Top 1000 One Word Substitution []

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|| Super Pathshala ||

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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
A Place Where Animals Are Slaughtered For The
1 Abattoir कसाईखाना
2 Shortening Something By Omitting Parts Of It Abbreviation सं त
3 To Give Up A Throne Voluntarily Abdicate यागना
Voluntary Giving Up Of Throne In Favour Of
4 Abdication याग
5 Do Away With Abolish समा त करना
6 The Original Inhabitants Of A Country Aborigines मुलनवासी
7 An Edition A Book In Which It Has Been Condensed Abridged संगह
ृ त
8 To Do Away With Rules Abrogate अभनषेध करना
9 Move Faster Accelerate म तेजी लाने के
10 Which Can Be Approached Accessible सुलभ
11 To Accustom Oneself In New Climate Acclimatize जलवायु का अ"य#त बनाना
12 A Partner In Crime Accomplice साथी
13 Responsible For One's Actions Accountable उ तरदायी
14 Make Oneself Familiar With A Person Or A Thing Acquaint प)र*चत
The Act Of Freeing A Person From A Charge By
15 Acquittal दोषमुि.त
Someone Versed In The Interpretation Of Numerical
16 Actuary मंश
ु ी
17 A Substance That Can Stick Or Cause Sticking Adhesive ग0द
The Period Between The Beginning Of Puberty And
18 Adolescence 1कशोराव#था
19 To Falsify A Thing By Admixture Or Baser Ingredients Adulteration मलावट
Person Who Pilots Or Travels In A Balloon Airship Or
20 Aeronaut वायु-यान चलानेवाला
Other Aircraft
21 Science Of Flight Of Aeroplanes Aeronautics एयरोनॉ5ट.स
22 Fear Of Height Aerophobia ऊंचाई का डर
Person Who Claims To Have Great Love For
23 Understanding Of What Is Beautiful In Nature , Art Aesthete
A List Of Headings Of The Business To Be Transacted
24 Agenda काय8सूची
At A Meeting
To Increase The Gravity Of An Offence Or The
25 Aggravate छे ड़ना
Intensity Of A Disease
26 Someone Who Attacks Aggressor आ=ामक
27 Fear Of Pain Agliophobia दद8 से डर
A Person Who Claims The Existence Of God Is
28 Agnostic अ>ेयवाद का
29 Fear Of Open Spaces Or Crowd Agoraphobia भीड़ से डर लगना
30 Belonging To A Foreign Country Alien ?वदे शी
31 Arouse Hostility Or Indifference In Alienate हटाना
32 Allowance Paid To Wife On Legal Separation Alimony गुजारा भ ता
33 A Story In Which Ideas Are Symbolised As People Allegory @पक

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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
34 Commencement Of Words With The Same Letter Alliteration अनुAास
35 An Annual Calender With Positions Of Stars Almanac पंचांग
A Raised Place On Which Offering To A God Are
36 Altar वेद
37 A Person Who Loves Every Body Altruist परोपकार के सBCत का
38 A Lover Of Mankind Altruist/Philanthropist एDEइ#ट / परोपकार
A Man Who Does A Thing For Pleasure And Not As A
39 Amateur शौ1कया
40 Fear Of Riding A Car Amaxophobia कार चलने का दर
41 One Who Represents A State In A Foreign Country Ambassador दत

42 One, Who Can Use Either Hand With Ease Ambidexter
43 Of A Person Who Can Use Both Hands Equally Well Ambidextrous कपट
An Expression Or Statement That Has More Than
44 Ambiguity अ#पHटता
One Meaning
Uncertain Or Unable To Decide About What Course
45 Ambivalent
To Follow
A Van Which Is Used In Transporting Wounded Or
46 Ambulance एIबुलस
Serious Patients
47 One Who Is Likeable Amiable सौIय
48 Partial Or Total Loss Of Memory Amnesia भूलने कJ बीमार
A Warrant Granting Release From Punishment For
49 Amnesty आम माफ़J
An Offense
50 Animals Which Live Both On Land And Sea Amphibian उभयचर
To Cut Off A Part Of A Person's Body Which Is
51 Amputate अंग-?वLछे द करना
A Person Or Thing Out Of Time And Out Of Date;
52 Anachronism कालMम
Belonging To A Different Era Either Earlier Or Later
One, Who Is Out To Destroy All Governance, Law
53 Anarchist अराजकतावाद
And Order
54 A State Of Lawlessness And Disorder Anarchy अराजकता
55 Physical Structure Anatomy एनाटॉमी
56 Fear Of Males Androphobia पुरष0 से दर
One Who Is Fond Of English People And Their
57 Anglophile
58 The Yearly Return Of A Date Anniversary साल*गरह
59 Which Happens Once A Year Annual वा?ष8क
60 Medicine Which Lessens Pain Anodyne पीड़ा-नाशक
Deviation Or Departure From Common Rule Of
61 Anomaly ?वसंगत
Having No Known Name Or Identity Or Known
62 Anonymous गुमनाम
Fear Of Getting Fat Makes Young Girl Stop Eating
63 Anorexia आहार
Resulting Inharmful Effect
64 Capable Of Being Answered Answerable जवाबदे ह
65 A Person Who Opposes Another Antagonist Aतप ी

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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
66 Be Earlier In Time; Go Back Further Antedate समय से पव ू 8 घ5टत होना
67 Room Leading Into A Large Room Anteroom गलयारा
68 A Collection Of Poems Anthology संकलन
69 Student Of The Development Of The Mankind Anthropologist मानव?व>ानी
Science Of The Origins And Social Relationships Of
70 Anthropology न?ृ व>ान
A Remedy That Stops Or Controls The Effects Of A
71 Antidote मारक
72 Strong Dislike Or Hostility Antipathy घण ृ ा
Thoroughly Clean And Free Of Disease-Causing
73 Antiseptic सड़न रोकनेवाल दबा
74 A Word That Expresses An Opposite Meaning Antonym ?वलोम
75 Lack Of Feeling Apathy उदासीनता
76 Loss Of Speech Aphasia बोल बंद होना
77 That Which Causes Sexual Arousal Aphrodisiac कामोPीपक
78 One Who Deserts His Religion Apostate #वधम8 यागी
79 A Pioneer Of A Reform Movement Apostle Aे)रत
80 Be Fully Aware Of Appreciate सराहना
81 A Person Who Has Just Started Learning Apprentice अपर5टस
82 A Place Where Fishes Are Kept Aquarium मछलघर
83 Animals/Plants Ere Which Live In Water Aquatic जलय
A Person, Appointed By Two Parties To Solve A
84 Arbitrator पंच
The Branch Of Anthropology That Studies
85 Archaeology पुरात व
Prehistoric People
Words Used In Ancient Time But No Longer In
86 Archaic Aाचीन
General Use Now
87 One Who Prepares Plans For Buildings Architect वा#तुकार
A Place Where Government Or Public Records Are
88 Archives अभलेखागार
89 Government By The Nobles Aristocracy शHटजन
90 The Cessation Of Warfare Before A Treaty Is Signed Armistice यB
ु ?वराम
91 A Place For Ammunition And Weapons Arsenal आसQनल
92 One Who Is Guilty Of Firing Property Arsonist
One Who Is Not Interested In The Pleasures Of The
93 Ascetic तप#वी
94 An Assembly Of Hearers Assemblage जमावड़ा
95 Star-Shaped Flower Aster ए#टर
96 Fear Of Thunder And Lightening Astraphobia
A Person Who Studies The Influence Of Heavenly
97 Astrologer Rयोतषी
Bodies On Human Beings
98 One Who Is Skilled In The Study Of Celestial Bodies Astronomer खगोल?वद
99 A Person Who Does Not Believe In God Atheist नाि#तक
100 Fear Of Failure Atychiphobia असफ़लता का दर
101 Sound Which Can Be Heard Audible सुनाई दे ने योSय
102 A Number Of People Listening To A Lecture Audience दश8क

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|| Super Pathshala ||
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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
The Study Of Hearing, Especially Hearing Defects
103 Audiology ऑUडयोलॉजी
And Their Treatment
A Qualified Accountant Who Inspects Accounting
104 Auditor आUडटर
105 A Specialist With Regard To Ear Aurist कान कJ बीमा)रयो का जानकार
106 A Life History Written By Oneself Autobiography आ मकथा
107 Government By One Person Autocracy एकतंV
Person Who Rules Without Consulting The Opinion
108 Autocrat अनयिCVत शासक
Of Others
Getting Signature Of Some Important Person In His
109 Autograph ह#ता र
110 Self-Rule Autonomy #वाय तता
111 Fear Of Being Alone Autophobia अकेला होने का दर
Reprehensible Acquisitiveness; Insatiable Desire For
112 Avarice लोभ
113 Immoderately Desirous Of Acquiring Something Avaricious लालची
114 A Place Where Birds Are Kept Aviary प ीशाल
A Statement Which Is Accepted As True Without
115 Axiom #वयंसB
116 State Of Being Unmarried Bachelorhood अ?ववा5ह ता
117 A Story In Verse Ballad गाथा
Science Dealing With The Motion Of Projectile Like
118 Ballistics
Rockets Bombs & Shells
119 One Who Can’t Pay The Debts Bankrupt 5दवालया
120 Fear Of Depths Bathophobia गहराई से दर
121 Cut The Head Of Behead सर काट लेना
122 A Person Who Is Fond Of Fighting Bellicose लड़ाकू
123 A Person, Nation That Is Involved In War Belligerent युBरत
124 Nations Engaged In War Belligerents
125 Wishing Good Things For Another Benevolent उदार
126 To Surround With Armed Forces Besiege मुहासरा करना
127 Engaged To Be Married Betrothed मंगेतर
128 A Great Lover Of Books Bibliophile पु#तक0 का यार करनेवाला
129 An Event Which Happens Once In Two Years Biennial W?ववा?षक
The Practice Of Having Two Wives Or Husbands At A
130 Bigamy W?व?ववाह का Aथा
131 One Who Intolerantly Devoted To A Particular Creed Bigot कXर Yय1=त
132 Using Or Knowing Two Languages Bilingual W?वभा?षक
133 Life Of Person Written By Someone Else Biography जीवनी
134 One Who Studies The Science Of Animals And Plants Biologist जीव?व>ानी
135 The Science That Studies Living Organisms Biology जीव?व>ान
136 Examination Of Living Tissue Biopsy बायो सी
137 Animal Having Two Feet Biped दो पैर0 का
The Act Of Speaking Disrespectfully About Sacred
138 Blasphemy ईश-नंदा

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|| Super Pathshala ||
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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
139 An Unconventional Style Of Living Bohemian बोहे नया का
140 In Good Faith Bona Fide Aामा[णक
One Who Devotes Full Time In Studying Course
141 Bookworm 1कताबी कJड़ा
142 Clumsy Or Ill-Bred Fellow Boor गंवार
143 One Who Studies The Science Of Plants Botanist वन#पत-?व>ानक
144 The Branch Of Biology That Studies Plants Botany बॉटनी
145 A Collection Of Flowers Bouquet गुलद#ता
146 Being Of The Property-Owning Class Bourgeois पूंजीपत
A Small Shop That Sells Fashionable Clothes,
147 Boutique बू5टक
Cosmetics Etc
148 A Factory For Manufacturing Of Beers Brewery शराब कJ भ\ी
149 A Bandit Or Robber, [Esp Brigand बटमार
Gold Or Silver Before Using For Manufacturing
150 Bullion बुलयन
One Who Comes From A Village And Considered
151 Bumpkin बेढंग आदमी
152 A Small House With All Rooms On One Floor Bungalow बंगला
153 A Collection Of Flags Bunting गौरे या
154 Government By The Officials Bureaucracy नौकरशाह
155 One Who Breaks Into A House To Commit Theft Burglar सधमार
156 The Dwelling Place If An Animal Underground Burrow ^बल
157 Person Who Holds Scholarship At A University Bursar
158 One Who Kills Animals And Sells Their Flesh Butcher कसाई
159 Place Where Cows Are Sheltered Byre गोशाला
A Place Where Treasurers ,Stores ,Ammunition Are
160 Cache कैश
161 A Person, Who Is Bad In Spellings Cacographist
162 Ugly, Illegible Handwriting Cacography
163 Fear Of Ugliness Cacophobia कु@पता से दर
164 The Infirmity Of Old Age Caducity जरा जीण8ता
165 A Person, Who Writes Beautiful Handwriting Calligraphist सुलेखकक0
166 Beautiful Handwriting Calligraphy सलु ेख
167 Having Calluses Callous कठोर
168 One, Who Feeds On Human Flesh Cannibal नरभ क
169 A Lover Of Dogs Canophilist कु तो से यार करनेवाला
170 The Dead Body Of A Animal Caracas कराकस
171 A Person, Who Is Specialist In Heart Diseases Cardiologist `दय रोग ?वशेष>
172 A Picture Drawn To Make People Laugh Caricature कारटूनवाला
173 One, Who Lives On Flesh Carnivorous मांसभ ी
174 One, Who Draws Maps Cartographer काटोaफ़र
175 A Person Who Os Bad In Spelling Cartographist
176 The Art Of Making Maps And Charts Cartography न.शानवीसी
A Complete List Of Things, Usually Arranged
177 Catalogue सूची
178 Soldiers, Who Fight On Horse Back Cavalry घुड़सवार सेना
179 Abstaining From Sexual Relations Celibacy .वांरापन
180 Abstaining From Sexual Intercourse Celibate अ?ववा5हत

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|| Super Pathshala ||
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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
181 Extreme Fear Of Beauty Cellophobia
182 A Place For Burial Of Dead Bodies Cemetery क^b#तान
183 One Who Is More Than A Hundred Years Old Centenarian सौ वष8 का
184 The 100th Anniversary (Or The Celebration Of It) Centenary शताcद
185 Anything Tending To Move Away From Centre Centripetal कdाभगामी
186 One Hundred Years Century सद
Elderly Women In Charge Of A Girl On Social
187 Chaperon संर का
188 Be The Emodment Or Perfect Example Of Characterise
189 Person Who Pretends To Have More Knowledge Charlatan मायावी

190 An Extremly Deep Crack Or Opening In The Ground Chasm खाई

191 One, Who Is Employed To Drive A Motor Car Chauffeur eाइवर
192 A Person Who Is Blindly Devoted To An Idea Chauvinist अंधराHfवाद
193 An Unreal And Visionary Ideal Chimerical असाgय
194 A Small Piece Of Wood Chip टुकड़ा
195 A Person Who Is An Expert At Penmanship Chirographer
196 A Person Who Reads Palms Chiromancer
197 Palm-Reading Chiromancy कैरोमंसी
Specialist Who Takes Care Of The Ailments Of The
198 Chiropodist 1करोपUड#ट
199 One, Who Teaches Dancing Choreographer को)रयोaाफर
200 The Science Of Colours Chromatics
201 Calendar Of Events In Order Of Occurrence Chronology काल=म
202 Method Of Talking In A Roundabout Way Circumlocution कपटपूण8 बात
203 Fear Of Doctors Claustrophobia .लौ#fफ़ो^बया
204 Fear Of Going To Bed Clinophobia
205 A Place For Luggage At Railway Station Cloak Room लबादा क
206 An Associate That One Works With Colleague सहयोगी
207 People Who Work Together Colleagues सहयो*गय0
208 Informal Expression Used In Everyday Conversation Colloquialism
209 Belong To Same Country Compatriot #वदे शवासी
One Who Introduces Performing Artists On The
210 Compere कमपेरे
Stage Program
211 A Performance Given By A Number Of Musicians Concert कॉCसट8
Live In Relationship A Man And A Woman Living
212 Concubinage बे?ववात साथ रहना
Without Being Married
213 A Country Ruled By Two Country Condominium सिIमलत
214 One Who Sells Sweets And Pastries Confectioner हलवाई
215 Present At Birth But Not Necessarily Hereditary Congenital जCमजात
216 An Assembly Of Worshippers Congregation मiडल
217 A Critical Judge Of Any Art And Craft Connoisseur ?वशेष>
218 Relationship By Blood Or Birth Consanguinity र.तसंबंध
219 Compulsory Enlistment For Military Service Conscription भरती

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|| Super Pathshala ||
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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
220 A Number Of Stars Grounded Together Constellation न V
221 A Disease Which Spreads By Contact Contagious सं=ामक
222 Belonging To Or Living At The Same Time Contemporaries समकालन
223 Gradual Recovery From Illness Convalescence आरोSयलाभ
224 One, Who Is Recovering Health Convalescent अLछा हो जानेवाला
A Funeral Procession Comprising A Number Of
225 Cortege जूलुस
Metaphysical Study Of The Origin And Nature Of
226 Cosmology bjमांड ?व>ान
The Universe
227 A Person Who Regards Whole World As His Country Cosmopolitan कॉ#मोपॉलटन
228 A Citizen Of The World Cosmopolite
229 A Stanza Having Two Lines In Verse Couplet दोहा
A Nursery Where Children Are Cared For While
230 Creche =ेच
Their Parents Are At Work
231 Showing A Lack Of Judgment Or Experience Credulous ?वkंभी
232 A Religious War Crusade धम8युB
233 Study Of Secret Writing And Coded Words Cryptography 1= टोaाफJ
234 Science Of Crystallization Crystallography 1=
235 Man Whose Wife Is Unfaithful To Him Cuckold Yयभचार
236 Which Can Be Cured Curable इलाज
237 A Person Incharge Of A Museum Curator .यूरेटर
A Low Area Storm With High Winds Rotating About
238 Cyclone च=वात
A Centre Of Low Atmospheric Pressure
One, Who Sneers At The Aims And Beliefs Of His
239 Cynic नंदक
Fellow Men
240 Fear Of Dogs Cynophobia
241 Centre Of Attraction Cynosure ऋ
242 Study Of Cell Cytology कोशका ?व>ान
One Who Pays Too Much Attention To His Cloths
243 Dandy बांका
And Appearance
244 An Unclaimed Letter Dead Letter मत
ृ पV
245 One Who Cannot Hear Deaf बहरा
246 Prevent A Person From Admission Or A Right Debar Aवेश न होने दे ना
247 Suave (Polished And Light Heart Person) Debonair ख़ुशमज़ाज
248 A Period Of Ten Years Decade दशक
An Original Glass Bottle For Holding Wine Or Other
249 Decanter कंटर
Alcoholic Drinks
250 Act Or Art Of Rhetorical Exercise Declamation शcदपांUड य
251 A Person Appointed Or Elected To Represent Others Delegate Aतन*ध
252 A Political Leader Who Tries To Stir Up People Demagogue दज
ु न
8 0 का नेता
The Orientation Of Those Who Favor Government
253 Democracy जनतंV
By The People
254 Science Of Vital And Social Statistics Demography जनसांिoयकJ
255 Show Of Force To Intimidate Demonstration Aदश8न
256 The Home Of A Large Fierce Wild Animal Den मांद
A Person Who Gives Written Testimony For Use In A
257 Deponent सा ी

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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
258 Lose In Value Depreciate पछताना
259 A Doctor Who Treats Skin Diseases Dermatologist वचा ?वशेष>
260 Study Of Skin Dermatology वचा ?व>ान
261 To Derive A Thing Of Its Holy Character Desecrate अप?वV करना
262 Where Neither Water Nor Vegetation Is Found Desert रे *ग#तान
263 One Whose Business Is To Find Out Criminals Detective जाससू ी
264 Become Worse Or Disintegrate Deteriorate ^बगड़ना
265 State Of Being Split Into Two Parts Dichotomy ?वरोधाभास
One Who Gives Orders In A Manner That Permits
266 Dictator तानाशाह
No Refusal
267 Government Carried On By An Absolute Ruler Dictatorship अ*धनायक व
268 A Book Dealing With Words In Alphabetical Order Dictionary शcदकोश
269 A Small Allowance Of Food To Become Slim Dieting परहे ज़
270 That Which Can Be Digested Digestible सुपाLय
271 A Dabbler In The Arts Dilettante अनुरागी
272 Morbid Compulsion Of Drink Dipsomania मWयासि.त
273 Fear Of Thirst Dipsophobia
274 Song Sung At Burial Dirge मरसया
One Who Works In Return For Being Taught The
275 Disciple शHय
276 That Which Can Be Divided Divisible भाRय
277 A Person Living Permanently In A Certain Place Domicile अ*धवास
The Sleeping Rooms With Several Beds Especially In
278 Dormitory छाVावास
A College Or Institution
279 Old Age When A Man Behave Like A Fool Dotage मत ीणता
280 The House Of An Arab Dower दहे ज
281 A Game In Which Neither Party Wins Draw खींचना
A Game That Results Neither In Victory Nor In
282 Drawn नंगी
283 A Game Or Batter In Which Neither Party Wins Drawn/ Tie नंगी / टाई
284 A Squirrel’s Home Dray छकड़ा
285 Mania For Travel Dromomania
Continuous Dry Weather And Lack Of Rain And
286 Drought सूखा
287 One Who Deals In Cattle Drover चौपाय0 को बेचनेवाला
288 One Who Cannot Speak Dumb गूंगा
289 A Person Who Is Slow In Learning Dunce कंु द
290 Not Conforming To Ordinary Rules Of Behaviour Eccentric ?वल ण
One Who Studies The Science Relating To The
291 Ecclesiologist
292 The Environment As It Relates To Living Organisms Ecology प)रि#थतकJ
293 Fear Of Home Surroundings Ecophobia
294 Fit To Be Eaten Edible खाWय

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|| Super Pathshala ||
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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
295 A Person Who Is Womanish Effeminate pैण
296 Sure To Produce Desired Results Efficacious Aभावो पादक
297 A Man Who Thinks Only For Himself Egoist अहं वाद
298 Practice Of Talking Too Much About Oneself Egotism अहं कार
299 A Poem Of Lamentation Elegy शोकगीत
Qualified For Or Allowed Or Worthy Of Being
300 Eligible योSय
301 The Art Of Effective Speaking Elocution वािSमता
302 Make Clear And Comprehensible Elucidate #पHट करना
303 The Fraudulent Appropriation Of Funds Or Property Embezzlement ग़बन
A Person Who Leaves His Own Country And Goes To
304 Emigrant Aवासी
Live In Another
305 Identification With Another Person's Feelings Empathy सहानुभू त
306 To Stress, Single Out As Important Emphasize ज़ोर दे ना
307 One Who Employs Employer नयो.ता
A Book That Contains Information On Various
308 Encyclopaedia मकदू नयाई
309 A Disease Prevailing In A Locality Endemic #थानक
310 One Who Studies Insects Entomologist कJट?व>ानशाpी
311 The Scientific Study Of Insects Entomology कJट?व>ान
312 Lasting One Day Ephemeral अDपकालक
313 A Long Narrative Poem Epic महाकाYय
One, Who Is Devoted To The Pleasure Of Eating And
314 Epicure रसया
315 One Whose Attitude Is To Eat, Drink And Merry Epicurean ए?पकुरे

316 A Widespread Outbreak Of An Infectious Disease Epidemic महामार

317 Outer Layer Of Skin Epidermis ए?पडम8स
318 A Verse Letter Epistle पV
Words Which Are Inscribed On The Grave Or The
319 Epitaph समा*ध-लेख
Tomb In The Memory Of The Buried
320 Calmness Under Trying Circumstances Equanimity समभाव
321 A Person Who Rides On Horse-Back Equestrian घुड़सवार
322 Having Equal Sides Equilateral समभुज
323 Tightrope Walker Equilibrist नट
324 A State Of Perfect Balance Equilibrium संतुलन
325 Time When Night And Day Are Of Equal Length Equinox ?वषव

326 Destroy Completely, As If Down To The Roots Eradicate उCमल
ू न
327 Fear Of Work Ergophobia
328 Thing Without Which We Cannot Do Essential आवrयक
329 Having No Beginning Or End To Its Existence Eternal सनातन
One Who Studies The Science Of The Variatees Of
330 Ethnologist
Human Race
Branch Of Anthropology Dealing With Divisions Of
331 Ethnology मानव जात ?व>ान
332 One Who Studies The Science Of Character Ethologist

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|| Super Pathshala ||
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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
333 Rules Governing Socially Acceptable Behavior Etiquette शHटाचार
334 One Who Studies The Science And Origin Of Words Etymologist शcद-Yयप
ु ि तशाpी
Science Relating To The Formation And
335 Etymology शcद-साधन
Development Of Words
A Formal Expression Of Praise For Someone Who
336 Eulogy #तवन
Has Died
Thing That Bring Gentle And Painless Death From
337 Euthanasia इLछाम ृ यु
Incurable Disease
338 Science Of Improving The Environment Euthenics
339 A Gradual Upholding Or Development Evolution ?वकास
340 One Who Is Taking Examination Examinee पर ाथs
341 One Who Examine The Copies Of Examinees Examiner पर क
Made To Be Absent For A Long Time From One's
342 Exile नवा8सन
Own Country
Science Dealing With Life Or Possibilities Of Life
343 Exobiology
Existing Beyond The Earth
344 A Specialist Who Extracts Teeth Exodontist
345 Pronounce Not Guilty Of Criminal Charges Exonerate हक़ बहाल करना
346 To Atone One’s Sins Expiate नव ृ त
347 To Remove All Objectionable Matter Expurgate
348 With Little Or No Preparation Or Forethought Extempore अ*चंतत
349 To Send Back The Criminal To The Country Extradite अपराधी दे ना
350 Forcing Out(Blood Etc Extravasate
351 One Who Turns One's Thoughts Outwards Extrovert ब5हमख
ु8 ी
352 An Animal Story With Moral Fable किDपत कहानी
353 An Exact Copy Of Handwriting, Printing Etc Facsimile Aतकृत
354 An Exact Copy Of Handwriting ,Printing Facsimile/Xerox Aतकृत
355 A Person Motivated By Irrational Enthusiasm Fanatic हठधमs
One, Who Is Filled With Excessive And Mistaken
356 Fanatic Or Bigot कXरपंथी या Bigot
Enthusiasm In Religious Matters
357 One Who Shoes Horses Farrier नालबCद
358 One, Who Is Very -Selective In One's Taste Fastidious दरु ाराgय
359 Causing Death Fatal घातक
360 One, Who Believes In Fate Fatalist भाSयवाद
361 The Animals Of A Certain Region Fauna पशुवग8
362 Congrulations Some One In Formal Manner Felicitated को सIमानत 1कया
363 One, Who Works For The Welfare Of The Women Feminist नारवाद
364 Faithfulness Fidelity स य के Aत नHठा
365 Murder Of One’s Children Filicide
366 A Number Of Sheeps Flock झुiड
367 The Plants Of A Particular Region Flora vलोरा
368 One, Who Deals-In Flowers Florist फूलवाला
369 Well In The Past; Former Foregone पहले से
370 Falsification Of Documents Etc Forgery जालसाजी
Remains Of Prehistoric Animal Or Plant Preserved
371 Fossils जीवाrम
By Being Buried In Earth

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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
372 Child Brought By Persons, Who Are Not His Parents Foster Child धाय पालत संतान
373 Easily Broken Fragile नाज़ुक
374 Constitutional Right To Cast Vote Franchise मता*धकार
375 Murder Of Brother Fratricide Mातघ ृ ातक
376 One, Who Runs Away From Justice Or The Law Fugitive भगोड़ा
377 The Line Which A Plough Cuts In The Ground Furrow कंु ड
378 Irregular Luminous Band Of Stars Galaxy आकाशगंगा
379 Fear Of Marriage Gamophobia
380 A Shed For Motor Car Garage गेराज
A Government Publication Relating To Order,
381 Gazette राज-पV
Notification Etc
382 Study Of Ancestry Genealogy वंशावल
383 Science Of Heredity Genetics जेने5ट.स
384 Murder Of Race Genocide नरसंहार
385 Fear Of Birth Genophobia
?वदे शी लोग0 को न पसCद
978 Fear Of Sex Genophobia
386 One Who Studies The Earth Geologist भू?व>ानी
387 The Study Of Rocks And Soils Geology भू?व>ान
388 Fear Of Old Age Geraphobia
Specialty Dealing With The Medical Problems Of
389 Geriatrics जरा*च1क सा
The Elderly
An Agent (As Heat Or Radiation Or A Chemical) That
390 Germicide अंकुर-नाशक दवा
Destroys Microorganisms That Might Carry Disease
391 Government By Old Man Gerontocracy
Science Of The Social And Economic Problems Of
392 Gerontology जरा ?व>ान
The Aged
A Mass Of Ice Moving Very Slowly Down A
393 Glacier 5हमनद
Mountain Valley
394 White Liquid Material In An Egg Glair कJचड़
395 List Of Explantation Glossary शcदकोष
A Person Who Is Devoted To Eating And Drinking To
396 Glutton खाऊ
397 Art And Science Dealing With A Language Grammar Yयाकरण
398 A Place For Grains Granary धाCयागार
399 One Who Analyzes Hand-Writing Graphologist
400 Analysis Of Handwriting Graphology ह#तलेख का अgययन
401 Costing Nothing Gratis न: शD
ु क
The Place In The Ground Where A Dead Person Is
402 Grave गंभीर
403 Make-Up Room Behind Stage Greenroom हरा क
404 Animals Which Live In Flocks Gregarious झiु ड म रहनेवाला
Animals Which Live In A Flock , Used For Human
405 Gregarious/Sociable यूथचार / मलनसार
Beings Also
406 Naive And Easily Deceived Or Tricked Gullible भोला
407 A Sudden Rush Of Wind Gust झ0का

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The Specialist Who Treats The Female Reproductive
408 Gynaecologist #Vी रोग ?वशेष>
And Sexual Organs
409 Fear Of Women Gynophobia
An Instrument For Recodings The Revolutions Of
410 Gyroscope जाइरो#कोप
The Earth
411 The Normal Abode Of Any Animal Or Plant Habitat वास
412 Calm And Peaceful Halcyon धीर
413 A Person Without Objective Reality Hallucination माया
414 A Place For Housing Aeroplanes Hangar हwगर
Two Wheeled Cab For Two To Ride Indie With
415 Hansom इ.का
Driver Mounted Up Behind
416 Loud Talk Or Speech Harangue भाषण
417 A Women Of Lax Moral Harlot रं डी
418 Fear Of Being Robbed Harpaxophobia
419 A Vehicle Which Is Used To Carry A Dead Body Hearse रथी
One, Who Believes That Pleasure Is The Chief Good
420 Hedonist सुखवाद
421 Fear Of Pleasure Hedonophobia
422 Wicked To A High Degree Heinous जघCय
423 A Place For The Collection Of Dried Plants Herbarium सूखी वन#पतय0 का संaाह
424 One, Who Lives On Herbs Herbivorous तण ृ भ ी
Belief Or Opinion Contrary To What Is Generally
425 Heresy ?वधम8
426 One, Who Acts Against Religion Heretic ?वधमs
427 Creature Havingh Both Male And Female Organs Hermaphrodite W?वलंग
428 Things Of Different Nature Heterogeneous ?वजातीय
A Person Claiming To Be Superior In Culture And
429 Highbrow घमंडी
Intellect To Others
One Who Robs Smuggler Of His Smuggled Goods
430 Hijacker लुटेरा
After The Border Has Been Crossed
431 Person Who Is Against The Ordinary Society Esp Hippy 5ह पी
432 Study Of Tissue Histology Aोटोकॉल
433 A Place For Bees Hive मधुमुखी का छ ता
434 Murder Of Man Homicide मानव ह या
435 Thing Of Same Nature Homogeneous सजातीय
436 The First Night Of Newly Married Couple Honeymoon सुहाग रात
437 Holding Office Without Any Remuneration Honorary माननीय
A Line At Which The Earth And The Sky Seem To
438 Horizon  तज
439 The Art Of Cultivating And Managing Gardens Horticulture बागवानी
440 Fond Of Entertaining Guests Hospitable मेहमाननवाज़
441 A State Of Deep-Seated Ill-Will Hostility शVतु ा
442 Seat On Elephant’s Back Howdah
443 Marked By Devotion To Popular Welfare Humanitarian मानवीय
Assembly Or Parliament In Which No Party Has Got
444 Hung ^Vशंकु
Clear Majority
445 A Box Or Cage For Keeping Rabbits Hutch हच

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446 A Serpent With Many Heads Hydra हeा
447 Fear Of Travel Hydrophobia जलांतक
A Specialist In The Promotion Of Clean Conditions
448 Hygienist
For The Preservation Of Health
449 A Religious Song Hymn #तोV
A Persistent Anxiety About One’s Health Usually
450 Hypochondria
Involving Imagined Symptoms Of Illness

451 One Who Is Excessively Worried About One's Health Hypochondriac

452 One Who Pretends To Be What He Is Not Hypocrite पाखंडी
A Tentative Assumption, Made To Drive A Logical
453 Hypothesis प)रकDपना
A Person Who Attacks Popular Belief Or Established
454 Iconoclast मूत8भंजक
455 An Odd, A Typical Or Eccentric Trait Idiosyncrasy लत
456 The Worship Of Idols Or Images That Are Not God Idolatry मूत8 पूजा
Short Descriptive Poem Or Picturesque Scene Or
457 Idyll सख
ु द जीवन
458 Person Having No Knowledge Of Any Happening Ignorant अनजान

459 Prohibited By Law Or By Official Or Accepted Rules Illegal अवैध

460 Incapable Of Being Read Illegible अ#पHट
461 Which Can Be Imitated Imitable अनुगमनीय
462 A Person Who Is Pure And Clean Immaculate शुB
A Person Who Comes To One Country From
463 Immigrant आAवासी
Another In Order To Settle There
464 Which Cannot Be Moved, Fixed Immovable अचल
465 Free From Infection Immune इIयून
466 Incapable Of Being Penetrated Impenetrable अभेWय
467 Impossible Or Difficult To Sense Imperceptible अगोचर
Not Admitting Of Passage Or Capable Of Being
468 Impervious Aबल
469 A Person Pretending To Be Somebody He Is Not Imposter ढ0गी
470 Incapable Of Being Practised Impracticable अYयवहा)रक
Having A Chance Of Occurring Too Low To Inspire
471 Improbable असंभव
472 That Cannot Be Easily Approached Inaccessible दग
ु म
473 Incapable Of Being Admitted Or Allowed Inadmissible अ#वीकाय8
474 Something That Cannot Be Taken Away Inalienable अ?वLछे Wय
475 Not Endowed With Life Inanimate अचेतन
476 A Sound That Cannot Be Heard Inaudible अkाYय
477 A Person Who Maliciously Destroys By Fire Incendiary आग लगानेवाला
478 Travelling Under Another Name Than One's Own Incognito गु त
479 Incapable Of Being Burnt Incombustible

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480 Difficult To Understand Incomprehensible समझ से बाहर
481 Out Of Place Incongruous बेमेल
482 State Of Being Beyond Reform Or Correction Incorrigibility
483 Incapable Of Being Corrected Incorrigible असंशोधनीय
484 Beyond Belief Or Understanding Incredible अतुDय
485 Incapable Of Being Remedied Incurable लाइलाज
486 One, Who Does Not Tire Easily Indefatigable अथक
487 Not Able To Be Protected Against Attack Indefensible असमथ8नीय
488 That Cannot Be Erased Indelible अमट
489 Defying Expression Indescribable अवण8नीय
490 Incapable Of Being Destroyed Indestructible अ य
491 Incapable Of Being Divided Indivisible अभाRयता
492 Something Carried On Within Door Or Under Cover Indoor इंडोर
493 Not Suitable To Be Eaten Inedible अखाWय
Not Being Able To Be Elected Or Selected Under The
494 Ineligible अनु*चत
495 Incapable Of Being Avoided Inevitable अप)रहाय8
496 Incapable Of Being Justified Inexcusable अ Iय
One Who Is Unrelenting And Cannot Be Moved By
497 Inexorable नHठुर
498 Incapable Of Being Explained Or Accounted For Inexplicable अकथनीय

499 One, Who Is Free From All Mistakes And Failures Infallible अचूक
500 Murder Of An Infant Infanticide Mूण ह या
501 Soldiers, Who Fight On Foot Infantry पैदल सेना
502 A Disease Spread By Contact Infection सं=मण
503 Faithlessness Infidelity बेवफ़ाई
504 Not Limited By Person Or Number Infinite अनंत
505 A Home Or Room Used For Ill Or Injured People Infirmary दब
ु ल
8 ता
506 Liable To Catch Fire Easily Inflammable Rवलनशील
507 Matchless Inimitable अनोखी
508 Place Which Provides Both Board And Lodging Inn इन
509 That Which Kill Insects Insecticide कJटनाशक
510 Incapable Of Being Dissolved Insoluble अघुलनशील
511 A Person Who Is Unable To Pay His Debts Insolvent/Bankrupt 5दवालया / 5दवालया
512 Inability To Fall Asleep Insomnia अनdा
513 One Who Cannot Fall Asleep Insomniac इCसोिIनयाक
514 Interested Mainly In A Small Group Country Etc Insular Wवीपीय
515 To Mediate Between Two Parties In A Dispute Intercede र ा करना
516 Inserting New Matter In A Book Interpolate बैठाना
A Period Of Interval Between Two Reigns Or
517 Interregnum दो राजाए के भीतर समय
518 Anything Pushed Inside Veins Intervene ह#त ेप करना
Having Made No Legally Valid Will Before Death Or
519 Intestate ^बना वसीयतनामा मारा हुआ
Not Disposed Of By A Legal Will

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Contemplation Of Your Own Thoughts And Desires
520 Introspection आ मनर ण
And Conduct
521 One Who Turns One's Thoughts Inwards Introvert अंतमखु8 ी
522 One, Who Supervises In The Examination Hall Invigilator नर क
523 One, Too Strong To Be Overcome Invincible अजेय
524 Something That Can Not Be Harmed Inviolate अ त
525 Impossible Or Nearly Impossible To See Invisible अxrय
526 Incapable Of Being Reconciled Irreconcilable कXर ?वरोधी
527 Incapable Of Recovered, Regained Irrecoverable अAतल"य
Having No Bearing On Or Connection With The
528 Irrelevant असंगत
Subject At Issue
529 Incapable Of Being Repaired Irreparable अपूरणीय
530 Easily Annoyed Irritable *चड़*चड़ा
531 Government By All Isocracy
532 One, Who Journeys From Place To Place Itinerant चलनेवाला
533 A Plan For Or Route To Be Followed On A Journy Itinerary याVा काय8=म
534 A Place Where Prisoners Are Kept Jail जेल
535 Language Difficult To Understand Jargon शcदजाल
536 A Short Journy For Pleasure Jaunt मनोरं जन कJ याVा
537 A Professional Rider In Horse Races Jockey जॉकJ
A Group Of People Who Band Together For Some
538 Junta जूCटा
Secret Purpose Especially For Political Intrigue

539 The Territory Within Which Power Can Be Exercised Jurisdiction अ*धकार ेV
540 Science Of Law Jurisprudence धम8शाp
541 Anything Which Relates To Young And Youth Juvenile 1कशोर
542 Government By The Worst Citizen Kakistocracy
543 A Swiftly Changing Scene Or Pattern Kaleidoscope बहु@पदश8क
544 An Animal Of Australia With Great Leaping Power Kangaroo कंगे@
545 Fear Of Cockroaches Katsaridaphobia
546 A Place For Dogs Kennel कु ता-घर
Take Away To An Undisclosed Location Against
547 Kidnap अपहरण करना
Their Will And Usually In Order To Extract A Ransom
548 A School For Small Children Kindergarten बाल ?वहार
549 An Abnormal Desire To Steal Kleptomania .लेपटोमानीया
550 A Funeral Bell Knell समा*धवाल झंकार
551 Fear Of Speed Lalophobia
A Written Attack Using Humour To Provoke
552 Lampoon नCदालेख
553 One, Who Cuts Precious Stones Lapidist
Established By Or Founded Upon Law Or Official
554 Legal कानूनी
555 Responsible According To Law Legitimate वैध
556 One, Who Compiles A Dictionary Lexicographer कोशकार

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A False Written Statement To Damage A Person’s
557 Libel प)रवाद
558 A Person Who Leads An Immoral Life Libertine/Lecher अनैतक / िज़नाकार
559 Man Of Lax Moral Licentious बेलगाम
560 To Comenasate A Person Etc Lindemnify
561 One, Who Is Skilled In Foreign Languages Linguist भाषा?वद
562 Fear Of Getting Fat Lipophobia
One Who Studies The Science Of Rocks And
563 Lithologist
564 Cutting For Stone In The Bladder Lithotomy लफ़ोटोमी
A Kind Of Winged Insect Migrating In Swarms And
565 Locust 5टyडी
Consuming Vegetation
566 The Science Of Reasoning Logic तक8
567 Fear Of Words Logophobia
568 One, Who Talks Continuously Loquacious बातूनी
569 Talkativeness Loquacity
570 A Pleasant Song Used For Causing Children To Sleep Lullaby लोर
571 Eclipse Of Moon Lunar चांd
572 A Home For Lunatics Lunatic Asylum पागलख़ाना
573 Fear Of Dark Lygophobia
Part-Song For Several Voices Without Instrumental
574 Madrigal
575 An Important Or Influential Person Magnate थैलशाह
576 Great Artistic Work Magnum Opus AसB रचना
577 An Unmarried Girl (Especially A Virgin) Maiden Aथम
578 The First Speech Delivered By A Person Maiden Speech Aथम भाषण
579 Fear Of Childbirth Maieusiophilia
580 Vague Feeling Of General Physical Discomfort Malaise अ#व#थता
A Pharse R Sentence That Is Comical Or Noncensical
581 Because The Speaker Used A Wrong Work That Malapropism
Sounded Something Like A Right Word
582 Person Who Is Always Dissatisfied Malcontent बाग़ी
583 Wishing Harm Malevolent dोह
584 One Who Pretends Illness To Escape Duty Malingerer अपवादक
585 Animals Which Give Milk Mammals #तनधार
A Full Size Model Of A Complete Of Partial Human
586 Mannequin पुतला
587 A Paper Written By Hand Manuscript ह#तल?प
588 A Woman Who Murder Her Husband Mariticide
589 One, Who Dies For A Noble Cause Martyr शहद
The Tendency To Derive Sexual Gratification From
590 Masochism #वपीड़ासि.त
One’s Own Pain Or Humiliation
591 One For Whom Money Is The Most Important Thing Materialistic भौतकवाद
592 Morning Prayer Matin मतीन
593 A Cinema Show Which Is Held In The Afternoon Matinee तीसरे पहर के नाटक का गायन

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594 Morning Prayer In The Church Regularly Matins बांधना
595 Murder Of Mother Matricide मातहृ या
596 State Of Being Married Matrimony ?ववाह
597 An Establish Principle Maxim कहावत
598 A Low Level Tract Of Uncultivated Grassland Meadow मैदानी
599 Relating To Or Belonging To The Middle Ages Medieval मgयकालन
Continuous And Profound Contemplation On
600 Meditation gयान
Spiritual Matters
601 Mania Of Being Important Megalomania बड़ाई का ख़cत
An Extravagant Comedy In Which Action Is More
602 Melodrama नाटक
Salient Than Characterization
603 Personal Reminiscences In A Narrative From Memoir इतहास
जंगल पशुओं का ?पंजड़0 म
604 A Place For Wild Animals And Birds Menagerie
605 Working Only For The Sake Of Money Mercenary 1कराये का
A Person Whose Build Is Powerful, Compact And
606 Mesomorph
607 One Who Is Very Careful And Particular Meticulous सू{म
608 A Person Who Makes And Sells Ladies Hats, Etc Milliner मेम0 कJ टोपी बनानेवाला
609 A Place Where Coins Are Made Mint टकसाल
610 Impudent Girl Minx ढठ लड़कJ
611 One Who Hates Mankind Misanthrope मनुHयdोह
612 Hater Of Mankind Misanthropist मानवWवेषी
613 One Who Spends Very Little Miser कंजूस
614 A Hater Of Smoking Misocapnic
615 One, Who Hates Marriage Misogamist
616 One Who Hates Women Misogynist pी जात से Wवेष करनेवाला
617 A Person, Who Is Sent To Propagate Religion Missionary Aचारक
A Political System In Which A Mob Is The Source Of
618 Mobocracy
Autocracy Governed By A Ruler Who Usually
619 Monarchy सा|ाRय
Inherits Authority
620 A Building In Which Monks Live Monastery मठ
621 Rule By One Person Monocracy एक Yयि.त स शासत राRय
एक ह बार ?ववाह करने कJ
622 The Practice Of Marrying One At A Time Monogamy
623 Person Obsessed With One Idea Or Subject Monomaniac एक0माद
Exclusive Possession Of The Trade In Some
624 Monopoly एका*धकार
625 A Person Who Believes In One Faith Is Called Monotheist एकेrवरवाद
626 Of Outstanding Significance Monumental #मरणाथ8
A Place, Where Dead Bodies Are Kept For
627 Morgue मग़@रता
628 Subject To Death Mortal नाशवान
A Place, Where Dead Bodies Are Kept For Post
629 Mortuary शवगह


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630 Goddess Of Learning And Arts Muse सर#वती
Open Rebellion Of Soldiers And Sailors Against
631 Mutiny गदर
Lawful Authority
632 A Traditional Story Related To Deities Myth मथक
633 A Person Having Same Name As Another Namesake हमनाम
634 A Medicine For Producing Sleep Narcotic मादक
635 One Whose Parents Are Domiciled Native जCम का
636 A Badly Behaved Child Naughty शरारती
637 Fear Of Dead Body Necrophobia
638 Government By Inexperienced Persons Is Called Neocracy
639 New Word Coined By An Author Neologism नओल*ग}म
640 Using Of New Words Neology नओलजी
641 Any New Participant In Some Activity Neophyte नवछाVा
642 A Hollow Space In A Wall For A Niche आला
643 Active At Night Nocturnal रात का
644 A Strong Desire To Return Home, Home Sickness Nostalgia ?वषाद
Person Publically Authorized To Draw Up Or Attest
645 Notary नोटर
Contracts Etc
646 Ill-Fame Notoriety बदनामी
647 Known Widely And Usually Unfavorably Notorious कुoयात
648 Someone New To A Field Or Activity Novice नौस[खए
649 One, New To Anything, Inexperienced Novice Or Tyro नौस[खया या नौस[खए
650 The Study Of Coins Numismatics Cयूमज़मा5ट.स
651 One Who Collects Coins Numismatists
652 Article Of Food Rich In Nutrition Nutritive पुिHटकर
653 Fear Of Darkness Nyctophobia
654 A Long Pole Used For Rowing A Boat Oar डांड़
655 Fertile Spot In Desert Oasis शाWवल
656 Having Lot Of Fat In One's Body Obesity मोटापा
An Account In The Newspaper Of The Funeral Of
657 Obituary म ृ यल
ु ेख
The One Deceased
658 Destroy Without Any Trace Obliterate काटना
659 No Longer In Use Obsolete अAचलत
660 Physician Who Delivers Babies Obstetrician दाई
661 Study Of Ocean Oceanography औशेयनोaफ़J
662 Fear Of Crowds Ochlophobia
663 A Person Who Is Of An Age From 80 To 90 Octogenarian अ#सी साल का बुढ़ा
664 Eight-Armed Sea-Creature Octopus ऑ.टोपस
665 One Who Cure Eye Disease Oculist नेV-?वशेष>
666 Study Of Teeth Odontology ओड0टलजी
667 Fear Of Pain Odynophobia
668 A Long Wandering Journey Odyssey ओUडसी
669 A Political System Governed By A Few People Oligarchy कुलनतंV
670 One, Who Is All Powerful Omnipotent सव8शि.तमान
671 One, Who Is Present Everywhere Omnipresent सव8-भूत
672 Infinite Knowledge Omniscience सव8->ानी
673 One, Who Knows Everything Omniscient सव8>

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674 One, Who Eats Everything Omnivorous सव8-भ क
675 That Which Cannot Be Seen Through Opaque अपारदशs
676 Fear Of Snakes Ophiophobia
677 One Who Treats Diseases Of The Eye Ophthalmologist नेV रोग ?वशेष>
678 Study Of Eye Ophthalmology नेV ?व>ान
679 Science Of Sight And Light Optic ऑि टक
680 One Who Tests Eyesight And Sells Spectacles Optician Aकाश?व>ानशाpी
681 Study Of Light Optics AकाशकJ
682 A Person Who Looks At The Brighter Side Of Things Optimist आशावाद
683 One Who Makes An Eloquent Public Speech Orator व.ता
A Field Or A Part Of A Garden Where Fruit Trees
684 Orchard बाग
685 The Ceremony At Which A Man Becomes A Priest Ordination समCवय

686 A Factory Where Military Materials Are Produced Ordnance तोपख़ाने का

687 A Person Of Asian, Especially East Asian, Descent Oriental ओ)रएंटल

688 The Branch Of Zoology That Studies Birds Ornithology प ी?व>ान
689 Study Of Mountain Orography
690 One, Who Has Lost Parents Orphan अनाथ
691 A Home For Orphans Orphanage अनाथालय
692 Specialist Who Straightens Teeth Orthodontist ओथडो5टस
693 Study Of Correct Spelling Of Words Orthography इमला
694 Medical Specialty Dealing With Bones And Joints Orthopedics अि#थय0
695 Fear Of Property Orthophobia
696 One, Who Looks After Horses At An Inn Ostler साईस
697 To Expel From Society Ostracize समाज से बाहर नकालना
A Large Bird Reputed To Bury Its Head In Sand
698 Ostrich शुतुरमुग8
When Pursued
699 Dungeon Entered By Trapdoor Oubliette उिcलयट
700 Cast Out As Useless Outcast नवा8सत
Policeman Riding On Motorcycles As Guards To A
701 Outriders
702 One Who Believes In Total Abolition Of War Pacifist शांतवाद
703 A Person, Who Is Specialist In Child Diseases Paediatrician बाल रोग ?वशेष>
704 Person Who Does Not Believe In Any Pagan बुतपर#त
705 Food Which Agrees With One’s Taste Palatable #वा5दHट
706 The Study Of Ancient Writing Paleography Aाचीन शलालेख0 का अgययन
707 Study Of Fossils Paleontology जीवाrम ?व>ान
708 A Remedy For All Diseases Panacea रामबाण
709 Government Run Universally Panarchy
710 A Speech Or Writing Praising A Person Or A Thing Panegyric #तुतपाठ
Person Who Belives That God Is Everything And
711 Pantheist
Eveyting Is God

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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
712 A Dumb Show Pantomime मक ू ाभनय
A Lover Specially One Who Unlawfully Takes The
713 Paramour Aेमका
Position Of A Wife Or A Husband
714 One Who Lives On Others Parasite परजीवी
715 A Lady’s Umbrella Is Parasol छV
716 Funny Imitation Of A Poem Parody हा#यानुकृत
Pledge Given By A Prisoner For Temporary Release,
717 Parole पैरोल
Not To Escape
718 Murder Of One’s Parents Parricide दे श-dोह
719 Sole Right To Make And Sell Some Invention Patent पेटट
One Who Examines Tissues Under A Microscope To
720 Pathologist *च1क सक
Diagnose Disease
721 Study Of Disease Pathology पैथोलॉजी
722 Murder Of Father Patricide ?पता का वध
723 Property Inherited From Forefathers Patrimony ?वरासत
724 One Who Loves Own Country Patriot दे श-भ.त
725 A Person Who Is Very Poor Pauper कंगाल
726 Principles Of Teaching Pedagogy श णशाp
727 One, Who Makes A Vain Display Of His Knowledge Pedant @5ढ़वाद
A Style In Which A Writer Makes A Display Of His
728 Pedantic पंUडताऊ
729 One, Who Goes On Foot Pedestrian पैदल याVी
730 The Specialist Who Treats Childhood Illnesses Pediatrician बLच0 का *च1क सक
731 To Remove The Skin Of A Potato Or And Orange Peel छाल
732 Equal In Rank Peer सहकमs
733 A Small Enclosure For Cattle ,Sheep ,Polutry Etc Pen लेखनी
734 Fear Of Poverty Peniaphobia
Land So Surrounded By Water As To E Almost And
735 Peninsula AायWवीप
736 Payment Made In Consideration Of Past Service Pension पशन
737 A Specialist Who Treats Diseases Of The Gum Periodontist प)रदं तशोथ
738 Be The Embodiment Or Perfect Example Personify आदश8@प aहण करना
739 A Person Who Looks At The Darker Side Of Things Pessimist नराशावाद
740 Fear Of Becoming Bald Phalacrophobia
741 One Who Engages In Extramarital Sex Philander MHटाचार करना
742 One, Who Amuses Himself By Love Making Philanderer पL
ु छलगा
743 One Who Is Interested In Charitable Works Philanthropist लोकोपकारक
744 One, Who Collects Stamps Philatelist डाक के 5टकट का संaहक
745 Study Of Stamp Collection Philately 5टकट इक€ा करने का काम

746 One Who Does Not Care For Art And Literature Philistine अश त
747 A Lover Of Womankind Philogynist pय0 का Aेमी

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748 One Who Works For The Welfare Of The Women Philogynist /Feminist pय0 का Aेमी / नारवाद
749 The Study Of Languages Philology भाषाशा#V
750 A Lover Of Learning Philomath
751 A Lover Of Property And Art Philomuse
752 A Lover Of Arts Philotechnic
753 A Lover Of God Philotheist
754 A Lover Of Animals Philozoic
755 Fear Of Writing Graph Phobia भय
756 Study Of Sound Phonetics, Acoustics फोने5ट.स, gवनकJ
The Science Of Judging Of A Person’s Character
757 Phrenology मि#तHक-?व>ान
Capabilities Etc
758 The Study Of Human Face Physiognomy मुख का आकृत
The Science Dealing With The Functioning Of
759 Physiology 1फिजयोलॉजी
760 Ride On Someone’s Back Piggyback
761 A Thief Who Steals Without Using Violence Pilferer चोर
762 One Who Journeys To A Holy Place Pilgrim याVी
763 One Who Does Something First Pioneer अगुआ
764 Act Of Turning Hostility Into Friendly Feelings Placation
Literary Theft Or Passing Off An Author's Original
765 Plagiarism सा5ह यक डाकाज़नी
Work As One's Own
Someone Who Uses Another Person's Words Or
766 Plagiarist सा5हि यक चोर
Ideas As If They Were His Own
767 Ordinary Remarks Often Repeated Platitude साधारण बात
768 Common Place Remarks Platitudes
एक Aकार का ब तक-सxश
769 Egg-Laying Mammal Platypus
नाक से पशु
770 A Decision Made By Votes Of All Qualified Citizens Plebiscite जनमत-संaह
A Person With Full Discretionary Power To Act On
771 Plenipotentiary सा*धकार
Behalf Of A Country
Use Of More Words Than Are Needed To Express
772 Pleonasm शcद-बाहुDय
The Meaning
773 Government By The Rich Plutocracy धनक तCV
774 Stand For A Speaker Podium मंच
The Practice Of Marrying More Than One Husband एक से अ*धक जी?वत पत
775 Polyandry
At A Time रखने कJ बात या अव#था
The Practice Of Marrying More Than One Wife At A
776 Polygamy बहु?ववाह
777 One, Who Speaks Many Languages Polyglot बहुभाषी
778 A Figure With Many Angles Or Sides Polygon बहुभुज
779 A Place Where Ships Seek Shelter Port बंदरगाह
780 That Can Be Carried Easily Portable पोटQ बल
781 A Number Of Policemen Called To Quell A Riot Posse मेला

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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
A Child Born After The Death Of His Father Or The
782 Posthumous मरणो तर
Book Published After The Death Of The Writer

783 A Book Published After The Death Of Its Author Posthumus पो#थुमस
784 An Examination Of Dead Body Post-Mortem शव पर ा
785 A Note Appended To A Letter After The Signature Postscript उपसंहार
786 Something Which Can Be Taken For Granted Postulate मांगना
787 Fit To Drink Potable पीने योSय
A Book Or Picture Produced Merely To Bring In
788 Pot-Boiler पॉट-बॉयलर
A Person Concerned With Practical Results And
789 Pragmatist दं भी
790 Any Animal That Lives By Preying On Other Animals Predator द)रंदा

791 To Form An Opinion Against Anybody Baselessly Prejudice प पात

792 Explicit Understanding To Do Something Promise वादा
793 Prohibition Against Something Injurious Proscription ब5हHकार
794 Take Legal Action Against Somebody Prosecute पर मकु दमा चलाने
Woman Who Offers The Use Of Her Body For Sexual
795 Prostitute पतु)रया
Intercourse To Any One Who Will Pay For This
796 Food For Farm Animals Provender चारा
797 One Who Studies The Pattern Of Voting In Elections Psephologist चुनाव ?वrलेषक
The Branch Of Sociology That Studies Election
798 Psephology
An Imaginary Name Assumed By An Author For
799 Pseudonym उपनाम
One Who Treats Mental And Emotional
800 Psychiatrist मनो*च1क सक
801 One Who Studies The Science Of Mind Psychologist मनो?व>ानी
802 Antisocial Person Who May Commit Criminal Acts Psychopath, Sociopath मनोरोगी, Sociopath
803 Inclined To Fight Or Be Aggressive Pugnacity कलह कJ इLछा
One Who Is Particular About The Purity Of One's
804 Purist शुBतावाद
805 One Who Pretends Skill In Medicine And Surgery Quack नीमहकJम
806 Animal Having Four Foot Quadruped चौपाया
An Act Of Separation From Other Persons To Avoid
807 Quarantine संगरोध करना
808 Stanza Of Four Lines Quatrain बाई
809 Formulated Series Of Questions Questionnaire Arनावल
810 A Feather Used As A Pen Quill मोड़ना
Fixed Number Of Person That Must Be Present To
811 Quorum कोरम
Make Proceedings Valid

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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
812 People In Rowdy Science Rabble भीड़
813 Emission Of Light Or Heat From Central Point Radiation ?व1करण
Lottery In Which An Article Is Assigned By Lot To
814 Raffle /Draw =Jड़ा / eा
One Of Those Buying Tickets
815 To Use A Woman By Force Rape बला कार
816 One Who Takes Up Arms Against Government Rebel ?वdोह
817 Person Who Lives Alone And Avoid Others Recluse वैरागी
818 Too Much Official Formalities Red-Tapism लालफJताशाह
Dress With Medals, Ribbons Worn At Official
819 Regalia इनाम
820 Murder Of King Or Queen Regicide राज-ह या
Give Back To The Users Their Youthful Vigor And
821 Rejuvenate 1फर से यव ु ा करना
822 One Who Forsakes Religion Renegade पाखiडी
823 Witty , Clever Retort Repartee हािजर जवाबी
A Light Sailing Boat Built Especially For Racing Yacht
824 Repentance पछतावा
Atonement For One’s Sins
A State In Which Supreme Power Is Held By The
People And Their Elected Representatives, And
825 Republic गणतंV
Which Has An Elected Or Nominated President
Rather Than A Monarch
826 Shining , Brilliant And Magnificent Resplendent दे द यमान
827 Give Tit For Tat Retaliate Aतकार करना
828 A Person Who Is Reserved In Talks Reticent अDपभाषी
829 A Lady’s Purse Reticule
830 Which Takes Effect From Some Earlier Date Retrospective पव
ू A8 भावी
831 A Radical Change Or Political Upheaval Revolution =ांत
832 The Art Of Elegant Speech Or Writing Rhetoric व=पटुता
833 An Intelligent And Obedient Machine Like A Man Robot रोबोट
834 A String Of Beads Used For Counting Prayers Rosary माला
835 Violating Or Profaning Religious Things/Places Sacrilege अप?वVीकरण
836 One Who Helps Others Good Samaritan सामर
837 A Place For The Sick To Recover Health Sanatorium आरोSयआkम
838 A Place Of Refuge Recognized As Secure Sanctuary मं5दर
839 A Platform For Hanging Criminals Scaffold पाड़
One Who Is Given To Questioning The Truth Of
840 Sceptic संदेहवाद
Facts And The Soundness Of Inferences
841 Someone Who Knows A Lot About The Subject Scholar छाV
Write Hurriedly Or Carelessly In Regard To Hand
842 Scribble घसीटना
843 One, Who Cuts In Stones Sculptor संगतराश
844 Which Does Not Favour Anyone Religion Secular धम8 नरपे
An Instrument For Measuring Movements Of The
845 Seismograph भूकंप-सूचक यंV
846 One Who Studies The Meanings Of Words Semanticist

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Music Played Or Sung At Night Below A Person’s
847 Serenade Aेमी का सCgया का गीत
848 Breeding Of Silkworm For Silk Production Sericulture रे शम उ पादन
849 A Stanza Of Six Lines Sestet
850 A Case In Which The Sword Is Kept Sheath Iयान
A Case In Which The Blade Of A Sword Is Kept
851 Sheath / Scabbard Iयान / Iयान
852 Cutting All The Waste Paper Into Pieces Shredding कतरन
853 A Woman With Peevish Nature Shrew कक8शा
854 Go Back And Forth Shuttle शटल
गरम दे श0 म दोपहर कJ अDप
855 Sleep Enjoyed In The Afternoon Siesta
A Portrait Of A Person With Only The Outline Of The
856 Silhouette सDहूट
857 Happening At The Same Time Simultaneous समकालक
ऐसा पद िजस म वेतन मले
858 A Job With High Salary But Little Responsibility Sinecure
परCतु कुछ काम न करना पड़े
Someone Who Imports Or Exports Without Paying
859 Smuggler त#कर
860 One Who Despises Persons Of Lower Social Position Snob मोची का नौकर
861 One Who Studies Social Conditions Sociologist समाजशा#Vी
862 A Short Stay At A Place Sojourn डेरा डालना
863 Eclipse Of Sun Solar सौर
864 Speaking Himself When Alone Soliloquy #वगत भाषण
865 A Piece Of Music By One Person Solo एकल
866 Sleepwalking Somnambulism नींद म चलना
867 A Person, Who Walks In Sleep Somnambulist नींद म चलनेवाला
868 Talking In Sleep Somniloquism
869 A Person, Who Talks In Sleep Somniloquist
870 Causing Or Tending To Cause Sleep Soporific ऊंघता हुआ
871 Murder Of Sister Sororicide
872 One, Who Is A Habitual Drunkard Sot, Toper ?पय.कड़, शराबी
873 One Who Is A Habitual Drunker Sottoper
A Thing Kept As A Reminder Of A Person, Place Or
874 Souvenir यादगार
875 Image Formed By Rays Of Light Spectrum #पे.fम
876 A Person Who Spends His Money Recklessly Spendthrift, Prodigal उड़ाऊ, खचsला
877 Lady Who Remains Unmarried Spinster कातनेवाल
878 One Who Speaks On Behalf Of Others Spokesman Aव.ता
879 A Place For Horses Stable ि#थर
880 To Make Free From Living Germs Or Bacteria Sterilize बाँझ बनाना
जहाज़ पर का माल उतारने-
881 One Who Loads And Unloads Ships Stevedore
882 A Person Who Insists On Something Stickler हामी
883 A Mark Of Shame Stigma कलंक
A Person, Who Is Indifferent To Pleasure And Pain
884 Stoic उदासीन
And Has Control Over His Passions

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Sr. No. Many Word One Word Hindi Meaning
885 Indifference To Pleasure Or Pain Stoicism वैराSय
886 Walk In A Vain , Self-Important Way Strut अकड़
887 A Heavy Unnatural Slumber Stupor Yयामोह
888 A Place Where Pigs Are Kept Sty शकू रशाला
889 Submarines Operate Below The Surface Of The Seas Subterranean भूमगत
890 Murder Of Oneself Suicide आ मह या
891 A Substitute Surrogate सरोगेट
892 The Last Work (Literary) Of A Writer Swan Song हं स गीत
893 A Large Group Of Insects Moving In A Mass Swarm झुंड
894 A Boastful Fellow Swashbuckler गलाकाटू
895 To Slap With A Flat Object Swat शि.तशाल Aहार
896 Occurring At The Same Time Or Rate Synchronous एक समय का
897 A Council Of Clergymen Synod पाद)रय0 कJ सभा
898 Words Which Have The Same Meaning Synonyms समानाथs
899 A Place Where Lather Is Tanned Tannery चमड़े का कारख़ाना
900 The Art Of Preserving Skin Taxidermy चम8पूण8 करना
901 One Who Does Not Take Alcoholic Drinks Teetotaller मWय यागी
902 One, Who Does Not Take Any Intoxicating Drink Teetotaller मWय यागी
903 Power Of Reading Thoughts Of Others Telepathy टे लपाथी
904 An Instrument Of Seeing Distant Objects Telescope दरू बीन
905 One Who Enjoy Talking About Others Private Affairs Telltale ग पी
906 A Noisy Quarrelsome Women, A Shrew Termagant लड़ाका
907 Station At The End Of A Route Terminus अंतम #टे शन
908 Fear Of Deaths Thanatophobia
One Who Believes In The Existence Of A God Or
909 Theist आि#तक
910 Government By Religious Principles Theocracy थेअ=सी
911 Government By The Gods Therachy
912 An Instrument For Measuring Temperature Thermometer थमा8मीटर
913 Fasten Or Secure With A Rope, String, Or Cord Tie टाई
914 One Who Always Runs Away From Danger Timid डरपोक
915 Pleasurable Stimulation Titillation गुदगुदाना
916 Existing Only In Name Titular नाममाV का
917 A Dull, Heavy Book Tome मुझसे
918 One Who Is Habitual Drunken Toper/Sot शराबी / सोत
Art Of Cutting Tree And Bushes Into Ornamental
919 Topiary
920 A Writing Which End In Death Or Sorrow Tragedy Vासद
921 Allowing Light To Pass Through Diffusely Translucent पारभासी
The Doctrine That Human Souls Pass From One
922 Transmigration #थानांतरगमन
Body To Another At The Time Of Death
923 A Drawing On Transparent Paper Transparency fांसपेरसी
924 That Which Can Be Seen Through Transparent पारदश8क
925 An Event Which Happens Once In Three Years Triennial Vैवा?ष8क
926 Group Of Three Novels Trilogy Vयी
927 Having Three Legs Tripod तपाई

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928 Fear Of Numbers Triskaidekaphobia
A Person/Student Who Absents Himself From Class
929 Truant अनपु ि#थत रहने
Or Duty Without Permission
930 Plain Or Self Evident Truth Truism
Confidence Reposed In Person By Making Them
931 Trust भरोसा
Nominal Owner
932 A Disloyal Person Who Betrays Or Deserts His Cause Turncoat
933 Two Children Born Together Twins जुड़वां
934 Science Of Printing Typography टाइपोaाफJ
935 Found Or Present Everywhere Ubiquitous दे शYयापी
936 All Of One Mind Unanimous सव8सIमत
937 Incapable Of Being Avoided Unavoidable अनवाय8
938 Decision Taken By One's Side Only Unilateral एकतरफा
939 Belonging To All Parts Of The World Universal यूनवस8ल
940 Having Information Till Today Up-To-Date आधुनक
941 The Study Of Mountains Urology उरोलोिज
942 One Who Lends Money At Higher Rate Of Interest Usurer सूदखोर
A Person Who Seize Something Without The Right
943 Usurper हड़पनेवाला
To Do So
944 An Imaginary Perfect Social And Political System Utopia आदश8लोक
945 Murder Of Wife Uxoricide
946 One Extremely Fond Of One's Wife Uxorious
947 Change One’s Mind Two Quickly Vacillation चंचलता
948 A Person Who Lives A Wandering Life Vagabond आवारा
949 A Farewell Speech Valedictory ?वदा का
Weak Or Sickly Person Especially One Morbidly
950 Valetudinarian वहमी
Concerned With His Or Her Health
Someone Who Willfully Destroys Or Defaces
951 Vandal बब8र
952 Someone Who Eats No Meat Or Fish Vegetarian शाकाहार
953 A Fault That May Be Forgiven Venial अमर
954 The Meat Of Deer Venison 5हरन का मांस
A Performer Who Projects The Voice Into A
955 Ventriloquist
Wooden Dummy
956 Repetition Of Word By Word, word for word Verbatim Aतशcद
957 Style Full Of Words Verbose वाचाल
958 Interested In And Clever At Many Different Things Versatile बहुमुखी
959 Animals Having Spinal Column Vertebrate हyडीवाला
960 Evening Prayer In A Church Vesper संgया का तारा
961 One, Who Has A Long Experience Of Any Occupation Veteran वयोवB

962 A Short Literary Description Marked By Delicacy Vignette शcद*चV

One Who Is Determined To Exact Full Vegeance For
963 Vindictive Aतशोधी
Wrong Done To Him

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964 One Who Deals In Wines Vintner
965 A Woman Who Has No Sexual Experience Virgin अछूता
One Who Is Brilliant Performer On Stage (Specially
966 Virtuoso कलाAवीण Yयि.त
967 One, Who Offers One's Services Volunteer #वयंसेवक
Person Who Gives Himself Up To Luxury And Sexual
968 Voluptuary
One Who Is Very Eager For Knowledge And Reads A
969 Voracious पेटू
970 A Long Journy Especially By Sea Voyage जलयाVा
971 A Place For Clothes Wardrobe कपड़े
A Cock-Shaped Indicator On The Building Top To
972 Weather-Cock मौसम मुगा8
Show The Direction Of Air
A Person Sharing Responsibility For A Political
973 Whip कोड़ा
Party’s Discipline And Tactics
974 A Woman Whose Husband Has Died Widow ?वधवा
975 A Man Whose Wife Has Died Widower ?वधुर
Method Of Sending Messages Without The Help Of
976 Wireless Or Radio वायरलेस या रे Uडयो
977 To Move Along With Quick Short Twisting Actions Wriggle
979 Fear Of God Zeusophobia
A Belt Of The Heavenly Bodies Divided Into Equal
980 Zodiac राश च=
981 A Place Where Birds And Animals Are Kept Zoo *चUड़याघर
One Who Studies The Science Of History Of Animals
982 Of Mountains Till It Melts After Passing The Snow Zoologist जीव ?व>ानी
983 The Branch Of Biology That Studies Animals Zoology जंतु शाp
984 Fear Of Animals Zoophobia

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