2 1 P x P, R x P ch;
B-KKt 5 ; etc. 22 K-R I , R-R6 ch; 23 K-Ktl ,
R-Ktl ch; and White is irretrievably lost.
7 QKt-R4
The accepted continuation. Against 20 PxP R x P ch
7 P-KR3, Black's best is 7 . . . . B x Kt; 21 K-Rl R x KP
8 Q x B, P x P ; etc. Thus Black has recovered his pawn and
secured a firm footing i n the enemy camp.
7 ...... Q-K2
Black here has quite a number of moves 22 Q-B3 Q-Q4
from which to choose, e.g. 7 . . . . B-Kt3 ; 23 QR-Kl (see diag., p . 56)
7 . . . . P x P ; 7 . . . . KKt-R4 ; 7 . . . . Clearly not 23 Q x Kt, R-Kt5 dis ch;
Kt-Q5 ; 7 . . . . B x Kt (8 Q x B, Kt-Q5). followed by mate. The text-move parries
the threat 23 . . . . R x B ; but does not
8 Kt x B P x Kt prevent other inflictions. He should rather
9 Castles have tried to defend himself by 23 K-Ktl .
The great connoisseur of the open game
(and particularly the Vienna Game), Weaver 23 . . . . . • Kt-B5
W . Adams, recommends here 9 B-Kt5, e.g. Very pretty. In reply, Whi te cannot play
9 . . . . P x P; l O B x Kt ch, P x B ; 1 1 B x P, 24 B x Kt, R x R ; 25 Q x Q, R x R ch ;
Castles Q R ; 12 Castles, and White has the 26 K-Kt2, R x Q ; 27 K x R, R x QP ; and
easier game. wins.

accepted or declined, is that, should the

mechanism of the defence falter ever so
little, the consequence is a con vincing and
rapid collapse.

1 P-K4 P-K4
2 P-KB4 P-Q4
3 P x QP P-K5
This counter-gambit was looked upon for
many years as the refutation of the Kingts
Gambit. Dangerous also is Nimzowitsch's
idea, 3 . . . . P-QB 3 ; which, however, is
satisfactorily met by 4 Kt-QB3.
Not to be recommended is 3 . . . . Q x P ;
as is illustrated i n the following game,
Tolush-Alatorzev, from the V.S.S.R. Champ­
ionship, 1948 : 3 . . . . Q x P ; 4 Kt-QB3,
Position after 23 Q R-Kl Q-K3 (the black Queen walks into trouble
and the full retreat 4 . . . . Q-Q 1 ; should
24 P-KR3 Kt-Q6 be considered) ; 5 P x P (playable is even
25 R-K2 Kt-B5 5 Kt-B3, P x P dis ch; 6 K-B2, with the
Before giving the coup-de-grace, Black, counter-threat, 7 B-Kt5 ch, followed by
by a repetition of moves, wins a little more R-K I ) , 5 Q x P ch; 6 B-K2,
time for reflection. �KKt5 ; 7 P-Q4, Q-K3 (the trans­
action 7 . . . . B x B ; 8 Q x B, Q x Q ch ;
26 R(K2)-KI Kt-Q6 9 KKt x Q, would give White a considerable
27 R-K2 Kt x KtP advance in development) ; 8 Q-Q3, P-QB3,
This Knight's manceuvres have been 9 B-B4, Kt-B3 ; 10 Castles. B x ' B ;
masterly. Again White can hardly reply 1 1 KKt x B, B-Q3 (Black is no longer able
28 R x Kt, R x B ; 29 Q x Q, R x Q ; to make up for retarded mobilisation) ;
3 0 R x BP, P-Kt 3 ; 3 1 R-QB2, R-Q2 ; 12 P-Q5 (on the principle: "Open more
32 R x R, K x R ; 33 K-Kt2, R-K 5 ; lines when in a superior position"), 12 . . . .
34 R-B2, R x QP ; 3 5 R-B7 ch, K-K3 ; Kt x P ; 1 3 Kt x Kt, P x Kt; 14 Q-KKt3,
36 R x BP, R-QR5; 37 R x KRP, R x P ch; B x B ch; 1 5 Kt x B, Q-KR3 (best, but not
38 K-Kt3, K x P ; and Black must win. good enough) ; 16 KR-KI ch, K-B I ;
We see that the art of liquidation is 1 7 Q-R3 ch, Black resigns (to avoid being
thoroughly mastered by players of to-day. mated by R-K8.
More difficult to refute is the retarded
28R-Kt2 Kt-B5 acceptance of the Gambit by 3 . . . . P x P ;
29B-Kt5 R-Q2 which occurred in a game, Larsson­
30Q-B6 P-Kt3 Englund, correspondence, 1942, as follows:
31Q-R8 ch K-Kt2 3 . . . . P x P ; 4 Kt-KB3 (more subtle is
32P-K6 R x KP 4 Q-B3, still defending his centre pawn),
33K-R2 R-Kt3 4 ' . . . . Kt-KB 3 ; 5 P-Q4 (better is
34R(B l )-KKtl Q x P 5 Kt-B3), 5 . . . . Kt x P; 6 P-B4 (a hasty
35QxP Q-K4 ch move), 6 . . . . B-Kt5 ch; 7 QKt-Q2
36K-R I Q-Q4 (preferable is 7 B-Q2, and if 7 . . . .
37K-R2 Kt-K4 Kt-K6 ; 8 Q-Kt3), 7 . . . . Kt-K6 ;
Resigns 8 Q-R4 ch (restless play. More rational
And the terrible Knight has the last word. is 8 Q-Kt3, at once), 8 . . . . B-Q2 ;
9 Q-Kt3, Q-K2; 1 0 K-B2, Kt-Q8 ch
(well playe d: if 1 1 Q x Kt, Q-K6 mate) ;
1 1 K-Kt l , Kt-B6 (beautiful ! Again
Falkbeer Counter-Gambit 12 ' . . . . Q-K6 mate, is threatened);
12 P-KR3, B-R5 ; White resigns. In
3S avoiding the mate, White loses the Queen.
A sprightly display.
(Felixstowe, 1 949) 4 P-Q3 Kt-KB3
5 PxP
Here is a fine example of the open game. Other continuations are less incisive, e.g.
A feature of the King's Gambit, whether (a) 5 Kt-QB3, B-QKt5; and Black keeps
up the pressure ; (b) 5 Q-K2, an ancient 12 . . . . . . Kt-Ktl
continuation, played successfully by Black.. 1 3 P-QKt4 Q-B2
burne against Marco, Berlin, 1 897, and 14 Q-B3 Kt-Q3
against which 5 . . . . B-Kt5 ; can be On 1 4 . . . . Q-Q2; 1 5 Kt x B, Q x Kt;
recommended ; (c) 5 Kt-Q2, Keres' modern 16 P-Kt4, Q-Kt 3 ; 17 P-B5, and Black
continuation. Its subleties are shown in a must lose a piece.
game Javelle-Dewacke, correspondence,
1 9 5 1 : 5 Kt-Q2, B-KB4 (after the accepted
1 5 Kt x B Kt x Kt
line, 5 . . P-Kti ; 6 Kt-B4, White obtains
1 6 Q-K4 ch Q-K2
. .

the better game. Or 5 . . . . P x P ; 6 B x P,

Kt x P ; 7 Q-K2 ch, B-K2; 8 Kt-K4, 1 6 . . . . Kt-K2 ; is clearly hopeless.
Castles; 9 Kt-KB3, R-K I ; 10 Kt-K5, The finish is neat.
P-KB 3 ; 1 1 Q-R5, P x Kt; 12 Kt-Kt5,
etc. , with a winning attack) ; 6 P x P,
Kt x KP ; 7 B-Q3 (if 7 Q-K2, Q-K2; but
more logical is 7 KKt-B3), 7 . . . . Q-R5ch
(he could add to White's problems by 7 . . . .
B-QKt5) ; 8 P-Kt3, Kt x P ; 9 KKt-B3,
Q-Kt5 ; 10 P x Kt, Q x P ch; 1 1 K-B I ,
B-B4; 1 2 Q-K2 ch, K-Q I ; 1 3 B x B,
R-K I ; 1 4 Kt-K5, P-KB3, 1 5 Kt-B7
mate. Tableau!

5 .. . .. . . . Kt x KP
6 B-K3
Reviving an old recipe of Dr. Krause's.
More modern is Alapin's 6 Kt-KB3 .

6 ...... B-KB4
He probably discards the better continua­
tion, 6 . . . . B-Q3 ; in order to have . . . .
B-QKt5 ; in reserve, should White play 1 7 B x P ch
Kt-QB3. No useful purpose is served by Black's ill-fated KB2 is beset by many
6 . . . . Q-R5 ch; 7 P-Kt3, Kt x P ; amictions.
8 Kt-KB3, Q-R3 ; 9 P x Kt, Q x R ;
1 0 Q-K2, etc. 17 . . . . . . KxB
1 8 Q x Kt ch K-Ktl
7 Kt-KB3 P-QB3 Q-KB2
19 B-Q4
Sounder strategy would be 7 . . . . B-Q3.
If 19 . . . . P-QR4 ; 20 Kt-Q2, R x B ;
Q-R4 ch 2 1 P x R, Q-K6 ch; 22 K-RI , and he
8 B-B4
9 P-B 3 cannot play . . . . Q x Kt; because of
10 P x P 23 Q-K6 mate.
Without fear of hostile action on the
Q file and at the right time. 20 Q x Q ch KxQ
21 B x RP Resigns
10 . . . . . . PxP An anomalous situation : after a King's
1 1 Castles R-Ql Gambit, an opening which promises so much
1 2 Kt-Q4 turmoil and strife, White ends up simply with
A fine move which contains so many a material advantage of three pawns,
threats that there is no satisfactory reply. collected in the heat of battle.


(Vienna, 1 9 5 1 -2)

The mechanism of the sacrifice is well

illustrated in the following game.

1 P-K4 P-K3
2 P-Q4 P-Q4
3 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3
4 B-KtS B-K2
5 P-KS KKt-Q2
6 BxB QxB
In this, the normal position of the French,
White has a wide choice of moves. True to
contemporary thought, which likes to
mingle logic and imagination, Pilnik decides Position after 12 . . . P-K4

on a bold plan.
1 4 Q x P ch K-B2
7 Q-Kt4 Castles I S Q-RS ch
Weaker is at once 7 . . . . P-KB4; An important check which forces the black
8 P x P e.p., K t x P ; 9 Q-R4, and White King to participate in the struggle in the
already exerts considerable pressure. centre.
8 Kt-B3 P-QB4 IS . . . . . . K-K3
9 B-Q3 P-B4
1 6 Castles QR
Now necessary as White, according to a White has ample time to bring up the
well-known pattern, was threatening bulk of his forces.
1 0 B x P ch, K x B ; 1 1 Kt-KtS ch, etc.
16 . . . . . . Q-B3
1 0 P x P e.p. Kt x P On 1 6 . . . . Q x P ; White can without any
Or alternatively, as in a game Dr. O. S . haste reinforce the pressure with 1 7 KR-K 1 .
Bernstein-Dr. Em. Lasker, Zurich, 1934,
10 . . . . R x P ; 1 1 Q-R4, Kt-B l ; 1 7 B-K4
1 2 P x P, Q x P ; 1 3 Castles KR, Kt-B3 ; White must continue his work with prob­
14 QR-Kl, B-Q2 ; 1 5 Kt-KS, Kt x Kt; lem-like moves. 17 B-B4, is clearly inade­
16 R x Kt, Q-Kt3 ; and Black has succeeded quate against 1 7 . . . . Q-BS ch; 1 8 K-Kt l ,
in obtaining equality. Q x B ; etc., while after the text-move White's
1 1 Q-R4 Kt-B3 Bishop is safe because of Kt-KtS ch.
12 P x P P-K4 (see diag.)
This counter-attempt is too impetuous 17 . . . . . . Q-BS ch
to be good. But resolute as well as imagin­ 1 8 K-Ktl Kt-B3
ative strategy is required to prove this. 19 Q-Kt6
Black should have followed the lines of the With the threat of instant death by
game Pilnik-Guimard, Buenos Aires, 1 9 4 1 , 20 Kt-KtS ch, K-K2; 2 1 Q x P ch,
as follows : 1 2 . . . . Q x P ; 1 3 Castles QR, K-K l ; 22 B-Kt6 ch, followed by mate.
Q-Kt S ; trying to neutralise the momentum
of White's attack. 19 . . . . . . Q-R3
20 R-Q6 ch K-K2
1 3 Kt x QP 21 Q x Q
A deflecting sacr�fice rich in additional The defender has scored a moral success
points. in that he has brought about an exchange of
Queens while preserving his extra piece, but
13 • . . . • . Kt x Kt Pilnik has seen a little farther.

21 . . . . . . Px Q 1 P-K4 P-K3
22 B x Kt PxB 2 P-Q4 P-Q4
23 Kt x P 3 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3
Black's central line of defence lies devast­ 4 B-Kt5 B-K2
ated. Already now, with four pawns for the 5 P-K5 KKt-Q2
piece and the prospective gain of a fifth, it 6 P-KR4
is White who has registered an advantage in The Chatard-Alekhine Attack which suits
material. Alexander's style particularly well.

23 . . . . . . Kt-K5 6 ...... P-QR3

24 R-Q4 From several playable replies, the young
White keeps full control of the situation Canadian selects one which aims at a Q
and allows his opponent no counter-chance. side preponderance, but which has no par­
After 24 R x RP, R x P ; Black could still ticular effect on the K side, where White
offer resistance. 24 . . . . Kt x KBP; is not can operate virtually a tempo to the good.
playable because of 25 Kt x P ch, K-B3 ; Analysis has shown that the immediate
26 R-B4 ch, K-Kt2 ; 27 R x R, Kt x R (or counter-demonstration, 6 . . . . P-QB4; is
27 . . . . K x R ; 28 R-KB I , appropriating playable, e.g. 7 Kt-Kt5, P-B3 ; etc., or
the Knight) ; 28 R-B l , B-Kt2 ; 29 Kt-R5, 7 B x B, K x B; etc., or 7 Q-Kt4, Kt-QB 3 ;
B x P ; 30 R-Kt l , and wins. etc.

24 . . . . . . B-B4 7 Q-Kt4 P-KB4

25 R-Kl Kt x QBP More staidness is shown by 7 . . . . K-B 1 ;
26 Kt-Kt6 db ch K-B3 fi.rst, and then only 8 . . . . P-KB4; in reply
Or 26 . . . . K-B2; 27 Kt x R, R x Kt; to 8 P-B4.
28 R-K5, R-Kl ; 29 R x R (but not
29 R x B ch, K-Kt3 ; 30 P-QKt4, Kt-R5, 8 Q-Kt3
etc.), 29 . . . . K x R ; 30 R-QB4, Kt-K5 ; A psychologically interesting moment.
3 1 R x P, Kt x P ; 32 R x P, and White's Anticipating prepared analysis, Alexander
advantage in material (the exchange and four steers clear of the impetuous 8 Q-R5 ch,
pawns for a minor piece) is sufficient to P-Kt3 ; 9 Q-R6. Lifeless would be
secure an easy wIn. 8 P x P e.p., Kt x P ; 9 Q-K2, etc., which
Alexander tried against Gudmunsson in the
27 R-Q6 ch K-Kt4 same tournament.
28 Kt x R
The big harvest. 8 ...... P-B4
28 . . . . . . He continues to bait his opponent on the
R x Kt
29 R x BP Queen's wing.
30 P-KB3
9 B-K3
The White pawn phalanx comes into play
A logical retreat which consolidates his
and Black's agony will be short.
position in the centre. An interesting
30 . . . . . . Kt-B3 skirmish could arise from 9 P x P, Kt-QB3 ;
3 1 P-KKt3 P-KR4 10 B-KB4, Castles ; 1 1 B-R6, R-B2 ;
32 R-K5 Resigns 1 2 Kt x P, QKt x P ; and Black has strength­
A wise decision in an irretrievable situa­ ened his game.
tion, e.g. 32 . . . . R-Q I ; 3 3 K-B I , or
32 . . . . K-Kt3 ; 33 P-KR4, etc. If 32 . . . . 9 ...... Castles
Kt-Q2 ; 33 P-R4 mate, and if 32 . . . . 1 0 KKt-K2 Q-Kt3
P-R5 ; 33 P-KKt4. Black pays too much attention to his
ventures on the Q side. The Queen is still
required at Q 1 . A re-grouping by 1 0 . . . .
, R-K I ; followed by . . . . B-B I ; would
37 reinforce his position. More solid also than
the diversion in the text would be 1 0 . . . .
Kt-QB3 ; e.g. 1 1 Kt-B4, Kt-Kt3 ;
(Hastings, 1 946-7) 1 2 Castles, P x P ; 1 3 B X QP, Q-B2 ; and
Black has defensive chances.
This magnificent struggle, on which
depended the first prize in the tournament, 1 1 Castles R-B2
was won by the player who showed the Black's difficulties are on the increase.
greater " will to win." He cannot yet make the natural developing

move, 1 1 . . . . Kt-QB3; because of mate, or I S . . . . R-Kt2 ; 19Q-R3, etc.).

1 2 B-R6, R--B 2 ; 13 Kt x P, P x Kt ; Again, if 1 7 . . . . R-Kt2; I S P-R6, and
1 4 P-K6, and wins. Black has no defence.

1 2 Kt-B4 Kt-B I IS B x P
1 3 B-K2 An interesting line is I S Q-Kt4, P x B ;
White makes straight for his target on the 1 9 P x Kt, R-Kt2 ; 20 Q-R5, K-B l ;
K side, without allowing himself to be side­ 2 1 Q-RS ch, R-Kt l ; 22 P-Kt7 ch,
tracked b y other possible plans, as, for K-B2 ; 23 P x KP, and White's frontal
instance, 1 3 K-Kt l , with threat 1 4 P x P, attack now develops o n three files.
IS . � " . . .
13 . . . . 4 Kt-B3
. Here I S . . . Q-Q 1 ; affords Black better

If 1 3 . . . . P-Kt3 ; 1 4 P-R5, P-Kt4 ; chances of resistance.

1 5 KKt x QP, P x Kt ; 1 6 Kt x P, Q-Q l ;
1 7 Kt x B ch, Q x K t ; I S QB x p. and White's 1 9 P x Kt P x Kt
attack is ample compensation for the piece Now 1 9 . . . . Q-Ql ; would come too
invested. late : 20 P x R db ch, K x P; 21 R-R7 ch,
K-Kl ; 22 R-RS ch, B-Bt ; 23 B-R6,
1 4 B-R5 P-Kt3 K-K2 ; 24 R-R7 ch, K-K l ; 25 Q-Kt6
An interesting interlude here, according to ma tee 0 n the other hand, if 1 9 . . . .
Alexander's own analysis, is 1 4 . . . . P x P ; R-Kt2 ; 20 Q-R3, is conclusive.
1 S B x R ch, K x B ; 1 6 B x P, K t x B ;
1 7 Q-K3, B-B4; I S Kt-R4, and Black 20 P x R db ch
has lost the exchange in a bad position. Under stress of time, White discards a
Note that if now I S . . . . Kt-Kt6 ch; quicker win, as follows : 20 R-RS ch,
1 9 Q x Kt.. K x R (if 20 . . . . K-Kt2 ; 21 P x R dis ch,
and the Queen mates at KtS) ; 2 1 Q-R3 ch,
B-R5 (otherwise, if 2 1 . . . . K-Ktl ;
22 P x R ch, K x P; 23 Q-R5 ch, K-Kt2 ;
24 B-R6 ch, etc.); 22 Q x B ch, K-Ktl ;
23 P x R ch, K x P ; 24 Q-B6 ch, K-K I ;
25 P x P, Q-Q l ; 26 Q-Kt6 ch, K-Q2;
27 R x P ch, P x R ; 2S P-K6 ch, K-K2 ;
29 Q-B7 mate.

20 . . . . . . KxP
21 Q x P K-Kl
Forced, as otherwise 22 R-RS, cuts off
the King, who would clearly be in a mating

22 R-RS ch K-Q2
Now the black King looks very snug with
two Bishops against Rook and some pawns.
But both his Q R and QB are in chancery.
1 5 Kt x KtP
Brilliant and.. logical. "Strike while the 23 R x P ch
iron's hot." If, for instance, 1 5 QKt-K2, Alexander in his element.
K-Rl ; 1 6 B-B3, the struggle would die
away. 23 . . . . . . K-B2
If instead, 23 . . . . P x R ; 24 P-K6 ch,
15 . . . . . . P x Kt K x P ; 25 Q-R3 ch, K-B2; 26 Q-R5 ch,
16 B x P Kt x B K-K3 ; 27 Q-Kt6 ch, B-B3 (if 27 . . . .
Here 1 6 . . . . R-Kt2 ; 1 7 P-R5, K-R 1 : K-Q2 ; 2S Q-B5 mate); 2S Q-Kt4 ch,
would limit the damage as the K R file K-K2 ; 29 R-R7 ch, K-B I ; 30 B-R6 ch,
remains closed. etc.

1 7 P-R5 P-KB5 24 R-Q l

Black defends skilfully. If, instead, Simplest is 24 B-K3, Q-Kt 5 ; 25 R-Q3,
1 7 . . . . P x P ; I S P x Kt, is decisive ( I S . . . . etc., with an easily won ending, thanks to the
P x B ; 1 9 R-RS ch, K x R ; 20 P x R, forcing K side pawns. The text-move, however,

keeps up the pressure against Black's con­ 1 P-K4 P-K3

gested position. 2 P-Q4 P-Q4
3 Kt-QB3
24 . . . . . . Qx P Here a blockading strategy by 3P-K5, also
25 B-K3 has supporters. A fine illustration of its
More" ambitious than 25 P-KKt3. possibilities is furnished by the following
miniature game, Milner-Barry-Trott, Il/ord,
25 . . . . . . Q-B4
1951 : 3 P-K5 (this advance, much favoured
After 25 Q x P ; the diversion
by Steinitz and Nimzowitsch, is said by the
26 R-Kt l , followed by R-Kt7, is decisive,
theory to be premature, but in actual
e.g. 26 . . . . Q-K5 ; 27 R-Kt7, K-Kt l ;
practice it has scored many triumphs),
28 R x B, Kt x R ; 29 Q-B5, Q-B3 ;
3 . . . . P-QB4; 4 P-QB3 (theoretically
30 Q x Kt, etc., or else 26 . . . . Q-Q4 ;
sound, of course, as strengthening the centre.
27 R-Kt7, K-Kt l ; 28 B-Kt6, Q-Q2 ;
In his later years, however, Nimzowitsch
29 R(Kt7)-Kt8, etc.
gave preference to the more aggressive and
26 P-KKt4 Q-Kt3 tricky 4 Q-Kt4) , 4 . . . , Kt-QB3 ;
If 26 . . . . Q x KP; 27 Q x Q, Kt x Q ; 5 Kt-B3, Q-Kt3 ; 6 B-Q3 (more forcible
28 B-B4, B-Q3 ; 29 K-Ktl , and the than 6 B-K2), 6 . . . . KKt-K2 (a careless
KKtP marches in. Or 26 . . . . Q x KtP ; move, which gives Milner-Barry an oppor ..
27 R-R7, K-Kt1 ; 28 R x B, Kt x R ; tunity to exercise his exceptional gift for
29 Q-B5, Kt-B4 ; 30 R-Q8, and Black attack. Black should play 6 . . . . P x P) ;
gets mated in broad daylight. 7 P x P (the point now is that Black's Queen
will lose many moves after 7 . . . . Q x BP ;
27 B-B5 Q-Kt4 ch 8 B-K3, or get into serious difficulties in
Or 27 . . . . B x B ; 28 Q x B , Q-Kt4 ch ; the line actually played), 7 . . . . Q-B2 ;
29 K-Ktl , Q x KP; 30 R-R 7 ch, K-Ktl ; 8 Kt-R3, Kt x P, 9 QKt-Kt5, Kt x B ch ;
3 1 Q x Q, Kt x Q ; 32 P-Kt5, and Black 10 Q x Kt, Q x BP; 1 1 B-K3, P-Q5 ;
can restrain this passed pawn only at the 1 2 B x P, Q-B3 ; 1 3 Kt-K5, Q x P (Black's
cost of a piece. Queen is saved, but his King is in a
trap) ; 14 Kt-Q6 ch, K-Q I ; 1 5 B-Kt6 ch,
28 Q-K3 P-Kt4 Black resigns. Delightful ! ( 1 5 . . . . P x B ;
If 28 . . . . Q x KtP ; 29 R-R7, wins a 1 6 Kt x BP db ch, K-Kl ; 1 7 Q-Q8 mate,
pIece. or 16 . . . . K-B 2 ; 1 7 Q-Q6 mate).

29 B-Kt6 ch K-Ktl 3 ...... Kt-KB3

If 29 . . . . K-Kt2; 30 R-R7, K-Kt l ; 4 B-Kt5
3 1 K-Kt I , with the threat of 32 B-B7 ch. He decides on the pin in preference to
simplificatio n : 4 P x P (Svenonius), or the
30 K-Kt l Q-Kt2 central advance 4 P-K5, KKt-Q2.
An exchange of Queens would have pro­
longed the agony. Now comes a delightful 4 ...... B-K2
finish. 5 B x Kt
This line, preferred by the German
3 1 R-Q7 B-B4 masters, Anderssen and Richter, is not
For if 3 1 . . . . Q x R ; 32 B-B7 ch, without venom.
K-Kt2 ; 33 Q-Kt6 mate.

K-Kt2 S . .... BxB

32 B-B7 ch .

33 Q x B Resigns 6 P-K5
Thus ended a great game, which held Steadier is first 6 Kt-B3.
the onlookers spellbound and decided the
tournament. 6 ...... B-K2
7 Q-Kt4 Castles
8 Castles
38 Less hurried, but equally bold is 8 B-Q3,
a illustrated in a game Paoli-Stalda from
L. EVANS C. PILNICK the Italian Championship, Venice, 1950:
(New York, 1947) 8 B-Q3, P-QB4 (playable also is, first,
8 . . . . P-KB4; 9 Q-R3, although here
The very young Americanfrom college shows too White's attack renlains very dangerous) ;
in the following game that his early attempts 9 P x P, Kt-B3 ; 10 Kt-B3 (accelerating
already bear the hallmark of the master. his action, White discards the usual

10 P-B4, which gives Black just the

necessary time to build up an active defence
by 1 0 . . . . P-B4 ; 1 1 Q-R3, P-QKt3 ;
1 2 Castles. B x P, etc.), 10 . . . . P-B3 ;
1 1 Q-R5, P-KKt3 ; 1 2 B x P� P x B ;
1 3 Q x P ch, K-RI ; 1 4 P-KR4, B x P ;
1 5 Q-R6 ch, K-Kt l ; 1 6 R-R3, Q-Kt3 ;
1 7 Q-Kt6 ch, K-Rl ; 1 8 Q-R5 ch, Black

8 .._... P-QB4
The position demands 8 . . . . P-KB4 ;
e.g. 9 Q-R3, P-QKt3 ; 1 0 P-B4, P-B4;
11 Kt-B3, P-QB5; 12 R-Ktl ,
P-QKt4 ; and the game is evening out.

9 P-KR4
White's treatment of the opening shows n o Position after 21 • • • • B-Kl
lack of courage, and the play hereafter
leaves the paths of theory. More conform­ 24 . . . . B x Q ; 25 B x P db ch, K-Rl
able is 9 P x P. (25 . . . . K-B 2; 26 B-Kt6 ch, K-Kt2;
27 B-K8 djs ch, etc.) ; 26 R-RI, P-R7 ch;
9 ...... Px P 27 K-Rl, R x P; 28 B-B5 dis ch, B-R5 ;
10 QKt-K2 Kt-B3 29 Kt x BJ with mate to follow.
1 1 P-KB4 Q-R4
1 2 K-Kt l P-Q6 24 . . . . .
4 P xP
The idea of this move is to force 1 3 P x P 25 B x P db ch
( 1 3 R x P, Q-K8 ch), after which this Rook Not 25 B x B db ch, K-Rl ; and White
cannot readily go over to the K side via Q3. would have missed his way_
If, instead 1 2 . . . . B-B4 ; 1 3 Kt-B I , and
White's attack prevails. 2 5 . . . . . .. K-Rl
26 Q-R6 Q-R8 ch
13 P x P 27 K-B2 P-Kt8(Q) ch
1 4 R-R3 Or 27 . . . . Kt-Kt5 ch; 28 K-Q2, and
QR-B l
1 5 R-Kt3 P-KKt3 Black is at the end of his resources.
1 6 P-Q4 P-QKt4
28 R x Q Kt-Kt5 ch
1 7 P-R5 Kt-Kt5
1 8 P-R3 29 K-Q I Resigns
19 P x P BP x P An inspiring finish ! A remarkable
20 Kt-QB3 feature of contemporary chess is the great
Played with consummate skill; White number of very young players who show
deliberately jeopardises his King's field for outstanding promise all over the world.
the sole purpose of enabling his KB to No one would guess that the winner of
this game, playing against a ranking player
occupy the right diagonal.
of the U .S.A., was only 1 5 at the time.
20 . . .
.. . P-Kt5.

2 1 B-Q3 B-KI
The crisis. Black's KKt3 appears to be
sufficiently protected and White1s game
seems to be compromised.
22 Kt-B3 (Lancashire) (Middlesex)
There emerges the miracle of the sacrifice.
(British Counties' Championship,
Manchester, 1 9 50)
22 . . . .PxP• .

Here 22 . . .. . P x Kt; leads to much the Since the sad and premature death of Mrs.
same finish. Stevenson-Menchik, the number of ladies
capable of holding their own against players
23 Q x KP ch B-B2 of the opposite sex has steadily increased.
24 B x P
A magnificent conception! If now 1 P-K4 P-K3

2 P-Q4 P-Q4 positional advantage takes a definite shape:

3 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 Barden-Donner, University Match, England
4 B-Kt5 B-Kt5 v. Holland, 1 9 5 1 .
This counter-pin, introduced by the
American McCutcheon, still gives experts 8 ...... Kt x B
everywhere much food for thought. 9 Q x Kt P-QB4
The real play begins here, and is a good
5 P-K5 illustration of what Black's strategy should
Much less energetic are the following be in the "French". Black's K side is safe,
continuations : 5 P x P, 5 Kt-K2, and and with this move Black starts an attempt
5 B-Q3. The last-named was played in to undermine White's centre and to obtain
a curious little game from the U.S.A. Open counter-play on the Q side.
Championship, 1 9 5 1 , between Coles and
Westbroo k: 5 B-Q3, P x P (playable also is, 10 P x P
at once 5 . . . . P-B4 ; 6 Kt-B3, Kt-B3) ; White gives in too soon. However,
6 B x P, P-B4 ; 7 Kt-K2 (7 P x P, 1 0 Kt-B3, would delay his intended thrust,
Q-R4), 7 . . . . P x P ; 8 Kt x P, Q-R4 ; P-KB4, and Black then obtains additional
9 B x Kt, B x Kt ch; 10 P x B, Q x P ch; chances on the Q side after 10 . . . . Kt-B3 ;
1 1 Q-Q2 (inspired by the motif of the 1 1 Castles KR, Q-R4; etc. Again, after
"Immortal Game," Anderssen-Kieseritzky, 10 P-KB4, Kt-B 3 ; 1 1 B-Kt5, Q-R4;
London, 1 8 5 1 ) , 1 1 . . . . Q x R ch; 1 2 K-K2, 1 2 B x Kt ch, P x B ; 1 3 Kt-B3, B-R3 ;
Q-Kt7 (Black realises that the capture of Black's game is preferable.
the second Rook would be suicidal because
of 1 3 Kt x P, and he therefore tries to 10 . . . . . . Q-B2
maintain his Queen on the long black White's weak points bring retribution.
diagonal, so as to reply to 1 3 Kt x P by
1 3 . . . . Q x B); 1 3 R-QKt l (a deflecting
1 1 Q-K3 Castles
sacrifice), 1 3 Q x R ; 1 4 Kt.x P,
1 2 Kt-K2 Kt-Q2
B-Q2; 1 5 Kt x P ch, K-B I ; 16 Kt-K6 ch,
1 3 P-KB4 Kt x BP
P x Kt (or 1 6 . . . . K-Kl ; 1 7 Kt-B7 ch,
14 Castles KR B-Q2
etc. ) ; 1 7 Q-Q6 ch, K-Ktl ; 1 8 Q-Kt3 ch,
1 5 R-B3
and mate in two.
We should prefer 1 5 P-Kt4, retaining
some initiative on his wing.
5 . . .. . . P-KR3
6 B-Q2
15 . . . . . . QR-Bl
The routine retreat.
1 6 R-R3 P-B4
B x Kt 1 7 Q-Q4 R-B2
6 . . . .
1 8 P-B4 PxP
. .

7 PxB Kt-K5
8 B-Q3 1 9 B x P(B4) B-KI
A critical moment. The most dynamic 20 Q-K3 P-QKt4
continuation is known to be 8 Q-Kt4, While White is reduced to marking time,
P-KKt3 (if 8 . . . . K-B l , giving up any Black energetically exploits her advantage
idea of castling, White continues 9 P-KR4, on her wing.
P-QB4; 1 0 R-R3, Q-R4; 1 1 B-Q3,
Kt x B ; 12 R-Kt3, P-KKt3; 1 3 K x Kt, 2 1 B-Kt3 R-K2
etc., with multiple chances) ; 9 B-BI (the 22 Kt-Q4 K-R2
idea of this fine retreat is due to Duras. 23 Q-K2 Q-Kt3
Inferior is 9 P-KR4, P-QB4 ; 10 B-Q3, Black's objects have been achieved. Her
Kt x B ; 1 1 K x Kt, Kt-B3 ; 1 2 R-R3, K side is still secure, but she has a definite
P x P ; 1 3 P x P, Q-Kt 3 ; 1 4 Kt-B3, B-Q2, pull on the opposing wing.
and Black has the better game: Dr. Euwe­
Castaldi, Venice, 1948), 9 . . . . Kt x QBP 24 K-RI Kt-K5
(if 9 . . . . P-Q B4; White has the subtle 25 R-Q3 P-QR4
continuation, 1 0 B-Q3, P x P; 1 1 Kt-K2, - 26 P-QR3 B-B2
etc. : Bronstein-Goldenov, Kiev, 1 944) ; , Freeing the KR for operations on the

1 0 B-Q3, P-QB4; 1 1 P x P, Kt-B3 ; Q side, where Black's onslaught is steadily

1 2 Kt-B3, Q-R4; 1 3 Castles, Q-R5 increasing in momentum.
(more prudent than 1 3 . . . . Q x BP;
14 Q-R4, and White's attack is stronger 27 Q-K3 Q-B4
than ever : Smyslov-Donner, Venice, 1950); 28 R-KBI P-R5
·14 Q x Q, Kt x Q; 1 5 B-K3, and White's 29 B-R2 Kt-B6

30 B-Ktl R(K2)-B2 The idea of this early pin was first favoured
3 1 Q-Bl by Winawer, then by Mar6czy and Nim­
White defends his possessions by artificial zowitsch. Finally Alekhine and Botvinnik
means. elaborated its details so that it began to be
considered almost a refutation of White's
third move.
Thus theory is in a constant state of flux.

4 P-K5
From a number of possible replies, White
selects the most incisive. Less stable is
4 P-Q R3, which is illustrated in a cor­
respondence game, Dr. Torber-Menke,
1 950, as follows: 4 P-QR3, B x Kt ch;
5 P x B, Kt-KB3 (less troublesome for Black
is 5 . . . . Kt-K2; 6 P-K5, P-QB4, etc.,
or even 5 . . . . P x P ; 6 Q-Kt4, Kt-KB3 ;
7 Q x KtP, R-Ktl ; 8 Q-R6, P-B4, etc.,
with equality) ; 6 P-K5 (this delayed
blockade is even more troublesome), 6 . . . .
KKt-Q2; 7 P-QR4 (providing a powerful
subsidiary diagonal for the QB), 7 . . . .
P-Q B4; 8 Q-Kt4, K-Bl (it is clear that
31 . . . . . . P-Kt5 8 . . . . Castles would lose the exchange,
The break-through. Black's conduct of while 8 . . . . P-KKt3 would dangerously
the attack displays a masterly touch. If weaken the King's field) ; 9 P-R4, Q-B2;
32 P x P, Q x KtP; followed by . . , . 1 0 KR-R3, P x P (seeking counter-play,
R-QKtl ; and the Bishop is trapped. Black reckons only with the artless con­
tinuation 1 1 P x P, Kt x P ; 1 2 P x Kt,
32 R(Bl)-B3 Q-R4 Q x P ch; followed by . . . . Q x R ; but
Black works with the precision of a matters turn out differently) ; 1 1 B-R3 ch,
watch maker. K-Kt l ; 1 2 Q x P ch, a hammer-blow which
leads to a mate in four.
33 Q-Kt2 PxP
34 Q-Rl Q-Kt5 4 ...... P-QB4
35 B-R2 The normal reaction, but 4 . . . . Kt-K 2;
White is demoralised. But he is equally also is worth considering.
lost after 35 R-B 1 , Q-Kt7 ; 36 Q x Q,
Px Q ; followed by the advance of the QRP. 5 P-QR3 B x Kt ch
6 PxB Kt--K2
35 . . . . . . Kt x B 7 Kt-B3
36 Q x Kt Q-K8 ch He prefers the quiet mobilisation of his
Resigns forces to uncertain enterprises, such as
After playing over this game, Mme. 7 Q-Kt4 (7 . . . . Kt-B4 ; 8 B-Q3,
de Silans remarked : "I can see that women P-KR4 ; 9 Q-B4, Q-R5 ; 10 B x Kt,
are even more dangerous than men." Q x Q ; 1 1 B x Q, P x B ; equalising), or
7 P-QR4 (7 . . . . QKt-B3 ; 8 Kt-B3,
Q-R4 ; 9 B-Q2, P-B 5 ; with even
7 . . . . . . QKt-B3
STANNARD NIKOLENKO Black also prefers noncommittal moves
(West Australian Championship, to defining his intention by 7 . . . . Q-R4, or
1950) 7 . . . . B-Q2.

Lovers of chess cannot help rejoicing in 8 B-Q3

the fact that chess flourishes and is played Or 8 P-QR4, Q-R4 ; 9 B-Q2 (9 Q-Q2,
expertly in the farthest parts of the globe. P x P ; 1 0 P x P, Q x Q ch; 1 1 B x Q, Kt-B4;
with equality) , 9 . . . . P-B5 ; and now
1 P-K4 P-K3 Lilienthal's idea: 1 0 P-Kt3, B-Q 2 ;
2 P-Q4 P-Q4 1 1 B-R3, increases White's dynamic
3 Kt-QB3 B-Kt5 possibilities.

8 ...... P-B5 20 B-Kt4 Q-R3

More forcible is 8 . . . . Q-R4 ; e.g. 2 1 B-B5
9 Castles" Q x BP; 10 B-Q2, Q-Kt7 ; A busy Bishop. Various dangerous
1 1 R-Kt l , with a draw by repetition of threats are impending, e.g. 22 P-R5,
moves, or 9 B-Q2, P-B 5 ; 10 B-K2, and Kt-R I ; 23 R-Kt6, Kt x R (or 23 . . . .
Black has established strong points on the P x R ; 24 P x P, Q-Kt4 ; 25 R x Kt ch,
Q side. Kt-K tl ; 26 R x Kt ch, followed by mate in
two) ; 24 P x Kt, Q-Kt4 ; 25 P x P, Kt x RP ;
9 B-K2 B-Q2 26 R-R5, Q-B3 (if 2 6 . . . . B-B 3 ; then,
1 0 B-Q2 Q-B2 fi,rst 27 B x Kt, and then R x Q, and Black
Here again 1 0 . . . . Q-R4 ; is more active. would have no equivalent for his Queen) ;
The black Queen stays quietly at home, 27 R x Kt, K-B2; 28 B-Q6 ch, and wins.
leaving her King to face a difficult problem.
If he castles KR, White's forces are better 21 . . . . . . Kt-RI
placed for attack on the K side than are 22 P-R5 QR-KI
Black's for defence. . . . . Castles QR; on The black King should have been given
the other hand, is very risky, in view of the more breathing space by 22 . . . . QR-Ktl .
open QKt file.
23 B-Q6
1 1 Q-BI A psychological moment: White proceeds
White's play has been deliberate, waiting methodically in preference to embarking on
for Black's decision to castle on one side or the combination shown above, commencing
the other, and he is indeed well prepared for with 23 R-Kt6.
either contingency.
23 . . . . . . Kt-B2
11 . . . . . . Castles Q R 24 Kt-Q2
12 P-QR4 P-KR3 Calling up the reserves.
More energetic is 1 2 . . . . P-B4 ; with
chances of counter-action on the K side. 24 . . . . . . Kt-Q I
If 1 3 P x P e. p . , P x P ; Black also has an Black has been to great pains to obtain a
open file; and if 13 B-Kt5, P-KR3 ; he little freedom, but . . .
threatens an advance by his K side pawns.
25 Kt-Kt3
1 3 R-R2 K-K tl
14 Q-RI Q-R4
He stops the advance of the hostile
QRP, and at the same time, makes up for the
inaccuracy of his tenth move.

I S Castles Kt-B I
1 6 R-Ktl Kt-Kt3
1 7 B-Q B I
A random thought : there is i n chess what
might be called the topography of the game.
Many a contest recalls manreuvres in
mountainous country ; others jungle war­
fare. Here we are forcibly reminded of a
fight in the bush, such as could occur,
precisely, in Australia. Going one step
further, we might assume that the physical
geography of a country (its contours,
climate, irrigation, etc.), has a considerable
influence, not only on the way of life of its here is a brilliant conception, whether
inhabitants, but on their manner·of thinking. Black take the Knight or not, e.g.: 25 . . . .
Q-B3 ; 26 Kt-B5, Kt-Kt4 ; 27 R x Kt,
17 . . . . . . Kt-K2 Q x R ; 28 R-Kt2, Q-B3 ; 29 R-Kt6, and
1 8 B-R3 Black is without resource. In taking the
Refuting his opponent's threats; Black Knight, Black obtains Rook and two pieces
must change his plans. for the Queen, but he cannot save the game.

18 . . . . . . Kt-B3 25 . . . . . . P x Kt
19 B-Q6 ch K-B I 26 B x Q PxR

27 B x P ch Kt x B B-Q3 ; 1 0 B-Kt3, etc., and White stands

28 Q x P Kt x B considerably better.
29 P x Kt Kt-Kt4
30 Q-Kt3 K-Kt2 5 KKt-B3 P-QB4
3 1 P-QB4 The actual order of moves was : 1 P-K4,
Lea ving behind the last zone of the bush, P-K3 ; 2 P-Q4, P-Q4 ; 3 Kt-Q2,
after which the fight in the open will be of P-QB4 ; 4 KKt-B3, P x P ; 5 Kt x P,
short duration. Kt-Q2.
Against 5 . . . . KKt-B3 ; White's best line
31 . . . . . . Px P is 6 Kt x Kt ch, Kt x Kt; 7 B-Q3, B-K2
32 Q x P R-QB l (or 7 . . . . P-QKt3 ; 8 Q-K2, B-Kt2 ;
3 3 R x Kt ch BxR 9 B-Kt5, B-K2; 1 0 R-Q l , Castles;
34 Q x B ch K-Rl 1 I Castles, and White's prospects remain
3 5 P-R6 Resigns slightly superior) ; 8 Q-K2, Castles ;
An exciting struggle. If now 3 5 . . . . 9 Castles, and Black is still in danger.
R-QKtl ; 36 Q-B6 ch, etc.
6 PxP Kt x P
7 Q x Q ch KxQ
One might think that Black, by the early
41 exchan ge of Queens. has surmounted the
difficulties of the opening, when, in fact,
PLECI ENDZELINS they have only begun.
(Argentine) (Latvia)
(Olympiad, Buenos Aires, 1 939) 8 B-Kt5 ch P-B3
Of course, not 8 . . . . B-K2; 9 Kt x Kt.
The following game, which was called the
9 Castles ch K-Kl
pearl of the Olympiad, is a breath-taking
Nolens volens, the black King must con­
struggle not only for the players, but for those
tinue his travels.
also who play it over as they watch the
White forces penetrating the enemy lines in 1 0 B-Kt5 ch
the manner of a motorised column. White throws all his forces into the fray.
1 P-K4 P-K3 10 . . . . . . K-B2
2 P-Q4 P-Q4 And now the black King is in relative
3 Kt-QB3 PxP security, while two of White' s pieces are
The Polish Variation, tried out by Rubin­ en prise.
stein, attempts to eliminate the tension in
the centre. A similar idea, applied a move
later, is 3 . . . . Kt-KB3 ; 4 B-Kt5, P x P ;
and must b e credited to Burn. That it
is not without danger is shown in a
Moyse-Sweby, correspondence, 1950; game
5 B x Kt, P x B (more solid is 5 . . . . Q x B ;
6 Kt x P, Q-Q 1 ; and Black's position
would be difficult to overthrow) ; 6 Kt x P,
P-KB4 ; 7 Kt-Kt3, B-Kt2 (better is
7 . . . . P-B4; 8 Kt-B3, Kt-B3) ; 8 Kt-B3,
P-B4 ; 9 Kt-R5, B x P ; 1 0 P-B3 (more
precise is 1 0 B-Kt5 ch, Kt-B3 ; 1 1 P-B3,
B-B3 ; 12 Q-R4, etc., as played in a
game Milner-Barry-Louma, London, 1 947),
1 0 . . . . B-B3 ; 1 1 B-Kt5 ch, K-K2;
12 Q-R4, R-Kt l ; 1 3 R-Q l , Q-B2;
1 4 Kt x B. Simple and decisive. Black
resigns, for, if 1 4 . . . . K x Kt; 1 5 Q-R4 ch,

K-Kt2 ; 16 Q-Kt5 ch, K-R l ; . t l R-Q8
1 7 Q-B6 ch, his game breaks up. "A la Morphy" or, as some spectators
remarked, Ha la Pleci."
4 Kt x P Kt-Q2
After 4 . . . . Kt-KB 3 ; 5 Kt x Kt ch, 11 .... . . B-K2
P x K t ; 6 Kt-B3, P-Kt3 ; 7 B-KB4, Black realises that all of his opponent's
B-QKt2 ; 8 B-Kt5 ch, P-B 3 ; 9 B-Q3, proffered sacrifices are entirely sound.

Let us examine: only in the highest degree combative, but also

(a) 1 1 . . . . P x B ; 12 Kt-K5 ch, K-K2; ;s of great theoretical value.
1 3 R-K8 mate.
(b) 1 1 Kt x Kt; 1 2 Kt-K5 ch, 1 P-K4 P-K3
K-K2 (or 12 . . . . P x Kt; 1 3 B-K8 mate) ; 2 P-Q4 P-Q4
1 3 R-K8 ch, K-Q3 ; 14 Kt-B7 ch, K-B4; 3 Kt-Q2
1 5 Kt x R, K x B ; 1 6 R x KB, and White has This ancient continuation has become
finally won the exchange, while still main­ very popular since 1939, in the main because
taining his terrible Rook on the eighth rank. the Winawer pin after 3 Kt-QB3, B-Kt5 ;
has proved uncomfortable for White.
1 2 Kt-K5 ch
The dizzy dance of the white Knights 3 ...... Kt-QB3
continues. An imaginative reply, much practised by
the Argentine master, Guimard. Stubborn
12 . . . . . . P x Kt contests result from 3 . . . . K t-KB3
1 3 Kt-Q6 ch K-Kt3 (4 P-K5, KKt-Q2 ; 5 B-Q3, P-QB4 ;
Black's King attempts to escape from this 6 P-QB3, Kt-QB3 ; 7 Kt-K2, etc.).
inferno, leaving victims by the way. Clearly Playable is 3 . . . . P-KB4; but less tractable
not 1 3 . . . . B x Kt; 14 B-K8 ch, K-B I ; is 3 . . . . P x P ; 4 Kt x P, leading to the
1 5 B-Kt6 (or 1 5 B-R5) mate. Polish Variation (see preceding game).
The most simple and sensible is 3 . . . .
14 B x B Kt x B P-QB4; with the continuation, 4 KP x P,
15 RxR P-QR3 KP x P ; 5 B-Kt5 ch, B-Q2; 6 Q-K2 ch,
The beginning of another act in the drama. Q-K2; tending to equality.
Although White has emerged with the
advantage of the exchange, Black puts up a 4 KKt-B3 Kt-B3
desperate resistance. 5 P-K5 Kt-Q2
6 Kt-Kt3
1 6 B-K2 P-K5 A rational continuation.
1 7 P-KB4 r-Kt4
Hoping to free his position by 1 8 . . . . 6 ...... P-B3
B-Kt2. Instead of th� routine move, the quiet
6 . . . . B-K2; can also be played.
1 8 R-K8 K-B3
Forced. 7 B-QKt5
Too limp would be 7 P x P, because of
1 9 R-B8 ch 7 . . . . Q x P; 8 B-KKt5, Q-B2; 9 B-R4,
Occupying the KB file with the gain of a P-K4 ; 1 0 P x P, KKt x P ; 1 1 Kt x Kt,
tempo, in keeping with White's strategy Kt x Kt; and, if anything, Black stands a
throughout this game. little better. But, 7 B-KB4, consolidating
White's position, can well be played, e.g.
19 . . . . . . K-Kt3 Menke-Dr. Herberg, correspondence, 1950:
20 P-KR4 B-Kt2 7 B-KB4, P-QR3 (there is n o time for this
If 20 . . . . P-R 3 ; 2 1 P-R5 ch, K-R2; preventive manreuvre, and he should play
22 R-K8, etc., and if 20 . . . . P-KR4 ; 7 . . . . P x P ; 8 P x P, B-K2) ; 8 P-B3,
2 1 P-KKt4. Kt-R2 (an ugly move, intended to make
possible a belated advance of the QBP, but
2 1 P-R5 ch Resigns. it leads to trouble) ; 9 B-· Q3, P-QB4 ;
Just in time, for there follows 2 1 . . . . 10 Kt-Kt5, P x Kt (guarding his KP by
K-R3 ; 2 2 Kt-B7 mate. 10 . . . . Kt-Ktl ; would be equally bad) ;
1 1 Q-R5 ch, K-K2; 12 B x P ch, Kt-B3 ;
1 3 B x Kt ch, Black resigns. If 1 3 . . . .
P x B ; 14 P x P ch, K x P ; 1 5 Q-R4 ch,
41 winning the Queen. A refreshing skirmish.


(Saltsjobaden, 1948) Or 7 . . . . B-K2; 8 B-KB4, Castles ;
9 P x P, P x P ; 1 0 Castles, Kt-Kt3 ;
As is nearly always the case when the two 1 1 R-K I , B-Q3 ; 12 B-Kt3, and White
leaders lneet towards the end of a tournament maintains a slight pull.
and the first place depends on the outcome of
their encounter, the following game is not 8 B x Kt PxB

9 Castles P-QB4 time and found a move of extraordinary

An active defence. If 9 . . . . P-QR4 ; vigour.
1 0 B-B4, P-R S ; 1 1 QKt-Q2, and White
achieves an harmonious development of his

10 P-B4
With this counter-thrust, he upsets all his
adversary's plans. Lifeless would be
1 0 KP x P, Q x P ; 1 1 R-K I , P-B S ;
1 2 Kt-B S (if 1 2 Kt-KtS, Kt-Kt l),
12 . . . . B x Kt; 13 P x B, Castles ; and
Black's chances are on the up-grade.

10 . . . . . . QP x P
After 1 0 . . . . P-B 3 ; could follow:
1 1 KP x P (good also is 1 1 B-Q2), 1 1 . . . .
KtP x P ; 1 2 Q-K2, K-B2; 1 3 R-K I ,
Kt-Kt 3 ; 1 4 K t x P, B x Kt ; 1 5 P x B,
Kt x P ; 16 P-QKt3, Kt-R4 ; 1 7 Kt-KS ch,
and White is on the way to success. 1 6 QR-Ql
This move comprises the potential threat
1 1 Kt-RS of R-Q4-B4 ch, but its main purpose is to
A fine manreuvre which threatens to prevent Black from freeing his game by
"mate" the adverse Queen. . . . . B-Q2. From a technical point of
view the text-move continues the thorough
11 . . . .. . Kt-Kt3 exploitation of the Q file, which Black's
Preferable is 1 1 . . . . Kt-K tI. tenth move has allowed to be opened.

12 KP x P Q x BP 16 . . . . . . B-Kt2
Or 12 . . . . KtP x P ; 1 3 R-K I , Q-Q4 ; Quite bad would be 1 6 . . . . Q x Kt; e.g.
1 4 Kt-KS, and White penetrates the enemy 17 Q x P ch, K-Kt3 (not 17 . . . . K-Kt l ;
lines. 1 8 Kt-KS, B-Q2 ; 1 9 R x B, R-B I ;
20 R x P ch, B x R ; 2 1 Q-B7 mate) ;
13 P x P 1 8 Kt-KS ch, K x B ; 1 9 P-B4 ch, K-R3 ;
Black's position is deteriorating. White's 20 R-B3, Q-B4 ch ; 21 K-R I , Q x Q ;
venturesome pa wn cannot be captured 22 R-R3 mate. With the text-move, Black
because of 14 B-KtS, followed by Q-Q8 ch, voluntarily gives up a piece. He could have
and Q x R. tried 16 . . . . P-R3.

13 . . . . . . Q-B4 17 Kt x B Rx Q
Now White cannot well reply with 1 8 Kt x Q R-Q4
1 4 P x Kt, because of 1 4 . . . . Q x QKt. Black's misfortune is that he cannot play
Two worthy opponents ! 1 8 . . . . R x R on account of 1 9 Kt-KS ch,
K-Kt l ; 20 R x R, B x Kt; 21 R-Q8 ch,
14 B-KtS QxP B-Bl ; 22 B-K7, and he still loses a piece
Inadequate is 1 4 . . . . B-Q2; because of in a hopeless position.
1 5 P x Kt, Q x QKt; 1 6 P-Kt7 (a quick­
silver pawn), 1 6 . . . . R-QKt l ; 1 7 R-K l , 19 Kt-K4
R x P; 1 8 Kt-KS, Q-RS ; 1 9 Q-RS ch, The rest is a long drawn-out agony: 1 9 . . . .
and wins. B-Q3 ; 20 Kt-B3, R-R4; 2 1 B-B I ,
Had Black foreseen the pending trouble, P-R3 ; 22 KR- K l , Kt-RS; 23 Kt x Kt,
he would have chosen, as the lesser evil, R x Kt; 24 P-QR3, P-B6 ; 25 P-QKt3,
1 4 . . . . Kt-Q4 ; 1 5 Q-R4 ch, B-Q2; R-R4 ; 26 R-Q3, R-QB4; 27 B-K3,
1 6 P-B6, B-B I ; 1 7 Q x P, and although R-Q R4; 28 R x P, R x P; 29 B-BS, R-R4 ;
Black has now shed an important pawn, he 30 P-QKt4, R-RS ; 3 1 P-Kt3, P-QR4;
would avoid more serious losses. 32 P-KtS, R-Q 1 ; 33 K-Kt2, R-R 7;
34 B x B, P x B ; 3 5 R-B7 ch, K-B 3 ;
1 5 Q-Q8 ch K-B2 3 6 Kt-Q4, R-K I ; 3 7 P-Kt6, P-K4 ;
At this point Bronstein reflected for a long 3 8 P-Kt7, and Black resigns.
43 Exchanges have cleared up the situation,
and White has secured the initiative.
(France) (Germany) 11 • • • . Kt-Kt3
• •

(Olympiad, Buenos Aires, 1939) The only way to protect both the attacked
pawns, but White's opposing Knight
Alekhine's play was ever passionately occupies a far more favourable post.
ambitious, as is shown in the masterly game
that follo ws. 1 2 Castles Castles
1 3 B-B4 B-Q3
1 P-K4 P-QB3 14 B x B QxB
3 PxP PxP 1 6 QR-B l P-KR3
4 P-QB4 1 7 Kt-KS R-B2
The Panov Attack, which came to the fore 1 8 P-Kt3 KR-BI
in the game Reti-Duras, Vienna, 1908, 19 R x R Rx R
creates many difficulties for Black.
He guards the QKtP and hopes to obtain
Another continuation, 4 B-Q3, belies its
a theoretical equilibrium.
apparent simplicity. Nevertheless, Black
can here solve the problem of the opening
fairly satisfactorily after 4 . . . . QKt-B3 ; 20 Q-KtS Kt-Q2
S P-QB3, Kt-B 3 ; 6 B-KB4, B-KtS ; 2 1 Kt x Kt R x Kt
7 Q-Kt3, Kt-QR4; 8 Q-R4 ch, B-Q2; Or 21 . . . . Q x Kt; 22 R-K8 ch, K-R2 ;
9 Q-B2, Q-Kt3; 10 Kt-Q2, P-K3 ; 23 Q-Q3 ch, P-Kt3 ; 24 Q-K3, etc.,
1 1 KKt-B3, B-Kt4; 1 2 Castles KR, B x B ; with considerable difficulties for Black.
1 3 Q x B, etc., with equality.
22 R-K8 ch K-R2
4 ...... Kt-KB3 23 P-KR4
The game Capablanca-Czerniak, played With much-reduced material White still
in the same Olympiad, went as follows : aims high.
4 . . . . QKt-B3 ; S KKt-B3, B-Kt S ;
6 P x P, Q x P ; 7 B-K2, P-K3 ; 8 Castles, 23 . . . . . . P-R3
Kt-B 3 ; 9 Kt-B3, Q-QR4; 10 P-KR3, 24 Q-K2 R-Ql
B-R4 ; 1 1 P-R3, and White gains space. 2S R-K7 R-Q2
26 R-KS P-KKt3
S Kt-QB3 P-K3 27 P-RS
6 Kt-B3 B-K2 One can but admire the crystal-clear
7 PxP strategy which enables White to disrupt the
Now 7 P-BS, would be inferior, because enemy lines.
of 7 . . . . Castles ; 8 P-QKt4, Kt-KS;
9 Q-B2, P-B4; etc. Nor is 7 B-KKtS,
27 . . . . . . Q-KB3
convincing, again on account of 7 . . . .
28 Q-K3 R-Q3 (see diag.)
Castles ; which is why Alekhine himself
seeks simplifi�ation. Black hopes to be able to play the equalis­
ing . . . . R-K3. If 28 . . . . P-QKt4 ;
7 ...... Kt x P 29 P x P ch, QxP (29 . . . . P x P ;
8 B-KtS ch B-Q2 30 R-K6) ; 3 0 Q-KB3, and Black's game
Too submissive. More tenacious is deteriorates rapidly.
8 . . . . Kt-B3, e.g. 9 Kt-KS, B-Q2;
10 B x Kt, P x B ; etc., with a good game. 29 Q-Kt3 R-Kt3
Or 29 . . . . P-QKt4; 30 R x P, R-K3 ;
9 B x B ch Kt x B 3 1 Q-Q l , etc.
10 Kt x Kt P x Kt
1 1 Q-Kt3 30 P x P ch QxP

(Beverwijk, 1952)

Short as it is� the following game displays

many strategic ideas.
1 P-K4 P-QB3
2 P-Q4
Is this immediate occupation of the
centre really necessary ? Nowadays much
attention is given to the ·'modern treat­
ment," 2 Kt-QB3, P-Q4 ; 3 Kt-B3, when
Black's best line is 3 . . . . P x P ; 4 Kt x P,
B-Kt5 ; 5 _P-KR3, B x Kt ; 6 Q x B,
P-K3 ; etc., with a fairly stable position.
Position after 28 • • • • R-Q3 .
2 . . . .. . P-Q4
3 Kt-QB3
31 Q x P RxP F or those who think the Exchange Varia­
Black defends himself with the greatest tion, 3 P x P, too simplifying, or the Blockade
tenacity. Variation, 3 P-K5, too dogmatic, the
classical continuation in the text is indicated.
32 R-B5 There are, however, other possibilities, as,
At last White's two pieces succeed in for instance, the fanciful 3 P-KB3.
invading the hostile entrenchments. The following game from a German
tournament� Rellstab-Edith Keller, Duis­
32 . . . . . . R-Kt4 burg, 1 948, shows that it is not without
Trying, at the cost of a pawn. to save the guile : 3 P-KB3, P x P (the best reply is
situation in a Rook's ending. If 3 2 . . . . 3 . . . . P-K3 ; transposing into the French
K-Ktl ; 3 3 P-R4, White tightens his Defence after 4 Kt-B3, Kt-B3; 5 P-K5,
stranglehold. KKt-Q2) ; 4 P x P, P-K4 ; 5 Kt-KB3,
P x P (careless. Preferable is 5 . . . . B-K3 ;
33 R x P ch K-Ktl 6 Kt-B3, B-QKt5 ; trying to check White's
34 R-B6 dis ch RxQ impetus) ; 6 B-QB4, B-Kt5 ch (Black goes
35 R x Q ch K-R2 on with her scheme and is now on the down..
36 R-Kt6 RxP ward path. But if 6 .. . . .. B-K3 ; 7 B x B,
3 7 R x KtP ch K-Ktl P x B ; 8 Castles, B-K2 ; 9 Kt x P, White has
38 R-Kt6 R-QR5 a manifest advantage) ; 7 P-B3, P x P ;
H is only chance. 8 B x P ch, K x B ; 9 Q x Q, Kt-K2 ;
1 0 Q x R, P x P dis ch; 1 1 K-K2, P x R(Q)
(Black is now a piece up, but Fate marches
39 R x KRP RxP on) ; 1 2 Kt-Kt5 ch, K-Kt3 ; 1 3 Q-K8 ch,
40 K-Kt2 K-R3 ; 1 4 Kt-K6 dis ch, Black resigns
As a result of his minutely calculated
(if 1 4 . . . . P-Kt4; 1 5 B x P mate).
manreuvres, Alekhine has an extra pawn to
show, and his two united pawns ensure his 3 . . . .. . . PxP
victory. 4 Kt x P Kt-B3
A challenge.
40 . . . .. .
. P-R4 Nimzowitsch's suggestion 4 . . . . Kt-Q2;
4 1 R-R6 P-R5 also leaves Black worse off positionally after
42 R-R7 5 KKt-B3, KKt-B 3 ; 6 Kt x Kt ch (the
Accomplished technique. traditional continuation is 6 Kt-Kt3.
P-K3 ; 7 B-Q3, B-K2 ; 8 Q-K2, Castles;
42 . . . .. .. P-R6 9 Castles, P-B4 ; with good chances of
43 P-Kt4 K-B l equality), 6 .. . . . Kt x Kt; 7 Kt-K5,
44 P-Kt5 K-Ktl P-KKt3 ; 8 B-K2, B-Kt2 ; 9 Castles,
45 K-Kt3 R-R8 Castles ; 1 0 B-B3, B-B4 ; 1 1 P-B3,
46 K-Kt4 R-Kt8 ch Kt-Q4; 1 2 B-Q2, Q-B2; 1 3 R-Kl,
47 K-B5 R-Kt7 QR-Q l ; 14 Q-B l , and White has the
48 P-B4 P-R7 better game. The most likely to survive is
49 K-B6 Resigns the good old line, 4 . . . . B-B4; 5 Kt-Kt3,

B-Kt 3 ; e.g. 6 Kt-B3 , Kt-Q2 ; 7 P-KR4, if 1 1 . . . . P-KR3 ; he would collapse at

P-KR3 ; 8 B-Q3, B x B ; 9 Q x B, Q-B2; once after 12 B x P, etc.
and Black holds his own.
1 2 Q-R6 R-K l
S Kt x Kt ch KP x Kt Necessity : the beautiful threat 1 3 Kt-RS,
Against Nimzowitsch's "No. 2 recipe," can now be met by 1 3 . . . . B-B l . Clearly
S • KtP x Kt; the energetic continuation
• . • insufficient would be 1 2 . . . . B x Kt; on
6 P-QB3, B-B4; 7 Kt-K2, P-K3 ; account of 1 3 BP x B, with the threat R-B4
8 Kt-Kt3, B-Kt3 ; 9 P-KR4, P-KR3 ; -KR4. And if 1 2 . . . . P-B4; 1 3 Kt x P,
1 0 P-RS, B-R2 ; 1 1 B-QB4, Kt-Q2 ; P x Kt; 1 4 B x P, and wins.
12 P-R4, reveals some weaknesses In

Black's game. 13 P x P Kt x P
Neglecting this Knight's defensive func..
6 B-QB4 B-Q3 tions (guarding the pawn at KB3), Black
If 6 . . . . B-K 3 ; 7 Q-K2, Q-K2 ; sinks into the abyss.
White has a striking preponderance on the The lesser evil would be 1 3 . . . . B x P,
K file. even though White's pressure then persists
after, e.g., 1 4 B-KB4, B-Q3 ; I S QR-K l ,
7 Kt-K2 Kt-K4; 1 6 Kt-RS, o r 1 3 . . . . Q x P ;
An important moment. 1 4 Kt-K4, Q-B2; I S Kt x B, Q x Kt;
The consequences of 7 Q-K2 ch, B-K2; 16 B-KB4, Q-B l ; 17 QR-Kl, Q x Q ;
8 Kt-B3, B-KtS ; 9 P-B3, Kt-Q2, etc., 1 8 B x Q, etc. More coolheaded is fi,rst
are not enticing. If (instead of 8 Kt-B3), J 3 . . . . B-Bl ; 14 Q-R4, Q x P, although
8 Q-RS, P-KKt3; 9 Q-Q l , Castles ; Black's position remains disjointed.
1 0 Kt-B3, B-KtS; Black also holds his
own. More subtle is at once 7 Q-RS, as in
a game, Keres- Mikenas, Buenos Aires,
1939 : 7 . . . . Castles ; 8 Kt-K2, P-KKt3 ;
9 Q-B3, R-Kl ; 10 B-KR6, B-KB4 ;
1 1 Castles QR, and White's K side attack
In the light of these experiences, White
prefers first to complete his development.

7 ...... Castles
8 Castles Q-B2
Unlike his opponent, Black shows a ten­
dency to counter-attack without fi,rst attend­
ing to his development. However, both 8 . . . .
B-K3 ; and 8 . . . . B-KKtS ; are not with..
out awkward points. Best, therefore, is 8 . . . .
R-Kl ; so that . . . . B-K3 ; and . . . .
K.t-Q2; can be played without harm. 14 Kt-RS
The trumpets of Jericho.
9 Kt-Kt3 Kt-Q2
1 0 Q-RS 14 . . . . . . P x Kt
This sortie, which neither attacks nor For now, if 14 . . . . B-B l ; I S Kt x P ch,
weakens anything, has a psychological followed by mate at KR 7. But after the

text move Black cannot escape being mated

in a few moves.
10 . . . . . . P-QB4
Full of confidence in the strength of his I S B x P ch K-Rl
King's fi eld, and as yet entirely unscathed, 1 6 B-Kt6 dis ch K-Ktl
Donner embarks on a doubtful enterprise on 1 7 Q-R7 ch K-B l
the Q side. Black hopes to be able to play 1 8 B-R6 ch
. . . . P-QKt3 ; and to solve the problem of The dormant Bishop springs to life.
his QB, but he will not succeed.
He could have tried 1 0 . . . . B-B S ; in 18 . . . . . . Resigns
order to ease the situation. Just in time to avoid mate in two. It is
most remarkable that a King's field, guarded
1 1 B-Q3 P-KKt3 by four pawns, could so thoroughly be
The defences begin to fritter away, but demolished in so short a time.
4S He hastens to drive the QB to its original
square, before White's QR can get into play.
(Saltsjobaden, 1 948) 1 2 B-Bl P-QKt4
Black follows an active policy on the
Champions of to-day use system in their Q side. The continuation in a game
genius and genius in their systems. Alexander-Szab6, Hi!versum, 1947, was
more superfi,cial : 12 .... Castles ;
1 P-K4 P-QB4
1 3 P-QKt3, Kt-QR4 ; 1 4 B-Q3, Kt-Q2 ;
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
1 5 B-Kt2, B-B 3 ; 16 Kt-B3, Kt-B 4 ;
3 P-Q4 PxP
1 7 P-KS, and once again this central
4 Kt x P Kt-B3
break-through turns out to White's advant-
5 QKt-B3 P-Q3 '
6 B-K2
The normal formation.
1 3 P-QKt3 Kt-Kt3
14 B-B3 B-Kt2
6 ...... P-K3
Not 1 4 . . . . P-KtS ; I S P-KS.
The restricted but unyielding contours of
the Scheveningen Formation fi.nd to-day
1 5 P-QR3
numerous adherents.
An important move.
7 Castles P-QR3
15 . . . . . . QKt-Q2
8 B-K3 Q-B2
Here and on the next move Black wastes
9 P-B4
time o n an indefinite plan which adds
This innovation of Boleslavsky's is more
nothing to the dynamism of his game.
energetic than the preparatory 9 K-Rl
More direct therefore would be 1 5
played in the famous game Maroczy­
. . . •

Castles KR; and eventually . . . . P-Q4.

Dr. Euwe, Scheveningen, 1923.

9 ...... Kt-QR4 1 6 B-Kt2 Kt-B4

A crisis. Impatiently Black strives to 1 7 P-QKt4 QKt-Q2
secure the initiative on the Q side, instead of 1 8 P-KS
first completing his K side development. A thematic break-through. Black, who
After 9 . . . . B-K2; a coherent sequel hoped to carry out unhindered the man­
could be: 10 Q-KI , Castles ; 1 1 Q-Kt3, re uvre . . . . Kt-Kt3-B S ; will be bowled
B-Q2; 1 2 B-B3, QR-B I ; 1 3 QR-Q l , over.
K-Rl ; and, in spite of the pressure which
White exercises in the centre and on the 18 . . . . . . PxP
K side, it will not be easy for him to break If, at once, 1 8 . . . . KKt-Ktl ; 19 P x P,
through. B x P; 20 Kt(B3) x P, P x K t ; "2 1 Kt x KtP,
Q-Kt3 ; 22 Kt x B ch, Q x Kt; 23 B x B
1 0 K-Rl and wins.
At the right moment, Boleslavsky adopts
Maroczy's manmuvre, as shown above. 19 P x P Kt-KKtl
1 0 P-BS, here would be shiftless and A sad retreat ! Neither 1 9 . . . . Kt x P ;
White's impetus would be halted by 1 0 . . . . 20 B x B , Q x B ; 2 1 Q x Kt, nor 1 9 . . . .
P-K4. A mistake would be 10 P-BS, Kt-Q4 ; 20 Kt x Kt, P x Kt ; 2 1 P-K6,
Kt-B S ; 1 1 B x Kt, Q x B ; 1 2 P x P, P x P; etc., nor, finally, 1 9 . . . . B x B ; 20 P x Kt,
13 R x Kt, etc. B x BP ; 2 1 Kt x B, R-Q B I ; 22 Kt-QS,
etc., can be entertained by Black.
10 . . . . . . B-K2
1 1 Q-Kl 20 Q-Kt3
A clever man�uvre. Although it cannot be claimed that the
manreuvre Q-KI-Kt3 is Boleslavsky's
11 • . . . . • Kt-BS I invention, he deserves admiration for the

energy with which he applied this stratagem Or 29 . . . . K-B 1 ; 30 R-B 1 ch, K-Kt l
in a number of games. (30 . . . . K-Kt2 ; 3 1 Q-K 7 ch, K-R3 ;
32 R-B3, Q x P ; 33 R-R3 ch, Q-R4 ;
20 . . . . . . B-K B1 34 R x Q ch, followed by 35 Q-Kt5 mate) ;
Another melancholy withdrawal, but if 3 1 Q-K7, R-KB 1 ; 32 R x R ch, Kt x R ;
20 . . . . K-B 1 ; 21 Kt x P ch, and wins, 33 Kt-B6 mate.
and if 20 . . . . P-Kt3 ; 2 1 B x B, Q x B ;
22 Q-B4, etc., with a definite advantage to 30 Kt-Q6 ch
White. As shown in the preceding note,
30 R-B1 ch clinches matters.
2 1 QR-K1 Kt-R3
If 2 1 . . . . Kt-Kt3 (to be able to castle 30 . . . . . . K-Kt2
without losing the KBP) ; 22 B x B, Q x B ; Or 30 . . . . K-Ktl ; 3 1 Q-K7, R-KB1 ;
23 Kt-K4, Castles ; 24 Kt x KP, P x K t ; 32 Kt x KP, Q x P ; 3 3 Q X R ch, Kt x Q ;
25 R x B, etc. 34 R x Q, etc.

22 B x B QxB 3 1 Q-K7 ch K-R3

23 B-B1 P-Kt3 32 R-K3 Resigns
24 B x Kt BxB A brilliant game.
2 5 Q-R3 B-Kt4
After 2 5 . . . . B-Kt2 ; the combination
which occurs in the game would be equally
effective. 46

26 Kt-K4 B-K2 . B. H. WOOD WINTER

Black's last eight moves must have been a (London, 1948)
nightmare to him, but he now hopes to have
consolidated his position to some extent. Contemporary British style, energetic and
logical, is well illustrated in the following

1 P-K4 P-QB4
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
3 P-Q4 PxP
4 Kt x P Kt-B3
5 QKt-B3 P-Q3
6 B-K2 P-KKt3
The dread Dragon Variation has lost much
of its terrors.

7 B-K3 B-Kt2
8 Q-Q2
Without delay he makes for his goal, a
contest with castling on opposite wings.
Alternative continuations are 8 P-B3,
8 P-KR3, 8 P-B4, 8 Kt-Kt3, or, finally,
8 Castles.
27 R x P
A spectacular sacrifice. 8 ...... Castles
Doubtful is the transaction 8 . . . .
27 . . . . . . Q-Q4 KKt-Kt5 ; 9 B x Kt, B x B ; because of
No one enjoys dying. Hopeless is 27 . . . . 1 0 P-B4.
K x R ; 28 Q x KP ch, K-B1 (28 . . . .
K-K 1 ; 29 Kt-Q6 ch) ; 29 R-B1 ch, etc. 9 Castles QR
And if 27 . . . . Kt x P ; 28 Kt-Q6 ch, Voila I If, first, 9 P-B3, then the liberat­
prettily wins the Queen. ing thrust 9 . . . . P-Q4; becomes possible.

28 R x B ch 9 ...... B-Q2
The carnage continues. Black underestimates his adversary's
prospects, thinking that he can complete his
28 . . . . . . KxR counter-preparations at leisure.
29 Q-R4 ch K-B2 A more active policy is required, such as

9 Kt x Kt; 1 0 B x Kt, Q-R4; (a "quiet" move, which threatens mate in

1 1 K-Kt l, P-K4 ; 1 2 B-K3, B-K 3 ; two) ; 2 1 . . . . B x P ; 22 KR-B I , K-K4 ;
1 3 Kt-Q5, Q x Q ; 1 4 Kt x Kt ch, B x Kt; 23 Q-Q4 ch, K-B4; 24 R x B ch, K x P ;
1 5 R x Q, B-K2; 16 P-QB4, KR-B I ; 2 5 R-Kt l ch, K-R3 ; 26 R-R3 mate.
1 7 P-QKt3, P-Kt3; with tendency to
equalisation. 2 1 Q x RP ch K-Kl
22 Q x KtP ch K-Q2
10 P-B3 P-QR3 23 Q-K6 ch K-KI
1 1 P-KKt4 P-QKt4 24 Q x B
1 2 P-KR4 Kt x Kt Simple and convincing; White remains
1 3 B x Kt P-Kt5 two strong pawns ahead.
1 4 Kt-Q5 Kt x Kt Black resigns.
15 B x B KxB
1 6 P x Kt
The exchanges have cleared the field, but
the black King has lost his defending 47
Bishop. ,

16 . . . . . . B-Kt4 (Groningen, 1946)
A semblance of counter-play.
The follo wing game received the first
1 7 P-R5 BxB Brilliancy Prize, mainly because Black's
18 P x P inspiration was guided by a pitiless logic
White's fury is let loose: he threatens derived from the general conception of the
Black with extinction by 19 R x P ch. contest.

18 . . . . . . BP x P 1 P-K4 P-QB4
Or 1 8 . . . . RP x P ; 19 Q-R6 ch, K-B3 ; 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
20 P-Kt5 ch, K-B4; 21 Q-R4, B x P ; 3 P-Q4 PxP
22 KR-B l , and there is no escape for 4 Kt x P Kt-B3
Black's King. If 4 . . . . P-KKt3 ; 5 P-QB4.

1 9 Q-R6 ch K-B3 5 QKt-B3 P-Q3

Is this salvation '1 6 B-KKt5
The famous Pomeranian or Richter
Attack, introduced by the German master
Kurt Richter, which can serve, at the same
time, as an Anti-Dragon recipe where White
prefers to avoid the Dragon Defence .

6 ...... P-K3
The best reply, reverting to the formation
of the Scheveningen Defence.

7 Q-Q2
The Rauser Variation. A possible improve­
ment is the Keres Continuation 7 Q-Q3.
The original idea of the Richter Attack, a
gambit continuation, has been abandoned,
because, after 7 Kt x Kt, P x Kt; 8 P-K5,
P x P ; 9 Q-B3, R-QKtl ; 1 0 R-Q l ,
B-Q2; 1 1 B-QB4, B-K2; 1 2 B x Kt,
P x B; 13 Q-Kt3, K-B I ; 14 Castles,
20 P-Kt5 ch Q-B2; etc., there is little in it for White.
The coup de grlice, which, however, had
to be calculated to a nicety already on 7 ...... P-QR3
White's eighteenth nlove. More subtle than, at once, 7 . . . . B-K2;
e.g. 8 Castles, Castles ; 9 Kt-Kt3, P-QR3 ;
20 . . . . . . K-B2 1 0 B x Kt, P x 'B; 1 1 P-B4, and White has
A bewildered King. If 20 . . . . K-K 4; command of the situation.
2 1 KR-K I , R x P; 22 R x B ch, K-B4;
23 Q x Pt etc. Or 20 . . . . K-B4 ; 2 1 Q-R4 8 Castles B-Q2

Another fi.nesse of contemporary analysis: If 1 8 P-B5, P-Q4; e.g.: 1 9 P x P,

Black makes some useful waiting moves, P-K5 ; 20 P-Q6, P x B ; 21 P x B, P x Kt ;
reserving the option, eventually, of recaptur­ 22 Q x KP, Q x P ; etc., with a winning
ing at his KB3 with Queen instead of with balance for Black.
Bishop or pawn. An appropriate measure,
superior to an immediate 8 . . . . B-K2; is 18 . . . . . . Castles
here 8 . . . . P-R3. 1 9 Kt-Q3 R-B5
Defending the QKtP and attacking the
9 P-B4 KP, not to mention the potential doubling of
The key-move in many variations of the Rooks on the QB file.
Richter Attack, but, in view of his opponent's
expert treatment of the defence, a purely 20 P-QR3
positional scheme, such as 9 P-B3, P-R3 ; He feels he has to "do something" in
10 B-K3, etc., deserves consideration. preference to merely defensive measures : e.g.
20 KR-Kl, KR-B l ; 21 R-Q B l , B-B3 ;
9 ...... P-R3 22 P-QKt3, R-B6 ; and Black is firmly
Challenging the pinning Bishop at the established within the enemy lines.
right moment. The hour of crisis has arrived.

1 0 B-R4
Even less promising than this retreat is
the exchange 10 B x Kt, Q x B.

10 . . . . . . B-K2
Careless would be 1 0 . . . . Kt x P ; because
of the fine reply 1 1 Q-K 1 .

1 1 B-K2 Q-B2
Methodically, Black prepares his action
against the enemy King, daringly castled on
the open QB file.
Too sudden would be 1 1 . . . . Q-R4 ;
1 2 Kt-Kt3 , etc., as well as 1 1 . . . . Kt x Kt;
12 Q x Kt, Q-R4 ; 13 P-K5, etc.

1 2 B-B2
For his part White seems unable to cope 20 . . . . . . Q-B2
with the situation which demands energetic A logical sequence of events. Black turns
measures. The retreat in the text is in­ the loss of a pawn into a well-grounded
tended to eliminate the threat 1 2 . . . . sacrifice as a prelude to further sacrifices.
Kt x P ; 1 3 QK t x Kt, B x B ; 1 4 Kt x Kt,
B x Kt; 1 5 Kt x P ch, K-B l ; etc. But a 2 1 Kt x KtP P-QR4
simpler way is 1 2 Kt-B3, which at the same 22 P-QKt3
time paves the way for a possible thrust Or 22 Kt-Q3, R-B l ; 23 R-QBI,
P-K5. Kt x P ; and Black has the last word.

12 . . . . . . QR-B l 22 . . . . . . P x Kt
1 3 Kt-Kt3 23 P x R R-Ktl
If permitted to do so, White would like As a result of White's feverish manreuvres,
to play Kt-R4-Kt6, but Black, having the QKt file has definitely become the main
marshalled all his forces on the Q side, now theatre of operations.
decides on direct action.
24 Q-Q3
13 . . . . . . P-QKt4 Or 24 RP x P, P-Q4 ; 25 P-B3, P-Q 5 ;
1 4 B-B3 Kt-QR4 26 KBP x P, P x P ; and White's defences
1 5 Kt x Kt Q x Kt (R4) quickly collapse.
1 6 K-Ktl P-Kt5
1 7 Kt-K2 P-K4 24 . . . . . . B-K3
The infantry at work. 25 B-K2 Q-Kt2
26 RP x P Kt x P
1 8 Kt-B l Not 26 . . . . Q x P ch; 27 Q-Kt3.

27 B-Kl P-Q4 useful in all of these variants. Besides, if,

28 P-B3 QP x P at once, S • • P-K4 ; the white Knight is
. •

29 Q-B2 not compelled to move to KB3 (obstructing

If 29 Q-B3, Black continues his assault the KBP) nor to KKt3 (a decentralising
with 29 . . . . R-R 1 ; 30 K-Kt2, B-Q4; manreuvre), but White can, much more
3 1 Q-K3, Q-R3 ; with a forced mate. favourably, play 6 KKt-K2, with a very
good game.
29 . . . . . . B-KB4
30 K-B l Kt-Kt6 6 B-K2 P-K4
3 1 B x Kt BxQ Anti-positional as this thrust may appear,
32 K x B PxP as his Q3 will for a long time remain weak,
33 B-B3 Q-B l it brings life into Black's play in the centre.
34 B-B2 Q-B4 ch A game, Schlechter-Dr. Lasker, ninth game
3 5 K-Kt2 BxP of the match, Berlin, 19 10, can be regarded
A blaze of glory! as the forerunner of this variation: 1 P-K4,
P-QB4; 2 Kt-KB3, Kt-QB3; 3 P-Q4,
36 P x B R x P ch P x P ; 4 Kt x P, Kt-B3 ; 5 QKt-B3,
37 K-B3 R-Kt6 ch P-K4.
3 8 K-Q2 Q-K4
Black's threats of mate starting with 7 Kt-Kt3
R-Kt7 ch, or R-Q6 ch, are too strong. More concentric is the return to B 3 , e.g.
7 Kt-B3, P-R3 (or 7 . . . . B-K2;
8 B-KtS, QKt-Q 2; 9 Q-Q2, Castles ;
1 0 Castles KR, etc., with a continued
pressure by White) ; 8 B-K3, B-K3 ;
48 9 Castles, QKt-Q2 (or 9 . . . . B-K2 ;
10 Q-Q2, Castles; 1 1 P-KR3, Kt-B3;
RICO NAJDORF 12 QR-Q 1 , or 9 . . . . Kt-B3 ; 10 Kt-QS);
(Spain) (Argentina) 10 P-KR3, P-QKt4; 1 1 P-R3 , R-B l ;
(Radio Match, 1 949) 12 Kt-Q2, Kt-Kt3; 1 3 P-B4, and White
succeeds in clearing up the situation.
Every opening is subject to the laws of
fashion. The Dragon formation, which 7 ...... B-K3
held the stage from 1904 onward, gave way Preparing for . . . . P-Q4. Prudent
about 1923 to the Scheveningen System. players play here 7 . . . . B-K 2 ; so as to
Since 1946 another system, much more reply to 8 B-KtS, with 8 . . . . Kt x P.
baroque, and, in appearance, anti-positiona/, A violent counter-thrust is 7
was introduced into master practice by P-QKt4 ; which succeeded fully in the
Opocensky (London) and Boleslavsky (Gron.. following game, McCormick-Evans, U.S.A.
ingen). Championship, 1 95 1 : 8 Castles, B-Kt2 ;
This new system comprises the preposterous­ 9 B-KtS, QKt-Q2; 1 0 P-B4, P-R 3 ;
looking advance . . . . P-K4 ,' well in keeping 1 1 P x P, P x P ; 12 B-R4, B-Kl;
with the spirit of the times, which largely 13 B-Q3, P-KtS ; 14 Kt-K2, Kt x P ;
relies on refinements. This game gives the 1 5 Kt-Kt3, Q-Kt3 ch; and White resigns.
opportunity to follow the modern treatment of
this old opening. 8 Castles
If 8 B-KtS, Black strengthens his game
1 P-K4 P-QB4
with 8 . . . . QKt-Q2; 9 Castles, B-Kl.
2 Kt-KB3 P-Q3
A static continuation is 8 B-B3.
More elastic than 2 . . . . Kt-QB3 ; as
Black reserves the option of developing this
Knight at Q2 if required. 8 ...... QKt-Q2
In a game Boleslavsky-Sd l hlberg,
3 P-Q4 PxP Budapest, 1 9 50, Black played, impatiently,
4 Kt x P Kt-KB3 8 . . . . B-K2; and after 9 P-B4, P x P ;
5 Kt-QB3 P-QR3 1 0 B x BP, Castles ; 1 1 K-R l , Kt-B3 ;
Another refinemen t: instead of deciding 1 2 B-Q3, Q-Kt3 ; 1 3 Q-K2, KR-Kl ;
at once on one of the available systems 14 QR-Kl, QR-B I ; 1 5 B-K3, Q-B2;
S • •P-KKt3 (Dragon) ; S
• • P-K3• • . •
1 6 Kt-Q4, a draw was agreed .
(Scheveningen) ; or 5 . . . . P-K4 ; Black
interpolates the text-move which can prove 9 P-B4

A purely positional treatment here is I 1 7 P-QR3 P-KtS

9 B-K3, B-K2 ; 10 P-B3, e.g. the game, I This move required fine positional
Smyslov-Najdorf, Budapest, 1950: 1 0 . . . . judgment. He deliberately breaks up his
Kt-Kt3 ; I I B-B2, Q-Q2; 1 2 P-QR4, united pawns merely to give himself in­
Kt-B 5 ; 1 3 B x Kt, B x B ; 1 4 R-KI , creased space on the Q side and a distant
Castles K R ; I S Kt-Q2 (aiming at Q5 via passed pawn.
KB I and K3), I S . . . . B-K 3 ; 1 6 Kt-B I ,
18 P x P BxP
1 9 P-Kt4
9 ...... Q-B2
Played with circumspection. Another A new struggle breaks out.
method of securing the flight-square QB5
for the QB is 9 . . . . P-QKt4. 1 9 .. . . . .. . B x Kt
20 P x B Q-B3
1 0 P-B5 2 1 Q-Kt2 Kt-B4
Tempting, but position ally wrong. After 22 B x Kt Q x B ch
the advance in the text, . . . . P-Q4 ; by 23 K-RI KR-Q I
Black will be still more effective. 24 Q-K2
After 24 P-Kt5, Black is under no
10 . . . . . . B-B5 necessity to sacrifi,ce the exchange for two
I I B-Q3 pawns (by 24 . . . . R x Kt; 25 Q x R,
This is altogether too defensive. It is true Kt x P ; 26 Q-Kt2, Kt x B P ; etc.) for he can
that after I I B x B, Q x B ; 1 2- Kt-Q2� continue . . . . Kt-R4-B5.
Q-Q5 ch; 1 3 K-R I, Kt-B4; White is in
danger of losing a pawn, but he could play 24 . . . . . . P-R3
I I Kt-Q2, B x B ; 1 2 Q x B, etc., or I I . . . . 25 R-RI Q-Q3
P-Q4; 1 2 Kt x P, B x Kt; 1 3 P x B, Kt x P ; If, at once, 25 Q-B 3 ; 26 R-R5.
1 4 Kt-K4, with fair chances. That is why Black adopts strong.. arm
11 • • • • • • P-QKt4
1 2 B-K3 B-K2 26 KR-Q I
1 3 Q-K2 R-QB I A passive defence. Mter 26 Kt x P, the
1 4 QR-B I Castles sequel could be 26 . . . . Q-B4; 27 R-R4,
I S Kt-Q2 Q-B3 ; 28 KR-R I , Kt x KP; and Black
Simpler is I S B x B . has achieved his object.

26 . . .
. ill • Q-B3
27 K-Kt2
Now the threat, 27 . . . . R x Kt; 28 R x R,
Kt x KP; is not serious, as there is no longer
a double check, e.g. 29 R x p. Q x R ;
30 Q x Kt.

27 . . . . . . R-Q3
28 P-R3 QR-QI
29 K-B3 Q-Q2
There is nothing to be done against the
accumulated power of Black's major pieces.

30 K-K3 Kt-K I
The beginning of a fateful Knight's tour.

31 R-R5 Kt-B2
IS . . . . . . P-Q4 32 R x KP Kt-Kt4
He has achieved his object under favour­ 33 R-Q5 RxR
able conditions. White must exchange 34 PxR Kt x P
either the pawns or Bishops, and Black will 35 Q-B3 Kt x R ch
be first to benefit from the open Q file. Resigns
Black's play, so full of subtle finessing, is
16 B x B QPx B eminently logical.

49 It fol1ows that White's best reply to

1 1 . . . . Kt-Kt3 ; is 1 2 P-B4, in order to
ALEXANDER BOGOLJUBOW gain the initiative as quickly as possible.
(Cheltenham, 1 9 5 1 )
1 2 B-K3 Kt-Kt3
Some players know how to conduct an Too late! More promising is 1 2 . . . .
attack. Of these, a few-Alexander among Q-R4.
them-kno w that they know.
1 3 P-Kt3
1 P-K4 P-QB4 Preventing the Knight's emancipation
2 Kt-KB3 P-Q3 shown above. As now Black is no longer
3 P-Q4 PxP able to play 1 3 . . . . P-Q4 ( 1 4 B x Kt,
4 Kt x P Kt-KB3 Q x B ; 1 5 Kt x P, and he loses a vital
5 Kt-QB3 pawn); he is henceforth reduced to aimless
Against 5 P-KB3, Black can react manreuvnng.
energetically in the centre with 5 . . . .
P-K4. 13 . . . + Q-B2
. .

14 P-R5 Kt-RI
5 ...... P-QR3 No better would be 14 . . . . QKt-Q2 ;
6 P-KKt3 P-K4 1 5 P-B4, Kt-Kt l ; 1 6 P-B5, B-Q2;
A more astute manreuvre here is 6 1 7 B-Kt6, Q-B3 ; 1 8 P-KKt4, with a
B-Kt5; e.g. (a) 7 P-B3, B-Q2; 8 B-Kt2, hopeless position for Black.
Kt-B3 ; and, thanks to the artificial closure
1 5 P-B4
of the long white diagonal, Black has greater
The key-move, assisted by White's seventh
freedom · of action; (h) 7 Q-Q3, Q-B l ;
8 P-KR3, B-Q2; and Black again is able
to develop his game satisfactorily. 15 PxP
Doubtful at this stage is the Dragon
• . . . . .

16 P x P KR-Kl
Formation : 6 . . . . P-KKt3 ; 7 B-Kt2, 17 B-Q4
B-Kt2; 8 P-KR3, Kt-B3 ; 9 B-K3, etc. i
Judicious timing. If 1 7 P-B5, at once,
Too forcing is the lateral counteractio n : there follows 1 7 . . . . B-Q2; 1 8 Kt-B4,
6 . . . . P-QKt4 ; 7 B-Kt2, B-Kt2;
B-B3 ; . 1 9 B-Q4, Kt-Q2 ; 20 Q-Kt4,
8 Castles, etc. On the whole, the most suit­
Kt-K4; and Black has a defence.
able formation here is the Scheveningen :
6 . . . . Kt-B 3 ; 7 B-Kt2, B-Q2; 8 Castles, I
17 ...... Q-Ql
P-K3 (here it is ! The restricted centre is 18 P-B5 B-Q2
quite solid) ; 9 P-KR3, B-K2 ; etc., with 19 Q-Q3 B-B3
equality. 20 Q-Kt3 B-Bl
If 20 . . . . Kt-R4 ; 2 1 Q-B3, with loss
7 KKt-K2 of time for Black.
The best square for the Knight.
2 1 Kt-B4 Kt-B2
7 . • . • ., . B-K2 Black realises that he has some reserve
8 B-Kt2 B-K3 cavalry. Fatal would be 21 . . . . Kt x P ;
9 Castles QKt-Q2 22 Kt x Kt, B x K t ; 23 B x P, B x B ;
1 0 P-KR3 R-QBl 24 Kt-R5.
1 1 P-QR4
Played with fine positional understanding. 22 QKt-Q5 B x Kt
In trying for . . . . P-Q4; Black would I 23 P x B Kt-Kt4
normally play his QKt to QKt3, whence it Black makes a sustained effort to re..
can now be driven back by P-R5. In establish his position as best he can.
addition, the counter-demonstration . . . .
P-QKt4; is henceforth prevented. 24 B-Kt6 Q-Q2
25 P-B4 Kt-B2
11 . . . . . . Castles 26 P-R4 Kt-K5
Played too nonchalantly. Now or never 27 Q-Q3 Kt-B4
Black should have hastened to play 1 1 . . . . 28 Q-QB3 Kt-RI
Kt-Kt3; for after 1 2 P-R5, he has 12 . . . . 29 B x Kt RxB
Kt-B 5 ; attacking the RP, and the Knight 30 B-R3
is in play. If White plays, first, 1 2 P-Kt3, Excellent play. Beside the threat of a
then I 2 . . . . P-Q4 ; e.g. 1 3 P x P, QKt x QP; discovery by P-B6, the Bishop makes way
etc., or 1 3 P-R5, P-Q5. for the QR after R-R2.

30 . . . . . . �1 5 Kt-QB3 P-KKt3
O n 3 0 . . . . P-B 3 ; White need not go Having avoided the Richter Attack by
in for precipitate action by 3 1 Kt-K6. playing 2 . . . . P-Q3 ; in place of 2 . . . .
QR-B I ; 32 R-R2, Kt-B2 (a small Kt-QB3 ; Black thinks he can adopt the
counter-threat, 33 . . . . Kt x P) ; for he can Dragon Formation under more favourable
play mucn more vigorously 3 1 R-R2, conditions. White's energetic next move
K-R l ; 32 R-KKt2, QR-BI (32 . . . . calls him back to reality.
Kt-B2 ; 33 Kt-Q3) ; 33 Q-B3, etc.,
making straight for victory. 6 P-B4
With the immediate threat, 7 P-K5.
Note that after the move 5 . . . . P-QR3 ;
White can still play 6 P-B4.

6 ...... B-Kt2
He suspects nothing. Relatively best is
6 . . . . B-Kt5 ; 7 B-K2, B x B ; 8 Q x B,
B-Kt2 ; 9 B--K3, although White main­
tains his pressure.

7 P-K5 PxP
8 PxP Kt-Kt5
Where to take refuge ? All the five available
squares are uninviting. For instance, after
8 . . . . Kt-Q4 ; the continuation in a game
Shapiro-Somov, Red Army Champion­
ship, Leningrad, 1 950, was: 9 B-Kt5 ch,
K-B I ; 10 Castles (a magnificent concep­
tion), 10 . . . . B x P ; 1 1 Kt x Kt, Q x Kt;
3 1 P-B6 1 2 Kt-B5, Q-B4 ch (not 1 2 . . . . Q x Q ;
The most remarkable move in a remark­ 1 3 B-R6 ch, K-Ktl ; 1 4 Kt x P mate, nor
able game. The move which the black 12 . . . . Q x B ; 1 3 Q-Q 8 ch, Q-K I ;
Queen was intended to stop can be played 1 4 B-R6 ch) ; 13 B-K3, Q-B2;
after all: White allows the exchange of 14 B-R6 ch, K-Kt l ; 1 5 Kt x P ch, Q x Kt;
Queens, knowing that he still has a mating 16 R x P (a crescendo of brilliance), 16 . . . .
attack. K x R ; 1 7 Q-Q5 ch, Q-K3 ; 1 8 R-B I ch,
31 . . . . . . Q x BP B-B 3 ; 1 9 R x B ch, K x R ; 20 Q-Q4 ch,
K-K2 (20 . . . . Q-K4 ; 2 1 B-Kt7 ch) ;
32 Q X Q PxQ
3 3 Kt-R5 R-K6 2 1 B-Kt5 ch, K-B2; 22 B-QB4, R-Kl
34 Kt x P ch K-Kt2 (on 22 . . . . Q x B ; there follows miracu­
35 R-R2 RxB lously 23 Q-B6 ch, K-Kt I ; 24 B-R6,
36 R-Kt2 ch K-R3 Q-B4 ch; 2 5 K-R I , and Black cannot
37 R-B5 Resigns meet the two mating threats at KKt7 and
KB8) ; 23 Q-B6 ch, K-Kt l ; 24 B-KR6,
A splendid finish.
Black resigns. One of the most brilliant
games of all time!

50 9 B-Kt5 ch Kt-B3
If 9 . . . . K-B l ; 10 Kt-K6 ch, or 9 . . . .
(New York, 1 949)
10 Kt x Kt Q X Q ch
Like the alchemist of old, for ever searching 1 1 Kt x Q
for the philosopherts stone, the analyst to-day Also good is 1 1 K x Q, Kt-B7 ch;
never stops looking for stronger moves to 12 K-K2, Kt x R; 1 3 Kt-Q4 dis ch,
prevent the defender from establishing followed. by 14 B-KB4, and White has two
equality. White's play in the following game minor pieces for his Rook.
has this quality.
11 . . . . . . P-QR3
1 P-K4 P-QB4 1 2 B-R4 B-Q2
2 Kt-KB3 P-Q3 Black tries to recover his piece and hopes
3 P-Q4 PxP to escape from this hot affray with only the
4 Kt x P Kt-KB3 loss of a pawn.

24 Kt-K4 Kt-Q5
25 R-Q8 ch K-Kt2
26 Kt-K8 ch K-R2
27 Kt(K4)-B6 ch B x Kt
28 Kt x B ch Resigns

(Oldenburg, 1 949)

The following game is full of subtle devices,

and is enjoyable for players and critics alike.

1 P-K4 P-QB4
13 P-KR3 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
The Argentine master's ingenuity IS 3 B-Kt5
proverbial. This development of the KB in the
Sicilian is not to everybody's taste. It
13 . . . . . . Kt-R3 nevertheless contains some irksome features.
If 1 3 . . . . Kt x KP; 14 Kt x Kt, Black Adopted, in their time, by Wyvill, Max
loses a piece. Lange and Winawer, and, among moderns,
by Nimzowitsch, W. Henneberger and Tarta­
1 4 Kt x P
kower, it has been brought to the fore by
An acrobatic Knight.
Rossolimo's virtuosity.
14 . . . . . . BxB
3 ...... P-KKt3
For a moment Black looks like recovering
Not bad. 3 Q-B 2 ; and 3
his pawn.
. • . . . . • .

P-QR3 ; ha ve also been tried. 3 . . . .

1 5 Kt-Q5 P-K3 ; was played in a game, Rossolimo­
With each move White produces a new Kottnauer, Bad Gastein, 1 948, and led to a
threat. fearsome finish : 3 . . . . P-K3 ; 4 Castles,
Kt-B3 ; 5 R-K l , P-Q4 ; 6 P x P, Kt x P ;
15 . . . . . . R-Q I 7 Kt-K5, Q-B2 ; 8 Q-B3, B-Q3 (a
1 6 P-B4 Kt-B4 blind spot) ; 9 Kt x Kt, P x Kt; 1 0 Q x Kt,
Clearly not 1 6 . . . . B x P ; 1 7 B x Kt. B x P ch; 1 1 K-R I , Castles; 1 2 Q-R5,
However, he could have tried 1 6 . . . . Black resigns.
B x Kt ; 1 7 K x B, P-QKt4.
4 Castles B-Kt2
1 7 B-Kt5 R-Q2 5 P-B3
1 8 Kt(Ql)-B3 Playable also is 5 Kt-B3, or 5 R-K 1 .
Introducing the threat, 1 9 Kt-Kt6.
5 ..... . P-K3
18. . • • . B-QB3

A questionable move, leaving a dangerous
1 9 Castles Q R P-KR4 hole at his Q3. Generally speaking, Black
20 Kt-B7 ch should play . . . . P-Q3 ; with a King's
Things are getting serious for Black ; he Fianchetto or . . . . P-K3 ; with a Queen's
will lose a piece after all. Fianchetto. At this stage 5 . . . . Q-Kt3 ;
can be recommended.
20 . . . . . . K-Bl
If 20 . . . . R x Kt; 21 R-Q8 mate.
6 P-Q4 PxP
21 R x R BxR 7 PxP Q-Kt3
22 R-QI BxP But now the position is different, and he
There is no saving clause. If 22 . . . . should play 7 . . . . P-QR3.
B-K I ; 23 R-Q8, P-B3 ; 24 R x B ch,
K-B2; 25 P-K6 mate. 8 Kt-R3 Kt x P
9 Kt-B4
23 R x B P-R5 Refuting the capture of the QP, for if now
Black's position is beyond hope. 9 . . . . Q x B ; 1 0 Kt-Q6 ch, wins the

Queen. Black's weak Q3 has become a 52

serious embarrassment.
(Anglo-Russian Match, London, 1947)
9 . . • • . • Kt x Kt ch
1 0 Q x Kt Q-B2 Skill in manlZuvring is not all that is
1 1 B-B4 P-K4 required; the art of sacr�fice is a necessary
He has nothing better. If 1 1 . . . . Q-Q 1 ; adjunct, as can be seen in the following
1 2 Kt-Q6 ch, with a hopeless game for game.
1 P-K4 P-QB4
2 Kt-QB3
1 2 Kt x P B x Kt With 2 K t-KB3, the text-move is the
1 3 QR-Bl Q-Ktl classical continuation against the Sicilian.
Black misses a chance of much tougher
resistance by 1 3 . . . . Q-Q3 ; 1 4 KR-Q 1 , 2 ...... Kt-QB3
Q-KB3 ; I S R x B ch, R x R ; 1 6 B x P ch, 3 P-KKt3
K-B l (not 1 6 . . . . K-Q l ; 1 7 B-R4 dis ch, The close treatment, in which White does
K-B2; 18 Q-B3 ch, and wins) ; not seek to open the Q file by P-Q4.
1 7 Q-R3 ch, K-Kt2 ; 1 8 B x B, Q X B ; This old continuation, practised by L.
1 9 B x R, Q x KP ; 20 Q x P, Q-B7 ; Paulsen, and then by Tchigorin and Mieses,
2 1 Q-Q4 ch, with a won ending. is held by the moderns not to give White
full value for "the move." Nevertheless, it
is one of those variations which theoretically
should set Black no arduous problems, but
which are frequently successful in actual
play. White has chances of a King's side
attack against any but the best play.

3 . ..... P-KKt3
4 B-Kt2 B-Kt2
S P-Q3 P-K3
Black's real difficulty is that he must
play . . . . P-K3 ; which does not harmonise
very well with . . . . P-KKt3. Unprom is­
ing is S• • • •
Kt-B3 ; 6 KKt-K2, P-Q3 ;
7 Castles, Castles ; 8 P-KR3, B-Q 2;
9 B-K3, Kt-Kl ; 1 0 P-B4, Kt-Q S ;
; 1 1 P-KKt4, and White's attack i s already
taking definite shape.
6 B-K3 P-Kt3
1 4 R x B ch QxR Here 6 . . . . P-Q 3 ; is preferable, leaving
IS B x B P-B3 an outlet for the Queen at QR4. Note that
16 B x P Kt x B 6 . . . . Kt-QS ; is premature because of
1 7 Q x Kt R-B l Smyslov's move, 7 QKt-K2. This is why
1 8 Q-KS ch White has waited so long before developing
More precise is 1 8 Q-K6 ch, K-Q 1 ; his KKt.
1 9 R-Q 1 , and Black can resign.
7 KKt-K2 Kt-B3
A difficult decision. After 7 . . . .
18 . . . . . . K-Q l KKt-K2 ; White can start operations in the
No better is 1 8 . . . . K-B2; 1 9 R-Q1 . centre with 8 P-Q4, which, after the text­
move, would be countered by 8 . . . .
Kt-KKtS. - On the other hand, White
1 9 Q-KtS ch K-Kl can, at the right time, play P-KS, opening
20 R-Bl Q-Ql the long white diagonal.
21 Q-KS ch Q-K2
22 B x P ch K-B2 8 P-KR3 B-QR3
23 B-K6 ch K-Kl This move is two-edged. If White carries
24 R-B7 Resigns out the obvious threat, 9 P-KS, Black has
An attractive game, in spite of sins of good attacking chances after 9 P-KS,
omission on both sides. Kt x P ; 10 B x R, Q X B. But if White

refuses to be drawn, the Bishop is out o f 1 9 Kt x P ch

play. A positional sacrifice which requires
courage as well as keen judgment. The
9 Q-Q2 P-Q4 ramifications of such a sacrifice are almost
10 P x P Kt x P 1 beyond analysis in play over the board and
1 1 B-Kt5 Q-Q2 under a time limit. I t proves, however,
1 2 Kt x Kt P x Kt entirely sound.
1 3 B-R6
White could have played this move earlier 19 . . . . . . P x Kt
without losing a tempo. As it happens, 20 R x P QB-Kt2
Black is now tempted to capture the QKtP, 2 1 KR-Ktl R-K2
a notoriously risky adventure. He should 22 Q-Bl R(Q l )-Q2
have castled KR. This looks like an oversight, but in fact
no manreuvring would enable him, without
13 . . . . . . B x KtP loss, to double his Rooks for the defence of
1 4 R-QKtl B-K4 his QB, e.g. two moves previously : 2 1 . . . .
1 5 Castles P-Q5 R-Q2; 22 Q-B l , R-B2 ; 23 Q-R3,
1 6 KR-Kl Castles R-Ql ; and now it looks as if he has time
Black is compelled to seek safety for his I safely to double his Rooks, but 24 R x B,
King on the Q side, an extremely rare R x R ; 25 Q-R6, R-Q2 ; 26 B x Kt, and
occurrence in the Sicilian. wins.

1 7 Kt-B4 KR-Kl 23 B-B8 R-B2

Black is in a quandary whether to capture 24 Q-R3
the Knight, leaving his Kingts field exposed In not capturing at once, he gains an
to a double Bishop's battery, or allow the important tempo.
white Knight to reach Q5. After the event,
one would say that he made the wrong choice. 24 . . . . . . Q-K3
25 B x R QxB
1 8 Kt-Q5 Q-Q3 26 Q-R4 Kt-Ql
He has no option in view of the threats, 27 Q-Kt5 P-R4
1 9 B-Kt5, winning the exchange, and 28 P-QR4 P-R5
19 R x P, ( 1 9 . . . •
P x R ; 20 Kt x P ch, 29 P x P B-Q3
winning the Queen). Intending • . . . Q-K4 ; a final bid for

3 0 P-QR5 Q-Q2
He discards 3 0 . . . . Q-K4 ; which fails
after 3 1 R x QB (he must retain the vital
Bishop), 3 1 . . . . Kt x R ; 32 P-R6, Kt-QI ;
33 Q-Kt8 ch, K-Q2; 34 P-R7, and wins
(34 . . . . Kt-B3 ; 35 B x Kt ch, R x B ;
36 R-Kt7 ch, R-B2; 37 R x R ch, B x R ;
3 8 Q-Kt5 ch, followed by P-R8(Q» .

3 1 P-R6 QXQ
32 P x B ch K-Ktl
33 R(Ktl) x Q B-B5
3 4 R-R6 Kt x P
3 5 R(R6)-Kt6 Resigns
An impressive victory.
S3 S Kt-B3 Kt-KB3
6 B-B4 B-K3
MILNER-BARRY van den BOSCH This is the type of artificial manreuvre
(Anglo-Dutch Match, Utrecht, 1949) which, more often than not, runs counter to
the immutable elements of a position.
The following struggle between two
tacticians of the first order is, as can be 7 Q-K2 BxB
expected, full of subtle and varied skirmishes, 8 QxB P-K3
in which pawns on either side are left en prise 9 Castles QKt-Q2
with joyous abandon. 1 0 R-Ktl Q-B3
1 1 Q-K2 Kt-Q4
1 P-K4 P-Q4 1 2 Kt x Kt Q x Kt
2. P x P QxP 1 3 P-B4 Q-KB4
3 Kt-QB3 Q-QR4 Black was compelled to make six ineffec­
4 P-QKt4 tive moves out of thirteen with his Qoeen,
An interesting gambit, which seeks to and, worse still, the Queen is still exposed
derive an immediate advantage from the and will make two more useless moves
black Queen's eccentric sortie. While not before the end-a condemnation of his
sound, it is a dangerous weapon in the hands opening strategy.
of an imaginative opponent. The normal
continuation is 4 P-Q4, which also denies 14 R-Kt3 B-K2
the black Queen a peaceful life, e.g. Sol­ I S B-Kt2 B-B3
manis-Pirtskalava, U.S.S.R . Championship, 1 6 Kt-Q4 B x Kt
1 949, 4 P-Q4, Kt-KB3 ; S B-K2 (more 17 B x B Castles K R
usual is S Kt-B3), S • • • •
B-B4 ; 6 K t-B3, 18 R-KB3 Q-B7
Kt-B3 (the safest here is 6 . . . . P-B3, He has nothing better. If 1 8 . . . . Q-KR4
providing an outlet for the Queen) ; 7 B-Q2, or KtS; 1 9 B x KtP, and if then 1 9 . • . .

Castles ; 8 Kt-QKtS, Q-Kt3 ; 9 P-QR4, K x B ; 20 R-KKt3, wins the Queen.

P-QR4 (the Queen is in dire straits, and
instead of developing his game, Black will 19 R-KKt3 P-KKt3
have to devote all his energy to saving her) ; 20 P-B4 QR-KI
1 0 P-B4, Kt--QKtS; 1 1 B x Kt, P x B ; 21 P-QR3 P-KB3
1 2 P-RS, Q-R3 ; 1 3 P-BS, Q-K3 ; 22 R-QB3 Q-RS
1 4 P-R6, P x P ; I S P-B6 (White's pawn 23 R-K3 P-K4
strategy is very clever and worth a thorough 24 R-KI
examination), I S . . Q-Q4 ; 1 6 Kt-KtS
• •

(neater would be 1 6 R x P, K-Ktl ;

1 7 R-R8 ch, K x R ; 1 8 Q-Rl ch, with mate
to follow. But if 1 6 R x P, Kt--Q 2;
1 7 R-R8 ch, Kt-Ktl ; 1 8 Kt-R7 mate),
1 6 . . . . Q x KtP; 1 7 B-B3, Black resigns
( 1 7 . . . . Q x Kt; 1 8 R x P, etc.).

4 ...... Q-Kt3
Definitely inferior to accepting the gambit
by 4 . . . . Q x KtP; S R-Ktl , Q-Q 3 ;
6 Kt-B3, Kt-KB3; 7 P-Q4, P-QR3 ;
8 B-QB4, P-K3 ; 9 Castles, B-K2; etc.
(Sir G. A . Thomas-du Mont, Tunbridge
Wells, 1 9 12). It is useful to know that the
key-moves for the defence are in the gambit
accepted . . . P-QR3 ; and in the gambit

declined . . . . P-QB3. Black's game can

easily become untenable if these are neglected. i Position after 24 . . R-Ql
. .

With unyielding energy, White maintains, A ruthless retreat which threatens a

and even increases his pressure. Fruitless sacrifice by 26 P x P, P x P ; 27 R x P,
would be to strive for immediate material Kt x R ; 28 Q x Kt, and wins.
gain : 24 P x P, Kt x P ; 25 B x Kt, P x B ;
26 R x R ch, K x R ; 27 R x P, R x R ; 25 . . . . . . PxP
28 Q x R Q-Q8 ch, and Black saves the 26 R-K7 P-QB4
Here 26 . . . . Q-B3 ; prolongs, but does
24 . . . .
� . R-Ql not save, the game (27 P-B5, etc.).
The crisis is at hand (see diag.).
27 Q-K6 ch K-RI
25 B-B3 28 P-Kt5 Resigns
S4 P-Q 3 ; at once challenging White's
advanced pawn.
(Mandrake Tournament, London, 1949) 5 P-KB4
The usual continuation is 5 Kt-K2,
The follo wing game illustrates Golombek's P-K3 ; 6 P-Q4, P-QB4; etc. Against the
strong point-quiet and reasoned preparation text-move Black could have tried 5 . . . .
for large-scale and brilliantly conceived plans. P-Q5.

1 P-K4 Kt-KB3 5 ...... P-K3

2 P-K5 Kt-Q4 6 Kt-B3 P-QB4
3 Kt-QB3 7 P-Q4 P-QKt3
A perfectly sound developing move, With the idea of developing the QB at
which, however, should not set Black any QR3, in order to induce White to exchange
difficult problem. Bishops. The plan goes "agley" and, in
Two accepted continuations are: the end, only spells loss of time. The un..
(a) marked by solidity : 3 P-Q4, P-Q 3 ; pretentious development 7 . . . . Kt-B3 ;
4 Kt-KB3 (as is well known, the idea of is indicated.
Black's defence is to undermine the centre,
after having tempted the white pawns to
8 B-Q3 B-R3
advance, while White's plan consists in
9 Castles BxB
maintaining his hold on K5), 4 . . . .
10 Q x B P-B5
B-Kt 5 ; 5 B-K2, etc.
An unwise decision. Now the Q side is
(b) marked by skirmishing: 3 P-QB4,
Kt-Kt3 ; 4 P-B5 (the "main" line runs: blocked and White can devote his whole
4 P-Q4, P-Q 3 ; 5 P-B4, P x P; 6 BP x P, attention to the K side.
Kt-B 3 ; 7 B-K3, B-B4; 8 Kt-QB3,
P-K3 ; 9 Kt-B3, etc. White conducts 1 1 Q-K2 P-Kt3
operations on a wide front), 4 . . . . Kt-Q4. 1 2 P-Kt4 P-KR4
Here is an amusing skirmish, Fuller­ The start of open hostilities.
Derby, Felixstowe, 1949: 3 P-QB4,
Kt-Kt3; 4 P-B5, Kt-Q4; 5 Kt-QB3,
Kt x Kt; 6 QP x Kt, P-Q 3 ; 7 Q-Kt3 (an
original conception. If 7 B-QB4, P-Q4 ;
8 Q x P, Q x Q ; 9 B x Q , P-K3 ; 10 B-K4,
B x P ; etc., with equality), 7 . . . . P x KP;
8 B-Kt5, B-K3; 9 Q x P, Kt-Q2 (not
9 . . . . B-Q4; 10 B-Kt5 ch) ; 1 0 Castles,
Q-R l ; 1 1 Q-B6, P-QR3 (he might have
tried to free himself by 1 1 . . . . P-KR3);
12 Kt-B3, R-R2 ; 1 3 Kt x P, .P-B 3 ;
1 4 B-QB4 (a charming idea. I f 1 4 . . . .
P x B ; 1 5 B x B, with unavoidable mate.
But the main line could serve as a problem
theme: 14 . . . . B x B ; 1 5 R x Kt, B-Kt4;
1 6 R-Q8 db ch, K x R ; 1 7 Kt-B7 mate),
Black resigns.

3 ...... Kt x Kt
Black can also play 3 . . . . P-K3 ; as 1 3 P-B5
played by Alekhine himself against Sa.misch, The prelude to a spectacular attack.
Budapest, 1 9 2 1 .
13 . . . . . . RP x P
4 KtP x Kt P-Q4 14 P x KP P x Kt
More in the spirit of the defence is 4 • . . . 1 5 Q x KBP

White has quickly reaped the benefit of 15 • • • • • • P-B4

his clever sacrifice and Black has no re­ 1 6 P x P e.p. B-Q3
source, e.g. : 17 B-Kt5 Q-B2
(a) 1 5 . . . . Q-B2; 1 6 P x P ch, K-Q2; 1 8 P-B7 ch K-B I
1 7 Q x P ch, winning the QR, or 16 . . • . 1 9 Q-B6 B x P ch
K-K2 ; 1 7 Q-B6 ch, winning the KR. 20 K-Rl
The point of White's plan. He gives up
(b) More complicated is 1 5 . . . . Q-R 5 ; the Queen in drder to obtain two irresistible
against which the simplest continuation is pa wns on the seventh. A very attractive
1 6 P x P ch, K-K2 ( 1 6 . . . . K-Q2; conception.
1 7 Q x P ch, followed by B-B4) ;
1 7 B-R3 ch, K-K3 ; 1 8 Q-B6 ch, Q x Q ; 20 . " . . .
. B-K4 dis ch
1 9 R x Q ch, K-Q2; 20 P-K6 ch, K-Q I ; 2 1 Q X R ch BxQ
2 1 R x P, etc. 22 P-K7 ch Resigns
ss he will clearly be subjected to a swift and
KERES MIKENAS fierce attack.
(U .S.S.R. Championship, Tiftis, 1 947) 11 . . . . . . P-KB3
The complications in the following game, 1 2 B-B4 Kt-B3
arising from an overcrowded terrain, are 1 3 Castles Castles
surmounted by Keres with the ease which is 1 4 P-KKt4 P-KKt4
the hallmark of genius. 1 5 B-Kt3 P-KR4
1 6 P-KR3 Q-R2
1 P-K4 Kt-QB3 Intending 1 7 . . . . P x P ; 1 8 P x P, Q x R ;
2 P-Q4 P-K4 1 9 R x Q, B-K6 ch; 20 K-Q l , R x R ch ;
Black could play 2 . . . . P-Q4; which is and Black has quite a good game. Keres
the original idea of this defence, e.g. parries with the utmost precision.
3 P-K5, B-B4; 4 P-QB3, P-B3.
If Black plays 2 . . . . P-Q3 ; he may not 1 7 R-R2 B-K6 ch
be able to enforce . . . . P-K4. Fine­ 1 8 K-Ktl P-R5
Mikenas, Hastings, 1938, went as follows : 19 B-B2 BxB
2 . . . . P-Q 3 ; 3 Kt-KB3, B-Kt 5 ; If 1 9 . . . . B-B 5 ; 20 R(R2)-Rl, the
4 B-QKt5, P-QR3 ; 5 B-R4, P-QKt4 ; K side is fixed, which has been White's object
6 B-Kt3, Kt-B 3 ; 7 P-B3, P-K 3 ; throughout, and he can start operations in
8 Q-K2, B-K2; 9 Castles, Castles ; earnest 0 n the Q side.
1 0 QKt-Q2, B-R4; 1 1 P-QR4, and
White has the better game. 20 R x B R-Q2
Another system, akin to the French I
He has to waste yet another tempo, as
Defence, i s : 2 . . . . P-K3 ; 3 Kt-QB3, he cannot even now develop his KKt on
B-Kt5; etc., or 3 Kt-KB3, P-Q4 ; etc. account of 2 1 Q-K6 ch, winning a pawn.

3 PxP Kt x P 2 1 Kt-Q4
4 Kt-QB3 A powerful move. Black cannot allow
Or, at once, 4 P-KB4, when Black's Kt-K6, and so has to give up the only
best is 4 . . . . Kt-QB3. effective defender of his King's fi eld. The
main point, however, is that Black must
4 ...... B-B4 lose another tempo and weaken the pawn
5 P-B4 Kt-Kt3 formation in front of his King. Neverthe­
Here again 5 . . . . Kt-QB 3 ; is preferable. less, it is hard to believe that he will be
6 Kt-B3 P-Q3 forced to resign in another eight moves.
7 B-B4 B-K3
8 Q-K2
Paul Keres, who has not inaptly been
called the modern Morphy, like his great
prototype, seldom misses a chance of gain..
ing a tempo in the opening. Here and on
the next move the threat is Q-Kt5 ch
(after 9 B x B), and Black is already reduced
to time-wasting defensive moves.
8 ...... BxB
9 QxB Q-Q2
1 0 P-B5 QKt-K2
1 1 B-Kt5
White's play is admirable in its simplicity.
After eleven moves, Black is already in
difficulties without having made a palpable
mistake. His problem is the development of
his K side; and if he castles on the Q side, .Position after 28 . . • • K-R2

21 . . . . . . Kt x Kt 27 Q-B6 ch K-Ktl
22 Q x Kt P-Kt3 If 27 . . . . K-R2 ; 28 R-R3, with the
23 Kt-Q5 Q-B2 striking threat 29 R x P ch, Px R;
24 Q-R4 K-Kt2 30 Q-R6 ch, K-Kt l ; 3 1 Kt--B6 mate.
25 R-B3 Kt-R3
28 Kt-R6 ch K-R2
At last, but too late.
The position merits a diagram. (See p. 90.)
26 Kt-Kt4 29 Kt-B 5 Resigns
Threatening mate in three. Chess magic ! If 29 . . . . KtP x Kt;
30 R-R3, K-Kt l ; 31 R x RP, with mate to
26 . . . . . . P-R4 follow.

56 An unfortunate inversion of moves would be
o first 1 3 P-K4, because of 1 3 . . . . P-Kt5.
(Staunton Centenary Tournament, 13 . . . . . . Q-B2
Birmingham, 1951) With the idea of blockading the centre
by . . . . P-K4. Against 1 3 P x P;
The technique of the attack- . break­ 14 P-K4, is a powerful reply.
through in the centre, sacrifices on the wing­
;s well illustrated in the following game.. 1 4 P-K4
The point! Here 1 4 P x P, P x P ;
1 P-Q4 P-Q4 1 5 P-K4, is answered by 1 5 . . . . P-Kt5.
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3
3 P-B4 PxP P-K4
14 . . . . . .
Note the interpolation on both sides of 1 5 B-Kt5 Kt-Q2
Kt-KB3 in the modem version of the
Evading the threatened capture at KB3,
Queen's Gambit, mutually preventing P-K4,
followed by Kt-KR4-B5. At the same
which used to be played in the old days. time Black intends himself to start a
counter..action by Kt-B4-Q6.
4 P-K3
Simple and good, but the modern treat­
ment, which breaks away from the classic 1 6 QR-B l
principle not to move the Queen in the early A carefully conceived manreuvre by
phase of the game, is here 4 Q-R4 ch. which White furthers his chances in a re­
Compare Game No. 94, Alekhine-Bogol.. markable manner. In a game Reshevsky­
jubow, in which this variant occurs, but in Flohr, Nottingham, 1936, which ended in a
a different opening, the Cata/an. draw, White at this point was chiefly con­
cerned with the prevention of the man ..
4 . ..... P-K3 reuvre indicated above and played 16 B-K3.
Playable also IS the Swedish Variation,
4 . . . B-Kt5.
16 . . . . . . B-Q3
Black sees that 1 6 . . . . Kt-B4 ; would
5 BxP P-B4 be una vailing, for there would follow
6 Castles Kt-B3 1 7 Kt-K2, Q-Kt l ; 1 8 B-K3, Kt-Q6;
7 Q-K2 P-QR3 19 R-Rl, followed b y P-Q Kt3, and
8 R-Ql P-QKt4 Black's advanced detachment would cause
9 B-Kt3 trouble only to himself.
If White fears the hostile pawn advance,
he could play 9 P x P, Q-B2; 10 B-Q3, 1 7 Kt-K2
but he would thereby seriously reduce his Examining the position, we find that
pressure in the centre, which at present is Black's K side is denuded, while White's
his main asset. pieces are well-placed for a direct attack.

9 ...... P-B5 17 . . . . . . Castles K R

With this manreuvre Black succeeds in A mistake which results i n a serious loss
eliminating the hostile KB, but his pawn of time. His proper course is 1 7 . . . .
structure becomes inelastic. Appropriate P-B 3 ; 1 8 B-K3, K-B2 ; etc. This would
would be 9 . . . . Q-K t3. enable the K R to reach in one move instead
of two whatever file is the most effective.
1 0 B-B2 Kt-QKt5
1 1 Kt-B3 Kt x B 1 8 Kt-Kt3 P-B3
1 2 Q x Kt B-Kt2 1 9 B-K3 P-Kt3
1 3 P-Q5 20 P-KR4
A well-known break-through, which In this game Stahlberg shows that he has
relies on the immediate support of the KP. all the qualities of a great player.

20 . . . . . . QR-B l 57
Had Black realised even now the full
scope of White' s intention, he would have
renounced all ideas of counter-action and (France) (Belgium)
played 20 . . . . K-B2. (Match, France v. Belgium, Paris, 1948)

2 1 P-RS Kt-B4 "It is urgent to wait," a principle applied

22 Kt-R4 K-B2 with great success in the following game.
The lost tempo I It is instructive to note
1 P-Q4 P-Q4
how a seemingly unimportant finesse can
tip the scales in a critical situation. The 2 P-QB4 PxP
King, denuded of his defenders, tries to look 3 Kt-KB3
after himself. If, instead, 22 . . . . Q-B2 ; The continuation 3 Kt-QB3, is not
White continues his attack equally decisively without guile, as can be seen in the following
with 23 Q-K2. two miniature games :
Haberditz-Prohaska, Austria, 1 948,
3 Kt-QB3, p- ' K 3 ; 4 P-K4, Kt-KB3 ;
23 Q-K2 R-KKt l 5 B x P, P-B4; 6 Kt-B3, P x P; 7 Kt x P,
24 P x P ch PxP B-B4; 8 B-K3, Q-K2; 9 Castles, P-K4 ;
It would ' now seem that all Black's 10 B-Kt5 ch, K-B l ; 1 1 Kt-BS, Black
vulnerable points are adequately guarded, resigns ( 1 1 . . . . B x Kt ; 1 2 B x B, Q x B ;
bu t here the miracle of the sacrifice comes 1 3 Q-Q8 ch, with mate to follow).
on the scene. Tartakower-Fiister, Budapest, 1 948 :
3 Kt-QB3, P-K4 ; 4 P-Q5, P-QB3 ;
S P-K4, B-QKt5 ; 6 B x P, Kt-B3 ;
7 Q-Kt3 , Q-Q 3 ; 8 Kt-K2 (the reason for
this pawn sacrifice becomes clear at a later
stage), 8 . . . . Kt x K P ; 9 P x P (at the right
moment), 9 . . . . Castles ; 1 0 Castles,
B x Kt; 1 1 P x P (the decisive skirmish),
1 1 . . . . QB x P ; 1 2 Q x QB, Kt-QB3
( 1 2 . . . . Kt-B4; 1 3 Q-Q5) ; 1 3 P x B,
Black resigns.

3 ...... Kt-KB3
Doubtful is the immediate sortie 3
B-Kt5 (because of 4 Kt-K5); but quite
reasonable is the new Swedish Variation,
3 . . . . P-QR3 ; 4 P-K3, B-Kt S ; S B x P,
P-K3; 6 P-KR3, B-R4 ; etc.

4 P-K3 P-K3
25 Kt(Kt3)-B 5 5 BxP P-B4
Black must decline the ofl"er, for if 25 . . . . 6 Castles P-QR3
P x Kt; 26 Q-R5 ch, K-B I ; 27 Kt x P, 1 P-QR3
with the terrible threat 28 B-R6 ch. White has the choice between strictly
preventive measures by 7 P-QR4 (e.g.
7 . . . . Kt-B3 ; 8 Q-K2, B-K2 ; 9 R-Q 1 ,
25 . . . . . . B-B1 Q-B2; 1 0 Kt-B3, Castles ; etc., with
26 Kt x P R x Kt equality), and the line of least resistance by
If 26 . . . . K x Kt; 27 Q-Kt4 ch, K-B2 ; 7 Q-K2, Kt-B3 ; 8 R-Q I , P-QKt4 ;
28 Q-R5 ch, R-Kt3 ; 29 Kt-R4, winning. 9 B-Kt3 , etc. (as in the preceding game,
Stilhlberg-Alexander). White here decides
27 Q-R5 Q-Q2 on a middle course which allows Black's
28 B x Kt pawn storm, but limits its scope. At the
same time, the unostentatious little move in
Not 28 Kt-R4, Q-KtS.
the text reserves for White's KB an advant­
ageous retreat and also provides for the
28 . . . . . . RxB development of the QB in fianchetto. We
29 R-B3 Resigns see how a move of modest appearance can
The finish is simple, but impressive. have the widest repercussions !

7 . . . . . B-K2
. 2 1 R-Q 6 Kt-Ql
8 Q-K2 P-QKt4 22 Q-Q4 B-B I
9 B-R2 B-Kt2 White's threat was 23 R-Q7. Black can­
The tempting 9 . . . . P-B 5 ; would be not play 22 . . . . B-Q4; because of 23 B x B,
wrong. White would at once react against Q x R ; 24 B x R. If 22 . . . . R-QB I ;
this advance with 1 0 P-QKt3, and remain 23 R-BS.
in command of the centre. The Black forces are now tied to the
defence of the pinned KP, and unable to
10 P x P BxP perform their normal functions. Such a
1 1 P-QKt4 B-R2 position must sooner or later yield corn ..
A hasty move. 11 . . . . B-Kt3 ; is binative opportunities for the attack.
23 P-KR4 K-RI
1 2 B-Kt2 Castles 24 B-Ktl R-QKtl
As can easily be seen, White is two tempi One threat was 25 R x Kt, R x R;
2 6 Q-K4, winning a piece.
1 3 QKt-Q2 Kt-KS
This move has several drawbacks : Black 25 Q-K4 P-B4
loses another tempo in his development The black King's defences are crumbling.
besides leaving his King's fi.eld bare. He If 25 . . . . P-Kt3 ; 26 Q-KB4 (threatening
wants to prevent P-K4, but should play both 27 B x P ch and 27 R x Kt, followed by
1 3 . . . . QKt-Q2; 14 KR-Q I , Q-K2 ; Q x R), 26 . . . . P-K4 ; 27 R x BP, K-Kt2
1 5 QR-B I , QR-B I ; contesting the QB (if 27 . . . . P x Q ; 28 R-B8 mate) ;
file, which the text-move allows White to­ 28 B x KP, Q x B ; 29 R-QB7 ch, Q x R ;
capture. 30 Q x Q ch, K x R ; 3 1 Q x R, with an easy
1 4 KR-Ql Q-K2
1 5 QR-Bl 26 Q-KS R-RI
Black is now in trouble. He can no To avoid 27 R x Kt, followed by Q x R,
longer play 1 5 . . . . QKt-B3 ( 1 6 Kt x Kt) ; and also trying to preserve his material.
nor 1 5 • .Kt-Q2 ( 1 6 R-B7). See note
. . If 26 . . . . B-Kt2; or 26 . . . . Kt-Kt2;
to Black's eleventh move. 27 R x RP, or 26 . . . . Q-Kt2; 27 R-Kt6,
or 26 . . . . Q-R2; 27 B-Q4.
15 . . . . . . Kt x Kt
1 6 Q x Kt B-Kt3
Too late! But it would be too dangerous
to open the KKt file for the white Rooks by
1 6 . . . . B x Kt; 1 7 P x B. On the other
hand, if 1 6 . . . . Kt-B3 ; 1 7 R x Kt, B x R ;
1 8 Q-B3, with a double threat at KKt7 and

1 7 Q-B3 P-B3
Black now feels the absence of a defending
Knight at KB3.

1 8 Kt-Q4 B x Kt
Black must concede his adversary the
advantage of the "two Bishops," lest he lose
the weakened KP. For if 1 8 . . . . B-Q4 ;
1 9 Kt-BS, Q-KB2 ; 20 R x B, P x Kt ;
2 1 B x P, winning the Queen.
27 R-B7 Resigns
19 Q x B Kt-B3 A magnificent stroke and not at all
20 Q-BS KR-KI obvious. If 27 . . . . Q x Q R ; 28 R x Kt,
If 20 . . . . Q x Q ; 21 B x P ch, K-Rl ; and if 28 . . . . R x R ; 29 Q x Q, or 28 . . . .
22 R x Q, and White has gained the vital Q x Q ; 29 R x R mate, or 28 . . . . Q x R ;
pawn. 29 Q x P mate.
58 4 ...... Kt-QB3
More usual is 5 QKt-Q2, with a choice
(Moscow) (Budapest) of continuations in 6 P-KKt3, or 6 P-KR3.
(Moscow v. Budapest, 1949) Flohr's treatment of the opening is interest­
ing and supports the opinion, that "when the
Who shall secure the initiative? That is opponent tries to assume the initiative, as,
the motif of the following game. for instance, by a counter-gambit that is not
quite sound, it is a wise policy not to attempt
1 P-Q4 P-Q4 immediate counter-measures." The weak­
2 P-QB4 P-K4 ness in the opponent's position carries the
The A lbin Counter-gambit remains the germ of disaster, and, in due course, satis­
fancy of adventurous spirits. Another such factory moves will become increasingly
hard to find.
opening is Tchigorin's Defence. 2 . . . .
Kt-QB3. Here is an example, Hrdy­ A scientific continuation here is
5 P-KKt3, as played in a game Muir­
Haberditz, Vienna, 1 95 1 : 3 P-K3 (the more
Mitchell, Atlanta, 1 9 3 9 : 5 P-KKt3,
energetic continuation, 3 Kt-KB3, B-Kt5 ;
4 Q-R4, prevents the emancipation of B-Kt5 (Kostic, the great expert in the
Black's game by . . . . P-K4), 3 . . . .
Albin Counter-gambit, prefers 5
B-K3) ; 6 B-Kt2, B-Kt5 ch; 7 B-Q2,
P-K4 ; 4 P x KP, P-Q5 (bringing about a
Q-K2 ; 8 Castles, B x B ; 9 QKt x B,
sort of Albin Deferred. Or 4 . . . . P x P ;
Castles ; 10 Q-R4, K-Ktl ; 1 1 P-QR3,
5 Q x Q ch, K x Q ; 6 B x P, Kt x P ; 7 B-K2,
Kt x P ; 1 2 Kt x Kt, Q x Kt; 13 Q-Kt4,
etc., with equality) ; 5 P-QR3, B-KB4;
6 B-Q3 (instinctive but faulty. After B-B l ; 14 P-B5, Kt-B 3 ; 1 5 Kt-B4,
6 Kt-KB3, P x P ; 7 Q x Q ch, R x Q ; Q-K2; 1 6 Kt-R5, Black resigns.
8 B x P; KKt-K2 ; etc., the chances are
5 ...... B-Kt5
approximately even), 6 . . . . P x P (White
6 P-Kt4
should realise his misconception and play
More incisive than 6 QKt-Q2.
7 B-K2, or 7 B-B2) ; 7 B x B, P x P ch;
8 K-K2, Q x Q ch; White resigns. 6 ...... P-QR4
7 P-Kt5 B x Kt
3 QP x P P-Q5 8 KP x B Kt x P
4 Kt-KB3 He has recovered his pawn, but has lost
It is well-known that White cannot whatever attacking chances there are in a
refute the gambit by 4 P-K3, because of normal AIbin.
4 . . . . B-Kt5 ch; 5 B-Q2, P x P ; 6 B x B,
P x P ch; 7 K-K2, P x Kt{Kt) ch; and wins. 9 P-B4 Kt-Kt3
A violent continuation, 4 P-K4, was 1 0 P-Kt3 B-B4
successfully tried in a game Kortchnoj­ Examining the position, we note that the
Shapkine, Leningrad, 1949. 4 P-K4, white pawn formation is not in itself prom­
Kt-QB3 ; 5 P-B4, P-KKt4 ; 6 P-KB5, ising, but that, on the other hand, Black
Kt x P ; 7 Kt-KB3, Kt x Kt ch; 8 Q x Kt, lacks a Q B and cannot undertake anything
Q-B3 ; 9 B-Q3, B-Q3 ; 1 0 P-K5 against the "white" holes on White's K side.
(a great-hearted gift), 1 0 . . . . B x KP; Moreover, one black Knight is undeveloped
1 1 Kt-Q2, Q-K2 ; 1 2 Castles, P-KB3 ; and the other has little scope.
13 P-B5, QxP (prudence dictates
1 3 . . . . Kt-R3 ; although, even then, 1 1 B-KKt2 Q-K2 ch
White secures a fine attack after 1 2 K-B l
14 Q-R5 ch, Kt-B 2; 1 5 Kt-K4, Castles ; Excellent. If, instead, 1 2 Q-K2, Castles ;
1 6 P-KR4, etc.) ; 1 4 Kt-B4, K-Ql ; threatening . . . . P-Q6; and, after the
1 5 P-QKt4 (a masterly conception), exchange of Queens, the black KKt is
15 Q-B3 ; 1 6 Kt x B, P x Kt; developed and his QP becomes an asset.
17 B x P ch, Kt-K2 ; 18 P-B6, Black
reslgns. 12 . . . . . . R-Kt l

Now 1 2 .... Castles ; fails against

1 3 Q-B3.

1 3 R-R2 Q-Q3
1 4 Kt-Q2 Kt-B3
1 5 Kt-Kt3 Castles
1 6 Kt x B
Much superior to 1 6 Kt x RP, after which
1 6 . . . . P-B 3 ; would free Black's game.

16 . . . . . . Q x Kt
1 7 Q-Q3 P-B3
1 8 P-QR4 PxP
Black misses an opportunity of getting
more of the play by 1 8 . . . . Kt-Q4;
19 B x Kt, P x B ; 20 B-R3, Q x BP;
21 Q x Q, P x Q ; 22 B x R, K x B . White
has won the exchange, but accurate play
will be needed to cope with the black pawn 21 B-B3
phalanx. A wily move, to all appearances intending
to guard Q l .
1 9 RP x P KR-Bl
20 R-B2 Q-Kt5 21 . . . . . . Kt-B l
The fly enters the parlour. No doubt He evidently suspects nothing and wishes
Black wishes to bring more forces to bear to bring his Knight into play.
on the hostile QBP and hopes to make
something of his own passed QRP. If 22 B-R3 Q-R5
now 21 Q x P, R-Q l ; and White is in 23 R-B 1 Resigns
danger. The Queen is trapped !
S9 logically, on the loss of a tempo by the
opposing KB.
(Jugoslav Championship, Sarajevo, 1 9 5 1 )
10 B x B QxB
1 1 Castles
The strategy based on the idea of attack on I
strong rather than weak points in the oppon­ The Rubinstein Attack.
ent's formation succeeds in the following
game. 11 • • • • •Kt x Kt

12 R x Kt P-K4
1 P-Q4 P-Q4 1 3 B-Kt3
2 P-QB4 P-K3 A good reinforcing move, in place of the
3 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 main variation 1 3 Kt x P, Kt x Kt; 14 P x Kt,
4 B-Kt5 Q x P ; 1 5 P-B4, when Black can hold his
The actual order of the moves was : own. Alternative moves are 1 3 Q-B2, or,
1 P-QB4, Kt-KB3 ; 2 P-Q4, P-K3 ; even more astutely, 1 3 Q-Kt l , concentrat­
3 Kt-QB3, P-Q4 ; 4 B-Kt5, etc. ing his forces on the Q side.

4 .. .
. . . B-K2 13 . . . . . . R-Kl
A quiet reply. The 4 14 Q-Ktl
B-Kt5 ; so effective in the French Defence, An ultra-positional manreuvre ; the Queen
is not to be recommended. Here is a game makes way for the KR, preparing at the
from an inter-club match, Makarczyk­ same time for the well-known minority
Szymans�i, Lodz, 1952 : 4 . . . . B-Kt 5 ; attack : P-QKt4-Kt5. More incisive is
5 Q-Kt3, P-B4; 6 P x BP, Kt-B 3 ; Rubinstein's continuation : 14 Kt x P,
7 P-K3, P-Q5 ; 8 Castles, B x P ; 9 Kt-B3, Kt x Kt; 1 5 P x Kt, Q X P ; 1 6 P-B4.
P-K4 (bringing on the crisis. He should
castle) ; 1 0 Kt x KP, Kt x Kt; 1 1 P x P, 14 . . . . . . PxP
B x P ; 12 Kt-Kt5, B x P ch (or 1 2 . . . .
Boldly, Black decides on an open fight,
Kt-B 3 ; 1 3 Kt x B, Kt x Kt; 14 Q-K3 ch, relying mainly on establishing a solid ram...
B-K� 1 5 R x Kt, and with a good extra part at his K3.
pawn, White has advantageously recovered Against 14 . . . . P-K5 ; an interesting
his piece) ; 1 3 Q x B, QKt-Q2; 1 4 Q-R3, continuation was played in a correspondence
Black resigns. The threats, 1 5 R-K l ch, game in Sweden, 1950: 1 5 Kt-Q2, Kt-B 3 ;
or 1 5 Kt-Q6 ch, or after 14 . . . . Q-K2; 1 6 R-B 5, Q-B2; 1 7 KR-B l , B-Q2;
1 5 Kt-B7 ch, are deadly.
( 1 7 . . . . B-Kt5 ; 18 P-Q 5) 1 8 B-B2,
P-QKt3 ; 1 9 R-B 3, Kt-Q4 ; 20 R-B4,
5 P-K3 Castles P-KB4 ; 2 1 B-Kt3 (threat 22 R x P),
6 R-B l 2 1 . . . . Q-Q3 ; 22 R(B4)-B2, P-QKt4 ;
An opening finesse : after the immediate 23 B x Kt, P x B ; 24 P-KKt3, and White,
6 Kt-B3, Black can effect "Lasker's
having neutralised the K side, has kept up
unpin" 6 . . . . Kt-K5; whereas now there
his pressure on the opposite wing.
follows 7 B x B, Q x B ; 8 P x P, Kt x Kt;
9 R x Kt, P x P; 10 B-Q3, and the control
of the semi�open QB file ensures for White 15 P x P Kt-B l
a permanent advantage. Black prepares to block the open K file.

6 ...... QKt-Q2 1 6 R-KI B-K3

7 Kt-B3 P-B3 1 7 R(B3)-K3 KR-QI
The normal position in the orthodox A crisis. Black sees himself compelled
variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined. to divert one of the four defenders from the
key-point K3, since, after the more natural
8 B-Q3 PxP 1 7 . . . . QR-Q 1 ; there follows 1 8 P-Q5,
9 BxP Kt-Q4 P x P ; 1 9 B-R4, Kt-Q2 ; 20 Kt-K5,
This is "Capablanca's unpin," based, and White wins at least the exchange.

Nevertlieless, Black could have saved him­ eighth rank encroaches on the domain of
self much trouble with 1 7 . . . . Q-B 3 ; e.g. the problemist. Much less precise IS
1 8 P-Q5, P x P ; 1 9 B x P, R-K2; etc. 23 Kt-Q6� Kt x R.

1 8 Q-B5 23 . . . . . . Kt x R
A nice turn ! Black did not take into There is no saving the day. If 23 . . . .
account that White possesses a weapon in R-Q8 ch; 24 R-Kl dis ch, R-Q4;
the vertical pin of the Bishop. 25 R-K8, Q-Q3 ; 26 Q-B7 ch, K-R l ;
27 Q x Kt ch, followed by mate.
18 . . . . . . Q-B2
Black's forces are in disarray. Unattrac­ 24 B x Kt ch K-Rl
tive is 1 8 . . . . B x Q ; 1 9 R x Q, etc. But 25 Q-B8 mate
the lesser evil is 1 8 . . . . Q-B 3 ; for after Q.E.D.
1 9 Q x Q, P x Q ; Black would have some An elegant fi.nish.
compensation for the deterioration of his
pawn structure in the vulnerability of Whitets

(New York, 1 9 5 1 )

In the following game Reshevsky is rather

dogmatic in exchanging pawns in the centre,
while no particular consideration incites him
to do so. His reasoning is as follo ws:
1 . Sooner or later Black will have to
play . . . . P-QR3; and . . . . P- QB3; which
will create holes in his position.
2. My "secret weapon" will then be the
famed " minority attack."
3. It follows that the early simplification in
the centre is sought by me only in order to
become the more active, even violent, on the

19 R x B 1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3
Mind over matter. 2 P-QB4 P-K3
3 Kt-QB3 P-Q4
19 . . . . . . Px R 4 PxP PxP
Or 1 9 . . . . Kt x R ; 20 R x Kt, P x R ; The "simplified" scheme of things is far
2 1 B x P ch, K-R I ; 22 Kt-Kt5, P-KKt3 ; from being "simple."
23 Q-B6 ch, Q-Kt2; 24 Kt-B7 ch,
K-Kt I ; 25 Kt x R dis ch, and White has a 5 B-Kt5 P-B3
decisive advantage in material (two pieces 6 Q-B2
and a pawn for a Rook). More subtle is first 6 P-K3, or 6 Kt-B3 .

20 R x P 6 .... .. B-K2
A complementary sacrifice, which Black An important juncture. Capablanca's
prefers to decline, to avoid the line shown advice not to allow the pinning Bishop to
above. act on two diagonals at the same time could
be acted on here by 6 . . . . P-KR3. This
20 . . . . . . K-RI move also contains a painful trap. If after
21 Kt-Kt5 Rx P 6 . . . . P-KR3 ; White imagines that he can
Attempting an active defence. If 21 . . . . punish his adversary with 7 B x Kt, Q x B ;
R-Q 2; 22 R-K4, threatening 23 Kt-B7 ch, 8 Kt x P, Q X P ; 9 Kt-B7 ch, he will him..
Black must give back the exchange, without self have caught a Tartar after 9 . . . •

stopping White's attack. K-Q I ; 10 R-Q l , B-Kt5 ch; and Black

22 Kt-B7 ch K-Ktl
23 Kt-Q8 7 Kt-B3 QKt-Q2
Continued brilliance. This closure of the 8 P-K3 Kt-R4

Black thinks that now or never is the

time to relieve the tension, for after 8 . . . .
Castles ; 9 B-Q3, unpinning would become ••
much more difficult.

9 P-KR4
White unexpectedly adds to the dynamic
strength of his game. There is nothing in
9 B x B, Q x B, e.g. 1 0 B-Q3, Kt-B5 ;
1 1 Castles KR, Kt x B ; 1 2 Q x Kt, Castles ;
etc., or, as was played in a game, Bolbochan
-Euwe, Utrecht, 1950: 10 Castles, Kt-Kt3 ;
1 1 B-Q3, B-Kt5; followed by castling on
the Q side.

9 ...... P-B3
After 9 . . . . P-KR3 ; 1 0 P-KKt4,
P x B ; 1 1 P x P, B x P ; 1 2 P x Kt, and White's Position after 15 . . . . B-K3
game remains dynamically superior.
B x P ; 1 8 Kt x B, R x Kt; 1 9 B-B4 (not
1 0 P-KKt4 1 9 Kt x P, P x Kt; 20 Q x P ch, because of
Total war! Observe what can be the 20 . . . . Q-B2), 1 9 . . . . R-R4 (19 . . . .
outcome of a modest exchange variation. R-Q3 ; 20 Kt-B7) ; 20 Kt-B7, R-Ktl ;
21 Kt-Q6 ch, winning the exchange.
10 . . . . . . Kt-Bl
This interim measure prevents White from 1 7 P-Q5
enlarging the scope of his operations by Reshevsky handles his forces in a manner
opening the KR file. If at once 1 0 . . . . masterly-not to say magical ! In one
P x B ; 1 1 P x P, KK t-B3 (or 1 1 . . . . B x P ; action he opens up wide avenues of attack
1 2 R x Kt ); 1 2 P x Kt, Kt x P ; 1 3 P-Kt5, for Bishop and Rooks.
and in this warm affray White wins a good
pawn. 17 . . . . . . B x Kt
If 1 7 . . . . P x P ; 1 8 B-Kt5 ch, Kt-Q2 ;
1 1 P x Kt PxB 19 Kt x Kt, QB x Kt; 20 Kt x QP, and
12 P x P Bx P Black's game is swamped. That is why he
1 3 Kt-K5 B-B3 decides to eliminate the advanced Knight.
He hopes, for example, after 1 4 B-Q3,
to be able to play 14 . . . . Q-B2;
1 8 BP x B B-Kt5
e.g. 1 5 QKt x P, Q-R4 ch; 1 6 Kt-B3,
19 B-K2 B -x B
B x Kt; 1 7 P x B, Q x KP; after which Black
20 Q x B Kt-Q2
has recovered his pawn while reducing the
material on either side. If 20 . . . . Q x P ; 21 P x P, P x P ; 22 Kt x P,
K-K2 ; 23 Q-K3, and the black King
1 4 Castles Q-K2 cannot escape.
As the more active post at B2 is no longer
available, because of 1 5 QKt x P, the black 21 Q x P Castles KR
Queen must occupy a less vigilant position. A t last Black has somehow succeeded in
castling. But in the meantime the battle for
1 5 P-B4 B-K3 the centre has already turned in White's
With much trouble, Black has brought out favour.
his pieces and prepares to obtain an accept­
able game by castling. 22 P-K6 PxP
23 Kt x P Q-Kt4 ch
1 6 P-K4 24 K-Kt l Kt-B4
The central break-through. After all, If 24 . . . . Kt-B3 ; 25 Kt x Kt ch,
pawn play constitutes the finest and most Q x Kt ; 26 R-Q7, and White has the
artistic feature of the art of chess. whip-hand.

16 . . . . . . Px P 25 Q-QB4 QR-Bl
He is still unable to put his King in safety 26 P-K7 KR-Kl
by castling, e.g. 1 6 . . . . Castles ; 1 7 P x P, 27 Kt-B6 db ch Resigns

61 Black adds fuel to the fire by sacrificing a

piece, in preference to the less propitious
FINE EUWE 1 0 . . . . P-KR3.
(Avro, 1938)
1 1 P x Kt PxP
The following game illustrates the difficul­ 1 2 B-R4 R-QBl
ties which may arise when White-in con­ Shrewd play. Black masses his artillery
tradistinction to the happenings in the preceding before sending his cavalry into the fray.
game-toys too much with his gambit pawn, Weak would be 1 2 . . . . Kt-Kt5; 1 3 Q x Kt,
and allows the pseudo-gambit to turn into a B x Q ; 14 Kt x P ch, K-B l ; 1 5 R x P,
real gambit. and thus the loss of the Queen has become a
winning sacrifice (Fine-Griinfeld, Amster­
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 dam, 1936). Playable, however, is, at once,
2 P-QB4 P-K3 1 2 . . . . Kt-R4 ; 1 3 Q-B2, P-K4 ; etc.,
3 Kt-KB3 P-Q4 or, more insistently, 1 2 . . . . Kt-K4 ;
4 B-Kt5 B-Kt5 ch 1 3 Q-B2, Kt x Kt; 1 4 P x Kt, P-K4 ;
5 Kt-B3 PxP and the black pawn phalanx is menacing.
Black's last two moves, which can also be
played in inverted order, constitute the 1 3 K-Ktl
famous Vienna Variation, elaborated in 1933 If 1 3 B x KBP, B x B ; 14 Kt-Q6 ch,
by experts in that city, headed by Grlinfeld. K-Bl ; 1 5 Kt x R, Q x Kt ; 1 6 Q x BP,
I t is full of pitfalls. P-K4 ; and Black's pressure is too strong.
6 P-K4
13 . . . . . . Kt-R4
White must at once react in the centre,
An interesting suggestion by Pachman
for neither 6 P-K3, P-Kt4 ; 7 P-QR4,
is here 1 3 . . . . P-Kt4 ; 1 4 Q x KtP, P-B6.
P-B3, etc., nor 6 Q-R4 ch, Kt-B 3 ;
7 P-K4, B-Q2; etc., is satisfactory.
14 Q-B2 P-K4
6 ...... P-B4 1 5 Kt x QP
Accepting the challenge. In one of the A hand-to-hand fi ght. White's counter­
original examples of this variation, Griinfeld sacrifice indicates that he is losing his grip.
and Dr. Kaufmann v. Kmoch and H. Wolf, Better fi.rst 1 5 B-Kt3, with the latent threat
Vienna, 1933, Black prefers to smooth out Kt x KP.
complications by 6 . . . . P-KR3 ; 7 B x Kt,
Q x B ; 8 B x P, P-B4; etc. 15 . . . . . . P x Kt
16 R x P Q-Kt3
7 P-K5 1 7 Q-B3
The original main line, which after much Too slow. Best is 1 7 R-Q6, the correct
analysis and practical play has now become reply being 1 7 . . . . R-B3 (evidently not
a secondary one. The improvement, 7 B x P, 17 . . . . B x R ; 18 Kt x P ch, and wins) . An
is shown in the next game. ingenious expedient, well adapted to the
situation, is 1 7 R x B , K x R ; 1 8 B-K2,
7 . . . .Px P
. • with, however, an uncertain issue.
8 Q-R4 ch
A venturesome Queen. After 8 P x Kt, 17 . . . . . . B-KB4
P x P; 9 B-R4, Kt-B 3 ; Black recovers his 1 8 P-KKt4 B-�Kt3
piece without injury. Not 1 8 . . . . B x P ; 1 9 Kt x P ch, B x K t ;
20 B x B, R-KKt l (20 Q x B;
8 ...... Kt-B3 21 R-K4 ch) ; 21 R x B, R x R ; 22 B-R3,
9 Castles B-Q2 R-Kt3 ; 23 R-Kl ch, K-B l ; 24 B-K7ch,
A dexterous defence. If 9 . . . . P-KR3 ; K-Ktl ; 25 B x R, and White remains a
1 0 P x Kt, P x B ; 1 1 P x P, R-KKtl ; piece ahead.
12 Kt x P, etc. , or 9 . . . . B x Kt; 10 P x B, I

B-Q2; 1 1 P x Kt, KtP x P; 12 B-R6, etc., 19 P-B4

and in neither �ase does Black secure the White will not succeed in cutting off the
respite necessary to counteract his opponent's QB by 20 P-B5. His best chance here is
impetus. 19 B-Q3, Castles ; 20 B-QB2, and Black's
advantage is not overwhelming.
1 0 Kt-K4 B-K2
Masterly play on both sides. White, with 19 . . . . . . B-QB4
consummate virtuosity, has brought his 20 R x P Kt xR
reserve cavalry towards the front, while 21 P-B5

If 2 1 Q x Kt, Castles; 22 P-B5, B-K6; , 7 ...... PxP

wInning. 8 Kt x P Q-R4
He chases shadows, urged by the double
21 . . . . . . B-Q5 threat to QB and QKt. The great con­
22 Q-QKt3 noisseur Ragozin prefers 8 . . . . Q-K2.
If 22 Kt x P ch, B x Kt; 23 B x B, Q x B ;
White cannot take the Queen (24 Q x Q, 9 B x Kt B x Kt ch
Kt-Q7 ch; followed by mate).
If 9 . . . . P x B ; 1 0 Castles, B-Q2;
1 1 R-B l, Kt-B 3 ; 12 P-QR3, B x Kt ;
1 3 R x B, etc., turns out i n White's favour.

10 P x B Q X P ch
Inconsistent is 1 0 • . . .
P x B ; 1 1 Castles,

1 1 K-Bl
A miraculous point! If 1 1 Q-Q2,
Q x Q ch; 1 2 K x Q, P x B ; equalising.

11 • . • • • •
Q X B ch
12 K-Kt l
Here, Black's impetus comes to a stop.
As he is threatened by 1 3 R-B l, followed
by R x B ch, he has no time to capture a
22 . . . . . . Q-B3
A deadly blow. Simple as it looks, it 12 . . . . . . Kt-Q2
needed finding (and preparing!). Proposed by Spielmann after the failure
of both 1 2 . . . . Castles ; 1 3 Q-Kt4,
23 B-Kt2 Q x Kt ch P-KKt3 ; 14 Q-B4, Kt-Q2 ; 1 5 P-K5,
The point of the point. etc., and 12 . . . . B-Q2; 1 3 R-B I , Q-R3 ;
1 4 Kt x P, etc.
24 BxQ Kt-Q7 ch
25 K-Rl Kt x Q ch 13 B x P R-KKtl
26 P x Kt Castles 14 R-BI
27 PxB RP x P Much less convincing is the immediate
28 K-Ktl KR-Kl 1 4 B-R6, because of the counter-threat,
29 B-Q3 R-K6 1 4 . . . . Kt-K4 ; and 1 5 . . . . Q x Kt; e.g.
30 R-Ql B-K4 the game, Subaric-Dr-. Trifunovic, Jugoslav
Resigns Championship, 1946 : 1 4 B-R6, Kt-K4 ;
1 5 B-K3, Kt-Kt5; 1 6 B-B l , B-Q2;
1 7 P-KR3, Kt-K4 ; 1 8 B-K3, B-R5 ;
19 Q-QBI (he should play 1 9 Q-R5),
62 1 9 . . . . Q x Kt; White resigns (20 B x Q,
o Kt-B6 ch; and the Bishop mates).
(Trencianske-Teplice, 1949) 14 . . . . . . Q-R3
If 14 . . . . Q x P ; 1 5 Kt-Kt5.
There follo ws a game which leaves an
testhetic and lasting impression.
1 5 B-R6 Kt-B3
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 Here 1 5 . . . . Kt-K4 ; 1 6 Q-R5,
2 P-QB4 P-K3 Q-R4; 1 7 B-B4, Kt-B 3 ; 1 8 Kt-Kt5,
3 Kt-KB3 P-Q4 wins. But 1 5 . . . . P-K4 ; 1 6 Kt-B5,
4 B-Kt5 B-Kt5 ch Q-KKt3 ; enables Black to hold his own.
5 Kt-B3 PxP
6 P-K4 P-B4 1 6 P-K5 Kt-Q4
7 BxP If 1 6 . . . . Kt-Kt 5 ; 1 7 B-B4, Q x P ;
This possibility of recovering the gambit 1 8 Kt-K2 (parrying the threat at KB2 and
pawn is based on a subtle point which will maintaining his own threat to capture the
become manifest moves later. Knight by 19 P-R3).
17 P-KR4 26 Q x R ch, K x Q ; 27 P-R7 ch, and the
This pawn is destined to do great pawn queens unhindered and mates.
24 . . . . . Ktx B .

25 P x Kt Q-Q3
17 . . . . . . B-Q2
Hoping to drive off the intruding Rook
1 8 Q-B2 R-Kt3
(26 R x P, would be a blunder because of
Intending to parry the threat 1 9 Q x P.
26 . . . . Q-Q4). But now comes a fi.nal
[f 1 8 . . . . R-QBI ; 1 9 Q x P, R x R ch;
combination of great beauty.
�O B x R, etc.
26 P-R6 Resigns
There is no defence against 27 Q-Kt7 ch,
R x Q ; 28 RP x R ch, and the KR mates.
A gem of modem chess.



(Women's Championship, Buenos Aires,
1 939)

We see in the next game an illustration

of the principle that the opening of lines
benefits only the player with the superior
1 9 P-R5 development.
Black has not "seen" this startling
rejoinder. Mter 19 . . . . R x B ; 20 Q-Q2, 1 P-Q4 P-Q4
wins the exchange. 2 P-QB4 P-K3
3 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3
4 Kt-B3 QKt-Q2
19 . . . . .
. R-Kt5 5 P-K3 B-K2
20 Q x P K-K2 6 B-Q3 PxP
2 1 R-R4 7 B x BP P-B4
Again brilliant! If 2 1 . . . . R x R ; The game assumes the character of a
22 B-Kt5 ch, with mate to follow. Gambit Accepted, but with a more artificial
development of Black's QKt at Q2 instead of
21 . . . . . . KR-Ktl at QB3.
If 2 1 . . . . QR-KKt1 ; 22 R x R, R x R ;
23 Q-R8, threatening 24 Q-B8 mate, and 8 Castles P-QR3
if then 23 . . . . B-K I ; 24 R-B8, Q-R5 ; 9 P-QR4
25 Q-B8 ch, and mate next move. Boldly preventing Black's counter-action
by . . . . P-QKt4. The weakening of
White's own QKt4 is not to be feared as
22 B-Kt7 Q-R6
i there is no black Knight available for the
23 B-B6 ch
manmuvre Kt-QB3-Kt5 ; and eventually
White strikes unremittingly. If now Q4.
23 . . . . Kt x B ; 24 P x Kt ch, K x P ;
2 5 R-B4 ch, K-K4 ; 2 6 Kt-B3 ch, 9 . . . .
. •

Q x Kt (forced) ; 27 R x Q, and wins quickly. 10 P x P

A breathless as well as instructive King­ An isolated pawn, but one in the centre.
10 . . . . . Kt-Kt3

23 . . . . .
. K-BI Blocking White' s Q5, but it would be
24 R-B 7 better to centralise by 10 . . . . Castles;
More brilliance ! If 24 . . . . Kt x R ; followed by R-KI ; . . . . Kt-B I ;
. . . •

25 P-R6, and there is no reply to . . . . B-Q2; etc.


1 1 B-Kt3 Castles 19 . . . . . . R x Kt
1 2 Q-K2 B-Q2 20 Q x KP Resigns
1 3 Kt-KS R-B l
In order to go on with . . . . B-B3 ;
without fear of weakening the pawns.
1 4 B-KtS
Ex ossibus ultor. GLIGORIC BERNSTEIN
(Belgrade) (Paris)
14 . . . . . . B-B3 (Belgrade v. Paris, 1950)
Now the Bishop is fully developed, but
the critical square, Black's K3, is thereby The following game is particularly remark..
weakened. Black hopes to hold up White's able for the ingenuity which secures for White
attack momentarily by the threat to the the victory against a doughty opponent.
QP, and to simplify the position by
1 5 QR-Q l , B-Q4. 1 P-Q4 P-Q4
2 P-QB4 P-K3
3 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3
The Tarrasch Defence, 3 . . . . P-QB4 ;
called by the Doctor himself the "Modern
Defence," no longer has much attraction
for the modern spirit. Here is a brevity
which illustrates this defence, Casas­
Piazzini, Argentine Championship, 19 50:
3 . . . . P-QB4 ; 4 BP x P, KP x P; 5 Kt-B3,
Kt-QB3 ; 6 P-KKt3 (the famous Rubin­
stein-Schlechter System, which masters the
idea of this defence), 6 . . . . Kt-B3 ;
7 B-Kt2, B-K2; 8 Castles, Castles ;
9 P x P, P-QS (if 9 . . . . B x P ; there can
follow 1 0 Kt-QR4, B-K2; 1 1 B-K3,
conquering the strategic square Q4) ;
10 Kt-QR4, B-B4; 1 1 B-B4, B-K S ;
1 2 R-B I , Q-Q4; 1 3 Kt-K l , B x B ;
1 4 Kt x B, Kt-K S ; I S P-QR3, Kt x QBP;
1 5 KR-Kl
1 6 Kt x Kt, B x Kt; 1 7 P-K4, Black resigns.
A masterly decision : White does not fear He loses a piece. A piquant turn.
the loss of a pawn, as the sequel would be
1 5 . . . . Q x P; 16 QR-Ql (not 16 Kt x P,
4 Kt-B3 P-B4
R x Kt; 1 7 Q x KP, R-B I ; 1 8 Q X KB,
Q-KKtS), 1 6 . . . . Q-QKt S ; 17 B-R2, The Semi-Tarrasch Defence, by which
and White dominates all the avenues. Black hopes to obtain a more fluid game
than with waiting moves such as 4 . . . .
15 . . . . . . B-Q4 B-K2; 4 . . . . QKt-Q2; or 4 . . . . P-B3.
Still trying-unwisely-to simplify the
position. 5 BP x P Kt x P
Recommended by Nimzowitsch. After
1 6 Kt x B QKt x Kt 5 . . . . KP x P ; White has the choice of
two systems : the Rubinstein-Schlechter,
Less damaging is 1 6 . . . . KKt x Kt.
6 P-KKt3, Kt-B 3 ; 7 B-Kt2, etc., and
Marshal/'s plan, 6 B-KtS, B-K3 ; 7 P-K4,
1 7 QR-Ql P-R3
Speeding up defeat. "Whom the god
would destroy, he fi rst makes mad." 6 P-K3
Typical of the modern style. Both
1 8 QB x Kt PxB 6 P-KKt3, and 6 P-K4, which are often
1 9 Kt x P played, commit White to a definite line of
A fairly wen-known sacrifice, but the play.
precision with which White's major pieces
have been posted on the critical K file is to 6 ...... Kt-QB3
be admired. 7 B-Q3

A quiet but strong continuation. More Even less promising is 1 4 . . . . Kt x Kt;

"rowdy" is the course followed in a game, 1 5 P x Kt, Q x P.
Botvinnik-Alekhine, A vro, 1938 : 7 B-B4
(threat, 8 B x Kt, P x B ; 9 P x P), 7 . . . . I S Kt x Kt P x Kt
P x P (best here is 7 . . . . Kt-B 3 ; transpos­ 1 6 B-K3 Q-Q3
ing into a Queen's Gambit) ; 8 P x P, B-K2; A critical moment. Black hopes that
9 Castles, Castles ; 1 0 R-Kl . White has
the text-move will prevent B-KB4, but on
now the better game. Like the preceding
the contrary he loses a valuable tempo, which
move, this is again noncommittal and gives
White will gain in enforcing this effective
the opponent a chance to go wrong-
manreuvre. Better is 1 6 . . . . Q-Q2.

7 • . . . • . Q-R4
1 7 Q-B2
which he promptly does. This early attempt
White prepares his attack with consum­
to gain material by a Queen's pin is fund­
mate virtuosity. The threat is 1 8 B-KB4,
amentally unsound and will cost Black many
Q x QB; 1 9 Q x P ch, and wins.
precious tempi. It is true White will have
an isolated QP, but this will be more than
counterbalanced by a greatly superior 17 . . . . . . Q-B2
development. If 1 7 . . . . P-K4 ; 1 8 P-B4, with in-
A quiet continuation could be 7 . . . . creased space for manreuvring. Better is
B-K2 ; 8 Castles, Castles ; etc., but it does once more 1 7 . . . . Q-Q 1 ; for if 1 8 Q x P ch,
not conform with the enterprising tempera­ B-Q2; with a slight easing of the position.
ment of Dr. Bernstein, who has the secret
of eternal youth. 1 8 B-KB4 Q-Q l
Confusion. He should try 18 ....
8 Q-Kt3 PxP B-Q3.
9 PxP Q-Kt3
10 Q-Ql Q-R4
1 9 KR-Ql
A voiding a well-known trap : 1 0 . . . .
Of course White does not oblige his
Kt x P ; 1 1 KKt x Kt, Q X Kt; 1 2 B-KtS ch,
opponent by blindly rushing at the pawn
winning the Queen ; but Black is wrong
oftered, 1 9 Q x P ch, B-Q2; and Black will
in reverting to this artless and inoperative
recover his balance.

If 1 0 . . . . KKt-KtS ; 1 1 B-Ktl (not

1 1 B-K2, Kt x QP; 1 2 Kt x Kt, Q x Kt; 19 . . . . . . P-KB4
1 3 Q x Q, Kt-B7 ch; followed by . . . . Black has no move. If 1 9 . . . . Castles ;
Kt x Q). Better than the text-move is 20 B x P ch.
1 0 . . . . B-KtS.
20 B-K4 B-Q2
1 1 Castles Black hopes for a respite by retiring the
An obvious sacrifice which has been seen Bishop; if 2 1 B-B3, Q-Bl (preventing
before. Black should refrain from taking the irruption, 22 R-Kt7) ; Black avoids the
the pawn and play 1 1 . . . . B-K2; with a worst for the time being.
laborious defence.

11 • • • •Kt x Kt
• •

1 2 P x Kt Q x BP
1 3 R-Ktl B-Kl
Again Black avoids the trap of taking the
QP and tries desperately to make good his

1 4 Kt-KS
Energetic play, offering a second pawn.
As so often, when there is no really satis­
factory continuation, the defender decides
that he might as well take what he can and '

be that much to the good.

14 . . . . . . QxP

21 R x B Here Black overlooks that he has the

White plays superlative chess in taking right to resign. This oversight gives his
advantage of his opportunity. A "dual" opponent the opportunity to finish off the
sufficiently convincing, however, IS game with devastating competence.
21 B x QBP, R-QB 1 ; 22 R x B, etc.
23 Q X Q ch K-B2
24 R-Kl B-B3
21 . . . . . . QxR
25 Q X P ch K-Kt3
A beautiful death would be 21 .... 26 P-Kt4 PxP
K x R ; 22 Q x P mate. 27 Q X P ch K-B2
28 Q-R5 ch P-Kt3
22 B x QBP QxB 29 Q-Q5 ch Resigns
6S 7 BxP B-QKtS
Intercepting White's pressure in the
G. WOOD YANOFSKY centre, a manreuvre due to the inventive
(Hastings, 1946-7) spirit of Canal ( 1 9 1 9).

Drawn games are sometimes more scintil­

lating than any conclusive contest. 8 Castles Castles
9 Q-K2 B-KtS
1 P-Q4 P-Q4 If 9 . . . . Kt-KS ; 10 B-Q3. Unpromis­
2 P-QB4 P-QB3 ing too are the attempts 9 . . . . P-B4 ;
3 Kt-KB3 Kt-B3 1 0 Kt-R2, and 9 . . . . B-Kt3 ; 10 Kt-KS,
4 Kt-B3 Px P followed by Kt x B.
The Slav Accepted, a highly modern
variation, leading to many interesting 10 R-Q l Q-K2
complications. Black now wants to play 1 1 P-K4 QKt-Q2
S • • • •
P-QKt4. 1 2 P-KS
There is nothing in the interlude,
S P-QR4 1 2 Kt-R2, B-QR4; 1 3 P-Kt4, B-B2;
Prevention or dislocation ? The choice with improved chance for Black. But not
made by White-prevention-is to be com­ 1 3 . . . . B x P; because of 14 Kt x B, Q x Kt;
mended, for the alternative S P-K3, IS B-R3, winning the exchange.
P�QKt4; 6 P-QR4, P-KtS ; fails to give
White sufficient initiative, e.g. 7 Kt-R2,
P-K3 ; 8 B x P, QKt-Q2 ; 9 Castles, 12 . . . . . . Kt-Q4
B-Q3 (inferior is 9 . . . . B-K t2; 1 0 Q-K2, 1 3 Kt-K4 P-KR3
P-B4 ; 1 1 R-Q 1 , etc.); 10 R-K 1 , Q-K2; A clear-cut measure. Too restless is
1 1 P-K4, P-K4 ; etc., with equality. 1 3 . . . . P-B 3 ; as played in a game
Capablanca-Fine, Semmering-Baden, 1937.
5 ...... B-B4
6 P-K3 14 P-R3 B-KR4
An alternative is 6 Kt-KS (Dr. Krause's I S Kt-Kt3
Attack), which was frequently adopted in
No better is I S P-Kt4, B-Kt3.
both matches, Alekhine-Euwe, 1935 and
1937. The best continuation is 6 . . . .
QKt-Q2 ; 7 Kt x P(B4), Q-B2 ; 8 P-KKt3, 1 5 . . . .. . . B-Kt3
and White, unable to force P-K4, has to 1 6 B-Q3
develop his KB at Kt2, with an equal game. An excellent move which keeps the ball
rolling and deprives Black of his best
6 ...... P-K3 defensive piece.
Here Black can play 6 . . . . B-Q6;
eliminating White's KB, and 6 . . . .
16 . • . . . . BxB
QKt-Q2. The move selected is considered
17 R x B
the best.
A rich theme for the analyst is 6 . . . . Far stronger than 1 7 Q x B, and played
Kt-R3 ; a move due to the well-known with a view to a subsequent sacrifice of the
Canadian theoretician, G. Marechal, with exchange.
the plausible continuation, . 7 B x P,
Kt-QKtS ; 8 Castles, P-K3 ; 9 Q-K2. 17 . . . . . . P-QB4
Here, according to Marechal's analysis, A good move for Black is now hard to
9 . . . . QKt-Q4 ; 1 0 Kt-K S, P-KR3 ; find. He apparently underestimated White's
1 1 P-B3, B-QKtS ; 12 B-Q2, B-R2; latent threats.
1 3 P-K4, Kt-Kt3 ; 14 B-K3, Q-B2;
I S B-Q3, Castles K R ; and Black holds his
own. 18 P x P K t x BP

Very tempting, but 1 8 . . . . B x P; is 66

better, leaving more forces available for the
(Bad Gastein, 1948 )

Attacking technique consists not so much

in colourful sacr�fices (they come in at the
end) as in subtle and patient mantZuvres,
frequently on the opposite wing.

1 Kt-KB3 P-Q4
2 P-QB4 P-QB3
3 P-Q4 Kt-B3
4 Kt-B3 PxP
S P-QR4 B-B4
6 Kt-R4 B-Q2
Not a sound retreat, as it unnecessarily
blocks the QKt, which takes no further part
in the game. Unsatisfactory also is 6 . . . .
B-Kt3 (7 Kt x B, RP x Kt; 8 P-K3,
followed by B x P) ; and equally so 6 . . . .
P-K3 ; for example, 7 Kt x B, P x Kt;
1 9 R x Kt 8 P-K3 , QKt-Q2; 9 B x P, Kt-Kt3 ;
10 B-Kt3, B-Q3 ; 1 1 Q-B3, Q-Q2;
A very original, brilliant and sound
1 2 P-R3, Kt-B l ; 1 3 P-RS, and White's
forces have much greater scope.
The accepted continuation is 6 . . . .
19 . . . . . . PxR B-B 1 ; and it then is best for White to
20 Kt-BS Q-B2 retrace his steps with 7 Kt-B3.
21 Kt(B3)-R4 K-R2
22 Kt x KtP 7 P-KKt3 Q-R4
Bravo ! 8 B-Q2 P-K3
9 P-K4 Q-Kt3
Black's sixth and seventh moves have
22 . . . . . . Q-Kt3 already given him an awkward game.
He cannot take the Knight, e.g. 22 . . . .
K x Kt ; 23 Kt-BS ch, K-R2 ; 24 B x P, 10 Kt-B3 B-KtS
Q-Kt3 ; 2S B x R, R x B ; 26 Q-RS ch, 1 1 P-KS Kt-Q4
K-Ktl ; 27 Kt-K7 ch, K-Kt2 ; 28 Kt x P, 12 B x P Castles
Q-R4 ; 29 Q-KtS ch, K-Rl ; 30 Kt-B6, 1 3 P-RS
and mate follows. An excellent move both tactically and
strategically. The pawn lames Black's
Q side, and if 1 3 . . . . B x P ; there follows
23 Kt(Kt7)-BS Kt-Kt6
14 R x B, Q x R ; I S Kt x Kt, and White
In desperation he tries to get as much has two pieces for the Rook.
material as he can.
13 . . . . . . Q-B2
24 B x P Kt x R 1 4 Castles Kt x Kt
2S B x R I S P x Kt
A positional sacrifice of a pawn (in place
A pity! After the nervous strain of a
complicated combination, White seeks relief of I S B x Kt, etc.). The point is that the
in a "safe" continuation, when he could Bishop is diverted from the future battle­
field and the Queen is tied to its defence.
have brought about a brilliant finish with
ei ther 2S B-K3, or 2S B-K tS, winning in
15 . . . . . . B x RP
all variations.
As it is he has nothing better than a per­ 1 6 Kt-KtS
petual check. The hunt is on. The Lancashire stalwart
joyously leaps into the fray.

25 . . . . . . BxB 16 . . . . . . B-Kl
26 Q-RS ch The more obvious 1 6 . . . . P-KR3 ;
Draw by perpetual check. does not ease his position after 1 7 Kt-K4,
A thrilling contest. followed by 1 8 Q-Kt4.

1 7 Q-R5 P-KR3 A desperate measure which, while it does

Black thinks that the Knight will have to not solve the problem of his exposed King's
retire to KB3, which would slow down fi.eld, at least wins a piece.
White's attack.
19 B x P ch K-Rl
20 Q-R4 P x Kt
21 B x P B-B2
22 B-B5 B-R4
Despair I

23 B x P ch
A convincing sacrifice. If now 23 . . . .
i Q x B ; 24 Q x B ch, K-Ktl ; 25 B-K6 ch,
R-B2 ; 26 R x B, etc.

23 . . . . . . KxB
24 Q-Kt5 ch K-B2
25 P-K6 ch K-Kl
26 Q x B ch K-K2
27 Q-R4 ch R-B3
If 27 . . . . K-Q 3 ; there is also a very
elegant win after 28 P-K7, Q x P (28 . . . .
1 8 Kt-K4 R-Kl ; 29 Q-B6 ch, etc.) ; 29 Q-B4 ch,
Threatening to win quickly by K-Q4 ; 30 R x B ch, etc.
1 9 Kt-B6 ch, and without fear of the loss of
a piece which the text-move implies. 28 Q-Kt5 Resigns
There is no reply to 29 Q-Kt7 ch.
18 . . . . . . P-KB4 A very fi,ne performance.
67 1 1 B-B4, B x B ; 1 2 P x B, Kt-Kt3;
13 Kt-B7, R-Ktl ; 14 Kt-KKtS, Q-Q3 ;
TAIMANOV LISSITSIN I S Q-BS, and White has the better game.
(U .S.S.R. Championship, Leningrad, 1 949)
1 0 B-B4 BxB
The winner in the following game, born in 11 P x B Castles
1927, gained in early youth not only a supreme He could have tried to cut the Gordian
mastery in Chess, but also outstanding success knot with 1 1 . . . . P-QKt4.
as a concert pianist.
It is well-known that chess and music go 1 2 Kt-QR4 Kt-Kt3
well together, and many are those who have The first result of the black Bishop's
achieved unusual proficiency in both. An retarded development : White threatens
outstanding example is Phi/idor who became 1 3 KR-B t , with full control of the QB
a front-rank master in both arts. file. On the other hand the text-move
enables White to occupy the vital squares
1 P-Q4 P-Q4 QBS and KS, dominating the whole field.
2 P-QB4 P-QB3
3 Kt-KB 3 P-K3 1 3 Kt-BS Q-Q3
4 Q-B2 1 4 Kt-KS R-Ktl
Uncharted territory. The more usual I S P-QR4 Kt-RI
continuations in the Semi-Slav Defence are In the hope of getting the Knight into
4 P-K3, or 4 Kt-B3 (and if 4 . . . . P x P ; play via B2, but events will it otherwise.
S P-Q R4). The text-move has a number
of advantages ; White commands an import­ 1 6 P-RS B-Q2
ant diagonal and retains the option to play 1 7 KR-Bl B-Kt4
either Rook to the QB file. 1 8 P-K3 KR-B t
1 9 R-R3 R-B2
4 ...... 20 R-B3 Q-K2
The threat was: if 20 . . . . QR-QBl ;
Premature. A better way to realise his
intentions is : 4 . . . . B-Q 3 ; S P-KKt3, 2 1 Kt x KtP, R x R ; 22 P x R, Q-B2;
P-KB4 ; 6 B-Kt2, Kt-B3 ; 7 Castles·, 23 Kt-BS, and White not only is a pawn
Castles; 8 QKt-Q2, Q-K 1 ; 9 P-Kt3, to the good, but Black's KP is en prise.
Q-R4; 1 0 B-Kt2, and only now 1 0
QKt-Q2. 2 1 B-Bl BxB
22 K x B QR-QBl
23 Q-Kt3
S P-KKt3 B-Q3
Again threatening 24 Kt x KtP. The
6 B-Kt2 P-KB4 counter-attempt, 23 Kt-KS ; is
An interesting conflict between two x
answered 24 Kt Kt, BP x Kt; 2S Q x KtP,
systems, the Stonewall for Black, the R x Q ; 26 R x R ch, Q-B 1 ; 27 R x Q ch,
Catalan for White. Black9s problem, which K x R ; 28 R-B8 ch, and wins.
will increase in urgency, is the development
of his QB. 23 . . . . . . Kt-Kt (see diag.)
Black is mistaken in thinking that he still
7 Castles KKt-B3 can make a fight for the open file. He
8 PxP BP x P should have been content with the elastic
Owing to his unfortunate fourth move, retreat 23 . . . . R-Kl.
Black cannot recapture with the KP, and
he must concede to his adversary the big 24 Kt x KtP
advantage of the comn1and of the QB file. The long threatened blow falls. It is the
beginning of a monumental combination.
9 Kt-B3 P-QR3
A necessary precaution . If 9 24 . . . . . . R x Kt
Castles; 1 0 QKt-KtS, B-K2 ; 1 1 Kt-B7, 2S Q x R QxQ
winning the exchange, or 10 . . . . B-Kt 1 ; 26 R x R K-B l

3 Kt-QB3 P-QB3
Tchigorin's legacy.

4 P-K4
This dynamic continuation was adopted
in several games by Pillsbury and Marshall.
It was tried in a deferred form in a corres­
pondence game, Munich-Augsburg, 1941, as
follows : 4 Kt-B3, Kt-Q2; 5 P-K4,
P x IqJ ; 6 K t x P, KKt-B3 ; 7 B-Q3,
Kt x Kt; 8 B x Kt, Kt-B3 ; 9 B-B2,
P-B4 ; 1 0 Castles, P x P ; 1 1 B-Kt5,
P-Q6; 1 2 B-R4 ch, B-Q2; 1 3 Kt-K5,
Black resigns.

4 ...... P x KP
5 Kt x P B-Kt5 ch
Position after 23 • • • • Kt-Kl A check too tempting to omit. Never­
theless, development by opposition, 5 • . . .

If 26 . . . . Kt-B2 ; 27 R(B I ) x Kt, Kt-B3 ; is worth considering.

Q x R(B2) ; 28 R x Kt mate.
6 B-Q2
27 R-Kt8 Unequivocal and consistent, for, on
The key to this beautiful manreuvre ; if 6 Kt-B3, Black has a favourable develop-
27 . . . . Q x R ; 28 Kt-Q7 ch, and wins. ment by 6 . . . . P-QB4.
The rest plays itself.
6 ...... QxP
27 . . . . . . Q-K2 He takes up the challenge. In a previous
If 27 . . . . Q-R2; 28 R x Kt ch, K x R ; game between the same opponents Kotov
29 R-B8 ch, K-K2; 30 Kt-B6 ch, played 6 . . . . B x B ch; and drew. No
followed by Kt x Q. doubt, on the present occasion, he relied on
some new ideas in accepting the sacrifi.ce.
28 R x Kt P-Kt3 In any event, after 6 . . . . B x B ch; 7 Q x B,
29 R(Bl)-B8 K-Kt2 Kt-B3 ; 8 Kt x Kt ch, Q x Kt; 9 Kt-B3,
30 R x Kt Q-QB2 Castles ; 1 0 B-K2, White has an advantage
3 1 R(K8)-QB8 Q-KU in space, due to the fact that Black can, at
32 QR-Kt8 Q-R2 present, play neither . . . . P-QB4 ; nor
3 3 R-KR8 Q-K2 . . . . P-K4 ; to free his game.
34 QR-Kt8 ch K-R3
3 5 R x KtP ch 7 BxB Q x Kt ch
The final chord. 8 B-K2
Here, Canal prefers 8 Kt-K2.
35 . . . . . . K-R4.
36 R-Kt3 K-R5 8 ...... Kt-QR3
37 Kt-B3 ch K-R4 A tense moment. Practically suicidal is
38 R(R8)-KKt8 Resigns 8 . . . . Q x KtP, e.g. 9 B-KB3, Q-Kt4 ;
A fascinating game. 10 Kt-K2, Kt-K2 ; 1 1 R-KKt l , Q-B3 ;
1 2 Kt-Kt3, Kt-B4 ; 1 3 Kt-K4, Q-Q l ;
14 R x P, with a winning position.
Thus it is seen that Black is beset by two
problems : the open black diagonal, con­
68 trolled by White's QB, and the vulnerability
of the black Queen. Instead of the text-move,
BRONSTEIN KOTOV 8 . . . . Kt-Q2; is position ally more correct
(Budapest, 1 9 50) in spite of the ominous 9 Q-Q6, e.g.
9 . . . . P-QB4; 10 B-B3, Kt-K2; and
"Played a la Morphy." What greater Black is not without resources.
praise can be given, and how well it applies Subsequent analysis has shown the merit
to the winner's style in the following game. of the ingenious counter-measure, 8 . . . .
1 P-Q4 P-Q4
2 P-QB4 P-K3 9 B-B3

An elegant idea is 9 B-B8, Q x K tP; 14 Kt-B3

10 Q-Q6. White is not now compelled to capture
the Kt, which would shut off his base of
9 ...... Kt-K2 action (14 P x Kt, R x Kt) but he can con­
Up to this move the game is identical with tinue his attack in crescendo style.
Flohr-Szily and Bronstein-Szily, both from
the Moscow-Budapest Match, 1949. Here,
14 . . . . . . Q x R ch
in both cases, Szily played 9 . . . . P-B 3 ;
but, whereas Flohr continued 1 0 Kt-B3, Black must at all hazards try to slow
and drew with difficulty, Bronstein played down the impetus of his adversary's efforts.
10 Q-Q6, and scored a convincing win.
15 B x Q Kt x B
10 B x P 1 6 Q x Kt
An intriguing manmuvre, for White does A new phase begins in this desperate
not intend to capture the Rook. On 1 0 . . . . struggle. Black has two Rooks and a pawn
Q x KtP; the continuation is 1 1 B-B6, for the Queen. It denotes judgment of the
Q x R ; 1 2 Q-Q6, Castles (there is nothing highest order to decide several moves ahead
better) ; 1 3 Q-Kt3 ch, Kt-Kt3 ; 1 4 B-KB3, that this position can be won for White.
and the Queen is lost. The reason is of a fleeting kind : the dis­
connected state of the Black forces. But to
10 . . . . . . R-KKtl
carry out successful operations by forceful
1 1 B-B3
play and exact timing is akin to solving a
Possible is the interlude 1 1 B-B6,
difficult problem or ending.
R-Kt3 ; 1 2 B-B3.

11 . . . . . . Q x KtP 16 . . . . . . K-K2
"Now or never," thinks Black, . but his To prevent 1 7 Q-B6.
opponent's clever reply proves that it is not
a case of "now or never," but rather one of 1 7 Kt-K5 B-Q2
"later." Later analysis by Judovitch pro­ The Queen is astonishingly effective along
poses here the counter-sacrifi.ce, 1 1 . . . . the third rank, e.g. if, instead of the text­
Kt-Q4; 1 2 P x Kt, and only now 1 2 . . . •
move 1 7 . . . •
P-B 3 ; 1 8 Q-R3, R-Kt2 ;
Q x KtP, having considerably reduced ·
1 9 Q-R6, and wins.
White's pressure on the Q file.
1 8 Q-R3 ch P-B4
Or 1 8 . . . . K-K l ; 1 9 Q-Q6, R-Q l ;
20 B-R5, R-KB l ; 2 1 Kt-Kt4, and wins.

1 9 Q-KB3
Attacking two vital pawns.

19 . . . . . . QR-Ql
20 Q x P ch K-Q3
21 Q-B4 QR-KBl
22 Kt-B7 db ch K-K2
23 B-R5 B-B3
24 Q-Q6 ch K-B3
25 Kt-R6 R-Kt8 ch
26 K-Q2 K-Kt2
27 Kt-Kt4
Now the Black's Rooks are disconnected
1 2 Q-Q2 again and the threats against his King arc
Not 1 2 B-B3, Q x Kt ch; 13 R x Q, mounting up.
R x R ch; winning a piece.
27 . . . . . . R x Kt
12 . . . . . . QxR 28 Q-K7 ch K-R3
Here again Black could reasonably try 29 B x R R x P ch
1 2 . . . . Kt-Q4. 30 K-K3 R-B8
3 1 P-KR4 K-Kt3
1 3 Castles Kt-Q4 32 B-R5 ch Resigns
Too late, but he has no option. An object lesson in subtle attacking play.

Meran Variation 1 2 P x Kt Q-Kt3

13 P x P
69 It is important to break up Black's K side
before castling. If 1 3 Castles, P x P ;
KOITNAUER KOTOV 1 4 B-K4, B-QKt2; I S B x B, Q x B ;
(Prague-Moscow, 1 946) 1 6 Kt x P, R-KKtl ; Black has consolid­
ated his position, or 1 3 Q-K2, B-KtS ch;
The famous Meran Variation, of which 14 B-Q2, B x B ch; I S Q x B, Kt x P ; etc.,
we present three brilliant examples, has been and Black has the advantage.
adopted in many remarkable games since its
first appearance at the Meran Tournament of 13 . . . . . . BxP
1924. As the defence has scored many a 1 4 Q-K2
'Victory, the variation still has a strong appeal The text-move threatens I S B x KtP, and
for enterprising spirits. particularly I S Q-K4. For 14 Castles, see
The following game is of special interest the following game.
because of a new aspect of the well-known
sacrifice at KR7. 14 . . . . . . Castles
Clearly not 1 4 . . . . Kt-B4; I S B x P ch,
1 P-Q4 P-Q4 but, according to Grigorieff, counter-action
2 P-QB4 P-QB3 is to be recommended by 14 . . . . P-KtS ;
3 Kt-KB3 Kt-B3 I S Castles, R-R4 ; 1 6 B-KB4, Kt-B4;
4 Kt-B3 P-K3 17 B-KS, Kt x B; 18 B x B, R-Ktl ; with
S P-K3 QKt-Q2 considerable counter-play.
6 B-Q3 PxP
A cold war has started. Less stubborn I S Castles
are Semi-Slav defences properly speaking : A will-o'-the-wisp would be I S Q-K4,
6 . . . . B-Q3 ; or 6 . . . . B-K2 ; or 6 . . . . P-B4; 1 6 Q x R, B-QR3 ; confiscating the
B-KtS. A war of attrition results from Queen.
6 . . . . B-K2; 7 Castles, Castles ; 8 P-QKt3. A wrong turning, too, would be I S B x P,
Unconvincing is 8 P-K4, P x KP; 9 Kt x P, P-K4.
P-QKt3 ; whereby Black solves the problem
of his QB. IS • • • • Kt-B4
• •

This looks like the right move, parrying

7 B x BP P-QKt4 both the threats mentioned above. Unfor­
8 B-Q3 P-QR3 tunately the move allows a decisive sacrifice
9 P-K4 by White.
The main line of the Meran Variation. However, Black's position is delicate. If,
Less dynamic are the continuations, for example, I S P-B4 ; 1 6 B-KB4,
• . • •

9 Castles, 9 Q-K2, and 9 P-QR4. blockading Black's weakened KP, or I S • • • •

B-Kt2 ; 1 6 B x P, etc. Best is a resolute

9 ...... P-B4 counter-action, beginning with I S • • • •

1 0 P-KS PxP P-K4.

White gets the upper hand after both
1 0 . . . . Kt-Q4 ; 1 1 Kt-KtS, P x P ;
1 2 Kt x Kt, P x Kt; 1 3 Castles, Kt-B4;
14 P-B4, etc., and 10 . . . . Kt-KtS ;
11 B-K4 (not 1 1 Kt- - KtS, P x P ;
1 2 Kt x BP, Q-RS, etc. , and the tables are
turned !), 1 1 . . . . R-R2 ; 1 2 B-B6, threat­
ening 1 3 P-QS.

1 1 Kt x KtP
Blumenfeld's discovery.

11 . . . . . . P x Kt
This continuation, discredited for a time,
has regained popularity. If 1 1 . . . . Kt x P ;
1 2 Kt x Kt, P x Kt; 1 3 Q-B3, etc. If
1 1 . . . . Kt-KtS ; 12 Q-R4, B-Kt2 ;
1 3 QKtx P, and White maintains his
pressure. 1 6 B x P ch

Incredible, but true. Such a catastrophe he made fewer mistakes than the other
is made possible by the absence of a defen­ competitors. He could justly have asserted
sive Knight at Black's KB3, or, at least, of a that, of them all, he created more numerous
Knight in reserve at his Q2, which could profound conceptions.
have hastened to the rescue. Wrong
would be 1 6 B x P, P-Q6; 1 7 B x P, 1 P-Q4 P-Q4
Kt x B ; 1 8 Q x Kt, B-QR3 ; etc., and Black 2 Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3
has the advantage. 3 P-B4 P-K3
4 Kt-B3 P-B3
16 . . . . . . KxB 5 P-K3 QKt-Q2
Declining the gift loses rapidly after 6 B-Q3
1 6 . . . . K-Rl ; 1 7 Kt-Kt5, P-K4 ; There are here several Anti-Meran
1 8 Q-R5, B-KR3 ; 1 9 Kt x P ch, R x Kt; possibilities, such as 6 Kt-K5 (Rubinstein),
20 B-Kt6, etc. or 6 Q-B2, or 6 P-QR3, or even
6 P-QKt3, but none of these gives White
1 7 Kt-Kt5 ch K-Kt3 any appreciable advantage.
1 8 Q-Kt4 P-B4
1 9 Q-Kt3 K-B3 6 ...... PxP
Not 1 9 . . . . Q-Ktl ; 20 B-B4, nor 7 B x BP P-QKt4
1 9 . . . . P-B 5 ; 20 Q-Kt4, and White9s 8 B-Q3 P-QR3
attack persists. 1 9 . . . . R-B2; was played 9 P-K4 P-B4
in Kottnauer-Pachman, Mosco w, 1947, with 10 P-K5 PxP
no better result for Black. This double 1 1 Kt x KtP P x Kt
success by Kottnauer with the Meran 1 2 P x Kt Q-Kt3
Variation created quite a stir in the chess 13 P x P BxP
world at the time. 14 Castles
Here and in the sequel, Botvinnik con­
20 B-B4 K-K2 centrates all his efforts on one plan, and one
2 1 QR-Bl plan only : blockade of the strategic square
The main threat is 22 R x Kt, followed by K5. The text-move strictly adheres to this
R-B l. and R-B7 ch. plan, as it enables him to employ the KR
as quickly as possible on the K file.
21 . . . . . . R-R2
22 KR-Kl 14 . . . . . . Kt-B4
The frontal assault in full swing. While Black now can eliminate the
dangerous KB, the text-move reduces his
22 . . . . . . B-Q2
control of the critical square in question.
23 P-Kt4 Kt-R3
If, however, 14 . . . . Castles; White can play
24 Kt x P
1 5 Q-K2, but he could also frankly em­
The beginning of the end.
bark on an attack by 1 5 Kt-Kt5, P-R3 ;
24 . . . . . . B x Kt 1 6 Kt-R7, R-Kl ; 1 7 Q-B3, B-Kt2;
25 Q x B ch R-B2 1 8 Q-Kt3, with manifold complications.
26 B-Kt5 ch K-Q2
27 Q-R8 Q-Ktl 1 5 B-KB4
He tries desperately to prevent Simple and very strong. Play able too is
28 Q-B8 ch. 1 5 R-K l , B-Kt2 ; 16 B-KB4, etc.
If White wastes a move to conserve the
28 Q x P ch Resigns Bishop by 1 5 B-Ktl , Black has a fine game
The loser, a player of great enterprise and after 1 5 . . . . B-Kt2. At Ostrava, t 946,
imagination, sometimes runs undue risks, Tikovsky fell into a trap against Foltys with
and then he has to pay the due penalty. 1 6 Kt x P, which loses after 1 6 . . . . R-Q 1 ;
1 7 B-K3, P-K4.

15 . . . . . . B-Kt2
70 Here or on the next move, . . . . Castles
K R ; would be met by B x P ch, and
(Moscow, 1948)
1 6 R-Kl
When asked to which factor he attributed Not at once 1 6 B-K5. B x B ; 1 7 Kt x B,
his victory in the World Championship Kt x B ; 1 8 Q x Kt, R-KKtl ; when Black
Tournament, Botvinnik replied modestl), that assumes the initiative.

16 . . . . . . R-Q l 30 . . . . . . P-K4
An unhappy idea. It would be better I 31 P x B PxP
to ease the situation by exchanges: 1 6 . . . . i 32 K-B2 K-B2
Kt x B ; 1 7 Q x Kt, B x Kt; 1 8 Q x B, 3 3 K-K3 K-K3
Castles KR; etc. 34 Q-Kt4 R-QB2
3 5 K-Q2 R-B3
1 7 R-QBl R-Q4 36 P-QR4 Resigns
. 1 8 B-K5 BxB One of the World Champion's finest
It is now too late to castle, since 1 8 . . • •
Castles; 1 9 Kt-Kt5, wins for White.

19 R x B RxR
20 Kt x R Kt x B
Apparently the only way to avoid loss in
material, for if 20 . . . . R-Ktl ; 21 B-B l , 71
Kt-Q2; 22 Kt x Kt, K x Kt ; 23 Q-R5, ,

R-Kt2; 24 B x P ch, and wins. Mme. CHAUDE

2 1 Q x Kt P-B3 (Sitges, 1 949)
Not yet 2 1 . . . . Cast1es; 22 Q-Kt3 ch,
K-Rl ; 23 R-B7, etc. Should Black The following beautiful game will give
succeed in restraining or exchanging the many opportunities for those who like to
hostile pieces, he would save the day. praise, as also for those who prefer looking
for " spots in the sun."

1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3
2 P--QB4 P-K3
3 Kt-QB3 P-Q4
4 Kt-B3 P-B3
5 P-K3 QKt-Q2
The following line carries out the Meran
idea, while speeding the thematic advance of
the QBP: 5 . . . . P-QR3 ; 6 B-Q3. P x P ;
7 B x BP, P-QKt4 ; followed by 8 . . . .

6 B-Q3 PxP
7 B x BP P-QKt4
8 B-Q3 P-QR3
An ingenious idea introduced by R. G .
Wade, Venice, 1950, i s 8 . . . . B-Kt2 ;
22 Q-KKt3 deferring a decision to play . . . . P-Q R3 ;
A beautifully neat sacrifice which wins by or . . . . P-Kt 5 ; until after White has de..
obtaining complete control of the seventh cided on a definite plan.
9 P-K4 P-B4
22 . . . . . . P x Kt
1 0 P-QS
23 Q-Kt7 R-Bl
24 R-B7 QxR An idea conceived by Czechoslovakian
There is no other way of preventing mate. players; this attempt to break-through i n
The rest is merely a matter of technique, and I
the centre (instead 0 f the regulation
Botvinnik plays it i n the most accurate 1 0 P-K5) is not easy to meet.
10 . . . . • P-B5

25 Q x Q B-Q4 If 1 0 . . . . P x P ; 1 1 P-K5, Kt-Kt5 ;

26 Q x KP P-Q6 1 2 B-Kt5, P-B3 ; 1 3 P x P, P x P ;
27 Q-K3 B-B5 1 4 B-KB4, etc., with good attacking
28 P-QKt3 R-B2 chances for this pawn. For this reason, in a
29 P-B3 R-Q2 game, Foltys-Dr. Trifunovic, Prague, 1946,
30 Q-Q2 Black preferred closing the centre by 1 0 . . . .
Not 30 P x B. P-Q7. P-K4. But, after 1 1 Castles, P-Kt3

(better is I I .. . . . B-Q3) ; 1 2 P-QKt3, Initiating a sacrificial combination of great

B-KKt2 ; 1 3 P-QR4, P-KtS; 1 4 Kt-Ktl , energy. After the plausible 23 Kt-B3,
Castles ; IS R-R2, etc., and White has an Black has a defence in 23 . . . . Q-R4 ;
easIer game. 24 B-Q4 ch, P-K4 ; 25 B x P ch, Kt x B ;

If 1 0 . . . . Kt-Kt3 ; 1 1 B-KtS, P-B S ; 26 Q x P ch, K-K3 ; 27 Kt-Q4 ch, K-B2 ;

1 2 B-B2, Q-B2; 1 3 Castles, B-K2; 28 Q-BS ch, K-Kt2; 29 Kt-K6 ch,
1 4 R-K I , P-K4 ; 1 5 P-QR4, P-KtS ; K-Ktl ; etc. , and the position is unclear.
1 6 P-RS, QKt-Q2 ; 1 7 Kt-K2, there are
certain weaknesses in Black's camp.

I I B-B2 P-KtS
This counter-thrust is less promising than
it looks. 1 1 . . . . Kt-B 4 ; shows more

12 P x P PxP
1 3 Kt-K2 Q-Kt3
1 4 QKt-Q4
White increases the pressure in the centre
in preference to 14 Castles, B-Kt2 ;
I S Kt-Kt3, R-Q I ; or 1 4 B-K3, B-B4.

14 . . . . . . B-Kt2
He attacks the KP in order to gain time
to get his Q R into play. Nevertheless, Position after 22 .. . . .. K-B3
1 4 . . . . B-B4; 1 5 Castles, Castles ; etc.,
is more adequate.
23 . . . . . . B-B4
24 B x P ch
1 6 P-KR3 The lightning strikes.
A magnificent conception.
24 . . . . . . Kt x B
25 Q-B4 ch K-Kt2
16 . . . . . . KKt x KP
1 7 Kt x Kt K t x Kt If 25 .. .. .. .. K-Kt3 ; 26 Kt-KS ch, leads
1 8 Q-RS ch Kt-B2 to mate.
1 9 B-R4 ch
The bilateral action of White's Queen and 26 Q x Kt ch K-B I
KB is highly artistic, and is in the best And again if 26 K-B2;
Alekhine tradition. 27 Kt-KS ch.

19 . . . . . . K-K2 27 Q-B6 ch K-Ktl

20 B-K3 28 Q X P ch
And here a third diagonal K3-QKt6 Being short of time the French Lady
comes to life. Threatened by 2 1 Kt-BS ch, Champion misses a quick and elegant win :
followed by B x Q, Black tries to build up 28 Kt-KS, R-KB I ; 29 Q-KtS mate, or
his defences on the K side. 28 . .. . . B x P ch; 29 K-B I , etc. , or,
finally, 28 . . . . Q-B2; 29 B-Q7, etc.
20 . . . . . . P-Kt3
2 1 Q-R4 ch P-Kt4 28 . . . . . . K-Kt2
22 Q-Kt3 If 28 . . . . K-B I ; 29 Q-B6 ch, K-Ktl ;
Clearly refusing to give up her best forces 30 Kt-K7 ch, winning the Queen.
by 22 B x P ch, Kt x B ; 23 Q x Kt ch,
K-B2 ; etc. 29 Castles Q R B x Kt
If 29 . . . . B-QB I ; 30 Q-KS ch, and
22 . . .. . . . K-B3 (see diag.) the fact that the black Rooks are discon..
The King is to defend himself. If 22 . . . .. nected must lead to an immediate debli.cle.
Q-R4 ; 23 B-B6.
30 B x B QR-Ql
23 Kt-B6 Black almost saves the situation.

3 1 Q-Kt4 ch K-B3 and o n the clock, to make a quiet, but all the
32 Q-B4 ch K-Kt2 more deadly, move.
33 Q-Kt5 ch K-B2
37 . . . . . . R-KKtl
34 Q-B5 ch K-Kt2
3 8 Q-Q2 ch
35 R-Q7 ch RxR A decisive diagonal check.
36 Q X R ch K-R3
37 R-Kl 38 . . . . . . K-Kt3
Ha ving sufficiently harried the black 39 R-K6 ch K-B2
King, White at last has time, on the board 40 Q-Q7 ch Resigns
72 Here again giving up a pa wn by 9 B-Kt3,
produces only a doubtful initiative.
(Radio Match, D.S.A. v. D.S.S.R., 1 945) 9 ...... P x Kt
1 0 B x KtP QKt-Q2
The following game has given a new lease Black can here reinforce his KB3 by
of life to the Queen's Gambit Declined by 1 0 . . . . B-K2.
probing the secret resources still to be found
in that opening. 1 1 P x Kt
Superficial play. White fails to fathom
1 P-Q4 P-Q4 Black's subtle and carefully prepared plans,
2 P-QB4 P-K3 which are based on a race for the pre­
3 Kt-QB3 P-QB3 ponderance o n the long white diagonal.
4 Kt-B3 Kt-B3 Thus the capture of the pinned Knight was
5 B-Kt5 not as yet a matter of urgency. Best here
White sharpens the contest, instead of is Lilienthars move, 1 1 P-KKt3 .
remaining within the confi.nes of the Semi­ Premature is 1 1 Q-B3, because of 1 1 . . . .
Slav. B-QKt2 ; 12 B-K2, Q-B2 ; 1 3 P x Kt,
Castles ; with promising chances for Black.
5 ...... Px P
Black goes one better and disdains the
paths of the Orthodox Defence, 5 . . . . 11 " . " . . . B-QKt2
1 2 B-K2 Q-Kt3
B-K2; 6 P-K3, QKt-Q2; etc. (the normal
development) ; or 5 . . . . QKt-Q2 ; 6 P-K3, Black concentrates his forces for a
Q-R4 ; etc. (Cambridge Springs Defence). counter-attack and ignores the KBP, which
sooner or later must fall.
6 P-K4
An acute struggle begins between centre 1 3 Castles
and wings. Only White continues to make stereotyped
An interesting diversion occurred in the last moves. The following interlude could have
game of the match, Bronstein-Botvinnik, strengthened his chances : 1 3 P-QR4,
Moscow, 1 95 1 : 6 P-QR4, B-Kt5 (better P-Kt5 ; 14 P-R5, Q-R3 (if 14 . . . .
than either 6 . . . . P-KR3 ; or 6 . . . . Q-B2; 1 5 P-R6) ; 1 5 Kt-K4, Castles ;
QKt-Q2) ; 7 P-K4, etc. 1 6 Q-B2, P-B4 ; 1 7 B x P, Q-B3 ;
1 8 B-Q3, and there still is a strenuous
6 ...... P-Kt4 contest for the initiative, while the white
7 P-K5 King can select the safest retreat.
Lifeless would be now 7 P-QR4, because Better than castling at once is 1 3 B-B3.
of 7 . . . . B-Kt 5 ; 8 P-K5, P-K R 3 ;
9 B-Q2, B x K t ; 10 B x B, Kt-K5 ; followed 13 . . . . . . Castles
by . . . . Q-Q4. 14 P-QR4
But now, and for purely tactical reasons,
7 ...... P-KR3 this lateral action has lost its ,effectiveness.
8 B-R4
Here 8 B-Q2, Kt-Q4; 9 Kt-K4, would 14 . . . . . . P-Kt5
be indecisive, as Black remains with an extra 1 5 Kt-K4
pa wn and adequate means of defence. Wrong would be 1 5 P-R5, Q-B2; with
Neither is 8 B x Kt, tempting (Geller­ a mating threat.
Foltys, Szczawno Zdroj, 1 950), as, after
8 . . . . P x B ; 9 P-QR4, B-Kt5 ; 10 KP x P, 15 . . . . . . P-B4
Q x BP; 1 1 Kt-K5, P-B4; Black obtains Having effected this important thrust with
the initiative. a gain of time, Black now defi.nitely has the
upper hand.
8 . II1II • • • • P-Kt4
9 Kt x KKtP 1 6 Q-Ktl Q-B2

1 7 Kt-Kt3 PxP If 26 K-R3, Q x KB.

18 B x P On account of its importance for the
White's "moral success" in having opened theory of the openings as well as owing to
the QB file, with threats to the black King, the dynamism of Black's attack, this game
will be brought to nought by White's power­ is one of the most remarkable of the last
ful action in the centre. decade.

18 . . . . . . Q-B3
1 9 P-B3 P-Q6
The fl ood gates open and events now 73
move rapidly. .. ..

First of all, White must provide against
20 . . . . Q-B4 ch; followed by . . . . (Helsinki, 1 946)
Q x QB.
The frontal assault, which White brings to
20 Q-B l a successful conclusion in the following game,
Or 20 B-K3, B-B4 ; 21 B x B, Q x B ch; is most impressive.
22 K-RI, Kt-K4 ; without restraining the
momentum of Black's attack. If 20 B x QP, 1 P-Q4 P-Q4
B-B4 ch; 2 1 K-RI , R x P ch ; 22 K x R, 2 P-QB4 P-K3
R-Rl ch; 23 B-R7, Kt-B I ; 24 Kt-K4, 3 Kt-QB3 P-QB3
Kt x B, 25 K-Kt3, R-Kt l ; 26 K-Kt4, 4 Kt-B3 Kt-B3
Q-Q4; and wins. 5 B-Kt5
This line might be called "amphibious"
in that White, according to Black's reply,
20 . . . . . . B-B4 ch
can lead into an orthodox Queen's Gambit
2 1 K-RI
Declined with the strategy of the pin, or
If 21 B-K3, P-Q7 (too precipitate would
adopt the more incisive lines of the deferred
be 2 1 . . . . Kt-K4 ; 22 B x P ch, followed by
Queen's Gambit.
23 Q x B); 22 Q x P, Kt-K4.
The text-move implies the sacrifice of a
pawn and at the same time seeks to avoid
21 . . . . . Q-Q3
the Meran Variation,

22 Q-B4
5 ...... Px P
6 P-K4 P-Kt4
The Achilles heel in Black's formation is
his QB3.

7 P-KS P-KR3
8 B-R4
Unpromising is 8 P x Kt, P x B ; 9 P x P,
B x P ; etc.

8 ...... P-Kt4
9 P x Kt
The whole of this variation is sometimes
called the Soviet Defence. Another aspect
of this defence is 9 Kt x KKtP.

9 ...... PxB
1 0 Kt-KS
22 . . . . . . R x P ch With the threat 1 1 Kt x KBP, K x K t ;
A volcanic reply. 1 2 Q-R5 ch, K x P ; 1 3 Q x P(R4) ch,
winning the Queen.
23 K x R R-RI ch
24 Q-R4 10 . . . . . . Q x BP
Not 24 B-R6, Q x Q ; nor 24 Kt-RS, Parrying the threat indicated above.
R x Kt ch; 25 K-Kt3, R x B ch.
1 1 B-K2
24 . . . . . . R x Q ch An instructive turn. White threatens
25 B x R Q-B5 eventually to play B-R5, but it is clear that
Resigns his main object is to occupy the long white

diagonal. It has therefore been proposed to

play here 1 1 P-KKt3 .

11 . . . . . . Kt-Q2
In order to eliminate the unpleasant
Knight, Black gives up a pawn. For if
1 1 . . . . B-Q3 ; White carries out his sub­
sidiary threat, 1 2 Kt x KtP, P x Kt; 1 3 B-B3,
Against 1 1 . . . . B-Kt 5 ; an ingenious
continuation was adopted in a game,
Pomar-Tramoyeres, Spanish Championship,
San Sebastian, 1 95 1 : 1 2 P-R4, B-Kt2 ;
1 3 B-B3, Q-K2; 14 Castles, B x Kt;
1 5 P x B, Castles ( 1 5 . . . . Q-B2; 16 B-R5,
R-B I ; 17 Q-Kt4, Q-Q3 ; 1 8 KR-K l ,
etc.) ; 1 6 R-KI , P-R3 ; 1 7 P x P, BP x P ;
1 8 B x Bt Q x B ; 19 Q-R5, Q-K2; Position after 14 . . • . R-KKt1
20 Kt-Kt4, P-B4 ; 2 1 Kt x P ch, K-Rl
(21 .... K-Kt2 ; 22 Kt x P ch) ; 1 7 R x Kt ch K-Q2
22 Kt-B7 db ch, K-Kt2 ; 23 Kt-Kt5, In search of a sanctuary.
R-R I ; 24 Kt x P ch, Black resigns.
1 8 Kt-R5
12 Kt x P(B6) B-QKt2
A voiding one more stumbling block : if
13 B-B3 P-R3
1 8 R x P ch, K-B2.
14 Castles
If 14 Q-K2, R-B 1 .
18 . . . . . . R-Ktl
14 . . . . . . R-KKtl 1 9 Kt x B R x Kt
Black should have realised that, for the 20 B x P R-QKt3
time being, the struggle centres on his 2 1 Q-B2 B-Q3
QB3, where he has lost the first bout, but If 2 1 . . . . R-Kt4 ; 22 Q-K4, B-Q 3 ;
where he could redress the balance by 2 3 P-B4, and the white forces overrun the
1 4 . . . . R-BI ; 1 5 Kt-K5, B x B ; 1 6 Kt x B, position.
B-Kt2 ; 17 P-R4, P-Kt5 ; with, however,
an uncertain issue. 22 R-B5 QxP
Doubtful is 14 . . . . B-Kt2 ; 1 5 P-R4. 23 R x P ch K-Bl
24 Q-B5 ch
1 5 Kt-Q5 An important preliminary check.
A sudden break-through in the centre.
The capture of the Knight is compulsory, as 24 . . . . . . K-Ktl
mate is threatened by 16 Kt-B7. 25 Q-R7 Resigns
Black has no defence against the double
15 . . . . . . P x Kt threat 26 Q x R ch, and 26 R-Kt7 ch.
1 6 R-KI ch Kt-K4 A clear-cut contest.
74 White decides �xchanges, which leave
him in control or the centre, a positional
advantage which he exploits with consum­
(Mar del Piata, 1950) mate skill.

The apparent ease with which White wins B x Kt

11 . . . . . .
the following game conceals profound 12 Q-Q2 Q-Kt3
manlZuvres, characteristic of Eliskases' style. 1 3 KR-K I P-B4
A t the same time Black commits an error Now, this is weak, as White can ignore
of judgment in indulging in bizarre evolutions
the advance.
such as Kt-KR3-B4 ,' against the particu­
larly sane and logical Colle System, with its
1 4 B x Kt BxB
famous triangle: pawns at QB3, Q4 and K3.
1 5 B-K5 KR-Q l
1 Kt-KB3
After 1 5 . . . . B x B ; 1 6 R x B, White's
2 P-Q4 various threats become overpowering.
More usual is 2 . . . . Kt-KB3; which Relatively best is 1 5 . . . . K-Kt2; to
leaves his opponent in uncertainty whether prevent the irruption of White's Queen.
Black is going to use his QB4 passively, as
in the text. or enterprisingly by . . . . P-QB4. 1 6 Q-R6
Threatening 1 7 Kt-Kt5, and Black can..
3 P-K3 P-KKt3 not play 1 7 . . . . B x Kt; because of
After his preceding move, one would 1 8 Q-Kt7 mate.
expect Black to play 3 . . . . B-B4 ; or even
3 . • . .
B-Kt5. 16 . . . . . . BxB
17 R x B PxP
4 B-Q3 B-Kt2 Starting a counter-action, which will
S QKt-Q2 Kt-KR3 require skilful play on the part of White
6 P-B3 Castles before it is mastered.
7 Castles
The first phase of the contest, including 1 8 Kt-Kt5 Q-KB3
castling, is completed. The position can A sop to Cerberus, but White insists on
be summed up as follows : Whitets moves so more.
far are, with some slight transpositions,
typical of the Colle Attack. White's basic
idea is to develop in safety on interior lines,
preparing to open up the game by P-K4,
followed by a King's side attack.
The standard moves for the defence are:
. . . . P-K3 ; followed by . . . . B-Q3.
A recognised alternative is also . . . .
. P-KKt3 ; with . . . . B-Kt2. The ultimate
object for Black also is to play . . . . P-K4.
But in this game this pawn remains at K2
until it is captured there on the nineteenth
move !

7 ...... Kt-Q2
8 P-K4 PxP
9 Kt x P Kt-KB4
10 B-KB4 Kt-B3
Better is either 1 0 . . . . R-K I ; or 1 0 . . . .
Kt-Kt3 . 19 R x P
Leaving Black helpless� He cannot take
1 1 Kt x Kt ch the Rook because of mate in two.

19 . . . . . . Q-Kt2 If 23 . . . . P-KR3 ; 24 R-K7 ch, with

No better is 1 9 . . . . R-Q2 ; 20 QR-K l . a forced mate. And if 23 . . . . R-K I ;
24 Q-Q4 ch, K-Kt l ; 25 Q-B4 ch,
20 Q-R4 K-Kt2 ; 26 Q-B3 ch (a fine progressive
Wisely White refrains from immediate manmuvre), 26 . . . . K-Ktl ; 27 Q-Kt3 ch,
gain, e.g. 20 Q x Q ch, K x Q ; 2 1 R x P ch, K-Rl ; 28 Q x P ch, and White, having
K-Ktl ; 22 R x KtP, P-Q6; with chances finally liquidated the dangerous pawn, wins
for Black. easily.

24 Q-QKt4
20 . . . . px P
White shows both energy and circum..
. .

2 1 R x BP PxP
Or 2 1 . . . . Q x R ; 22 Kt x Q, P x P ;
23 Kt-R6 ch, and wins.
24 . . . . . . R-Kl
With the optimistic idea : 25 R x R,
22 R x Q ch KxR P-Kt8(Q) ch; 26 Q x Q, B x Q ; and White's
23 R-Kl terrible grip would disappear like a bad
The refutation of the clever counter... dream.
action which started with Black's seventeenth
move. White threatens, after 23 . . . . 25 Q x P ch K-R3
P-Kt8(Q); 24 Q x P ch, K-B 3 ; 25 Q-K7 26 Kt-B7 ch Resigns
mate. Because of 26 . . . . K-R4 ; 27 P-Kt4 ch,
followed by 28 R x R.
23 . . . . . . R-Q2 A strategic victory.
7S White's Bishops are favourably placed,
and wnen, as must be expected, the centre is
BRONSTEIN BOTVINNIK dissolved, one or the other of the Bishops
(Moscow, 1 9 S 1 ) will have an important bearing on the course
of the game.
The principal feature of the memorable
. match for the Championship of the World 10 . . . . . . QKt-B3
between Bronstein and Botvinnik, is that the 1 1 Q-Q3
a.dversaries were for ever seeking new situa­ If 1 1 P-B3, then not mechanically
tions, untried schemes, stresses of battle 1 1 . . . . Kt x Kt; 1 2 Kt x Kt. when White
hitherto unknown. can comfortably effect the thematic thrust
It is a new kind of strategy that they were P-K4, but rather 1 1 Kt-Kt4;
trying to create, or at least to design. 12 P-KR4, Kt-B2; and Black obtains
counter-play in the centre. That is why
1 P-Q4 P-K3 Bronstein prefers himself to concentrate his
2 P-QB4 P-KB4 energy in the centre.
3 P-KKt3
11 . . . . . . P-KKt4
This early fianchetto has become popular.
Both Alekhine and Botvinnik have adopted Botvinnik falls back upon active defence
it on frequent occasions. throughout the contest. Attack at all
White is left with the option of developing hazards has been the watchword of both
the KKt at K2 or KR3, without interrupting players, an admirable feature. There were
the long white diagonal, or at KB3, according a few draws, but, needless to say, not a few
to circumstances. catastrophes.

12 P x P KP x P
3 . • . . . • Kt-KB3
1 3 P-B3
4 B-Kt2 B-Kl
This is where Black's 8 . . . . Kt-KS ;
S Kt-QB3 Castles
is shown to have been premature. If now
6 P-K3
1 3 . . . . Kt-Q 3 ; 14 B-QR3, and after some
A significant moment. This restrained
exchanges a break-through by P-K4, is
system was introduced by Botvinnik himself
in the course of this match.
The usual tendency is to move this pawn 13 . . . . . . Kt x Kt
to K4 in one move (in order to open the 14 B x Kt P-KtS
K file) or, if this cannot be done, not to The object of this move is to divert
move it at all (so as not to ·weaken KB3). White's KBP from supporting the advance
P-K4. It is, however, not without its
6 ...... P-Q4 dra wbacks. The less aggressive 1 4 . . . .
He decides on the rigid formation of the B-Q2; would at least allow this Bishop to
Stonewall, while in their first game, in become effective via K I and Kt3. As it is,
which the challenger had black, he played it will remain a "bad Bishop" to the end.
the more flexible 6 . . . . P-Q3 (in a game,
Grob-Flohr, Rosas, 1935, the continuation IS P x P Kt x P
was 7 Kt-B3, Q-K I ; 8 Q-K2, etc.) ; 1 6 B-R3 Kt-R3
7 KKt-K2, P-B3 ; 8 Castles, P-K4 ; A painful, but compulsory retreat. If
9 P-QS, Q-K I ; 10 P-K4, Q-R4 ; here 1 6 . . . . B-K 3 ; 1 7 Kt-B4, Q-Q2;
1 1 P x KBP, B x P; and Black has the greater 18 B x Kt, P x B ; 1 9 P-K4, P x P ;
initiative. 20 Q x P, B-Q4 (20 . . . . B-B2; 2 1 Q-KS,
Q-Q3 ; 22 Q-KBS); 21 Kt x B, P x Kt;
7 KKt-K2 P-B3 22 Q-KS, Q-Q3 ; 23 Q-RS, and the
8 P-Kt3 Kt-KS weaknesses in Black's camp bring retribu­
Premature. tion.

9 Castles Kt-Q2 1 7 Kt-B4 B-Q3

1 0 B-Kt2 1 8 P-QKt4

Black's initiative on the K side is cut If 3 1 . . . . B x Kt; 32 P x B, B-K3 ;

short, and White transfers the centre of 33 P-Kt4, P x P ; 34 B-R4, Black is in
gravity of the contest to the other side. difficulties, for after 34 • • . .
R x R ; 35 R x R,
A characteristic feature of Bronstein's White has serious threats in 36 B x Kt,
play is his ability to change the scene of followed by B-B6 ch.
action, a procedure which requires exact
timing. Here it will be seen that he builds 32 P-Kt4
up an overwhelming position on the Q side, Magically, Bronstein changes front and
only to switch back suddenly to the other resumes operations on the K side.
wing for decisive action. Nimzowitsch's
"alternation" o n the grand scale. 32 . . . . px P
. •

33 B x Kt PxB
18 . . . . . . P-R3 34 B-R4
1 9 P-R4 Q-K2 A new combatant, dormant hitherto,
20 QR-Ktl P-Kt4 appears on the battlefield with decisive con­
There is now no justification for aggres­ sequences.
sion on this wing. Again the defensive
20 . . . . B-Q2; is preferable. If then White 34 . . . " . . R x Kt
persists in his Q side advance, Black would Practically . forced. If 34 ....
obtain more play than in the actual game R(K2)-QKt2; 35 Q-K6, B x Kt;
after 2 1 P-Kt5, RP x P ; 22 P x P, KR-Kl ; 36 Q x B ch, K-Ktl ; 37 R x R, R x R ;
23 B-Q2, R-R6. 38 R-R8, etc. Also bad is 34 . . . .
Another method, which allows P-Kt5, R-KKt2 ; 3 5 Q-K6. If 34 . . . . R x R ;
but provides compensation on other sectors, 3 5 R x R, Q-R3 ; 3 6 Kt-B7 ch, B x Kt;
is 20 . . . . Kt-B2; 2 1 P-Kt5, RP x P ; 37 Q x B, R-KBI ; 38 B-B6 ch, Q x B ;
2 2 P x P, Kt-Kt4 ; 23 B-KKt2, Kt-K5 ; 39 Q x P mate.
making a stand in the centre.
35 P x R B x KP
2 1 B-KKt2 Kt-Kt5 36 R-K Bl Q-Ktl
22 B-Q2 Kt-B3 Evidently useless is - 36 .. . � B x P ch;
23 R-Kt2 B-Q2 37 K-Kt2.
24 R-Rl Kt-K5
Black has effected both stratagems indi­
cated in the preceding note, but, unfortu­
nately for him, he spoiled this by his com­
promising twentieth move.

25 B-Kl KR-Kl
26 Q-Kt3
The threats become concrete, e.g. :
27 P x P, RP x P ; 28 R x R, R x R; 29 Kt x P,
P x Kt; 30 Q x P ch, followed by Q x R.

26 . . . . . . K-Rl
27 R(Kt2)-R2 Q-B l
White threatens to win a pawn by 28 P x P,

28 Kt-Q3 QR-Ktl
This decision to abandon the QR file 37 B-Kt3
brings about a catastrophe. It could be A delightful turn. If 37 . . . . Q x Q ;
avoided by 28 . . . . KR-Kt l . However, 3 8 R-B8 ch, Q-Ktl ; 39 B x B mate, or
in that case White replies 19 Kt-K5, 37 . . . . B x B ; 3 8 Q-B3 ch.
B x Kt ; 30 P x B, B-K 3 ; 3 1 R-QB2,
skilfully transferring his objective to QB6. 37 . . . . . . B-Kt2
3 8 Q x Q ch Resigns
29 P x P RP x P White comes out a piece and the double
30 R-R7 R-K2 exchange ahead.
3 1 Kt-K5 B-Kl The most beautiful game of the match.
76 7 PxP B-K2
The threat is 8 . . . . Kt x QP.
(Hastings, 1 949-50) 8 B-QB4 P-Q3
Now 8 Kt x QP ; is doubtful because,
. . . •
The following game is an example of that
after 9 Kt x Kt, B x B ; 1 0 Kt-KB3, Black
oft--recurring curiosity: one player deluding
cannot castle and the white Bishop on the
himself that he is dictating the course of
white diagonal would be well worth a pawn.
events, while in reality events are driving him
on the downward path.
9 KKt-K2 Kt-KtS
1 P-Q4 P-KB4 1 0 Kt x Kt
2 P-K4 PxP A tricky position. If instead, 10 B x B,
3 Kt-QB3 Q x B ; 1 1 Kt x Kt, Kt-K6 ; 12 B-Kt5 ch,
An interesting line is 3 P-KB3, and if K-Q I ; 1 3 Q-Q2, P x Kt; 1 4 Kt-Q I
3 . . . . P-Q4; 4 P-QB4, etc. (not 1 4 Q x P, Kt x BP ch), 14 . . . . Q x P ;
White clearly has a lost game.
3 . .. . .. Kt-KB3
4 B-KKt5 Kt-B3
10 . . . . . . BxB
A subtle defence. Against 4 . . . . P-B3 ;
1 1 B-Kt5 ch
omniscient theory recommends 5 P-B3,
while against 4 . . . . P-KKt3 ; White's best Tempting, but deceptive. Black has too
is an outflanking movement by 5 P-KR4. many threats of his own. White should play
Weak is 4 . . . . P-K 3; as played in a short 1 1 Kt-BS.
game, Hayden-H. Brown, London Cham­
pionship, 1947: 4 . . . . P-K3 ; 5 B x Kt
(much better than 5 Kt x P, when Black is
relieved o f his principal difficulties after
S • • B-K2), 5 . . . . Q x B ; 6 Kt x P,
• •

Q-Q l ; 7 Kt-KB3, P-Q3 ; 8 B-Q3,

Kt-Q2; 9 KKt-Kt5, Q-K2 ; 10 Q-RSch,
P-Kt3 ; 1 1 Kt x P ch (very smart, and the
beginning of the end), 1 1 . . . . P x Kt;
12 B x P ch, P x B ; 13 Q x P ch, K-Q 1 ;
1 4 Kt x P ch, Q x Kt ch; 1 5 Q x Q, R-R2 ;
1 6 Castles QR, R-Kt 2; 1 7 P-KKt3,
Black resigns as he is four pawns down in a
bad position.

5 P-B3
Although this move is likely to be played
sooner or later, it is better to delay it at this
point, e.g. 5 P-QS, Kt-K4 ; 6 Q-Q4,
Kt-B2 ; 7 B x Kt, KP x B ; 8 Kt x P, etc. 11 • • • • P-B3
• •

The text-move allows Black a breathing­ Sans peur et sans reproche. Evidently not
space, which enables him to impart an 1 1 . . . . B-Q2 ; 12 Kt-K6, nor, at once,
original twist in the opening phase. 1 1 . . . . K-K2; 1 2 Kt-K6, B x Kt;
13 P x B, Kt-B3 ; 14 Kt-Q5 ch, K x P ;
5 • P-K4
• • • • •
1 5 Castles, etc., with a dynamic advantage
This is the move which, thus early, gives for White.
Black the initiative.

6 P-QS 1 2 Kt x P
If 6 Kt x P. B-K2 The usual procedure in such cases,
1 2 P x P, threatening 1 3 P x P dis ch, or
6 . . H . . Kt-QS 1 3 P-B7 dis ch, fails here because Black

can play 12 . . . . Castles ; with an over­ 1 6 Q-B3, and the r6le of the attacker
whelming attack. passes to White.
In this position which contains dangers
for both sides, the question as to who shall 1 5 Q-K2 Q-Kt3 ch
be the first to castle is of paramount im­ 1 6 K-R1 Q-K6
portance. The rest is easy to understand. Black
strives to retain his extra piece without
12 . . . . . . P x Kt allowing his position to deteriorate.
1 3 B x P ch K-K2
14 Castles 17 R-B3 QxQ
If 14 B x R, Q-Kt3 ; with too many 18 Ktx Q RxP
threats. 19 QR-KB1 Kt-B3
20 R-QR3 P-QR3
14 . . . . . . R-QKtl 21 Kt-Kt3 B-Q7
Here 14 . . . . Q-Kt3 ch; at once, would 22 P-B3 B-K6
not be effective, e.g. 1 5 K-R 1 , Kt-B7 ch; 23 Kt-B5 ch B x Kt
16 R x Kt, Q x R; 17 B x R, and White has 24 PxB KR-QKtl
more than equality, or 1 5 . . . . R-QKtl ; Resigns
77 be premature and lighten his opponent's
task. If 1 1 Q-Q3, Q-Kt3 ; with counter­
(Budapest, 1948)
11 . . . . . . B-Kt3
Psychologically, the choice of an appro­ 1 2 Kt-Kt3 Q-Kt3
priate opening is of the utmost importance Black does not give up his aspirations
for a player's success in a tournament. In to attack. More prudent is 1 2 . . . . Q-Q2.
the following murderous encounter, Black is I

unfortunate in his choice of a risky defence 13 P x P

against an opponent known and feared for the A t the right moment White espies an
precision of his play. opportunity for tactical disturbances in
the centre, before Black places his King in
1 P-Q4 P-QB4 comparative security by castling.
2 P-Q5
White accepts the challenge. He could 13 . . . . . . PxP
play 2 P-K3 (Queen's Pawn Game), or 1 4 P-Q6 Kt(K2)-Ktl
2 P-K4 (Sicilian Defence). The only move, e.g. 14 . . . . Kt-B l ;
1 5 R x Kt, P x R ; 1 6 P-Q7 ch, or 14 . . . .
2 ...... P-K4 Kt-B3 ; 1 5 R x Kt, P x R ; 1 6 Kt-Q5, or
An unexplored idea is 2 . . . . P-B4. 14 Castles ; 1 5 P x Kt, R x Q ;
3 P-K4 P-Q3 1 6 P x B(Q) ch, R x Q ; 1 7 R x R, all to
4 B-Q3 White's advantage.
Against 4 Kt-QB3, Black can play
4 . . . . P-B4.

4 ...... Kt-K2
5 Kt-K2 P-B4
This attempt to impose his will is to recoil
like a boomerang. More positional is
S • • Kt-Kt3 ; followed by . . . . B-K2;
• •

and . . . . Castles.

6 P-KB4
Thus early the contest takes a breathless

6 .. . . . . .BP x P
7 BxP Kt-Q2
8 Castles Kt-KB3
9 QKt-B3
Application of the simple principle :
1 5 P-Q7 ch
development of the pieces without any loss
This pawn's progress has been impressive.
in time or space.
Black is compelled to accept the sacrifice,
9 ...... B-Kt5 for 1 5 . . . . K-Q 1 ; stands condemned after
1 0 P-KR3 B-R4 1 6 B-Kt5, B-K2 ; 1 7 Q-B3, and Black is
Futile would be the gain of a pawn by threatened from all sides.
10 Kt x B ; 1 1 Kt x Kt, B x Kt ;
1 2 Q x B, K t x P ; on account of 1 3 P x P, 15 . . . . . . Kt x P
followed by 14 Q-R5 ch. 1 6 Kt-Q5 Q-Q3
If 1 6 . . . . Q-Q 1 ; 1 7 B x B ch, p'x B '

1 1 K-R2 1 8 Q-Kt4.
Coolly White maintains the tension in the
centre. The exchange 1 1 P x p. P x P ; would 1 7 B x B ch PxB

1 8 Kt-K4 Q-QB3 22 Q-K6 ch, Q x Q ; 23 Kt-B7 mate),

1 9 B-Kt5 21 . . . . Kt x B ; 22 Q x Kt, and Black cannot
The key to the combination initiated reply 22 R-R4 ; because of
with White's thirteenth move. The black 23 Kt-B7 ch, Q x Kt; 24 Q x KtP ch,
King remains pinned and desolate in the followed by Q x R.
2 1 Q-B3 Kt x P
19 . . . . . . Kt-R3 No better is 21 -. . . . Kt x Kt; 22 P x Kt,
If 19 . . . . Kt-K2 ; 20 P-B4, and Black Q-Q2; 23 B x Kt, etc.
is still unable to castle. And if 1 9 . . . .
P-BS (to prevent White from fortifying 22 B x Kt Castles
his centre with 20 P-B4) ; there follows With much trouble Black has succeeded
20 Q-B3, with the terrible threat, 21 Q-B7 in castling, and he hopes to recover his
mate (e.g. 20 . . . . Q x Kt; 21 Kt-Q6 ch, piece, as two hostile pieces are attacked.
mating or winning the Queen).
23 B x P Resigns
20 P-B4 Kt-Kt3 (23 . . . . B x . B ; 24 Kt-K7 ch, or 23 . . . .
Or 20 . . . . Kt-B2 ; 2 1 Q-Kt4 (threat R-Kt 1 ; 24 B x B, etc.)
78 Black is suddenly faced with awkward
(South sea, 1 9 5 1) 4 ...... B-Kt2
5 Kt-B3 Castles
A . no velty ? Frequently modern masters 6 B-K2
c,eate something new by reverting to an Instead of this unpretentious develop..
ancient line of play and by adding to it some ment, 6 B-Q3, deserves consideration.
novel points of their own.
6 ...... P-B4
1 P-Q4 P-Q3 Taking advantage of a tactical opportunity
The oldest form of Indian Defence, which to challenge the centre.
allows White to build up a centre, with the
intention of attacking it forthwith. There 7 PxP
are some fine points in this defence which do A psychological error. White expects
not occur in the more usual types of Indian only the peaceful issue : 7 . . . . P x P ;
Defences. It may be added that 1 . . . . 8 Q x Q, R x Q ; with equality. But Black
P-Q 3 ; has a universal character, as it is has more ambitious plans.
adapted for play against both P-K4 and Against 7 P-Q5, Black would play 7 . . . .
P-Q4. P-K3 ; 8 P x P, B x P ; or 7 . . . . P-Q R3 ;
8 P-QR4, Q-B2; etc.
2 P-K4
The most natural continuation. Against 7 ...... Q-R4
2 P-QB4, Black replies without fear 2 . . . . With the threat 8 . . . . Kt x P ; and it is
P-K4. now seen that, in view of this turn, 6 B-Q3,
would have been more useful than 6 B-K2.
2 ..... . Kt-KB 3
3 Kt-QB3 P-KKt3 8 Kt-Q2
A minor success. Black now has a King's After 8 Castles, Q x P ch ; 9 K-R l ,
Indian Defence, while White lacks the useful Kt-Kt5 ; 1 0 Q-K I , B x Kt; 1 1 Q x B,
co-operation of a pawn at QB4. Q x Q ; 12 P x Q, Kt-QB3 ; Black's advant..
age is taking shape.
4 P-B4
Also a kind of central phalanx. A quiet 8 ...... Q x BP
development is 4 Kt-B3, B-Kt2 ; 5 B-K2, And now Black has recovered his pawn
etc. More enterprising is the course of the without White being able to castle and
prototype, Schallopp-Paulsen, Nuremberg, without exchanging Queens.
1 883 : 5 P-KR3, QKt-Q2; 6 P-K5,
Kt-KKtl ; 7 B-KB4, etc. 9 Kt-Kt3 Q-Kt3
A · modern system named after its protag­ 1 0 B-B3 Kt-B3
onist, Pirc, goes on, after 5 B-K2, with 1 1 Kt-Q5
5 Castles ; 6 Castles, QKt-Q2; If 1 1 Q-K2, in order to drive away the
7 B-KKt5, P-B4; 8 P-Q5 (or as in a black Queen from the critical diagonal by
game, Kostic-Pirc, Ljub/jana, 1950: 8 P-K5, B-K3, Black still has the last word after
BP x P ; 9 P x Kt, P x P ; 1 0 Q x P, P x B ; 1 1 . . . . P-K4 ; 1 2 B-K3, Kt-Q5 ; etc.
1 1 Q x QP, P-Kt5 ; 1 2 Kt-Q4, B-K4;
1 3 Q-Q5, Q-Kt4 ; 14 QR-Q I , Kt-B3, 11 . . . . . . Kt x Kt
and Black has the initiative), 8 . . . . I 12 P x Kt Kt-Q5
P-KR3; 9 B-KB4, Q-Kt3 ; 10 Q-B l , 1 3 Kt x Kt B x Kt
K-R2; etc., with equal chances. 14 P-B3 B-B7 ch
A plan, as simple as it is vigorous, is 1 5 K-BI P-QR4
proposed by the Parisian master, Thielle­ The key-stone of Black's conception.
mont: 4 B-Kt5, B-Kt2 ; 5 P-K5, and If, instead, 1 5 . . . . P-KR 4 (to prevent
if 5 . . . . P x P ; 6 P x P, Q x Q ch; 7 R x Q, 1 6 P-KKt4) ; there follows 1 6 Q-K2,

B-RS (not 1 6 . . . . B-QB4; 1 7 P-QKt4, for two Rooks by 25 . . . . R-K6 ; 26 B x R,

winning the Bishop) ; 1 7 B-K3, and White, R x Q ; 27 B x B, Q x B ; 28 B x R, Q x P c h ;
having regained control of the disputed 2 9 K-B2, and White can still put up a fight.
diagonal, has palpably the better game.

1 6 Q-K2 B-QB4
1 7 P-KKt4 B-Q2
1 8 K-Kt2
White has achieved artificial castling,
but Black has preserved his command of the
black diagonal.

18 . . . . . . P-K3
19 P x P PxP
20 P-KR4
White also strives to open a line of

20 .. .. . . . QR-Kl ..

21 P-Kt5
Not yet 2 1 P-R5, P-Kt4.
Position after 25 B X BP
21 . • . . . P-K4

22 P-R5 KP x P 26 K-Kt3 Q-B7 ch

Black fi,res the fi.rst shot. 27 Q x Q B x Q ch
28 K x B
23 B-Q5 ch K-Kt2 Sad, but unavoidable. If 28 K-B3,
More astute than 23 . . . . K-Rl ; B-K6.
because now 24 P-R6 ch, K-R 1 ; would
make the black King's retreat the more 28 . . . . . . R x B ch
secure. 29 K-Kt3 R-B4
30 P x P R x P ch
24 Q-B3 R-B4 The King ..hunt begins.
A bold Rook, which threatens on one side
the Bishop at Q4, on the other the KKtP, 3 1 K-B2 R-BI ch
while maintaining its vertical pressure. The Rooks will win a clear piece.
Still more precise, however, is to delegate
this threefold function to both Rooks with 32 K-K3
24 . . . . R-K4. Not 32 B-B7, P x P ; nor 32 B-B3,
B-Kt5; 33 R x P ch, K x P ; etc.
25 B x BP
The turning point in the game. White 32 . . . . . . R-K4 ch
still hopes to "fish in troubled waters. n
If, 33 B-K4
for instance, 25 . . . . R x KB ; 26 P-R6 ch, If 33 K-Q4, R-B5 ch; 34 K-Q3,
K-R I ; 27 B-K5 ch, K-Kt l (capturing B-B4 ch (not, at once, 34 . . . . R x B ch ;
the Bishop leads to a mate in two) ; 35 K-K3, and White recovers his piece) ;
28 Q x R ch, B-K3 ; 29 Q-Q2, P x B ; 3 5 K-Q2, R x B ch; 36 K-K3, R-K5 ch;
30 KR-,K 1 , White, in spite of Black's and wins.
superiority in material, still has some
resources. 33 ...... B-B4
34 R x P ch KxP
25 . . . . . . Q x P ch (see diag.) 35 R-R4 R(Bl)-Kl
A move which required exact calculation. 36 R-Kt4 ch K-B2
Much less decisive is the gain of .the Queen Resigns


79 7 Castles Q-B2
8 P-K4
An interesting point here: while White
(N ational Club Championship, has so far made self-evident moves, Black
London, 1950) has gone on playing the routine moves of the
Tchigorin System until the moves ran out.
The following instructive contest demon­
" rates how cautiously Black must proceed if 8 . . . .P-QR4
• •

le is not to fall a victim to modern, or to be

An interesting continuation is 8 . . . .
'nore precise, ultra-modern methods.
Kt-B l ; 9 P-KR3, B-Q2; 10 B-K3,
P-KR 3 ; 1 1 R-B l , etc. But there is no
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 call for experiments. Simplest is 8 . . . .
2 P-QB4 P-Q3 Castles ; followed by . . . . R-Kl ; and an
A defence frequently adopted by Tchi­ ultimate re-grouping by . . . . B or Kt-B 1 .
�orin, whose idea was to open up Black's
fclme by . . . . P-K4 ; at the earliest oppor.. 9 P-Kt3 PxP
• unlty.

1 0 Kt x P Kt-B4
An advanced post of the kind which does
3 P-KKt3 not last.
A move practically unknown in Tchi..
lorin's time and well suited to Golombek's 1 1 P-KR3
[Dainly positional style of play.
Stopping the black QB's only useful out­
3 ...... QKt-Q2
More counter-play is provided by 3 . . . . 11 • • • • P-R3
• •

P-B 3 ; 4 B-Kt2, B-B4; 5 Kt-QB3, This and the next move are what might
P-K4 ; 6 P-K4, B-Kt5 ; 7 KKt-K2, be called coups dt embarras. They show that
P x P ; 8 Q x P, QKt-Q2; with a satisfactory Black follows no set plan. This will result
development. Incidentally, it is possible, in his having to castle on the Q side, in
without disadvantage, to lead into the direct line of an attack supported by the
King's Indian Defence with 3 . . . . P-KKt3. Bishop on the long white diagonal.

4 B-Kt2 P-K4 1 2 B-K3 P-KKt3

5 Kt-KB3 1 3 Q-Q2 B-Q2
White already is in a position to pay little 1 4 Q R-Ql Castles Q R
attention to Black's plans and to complete Can it be that he hopes that White may
his development at leisure, in the knowledge take the KRP, after which Black, with an
that Black can at best maintain but not open K R file, would get a chance of exerting
improve his position. Of course 5 . . . . his well-known ingenuity and attacking
P-K5 ; loses a pawn after 6 Kt-Kt5. powers. But Golombek is too experienced
a player and carries on quietly with his own
s ...... B-K2 schemes.
The adherents of the Tchigorin System
(instead of 5 . . . . P-KKt3; and . . . . 15 P-R3 Kt-K3
B-Kt2) are few but faithful. A different 16 P-B4 P-R4
plan, with an inversion of moves, was I 17 P-QKt4 Kt-K l
followed in a game, Euwe-Reti, Miihrisch­ If 1 7 . . . . P x P ; 1 8 P x P, and the open
Ostrau, 1923 : 5 . . . . P-B3 ; 6 Kt-B3, Q R file is at White's mercy.
P x P ; 7 Kt x P, Kt-Kt 3 ; 8 Q-Q3, P-Q4.
1 8 Kt-Kt3 B-B3
6 Kt-B3 P-B3 1 9 Kt x P P-B4
This, with the next move, completes the The threat was 20 Kt-R4, but the text­
Tchigorin scheme. I move lets in the Knight elsewhere in equally

decisive fashion. The lesser evil is there­

fore 1 9
. .. B x Kt; 20 Q x B, R-Ktl.

20 Kt-Q5 Q-Ktl
2 1 Kt x B Kt x Kt (see diag.)
Black now expects 22 Q x P, Q x Q ;
23 R x Q, which is dismal enough, but White
finds an even more damaging, and at the
same time, elegant continuation.

22 P-K5 Resigns
He cannot play 22 . . . . P x KP; because
of 23 B x P ch, K-B2 ; 24 Q-Q6 mate. If
22 . . . . Kt-K t ; 23 B x P ch, K-B2;
24 P x P ch, K-K t3; 25 P x P ch, Kt x P
(25 K-R2 ; 26 P-B6 dis ch) ;
26 B x Kt ch, K x B ; and now White has the
choice of four mates ! Position after 21 . . . . Kt x Kt
80 1 1 B-K3 P-QB3
A move characteristic of the Boleslavsky
KOTOV GELLER System, thanks to which the black Queen
(U .S.S.R. Championship, 1949) gains in mobility, while the weakness at
Black's Q3 is difficult to attack.
The follo wing game is striking, not only on
account of its tactical beauty, but ,also 1 2 Q-Q2 P-QR4
because of its important theoretical value. 1 3 QR-Ql Kt-K4
Typical of Geller's enterprising style.
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 More solid, however, is 1 3 . . . . Kt-Kt3 ;
2 P-QB4 P-KKt3 14 P-Kt3, Q-K2.
3 Kt-QB3
Nowadays, 3 P-KKt3, avoiding the 14 P-Kt3 P-R5
Oriinfeld Defence, has become popular. 1 5 Kt(Q4)-K2
Inviting Black's QKt to reJinquish its
3 ...... B-Kt2 observation post, after which White could
Here Black can still play 3 . . • . P-Q4 ; capture the QRP with impunity.
but not without risk. More "concentric" is 1 5 P-B4.

4 P-KKt3 Castles
5 B-Kt2 P-Q3
6 Kt-B3 QKt-Q2
7 Castles P-K4
8 P-K4
The normal position of the King's Indian

8 ...... PxP
Extensive analysis has shown that the
waiting moves, 8 . . . . R-Kl ; and 8 . . . .
P-B3 ; have their disadvantages.

9 Kt x P Kt-B4
1 0 P-B3
A difficult decision. 1 0 R-Kl , lea�s
the KBP vulnerable, but the text-move
weakens the black diagonal on which stands
the King. 15 . . . . . . PxP
White can, however, play 1 0 P-KR3, A remarkably deep conception. Black
keeping the KBP free for some future attack. loses a piece, but remains with passed
pawns which paralyse White's game.
10 . . . . . . KKt-Q2
Manreuvring on interior lines. In a game, 1 6 B x Kt Kt x P
Kottnauer-Geller, Szczawno Zdroj, 1950, 1 7 Q-Bl PxP
which reached this position by an inversion Here 1 7 . . . . P-Kt7; is insufficient.
of moves, Black went on here 1 0 . . . . After 1 8 Q-B2, P x B ; 1 9 R x Q, R x R ;
P-B3 ; 1 1 B-K3, P-QR4 ; 1 2 Q-Q2, 20 R-Q I , B-K3 ; 2 1 P-B4, Black has no
P-R5 ; and also succeeded in gaining the means of increasing the pressure.
upper hand.
It may be added that in this type of 18 K Q-R4
position it i s usual to play . . . . P-QR4; at 19 QX B-K3
once, but here Black does not fear 20 Q-Bl PxB
1 1 P-QKt4, as his Knight has a good 21 Kt(R2)-B3 P-QKt4
square at K3. 22 Kt-Ktl

Excessive optimism. Preferable here is 81

22 P-B4, e.g. 22 . . . . B-Kt6 ; 23 R-Q6,
P-Kt5 ; 24 P-K5, giving back the piece DR. STREHLE GYGLI
for a gain in space. (Swiss Championship, 1 946)

22 . . . . . . P-Kt5 Here again the players castle on opposite

23 Kt-B4 B-Kt6 sides, and here again, the result is a ferocious
24 R-Q6 fight. But the large...scale strategy is enriched
Wiser is 24 Kt-Q2, B x R ; 25 R x B. by some additional finesses.

1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3
24 . . . . . . P-B5
25 R x BP P-B6 2 P-QB4
Against 2 Kt-KB3, the King's Indian
The moving fores t!
Defence is less insistent, as White can
then quite well play 3 Kt-B3, P-Q4 ;
26 Kt-Q5 4 B-B4, B-Kt2 ; 5 P-K3, Castles ;
Played apparently on the assumption that 6 P-KR3, with the better chances.
Black could not risk the exchange of pieces
and capture of the pawn at his Q4, because 2 ...... P-KKt3
of White's Bishop raking the long diagonal. 3 Kt-QB3 B-Kt2
4 P-K4 P-Q3
26 . . . . . . B x Kt 5 B-K2
27 P x B QxP A finesse in the opening. After the nor­
28 P-B4 Q-Q5 ch mal 5 Kt-B3, Black can safely castle,
29 K-Rl R-R7 whereas now; 5 . . . . Castles ; leaves Black
Foreshadowing the climax of Black's open to an immediate K side attack.
strategy, a sudden swoop on the opposite 5 ...... Castles
wing. The immediate threat is 30 . . . . More cautious is 5 . . . . QKt-Q2 ;
R x B ; 3 1 K x R, Q-K5 ch. 6 Kt-B3, P-K4 ; 7 Castles, and now only
7 . . . . Castles. White then has the choice
30 B-B3 R-QKt7 between the rather lifeless 8 P x P, P x P ;
3 1 P-B5 B-K4 9 Q-B2, P-B3 ; with a level game, or the
To prevent the Bishop from being shut more static 8 P-Q5, P-QR4 ; 9 Q-B2,
in by 32 P-B6. Kt-B4; etc., or, finally, the acrobatic
8 R-K l , R-K 1 ; 9 B-Bl, P-B3 (Bole"
32 Q-Kl R-Ql slavsky's speciality) ; 1 0 P-QKt3, etc., with
33 B-K4 K-Kt2 a contest rich in strategic ideas.
Astutely tempting White to give check, 6 P-KR4
after which the black King obtains a more With this move the battle is engaged on
secure retreat. the terrain chosen by White.

34 P-B6 ch K-Kt I 6 ...... P-KR4

3 5 R-R6 P-R4 7 Kt-R3 P-B3
36 R-R5 P-R5 8 Kt-Kt5 B-Q2
Starting on the last lap. Of course, if Directed, in conjunction with . . . . Q-B 1 ;
37 P x P, R x P mate. against White's P-KKt4. Black's fi.rst
care in this defence should be to enforce
37 B x P . . . . P-K4 ; and . . . . QKt-Q2 ; now
A desperate bid for salvation. impossible, should be played early.

9 P-B3 P-K4
37 . . . . . . R x P ch Of course, now 10 P-KKt4, would not be
Thus each player has prepared a disagree­ prevented by 9 . . . . Q-Bl ; and 8 . . . .
able surprise for his opponent. B-Q2 ; is clearly shown to have been a mis ...
38 K x R B x P ch
39 Q x B P x Q ch �
1 0 B-K3 P-Kt3
40 K-R3 PxB 1 1 Q-Q2 P-R4
Resigns Preparing an attack in case White should
White is lost. castle on the Queen's side. But White is not to
A grand fight, covering the whole board. be deterred : his own attack is more advanced.

1 2 Castles Q R Q-B2
Black clearly banks on the chances of his

1 3 P-KKt4 P-Kt4
1 4 P x RP Kt x RP
1 S QR-Ktl P-KtS
1 6 Kt-Q I PxP
Black has no good move, but 1 6 . . . .
B-Kl ; to get the QKt into play, is the lesser
evil. The text-move leads to the exchange
of Black's KB, leaving the King with still
fewer defenders.

17 BxP BxB
18 QxB Kt-BS
19 Q-K3 P-Q4 (see diag.)
20 P-RS Position after 19 . .. . . P-Q4
Very fine play.
23 P-B4 Q-B3
24 QR-Rl B-B4
20 . . . . . . P x KP BxP
2S P x P
Not 20 . . .. . Kt x P ; 2 1 R x Kt, etc. 26 Q-R2 Q-QS
Hoping against hope for 27 . . . .
2 1 R-R4 Q x BP ch; 28 K-Ktl , P-K6 dis ch; etc.
Forcing the exchange of yet another black
defender. 27 R-R8 ch K-Kt2
28 Kt-K6 ch Resigns
21 . . . . . . Kt x B ch A beautiful fi nishing touch. After 28 . . · .

22 Q x Kt Q-K4 P x Kt ; there follows 29 Q-R6 ch, K-B3 ;

Black makes the best of a bad position. 30 Q x R ch, with a forced mate.
82 9 PxP Kt-B3
An interesting idea here is 9 ....
(First Match Game, Moscow, 1950)
10 B-K3 Castles
Another of Bronstein's games which must 1 1 Castles B-Kt5
be counted as a classic in chess literature.
An ingenious manceuvre. If at once
Energy and imagination prevail, but in 1 1 . . . . Kt-R4 ; 1 2 B-Q3, B-K3 (a good
addition the game is of great theoretical
alternative is 1 2 . . . . P-Kt3 ; 1 3 R-B l ,
value for this particular variation. Bron­ P-K4) ; 1 3 P-Q5, B x R ; 1 4 Q x B, P-B3 ;
stein, as White, manages to infuse new life 1 5 B-KR6, R-K 1 ; 1 6 Kt-B4, B-Q2;
into a line of play long thought to be inade­ 1 7 P-K5, with a very strong attack for the
quate. exchange. The great theorist Znosko­
Borovsky prefers 1 1 . . . . P-Kt3; 1 2 R-B l ,
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB 3
2 P-QB4 P-KKt3
3 Kt-QB3 P-Q4
4 PxP 1 2 P-B3 Kt-R4
Reverting to an old continuation, which 1 3 B-Q3
had fallen into disrepute as it corresponds A picturesque situation. Unsubstantial is
with Black's desire for an immediate settle­ 1 3 B x P ch, R x B ; 14 P x B, R x R ch;
ment in the centre. 1 5 Q x R, Q-Q2; 16 P-KR3, Kt-B5 ;
and Black's initiative is ample compensation
4 ...... Kt x P for the lost pawn.
5 P-K4
A positional continuation is 5 P-KKt3. 13 . . . . . . B-K3
1 4 P-Q5
5 ...... K t x Kt This sacrifice of the exchange is in the
He prefers not to lose time by a with­ spirit of this variation. Useless is 1 4 Q-R4.
drawal of the Knight. P-QR3 ; 1 5 Q-Kt4, P-QKt4; 1 6 KR-Q l ,
R-Kt l .
6 P x Kt P-QB4
SO far we have the original Griinfeld plan, 14 . . . . . . BxR
which is based on the idea that Black's pawn 15 Q x B P-B3
majority on the Q side, together with White's Otherwise there follows 1 6 B-KR6, and
difficulty in taking advantage of his strong White recovers the exchange.
centre, should give Black the better chances.

7 B-QB4 1 6 B-KR6 Q-Kt3ch (see diag.)

This early sortie of the Bishop allows a He hopes, not only to maintain his
more flexible development of the KKt than advantage in material, but also to gain
7 Kt-B3. space. Preferable is 1 6 . . . . R-K l .

7 ...... B-Kt2 1 7 K-Rl

8 Kt-K2 PxP An interesting fact: the same players, with
A more expectative continuation, played some minor transpositions, chose the
i n the second game of the Botvinnik­ identical moves in the Candidates' Tourna­
Bronstein match, is 8 . . . Castles;
. ment at Budapest, 1950.
9 Castles, Kt-Q2 ; 10 B-KKt5, P-KR3 ; Both players appeared to be satisfi.ed with
1 1 B-K3, Q-B2; 1 2 R-B l , P-R3 ; I their chances. But here Bronstein has a
1 3 Q-Q2 (thanks to his tenth move, well-prepared reply, while, in the previous
B-KKt5, White has gained an important encounter, he played rather anxiously
tempo for his attack), 1 3 . . . . K-R2 ; 17 Kt-Q4, and only drew after 17 . . . .
1 4 B-Q3, P-QKt4 ; 1 5 Kt-B4, with ,a B-Q2; 1 8 R-Kt l , Q-B4 ; 1 9 R-QBl, initiative for White. Q-Kt3 ; 20 B x R, R x B ; etc.


24 B-B3 Kt-K4
25 B-Kt5 R(Q I )-QB I
26 B x Kt R x R ch
27 Q x R P )( B
28 B-Q7 Q-R3
29 Kt-Kt3 QxP
30 P-R4 R-K B I
31 Q-Kt5 R-B3
32 Q x R Resigns
A Queen's sacrifice, even when fairly
obvious, always rejoices the heart of the

Position after 1 6 . .
. . Q-Kt3 ch
(Match, New York, 1 949)
17 . . . . . . KR-Ql
This appears to refute WhiteYs designs, To know how to adorn a purely positional
but had Boleslavsky foreseen his future t,eatment with tactical finesse (see White's
difficulties he would willy-nilly have given moves 21 and 28 in the follo wing game) iJ
back the exchange by 1 7 . . . . B-Q2. the attribute of the great player..

1 8 R-KtI Q-B4 1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3

If 1 8 . . . . Q-B2 ; 1 9 B-KB4, and if 2 P-QB4 P-KKt3
1 8 . . . . Q-Q3 ; 1 9 Q-B3. 3 Kt-QB3 P-Q4
4 B-B4
1 9 B-Q2 A continuation which is more ambitious
A dynamic retreat. 1 9 R-Kt5, leads to than its innocent appearance leads one to
nothing after 1 9 . . . . Q-R6. suppose. Its strategic meaning has been
elucidated in a game Tartakower-Frydman,
19 . . . . . . P-Kt3 Lodz, 1935.
If 19 . . . . P-QR3 ; 20 B-Kt4, Q-B2;
21 R-QBI , Q-Kt3 ; 22 B x KP, and 4 ...... B-Kt2
Black's game collapses. 5 P-K3 Castles
6 Q-Kt3
20 B-Kt4 Q-B2 White can win a pawn by 6 P x P, Kt x P ;
2 1 R-Q B I Q-Kt2 7 Kt x Kt, Q x Kt; 8 B x P, but then most
If 2 1 . . . . Q-Q2; 22 Kt-Q4, B-B2; players would prefer Black's game with its
23 B-Kt5, leaving Black no peace. superior development, which is well worth
a pawn. This is shown in a game Swihart­
22 Q-Ktl Hall, correspondence, U.S.A., 1 9 5 0 : 8 . . . .
Threatening two black pieces at the same Kt-B3 ; 9 Kt-B3, B-B4; 1 0 P-QR3,
time. QR-B l ; 1 1 B-Kt3, B-B7; 1 2 Q-Q2,
Kt-R4 ; 1 3 P-K4, Q x P ch ; 1 4 Q-K3,
22 . . . . . . QR-Ktl Kt-Kt6; 1 5 R-R2, Q x Q ch ; 1 6 P x Q.
A good example of the psychology of the B-Kt8 ; White resigns : he loses the Rook.
attack ! The defender becomes worried and An amusing finish.
is more often than not in time trouble, when
even a grandmaster is likely to overlook 6 ...... P-B3
simple things. The only way to save the 7 Kt-B3 P-Kt3
piece is 22 . . . . B-B I ; but after 23 B x Kt, A surprising move for a player of N aj­
P x B ; 24 Q x Q, B x Q ; 25 R-B7, etc. dorf's temperament. By allowing White to
White still has a great positional advantage exchange pawns, he virtually surrenders an
and many threats. open QB file and condemns his own Queen's
Bishop to comparative inactivity. He
23 P x B should himself exchange pawns. After
The rest is a slow death for Black. 7 .... P x P; 8 B x P, QKt-Q2 ;
9 Castles K R , Kt-Kt3 ; 1 0 B-K2, B-K3;
23 . . .. . . . Kt - B3 Black has a satisfactory game.

8 R-B l B-Kt2 Now better than 23 Kt-BS, Kt-R4 ;

9 PxP PxP 24 Kt x B, R x R ; 2S R x R, Kt x Kt ;
10 B-K2 Kt-B3 26 R-B7, R-QKt l ; and Black can hold out.
11 Castles R-B l
12 P-KR3 P-KR3 23 . .. . . . . R-B2
13 Q-R4 P-R3 24 P-QR4 PxP
The Q side is evidently Black's weak He cannot play 24 . . . . P-KtS ;
point. 2S B x P, B x B ; 26 R x Kt.

1 4 Kt-KS Kt x Kt 2S K t x RP
I S B x Kt Kt-Q2 His threat is 26 Kt-BS, winning the RP.
16 B x B
On positional grounds this move is open 2S . • • . . • KR-Bl
to question. White's QB was much more In order to prevent 26 Kt-BS. If, for
effective than Black's KB. Moreover, instance, 2S R-QRl ; 26 Kt-BS,
• • • •

White's efforts are clearly centred o n the Kt-Q l ; 27 Kt x P ch, Kt x Kt; 28 R x R,

Q side, and, as the exchange in the text Kt x R; 29 R x Kt, White wins a valuable
solves all K side problems, Black can now pawn.
concentrate on redressing the balance on the
Q side. One would have expected 26 Kt-Kt6 R-QKtl
1 6 B-Kt3, contributing to the pressure on 27 P-QR4
the Q side. Undue precipitancy here would have
untoward consequences, e.g. 27 B x P, B x B ;
16 . . . . . •
KxB 28 R x Kt, R x R ; 29 R x R, B-Kt4 ;
1 7 R-B2 P-K3 30 R-Q6, K-B I ; 3 1 Kt-Q7 ch, B x Kt ;
1 8 Q-Kt4 Kt-Ktl 32 R x B, R-Kt8 ch; 33 K-R2, R-Kt7 ;
19 KR-B l Kt-B3 and Black has established equality. After
20 Q-R3 Q-K2 the text-move, however, the threat B x p. is
Black has managed to get a satisfactory real and unanswerable.
position, but he now shows a pacifism
which will bring its own retribution. By 27 . . . . . . R-Q l
playing 20 . . . . P-QKt4 ; 2 1 Kt-Ktl , 28 B x P
Q-R4 ; he could have established a lasting Q.E.D. I The fi,ght for Black's QRP
equality. during the last moves has been drama­

28 . . . . . . BxB
29 R x Kt RxR
30 R x R R-QKtl
3 1 P-RS R-Kt2
This will cost a second pawn, but at least
the Rook will get into play.

32 Kt x P R-Kt8 ch
33 K-R2 B-Q6
34 R-Kt6 R-R8
Not 34 . . . . P x Kt; 3 S R x R, B x R ;
36 P-R6, and the pawn queens !

3 S Kt-Kt4 B-BS
3 6 P-R6 P-B4
3 7 R-B6 B-Kt6
38 R-B7 ch K-B3
2 1 Kt-R4 39 P-R7 P-Kt4
An excellent move ! If now 2 1 . . . . Black puts up a desperate defence, which,
P-QKt4 ; 22 Q x Q, Kt x Q ; 23 Kt-BS, however, is of no avail against his oppon­
Black has no adequate reply. If 21 . . . . ent's consummate technical skill.
Q-Q l ; 22 B x P, wins.
40 Kt-B6 Resigns
21 . . . . . . Because of the threat, 4 1 Kt-KS,
22 P x Q P-Kt S ; 42 P-R4, with an unavoidable
23 Kt-Kt6 . mate by R-B7.
· .


84 White has a splendid centre, but the modern­

ist looks upon such a centre as an appro­
G. KRAMER NAJDORF priate target, and once it is disrupted the
(New York, 1 948-9) disrupter obtains much scope for attacking
play. This style, however, demands the
There are some players whose vivid temper.. utmost accuracy.
aments appear to infuse their forces with
dynamic life. This is illustrated in the 7 ...... Kt-R3
follo wing beautiful game, in which Najdorf's The first "modern" move, developing the
pawns and Knights execute lightning Knight on the ill-famed R file. The object,
manrzuvres. however, is to attack the centre with 8 . . . .
P-B4 ; which White cannot safely prevent.
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 e.g. 8 P-QKt4, B-K3 ; 9 P-Q5, Kt x KP;
2 P-QB4 P-KKt3 10 Q x KKt, B x Kt ch, etc., or 10 Kt x Kt,
3 Kt-QB3 P-Q4 B x P ; followed by . . . . B x R. Against
4 Q-Kt3 Smyslov's move, 7 . . . . B-Kt 5 ; the follow-
The Amsterdam Attack which was tried ing can be recommended: 8 B-K3,
out in the Euwe-Alekhine match, 1 9 3 5 . KKt-Q2 ; 9 Kt-KKt5. The most solid
The move i s intended to prevent the con.. continuation for Black is 7 . . . . P-B3 ;
solidation of Black's centre, but it was found 8 Q-Kt3, P-QKt4 ; 9 B-K2, Q-R4 ; etc.
that the better and more rational course is In a game, Kmoch-Prins, Amsterdam, 1940,
first 4 Kt--B3, B-Kt2 ; and only then 7 . . . . P-Kt3 ; was played with a tragi­
5 Q-Kt3. comic ending as follows: 8 P-K5, B-K3 ;
9 P x Kt, B x Q ; 10 P x B, K x P ; 1 1 B x B,
4 . . . . • . PxP Kt-B3 ; 1 2 B-K3, Kt-Ki5 ; 1 3 Castles
Against the passive 4 . . . . P-B 3 ; White KR, Kt-B 7 ; 14 QR-Q I , Kt x B ; 1 5 P x Kt,
can continue his co-ordinated development P-QB4; 1 6 Kt-KKt5, P-K3 ; 17 R x Pch;
with 5 Kt-B3, or 5 B-B4, or even the Black resigns.
quiet 5 P-K3. Too peaceful is the ex­
change, S P x P. 8 B-K2
If 8 B-K3, or Q-R4, Black plays
5 Q x BP B-Kt2 8 . . . . P-B4.
Full of pitfalls is the continuation . . . .
B-K3 ; as in Sokor-Volck, Leningrad, 8 ...... P-B4
about 1 9 3 8 : 6 Q-Kt5 ch (risky. Prefer... 9 Castles Px P
able is 6 Q-Q3, followed by P-K4), 10 R-Q I
6 . . . . Kt-B3 ; 7 Kt-B3, Kt-Q4 ; 8 Q x P An artificial plan which gives Black the
(the Queen cannot afford to capture the opportunity for a brilliant reply. Best is
QKtP in this variation. Best is 8 P-K4, 10 Kt x P. Against 10 . . . . Kt x P ; White
Kt-Kt 5 ; 9 Q-R4, B-Q2; 10 Q-Ql), has the counter-surprise, 1 1 Kt-B6.
8 . . . . Kt(Q4)-Kt5 (Black already threatens
to win the Queen by 9 . . . . R-QKt l ; 10 . . . . . . P-K4
to say nothing of the exchange by 9 . . . . Thanks to this deflecting manceuvre
Kt-B7 ch) ; 9 B-B4, B-R3 ; l O B x P, Black is able to maintain his advanced
Kt x QP; 11 B x Q, Kt(Q5)-B7 ch; pawn.
12 K-QI , R x B ch; 13 Kt-Q5, B x Kt;
14 Q-B7, B x Kt dis ch; 1 5 Q x R ch, 1 1 Kt x KP Kt-Q2
K x Q ; 1 6 KP x B, K-B2; White resigns. Another stratagem full of subtlety.
He loses the Rook, for if 1 7 QR-Kt l ,
R-QI ch; 1 8 K-K2, R-Q7 mate. 1 2 Kt x Kt B x Kt
Black's play is a dazzling exhibition of By clever mana:uvring, Black has estab­
combinative skill. lished his passed pawn and White is defin­
itely on the defensive.
6 Kt-B3 Castles
Black is well-advised to complete his 1 3 Kt-Q5 R-BI
development unperturbed rather than to 14 Q-Kt3 Kt-B4
attack the Queen, which seems to offer a Note how smoothly Black has brought all
tempting target. his forces into play.

7 P-K4 1 5 Q-QR3 R-KI

The further course of the game presents 1 6 P-B3 P-B4
a striking example of modern methods. 17 Q x P PxP

18 P x P Kt x P 31 B-QR5 R-B2
1 9 B-B3 B-QB3 32 B-Kt6 R-B7
20 Kt-Kt4 33 P-R5 P-Q7
White no doubt thinks that he has sur· 34 K-R2 R-K8
mounted his difficulties and his position can 35 K-Kt3 RxR
easily be re-established by Kt x B. Black's Resigns
apparent threat to win the Queen is inopera­ (If 36 B x R, R-B8.)
tive, e.g. 20 . . . . R-R I ; 21 Kt x B, Q-B2; A remarkable game.
22 Kt-K7 ch, Q x Kt; 23 Q-Kt6. But
Black had the following combination in
mind long before the present position
arose. Pseudo-Griinfeld


(Felixstowe, 1949)

It is difficult to be brief when describing

Mr. Fairhurst's style. Is it the constant
search for new situations, for unknown
schemes and tensions as yet untested? Is it
his creative spirit which has enabled him to
enrich the theory of the openings by fertile
and energetic ideas (e.g. his highly individual­
istic treatment of the defence against the
, Colle System) ? In one word, is it his
constructi veness ? Were Mr. Fairhurst not
an engineer already, he should become one.

1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3
20 . . . . . . Kt-B7 2 P-QB4 P-KKt3
Superlative play, as will be seen from the 3 P-KKt3
following variations: The panacea of modernist chess.
21 K x Kt, Q-R5 ch; 22 K-BI , I

B-Kt4 ch;" followed by 23 . . . . R-K8 ch. 3 ...... B-Kt2

If 2 1 K x Kt, Q-R5 ch; 22 P-Kt3, If Black intends to play . . . . P-Q4 ; as in
Q x RP ch ; 23 K-B I , B x B ; 24 R-Q2, the Griinfeld Defence proper (3 Kt-QB3,
R-K8 ch; 25 K x R, Q-Kt8 mate. There P-Q4) ; he can equally play it at this stage.
are other variations, all of them equally He can also prepare it by 3 . . . . P-B3 ;
forcible. 4 B-Kt2, P-Q4.

4 B-Kt2 P-Q4
2 1 Kt x B Kt x R
This Pseudo-Griinfeld, after White has
With the threat of mate at K8.
developed his KB in fianchetto, looks risky,
but is nevertheless gaining adherents.
22 B-Q2 P x Kt
23 R x Kt P-Q6 5 PxP Kt x P
24 Q-R6 Q-Q5 ch 6 Kt-KB3
25 K-RI QxP Better than at once 6 P-K4, for after the
The combinative play is not yet over. text-move Black may in the meantime
If now 26 Q x QP, QR-Q t ; 27 Q-B4 ch, commit himself to some less favourable
K-R I ; 28 Q-B4, R x B ; 29 Q x R, Q x Q ; course, as indeed happens in this game.
3 0 R x Q, R-K8 mate. Of course, Black,
with the exchange and two passed pawns, 6 ...... Castles
has an easy win. The rest needs no 7 Castles P-QB4
comment. The Southport expert also is fond of
experiments and disregards the solid 7 . . . .
26 Q-B4 ch K-Rl P-QB3. An alternative is 7 . . . . Kt-Kt3.
27 P-KR3 P-B4
28 P-QR4 Q-Q5 8 P-K4 Kt-Kt3
29 QxQ BxQ The retreat, 8 . . . . Kt-K B3; would
30 B-KKt4 R-B2 expose him to an immediate attack :


� P-KS, Kt-Q4 ; 10 Q-K2, Kt-QB3 ; Within immediate reach of comparative

1 1 P x P, and White has a dominating safety by 1 9 . . . . Kt-Q3 1

9 P-Q S
Instead of the text-move, White can
wely play 9 P x P, Q x Q ; 10 R x Q, but the
complications conjured up by the text-move
suit his style.

9 . . . • . . P-K3
10 B-KtS
A fine provocative manreuvre, thanks to
which White succeed s in mobilising his
forces, as it were, under fire.

10 . . . . . . P-B3
1 1 B-K3 Kt-R3
If, instead, 1 1 . . . . P x P ; there follows
12 B x P, P x P ; 1 3 B x R, Q x Q ; 1 4 R x Q,
le. x B ; 15 Kt-Q4, with advantage to White. 1 9 Kt-B4
The right move at the right time-that
1 2 Kt-B3 PxP is the secret of success. On a full board,
Or 1 2 . . . . Kt-BS ; 1 3 B-B l , P-K4; Black is now practically in Zugzwang.
14 Kt-QKtS, B-Q2; 1 5 P-QR4, Q-Kt3 ;
1 6 P-Kt3, Kt-R4 ; 1 7 R-K I , and White 19 . . . . . . P-QKt4
flas the better game. In view of the threat 20 B-B4, Black
makes a desperate effort to free his game.
13 P x P R-KI
14 Kt-Q2 20 P x P e.p. PxP
A masterly move which provokes a 21 B-B4 Q-R2
rurther weakening of Black's position by I
22 Kt-KtS Q-Kt2
. . . . P-B4. Now Black's game collapses I
If 22 . . . . B x K t ; 23 Q x B, R-Q I ;
In an astonishingly short space of time. 24 P-Q6, and Black has no defence.

14 . . . . . . P-B4 23 P-Q6 R-KS

1 5 Q-Kt3 K-RI "
An "appeasement sacrifice. If 23 • • • •

1 6 KR-Ql B-Q2 B-QB3; 24 P-Q7.

1 7 P-QR4
White multiplies his threats : hereafter the 24 B x R PxB
white pieces fall into place as smoothly as 25 Kt-KS
the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle nearing com.. Threatening 26 Kt-B7 ch, and mate in
pletion. two. Of course, 2 5 . . • •
KB x Kt; leads to
mate on the move.
17 . . . . . . Q-Ktl
He cannot allow the white Queen to 25 . . . . • . P-R3
capture the QKtP. The alternative, 1 7 . . . . 26 Q-B7 Resigns
Q-B l ; loses the Knight after 1 8 P-RS. A masterpiece both in the preparation for
the attack and in its flawless and powerful
1 8 P-RS Kt-B l execution.
86 move are not easy to foresee. Steadier is the
completion of his development by 1 2 P-Kt3,
followed by B-Kt2, and QR-Q 1 .
(Rotterdam, 1940)
12 . . . . . . Kt-Q2
No one who studies the following game will 1 3 P-QS
accuse us offulsomeness if we render homage White refrains from exchanging 1 3 P x P,
to the extreme elegance with which mind P x P ; as he hopes to exploit Black's weak­
triumphs over matter. ness at K6.
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3
13 . . . . . . BP x P
2 P-QB4 P-K3
14 Q x P
3 Kt-KB3 P-QKt3
If 1 4 B x P, Kt-B3.
4 P-KKt3
The modern continuation.
14 . . . . . . Kt-B4
4 ...... B-Kt2 1 5 Q-K2 B-KB3
5 B-Kt2 B-K2 Parrying the threat, 1 6 P-QKt4.
The simplest; Black preserves his forces
for the defence. 5 B-KtS ch; does 1 6 B-R3 R-Kl
1 7 B-K3
. • . .

nothing towards freeing his game ; while,

after the more imaginative 5 P-B4; If 1 7 P-QKt4, not 1 7 . . . . B x R ;
1 8 P x Kt, etc., but 1 7 . . . . P x P. Now
. • • •

White exercises a lasting pressure after

6 P-QS, P x P ; 7 Kt-R4, etc. the threat 1 8 B x Kt, seems to crown White's
honest endeavours.
6 Castles Castles
7 Kt-B3 Kt-KS 11 . . . . . . Q-Ql
SAmisch's manreuvre, which prevents 1 8 B x Kt
White's intended occupation of the centre, Dr. Euwe, the great logician, does not
say after 7 . . . . P-Q3 ; by 8 Q-B2, believe in miracles and expects only the
followed by P-K4. normal reply 1 8 QP x B ; when
1 9 B x P ch, K-R I ; 20 Kt-Q3, etc.,
8 Q-B2 secures for him a comfortable advantage.
A sound, but too simplifying continuation
is 8 Kt x Kt, B x Kt ; 9 Kt-KI , B x B ; 18 . . . . . . Px P
1 0 Kt x B, etc. Abruptly reversing the rOles. If now
1 9 B-K3, P-QS ; 20 B-Kt2, B x B ;
8 ...... K t x Kt 21 Kt x B, P x B ; 22 Kt x P, B-Q S ;
9 Q x Kt 2 3 Q-Q2, B x K t ; 24 P x B , i t is White
More imaginative, but also more binding and not Black who carries the burden of a
is 9 P x Kt. weak KP.

9 ...... P-Q3 1 9 B-K6 ch K-Rl

1 0 Q-B2 P-KB4 20 R-QI
Tactically, he has to avoid the well-known White must give back the piece, for if
trap, 1 1 Kt-KtS, etc. , while strategically he 20 B-QR3, Q-K2.
must prevent White's expansion by P-K4.
20 . . . . . . QP x B
1 1 Kt-K l Q-Bl 21 Kt-Kt2
A battle of imponderabi!ia, in which .accur­ Or 2 1 P x P, QB x P ; 22 R x B, Q-K2 ;
ate timing to a fraction is essential. If 1 1 . . . . etc., and again Black has things his own way.
B x B ; 1 2 Kt x B, Q-B I ; 1 3 Kt-B4, some
difficulties would ensue for Black. 21 . . . . . . P-QS
22 P-B4
1 2 P-K4 A necessary reinforcement in view of the
The turning point. The drawbacks 'of the threat 22 . . . . B-B l . White thus hopes to
maintain his advanced post at K6 as a 33 P x R R-Ktl ch
compensation for his lost pawn, e.g. 22 . . . . 34 K-B3 B-Kt5 ch
Q-Q3 ; 23 P-B5, Q-B3 ; 24 P-KR4, Resigns
QR-Q l ; 25 R-Q3, etc. For after 35 K-K4, R-Kl ch; 36 K-Q3,
B-B4 mate, or 36 K-Q5, B-B6 c h ;
followed by mate. A game of great artistry.

(U .S.A. Championship, 1947)

The unwavering manner in which White

gradually gains space, to wind up in fortis..
simo style, deserves all praise.

1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3
2 P-QB4
After 2 Kt-KB3 , an immediate fianchetto
by 2 . . . . P-Q Kt3 ; can well be played,
while, after the text-move, 2 . . . . P-QKt3 ;
22 . . . . . . P-Q6 (" Wild West" Indian) would be rash because
The black forces spring into action. of 3 Kt-QB3, B-Kt2 ; 4 P-Q5.

23 R x P QxR 2 ...... P-K3

Few players, anywhere or at any time, 3 Kt-KB3 P-QKt3
would have even thought of a conception 4 P-KKt3
luch as this. The duel between the two opposed
Bishops is engaged. Unreasonable, and
24 Q x Q B-Q 5 ch causing the loss of precious time, is
An important intermediary check. 4 P-QR3, to prevent a possible check.
This is illustrated in a curious little game,
25 R-B2 Niimberg-Dr. RodI, Riedenburg, 1947:
After 25 K-R l , R x B ; 26 P-KR4, -4 P-QR3, B-Kt2 ; 5 Kt-B3, Kt-K 5 ;
QR-K l ; etc., White is just one move too 6 Q-B2, Kt x K t ; 7 Q x Kt, B-K2;
late to a void ultimate loss. 8 B-B4, B-KB3 ; 9 Q-Q2, P-Q3 ;
10 P-K3, Kt-Q2 ; 1 1 B-K2 (White
25 . . . . . . RxB appears to have made eleven perfectly
26 K-B l QR-KI natural moves and yet he is already lost),
27 P-B 5 1 1 . . . . P-KKt4 ; White resigns, for after
Attempted salvation . If 27 R-Q2, 1 2 B-Kt3, P-Kt5; 1 3 Kt-Kt l , B x KtP;
B-K 5 ; 28 Q-R3, B-B4 ; with . . . . B-R6; his game is ruined. The finish is un­
in view. expected, amusing and-not unmerited.
27 . . . . . . R-K4 4 ..... . B-Kt2
28 P-B6 PxP 5 B-Kt2 B-Kt5 ch
29 R-Q2 With a view to simplification.
Clearly not 29 R x P, B x Kt ch; 30 K x B,
R-K7 ch. 6 QKt-Q2
More scientific is 6 B-Q2, B x B ch ;
29 . . . . . . B-Bl 7 Q x B, followed by Kt-B3, and White
A decisive r�grouping. Threat : 30 has a sound position and a hold on the
B-R6; followed by . . . . R-K8 mate. centre.

30 Kt-B4 R-K6 6 ... .

. 4 Kt-K5
3 1 Q-Ktl R-B6 ch A pointless sally in view of Black's lack
32 K-Kt2 R x Kt of development. It will result only in the
A superb conception. Thanks to the exchange of his developed pieces, with
mobility of his Rooks, Keres is able to assert improved chances for White. 6 . . . .
the superiority of his Bishops over the hostile Castles ; soon followed by . . P-Q4 ; is
. .

Queen. the correct continuation.


7 Castles K t x Kt K side, but it momentarily encumbers

8 B x Kt BxB his second rank.
9 QxB Castles
1 0 Q-B2
Bringing about a variation of the famous
Monticelli trap, e.g. 10 . . . . P-Q3 (or even
1 0 . . . . P-KR3) ; 1 1 Kt-Kt5, Q x Kt ;
1 2 B x B, winning the exchange.

10 . . . . . . Kt-B3
1 1 QR-Ql P-Q3
Now 1 1 . . . . P-Q4; is no longer ade­
quate, because, after 1 2 P x P, P x P ;
1 3 R-B I , White controls the QB file and
Black's QBP is backward.

1 2 P-Q5 PxP
Black is compelled to exchange, because
after 1 2 . . . . Kt-Ktl ; 1 3 P x P, P x P ;
1 4 Kt-Kt5, White wins. We see here an
opening trap worth remembering in this type 32 Q x B
of position. Brilliant and decisive.

13 P x P Kt-Kt5 32 . . . . . . RxQ
14 Q-B4 P-QR4 33 R x R ch Kt-B l
1 5 P-QR3 Kt-R3 If 33 . . . . K-R2 ; 34 B-K4 ch, P-B4
If 1 5 . . . . B-R3 ; 1 6 Q-Kt3, B x P ; (34 . . . . P-Kt3 ; 35 Rx P mate) ; 35 R x P, etc.
1 7 P x Kt, winning two pieces for Rook and
34 Kt-K6
A beautiful point, supplementing the pre...
ceding sacrifice.
1 6 P-QKt4 Q-Q2
1 7 R-Q4 34 . . . . . . P-Kt3
A strong move which centralises the Rook 3 5 R x Kt ch K-R2
and provides against . . . . Q-R5. 36 R(B4) x P ch Rx R
37 R x R ch K-RI
17 . . . . . . KR-KI 38 B-K4 Q-R8
1 8 P-K3 PxP 39 B x P Resigns
19 P x P P-QKt4 An excellent win by Horowitz.
20 Q-Q3 B-Bl
Black has no satisfactory reply. He can­
not eliminate his backward pawn by 20 . . . .
P-QB4 ; on account of 2 1 P x P e.p., Q x P ; 88
22 R x P. O'KELLY
21 R-B I R-Ktl (Amsterdam, 1950)
22 R-KB4 Q-Q l
23 P-R4 P-R3 Some victories can be described as over­
24 Q-B3 B-Q2 po weringly aggressive, others methodical,
25 R-RI Q-Bl others again as combinative. The following
26 K-R2 R-Kt3 fine game is remarkable in that it does not
27 Kt-Q4 Kt-K tl belong to any one of these types, but combines
28 R-QBl Q-R3 all their characteristics.
A last fling. If 29 Q x P, R-QBI ; and
White loses the Queen. 1 Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3
2 P-Q4 P-QKt3
29 P-Kt4 B-BI I n this sequence of moves, a very good
If 29 . . . . R-QB 1 ; the deflection of all continuation, in which Black seeks to secure
the black forces becomes still more marked. the early control of his K4. 2 . . . . P-K 3 ;
i s in the nature of a waiting move; reserving
30 Q x P R-Kt2 a choice of continuations, e.g. 3 P-B4,
3 1 Q-B3 Kt-Q2 P-QKt3 (Queen's Indian) ; or 3 P-B4,
Making as quickly as l? ossible for the P-Q4 ( Quee�' s Gambit Declined).

3 P-K3 1 2 B x Kt QxB
With this move White begins to develop The exchange B x Kt, has probably taken
his game on the lines of the CoUe System. Black by surprise, as White thereby is
When openings get intermingled in this deprived of the advantage of the Htwo
manner it is easy for one side or the other Bishops."
to go wrong. The black Queen's vulnerable position
offers ample compensation.
3 ...... B-Kt2
4 B-Q3
As the CoUe System is based on the ulti­
mate advance, P-K4, which square Black
endeavours to control in the Queen's Indian,
this clash of systems is particularly interesting.

4 ...... P-B4
5 Castles P-K3
6 QKt-Q2 Kt-B3
7 P-B3
And here is the famous Colle Triangle.
Other attempts have had little success, e.g.
7 P-QR3, or 7 P-B4, or 7 P-QKt3,
followed by B-Kt2, or at once 7 P x P,
P x P ; etc.

7 .. . ... Q-B2
Black is experimenting, but goes astray.
If he wishes to remain within the Indian 1 3 P-Q5
complex, he can continue with 7 . . . . A powerful move. After 1 3 . . . . P x P ;
R-B I ; or without any finessing 7 . . . . 1 4 QKt-K5, White commands the open file
B- K2. The simplest is 7 . . . . P-Q4; and Black is exposed to similar dangers as
whereby he obtains the normal formation in the game.
against the Colle System.
13 . . . . . . Kt-QI
8 P-QR3 14 Kt(B4)-K5 P-QR3
Premature would be the thematic advance, He must prevent 1 5 B-Kt5, which would
8 P-K4, P x P ; 9 P x P, Kt-QKt5. be decisive, e.g. if 1 4 . . . . B �< QP; 1 5 B-Kt5,
Castles ; 1 6 Kt x QP, R-K I ; 1 7 Kt x P,
8 ...... PxP
wins the exchange.
Here again he could and should play
8 . . . P-Q4. The move chosen by Black
1 5 P-KKt3 Q-R3

prevents White's P-K4, but, on the other

hand, he opens the white Queen's Bishop's If 1 5 . . . . Q-B 3 ; 1 6 Kt-Kt4, and the
diagonal. Queen has no move.

9 KP x P B-K2 1 6 Kt-Kt4 Q-R4

10 R-KI Kt-Q4 1 7 Kt(B3)-K5
The Knight is making for KB5, but this The inter p lay of the Knights is pretty.
attempt to force an attack at all costs is He now threatens 1 8 Kt-B6 ch, winning the
clearly unpositional. Queen.

1 1 Kt-B4 Kt-B5 17 . . . . . . P-Kt3

The last move in a plan which never 1 8 B-K2
looked right. It is true that 1 1 Restoring the threat.
Castles Q R ; 12 QKt-K5, Kt x Kt;
13 Kt x Kt, QR-B I ; 14 P-B4, etc., would 18 . . . . . . Q-B4
be rash. On the other hand, 1 1 . . . . 1 9 P-Q6 Resigns
Castles KR ; would be tantamount to enter.. The main threat is 19 . . . . B-KB I ;
ing the lion's den. 20 B-Q3, Q-Kt4 ; 21 P-KB4, and Black
The most rational therefore is 1 1 . . . . has the choice of Charybdis or Scylla,
P-Q3 ; but it would be an admission that losing the Queen or being mated (21 . . . .
Black's strategy (7 . . . . Q-B2)i and Q-R4 ; 22 Kt-B6 mate). On the other
especially the preced ing move (10 . . . . hand, if 19 . . . . B-KB3 ; 20 B-Q3, is
Kt-Q4), followed the wrong course. equally forcible.
89 Again "real Capablanca." He has no
fear of simplifications, provided they enable
CAPABLANCA MIKENAS him to gain time.
(Buenos Aires, 1 939)
10 . " . . .
. QxB
The 1939 Olympiad was Capablanca's 1 1 P-K3 B-Q2
noble swan-song, for he had the best result on 1 2 B-Q3
Board I, ahead of his perennial rival, Alekhine. To all appearance the contest is following
In the following game we find the same a peaceable course.
lucid, energetic and elegant style which
distinguished the play of his halcyon days. 12 . . . . . . KR-B l
There is here an indication of a possible
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 counter-offensive on the Q side. Perhaps
2 P-QB4 P-K3 Black hopes to provoke 1 3 P-B5, which
3 Kt-QB3 B-Kt5 would put an end to the tension i n the
4 Q-B2 centre. This would allow Black to re­
It is not surprising that, of a number of transfer the centre of gravity to his K4 after
possible lines of play, Capablanca should 1 3 . . . . R-K I ; threateni ng 14 . . . . P-K 4.
choose the Capablanca continuation.
1 3 Castles K R
4 ...... Kt-B3 With an almost Olympic serenity, Capa..
The Milner-Barry Variation (akin to the blanca allows his fretful adversary to go his
Zurich Variation 4 Q-Kt3, Kt-B3), a own way. The psychological advantage of
constructive line of play, which tries to the great Cuban's waiting policy frequently
establish a bridge-head in the middle of the consisted in the fact that his opponents,
board after . . . . P-Q3 ; . . . . Q-K2 ; left without the guidance of direct threats,
eventually . . . . R-K I ; and finally lost their way in the labyrinth of numerous
P-K4. possibilities.

5 Kt-B3 P-Q4 13 . . . . . . P-R5

A scheme elaborated by masters of the If Black remains passive, White, who has
U.S.S.R. and which is claimed to be as completed his mobilisation, will go over to
viable as the usual 5 •P-Q3 .
. . .
the attack in the centre by P-K4.

6 P-QR3 1 4 P-QKt4 PxP

Capablanca upholds his principle, whether 15 B x P Kt-R2
with White or with Black, not to allow the ' More natural would seem 1 5 . . . . Kt-K2 ;
pinning Bishop to remain unchallenged for but then 1 6 Kt-KS, B-KI ; 1 7 P-Kt5,
any length of time. Play able also is, first would seriously impede Black's plans.
6 P-K3, Castles ; and then only 7 P-QR3.
1 6 Kt-KS B-Kl
6 ...... B x Kt ch 1 7 P-B4 P-QKt3
7 QxB P-QR4 1 8 Q-Q3
Against a noncommittal move, such as An unostentatious but all the more effective
7 . . . . Castles ; White could already secure mana:uvre. I t seems, in the first place, to
an additional trump by 8 P-QKt4, with be directed against Black's Kt-Kt4-Q3.
possible action on the Q side. It can also he]p a re-grouping by Q-K4
and B-Q3. And yet, the real threat is
8 P-QKt3 quite different.
A necessary measure to prevent the
blockade of his own Q side by 8 . P-RS.
. . •
18 . . . . . . R-Q I
Black has lost his bearings, but still hopes
8 ...... Castles to carry out his illusory intention, . . . .
9 B-Kt5 P-R3 P-QB4. However, 1 8 . . . . P-Kt3 ; would
10 B x Kt seriously weaken his King's field.

Best is 1 8 . . . . Kt-B3 ; trying to clear In the following contest, Keres selected

up the position and, in any event, bringing on his eighth move a novelty (Castles QR)
back a useful piece into the zone of battle. with which his opponent, Botvinnik, had been
taken by surprise the previous year. It was
an unfortunate choice, for Botvinnik played
a far more energetic continuation and won
And the moral of this tale: you cannot catch
a great player twice with the same artifice.
Botvinnik, as did his predecessor, Alekhine,
constantly tries to improve his game.
Capablanca, however, preferred to rely on his
intuition, while Lasker thought that his
rationalism rendered him immune from the
surprises of chess theory.

1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3
2 P-QB4 P-K3
3 Kt-QB3 B-Kt5
4 Q-B2 P-Q4
Peremptorily preventing the advance
1 9 P-B5 P-K4, but the text-move leaves him no
The ice-breaker. White's object is to elasticity in the centre.
eliminate the obstacle of Black's KP, while
5 PxP PxP
bringing the KB file to life.
6 B-Kt5
19 . . . . . . P-QKt4 The game now has the characteristics of
A desperate counter-measure, played the orthodox Queen's Gambit Declined,
perhaps in the hope of 20 B-R2, Q x Kt; Exchange Variation. A quiet line is 6 P-K3,
and Black wins. Castles; 7 B-Q3, P-QKt3 ; 8 Kt-K2,
etc. A well-founded positional continua­
20 P x P tion is 6 P-QR3, B x Kt ch; 7 P x B, etc.
An elegant turn.
6 ...... P-KR3
20 . . . . . . PxB Forcing White to an immediate decision.
21 R x Q PxQ
22 P x P ch BxP 7 B-R4
Black must give back the piece and More cautious is 7 B x Kt, Q x B ;
remains with a pawn minority. 8 P-QR3, B x Kt ch; 9 Q x B, and the
contest levels off.
23 R x B Kt-Kt4
24 R-B2 R-Q4 7 . . • • P-B4
. •

Or 24 . . . . R-Kl ; 25 R-Q2, etc. Keeping an eye o n the K side, he becomes

active on the Q side. But he must not show
25 Kt x P too much zeal with 7 . . . . P-KKt4 ;
This gain of a second pawn, foreseen on 8 B-Kt3, Kt-K5 ; 9 P-B3, Kt x B ;
White's twentieth move, settles the issue. 10 P x Kt, when White's game gains in scope
on the K side.
25 . . . . . . R-KI
A last hope: 26 R-K2, R x QP. 8 Castles
Original but risky.
26 R-B3 Resigns
8 ...... B x Kt
An important exchange ! Ha ving been
I taken by surprise in his game against
90 Mikenas in the preceding U .S.S.R. Cham­
pionship in 1940, by White castling on the
KERES BOTVINNIK Q side, when he replied with less precision
(Leningrad, 1941) 8 . . . . Castles ; Botvinnik on this occasion
elaborates a more efficacious counter-action.
Frequently the circumstances surrounding a I

game of chess are quite as interesting as the i 9 QxB P-KKt4

gume itself. 1 0 B-Kt3 PxP

He has no hesitation in opening the White is saved. But Black has a withering
sluice-gates. reply at his disposal.

22 . . . . . . Kt-Kt5
11 QxP Kt-B3
1 2 Q-QR4 B-B4
1 3 P-K3 R-QBl
He refrains from looking after his own
King ( 1 3 . . . . Castles) but rushes matters 91
on the Q side.
1 4 B-Q3 Q-Q2 (Soest-Baarn, 1948)
Already decisive, as the QB file springs to
life. In the following game, the British Master
falls a victim to a "theoretical variation"-in
other words, a variant derived from previous
1 5 K-Ktl B x B ch analysis.
16 R x B Q-B4 This in no way detracts from the merit of
1 7 P-K4 his opponent, who, in this contest, displays
It is clear that neither 1 7 K-B2, Castles ; as much imagination as analytical power.
1 8 K-Q2, Kt-K5 ch; 19 K-K2, Kt-B4; On the whole, a game which is a credit to both
etc., nor 17 Q-R3, Kt-QKt5 ; can save players.
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3
17 . . . . . . Kt x P 2 P-QB4 P-K3
1 8 K-Rl Castles 3 Kt-QB3 B-Kt5
Making a graceful exit. 4 Q-B2 P-Q4
5 P-QR3
This dogmatic continuation leads to
1 9 R-Q l
White appears to have consolidated his more incisive play than 5 P x P.
position, since his King has escaped per­
5 . . . . . • B x Kt ch
secution and his back rank is again guarded.
6 QxB Kt-K5
7 Q-B2 P-QB4
Black must hasten to disturb the centre,
for, if quietly, 7 . . . . Castles ; 8 P-K3,
followed by 9 B-Q3, White's chances are
already improving.
Another attempt which caused much
analytical ink to flow is here 7 . . . .
i Kt-QB3; followed by 8 . . . . P-K4. This
is the San Remo Variation, which is full of
the unexpected.

8 QP x P Kt-QB3
This pawn sacrifice helps to accelerate
Black's mobilisation. If, however, 8 . . . .
Kt x QBP; 9 P-QKt4, Kt-K5 ; 1 0 B-Kt2,
P-QKt3 ; 1 1 P-Kt3, P-B4 ; 1 2 B-Kt2,
9 PxP
19 . . . . . . P-Kt4
Not 9 P-QKt4, because of 9 . . . . Q-B3.
A deflecting sacrifice.
More peaceful continuations are 9 P-K3,
Q-R4 ch ; 1 0 B-Q2, Kt x B ; 1 1 Q x Kt, or
20 Q x KtP 9 Kt-B3, Q-R4 ch; 10 B-Q2, Kt x B ;
Against 20 Q-R3, Black still plays 1 1 Q x Kt, etc.
20 . . . . Kt-Q5.
9 ...... Px P
20 • . . . . .
Kt-Q5 10 Kt-B3
21 Q-Q3 Kt-B7 ch The threat to maintain his "plus" on the
22 K-Ktl Q side by 1 1 P-QKt4, has now become
If now 22 . . . . Kt x B ; 23 RP x Kt, real.

10 . . . . . . B-B4 13 . . . . . . R-K l
The Bishop, set free by his opponent's 1 4 Kt x P
ninth move, appears on the battlefield and Better is, in any case, 1 4 B x P. Taking
Black threatens 1 1 . . . . Kt-Kt6. Less the innocent pawn is too precipitate, and
ambitious is 10 . . . . Q-R4 ch; 1 1 B-Q2, more cautious is 14 R-Q I , although even
Q x BP; and, although Black has recovered then Black has dangerous threats as long as
his pawn, the end-game would be in White's the white King remains exposed in the
favour after 1 2 Q x Q, Kt x Q ; 1 3 P-K3, centre.
Kt-Kt6; 14 R-Q l , Kt x B ; 1 5 R x Kt, etc.
14. . . . Q-B3
. •

1 1 P-QKt4 Without a moment's delay the black

Sans peur, but perhaps not sans reproche. forces overrun the terrain and multiply their
threats. First and foremost is the threat
11 . . . . . . Castles 1 5 . . . . Kt x KBP.
Black proves equal to the situation. Of
little value would be 1 1 . . . . Kt-Kt6 ; 1 5 R-R2
because of 1 2 Q-Kt2, Kt x R ; 1 3 Q x P, Perhaps the least evil. If, e.g., 1 5 P-B3.
e.g. 1 3 . . . . KR-Bl ; 14 B-R6, Q-K2; Q-R5 ch; 16 P-Kt3, Kt x KKtP;
1 5 Q x R ch, Q x Q ; 1 6 B x Q, K x B ; 1 7 P x Kt, Q x P ch ; 1 8 K-Q2, QR-Ql ;
1 7 P-Kt3, followed by B-Kt2, winning and wins. And if 1 5 Kt x B, Q x B ;
the Knight, or 1 3 . . . . K-Q2; 14 Q x P ch, 1 6 R-QI , Kt-B6 ; 1 7 Kt-K3, R x Kt ;
Kt-K2 ; 1 5 B-Kt5, with a winning attack. 1 8 P x Rt Kt x R ; 1 9 K x Kt, Q-Kt8 ch;
Interesting also is 1 1 . . . . P-Q 5 Hhreat 20 K-Q2, R-Ql ch; 2 1 K-B3, R-Q8 ;
in earnest : 1 2 . . . . Kt-Kt6) ; 1 2 Q-Kt2, 22 Q-Kt4, R-B8 ch; 23 K-Q2, Q-B7
Q-B 3 ; 1 3 P-K3, Castles QR; with equal mate.
15 . . . . . . B-K3
1 2 B-Kt2 Wrong now would be 1 5 . . . . Kt x KBP;
He continues his development with a : because of 1 6 Kt x Kt.
pistol pointed at his head.
1 6 Kt x B Q x P ch
1 7 K-QI R x Kt
1 8 B-B3
He tries to guard his three sickly squares
QB2, K I and Q4. After 1 8 B-B I , which
guards two squares only, there follows-if
nothing worse-1 8 .... R-Q I ch;
19 K-B2, R-Q5 ; 20 Q-Kt5 (or
20 Q-Kt3, R x P ; etc.), 20 . . . . R-Q7 ch;
followed by . . . . Kt-Q5 ch; and . . . .
Kt x Q.

18 . . . . . . R-Q t ch
1 9 K-B2 Q-K6
The Belgian Master conducts the attack
with deadly precision, preventing, above all,
the emancipation of the white pieces.

12 . . . . . . P-Q5 20 P-KR4
A serious emergency. A desperate attempt to bring his K R into
A memorable game, Euwe-Najdorf, Ma,. the fray via R3.
del Piata, 1947, went 1 2 . . . . Kt-Kt 6;
1 3 Q-B3, P-Q 5 ; 14 Kt x P, Kt x Kt; 20 . . . . . . R-Q7 ch
1 5 BP x Kt, Kt-B7 ch. 21 B x R Q x B ch
22 K-Kt3 Kt-Q5 ch
1 3 Q-B4 23 K-R4 Q-Q8 ch
The optimism of Mr. Wood-who has, by 24 K-R5 R-R3 ch
his eleventh move braved so many dangers­ 25 Q x R Q-R5 ch
is a happy trait in his temperament, but at A magnificent conception, in which Black
times leads to disaster. gives up the whole of his artillery.

26 K x Q Kt-B6 ch 11 BxB Kt x B
27 K-R5 Kt-Kt6 mate 1 2 B-Kt2
A pure mate is the climax of the com- Botvinnik is a severe critic of his own
bina tion. play. He was the first to find fault with the
lack of precision shown by the text-move.
According to him, he should at once pJay
1 2 Q-Q3, inducing 1 2 . . . . Q-B 1 ; with
92 a more modest role for the black Queen
than in the game.
(Avro, 1938) 12 . . . . . . Q-Q2
T e Cuban at once seizes the opportunity
In the following nlagnijicent game, Botvin­ of giving his game greater elasticity.
nik plays steadfastly for a win.
1 3 P-QR4
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3 Of course, now, if 1 3 Q-Q3, Q-R5.
2 P-QB4 P-K3
3 Kt-QB3 B-Kt5 13 . . . . . . KR-Kl
4 P-K3 But here 1 3 . . . . P x P ; 14 B P x P,
The Rubinstein Variation, which has KR-B 1 ; is more effective.
become la grande mode since it has been
linked with the Samisch Variation
1 4 Q-Q3 P-B5
(4 P-QR3), of which the object is to en­
force P-K4. He pays too much attention to the Q side
and too little to the repercussions which are
bound to occur in the centre.
4 ...... P-Q4
An unrestrained line of play i s : 4 . . . .
Castles; 5 Kt-K2, R-K l ; 6 P-QR3, 1 5 Q-B2 Kt-Ktl
B-B l ; keeping his KB for the defence of Starting on a long but promising journey.
his interior lines.
Another continuation is 4 . . . . P-B4; 1 6 QR-Kl Kt-B3
S P-QR3, B x Kt ch; 6 P x B, etc. , reverting 1 7 Kt-Kt3 Kt-QR4
to the Samisch Variation. An original 1 8 P-B3 Kt-Kt6
attempt by Black to avoid these dangers is 1 9 P-K4 Q xP
seen in a game, Geller-Golombek, Budapest, Each player has achieved his object :
1 9 5 2 : 4 . . . . P-B4; S P-QR3, P x P ; Black has his pawn ; White will have his
6 P x B, P x Kt ; 7 Kt-B3, P x P ; 8 B x P, attack.
P-Q4 ; 9 P-B5, P-QKt3 ; 1 0 B-Kt5 ch,
B-Q2; 1 1 B x B ch, KKt x B ; 1 2 Q-B2, 20 P-KS Kt-Q2
Kt-Q B3 ; 1 3 B x P, Kt x KtP ; 1 4 Q-Ktl , 2 1 Q-B2 P-Kt3
R-KKt l ; 1 5 P-B6, Kt x P ; 1 6 Q x RP, 22 P-B4 P-B4
Kt-B3 (a miraculous salvation !) ; 1 7 B x Kt, Trying to stop the onset of White's KBP.
Q x B ; 1 8 Q x R ch, K-Q2 ; 1 9 Kt-KS ch,
Kt x Kt; 20 Q x R, Kt-B6 ch; 2 1 P x Kt, 23 P x P e.p. Kt x BP
Q x R ch; 22 K-K2, Q-R7 ch; drawn by 24 P-BS RxR
perpetual check. 25 R x R R-Kl
26 R-K6 RxR
5 P-QR3 B x Kt ch 27 P x R K-Kt2
6 PxB P-B4 28 Q-B4
7 BP x P KP x P The crisis draws near. White's Queen
8 B-Q3 Castles has secured two important files i n the
9 Kt-K2 absence of the opposing Queen. The white
More flexible than 9 Kt-B3 . QRP was the bait which drew the enemy
forces away.
9 ...... P-QKt3
10 Castles 28 . . . . . . Q-Kl
A reasoned continuation at this point is A return ticket.
Mme. Chaude's idea, 1 0 P-QR4.
29 Q-K5 Q-K2
10 . . . . . . B-R3 The Queen is back again-a short-lived
Capablanca, the simplifier. satisfaction.

3 5 K-B2 Q-B7 ch
36 K-Kt3 Q-Q6 ch
37 K-R4 Q-K5 ch
38 K x P
A necessary pause, to put a stop to the
I perpetual check. If 38 K-Kt5, Q-K6 ch.

38 . . . . . . Q-K7 ch
There is no salvation : 38 . . . . Q-Kt3 ch;
39 Q x Q ch, P x Q ch; 40 K x P, and the
white pawn queens.

39 K-R4 Q-K5 ch
40 P-Kt4 Q-K8 ch
4 1 K-R5 Resigns
A memorable game.

30 B-R3
A sacrificial combination of unusual 93
beauty. It has a multiple function. Not
only will the black Queen again be cut off
from the critical zone, but the passed pawn (Saltsjobaden, 1948)
will become mobile.
The following most artistic game has also
a considerable theoretical value. It con­
30 . . . . . . Qx B
stitutes an impressive link in the turbulent life,
Compulsory, for if 30 . . . . Q-K I ;
the greatness and decadence, of a curious
3 1 Q-B7 ch, K-Kt I ; 32 B-K7, Kt-Kt 5 ;
3 3 Q-Q7, etc., or 3 0 . . . . Q-Q l ; 3 1 B-Q6,
etc. Black accepts the sacrifice the more 1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3
willingly, as he himself has a serious threat 2 P-QB4 P-K3
after, say, 3 1 P-K7, by 3 1 . . . . Q-B8 ch; 3 Kt-QB3 B-Kt5
32 Kt-B I , Kt-Q7. 4 P-QR3
In spite of its anti-positional appearance,
3 1 Kt-R5 ch the Siimisch Variation has many adherents
The point of the point. The first sacrifice among contemporary masters.
was made in order to make this corn..
plementary sacrifice possible. 4 . . . . B x Kt ch
• •

5 PxB P-B4
31 . . . . . . P x Kt This reply in the Sicilian manner leads
If 3 1 . . . . K-R3 ; 32 Kt x Kt, Q-B 8 ch; to lively exchanges. A fairly resistant
3 3 K-B2, Q-Q7 ch; 34 K-Kt3, Q x BP ch; structure results from S Castles: with
• . . .

3 5 K-R4, Q x P ch; 36 Kt-Kt4, with a the possible continuation: 6 P-B3, Kt-R4 ;

counter-check. 7 Kt-R3 , P-KB4; 8 P-K4, P x P ;
9 B-Kt5, Q-K I ; 10 P x P, P-K4 ; with
32 Q-Kt5 ch K-B l chances for both sides.
33 Q x Kt ch
Luckily with check, so that Black obtains 6 P-K3
no breathing space. This position can also occur in the
Rubinstein Variation. Less consistent is
33 . . . . . . K-Ktl the HS4misch plan" proper : 6 P-B3,
Or 33 . . . . K-K 1 ; 34 Q-B7 ch, and because of 6 . . . . P-Q4 ; 7 P-K3 , Castles ;
mate to follow. 8 BP x P, Kt x P ; 9 B-Q2, Kt-QB3 ; and
Black secures the initiative.
34 P-K7
With a concurrent threat of mate. Now 6 ...... Kt-B3
begins a long series of counter..checks by He has i n view an early action on the
Black. That in the end these would become Q side, comprising the moves . . . . P-QKt3 ;
exhausted needed exact calculation on the . . . . B-R3 ; . . . . Kt-QR4; the object
part of White. being to exph:rit the weakness of White's
pawns on the QB file. Good also is 6 . . . .
34 . . . . . . Q-B8 ch Castles ; 7 B-Q3, Kt-B 3 ; etc. The more

incisive 6 . . . . P-Q4; is doubtful on 11 . . . . . . QP x P

account of 7 BP x P, KP x P ; 8 B-Q3, More resistent is 1 1 . . . . B-Kt2
Castles; 9 Kt-K2, etc. The most circum­
spect is, at once, 6 . . . . P-QKt3 ; 7 B-Q3, 1 2 P x KP B-Kt2
B-Kt2 ; 8 P-B3, Kt-B3 ; etc. A terrible blunder would be 1 2 .. . . .
K t x P ; 1 3 B x P ch, followed by 14 Q Y. Q.
7 B-Q3 P-QKt3 But a defensive position could be built up
by 12 . . . . B-R3 ; 1 3 B-B4, Kt-R4;
It is clear that the moves . . . . Castles,
14 Q-B2, P-Kt3 .
. . . . P-Q3 ; . . . . P-QKt3 ; are part of this
defensive system, but it is important to play
1 3 B-B4 P-B4
them in the correct order. 7 . . . . Castles ;
fulfils more closely the requirements of the This restless counter-measure is based on
situation. _ tactical considerations, but will fail against
Another interesting plan was tried in a tactical surprises. More cautious is 1 3 . . . .
game Szab6-Keres, Budapest, 19S0: 7 . . . . P-Kt3.
P-K4 ; 8 Kt-K2, P-Q 3 ; 9 Castles
(9 P-K4, Kt-KR4), 9 . . . . Q-K2 14 P x P e.p. P-K4
(9 . . . . Castles; 10 P-K4, Kt-KR4 ; Too dogmatic. He should make the best
1 1 B-K3, P-QKt3 ; 1 2 P-B4, with a of 14 . . . . Kt x P ; although, other things
dynamic advantage to White) ; 10 P-K4, being equal, theweakness of Black's KP would
Kt-Q2 ; 1 1 P-B4, P-QKt3 ; 12 Kt-Kt3 , then give White some definite advantage.
P-Kt3 ; etc.

8 Kt-K2 Castles
9 P-K4
White quite rightly hastens to make this
thematic advance, which threatens, not only
1 0 P-K S, but also 10 B-KtS. Note also
that White has succeeded in carrying out his
primary plan without having recourse to
the supporting P-B3. Good, but dilatory,
is 9 Castles. Too slow is 9 Kt-K t3,
B-R3 ; 10 B-Kt2, R-Bl ; for then Black's
action on the Q side anticipates White's
attack in the centre.

9 ...... Kt-KI
An important decision. By this man ..
a:uvre, retrograde, preventive and elastic, IS P x P
Black evades both the threats mentioned I A combination of which the manifold
above, and now has the possibility to play features will become apparent later.
. . . . P-B4 ; in reply to P-B4, digging
himself in on the K side, after which he can 15 . . . . . . RxB
concentrate his efforts on the weak points in 1 6 Kt x R P x Kt
White's Queen's wing. This beautiful idea 1 7 B x P ch
is due to the great Capablanca, who applied This additional sacrifice illustrates clearly
it in a similar position against P. Johner, the danger of depriving the King of his
Car/sbad, 1 929. , natural defenders.

1 0 Castles P-Q3 17 . . . . . . KxB

If 1 7 . . . . K x P ; 1 8 Q-RS, Q-B3 ;
As long as this move is not yet necessary,
1 9 QR-Q l , B-B I ; 20 Q x Kt, K x B ;
a more assertive line of play is 1 0 . . . .
2 1 R-QS, etc.
1 8 Q-RS ch KxP
1 1 P-KS 19 QR-Ql Q--B3
Intrepid play ! Very good too is 1 1 P-B4, If 19 . . . . Q-B2; 20 Q-Kt4 ch, f01-
P-B4 (not 1 1 . . . . B-R3 ; 12 P-BS); lowed by R-Q7, and if 1 9 . . . . Q-B 1 ;
12 P-QS, Kt-R4; 13 QP x Pt B x P ; 20 KR-K l , Kt-B3 ; 2 1 Q-KtS ch,
14 P x P, B-B2; etc. K-B2; 22 R-Q6. It is seen that Black is

unable to prevent the triumphal irruption of 26 Q R x Kt ch, K x R ; 27 R-K3 dis ch) ;

the hostile Rooks. 26 KR-K7, etc. If 24 . . . . Kt-Kt2 ;
25 R x Kt ch, Q x R ; 26 Q-Q6 ch, followed
20 R-Q7 ch K-Bl by Q x R ch. Again, if 24 . . . . Kt-Kt4 ;
21 R x B Kt-Q l 25 R-K5.
22 R-Q7 Kt-KB2
23 Q-Q5' R-Kt l 25 R-K3 Resigns
Although the material is more or less For if 25 . . . . Q-Kt3 ; 26 QR x Kt ch,
equal, Black must succumb because his Q x R; 27 R x P, Kt-B3 ; 28 Q-Q6 ch,
forces lack co-ordination. He cannot play followed by Q x R. And if 25
23 . . . . R-Q l ; 24 R x Kt ch, followed by Kt(KI)-Q 3 ; 26 R x BP, Q-Kt3 ;
Q x R. 27 R x Kt, etc.
Thus we have seen, in this game, the
24 R-Kl P-B6 history of an idea (9 . . . Kt-K 1 ) with its

A last attempt in view of the threat, ups and downs in turn for one or other of
25 R-K6, Q-Kt2 (25 . . . . Q x P ; the players.
94 " unsolved, and this ultimately will cost him
the game.
ALEKHINE BOGOUUBOW Too passive is 5 . . . . P-B3. 5 . . . .
(Exhibition Game, Warsaw, 1943) B-Q2 ; was played in a game, Lundin.....
, Benko, Bad Gastein, 1948 : 6 Q x BP,
The following is one of the many incom­ B-B3 ; 7 B-Kt2, QKt-Q2; 8 Castles,
parable games which Alekhine has bequeathed B-Q4; 9 Q-Q3, B-K 5 ; 10 Q-K3,
to the world. P-B4 ; 1 1 Kt-B3, B-B3 ; 1 2 R-Q l ,
Q-Kt 3 ; 1 3 P-Q 5, B-Kt4 ; 14 P x P,
1 P-Q4 P-Q4 P x P ; 1 5 Kt x B, Q x Kt ; 1 6 Q x P ch,
2 P-QB4 P-K3 B-K2; 1 7 Kt-Kt5, Black resigns ( 1 7 . . . .

3 Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3 R-KB I ; 1 8 B-B4, etc.).

4 P-KKt3 The most active continuation is 5 . . . .
The Catalan Gambit, which, properly QKt-Q2.
speaking, is the Griinfeld Defence with a
move in hand. 6 Q x BP Q-B3
7 QKt-Q2 QxQ
4 ...... PxP 8 Kt x Q B-Kt5 ch
Bringing about the schema of the Queen's 9 B-Q2 B x B ch
Gambit. Against the rather slow Catalan 10 QKt x B
System, the text-move is quite satisfactory for If 1 0 KKt x B, Kt-B 3 ; 1 1 Kt-B3,
Black, provided that he can solve the prob­ Kt-QKt5 ; and Black has good counter..
lem of the development of his QB. The chances. After the text-move, White has
drawback to an early . . . . P x P ; in the three advantages : (1) The open Q file;
Queen's Gambit-n amely, that White can (2) the diagonal KRI-QR8, and (3) the
retake with the KB, gaining time and weakness of the opposing Bishop. Bogol­
following up with a strong advance in the j ubow attempts too venturesome a solution:
centre-does not apply her�. On the other it will be seen with what result.
hand Black is exposed to danger on the long
white diagonal, and, with correct play, 10 . . . . . . Kt-B3
advantage and drawback should cancel each 1 1 B-Kt2 B-Q2
other out. 12 Castles KR Castles QR
This is the overbold attempt. The correct
5 Q-R4 ch method is 1 2 . . . . Castles KR; followed by
It is clear that White must not play with . . . . KR-Q l ; . . . . QR-BI ; and . . . .
fire and delay the recovery of his pawn. B-K t ; after which Black's position,
Against 5 B-Kt2, P-QR3 ; can be recom­ although difficult, should be tenable.
In a game Veitch-J. Penrose, Buxton, 1 3 QR-BI KR-KI
1950, White played 5 QKt-Q2, which led 14 Kt-B4
to the following harrowing finish : 5 . . . . Preventing . . . . P-K4 ; and threatening
P-B4 ; 6 P x P (he has nothing better than 1 5 Kt(B3)-K5, R-Bl ; 16 Kt x Kt,
6 Q-R4 ch, recovering his pawn), 6 . . . . B x Kt; 1 7 B x B, P x B ; 1 8 P-K3, followed
B x P ; 7 B-Kt2 (this plausible move, by Kt-K5, or Kt-R5, winning the pawn
strangely enough, spells instant downfall), on Black's QB3.
7 . . . . B x P ch; 8 K x B, Kt-Kt5 ch;
9 K-KI (9 K-K tt, Q-Kt3 ch; leads to 14 . . . . . . R-K2
mate), 9 . . . . Kt-K6 ; White resigns. 1 5 P-QR3
After 1 0 Q-R4 ch, B-Q2 ; the Queen has The beginning of the decisive Q side
no move! advance.

5 ...... Q-Q2 1 5 . .. . . . . B-Kl

Although Black win force the exchange of 1 6 KR-Ql Kt-Q4
Queens by this manreuvre, he remains with 1 7 P-QKt4 Kt-Kt3
the problem of the development of his QB Better is 1 7 . . . . P-QR3 ; but it leaves

a bad weakness at Black's QB4, on which 22 . . . . . . R-B I

square White can later establish a Knight. 23 B-Kt2
Preventing Black from escaping by
1 8 P-KtS Kt-Ktl . . . . K-Q l ; and threatening to win the
If 1 8 . . . . Kt x Kt; 1 9 P x Kt, Kt x P; QKtP by Kt-B4.
20 P x P ch, K x P ; 2 1 Kt-KS dis ch,
K-B I ; 22 Kt-B6, B x Kt; 23 B x B, 23 . . . . . . P-B3
R-Q 3 ; 24 R-B3, followed by R-Rl, 24 Kt-B4 K-B2
winning the Knight. 25 P-K4 PxP
This loses quickly, but Black is defenceless
1 9 Kt x Kt ch RP x Kt against the threat of 26 P-Q S, KP x P ;
20 P-QR4 P-KB3 27 KP x Pt P x QP (otherwise 28 P-Q6 ch);
2 1 B-R3 B-Q2 28 B x P, followed by Kt-RS dis ch, and
Now at last it looks as if Black will be Kt x P ch.
able to free himself by . . . . P-K4 ; but
"when one sups with the Devil, one needs a 26 P x P BxP
long spoon. " Hoping, after 27 Kt-R3 dis ch, B-B3 ;
28 P-QS, R-Q2; to have some slight
chance with the two passed Q side pawns.
But White plays so as to force the exchange
of pawns in the centre first, which allows his
Bishop to take part in the attack with
decisive effect.

27 P-QS PxP
28 Kt-R3 dis ch B-B3
29 P x P R-Q2
30 Kt-KtS ch K-QI
31 P x B Px P
32 Kt-Q4 Resigns
Black loses the QBP, since he must
guard against Kt-K6 ch, and his game is
therefore past hope.
Strategically and tactically a masterly
22 Kt-Q2
A devastating surprise, threatening
Kt-B4, followed by Kt-Q6, or Kt x P The notes to the above game are largely
mate-and if 22 . . . . P-K4 ; 23 Kt-B4, those by C. H. 0 'D Alexander in his excellent
B x B ; then 24 Kt x P is still mate. book , Alekhine's Best Games, 1938�5.
9S 8 B-Kt2 B-B4
10 Castles Castles
(Southsea, 19 SO)
He burns his bridges. Less ambitious , but
Black, in the following game, handicaps him­ safer, is 1 0 . . . . R-Q l .
self by adopting a variation of doubtful value,
a handicap which even his great talent does
1 1 P-QKt4
not enable him to overcome against a player With fine positional judgment White gives
knownfor his skill in demolishing "variations." up a pawn with the sole purpose of obtaining
It is said that an ounce of common sense control of the open Q R file-in connection
can outweigh a ton of "variations." with the long white diagonal, an important
1 P-Q4 Kt-KB3
2 P-QB4 P-K4 11 . . . • PxP
. .

3 PxP Kt-K5 12 P x P Kt x P
The Fajarowicz Variation, which contains 1 3 R-R8 ch K-Q2
subtle threats, but is hardly as sound as the 14 R x R ch KxR
usual 3 . . . . Kt-Kt5. Let us illustrate the 1 5 B-Kt2 P-KB3
normal line of play by two miniature games. 1 6 Kt-Q4 B-Q2
Donovan-Bisguier, Detroit, 1950: 3 . . . . 1 7 Kt-K4
Kt-Kt5 ; 4 Kt-KB3, Kt-QB3 ; 5 P-QR3, Although, normally, the defender benefits
P-Q3 ; 6 P-K3, B-B4; 7 P x P, B x P ; by exchanges, the maxim does not hold
8 B-K2, Q-B3 ; 9 Kt-Q4, Kt x B P ; good when the attacker can thereby lessen
1 0 K x Kt, B-B7 dis c h ; 1 1 Kt-B3, B x Q ; the number of his opponent's developed
1 2 R x B, Kt-K4 ; 1 3 Kt-Q2, Kt-Kt5 ch; pieces.
1 4 K-Ktl , B x P ch; White resigns.
Whyte-M. Davis, Hastings, 1 9 5 1 -2 : 3 . . . . 17 . . . . . . Kt x Kt
Kt-Kt5 ; 4 P-K4, P-Q3 (in gambit style. 18 B x Kt B-R6
If 4 . . . . Kt x KP; 5 P-B4 is playable, 1 9 R-Kl P-QB4
or as recommended by Fine, 5 B-K2, I White threatened 20 Q-Kt3, followed by
followed by Kt-KB3); 5 P x P, B x P ; I 2 1 R-Q l , or, alternatively, 2 1 P-B 5.
6 B-K2, P-KB4 ; 7 B x Kt (much better
is 7 P x P, as played by Capablanca v. 20 Kt-B5 QxQ
Tartakower, Bad Kissingen, 1 928), 7 . . . . 2 1 R x Q ch K-B2
P x B ; 8 Q-Q 5, Kt-B 3 ; 9 P-QR3, 22 B-Bl Kt-B3
Kt-Q5 (a remarkable move. If 1 0 Q x Kt, 23 B-B4 ch Kt-K4
B-Kt5 ch; win s the Queen. The real 24 R-Ktl B x Kt
threat is 1 0 . . . . B-K3 ; 1 1 Q-R5 ch, He cannot play 24 . . . . P-QKt3 ; because,
P-Kt3 ; 1 2 Q-R6, Kt-B7 ch; 1 3 K-Bl after 25 R-R l , his position is wide open.
or 1 3 K-K2, B-B5 ; 14 B x B, B x P mate,
or 1 3 . . . . B-B 5 ; 14 B x B, Q-Q8 mate) ; 25 B x B B-Q3
1 0 P-B5. B-K2 ; 1 1 K-B l, B-K 3 ; He could obtain Bishops of opposite
1 2 Q x Q ch, R x Q ; 1 3 Kt-QB3, B-B5 ch, colours, but it would not help. According
White resigns. If 14 K-K l , Kt-B7 mate, to Mr. Golombek's own analysis, after
and if 14 KKt-K2, Kt x Kt; 1 5 Kt x Kt, 25 . . . . P-KKt4 ; 26 B x Kt ch, P x B ;
R-Q8 mate. A memorable little game. 27 B-K4, P-Kt3 ; 28 R-Rl , B-Q 3 ;
29 R-R 7 ch, K-Bl ; 3 0 B x P , White has a
4 Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 simple win.
5 QKt-Q2 Kt-B4
6 P-KKt3 P-Q3 26 B-K4 P-QKt3
7 PxP QxP 27 B-Q5 P-KKt4
Clearly with the intention to castle on the 28 B-Q2 Kt-B3
Queen's side, the wisdom of which is 29 R-Rl B-K4
questionable, when White is developing his 30 R-R2
KB at Kt2. Preferable is 7 . . . . B x P. ·1
Restricting the black Bishop's mobility.

30 . . . . . . R-QKtl K-Kt 3 ; 3 6 R-Q7, B-B2 ; 3 7 B-K6, and

White has penetrated into Black's position.
The rest is an object lesson in the handling
of the "two Bishops" in an ending.

35 P x P RxR
36 P x R K-Kt3
37 K-B2 Kt-Kt5
38 B-B4 Kt x P
39 K-B3 Kt-B2
40 K-K4 B-K2
4 1 K-B5 K-B3
42 P-K4 Kt-Kt4
43 K-K6 B-Ql
44 B-Q5 ch K-Kt3
45 K-Q7 B-B2
46 K-K7 Kt-Q5
47 K x P Kt-B6
48 B-Bl Kt x P
49 P-K5 Kt-Kt5 ch
3 1 P-B4 50 K-B5 P-R4
5 1 B-B3 Kt-B7
A new actor enters the scene.
52 B x P Kt-Q6
5 3 B-K3 K-B3
31 . . . . . . PxP 54 K-K4 P-B5
32 P x P B-Q3 55 B-K8 ch K-Kt2
3 3 P-K3 P-Kt4 56 B-Kt5 Resigns
34 R-R6 R-Kt3 The best game in the tournament which
Better is 34 . . . . Kt-Kt5 ; when, again as fully deserves the frequently misused
demonstrated by Mr. Golombek himself, adjectives : strictly logical, and positionally
the win would take longer after 3 5 R-R 7 ch, sound and powerful..


96 1 3 K-Kt2 P-B3
14 R-Rl K-Kt2
TARTAKOWER LOTHAR SCHMID A well...conceived manreuvre, anticipating
(Southsea, 1 950) White's onslaught on the KR file.

The most instructive feature in the following IS R-R2 B-Q2

bitter contest is the manner in which prepara­ 16 QR-Rl R-Rt
tions are made "behind the front." 17 Kt-Kt
It is a case of strengthening the KP by
1 P-QB4 P-K4 P-B3 in order to enforce the central
An active reply. P-Q4.
2 Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 17 . . . . . . Kt-K3
3 Kt-B3 Kt-B3 1 8 P-KR4 QR-KKtl
4 P-K4 Black's defence is very skilful.
Nimzowitsch's move in the English
Four Knights'. The incisive continuation, 19 P x P RP x P
4 P-Q4, is met by 4 . . . . P x P ; 5 Kt x P, 20 P-B3 Q-Qt
B-Kt5 ; etc., but 4 P-K3, is better than He vacates his K2 for the benefit of his
its reputation. QKt, and provides additional support for
his KRI .
4 ...... B-Kt5
Better than 4 . . . . P-Q 3 ; which should 21 P-Q4
not be played early, unless White himself A thematic advance.
refrains from advancing the QP to Q4.
21 . . . . . . Kt-K2
5 P-Q3 P-Q3 22 R x R
6 B-K2 Slightly premature. After so much pre­
Nimzowitsch tried also 6 P-KKt3, paratory manreuvring "behind the front,"
followed by B-Kt2. White should have continued with
22 Kt-Q3.
6 ...... P-KR3
Is this precaution really necessary ? In 22 . . . . . . Rx R
a game Fine-Dake, Mexico City, 1 9 3 5 : 23 R x R KxR
6 . . . . Castles ; 7 Castles, B x K t ; 8 P x B, Not, of course, 23 . . . . Q x R ; when
Q-K2; 9 Kt-K t , Kt-K l ; 10 Kt-B2, Black loses his QB or his KKtP after
P-B4 ; led to equality. 24 P x P.

7 P-KR3 Q-K2 24 P-B5 P x QP

8 Castles Castles 25 P(B3) x P P-Q4
9 B-K3 Ingenious. If now 26 P x P, Kt x P(Q4) ;
There is nothing to be gained by 9 Kt-Q5, 27 Kt-B2, Kt(K3)-B5 ch; Black would
Kt x Kt; 1 0 BP x Kt, Kt-Ql ; which locks exchange both the white Bishops and would
up the centre, while leaving Black sufficient ; at least draw. Weak, however, would be
freedom of action. 25 . . . . P x P ; because of 26 P-Q5.

9 ...... B x Kt 26 Kt-Q3 B-B3

10 P x B Kt-Q2 An active defence.
1 1 P-Kt4
Directed against the threatened . . . . 27 P-K5 Kt-Kt3
P-B4. 28 P x P QxP
29 K-B2
11 . . . . . . Kt-B4 So far, Black has refused to be intimid­
1 2 Q-Q2 P-KKt4 ated, and has succeeded in counteracting
In preparation for . . . . Kt-K3 . all White's attempts at a break..through.

This is why White has here recourse to an 3 4 . .. . . . . K-B2

astute waiting move, improving his King's 35 B-Q3 K-K2
position in view of coming events. 36 B-B5 B-Kl
37 P-K6
29 . . . . . . Kt(K3)-B5 Rash would be 37 Q x QP, because of
The desire to mask the weakness of his 37 . . . . Q-R3.
KKtP is understandable. A painful blunder
37 . . . . . . B-Kt3
would be 29 . . . . Kt x QP; 30 Q-B3 (or
3 8 Q x QP Resigns
Q-Kt2), and Black loses the Knight. If
29 . . . . K-Kt2 ; to guard the Queen, White
pins space by 30 Kt-Kt4. If 29 . . . .
B-Kt4 ; White has a small positional
advantage, as in the game, after 30 Kt-K5, 97
B x B ; 3 1 Kt x Kt ch, Q X Kt ; 32 K x B, etc. DENKER RABAR
(U.S.A.) (Jugoslavia)
(Radio Match, 1950)

In the following game we see a quadruple

fi.anchetto, but the course of events is neither
monotonous nor symmetrical. Black early on
loses control of his Q4, which leads to further

1 P-QB4 Kt-KB3
2 Kt-KB3 P-B4
There are openings, such as the Four
Knights', where Black can safely imitate
White's first moves, but the English Opening
is not one of them. Better is 2 . . . .
P-KKt3 ; leading into some variation of the
King's Indian Defence.
3 P-Q4
30 Kt-K5
Opening a central file and assuming
A fight fQr squares. Of course 30 Kt x Kt,
control of his Q4.
would lose a Bishop, and 30 B x Kt, P x B ;
would win for Black. The text-move is a 3 ...... Px P
fine counter which turns the tables. 4 Kt x P P-KKt3
Better here, or even on the next move, is
30 . . . . . . Kt x Kt . . . . P-Q4.
Plausible but fatal. Weak too would be
30 . . . . Kt x B ; 3 1 B x P. The best defence 5 Kt-QB3 B-Kt2
is 30 . . . . B-Kl ; when 3 1 B-B I , would 6 P-KKt3
maintain the tension. A surprising move, he could increase his
hold on the centre by 6 P-K4.
3 1 P x Kt Q-R3
Clearly not 3 1 . . . . Q x P ; 32 B-Q4, and 6 ...... Castles
wins. He misses his last chance of having a say
in the centre by 6 . . . . P-Q4.
32 B x Kt PxB
3 3 Q-Q4 7 B-Kt2 Kt-B3
Centralisation in excelsis. 8 Castles
Another good continuation, which avoids
33 . . . . . . K-Ktl exchanges is 8 Kt-B3.
If 33 Q-R5 ch; 34 K-Kt2,
Q-Kt6 ch; 3 5 K-BI , and the white King 8. . . . . •
Kt x Kt
escapes. 9 Q x Kt P-Q3
1 0 Q-Q2
34 K-Kt2 Although the black Knight has no useful
Decisive, Black's pieces are tied to the discovery, White shows rare judgment in
defence of his weak pawns, White has retiring the Queen to the unlikely square
command of the terrain. Q2. The point is that the white QB will

be more effective at Kt2 than on its present Securing KR3 for the Bishop, and now
diagonal, and after P-Kt3, the Knight will the black Queen must give way.
require protection.
23 . . . . . . Q-B2
10 . . . . . . Q-B2 24 Q-Q4 R-B2
1 1 P-Kt3 B-Q2 25 B-R3 P-QR4
1 2 B-Kt2 B-B3 Long overdue.
1 3 P-K4
After all, he can play P-K4, with great
26 P-R3 PxP
effect. Black's only counter-chance, which 27 P x P R-Q Rl
he misses, is a diversion on the Q side by
Paralysed in the centre, Black tries to make
1 3 . . . . P-QR4. He leaves this until the
up leeway 0 n the Q side.
twenty-fifth move, when it is no longer
28 B-K6 R(B2)-B 1
13 . . . . . . P-Kt3 29 P-Kt4 K-Rl
14 P-B4 30 P-KKt5 R-RS
Black already lacks space for manreuvring, 31 P x P PxP
which is why it is difficult to suggest any­ Recapturing with the Rook is equally
thing better. If 14 . . . . P-K3 ; 1 5 Kt-Kt5, bad. After 32 B-R3, the K file is wide
and wins after 1 5 . . . . B x Kt; 1 6 P-K5. open, as it is after the text-move.

1 5 QR-KI Kt-Q2 32 B-R3 Q-Kt2

1 6 R-B2 33 R-K7 R-R7 ch
A discreet preparation for the doubling of 34 K-Ktl Q-R3
Rooks. If 34 . . . . R-B2; 3 5 R-K8 ch, R-B l ;
36 R(Kl)-K7, Q-Ktl ; 37 B-K6, R x R ;
16 . . . . .
. Kt-B4 3 8 Q x P ch, etc.
1 7 Kt-QS
The sword of Damocles falls.

17 . . . . . . B x Kt
Now he has no option, for after 17
Q-Kt2 ; there follows 1 8 P-QKt4, Kt-K3 ;
19 P-KB5, Kt-B2 ; 20 Kt x P ch, K-R 1 ;
21 Q-R6, B x B ; 22 P x P, P x P ;
23 R x R ch, etc.

18 B x B
The black King loses his most effective

18 . . . . .
. KxB
1 9 KP x B QR-Kl
20 KR-K2
It is clear that White's complete mastery
of the K file constitutes a winning advantage,
the only remaining interest being the skilful 3 5 R-K8
way in which White deals with the situation. The final assault. If 35 R x Kt, Q x RP;
36 Q-K3, R-R6 ; etc. Black can still put
20 . . . . . . P-B3 up a defence.
Out of the frying-pan into the fire. Now
Black's weakened K3 becomes the target of 35 . . . . . . Q x RP
White's machinations. 36 R x R ch K-Kt2
37 Q-K3 R-R6
2 1 P-KR4 Q-Q2 A last trap : if 38 Q x R, Q x R ch ; but­
Preventing 22 B-R3. White announces mate in four.
(38 Q-K7 ch, K-R3 ; 39 Q x P ch,
22 P-QKt4 Kt-Kt2 K x Q ; 40 R-K7 ch, K-R3 ; 41 R-R8
23 K-R2 mate.) A fine performance.
98 instead of the retreat, B-QB3), White has
HEBERGER KUNERTH changed the positional character of the
(Weilheim, 1 949)

The following game shows that the initia­

tive is by no means the first player's exclusive
and absolute prerogative.
1 Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3
2 P-KKt3 P-Q4
3 P-B4 P-B3
4 P-Kt3 P-KKt3
5 B-QKt2 B-Kt2
6 B-Kt2 Castles
7 Castles PxP
8 PxP B-K3
9 Q-B2
SO far, White has followed the Reti
System, according to which he refrains from
occupying the centre, but keeps it under
observation and distant control by pieces.
The ultimate object, however, is to occupy 18 . . . . . . BxB
the centre at a time when it will be more A brilliant offer of the Queen. If 19 P x Q,
effective than at the beginning. Here White Black mates i n three.
misses the right moment, and when he does
occupy the centre, it is as a defensive 19 P x B Q x P(K4)
measure, which is fatal. 20 Q-B3 QR-Ql
2 1 R-Ql
9 11 . .. Q-BI
.. .. .
If White exchanges Queens, he loses a
1 0 Kt-Kt5 second pawn in a hopeless position.
This is where White should have played
1 0 P-Q4, followed by QKt-Q2 . 21 ...... Q-B4 ch
22 P-Q4 P-K4
10 . . . . . . B-Q2 Very fine play, offering the Queen a
1 1 R-Kl P-KR3 second time. If 23 P x Q, Black mates in
1 2 Kt-KB3 B-R6 two.
1 3 B-Rl
A well-known stratagem, which avoids the 23 Q-R3 RxP
exchange of a valuable Bishop. But in this Offering the Queen a third time. If
particular case it is not worth the time wasted . 24 Q x Q, Black mates on the move. If
Now or never is the moment to develop the 24 R-Q3, Black offers the Queen a fourth
QKt. and final time with 24 . . . . R x R dis ch;
White resigns.
13 . . . . . . QKt-Q2 The repeated offer of the Queen is very
1 4 P-Q3 attractive and most unusual.
Even now 1 4 P-Q4, would give White a
fair game.
14 . . . . . . R-Kl 99
1 5 Kt-KS Kt x Kt
Black takes over !
(Southsea, 1951)
1 7 P-B4 Kt-Kt5
1 8 P-K4 The following game is a magnificent
He occupies the centre several moves late; illustration of the theme : "Ilo w to take
by his unruly seventeenth move (P-B4, advantage of your opponent's mistakes."

1 Kt-KB3 P-Q4 Another idea is 8 . . . . Kt-Q R 4;

2 P-KKt3 9 Q-B2, B x P; 10 Kt-K5, P-KR3 ; etc.
This is often named the Barcza Opening.
It is in reality an inversion of the King's 9 Q x BP B-K2
Indian Defence. When, as in this game, A reasoned retreat. Neither 9 . . . .
White follows up with P-Q4, it could well Q-Kt3 ; 1 0 Kt-B3, Kt-K2 ; 1 1 Kt-K5,
be called the Reti..Catalan. nor 9 . . . . Q-K2 ; 1 0 B-Kt5, etc., is
2 ...... Kt--KB3
An enterprising continuation, 2 . . . . 10 Kt-B3 R-QBl
B-B4 ; was successfully tried in a game, Or 10 . . . . Castles ; 1 1 R-Q l , Q-R4 ;
Dr. David-Dr. Balogh, Budapest, 1 948 : and Black evades the hostile pressure.
2 . . . . B-B4 ; 3 B-Kt2, Kt-Q2; 4 P-B4,
P-QB3 ; 5 P x P, P x P ; 6 Q-Kt3 (plausible, 1 1 Q-KR4
but premature), 6 . . . . Kt-B4 ; 7 Q-Kt5 ch, Risky and not yet necessary. Better is
B-Q2; 8 Q x Kt (essential is 8 Q-Kt4, 1 1 Q-Q3, or 1 1 P-K4, widening his
P-K4 ; 9 Q-B3), 8 . . . . R-B I ; White command of space.
11 . . . . . . Castles
3 B-Kt2 P-K3
Black is quite unconcerned and first
4 Castles P-B4
completes his development.
A bold use of the QBP. If 4 . . . .
P-B3 ; 5 P-Q4, B-K2; 6 P-B4, Castles ;
1 2 P-K4
7 Kt-B3, White has some advantage in
White underestimates the danger to his
Queen, which, after this move and Black9s
5 P-Q4 reply, is cut off from the centre and the
Q side. Playable, rather, is 12 R-Q 1 .
The right moment for White to establish
his rights in the centre.

5 ...... Kt-B3
The natural development. More artifi cial
is 5 . . . . QKt-Q2 ; more vague, 5
P x P ; 6 Kt x P, P-K4 ; while 5 . . . .
B-K2 ; would lose time.

6 P-B4
Notwithstanding its risky appearance, this
move is now necessary to disturb the centre
and, if possible, to extend the range of the

6 ...... QP x P
He disdains the defensive by 6
B-K2; and takes up the challenge.
12 . . . . . . P-K4
7 Q-R4 Bravo ! At a stroke White's position has
Another sound plan is 7 Kt-K5 (Keres­ become tragic.
Klein, AnglcrSoviet Radio Match, 1946).
1 3 B-R3
7 • . . . . •
B-Q2 This loses ingloriously. He should in any
8 PxP event try 1 3 R-Q l , or 13 B-Kt5, P-KR3 ;
In order to gain an important tempo. 1 4 B x Kt, B x B ; 1 5 Q-R5.
Inoffensive would be, at once, 8 Q x BP,
P x P ; 9 Kt x P, R-B I ; 10 Kt-QB3, 13 . . . . . . Kt-Q5
Kt x Kt; 1 1 Q x Kt, B-B4; 1 2 Q-Q I , Excellent judgment. White expected
B-B3 ; with equality. 1 3 . . . . Kt-KKt5 ; at this point, when the
Queen escapes after 1 4 Kt-KKt5, P-KR3;
8 . . • • • .
BxP 15 B x Kt, P x Kt; 16 Q-R3.

1 4 Kt x P If 1 8 P x B, Q x P ; 1 9 B-B4, R x QKt;
If 14 Kt x Kt, Black wins an important 20 B-Kt3 , R x B ch; 21 BP x R, Kt-K7 ch;
pawn after 1 4 . . . . P x Kt; 1 5 Kt-K2, 22 K-B2, Q x RP ch; etc.
B x B ; 1 6 Q x B, Kt x P.
14 . . . . . . Kt-Kt5
18 . . . . . . Kt-B6 ch
The death sentence for the white Queen.
1 9 K-Rl Q x Kt
15 B x Kt BxQ 20 P x B Q-Q3
16 Kt x B P-B4 Resigns
17 Kt x R PxB Black has taken advantage of his oppor­
18 B-K3 tunity in a masterly manner.
100 This prevents . . . . Kt-K 5 ; and prepares
for his own QKt-Q2, and an advance in the
Mme. CHAUDE centre.
(Match, Zurich, 1 9 5 1 ) 8 ...... Castles
9 QKt-Q2 P-QR3
Once again Mme. Chaude de Silans shows
1 0 B x QKt BxB
that she can provide worthy opposition for any
1 1 Q-K2
He spends too much time on preparations.
1 P-KB4 P-Q4 The move in keeping with the general situa­
Allowing White to play the Dutch Defence tion is 1 1 Kt-K5.
with a move in hand. Schlechter9s plan is
considered more resistant : 1 . . . . Kt-KB3 ; 11 . . . . . . P-QKt4
2 Kt-KB3, P-KKt3; followed by . . . . Now Black not only preserves her QB,
B-Kt2. This, however, came to grief in a but provides for it a promising fi.eld of
game, H. Brown-Dr. Friedman, London, activity on the long diagonal.
1949, 3 P-K3, B-Kt2 ; 4 P-Q4, Castles;
5 QKt-Q2, P-Q4 ; 6 B-Q3, P-B4;
7 P-B3, Q-B2 (here Black should play 1 2 K-Rl R-Bl
7 . . . . P-Kt3 ; and after . . . . B-Kt2 ; and 1 3 P-KKt4
. . . . QKt-Q2; his position is entirely An ingenious pawn sacrifice. If now
satisfactory) ; 8 Castles, P x P; 9 KP x P, 1 3 . . . . Kt x P ; 1 4 Kt-Kt5, B x Kt;
Q x KBP (intending to return with her booty 15 Q x Kt, White has a powerful attack.
to QB2) ; 1 0 Kt-Kt5, Q-K6 ch; 1 1 K-Rl, Black, however, finds a strong counter,
B-Kt5 ; 12 Kt(Q2)-B3, Black resigns. If which delays the capture.
1 2 . . . . B x Kt; 1 3 R x B, the Queen is ca ught
in hostile territory. An intriguing little piece.
An important side line is the From
Gambit : 1 . . . . P-K4 ; 2 P x P, P-Q 3 ;
3 P x P, B x P. Of this there is a forcible
example in a game, Krasner-Antonoff,
Paris, 1949 : 2 P x P (or 2 P-K4, the King's
Gambit), 2 . . . . P-Q3 ; 3 P x P, B x P ;
4 Kt-KB3, P-KKt4 ; 5 P-Q4, P-Kt5 ;
6 Kt-Kt5, P-KB4 (an abortive attempt to
capture the KKt in broad daylight) ;
7 P-K4, B-K2; 8 Kt-K R3, P x Kt;
9 Q-R5 ch, K-B I ; 10 B-QB4, B-Kt5 ch,
1 1 P-B3, Q-K2; 12 Castles, P-Kt4 ;
1 3 B x Kt, K x B ; 14 R-B3, Q x P ;
1 5 R-Kt3 ch, K-B I ; 1 6 B-R6 ch,
K-K2; 1 7 R-K3, Black resigns.
2 Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3
3 P-K3 P-K3
13 . . . . . . P-Q 5
4 P-QKt3 P-B4
Strong play. If 1 4 P x P, P x P ; Black's
5 B-Kt2 Kt-B3
pa wn is safe, as the KKt is pinned. Black
6 B-Kt5 B-Q2
then threatens 1 5 . . . . Kt x P ; followed by
Black has allowed her opponent to carry
. . . . Kt-K6.
out an encircling strategy, but refuses to allow
her pawns to be weakened (6 . . . . P-Q R3 ;
7 B x Kt ch, P x B ; 8 Kt-K5, etc.). 14 P-K4 Kt x KtP
Well-ti med. Black must ha ve seen
7 Castles B-K2 through the complications of the next
8 P-Q3 moves.

1 5 Kt x P P x Kt 23 R-Kt2 Q-R3
1 6 Q x Kt P-B4 24 P x R B x Kt
The key-move. White has succeeded in warding off the
first assault but now succumbs to the second.
1 7 Q-K2 B-Kt5
1 8 QR-Kl B-Kt2 25 R x P
A threat to White's QBP. A bad move in a lost position, but there
is no saving clause. If 25 R-K2, B-K6;
1 9 Q-Ql PxP followed by . . . . R-B 1 .
20 P x P P-K4
The death-blow. 25 . . . . . . B-B5
2 1 P-B5 Q-K t4 Mme. Chaude de Silans played this game
22 R-B2 KR x P in exemplary fashion.
Page numbers in italics refer to players of additional games quoted for reference
ABRAHAMS, G., 1 1 0 Dilworth, V . , 1 7
Adams, W . W . , 50 Donner, J. H., 73
Aitken, Dr. J. M., 3 1 Donovan, J., 158
Alatorzev, V. A., 54, 56 Dunkelblum, A . , 2
Alekhine, Dr. A., 72, 1 5 6
Alexander, C. H . O'D., 23, 62, 8 1 , 95
AntonofI, 166 EUSICASES, E., 72, 1 23
Augsburg, 113 Endzelins, L., 4 1 , 69
Englund, F., 56
Estelles, R. C., 1 7
BAJEC, I., 1 00 Euwe, Dr. M., 1 , 1 8 , 33, 103, 1 1 6, 144
Balogh, Dr. J., 164 Evans, L., 64, 79
Barda, 0., 127
Barden, Leonard, 43
Barker, M., 6
Beni, A., 6 1
Feuer, 0., 31, 73
Benko, P . , 98, 156
Fine, R., 103, 1 3 9
Berger, R., 22
Flohr, S . , 98
Bemstein, Dr. 0., 106
Foltys, J., 1 29
Bisguier, A., 1 58, 158
Friedman, Dr. 0., 166
Bogoljubow, E. D., 39, 8 1 , 1 5 6
, Fuderer, A., 45, 73
Bolbochan, J ac., 4
Fuller, J. A., 88
Boleslavsky, I., 75, 79, 1 38
Furman, S., 29
Borodine, V . , 53
Fuster, G., 96
Botvinnik, M . , 20, 27, 4 1 , 1 1 6, 1 20, 125,
149, 1 5 2
Book, E. E . , 1 2 1
Broadbent, R. J., 3 1 GELLER, E., 1 3 5 , 152
Broderman, Dr. J., 29 Gereben, E., 55, 129
Bronstein, D., 2 1 , 26, 70, 1 1 3, 125, 1 3 8 Gligoric, S., 106
Brooks, H . St. John, 51 Golombek, H., 88, 1 3 3 , 152, 158, 1 69
Brown, H., 88, 127, 166 Gracs, P. , 22
Grob, H., 1 66
Guimard, C., 1 0 1
CANAL, E., 1 1 0 Gygli, F., 1 3 6
Capablanca, R. J., 148, 1 52
Casas, F. M., 106
Chaude de SHans, Mme., 1 1 7, 1 6 6 , HABERDITZ, H., 96, 98
Coles, A . P . , 66 Ha]], J., 139
Corte, C. J., 4 HaUmann, K., 41
Crepeaux, R., 47 Hayden, B., 127
Crous, P . A., 51 Heberger, 163
Crowl, F. A., 1 1 Heikinheimo, 47
Crown, G. T., 84 Helms, H., 6
Cuadrado, A" 18 Herberg, Dr., 70
Hoemer, 53
Home, D. M., 56
DAVID, DR., 164 Horowitz, I. A., 145
Davis, M., 158 Hrdy, A., 98
Denker, A., 36, 1 20, 145, 1 6 1 Hunte, 4
Derby, L., 88
Devos, P . , 53, 96, 150
Dewacke, 57 JAVELLE, 57
1 70 INDEX

KASHDAN, I., 82 Paoli, E., 64

Keller, Edith, 78 Penrose, J., 9, 156
Keres, P ., 26, 33, 34, 54, 90, 144, 149 Piazzini, L. R., 106
Kildall, 4 PiInick, C., 64
Kirilov, V., 29 Pilnik, H . , 6 1 , 8 2
Klass, H., 1 1 I Pi rc, V . , 146
Klein, E., 43 Pirtskala va, 86
Kmoch, H., 143 Pleci, I ., 69
Koch, B., 55 Pomar, A., 1 1 7, 122
Korchnoj , V . , 98 Prins, L., 9, 12, 49, 141
Kostic, B . , 45 Prochaska, 96
Kotov, A., 84, 1 1 3, 1 1 5, 1 3 5
Kottnauer, C . , 83, 1 1 5
Kovacs, Z., 8 RABAR, B . , 100, 1 6 1
Kramer, G., 1 4 1 Ragosin, V . , 1 2 1
Krasner, M., 166 Rautenberg, W. , 27
Kubanec, 37 Ravn, P., 53
Kunerth, W. E., 1 63 Rellstab, L., 49, 73
Kuppe, W., 27 Reshevsky, S . , 1 5, 4 1 , 27, 1 0 1
Rhodes, H. G., 142
Rico, A" 79
Rod], Dr. L " 145
Lasker, Dr. Edw., 29
Rossetto, H . D., 35, 1 23
Lilienthal, A . , 1 5 3
Rossolimo, N., 2, 3, 12, 83, 83, 127
Lissitsin, G. M . , 1 1 2
Rutka, I., 9
Lokvenc, J., 8
Lorenz, K., 53
Lundin, E., 77, 156
SC� , �HAR, 30, 39, 1 60
Sefc, l., 1 04
MCCORMICK, E. T . , 79 Shapiro, L., 82
Malmgren, H . , 18 Shapkine, V .� 98
Makarczik, G .t 101 Smyslov, V., 1 5 , 1 8
Marshall, W., 6 Sokor, 14 1
Menchik, Vera, 105 Soler, P., 55
Menke, G., 67, 70 Solmanis. Z. , 86
Michel, P ., 35 Somov, V., 82
Mikenas, V., 90, 148 Sorensen, T., 8
Milner-Barry, P . S ., 64, 86 StAhlberg, G., 79, 95, 104
Mitchell, W. M . P., 98 Stalda, G., 64
Mora, Maria Teresa, 105 Stannard, E., 67
Moyse, J., 69 Steiner, H., 50
Muffang, A ., 96 Steiner, L., 75
Muhring, W. J., 3, 1 2 Strehle, Dr. E., 1 3 6
Muir, W . , 98 Subaric, M . , 104
Munich, 113 Sweby, T. W., 69
Swihart, T., 139
Szabo, L., 1 2, 70, 77
NAJDORF, M . , 79, 1 39, 1 4 1 , 1 5 3 Szymanski, 101
Nebel, H . , 41
Neumann, Dr. B., 65
Nielsen, J., 8
TAIMANOV, M., 1 1 2
Nikolenko, S ., 67
Tamowski, 34
Nilmberg, F., 145
Tartakower, Dr. S., 1 , 38 , 96, 1 3 1 , 1 60, 163
Tenner, 0., 6
O'KELLY DE GALWAY, A . , 31, 36, 53, 83, Teschner, R . , 1 3 1
146 Thomas, A . R . B., 6, 56, 1 63
Olmedo, J. G., 55 Thomas, Sir G. A' J 28
Tolush, A. C., 56
Torber, Dr. C., 67
PACHMAN, L., 23 Tramoyeres, P., 122
Panov, V., 2 1 Tranmer, Eileen, 65
Trifunovic, Dro Po, 104 WACKER, R., 37
Trott, Ao H o , 64 Wade, R. G., 30
Wahltuch, V., 1 33
West brook, Jo T ., 66
Whyte, A. D o , 158
Winter, W o , 76
VAN DEN BoseH, J o Ho, 86 Wood, Bo H . , 76, 1 50
Veitch, Wo, 156 Wood, G., 28, 38, 109
Vesely, Po, 9
Volck, 141 YANOFSKY, D. A., 20, 62, 109

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