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Cat. No.

It is agreed upon the date of signature by and between Chapter Author(s):

Mohamed EL GHAZOUANI {{*name_es_signer

(hereinafter referred to, whether one or more Chapter Author(s), as the “Contributor”) and Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, a State of Delaware limited liability company,
having its principal place of business at 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487,U.S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the “Publisher”) that the
above-named Contributor shall prepare textual material (the “Manuscript”), including all references, figures, and tables (jointly the “Contribution”), typed double-spaced
on 8½” x 11” (or A4) paper and on disk, prepared in accordance with the Author’s Guide to Publishing, a copy of which will be provided by the Publisher. All artwork
must also be delivered on disk separately to the Manuscript. The Contribution is due to the Editor for the chapter tentatively entitled:

Title: {{*title_es_signer Chapter No.: {{ch_es_signer}}

}} Data Integrity Auditing and Deduplication Using an Optimized Method Based on Blockchain and M
commissioned by Publisher for use as a contribution to a collective work (tentatively) entit ed Advances in Emerging Financial
Technology & Digital Money (hereinafter referred to as the or ) whi h sha be dee ed to be a wor ade for hire As su h opyrights in the or wi inure
to the benefit of the ub isher and the ub isher wi own the pub i ation its tit e and o ponent parts and a pub i ation rights his per its the ub isher in
its own na e to ai opyright in the Contribution a e app i ations to register its opyright ai and to renew its opyright ertifi ate

he Contributor represents that the anus ript is origina e ept for ateria in the pub i do ain and su h e erpts fro other wor s as ay be in uded with prior
written per ission of the opyright owners in both e e troni and boo for in perpetuity he ub isher wi a e a ai ab e to the Contributor a er ission
erifi ation or that has been appro ed by the ub isher for the Contributor to ist opyrighted ateria for whi h per ission has been obtained he ost of obtaining
su h per ission(s) sha be borne by the Contributor

f the Contribution is a epted by the ub isher for pub i ation in the or the ub isher agrees that the Contributor sha re ei e redit as the author of the
Contribution and one (1) o p i entary e oo opy of the first edition of the or in whi h the Contribution appears
arranty er issions: Contributor represents and warrants to ub isher that the anus ript and a figures i ustrations tabu ar ateria and other supp e entary
ateria sha be origina on Contributor s part Contributor further warrants that the Contribution sha ontain no ibe ous or un awfu state ents ontain no
instru tions that ay ause har or in ury and sha not infringe upon or io ate any opyright trade ar or other right or the pri a y of others

Please note that each Contributor must complete an individually-signed Contributor Agreement.
This Agreement must be on file prior to the publication of the Work.
Please notify Gabriella Williams ( of any address change.

Contributor: Mohamed EL GHAZOUANI

Affiliation (Company,
University): Polydisciplinary Faculty of Sidi Bennour, Chouaîb Doukkali University, Morocco
Mailing Address (No P.O. Boxes, please). If a University address, please include building name and number:

Building Name/Number (if applicable):
Please check if this is a home address: {{[]_es_signer}} Street:
City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code: El}}Jadida Country: Morocco
{{*country_es_signer }}
Alternate {{altphone_es_signer
Phone: +212641780488
{{*phone_es_signer }} Phone: +212608969267
{{*email_es_signer }}

Contributor agrees to execute this Agreement by electronic signature and agrees to be subject to the provisions of the U.S. E-SIGN Act (i.e., the Electronic Signatures in Global
and National Commerce Act (ESIGN, Pub.L. 106-229, 14 Stat.464, enacted June 30, 2000, 15 U.S.C. Ch. 96).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contributor hereto has duly electronically executed this Agreement effective the date signed.

Contributor’s Signature: {{_es_signer_signature}} Date: {{_es_signer_date}}


6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 • Boca Raton, FL 33487
Tel: (561) 994-0555 • Fax: (561) 241-7856

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