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The Fourth International

Heavy Haul Railway Conference 1989

Brisbane, 11 -15 September 1989

Railtec International Consultancy

Rail systems have a choice of a number of bogie types available for heavy haul operations, together with a
large number of add-on items, which can be retrofitted to existing 3 piece bogies.
This paper covers technical, operational economic aspects of the Goninan rigid frame bogie solution for new
purchase, and the Goninan/UTDC frame-braced solution for existing 3 piece bogies, to meet the challenge of
reducing costs for the haulage of coal in NSW.
INTRODUCTION different constructions, are equipped with
modified "National" 3 piece bogies (Figure 1).
The State Rail Authority of NSW operates 1865
coal wagons, of which 1348 are of the lOOt
type. Of the heavier wagons, 497 are equipped
with 3 piece bogies and 851 with "Gloucester"
type rigid frame bogies. It is these 25 tonne
axle load bogies which are the subject of this
Haulage of coal is a major area for train
operations in NSW, the longest train hauled
being 8400 tonnes, consisting of 84 wagons and
a length in the order of 1.5 kilometers. The
maximum demand for coal has been in excess of
36 million tonnes per annum. Most of this has
been for export and despatched through ports Figure 1
located at Newcastle and Port Kembla.
Some of these bogies have now been equipped
There are two major coal producing areas in with the Goninan/UTDC frame bracing system to
NSW, and these are located west of Sydney and improve their wheel wear performance.
the Blue Mountains, and north of Newcastle
(Hunter Valley). The Blue Mountains coal The wagons with longitudinal doors (Figure 2)
which is conveyed to Port Kembla, has to are carried on Gloucester rigid frame bogies
traverse a track with many grades and tight built in Australia by Goninan (Figure 3).
curves. The Hunter Valley coal which flows
out through Newcastle, generally has easier
gradients and shallower curves. The majority
of the Blue Mountains track is 53 Kg/m rail on
wooden sleepers and is well ballasted, where
as the Hunter Valley Track is undergoing
upgrading to 60 Kg/m rail on concrete sleepers.
Track construction, conditions and curvature
play an important part in the selection and
design of a suitable bogie for coal traffic,
and these are points that will be discussed in Figure 2
detail in this paper.
Wagon design is another major consideration
and this has been found to affect bogie
The 100 tonne wagons operating in coal traffic
are of two distinct types, the first having
traverse bottom dump doors, and the second
longitudinal (bomb-bay) doors.
The former wagons, which are of three
Figure 3

BACKGROUND Gloucester rigid frame bogie was purchased,
and proved quite successful running at 80
Three piece cast bogies are the cheapest type km/hr.
that can be supplied and all rail systems tend
to consider this type first for any freight Although originally purchased for the Hunter
bogie application. However, there are Valley, it was not long before the stainless
limitations in connection with these bogies steel coal wagons equipped with these bogies
and these are associated with relatively high entered service on the Blue Mountains, and a
maintenance costs, instability, large dynamic high rate of wheel wear resulted. It was
forces exerted on the track in the higher found that the original design of the constant
speed range and excessive wheel wear. contact side bearer was at fault. This was
thought to be aggravated by the stainless
So although this type of bogie is the steel construction of the wagon. Bogies
cheapest, the performance is the poorest trialled under wagons of austen steel reduced
except at low speeds but even then, random the wheel wear by about half. The stainless
wear takes place due to construction steel wagons were of weak construction in the
tolerances and lozenging. torsion box area, and excess deflection was
thought to have caused inclination of the side
The Government Rail Systems in Australia have bearer seating on the wagon, resulting in
large numbers of 3 piece bogies in operation increase in rotational resistance of the
and each system has imposed its own speed bogie.
limitations, wear standards and maintenance
periods for these. When the wagon was rebuilt into a stiffer
construction, and the bogie side bearer was
In an attempt to standardise on speed and modified then the wheel wear fell off
reduce consequent track and bogie damage, significantly, and was in the order of 2 to 1
tests were conducted by Railways of Australia improvement over that with the 3 piece bogie
at Dubbo in NSW for two years 1979 to 1981. in the same service. This was considered
The final report from this study recommended satisfactory at this stage.
that 3 piece bogies on standard gauge track
should not operate at speeds above 80 km/hr in What this study of the Gloucester bogie wheel
loaded or empty condition for 19 tonne axle wear pattern highlighted was the poor
loads. performance of the 3 piece bogie, so
considerable investigation went into
Tests conducted at Hexham in NSW established modifications that could be applied to these
that the safe speed for the 25 tonne axle load bogies to reduce the wear.
coal vehicle on 3 piece bogies was 50 km/hr.
Various modifications have been tried to It was not until the advent of the
improve the performance of the 3 piece bogie, Goninan/UTDC frame - bracing system, which is
but each had its limitations, and the bogies a low cost, add on item of low mass (115 kg),
have remained substantially the same as first that a satisfactory modification could be
supplied. considered for reducing wheel wear, and this
system is presently in service, with SRA, ANR
Rigid Frame Bogies when introduced into New and V/Line, and is proving quite successful
South Wales were designed to reduce Wheel/rail (Figure 4).
dynamic forces, to increase the speed of
freight vehicles, to reduce the incidence of
derailments and to reduce the damage to goods
in transit and to reduce wheel wear. In this
regard they have been remarkably successful,
and this is the type of bogie now preferred in
Nffil for heavy haul coal traffic, and for high
speed container trains. The cost of rigid
frame bogies is higher compared with 3 piece
bogies, however, this extra cost can be
justified when higher speeds are required,
such as 80/90 km/hr for 25 tonne axle load
vehicles and 115/130 krnlhr for 19/20 tonne
axle loads. Figure 4
v'ilhen the 25 tonne axle load coal wagons were Bogie Details
first introduced in the Hunter Valley, a 3
piece bogie with softer springing was The 3 piece DBA bogies based on a "National"
purchased, and 1100 of these were placed into design were built with AAR Journal centres to
service running at 50 km/hr maximum speed to enable them to meet the 100 tonne at rail
reduce track forces. Considerable track wagon load requirements. Because of the
damage resulted from the introduction of these concern for thermal. overheating on grades,
wagons working in unit trains, and wheel expecially with use of a high friction
flange wear was prevalent. When the next non-metallic brake block, the wheel rims were
build of coal wagons was considered the Civil widened to 140mm. Axle boxes were used as it
Engineers had a fair bit to say about the was considered the design of the l30mm bearing
track damage being experienced by the original was more conservative than that with package
wagons, also the coal suppliers wanted reduced units. The spring-nest was softened by using
transit times, so after initial testing, the a 7 outer plus 4 inner spring combination

rather than the ANZR grouping. This increase in speed for the DCA bogied
wagons allows for a greater rate of coal to
The rigid frame DCA Gloucester bogies are of flow to the ports. It also allows loaded
fabricated construction and were the first wagons in the Blue Mountains traffic to run at
freight bogies of this type to be introduced Suburban train speeds when travelling through
into NSW in large numbers. Testing and ~. sydney on the way to Port Kembla, so improving
service experience on British Rail was taken operating conditions and reducing transit
into account in assessing the suitability of times.
the DCA bogie for NSW conditions. After
trials in the Hunter Valley with a pair of The Hexham trial also concluded that these
trial standard UK bogies, it was decided that bogies fitted with sprung side bearers were
for the production run, the primary springs immune from hunting instabilities,
should be softened to reduce vertical forces. irrespective of the condition of the wheel
profiles or loading, up to speeds of 100
Essentially the same wheel set was used as for km/hr. Empty wagons were therefore capable of
the DBA bogies, but package units were fitted operating at this speed. Tests also confirmed
as used on the UK design. 'The side bearer was the superior riding qualities of the DCA bogie
of a new design to suit NSH requirements, but compared with 3 piece DBA.
in service the construction of this proved too
weak and was then modified by Goninan, to a In NSH the P2 force generally sets the speed
more practical design suitable for the large at which vehicles can operate. It has been
forces developed by the coal wagons. found that track degradation will occur if set
dynamic force levels are exceeded, and by
The centre pivot liner was originally loosening the vertical support of the track,
asbestos, but prior to the main order, this then the lateral stability of the track can
material was banned and a Nylatron liner was also be weakened, allowing misalignments to
fitted. Unfortunately, service experience occur. This then steers a bogie into a
showed that coal dust was imbedding into the hunting configuration, propagating the
surface of the liner, causing a breakdown of alignment problem. This is especially true on
the material. Several other materials were track having many tight curves where wagons
trialled and Thordon is the present material roll to one side exerting a very high vertical
in use. This material, although satisfactory, load on one rail. This can lead to initiation
also has associated problems in this of track twist, and even larger forces being
application. imposed on the rail.
The DCA bogie has now been in service for six An approximate measure of the P2 force can be
years and has proved successful for coal calculated using the Jenkins formula:-
traffic purposes. The wear of the bogie
components is satisfactory, as is the [ Mu ]
construction and design techniques used in P2 Po + 2xV x [-------] 1/2
fabricating these bogies. Some bogies have [Mu + Mt]
been involved in derailments, and only minor
damage was caused to the brakegear hanger [ ct.lI ]
brackets. x [1- ----------- ]
[ 4Kt (Mu + Mt)]

Wheel/Rail Interaction x [ (Kt.MU)] 1/2

The requirement for the rigid frame DCA bogie
was that it should exert no higher P2 force at Where:- STATIC ylliEEL LOAD = Po
80 km/hr than the 3 piece DBA bogie imposed on DYNAMIC RAIL FORCE = P2
the track at 50 km/hr. Fig 5 shows results of VEHICLE SPEED =V
a trial conducted at Hexham at a p2 force test UNSPRUNG MASS PER \tlliEEL = Mu
site, and shows that the above criteria was TOTAL JOINT ANGLE =20(
met. TRACK STIFFNESS (equivalent) = Kt
TRACK DAMPING (equivalent) = ct
TRACK MASS (equivalent) = Mt
ISa COMPA~soN OF P.2 F'oRc:.E5.
Although it is recognised that this formula is
l<E'C.OIZ.DEt:> AT HEX \-lAM. not dimensionally correct, the result does
give a reasonably accurate indication of the
P2 force generated for a particular track
angle and stiffness.

For the 25 tonne axle load wagons, the P2

force limit for Class 1 and 2 tracks in NSW is
230 KN for a joint angle of 0.014 radians.

Laterai forces will also distort the track, so

l~tO--~2~O---~~--~6~o~--e~0~--,~oo--­ hunting of bogies, especially those of the 3
SPEED (J( ~) piece type having worn wheels, must be avoided
to minimise the force level and probability of
Figure 5

The ROA tests at Dubbo found that for a It is the practice in NSW to assess damping on
standard 3 piece bogie, the upper limit for a national or ride control type 3 piece bogie,
stability was 80 krn/hr for empty wagons and by removing the bogie carrying springs, and to
110 km/hr for loaded. ensure that the bolster can be supported by
the damping force throughout its vertical
This performance can be improved by fitting travel. If this support is not sufficient and
the Goninan/UTDC frame bracing retrofit to the the bolster drops, then the damping is
bogies. This system achieves the required inadequate. This test has shown that even on
interaxle stiffness by bracing of the frame new bogies, manufacturing tolerances are such
and provision of elastomatic constraint at the that the bolster has been found to drop.
axle-frame connection. The results obtained
by frame-bracing compare favourably with other On the other hand, too high a damping force,
steering systems, is less expensive and is of as can be associated with some rigid frame
lighter mass. bogies, can increase the vertical force
exerted on the track and the vehicle, for the
For average track this system can only spring is prevented from fulfilling its
marginally improve the speed of loaded wagons, function. This overdamping will also inhibit
due to the P2 force exerted by the basic wheel yaw, and will increase wheel and rail
bogie, but the speeds of empty wagons, which wear.
are constrained by lateral stability of the
bogie, can be considerably increased, as the constant contact side bearers also have an
frame-bracing controls hunting and reduces the influence on rail forces. These are used to
lateral forces and derailment potential. control bogie rotation and hunting, but just
Frame-bracing of the bogies would relieve the as important is vehicle roll stability. The
necessity for heavy expenditure on grinding of side bearer should slow a vehicle roll but not
the rails to achieve steering of the bogies in prevent it. Roll to a vehicle is like a boxer
curves. It considerably reduces wheel rolling with a punch to reduce the impact
flanging, and therefore wear on the wheel and force. Excessive roll can be damaging, as the
the rail and in these respects, approaches the acceleration and deceleration rates will be
performance of a rigid frame bogie. Figure 6 high, but controlled roll is a necessity,
shows the forces exerted on the rail by a 3 especially on a system having many curves.
piece bogie compared with a rigid frame. It
can be seen that as the curvature tightens, Tests have shown that for undamped roll, as
the rigid frame bogie shows less gain. It is exists with a normal 3 piece bogie, roll
at this point wheel set yaw must be allowed to starts at about 24 km/hr and ends at 64 km/hr,
take place. On the frame-braced bogie the with resonance occurring at 43 km/hr when
elastomatic unit above the axle bearing allows violent roll is induced. with constant
for this Y?H, and this solution is now under contact side bearers the range of roll is
consideration for the rigid frame bogie to narrowed from 32 km/hr to 37 km/hr with
fUrther improve its performance. resonance occurring at 34 km/hr. The force
generated by controlled roll is about a
quarter of that with uncontrolled and is not
50 violent.
constant contact side bearers can therefore be
used to minimise the \veight transfer of wheel
forces on the rail in curves due to roll of
the vehicle, but these units must have
adequate deflection to ensure that there is
little variation in side bearer force level,
10 throughout roll travel range.

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 14-00

The Gloucester DCA bogie is equipped with
CU!i:Ve: gADIUS. ('In) constant contact side bearers, and the 20
tonne axle load low level version, the DEA
Figure 6 which is fitted under container wagons, has
proved to give good roll stability on these
vertical damping of a bogie has a marked wagons at speeds up to 130 km/hr.
influence on vertical forces. If the damping
system cannot control spring resonance then Wheel ~vear
high vertical forces will be developed. Tests
conducted in NSW showed how three marginal Lateral forces in curves do most to reduce
track top discrepancies, spaced at about equal wheel and rail life, although bogie hunting
distance, when met by a 3 piece bogie can cause wear problems on tangent track.
travelling at speed caused spring resonance Both sets of forces can be controlled by
which the wedge damping could not control, and selection of the vehicle speed, type of bogie,
accelerations well in excess of "gil resulted rail grinding and wheel profilling.
on a loaded vehicle. The forces imposed on
the track must also have been of great Introduction of wheel profiles is essentially
magnitude. Whether the wheel left the rail free of cost, as these can be introduced at
could not be determined, but information does the time the wheel is machined after a period
exist on vehicles which have jumped the track in service, or when wheels are manufactured.
for no specific reason, and damping could have
been a contributing factor.

Rail grinding on the other hand is of high Typical results of use of wheel profile, and
additional cost, especially if equipment has hardness, for improving wheel wear, for the .
to be purchased. Rather than venturing on rigid frame DCA and frame braced DBA compared
this costly path, it could be more economic to with the DBA 3 piece bogies are shown in Fig
purchase a superior rigid frame bogie or 7. The latest practice in NSW is for wheel
alternatively retrofit existing 3 piece bogies flanges to be built up by welding and some of
with an inexpensive steering device such as the results shown were with welded wheels, but
the Goninan/UTDC system. generally the trend is clear, and shows the
large gains in wheel life that can be achieved
It comes back to the point that any by selecting a suitable wheel profile,
comprehensive investigation to improve hardness, and bogie type for heavy haul
wheel/rail performance in the most economical operations.
manner, must be a joint effort with both
mechanical and civil disciplines involved. Of major interest is the result given for the
Modelling techniques and Heumann diagrams can frame braced bogie, and current information is
be used to estimate forces and wear rates to that this trend in low wheel wear is
form the basis on which decisions can be continuing in the Hunter Valley Coal
made. The introduction of 25 tonne axle load Operation. This steering system is now being
wagons into NSW unit coal operations, combined trialled on the curvy tracks of the Blue
with a high percentage of low radius curves, Mountains and it is anticipated that although
resulted in severe flange wear of the wheels there will be an increase in wear of the wheel
and the need for frequent machining. To flange, this will still be vastly superior to
alleviate this flange wear, the wheel profile that with the standard 3 piece bogie. Figure
developed for the XPT passenger train, amongst 8 shows the worst wheel on a frame-braced
other profiles, was trialled in the Blue bogie compared with that on a standard 3 piece
Mountains traffic, and was proved to give 100% bogie for similar kilometage in service under
improvement. On the basis of this, all rigid the same wagon. It is obvious that the wear
frame bogies were equipped with this wheel of the frame braced wheel is a marked
profile. improvement to that of the standard bogie.
Further studies into the problem of wheel wear The worst wheel of each has been chosen, for
have indicated that a better profile can be it is this which will dictate when a wheel set
developed for heavy haul unit trains and this is removed for profile attention.
is at present under extensive trial in the
Hunter Valley and results are promising.
Wheel hardness is another factor, but care
must be exercised in selecting a hardness STANDARO
suitable for use with non-metallic brake
blocks, where these are in use, bearing in
mind the operational braking requirements. In
~~~E~~ RA<:._ED_._W_O_R_S_I_ _
.... W_H_E._E_L
_ _ _ _- /

NSW due to the many curves and gradients on

the coal tracks, braking applications are COMPARISON OF=' WHeEL Pl20F/LES
quite frequent and the heat build up with AFTEI':! 9b477 k, ....... IN SERVIc..E
non-metallic brake blocks can cause thermal
damage to the wheel tread surface. To obviate
this, NSW adopted a soft wheel of about 240 BN
hardness. In more recent times, the hardness Figure 8
has been increased to 310 BN for the 25 tonne
axle load wagons, and investigations are in other problems arise with the operation of the
progress to improve on this. 3 piece bogie which to a large extent can be
eliminated by the use of rigid frame bogies or
the Goninan/UTDC frame bracing system, and
this is associated with the track. Besides
rail wear on curves, also on tangent track due
MAX. WHEEL WE/HZ. (otv\PAI<:\SoNS to bogies hunting, there is also the problem
_ WE'L.DED '" H EELS,-HU N~IC. VALLEY of rail corrugations which have not been fully
XPT& MOD2. rRol=lI_€~- &S.4toB G.»C J:. explained. The general opinion of suspension
AA R GD 1? So TEEL W l-IE:EL <> • designers is that this phenomenon, may be due
to poorly aligned wheel sets in 3 piece
bogies, and it is claimed that about 1500
passes will generate typical corrugation with
a depth of about 0.15mm. With unit train
operation it is possible to generate
corrugations quite quickly.
Fuel savings are considerable with correctly
c::l tracking bogies. Tests conducted in NSW have
o shown savings of about 4% for rigid frame

DISTANC.E I~AVe:t..Le:D j(M )(1000

bogies compared with 3 piece in the Hunter
Valley, even with the former able to operate
at higher speeds, and claims of 10% savings
are made for the UTDC Frame-bracing system
Figure 7 operating in service in the USA.

cost Benefits 1100 bogies with new wheels retrofitted over a
4 year period (2 years after last bogie was
When new freight bogie or modification modified) and 8 years for those with welded
requirements are considered, or a maintenance wheels. The Gloucester rigid frame bogie
strategy reviewed, then return on capital would further improve on the frame braced, as
invested is major importance. No decision it would be operating at a higher speed so
should be made on the selection of a suitable less wagons would be required for the same
bogie before all economic considerations have duty.
been evaluated for a reasonable operating
period of say 10 years. This should cover the Figure 9 shows an estimated comparison of
following areas: percentage costs for a fleet of wagons
required to convey 29 million tonnes per annum
Design is technically acceptable and meets over a 10 year period in the Hunter Valley.
specification requirements; If the fleet were equipped with 3 piece bogies
then 900 wagons are required, where as when
possible reduction in Rail and Track fitted with Gloucester rigid frame bogies,
maintenance, wheel wear, bogie maintenance, this figure reduces to 730 due to the speed
vehicle downtime periods, transport costs advantage.
for components, fuel or electrical usage and;
Possible increase in traffic revenue.
For an operating Railway System, most of these
costs can be found or estimated from experiences
with other bogie designs and are based on the
reduction in bogie hunting, lateral curving ~6VENUE
forces, vertical P2 force, yaw stiffness of the 61 %.
wheel set and correction in alignment errors in
the bogie.
For bogie suppliers, then the dynamics of bogie
designs can be modelled, and reasonable
estimates made.
When the estimates in benefits or savings are Figure 9
available, then these can be placed in the
following formula:- Conclusion
[Annual Annual ] Enormous amounts of money can be expended if a
[Costs Benefits] wrong type of freight bogie is purchased, and
much of this is hidden costs, as other
[Inflation Rate] departmental areas are involved.
x [ ]
[Interest Rate 1 Railways have tended to purchase for the needs
of today, without considering how the market
Net Cash flow may alter tomorrow. Certain bogie types have
little room to move when a more exacting task
The net cash flow is cumUlative over the such as higher speed running is required.
period of time considered, and will be shown This is where add-on items come into their
in present day costs. The payback period is own, and all do improve the bogie's
indicated when a profit starts being made on performance to some degree, but generally they
the investment. may not be good proposition for the money
The R. Smith paper at the 1986 Heavy Haul
Conference gave an estimate of the payback Again the market may dry up in one area, and
period for the UTDC frame bracing retrofit kit the vehicles have to be used elsewhere, is the
applied to bogies in the USA. The paper bogie design adequate enough for the new task
estimated that if the present wheel life is becomes the question. The track people have
160,900 km, a payback period of 5 years or concerns too, and in this age of
less is obtained, if the car annual enlightenment, they are also asking questions
kilometerage is 37,007 km or more. regarding bogie performance and dynamic forces.
At 321,800 km, the payback is achieved at In this scenario is it not better to place
67,578 km/year and if present wheel life is 5 more money up front, and purchase a
years, then payback is obtained in this period technically superior bogie, which is adaptable
with an annual kilometerage of 90,104 km. The for many duties, including higher speed. This
assumptions used in this cost/benefit analysis is a major consideration that should corne into
with regard to the benefits in wheel and rail any evaluation for new bogie purchase for rail
wear from frame braced trucks the other states systems operating general traffic as well as
have been deliberately conservative. unit trains.
A comprehensive cost benefit study was done To put this differently, less expenditure can
for the frame braced bogies operating in NSW be outlayed for new bogies, then enormous
and this gave a payback period of 6 years for amounts of money expended on fixing the

problems in the many areas associated with the and interconnected, would m:'gate the
operation of these bogies, on the other hand requirement for a bogie frame, besides glvlng
more expenditure at the start would mean less better support to the wagon and allowing
in future years, and would give the additional reduction in wagon mass. In theory such
benefit of more flexibility in operational devices look good, but pratical requirements
service. such as soft YAW stiffness could cause
pratical problems. It would be wise for any
What of the trend for the future. There are railway system to undertake considerable
indications on the direction that operating development and field testing before venturing
railway systems will take, and these fall into on this path. Four wheel wagons, do not
three categories. require the same degree of your movement and
this is where single axle suspension units
Those that can afford the costs, will upgrade give the most benefit at this stage but that
the track, conduct rail grinding, and operate is another story.
the cheapest and the simplest bogies in Unit
trains at a speed where dynamics are not a Acknowledgements
problem, and the maintenanc~ costs retained.
The Author wishes to express his appreciation
other systems which cannot afford track to the Chief General Manager, A. Goninan and
upgrading, will be looking towards fixing Company, also the Chief Mechanical Engineer,
undesirable performance characteristics of the SRA of NSW for the use of information supplied
bogies they have, with add on items. The by their organisations.
danger here is that the true costs can be
mixed with maintenance costs and the picture
becomes confused on actual benefits obtained. REFERENCES
The other consideration is that the fix up may
be suitable for one particular operating area, 1. The Elements of Bogie Design for
but run those vehicles elsewhere or at a Australian Conditions
higher speed and other problems arise. H.E. Coxon & L.D. McNaughton I. Mech.E.
Sydney September 1971
The final direction is where a system
purchases a technically superior bogie at the 2. Railways of Australia Vehicle/Track
high cost, spends less on track to achieve Interaction Study No.1. Final Report
higher speed running, hence increased traffic 1981
revenue and retaining maintenance and running
costs to a minimum. When this operation has 3. Railways of Australia Vehicle/Track
been fine tuned by the optimisation of Interaction Studies, Research and
wheel/rail profiles and hardness, then higher Implementation I.M. Nibloe (of
carrying capacities can be considered. Queensland Rail.) and M.D. O'Rourke
Heavy Haul Railway Conference.
It is feasible for the Gloucester bogie to Vancouver 1986.
operate at 27 tonnes axleload, with increased
bearing and axle sizes, and this would 4. The Effect of Track and Vehicle
increase the traffic revenue by about 10%, Parameters on Wheel/Rail Vertical
without significant increase in maintenance Dynamic Forces.
costs. These are the trends, and it is up to H.H. Jenkins, J.E. Stephenson, C.A.
each railway to make its own choice, but it is Clayton, G.W. Morland and D. Lyon.
suggested that a full economic evaluation REJ January 1974.
should take place before decisions are made on
the choice of a bogie for a particular task. 5. Wheel - Rail Contact Forces in curves
D.M.S. Fairweather
For railways having general traffic duties, it Heavy Haul Railways Conference Sydney
is suggested that the rigid frame bogie 1978.
solution is the most economic, flexible and
satisfies all operational requirements. 6. Conceptional alternatives to the 3 Piece
Truck for support of Railway freight
One other trend should be mentioned although Vehicles ReE. smith
not directly connected with bogies but as a Heavy Haul Railway Conference Vancouver
means of replacing them, and that is the 1986
development of single axle suspension
systems. Two such devices close to each other 7. Goninan Reports 1 to 6 on performance of
frame-braced bogies in the Hunter Valley
L.D.McNaughton 1987/88.


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