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New Insights into Trilateral

Arun D. Singh, M.D.
Carol L. Shields, M.D.
Jerry A. Shields, M.D.

Oncology Service, Wills Eye Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

T he association between retinoblastoma and primary intracra-

nial malignancy first was reported in two patients by Jakobiec et
al. in 1977.1 Three years later, Bader et al. reported a series of ten
patients with bilateral retinoblastoma and pinealoblastoma.2 Be-
cause of the embryologic similarities between the retina and the
pineal gland, Bader et al. coined a descriptive term: “trilateral
retinoblastoma” (TRb).2,3 Since these reports were published, clin-
ical variations of the classic presentation have been reported.4 It is
important to realize that retinoblastoma in the setting of TRb can
manifest as unilateral retinoblastoma.5 In fact, one of the originally
reported cases had unilateral ocular involvement.1 In rare in-
stances, there may even be a complete lack of ocular involve-
ment.4,5 However, in such atypical cases (“forme fruste”) there is a
family history of retinoblastoma.6 In nearly all cases, TRb develops
in a subset of retinoblastoma patients harboring germline muta-
tions and manifesting heritable disease (bilateral or multifocal, or
a positive family history).4,5
The nature of a primary malignant intracranial tumor also can
be varied in its location and histopathologic features.5 The majority
of tumors are located in the pineal region but the tumors also can
occur in the suprasellar and parasellar regions. The histopatho-
logic appearance of the intracranial component of the TRb is not
always that of pinealoblastoma.5 Some authors believe that the
tumors comprising the intracranial component of TRb are primi-
tive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) exhibiting varying degrees of
neuronal or photoreceptor differentiation, suggesting an origin
from the germinal layer of primitive cells (subependymal plate)
rather than the pineal gland.7 The clinical and histopathologic
findings indicate that TRb is a heterogeneous entity with expected
variations in its clinical course.
See referenced original article on pages 135– 41, Recent advances in the treatment of retinoblastoma have led to
this issue. a reduction in the risk of metastasis with a 5-year cumulative
survival rate of 91% in the U.S.8 Second malignant neoplasms and
Address for reprints: Arun D. Singh, MD, Oncology trilateral disease have become the significant contributors of over-
Service, Wills Eye Hospital, 900 Walnut Street,
all mortality in hereditary retinoblastoma patients. In bilateral
Philadelphia, PA 19107.
retinoblastoma patients, the presence of an intracranial malig-
Received March 10, 1999; accepted March 17, nancy (TRb) has become the most frequent cause of death in the
1999. first decade of life, accounting for approximately 50% of all

© 1999 American Cancer Society

4 CANCER July 1, 1999 / Volume 86 / Number 1

deaths.9,10 Nevertheless, TRb is a rare entity with an with unilateral retinoblastoma.4 In the review by Pau-
estimated 8 such cases occurring annually in the lino,15 the median age at the time of diagnosis of a
U.S. (birth rate of 3.9 million per year,11 retinoblas- retinoblastoma was 6 months with a median time
toma frequency of 1 in 15,000 live births12; 40% of interval between that diagnosis and the diagnosis of
retinoblastomas are hereditary,13 and 8% of such TRb of 21 months. Approximately 90% of patients
patients develop TRb).14 developed TRb within 4 years of the time of the diag-
In this issue of Cancer, Paulino collected data nosis of retinoblastoma. This information is helpful in
from all reports of cases of TRb published in the En- designing screening protocols. For prospective screen-
glish language over the last 20 years.15 The data were ing for TRb, we currently recommend gadolinium-
analyzed statistically to answer the question of enhanced magnetic resonance imaging or computed
whether the location of the intracranial tumor is im- tomography with contrast every 6 months up to the
portant. The author observed variations in the clinical age of 5 years in patients with hereditary cases of
presentation of the disease with an earlier onset of retinoblastoma.
TRb observed in patients whose tumors were located The data presented in the article by Paulino15
in the suprasellar region. The median time interval have been derived from patients treated in different
from the diagnosis of retinoblastoma to the develop- institutions, from many countries, and over a period
ment of a tumor in the pineal region was 24 months of 20 years. Not surprisingly, they were treated dif-
whereas it was only 1 month for tumors developing in ferently with various combinations of surgery, che-
the suprasellar region. Unilateral intraocular retino- motherapy, and radiotherapy including neuraxis ra-
blastoma with an intracranial tumor was more likely diation. Survival was dismal in the majority of the
to occur in suprasellar than pineal region tumors. cases with only 4 children surviving . 2 years. The
However, the median survival interval after the diag- cause of treatment failure was tumor dissemination
nosis of an intracranial tumor was 6 months, regard- along the neuraxis in approximately 50% of the
less of the tumor location. cases. With the availability of newer chemotherapy
In addition, Paulino noted that observations of regimens, the prognosis of TRb patients may im-
longer survival times in patients whose intracranial prove in the future.
tumors were detected before the onset of related
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