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ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual


ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig

Maintenance Manual


June, 2007
ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual


This manual is a complete document to our customers. Its purpose is to provide

something for operators and maintenance personnel to abide by when
maintaining the drilling rig.

Good maintenance of the devices can keep them performing perfectly, with not
only high productivity, but also fewer breakdowns and a long life.

All the standards and data are compiled according to the engineering designation,
which has been proofed in the long practical deployment. So, they need be
strictly abided by during the maintenance and repairwork of different levels.

If there is any faultiness in this manual, welcome to give us precious proposals

so that the manual can be improved and revised when republication.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

PREFACE ................................................................................................................................................. 2

SAFETY WARNING .............................................................................................................................. 5

1. OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 6

1.1 SHIFT MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................6

1.2 WEEKLY MAINTENANCE ...............................................................................................6
1.3 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................6
1.4 SEMIANNUAL / ANNUAL MAINTENANCE .............................................................................7

2. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE REGULATIONS ............................................................................ 7

3. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE IN COLD WEATHER...................................................... 7

3.1 CIRCULATION SYSTEM ................................................................................................7

3.2 LIFTING SYSTEM.......................................................................................................7
3.3 OTHER SYSTEMS ......................................................................................................7

4. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF DRAWWORKS .................................................................. 8

4.1 LUBRICATION OF THE DRAWWORKS DRIVING SYSTEM ...........................................................8

4.2 MAINTENANCE OF DRAWWORKS AIR CONTROL SYSTEM .......................................................10
4.3 DAILY CHECK-UP AND MAINTENANCE .............................................................................17
4.4 COMMON FAILURES AND TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................18
4.5 PERIODIC CHECKING ................................................................................................19
4.6 MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE CHAIN DRIVE .......................................................21


5.1 LUBRICATION OF THE DRIVE DEVICE .............................................................................25

5.2 MAINTENANCE OF ROTARY TABLE .................................................................................26

6. MAINTENANCE OF CROWN BLOCK ........................................................................................ 27

6.1 CHECK-UP IN RUNNING .......................................................................................................... 27

6.2 LUBRICATION ........................................................................................................28

7. MAINTENANCE OF TRAVELING BLOCK................................................................................. 28

7.1 MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................28

7.2 LUBRICATION ........................................................................................................29

8. MAINTENANCE OF HOOK........................................................................................................... 30

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

8.1 CHECK-UP BEFORE USING ..........................................................................................30

8.2 MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................30
8.3 LUBRICATION ........................................................................................................30

9. MAINTENANCE OF SWIVEL....................................................................................................... 31

9.1 LUBRICATION: .......................................................................................................31

9.2 MAINTENANCE:......................................................................................................31

10. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MAST............................................................. 32

11. MAINTENANCE OF THE SUBSTRUCTURE........................................................................... 34

12. MAINTENANCE OF THE AIR SYSTEM .................................................................................. 34

12.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................34

12.2 MAINTENANCE OF AIR PROCESSING SYSTEM ..................................................................35
12.3 MAINTENANCE OF AIR CONTROL SYSTEM ......................................................................35
12.4 MAINTENANCE OF AIR PIPELINES ...............................................................................35

13. MAINTENANCE OF THE DRILLING PUMP .......................................................................... 36

13.1 LUBRICATING SYSTEM ............................................................................................36

13.2 POWER END ........................................................................................................38
13.3 ROLL BEARING .....................................................................................................39
13.4 HYDRAULIC END ...................................................................................................41
13.5 MAINTENANCE OF CHECK POINT ................................................................................46
13.6 POSSIBLE FAILURES AND TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................53

14. HIGH PRESSURE PIPELINE MANIFOLD ............................................................................. 54

14.1 MAINTENANCE .....................................................................................................54

15. LUBRICATION OF DRILLING RIG......................................................................................... 55

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

Safety Warning

The power source must be cut off during the operation of maintenance.
And there should be obvious warning signs and relevant measures to avoid

Do ensure that all the jobs of maintenance and routine inspection should

be finished before switching on the power!

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

1. Overview

To keep the drilling rig working normally continuously and prolong the lifespan
of all the components, it is necessary to maintain it besides operating it according to
the manual.
During the service of the drilling rig, it is necessary to maintain it periodically.
The periodic maintenance includes shift maintenance, weekly maintenance, monthly
maintenance, half-year maintenance and annual maintenance. Problems found in
the maintenance can be solved by operator or professional according to specific
situation, while the others (e.g. replacing bearing), for which much workload is
required, must be sent to service station or repair shop to be solved.
For the maintenance of other relevant equipments and components not
included in this manual, see details in corresponding maintenance manuals.

1.1 Shift maintenance

Shift maintenance includes routine items, such as routine inspection,

adjustment, lubrication, fixture, cleaning, antisepsis, and following maintenance
items regulated below.
Operator should complete shift maintenance independently, which is the
operator’s routine inspection job.

1.2 Weekly maintenance

Weekly maintenance should include all the shift maintenance items.

Operator should complete weekly maintenance independently. Some items of
heavy (or difficult) workload (such as replacing filter cartridge, checking insulation
property) can be completed with the help of relevant personnel.

1.3 Monthly maintenance

Monthly maintenance should include weekly maintenance items. Some items of

heavy (or difficult) workload (such as adjustment of the drag block of clutch,
cleaning of air driven parts) can be completed with the help of relevant personnel
and technicians.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

1.4 Semiannual / annual maintenance

After half a year or one year’s running, all the motion parts must have been
worn, and the capabilities of other motionless parts will change too. So they need
adjustment, maintenance, and replacement. The jobs need to be completed by
professionals at professional stations (service stations) or repair shops according to
the advices from facility management technicians.

2. Periodic maintenance regulations

This chapter expounds the most basic routine inspection and maintenance
regulations. Users must follow them. See more details in relevant sections of this

3. Operation and maintenance in cold weather

3.1 Circulation system

1) Inspect the valve cavities and circulation line assemblies should be checked
to avoid freezing before starting the drill pump.
2) Drilling fluid in the drilling pumps hydraulic end, swivel, and high/low
pressure pipe assemblies must be discharged when the drill pump is shut down.
Discharge completely the liquid in the drench pump water tank.

3.2 Lifting system

1) Discharge all the freezing fluids from brake hub after drilling.
2) Avoid freezing at the relief hole at the bottom of the swivel lifting ring.

3.3 Other systems

1) Take preventive steps for the factors that may damage the main components
of the mast and substructure when the temperature is below -20℃.
2) Take antifreezing steps for the oil/gas/water transportation pipelines and
drilling rig control valves
3) There should be heat preservation measurements for the driller’s consol and

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

measuring instruments.

4. Maintenance and repair of drawworks

4.1 Lubrication of the drawworks driving system

The chains of JC-70D drawworks main section and the disc drive box assembly
are compulsorily lubricated. All the bearings except for those of gear shaft shall be
lubricated with grease.

4.1.1 Machine oil lubrication

6 pairs of chains inside the drawworks, with 2 pairs of 2-row 2in chains, 2 pairs
of 4-row 2in chains and 2 pairs of 6-row 11/2 chains, and 3 pairs of bearings in gear
shaft are lubricated with grease.
The chain wheels on the input axle of power assembly are intended to drive the
lubricating oil pump installed on the frame of power assembly. This pump absorbs
the lubricants from the oil tank under the base of power assembly and sends them
to all lubricating positions of drawworks.
To guarantee the constant pressure inside the oil way system (adjustable
pressure), the pressure gauge and check valve are mounted on pipeline. Generally,
the pressure is set as 0.2~0.4MPa.
The filter cleaner of oil way is often washed to ensure the smooth oil suction.
When the gear oil pump (CB-100) is mounted, the chain wheels on gear oil
pump and the corresponding chain wheel end face on input axis have a plane error
of no more than 0.50mm.
Noteworthy, the gear oil pumps, as the one-way pumps, must have the full
positive rotation and then the negative rotation. The positive and negative rotations
shall happen in an interval of 5 min. The drawworks operation is forbidden if the
gear oil pump and the oil tank of lubricating system are disconnected.
Oil product filled in the oil tank: In summer it is recommended to use L-
AN100 machine oil during the temperature range of 0 ~ 50℃. In winter it is
recommended to use L-AN46 machine oil during the temperature range of -30℃~
0℃. The oil level shall reach the point between two graduation lines of oil scale.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

The first filling volume is 1100 liters and the further supplementation is done as

4.1.2 Lubrication grease

All the lubricating points of the main lubricating parts for main section of
JC-70D drawworks drive system are concentrated on the front lower part of drum
shaft clutch guard at the left side of drawworks. All the remaining lubricating points
are set at those positions necessary for lubrication. The lithium base grease (0℃~
50℃,L-XBCHA3;-30℃~0℃,L-XBCHA1) is filled into all the lubrication choke nipples,
and at the same time, the oil containers with connecting copper pipes inside shall
have the choke nipples removed and the joints of dry oil station connected. Use the
dry oil station to fill lubricationand use the lubricationgun directly or dry oil station if
the choke nipples are linked with the lubricationcontainers. The further filling
volume of each oil container is about 20~50g.
Lubricating nameplate is on the left side of drawworks, as shown in the figure.
All the lubricating points are shown in the figure and requirements of nameplate
must be followed as lubricationis filled.

4.1.3 Lubrication replacing period

Lubrication replacing period is related to its use condition, maintenance, and

cleaning, etc. So it is really hard to give an exact figure. According to experience,
we offer the following data for reference.

――The first lubrication replacing period is 2000 working hours since the new
drilling rig is put into use (for the lubrication quality declines quickly during running
in period).

――The lubrication replacing period is 2000~4000 working hours or more with

proper using and maintenance.

――The best way is to test the oil product according to the regulations of 4.1.4
to determine whether it can be used any more.

4.1.4 Lubricating oil quality assurance

The newly bought lubrication must be qualified product (relevant quality

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

certificate is required).

Lubrication must be filled through filter. It is prohibited to fill directly to the oil

Replace the lubrication when any one of following indices exceeds its
permissible value.
Performance index Permissible value
Kinematics viscosity rate ±15%
Water content <0.1%
Colourity Within 3 sizes greater than new oil (magnitude)
Mechanical impurity <0.2%
Iron level 10-4%※ <100(namely<100ppm)
Acid value (mg (KOH)/g) <0.5

4.2 Maintenance of drawworks air control system

Maintenance of drilling rig air control system is very important because its

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

failures may affect the production severely.

4.2.1 Maintenance instruction

1) Maintenance check-up before use:

● Whether the instruments of the driller’s console shows correctly, whether the

inside and outside of the console is clean, and whether there is air leakage;

● Whether all the control valves works reliably;

● Whether the shift and lock gears run reliably and whether the rotary table and

input shaft inertia brake works properly;

● The crown clock saver needs tests before each tripping job to see whether it is


● Whether the air crane has a high temperature and air leakage;

● Whether the quick relieve valve works well, and whether there is jam


● Whether the rubber tubes leaks;

● Adjust the safety valve pressure of the air tank under the drilling rig

substructure to 0.9MPa;

● Fill lubrication grease into one-way air guide tap.

All above except the crown block saver need inspection every 8 hours.

2) Avoid leakage of the compressed air

The normal run of the air control system is on the base of compressed air with
bound flow rate and pressure. Otherwise, some accidents such as failures or
insufficient output may happen. So much attention should be paid for the seal of all
the air control components and pipeline conjunctions, etc. to reduce air leakage.
When the power machine doesn’t work, leakage sound of the air is not allowed.
When power is off, close all the clutches. The pressure drop in the pipeline must be
within the allowable range. When the compressed air pressure is no less than
0.9MPa, the pressure drop shouldn’t exceed 0.1MPa within 30mins. While
disassembling the plastic rapid cannula, one hand must press the nut lock washer

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

and the other one pulls up the plastic cannula. After being used for many times, the
front of the plastic cannula should be wiped out for about 10~20mm. Then the
cannula is allowed to insert the conjunction. Especially after the system’s being used
for some time, because of the high pressure of the system that forces the plastic
cannula out, the front of the plastic cannula must be wiped out for about 10~20mm
or renew plastic cannula to be connected with the conjunction. Otherwise, it is
possible that the pipeline cannot be sealed closely and the cannula may be forced
out again.

3) Pay attention to the clean of the pipeline

If there is contaminant in the pipeline, the pneumatic components may fail.

Disjointed pipe conjunctions must be well protected during the moving of drilling rig.
All the cauldrons of the metal pipelines must be blanked off with corks. Clean the
pipes with compressed air before the installation of the pipeline until there is no
contaminant in the pipes.

4) Dealing with the failures of the air control components

When the air control components fails, don’t disassemble the valves arbitrarily.
There are many reasons for the air control valves failures. Sometimes, it is not the
fault of the valves themselves, but the jam of the air course pipelines or the size of
the air pressure (low source pressure, air leakage along pipelines). So, it needs
check up stepwise. The method is as follows. First of all, from control valves and
control pipelines to remote control valves open the air conjunctions stepwise and
check the open situation. If the control air course is straightaway, then check the
open situation again. Otherwise, there is problem with the valves. If there are any
reserved valves, change it and get in touch with relevant technical department.
Open the valves to check with the admission and make sure the problems with the
valve brokens. In a word, when there is any problem with the air control system,
one must be patient to find out the reasons carefully and handle them correctly.
Blind repair is prohibited.

There is another trait for air control valves: they work well during the
continuous use; but they failures several days later after being blocked up. This
situation may appear more easily for the two-position three-way air control valves.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

The reason is that the valve core may be scaled during the period of being blocked
up, which increases the resistance of the moving portion of the valves, and thus the
valves failures and air leakage happens. Under this situation, blank off the normally
closed two-position three-way air control valves. If the leakage eliminates, the
valves are scaled. The valves can resume work after the valves cores being moved
several times repeatedly. If the leakage goes on, it is necessary to open the valves
to check the specific causes.

When the drilling rig completes a well or at intervals (no longer than 3 months),
the whole air system needs an overall maintenance. Check the conditions of the
vulnerable parts, and change and clean in time to avoid the valves working under
abnormal situations.

4.2.2 Failures and troubleshooting of the air controlling system

Common failures, causes and removing methods are shown in the following

No. Description Failures Causes Troubleshooting

1. air leakage valve broken replace
Broken valve
(2-HA-2Z) three-position 2. failures replace
1 four-way reset air guide
valve rusted,
valve 3.Change valve is not
jammed by clean
1. air leakage valve broken replace
Valve rusted,
2 (ND5)shuttle valve
2. do not reverse jammed by clean
1. air leakage valve broken replace
( ND5 ) dual pressure Valve rusted,
valve 2. do not reverse jammed by clean
Worn valve
4 (ND7) throttle valve air leakage terminal, jammed clean or replace
( ND12 ) two-position valve broken gate
5 1. air leakage clean or c replace
three-way air controlling with contaminant

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

valve Use hands to

block the
rust on the deflation,
2. do not reverse
cylinder wall deflation can be
eliminated or be
(2-HA-1) two-position valve broken gate
1. air leakage replace
three-way air guide with contaminant
valve valve rusted gate
2. do not reverse clean
with contaminant
Same as 2-HA-2Z Same as 2-HA-2Z
(2-HA-2) Same as 2-HA-2Z
three-position three-position
7 three-position four-way three-position four-way
four-way air guide four-way air
air guide valve air guide valve
valve guide valve
valve broken gate
1. air leakage clean or replace
with contaminant
Use hands to
( ND7 ) two-position
block the
8 three-way air controlling
rust on the deflation,
valve 2. do not reverse
cylinder wall deflation can be
eliminated or be
Push rod valve Abrasive O-shape
9 air leakage replace
QF518 ring and valve
1. air leakage copper broken, replace
One-way air guide tap
10 wearing seal

refill lubricants in
2.high temperature no lubricant
1. freeze-in contaminant clean
2. air leakage O-shape ring replace
rapid relieve valve
11 air deflation in the
3.unsmooth air relief pneumatic tire check and repair

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

Same as rapid Same as rapid

rapid relieve valve Same as rapid relieve
12 relieve valve relieve valve
(ND10) valve(ND12)
(ND12) (ND12)
Same as rapid Same as rapid
rapid relieve valve Same as rapid relieve
13 relieve valve relieve valve
(QKPJ-1/2) valve(ND12)
(ND12) (ND12)
valve broken gate
2-HA-1R two-position 1. air leakage replace
with contaminant
14 three-way air guide
rust on the
valve not reverse clean
cylinder wall
valve broken gate
1. air leakage clean or replace
with contaminant
ND7 two-position
Hands block the
five-way air controlling
15 deflation,
valve rust on the
2. do not reverse deflation can be
cylinder wall
eliminated or be
1.Continued air check the air
supply of the air course, remove
Continued operation of course the failures
drum shaft following 2.Absence of auto replace the rapid
16 LT1168×350TClutch the removal of air relieve relieve valve
LT1168×350Tpneumatic replace to the
tire clutch 3. Use of the new thin friction plate
friction disc to guarantee the
gap of 2-3 mm
check the air
1.Failuresing air
course, remove
the failures
replace the
Less responsive start of 2. Serious
17 Drum friction plates and
the drum abrasion,
check whether
overloading and
the revolving
blockage of the
parts have junks
friction plates
and deformation
Failed pressure or 1.Leakage or check the air
18 Air pressure sudden pressure drop disconnection of course, remove
of air course the air course the failures

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

2.Broken and Check and

leaking clutch air replace the air
sac sac
check the air,
3.Partial pipeline
clean the
check the air,
1. air is not cut off remove the
2. without air
replace the rapid
Pneumatic friction Continued running after relieve
19 relieve valve
cathead shutting off it automatically
replace to the
3. Use of the new thin friction plate
friction disc to guarantee the
1.Leakage or check the air
disconnection of course, remove
the air course the failures
2.Broken and Check and
Pneumatic friction no running after being
20 leaking clutch air replace the air
cathead switched on
sac sac
check the air
3.Partial pipeline
course, clean the
broken seal of the
Water chain block end
21 Water chain block aqueous gas replace the seal
1.Continued air check the air
supply of the air course, remove
Continued operation of course the failures
drum shaft following 2.Absence of auto replace the rapid
22 LT965×305T Clutch the removal of air relieve relieve valve
LT965×305T pneumatic replace to the
tire clutch 3. Use of the new thin friction plate
friction disc to guarantee the
gap of 2-3 mm

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

valve broken gate

1. air leakage replace
with contaminant
rust on the
clean or replace
ND7 explosion-proof cylinder wall
electromagnetic valve replace not reverse burnout

4.3 Daily check-up and maintenance

4.3.1 Shift check-up items

1) Check whether the bolt connecting drawworks and substructure is fastened;

2) Check whether the fast line clamp board bolt is fastened;

3) Check whether the brake facilities fixed bolts is fastened and whether the friction
block and brake disc have a proper gap;

4) Check whether oil level in oil sump is within the scale range;

5) Check whether the gear oil pump pressure is between 0.1-0.4MPa;

6) Check whether every chain is well lubricated;

7) Check temperature increment at each end of the bearings;

8) Check whether there is oil leaking at every end of bearings and on the bearing

9) The air tube clutch Min. pressure is 0.7MPa;

10) Check whether there is air leaking in air valve, tubes, and tie-in;

11) Check whether there is leaking along lubrication lines, whether there is block in
nozzles, and whether it’s set in proper direction.

12) Check whether there is any abnormal phenomenon at every gearing site.

13) Check whether water chain block is well sealed and whether the freezing water
course is leaking.

14) Check whether the dog house drifts too much and its support is reliable. The

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

dog house is supported directly by the bracket. Because of long-term vibration

during the drilling process, it may stray away from its original position. When it
strays away too much, it may upset or fall. So it deserves much attention.

4.3.2 Other inspection items

1) The lubrication replacing period is 2000 hours or even longer when there
aren’t many impurities in the oil sump, the oil product isn’t deteriorated severely
and circulation is normal.

2) Inspect, adjust and fasten all the transmission connectors when shutdown.
Inspect whether the pin spindle falls or the side plate hurts.

3) Inspect the clutch and brake friction discs at any moment. Adjust or replace
them in time (see the details in the disc braking system).

4) Check the abrasion of fast line and replace immediately in case of excessive
abrasion or broken threads.

5) Generally, semi-annually check and change, if necessary, the abrasion of

chains, chain-wheel bearings, gears, sealing washers and etc. Check the
deterioration or damage of lubricating system and air course hose. Inspect whether
all the joints and fasteners are loose.

6) Notice the unlisted items in the tours of checks and inspections. Remove
the potential equipment problems and maintain their regular operation.

4.4 Common failures and troubleshooting

Failures Reasons Troubleshooting

A. No lubrication or low lubricating Check the oil pump and adjust the
system pressure system pressure to be 0.2~0.4MPa
B. Jammed filter circuit Check out the pipelines related to the
temperature radiant parts,remove the jam
too high C. Metamorphic lubrication Cleaning and changing the oil
D. Choked rotary parts Find out the cause, and solve it
E. Too low oil level,insufficient oil in Refill lubricationto rating value
oil pool, affecting the heat radiating
Too much Operation according to the as stated
A. Too loose chain
noise in “chain adjustment”

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

B. Broken bearing Change the bearing

C. Loosened connectors or fasteners Find out the cause, and solve it
D. Resonant system Alter the operating speed to avoid the
resonant region
E. Abnormal sound : Foreign matter Find out the cause, and solve and
entering machine or collision of its eliminate this potential fault
loose parts
A. Leaking from shaft neck Extra high oil steam pressure in the
cavity: inspect the breather valve and
eliminate the impurities. Broken oil
seal: change it. Too thin grease:
Oil leaking
choose proper oil product according
to season
B. Leaking from shield Distorted shield: level it. Poor sealing:
find out the cause and solve it
A. Failures of air control, electric,
Refer to relevant manual
Others hydraulic systems
B. Brake system failures Refer to relevant manual

4.5 Periodic checking

After a period of running, the drawworks will confront some problems including
worn-out of rotating parts, loose of connecting parts, block in lines, aging of sealing.
These problems must be eliminated to avoid its harmful effects. Besides those daily
check-up and normal maintenance, the periodic inspection and maintenance must
be given with the participation of professional personnel. And the major
maintenances (such as replacement of bearing of some parts) shall be implemented
at service bureau or mechanical repair plant. The check-up and adjustment of all
parts and assemblies of the drawworks manual are given in Chapter 6, and the
assembly and disassembly of all parts are offered in chapter 7, please refer to
relevant documents.

4.5.1 Quarterly checking

1) Open the window and hood cover to check the chain, chain pin, roller and
split pin on a case-by-case basis. Judge whether they will be continuously
used according to the check result. Replace in case of serious abrasion.
ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

2) Check the wearing situation of brake friction discs, change it when

3) Check whether the pneumatic tire clutch gasbag is worn and change the
seriously worn friction plate;
4) Check the working interval of friction cathead and regulate the shim(or
change the friction plate if necessary);
5) Check wearing situation of the brake axle, and replace it when necessary;
6) Check the abrasion of internal and external gears in the gear clutch;
7) Check the oil way.
Check up the following parts. Replace, repair or adjust according to their
·Oil tank
·Oil pipelines
·Lubrication grease lines
·Chain lubricating spray head
·Pressure gauge
·Sealing element

4.5.2 Annual checking

1) Check up all the connecting screws, tighten those loosen ones, and repair or
replace those lost or worn forelock and bonding iron wires.
2) Check up the behavior of every bearing, and replace those worn ones.
3) Check to assure that there is no leaking or jam in all the grease/lubricating
4) Check the clutch structure and change the attrition parts.
5) Check the chain gears and abrasion.
6) Check up the wear of brake disc and the behavior of lines and connectors in
cooling system.
7) Check up the wear of brake block.
8) Clean up the oil tank thoroughly.
9) Check up the inner situation of the electric motor, and its alignment.
10) Check up all the lines, valves and pressure gauge’s performance in air control

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

11) Check up all the oil seal.

After checking, sort out all the parts needing to be repaired or changed.

For those difficult items, they shall be carried out in professional service station or
repair shops.

4.6 Maintenance and adjustment of the chain drive

The chain drive system of this drawworks has a fixed center distance of chain wheel
without the tight wheel structure. All the drive parameters have been well regulated
before the drawworks leaves the factory and the positioning equipment has been
established to guarantee the constant drive precision during repeated disassembly
and assembly. As long as the users operate according to the methods as described
in this manual, the drive system will claim a long life service (depending on the load,
working condition, operation, lubrication and other factors, and no specific data
from the factories). The loud noise and shake suggest the major abrasion of chains
and chain wheels, and requires the necessary inspection.

Open the butt plate or view cover of drive system, and check the chain or chain
wheel. The first inspection is focused on cracked, split, deformed or abraded parts
to make sure whether there is fast knot or whether the pin spindle rotates in the
chain plate hole. Discover and remove the causes for damage, and change the
whole chain. Even if the remaining part still functions, the chain may have been
damaged and more failures may happen soon.

In case of good chains, the following method shall be abided by.

As shown in Fig.4-1 and Table I, the whole chain shall be changed if the
abrasive elongation of measured chain exceeds 3% or the prescribed limit. Never
link the new chain part with the abrasive chain since this will render the unstable
chain drive and damage the drive system. Of the unregulated drive structure, the
permissible abrasion elongation shall approximate half of the chain pitch.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

Length of measurement

T=gear number of major chain wheel

Figure 4-1: Measurement of Chain Abrasion Elongation

TableI: Measurement of Chain Abrasion Elongation

Measured length
Chain pitch Nominal value of Chain length of 3%
chain length abrasion
mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)
38.10 1.500 16 609.6 24.00 627.86 34.719
44.45 1.750 14 622.3 24.50 640.97 25.235
50.80 2.000 12 609.6 24.00 627.86 24.719
57.15 2.250 12 685.8 27.00 706.37 27.810
63.50 2.500 10 635.0 25.00 654.05 25.750

The continued use is approved if the abrasion elongation is within the control.
However, two chain components are removed and reconnected due to the increased
chain length and large vertical degree. Such a situation is likely to happen: the
chains can’t be linked or become too tight after two sections are removed. At this
moment, one transition chain must be used. However, the transition links must be
avoided because their loading capacity is much smaller when compared to other
links. If the transition links are indispensable, the pin shaft is used to compensate
them, as shown in Fig.4-2.

4.6.1 Checking of the chain tightness

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

Brake the chain-wheel shaft and drive another chain-wheel shaft manually and
tighten chain, as shown in Fig.4-3. Then, the vertical degree is measured with the
data shown in Table II.

Figure 4-2: Composite Transition Chain

Table II: Recommended Value of Chain Mid-point Movement AC

Mid-point of drive Horizontal~45° 45°~Vertical
equipment mm in mm in
250(10) 10-15 0.4-0.5 5-8 0.2-0.3

510(20) 20-30 0.8-1.2 10-15 0.4-0.6

length of 760(30) 30-45 1.2-1.8 15-23 0.5-0.9
two chain
wheels 1270(50) 51-76 2.0-3.0 25-38 1.0-1.5
mm (in)
1780(70) 71-107 2.8-4.2 36-53 1.4-2.1

2540(100) 102-152 4.0-6.0 51-76 2.0-3.0


Notes: AC=total mid-point movement, free chain suspension=0.866AB

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

Figure 4-3: Mid-point Movement

4.6.2 Checking of chain wheel abrasion

Visually measure the gearing stickiness of drive part and the surface roughness
of chain wheel teeth, and check whether the teeth are thinner (the maximum
thickness reduction is of 5%) and the engaged parts of cogwheel teeth are sunken.
Replace the chain teeth if their abrasion is noticeable even without templates, as
shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4: Chain Wheel Attrition

The new chains shall not be applied to the worn chain wheels since the rapid
chain abrasion will occur. The new chains have much shorter pitches than the worn
chain wheels. All the chain loads will fall on the last cogwheel teeth before the
chains and chain wheel tooth get disengaged from meshes, and the roller will
suddenly leap out of the cogwheel teeth hollows. As the loads are transmited from
one cogwheel tooth to another, the impact load on the chain is incurred.
4.6.3 As long as one chain transmission shaft is disassembled (any part of this
assembly, such as bearing, chain wheel and gear are changed) and installed during

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

repair, rectify and review the levelness and co-planar degree.

The check method is shown in Figure 4-5.
A long ruler (or tense steel wire) is put on the lateral side of chain wheel to
measure parallel and co-plane degree. Align and improve in case of exceeding gap.
The shims are added or reduced at the proper part of shaft assembly (or the size of
distance sleeve is changed) to move horizontally the shaft to improve co-planar

Figure 4-5: Alignment of Chain Transmission

5. Maintenance of rotary table and rotary table drive device

5.1 Lubrication of the drive device

Force-feed lubrication system is applied to the force feed lubrication of chains

inside drive box.

This drive device is equipped with the electric lubrication system. One
independent motor-driven oil pump is used to pump the lubricants from oil pool and
lubricate all the chains and bearings through spray system. The electric oil pump is
controlled together with rotary table motor; that is to say, the lubricating oil pump
begins to run if either of above two is started. Meanwhile, the motor of lubricating
oil pump can be independently started as well: either the rotary table motor or the
lubricating oil pump is started.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

Figure 5-1: ZJ70D Drilling Rig Rotary Table Drive Device

Check the oil filter at suction port (TF-160X180L) regularly and clean in time if
the oil stains cause jammed oil suction.
The overflow valve inside oil circuit can regulate the excessively high system
pressure. The lubrication system pressure is monitored by the disc lubrication
pressure gauge on driller’s box. Stop and check at the moment of too low pressure,
and restart unless failures are removed. The working pressure of lubrication system
is 0.3~0.5 Mpa.
Oil products filled into oil pool: N100 lubricant in summer at the temperature of
0~50℃; N68 lubricant in winter at the temperature of -30℃~0℃. The oil surface
remains between two calibration tanks of oil gauge rod. The first fill is 50 liters.

5.2 Maintenance of rotary table

5.2.1 Lubrication
1) The bevel gear pair and bearings of rotary table use the splashing lubrication.
90# sulphur-phosphate extreme-pressure industrial gear oil SAE90 (according to the
oil ruler) with 10% 4# anti-rust compounds is changed once every two months. The
oil level shall reach the liquid surface 5 minutes after the rotary table stops. Refill
the lubricants when the oil level drops to or below the lower limit of oil ruler, and

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

the refilling volume is proper as oil level nears or attains the upper limit (the first fill
is around 15 liters). The excessive lubricants will cause the labyrinth seal leakage
under rotary stage.
2) The pin shaft of locking system on rotary stage is lubricated with 2# lithium
base lubrication once a week.

5.2.2 Periodic maintenance and checkup

—Shift checking of the oil level, temperature and quality;
—Shift checking of the spring sealing washer on input shaft and the labyrinth
sealing leakage under rotary stage;
—Shift checking of the rotation sound and shake of disc drive system to ensure
nothing unusual;
—Shift checking of whether the locking system on rotary stage runs flexibly and
reliably and remain at the necessary position of drilling process;
—Shift checking of whether quadrel, rotary stage, the bushing lock pin and
brake plate run flexibly;

6. Maintenance of crown block

Maintenance and check before working

To keep the crown block work without breakdown for long time, the proper
maintenance is necesary. The failure must be removed before using.

1) Every pulley shall rotate fluently without check.

2) When one pulley is rotating, the adjacent ones mustn’t do along with it.

3) All the connection must be reliable and no loose is allowable.

4) All the pulleys’ bearing shall be refueled periodically, and the lubrication lines
shall be smooth.

6.1 Check-up in running

1) Refueling grease according to the lubrication instruction.

2) When the bearing’s temperature increase exceeds ambient temperature 40℃ ,

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

operator shall find out the reasons and replace the lubrication oil.

3) When running for a long time, especially in case of poor lubrication, the gap of
the pulley’s double-row trochoid roller bearing will become larger because of
abrasion, resulting in noise and shake. The pulley’s shake will shorten the steel
wire’s life. So the bearing must be replaced periodically.

4) Pulley with cracks and broken rim is strictly prohibited to use, which shall be
replaced immediately.
5) Check the pulley grooves wear condition frequently, whose shape affects the
steel wire’s life heavily and shall be checked with special template. And the template
making and using is introduced in API Spec 8A criterion.
Nominal diameter of Radius of repaired
Size of template
steel wire pulley groove bottom
38mm( 11/2″) 19.28mm 20.40mm

6.2 Lubrication

All the pulley bearings must be refilled with. 1# (used in winter) or 3# (used in
summer) lithium base lubrication grease (GB7324-94) once a week before using and
during running.

7. Maintenance of traveling block

7.1 Maintenance

Each part of the traveling block must be checked frequently to keep them work
soundly, and all the breakdowns must be eliminated immediately.
7.1.1 All the pulley bearings must be refueled with enough lubricationto keep it
work soundly without noise before being used.
7.1.2 The bearing must be given proper lubrication, or its fast abrasion will
enlarge the interspaces between double-row trochoid roller bearings, which will give
much noise and lead the pulley to unbalanced shaking. So they must be replaced
immediately or it will shorten the steal wire’s life seriously.
7.1.3 The distortion housing will have harmful effects on pulley’s rotating, which
is must be corrected.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

7.1.4 If the pulley’s boundary is broken, steel wires are likely to trip out from
pulley groove. In these cases, the pulley must be replaced.
7.1.5 The undulatory delves on the surface of pulley groove will have bruise
effects on steal wires. In these cases the pulley must be lathe replaced. When
replacing the pulleys, its material’s quality must be good enough to undertake the
designed load.
7.1.6 Check the pulley grooves wear condition frequently, whose shape affects
the steal wire’s life heavily and shall be checked with special template. Groove
diameter shouldn’t be less than the template’s size; otherwise the lifespan of the
steel cable would be reduced. The template size is shown in the following table.

Norminal diameter of steel wire 11/2″(38 ㎜) 1 3/8″ 34.5mm

Template radius RG(mm) 19.28 17.75

Raduis of the repaired pulley groove shall conform to the following table.
Norminal diameter of steel wire 11/2″(38 ㎜) 1 3/8″ 34.5mm

Groove bottom radius R(mm) 20.40 18.69

7.2 Lubrication

Through the six oil caps at the both ends of the pulley, the bearing is greased
by oil guns with 1# (used in winter) or 3# (used in summer) lithium base
lubrication (GB7324-94) once a week.
Installation of 37951K bearing and pulley shaft (as shown in Fig. 7-1)





Figure 7-1: Installation of 37951K Bearing and Pulley Shaft

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

8. Maintenance of hook

8.1 Check-up before using

1) Cotter pins at the two ends of elevator link pin must be fixed and reliable;
2) Screws on secondary hook are tightened;
3) Braking system and safety pin catcher are flexible and reliable;
4) Manually turn the hook flexibly;
5) Good lubrication of the positioning wheel, pin shaft, pin and catch;
6) Lubricant level and quality inside the roller ;
7) No oil leakage at all sealing parts as hook remains horizontal and vertical.

8.2 Maintenance

1) Check all the major parts (hook body, hook mouth, paired hook and elevator
link) immediately as the big impact load is exerted on hook(for instance bumping,
suspended drilling and accident handling). Continue to use unless nothing unusual
is found.
2) Hook body, elevator link, elevator link base and roller can’t be gas cut or
welded without specific instructions.
3) Regularly check all the stress parts of elevator link , elevator link base and
hook body, and cease the use once crack is found.

8.3 Lubrication

Fill 2# lithium base lubrication grease(GB7324-94)into the positioning disc (4)

of hook safety positioning system and pin shaft of safety pin, push rod and catcher
by using oil gun once a week.
Fill L-AN32(GB 443) lubrication into bearings and bushing with a volume of
some 20 liters. Refuel during the unloaded hook and open two oil holes of roller.
The clean lubricants are filled through one oil hole until oil level reaches the position
of opposite oil hole.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

9. Maintenance of swivel

9.1 Lubrication:

9.1.1 Check the oil level inside swivel once for each shift. Check whether the oil
level reaches the demanded position (the oil level shall not be lower than the
minimum graduation of sliding gage). Change lubricants once every two months,
and for the new or repaired swivel the lubrication should be changed after using for
200 hours. Discharge the dirty oil as oil is changed. Wash all the sediments by
rinsing oil and then refill the clean 90# sulphur-phosphate extreme-pressure
industrial gear oil SAE90.
9.1.2 Lubricate the lift ring pin, pipe assembly and upper and lower oil seal with
2# lithium base lubrication (SY1412-75) once for each shift. The mud packing is
lubricated without pump pressure so that lubricationinserted into every part of pipe
assembly lubricate the pipe and each mud packing more effectively.

9.2 Maintenance:

9.2.1 The swivel is advised to follow the next steps as indicated in the
structural diagram of swivel manual.
1) Loosen joint turnbuckle at the bottom of central pipe before swivel is
removed from drilling rig;
2) Keep vertical position of swivel during disassembly;
3) Open piston and discharge oil;
4) Remove the pipe assembly as required by “replacement of pipe assembly”;
5) Remove the rubber umbrella at the top of central pipe;
6) Remove the goose neck pipe and upper cover (including the oil seal and
external bearing ring for upper stabbing);
7) Remove the adjustment gasket;
8) Remove the central pipe assembly (including the central pipe, main bearing
upper ring, internal ring of upper and lower stabbing, and upper and lower distance
9) Take out the main bearing support, roller and lower race.
10) Remove the lower cover and softly hit and remove the external ring of

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

lower stabbing bearing from lover cover. Disengage pressure cover from lower cover
to take out three oil seals and distance rings. Then remove the oil cup and O-ring.
9.2.2 Checking and replacement of parts:
1) Change the oil seals and O-rings when checking and replacing the parts of
2) Check to ensure whether there is broken, abrasive and cracked bearing
rollers and races. Change any defective main bearings to guarantee their good
performance. Never exchange the upper and lower races. The upper race of main
bearing claims the transition cooperation with the central pipe. Strike and remove
the races from central pipe during disassembly. However, raise the temperature to a
range of 65℃~100℃ and then manage easy disassembly if necessary.
3) The pneumatic motor is forbidden to run idle.
4) Check regularly the oil level of oil sprayer. Refuel 10﹟ machine oil into oil
sprayer. 5﹟ spindle oil is used in winter and cold northern area.
5) The pneumatic motor blades are vulnerable. Regularly repair or change by
relevant repair factories. Unauthorized disassembly is banned.
6) All the parts and pipeline openings as moved and disassembled at well site
must be sealed up to prevent the invasion of silts, dusts and mud-water from
shortening their service life.

10. Operation and maintenance of the mast

10.1 The mast must avoid sudden load in the course of drilling. For example
when putting the intermediate casing down, drilling the deepest region and dealing
with drill pipe sticking, loading and discharging must be carried slowly. To keep mast
safe, sudden loading and emergency brake must be avoided.
10.2 According to the hook load on rating plate, wind speed and function curve
of quantity of setback on second table, the operators must ensure the readings of
load indicator are within the hook load range as showed by curves. It’s indicated in
mast rmanual.
Notes: The maximum hook load is lowered by the acceleration, impact,
vertical discharge pipe and wind load.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

10.3 Jointing and perforating are not allowed without permission; the bent or
worn parts must be repaired immediately; and the missing components cannot be
replaced with alternate facility optionally, the operator must tend to their
manufacturer for consultation.
10.4 The operator (or named agent) shall give periodic visual check to the mast
and report the results once per drilling month. If loosing of bolts, safety pin
breakaway and elements’ breakdown is found in daily drilling, measures must be
taken immediately to avoid mishap.
10.5 The format, scope, details and limitation of Report about Visual Field
Inspection of Mast is given in Appendix A,”Report of Visual Inspection of Mast and
Substructure”. If the mast is using under utmost condition, or its structure is under
the critical condition, they can be considered to give more particular and stricter
inspection periodically.
10.6 Damage mark: The worn parts or elements, when checked, must be
marked with clear and obvious sign with bright-color painting, and painted with the
original color after repairing.
10.7 In the repairing of worn parts, the operator shall consult with its
manufacture to get the affirmation of the mast’s raw material and the repairing
methods, or the operator must ask for the machine responsible engineer’s
permission to implement the repairing.
10.8 In the regular service condition, the mast shall be given maintenance once
a year. Normally the mast’s upper segment must be given a cleaning and antisepsis
once a year and its lower segment shall be given once per six months. Those parts
usually erode by drilling mud, petroleum, nature gas saturated saltwater and
hydrocarbon are be given a cleaning and antisepsis after drilling one well and before
10.9 During the maximal hook load of this mast and in the course of lifting and
lowering, the ambient temperature shall be higher than -20℃. The material’s low
temperature properties must be confirmed and the essential protecting measures
are taken if the use happens under the above temperature.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

11. Maintenance of the substructure

11.1 The operator shall pay enough attention to the stabilization of the
substructure foundation, and prevent surface water’s leakage to the soil layer
around it. If they find the foundation is going down unbalanced, they shall take
necessary remediation.
11.2 Drillings, cutting, jointing is not allowable without the permission of
professional administration.
11.3 In the repairing of substructure, the operator shall consult with its
manufacture to get the affirmance of the mast’s raw material and the repairing
methods, or the operator must ask for the machine responsible engineer’s
permission to implement the repairing.
11.4 In the regular service condition, the substructure shall be given a
complete maintenance every year. Beside normal cleaning and antiseptic, the left
and right footings of the substructure shall are given once half a year. Those parts
usually erode by drilling mud, petroleum, natural gas saturated saltwater and
hydrocarbon are be given a complete cleaning and antisepsis after drilling one well
and before moving.
11.5 The substructure’s lifting mechanisms, including the pulley, lifting rope,
shall be protected from the soak of rainwater and drilling mud. After the
substructure is lifted, the lifting rope shall be well coiled, and sealed with waterproof
rubber belt, and then hung under the upper seat.

12. Maintenance of the air system

12.1 Introduction

ZJ70D drilling rig air system is set as follows:

Two electric screw compressor assemblies provide the air. They parallel by
one-way valve. While working, one runs, the other one is reserved or both run
alternatively or both run at the same time. The output compressor enters the 2.5m3
air tank after being processed by the freezing drier. There are 2 gas outlets on the
air tank. The upper one transports the compressed air, which is used to start the

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

diesel engine, to the diesel engine gas motor through the gas pipeline. And the
lateral one transports the compressed air to the gas consuming devices through the
gas pipeline. The air consumed by the drilling rig main engine is stored in the 4m3
air tank on the bases and is used for the drawworks, screwer, pneumatic winches
and liquid air wrench, etc.

12.2 Maintenance of air processing system

See details in the manual of air source and air source purifying equipment.

12.3 Maintenance of air control system

See details Section 4.2 of this drilling rig maintenance manual and JC-70D
drawworks operation manual.

12.4 Maintenance of air pipelines

——Make sure the pipeline clean, and prevent any foreign impurities getting into the
inside from the conjunction.

——When the drilling rig is set up, switch on all the pipes to check the conjunctions
to see whether there is air leakage. Start the air source equipment. When it reaches
its rated pressure, shut it down. Fill the clutch when the drawworks is at stopped
status. Shut all the 4 valves leading to the diesel engine. When the system pressure
is higher than 0.9MPa, the pressure drop within 30 mins mustn’t be more than
0.1MPa. Otherwise, there is air leakage somewhere, and it is necessary to check it
and remove the failures.

——All the valves must be checked every month to see whether its set value is

——Make the air compressor keep working without air consuming. Open the valve
on the air tank in the air compressor room when the pressure is 1±0.05MPa and the
one on the air tank at the back of the substructure when the pressure is
0.95±0.05Mpa. If the situation isn’t so, only professionals can adjust it. When it is
qualified, plumb and record.

——Carry the pressure gauges to the measure-determined department periodically

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

to check them. Only qualified pressure gauges can be used. And they should be
used under the situations that they are in their expiration date, and the plumb is
complete and the instruments work well. Whenever there is any abnormality, inform
the measure-determined department.

——Open the drain valve of the air tank every month to discharge the oil, water and
other impurities.

——Ask repairmen to clean the inside of the air tank thoroughly every year till the
pressure container inspection department with the proof of safety examines it.

——Dragging the rubber tube on the floor is prohibited for protection.

13. Maintenance of the drilling pump

13.1 Lubricating system

Lubricating the moving mechanical components sufficiently is an important

factor to prolong the lifespan of the pump. It is the honorary obligation for the
operator to maintenance the lubricating system carefully. The lubricating quality
determines the pump’s lifespan with no failures.

Recommended methods of application of lubricant are shown as follows. See

the nameplate on the side of the pump. These materials are long-term tested
results, which can reduce the wearing effectively (including gears, bearing and
guide cross head). And only on emergency situations can the substitute oil be used.

13.1.1 Lubrication oil standards:

Use of extreme pressure (EP), no corruption, and anti-foam gears lubrication oil
should obey following regulations:

Ambient temperature -1℃~68℃ (30°F ~155°F) AGMA O# 6EP (N320# middle EP

gear oil (sulfur phosphorous type), adding 10% 4# compound antirusting agent.

Ambient temperature -18 oC~+27℃ (0°F~80°F) AGMA O# 4EP (N220# middle EP

gear oil (sulfur phosphorous type), adding 10% 4# compound antirusting agent.

Ambient temperature-29℃~4℃ (-20 °F~+40°F) AGMA No. 1 (N150# middle

EP gear oil (sulfur phosphorous type), adding 10% 4# compound antirustings
ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual


13.1.2 Oil tank capacity

Oil tank capacity is 379L (100 U.S. Gallons).

13.1.3 Routine inspection

There is a tour of inspection every shift. Check the oil level and keep it at the
full position of the oil pointer. The oil pump is allowed to run slowly as long as 5
mins accounting for the oil level compensation to make the oil level on the
regulated position.

There is an inspection every 6 months to discharge one-off the oil if there are
grind grains or corrosive compounds and wash the oil tank then fill new oil. The oil
outlet is on the side of the pump framework. During the wash, clean all oil bath and
oil cavity on the cross head. Meanwhile, clean or change the filter element in the
respirator cap and clean the suction screen. Take off the antechamber and eliminate
the dregs before filling new oil.

Check the lubricant situation periodically. Change oil frequently because of air
damp, moisture content and dirt as well as mud encroachment.

Antechambers are on the both sides of framework, which is under the

crosshead guide inspection door on the power end. The oil contaminations
spattered into the antechambers should be deposited. Open the antechambers caps
and discharge the dregs.

Inspect every month. Take off the oil outlet caps on both sides, and discharge
the oil with dregs from the antechamber. 15 gallons oil would be lost. Thus some oil
should be refilled for complement.

Inspect every week. Take off the 1/2″screw plug at the bottom and discharge
the accumulated water.

Inspect every shift. Check the oil level in the main oil tank to keep it at the full
position of the oil pointer. If the pressure drops, inspect following items:

—— whether the suction screen is jammed

—— whether the oil level is too low

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

—— whether the triangle band skids

—— whether the conjunction is loosened or cracked

—— whether the oil pump is wearing or broken

—— whether the safety valve failures

If the oil pressure builds up abnormally, inspect following items:

——whether the oil way is jammed

—— whether the dregs scores the oil

—— whether the safety valve failures

—— whether the pressure gauge is broken

—— other situations

13.2 Power end

13.2.1 Inspection of the power end

It is the most important way of preventive maintenance to regularly check the

power end. All kinds of failures can be found in time with this inspection. And
arrange necessary maintenance for the existing failures, or while disassembling and
removing the drilling rig.

1) Inspect the pre-tighten force on the main bearing bolt

Fastening the main bearing bolt: Hastening torque is 13210N·m (9750ft.lbs)

2) Lock the iron wire

Inspect all the bolts (including the mail bearing cap bolt, locking iron wires at
the head of all the bearing baffle bolts of the cranks). Change iron wires after
hastening the bolts once again. (Consult the chapter of crank assembly about the
requirements of torque fastening).

3) Oil tubes

Inspect all the oil tubes to ensure that it is complete and unblocked. And
inspect oil pump suction hose to see whether it is broken and crushed.

4) Suction filter cleaner

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

Inspect the situation of the filter cleaner. Wash or change it if necessary.

5) Main bearing cap

Take off the main bearing cap and inspect the fastening property of the main
bearing-retaining bolt and the bearing roller. Clean and remove all the dregs and
impurities, because they may accumulate at the bottom of the bearing.

6) Gear teeth of gear ring and pinion

Inspect gear ring and pinion to see whether there is abnormal wearing. There
will be some stains during the running in. They are initial spot corrosion and have
no negative influence on the gear lifespan. But if spot corrosion keeps expanding
while regular checking, get in touch with the pump factory immediately to inspect
the gear thoroughly.

7) Crosshead pin bolt and crosshead guide

Take off the cap and inspect the crosshead pin bolt and the locking iron wire
(take off the back cap and rotate the connecting lever to the outside dead point
when inspect the middle crosshead pin). Hasten the crosshead pin bolt M24×70
(number 3, Fig. 14), its torque value is 225~240N·m (165~175ft. lbs).

Torque spanner is used and the torque value must be within the value given

Change the crosshead or the guide immediately when they are worn
abnormally. Because this may result in the damage of the bearing and other
components and excessive wearing may also accelerate the wearing of the piston
and the barrel.

13.3 Roll bearing

F series of drill pump uses roll bearing. Roll bearing is precise mechanical
component. It must be carefully maintained to increase the serving quality and load

The main bearing is sphere roller bearing. Small gear shaft is equipped on the
long cylinder roll bearing. Eccentric bearing uses cylinder roller, with thrust blocks
on both sides to keep the connecting lever on the centerline. Crosshead pin spindle
ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

is double-row cylinder roller bearing. The bearing needn’t special adjustment.

All the outside and inside lanes of the bearings are assembled with precise
coordination. And the precision is compulsory. So the outside and inside lanes and
the roller assembly must be together when the bearing is reused. And it must be as
precise when being taken off.

It is usually compulsory to replace defective bearings. Replace the whole set

(inside and outside lanes, roller and hold shelf) of the bearing even if only one part
failures. The move interspaces of these bearings are so little. Oversized interspaces,
channels on the lanes or wearing as well as spot corrosion or denudation of the
components show the bearing failure. And the bearing must be replaced as soon as

All the coordination of the roll bearing and axle neck adopts shrunk-on (refer to
each assembly for the bearing coordination data). Broken or worn out bearings or
lanes can be knocked down from the shaft by copper rod and hammer. So does gas
cutting. But do be careful and don’t injure the shaft. The way of assembling the
bearing is often oil bath heating at the temperature of below 149℃ (300℉). The oil
and oil tank must be very clean. If heat directly with fire at the bottom of the oil
tank, pad the bearing outside lane when it is in the oil tank. The time of bearing oil
bath must be within 3 mins.

Generally don’t heat the bearing with flame. If the flame is necessary under
special situations, experienced burner can only complete the job. The flame should
be at least 150mm (6″) far way from the bearing. The flame temperature can be
tested by thermometric pen. The bearing cannot be too hot, otherwise, it draws
back and the bearing is softened.

The heated bearing should self-cool in its position once it is put into the shaft.
Don’t cool the heated bearing with water or other liquids because fast cooling may
result in “thermal cracking”, namely crack, of the inside and outside of the bearing
and the roller. Thus the bearing breaks immediately.

Don’t beat the bearing directly with steel hammer. Wooden hammer can be
used to knock gently if the bearing must be set in position.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

Generally lubricant is used to smear the axle journal and mounting hole before
mounting the bearing. The best lubricant is zinc powder oil, which is anti-seize oil.
Take out the bearing from the package before mounting. Do be careful of dirt and
impurities. The bearing must be washed to clear the anti-corrosive oil for package
with clean kerosene or other solvents.

13.4 Hydraulic end

For many years, hydraulic end has been considered to be a non-breakage

component because it cannot be pricked by fluid’s wash like other components.
However, the current raised pressure of drilling rigs often damages the hydraulic
end. Fortunately, frequent and well maintenance can make the lifespan of the
hydraulic components reasonable.

The main maintenance items are discussed respectively as follows:

1) Ensure that the valves on the flowing side of the pump are open before the
pump works. Under the situation of closed valves, fatigue crack may appear
because the pump stands the impact stress. And the appearance of the little cracks
may begin the process of “corrosion fatigue damage”.

2) Don’t close the clutch when the prime motor (diesel engine, electric motor
and their gearings). Because this can result in unexpected dash-out load and can do
harm to power end and hydraulic end.

3) Maintain the safety valve correctly to ensure that it can be opened when the
pressure exceeds its rated value. This adjusting pressure is related to liner size.
Refer to the instruction of “safety valve”.

4) Don’t make the pump work long when serious hydraulic shock happens.

Maintain the hydraulic end correctly. When the pump doesn’t work for more
than 10 days, it is recommended to take off some components of the hydraulic end
such as piston, piston rod and liner. Wash the pump hydraulic end thoroughly with
clear water. Then swab it and smear lubricants onto the machined surfaces such as
liner hole, cavity cap, washer surface, and cavity cap thread and valve seat for
protection. Of course, the taken off components from the pump such as liner and

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

piston should be processed for protection. Thus not only the hydraulic end lifespan
is prolonged through anticorrosion but also the vulnerable parts taken off from the
pump is protected and kept in good state for reuse when the pump is started again.

Three-throw pump hydraulic end assembly consists of three struck pump heads,
cylinder sleeves, valve cap and cylinder lid and suction pipe as well as outlet pipe.

13.4.1 Pump head (hydraulic cylinder)

Fig. 13.1 shows the structure of pump head. Tab.I shows the size data.

Three independent pump heads ① through stud bolt ② connecting with the
power end framework by the way of metal to metal, ensure the centering of the
power end and pump head with the hole on the power end framework and the
guide convex on the pump head. However, for precise centering, the channel marks,
burrs and cruds on the framework hole and binding surface of the pump head guide
convex must be cleared. Otherwise, curling or askew may occur after their

Table I
Position Size mm Position Size mm
A 209.55-209.68 H 28.45-28.70
B 180.97-181.10 J 149.10-149.35
C 209.60-209.68 K 158.67-158.90
D 368.27-368.32 L 168.40-168.53
E 6.35×45° M 187.32-187.45
F 76.07-76.20 N 12.57-12.83
G 15.87-16.00 P 1:6

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual


K 6


2 4 3

(1) Pump head; (2) screw bolt; (3) suction pipe; (4) O-ring; (5) bolt; (6) discharge pipe;
(7) O-ring; (8) bolt; (9) cylinder lid flange; (10) bolt

13.4.2 Suction pipe

Suction pipes ③are connected to each pump head with screw bolts, and
seal the valve-binding surface with the o-ring④. Wash the trough of the o-ring
and the seal side of the o-ring at the bottom. Insert the o-ring before
mounting the suction pipe and the valve must be connected metal to metal to
ensure the seal of o-ring. Therefore, any score or prick on the seal surface
must be repaired before mounting.

Before fasten the suction pipe screw bolt⑤, rotate the screw bolt⑤ of the
three pump heads first (loose and not tight). At last, rotate to the position
shown in Tab.II by torque wrench (see details in the following).

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

13.4.3 Discharge pipe

Hasten the discharge pipe screw bolt ⑧ on every pump head and seal the
conjunction valves with o-ring. Before hasten the discharge pipe, wash the
o-ring seal-side surface of the pump head thoroughly. The connection of metal
to metal must be formed to hold down the O-ring. So, any score, delve or
prick on the seal surface must be repaired before mounting.

Before fasten the discharge pipe screw bolt⑧, rotate the screw bolt⑤ of
the three pump heads first (not tight). At last, hasten the pump and
framework connecting female screw by torque wrench with the torque values
given in Tab.II.

13.4.4 Cylinder lid flange

Replaceable cylinder lid flange ⑨ is hastened to the pump head surface
with screw bolt⑩. Cylinder lid flange must form the metal-to-metal connection
to ensure its end face vertical to the pump head axial line. So, ensure that
prick, convex and crud must be cleared before mounting.

Note: the leakage hole must be at the bottom when mounting the cylinder lid
flange. The hastening torque values of female screw ⑩ are shown in Tab.II.

Table II
Position Number in the figure Torque N.m Torque ft.lbs
With the framework 2 2170 1600
Suction pipe 5 325 240
Discharge pipe 8 1355 1000
Cylinder lid flange 10 2170 1600

13.4.5 Patching and repairing

When it needs to repair the normally worn out or pricked hydraulic end
hole, the patching must obey the following patching regulations. Then do
mechanical treatment on the patched hole. The size of the hole should be
coincident with the data in Tab.1. Plus, keep the angle between the hole
shoulder (mounting liner and lid, etc.) and the hole axial line 90°.

1) Welding regulation
ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

There are usually two types of welding: (A) prick; (B) crack. The basic
materials of repair are listed below.

A. Prick

·Weld with the method for 30# carbon steel

·Clear the welded region with gas shaving or grind

·Ensure that the welding rod is dry. If necessary, put it into the oven to

·Heat the welded region locally, in all directions at least 75mm (3″), with
the temperature: 120°~ 180℃(250°~350℉)

·Use low hydrogen electrode AWS-ASTM E-60-7018 (i.e. mark


· Lower the temperature back to 120°~180℃ (250°~350℉) after

completing a bead, then weld another. Clear the welded region after
completion and heat up to 120°~ 180℃(250°~ 350℉) then it is allowed to

B. Crack

·Abrade all the cracks. Gas cutting can only result in the crack
development speed bigger than the metal ablation speed. So gas cutting is not


The purpose of preheating is expanding the undetermined patching region.

Thus, during cooling, preheating region and welding region is much coincident
with each other. Avoiding thermal cracking while welding can prevent hard
spots between welding region and the mother metal. Obviously, these hard
spots are positions where it is easy to cause fatigue cracks.

The patching regulation of crack is the same as prick stated above.

13.4.6 Repair of the valve cap hole

The most important thing is to keep the valve cap seat completely even,

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

and being 90°with the screw thread axial line when turning or grinding, as
shown in Fig.13.2. Valve cap bead① is put in the sunken hole on the top of
the valve cap hole, forming the connection of metal to metal and the bead is
sealed at the low point formed by grinding. Otherwise, there will be
interspaces between the valve cap bottom and the top of the valve cap bead.
Under pressure, the bead is crushed and the valve cavity cap is pricked. Low
point or high point can camber the valve cap and result in non-perpendicularity
of two coordinated screw thread axial lines. Therefore, the screw thread is
damaged severely.


1 1
Fig. 13.2 Metal to Metal

13.5 Maintenance of check point

Maintaining the drilling rig correctly and seasonably is a compulsory

measurement of guaranteeing the norm work of the drilling rig and prolonging
its lifespan. Pay much attention to this segment for any pump.

13.5.1 Daily maintenance

1) Check at least once a day the power end oil level when the oil face is
stable. If chain drive is adopted, check the chain tank oil level.

2) Observe the working condition of the liner and piston. It is normal

condition that a little mud is pulled out by piston. If there is pricked leakage,
replace piston in time and check carefully the wearing situation of the liner. If
it is much, then the liner should be replaced in time too.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

3) Check the liner cavity of the framework. If there is much mud or oil
flecked deposit, clear it.

4) Check the spray pump water tank. Compensate water while the water
is insufficient. Change the water when it is polluted and meanwhile clean the
water tank.

5) Check the charge pressure of the air dampener to see whether it

satisfies the operation requirements.

6) Check the reliability of the safety valve. Change when it is necessary.

7) Check the changing condition of the lubricant pump pressure gauge. If

there is no pressure or the pressure is very low (lower than 0.035MPa), check
the suction and outlet filter screen to see whether there is latch up

8) Loosen the piston rod collar clamp every day and check its pyramidal
face and piston rod as well as the intermediate rod-connecting surface to see
whether they are clean and rotate the piston rod a quarter to hasten. The
purpose is to distribute evenly the piston-wearing surface and prolong the
lifespan of piston and liner.

9) Lubricate the screw thread surface before hasten the cylinder cap and
valve cap. And check every 4 hours to see whether there is loosened

10) Observe often the valve sealing, cylinder cover sealing and liner
sealing (including the sealing between the anti-abrasive disc and hydraulic
cylinder) as well as the alarm hole. If there is mud outlet, replace
corresponding sealing ring.

13.5.2 Weekly maintenance

1) Take off the valve cap and liner once a week. Remove the foul mud.
Smear with molybdenum disulphide compound calcium base grease. Check the
inner housing of the valve rod guide. If is obviously wearing (the interspaces
between the valve rod and guide over than 3mm), replace it to prevent the
guide from losing the action of guiding the valve moving correctly and
ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

accelerating the wearing of the valve.

2) Check the use condition of valve and valve seat. Replace the severely
worn-out or pricked valve, valve rubber and valve seat (meanwhile replace the
valve body when replace the valve seat). Check the valve spring and replace
the fractured or disabled valve spring.

3) Check the piston lock nut. Replace it if it is corroded or worn-out

(because the nut loses its lock capacity after being used for 3 times).

4) Discharge water from the screw plug of the drain valve till oil appears.

5) Check and clean the filter screen in the lubricant pipeline once.

13.5.3 Monthly maintenance:

1) Check all the studs and nuts on the hydraulic end, such as cylinder lid
flange nut, connecting nut between hydraulic cylinder and framework, suction
pipe assembly, connecting screw bolts and nuts between discharge pipe
assemblies. If loosed, they must be fastened according to the torque values.

2) Check the sealing ring in the intermediate rod stuffing box. If worn-out,
it must be replaced. Replace at least once every three months. At this time,
the position of oil seal shall be noted.

3) Take off and wash the filter drums in the outlet pipe assemblies.

4) Replace the dirty oil in the power end oil tank and crosshead deposit oil
bath every six months and meanwhile clear all the oil baths.

13.5.4 Annual maintenance

1) Check the crosshead guide to see whether it is loosened and whether
the operating interspaces of the crosshead satisfy the regulation. Adjust by
adding backings under the guide or rotate the crosshead 180°(the crosshead
position can be changed for convenient operation).

2) It is recommended that check the whole pump thoroughly every 2 or 3

years. Check the main bearing, cabbage head, and crosshead bearing, input
shaft bearing to see whether they are wearing or broken. It they are out of
use, replace new ones.
ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

3) Check the wear condition of the gear. If severely worn-out, it is

necessary to mount inversely the driven shaft and driving shaft simultaneously
and take use of the unharmed side of the gear.

The above checkpoints to be maintained are expressed in Tab.VII and

Fig.24 for convenience. Please execute carefully.

13.5.5 Other notable items in maintenance

1) Clean the pyramidal face before fastening the collar clamp between the
intermediate rod and piston rod.

2) Replace the liner sealing ring together with the liner.

3) Discharge all the mud in the valve cavity and liner and wash them
when pump is off in winter or pump is temporarily off exceeding 10 days.

4) Cover the check aperture to avoid the lubricant mixed with dusts.

The discharge dampener can only be filled with inert gases such as
nitrogen or air. Inflammable and explosive gases, such as oxygen and
hydrogen, are prohibited being filled.

List of Routine Maintenance & Check

Period Routine maintenance items

Shut down the pump to check the oil level. Upraise to required
daily 1
height when the oil level is too low

Whether the lubricant pump pressure gauge readings are normal.

daily 2
Check the reason if the pressure value is too low.

daily 3 Check whether the pressure of the air dampener is normal.

Fill in the spray pump water tank with cooling lubricant when it is
daily 4
insufficient; Replace when the lubricant is degenerative

Check the liner framework cavity. Clean when there is much mud
daily 5
and greasy deposit

Check the cylinder lid every 4 hours to see whether it is loosened.

daily 6
Smear lubrication on the screw thread when hastening

daily 7 Check the piston, liner to see whether there is prick leakage.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

Replace them when severely

Loosen the piston rod collar clamp once a day. Hasten it after
daily 8
rotating the piston rod for a quarter

Check the valve cap every 4 hours to see whether it is loosened.

daily 9
Smear lubricationon the screw thread when hastening

daily 10 Check whether the safety valve is reliable

Check the pre-charge pressure of the air dampener is normal

daily 11
when pump off

Observe the warner hole. If there is mud, replace corresponding

daily 12
sealing washer in time (3 places).

Take off the cylinder lid, valve cap, clear the mud and smear
weekly 13
molybdenum disulfide compound calcium base grease

Check the inner housing of the valve guide. Replace it if it is

weekly 14
excessively worn-out

Check suction valve and outlet valve, valve seat and valve rubber.
weekly 15
Replace the broken ones

Check the piston lock nut to see whether there is corrosion or

weekly 16
damage. Replace the broken ones (generally 3 times)

Check whether the lubricant system filter screen is jammed. If so,

weekly 17

Take off the screw plug on the discharge valve, and discharge the
weekly 18
contamination and water piled in the oil sump

Check all the screw bolt on the hydraulic end to see whether there
monthly 19 is loosened or broken ones. If so, hasten or replace according to
the regulation

Check the sealing washer in the stuffing box. Replace when

monthly 20
worn-out. And replace at least once every 3 months

Check whether the filter drum in the outlet pipe is jammed. Clear
monthly 21
if so.

Replace the cut oil in the power end oil sump and crosshead
monthly 22 deposit oil bath every 6 months. And clean the oil sump and oil

annual 23 Check the wearing condition of the crosshead surface. Reuse it

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

after rotating the crosshead 180°if necessary.

Check whether the guide is loosened and the crosshead interspaces

annual 24
satisfy the requirement. Otherwise, check and adjust

Check the pinion shaft and the wearing condition of the crankshaft
annual 25
surface. Use the other surface if necessary

Check the pinion shaft and the crankshaft assembly to see

annual 26 whether they in good condition. Take steps when there is
abnormal phenomenon.

Check whether all the bearings on the power end are broken. If
annual 27
so, replace.

Check the sealing conditions of the post cap, crank shaft end cap,
annual 28
etc.. Replace if there is no good sealing effect.

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual







20 19


18 16 15
24 23

26 25

Figure 24: Routine Maintenance Checkpoints

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

13.6 Possible failures and troubleshooting

When the drill pump fails while operating, check out the cause in time
and remove it. Otherwise, the works may be broken, and the drilling work will
be affected.
Failures Causes Troubleshooting
1、pressure reading on 1、untight sealing of suction 1、fasten the suction line valve

the pressure gauge line, and air accesses into the screw bolt or replace the washer
drops, mud discharge pump 2、Pump off and clear the raffles
decreases or no outlet 2、blank off suction screen on the suction screen
2 、 Liquid discharging
unevenly with 1、replace the broken piston and
1、a piston or a valve severely
fluctuating impacts. check whether the valve is broken
worn-out or broken
The gauge hand sways or jammed
2、air in the pump cylinder
with large amplitude. 2、check the suction pipeline and
The suction screen valve cap are tight
1、loose piston female screw 1、fasten the piston nut
3 、 liner with severe 2、loose liner press lid 2、fasten liner press lid
knocking noise 3、harmful suction with water 3、check the cause for harmful
hammer suction
4 、 mud leaking of
1 、 untight valve cap and 1 、 hasten the valve cap and
warner hole at seals of
cylinder lid cylinder lid
valve cap, cylinder lid
2、broken sealing washer 2、replace the sealing washer
and liner
1、jammed filling conjunction 1 、 clear the raffles in the
5 、 discharge air
2、broken capsule in the air conjunction
dampener cannot take
case 2、replace the capsule
in gas or leak soon
3 、 untight sealing of needle 3 、 repair or change the needle
after being filled
valve valve
6 、 diesel engine Jammed discharge filter drum Take off the filter drum and clear
overload the raffles

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

1、blank off of the oil pipe or

oil hole
7 、 the moving and 1、clear the oil pipe and oil hole
2 、 too dirty or deteriorate
wearing parts of power 2、replace with new oil
lubricant oil
end bearing and 3、repair or replace the bearing
3 、 worn-out or broken roll
crosshead with 4、appropriate amount of lubricant
abnormal temperature oil
4 、 too many or too few
lubricant oil
8、abnormal noise from 1 、 Worn-out severely 1 、 adjust the interspaces or
the power end, crosshead guide replace the worn-out guide
bearing and crosshead 2、worn-out bearing 2、replace the bearing
3、loosened guide 3、fasten the guide screw bolt
4 、 water hammer at the 4 、 improve the suction
hydraulic end performance

Notes: Except the possible failures estimated above, if there is any other
abnormal phenomenon, check the cause carefully according to the failures
place untill the cause is found out. The drill pump can operate normally only
after removing the failures.

14. High pressure pipeline manifold

14.1 Maintenance

14.1.1 Fill the calcium base lubrication into gate valves periodically to
guarantee their flexible operation;

14.1.2 Regulary check whether all the connecting parts and fixed bolts are

14.1.3 If the sealing positions are found leaking, replace the sealing
elements in case other components concerned are damaged.

14.1.4 Periodically check the drilling hose and replace immediately in case
of breakage to avoid physical damage from high-pressure liquids.

14.1.5 Requirements for on-site assembly, welding or repair:

ZJ70/4500D Drilling Rig Maintenance Manual

1) Before welding, O ring at concave joints shall be removed to avoid

possible damage. It can be assembled when the welding process ends and the
temperature drops to normal level.

2) Keeping the welding field dry and the welding rods under constant

3) Taking the measures to keep temperature and gradually cool down

following welding work;

4) Welding personnel shall have the necessary welding certificates.

14.1.6 Keep the external surface of pipeline clean and apply the painting
and antiseptics regularly.

15. Lubrication of drilling rig

To keep the drilling rig working soundly and prolong its life, operator shall
choose the proper lubrication oil, and refuel it according to instruction, clean
and replace it periodically.

The lubricating oiland lubrication method for each part is available in its
own manual. Pease execute following them. For user's choosing proper oil
product conveniently, this manual gives elaborated explanation for choosing oil
product. There is certain alternative for user's choosing, which can unify
similar brands for conenient perchase, storage and transportation and
management, and gives reference for user to choose alternative oil product.
Except for the ones that cannot be chosen freely, user can choose acoording to
specific situation with the choosing principle above.

Check details in the attached Lubrication oil instruction.


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