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Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Engineering &

Shrikrishna S Dhamankar Institute of Management, Nashik

Question Bank
MBA-I (Semester-I) 2023-24
Basics of Marketing (105)

Q1) Answer the following in short: (2 marks each)

a) List the competing concepts under which the organization carries out marketing
b) Describe Selling Concept.
c) Define need and provide two examples.
d) List four elements of the marketing macro environment.
e) Name the major consumer market segmentation variables.
f) Identify two points of distinction between the organization and consumer buying
g) List down components of Marketing Mix.
h) Explain concept of Market Potential and market share.
i) What is zero moment of truth (ZMT)?
j) What is Meta - Markets?
k) Define Individual Marketing.
l) Define concept of positionning.
m) List down four concepts of marketing.
n) Explain two components of marketing mix.

Q2) Answer the following: (5 marks each)

a) Explain components of Micro Environment Analysis with proper Example.

b) What is Niche Marketing and mass marketing? Explain with appropriate example.
c) Explain Concept of market Potential and market share.

Q3) (10 marks each)

a) Enlist the steps involved in the buying decision process of a motor cycle for yourself?
b) Qwality ice-cream is planning a new product launch in coming summer. Explain
marketing mix and design an extended marketing mix that will help the company to
succeed in Indian market

Q4) (10 marks each)

a) Explain the terms “Segmentation”, “Targeting” and “Positioning.” How are these
concepts used by BATA, TATA Salt and Dish TV?
b) Examine the major forces that affect the organization’s micro and macro environment.
Give appropriate instances.
c) Develop PESTLE analysis for a coffee shop.

Q 5. (10 marks each)

a) Explain each stage of consumer buying behaviour for purchase of double door
refrigerator for personal use.
b) Explain segmentation categorize following products in suitable segmentation. Justify
your answer.
i) iphone ii) Fog Deo

Q.6. (10 marks each)

a) Describe the suitable strategies to be adopted at each stage of PLC for a two wheeler
of your choice.
b) Formulate Marketing mix for new sugar free ice-cream brand in India.

Q.7. (5 marks each):

a) Explain buying roles with appropriate example.
b) Describe Marketing myopia with respect to automobile sector.
c) Distinguish between targeting, segmentation and positioning.

Q.8. (10 marks each)

a) "The power of marketing and the way it can manipulate a person's view of a company
or brand is something which has fascinated for several years" comment. Define
Marketing and explain the core concepts of Marketing.
b) Explain the term Marketing Myopia and differentiate between Sales and Marketing
orientations in the context of A Wrist Watch Company.

Q.9. (10 marks each)

a) "If you are able to know why & how consumers buy, what they buy, you can be
successful marketer" Comment and explain the various factors, which affect the
consumer buying behavior.
b) Analyze the steps involved in the buying decision process for the product 'Green tea'.

Q.10. (10 marks each)

a) Undertake the environmental analysis for any two of the following markets
i) Medical shop ii) Beauty parlor, iii) Telecom
b) As a marketing manager of an organization develop 'market segment targeting and
positioning' for marketing plan for following.
i) Organic agriculture product ii) Washing Machine


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