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HAWK ROOSTING (Ted Hughes) Bat [6 staves, 9 equal ts , nen a2 Mant, fardy See Isit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed. Herc 9 Jana chkcant (the sare qualita he pas) | Inaction, no falsyfing dream . 2s perch omabirnes Qc ,emphasialy Between my hooked head and hooked feet! )hxs wo>p-5, pees ho Ebr ee Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat._ Scraming ad SPRY aegent/ superior oc | 7 Differing re fength logarct srot [The convenience of the high trees! => fee! scare demain) * Pauses With He Cues ‘The air's buoyancy and the sun's ray | bie Are of advantage to me; He's ras, DROME MNLOBUE or MRIERHADICELE = Eymboot ‘And the earth's face upward for my inspection." ja pas Peto ‘My feet are locked upon the rough bee a . dee Sonera concrant Sods a Ittook the whole of Creation @!-4Sev wa ke 1g aol ‘To produce my foot, my each feather: 7 Goa ® Errohve Rg Aa dangers erat whet La s i. Mow Thad Graton ny fot He's spor 0 | ee ay o> “Gurtena!", Manatee’, “LOY excrete “Irepacon! => Hauke (6 20 init Bhd Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly- kill where I please because it is all mine. Shuduve 5 ‘There is no sophistry in my body: | = gan gerta byes with 2 ducct, dedordne. statarent OST ‘My manners are tearing off heads- Bla & > Sep J Ure FrSk Wee wibh prckrater (Asse pk Cines) > Bangs flow ard cold snaps tore tt The allotment of death. => H>ic nai = See eye For the one path of my flight is direct repo: lore simaive = ‘Through the bones of the living. No daira cnyre, Refect pera rpe® : Gest cael lonagey 12> Hawi 's creans ae edly , ly pepct dears VTactie << woe DY Gee" kang Lika! Lig» Ravermbes Ns gar Kle 1S. vor vgatant Ahan eat | “the wign trie"! lu aps : Vig > ay pot" Reiqfraes Ue ded ho sees hareelf 2S God 45> Te oly wy to actd foleuss § © acid teaionng |e > He aposer cel He eyays dhe fort his aches Pacnfuchor > £3 “ct wend ef caus 2 Hommes Sieg coanen betwen Wawk ard humors Be Waoss = Renfsiat by Bitten UNENSE Ti Be: Houk's wow gy the wot [te-20 > kiing isundisputable, He has Lndeni abe nents Nature ws ractiuss ach defies c | Ge ge. He has no nawd 4o shy His KilegS | Hasn ara brutal ohie.*Udlat ros J rote he's ugcshoabe | Ak he top deresmeatigns | | anerreensmod_ | inucahoy He si a a See ee te ey | SMS pers Grteconuat who artere He bon to Kill ard sale the wore . ta We Basa ain dorm rast bbl cul Rises) i acest ear ose he she bres axcartiestie > eh oun WOAH expresses a . oe eae - Bea aime carom |i Netrer 4 osoal ee nan Suaric > Hes Ue mmeat ampationmal |" Hetyre: ge betovas gf UNL Caves > Epshe, \groane > He rt eto how eeytnny [PONE and dosttudrue Inipect the Gent below! eens Hocie, << lnisated fo wold anaes arc biel tis Gee Whaat cata al Ragas eft ath Aad henseiF inte Ge body jaminch of Khe hawic ) wsod 1S. wary WIND (Ted Hughes wn Bes This house | by ‘out at sea all night, mat Dgpesc a artnes, the Booting ils, Wi impeding the fields under the window Floundering black astride and blinding wet Paerficst =) Nahe is alive 2) Dehuoing rear | Till day Fose; then under an orange sky ‘The hills had new places, and@ind Welded Aiveation Blade-light, luminous black and emerald, Flexing like the lens of a mad eye. ~ Sitmile anc parson fuo~ Foy > Wind Is mrad ard wid | Atnoon I scaled along the house-side as far as ‘The coal-house door. Once I looked up - ‘Through the brunt wind that dented the balls of my The tent of the hills drummed and strained its guyrope, Quivering) the skyline a grimacep2¥e™ pio ‘At any second to bang and vanish with a flap; _ewl Tre ‘The win ie away and a black. “J’g4 6 Back gull bent like an iron bar slowly. The house Rang like some fine green goblet in the note m ‘That any second would shatter it. Now deep In chairs, in front of the great fire, we grip ur hearts and cannot entertain book, thought, stem is Or each other. We watch the fire blazing, And feel the roots of the house move, but sit on, Seeing the window tremble to come in, Hearing the stones cry out under the horizons a patehs. follouy 2 human ewohoy to namie “Ay ra ; Ma Nod 28 a powerful beast => “Sagging the fas |V Wed 28 2 Aryfo-Smo waster => wietdea/ Bade ugh V House as a vessel Y uarabc , watts ty wy rahe > “forest atseat V eisrg He. Magny Some V wantas soaked 3 “othaing vet V vercRonacst pres ouk ohne => Mews sed ip IV Lendope 25 oxen) Vf Woads sh Ble wes V His hase uidedly dog Ake water V bavageape a5 Merit ; V React, Cok of sciity, vullzable attack Jomuind VGloss v Blak 9 Oak ou Cheertony ¥ OaK > Oninas atdouy V Gran = Onrabu rat rdgnt Or Shy Wee: eee cate. kde of rohusk wexceh uobotip pace 5 mote patch wot por 35 To Goak BAUREN THE WANE apa PEERE 6 sha N dw copets . Goon Gorna Gortines Ue Rieupichon gh tha wind Bey Gyamesosts > Dyramism> Use exterse Wot rd sbi © Sarbrent => Wath pincushor, iamitsins the Flowdg | Fehrs qucnry q te win © Gyanbrerk ceates enon! Mearns K Sess based thythan =? lamtates the hes, G Ge gushing wind we Hathees | soderS ~ Sang w by A= batting. das D> wIre, TREES fla notte op ew TS ys > hiss oat inst o Hew = aiye wonels FT chytvrm (49) = logy voucls + Cioart dustes V chagthon C612) = eee > coating // boaieg, | lamas ¥ Roster pel duciarbed daw to umagery V Deariory 3 stom with ctrengint naire 1S Rue ard stoxin has Fis own pasenakity V Wicods and winds ate ave amet have pesorty |V dls ae weak, mayne Urey 30 blow ouiDy by the Sim > westtol wow fracheand Pie fevered | Bd vahck MELAS depts Xt Strait A> Ges the pes re naise 1% he > boat Let 1s bbe 50 42 2>Haise 1s atacked alll night by paved wae gf HS magnons sea Haig? Faniddy vo" gap Ter hats fightoed . Te. hase 1S Lmreatoad by matic ard frle cont daferce Uermselors Jom its Pwerpd fro Lave 2 Netaes Pepe reg fo aah hays yy fp sane thamsclu from the fre US. Pepe uss fre | ard. Comb 40 Joo Ue sim > Wnts berg bog bacasse the fouer eg He Stes Lox >The house wats to Susteder but pattie S moe fies thay hasins | ITER PRETATION Howoy of childhood storm ? 5 Breas pois g ratte od He Weep pana of mnie? Desterchon ef. catisahan and, huansty2 Exteded ois ghoul Hagar’ iekaorsp with Spb Gran repens. anger lossy oes Geakies Wey on eth abe fo Suvfve £5 Dloropase Plate = prey on other cedie> Lay = a “SIRS g papises” > loreye. gf ships that ‘rapes ond He will foie cous ReFads cyditah note of Of Reb => embdom ef charge => Fese2 cerydat bay be sa. The Seo Riya acrything = It's an inhesprtobe, P2e => Fall of sive mysines TRE > So 1s rot raptatale SYHBALS 2 Tawtne 13 9 symbool ef destruc? Qe hod besea oTre bene fond “bo AK! and OT katuene sees ace eal rts will tS deaths “eorhnua the legging!’ Sea rerycle everything (eye ny) ard potas naw Oe daple tS destichie nawe. ant Ue Geakies within" Kothing devours” SS K Le] + 100] + 1k] 27 WSchr £9 VS ears} PANS of rolite => Grcprorn Saronic IWTEQHETION — Spaced the (eO8es find Ins OW umtgpretaho = Bascanaity by sea, make hs par stout the conti, gpg tye ~ Beran Seve a8 9 “ereleph" Gennes mescret) | |? thy trot renmnd us de anal Ws ere 2 rebaele purpose & PIKE (Ted Hughes) Pike, three inches long, perfect parts, green tigering the gold. the egg: the malevolent aged grin. | They dance on the surface among the flies. Per x Or move, stunned by their own grandeur, Over a bed of emerald, silhouette Of submarine delicacy and horror. A hundred feet long in their world. In ponds, under the heat-struck lily pads- | Gloom of their stillness: Logged on last year’s black leaves, watching upward: Or hung in an amber cavern of weeds ‘The jaws’ hooked clamp and fangs Not to be changed at this date: Alife subdued to its instrument; |The gills kneading quietly and the pectorals. ‘Three we kept behind glass, Jungled in weed: three inches, four, ‘And four and a half: fd fry to them- Suddenly there were two. Finally one ‘With a sag belly and the grin it was born with. ‘And indeed they spare nobody. ‘Two, six pounds each, over two feet long | High and dry and dead in the willow-herb- One jammed past its gills down the other's gullet: ‘The outside eye stared: as a vice locks- ‘The same iron in this eye ‘Though its film shrank in death. |Apond | fished, fifty yards across, ‘Whose lilies and muscular tench \ Had outlasted every visible stone Of the monastery that planted them- Stilled legendary depth: Itwas as land. Itheld Pike too immense to stir, so immense and old ‘That past nightfall I dared not cast POT UT But silently cast and fished | With the hair frozen on my head For what might move, for what eye might move. The still splashes on the dark pond, Owls hushing the floating woods | Frail on my ear against the dream } Wsrrtos ¥ Gus Gonerphona\ tae. (pke Jenin), Ao convient tea => teaser ad dane Edd 2 the anal t Seaham eaten Leguages = Sage. = Few poysilamic wos < stand am bore proses without He file (Cocks) PPS sain to reed fo eccqe Fam ene betel eded 4 bony Shute s Spats ant & dypent pesgechicS $8 sine Babes vouas «uthiass naive RETA Jen's gear wate wot partoive poipectve | ‘atten Jacusect ov the Jigh ant He ewursnment Predotoy rote.) ¢he Ae, How re aroes thougy pe PeMOR habitat 9B aA > cathees mabse biden (arte) woring, JS poy, Duect contact wath he Rice Pike coside's Ue Pshetnin mod hs 869 Rt cto. He's assesing hire Bod ont bane = pike's ctesmesns Prova * | y Ree > ceserie Dexcepnay > Soubny g pattial utd 1 Seuplaty of ts secre 2D vigik goorn AN Dercrphos > Excke exap mages whee Oe fan bone fereibse Thythamic. anak Gulag the rear. Ato crane oj Tower ghte fist He fas the cgi to be 2 be expt Co be nd mae ule He pls 43 peeraoned pth pe Rarroves Pk Jrrm OX rahéck holbtat ard mprisou thom 19 | 2 efit cage telinyates Bor soncoy 1 Aare te pire ue in Oar pase & Rear > uemlrahon = Does 2 pike rect ope? Darkness beneath night's darkness had freed, to the dastuchos (ast | That rose slowly toward me, watching. + aN Stam 9D Holaclat Witege pea” > pal, bie ee ase ad araeclt (ar of Sgr ‘compat with the uschke yous of 2 PRE Seep 98 Sylord" Twas Ge (e28el to examine 6 atihide> towards wetiol wait: who fas the ngnt to stay in etn pees? Ht'S Be (ets ho Porabe > Fwe con unaistord rethek wor @ we can bse «a pam. eh ie wuthour ori aoa oO Spenarty Jeelurgs Hedtaher oy Ele ananod cr 18 9 fe-cichan vew Gt) wc wk be st EXAMINATION AT THE WOMB DOOR (Ted Hughes) Who owns those scrawny little feet? Death. Who owns this bristly scorched-looking face? Death. Who owns these stil-working lungs? Death. 4 Who owns this ytlity coat of muscles? Death: gp Who owns these unspeakable guts? Death. (er Who owns these questionable brains? Death. |All this messy blood? Death. | These minimum-efficiency eyes? Death. This wicked little tongue? Death. This occasional wakefulness? Death. here stolen, or held pending trial? Go* se woitng Oke, Who owns the whole rainy, stony earth? Death Who owns all of space? Death. exa4 Who is stronger than hope? Death even? Who is stronger than the will? Death. ‘Stronger than love? Death. |Stronger than life? Death. But who is stronger than Death? Me, evidently. —¥ He gorg, fo be bos Pass, COW | From Ue buck ou Rom Ge LR ond sem soe No iepeatedl tanto Srucie. age Inkscape tesa. Qushen jasuce fymot Layuzgp Rody parts vs tieerth > pryut ve spite Sper-sumpt ond Spr ugly forauage Negobue attics > Defurey of the hemor body [Tepic: Low arct compassion for Sucte> Rang | story 24h) gna => Nakze => Rerattest in hs works Darth tokes over all Gf yor =) One's cad cores arctler iaty. > encatotin =) ReaRTH Resoupasker doxh HUIER PRETATION * Fis ram eladed ig Op ant wating 2h 9 tak” th hie Watton after ne no vives coment ssictte Gee Be opt of Ye doth fon fuatnom axa | Tey belie Saud © imacrat ok oy die 'P fenainaho ard fratesbyotion P Pedies wew 2> Cnchar catechum 2 Cdugicg Cllrs ese = Roger dearth aff joth 0 chest ropes wil, Cove Fe) ae A Death is poe purl dro Mp.toe or ofe Gers ots pl dth & aul gt Ardotomt Ont are srr NerarChigs w Hughes dudy't believe ve Greaeherck Systoms of order dion © Heston S Seay cers phys Ue) Trenarrahon? SHowesite Gauay Gage are ugy) + Subversion agent | eernies => Highs uelunmnad aridort foehe fam DAFFODILS (Ted Hughes) Remember how we picked the daffodils? Nobody else remembers, but I remember. Your daughter came with her armfuls, eager and happy, Helping the harvest. She has forgotten, She cannot even remember you. And we sold them, Itsounds like sacrilege, but we sold them. Were we so poor? Old Stoneman, the grocer, Boss-eyed, his blood-pressure purpling to beetroot (it was his last chance, He would die in the same great freeze as you) , He persuaded us. Every Spring He always bought them, sevenpence a dozen, ‘A.custom of the house. Besides, we still weren't sure we wanted to own Anything, Mainly we were hungry ‘To convert everything to profit. Still nomads-still strangers | To our whole possession. The datos ee Were incidental gilding of the deeds, |Greasuredrove. They simply came, civeohe> And they kept on coming. As if not from the sod but falling from heaven. rw. allusion Our lives were still a raid on our own good luck. We knew we'd live forever. We had not learned ‘What a fleeting glance of the everlasting sprrta\ alse | Daffodils are. Never identified | The nuptial flight of the rarest epherma- Our own days! ‘We thought they were a windfall. Never guessed they were a last blessing. “724 8° So we sold them, We worked at selling them As if employed on somebody else's 'Glowerdarm, You bentatit {isan In the rain of that April-your last April. | We bent there together, among the soft shrieks | rors. | Of their jostled stems, the wet shocks shaken \ re Of their girlish dance-frocks- [ wirestxtey, Fresh-opened dragonflies, wet and flimsy, of de Opened too early. dalfoats, |The crop thickened faster than we could thin it. “On that same groundswell of memory, 2 eel We piled their frailty lights on a carpenter's bench, Distributed leaves among the dozens- Buckling blade-leaves, limber, groping for air, zinc- silvered- Propped their raw butts in bucket water, ‘Their oval, meaty butts, ‘And sold them, sevenpence a bunch- Wind-wounds, spasms from the dark earth, With their odourless metals, A flamy purification of the deep grave's stony cold As ifice had a breath- ‘We sold them, to wither. Finally, we were overwhelmed And we lost our wedding-present scissors, Every March since they have lifted again Out of the same bulbs, the same wore 72 Baby-cries from the thaw, cies | Ballerinas too early for music, shiverers | °° In the draughty wings of the year. ‘They return to forget you stooping there Behind the rainy curtains of a dark April, Snipping their stems. But somewhere your scissors remember. Wherever they are, | Here somewhere, blades wide open, April by April Sinking deeper Through the sod-an anchor, a cross of rust. _ ‘Spedua alsion Sara 442 ef Woducseh's pon Qt ®-Hernck's atic) > Ws vec and amsicads tha teat” Gaaplax, ceatn tre Yeater at dep ewehoal Ge Ke ves 00 chyme, aera + Orpedsctable nuke > Gaya bre hy [Te nartoler 1S sranng 9 The center ig (ck pe cashadad) Othe exo hatiedy berdten his doa Wie: He connected daffoAds wrth * dath" | * ass ape] abe! /*diat” oo [assure Figaatiie Oguage +unpeductasde length + bye phrases [Raby 9 1a => Gual mondogur of comdanchoritysT rd setthaten | bgtterter eomadegyy Orde te SRORAE © Bary fom the Jas tre wh 0 mpocest aston =) Sharp and hurt fil reaction Ghat eur tet oun dasgnter 75 ° Alliteohn + astraue+ oworpne > heauty * Hetopres ant pexcrfcahers => Dafpduls dove tile. ulzdwoxth's fotos hut Chur pupeie 6 erkeol dt MEE ONL Uultesabily of Ge dafferls, Uf aS 9 See of 08s opr ok He dusk lous and | © Hagar ures _Sonea. wth Yooenasae fey! ds oe peityad Ghone Bending details gy He daecoten gy He ctyfdiby Pydulcgcd? pain out . ray ono eins ad Hn BM * Dacphois amue foment fist, han (55 beashful Lost, WW RRIF: Spite the poucref nemores Raneds us Sonalnngs 10 hee ep Fsgston. 2> Oxalalsan with N WdcsehS Dofjodiis. Gane theme) borg tne RRR 1 Focacsing the opel fouthneitie the sparker 1960 NG intiocder # SPrhat okuses > Voting, fern aon *(L24), (429), “aos g ust” (foot vex) > iBoiense wth “ose sin? > oe sLeremks to the templakor (OUD Stoweue) ana turns Mariel Ad. arm, Ce; | totes “Ue koran". Gat 1s Ungympaitete fo b& tole (the Saw a te reat) Yodan Pleasite gp frst, agrer ad pn os bess est > “feetis gene gf eeastrg (Lav). “east WcsSing'" Ly= “toned! = Ridang daffestls > Her dah tes ban aioe gro Reng Twe. She duct 9G tre | Ge. Gating of ases > eed of Ue fofob NP | We sda therm” —> Ropatied seusal mes => Inflct Parfud menmones ard. pate x, wos = Au, deffedds 20 ES! ND De oD egal sketess "2 daguahor (pumas) tcol Chak rodkss Ye eadyy ad pues >. THE DISQUIETING MUSES” (Sylvia Plath) ‘Mother, mother, what illbred aunt ‘Or what disfigured and unsightly Cousin did you so unwisely keep ‘Unasked to my christening, that she Sent these ladies in her stead With heads like darning-eggs to nod ‘And ned and ned at foot and head ‘And at the left side of my crib? | Mother, who made to order stories Of Mixie Blackshort the heroic bear, Mother, whose witches always, always, yt baked into gingerbread, I wonder | Whether you saw them, whether you said Words to rid me of those three ladies | Nodding by night eround my bed, | Mouthless eeless, with stitched bald head Inthe hurricane, when father's twelve | Study windows bellied in | Like bubbles about to break, you fed | My brother and me cookies and Ovaltine. ‘And helped the two of us to choir: "Thor is angry: boom boom boom! | Thor is angry: we don't care!" But those ladies broke the panes. | When on tiptoe the schoolgirls danced, Blinking flashlights like fireflies ‘And singing the glowworm song, Tcould | Sip cudnt Not lift a foot in the twinkle-dress dave wih But, heavy-footed, stood aside ‘We other In the shadow cast by my dismal-headed | Sel gv Godmothers, and you cried and cried: ‘And the shadow stretched, the lights went out. ‘Mother, you sent me to piano lessons ‘And praised my crabesques and trills Although each teacher found my touch ‘Oddly wooden in spite of scales ‘And the hours of practicing, my ear Tone-deaf and yes, unteachable. T learned, I learned, I learned elsewhere, From muses unhired by you, dear mother, T woke one day to see you, mother, Floating above me in bluest air ‘One green balloon bright with a million Flowers and bluebirds that never were Never, never, found anywhere. But the little planet bobbed away Like a soap-bubble as you called: Come here! ‘And I faced my traveling companions. Day now, night now, at head, side, feet, | They stand their vigil in gowns of stone, Faces blank as the day Z was born, ‘Their shadows long in the setting sun That never brightens or goes down. ‘And this is the kingdom you bore me to, pe bans oe |Mother, mother. But no frown of mine | astex Beige Will betray the company T keep. at yes | FSO =) 2 dies ean | Farrel vese 4 ctecses per Ose wh Some. thyme, Motaoig chyre a te Sank Go 3 Que in exh stato Baad to “Hoth deker‘seath Tis 19 2 pat to gre) oo mmothe gret t (ean her dagts 2 lumi anh PEEP at Cutehes Stoves (plane act ballet) [Tite = Rofes t > panies bay Geog de Cinta epeetiy 2 Jowles aeSarekos 'S dammaics LUG Siaghr thes oj won Unnaving explaation gd dembavand bens [The quet apscuntes Caren ERASE Ingpl atic nage Bod oot Hes mother 420s har how £0 conte haste nd Se also Gimds No umassrshon. . Ste Boros toy aretha! who «netted hay Silllcedt act" aa usigntly cousin” 3 anger 0} Be coinucted “Ra daughter is st aipart, uaee to conbee. Oe mckhas-dasgnte ater Cenwal at) Tra Qosel oJ nwain stao Hoyt att egos iS feo vonpalliog The gu is stil asCOeted by Ake werkly congay, Ue. Asierted MURS (witds Jate, vistess from the wal of ola), She has ean nck tote y he Affene Infinhes and erates cay be booked by her bacon he mothe Sawsynt => A cuse ots Hero bles, Plath BALLONS (Sylv Since Christmas they have lived with us, Guileless and clear, Qual soulanimals, corpsasens Taking up half the spoce, ‘Moving and rubbing on the silk Invisible cir drifts, <7 Woke Ge tallaens aS Giving a shriek and pop >bolacn papel 6s d ween When attacked, then scooting to rest, barely trembling. Yellow catheod, blue fish-—- Such queer moons we live with Instead of dead furniture! Straw mats, white walls ‘And these traveling Globes of thin air, red, green, Delighting Chikigen's meenaror end bolls Chckh) ‘The heart like wishes or free | Peacocks blessing | Old ground with a feather | Beaten in starry metals. Your small Brother is making |His belloon squeak like a cat. | Seeming to see ‘A funny pink world he might eat on the other side of it, He bites, | Then sits Bock, fat iu ver asst pt tl toy Contemplating a world clear as water, > Dsspanb’ Ared shred nis litte fist Depa cn Popkalisin with © Fullmeam” oct Tet Mages : | "Ballans" ad “ Eage” ge He Get poems S Feath wecte. (She woke Gam 15 days webe commis Suits) | Speaker > §. Plath dresse > Syiv's douerte we teed Ge wt Hragy Ue rat bales | Dapioat goam Sane of reatshe doverbety Chee fuk toro. =) "delights QUT the tune bacon ‘Ute Fost “dy Sed at Head, vk 3 About + ° Kbily f Cfo aru te balloan's ability to Keep Hemrselues * Chilien ara. tre Cdaxa vert rchildhecd + Peay inter Ue. He moods Ake tollocsts +a MAE EP making Mike Bleak ove. ago => BiPOAR | DisoRDER Ree with PLasH | © by and mort beauty aa inte Smolctavk | Septet tiess (aerths Panter sitabor) | 7 St Tomas tho dpstle > “We se (effy whar | ME TRSE Ue Blt bexty ¢ He wordd pexereck {2S 2d Sag Gly 1s belevg" t Gonganser 2> Grpze ballcos with “oval “stepat avimals ® chase t peaphos + f kad allusos > ewsinys ore exohsim hidden? Images eerttedt axound, a mother ana he childion | | + Dedightag > Supe wert eding te sia cake Pe Feder oierbor The Ovid (S ning act StS MS tgperonia Te ballors fr cme, Luvcly ccom with 2 my wd G Glas rut He rec 1S Small ancl Hey ge “edkiy Sp MIE Ge spe” | Fows > heck dated wrtd rly ones and Chink soot Deauty of wenpeced crengos [lence § ge wher ya cao Me reskity of ox Cues Jam Gs ek wales tie | Ist pat (Serva (+2) > Ballean - Symbeles nla Wert fantasy Conidaush, weatishe act desitabe,) => chifdced > extehry act beautyest | Lo > Bolles, Cle vmaginabor. se pieart but “‘heonpe~ reise feel he caer Bu baw bast le gic). Ts geds chiens axiosty Le > Tey betore do g Ue ate tng ae mdse a Ce lames ue Enit Soy Lok Goma PO g cxcwsty the lay bites He bohecn | Aiging 40 cat IE. Te ballon paped. He's radle ayy mot get Vow ; he Gy see Khe werd 2S it realy 1S [word eras vate" > Whe we realiae- how 16 Ue rel wey 5 to treet loely wth Colas of CBr 38 we” THE BEEKEEPER’ S DAUGHTER (Sylvia Plath) eer eee enced i ea ‘A garden of Purple, scarlet-speckled, ble 5 The great corollas dilate, peeling back their silks, ce eater ‘Their musk encroaches, circle after circle, Hetegress | Awell of scents almost too dense to breathe in, | in your oa! pet |Hieraticl in your frock coat, maestro of the bees, 21s, N00 EN |= Bacdoar meyer = Semuak copes} pets | You mi the many-breasted hives, [Sr 5 legerenrs nem a ones | ‘My heart under your foot, sister of a stone. | lmogey : | V soheahed wth uine3es of “souk ant desthche feriiy*| “Trumpet-throats open to the beaks of birds. (aay ree £ ¥ The Golden aT drips its powders down. \, 20 |Y Faas, bass bees > lemages expresing Sex2l) In these littlé Boudoirs' streaked with orange and red): ty erg are ploy gf huatnan Sex | Hee ae ey | To father dynasties, The air is rich. Abask the poem? | Here is a queenship no mother can contest --- © Bikey, aut hermif he cater ant her falter | dens a | fruit shots death to taste: dark flesh, dark prings.tut2| © Hormetter wos te gat of he Whee ee A ne | + Bite sanog Ye Nut |n burrows narrow as a finger, solitary bees \. ’ F a | Keep house among the grasses. Kneeling down | * Brat taties' canny on cir ep of Oe Fass T set my eyes to a hole-mouth and meet an eye: by ik of Parkash | Round, green, disconsolate as a tear. © Female commence. => “hee 13.3 wanship" (La) ‘Father, bridegroom; in this Easter egg\, xine fu Se ° Agus ant oppression 2 Mew cere to treate i! Ly) Under the coronal of sugar roses Bbidy 82 con + Bee Caled © bite? > Her foter ans evtonotigist ‘The queen bee marries the winter of your year. 2 Divine | one t oer, an acne © mee wats pees | | "A rautings" =) Heuthey Yours Sibocal usw, | Lian S-6 | eee ai Te pst 16 behwean men od gd He's Ue becker that ao meas amo tH Ines ard PICS FO felcase tle bees into | Peeling Dak" 2) Ste Muy les ble AE her/ber dake | Ge goto @ men's cikr?), emoroting 9 kad g “mk, 03e0 | Ling y | Seth Hike 9 store 9 warm sity ces, % Diack indeachoy betwen poker and polinates. Te bv « | Sbreasten hues" somal Caen ws polar down te font wine mining per op thar PHS, |"'Stoe"" > Cjomersestortete> Bats haat 15 bald. down by | HO HAH) Mts making ern Getic | the Sous Gat Feld hanks te bce orn We Gadin Ske Sears 42 | Linas 10-12 be ee wilaghy 2 Qasplens- # He ait 1S beng, Jule wih He Sent but now &/S Secs", [Mhesthe” 2 Bypocohs of txnge Tre mpi gnysto | wh Ueadve GsIbkbES (LIE He “eek” n Ue fist stn, | JOK It en aude 4 ethos pocirn nes Gmeatheys", “EnecstS') | Lhe ads of the flowers ag refered f aS “boudow's” 22S (etek wt runt pa Shimalshor => He ROM lpaaccenns-to SeRUah mIOChON CF domes ‘ os Us gy erp. ou Mal 4D heathe to eat Tt ate [os a Ottis fore eens ‘dns 6-20 wang i Bavtacper (God) Ws. naraior (nin), wo ms leume the dimes 2-4 bade q God. God 1s ng muse Soul eugy of the gander Rey & pat of the Arys od He moth Line 21 Pebls of He blac Jawrs 2€ qenny = Seual ppsahon.OS | # Fe pt 15 cp fo Ue fras of fel ad wily fo te “musk" of be human haty aes Pte femmoung dks, | ep Ort there wil he pointed Chak HS cneree He fewas ele Box Sort into te gadn as they wal bake) Wal be So foul | Hear patas we Fensine Pin ch senschty. in tle following Les, Plath Wiodwia> 2 mde fm of sexwotiy, (© press) DADDY (Sylvia Plath) | You do not do, you do not do ‘Any more, black shoe In which T have lived like @ foot For thirty years, poor and white, | Barely daring to breathe or Achoo. Daddy, T heve had to kill you You died before I had time Marble-heavy, a bag full of God, Ghastly statue with one gray toe Big as a Frisco seal | And a head in the freakish Atlantic Where it pours bean green over blue In the waters off beautiful Nauset. ‘Lused to pray to recover you. Ach, In the German tongue, in the Polish town ‘Scraped flat by the roller | Of wars, wars, wars. | But the name of the town is common. ‘My Polack friend Says there are a dozen or two ‘So T never could tell where you |Put your foot, your root, Tnever could talk to you. The tongue stuck in my jaw. Tt stuck in a barb wire snare. Ich, ich, ich, ich, T could hardly speak. T thought every German was you. | And the language obscene ‘an engine, an engine huffing me off ike o Jew. A Jew to Dachau, Auschuitz, Belsen. T began to talk lke « Jew. T think T may well be a Jew. ‘The snows of the Tyrol, the clear beer of Vienna | Are not very pure or true, [With my gipsy ancestress and my weird luck | And my Taroc pack and my Taree pack | Tmay be a bit of a Jew. Thave always been scared of you, | With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygoo. | And your neat mustache | And your Aryan eye, bright blue. |Panzer-man, ponzer-man, © You-- | | Not God but a swastika So black no sky could squeak through. Every woman adores a Fascist, ‘The boot in the face, the brute Brute heart of a brute like you. You stand at the blackboard, daddy, LIn the picture T have of you, | Adleft in your chin instead of your foot But no less a devil for that, no not ‘Any less the black man who | Bit my pretty red heart in two. ‘Twas ten when they buried you. ‘At twenty Ltried to die ‘And get back, back, back to you. T thought even the bones would do. But they pulled me out of the sack, | And they stuck me together with glue. ‘And then T knew what to do. T made e model of you, ‘A man in black with a Meinkampf look ‘And a love of the rack and the screw. ‘And I said T do, Ido. ‘So daddy, Tm finally through. | The black telephone's off at the root, The voices just can't worm through. ‘If ve killed one man, Tve killed two-- ‘The vampire who said he wos you ‘And drank my blood for @ year, | Seven years, if you want to know. | Daddy, you can lie back now. ‘There's a stoke in your fat black heart ‘And the villagers never liked you. ‘They are dancing and stamping on you. They always knewit was you. Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I'm through, TRIGHPHANT 16 5S ase stows Ursotic tre > Orcanrinde (easy eens [Storer Ras ore Cots of digas and qpmbiet ESN aie > “ally ant pettiness GSH cryhOn = Ler, Gos, Wmmbue seu Cie Rasery tyme Moyo oetobloseyticc (te pitas wos MM) o ct Brute veraias gem spat deat Che fa) Gevaty) Otto's Piotr | Srows dow | Avuct s | Elato complex > Sie aug ter Bier is Gat Her | Pier wes 2 wail and hes nckter art yeuiish V Tie indviduak (cepped betucany heel arc Soci V Brkarcten epprascn V Rage foxsus amie domirane Water afte leaking ct ay wt Hughes, JOULE OF CONFESSaum RoeIRY 4 he ~ Geman se ond Garman ceftceres “aya eke Gotteadichar 10 ail pozam $7 Hater // Trung © Grkoducies appears ate 10 thyme scrote 24 Sganigahs, => Nusxeg thyme + fend sons + Soe ued + epeated thyimas (yau.dor ps) > Ghtisn fgse VE Autortame pier Horace wnageiy > Invocahon & gewisn Vilent umgeny saey Me foter 6 > Ocounas Pugie Gud winer Soe was &).Se Wa 2 victinn ef 9 Nae, > vampiey a david and af os WeSorrd (her ites senuamaten), soshe weedt fo Kall bin Robrorcrat joies (roa; fake Ynpre husbor) gpa’ [her and ae. relaitd fo tering tows. Even He vance [sens > quent. She mmist Il he fatty fo break fra Potiondol FIN ae sick ad gay syuciee cppessedk her. I's Me m cxorusin © 9 prifcato. She Krons wat Ge RS tw dovbit ib tquuiey 9 ie ef hysterd,ompele (ted ah She nacts ko dipat her eos and her TREAT Vattes a8 an coyct 06 9 mythuar gonie wsthast (ok Numer Chirwsers = Mere cextvad To hor Agony ous har create Gumtstors in 9 make Lory Slt Ho ay hee tucoana/ folk gues Alasuc seperetahor of he Jras ef ceatve paralysis od Wy oftangt 40 throw ouoy the “anole muse! She 42S (0 combo Ue jesral ad Ho. pee in We US 2D Acstamic but with powngs => Faod Ue 2 je0 > Linkang histoy ad arrectiy heivy Poaes Gece wows used “eh, an", “aul aren | | Sto Stayed te (alk au & Jal Uke 2 Sewn Stat [NAYS => 1S she Eunnllar fo > RW Ceause, che HOS [she tS sumer te gipsies)? Lag 9 Ske sae Garman (af at least) od Ye UPS chsessea. with yewsh hidiy at odluse | 23> Sre omesian WF cating 2 S310 to 2 SP. e Strtedto ike art to Gel hie o jew 181-60 “TThe 4eephoe tas, ban taken off The MeOk ack the wes cn ro loge get Oran bona Kase > Corpse bom (uth 9 vance he tas hang dake | has bleed Js yes Sore 16-9 The villoges @loksate hs death LADY LAZARUS (Sylvia Plath) AT have done it again, 2 One year in every ten BT manage it-- & te A sort of walking mirocle, GRR) Gubleefere 4 Bright as a Nazi empshade 7 “NAcc Q & My right foot ae “ YA poperweight, “ '§ My face a featureless, fine 2 4 ew inen. a| \o eel off the napkin » ‘i Omy enemy. 3 © DoT terrify? Prtenckquishor * 8 The nose, the eye pis the fll st of teeth sonst The sour breath 2 8 ‘6 | Will vanish in a day. * Dying | Is an ar, like everything else. T do it exceptionally well. 1 dit soit fees ke hell Ido it s0it feels real A T guess you could say Ive iM) SICA te fo Se feds coy to ommt eke Ts easy enough to do it in a cell T's easy enough to do it and stay put. . Tr's the theatrical she's ores mili we worth | Comeback in broad day To the same place, the some face, the same brute) ‘Amused shout: Vicka.p cok > Hanis ace. te Stow ard oe “A miracle!” ‘That knocks me out. There is a charge ‘Soon, soon the flesh ‘4 For the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge 5] The grave cave ate will be For the hearing of my heart ‘At home on me. € rr really goes. +8 And Za smiling woman. ©] And there ise charge, a very large charge 23am only thity, ¢4| For a word or touch | | And like the cat I have nine times to oegee "aah aaty ©| Or a bit of blood, | 1a) This is Number Three. Guard tw. Ora piece of my hair or my clothes 3) What a trash is @ So, so, Herr Doktor. Re cen fino 50, Herr Enemy. | | 2s| Wht a milion filaments, Grtiuaber of SIFAEGSE 6! Tom your opus | ‘| The peanutscsunching crowd 2 stans}./soivitek 4 rene ets Stlsene 3 Shoves ino seeamcod re myieie The nen @ Them ygurap me hand and foot-- + That melts to a shriek. fi atkof 18 The big strip tease. 4D turn and burn, ae Sacre, | Gentlemen, ladies > CobnGA ,emock the audione. 2 Do not think Z underestimate your great concern, &**%S) an | These ore my hands Ash, os | My knees, >4 You poke and stir. | I may be skin and bone, % Flesh, bone, there is nothing there-— 3 | Nevertheless, I am the same, identical woman. Fe. A cake of soap, 2 The first time it happened T was ten} Wa perk 8 A wedng rng, % Tr wos an accident. PaeunoG ALAA 4 gold filling |The second time T meant et sid tM. wl Here God, Herr Lucifer {Wem the Great pore Jum 48 |To last it aut and not come back at all/uth iene py ¥ 8 Bewere baie ond below! 3 | T rocked shut 2) Beware. | {| As aseashell, 2) Hidden ard tacked, & Out of the ash Define to Poet | Se attacks (Bs | They had to call and call | rise with my red hair rel me th 4@ And pick the worms off me like sticky pearls. ‘And I eat men like air gee stores @ es can) Tite DBIbU allusion to tha hake Ehn's Lames AS Lares v8 regan Rum Me dest, $9 1 PLAY (daly Wau) “eixansed ofl €xN Suiude atieare “ lady’ => Femninehe side 9 Wrage g pues won Rem Extowed acter Yat fess > mond Seah tosh 1S daphne PRS pyelanck puiray Anecen Sachy © Soe 0 9 hn PEipRy >a Fepuisnte destwinry Her fate death =) depasson rage => Suede attrpts | Water in 0 pened @ froubus with Mes nucond, Tea Wages > suicide couse ? | Gueys 9 message ait Mer Os Up, dso, WEAKNESS ana footings ieccrduly Per PierouS |SHGde ottenpts ge males Comprisens Not eos, |e camars 0 ederstord IF you dort Keeow er Dak | Grand Strple chyba ark dichoy cottosk sraply wath Subject | arrter (suck) V Gveshoal we V Fgcone Gypage | ¥ Senge bak vey prise vaatsday (Worms a2cet)| Sk gabes neccssay iafsnaton av. uses * de ccheotiy V Uses gaan weds > Reiiad to Ue nRecust india FF Aen MNES, of coartahen carpe ‘Ste compres harder wth mary cyts Se NELANT ax 0 wiba negpsgitunmare wae oe PE | fonp chat > pegeweign, daar clakhiny She Uses cxaggeation ay dameltes swede =) Porady Kigo ates ant getlemen, Ge Gawd ad een US Che cbauvess) me Ge athers Dekior, ect Goct ane scr apo ALTTHOR TRI HEN v SUEDE as a cenabion agsnst priarhy Ste craien dy vmap. of haisel vey exazgeatea rd fogratl. Se use duce ction and detecahen oF sel Ste shous hewif ass # A ameocte ,2 soit (Rees 63-<4) Buck of ot (ine 62) ox a adjpet (a4) (Bre 9) A venom ef He Nedocassk 3 *09RiYyu" “heMt", Soant Tee at act niaces fies erp" ofecles to snake. PY sams ad to thill (aes) 22 pant iter om Ue 290s © “eat Ber Qe aie" f2psir 0 Sgt enemy => Se anast de Fist * Gvpras (© “Publis kta" (by Giese) Desig Rah Bouse! Beware US Poawns gps fool ht) “Beene adn Wee th mg te aie Storm I itetven a gf aude anc th. Lie 2 os afi © rr tear-death 3k the Sige) (2528 26 LOtaUS from Ue dead. £5 shous » Stous ator grase ¢f anibchorsro | 7 8e cad “tak shoies wn f0 See.” | ~* Gottamen, fates *Geak> > fokcnons onad Suude => oppsihor Ff Swude in te sas © bite: pryscak * Fein * paycroerahyhiek Hale iomogey [Raaws bo Ilocaust > Ties to dnvesshote how ke Jimposes (Rake Abe) has wall €0 Comant Sucedey [wind wetiesss bewath ter willoner Qe Seas . She's ok Ue sare tire MB (shoe) and Ku ho Guclty snow i ses Lites 2-9 9 biowast with ls, t's 2 uny cote natapte 40 | Aepct aes weak ant detsiortat fare ‘Stamat IV-V-> ey mrerk the kegenng of the cust: scam Plsth vs, (Sh de> her eximy £0 “Roel of EN phen” = ES the yout fo Bic ylaty WO els disgiseed or owe with one pefomrae? Ita Gace © wakh hes 28 F eu weie OKIE Grow! Lee 12> Rhetoneh quston > Eve yhodys is ternfied by sucide Opec endeva he Covdctey: dcath emmates om her ad.sta Fes crtoln qualines go Utley seat. Me foi 1S un and le not Walon get? Se emias (Lines HIS => She can get ou that wan aay heay.steat au heallny Sate of mint Stomaas WI- vin = Restenten Tho diet detines: Harel and He ces Redigous Jaratis Medics Gruden, dees, tery hers ee Gea Te ote, [be 2 "98 cae > syntd of dal ite Uacots vase do | Sfeeokd © comme suiude at 20 with Sloopy pill 1209 Stows pnde-> Sie cnty ao aut Ste has > Liptow abead 4225 “number Treo" Bem! exutiy act. eRiew>, om PE eeae (Bd Ce bey prermacitaal [Stave 9 Fe tres Ste “reswtected "wee 2 “eat f mada" Se nity ard CAPA © dOCite NE Skin, deagnabng Je ues Gotan | tre > tes fra iS chrocertat a5 1F se was Ue ven DH DD Sprtahaet dua © pepe of Gee cart. = Swade > Sree beionar Geatre or art fey wuts ter Induces He seater bres 6+ 9 Amingity. Sie ent eazy thse acnekyes that busi | |° Sse tes Nee ack Oey 32 19 hes. ads, They we tem Kay © BOLE O act RP 9 te guia odors fe aut ay HE Can cees0g be exgnal he crgad se Ae sang wz | re very did 3t 1 w Bdounny aude, 20 Se met to | Steneas AIX-AK9 Se eeeuecectad 30 Gu Gow iS awe art etre | ut keself av Stewill Oy te commit Gultde at 3010 yess | but uncon to Ue fot sre 's Sl ao. “Frey amuse Ahemsehes Sng Ibehuen all aches, omarking all dads) oe deal veathy OHS) Mer e's 2 marys wieOObe Bnd cyerve by [she rants cre gm theme “fom the Meese any Kart er 12 cenbeSt with Loa-ay =) Boast vs deg > BUR [od DHS pete . | ‘Stoned 1x-% 9 He sie -zggircey gered nite lhor 2d | Leo ae ncdocact bishss tas Bene 2 ppt, evtrtamnan (Frere ee aon of ces an FE Ce OMEHD ly re ys [She eps reve de te cove 2 > EK pHE YMA a Gnaeus dapchon gh mwa? @ opredy)? | | Las >*amifor Jamorts"apnsicd iquectonn bhy git Rage teat Rs 6 Binary uke SS | : : > Rs BS > Goud > exriety> tetas only tale. Leg > Doktor ig He exinny fiom Ue beguinng othe poem 22 > Goud inte 5 Basciwous Tey aes kes Tis An at hen very mocie move Met, ook 2m he Naka body Auk tS Re payde | Savas UE ~ xa ay Pefeced to eramy 2 Geiman mote SOME 4 “| oor efaueidy. God ws © 1 pple woke MOE | Stemas xtra rdearoeise te fates > iy dayne XE ste has Hat) whe Keep Seg res ate exh gee atone | ar cetucel £0 SK0 ard Byes bu in STD MT Gra eaRsies |PLAM Jarra YS SVS ee She's Ue Save Yen (nth CO Peal apes). Te ctacnag |StONRG MAI= rR > Ste vorts iorge Getty oe det was Oe Jest hoe She seinemedd dash od trac acer! tore Swe T) Sta voted by he oun NEES |Ston2S WEL XU 3) drat suscicle atiempe whan ste was 20:9 Oa Saaad Nee cag, vary heey, Me ce Te he iret fase! Nar 2deyS | "An Fauld be 2 eactshon Soe Kall bese wwh 35 TES, epee dion, wnemiens Cougs He Laan. Se foou's NF ewig wil be petiny doe DE SS Steen a1. Oyey @ ate 9a nat Se oRss Mlb cys gs mate with jeu's pepe Wo Nelo eleven indong ie SToun has ppchonst an mascenisk nate, Sos KUTA 9 Ste arostsdyo 10 fous geo Hone ‘sorta WFD Saiude bewnes oy cto) at LS pint recuse Gre 5 AO (ESTE by Pe ere Eteerate Sougpivantwumenna vase ane (Sp SSE tam PETTY Seca ms [dean Gort (eae res athe) > PRNINIST tN | CHILD (Syl i i i Ge oe Sc ply ‘Your clear eye is the one absolutely beautiful thing. NE Soy Micha Iwant to fill it with color and ducks, Fou fl Shaiya teeae an The z00 of the new | vnlhout yota say or biferasss | Whase names you meditate — ‘gril srowdrop, Indian pipe, => Vit danas 2 Autiy Song Littl | © Relais cmitnod 4o a colbecpl at burch worl sre. ‘Stalk without wrinkle, | bregucles cit larmog wos fir her cmon Pool in which images Prost Cre wor, Spe: SS He cigie, neon | Should be grand and classic s nee aa ue = ey | Not this troublous ( Toe dag: Gotoshe Gros betwen Stntes 4-3 ond sons Y | Weinging of hands, this dacs Reser reatery |Gellingwithout aster. | ‘eral mat Ape ates |S LE Ne Nam gf Ge tau" de units & pr hes ACU feveliy | + ee ati neee Fe ee Sek Oe, ions UMC dee ae eo 9 feta ork wit hain "292" Spang) Nas Birch MsEeN ct ectoallcresinee | idan Pipe’ => Coxgse got with no Giang > sere} Stenta 4 => Reality 9 anions, upaITS a Linke fark wor giosiing [chp cock Crmtass. it 10S Carnts hike Nedtay" 3rd pate a2? Oewrors we | ctaper ste Gusss gain hecause har met moby NEWCASTLE IS PERU (Tony Harrison) | espe ota ne > ates Gee C.3 | | And now with vistas like Earl Grey's | OR ds ike Ue {Llook out over life and praise | Witten after ne came tack from Rage aut Kigaia from my unsteady, sea-view plinth | each dark turn of the labyrinth, | lag astobsogropinak pacun in octecytbie, rym CoXplTS that might like a river suddenly _. | i Wind its dvidening banks into the sea. dhbestion) | We hed 4-19 alas before wrebry it O Newcastle is Newcastle is Peru ted “T'S Putager geathoreh Ge geakar Fist feson | Uisteatines, => eu ack Chockatg ct Discovery! Wart, mole, spot, He ts Cackang coer his past like outcrops on a snowfield, got | De eont: these slopes of flesh my fingers ski | Setaynnth!=> Shows disotetahoy (ls “mena” with circular dexterity. : Rom aoe : | This moment when my hand strays je oat | USE amd sqat "dot" Sa felatad wath etc |your body like andendless maze -gixt? | Baty gots > Saal wmagry ‘returning and returning, you, 0 you; you also are Peru FR ol own cay tare naw ant Gan be (ebusouwat. => rea CSIRANENIE D> anak ganibar change (sare in Tine's tow) He's déerertated and hed ying to YRediscoves" be hore, Wot he Krew tls not wnat he con sae howe Wher fe Came beck to Nascasile, ct hado'€ erange but nis peceepbor | ad been crngal. SO Maucastla an be as naw as Rou | fone . He pals Aka. stengs ih he wn commoty | | Tre Some. aphes to woman, He's eehsccusieg 2 woman wth | | Pe'S Geuching her, She 1¢ ate caw tonim , 26 Kawcaste, a. Rew Nasksopso} 2 sraupetd “=> Busts ? Hokes Jambar familar > reoseing, Seeshow 9 Rye. ALLOTMENTS (Tony Harrison | Fim Shot ¢ Latas (ime). This lection 1s anndec. | Choked, reverted Dig for Victory plots 10 § eachonS ond Ge Just contarspeems abort cdizas | Helped put more bastards into Waif Home cots [@ Lads (Lomas) and freusvg & Hanson's ov) meh ‘Than anywhere, but long before my teens [ra adelostane. | 1g |The Veterans got them for their bowling greens. areas, wa deratises 2 pol g [ste rsr nce Win or When but Where sieatin | a ee sore og auatee Feet | The bridges of the slimy River Aire, | ou ‘S| Where Jabez Tunicliffe, for love of God, Foon 2 dipicoy ofeauciy 98 wnnirit a Ofe Bie ee | 2 Founded the Band of Hope in eighteen odd, to + a accant & © pln ex" pumeated by gutk > | The cold canal that ran to Liverpool dekh || Made hot trickles in the knickers cool => Hag inhabit ||As soon as flow. The graveyards of Leeds 2 Hythe was qf the Fad udispin the pero es " || Were hardly love-nests but they had to do— 2 phy Stall and cakurally fallen euronret hs a | || Through clammy mackintosh and winter vest hesble. to ter passioy Gnd Oneic oe | And rumpled jumper for a touch of breast. la pricier 40 rd 2 st tae pee 20 hoe poor || Stroked nylon crackled over groin and bum ae S te) age me Kors othe Like granny’s wireless stuck on Hilversum, rte (nba comccal igs at cy) whch |]aAnd after love we'd find some epitaph ina, erdscges => forty @ IOS | Embossed backwards on your arse and laugh. Ae “ Ma fea, Ge ticirots.ef tHe xe ook ha ‘And young, we cuddled by the abattoir, Fone (goveyeds oa “oye (Paffing withdastenings, never getting far. Alijesb to death | abba cdarek ood rot \| Through sooty shutters the odd glimpsed spark «sf ae cd | From hooves on concrete stalls scratched at the dark ies the poet -ttene prptansbia qf wit Bokbigg Ue “embsSal | epahag” gn of toran motdhly) fails to dustub te couF- And glittered in green eyes. Cowelap smacked | cco. _ Onto the pavings where the beats were packed byiom [Te Re tsho aos inthe 24 ceclion, beak He Jn And offal farnaces with clouds of stench pe Wppua.gce Sxtordting dem | | setrss m Choked other couples off the lychgate bench. / sissies | Js .359 Grush wexbhss qhuman sod mot aly SK |The Pole who caught it at us once had smelt e566 nama eng pele mrgp> of ath cag < Far worse at pee at Buchanwald, vndlant eppression, sexual conmciounets f Ce hand body | |He said, pointing to the chimneys, Meat! / taicren erty uth 2 bu&S anarel cecum 19 wih | |Zatis vere zey murder vat youeat.. naman Jesh us disturungiy acute wen Za) mest |And jogging beside us,As man devours ees ge puths asunghon go eesiod | |Ze flesh of animals so yorms devourours. 59 para one ee nee bat husoy cl o pry It’s like your anthem, IIkla Moor Baht'at. olsen MOE Pest sexbor 1S broken = Papload wi 7 aes | cominarnes od Nearly midnight and that gabbling, foreign nut | tumcid. | WHEE eM Own molverert in the LeU! Had stalled my coming, spoilt my appetite | os Pest Soe eae se eee ee ry ‘or supper, ve jleepless For supper, and gave me a sleepless night ) eee ~ "4 oe sok , > In which I rolled frustrated and I smelt | jase ‘on myself, then smoke, and then I felt ( plea areaaae ereco a Street bonfires blazing for the end of war Rowing Jom as *eryfey Gognts Ue bath Gonied VE. and J burin us Tike lights, but saw Lap images qf 9 gouie.s, wndecene Grdsopesan NST! | Lush prairies for a tumble, wide corrals, \ 1ecRerabo wee ov “Ruch Pires", uninhibted sesust | ‘A Loiner's Elysium, and I cried CHPESICN Could be. tedScoveed | For the family stil pent up in my balls ; Nader epererted tepect fx Ue dgnty of Cy | ww" For my comed beef sandwich, and for genocide. | Ainge ament be fakseck 2 Not Reece 2ot | | seolatior cy tas =? | rR uedereorws vic cast art Resness gf Stora. Ciocnbs henan DteZS wmepea by 3 Resh Holowuse “avecsare! 3) O08 erates on He tunes de? > Sate Saher] S40 we dusts the Yons cage pohly atan abbsker kat wkd be wart on Ue Wiis. He's Dees Uasond ep | BSG Ye alltnert and excdowning Weak | .. 096 "The Myler Getinng being stsked combat etc |" epee eet oe poneed and he cyt L Step “ Ismale Gast .-- gercuda! | HEREDITY (Tony Harrison) Low dass foridy ont low educated ats He went to Laivessity Lapeertly Statleneg ard being dumb ae good PHAS to be a pot e's pad of be cig We tecaggines feck g elogaena 19 bis Ramndy Elogart seach > In east with hs soot How you became a poet's a mystery! Fe fetshoshy with hes parents wiasnit 2S spot 3S Wherever did you get your talent from? he wontaa. | I say: I had two uncles, Joe and Harry- this aunt dete DIS | rang peddarm wi |one was a stammered, the other dumb. Seana eloustat Geach Dank fet in “uotling class’ staunchly | Fin a6vey puta to nino He tries +o provoke mpack 0 the reoske Ist paseo Tiling 40 niinseiP you! AoTHENRS, —__ Tie 5t vases > Regrant nana prodiad by ON apaint incongucnsnes gf his axches (armel fustisbe, ‘re padeaian “cara bee} sachwich” ad “grcnde” => Histoy affects him od hisumnediate Sxtodlig Seapeg who ay yser Sartscage hyplghts the causkeprebne Gralag af avkop Her WR Ms Cabs ores TORE Lis "C awd Pr Heo. bolle” = “Ret up" raed do Hee annals in he abate Ip Bee ands & Hs duspaie fe unin appear already ko be vichons qf hickory, cemuphat by Uric pebigian ok erly th Cast gration « codloived by Ye apoling ast. The radon q Ue gaat darkens Ue. J 2S well & Ue parte 0 Seedy come bit affechowte 9 Goss Iollal af Stagerhouse > wichme qf Hotecoust © Death Unkech 0 Sex NATIONAL TRUST (Tony Harrison) = = Bottomless pits. There's one in Castleton, | and stout upholders of our law and order one day thought its depth worth wagering on and borrowed a convict hush-hush from his warder and winched him down; and back, flayed, grey, mad, dumb. | Not even a good flogging made him holler! Budgeengs good flogging ( gentlemen, a better way to plumb the depths of Britain’s dangling a scholar, ‘say, here at the booming shaft at Towanroath, ‘now National Trust, a place where they got tin, r@jutar those gentlemen who silenced the men’s oath ‘and killed the language that they swore it in. |The dumb go down in history and disappear and not one gentleman ’s been brought to book: | Mes den hep tavas a-gollas y dyr | (Cornish) — “the tongueless man gets his land took. | | [Rasy oe Oe putuich aves be secerdal of 1Oreeheeth ony ay Ces be beaten er pate fo be saallanah, Unda, Setewaietege Rang daasas 30 sabe avd gupeon what Oey Re insahable and goxeon winat ey sider fo be opartabic Laman esaces - the wsiking and criminal OSES, | | leon [be vosrt fo beck forerel arte, Nae i sk Ge Shes fobe Literally patina [We Witte wey brake ro be oti aint See hissy oy ronomn ent et | wig, Prckice of 2 cienap.t cbse ofa counct > its ok tas | maign => le Oss te Cowal ray ad me Unks 40 the tin-wins, Sihatsy ef Comuall doguoles, Gur Bygage wins stoley J rOseMOT Spoke Js lem, ssh as no Scrasrwok. abat de conver Stow Abuses by Chese. wine Coeds te mes of cole ue Q9eSicr HI seIF-dafinvtioy Ce teat EN SEE from Cainish engage Form ckstes with Catert, creating Sexton Lay ay be dade Hematnally =7 6 +6+9 Rhyme schame ~7 Batycbcd/ EFER/GHEH Rhyme pattan pary+y Ryscok tyart =) 54146 +2414 Themahe cusion =) 646 +4 Rbyitumic sion cieaked by wrequiar iambic pestonre Roythin to asccutste compts i ac mind | Polysamg,: | Noho ct eerie Da't conude Tessas mniicorek NEG 2 Moseines ently "=? Scrotas ra Ge tubing cases oe betaa by degrading he TRevanc pision > lange stay qo wwe “baronet! and Usd 2 9 tool fo sobsfy He whims g tre rabag chases Astitude. ¢ Ce “upnolss of aw law ard Orda => Hypo thcch, lbp, Cook 4 (* > Geaxcopinnh Sryfe amuters corbeak ShiP— Le scrote beter thon Gonnck “4o puso he Us * 4 Baton"=> How Cas Brian con fi) to Uypioge > Sitoraurate dass, Be because Distory iS recorded, 4 — ages ro Lay bud in oni, | Se ‘Aho gat “Gin! Se 2 walig cs 2a ee ewes (wee pd)to | OPES Of the Earn wcmrctenaet wth fo wie I0 seticty Se conn > Regretful vary 05 He dercabed ereaaPint aa’ BOOK ENDS (Tony Harrison) 12) Refer the dy he mes th - Baked the day'she suddenly dropped dead. ferns |wetChew it slowly that last apple pie.) S° 953s | ies te Choe Sh lessness youre scared of We never could talk much, and now don't try. sptwence ‘You're like book ends, the pair of you, she'd say\ tw. sp) Hog that grate, say nothing, sit, sleep, stare; om anche 3 The “scholar” me, you, worn out poor pay, chess, only our silence made us seem a pair. | Not as good as staring in, blue gas, | too regular each bud, each yellow spike | fpteas cf Ue foior At night .eed my company to pass 2iidverert and she not here to tell us we're alike! ## thor You're life's all shattered into simthereens. Joy Back in our silences and sullen looks, for all the Scotch we drink, what's still between's not the thirty or so years, but books, books, books. weSfabu re eM a> beasecy ioe nanan 2? Tegra hain, 33 Quatthus > Wife weve jee [He annus fo Ham ara Blas de une Gert grow TS | raved =) ellusion to Gay's ~ dlagy watter in 9 cary ag (some mete aa rth dusted With He pebsour |112 Thewng @ Ge epitagn for He Jol Jawa | The stone's too full. The wording must be terse. ‘There's scarcely room to carve the FLORENCE on it = Come on, it't not as if we're wanting verse. It's not as if’ were wanting a whole sonnet! | After tumblers of neat Johny Walker (I thing that both of us we're on our third) ‘You said you'd always been a clumsy talker and couldn't find another, shorter word for “beloved” or for “wife” in the inscription, ‘but not too clumsy that you can’t still cut: You're supposed to be the bright boy at deseription\ git- ‘and you can't tell them what the fuck to put! ssa 've got to find the right words on my own. I've got the envelope that he'd been scrawling, mis-spelt, mawkish, stylistically a but I can't squeeze more love into lling stone. “aus He cenit witht © Guat eptBRh 1G tale rerhorect an Healey) is 0 prea no Chas ban Re) From The scoot gf Bhbquivice Bet L> src cyuctwe 5 2 Line cexgeming couplets cit thasHSNNY Harts ant ys fatser 05 > pT | ‘wnt iy anbic pextomere Relaxer tne. => Gat llucrate Ge hime ay he death and He HCY ef Ke Siow =? COWESH! EH Ragicter > hyornal made f dscace > Contacts =7ar- jas vOmbie Chythny en Bre has [Dveer spect = Wiley sn he dec a USM OLAS, | (Ae) > ne seid be rewermirech 19 NG AH, Indiiecr Speccinfeans emcier) => Laws, 4-6 B Kae we of te way, dass Woke alec bck spcobng past and presert sro the Ques 1S 9 TEN ch US fetes wrous tok wall aluesied > inno pale Be al atertioy gf thyrmng aheme (wanted Yer piherad vtec) US gan rare. we! sya!) 2 cape acter oct stert TE Uses Umass Cenc techyguad In Coweying HIS Senhrerts, fraught an tremens Gennes 22 nko 3 Sire med ard Seve. wraps of flker act Sen Sinai 2 dank (*Sceken", “Jay Walker) Exteded metres tat heplights Hanson's distant vetabosrp] with Wig falter aS rt ghpsic althaish they are symds-tey Be joc ast | deck as melted cok art tow ches ck fetal hs sebtet |smp wth ns fotos | okbes desi" hove © cpeakier ede hb Logger prewie wn hs He use wertrory, £0 srow shat ns fanly retsborshys wee efit He fais Reaked fiom Ns parts ae ohe > Gah haf an PU ey ME GaetS \Sehng > Farmidy name, rowel 2 fuepiace > 19 -p =7 DB, ji9 dow wher yo. bane wand ant Co 2 myst. juin wine Pane GAs was yale, amit eal Hu. Crractcy wth We Pike D Ye lave Gey feel fo tus meter taragey in eabog (* aye pie, “tolact Ue doy! JO S2S wy anes hs ayy Te Pie been dese | [P82 Ra 20 feats 9 Sar gee | 2 bS-6> He matter (nbiiect sqeuh Bomber) shows surartny between a Ss { \cars aac fir deste. Gear ait + Ly lo Up aa daskh, har mothe, ons eins | BUST > Raises memory He ful duced | |afber e mother's cath VRachhor hy, haces) => Sparatoy bebe hnetPard NS | PPOS: Probably due be atucaheal/ ate mc 5 Wie frosts. hea ‘ a | leaea Da 9 ons at tis, ans. | to clear away her things and look alone cS as though his still raw love were such a crime. "8 He couldn't risk my blight of disbelief | ‘though sure that very soon he'd hear her key | scrape in the rusted lock and end his grief. ye. Ie Kas shea ue gap cut © get to te Morons hone oe believe life ends with death, and that is all. | You haven't both gone shopping; just the same, in my new black leather phone book there's your name ‘and the disconnected number 1 still call. desc shit lls, | Tere 2 vay sot | WAP jest soos Som pRer's paar ¥ Rnal stinta > Shifts arcod Wo genina sates => We ROBE Uy ener vasds and He coratey recoedved His ox behave © ot lente bewiderat at bis, | Aact death ¢ Covet eras and how we cape with the. BHeF Ghat rexatts ( rbgete of Cur Revel oS) | Up eds in tine but low nae dies toxe 1s fn Gill ad exeyaay Uys Hot ama up 0 Life, segatier Th fotte Gr't aaapt He death of ins wife. >put Suopes, | waertattles and te renews her Semen pass, | v | (Fe andre Crtisises mis. father but atthe et he Cn ental nits whis his fothel passes away feo CHS theory) act. | WiC) he STS US lhe he rmcthe | Doc Sorts 2 The Jother is emesxrasson @ his achens and fadings. He's Shi Qovirg he. NE has bean acting | We She aS yuck gowe euch Shopping DP He's denying | ter death Last vow > The cx shil US He discemserted row marines > He's moe Like ts fatter then bo thinks: |o s apaert at a gene | | LAdfernss hetin his beefs ar ters wale | Shi cred aut He suamber bis descl parents ino it on) Yatre® of 4 OS Ara 10 Syllobes exh vese. Cstearty thy then) Rage coyme +use ch many wos of 4 9f 2 sytobles | carkibatny b> cvciy-ciay Jal of He. prom bikensbos thyre schome ABAB whe fa sie, wre it choges te ARPA © Final stenea 1s fueusecl or nator actions (pct fotte’s SNS). Tee achers ae diffazir to Ge pas ows © Fira) stave => change in thyme con be telstet to > ergs 10 his OE, Hoybe: MS fatter is cluct {co ick any csenhie. dei forages La ad Ca =) wexnnn > meteors lave 6 ° Lots of enyartments => Movement onc sencsstoy Sag miei gh tre * Geos SNudme toe, * Bust ad stale worls 40 veate ermohon © Rosaic ancl eicrycey Rarguage, alGo Senpe. s > Sop” asc (RARER, Sep STEEP D amghostony rage 12-132 Repeating a set ef achos 28 F ‘She wes shi alfue NOR" ere qf wad wh IRS pot Wael yA “used cock" = laupt ¢ tine senphaised by “Sti” S two yes! => it's a, ake =) Cemsks aro. eMPRSSA Hetine witha We. “bunt ¢ dicbeliof'"=) blignt cb a plague oa dseaic. Daestudie > sqyets beh iow (tler)aul peblomatic (eahonship Sor- fotte Lys -16 ) The restate changes bis bebaviour (naw!) Dad | OR the fark he has creygedl his addcteess locok, Ne MAS | TURNS (Tony Harrison) 1 thought it made me look more ‘working class! (as if a bit of chequered cloth could bridge that gap!) I did a turn in it before the glass. My mother said: It suits you, your dad's cap. wrariny wth (She preferred me to wear suits and part my hair You're every bit as good as that lot are!) Al the pension queue came out to stare. 3 stan, Dad was sprawled beside the postbox (still VR) , his cap tuzged ingide up beside his head, | smudged’ ‘in purple Indian ink | and Brylcreem slicks displayed so folks migh think he wanted charity for dropping dead. He never begged. For nowt! Death's reticence crowns his life, and me, I'm opening my trap to busk the class that broke him for the pence | that splash like brackish tears into our cap. SBA Pp | Autobegrapinat poenn oF serpy ~ aubabaegagrxal at east 2 boy who warts Go Rk in NG fotar's Snes Chaps ban wien ns pater das => cap Les gsc downy | Fe dhrge 1s te dotnang device | Hod 9 Spr € the verstit@s, amchor De pout f bis sodo and He. ustang CESS lus 2 cap Sd gust Stara Woes [he Fe oad ore uantote lates peewee | | © His pier 6 wong css but \o's nck. He's giao | | domrestiok ot baame- mde GAS We fas dad ont Ge cap Ug guide own Cocks Uke 2 beggar => athtde crags = Feels NS Jolter 1s munmiated. oy the foot act by Cle. Cow best stares 2? Cop ne irenic. > Te epeakexr called arog with Ue cep fom the cont, 26 IFnis doa GA 1 aoa) piers 2 Rerw arhst | “Tap. bik" > He's doty beene NS folle('s doth “Cap" =? Grins counn after hig ter dosh Ak Jocks Beussie Ge ap wath pride, lat afler he fattes | | darth ne saad €0 bag, with Khe cap ont He sean OF foray pat of the workny cass & boken “Tans > Tian in fiok he omiter the ans Rife dors Gy) fon witkug cas to beg Jambi pevareter with aiepatig uatahat in ery Cres MARKED WITH D (Tony Harrison) Seeman So soak day Jor is Jobler (gull of umes ‘When the chilled dough of his flesh went in an over | olutiny wim) =) Hack wostahor > He's yy ns Heh not unlike those he felled all his life, ~D" Sdoath CnesPotrer's) T thought of his cataracts ablaze with Heaven oo = and radiant with the sight of his dead wife, » Bitten frol gates | light streaming from his mouth to shape her name, = lamerorg Sxpori atid F arvestension COKORS | not Florence and not Flo but always Florrie’ NS fptererd hy aniccaten fe Ge uoleygchaces | | thought how his cold tongue burst into lame = Setters Got 2 wile NE ana © Mitle wor than optt ey smoke au 2 handhd ef aah | |e Guutt at hes oun poctiepationin the cppressive class, | | Grguage ‘but only literally, which makes me sorry, sorry for his sake there's no Heaven to reach. |T get it all from Earth my daily bread | let anersarpisrs uesiagene but he hungered for release from mortal speech ae Ee oar alee ‘ceo that pt him down, the tongue that weighed lke lead, | Fath boverd by bs comment o Yortal Seah" 9 The baker's man that no‘be will see, nye |and England made to feel like some ‘ant V lictect Nera te tant & snake. nan feel hag, |is smoke, enough to sting one person's eyes hie 2 Ault 03} WSenfont 95.9 ¥4 and ash (not unlike flour) for one smal loaf Maxieation fetaneree | | “SPEEA hon From, | | 2a sorasg SY T - \v Horrephare werd => Sass (best) loses (daakh) > RUN Lies >-q => Fattes's cormation | ¥ Wbus caotat with bokey od death “amy aay brea" > AON Cc) [Ca tecd's pegs | Ws pty was 9 taker = Ulrkieg, dass, Te biead is Jother mad ‘ He Wiese the warn cas ring ad he ditt fel Sambo tery te. Gry => won ef Jandy ramet f & ‘anaes bathe =) retignsss dustroparct betwen Geren | bat his uackgeunt i Suntarte ee 2 Rontass oan Like Wis fater | TT auoideg i ler telly he Ln He § egrcecaue he fils in ateuate insalP exfreston Nowe ard. nos 016 Gp 30 healthy heh Hinig > Wele oothing wten we die 2 insgniicore Gtk To He denn fetes. haces 9 Nien each He 19% ca > nuirineas Jong g his fother Ee Thats ung he fais soy BY |e > Tre scucty cra be cespensie (© ths Sere Sie TE > Rites to is Jotiers Rigen ns doers dass MAG" La? Referted fo Kener/ bread uke g ey to wesc [Hees Bros + ye tien AWABE'S FREY A MAUS RUNT CF WIEN, | Rn => Gatrahn + baking | Graetg | | | ed> Reet Godda tdabos | ABS Ralf > ed ea eae | ee eee ae | ee BeBe) CoA Coopant fo a baler Ciles Sash | © Roem is ache cf api uty 2A de ci cae king of Ue fer) and Ge. takeas's man Cater 2 f= 25 2 at able death a G10) Ser with mote Spec | Bey Urns aint how ne ihats egies inky fie | = Site coeds Oe wits 2 wre Gamoted. fe pls Sey Ju his dad becase he vas aviag * Nusey tyme > Coprrtist empl cabo [ROS Nene ant Ge ag dowsit helen yo MEY ls Balers te ae dy = Boker Susie! =) cerrabey Bes cristanty Ketger 2raitasin [Forewal to ne pikes > He accepted Gossuntone. mons Sty hamer A |ebart but he Qik in ommatebl way (crows noes — ley Zt ant st vokciagy => prodactivity stat BiG Own dors fact abo ms father's exe) Ne EN om “Eat” he ln the ext of UR cawrytring Is catund to a5 Coreheay) = Pe MISe “ealease. From emt! Spach” tee . { Teectan area” DIS POETRY (Benjamin Zephaniah) The goom 1s vorthin, hem orc cE ull be with Pram all Dis poetry is like a riddim dat drops 5 vutvteuar have. T's Ram fin Deteneneiees rd dat cheers | Ae ee we (prea ouiowuae Dis poetry is designed fe rantin . “ ‘Dance hail style, big mouth chanting, » ND Seufe adhessae > Fo ory age categorun of Dis poetry nar put yu to sleep Pate deals bask By the nation po 7 Flatly pt, it's nck abuct ony pathalarot specgic. Like yu is blind sheep, Rody waksmasts | eee thaght > Wous art thoughts ave mating Dts poetry ls noe Party Pottdical ly © eipy Oe and ae shoe Gon wots Put Ot ‘Not designed fe dose who are critical. 2 (U-hy (oc Eobe . lb fr (wre, Dis poetry is wid me when Tgu tome bed 72:4 Fe zm re within fm, Me wasds from te at whe chow neidias, He doen't Clee to be compared It gets into me dreadlocks Ttlingers around me head He's nok Oke Sholespare Cout he admaestnuin) Dis poetry goes wid me as I pedal me bike | T've tried Shakespeare, respect due dere SECM Semple bus recky conpluctet But did is de stuff I iike. Ao enytnn bude cage eye cneime. Dis poetry is not afraid of going ina book Stil de poetry need ears te hear an eyeefohav atook |< ae won Dis poetry la Verbal Riddim ge bg words tnvolveg | SPA yotekssm wr septache van ch MG erase ra esta COxHCSS JegetBght /nght) > In de e+ [Pve tried to be more romantic, it does au good for me ~ Sjoken stag out joo Zphanias's. minel So tek a Reggae Riddim an build me poetry, = Layee choicas er duchon herve partly Jrom his chihod could try be more personal Rees But you've heard it all betore, See So nitiemted — Uses nis dialect Brain has many words in store, ~Nov- Storch Engtsh => To Say chalerging of beck ‘Yu could call dis poetry Dub Ranting Ahuegs asserting, > Remmalc he's act at ge “atabhivet De tongue plays a beat = Wittes vou a5 dy sand not 28 Hey are wate, De body starts skanking, cicee® ‘Dis poetry is quick an childish ~epetihens 2 * I chert 7 Dis poetry is fe de wise an foolish, 1S pat > Doean't hold specapeahas It's ok fr web Anybody can doe tere, 95 Jo lloweg. cos fs puithing you to Siapier f ralbiy acre He cilyy tres to expess his thaxhS He lows Shakectot Suisiaa annie taut ke. 2160 fax> iS Cun Sry Chant, Chane in studee (4 pat > hot diaid of punkesni abo ek ’ Shing - lagrabon is cq areee Ck pt ard thy > te lect! Ure gon. He Mod ko ke fonacne Sey is Gp ee ene Bega but he's nck guck at all. He Hed tobe gesowh lout renee ea ee all tepics at weds bat bean ULd ey. Inde darkness Yo big W0dS ingolvad "+ “ pansduiatin words "ae An under de spotlight, My “ pind are et = Behy 1S all about He Meaning beh I pass thru Sociology a RS An den I got a dread degree Nddwur! 1S wncxe anpatant Un shucic- In Dreadfull Ghettology. Yhe bg words" => acesibl b eucyoro Dis poetry stays wid me when Irun or watk An when I am talking to meself in poetry I talk, Be main 16.0 dapichor his Ce och Ue massage Dis poetry is wid me, he wants to Ceniiay. t0 ail Below mean above, = Dis poetry's from inside me Aum > Rputarie. pads bene. ny wok ~

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